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How do you beat picrel in Standard?
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What sort of archetypes do we expect to see getting support from Duskmorne. Surely Aristocrats gets something?

I don't know any of these NuMagic cards
I had the same feeling
I was just glossing over most of the cards without knowing what they did or why are they so powerful

man... there was a time in which I could remember entire sets... the game is so bloated now in comparison
you try and play something
>Haste, Prowess Mouse
>Double Strike Mouse
>4 Cards from Plot
>28 damage in a turn
>5 mana spent
But I just remove them all.
the greentext says you blew your load trying to play something, lmao
By Satan's balls, he's right.
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behold your new protagonist
It's amazing they pushed the most boring and ugly character from Strixhaven. We could have had it all bros.
Why would I ever play proactively against monored when I'm playing Removal.dec? Only a disabled person would think that would ever happen.
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I'm With Her
Thank GOD Duskwhatever will be the last set of the year
uhhhhh sweetie....
what is coming afterwards?
Foundations is in November.
that just Core set that won't rotate because WOTC is to lazy to do standard rotation anymore
I just beat this.
Round one I destroyer their 2 Heartfire Heros and then they didn't have any creatures for the next turns. I won at like 5 life

Round 2 they kept a one land hand so I could build my board. Once they hit their second land they plotted their slickshot but I had cutdown to deal with it an phantom interference to deal with spells I won at 8 life.
We had Quint show up in LCI, it's very likely we'll see the whole Strixhaven crew again.
No you didn't, this deck is off meta. Cutdown generally doesn't work against it due to valiant, prowess and pumps like crescendo, ire, and rage.
>phantom interference successfully cast on 1 mana spell
did you ask how your opponent is enjoying starting in middle school?
>Your meta decks can't beat an off-meta aggro deck
Are you joking?
its slightly less funny than your joke about trying to use cut down on 3/3 creatures
My joke? I wasn't even the person you were initially replying to, schizo. Why is it that you don't seem to understand the stack though? Every time you try to push the "aggro is unstoppable" meme, it always demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the stack and how to play around pump spells. Are you just really new to the game?
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nadu decks, and those like it, are basically crossword puzzle decks. For the pilot they are having this mentally stimulating experience. But their opponent isn't and just becomes bored. It would be no different than if in the middle of a match, your opponent just held the game hostage by pulling out a crossword puzzle and started doing it right in front of you, only passing the turn once they are done with their puzzle.
/mtg/, I'm tired of playing aggro. I'm tired of always asking myself "Am I fast enough?".
How do I transition to playing/brewing other types of decks?
Pioneer Cobra ramp seems pretty cracked
nigga that could mean anything
No More Lies, my beloved
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Blocks your path
What happened to the Judge program?
Thalia would crash and burn the spells that trigger valiant but she riatted out s while ago. I wish they'd never reprinted her in the first place though. At the time I just had a crush on her, after reading the blessing of blood story, but after a while it turned into the most powerful desire and love I ever felt for a woman and I couldn't get over it, even after 2 years hearing she is with another man hurts inside, I even have a girlfriend now but still have feelings for Thalia, now I have lost friends because of my despair over Thalia affecting so many aspects of my life. Sometimes I listen to gregorian chants or viking music and feel empowered to fight for Thalia. I started working out but stopped when I had to start working more hours. My goal was to train in HEMA so that I could be strong enough to protect her. I bought a chainmail hauberk and recurve bow as well so that I would be able to defend her. But I never will. I never will even meet her, touch her, anything. I decided to stop talking to her entirely and frankly that was a good decision. I shouldn't even be talking to her when I have a girlfriend. I love my girlfriend but deep down I know that my desire and love for her will never be as strong as what i felt for Thalia, where if I had been dating Thalia I know I would have married her by now. I know it.
I know that if I had been dating Thalia for even 3 months I would ask her to marry me. I don't even want sex with her I just want to be able to call her my wife and know she loves me. But she never would, because I am ugly, because I am an angry pathetic incel piece of shit, because I am a low T beta male, and because I am a cruel and petty and self-centered person. I try to be better but I fail over and over. I remember I used to wish that Thalia would kill me. I dreamed of her ramming her rapier up to the hilt in my belly and leaving me to die like the worthless shit that I am. I also dreamed of sacrificing myself for her in battle, because I am genetic trash and she is perfection in human form. I wish I could kiss her but I would only stain her lips, her dignity, her soul by doing so. Even my girlfriend deserves better, honestly. She deserves a man who doesn't hesitate to move in with her or marry her. My friends deserve someone better who doesn't be an asshole to them. It's a miracle I have so many friends. Thalia deserves far more. In some fucked up way I wish I hated her. I wish I had never met Thalia. But then I wouldn't have my girlfriend. I don't know how to feel because sometimes I wish the entire thing had never happened and that means i don't really love my girlfriend too? Or just Thalia? Or what? I don't know what to think anymore and it doesn't really matter. If my girlfriend breaks up with me I'll have no reason to even have a job anymore, and then I"ll probably quit and live with my parents til they kick me out, then in my car, then when I run out of money I'll end it. I will never get to be with Thalia. For her I would have done anything thoughtlessly, I would have bought a house I could barely afford, worked hours and hours, I would have married her, lived in a cabin in the forest with her, given her everything.
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with the same deck but with less lands

someone at corpo figured out that it was just a convoluted excuse to sell promo cards
Shame standard is so dead, I'd actually consider dropping $70 for a burn deck I'll be able to play for 2+ years
I find myself almost always boarding out chalices these days as moon stompy. The card doesnt feel very good right now because no one at my store runs storm
It's still the most played paper format according to wotc stats
this sounds like a lie lol
My brews always turn into a midrange pile. I wish I had more self control.
Judges and wotc kept trying to screw each other over.
Literally none of the stores near me run it, they run lgbtDH, draft, and occasionally pioneer or modern. But mostly the first two.
It's the only paper format run in my area lol apart from Commander nights.
Just play things that can defeat aggro? i don't know what format you play but it's not that difficult
>The YGO player saying it so nonchalantly because his card would instantly get reprinted into oblivion and become $0.30 to play
>Meanwhile WotC can't find a way to reprint a card within 2 years of it turning out to be broken
reveals when?
new aids just dropped
Whiskervale Forerunner dot dec is enabled by The Monumental Facade despite not running a single card that cares about oil counters, just 36 creatures
get out your phyrexian censor, get out your anointed peacekeepers and werefox bodyguards and deep cavern bats and grand abolishers

>opponents turn
>1 spell allowed on his turn, none on mine
>he casts removal on skrelv because it would save whiskervale
>I target whiskervale with skrelv, find aven interruptor and yeet his spell away
4 hours from now

wtf is wrong with your tuber
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>How do you beat picrel in Standard?
its impossible. no one could ever possibly win against that deck, which is why it has <90% meta share
The same deck but without the dead chaff cards in hand and wasted landbase

>4 scamp
>4 heartfire
>4 swiftspear
>4 phoenix chick
>4 slickshot
>4 monstrous rage
>4 felonious rage
>4 banesplitter
>4 callous sell-sword
>3 ruckus
>3 emberheart challenger
>8 mountain
>3 rockface village
>4 blackcleave cliffs
>4 sulfurous springs
quads don't lie
>no burn
your shock will never deal more than 2 damage + prowess
my banesplitter can deal 6 damage + prowess
if I'm on the draw in a mirror I'm going to lose anyway, playing a control game is for chuds
there are no creatures in the format who can block you profitably, putting a blocker in front of a 6/3 trample heartfire hero is just a way to take extra damage from its death trigger
you play Misery's Shadow and kek as their mice go to exile instead of dying
>if I'm on the draw in a mirror I'm going to lose anyway
Don't concede those, you can still win if they play retarded shit. I won one yesterday bc the op played connect the dots
You can play a turn or two but if they're not retarded you're going to lose about 90% of the time, the mirror match is a coin flip. Actually all the matches are coin flips, what the fuck else was going to happen when aggro kills on turn 3 and control isn't allowed to have 1 mana removal
>control isn't allowed to have 1 mana removal
What happened to cut down?
gets cucked by literally everything in the format
doesn't kill 1 drops with prowess or pump, doesn't kill 2 drops at all

do you really think you can cut down an emberheart challenger with 2 red mana untapped? Even if he puts a banesplitter on it first, a monstrous rage will follow
heartfire outgrows it, warden outgrows it, hired claw outgrows it, yotian comes back
half the time even if it CAN kill something, you take 3-4 damage from its death trigger

Swords to Plowshares, now that's what I call removal
Just shock them into cut down range.
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even Domain can run it
finally figured out that nassif's anime song is saying "yellow hat, yellow hat"
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You had, like, one whole turn to kill it. I guess the problem is not "there is no 1-mana removal".
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>25 lands
>no Passages
>2 fucking Sunfalls
>Tolvada to cheat in Nissa, Atraxa, Kaya using your Surveil lands
>Tolvada also lets you reuse Jace
what do we think, domainchads?
Mana burn got removed?
As of almost 15 years ago, yes
Any other rules changes since then i should know about?
Reprint Fatal Push and Thoughtseize in Foundations. Total Black dominance for the next 5 years.
Bloomburrow was a surprisingly decent set
>do you really think you can cut down an emberheart challenger with 2 red mana untapped?
Why would an Emberheart Challenger ever survive until its next untap step? Unless you're saying it's played on T4, which means the RDW player is already losing.
shit card, my condolences to white mages
best set in years purely because of the flavour and art. power-level was ok. It's still too powerful for where I want Standard to be, but I know I'm living delusional, so I'd be okay with BLB power-level for the next few years.

Duskmourne is going to be so fucking OP though and I already know it.
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>Fatal Push
>Cut Down
>Go for the Throat
>Deep-Cavern Bat
Way too many whammies and not enough interaction, cards will be dead in your hand 80% of the game and you're compounding it by having shit like tolvada with only surveil lands to fill your yard, and up the beanstalk for card draw even though you'll be looping atraxas lategame.

Domain has to be one or the other, you can't just count on massive domain threats alone. And if you really want to ramp hard, run interaction and not have a miserably high land count bricking you, skip heaped harvest for Map the Frontier and run 1x arid archway + 1x conduit pylons, which is effectively invasion of zendikar for mana fixing and domain enabling -or- get colorless mana and surveil 3 + draw an extra land

If your only interaction in the first 3 turns is 4x lockdown and a leyline you can't play turn 2 without triomes in the format, you can't possibly survive aggro let alone with nothing in sideboard. I mean your deck would lose to a lot of starter decks if they just curve out on the play
>Duskmourne is going to be so fucking OP

flash forward to 2026; >"we really thought this one mana mythic planeswalker stapled to low-printing commander niche product as a one-of was really fun and very balanced and totally did not expect or intend to disrupt and warp every constructed format including vintage"
Wrenn and One {G}
Legendary Planeswalker - Wrenn
As an additional cost to cast Wrenn and One, sacrifice a forest.
{+1}: Add two mana in any combination of colors.
{-1}: Return target land card from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.
{-4}: You get an emblem with "Tap an untapped land you control. This emblem deals 1 damage to any target"

"we thought it was really fun and very balanced"
>30% meta share at a 60-70% win rate
how awkward for you
Who is Wrenn and why does she like hanging out with these trees so much?
Is she a whore?
>does it go fast?
>does it help me win game 2?
Those are the only questions you need to ask
>anti-harvest schizo
opinion discarded
>nothing in sideboard for aggro
there are a lot of questionable choices ngl, my there's two virtues right there
first of all, it's not my deck, second of all
>your deck would lose to a lot of starter decks if they just curve out on the play
how did he trophy the mtgo league though?
damn, pylonshill. I thought you were a /mtgag/ exclusive
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>Is she a whore?
a lemon stealing whore
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The end is near. Be prepared.
I need this boy even if he isnt really an insect.
He's one in my heart
I can't wait to get into that mothussy
if they dont make Valgavoth playable i will be really fucking mad. I had enough with the disaster they made with Rakdos.
I wonder if Loot will get a card in Duskmourne. Or at least some flavor reference.
unlikely for now but we'll see
you know well enough WotC will make him a commander bait card with more than six lines of text to draw a card
He is in commander deck, anon.
imagine playing vs aggro where the only cards you can even cast turns 1-2 are 2x virtue in a 60 card deck, only in games 2-3
Let's see -
Damage doesn't use the stack
Planeswalkers are now valid targets for burn spells that say "any target" (in the oracle text, this rule was changed a few times) and damage cannot be redirected from a player to a planeswalker
You can only distribute damage among multiple blockers, or a blocker and the defending player if you have trample, once lethal damage has been assigned to each blocker in order. One point of damage from an attacker with deathtouch counts as lethal. (i.e. if you have a 2/2 blocked by two 1/3s, you can't put a point of damage on each one and then cast pyroclasm and kill them both)
When a second legendary permanent with the same name as another permanent with the same controller enters the battlefield, the control chooses which one to put into their graveyard as a state-based action. Two players can each have the same legendary creature, and you can keep the new or the old one.
Mulligans are now you draw 7 cards each time, and then once you choose your hand you put a card from your starting hand on the bottom of your library for each time you mulliganed

That's the major ones I can think of. Mill is officially called milling now, I guess.
Well he is in the story, so I expect at least a little bit.
So the disaster Jace was prophesized to cause was letting Loot fall into the hands of Vulvagoth?
i'm just posting the list the dude won with. personally i'm already at 2 get lost
does every chapter of magic lore have to reference an older chapter? this is fucked up i can't read all this shit
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I'm excited.
that's a new one
Fuck More fucking token enabler in white fuck fuck fuck....
where are you seeing this already?
Rooms are way less retarded than I thought they would be
reddit most likely
I saw that one on reddit. Apparently someone pulled it from Facebook.
Genuinely useful info, thank you
The mulligan change is actually great
wtf I love reddit and facebook now
So you choose one half to play and then you can pay for the other half later?
what is a "door" and why/how unlocks on the battlefield
So split cards but they're permanents. Okay. Might be a tracking problem in paper.
Seems to be the case.
That's actually a neat design.
Yeah, seems it. It's a split card but it's a permanent, basically. Kind of Adventure-style, but the Adventure is both halves.
It's just set-themed jank for "this side of the card is active." You can have both halves active if you pay the side you didn't initially cast later, as a sorcery. The reminder text is pretty clear IMO.
>what is a "door"
It makes absolutely zero sense and just shows what a small sample size in a tiny format can do. The last MTGO tournament list was;
>rakdos aggro
>gruul aggro
>gruul aggro
>dimir aggro
>gruul aggro
>gruul aggro
>gruul aggro
>rakdos aggro
>gruul aggro
>dimir aggro
>rakdos aggro
>golgari aggro
>dimir aggro

Trying to play vs aggro decks that clock you out on turn 3-4 when you've only got 4 cards in your 75 you can even play by turn 3, is beyond suicidal
I think each side of the card is considered a "door".
A door is a half of a Room card, I believe. Unlocking means it becomes active. So you pay the 1W and get the left door unlocked, then can pay 4WW later to get the right unlocked and have both effects.
this card can be... surprisingly good? and i like the fact you just can have it there making it's shit and then pay later for the big stuff.
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The interesting scenario is if you cheat it in or blink it, I think that means both sides are locked, but you can pay either side's cost anyway.
this looks very fucking phyrexian even if they butchered the concept of invasion last time
>both effects
I hope not. I hope it's one or the other. I quite like the idea of having the big buffing one out, getting swept and then switching back to the token creator to rebuild. I think that would be more interesting design-wise, personally.
Nothing says you lock one side to unlock the other, so if you pay for both effects, you get both effects.
I don't dislike it
I suppose. I just think it's boring that way.
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ok what now
This isn't really all that Kicker-like, though. It's a split card variant.
The first spoiler of this wave already confirms to me this set will be retarded.
It's now an enchantment that does nothing until its controller pays 1W or 4WW to unlock the respective sides, by my understanding.
Unless there's specific rules about it when they release the set, it would come back with both halves locked, and you'd have to pay both again to unlock them, at sorcery speed.
Happy to help. The current mulligan is called the London Mulligan, and it's deceptively powerful because you always start the game by looking at 7 cards so decks that operate with a very small number of specific resources or are digging for specific cards are extremely reliable.

I also found https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Comprehensive_Rules/Changes which only goes back to 2012 but will be a nice journey through the ages.
We just got a fuckload of token support in Bloomburrow, so a token generator that later turns all your tokens into Regal Bunnicorns seems pretty good.

what the fuck is the name of this permanent when I want to use 'choose a card name' effects against it
when cast and on the stack it should be like a split card, if I named Dollmaker's Shop with Anointed Peacekeeper you could still cast Porcelain Gallery for 4WW, okay
so it enters the battlefield, you can't cast both halves at the same time, you MUST use a special action to pay the mana cost of the other side to unlock it
what the fuck is the name of the permanent now
what does it become when you unlock both sides
Arguably it's like a split card that turns into a level up card on the field.
It's likely it has both names. A single object can have multiple names. Naming either will work, if you need to name it.
wtf is this trailer
Nashi should be saved
Yeah, CGI Nashi mixed with a VHS 80s horror movie was weird.
Nashi is fine though.
magic lore was best when things were overall very loosely connected, the early modern period was like this, the Jacetice League and mtg authors wanting to be marvel script writers ruined it
>Set lead by woman
it's freaky. like the house.
>opening with the commander shite
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Magic the Gathering?
Why are they doing this as a live event thing with boring people talking and not a pre-recorded thing with lots of images like previous set releases?
this was shown in the mtg stream. no idea what this is.
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Betrayal At House On the Hill doing a cross-over-y thing I guess? Sure, why not.
a gamebook
It's Betrayal At House On The Hill, another board game Hasbro has. Probably doing a Duskmourn-themed expansion to it or something.
Yeah, that sure is a big black card
I can see that mechanic being fun
really have to see more room designs at lower rarities though

this is a pretty massive flavor win.
Maybe in Mono B Coffers.
>nobody dies
>wanderer is the final girl
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yeah I reanimate this and opponent untaps and casts sunfall or casts liliana / edict
Ninja bros... Are we back?
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each opponent?
what the fuck is this fucking card
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>+1, get an emblem with "ninjas get +1/+1"
This is such a retarded design
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all sets have been designed for commander since Eldraine anon
1/1? In my Simic?
>they felt the need to explain what a prime number is

jfc the west has fallen
This dude is what they come when someone suggested "WE NEED AN EDGY CHARACTER!!"
Uh, neat I guess
Giving Kaito Gideon's gimmick now? Feels odd.
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you will never be Gideon, you fucking asian twink
cool art anyway
fuck mill though
Owling chads, is this what we've been reduced to? Banning the monke wasn't enough?
Seems obnoxious as fuck in commander
having gideon's ult on a +1 seems insanely busted, even if it's only for a specific tribe, I bet we can abuse this in pioneer
>the +1 is the most powerful part
not oko tier but reminiscent
4 mana Sorin for demons coming soon btw
kinda funny, you get make their max hand size what, 1?
the whole card feels white, the emblem is like gideon's
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Probably started from "we wanna give ninjutsu to a planeswalker, what does that look like" and went from there, but still weird. I guess giving a tribe that's VERY much almost only in blue-black an anthem effect is perfectly valid for blue-black to do, but still.
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Feels weird it's not just tapping up to one creature an opponent controls. There some set synergistic reason for that?
Can she has a chance now with a new Enchantment set?
>Nightmare in White
How does that make sense?
unplayable garbage
>kinda funny, you get make their max hand size what, 1?

-2 actually.

>fear of immobility
>deer looking thing
The art doesn't really screem "immobility".
There's also that one rare from BLB that can tap your own creatures to draw cards. Good call, I think it's seeding for a future mechanic.
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>any target

fuck you fuck you fuck you
>ANOTHER Caretaker's Talent
Sure, but there's no benefit to tapping your own creatures so far from the set. And it's not even a must, it's "up to", so it's not even a potential downside. I dunno, maybe some other cards care about you having tapped creatures.
I get that that the set can't be all scary things but...
What did they mean by this?
Like a deer in headlights anon
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sorry guys. fell asleep for this one.
why is glimmer a new unit type? shouldn't just be spirits
The power level seems to literally shit on furry set.
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why do you guys keep letting some standard fag make your threads? Has this general really fallen that off that the only people here are arena players and standardfags?
>1cmc instant speed removal
mental lol
Yeah that's why I said future mechanic. Maybe something like inspired will show up in an upcoming set.
>Fatal push in white with a little downside

what the fuck
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Where I live the expression is "like a rabbit in headlights"
God this set looks so fucking sick. Breath of fresh air after the bland-ass bloomburrow that the basedboys were so excited for for being "traditional fantasy" (like we didn't have enough of that)
>manifesting dread
useless keyword, good card though
FIRE design at its finest guys.
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>demonic tutor in standard
lmao even
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demonic tutor in standard?
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>1 mana white Reality Shift

The fuck
Cool art
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well, there goes standard, pioneer, and maybe modern too
Yeah RDW is shitting itself right now
I guess it kinda synergises with BLB's Valiant, but still. Weird.
Ah, there's the synergies with tapping your own stuff, there we go.
new aminatou art misses the creepy doll point of Seb's design and also isn't cute like the japanese art
They just showed the synergy with Survivor.
this mechanic is gonna go nuts with all the vehicles in the deathrace set
Up to one, huh.
it looks like an AI repaint of Seb's.
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managed to grab this guy
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Might be cool in decks that want to get Grizzly-B (or the new big demon)? Since even without delirium you can at least get him.
Didn't they say that white was around what they wanted power-wise?
It's strong but the fact that it doesn't trigger the ETB of the card you cheat really limit it.
>they printed kiki-jiki into Standard
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synergy with caretaker talent :3
>2 mana 2/2 that draws two cards and mills a card
>potential mana sink to flip the card too
Looks insane for limited, standard too.
Survival mechanic
wow they figured out a way to do the gacha roll 50% thing by making it so 1/3rd of the time you "lose" by getting a less valuable japanese language printing (guaranteed in japanese collector boosters), insane kabbalah tricks
what the fuck is the alt art supposed to be?
Didn't they have enough special treatments for this set?
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yo this is exactly what I needed for naya ghired
I can finally sac something to play Rottenmouth Viper without losing EVERYTHING
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another straight to coomander set
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3 mana wrath btw
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Is this a Junji Ito reference?
This is a silver bord- sorry, 'acorn' card.
They've fully lost the plot.
3 mana WRATH

How this isn't black/red is beyond me.

Some Boros nigga please explain why you get the evil killer clown?
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red bmeister
I think it's becoming very clear that someone at WOTC is obsessed with white and has got high enough up to influence design.
>Stands are now in magic.
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Well they're gonna reprint Wrath of God soon, so they need to make sure to power creep it first

kino frame
Because it's an horror set, kinda like how you had mono white or mono green dragon in Tarkir or the D&d set.

I'm half expecting it to be some nonesense Pozzed decision.

>"we Had to make it a white card. It's got Man in the name! And it's an Evil Man!"
kill yourself, shill
Ito's art is nuts.
what format plays this card other than commander nowadays? Memedern has wrath of the skies and toxic deluge and wrath effects aren't a thing in legacy and vintage. This thing isn't standard legal so who is this for
OH! you wanted to Play creatures card,
Always kino.
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all of these are CoCo hits by the way, there's a new combo deck on the block
I for one look forward to dying to some combo deck on turn 4 in standard in a few weeks!
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da fuq
I just like it bro
the tv frame in red/green works aesthetically
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Take your meds anon
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Since when the fuck was Norin BLACK
Norin went from being a neanderthal to being black
what did WOTC mean by this?
Does every card now have to be a versatile multi-mode?
Turn 1 skrelv
Turn 2 deep cavern bat
Turn 3 I will blow up all your creatures while mine stay alive because I can either have them tapped or untapped when I cast this
Shouldn't he have died of old age centuries ago?
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>Day of Judgment
>Temporary Lockdown
>Split Up

WotC heard you all complaining about aggro. Are you satisfied?
He always was, you just never looked at the art closely.
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Since always, but that face doesn't look like him.
Where is the difference in the art?
I hate that I like all of this.
how fucking good do they have to print green bullshit before people play it

its a 1GG 3/3
that prints free 2/2 tokens every turn
and blah blah turn them face up cheat in bigger stuff who cares its a 3/3 that prints free 2/2s every turn like its half a grave titan
the reason, like always, is commander
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Yeah, my question is why he suddenly looks 15 years younger than his previous appearance
Right above the doorframe. Demon head poking from the top.

Doesn't matter. Dies to 3cmc boardwipe.
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Yes, thanks. Aggro half banned from Standard if you play white.

Thanks, WOTC.
he was a caveman, he hides in his cave, that's his flavor
he was never black
It's a different angle and lighting, he looks pretty much the same except maybe a bit younger. But that's been a thing for a lot of characters, I think Arlinn has been a different age every single iteration.
>Nightmare booster
We JUST got rid of alternate booster types like a year ago, COME ON!
Thank you for trying to change the narrative it really helps
thats just a fancy name for a booster which includes 2 promo cards out of a pool of 6.
Well, it was Norin in the end
still waiting for Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar's return
He's a black caveman, it's not that complicated.
Butchered the life out of that graphic lmao
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>welcome deck
>not available in europe
>turn 2 valgavoth
tell's who is not welcome huh
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>enchantment land
Arlinn was an internal miscommunication thing; Creative wanted her to be 'older' so her first appearance had the artist made her look like she was in her forties, then it turned out 'older' was supposed to mean mid-twenties.
wheres the eternal formats 1 of in a sideboard staple
>On a land
Oh boy i already can see the bullshit...
when was the last time a product like that wasn't available in Europe? I remember the last scandal of that caliber being when they cut a bunch of languages for MtG, but the two aren't really comparable
What took them so long? Should have done this in Theros block.
And Urza's Saga doesn't count.
>But what good are connected Rooms if you can't do a little exploring? Once a Room is on the battlefield, you can unlock a locked half as a sorcery by paying the locked half's mana cost. Unlocking a door this way is a special action that doesn't use the stack and can't be responded to. If that half has any abilities that trigger "when you unlock this door," those abilities trigger at that time. Other static abilities of that half are now active. Unlocking the second half of a Room doesn't affect the half that's already unlocked. It stays unlocked, and all abilities of the full card are available to you.

>If a Room card enters without being cast—say, because it's returned to the battlefield from your graveyard or put onto the battlefield some other way—both doors will start locked. None of its abilities will be active to begin with, but you can unlock any locked door by paying its mana cost as a sorcery (meaning during your main phase when there are no spells or abilities on the stack).

>While on the battlefield, a Room card has the characteristics of its unlocked doors. For example, if only Porcelain Gallery is unlocked, the permanent's mana value is 6. If both doors are unlocked, the permanent's mana value is 8. Similarly, if both doors are unlocked, the permanent has two names. In your library, graveyard, and hand, a Room card has the combined mana value of both of its halves and both of its names.
>no protection
>no haste
>no etb
>need to attack to do anything
>stat creep has made that every color has creatures that will trade into it by turn 3
Even fucking blue get 3/2 for 3 now, this guy will at best attack once before being traded.
Those are Commander cards
I guess, but black caveman is different from black guy hanging out in 21st century america, really an art fail
Rooms are literally just Talents, Which are just sagas that don't die lmao.
god damn this set will style all over cute hamsters.
Where's Waldo is my favorite 80s horror movie.
>fear of lost teeth
really? not Dentophobia?
Norin has basically no lore so I can see them saying he somehow became immortal. Or at least ageless.
talents are just kickers that you kick over multiple turns
Losing your teeth is a common nightmare. Same as the "I need to run but I can't" nightmare.
So i can't even put a board against the obnoxious white decks? Why the hell they don't think before print cards?
Ask /edhg/
You can choose which "level" to unlock first. Presumably this will be more relevant for other rooms where the mana costs are more even.
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The final (I think) side story is a sort of weird interactive thing. Don't think I can really recap this one.
based https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/magic-story/side-six-its-a-beautiful-day
It's not specifically about dentists, nightmares about teeth getting fucked up are apparently pretty common.
...which is why it has a proper name that I posted and they decided not to use
Valgavoth is KINO.
unplayable, but KINO.
"Fear of X" is the naming scheme they decided on. It's more easily parsable and them all starting the same way makes it easier to understand from a look.
No. It's completely separate from dentophobia. I've had the teeth falling out nightmare probably a half dozen times and have zero issues with the dentist, even after learning I'd been getting dental work done without anaesthetic for years lol.
It's just a CYOA
Yeah, fair enough. Bit underwhelming as the last side-story, but it's, I suppose, a fairly fitting 'gimmick' thing to do.
Whats the passkey?
In the presentation they said he went through some kind of time distortion or something.
Passkey is
they live + freddy
It literally tells you in the article.
It's literally given to you in the spoiler, anon.
Yeah, makes sense I guess. His card was only in the Time Spiral block, so he could easily have been shunted to who knows when at some point. He doesn't really have any actual lore besides being from Dominaria, so sure.
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So, the good news is that there are no standard-legal, 1-mana vehicles that would let you turn this card into a one-sided boardwipe for 4. The bad news is, there's a few 2-mana options
There's a few 0 mana options, you mean.
Its going to be a one-sided board wipe in most normal creature decks. They attack in, their creatures are tapped. You untap all your creatures, you cast this, wipe their board, then attack.

If you want more control over your creature tapping you just play evasive cards like deep cavern bat and those with effects like skrelv, no need to run warden or vehicles or convoke to do it
bwahahahaha now convoke faggot i double dare you to convoke anything!!!
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>Lands with Hexproof

>Plague Wind for 3 mana
Sure bud. Fuck it, who cares anymore.
>whatever happens remember trans women are wom- AAAAAAHHHHHHHHCCCKKK
>a one-sided boardwipe for 4
it's 3 mana, not 4
>Forced to put one down.
Reminder that Reality Shift loop is a legitimate way to mill out someone's library (You can Reality Shift the 2/2 that it createsu), and now it's 1cmc and in another color.

The power creep in this set is so disgusting I am legitimately unable to express how disgusted I am with it.
I think they were more talking about how to make it into a 1 sided boardwipe in a deadlock.
When nobody is attacking and just staring at each other.
Like when oppo got a bat, you got a bat and they have a Glissa you can't attack into with your ground creatures.
Sorry, excuse me, why is mon-white getting unrestricted Hexproof?
After BLB is crazy indeed, feels like Eldrine lite again.
>(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 and 31 are prime numbers)
Could they not have made these proper sine waves?
Those waveforms are complete nonsense.
>unrestricted hexproof

He needs to live at least 3 turns to get it
Looks like a ponzi scheme or something for a cult.
>No really just pay us half a grand a year and you get some shiny cardboard and the status of being a judge. Indoctrinate your friends into our lovely program.
>He needs to live at least 3 turns to get it
Literally so fucking what?
The Hexproof itself is the fucking problem, not how it gets it. White gets Indestructible on these types of effects, not Hexproof.
>Shouldn't he have died of old age centuries ago?
It won't be explained.
They don't care.
Anon, nobody's talking about trannies but you
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>"We did not playtest the final version of Split Up."
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despite the muh 80's overload, I do like these
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Hm, yeah that's pretty true. Only example I could find was pic related. Otherwise it's mostly about giving you, the player, hexproof.
Nice Odyssey citation.
Time to speculate on powerful ninjas?
This is the most autistic post I have ever seen.
I can't find any decklists that revolve around this, how do you loop Reality Shift give or take fifty times?
I'd probably look at Pioneer legal ones, since I doubt it's gonna be enough for Modern.
To be fair, the set designer literally said "We hope maths people recognise how it's woven into her art" or some shit like that.
This thing can spiral out of control very fast.
Will this set have Ninjas then?
They said her design involved math, ie, prime numbers.
No he specifically mentioned the art.
Spoiler: This will not make Ninjas a deck.
>I can't find any decklists that revolve around this, how do you loop Reality Shift give or take fifty times?
Typically it was done with Tasigur and any infinite mana engine. It's an old fringe combo that ended up settling into cEDH.
The point being that the core combo pieces were a big, efficient creature and a removal spell so you would sacrifice less of your list to pure combo that doesn't do anything.
I think you've got to at least change the pose if you don't want to be compared unfavourably to Seb.
Probably just Nashi, and maybe one of Nashi's friends.
ugly, I like the old aminatou more
folks I don't think it's clear enough: this is a 3 mana planeswalker with 4 loyalty that pluses to give you an emblem that buffs itself as well as most creatures in your deck

it's the very definition of "answer me or lose" except it has hexproof on your turn and you can sneak it under counters with an unblocked creature
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>Animatou is present
>Somehow this plane has any problem with any BBEG at all
Oopsie woodle doodle do we introduced a cosmic deus ex machina into the setting and now we just have to pretend she's completely apathetic to endless atrocities across the multiverse.
>Wizards isn't working with McKinnon anymore
If you still play this game you're the cuckest of all the cucks that ever existed.
trap card, unplayably bad

its just going to be a vanilla 2/1 for 1 in 90% of games
if it comes out early there won't be anything to vacuum up in graveyards, even if you're tapping it for convoke/warden/etc
and even if there is graveyard fodder, the fact it needs THREE activations to get any value is obscenely slow and irrelevant

90% of games this is a 2/1 for 1, 10% of games this is a 2/1 for 1 that incidentally hoses a graveyard deck, 0% of games will this be a 5/4 hexproof in a scenario in which that actually matters (ie who cares if its just going to run into blockers or sunfalls)
I hate they are sending my girl to the commander gulag... Fuck man this was the perfect set for her to enter
It's much, much worse as a face down creator, but pretty good as a payoff, since it's basically, turn a face down creature up for 5.
Most of the time it won't be able to attack or will die straight up, 3/3 for 3 just aren't good stats anymore.
However, since we have surveil in the format you can set it up so you know what's on top of your library and then jump attack + flip during attacker to cheat something into play.
People will probably try it with the new big demon.
Also it comboes with Cryptic Coat.
>trap card, unplayably bad
How good it is is irrelevant to it being a hard, explicit color pie break.
Your statement is a total non sequitur to the discussion.
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Tyvar is monogreen
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Watch out anon your going to get clowned on.
>However, since we have surveil in the format
We seem to have a lot of "Manifest, but blatantly power crept" in the set too, so good chance you can also just cheat it into play turn 1/2, flip it on turn 3 and attack in the same turn.

Might not be optimal, but it is potentially viable if support for the plan is strong enough. which, given the RETARDED power creep we've already seen, I don't doubt it will be.
Well she looks boring now
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Probably some trash like this.
i want an alt art of this card made for ito.
No shit it's bad, the point is about the color pie
Well that was fast.
see >>93775569

you can just use a generic mana dork, combat celebrant untaps everybody, not just himself
t1 r/g land llanowar elves
t2 plains JBM
t3 any land Combat Celebrant
>you can just use a generic mana dork
Ah true that. And mana dorks don't risk dying while attacking.
Some solid tools for doing it in pure Boros though.
Spark ruptured
yeah the generic dork combo seems way better
especially since blockers don't matter here, the original celebrant is just sitting back with summoning sickness

unfortunately in standard the only seize the day effects are
>anzrag the quake mole (doesn't work)
>great train heist (doesn't work)
>Spark ruptured
Same thing happened to a huge portion of 'Walkers and not a single one of them lost their abilities.
Every set has to be built around every gameplay format. This is made for draft
when have 2/1 for 1 ever been relevant in drafts
ragavan was pretty good in mh2 limited
I think that's it
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Why are all the cool weird artifacts 5+ mana and from Mirrodin?
ohhh wait I totally glanced over that last line of text on JBM about sorcery speed idk then
>deathtouch for players
>ohhh wait I totally glanced over that last line of text on JBM about sorcery speed idk then
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Ezuri still remains the elfball finisher of chocie at 3cc.
Highly experimental set. Thats why you had loads of overpowered and weird cards in it
New thread

They retconned Aminatou to not be as absurdly busted as her initial lore blurb was set up to be, I guess.
>426 posts
>12 actual posts
doubt, lmao at wizards' marketing using post delete bots to nuke this thread on post release day
not bad but would preffer those card to be DFC. (Will they have a door token?)
Cool card. Should have been one of lili's demons to be honest.
Static abilities (+ ninjutsu) = cool
+1 = retarded (will pump future kaitos and all ninjas, so you just do +1 unless you are way behind)
0 = good but "each opponent" is shit, magic should be designed mostly as a 1v1 game.
-2 = shit
oh, character that 50% of the player base have no idea exists, 10% love, 20% hate and 20% is indifferent...
Holly shit what a retarded ability, and pretty shit as well, they went for the gimmick but the card reads (make a 3/3 the turn this enters, then a 5/5 after 2 turns)
That is actually pretty good imo.
BTW are all those characters receiving a new card in the commander slop?
shit, but it might be used in combo decks.
ok ish, lots of enchantments in the set, right?
kinda ok/good
shit mentor of the parish but it returns to the game after dead and piracy that has a 4/3 body with flash. Well those are good, probably standard playable.
>white insect
giving a choice for your opponent is bad but being a 1 mana removal is good.
wow this set looks full of slop
pretty cool, reminds me of the megamorph raptor from tarkir block (but this one is better if kept unchecked, but it suffers on being easy to remove)
Well shadows over innistrad had a 1 mana tutor that you searched for any land or creature when on delirium.
lmao he looks like someone who would shot other survivors in their backs to pick up stuff
cool and a representation of magic players.
ah, shit card name, goodish wrath.
>Unwanted set
I get it.
yep, the story about ballons with face that hangs people on the streets.
>pinehead no needlehead
good card, taxing draws will make people go mad.
>A modern Black man instead of a pale neanderthal
>Alive after 200 years (since he was timeshifted in original time spiral)
God, I hate the retards making this game, wtf.
If this was a commander card I would be ok with the obvious retarded time frame for the character but they also made him into a modern black american for some fucking reason.
Fuck you, wizards of the coast.
by black he means "Black human male from New York (probably)". Norin was like a early human with lots of Neandearthal traits...
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>It's a promo art is far worse than the standard art episode
Jesse, what the hell are you talking about
Pretty sure tribal us a supertype like snow or legendary, so it doesn't count
"300.1. The card types are artifact, battle, conspiracy, creature, dungeon, enchantment, instant, kindred (tribal), land, phenomenon, plane, planeswalker, scheme, sorcery, and vanguard."

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