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anybody at pax west?
Honour the dragon
Money down now, CGL want those new force manuals to be like 40k codexes and limit unit selection, give each faction special powers etc
Can't wait for CGL to start publishing a new core rulebook every two years. I hate having money!
Operation Typhon, as originally scrawled out by a me that had about a week to write it and had just recovered from a concussion. If anyone wants to use it, feel free.

>WOB infantry
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Anyone come across models that can be used to represent Manei Domini-esque infantry? I'm looking for 6-8mm (maybe 10mm) cybernetic infantry rather than just normal dudes in armour with guns, the sort of thing shown in this art.
I've loads of Battle Armour stuff, now I want dudes who aren't lucky enough to go into battle wearing a tank on their back lol
I'd also settle on "cultist" dudes in long robes and hoods with guns since ComStar and the WoB also wear those.
Not interested in 3D printed shit.
TIA anons!
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holy blale i didn't expect the battlemats to be this big
So are all infantry banned? BA and convential?
Kinda hard to do that when the Force Manual only covers stuff up till the Clan Invasion.
Those are Thugees rather than Manei Domini though.

Like as if the literal cappie mech looming in the background wouldn't be a hint.
It says BIG FUCKING MAP right in the name. Aren't they like 8 regular mapsheets?
>Not interested in 3D printed shit.
>wants 6-8mm infantry with fine detail
lmao good luck
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I like the CGL and MWO designs both. oldschool centurion is a stickman

You can lay out the paper maps in a 3x2 grid to form the HPG station.
The foam version of it being fuckhuge mapes perfect sense.
Yup. Heres the edited version which will be used, no infantry at all. I swear, I will start beating people with the rule books, there is no excuse to not know how to use infantry, they are in the goddamn core rules.
They are literally shown in a part talking about the Manei Domini and Word of Blake, dumbass.

>good luck
Thank you <3
You should read the Jihad Hotspots books. They gave implants to the Thugees so they could do a little mass murder. But having implants alone does not make you Manei Domini
And yet this art is still shown alongside bits talking about the WoB and Manei Domini rather than the section discussing Thugees so they're clearly Domini bud.
You don't know much about the MD do you?
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hmm they look better than i expected
Why would they have looked bad?
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They are kinda-sorta related because somebody high up in the WoB could ro resist the sirene song of fucking crazy - so he eventually told his underlings to turn some dudes into cyborg bouncers to maintain his pussy pass.
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>You don't know much about the MD do you?
I know an awful lot about them. Would it make you shut the fuck up at last if I used this art instead?
You finally posted real MD instead of those shirtless capellan perverts. Great progress.
>Anyone come across models that can be used to represent Manei Domini-esque infantry?
Wot look like the ladz in that artwork? What about the old Chaos Daemon Hordes from Warmaster? They should be about the right size.
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Lovely day in the inner sphere, isn't it?
Fuck, nta but you lot make me remember why it's so easy to fucking hate this community. Saying that, yeah those ain't Manei Domini >>93764629

If you're looking for Blakist things check out Iron Wind Metals. They do Tau Zombies and Wraiths for example, those'll do as infantry I imagine.
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Haven't painted in years, but I like the scheme for House Lu Sann and the Beginner box got me a Vindicator up next so fuck it service guarantees citizenship.

NTA but mold lines on some of these aren't great. I like the durability of the PVC(?), but a lot of boardgames use it with worse results. CGL nailed the poses and proportions, I wouldn't have considered buying the older sculpts. They'd be a bit crisper in resin, but they're some of the better PVC minis I've seen.
90% of everything is shit so there's no getting away from it regardless of the community I'm afraid. All you can do it get off the public internet so you're only dealing with people you have more history with
Oh so you like battletech? Name
One warship class:
Two jumpship classes:
Three dropship classes:
Four Liaos:
Five Davions:
Six Mariks:
Seven Steiners:
Eight Kuritas:
Nine Clans:
Ten Mechs:
I mean, I can understand not knowing conventional infantry as they have a few exceptions which can catch people out, but BA is incredibly simple!
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Invader and Merchant
Leopard, Union, and Mule
Raven, Cataphract, Vindicator, Ti Tsang
Enforcer, Victor, Jagermech, Valkyrie, and Centurion
Hermes II, Hercules, Sirocco, Albatross, Grand Titan, Orion, and Cicada, with all best variants of Wolverine, Archer, Griffin, and Cerberus.
Hauptman, Devastator, Zeus, Griffin, Commando, Wolfhound, and Fafnir
Panther, Jenner, (Grand)Dragon, Daimyo, Hatamot-chi, Hatamoto-kairu, Avatar, and Hatamoto-kaze
Nobody cares about clams.
Is this just supposed to be generics? Wasp, Locust, Stinger, Stalker, Longbow, Phoenix Hawk, Hunchback, Crusader, Rifleman, Quickdraw.
You fucked up.
Invader, Magellan
Union, Confederate, Achilles
Max, Romano, Sun, Kai
Ian, Hanse, Victor, Katrina, Arthur
Thomas, Thomas (Fake), Thaddeus, Keyon, Janos, Isis
Victor, Katrina, Arthur, Katherine, Claudius, Melissa, Adam
Shiro, Theodore, Theodore II, Jinjiro, Takashi, Hohiro, Hohiro II, Minoru
Wolf, Jade Wolf, Wolf in Exile, Stone Lion, Sea Fox, Diamond Shark, Wolverine, Coyote, Steel Viper
Marauder, Marauder II, Marauder IIC, Omni-Marauder, Phoenix Hawk, Phoenix Hawk IIC, Phoenix Hawk L, Phoenix Hawk LAM, Firestarter, Omni-Firestarter
I like the implication that no one knows anything about the dead space combat game since the knowledge requirement is lowest.
IWM is also US only and shipping from the US is prohibitively expensive.
In Order:
Invader, Star Lord
Union, Overlord, Fortress,
Romano, Max, Danai, Candace,
Julian, Hanse, Ian, Arthur, Andrew,
Janos, The Master, Anton, Isis, Brock, Theodore
Melissa, Katrina, Elizabeth, Frederick, Alistair, Ross, Daniel
Theodore, Constance, Takashi, Omiko, Shininjo, Minoru, Zabu, Yori
Smoke Jaguar, Jade Falcon, Wolf, Goliath Scorpion, Blood Spirit, Wolverine, Snow Raven, Steel Viper, Mongoose
Marauder, Atlas, Thunder Hawk, Catapult, Trebuchet, Rifleman, Juliano, Regent, Kontio, Night Wolf
Black lion.
Sun Tzu
Jade Falcon
Smoke Jaguar
Ghost Bear
Fire Mandrill
Hells Horses
Sea Fox
One warship class: Lyushu
Two jumpship classes: Invader Merchant
Three dropship classes: Leopard Union Fortress
Four Liaos: Max Sunny Khali Romano
Five Davions: hanse vic Ian Yvonne arthur
Six Mariks: janos Anton Thomas Joshua isis nikol
Seven Steiners: Adam Katherine Katrina Melissa Peter Ceasar trillian
Eight Kuritas: teddy Takashi omi hohiro jinjiro yori uncle chandy minoru
Nine Clans: wolf green burd da burrs nova cat smoke jag steel viper diamond shark hells horses
Ten Mechs: Atlas marauder warhammer archer Crusader Rifleman Orion Thug awesome highlander

Remembering enough kuritas and mariks was hard
This man has an interest in battletech.
Name the mech I'm thinking of right now or you aren't a real fan of Battletech.
Fair, if anon isn't a USAsshole then there's Fantasy Welt. They do IWM things.
Temax Cat Ninjabolt
I like BT, but I also got myself cured of being a fag through some conversion therapy a long time ago.
It's the Von Rohrs. All true Battletech fans are constantly thinking of the Von Rohrs and it's funny flat top.
Is the Rakshasa bad?
If you compare it to a Timber Wolf, yeah.
What if I'm just comparing it to other Inner Sphere heavies in the Clan Invasion Era?
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Rifleman IIC.
Decide for yourself how much the opinion of an anonymous stranger counts for, but i'd rank it slightly left of the middle on a scale.
Then it's a lighter Stalker that goes faster but didn't bring SRMs. It's by no means a bad mech, its just that the Madcat is an impossible goal to try and reach with Inner Sphere tech, especially once you consider the fact that the Madcat is the golden standard that all Clan Omnis are measured against.
>there is no excuse to not know how to use infantry, they are in the goddamn core rules.
What if they just don't want to use infantry because it's a fucking chore?
Then it's a staple FedCom heavy cavalry mech, like the Barghest, Argus, and Thanatos.
Like most mechs with the bad reputation quirk, the basis for that reputation is totally unfounded.
Given the prevalence of mixtech, I'd assume there's a bunch of clantech pods available now for all the IS omnimechs.
So, if I'm playing with someone with literal brain damage, would I be an asshole for trying to keep him from cheating? I genuinely don't know if it's intentional or if he just can't understand the idea of eras, but he has a tendency to bring stuff from later eras to succession war games.
Just tell him you won't play unless he brings a list that fits the era you're playing.

While BV may "technically" balance this, it's still annoying as fuck to try and fight something like a C3 XLPL, Plasma Rifle, and MRM force when you're just sitting there with Helm tech.
The Rakshasa is a perfectly adequate 305X IS heavy, though I'd argue that the Falconer is almost objectively better.

As others have noted, the Timber Wolf is just too optimal. Also, LRMs are the place where Clantech has the single largest edge, weight-wise.

You can make an IStech Nova. You can make a passable Summoner as long as you avoid the Prime configuration. You can make an okay Kit Fox.

But you can't make a Timber Wolf, you can't make a Stormcrow, you can't make a Dire Wolf, you can't make an Adder well, you can, and 2xPPC on a light is still impressive, but you can't have two fucking headcappers in a 35 ton package..
Call the police and say he wants to kill himself. They'll put him on an involuntary hold and send him to a mental hospital for a week. That'll teach him to confuse Jihad with Introtech.
Rakshasa isn't an OmniMech.

While its a poor attempt at a Clan Mech its by far one of the better IS Mechs out there. Its a capable direct fire support weapon.
You're both assholes for agreeing to something before playing. He can run shit as proxy, you can play apocryphal for fun because it's whatever he's got so long as it's not an intentionally annoying build.

Models are either ~10$ individual plastic, or like 25$+ for a pack to get the one specific mini for the specific era, or 20-25$ for a single metal cast for a specific variant of a specific mech from a specific era. I really can't knock someone for not having 30 ready and painted mechs to ensure a single lance can cover all time periods.

People like you are the reason I have four Archers.
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>you can't make an Adder well, you can, and 2xPPC on a light is still impressive, but you can't have two fucking headcappers in a 35 ton package

Challenge Accepted. It's a piece of shit, and I'd never want to run it because it's got wasp-tier armor, but it does technically fit your requirements.
But Archers are cool though. Don't make them feel bad.
I do like archers. But I had to really pick and choose to ensure I could field a balanced Lance in multiple eras, and that favors the handful of ubiquitous mechs more than saying you've got a prototype mech.
>You're both assholes for agreeing to something before playing
What, do you go into your pickup games entirely blind? Anything goes?
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>People like you are the reason I have four Archers.

My campaign group has 3 Archer 4Ms, and we've had fights with as many as 4 enemy archers on the field, necessitating 7 minis total. Between the four of us, we almost had enough, necessitating a proxy via Bombardier. This was prior to the 1st kickstarter though, and nowadays we have like 10 between the standard one and the Morgan Kell one as well as all the old metal ones.
Not really. It isn't a Timber Wolf but it's a good IS heavy.
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And here was the OPFOR in a different session. Yes, I know that the same mini has appeared on both sides, since we ended up swapping them between sessions, and I don't have good pictures of both sides of the board at the same time. My phone camera back then was a piece of shit and I hadn't yet figured out taking like 5 of each picture I wanted to avoid shakycam.
>infantry are a chore
You only need 1 record sheet for like 4 or 5 bases of them, they track health down without any component rolling, and they barely move. How is it hard?
Hypothetically all you need is BV and an upfront agreement after looking over the other guys sheets if you don't want to run against shit like a C3 minmaxer. Realistically pick up games are casual and full of new players with limited stuff and you're just screening for people you want to play serious games against later.

I like the Archer a lot, my point was more there's only a handful of mechs that check all the boxes to show up whenever wherever however.
>I like the Archer a lot, my point was more there's only a handful of mechs that check all the boxes to show up whenever wherever however.

Yeah, we got it because the 4M is best archer and a strong contender for best missileboat of the 3051 era we're playing in. And the OPFOR had a fuckton because they're Lyrans and Archers and Zeuses are just what the Lyrans have loads of, and our GM does the autism thing where he uses XOTL's RAT and generates the entire enemy force structure on the whole planet that we were attacking and we fought about a company of them at a time. Some things like the Archers and Zeuses didn't tend to get away from the fight alive, but there was 1 Thunderbolt we fought 3 separate times before we finally put it down, and there was THAT FUCKER, the Phoenix Hawk 3S that had 1 gunnery and was responsible for more casualties on our side than the entire rest of the RCT combined.
The Timber Wolf is the best, most optimised mech in the game and comparing anything to it really isn't fair to the mech being compared.
They have some VERY fucky rules with loading and unloading, and cheesemongers tend to use them to waste the first several activations each turn, so they have a reputation for being timewasters.

Like imagine we're doing a lance-on-lance fight, and you have your 4 mechs and I have 4 slightly-less-good mechs, but also 4 infantry stands. We spend basically the whole game at 2:1 activation, but the infantry spend the first two activations for me every turn just sitting in some trees or buildings and doing nothing other than eating up your activations. Regardless of who won the initiative roll each turn, I'm basically getting free moves where you have to move a unit that matters and I just plunk two die down next to my infantry squads who do nothing. Then we repeat, and by the time I'm actually moving my mechs, half of yours have already gone and I can respond accordingly.

THAT's why everyone hates infantry. Not because of the bookkeeping, but because the activation sink that they enable. And to be fair, you can do this with non infantry things like swiftwinds or some other cheap-ass tank or chopper, but the infantry are only like 80 bv apiece.
NTA, but haven't played combined arms yet. Is the issue solved when both sides have infantry?
>You're both assholes for agreeing to something before playing

You're kidding me right?
There's nothing wrong with throwing era restrictions on top of the BV restriction.
BV isn't perfect, and doesn't account well for things like double heat sinks.
There's nothing wrong with not having that, if the players agree to it, I just don't get taking issue with trying to keep things a little more balanced.
> full of new players with limited stuff
There's nothing wrong with running proxies. Show up with a bag of quarters and some masking tape, I don't care.
>for agreeing
FUCK that's a typo
There's a "NOT" missing in that statement
My mind kept filling it in when rereading my post
Well, that makes a lot more sense now.
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How about ya all just move all infantry that isn't riding a vehicle in a single activation?
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Running a couple infantry stands every now and then and actually using them in combat? Doubtful that anyone cares.
Bringing as many infantry as you have mechs and holding them in the back purely to cheese activations? You're THAT GUY and everyone knows it.

It's one of those things that's generally fluid, but you'll know it when you see it.
There's a bunch of ways it could be made better, yes. But the actual rules require that bringing infantry gives you an initiative advantage.
It sounds like a house rule to keep infantry (and/or Tanks + Aircraft, etc) activation in their own separate phase would fix this, IE infantry, then tanks, then aircraft, then mechs, because yeah the most expensive units should have the advantage.
It is solved by front-loading initiative. As in, regardless of initiative, the side with more units moves as many units as is needed for the remaining unit count to be equal, after which initiative proceeds normally.

Sure, if you agree to that as a houserule.

>but the infantry are only like 80 bv apiece.
I think if using TacOps you can just get one infantry base and split it into 4 squads of 7 troops, each with their individual base and actions.
So you were under the impression we hadn't agreed to anything and then I was calling foul? Fair enough that would make me an asshole. But no, we both agreed to the era. Its just that after we agree to the era, and I must stress that he has a large collection than me and has been playing BattleTech longer than I have so it's not like he's lacking options, he tends to show up with mechs that don't actually fit the era.
>and comparing anything to it really isn't fair to the mech being compared.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with that. But also that is quite literally the fluff for the Rakshasa. It wants to be a Timber Wolf so sure, let's humor it.
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NTA but I think that the point is that the Rakshasa is a solid Mech but a shit Timber Wolf. A Mad Dog is a better Timber Wolf than a Rakshasa is.
It's not really restricted to infantry though. The entire problem stems from the fact that the game was initially designed for lance-on-lance combat, so each activation was always assumed to be roughly equivalent in value. Any situation that creates a major disparity in the numbers of activations for only one side completely unbalances it. The true fix for this wouldn't be infantry-specific, it would have to be a fundamental rewrite of the entire activation rules from the ground up, with an attempt made to first determine the "value" of an activation and then alternate thusly.

But until we can come up with a BV system that works better than "meh" it's a pipe dream.
Are we just roleplaying the TRO now?
These are all talking points from there.

I'm not interested in roleplaying something that the book literally tells us.
The new assets rules seems to fix that as your forced to move all your assets first before moving your Mechs.
I think the new Alpha Strike-esque asset rules from the mercs box changes it up to alternating moving half of your assets at a time, then mechs move normally. I can't see why it couldn't be house ruled like that using TW rules for infantry to eliminate the cheese.


What happens if you bump it down to 5/8? Can you get real PPCs or even some actual armor?
I for one like the rakshasa and find no need to compare it to a mad cat since both mechs are from entirely different tech classes
Well, no shit. The Mad Dog is also a Clan mech, and an LRM-focused one at that. Any mech mounting Clan LRMs is going to be at a massive advantage over any mech not mounting Inner Sphere LRMs.

I honestly think the way they statted Clan LRMs was a mistake. Most Clan weapons save like one ton relative to the IS equivalent, but the LRMs are a full 50% lighter, and also have no minimum range.
>People like you are the reason I have four Archers

I feel like I'm missing something.
Anything can be houseruled. The problem is when you're playing in an environment where you don't get to dictate the terms of the game, eg a lot of big group play and/or conventions.
Or if you're actually playing against THAT GUY and he knows why he brought infantry at a 1:1 ratio. He's not going to accept a houserule so all you can do is refuse the game. This is why it's a problem, because front-loaded initiative isn't the rules-as-written.
Black Lion
Invader, Scout
Union, Leopard, Overlord
Romano, Sun Tzu, Candance, Kai-Allard
Hanse, Katrina, Peter, Victor, Yvonne
Janos, Anton, 404 x4
Adam, Katrina, Melissa, Trillian, Nondi, Alaric, Victor
Theodore, Takashi, Hohiro, Chandraaskr, Omi, 404x3
Wolverine, Goliath Scorpion, Widowmaker, Iron Mongoose, Blood Spirits, Jade Turkey, Clan Yiff in hell, Diamond Sharks, Snow Raven.
Black Knight, Starslayer, Awesome, Atlas, Katapult, Specter, Phoenix Hawk, Bushwhacker, Gauntlet, Black Hawk-KU.

I have failed. Fucking purple burd.
Doesn't that still mean that a lance + assets gets two bonus activations when fighting an all-mech lance?
The TRO is also the only place where it talks about the Rakshasa being a Timber Wolf clone.

Absent that fluff, it's a decent cavalry/fire support heavy, but not one that would ever be compared to a TW.
It's okay, I failed on the jumpships. Who actually learned the jumpship classes? Is this relevant in AToW or?
There's only like 5 important ones. It's not that hard.
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>but not one that would ever be compared to a TW.
Correct. This is not a Mad Cat. It's not, and if you think it is then you're delusional.

This is a proudly original design developed from scratch by the NAICS with no outside help.
But they also turn the assets into basically counters and seem to be really dumbed down, like Alpha Strike.

Showing the C-LRM20 stats and IS LRM20 stats is the single argument I show to new players when they tell me "Surely they can't be that bad?"

I tend to tell "these are our common houserules and TacOps additions" to any person I am going to play against followed by the list, either in writing or verbally. Then we can bargain the terms of engagement.
>under the impression we hadn't agreed to anything and then I was calling foul
I was under the impression you'd agreed to something loosely beforehand (try to keep to this particular era), but not details until he showed up at the table.
I meant you'd better just hammer details before actually starting play if he showed up with the wrong shit, and he he insists then hammer details before he shows up with the wrong shit and ask for full sheets before driving to the game store. Suggest a proxy if it doesn't fit, doublecheck BV and equipment for apocryphal or anachronistic units to be sure it isn't too OP, etc. I mean, how anachronistic? 10 years? Sure prototype. 50 years? Yeah no. BV isn't completely terrible if you can spot and disagree with cheese.

Yeah if he's actually got a wider selection of mechs than you, than I lean towards your opinion of him, minus that you should probably work an agreement when the issue comes up than go forwards with it.

Mechs that can show up anywhere at any time and be canonical. There's a lot fewer than just showing up with stuff you think is cool, and fewer than stretching things like saying it's a Clanner merc showing up in IS space early with prototypes.
Glad someone found that joke amusing.

I tried doing exactly that, and the smaller engine means it runs out of crit slots for the DHS. You can drop the ES for endo-composite and gain a ton, but part of the "copy a clanner mech with inner sphere tech" is keeping the movement profile, so I wanted that to be authentic.
Okay but why are you committing jumpship classes to memory instead of information about a unit you'd actually put on the game table?
I just skimmed the rules the other day, so I may be wrong, but I think you move ALL assets before any mechs, regardless of who won initiative or whether one of both players brought assets.
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The jump ships I know I learned from the novels. All four classes.
You know this game has fiction too? Like after 30 novels you start remembering what an Invader and a Merchant are.

Yeah. I'm not a fan of them showing up so late in the history, but it's whatever.
That felt like pulling teeth.
dropping two sinks for real ppcs would make it look a lot better. sinking 30 every turn is unnecessary

I need to actually sit down and read those new rules.
no one tell him about faction benefits!
Clan LRMs and clan LPL are the two weapons I use to demonstrate that yes, the clanners are in fact just outright cheating. The cLPL at least has to pay twice the BV for twice the performance, but the clan LRMs only pay slightly more for being half the tonnage and having no minimum range. It's obscene.
>But they also turn the assets into basically counters and seem to be really dumbed down, like Alpha Strike.

You could always try it out with the normal record sheets and see how it goes.

Also while it simplifies a lot of stuff I can see it being heavily used for just basic infantry.
Ive run an Infantry Battalion (14 platoons total) with 2 Pegasus, a No-Dachi, and a Tarantula. It flowed fairly well as we followed the initiative rules as shown in the book, so my typical infantry activation was 4 bases at a time. Infantry are fine, they work fine in the initiative chain so long as you actually read and use the initiative rules and dont try to do some stupid simplified "IgoUgo" base by base thing.
My opponent had 3 mechs and 2 Elemental points. He won, and loved the game.
Show me on the doll where the Clanner touched you.
I'll admit that I haven't used PPC capacitors enough to really know exactly what the sweet spot for them is for charging and firing them. I figured since they're each 5 heat a turn when charging and on the turn they fire, then the mech probably wants 30 heat capacity.
NTA, but everywhere. Hopefully Star Commander BalanceByTonnage never got a bloodname.
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>Kraken is a giant convee and infantry faggot.
And nobody was surprised.
>says the guy posting a faggot ESL youtuber
Tell you what, you take a bunch of fluff appropriate 3050s mechs and go fight a good player using the Tukkayid Madcat, and then we'll talk.
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Dracs allow mercs if they're presented as corporate security forces or personal guards, right?

Trying to form a "Kurita themed" merc unit, since the other Great Houses all have their own
I would but the clanners wont take up my challenge.
I love combined arms, what can I say. And 99% of the complaints people have about "OP mechs" and "broken units" are solved by applying combined arms - gauss snipers are scary until you deploy infantry to spot for off board artillery whilst your hovers cross the swamp to flank his line.
Well, my personal experience with it was fighting against one of my friends who is somewhat better than me, but not insurmountably so. We usually trade games at about 3:2 in his favor. We did a battle of Tukkayid fight, and he brought the Timberwolf TC. Of my company, literally half of them were killed by that thing, including the Clanbuster King Crab, a Wolverine 6M, a Phoenix Hawk 3K, an SLDF Royal Thug, and an SLDF Royal Highlander. It was beyond obscene, I've never lost that hard in my life, and I've been playing Battletech since 2008.
>but the clan LRMs only pay slightly more for being half the tonnage and having no minimum range.
In general, BV is based only on what stats matter on the table. For weapons that means damage, range, cluster attacks and modifiers, to-hit modifiers, ammo, and heat (indirectly). Clan LRMS only pay more than IS because the only functional difference on the table is the minimum range, so they're value is modified for that (or rather not penalized for having minimum range as the IS LRMs are). Weight and critical space only factors in so far as the clan 'mech can bring twice as many, in which case they pay for two. If the 'mech doesn't have the spare weight to bring more LRMs, they don't pay more for the ones they didn't bring no matter how light they are.
The cLPL has really good damage, range, a to-hit bonus, and doesn't need ammo, so yeah it's expensive. Those are all things that matter on the table. If it weighed one ton or twenty, the BV would be the same.
About what?

>It flowed fairly well as we followed the initiative rules as shown in the book, so my typical infantry activation was 4 bases at a time.
Which book, exactly?

Center torso, critical damage.

Every IS government allows and uses Mercs.
>I can solve the OP mech issue by bringing 30 Savannah Masters
Good job. You have proven that bullshit can be countered with bullshit. Great work!
Their "mercs" are employees, not contractors. Hiring soldiers on your own payroll who answer to you because you're their boss is different from hiring a company of soldiers with their own chain of command and their own boss who is only answering to you because you've made a contract for this one job. The Dracs are okay with corporations or nobles having employees who fight for them. It's the negotiating contracts case by case, job to job part that they don't like. Groups like the ALAG aren't "mercenaries" in the normal sense. They can't just break a contract as a group and go work for someone else, it'd be like the IT department breaking contract as a group to go work for someone else. They don't have any structure to operate independently.
Battle Lance:
Thunderbolt 5SS
Thunderbolt 5SE
Awesome 8Q
Caesar 3R
Pursuit Lance:
Wolverine 6M
Wolfhound 1
Jenner F
Grand Dragon 5K
Your move clanner
>Every IS government allows and uses Mercs.
There was a good twenty years where the Combine stopped using mercs, at least officially
An equivalent bv of Ryoken Prime
The old Tactical Handbook had an optional rule for vehicle activation. Before the game, each side's vehicles are organized into lances or platoons or what have you in whatever manner is appropriate to the player's or the scenario's fluff. For the duration of the game each such group counts as a single unit for initiative, activation, and fire declaration, reflecting the lance being coordinated by a single officer. The lance continues to count as a single unit regardless of in-game losses until all of them are knocked out. As an example, a company of Scorpions would count as three units for initiative, so would be 'outnumbered' in intitative by a lance of 'mechs.
I always thought that was a good way to deal with vehicle spam and could be applied similarly to infantry, but rounding up to company level for conventional since most infantry stands already represent a lance equivalent.
Okay then just the awesome, wolverine and wolfhound. Same Bv as the mad cat TC
>About what?
Each faction now gets special rules, that only they benefit from, along with the usual special bonuses you get for playing specific lance types (like a "striker lance"), and factions are now hard-limited to only what units appear in their book. Units themselves are now classed as iconic, common, uncommon, and rare, and you can't take a Mech at all that doesn't have one of those classifications. The new books really are 40K codexes, because 40K refugess are the source of all CGL money now.
How about the ERPPC
I should have read the chain didnt know this was the madcat fight. You need someone to drive a Cat against that?
>Which book, exactly?
Core rules, Total War.

Congratulations anon, you took a perfectly reasonable comment and extrapolated it to the extreme in order to prove a point noone but you where arguing! Well done! 30 Savannah Masters are countered by dense terrain, and Thunder LRM's, your welcome
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And would you look at that, the awesome won. I didn't even pull out any dishonorable tricks like upgrading pilots or death from above
Please tell me you are joking.

It's just anal to keep going "just spam infantry and artillery" as a response to "OP Battlemechs", because at that point you're no longer trying to enjoy a game, but to engage in a competition to see who's the sweatiest, most tryhardiest neckbeard.
>Is told to fight a good player using the Tukkayid Madcat
>Fights Princess
>at that point you're no longer trying to enjoy a game, but to engage in a competition to see who's the sweatiest, most tryhardiest neckbeard.
Is that not what we do here?
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How important is historicity and how hard will I have a time finding people to play with if I base my dudes around a very narrow period of time? I wish to make a Nu Galaxy Smoke Jaguar force circa Operation Bulldog themed around surviving against the IS hordes as if it were like an action horror movie where your dudes get whittled down one by one.
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Then they can sit down and think up an interesting scenario, write it up, look over it, realise they need to cover eventualities, add in rules for those, realise there are more eventualities that need covering, fix those up, sleep on the scenario for a couple of days, perform some last minute fixes that come to mind, then send it to the store owner to upload. In fact, I encourage them to do so, ive written every single one the store has run, and ive done so to the constraints of the others, this was meant to be one where I actually got to write an interesting scenario and they couldnt even let me have that.
>It's just anal to keep going "just spam infantry and artillery" as a response to "OP Battlemechs", because at that point you're no longer trying to enjoy a game, but to engage in a competition to see who's the sweatiest, most tryhardiest neckbeard.
Your using the tools at your disposal to counter an issue. Welcome to real life. And congratulations, you just made all those fast moving infantry hunters that everyone dismisses because they are too light and undergunned for actual mech to mech fighting really, really, useful. You just upped the unit diversity in your games. Congratulations.
As long as your happy swapping variants to be appropriate to a different scenario it's not a problem. Most meks are pretty evergreen in that they have versions in other time periods and people don't WYSIWYG for Battletech so if you're cool with it, they'll be cool with it.
I mean as long as you're willing to play them as something else when the need arises. If you're asking how hard it's going to be to find aomebody that always wants to play during BULLDOG, don't hold your breath. The only 2 periods you can afford to be hyper specific without missing iut on games with be the 4th Succession War and REVIVAL. Any other period or era or decade though, you will need to be pretty flexible.
My Kurita "mercs" are a corporate goon squad working for a zaibatsu. But Kurita hires regular mercs like any other faction. The "Death to Mercenaries" order was a brief time period and plotwise meant to highlight the difference between Takashi and Theodore Kurita, and was the fallout from his being assmad at Wolf's Drafoons over Misery. Takashi was an asshole and represented the vitrified thinking of hidebound traditionalists, and Theodore was a practical, results oriented reformer. Teddy-boy dropped the edict when he took over from his old man as Coordinator.
But the upshot is that Kurita oriented mercs are totally acceptable in any period. The order was about mercs working for enemy houses, it's just that most Kurita enployed mercs fucked off in protest while it was in effect.
Just for the record, if playing against Princess, the Tukayyid Mad Cat killed all three of those 'mechs without taking any internal damage.

Maybe get over yourself?
I'm trying to get caught up on the Post-FedCom lore and something about the WoB kind of confuses me. Did they have honestly ANY chance of succeeding? A lot of descriptions of them seem to be that they don't have a lot of actual military forces but have a lot of high tech stuff and tricky manipulations.
They didn't necessarily need to win, they just wanted everyone else to lose.
The Jihad was actually a long series of cleverly laid plans to unite the Inner Sphere.
First you make yourselves the villain while also slapping the clans as hard as you can.
Then you start putting people into camps to really shock and horrify everyone from nobility to street sweeper.
Then you brainwash a guy hard enough that he starts following your master plan. Hell, maybe he was even one of your agents to begin with.
He'll get his hands on a mech and establish himself as a freedom fighter. you've mashed so much military strategy and political know-how into his head that he'll be able to win battles against your own guys who don't know the plan and also corral the great houses into support him instead of pushing their own claims on Terra
give it time, and your agent will take back Terra, tear down the facade of ComStar, and he'll do it all while denying the Clans the seat of Terra.
That agent? Devlin Stone. The Devil in Stone himself.

Billions will die but sometimes the good guys have to do horrible things to reunite the galaxy and bring the SLDF back. Praise be to Blake
your agent will also get smothered with a pillow by a clanner and Terra will fall to them anyway. Oops!
I can't wait for the Celestials to come out they're going to be so sick
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>"Fufufu, omae wa mou shindeiru!"

Oh no! A sneak attack by an ambitious Drac noblewoman's personal forces has destroyed or scattered your family's 'Mech unit, and left you stranded behind enemy lines.

Do you:
>A. Try to smuggle yourself offword to reunite with what survivors of your family mech unit there may be.
>B. Attempt to negotiate to enter her service.
>C. Contrive to capture a Drac Bug 'Mech and inspire planet-wide resistance to the invasion.
>Contrive to capture a Drac Bug 'Mech and inspire planet-wide resistance to the invasion.
I mean, if it worked for Gray's Son Desu Car lily, I'm sure it will work for me.
I get the rest of my Clan to skull fuck her corpse while we force the living memvers of her family to fight each other to the death for our entertainment.
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Peace was never an option.
>It's not really restricted to infantry though. The entire problem stems from the fact that the game was initially designed for lance-on-lance combat
This is your problem, and a general misconception a lot of people have. The game was designed and intended for Company-level combat. Not lance-on-lance. The early scenario books and rule books both bear this out. A great many of the "problems" people have with the game suddenly disappear when you've both got 10-15 models on the table and especially when you're playing with objectives.
i'd be wary. the combine has killed two (2) clans while the clans have killed zero (0) combines.
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You are thinking of the Warhammer IIC, although if you are thinking of one of the 'Mechs pictured, that would be forgivable.
>yes, this is a rather disgusting star
>a 16000 bv star vs. star game was my opponent's idea, not mine
>this is why you should not do 16000 bv star vs. star games
Which scenario book would you suggest for that old-time Battletech feel, before the internet made doing anything that takes over two hours nearly impossible?
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Death to the traitors! For the Combine!
I don't know if I fully believe that because while the game works fine with 10-15 models, munchkins being as they are would find high init, high number of models would be king. At least assuming early rules were mostly the same.
Both clans were in a weakened state, and had gone out of their way to antagonize every single potential ally they could've had.
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A hunter does not leave a wounded predator alive.
I don't know the Bears/Rasalhague seem to have a knack for manhandling them whenever they feel like it.
combine was in a weakened state too, its never come close to its 3025, 3039 or 3049 troop numbers since 3052
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Bears are based and manhandle any faction they want.

>The holographic image flickered to life in Dirk Radick's hands. The figure that appeared was clearly his nemesis, Angela Bekker.

>"Star Colonel Radick of Clan Wolf, by now you know I have left nothing of value in the fort. All you have won is a building. Its loss means nothing to me or my Clan."

>Radick's eyes narrowed with rage.

>"No doubt you are looking for a fast battle. This I deny you, as I denied you the contents of the fort. Know this, Dirk Radick, you are where I wanted you to be, when I wanted you to be. I have controlled this situation and will continue to do so. You are on Toffen now, in the territory of the great Ghost Bear. And when we fight, I will remain in control of the situation.

>"In other words," she said with a sly smile, "I have already beaten you." The image flickered off.

>Radick gritted his teeth. "I will break her ... crush her... and leave nothing but a bloody smear on whatever rock she is hiding behind! Attack at once!"

haha will Alaric Wolf forgive Angela Bekker dabbing on the Wolves?
Now that the chuds are gone and have been forced out, what are the chances of Battletech being 90% non-binaries, ACE/ALLO, trans, gender-fluid, gender nonconforming, and more furry inclusion (maybe a new race/splicing), including the robots?
>no wholesome musclewife

My life holds no inherent value and I will die unfulfilled and alone.
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They're pretty much entirely lore. they've got availability lists though.
I love that scene. That book was my first introduction to the Clan's way of war after I started getting interested in the universe after MW3.
>Alaric Wolf-Steiner-Davion
That's Alaric Steiner-Davion-Steiner-Davion to you.
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>mercenaries get a force manual before 3 of the great houses and any of the clans

I hate you people so much it's unreal
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Seems I'm adding a grasshopper to my lance. This just flew in my window.
You can still use the old battle manuals. From what I've seen of the new Kurita one there isn't really anything new in it.
It amuses me to no end that the most successful clanner of all time, arguably the only successful clanner, is 200% house lord and 0% clanner. Not one of Kerensky's followers is in his ancestral tree.
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>rifle lance
how davion of them
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So what mechs do you guys think the House Liao packs are going to have?
>Davion Hard mode challenge (Impossible!)
>Use a mech without 1 AC on it
>Capellans never get to use the enforcer

It's the perfect 'little dude with arm gun' mech and the 'little dude with arm gun' factions doesn't get to use them. It's just so tiring.
Mechs with hella weird names that are lopsided and/or ugly.
Duan Gung
Lao Hu
Lu Wei Bing
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You belong in a museum, not on the battlefield.
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We run this shit, housefag.
perhaps one may yet break through the drywall like the kool aid man and bully her way through your lack of confidence and into your life
What mod is that in? I would like to see more mechs in the game period.
Battletech Advanced. Be warned, both it and Roguetech are pretty bloated and need lots of RAM to run. BTA is slightly less bloated and seems more accurate as far as units appearing. Roguetech has an absurd amount of content, but I kind of lost interest when I got a Dark age variant of the Centurion to start with and it was only 3040. Petty, I know.
I hate to admit it but I've got the urge to get and paint liao mechs. Any recommended color schemes?
what the fuck are you talking about?
i vaguely remember great house benefits being on the recsheets right under their icon.
like a + or - to some on table mechanics
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damn this is awesome
Grasshoppers can and do fly. How fucking stupid are you? For extended periods of time no less especially when swarming or to get away furthet while jumping.
how are you just finding out about melee lances?
bit retarded it's all RA though considering that's commonly where the most arm firepower is stored.
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I dunno, anybody uses Campaign Operations formation rules?
What Clan should I collect?
There's two Clanner players at my local, Wolf and Ghost Bear, and wanted to collect something different, preferably still an initial Invading Clan. I was thinking Jade Falcon, but I havent read enough on them(but they seem cool? Theyre bastards, but pragmatically so. I dont think they go full retard?).
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None. Honor the Dragon!
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Jade Falcon ARE pretty cool but they eternally job forever to Wolf. They have a pretty good philosophy of war and have some of my favorite mechs.
Damn, you sure are stupid.
Vlad literally got cucked then?
>i need evidence faggot, i haven't seen ONE grasshopper ever fly for the 12 years i've had geckos or from walking through long grass.
"They jump for several reasons; to escape from a predator, to launch themselves into flight, or simply to move from place to place."
>they eternally job forever to Wolf
They're the Vegeta of Battletech.
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>Like the idea of Purple birds because something approaching actual representative government that matters on the scale of the Inner Sphere rather than just another neofeudal state or fascist furfag.
>Trapped in a cycle of nothing is done with the birds so they don't get any fans so the company doesn't feel the need to cater to the few that exist, so nothing is done with them, GOTO 10.
>Don't even get a Force Manual or a lance pack.
I feel your pain brother.
why not just go clan star noodle? they got the blood asperger assault mechs, they're not complete retards like half the clans.
What can you expect from a nameshitter?
It's probably not even the real one. Bansheelord is way more schizophrenic.

It's probably th same guy that's been trolling everyone for the past few threads.
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Nah fuck that. Pick the worst clan. The absolute dogshit one that no one knows anything about, or if they do know, they hate you even more Become an absolute nerd on their lore and only run mechs that they designed and built themselves.
This is the path of honor.
Eh, as long as they're around for most of the timeline. I'm used to getting MOGGED, I'm a FWL fan boy. Can I get a run down on them?

But I'm already planning on collecting a small force of every Great House. I'll get to the samurai eventually.

Bro I hate that nigga like you won't believe
They're black. Like in the people way not the poetic way.
Clan Blood Spirit? They did nothing and were so poor no clan wanted to attack them and then they all died.
anon, for the love of god, rotate your phone
I'm partial to the Nova Cats and Smoke Jags after my Bears.

Both clans are shitheads, the Jags more so, but both have a healthy and self-injuring dose of clanner autism. I prefer the Cats, but both are neat.
A little neck stretching goes a long way for your health.
Bernsteins be malding y'all
There are so many worst clans. You need only crack open the Wars of Reaving sourcebook and ye shall be rewarded by endless tales of absolute morons ruining everything for themselves.
i swear to blake, i took the pics straight, straight in my phone album, yet they get uploaded like that
4chan strips metadata so you don't dox yourself. Best bet is to open them in an image editor before uploading to be sure the orientation is what you're expecting.
Alternatively, don't worry about it and believe in the spirit of >>93768194
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He could have also rotated the image for us.
The rotation of the pics is metadata, which gets stripped by 4chan as a safety measure so you don't get doxxed. If you want them to post properly, you either rotate your phone differently while taking the photo, or you put them onto your pc, open them with gimp, and then resave them as a new file.
>open them with gimp
IIRC, windows photo viewer will update the orientation properly with one click. or you can use paint
I like gimp but you don't need to find new software for something as simple as rotating an image.
Which figure is Blake more close to the C*/WoB? The Buddha, Jesus, or Muhammad?
The Buddha, obviously. He pointed at the benefits for humanity of interstellar communication and all the Wobbies saw was his finger.
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Weird logo but the mech passes.
maybe if they actually ever beat the AFFS they could salvage some.
Shoko Asahara
That hatchet Quickdraw seems kinda ok.
Seems pretty alpha strike centric.
Anything for actual Battletech? Or is everything for Alpha Strike?
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So with the limitation of I = no lmit, C = 4 per Company, U = 2 per Company and R = 1 total (counts toward the U limit), will the PNT-9R spam be the only way to make this work?
now that's a lie, star adder has a long feud with blood spirit.
it's how we got the blood asp!
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fuck off retard
50% panthers.
I wonder if they made the logo multiculti for the color version. Apparently the 41st was still running around with lostech during the 3rd/4th succession wars.
You know hordes got a bad rep in universe after that disaster with the Blackjacks, but ironically it would have shined in the post invasion era where 5 to 10 fast moving mechs with strong weapons strapped to them would be fucking terrifying to fight.
No, you just run a mixed force of different designs. They don't have to be all one chassis. A Jenner, three Wasps, two Stingers, a Locust, two Spiders, and a Valkyrie would be a valid Horde Lance.
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some fluff, that formation thing, paint schemes, and named/custom variant mechs rs
Isn't that up to 4 for each chassis and variant? I thought the limit was just to keep you from spamming just one exact loadout.

That said, Iconic is no limit right? So you could do just 5-10 Panthers and call it a day.
You could, yes. The real weirdness is the absence of the Jenner D from that list, since it should also be Iconic for the horde lance.
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not familiar with the clan invasion mechs. any of these look good?
Fuck I'm planning a Liao lance and it's those exact 4 mechs.
blake damn it 4chan not again
Clearly the IS should have challenged the Clans to a Space Jam instead of to football.
Phones use metadata to keep track of the orientation of a photo. 4chan strips the metadata out automatically, which causes the photos to lose that and go default on orientation. If you send the photo to your computer and then edit even slightly, like cropping, then upload to 4chan from that, it'll fix it.
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Kickstarter box arrives on Tuesday. I'm going to be a busy bee once it arrives. Here's what's coming:

1x 3-Pack Mercenaries Posters Supersized
1x Battlefield Support: Heavy Battle & Sweep Lances
2x Salvage Box: Battlefield Support [Individual]
1x 100mm Timber Wolf
1x Salvage Box: Savannah Master [Individual]
1x Battlefield Support: Battle & Fire Lances
6x Salvage Box: Visigoth [Individual]
2x Battletech Mechwarriors Pack III
1x Battlefield Support: Assault & Cavalry Lances
1x Challenge Coin #5: Gray Death Legion
1x Dice #72: Laser Effect-BattleTech Chevron: Grey (16mm)
1x Dice #59: Laser Effect-House Kurita
1x Dice #5: Laser Effect-Gray Death Legion
1x Clan Cavalry Star
1x Mercenaries box set (Standard Edition)
1x Challenge Coin #21: House Kurita
1x Challenge Coin #5: Clan Steel Viper
1x BattleTech: Clan Invasion box set
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Falcons are around for the entire timeline, tho both them and the Wolves have been reduced to dangerously low levels after the ilClan trial.

As another anon mentioned, they're basically Vegeta to Clan Wolf's Goku. They are skilled combatants and just evil enough to be threats throughout the timeline, but when it's time for a protagonist to shine they're given the idiot stick 'just' long enough to make them look good. That, plus they're never holding the stick long enough to go full retard like the Jaguars or Vipers and merit eradication, and are sensible enough to work with others when the occasion calls for it (barring the Malvina era).

They've got a pretty good selection of mechs, with Clan staples, some acquired through trade, and a number of unique designs. When they're not playing this weekend's heel, they've got several good stories with interesting characters (by Clan standards) that highlight why the rest of the setting considers the Falcons such a threat.

With Jade Falcon, pending what happens in the upcoming lore regarding Terra, you'll always be relevant without ever being the poster-child favorite of the devs/authors. Plus, we've got the lion's share of the Clan memes.
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The short version is, there's pretty sharp diminishing returns on spamming with more units on the table and it takes a lot more effort to pull off. Winning initiative only *really* matters for about two mechs. With 12 mechs on the table you're not going to have nearly as many spots where initiative is absolutely critical. On a 2x2 or more the slower units will have difficulty even making contact, and you can often completely bottleneck half of the remaining enemy with a couple of scouts while allowing your others room to roam free. Effectively you usually wind up fighting about a quarter of his force with more than half of yours and smash them in detail. Flak and infernos can do wonders if they're trying to spam VTOLs and infantry. In particular, a couple AC/5s with Flak ammo can slowly wear down infantry spotters from outside indirect LRM range, and hovers struggle to manage anything with jets in any kind of actual terrain.
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I jelly. Mine got delayed because I ordered the Arano coin.
Absolutely not
Alpha Strike *IS* the Battletech that matters.
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Have fun but also remember that they got Chargers from their friend the Coordinator, Cyclops because no one else wanted them, Thuds are a classic Tikonov design, and you can always loot a Victor or two from the Fedrats, indeed you'd build a factory for them later.
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This. Whether the boomer grogs and their simps like it or not, the only future of this setting is and always has been Alpha Strike.
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Panthers used wisely are above-weight punchers that'll do good work.
I think the JR7-D is a funny edge case because of the production lines being all destroyed in 2848; while ubiquitous, new ones didn't start coming off the line until 3046. Existing ones would almost certainly have been retrofitted to the preferred Kuritan preferred F-configuration
Seconding this. Cheap PPC carrier, but be advised they wilt under pressure. Dragons and Hunchies are both great mechs to put betwen your enemy and your Panthers

they're also the most fuckable mech, if that matters to you
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Behave yourself there, you!

Gimme your digits tho boo
I actually kind of prefer Penetrator to do Falconer's job.
>the most fuckable mech
That's the Wyvern.
Sounds awesome. I like a competent bad guy who isnt baby-kicking tier retard mode. A sort of "bad guy who doesnt kill his underlings for not succeeding, but gives them training and a reprieve and finds a new way to motivate them" kind of nuance.
I am planning to read I Am Jade Falcon soon, so hopefully this Joanna bitch is as cool as the founder(katana slingin' babe going full rage mode against Cappies hell yeah).
Any Clan Forcepacks to grab for a Jade Falcon Star? The Fire Moth the Clan Wolf player runs agaisnt my Inner Sphere Mechs is something of a white whale and Im trying to find mechs and other units I can get to obliterate that cocksucker off the face of the 'sphere. I crippled it once with Landmines when we were testing out the Battlefield Support rules.
>I am planning to read I Am Jade Falcon soon, so hopefully this Joanna bitch is as cool as the founder(katana slingin' babe going full rage mode against Cappies hell yeah)
She's not nearly as cool as Hazen no matter how big a Sue they make her rapist ass be
Are all Hazens tsundere rapists?
The order lance is cool.

Thanks for doing this
Joanna is essentially meant as an embodiment of everything that's wrong with the Clan system pre-IS contact
>tfw will never be raped by a yandere-tsundere Clanner waifu
>yandere-tsundere-kuudere-dandere waifu uguu desu
Incomprehensible babble.
Speak English you fucking Drac
"how about-u you speak-ah Jap-o-neese, gaijin?"
Tsundere, yes.

Rapists, no. They'll calm down when fucked properly. Note that the problem with Malvina was that her source of good dick got killed off. As long as your local Hazen is sufficiently dicked down on the regular, they stay docile.
Third nuke incoming. Hope you have some TMM.
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Can Clan units be reinforced like IS units can? Can there be a reinforced Star? A reinforced Trinary?
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CJF's current status. Basically 3 separate pieces
>The two Clans dispatched the RAF and then began the climatic ilClan trial. The trial ended with a mere 120 Jade Falcons left alive. Khan Hazen was dead, and Clan Wolf was the ilClan. IlKhan Alaric Ward could have absorbed his shattered foes, but he offered to make Clan Jade Falcon his right hand instead.
>Clan Jade Falcon began a new journey to find its destiny as wild roots sprouted in the Falcon Occupation Zone. Ziyi Chistu was left behind in the attack on Terra, and when no further word from the Falcons on Terra came, he declared himself Khan of a more progressive Clan Jade Falcon. He defended his claim against the Hell's Horses on Sudeten and surrounding worlds. (cont. picrel)
also, apparently they're good guys now after space hitler-jesus died with all their evilness
>Sean: Jade Falcons have been the villains forever, and who doesn’t want to see a villain just get their final comeuppance?
Bryan: Well, my argument would be that they did when Cynthia killed Malvina. That villainy of the Jade Falcons sort of stopped there, because both Stephanie, the Khan of the Falcons on Terra, and Jiyi are really reckoning with where they were before and where Malvina took them, and neither of them wants to be there.
Kind of flies in the face of the bidding system, does it not?
>and who doesn’t want to see a villain just get their final comeuppance?
Their final comeuppance is yet due, delivered unto them by the righteous wrath of those they betrayed.
I mean like on campaign.
You run into the same issue: they'll just bid away their reinforcements, because the whole point is to get it done with the minimum.
Bidding will often remove some Stars from a Cluster but not all, leaving incomplete Binaries and Trinaries. If the bidding ends up leaving you with a Trinary and a Star, you might end up running them as an "augmented Trinary" rather than two Binaries. For a small-scale battle, you could even have individual Points removed from a Star.
I think your are mixed up somewhere. The Jenner D, which has the SRMs, is the default model. The one that strips the SRMs for more armor (7-F) and the one with a large laser (7-A) are older variants that weren't as successful.
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>D-do not presume I am doing this because I have developed feelings for you.
>I am merely doing this because you have proven yourself strong enough and honorable enough to warrant sexual attraction on my part.
>You understand it is not as though I wish for you to enjoy this, quiaff?
This isn't love. Stop getting excited. Stop it.
>2x8 points of damage instead of 15+10
>6 IS mpls

It's a good Mech, but it has a completely different role from the Falconer.
Actually, Joanna's is more

>D-do not presume I am doing this because I have developed feelings for you.
>I am merely doing this to remind you that I have complete power over you.
>You understand that whether or not you enjoy this doesn't even enter my mind, though if I think about it I guess I would prefer that you did not.
That makes sense. Fair enough.
well get a vindicator variant like st Ives blue, a Raven repose, and two chingchong mech names. I want an anubis.
>2x more expensive
>almost 3 tons less armor
>ammo dependent for half its arsenal
>no ams
>no Good Rep quirk
Penetrator isn't perfect, but Falconer comes with its own issues.
The Falconer isn't perfect, but it has a completely different role: it's designed as a sniper/long-range duelist to match the Clanners, while the Penetrator is a close-in brawler that also has some long-range ability (it can't even remotely fire its MPLs and ERLLs at the same time).
>Using contractions
Immersion lost
Maybe she gets off on using that forbidden speech while stepping on a student?
>Talk dirty to me.
>"You'd like that wouldn't you?"
I prefer the Cerberus 5M over the Penetrator even as I acknowledge that I'm paying like 500 bv more for a mech only slightly tougher, and with moderately more firepower. Headcapping potential from the gauss rifle is not insignificant, nor is the extra range from the ERPPC.
looks like the bots have started using gpt to solve captchas for them. I'm not looking forward to what's coming.
Huh that reminds me did the Clan Invasion kickstarter ever release the clan paint scheme guides like it promised?
>When the Thirty-third was originally founded during the Age of War the first Commanding Officer of the regiment was the graduating class Most Valuable Player of the Albion basketball team; that CO brought basketball to the Thirty-third as a sporting tradition, one that the CO of the newly reactivated Thirty-third, Colonel Walter Nellis, brought back despite knowing nothing about basketball. While not everyone in the regiment was required to be basketball fan, one of Nellis' decisions was to hire a professional basketball coach on behalf of the regiment so that the tradition would continue.
holy kerensky
typical cuckold spamming the report button, nothing more low testosterone.
are you hatamoto anon? if so, think you'll like this.
They did
>starting in 2023
How's the car, TransheeLord?
They got one for DA BEARS?
Yup. Distributors are going to put their shit out for retail sale no matter what CGL says. They don't care about the manufacturer's instructions. What is CGL going to do about it, not use a distribution network? This was foreordained from the moment CGL decided to try to market in non-LGS retail outlets.
>What is CGL going to do about it, not use a distribution network?
They shouldnt' have made any product at all.
better than your mental wellbeing, since you're so obsessed with me.

you have a car and i don't but since you seem to be so obsessed, how about you drive us out into the woods so we can have sweaty passionate faggot sex?
P.S. i hope you know how to give yourself an enema.
imagine blaming retail for a problem CGL is entirely behind and responsible for (3rd time)
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>thinking he's going to be the top
If CGL told them not to release until X date, and the distributor is doing it anyway, how, specifically, is that CGL's fault? Remember, there's only two real distributors for gaming material anymore, Alliance and Universal, and CGL has said that they will never use Alliance Distro again after getting fucked by them back around the time of the original Total Warfare book release. Explain what their alternative is.
As I understand it they tried to push back the retail date because of shipping delays and the retailers are just going to go with the original dates.
Did they try when the shipping delays started or did they try when people started to complain about them appearing in stores?
Am I retarded for buying stls I don't even like so that I can give them to a guy to have him chop shop them with other stls into something I find decent? It's the only way I've been able to get halfway decent stls for some mechs that don't have a lot of options.
That Grasshopper actually looks better than the standard 5H
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green birds
That is pretty cool. Shame I can't make use of it unless my opponent allows customs.
why is it custom? it's in the official cgl book^tm and not named unique variant
Not him but, requires editing of record sheets. What I find weird is they didn't stick those in the back of the book with the record sheets for refits and customs.
yeah hoping for the rs pdf like they do with the forcepacks
Those better be fucking sword-shaped hatchets.
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I like to think that a Kuritan "hatchet" could be one of those studded clubs you see bad guys wielding in historical/fantasy anime.
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Falcons. The best part about them is they encompass the full range of clannerdom. Extremely practical and cruel? Yep. Full retard and HONOR? Some of them that way too. They're the clannest clan in that everyone else is like "Jade Falcons but X" They're also the eternal Vegeta of the clans which is fun.
At what point can a Clan Mechwarrior pilot what he/she wants? Star Captain? Star Colonel? Also, when can he/she begin customizing their mech with Clan resources?
which category did aidan pryde fall?
>At what point can a Clan Mechwarrior pilot what he/she wants?
When you trial for it.

>Also, when can he/she begin customizing their mech with Clan resources?
When you have an omni, as soon as you have it. Keep in mind, clanners actually use omnis right by swapping loadouts all the time for different battle situations.

Customizing a IIC? That's Star Captain at least.
Both practical and cruel and full retard and honor
This >>93769859

Solid middle of the falcon curve.
any iic mech that performs better than the omni?
An example: in Redemption Rites, we see a cadet who's having his trial of position in a classic Timber Wolf, and it's a custom, starting with the D-Config but removing heat sinks and presumably some of the streak ammo to cram in a tarcomp. When questioned about it, he points out that he knew it'd be a trial with short fighting where accurate gunnery would probably carry the day, so of course he reconfigured it.

This is in 3151, and most of the commentary is about how it's not quite fair to make him fight his trial in an aging classic Timber Wolf when there are better machines available, but he's from the Ward bloodhouse, so he's being held to a higher standard than normal.
So changing mechs would be a Trial of Position? What if you get a mech shot out from under you? Would you be able to trial for a new mech then? I have to imagine having a mech shot out from under you and surviving would carry with it a certain amount of dishonor.
Join us at Lancaster!
No. Mechs are generally issued by your CO, which are issued by their CO, and so on. You don't get to swap for a whole new mech if one isn't available.
Trialing for a new mech is you beating the current pilot of the one you want in a circle of equals if they agree to the challenge. It's not a position thing. Occasionally, they'll get in a new shipment from Commiename Standard Plant 4 and the higher up may decide to hold a tourney for the new rides instead of just assigning them.
Could an individual Mechwarrior claim a salvage mech as isorla? Or is isorla considered the property of the Clan?
Highly optimized monsters like the Rifleman IIC 1, Mad IIC 1, and Clan Battlemechs like the Supernova, Viper 1 and Goshawk 1 are just brutal. They also don't have the omni tax.
>Could an individual Mechwarrior claim a salvage mech as isorla?

Yes, commonly. The exception would be if for the greater good of the clan, the scientist caste needed to study it because it had new tech or something.
IMO the Clans having/maintaining occupation zone inside the Inner Sphere (at least before they all packed up and moved in everything) is rubbish. I mean their numbers were not many to begin with, lost bunch of their warriors during the Invasion and Tukayyid; they would have needed to spread their warriors paper thin to defend against the Inner Sphere factions and the other clans. It wouldn't have been possible to put down revolts and shits with like five warriors or less stationed on one planet
There's a lot of stuff where the numbers don't add up and it's best not to think about. Exhaust gas leaves the Union class dropship's nozzles at seven times the speed of light. I've done the math.
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This is why Comstar was administering the takeover early in the war. You know how the current media in real life gaslights the hell out of people and censors the shit out of narratives they don't like? Imagine that with the power of Comstar.

By the time Operation Scorpion hit, they were firmly entrenched.

After that you actually see the clans retreat to reservations on their OZ worlds into the DA to maintain their cultural integrity. They just wave their guns at the locals and don't really interact much. It's not until the late-DA they really start ramping up clannerfying their OZ's into castes like the old days.

Except the Falcons. They never stopped, because *FALCON SCREEECHING
Thank you and the other guy for patiently explaining the finer intracacies of Mechwarrior culture among the Clans. The last thing I'll ask is: are certain types of mechs considered more prestigious than others? Naturally Omnimechs are preferred, but are Assault mechs considered more prestigious than Lights? Is a Star Captain more likely to be seen in a Heavy or an Assault, and a rookie in a Light or Medium?
nta but that really falls to pilot preference
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Chassis like the Orion IIC are much beloved for being connected to Kerensky a fact much undermined by the retcon of also having him drive an Atlas and an Atlas II

Weights are more tied to fighting style, but the big boys usually use bigger scarier machines just for the practicality. When you're getting in your 50's like the average khan, you need to tip the scales a little in your favor against the youngbloods trialing you and on the battlefield.
Pussy in Bio
Hey, click this totally pertinent link
Hey, this file is totally related. Just save it and execute it from your harddrive
well prove me wrong, cause for now i'm your bubba
You're wrong. There, proven. No go back to soc
>clanners actually use omnis right by swapping loadouts all the time for different battle situations
>this is a unique situation, I'm going to need a niche loadout for this one
>this calls for four large pulse lasers and a targeting computer
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bro CGL is fully intent on fucking everyone over, have you learned nothing from the past 2 KS's and now the state tax scams, shipping price scams, poorer than a homeless person in quality control, shitty heavily plagiarized cookbook, B&N exclusives, banning or blocking everyone who criticized the KS's, massive shipping delays even though cheap easily mass producable chinesium product, canceling people's orders with no refunds and pretending the backer canceled and they don't know where the money went, and now mysteriously they're having the SAME distributor issues and i bet they'll play stupid too.
100% all CGL's fault
self admitting to being the soc pedo again, what a sad life you live.
At least it's not.
Don't you have a batchall to be cowering in fear of?
>pulse with targeting computer.
you won't recieve targeting comp benefits for pulse lasers.
We already know you are, why are you admitting to it again?
You do. You just can't use them for aimed shots.
>>this calls for four large pulse lasers and a targeting computer

You rang?
shit bait, didn't know you were a pajeet
why do freaking computers weigh multiple tons? do they use eniac or something?
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what the fuck even? that's a bit overpowering to have a -3
Let's all remember that bussy was openly simping over NEA over on a porn board a few months ago.
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nobody clans harder than smoke jaguar, they died from clanning so hard
>shit bait
>gets a response

Not really shit bait if you respond like a tard
You need to realize that the Jihad was "written" to justify the Dark Age, so the WoB needed to conjure divisions out of thin air, go full schizotech and break everyone's teeth before getting killed by the New Messiah, Devlin Stone. The plot was needed to justify the reset.
Who knows what FASA originally planned for the WoBbies: probably a speedbump for Protagonist Factions like Fochstar and the Dragoons. One can't deny that the Jihad is stupid: but all of Btech's plotlines are completely retarded and the Jihad at least gave us Blake memes and probably one of the most peculiar factions of the setting. Furthermore in recent years they went a bit deeper with how the WoB and the MD saw themselves: essentially their entire plan is a fucking anime-tier "If I can't lead the genocide crusade against the Clan I'll become Evil itself and force people to be tired of war" with a sound martyrdom complex.
>inb4 bussy makes any number of excuses and/or insults towards the anon
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targeting computers are supersized 80'stech mainframe computers
I'd love to post the image itself, but archived.moe only saved the thumbnail and I don't know any other way to track down the file.
>Not clanning so hard you die on Earth contesting for ilClan instead of cowering in the Kluster as they beat your door in.
It's also all the servo upgrades for the weapon tracking.
Playing in megamek has convinced me I'm retarded and I don't know how to customize mechs effectively.
It's kind of a mix of rarity, per-chassis prestige, personal preference and the clan's cultural preferences. Plus Clanners do a lot of post-hoc justification for their mechs, because they're Clanners and therefore delusional psychos by default.
If you have the New Hot Shit, then clearly you are also Hot Shit by extension. Just be prepared to constantly fend off Trials for it. Something big that puts massive hurt downrange means more kills and more glory. Something fast and lighter-weight means you can skill on Jaggots and get more glory. Totem mechs mean you're an example to the rest of the Clan (and it's in bad taste to Trial for a totem, or a recent personal gift). Isorla is proof in the metal that you won a great victory, and therefore glorious in its own way. Individual Clans have their own priorites: Hellions think anything that walks slower than 70KPH is for fags, Wolves like fast flexible designs, Jags and Falcons want all guns no brakes, Spirits will take anything as long as they can pilot it, Scorpions like a chassis that has some individual history on it and sniping, Bears like tough gear.
The stuff no-one wants is artillery, anti-vehicle units, badly outdated units, or specific shit with a bad rep like the Hunchback IIC. Getting sent a Hunchie might as well be your Khan telling you "KYS, quiaff?".
Say you haven't read any of the lore without saying it outright.
>all guns no brakes
Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful gifttake.
>Hey, can you just hold these in your storeroom for like, 2-6 months? Not like your storage space is limited or this is our fault or anything, but, you know, could you please do that?
if your retarded aggression and pointless belligerence isn't so frequent and severe that you've effectively killed yourself by making everyone your enemy and putting yourself in an absolutely untenable strategic situation, you are not a real clan
the jade falcons occasionally took a break from being comically evil to be "practical" and "pragmatic" and "not 100% retarded", and that just makes them pussies
>Namefag doesn't even know the rules of the game
Lots of the lore has infantry firing inferno SRMs for some reason but is there even a way to do that on the table top?
Yeah, I think it's in the TechManual.
No, that's the guy from the Akira anime movie.

You're thinking of a Testudo.
How is your Awesome only needing to roll a 1 to hit?
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Positions not final, but I got the DropShips painted for the map. We start Monday
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Damn, imagine an Elemental and an Aerospace having sex
He pulled out a dishonorable trick like upgrading the pilot to a 0 gunner or giving him weapon specialist PPC or something similar. Did you actually think he was going to be fair?
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I had to immortalize this.

Pretty easy to imagine. The Elemental offers her another hit of meth, and there you go.
>whoever this artist is should be shot, I'd rather have no art than this shit
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>Elemental only 6'5"

What an absolute manlettmental. He might even be shorter than Santin West.
Wow, according to the maps in the Battletech Universe, after the Aurigan Coalation got fucked ~2028 nobody ever touched that area, remaining as an empty no mans land for 100+ years til 3151 as if that space is cursed
But even then the shots would have to be at short range, without having moved, with your target not having moved, and there being no intervening terrain or defending terrain.
Likely the same as the Outworlds Wastes, dying worlds and minor backward colonies with no native industry not important enough to remain on a map. Who the fuck is publishing the maps in universe now, too? It was always the Comstar Cartographic Corps, but now CGL is handing off everything to clanners.
Yep. It's the giant joke of them becoming canon.
Indeed. The takeaway is that anon is making a dishonest argument, and therefore fabricated a dishonest test in order to "prove" that his point is correct.
You see its vitally important to not disrupt the existing lore. Saying "these people were also here, just offscreen the whole time" would be much more disruptive than implying tens of billions of people died or moved several jumps in complete silence sometime during the 4th succession war.
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Yes, back when HBS had people who cared about the lore they made sure they picked an area of space where absolutely nothing happens to avoid continuity issues.
Back then they wanted to make it the first ever canon video game.
But after a few layoffs and questionable publishing decisions they took a hard turn to retard street and we got Heavy Metal that was sonic OC fanfic levels of stupidity.
To be fair I think only variants 7 and 9 have targeting computers and neither mount CLPL, but pulse lasers offer twice the accuracy bonus on their own anyway. How the hell did Clan L-Pulses turn out the way they did, casually and totally outranging PPCs?
ComStar's assets were broken up and sold when they went bankrupt, looks like IE bought up the map division.
>ComStar's assets were broken up and sold when they went bankrupt

They were still limping along last I checked. Only the FWL division fell apart.
Several of the businesses that used to be part of ComStar retained the ComStar name for branding, but no, they went fully bankrupt when their revenue stream disappeared overnight Gray Monday
what was heavy metal about again? i forgot. what was so stupid or lorebreaking about it?
There's a whole bunch of minor periphery realms and worlds normally left off the maps (usually in the deep periphery, but about half of the SL-era Outworlds Alliance also just vanishes off the map during the succ wars). It's mentioned that Comstar regularly removed worlds that saw next to no traffic and weren't part of some interstellar state from their publically available starcharts (i.e. the maps we usually see, since most BT sourcebooks are presented as in-universe publications). They also used that as cover for removing worlds they didn't want people to stumble upon, like sites of SLDF caches or Comstar's hidden worlds.
>they went fully bankrupt when their revenue stream disappeared overnight Gray Monday

Nah man. I've read the novels and books up through 3150. They were bleeding money but still trucking along fine in 3135 when the wall went up. That divided Comstar in 2. The headquarters for most of the IS became Calison when they lost contact with Terra and a bunch of the 1st Circuit. Then they kept trucking into the 3140's getting more desperate. The only HPG factories were in Australia and on Mars and they couldn't solve the Clarion Call problem. The Foxes showed up with their actual Khan and warfleet and conquered Tukayyid sometime in the 3140's but we never got that story. Calison fell when the wolves hit the place.. The Lyrans were putting money into keeping the Steiner division afloat even as they were double-teamed by wolves and falcons. Cappies were starting to hang some adepts in the streets. FWL division got a "hostile takeover" which doesn't make sense as Comstar is not publicly-traded. They were doing okay in Davion and Kurita space IIRC. The Davions mostly because they only did contract maintenance on the HPG's there since Hanse nationalized them.

Really, the fall of Comstar doesn't make much sense as it assumes all their other endeavors, of which there are a shit ton, were never profitable to begin with.

Now, there are a couple things that they've kinda fucked. Originally, Gray Monday wiped out 95% of HPG's and they've since retconned it to 80% which makes shit make less sense.

So I'm asking where's the reciepts on what's happened between 3151-3152?
Basically there's a lost wolverine jumpship/dropship (it's kind of unclear) that has lots of experimental tech on it. Three parties end up fighting for it: the black widow company, the bounty hunter, and the player character's lance, in the employ of a star league era sentient AI that wants to find the SLDF to get further orders.
In no particular order:
-Clans in rimward periphery
-Weapons that do not exist
-A jumpship than can land on planets
-A real artificial intelligence smarter than the SDS system that protected Terra
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>Starting in the 3140s, users increasingly referred to the Sea Fox Credit as the "Sea-bill." Attempts to enforce the proper terminology failed, and Sea Fox merchants have slowly adopted it, adapting to customer demand.
Did we ever get a record sheet for Archer Christifori's Penetrator?
im getting the IS urban lance to use for a davion lance,whats a good introtech variant of the victor that i can use?
Lol. Lmao even. In introtech, your best bet is the 9B. Just understand that the Victor isn't an assault mech, or even a heavy. It's a Hunchback that happens to be able to jump.
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1st FWG, my force for the campaign. Not pictured are a Hermes II, Maxim, and Assassin that will arrive with my kickstarter.

The Shadow Hawk's AC5 is getting yanked for a Blazer once I get the chance. Should be wild.
>that pic
top kek
based Sea Foxes
Let me get a car sorted, and I will
Funnily enough the term "C-bill" has referrer to 3 completely different currencies depending on the timeline. The Star League dollar was nicknamed the C-bill, after House Cameron, in the same way the FWL eagle is often called the M-bill or the Drac ryu the K-bill. Then there's of course the Comstar letter of credit, and when the Sea Foxes take over management of hyperspace communications from C* people star calling their credit the "sea-bill" as a pun on C-bill.
Obviously it's so the writers can list the price of everything in C-bills regardless of the era.
Diamond Sharks*
What is it with namefags not having cars? You don't, bussy doesn't, bottom I think mentioned not having one...
>Really, the fall of Comstar doesn't make much sense as it assumes all their other endeavors, of which there are a shit ton, were never profitable to begin with.
They hopefully weren't staffed with stable geniuses and rising sons who could fail to profit from operating all interstellar financial services, being one of the main provider of business credit for probably at least half of all planets in the sphere and being the only institution with the ability to enforce contracts between businesses operating in different succ states.
It's a lot easier not having a car as a brit. I am pretty sure kraken's one of us.
Some places having a car isn't a necessity because public transportation is that good. Unfortunately that rules out 95% of the entirety of the US.
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>kek overload achieved.
NEA's cute face, or bussy's simppost?
Madcat pilot could have been KO'd so the awesome had -4 for immobile target.

4 gunnery, awesome stood still, short range, madcat got knocked out and fell over so prone non-adjacent penalty, that's a 1 to hit. Not saying that's absolutely what happened, but it's a possibility.
>then you add an interface cockpit
By land area maybe, but not by population. Pretty much every major city north of the Mason-Dixon line has good public transit and a walkable downtown. I've lived in Boston, NYC, and San Fran all without having a car, and visited DC, Montreal, and London and Chicago never felt like I would need a car. Miami, Newport News and Houston all were public transit nightmares though.

It's one of those things I wish we got more of in Battletech. We should see Star League megaprojects that include interconnected rail networks that link up entire planets with maglev supersonic trains. Maybe only a few of them survive the nuclear fire of the succession wars, but stuff like that should still exist in a few places.
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Remember that the true terror of operating around buildings in a libertarian setting isn't pavement - it's the septic tanks not rated to carry mechs.
It's like a hidden basement but worse.
Clan gear was a full upgrade across the board from Star League tech which was a full upgrade from Succession War tech. It was meant to be plain better. No balance, just full advancement.

This trend tapers off later when they get into the sidegrade city of the 3050's+. In the old days, something like a DA experimental Hyper Laser with a RISC Pulse Module would be the standard next gen weapon without exploding.

The correct terms are Sharts and Space Jews.
Houston is a general transit nightmare. I still have sunblister scars on my arm from getting stuck on the loop for 5 hours back in 2019.
I tell you I think the clans slowly taking over every aspect of battletech and the unique factions like comstar abd the word getting axed has to be my favorite part of the setting
As >>93771396 said I'm British, and for years had no need of one, it was easier to walk or use public transport, cheaper too (i walk a lot). Times change though, I'm hoping to have one by next summer, preferably earlier.

Biggest interstellar bank.
Biggest merchant fleet in the IS.
Biggest provider of local extranet and cellular service.
Biggest realtor.
Biggest book publisher.
Biggest news network.
Biggest entertainment distributor.

Somehow doesn't make money...
Sea Foxes getting Comstarred in time for the Wobbies to come back.
"The robes are worse than the clans." is the single greatest fuckup in the Battletech timeline, and I would duel you over it.
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>Just one more lane, come on bro, I need my fix. Just give me another lane and that will solve traffic.

I swear by the time those Texastards figure out that induced demand is a thing, they won't have a city left, just infinite highways and endless parking lots.
>Bloodhouse Bioweapons from the Jihad perfected after 80 years of research in the Deep

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Gentlemen, I give you a less than honorable, but very Ghost Bear totem-ish mech... the Cocaine Bear.

Sporting a few choice pieces of Spheroid technology to enable brutal maulings at extremely high speeds like the 70 ton Protomech you always wanted to be, you too can bull rush and trample nearly anything you want while remaining intact enough to get back up and do it again to the barbarian's lancemates in a few moments.

Terrain will not stop Cocaine Bear, and those cowards who run away (probably all of them), get to recieve knockdown checks at 25 hexes anyway. Whereupon you maul them once they've fallen over. And then set them, their gear, their military bases, and their loved ones, on fire.

Cause fuck em. Bear time.
Just wait until they start building highways underground, like the downtown underground but with cars.
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If I use some Testor’s Dullcote to seal my minis, will it make it harder to go back and base them later? Or should I only seal after basing?

Locust and Thunderbolt I just finished today.
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>no aerospace waifu to bend into a pretzel every night
>We should see Star League megaprojects that include interconnected rail networks that link up entire planets with maglev supersonic trains. Maybe only a few of them survive the nuclear fire of the succession wars, but stuff like that should still exist in a few places.

Those do actually exist, regular bullet trains, land trains without tracks and also flying cities and walkable space colonies. Novels usually don't get in the weeds about the non-garden worlds but they are a plurality.
Dullcote works pretty good on scenery. I always use it as the last step.
There is no such thing as induced demand, anon. The road isn't inducing the demand, the demand was already there all along. The apparent phenomenon of traffic increasing as you add more lanes just means that the previous infrastructure fell so far short of what's needed that people were literally staying home just to avoid the misery of the overcrowded road. As you add more capacity, more people can travel before that critical point is reached where they'd rather stay home than get stuck in traffic.

But the total number of people in a city is finite, as is the total maximum number of trips they'd make in a traffic-free environment. With that in mind, it is absolutely possible to build big enough to get past the point of "induced demand." What we need to do is add a second layer to the whole highway, doubling capacity all at once.
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>70 ton, 13 hex charge with SPIKES.
It was tricky choosing between size, efficiency, and especially crit space (cause holy fuck impact resistant armor on a quad with talons eats it up quickly), but I think it came out well. Of course, I wanted it to be an 80 tonner, but the math just didn't work out right to include LARP gear like talons representing bear claws for a quad. I'm not 100% sure how the rules for Spikes and Impact Armor work together, but taking 66% damage from a charge, meaning 7 damage if you charge a 100 tonner, further reduced by 4 for the spikes to 3, is pretty great when you're dishing out theoretically 91 damage + a few more for spikes on a charge.
I've don't recall the Star League Dollar being called the "C-Bill", where's the source on that?
Not him but I would guess one of the 2011 Year of the Star League retcons.
If that was the case, the roads would fill up immediately after massive widening projects like the one that gave us the monstrosity I posted above. But that's not what happens. It takes about 6 months before a road like that fills up because people aren't just static, they change their patterns. Where they live, and where they work are all subject to perceived availability of transit. That's what induced demand is. They've done this like 5 times now in Houston and every time its exactly the same. The extra lanes "solve" traffic for about six months before the pattern is full again.

The neat thing is that it also works in reverse, where if you cut down on car lanes and add public transit like dedicated bus and bike lanes and rail, people swap over to that instead, and you end up with cleaner cities that are more livable and healthy because there's massively less air pollution.

In Battletech the air pollution bit isn't quite the same due to so many things running on fusion engines, but the rest should hold true, especially on major industrialized planets like New Avalon or Irian or Sian or wherever, and while the military industrial complex would demand roads wide enough to march mechs down, the advanced tech of Battletech would allow for trains that put Japan to shame while also still allowing for the anachronistic tech of the periphery backwater worlds where you ride your horse to catch the dropship to fly to space.

You also wind up with a cool set of things like fusion torches make hypersonic suborbital hops viable, so commuting across the entire planet in under an hour to go to work is entirely possible. It's not practical, but if you're the Duke's 3rd son or whatever and want to live in your private mansion out on your private tropical paradise island and take your dropship to "work" at your father's palace, it's entirely possible to do.
I wish we got more fanart with such a attention to details on the mechs.
You can always get that from Midjourney.
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you say that, but I'm wondering how she got down out of it and how she plans to get back up. This isn't exactly one of the MWO models where the ladder rungs go all the way up, they in fact seem to be randomly placed with no consideration for climbing at all, nor is there a rope ladder like in pircrel, and there certainly isn't an escalator up to the cockpit like the Awesome in the cartoon.
>how she got down out of it and how she plans to get back up
Flash Step. The japanese faction can do that.
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Of course, now that I post this and look at it again, I realize that the ladder on the hunchback doesn't actually connect to the cockpit hatch, so he can't get down safely from the cockpit to the ladder either.
You can paint over varnish. You'll need to apply another coat of varnish over that additional layer however.
new thread? new thread!

But we can make the pronouns of our Mechwarriors be "THEY". Think of how important that is to the setting. Truly that's what really mattered about the game.
I haven't looked into much of the lore beyond the Fedcom civil war yet. Just picking up bits and pieces of it through osmosis of coming here really.
What is Gray Monday?
Okay, but these are all extraordinary circumstances. People tend not to gloss over when enemy targets go immobile. It's a big moment in a battle that usually marks a unit's imminent demise.
Likewise, short range slugouts where both sides stand in the open and neither side move, don't really happen. This is something that anyone who has played a single game of Battletech would pick up on.
I hate cities so much. Why would anyone ever want to live in one? They're absolutely awful. I hate it when I even have to drive in to small cities. People that live in them for too long also seem to all go insane. We weren't meant to live like that.
[queue terrible CGI of mechs missing 65% of shots]
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anon fag probably doesn't know about rule34 of total warfare
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forgot i had this.
>rage bait.
>gets no rage.
durr duh bate still tooken durr so good nate doyyyy.
you didn't even go to trollschool and it shows
if infantry can climb up a moving mech to slap satchel charges in the knees then clearly a mechwarrior can easily slide down the smoothest facing possible to then climb down a shitty chain and bar ladder that in no way swings around or is a bitch to get good footing on
is the blackjack really listed as uncommon in the davion FM? I thought they were one of THE feddie mechs
you'd genuinely be surprised at what the writers have deemed to be uncommon for great houses

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