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Previous: >>93764329

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
What high CMC cards do you hate seeing resolved, especially when they're cheated out and/or copied?
High, but not infinite, Torment of Hailfire. Just eminently annoying, because unless X is so high that everyone's boards and life totals are fucked no matter what, it doesn't even win. You HAVE to have every player go through each instance, just in case someone is left with enough resources to make a comeback or turnaround. Massively overrated spell in my opinion.
When Timmy windmills one of his 20+ winmore cards because interaction is for losers

Yeah yeah, you did the cool thing, but please try to make a few cuts so your turns aren't just wasting time
Any kind anons want to help me make cuts from my WIP Marvo deck list? The idea is to play stuff to help manipulate the top of the library in order to cheat gross things like Sheoldred and Toxrill in to play. The only combo I have in here is Thassa's Oracle and Demonic Consultation, which can be tutors off Hoarding Broodlord via Saw in Half. Other than that, it's pretty straight forward Dimir value control.

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>Varied deck lists
>No fast mana except Sol ring
>No Rhystic/Smothering tithe/Cyclonic
>Limited Free counter magic
>Combos are less degenerate
100$ budget is most balanced way to play edh
>running Thoracle
kill you're self
Use Moxfield like a normal person.
It depends on the meta, but in my experience, Rhystic and Smothering have wrapped around to not being that good anymore. Sure, they'll trigger once or twice, but then they inevitably eat removal, and will paint a giant target on your back that persists long after they've been destroyed. I've cut both from pretty much all of my decks, because drawing that much attention that early in a balanced pod means that, when all is said and done, playing either actually puts you behind.
>oppo agent
>hoarding/saw in half
Fuck sakes you're a fag anon, if you want to make a dimir goodstuff deck just do it lol. Just pick a more basic commander because the commander choice makes you seem interesting then the deck itself is just incredibly boring. Kill yourself you make me feel bad for having an actual fun marvo deck
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>No fast mana except Sol ring
I don't understand why anyone would make their deck inconsistently overpowered leading to more non games on purpose.
>$4,000 deck
Kill yourself.
>It's all proxied
And you put together probably the most cookie cutter soulless dimir deck possible sans yuriko. There are so many fun cards in UB and you choose to be this boring.
>$4000 generic goodstuff slop list
Jesus wept

>you make me feel bad for having an actual fun marvo deck
Post your list, anon, I've been looking at Marvo for a while and could use the inspiration.
I think Auton Soldier is a little too greedy and it only really does the thing on the following turn, and he comes out after you play Marvo. Myojin of Cryptic Dreams actually does nothing on a hit until you get another hit, that can probably be cut. Jin-Gitaxias Core Augur is 10 CMC so he doesn't work, you should cut him. I don't like the copy creatures (Flesh Duplicate, Phantasmal Image, Phyrexian Metamorph, Spark Double), but your meta seems like it's high power if this is your list so you might want them to copy other players' value creatures, but they're kind of lame so I would cut them.

Looks like it's all the cheap interaction, removal and then some cheap cards that force clashes. I would probably look at the more situational counterspells and cut those.

Kind of just looks like a ton of mana rocks. You could probably cut Strionic Resonator, it's a little clunky. Helm of the Host is extremely win more, you could cut it pretty safely.

All are good.

You only have 30, but you have 1 MDFC and 13 mana rocks and a good amount of draw power so you're probably okay, but I would recommend two more lands if you can fit them.

>Thoracle Line
You could probably cut that if you want to have a more pure version of the deck. Toxrill and Sheoldred will kind of win the game on their own if you get them in play and they aren't answered. However, if you need the instant win then I guess you need it. Not sure if your meta is as crazy as your deck list makes it seem, but this would be four easy cuts to me.

You need 19 cuts though, 21 if you're adding two more lands like I suggest. I only see those 12 easy cuts to make though. Hope that helps a bit. Also, upload your shit to Moxfield or Archidekt, it's much better than MTG Goldfish.
My roommates I play MTG with said if I was looking into building my own 3 color deck I should first get the shock lands or the lands that fix for mana. Is it worth getting my shock lands first?
I guess I should have mentioned that I start at as high power as I can make it and then work my way down to a reasonable level from there. My meta is pretty high power, so some of this stuff is necessary but I try to get by with as little generic stuff as possible in my final builds after a few test drives.

I forgot my password.

Thanks for the detailed response anon. It was really helpful. I think I'll be taking out the copy package and the Thoracle combo but leave Hoarding Broodlord and Saw in Half. I have a lot to work on still.
I would also be interested in a fun Marvo list
How dare you try to win at the game
>I start at as high power as I can make it and then work my way down to a reasonable level from there
It's not so much the power that's the problem, but your deckbuilding process. It's like you started with a generic Dimir power staples pile, put Marvo in command, and then put in a token effort working backwards from there, rather than building a Marvo list first, and increasing its power where necessary by replacing some pieces with more powerful/efficient versions.
Right? My bad. I really hate black though, all the tutors make every deck feel generic.
any cool hidden techs for my Bart + lurrus deck? I'm feeling out of space already and I will not cut lands, even with that low CMC
I play in a midrange hellscape. It's not uncommon for every deck to have double digit removal. It really is a game of out valuing via utility creatures early, and Marvo can allow you to cheat out some really strong unique value pieces that other decks can't play like Mind's Dilation and Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant.
You don't have to use staples.dek to win a game! It's sad you need to be told this. My 50 dollar lilah deck has like 75% wr and my 150 rakdos one has 100%. CAD prices
He already said his LGS is highly competitive. Not every shop is full of kitchen table timmies
Friendly reminder: if nobody is playing a pre-con at the table, you're allowed to play whatever the fuck you want and if anybody complains it is 100% a skill issue
Mine is also very competitive. I'm just better at the game than both of you. My rakdos deck wins t4/5 every game.
Blue is played by redditors and trannies
Also check em
Put in Myojin of Night's Reach and don't be a pussy. You will deprive them of their hands so they will have no choice but watch all 8 of yours.
>tfw always play precons
Just like MaRo intended
I've literally never lost a game of commander.
>try a stupid jank mechanic commander
>turns out he's actually really easy to optimize and can easily crush a lot of decks with the most braindead plays
what's the commander's name?
for me, it's rocco and just building the entire deck around food while mostly ignoring counters and impulse draw synergies
If your deck is actually well built, it doesn't need $1000 worth of power staples propping it up in order to be competitive. You can build a good deck on the cheap, and then add individual power cards as required to keep up with meta demands. Building a goodstuff pile and calling it a "highly competitive deck" is a misnomer. It's a strong deck, but strength alone doesn't make a deck competitive.
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>TFW none of my decks are fun
Can I get some recommendations, tell me about your most fun commander, the one that never disappoints and that you always have a good time with
>impulse draw for free and creating a board state for free is a jank mechanic
Prove it. Go to his shop with your budget cedh deck
>earnest input vs dishonest resentment fueled whinging
He said high powered not cedh :^) and my rakdos list would win before he even cast his commander lol
nogames confirmed, easy to never lose if you never play
Anon, nobody was talking about cEDH, but it still holds true there. cEDH decks are well constructed first and foremost, and then improve their foundations by slotting only the most efficient versions of everything they want their deck to do. You seem to conflate deck power and deck quality, but they're not actually the same thing.
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It depends what you find fun anon, I love wolves and being rewarded for "playing" the game so I made Faldorn, shifting her to be a burn deck with ETB effects and sprinkle of landfall. My other deck is a Helga +1/+1 counters basically just summon big stompy hydras and go for face, if the game takes too long can always storm the fuck off with the doggy and get my man twenty-toed toad. And remember, boardwipes most always be one sided, fuck that reset bs just move to the next table/game
All fold to my budget stax/hatebear ;)
Here's a list of good stuff that's less generic and more on theme.
>Benthic Anomaly
>Myojin of Night's Reach
>Nezahal, Primal Tide
>Palantir of Orthanc
>The Grim Captain's Locker
>Worst Fears
>Archon of Cruelty
>Beacon of Tomorrows
>Treasure Cruise
>Dig Through Time
>Massacre Wurm
>Ancient Silver Dragon
>Ancient Brass Dragon
>Mindleech Mass
All ceDH decks run like 90 of the same cards and it's boring as fuck
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Achshtually, reddit has evolved to top 100 edhrec slop
This isn't true at all lol cedh has more card diversity than your average "casual" game
>impulse draw isn't jank
interesting, explain
>haha my card advantage (that I get rewarded for using) is super jank bros....
No I'm not explaining anything you're retarded
That's absolutely untrue ceDH decks all use the same cards and the same combo "shells" because it's all about using the same combo lines every game to win. The cards they play are different than casual but they're all the same from deck to deck, a ceDH grixis deck is 90% the same as every other ceDH grixis deck
Imagine insisting that your budget deck will always win on turn four against three decks that each have twenty counterspells
I'm glad that you informed me how impulse draw has finally left jank territory. I was waiting a long time for this day.
Probably will because everyone with the counterspells won't counter my jank shit
Ignore the autist. Dimir lists always boil down to being generic and boring with a few choice card slots. Your list is probably more unique than 90% of Dimir decks and it's still generic as shit. There is a critical mass of cheap interaction that makes jank unable to win, and you will need to play efficient interaction to compete.
common opinions on /edgh/
>new players are too much influenced by shitty yt deckbuilders and rely/focus too much on their commander to win
ever since I learned that the top 10 cEDH decks rely solely on their commander to win, I have lost trust in opinions posted here
Post IRL Decks!
What are the top ten Cedh decks that rely on their commander to win?
Impulse has never been jank. Stop using words you don't understand
Most highpowered/cedh deck are running AT MOST 7-10 counterspells. You also have no idea what you're talking about
>dimir always..
If you're a fag and do that lol. His list is not unique, at all, especially not the high number you're giving it. You literally can't even tell it's a marvo deck from looking at the list
Are serialized cards a good investment?
I overlooked this one. Added to my list.

Thanks. I can't believe I forgot Nezahal. Massacre Wurm also seems very good here.

Way ahead of you, he's clearly retarded. I've never built Dimir specifically because I think black is too boring, but I'm trying it out.
I'm not arguing. I am educating people.
Sisay, kinnan/thrasios, nadu, tivit, Magda, najeela, winota, Italian I could keep going but uhhhh you're retarded to even ask this like it was a crazy thing to say
cEDH is not representative of the play experience 99.9% of EDH players have, and most of its deckbuilding conceits are barely applicable. cEDH decks rely on their commanders to win, but they don't rely on their commanders to stick around for long. They play them with enough spells in hand to push them through to the board, and generally make a win attempt shortly after. Commander-centric cEDH decks that aren't stax-heavy tend to play explosive commanders that do a lot very quickly.

What new players often do, is play one of those lynchpin commanders without whom the deck doesn't do much of anything, but who also want to stick around for a long while before their value engine actually snowballs into a win, and those decks fold extremely hard to very basic removal, because they tend to be thin on the kind of protection these types of commanders need.
>I'm not arguing. I am educating people
Yeah but what you're saying is wrong
>uhhhh you're retarded to even ask this like it was a crazy thing to say
I asked because I didn't know.
There's no need to be a dick
Why play commander if you're not going to rely on your commander to win?
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>When Cedh players build a deck dependant on their commander
Based, intelligent, smart, strong, strategic
>When casual players build a deck dependant on their commander
Stupid, naive, amateur, lynchpin, reliant

This is what Cedh players actually believe
I love casting it like that and seeing people decide what to do. I run it in my Kess deck, so I'm casting it again the following turn.
Do you see how that pseud types? He needs to have a dick somewhere, on the internet is the easiest place.
I'm sorry friend you're right :) largely, only the partner pairings don't rely on their commanders as they are just for colours. If it's a specific singular legendary you can bet the commander will likely be part of most of it's winning lines
It really just feels like you actually wanted to play a dimir "all the meta expensive cards" pile and chose a "jank" commander to avoid being called a faggot
Yes why would I be rude IRL where there are actual consequences? You're a numpty and not as smart as you think you are
If you can't see the difference in decision making, commander selection, and deck building between the two, you probably shouldn't comment on it, or at least phrase your idiocy as a question.
I'm not the autist who has been posting, but I won the cEDH tournament at my store with the Prismari precon.
I'd ask you to show physique, but I've laughed and loved quite a bit today, try to spread the joy around.
wow its almost like cedh is a joke format made by 60card rejects who are too stupid to play real magic
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sure, combos are fun
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
>every single one of his posts is dripping with estrogen
>acting like he lifts
Bench is over 300 I guarantee I'm bigger than you lol
Hogaak as the commander would be way cooler.
>worried about irl consequences
>projects I'm a woman
Here you go making some more funny lmao
Dont listen to the retards screeching about nonsense, if you havent really built something like this before you made a valiant attempt, but a couple of things.

If you want to actually win games, your commander is a trap. Clash is a notoriously terrible mechanic because it throws out good deck building philosophy in favor of a metric fuckton of swingy dead draws. An average deck should run no more than 10 cards above 4cmc; my competitive deck runs exactly two, one is memory jar and the other is hullbreaker horror. I wont harp on this point too much because it's the commander you want to build, but from a design perspective you have 20 cards 5 cmc and above, which means 1/5 draws will be some uncastable nonsense that sits in your hand. You also have 9 cards at 4cmc. Yes I get it, it's your commander's schtick, but you arent running show and tell, omniscience, any (cheap) reanimation so things are very unbalanced, heavily reliant on your commander, and your deck will play poorly as a result.

Add a surveil land and mystic sanctuary as well as off colour fetches to grab them if you want a stronger, more consistent manabases. Yes retards will complain; it's more than worth it.

Finally, consider how you want to win the game. Peer into thoracle is fine. Hullbreaker bouncing a crypt makes infinite mana. But with altar of the brood or codex shredder hullbreaker horror also decks a table. I get that you want to copy a big boy and make some swingy plays, but focus and streamline your deck around a few specific interactions and it will be much stronger as a result.

I believe in you anon, try your best, never let naysayers distract you from your goal and always work on improving. Come back when you make some cuts and do some tuning; I have some more specific feedback as well and I'm always here.
Quoted the wrong person. How did you win with the precon?
Gay Bolas
Everyone is worried about IRL consequences. You seem to have mistaken masculinity for niggertier anti social behavior. You were also never called a woman, just an estrogen soaked male.
>Varied deck lists
>Go to edhtop16
>Search budget tournaments
>implying worry is universal
I already feel bad enough for you, I'm praying for you lil guy hope your day gets better.
No, it's not, I even addressed that it's not in my post. But seeing as the vast majority of people are law abiding citizens and the vast majority of social interactions are amiable it is safe to assume that the vast majority of people are worried about consequences to the way they behave. If you had an ounce of testosterone you would have the reasoning faculties necessary to have come to that conclusion on your own. Instead you are tripling down on feminine zoomerisms
>This somehow isn't equivocally universal
>all those words
The hysteria is adding to the humour lol
It’s actually funny as fuck, it’s a four person format.. so as a normal deck, you just build and chill the start slamming huge creatures, while 20% of their deck is combos/infinites that go off fast and dud out. Let the three retards go at each other, and hold a counter for an infinite, then simply outvalue past turn 4
Mainly luck, but also intuition. I had favorable pods every round where there was a hate bear style deck that I could rally with and then hit over the top of. Call the Skybreaker makes a 5/5 and a 4/4 with Zaffai out, which won several games for me. It sounds stupid, but a lot of cEDH decks literally can't handle an endless stream of 4/4s. The Prismari precon also has some pretty good cards in it like Veyran and Sunbird's Invocation.
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There's no question to ask, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy and arrogance of cedhfags. There's very little decision making in the deck building of Cedh as you're using the same cards in every deck anyhow. I'll admit there are a lot of decisions that go into piloting a deck but that's also true of any mtg game.

You ever see those cedh YouTubers that do deck techs and they talk about using the Cedh "shell"? That's because they start with a pre-determined list of combos, stax, and interaction pieces that are considered "staples" in cedh, and it makes up the overwhelming majority of the deck. Cedh isint unique or interesting, it's people slamming the same cards over and over again each other, the same combos, the same stuff. New commanders are evaluated based on how many preexisting combo lines they can slot into and it's boring as hell. Every time there's a new video about "is this new commander viable in cedh?" And then they go through the deck and it's the exact same shit as every other list.
You've been dismantled zoomzoom it's okay
Cast a net as wide as you like, you're the only one already in a neat little box I've made for you, let me know when you need fresh water.
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>the average human male has 300-1000 nanograms of testosterone per deciliteter of blood (what the fuck science use normal measurements)
>the average human body has 1.5 gallons of blood, which is 56.781 deciliters
>17034.4 to 56781 nanograms of testosterone per adult male
>28349523125 nanograms in an ounce
That means you'd need somewhere between 1,664,251.3458061 and 499,278.33474226 people to have an ounce of testosterone. You're welcome.
I meant more like how is that possible at all? Won't the other players just combo off before you get going because the precons are so slow? And doesn't your shit cost so much mana that they're always able to interact with you?
>dimir is just goodstuff!
If fucking dimir is good stuff then good stuff piles have lost their meaning.
Also yes anon is a massive faggot for just proxying a bunch of expensive shit. That's the one time km telling niggers to fuck off with proxies if the proxies aren't because they want to make a reasonable deck but just put all the expensive shit they want in
Sure sounds like a made up story to push your narrative.

He's lying anon. Only a fool would take the information posted here as fact.
So what's more acceptable?
>jank commander with over optimized 99
>top tier/pubstompy commander with jank 99
No your prismari precon did not win your cedh event what an absurd lie why do you retards fall for this shit. Any cedh deck would be threatening a victory before you even cast your commander. And any cedh deck has multiple lines so even in a long game you're going to get combod out.
Or maybe the cEDHfags at his LGS were just shit at piloting their decks.
Whatever makes you have the most fun
I believe him. He described literally the only way it's possible for the precon to have a chance, and if it's around the time Strixhaven came out then the cEDH meta was the slowest pace it's ever been besides now.
The 99 has a lot more power in it so I'd say the first one is more annoying. It always sucks to see Scrumblo Tumblo be used for its colors that enable tutors for an instant win combo instead of doing something weird.
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>about to win on my turn
>have to take a MASSIVE SHIT
>brb guys hang on
>fighting for my fucking life in the bathroom for 10 minutes
>farting like a retard
>toilet literally shakes when it drops
>let out a massive sigh of relief "phew whudda mess"
>come back to the table after 10 minutes blowing up the lgs toilet
>everyone in my pod could clearly hear it
>pop off and win with kodama of the east tree combo
>leave store
>No one here understands that the average Magic player is really fucking bad at Magic
>No fast mana except Sol ring
It still should be b&
How is any of that pertinent to the original point? Remember, we were talking about the differences between commander-centric decks in EDH and cEDH. So, do you agree with me now that they follow completely different rules for commander selection, and drawing parallels between the two, or drawing conclusions from one and applying it to the other is nonsensical? Because it sure sounds like you do, yet you argued otherwise at the start.
They called it RogSi but Si is always silent.
whats the best possible deck to make with this sexy rat?
anyone know of any good rat themed decklists floating around?
price is irrelevant
>Not staying there to further cement your victory
There's a cedh podcast that did an entire episode about a deck that won a tournament because they teched in Gideon Blackblade to pressure life total to limit Ad Nauseum value. Prismari deck making 4/4s can probably do something similar and accidentally stumble into wins if a fucking Gideon card can do it.
Rat tribal is about as solved and boring as most other tribes, except it's even more streamlined due to the lack of decent options. Look at any Ass2mouth or Karumonix list, and you'll probably be fine.
sorry I should have clarified
I want to use sexy rat as commander
Her ninjutsu is dead in the command zone, unless you can somehow consistently self-bounce her, which I don't imagine is realistic in mono-B, but I didn't check, so maybe it is.
Otherwise, I'd probably build her as a sort of control-voltron, give her strong evasion and damage through equipment (commander's plate/swords for protection, fear/shadow, trample/flying, especially double strike to trigger her effect), then run heavy discard (which is a rat-thing, so there you go) and mill effects to feed her reanimator ability, edict effect, and just keep opponent's boards and hands empty while you swing with her for damage and bodies.
Come to think of it, you could probably run her as the only creature in her deck, provided you bring heavy enough ramp, and just stack the rest with support and removal, if you want to be particularly gimmicky.
>Her ninjutsu is dead in the command zone
Commander Ninjutsu should have been an errata to base Ninjutsu, and there is nothing anyone can say to change my mind. It's absolute bullshit that there's only a single card allowed to Ninjutsu out of the command zone.
I would prefer the latter, but most of the time I would not believe someone saying their 99 is jank after revealing a cracked commander because that usually translates to "I used Lab Maniac instead of Thoracle".
The average person in /tg/'s mtg threads is significantly below average, and therefor believes that the "average" player who is "really fucking bad at Magic" is actually decent.
I actually completely agree with you
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>card isn't supposed to work a way
>uuuh just errata it so it works in commander in a way it was never intended to
>mtg deck around one of the largest tribes
You sound like a fun guy at parties
Even the average content creator, people who grind the game for hours every day, is not very good. If you watch the videos of content creators playing with pros, they get smoked in most games.
Whats the worst color combo in mtg?
>if you take someone who isn't a pro and have them face a pro they lose!
Holy shit really? Content creators are not popular because they're good at the game they're popular because people like to watch them and their content.
Dimir for reasons already stated in this thread, but also because every Dimir player thinks they're really fucking smart while doing exactly what was discussed in this thread.
People assume they're pros and mindlessly copy their decks, because obviously their deck is the best deck, and they're popular because they're good. Surely someone popular must be good at the game, after all.
That Yawgmoth guy is actually good at playing Magic though.
Bant and Esper.
>one of the largest tribes
That would be elves, goblins, dragons, zombies, merfolk, soldiers, vampires, knights, humans... I don't think rats make it anywhere near the top 10. I'd be surprised if there were more than 100 rats in all of MtG, and how many of those have any sort of tribal payoff? I don't think you know what you're talking about, anon.
I see people complaining about UB a lot
>already stated in this thread,

I think Izzet and Orzhov are the worst, both of them have been aggressively pigeonholed into one archetype each by WotC, with spell slinger and aristocrats respectively. Dimir is pretty bad as well, it's kind of the mill and theft color, both of which are fairly unfun archetypes to pilot.
Honestly I didn't used to have this opinion but most two color combinations feel very shallow these days. The worst offender seems to be izzet but they also don't seem to know what to do with azorius, orzhov or dimir. Simic, golgari, Selesnya are strong but boring. Boros is one of the few that actually has depth but it's very difficult to play because of the lack of card advantage in those colors. Rakdos sucks. Gruul will always be for chads but these days Naya and jund give it a run for its money
>Rakdos sucks
Honestly, I think Rakdos is pretty good. It mostly manages to mix the suicide tendencies of black with the reckless aggression of red pretty decently, and the two go well together.
Literally every 2 color combo has had this happen because the prevalence of ravnica. The colors can do things the guilds can't but it feels like they always use the guilds as an overall base. Also I have no idea what you're smoking if you think those are more pigeonholed then fucking selesnya is to tokens and +1/+1 counters. Also I disagree because I find mill and copying fun to play
Be honest, how many of your decks were originally from precons?
Can you recommend me a fun rakdos commander
Idk like 2-3 out of 25? Why do people always act like this is a shameful thing
I'll accept every other two color combo but every top Izzet commander is a different theme. Izzet has a huge amount of variety.
Ghyrson pingers, Niv control, Veyran storm, Stella combo, Jhoira cheerios, Okaun and Zndrsplit voltron, Locust God wheels, Brudiclad token morph, Mizzix big spells, Galazeth stax, Myra attractions, Balmor prowess.
>Can you recommend me a fun rakdos commander
The OG will put some hair on your chest, and is a joy to play. Lord of Riots is also pretty good, if more generic. I also liked Mogis, Xantcha, and the new Judith. Basically, as long as someone's getting hurt, it's a good time.
Mono: U
Dual: Simic
Tri: Sultai
What counts? Modified precons? Does it count if it's using a legend from a precon (not the face commander?)
This is boring as shit.
>he never had three players staring down the barrel of an unopposed Rakdos, each begging and bargaining to not be the one he swings at
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17 out of 52 are precons, the strongest one being Titania, the weakest being Kaust, the most invested being Daxos the Returned
Still waiting for demon lands
Say why not anon and it can't be "uhhhh cause da rules". Give an actual argument, it seems a good idea, just have it apply tax still!
Is kaust really as bad as people say
>Verification not required.
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I'm actually good at magic, ask me anything. Not a pro by any means, but good enough to win on mtgo and in very large local tournaments.
I guess everyone I know who plays Izzet just plays storm.
>discard 0 cards
>Draw as many cards as I want during the resolution
>Damage is a bonus

Post other busted cards
He's "fine", just not great when compared to the likes of the Merfolk precon or Stella Lee or whatever. I'm only sticking to him because I love Morph. Coincidentally, I also use the new Vannifar for a more control deck with plenty of "surprise" creatures in addition to Morphs.
No. Entertain me you dancing clown faggot, you already tried this retard post.
That's not how the card works, anon
Because it's retarded to change cards printed before commander that were not intended to work a certain way to work a certain way just because you want them to work better in commander. It's a slippery practice and I disagree with liberal errataing. Just eventually wait for something to be printed that works in the way you want if it's so obvious that it shouldn't work like that. And it did in the case of ninjitsu. Just like how they've been making more clone cards that don't apply to legendary instead of just making it so all those cards had an errata that they don't make the clones legendary if you use them on your commander. If your group wants to rule 0 it fine but it shouldn't be an official errata
I like morph too, but the only "morph" deck I have right now is yedora

I'm actually interested in the new vannifar, do you have a list or any secret tech? She looks like she has a lot of potential for fun tricks
Play more monored, the most varied and fun of all colors.
I already have 5 mono red decks anon
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Yedora's great. If I didnt have a waifuhardon for Titania he would of been my next pick for mono green. I use him in Pharika as a combo piece.

No list, but I run it pretty straightforward. There's some "gotcha" cards like Blightsteel in there but I actually put as many manifest/cloak cards as I can to congest the field with 2/2's. The deck wants to win through an alpha strike.

I run some blue blink spells. They serve double duty: either to flip over said Blightsteel, or to have Vannifar dodge spot removal.

I don't run as many actual Morph cards because, lets face it, most of them suck.
based and checked
whatcha running anon?
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Im building my 2nd one as we speak, Kumano being the first
My favorite is Jaxis
I also have
Ojer Axonil

In the past I had:
Norin( became purph)
Delina(become Jaxis)
Zada(became feather)
Daretti(became Krenko3)

Mono red decks I still would like to try:
Feldon- seems based and unique
About to build my second. Do you find you’re running 10+ artifacts in most if not all of them?
Interesting question. I do run a fair amount of rocks and utility artifacts, but the only one I feel is truly a "must include" is liquimetal torque. Past that though if you have an artifact sub-theme that opens up a lot of interesting doors for you in mono red. Pic related
Changing all clones is not the same as making ninjutsu work from the command zone in any way shape or form. You're retarded and disingenuous. I'd argue against your reasoning but I found none further than "I don't trust that...."
Feldon was my first and favorite commander. Such a different way of playing mono red, I love it.
>uuhh its not the same because one is a thing I want and one is a thing I don't care about!
Ok cope then what else do you want? That's not how they were intended to work and they shouldn't be changed to fit commander just because you want them to. Ask tour playgroup and if they want to do it, and if someone tells you no it's a no it's not that hard to get
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>read about chainer and dementia space
>play my new deck against pub stomping dockside spammer
>group gets pissy
Based and mono red-pilled
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>guy in the playgroup plays inallia and gets the infinite turn combo
>game 2 i play osgir and lock everyone out with ugins nexus x4 due to mondrak
I think my playgroup has become retarded lmao
Source on this alt?
It's not the same thing be cause commander ninjutsu doesn't functionally change anything. You always have access to that card, it is in essence the 8th card in your opening hand. Whereas cloning legendary things is massive difference mechanically.
>not how the were intended to work
Probably cause commander wasn't really a big thing when ninjutsu dropped and they flubbed the ruling by not applying commander tax to it with yuriko so they are not fixing what are (obvious) mistakes.
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My sticker deck is now properly kitted.
Sticker deck?
Would anything change at all if the rules allowed for any Planeswalker to be a commander?
>changes how the card works
>changes how you'd have to build the deck
>It DoEsNt FuNcTiOnAlY cHaNgE aNyThInG
You're disingenuous or just stupid. You can't just say it was a flub and obvious mistake because you don't like it. Guess what their answer to that was printing yuriko so if you want to play that way play yuriko or rule 0. That's how it works.
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need to pick up some cards from the new sets and refine the list
>52 commander decks
Genuine question but do you just not have any other hobbies? Do you play all of them? Do you have all the color combos?
Nta but you're kind of a retard and changing all ninjutsu to include the command zone will do nothing but add a few more commanders that people want to build
who the best non cedh commander? don’t say some shit like atraxa that will make the whole table try to cut off your dick it’s gotta be subtler than that
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Just rule zero them to the table.
Who the FUCK greenlit this horrible art
Not really, most of them suck as commanders. Planeswalkers are already barely played in the format, because they require so much babysitting
Selesnya poison.
This is a complicated question because "cedh" is nebulous, and strategy is much more important than commander. I'm going to assume you mean the best deck without fast mana or a reliance on expensive reserved list cards to be good, and none of the usual suspects, which are among the best commanders in the format regardless. This means no partners either. Along the same lines, sounds like you want something that goes under the radar, so I'm going to make another assumption that it cant be a popular commander that screams "kill me now". The normal choices for something like this are Edric flying men or Zada, but those might be too popular to fufill your request. But, to make a long story short, if I had to pick something I'd go with Selvala. There are just so many combos you can pull off, it's hilariously easy to generate big quantities of mana, you get to run a full greens suns zenith tutor package, you can summoner's pact out half your combo, you get access to ouphe/good noncreature hate, and I could go on about the positives. If that's too "mainstream", because I'm sure someone has a cedh list of her somewhere, go with my boy Whisper and assemble your A+B combo by untapping it after milling yourself. You dont get narcomeba which stings, but ichorid, bloodghast, gravecrawler yadda yadaa should be enough. Grab the ol' mike and trike in one turn then laugh your way to the bank. Or yawgmoth. Throw in some nim deathmantle aristocrats style combos for good measure, and since most tutors are pretty cheap, you could probably ritual out whisper t2 and combo out t3ish pretty reliably with minimal setup.
This is what happens when hobbies are twisted into lifestyle brands by public corporations.
52 decks isint even that many
Im new and want to put together a zoraline deck
will i get my asshole handed to me constantly
Just have some ways to remove finality counters
>I can quit anytime I want
Sure thing champ
Wow you really showed me anon
Oh boy one of the worst stax pieces in 3 formats now in my command zone.
Backpedaling on the existence and prevalence of planeswalkers is probably unironically the one good thing Commander-focused design did to MtG.
>slap together an Amalia list with random cards sitting in my collection, didn't order any singles for it
>update moxfield to use the printings I actually own since I'm kinda autistic about that
>it's at $445
>haven't even added lands yet
What the fuck. I think I've been playing this game too long.
The average edh deck is like $750 or something like that, despite what budget posters want you to believe. That's each card being 7.50, or after fetches and shocks in a 3c deck, about 450.
>want to play mono red
>ruby medallion, blood moon and other red staples are expensive as fuck
fuck mono color
>average edh deck is 750
In no world is this true. Closer to 3-5 hundred for 2-3 colour decks. 4/5 will likely be higher.
Why don't WotC just print more fetches?
Because they have a vested interest in having their cardboard bags retain their value.
>Why company want people buy their product???
>grrrr evil company make thing free for me!
Just proxy if it annoys you. Good proxies are easy to make yourself
Because somehow WotC is the only company on Earth where the cost of printing a card is tied to its value on the secondary market.
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Because screw you and here's another reprint of Dark Ritual.
My average deck cost is about $110
It'd be nice if people tracked how much they actually paid for it vs. How much it's value as appreciated. Because I'm willing to bet a lot of people here have decks now worth 1.5-Nx more than they paid for it that they would never buy now. My hazezon and mono black list both are 2/3x more than I paid for them now but you're fucked if you think I'm paying 600 bucks for a deck outright.
if you actually believe this you are retarded, it's closer to somewhere between $75 and $150 for the vast majority of decks, most of the $200+ decks you see online are either dream builds that don't exist IRL or proxied decks
Same reason as why they change secret lair to limited release instead of print to demand.
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And it's not even the best art
face commanders for the duskmourn precons get revealed in t-1.5h
hope and dreams for the only non leaked precon commander, Valgavoth, Harrower of Souls?

>Legendary Creature - Elder Demon

something something Damage
>theme is group slug
Such a funny card in Xyris.
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Bisexual Ugin
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Nah this is the best art
No it's not lmao shut the fuck up. Most people invest into their hobbies, just not the the level the guy said, 750 is absurd. A few hundred is normal
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Room mechanic isnt that weird
>Slightly better Fuse
I'll take it.
Yep the nu-modern framing makes this look hideous.
Being on a permanent rather than a one-time spell makes it far better.
okay card for a casual go wide W/X token deck

duskmourn reveal coming up. shitpost with the lads live
It's easier to interact with since you can't pay for both halves for immediate value before a response can come down, but that's a niche situation. I liked Fuse in general so I enjoy the mechanic (for now).
Framing is weird but I feel like I'd enjoy how the mechanic plays.
its a pain in the ass to keep track off for other players.
he's gonna be like 7 cmc and bad
his mana cost was leaked.
he is cmc 4

his variant from the set itself, maybe.
I'd probably just stick a counter on whichever door(s) is unlocked
Feels like Craterhoof with countdown.
t. gullible tard who actually believe every deck on every deckbuilding site is a real deck someone owns irl
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I think the middle section is the worst part. Rounding off the top of the "wall", and stretching it down to the bottom helps. The wall itself looks horrible, I don't think the arms were a good choice either. A wood texture would have fit a lot better.
>group slug
Neckbeards just can't let this garbage archetype die, huh?
It's one of the best archetypes in this godforsaken format, precisely because it makes soft durdle bitches like you cry
my base bello precon is outperforming my constructed decks and i dont know how to cope with the fact im bad at deckbuilding.
Anon you're just poor lol. A few hundred is an incredibly low entry point for a hobby
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If I have an elesh mommy out and play this and double the etb trigger, will I be able to tap for 8 mana?
I hope this is a joke
Triggers are exclusively when it says "When", "Whenever", or "At". That's a "replacement effect" in a sense since it uses As, so basically, it's not a trigger you just do that as it enters as an addendum to it entering.
I've played with a lot of randoms in the LGS, there's a lot of people who show up like 3 times a year with some $50 rat deck or upgraded precon
they are the same "invisible" players that make kitchen table the second most popular format after command
Anon, nowhere in the world is the average deck 750 fucking bucks. It's much closer to a $150-400 range, 750 is someone's fully foiled out crown jewel deck. Get real.
My frodo deck pretty much immediately tripled in price thanks to the nazgûl and the one ring. I.did not spend $400 on it
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one time on spelltable this moxfield player wanted to rule 0 two things:
each player would choose a second legendary creature from their deck as a free partner.
and he wanted this to use this custom card as his partner commander

naturally i had to accept these terms because i wanted to see this shitshow. his primary commander was Koma, mind you.
I never said it was 750 bucks. I said it's closer to 3-5 hundred bucks you retard
Genuinely useless information thanks!
braindead paypig take
You're missing a zero on the foiled out crown jewel deck
in most cases foil=nonfoil in pricing
>Condition for 50 power
>7 mana 1/1 with no real protection until then
Holy lord of all durdle
>Just doesn't take damage
Fuck red removal I guess.
Depends, it's mostly a couple bucks difference, barely any of the sub-$1 cards. Only on some is there a real gap between foil and non-foiled.
>boomcuckolds seething about "new" frame again
Most people who play this game, are not terminally online. The vast majority have never even heard the term "paypig" they simply invest in the hobbies they like. That is how normal people behave. Your terminally online view is sad and it's hilarious you think it's relevant to reality
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>the cost of the average deck is $300+ chud, you're terminally online, be normal and buy more product
It's nice that budget players think they represent the entire format. Edh decks are usually a vehicle to show off your collection first and foremost. Few people spend $750 at once, but over the course of building a deck $750 is about average. If we convert that from gay leaf money to usd, that's about $555.66. Fetches and shocks have gone down in price, but according to mtggoldfish, a full set runs about $277.63 (which is way lower than expected), and divided by 3 because 3 colour decks are by far the most popular, you're looking at 92.54 for 6 cards, which leaves you with 463.12 for 92 cards. That's an average of $5.03 per card. It costs about $2 for sol ring and arcane signet, $4.05 for three talismans, and about $1.50 for three signets, or $11.58 for 8 cards. To flesh out the manabase you're looking at 3 surveil lands, which are between $4-10, so about $6 each, 3 fast lands, which are dirt cheap at about $2 each, one triome which are about $15 on average, and 12 basics, which I'll be nice and say they're free: $45 for 18 cards. That means your looking at 148.58 for 24 lands and 8 rocks, or 36 cards, which leaves you at $406.75 or $6.36 per card for 64 cards, 10ish of which are utility lands to fill out your manabase, 1 is your commander, and 53 are the meat and potatoes of your deck.

The math from here gets fuzzy because it depends heavily on the commander and the strategy you're building, but is offset by the fact that people are rarely using the cheapest versions like I did for my math and often have random foils or expensive promo cards. In the wild people have all sorts of expensive thematic cards for whatever reason and $6.36 for the average price of 53 cards in a deck is extremely reasonable. Can you build a deck cheaper? Of course, but most people dont once they get beyond slapping a few cards in a precon after aproximately 3-5 years.
for a post so obsessed with math you don't seem very good at it
wizards prints millions of decks worth around $50 each year, which is obviously gonna drop the median price of a deck way, way down
It's funny that you were so angry about being called terminally online you made another terminally online post
Didn't read as someone has actually pulled the data from the various websites and ran the numbers. 3-5 hundred is the average. It's on github you can find it easily.
Your view on the matter is entirely informed by online decklists and your own poor spending habits, it's understandable you'd project both of those things onto everyone else
No it's actually informed by playing the game, which you don't, with lots of different players, which you also don't, and talking about eachothers decks. No where in any of my posts do I even mention online decklists anon
Yes, I was expecting arcane signet and sol ring to be about $10, and the fast lands to be far more expensive than $2 on average. What can you do. A precon is not representative of the deck an average person is going to bring to an unedited precon to a game unless they're very new.

You're complaining about $55 on the high end of average. What's the standard deviation in the price range?
Budget players DO represent the format though, you're skewing the data for your own personal opinion. The average here doesn't really matter because it's going to be skewed by the whales and cedh players. It would be a more valuable and actually useful statistic to get the median or the mode of the cost of your typical deck. The "average" really is not useful here
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Be careful with that, I had a few games misplayed because people forgot that innkeeper's talent doesn't protect itself because classes don't use level counters.
>informed by playing the game with lots of different players
which you just called "genuinely useless information" a few posts ago, what a mouthbreather
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when did Nashi enter this phase?
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If I was skewing the data to represent my opinion, people would be running shit like crypt and the one ring based on the type of deck I see in the wild. Budget players are tremendously overrepresented online, because most people on the internet are broke, and as a result most discussion is around 3 topics: how do I get into the hobby for cheap, how do I cheaply upgrade a precon using the random (usually standard legal or from the closest "masters" set) cards I have but never mention, and how do I cheaply build my own deck from scratch to compete with my friend's much better decks. The vast majority of players buy $5-$20 cards they think are cool, slap them in a deck they already have, and 3-5 years later they have the expensive-but-terrible achetypal deck of the average edh player you see in the wild. I travel a lot for work, and true budget players are an extremelt rare exception.
I like this design space.
You have no idea what you're talking about
Last time we saw him in TJ, he was pretty teched out doing a sort of ninja/spy/thief gig.
>retarded paypigs think their $300+ decks are the norm
>when most people just play with whatever shit they have and over time add a few cards here and there
>or use precons
>if they do make a deck from scratch the overwhelming majority are also budget decks
>they think even half of decks online are actually made in paper
You are delusional
Sorry. Clarification on the ruling here? Do we have any?
You play half the card. Later, you can play the other half if it's still on the battlefield.
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I like big tits
Go on, show your work. Why do you think that?
It's just dauthi voidwalker
Oh shit that might actually be playable in eternal formats. Neat.
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I'd rather play griselbrand
>>when most people just play with whatever shit they have and over time add a few cards here and there
Yeah, and I don't know about the rest of the rando's on the internet, but my average decks are worth $300~400, some way less, one way more. I didn't pay that much for any of them. I just collected cards through the years. But they are worth that much now.
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>They put prime numbers on magic cards
I both hate it and enjoy the novelty
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>they made the big bad villain demon of the plane an actual big bad
Well God damn
>as we were talking about rule 0 ninja commanders and ninjutsu
>another dumbass high ward cost
Can't wait for people to just stop running creature spot removal altogether in favor of more wipes.
Stop posting this gay image, it reveals you as the guy who has been trolling these last 4 threads
Thanks 4 de screen caps.
But in the legacy context of inifinite psychic frog mirror matches, I can see it as a 1-of in the grief-less scam deck. Dimir reanimator deck? Whatever the new name is.
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>prime numbers get the most boring effect
Yeah. Kinda like a "Fixed" griselbrand. Get to play lots of Value for life, but none of the value you're playing likely works with whatever combo/synergy you've built you deck around.
A Timmy EDH players dream dare I say.
>uuuuh more hexproof?
>I can't wait for people to stop running creature spot removal
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someone's sending them to me, so I figured thread deserved them
Right? Valvagoth actually looks like a fun card to use
Wipes do help, but yeah that ward cost is pretty extreme
but think about it
ANOTHER fractal creature with +1/+1 counters in SIMIC
That's cute. But juice isn't worth the squeeze
>posting a different opinion amd doing a bunch of math to support it is trolling
Sure anon, whatever you say.
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Yeah, I feel that

Why are Zimone and Winter getting cards in both the main set and in the Commander precons?
I think this might make 4 a fun game.
This is my question too
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Skipping posting this since you beat me to it
I find the Rooms to be an interesting mechanic, since you cast "either half" then can, at sorcery speed, unlock the other half. Doesn't require you to wait for a later turn either as far as I can tell.
>I can't believe people focus on winning with the one card they can always cast!
This is a really bizarre design space for jund
If ward costs spiral out of control it pushes spot removal out of viability same as hexproof did before they came up with ward. They're just repeating their mistake by setting ward costs too high.
They probably decided that it's not worth creating more OCs for a plane like Duskmourn.
I tried reading the story for this, but when the heroes let his guy show them around and don't immediately realize he's evil, I gave up.
It is a big mother fucking demon and the main villain of the entire set and plane, it SHOULD have a retardedly high ward cost. That doesn't mean they all should or all do
>dweeby looking 80's goth dude in modern clothing
Couldn't they have come up with a less interesting character design?
>cmc 4 creature with ward 2
Oh for fuck's sake.
It costs 9 mana anon, how is the ward cost too high? You should instead be bitching about how spot removal is too good
At first I was excited because I thought it was a Naya card that didn't deal with Tokens, creatures or combat (Creature, Creature or Creature), but then I see the black and it's jund.
Jund's fine I was just hope RWG would do something interesting for once.
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I may slot it into my Coram deck since I just throw half of my deck in the graveyard anyway
could be fun, especially once you've got a good few things in the grave and it starts severely limiting options (throw down a Ward of Bones to make it extra gay)
I more or less skip the stories now, I was in love with the Mirrodin books (Moons of Mirrodin, Darksteel Eye, and Fifth Dawn) when I was in middle school/early high school and really liked reading a bunch of somewhat scattered novels from the Weatherlight stuff, but modern magic stories sorta bore the shit out of me or feel really anti-climactic
>people looking to seethe so much to the point that a creature being 4 cmc makes them ding the bell
The hobby probably isn't for you anymore
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two of the new Enduring guys
More dinosaurs for you
Feels like that the mana cost is too high for what it does.
The ward cost is too high because no deck that isn't heavy on tokens can't or won't pay it. Yes, a 9 mana creature should have some form of protection, but this ain't it. A ward cost that can't realistically be paid by a majority of decks is effectively hexproof, which ward was originally designed to avoid.
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>cmc 4 creature with ward 2
>Oh for fuck's sake.

....huh? Yes, and? Here's a one mana creature with hexproof, does that trigger you too?
>there are 15 (lolwut) card typed in mtg
This shit is getting the banhammer. Just wait for it.
Worse than Tergrid.
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I think the point is to ramp into it somehow, since it's monoblack I figure it's only gonna be supported in really fast-mana heavy decks or just be a reanimation target. The abilities are really good, and I figure the Ward cost is just to beg people not to kill it instantly
Holy shit that's awesome, definitely getting into my Coram deck then.
A creature that cheap in ramp and dork colors doesn't need ward. And if it absolutely does need ward, 2 is too high for its cost.

Your post is so disingenuous, it's not even worth addressing seriously. Enjoy your (You).
That was Duskmourn, yeah. They go in after Nashi who went in after a scroll with his mom's techno-spirit in it. They were using her stories to learn about other planes, more places for Moth Guy to reach out to, and Nashi learned to let go of the memory and guilt of losing his mother.

The most interesting bit was that there was door in Duskmourn that was carved with Hedrons that reminded of Zendikar, and it was boarded over from the house side, as if they knew not to invade that particular plane.
You're retarded and no one agrees with you. If they were still doing hexproof no one would argue with this having it. It costs 9 and is important it deserves the ward cost and if the alternative is pay the cost or lose to it people will pay it. Please stop being retarded
Looks like I triggered you anon, hope you have a good day
>More dinosaurs for you
Have that. Now something a little less creature focused please. Oh and actually fun or good.
I'm actually feeling positive on this as I wanted to build a Fractal commander.
You're retarded, ward is objectively weaker than hexproof and shroud in terms of how the opponent can interact with it so it can be used in more situations and on more cards. That's the entire fucking point
Enchantment heavy set, it seems.
That's actually a more terrible wheel commander than Nekusar.
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>The most interesting bit was that there was door in Duskmourn that was carved with Hedrons that reminded of Zendikar, and it was boarded over from the house side, as if they knew not to invade that particular plane.
That first part is boring but this part seems rad as fuck and fun in a way, like "ain't no fucking way I'm going in there"
>Oh and actually fun or good.
Oh did you say more DINOSAURS?
Glad to hear it, I don't think I'll use it but I straight up don't play Simic so I'm no real judge
As long as they give us some decent enchantment removal, I don't really mind. It's actually neat that the Enduring cards come in as enchantment creatures and then die and return as enchantments, making it harder to deal with barring exile.
Yup, be prepared for hundreds of people bitching about that card all across the internet, play it while you can. It'd be a stretch to fit it into delver, the most logical place for it in legacy, but I think there is a very solid drc deck with the delver shell that runs this shit.
Vannifar support
There is a stark difference in the way we use it and if you can't see that it's on you
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I dislike Manifest Dread as a "Keyword", I don't mind more Manifest but I sorta feel off about it being just "manifest dread", feels like multikicker but without the clean naming scheme to make it obvious how it's different from a glance.
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Not complaining about a new tutor, even if it's weird
>no one agrees with you
Just means I'm surrounded by retards. Yes, I already agreed that it needs protection at that cost, can't you read? Can you also not see how prohibitive ward costs completely miss the point of ward and reintroduce the problem ward was created to solve?
It should have ward, but make it something people would realistically pay. Nobody's paying a 4-for-1 unless they're a second away from losing, and even then, that kind of markup will likely make them lose outright. In most scenarios that ward cost is effectively hexproof.

Yes you dumb fuck. Ward was designed to get rid of the binary nature of hexproof, and for commander to make high-cmc commanders less vulnerable to getting immediately blown off the board and made prohibitively expensive through commander tax. What purpose does ward 2 serve on a creature as cheap as cmc 4 in green of all colors? Is it really in danger of becoming too expensive too quickly? Is it in colors so slow, they need that extra layer of protection to assemble the mana for a recast?
>Oh did you say more DINOSAURS?
Haha. Case in point, but you got me to smile. =)
It's a 9-drop so having it have essentially hexproof is fine. Giving it lifelink is the real feelbad.
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Glad I could help, I chuckled while writing it
Your mother and father are related, cope harder
>Unlock a room
So rooms are gonna be sagas or classes this set huh? I wish they'd just combine them all
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>my anecdotal evidence is different because, well just because it is okay??
you're a joke
That is not bad at all, will be one of the top tutors below Demonic for sure.
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all aboard the game value train
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1st land manifests, 2nd and after is a free flip
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Just give me Chudsaw Man UB, Wizards
>arguing about hexproof
>when an obviously broken commander is printed that will grief the shit out of every casual for months
Classic /edhg/.
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Card selection and mana advantage is pretty fun
My decks all cost exactly $20 because a custom art proxy is $0.20.
honk honk
The plot of the set is that Nashi fucked off to Duskmourn because someone stole the Tamiyo-ghost scroll. Or something. Kaito and the Wanderer get Tyvar and Niko for some reason to come with, and Niv Mizzet gives them Zimone because I think he's trying to kill her for being an annoying little fuck.
Vannifar support lets fucking GOOOooOOO
Anon you took your experience and said this is actually what the entire community is doing and that's who most if the players are. I said here's what the people I experienced have done. Incredibly different, you're retarded. I also pointed to the post on github that has already done the legwork and confirmed that indeed the average costs are 3-5 hundred
Am I missing something? I genuinely don't get why this guy is white.
A clown in a legit set. Interesting.
Oh hell yea, I like this guy already. It's a rakdos mothman and I'm here for it.
It's ok to be white
This is so generic
Lmao do you think they realized they made too strong of a character and that no one wanted "omnipotent little black girl"? Like, when they introduced her, she was arguably stronger than urza or composite gruff (in lore) and i don't think i saw ONE positive comment about her being a literal god.
Yeah, because Simic really needed more +1/+1 support.
>No junji ito alt art
>clownworld problems require clownworld solutions
Thanks I guess.
It'll be a limited time 200$ secret lair
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>No one agrees with you
I agree with him. Spiraling ward costs are making spot removal even worse when people already aren't running it because they'd rather play greedy and only run board wipes.
Even worse, unaffordable ward costs are creeping into other formats where wiping the board is explicitly not an option so it really is just Hexproof.
Not everyone is the same person anon.
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Life loss vs damage.
Is the 3 counter and draw 3?
No, because it has to be during their turn
>he plays pioneer
You asked for this. I couldnt give the slightest fuck about what happens to that abominable format.
I actually like this a lot
>I agree with him! Worse hexproof on a creature that people would be fine with having hexproof is a heckin problemerino!
You don't deserve basic human rights
Vein rippers cost is way more manageable then even Ward 2 though
>Each of THEIR turns
Sorceries aren't gonna work here
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Sorry I should have posted a card from a format being targeted more directly by Commander sets.
kappa canoneer is such a based card
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Hexproof is atrocious design and you should feel retarded for thinking blue needs to be the only color capable of answering someone tapping out for a bomb. Any ward cost that could become hexproof under any circumstance is awful design.
I love kappa, 8cast or 12cast or whatever was one of the most fun decks in legacy before it got powercrept.
>I sorta feel off about it being just "manifest dread", feels like multikicker but without the clean naming scheme
Amass orcs
It's really not. The best-case scenario for the person of the receiving end is it's Ward 1 + discard a card. That was still enough to make Vein Ripper effectively read "Ward - Lose the game" in most cases. Especially because your removal options were more limited due to it being out of range of Push.
>duskmorne confirmed to have enchantment and graveyard focuses
Aight I've been on the fence about building this for a while, but I think I'm gonna actually start brewing her.
Dont listen to this guy, he plays pioneer. Probably also arena.
Any ward cist could become hexproof you fucking dipshit, if they can't pay the cost regardless of what it is it's hexproof. Does that make it as good as hexproof no you actual 2 iq dipshit because you can STILL REMOVE IT IF YOU PAY THE COST. And if the ward cost is super high or specific anyway it may as well just be considered flavorful hexproof though unlike hexproof YOU CAN STILL REMOVE IT. It just sounds like to me that you're seething about any sort of built in protection existing
The new Aminatou also looks fun >>93775447
I like the art on box better, I guess they were going for a creepy baby vibe here
If you build her, focus more on self-mill (similar to Sidisi) and skip out on the 'cast' enchantress effects. Makes the deck function a lot better
No no it really didn't.
Vein ripper did not need ward to make it a threat. It could've had hexproof or literally no protection at all for the turn 3 play to end the game.
Ondu Spiritdancer about to go up another 20 dollars
Anon it's a $5 card
Weird, I remember it being like 15 when I last checked
Same actually...
Guess I'm buying one
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I am erect
She's a stupid joke character who never should have been seen as anything other than that.
I feel like Glimmers are going to be the expensive rares of the set
You have no idea how ready I am to be disappointed by the red one.
Get ready for impulse draw
>Wah wah my big stompy should have hexproof as long as the cost is theoretically affordable
People are already not running spot removal specifically because the value it provides gets lower with every passing day. When nobody is running removal the game devolves into sacky blowout-fests. Printing Ward - Sac 3 only encourages this because there's so many decks that can not reasonably afford it because that represents losing 9+ mana and 3 cards. It is such a colossal tempo loss it is more akin to playing kingmaker for the other two players. You are already sacrificing tempo by playing cards that deal with 1 threat at a time at a table with 4 players. Spot removal does not need to be made worse by exorbitant ward costs just being printed onto every mythic that costs 4 mana or more.
People run spot removal. People just don't run their 40 fucking pieces like retards here seem to think whenever they complain people aren't running enough. Keep seething retard they're going to print cards with built in protections as they should. Cry more
Any chance that they'll reprint top in Aminatou's Deck?
Way to miss the point he was making
Name 3 spot removal cards that remove The One Ring.
It's the same problem they ran into with oldwalkers, it's difficult to write grounded stories about almost-Gods.
>uuuuh why is the incredible pushed card representing one of the most pivotal and iconic cards in the UB set so pushed????
So you're saying... not being able to use spot removal on a card... makes it a problem...
Manabarb time
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It's so easy to trigger him
What I'm saying is you seething about ward is retarded because no matter how steep the ward cost is the opponent ALWAYS has more ability to interact with it than hexproof or even shroud. What I am telling you is that they are not going to stop printing cards with protection effects so seething about them does nothing and you should be glad that ward is a thing now even if the ward effect is high because you always have a chance to interact with them instead of the alternatives. You are never going to get what you want, no protection effects or a greatly reduced amount of them, so seething about them is retarded and if you were expecting ward to be a sign of that then you set yourself up to be disappointed
Yeah but Its only once per turn. Still three per round but...
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>Uhh it's not literally hexproof so you should be grateful!!!
Yeah MaRo could have made Underworld Breach cost 0 mana with no added exile cost that doesn't make what we got a good design choice.
With sufficiently inflated ward costs, the difference between ward and hexproof is purely cosmetic. If you don't see why that's a problem, then I don't think anyone can help you.
It's time to bring in the Rakdos all-star.
>protection effects are bad game design
There's nothing more anyone can say to you besides cry more
>i-its basically the same thin-
Except it's not the same thing. No matter how much you cry that it's basically the same thing it isn't. And guess what I'm saying and guess what wizards still obviously believes, hexproof is fine to do sometimes. There's literally a hexproof card in this set that anon posted in this thread. Every super pushed card you're crying about with ward costs that are "basically hexproof" would just be hexproof anyway if wizards wasn't doing ward. If you want to cry and day that's bad game design go ahead but ward doesn't change anything about the equation besides making it objectively worse
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It's astounding how after this many posts, you're still too daft to understand what the discussion was even about. Godspeed, retard-kun.
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this shit is my fav in my Gargos deck
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>Uh you should be grateful because this card would have been a 0 mana instant if they weren't doing leylines
>I'm not a heckin retard!
>i-its you that's the retard!
Ok bro please get a room next time you see a card with ward on it so we don't have to hear your crying
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The fact this card has to exist at all demonstrates that even WotC is starting to realize exorbitant ward costs are becoming a problem, yet you can't see that.
.... No it does not lmao.
It's just a way to avoid them, doesn't mean it's a problem. If it was a problem they wouldn't print any in this set
No you fucking tard it exists because ward is going to be a major consistent effect going forward so they print hate cards for it. Just like they printed cards that got around hexproof while continuing to print hexproof because it was an effect they were using regularly. I BEG YOU to stop being this fucking stupid
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If they were not a problem they would not have needed to print a card that answers them.
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That's not how the game works. Do you think answers are only printed when something is a "problem"?
>Ok here's a reach
.....holy fuck you're stupid
>if there's an answer to it that mean's it's a problem
all creature removal means creatures are a problem
all enchantment removal means enchantments are a problem (this but unironically)
all artifact removal means artifacts are a problem
do you fucking hear yourself?
Guess that Archetype of Finality means deathtouch is just a huge problem and they need to stop printing it immediately and Archetype of Courage proves that First Strike is a problem and needs to go away
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Unironically yes. That's how MtG design has worked for the last 5 years where they will not print answers to new mechanics unless they're already causing problems on a colossal scale.
nta, one pitfall is wizard underestimating ward costs and printing Basically Hexproof when, as you said, they wouldn't otherwise. And even lighter ward costs disincentivize spot removal, in a format where people are already running too little and making games worse for it.
Alright, I'll give you one final chance to understand:
Nobody is complaining about ward. Ward is a fine mechanic, there's nothing inherently wrong with it. WotC is just getting too excited and speedrunning the powercreep of the mechanic, to the point where it becomes the very problem it was meant to solve. Ward is perfectly okay, and on more expensive legends all but a requirement if they are to be viable as commanders, but it needs to be used carefully, and the cost balanced.
A ward cost that puts you as far behind in tempo as >>93775830 illustrated is no longer what ward is supposed to be. If the cost is so crippling, then nobody's going to pay it in any realistic scenario. It ceases to be "interaction is possible at an increased cost" and becomes a lose-lose scenario. This is a problem, and puts these overcosted instances of ward on the same level as uninteractive bad design as hexproof. The abstract notion of "but you can still interact with it" falls apart when that is not actually a realistic option.

Ward is a tool that is abused too much recently. We keep getting extreme cases like Veinripper, Kappa Cannoneer, Sauron, hell, even Voja - a high threat creature like that, in colors famous for ramping hard and fast, with a relatively medium cost of 5, should not have ward 3. That's the whole point of the discussion. That ward is inflating too quickly in cost, and encroaching on territory where it has the same problems of hexproof - devaluing spot removal, in a format where it's already of medium quality, and the recommendation is to play 2-3+ wipes in every deck.
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>landwalk is a big problem 30 years ago
I miss some old keywords, they should make a comeback. They brought back horsemanship, why not landwalk?
I genuinely have no problem with this ward cost yall are tripping. It's a 9 drop, by the time it's placed boards will be pretty well developed and it's nonland not nontoken and this is Token: The Gathering after all.
They print a landwalk creature every set or so anon, it never left.
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swamp lotus petal entomb reanimate
(i know there are better targets for that, just that black never has to do anything)
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He didn't fly so good
>I also pointed to the post on github that has already done the legwork and confirmed that indeed the average costs are 3-5 hundred
Anon, you seriously think someone scraping all the card kingdom (inflated) prices of edhrec decklists is proof that the typical commander deck being played IRL is $400? Not everyone is uploading their decklists to edhrec, especially budget players changing out 20 cards in a precon, and a good chunk of those decks are theorycrafts, test builds, or dream decks that were never made IRL.
The going price for the Raccoon PRECON is about $45. The price for the same cards in singles on Card Kingdom is over $100. The prices on the github just don't reflect reality in any way.
>the price of cards doesnt reflect the price of cards
What an odd thing to say.
Wow you're fuckinh stupid
NTA but I think what he means is that the price of single card doesn't necessarily reflect what someone actually paid to acquire them, and uses the example of how basically any recent precon is worth less in box than all of its singles combined.
Which explains how the average deck has a price tag much higher than it initially appears. Cards fluxuate in price, build a deck for 3-5 years and its price might be much higher than you realize.
So which of the 4 face commanders are looking the best?
Apparently the decks I build are too strong, so I'm trying to either power them down or find a commander/style I enjoy without being too good for my pod. So far, I've built:

Omnath 4 colour Landfall (expensive, way too strong)
Eriette Aura Drain (strong, but they focused me and I couldn't keep coming back like with others)
4-Color Aragorn Legends/Humans
Meren Aristocrats/Reanimator (played just one game, they were creature decks so I could force them to sacrifice several times a turn, burn them, and get card advantage)
I also bought Stella Lee's precon, but the issue is that the Storm turns take too long. I've got a Magnus the Red tokens/big spells and a Sythis Enchantments on the way, but I'm worried the same thing will happen with those.
What's the best way to power down your decks intentionally, without making them not work together at all? I've cheaped out on landbase and not spent for more than the cheapest non-basics, and put in more tapped lands. So no tri-lands that cycle or are fetchable, no shocklands, no commander lands.
Vulvagoth > Zimone > Winter > Animatou is my guy feeling. They generally feel relatively balanced though, unlike Outlaws where there was a clear outlier in power.
I think Aminatou is better than Winter.
You could always try changing the Commander to a weaker one that's within the same theme
Zimone seems pretty busted to me, so much better than Kaust it's not even funny.
I put Winter above her since Winter can reanimate something the turn he enters simply by having delirium enabled. Animatou will generally require you to wait a turn cycle before getting any sort of value out of her.
Animatou is better than winter.
Vulva goth is strong but to me looks boring. Hes probably still in the #1 spot though
I guess I have to build another Jund deck.
I think zimone is even better than vannifar
I'm just wondering why this time all of the face commanders are characters that also have cards in the main set (except maybe Aminatou). I guess with Valvagoth it makes sense, but did we really need another Zimone and another Winter?
That's true. The problem is that I'm also new to commander (though not to Magic) so I have an issue figuring out how "powerful" a deck is, as I have nothing to compare it to. I don't copy anyone's decklist, I just look at EDHRec and put things in that are cheap AND look fun. There's a lot I DON'T put in, and other cards I like that aren't there that I add that I want to play with. At this point I'm worried that any commander I want to build is just gonna have to get shelved or taken apart as it's just a different power level. None of the new precons particularly interest me either.
I also want to try building Cruelclaw cause I want to cast big spells, but again, it feels like it'd be too strong. Not sure what I can do to determine a relative power level either.
I don't understand that either
Yeah, the Golgari deck could have been helmed by one of those Razorkin serial killer guys, and the Simic deck could have had some other survivor, or maybe even that girl Marina from the story who made the deal that gave Valvagoth power over Duskmourn (thus "manifesting" him).
But Vannifar is prettier so I'm still going to keep playing her
When in doubt just remove some card draw
Animatou looks p clunky, you need to play 6cmc enchantments and have it stick around for a turn. Doors'll be good with her at least.
Presumably they think they'll sell more if they reuse characters that people know, or try to use people's affinity for characters to try to get EDH players interested in Standard or vice versa.
A wet paper towel is better than Kaust
No, you need to play 5cmc enchantments and that's only to get the max reduction. Getting a 1-4 mana reduction is still good
Too many blacks
run life force then loser
it's a horror themed setting, of course that color on the wheel is gonna be abundant, you idiot.
wish I could cast this irl
so how do we boink it.
I mean bonk it.
I mean break it.
You can
I don't like go low aggro
My guess is that they're just reusing scrapped pieces of art for the characters, rather than just choosing one piece or the other for the final product. Considering that they recently lost a few artists for plagiarism, it's likely that they had to quickly replace cards that had art they'd made, resulting in them needing to reuse whatever art they happened to have on the cutting room floor to fill in the now empty slots. So some random creature gets cut, and now some character they had scrapped art of gets a second card.
Oh boy I can finally make Stookie Bill and the Stookie Babbies
I didn't pay much attention to Outlaws, but all four of the precons looked pretty shit to me at a glance. Which one was the outlier?
What is this un-shit?
>Unwanted Remake
lol I like the name
>removes your commander once and watches you never cast it again due to tax
nothin personel
I hate duskmourn so much. There's not even any cute animals
Nothing can be stronger than Guff since he literally had omnipotency.
she cute
>Anon literally admits to having 52 fucking commander decks
>ask if he actually uses them and if he has any other hobbies
You can't read
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>Uh no I'm not trying to shame him for having lots of decks
What are you doing then? The fuck is the point of your post? How about you list 10 of your hobbies Mr. Epic fuckhead?
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wheres the zombies?
>shame him
It's odd to have that many fucking decks, very few people have that many fucking decks. It is normal to ask questions when someone says they have over 4 dozen commander decks
You saw this but they didn't nerf her other powers at all. The current story arc literally started with her removing all the stakes by giving everyone the magic power to see if they will ever do anything that will make them die.
He's just at the point in his life before he condenses his collection from a bunch of mid cards to a few extremely expensive cards. It's how it works, these things go on cycles.
Stella Lee is very strong (for a precon at least) out of the box and can be turned into a really potent combo deck with minimal, inexpensive upgrades.
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I think it's better than neku if you build it around caring about discard.
If you have high enough delirium this guy's like original Jin the chin
I think I'm going to build my first one with this guy
Make sure to pack land destruction for reliquary towers.
There's been other cards revealed so far I don't think have been posted. Guess I'll post them for those who haven't seen them
Fear of immobility
fuckin 'scary stories to tell in the dark' lookin' ass art
Hauntwoods shrieker
Razorkin Needlehead
Norin swift survivalist
Peer past the veil
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>more facedown morph type effects
Please fucking stop
Oh look, deathmist raptor
I have ruination and some copies of demo field but I've tried to buy this card 3 times already, just randomly adding it to an order I had going, and each time it got cancelled for being out of stock or they couldn't find it.

I don't see reliq tower too often in person though, and any time I play it people tell me it's not worth a utility land slot
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Split up
Well I guess norin is a black guy now.
This wasn't already a card?
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Valgavoth's lair
desu I never really looked hard at his art but he looks black there.
There's a cycle of cute animal spirits anon
Tyvar the pummeler
>enchantment land
oh boy
He looks 30 years younger but he was definitely black before.
Well that's a $70 card. Maybe more.
Love my boy Tyvar. Best character WoTC has made in fifteen years and only has to deal with that they CANNOT have him alone they have to pair him with losers like Kaya and Niko
You're mentally ill and self medicating with collectibles
>enters tapped
It's still very good for enchantment decks but there's no way this will be $70. Feel free to screencap this.
Is the enchantment type or hexproof that makes it worthwhile?
Doesn't seem worth it except in enchantress lists
Eventually we'll have enough fixing that EDH may as well have a rule that says "basic lands tap for any color in your general's identity".
I missed the tapped part. It'll be 30ish.

It's a wasteland-proof land in any colour you want. Even if it enters tapped, it'll see play in legacy.
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I'm an idiot, why are people freaking out about this so much more than every other uncharted haven variant?
You know fetches and basics exist, right?
I know the point is trying to get a reaction, but god I wish people like you would stop being brain damaged. Go outside.
Last time they did this those lands had to be banned in Modern, although they're forgetting that the reason was the abundance of affinity cards which made them effectively tap for 2.
>Enchantment land
This might be the dumbest idea I've ever heard.
Urza's Saga is a thing, and although it's expensive and heavily played I don't think I've ever seen any deck that cared about it being an enchantment.
you mean commander?
>It's a wasteland-proof land
I don't think that's enough to make it worth it. I don't think the bridges are seeing much play outside maybe affinity.
Constellation won.
Lands just got some new tech from the look of things, or maybe it'll be it's own deck i was pleasantly surprised to see most draws were on a cast trigger.
Saga synergize more with artifact built than enchantment although it's one of them.
And they're sold out everywhere in my country. Fucking insider trading I swear to god.
He's basically the same thing as Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin. I still like Gev more as a rakdos group slug commander, but i'll definetly add him to my 99 on the account that it looks fucking sick
Might look back at Eldraine's role aura token.
Ob Nixils is better because he's not capped at once per turn but I'm definitely throwing him in Ob Nixils for max card draw
This dude actually seems like the most interesting of the precon commnaders, i like how he encourages running as many types of permanents as possible and he can reanimate any of them
Ob can be cEDH viable. Val? Not so much.
Are there any other cards out there that can make copies of tokens that DON'T care about what kind of token it is? Usually they have a stipulation of creature, artifact or whatever.
Yeah I agree. I think he's middling in power level but seems like the most interesting to play.
working on it
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Second Harvest and Battle for Bretagard comes to mind

Damn, can't use it in the wonky Prowess Narset.
I wish there was something else in her mouth
aw man he stopped being hot and got a liberalhawk haircut :(
To be fair these cards were also commons that were printed into the dirt.
The fun thing is if you really needed to you could use enchantment search to find the land.
still seething about the most retarded game i played with randoms last night
>be me mono green ghug
>one player's deck is way stronger than the rest of us but i'm the only one keeping him in check
>the other two players havent even played their decks the whole game, no board state, no removal, nothing, both are sitting at 40 life
>make the mistake of NOT swinging 25 commander on one of them because i decide to keep it as blockers against the king player
>somehow these tards still dogpile me down to 3 life
>this is my last turn to do anything to stop the threat from running away with the game (it's his turn next)
>oh yeah he has 85 life and a full board
>everything i could do is contingent on getting my commander back out
>if i can get him out and play legos and get a board state it will make the king have no choice but to use resources to kill me since i'd be the only viable threat to him
>cast my commander
>retard that hasnt done shit all game to keep the leader in check has a response
>pic rel
>it's successful
>fucks me completely over with 3 life and he takes control of my commander for the 3 seconds before i scoop
>effectively wasting his instant and ensuring that the leader can use his resources to kill them instead of me now
everyone else was like uhh why the fuck would you do that
i've heard of playing for second but playing for third place, pure malicious retardation. dude even said "i don't know why" like he just sperged out because he hadnt played shit all game and finally saw a chance to play an instant and just did it without even thinking about how it would cost himself the game on the next turn.

i don't really care about winning or losing though the former is more preferable, i just like when there's stuff happening and interactions, this game felt like a 1v1 with the other two players simping for the leader

these nerds will kick you when you're down just because they couldnt fend for themselves or stand up to the big dog even when you had their back
god damn that's boring
what's a door
what does it mean it unlocks
where is the unlock cost
the fuck

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