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Demonic Tutor for Demons edition

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Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


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Favorite card from Duskmourn so far?
Were today's reveals just reprints?
Unironically the Room
Are you guys hyped for duskmourn?

What are you guys looking forward?

The avatars?
The demons?
The extra sheet retro television frame, or the other one?
The silly references/member berries?
The friendly horrors?
The com- I mean- the legendaries?
How wizards will fuck formats with new cards?
How wizards will make a bad story?
How wizards will ruin the set?
>What are you guys looking forward?
the doomsday guy
new kaito
delirium cards in general
enchantment creatures in general
new leylines
jolly ballon man combo in pioneer
I think that's it so far
modern amalia
>jolly ballon man combo in pioneer
I would love to see that become a thing, would be hilarious lol
Interesting design, I just hope there won't be too many parasitic designs that only work with cards from this specific set.
>The avatars?
>The demons?
>The extra sheet retro television frame, or the other one?
Is it supposed to look like an old TV? It just looks like a bunch of "analog stuff" crammed into the frame.
>The silly references/member berries?
I have been sick of silly references and member berries for a long time.
>The friendly horrors?
Are you talking about the glimmers or about how the horror theme set is PG at best?
>The com- I mean- the legendaries?
I don't know or care about these characters.
>How wizards will fuck formats with new cards?
I accept it with depressed resignation and just hope they didn't fuck up AGAIN with last minute card changes.
>How wizards will make a bad story?
This is a given, and I hate it.
>How wizards will ruin the set?
We knew that the set was fucked from the moment Nosewater gave that retarded post about how "technology is fine as long as it's powered by magic" and how he doesn't actually want to put scary things in the set, just "horror themes"
>no ocelot pride
>no guide of souls or any form of soul sister effect
this has to be misbuilt, these cards are broken in modern
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immatrust the results
>samwise gamgee combo
Not Magic the Gathering.
>Are you talking about the glimmers or about how the horror theme set is PG at best?
I think he meant the beasties.
I'm worried everything in dicksborne is too slow and durdly
if it was printed in 2018 it would be great but

standard is flooded with boros convoke, rdw, squirming emergence and control decks that completely shut down anything you play
you can't possibly run these "play an enchantment that takes multiple turns to accrue minor value" cards
how the fuck can anyone afford to pay 2 mana for a card that doesn't impact the board state immediately and needs you to pay another 6 mana to go online
I need to cast pest control on turn 2 just to survive half the meta because temporary lockdown is too slow
Tell that to TOR a card that is in the 90% of modern decks. You at this point would say Modern is not Magic lol
New Kaito
Just started working on a Pioneer ninjutsu deck in preparation for this guy coming out. Ninjas in Pioneer is gonna be a thing guys I promise
That's right. Only Standard and Pioneer are Magic. Any "format" where "Universes beyond" is legal, is not true Magic.
Are even good Ninjas to make this dude work? Looks just a good PW/creature for UB midrange.
I'm gonna make do with what ninjas are in the format because I LIKE them and I'm not a BITCH
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This card is such an underappreciated engine

Its turn 5, I have 5 untapped lands and skrelv
Cast whiskervale, then tap monumental facade and get a free phyrexian censor to slow down my opponent
end of their turn I target it with skrelv, get a werefox bodyguard to hand
my turn I target it with facade again, get another free werefox bodyguard onto the field, cast the one in hand, seal away both the opponents creatures

In a single turn cycle I got MORE than a collected company for 4 (+2 trigger) mana. I got a 3/4 body they couldn't attack into, 2x free 3 mana creatures and drew another card, and I would still drawn another on their turn again if they hadn't scooped the moment I yeeted their entire board
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I want sacdos back in Standard.
>You sacrifice your board so RDW can kill you even faster
t:ninja format:standard
I don't think so. Cryptomancer doesn't look like it has any utility unless you've built up a pile of Kaito emblems, and Satoru looks like a do thing draw card commander who got wedged into OTJ
Modern isn't magic
Why is a uncommon and commons format so much less popular than pauper all commons?
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lmfao fucking youtube link tracker addons fuck off you shitheads the whole point of a share link is for it to be shorter than the fucking original link
Anyways, back to our regularly scheduled programming:

>Turns out there are some egregiously good Bone Splinters effects in Pioneer.
See, now we're getting somewhere.
Still need to tune up the mix of Crime enablers to get things perfect.
Being able to burn your Case skeletons to tutor in a pinch is solid.
Realmwalker is proving to be decent, but the other Changelings didn't make the cut. Grim Roustabout's still the best we have. (Sad)

This is a very fun deck.
Prion Black is in a great state, with a ~68% overall winrate. I think I can set it aside and onto Golgari Skeletons, I like the brew enough to give it the real treatment.
Bone splinters cards ARE crime enablers. You sacrifice the skeleton as part of the cost, so it will be in your graveyard when the spell is cast and the conditions for committing a crime have happened.
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Bloomburrow blurbs from Arena.
>You sacrifice the skeleton as part of the cost, so it will be in your graveyard when the spell is cast and the conditions for committing a crime have happened.
Indeed. Works great with Forsaken Miner, "BB: Exile target creature or planeswalker" isn't bad at all.
And the option to just hard cast it for 5 when trying to slam a game shut with a skeleton army is legit working perfect as a curve topper.

The list is really coming together. It's crazy how unstoppable it feels when it's fully online. What are you going to do, kill my hasted Rot Farm Skeleton? Lmao.
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>meanwhile, what the critterfolk get up to during an average draft
my uneducated guess would be power level and identity, pauper can resemble legacy sometimes but only allowing commons severly lowers people's expectations of what can happen, once you allow uncommons, there's an insane injection of power into the format
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I'm a bit disappointed by this guy.

Amazing artwork, interesting commander and the deck seemed fun in the preview.

But why would you ever play this as a commander instead of Ob Nixilis?
wrong thread coomturd
seriously what is the off-ramp for getting rid of commander/edh players forever? why was this allowed to happen?
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Reprint it into standard you cowards
commander is even less magic than modern

commander is even less magic than yu gi oh
I respect arenababs more than you
>you may gain 1 life
sometimes gaining life may be detrimental to your health
False Cure obvs
This looks like bullshit in rw tokens in standard.
Captcha: 0K0GXD
Force of Will
Sensei's Divining Top
Every signpost uncommon
Blood Artist
Every uncommon tutor
Leylines are the most retarded mechanic ever printed. They should all be retroactively banned and never touched again. No, I don’t care if they are strong or unplayable, they shouldn’t exist.
I would be happy with Leylines if they required you to exile another card from your hand to put them down.

Also that thing is fucking retarded. Martyr Proc already shows how easy it is to gain 10+ life in an instant, for cheap. As sad as an 8/8 flying lifelinker for W being unplayable is....
leylines are allowed to just fucking turn off entire strategies
hoser artifacts at 1-2 colorless mana allowed to turn off entire strategies

Graveyard decks? Holy fuckballs we can stop you for ZERO mana
Targeted discard or combos? Hexproof lmao
Free spells? Vex'd, Chalice'd
Mass 1 drop creatures? ....

Why the FUCK does aggro get to end games on turn 3 and there's no cards in the history of magic that actually hose early aggro strats and delay them
Seriously why can't we just have something like this:

>Frozen Orb {1}
>Prevent all damage
>At the end of your turn, if a player controls four or more lands, sacrifice Frozen Orb. If you do, draw a card.
Fury, retard
Isnt this like some Valkyrie angel made enchantment?

because without strong linear, predictable aggro decks as the pillar of a format, combo or control are the meta. combo metagames are a miserable unplayable mess that nobody wants and control metagames are even worse shitshows that see people going to time every game for entire GPs or whatever the fuck they're doing now.
>straight to modern
>straight to BANNED
Notice how you didn't talk about fair midrange decks where both players get to interact with each other, play out threats, answer threats and dig for spells and actually play the fucking game instead of
>hurr durr play 6 spells that cost 1 mana by turn 3 and ur dead before your 3rd land lmao
>hurr durr storm off with 20 spells in a row and grapeshot you whoops 5 minute solitaire turn
>hurr durr counter every spell you play entire game long and kill you with mirrex tokens

midrange isn't fair. the entire premise of the archetype is that your one or two midrange spells will generate more value than everything your opponent has been doing for the entire game. the word "fair" doesn't have anything to do with magic the gathering, and it shouldn't.
This is a result of the removal in Standard just not being good enough while the threats are arguably the best they've ever been (by Standard standards). No eternal format has problems with aggro. It's also a bo1 issue because Arena bo1 is objectively not real Magic. The hand smoother allows red decks to run less than 20 lands and still be almost guaranteed 2 lands in their opener. The braindead faggots at Wizards see no problem with this when aggro decks only need/want 2 lands to begin with while every other archetype needs 4-5+ lands to fully deploy their gameplans.
Well we're getting White Fatal Push in DSK and at this point I wouldn't be surprised if they do an actual Fatal Push reprint in Foundation.
How crazy would be Tought and Bolt reprint in Foundations?
Giving them a 2/2 + selection is much worse than Fatal Push. It's still a better option against red than Get Lost, which is unironically too slow sometimes thanks to taplands.
>it's another retard who thinks a game can only be fun/good if it's unbalanced garbage
Every creature will have 4 toughness for the rest of the game's lifespan it's already heading that way.
10000 years of Bx midrange.
A vanilla 2/2 is practically useless for current rdw, they rely a lot on prowess and having selection is meaningless unless they hit a creature and flip it. Being a destroy and not exile hurts against scamp and hero, but it's still very good against red.
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a game can only be fun/good if it allows the player opportunities to do broken bullshit unfair things, yeah. art imitates life.
if you give RDW a vanilla 2/2 they will untap next turn, turn it into a 7/3 and hit you for 14 damage with fling
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This is the most honest card to ever be printed.
The fact the game has reached a point where this no longer answers an average turn 1 is a testament to how fraudulent this game has become.
That's when you hit it with the second remake and 3 for 1 them.
watched a game of timeless

guy goes turn 1 grief on the play, opponent counters it with subtlety. guy follows up dark ritual into necropotence, opponent steals it with commandeer, guy concedes

watched a game of standard

guy goes turn 1 swiftspear, opponent plays a tapland, guy goes swiftspear monstrous rage, opponent concedes

we can have a conversation when legacy unbans flash and mind's desire

until then, get fucked
>space cowboys with no guns set
>followed by reddit smol chungus animals
>followed by epic horror references set

dropping blocks was a mistake
>he watches arena
If you wait to fizzle the burn together you already took 7 damage. If you fizzle the monstrous rage they get to keep the banesplitter, and next turn they'll equip it to their 2/2 token, hit you for 5, burn together for another 5

counterpoint: an entire block with Companion cards
Reprint Lurrus. Unban it in all formats. Genuinely who gives a fuck anymore.
I agree. I want a block of Duskmourn.
>Jundlet bitching about getting run over before his wallet pile can curve out
In the traditional metagame clock, aggro beats control beats combo beats aggro. Midrange is in the space between Aggro and Combo, you play a critical mass of individual threats that are united only in that they are the biggest effects at their mana costs. Midrange is less effective at pressuring control than more dedicated aggro, as it wants to just spam 2-for-1s instead of pressuring your opponent's life total. Control can typically recoup the loss of CA easier than life via sweepers/mass draw/engine permanents.
Basically you're saying that control should be king.
Minds Desire is legal in Legacy.
Timeless is a great format.
Fuck off.
watching timeless is gay tho, just play it
The Alchemy cards are too weak to see play.
idk why you expect to take no damage at all against aggro, the point is to slow them down enough to stabilize
if they're spending 3 to equip banesplitters they've already lost

not me.
powercreep the power 9.

>its real

the fuck

my boy Kaito for ninjas and dimir shenanigans
The fact that is polluted by it is already enough to turn the format into poop
Because it's not actually that great compared to the other options Storm has. Even High Tide would rather play Time Spiral.

They had shifted the ban update cadence to one major announcement each year. They got to the big update day and clearly didn't want to actually ban anything because they're greedy fucks. So they did a few gestural unbans (Preordain in Modern and Mind's Desire in Legacy) so that their big major yearly ban announcement wasn't literally nothing.
>Because it's not actually that great compared to the other options Storm has.

the storm count is at 4 -> I play my entire deck is better than whatever you have in mind
Why don't you go take a look at current Legacy Storm decks?
okay and back in reality of the game

aggro plays a coinflip, if they go first they win if they go second they lose
control beats everything else unless combo had the nuts and control had only removal in hand
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>only one major announcement for bans per year
holy fuck this is grim
Currently trying to figure out if my ninjas deck wants one or both Kaitos. The classic "cool new card" vs "shit I already know is good" dilemma.
With a Silver Fur Master out new Kaito is effectively a two mana Planeswalker which is fucking hilarious but new Kaito doesn't have any synergies with Rogues (which my deck will likely end up running at least a few of cause several of them work well in the deck and also they get a buff from stuff like Silver Fur)
wotc are never going to slow down are they

they look slow and easily disrupted without mind's desire. what am I missing?
they'll have to once world war 3 starts and somebody nukes america
Technically it's only one per year for Standard and other formats aren't strictly bound to it, but it's clearly supposed to be the big tent pole B&R update. That's why they hit a bunch of formats this year's update.
Except for Standard which hasn't gotten a ban in a year and a half despite being fucking terrible. Not even a gestural Sheoldred or Atraxa ban.
i doubt anyone would want to start ww3 over jew york or california getting nuked
Why do you think Mind's Desire would make it better?
>literally the best city in the world
>and also California
Come on now
>How wizards will make a bad story?
We already have the full story and we already know it's shit. It's just a bunch of OP planeswalkers and former planeswalkers showing up in a "horror movie" that's designed to kill normal people, so they effortlessly destroy everything in their path. Even Valgavoth, the big alpha demon, is just a bitch who gets his ass kicked easily.
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>best city in the world
>a bunch of OP planeswalkers and former planeswalkers showing up
it's so fucking fatiguing now that omenpaths are a thing and you're going to see the same handful of characters that no one particularly liked in the first place appearing in every set from now on

because I have played several thousand games with the card in storm decks and I know how it works. I have won games with the storm count at 2 by going free spell mind's desire and hitting the next one and then value and then playing my entire deck off that.
Beseech the Mirror into Gaea's Will Is Yawgmoth's Will. You cast your graveyard.
Veil of Summer is Silence that draws a card. It also stops discard.
Galvanic Relay lets you do a mini storm to start the next turn with 5-6 fresh cards.

okay that makes sense, thank you
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it's a shit hole.
Well times have changed, old man.

if you're at all curious, goldfish it
might spark neurons
I don't think mind's desire is a weak card but making 4UU even in legacy is considerably less consistent than just 1BBB for beseech or 2R for relay

relay is bonkers, I bought several playsets when it was printed
The nicest parts of the city still smell like garbage because of all the garbage everywhere. My source? I went there last year. Broadway stank, 5th Avenue stank, central park is full of homeless, and you have to weave between piles of trash bags to get around. I guess the city is pretty cool if you don't mind the smell of rotting garbage, but I do.
Go and make Mind's Desire Storm a thing again
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>horror set
>not a single card is actually scary/grotesque
hope this flops as the meme detective set
This set has cool stuff in it while Memes at Keklov Manor had 0 cool cards in it
Sorry to say, it's gonna sell
>RL cards
cmon bruh
Wait why is this an enchantment, it looks like a sorcery
>because enchantment matters in this set
Ok so just make a sorcery into an enchantment for that reason got it
Which sorcery creates a 2/2 when sacrificed?
Not even a new or unusual design.
Is there no way to filter MPCfill for specific Sets?
I am a new player and my autism decided I want to go through the sets choronologically but in order to proxy a beta set I would have to browse through literal thousands of pictures from all of the sets + duplicates in varying quality + fanmade animu trash to find the right three arts for each basic land and the dozens of variations for every other card. Please tell me there is a more efficient way.
innocent question here:

Why is the main set Winter full Jund, while the commander precon one is jus BG? I thought WotC made excuses about 3c in the draft environment?

I’d expect most of the needless 3+ color stuff to not be in the main set unless is some big faction leader in a wedge/shard set. Hell, they made Tyvar monoG
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Designing for commander means having cards that are resilient value engines with clear lines of synergy but amass resources in a way that can be interacted with in a fairly straightforward manner. Designing for standard means making sure the set mechanics all fall into the basic buckets of aggro, tempo, midrange, control, combo in a manner that isn't stupid, as well as controlling for the draft environment.

Two color winter would've been stupidly powerful in limited and a really solid enabler for an already stacked golgari midrange deck. Three color winter will sometimes reward an ambitious splash in limited and is unlikely to see standard play. Put another way, they're both commander cards, and they wanted to make a 2 color precon instead of 3 colors.
I wish commander only cards weren't anywhere near a standard set. If they weren't such fags and allowed those "commander cards" in the standard of the set they were being printed on then I would actually like most of them.
Said that: fuck commander and this shit.
HH did nothing wrong>>93785802
>Sheoldred or Atraxa ban.
Can I tell you a secret?
If you lose to either one, especially in Game 2/3, you are a bad player who is bad.
Holly shit tamiyo's baby rat son is probably gay, what a shit trailer

I've been thinking about it too. It really feels like the Winters were switched at some point. Jund is clearly a commander card that's unplayable in 60 card, while Golgari uses and enables one of the main set mechanics and could be a build around in rogue reanimator decks.
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Reminder that you could reduce the cost of every single mono White card in Standard and increase the P/T of every mono White creature by 1, and every single card would STILL be 5 turns behind every other color regardless of who went first. THAT'S how fucking bad it is to play White.
don't respond to it
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So true bestie.
With the introduction of play boosters they've been designing cards to have more colored pips to make it harder to splash cards in decks. Main set Winter looks like he was designed for a constructed deck that punishes draws which they may not actually support. For draft he is a payoff for the rg/bg delirium draft deck. The commander Winter was likely designed after they decided the main set design since commander decks are designed with mechanics that are underused in the main set.
>It is magi tech
>Literal live footage with tvs and other modern technology

lmao (also rat with pink hair is retarded)
Could you play roots in this? Seems like skeletons would be good enablers for it. Moss-pit especially.
My predictions for Duskmourn draft archetypes.
W/U would be eerie and unlocking rooms.
U/B ??
B/R Enchantment and creature sacrifice.
R/G Delirium.
G/W token and creature spam.
W/B lifegain
U/R casting instant and sorceries.
B/G Delirium
R/W Survival aggro
G/U Something to do with lands.
>bro what if, the Avengers were put in a horror movie?
>also bro not a hardcore horror movie but a reddit tier one

They should've just bought the license to some 80s horrors movies so I could officially hurl Captain America's shield at Freddy's head and had Jason fight FREDDY?!!! instead of this garbage jacetice league vs OC DONUT STEEL Stranger Things monsters.
I just realized that Moss Pit and Rot Farm are both plants.

Sorry, Moss Pit, Rot Farm AND Mutavault are all plants, which is even crazier.
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The problem is sideboarding. It artificially benefits strong threat + reactive spells shitpiles and prevents natural metagame development. Decks should not be allowed to play 16 maindeck creature spells but they can get away with it because they never have to worry about having graveyard or artifact answers when they have access to their sideboard.

People think that artifact and graveyard decks will take over the game without sideboards but they think this because they are retards. What will actually happen is that people will play maindeck answers to noncreature threats and there will be a diverse metagame with a natural self balancing cycle of certain decks becoming strong, then being hated out, then becoming strong again once people stop playing hate. Redditors don't like this because they think that this removes skill from the game.
>Decks should not be allowed to play 16 maindeck creature spells but they can get away with it because they never have to worry about having graveyard or artifact answers when they have access to their sideboard.
*creature hate spells
I'm probably late to the party on the Ygra/cat combo, but I think Scavenger's Talent is insane and I'm struggling to find a reason to not build this deck

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I hate how if you play non combo blue in Legacy you HAVE to play ze frog, it makes no sense not to. Thank you wizards for another slam dunk of a horizons set
Strong creatures + answers is better gameplay than "do i have the hate card or not?"
the shitty in-between for this is having hate cards that can be useful when there aren't graveyard/artifact shenanigans happening, but even then, you'd rather not have that card when there isn't shenanigans
It's the worst gameplay and is literally answer their threat or lose with no nuance and little variability. Is 1996 magic or 2024 magic more difficult? There's your answer retard
Yeah I've tested Roots in it a few times. it's solid. The skeletons and Roots are pretty comfy together. Just stretching the synergies too thin sometims. Lots of situations where you just have different pieces from different cynergies that don't work together. Also makes you more vulnerable to 'yard hate.

Definitely worth messing with though. Feels even better when it's popping off than just with regular skeletons. Maybe I'll take a second look at it.
Also, this is not a Thoughtseize deck imo.
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Oh god wait I just realized the synergy with Moss-Pit, Insidious Roots and Realmwalker. (Changelings are also plants)

This might be the better route now that you have me looking at it again.
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>attacks with creatures
what else can you attack with?
Why don't you want to include Thoughtsieze?
That's why I hate MH sets. There's no deckbuilding decisions anymore, you just put in the expensive MH cards - usually creatures - in your colour and use powerful old cards like daze, chrome mox etc to support them. I've mostly built a dark bant zenith list and it's just inferior to any Nadu build.
Because I'd rather use those slots on things that make the deck more reliable and robust.
maybe the emphasis is placed on the plurality, as evidenced by >if two or more of those creatures
>Whenever an opponent attacks, if two or attacking creatures
all they had to do
>what else can you attack with?
>maybe the emphasis is placed on the plurality, as evidenced by >if two or more of those creatures

The correct wording would be
>Whenever an opponent attacks you or a planeswalker you control with two or more creatures...
But WotC doesn't care and its lead editor is a fucking uneducated retard who fails at his job in every possible aspect as frequently as is conceivably possible.
You forgot about Manifest Dread. I think that will probably be the GU theme.
>U/R casting instant and sorceries.
I really hope they do something else, UR spells is the most repetitive and unoriginal draft archetype there is.
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Survivor is the only acceptable mechanic in this set.
Inspired did it better though. It's literally just Inspired, but power crept as you get the trigger faster.
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>Constellation, but power crept
>Inspired, but power crept
>Manifest, but power crept
>MDFCs, but power crept
I'm really liking the art in this set. Way creepier than anything from Phyrexia: All Will Be One.
I like most of the art. I'm not so big on the survivors so far (Winter's the main exception, he generally 'fits'), they seem too 'clean' for what's meant to be desperate survivors barely hanging on in a House that hates them. I don't even mind the 80s aesthetic, I just wish they looked more bedraggled.
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>I'm really liking the art in this set.
>Kicker, but more narrow
Yeah, the survivors look like they've only been in the house for a couple of hours or a few days at most. Which I suppose is possible, most of them probably die very soon after arriving.
If they're new additions from other planes they should have outfits reflecting that, at least in part. The main story gang all have somewhat modified versions of their normal outfits, for example. If they're long-time survivors they should look a bit more worn-down. Even the hardened vets shouldn't look pristine. The story even makes a point that the only people who live in the House long-term that look clean are Valgavoth's cultists.
Thr TV related shit all looks really bad and out of place, but otherwise the warped landscapes are decently cool
>the spirits trying to get me to put more counterspells in my deck
So according to MaRo, this is both a top-down set based on Horror pop culture, and a bottom-up set based on Enchantments as the core theme. Why exactly did they decide that a set about horror should focus on Enchantments? It made sense on Theros and Kamigawa since they tied Enchantments to the divine.
Because horror ties into a lot of intangible concepts and how else are they gonna represent intangible concepts on the table?
The Enchantment creatures on Duskmourn are embodiments of the fears of the survivors in the house (Nightmares and Horrors), with Glimmers being the embodiment of their hope. So it's actually pretty similar to the Nyxborn from Theros, the Gods of Theros are born out of the collective beliefs of the population.
I actually expect to see either straight up Bolt, or an instant speed Strangle. Hell, maybe even go all the way and do R Instant: Deal 3 damage to target creature or planeswalker or 2 damage to target player.

But seriously, WotC - Bolt is fine for Standard. Creatures are pushed as fuck now, it won't make any difference.
They're PRETTY hardline on Bolt not being a thing in Standard anymore. They want 3-toughness creatures to exist.
Words cannot accurately describe how much I dislike this.
People already complain about mono-aggro and the mouse deck bolt in those decks would make them livid.
if you showed someone this 3 years ago, would they ever guess it was MTG?
We really are getting a shit-ton of vehicles in the Death Race set aren't we? Subtlety is beyond WotC at this point I guess...
The solution to pushed creatures is not to push stronger and stronger removal
That's a cycle that never fucking ends. Keep pushing it and we're gonna be looking back on Sheoldred fondly.
I think them making sets to have mechanics that synergise with future sets is a good thing, actually.
For the last fucking time, Arena isn't real Magic. No one cares.

Actual Standard has 8 different decks with over 4% of the meta share and only 2 of those decks are even close to the BO1 "red boogyman" Arena stuff and the top decks by a wide margin are a BG value pile and a Domain midrange deck.
You have this backwards. Removal SHOULD ALWAYS be better than the threats. Doesn't matter if it is creatures, lands, enchantments, artifacts, whatever. For a healthy format removal and options need to be better than threats. The problem is (especially for Standard) they stopped doing this and creatures are better now than they have ever been. Bolt isn't even played in Modern and people are worried about seeing it in Standard? What a joke.
>the top decks by a wide margin are a BG value pile and a Domain midrange deck.
that might change real soon, this is the last 7 days of standard results, gruul prowess fucking exploded in popularity
they're fine with 3 toughness creatures being answered with one red mana, but you should work for it (see torch the tower, voltage surge, frost bite)
I think we could get a bolt if it has a real drawback or a harsh requirement
Wow how the fuck are you this retarded
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Feels like there was a miscommunication between the art directors and Creative.
>survivors in stories are sleep-deprived, dirty, clothes are stitched together from rags and strips of wallpaper, you can recognise cultists from the fact they have the luxury of looking clean
>survivors in art:
The trailer also has Nashi cracking one-liners when in the story he's grieving and gets all his friends killed.
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Lightning strike is played at 4 we don't need more power creep.
from that art alone, i bet my sorry ass the descrition was something like:
>dude just slap someone from Ghostbuster or sumthin..
This set could have been kino but they just had to cringe max with the 80s esthetics.
Agreed, the gradual building up many of the Bloomburrow tribes in recent sets was one of the few good things they've done with recent standard sets so I'm fine with more of these seeding approaches
I wonder if we'll start seeing more Goblins, Elves, Merfolk, Faeries, etc. in the next few sets in preparation for the Return to Lorwyn.
Did they forget that Nashi went in with a few other nezumi? Why is he alone here? He also never made it to Valgavoth, he and his rat friends got captured by the trees. Also, you shouldn't be able to punch out a glitch ghost, I'm pretty sure the story said contact with them was fatal. Niko only managed to deal with one because shard magic is somehow a perfect counter to them, aside from that they're supposed to be invincible. What a terrible trailer.
We've already been seeing those in all recent products (except Bloomburrow obviously), but that's normal because they're common creature types. If we see Kithkin then we'll know they're seeding something.
Given how long CGI takes, it is very likely that they started making this trailer before they actually wrote the full story, all they had was a general outline.
I'm guessing we'll be getting Mounts in the set too.
Arena, by virtue of being a very grindy video game where players want to optimize the grinding experience by getting as many games as fast as possible, leads to more hyperaggro decks being used compared to paper. If, for example, deck A has an 80% win rate but games last 10 minutes, and deck B has a 30% win rate but games last 3 minutes, then over the course of an hour of gameplay you'll have about 5 wins with deck A and 6 wins with deck B. Deck A is obviously a better deck due to having almost 3x the win rate, but deck B is more optimal for grinding out wins quickly, so deck B becomes more popular. You can see similar things happen in most grindy video games, especially MMOs, where grinding builds have a bunch of stuff that makes grinding a lot faster, despite being worthless in other contexts like PvP, endgame raids, etc - because your grinding build is designed to get that shitty content done as fast as possible, not to be good at anything else. For Arena, this massively skews things towards Red decks and fast games. Arena Standard is not Paper Standard, despite having identical rules and cardpools, because Arena Standard has an entire game attached to it which creates its own metagame, both in the sense of what's "meta" to run in the game, and in the sense of the game literally having another separate game attached to it.
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The -1/-1 counters card was wasted on this.
It's an uncommon, so there's probably more -1/-1 counter cards in the set. They only do one-off mechanics in Rare or Mythic.
I'm guessing the intent with this card in limited is for you to Manifest it and then flip it up.
Why doesn't it have the Bear creature type?
so we are getting lots of toys in all colours right?
Probably, more Artifact creatures makes Delirium easier when combined with the Enchantment creatures, which are also in all colors.
I actually weirdly agree, but exclusively from an aesthetics perspective. The second I saw the art, I was so sure it was an instant or sorcery, for some reason.
And Enchantment lands. Saccing an enchantment land to something like >>93784440 is +2 delirium.
Let's hope they're common tapped-dual lands.
>Let's hope they're common tapped-dual lands.
We're getting a Rare Enchantment land that enters tapped that does nothing but add Mana of only one color of your choice, so I highly doubt we'll be getting common Enchantment tapped dual lands.
>tapped enchantment city of brass
Meh. It should enter untapped if you already control an enchantment then.
Are they still traumatized by the mirrodin artifact lands that they refuse to print enchants-land?
They're also afraid of triggering consistent Constellation/Eerie triggers.
It'd work with manifest, reanimation, and flicker. We've also got some ways to move counters between your stuff now, though this probably doesn't warrant that.
why are they showing all this commons and uncommons? i want to see the leylines and the other avatars faggots...
I bet sorin + vein ripper is modern playable too, I'm just not sure if it wants to be a necrodominace deck or a traditional midrange deck
You do realize you're basically advocating for Arena Bo1, right?
You can alance the game around creatures without making them immediate loses if unanswered, and even if you couldn't, putting them in different zones that are more difficult to interact with doesn't solve anything.
1996 Magic had sideboards as well, so i don't know what this is supposed to prove other than sideboards not being bad for the game.
That could be rare to prevent splashing bombs being too easy in limited. They've talked about that being a concern since the play boosters became a thing, and it makes sense with things like the overlord cycle.
Every single time I've introduced someone new to Magic, they always compliment the same games. Those games where you're in a bit of a stalemate and having to think 4-5 turns ahead to maximise your chances of winning. Every year that passes since WAR, those games become fewer and farther between because of creature powerlevels. It's a shame, honestly.
Nashi seemed to use some sort of electrocution thing on the glitch ghost, which the stories showed DOES work.
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Maro article showed off a couple new Rooms.
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I rotated the images, you're welcome.
Rewatched that part, and you're right, he has some kind of shock baton. On my first watch I thought he just punched it.
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Mirror Room//Fractured Realm also has an alt art variant.
Thanks i will just say... WEW, LAD.
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Also a new ten-card dual land cycle. Apparently there's a 50% chance of one of these being in every play booster.
Not that Anon but I'm fine with that. Forcing people to play more broad answers would theoretically slow the game down since you need to be able to fight on multiple axis.
But I also want public decklists and counterspells in more colors.
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>Our earliest exploration into this space, in exploratory design, involved a deck called the Mansion. It was a separate deck, similar to Contraptions or Attractions. Rooms were cards in that deck. There were three slots for Rooms. Cards in your main deck had a mechanic called "explore the mansion" that allowed you to flip up cards. If you ever played a fourth one, it would have to cover up one of the first three. Each Room was an enchantment, much like Contraptions and Attractions were artifacts, with an effect on the game.

This sounds and looks terrible. I wonder if the disaster that was Unfinity is what made them change their mind about Rooms.
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What's this, lands that are good in formats that aren't Commander? Is that allowed?
Why the fuck do they keep trying to make an extra deck a thing. Who at wotc is so obsessed with this concept.
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Did I need to post all ten? No. But the flavour text is neat, on some.
Because then you need to buy two decks worth of cards.
Early design for mechanics are always a lot more out there. They test to see what's a good idea and what's not in practice. Even if something seems 'obviously' bad to play with, you don't know until you try, basically.
Im glad they didnt stick with this
Probably a nogames hire whos obsessed with actual boardgames over Magic
I really dig this set art.
Yeah, I like them too, I especially like that they all start with "They say", I like it when cycles do this.
It's just to help with the reading flow of the whole ability, it's not to specify any game rule aspect.
You can sort of get the idea that they're stories passed around by survivors.
They even wanted to include meeples for crying out loud.
And then if they do like it or it is fun, you start asking "how can this work in the context of MtG?"
Yeah, exploratory design intentionally often tries for the craziest version of any mechanic. Sometimes they end off thinking "this might get through", like the 'fellowship' stuff and the animal mega-batch they thought of for Bloomburrow, sometimes they go "this is basically just for ideas".
Sure why not. Duskmourn itself is a whole planar-abduction operation, right?
Probably not actual aliens, just weird shit that's meant to evoke aliens.
That said we are getting a Space Opera set soon enough, so who knows.
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It's honestly why I love playtest cards and Unsets going to print. You get to see all these wacky ideas that aren't fully hashed out, almost like a "behind the scenes" article but you get to play with them instead of just reading about it.
I mean a lot of playtest cards are intentionally things Magic can't do, but that one's just a real card that could exist without much issue.
why the fudge they stole the 13 thing from Innistrad and slapped in this set?
It's not really stealing from Innistrad since 13 being associated with horror is a universal pop culture thing. Friday the 13th for instance.
Magic Maths Negro.
>Horror sets have some overlap
Innistrad is dead.
Duskmourn is the horror future.
I like this art.
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Well yeah, it was just the first one I had saved. In cases like Shackle it might be as simple as "we didn't have enough cards to make this a whole mechanic" or "we didn't go through all the ramifications and rules interactions yet."
Spy Eye from Unstable looks like it could be protoRagavan.
>third room card revealed and they already fucked up the art direction
>Alien checkmark

Now lets go for the next horror troupe
Arena bo1 would be good if they didn't have the opening hand system. Really I'm advocating for magic as richard garfield intended.
but Dutch angles are scary anon right? that's worth giving up on the art direction isnt it? slants are scary.
It was key art used early on, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's somewhat repurposed, but yeah it's still awkward. Especially because the alt art still works with the art thing.
The part in the top middle where the border stops and while the card image keeps going looks so bad.
you ever notice she's the only one who can smoke a cigarette in the rain, with her hands tied behind her back? that nose...it's like a natural canopy
they had such an obvious opportunity to print a bunch of -phobias, and they do this crap
unlocking a room literally just puts a second enchantment into play. it might as well be constellation.
there's disconnects all over the place in every set
now that's just hideous
cool art, completely wasted
Isn't the entire plane supposed to be one big mansion?
it's a regular house that absorbed everything around it, presumably including other houses
Many of the 'rooms' are wide open spaces with walls, windows and a ceiling that LOOK outside to a point.
They're in the lands rarity/slot which I think is considered common. So Pauper legal.
I think the lead art guy said that rooms that look like the outside never are and you'd often see a tell like a chandelier peeking through the clouds sometimes.
Yeah, like >>93789276 has the windows in the background. I think the floating windows is sort of also a tell, though a bit of a weird one.
Epic horror references in a MODERN setting.
They had to shit in the bowl
Oddly enough duskmourne is pretty similar to a magic set I saw in a dream
Am I manifesting, bros?
can you manifest some good fucking cards mate? cheers.
manifest a good set, then
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Oh you'll be manifesting alright.
What is the point of worldbuilding when you bring in a bunch of overpowered interlopers
Ive never seen people destroy a setting and its atmosphere so quickly before
Are you implying "The Justice League vs Scream" would be a bad idea?
How were they overpowered? They didn't beat vaginagoth and barely escaped with their lives. If anything, they've potentially made things worse by introducing him to Proft's mind.
Well isn't Ghostface literally just a guy?
Except that the "overpowered interlopers" almost died several times (and would have died if it weren't for Aminatou's magic moths), constantly struggled against the house's monsters, and were completely powerless against Valvagoth. Kaito had to planeswalk away and the rest needed to get bailed out by Proft and Niv-Mizzet.
It's made clear that Duskmourn is just that dangerous.
There must be some decks when you would target your own stuff, to capitalize on death triggers and manifest.
Getting turned face up does not activate the creature's EtB (I guess now just "E"?) trigger, right?
I think creatures are simply too powerful to use removal on your own stuff anymore.
Like, they weren't HELPLESS, but they still weren't ENOUGH. Maybe some specialised people could do more harm (Jace actively had the most success, because he could just outright delete Nightmares), but it seems unlikely anybody could deal with Duskmourn's bullshit on its own terms.
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They like giving red this ability at least once a set now it seems.
Also a recurring thing except it's a zombie not a skeleton which feels wrong.
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See, I was about to say the art in this set seems nice so far
but then
no, I don't care for this
The uptick in this effect is directly a consequence of BO1 Arena becoming their most played format.
Well i like it recurring treat and 3/3 with haste and trample? I'm in
there's one inside you as we speak
>lgs is closed for the 3-day weekend
based owner giving the boys the weekend off
Trying to capture the YGO audience in Japan without realizing that the ED succeeds there because the entire game is built around it instead of this half-baked shit.
>mr. bones wild ride never ends
What are you talking about? This is one of the few times a MtG story ended with the world intact/local status quo upheld.
Jace being contextually OP but not the main character is the most interesting he's ever been.
It costs 4 god damn mana, calm down.
we will reach a point where everything in red will not only be a treath on the field but also dying? seems unfair to me.
Correct, it was already on the board so it's not entering.
Nah, for Japan they just do all the Anime and waifu stuff.
why tho?
It's like Slickshot Show-Off but--
Oh no.
>2 mana recurring hasted threat
We eating good, raksacbros
>Enchantment ETB vs cast non-creature
Are you guys retarded or just looking for things to be mad about again? This is nothing like SSS.
>page 1
This is a problem because you don't want your sets to blend together.
city of brass is one of the best lands ever printed. this wack shit gives only one predefined color of mana and it enters tapped. nice hexproof bro i would rather target a good land anyway.
>page 2
>bump limit
>Jace being contextually OP but not the main character is the most interesting he's ever been.
I assume we're gonna get another set of epilogues with Return to Tarkir covering Jace and Vraska more thoroughly, and we'll see Jace rescuing Loot via some mind-fuckery against Valgavoth. Like... I dunno, maybe he could threaten him with breaking Marina's contract with him by erasing her fear of him or something.
>effortlessly beat things that the one character from the plane said are completely impossible to beat without specialized equipment designed for the sole purpose of fighting them
>effortlessly beat a monster they later ran from only because they discovered it can regenerate, making fighting it a waste of time
>critically wounded valgavoth and left him struggling to survive in the end
I feel like it's a 50/50 on if Valgavoth actually has Loot, or if it's just a Jace mindfuck for unknown reasons.
It wasn't that critical a wound, and even then that only happened because of a surprise attack with an avenue that SHOULD NOT have been possible to Val's own understanding. If anything it more made him really upset than actually worried about dying.
Jace'll just show up with a bundle that's totally-not-Loot next we see him and will have either rescued Loot off-screen (which'll be covered eventually) or it'll turn out he was never taken in the first place, like you said. Also, what happened to Vraska? I assume she got out somehow, but how? Did Val decide she was just more trouble than she was worth and shunt her out?
We also still have no clue what they were in Bloomburrow for.
>that one character who was working with valgavoth and trying to get them sacrificed is an unreliable guide? Inconceivable!
>happens in just about every fucking zombie media, knowing you can beat them doesn't mean anything against inevitability
>they injured him only so they could run away, he wasn't anywhere close to dying
Did you even read the story? Valgavoth is stronger by the end than he was at the start. The team won only in the sense that they accomplished their goal of saving Nashi, but the plane itself is still fucked up.
>>that one character who was working with valgavoth and trying to get them sacrificed is an unreliable guide? Inconceivable!
That was a fucking retarded twist that made 0 sense, he spent the entire story trying to lead them in the opposite direction and keep them away from Val.
Reverse psychology works on 'brave soul' types.
Finally, an actual good card (gameplay wise, the flavour is abhorrent).
It looks like a mix of Champions of Kamigawa and Shadowmoor, so your brain probably made connections with those two.
The schizos are having a breakdown about arena again.
Between this and the Jolly Balloon Man it is confirmed that clowns are a Boros tribe.

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