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Clans? Jihads? I just wanna grill edition

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First for the Coordinator
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First for your Butte Hold.
Today I am going to base coat my merc company. What are you painting this week?
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Third for attack of the giant women
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Going to add some more into my Steel Viper Keshik lineup, including 3 Points of Visigoth fighters, starting Tuesday when they arrive. Should be the V'Goths, 2 Elemental Stars, and 2 Stars of Omnis and secondline 'mechs.
If a Kuritan Grand Dragon and a Liao Victor charge at eachother, which one is more honourable?
I may do some medium mechs tomorrow. Or if I manage to figure out my printer settings after windows managed to kill itself and loose a lot of my data I may print off a quickdraw and an Ostroc tonight and paint them up tomorrow.
Fuck the dragon and Fuck House Kurita
*angry Japanese noises*
It would seem the Combine's superiority has led to some controversy.
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Sandoval detected.
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This is gonna sound a bit mad but has anyone ever made rules for playing mech-scale golf Battletech?
It seems like the kind of thing that would have happened at some point.
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There's gotta be at least a couple of mech sized versions of sports somewhere. Like mech Soccer.
Wasn't there actually mech soccer, rugby, baseball, hockey and shits held on some planet?
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I think Pseudotech from two years ago has rules for mech scale sports.
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The weekend's project was pic rel. I'll probably paint the Hatchetman tonight and tomorrow.
There isn't enough Spess Japanese and Spess Chinese fight. They should fight over Spess Manchuria or Spess Tsushima
>In 3047, the first Noisiel Summer Games were held, with the Duke of the world fighting his son in a BattleMech duel. The two men fought in Atlas 'Mechs to determine who would bid on a government contract. Unlike most 'Mech duels, the two men used their 'Mechs as rugby players, moving a half-ton sphere around a one-square-kilometer playing field. This proved to be so popular that the Noisiel Summer Games were expanded to include 'Mech-scale hockey, football, baseball, and chess.
I have to wonder what the loadouts for these mechs for sports would look like. Also mech sized chess sounds hilarious and a hilarious waste of a couple dozen mechs that could be fighting.
It just feels right that there should be some system of laying out mapsheets for a course, sets of modifiers and ranges for different club selection, all those arcane weather modifiers, mechs dressed up in typical golfing attire...
bro, how are you painting seemingly everything else but not the cockpit? think how nice a silvered blue, orange, or yellow would look on those guys!
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why not spess nanking? surely nothing bad will happen, right?
btw what paint did you use fir your guns? i like how shiny the steel is
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fucking hell
cuming on my mini ruined the painting, i had to repaint the leg
we are hard at work here in /btg/ developing new problems no one else has ever had
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I want to believe
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i jest but the varnish i bought looks just like i came on it
You were told to not fuck the LAM urbie bro
if you dont cum in your minis, can you realy say you love them?
Kentares is that you
Okay I'll bite on the 55ton SRM boat challenge, but before that the real question is "What do we want 55 tons of SRM on legs to actually do?"

Are we just rawdogging missiles as a one pump chump ambusher or do we make our own luck with smoke cover before running in to sandblast things? Any other ideas?
Every day we stray further from Blake's light
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What do you think of my Awesome, /btg/? Still needs to be based, but I did my besht.
don't forget the red pill
Eh, it’s kinda cool
no, spess nanking MUST span multiple system!
I threw together one with 6 SRM 6s with 4 tons of ammo and a ton of smoke and inferno (I figure it could be situationally useful against targets that redline heat). It's only 5/8 which is average for a medium but I don't think that'd be nearly enough speed for something that needs to get that close. I don't think you could get faster unless you're willing to dip into more extreme weight saving measures. Might be easier on clan mechs.
Looks pretty clean anon.
I have forgotten how to thin paints. There have been casualties.
the original proposal was using SW tech only
of course it's easier with clantech, the 40 ton arctic wolf has six SRM6 and two SRM4
Clan mechs were a mistake
>Clans were a mistake
If it's SW tech that might be a lot harder. No XL, no Endo, most you could realistically do is 4 6s. No Smokes, but at least Inferno's still around and might be even more effective. Might be okay if you measure it up against stuff like Shadow Hawks and Griffins.
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Damn, that's pretty solid work dude. Very beeg lad, very beeg gun. I too, made a beeg gun lad this weekend.
Why no smokes? TechManual says they were introduced 2340

If you cut down the SRM6s to 3, you can have it go 5/8/5, but you'd probably need it quirked up to make it a worthwhile pick and it'd be pretty lightly armed for a medium.
Isn't that a downgraded Kintaro?
Wait hold up, if the KTO-18 exists why are we putting this much effort into reinventing it anyways? A JJ'd mech would probably do this better, but 18 SRMs with a token LRM 5 and 2 mediums laser for backup/utility sounds a lot like an SRM boat.
I wish I could kitbash like you, but my collection is so small I don't want to chop up whole units just to get one gun.
Yeah that works for me. If the JJs are important you could always drop the LRM and its ammo for it. It's not the absolute maximum number of SRMs you could carry, but it's at least usable.
It's possible to squeeze out more than you'd think and just swap parts from one to the other to the next and daisy chain it, but yeah there's no getting around the need for some plastic. I'm not a fan of 3d printing because I can't be bothered to set one up (and it's not as fun of a challenge to just make what you need), but it is an excellent tool for the kitbasher on a short budget.
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recommendations for a 4th mech?
My idea was invasion era periphery but I wanted to keep it 3025 tech
Something small with LRMs would do you well. Maybe an old Valkyrie, the Feddies cranked em out by the thousands. Or, be a giga chad and dare to run the LRM Locust.
One of the trooper mech trio, a bug mech, or something easy like an ostsol.
Cockpits will are a work in progress, mostly due to indecision on final coloring. The guns are a base of Leadbelcher followed by a light drybrush of Vallejo Silver.
still are*
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I speed painted these guys last night for a game against my friends kid. He showed up with a King Crab, Annihilator, Highlander, and an ARES of all things. I put a large terrain feature between myself and that thing, shot up its lancemates then ran off the board with my survivors as it finally came around into LOS. I called it a strategic victory.
Looks fine.

In the future, I'd suggest taking care of the mold lines. I'm guessing it looks three q's thiq because you had to use several coats to get a consistent finish. Primed in the metallic color?
No worries, anon. I too have fatigue once I get to the cockpits. That and worry I'll fuck them up. Like eyes on humanoids. I wish I could paint everything except cockpits and laser barrels then commission a dude for just that kinda stuff.
How is the "Scan or Recover" Instant Action supposed to run? Either the Recon player scans everything by the end of turn 2 with active probes, or the scavenge player picks up and runs off with one or two objectives and now the Recon player can't win?
Made a lance of Zeus 9T, Asman 3S, Tbolt 5SS, and Hunchback 6S
But I feel that it's a tad slow. Any advice on what to replace or speedier units that the Lyran Alliance would have access to?
I also have to wrestle with identifying what actually IS cockpit on some of these.
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>you paramilitary police urbie lance are conducting an investigation into a stolen clantech mech
>you circle space walmart's parking lot toward the industrial park
>two eye level uac20 barrels meet your sensor array
>tssk. three days from retirement, kid.
Scarabus, Specter, Starslayer, Phoenix Hawk, Bushwhacker, Ostol, Flashman, Rakshasa, or Blitzkrieg. It's easy to go fast as the big blue fist. We just don't advertise it
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There's a cockpit painting guide on camospecs that visually shows what areas of the CGL plastics should be cockpit glass.
seems we both use the same silver then
link or it doesn't exist

i looked
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It's already based.
Are there any good Cyclops variants, or even all right ones? It's one of my favorite looking mechs
You dare imply equipment issued by the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery is in any way deficient?
The twin gauss one is decent for a twin gauss machine, hard to go wrong there, but it's barely a cyclops.

The dual C3M one is the most practical twin C3 Master platform, rare as that comes up. The 11-A has the particular niche of being an easily available gauss rifle in the late 3040s. It's introduced in 3045 and immediately hits IS General availability, presumably because everyone was doing it to their old 10Zs soon as they got a gauss. The 11-C is the most practical early C3 master, and the 12K is a sort of fine all-rounder for late in the timeline.
It needs a quick pass with a dilute black wash to make the colors less vivid and cartoony, but you're doing great so far.
what's a good assault clas mech for FWL during the Succession Wars, asides from Awesome, Battlemaster, and Stalker? I was hoping for another punching capable mech. Banshee maybe?
You've already selected and ruled out like half the 3025 era assault mechs, so sure, the banshee's like your only other option since the Mariks did have a variant.
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Let's say I wanted to make a pirate lance and my pirates have at least one LAM. Keeping it specifically to light to medium mechs that are fast and have hands, what would be a good mix of pre-Clan Invasion mechs?
You might've missed
>The recon player can scan objectives in this scenario. Neither side can pick up objectives until Turn Four begins.
Recon player gets turns 1, 2, and 3 to get scanning done before the Salvage player starts running off with them. Salvage player should focus on disrupting scans for the first 3 turns, because it usually takes more than one turn to scan.
The Cyclops C is a monster with hardened armor, and decently cheap for it's battlefield presence. That shit is never gonna die.
To be specific, I'm looking for synergy with the LAM.
How many mechs were still running around by 3025?
No such thing. Go back to Robotech.
You're not talking me out of dropping bombs on you, Dave. This is happening. Ypu can cry about it paint up a Rifleman.
Probably a Stinger. There's not a lot of LAM designs in general. He'd be able to at least fly around and scout and make a nuisance of himself. Pirates could have literally any mech from anywhere.
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proof lyrans have big dick energy
bro you're like 15
You put a LAM on my table and I'll nuke you.
Sure, but what goes well with these weird things?
1. LAM
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
yeah, a Stinger LAM would be your best bet probs.
Me personally I think that pirates wouldnt have the infrastructure or resources to maintain such a sensitive and complicated piece of technology.
Mercenaries might be able to handle it more, especially if theyre profitable or have a great team of mechanics.
Ironic considering the last users of them were Wobbies.
It's always gotten me that the Draconis Combine Musterd Soldiery is red and their main rivals the Davions are yellow. They should rightly be the Draconis Combine Ketchup Soldiery
Lyran = smol dick

Liao = Horsecawk X. Biggus Dickus III.

The X is for Xceptionally Large.
The problem is that LAMs are so fast that there really isn't anything that can keep up with them except other LAMs and ASF. There's no battlemechs you can put down that are keeping up with an 18 hex cruising speed.
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Thematically I want to paint a junkyard lance and I thought pirates would be cool. What better type mech to look like it's pieced together from 100 different mechs and held together with bailing wire and 100mph tape than a LAM?
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>since the Mariks did have a variant

Not *a* variant. The *best* variant.
Bailing wire and tape isn't going to make a LAM, it's going to make a Warhammer.
I've made them work a bit in BTA, but mostly with some of the non-canon help I can put on them. XL Gyros and Clan Ferro are valid in game so I put them on, and with the Composite I've added I can put respectable loadouts on them.

I don't know how bomb bays work for LAMs in the Table top but they work amazingly here. I fly in AirMech mode, drop bombs on the rear armor of units and fight it out. I blitz through most missions in a few turns.

If LAMs had at least ONE more piece of weight saving equipment in TT you could probably make them work, but there's no interest for it. I don't see why an XL couldn't work other than FASA saying 'you can't when they made the rules.
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lie all you want liaosian, we all know you brutalize your people to compensate for your snub nose PPCs
Lyrans also can afford cars
Is the Ostroc any good? Couple of larges, some mediums, an srm. Decent movement profile. They seem pretty ok, but I never hear them come up in discussion one way or the other. Am I missing something? Is the Ostroc just mid?
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>i looked
You didn't look very hard anon.
At present it only covers up to the Clan Invasion releases and Wolf's Dragoons force pack.
How do I get a nice metallic blue scheme going? I want to paint my bears all shiny, but I've never painted a metallic scheme before.
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3d printing seems cool to get an exact piece you need to kitbash. For example, I think the missiles here were 3d printed, but this is a modded CGL mini. That piece doesn't exist in plastic yet, so getting a custom made part is really cool but the hassle that comes along with starting up as a 3d printer is significant.

However, when you search your collection and find that perfect part, needing only to have you extract it and find its place on your finished piece is a very rewarding experience.
Noooo this is a lie, has to be dirty Comstar conspiracy
Pirates wouldnt have the resources or know how to keep a LAM operational for long
And how the fuck are you supposed to paint this/look through this inside the cockpit
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What I do is black base, gunmetal over everything dodging the greebles, build up silver a bit, then apply blue inks.

I did a lil photoshoot and have a ton of new content lol
Realistically? Paint the whole thing blue then dry-brush over it.
Thin your paints
It's fine. Very undersinked, but good at slapping around slow mediums. Has at least one very good variant. The
Ostsol is objectively better.
Realistically, there's no reason why a LAM shouldn't be able to use Ferro-aluminum or an XL engine since both of those are available to Aerospace fighters. They just wanted to make sure it was a dead technology and useless like a lot of other stuff in Battletech. It's neat the universe has that sort of stuff, but it's annoying it happens so much.
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I used a really dilute ink that just flowed and settled in the depressed areas, then added the white for a simple reflected light effect.
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Cosmetic surgery in the future looks absolutely wild.
What weapons are those, TSEMPs?
How I used to do it when I painted 40K shit like power weapon blades was I took ye olde Mithril Silver and blended it with VERY thinned ye olde Ice Blue, which if thinned properly would basically dye the Silver into being a metallic blue. I don't really know what I'd use if I attempted it today, probably a hodgepodge of similar stuff.
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It's meant to be a Supernova, so CERLLs.
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Basecoat black or black primer. Maybe gloss varnish or use glossy black.
Cover everything with a silver metallic paint. Vallejo Metal Color is perfect for this, I use Aluminium, it looks silver.

Then apply a contrast-style paint, diluted with a contrast medium. Find example samples of the blue contrast paints you want to make sure it has the correct shade.
Pin wash with a very dark blue shade, or undiluted blue contrast, or your contrast paint mixed with a bit of black paint or ink.
Do you have a conscience? Because if you did i doubt you would have posted this.
Can't think of a good theme/idea for the Capellan /mydudes/; CCAF regulars in 3025~3028, haven't decided on their regiment yet. The mechs gonna be the Longbow, the Charger, the Cataphract, and the Vindicator. What should I fluff them as?
I'm feeling like a retard; how do I fire field guns in megamek? I've tried just sitting them still to fire without moving or turning them, but it still bitches that they can't fire.
Is it artillery? Because everything else just fire like a normal unit.
Nah. It's an AC10 field gun equipped infantry. Whenever I've tried to fire it at something in arc it complains that 'the weapon is not in a state to fire'.
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Last minute feature addition: We have a guy in the group who can't show up consistently due to work trips. Since we're on the planet Omen, when he's available, he's going to play as the Baumann Group. Players who don't have a game during a campaign turn can choose to fight the Baumann Group, but they don't suffer persistent damage or losses, and all of his pilots automatically upgrade to match the best pilot in your force. But if you beat the Baumann Group, you get a roll on the Lostech Table.
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Clean your mirror.
How much heat does a Supercharger generate? I'm looking in my Battlemech Manual but doesn't say.
A) clean your mirror
B) you have GOT to stop drinking and posting, man
Yeah... I'm not drunk!
Drunk or shitposting. Call it. Either way it doesn't belong in the thread. There are a million other places for that bullshit.
Hasn't stopped him before.
He in fact enjoys intentionally making the spaces he inhabits worse.
Much like Capellans and every crusader Clan.
Protip anon: you don't have to click on the spoiler image to open it. You can simply ignore it.
Don't you have more utterly garbage fiction to write, Bryan Young?
That one actually looks much better.
Damn, the repositioning on the Grendel really improves the look. Wish I'd thought of that.
You never open spoilered images then? Never? Not once?
That's right, not even once.
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Any recs for cockpit colors for Team Banzai?
I'm sure. You're very amusing.
Either way, it makes the thread a lot worse.
You can tell it's bottom from the posting style so, unless you're really new, you know why it's been spoilered. So if you open it then the fault is on you when you could have just ignored it and not engaged
Purple or blue would look nice, what with the black and yellow. Green would feel too samey to the yellow, so I'd avoid that route personally.
That doesn't seem to have anything to do with what I've said.
Hmm, I could go bright blue or mid purple with what I've got right now. That yellow is going to get a shade brighter once I apply the Demonic Yellow layer. Which do you think will pop more?
>these posts are shit
>just ignore them then
>b-but I want to complain about them!
>if you ignore off topic garbage, it stops making the thread worse
>a thread that's 90% worthless shitposts is just as good as 0%
How about you take your own advice and ignore the posts complaining about it then? Fuck off.
thin your cum
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I would have, but since you continued to respond, I assumed you need the serotonin from the social interaction. My mistake anon
It would have ended like ten posts ago but you made a pointless argument out of an idle observation.
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I just think they're neat
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There was a guy doing "learn to play" Alpha Strike games for a few weeks using an Ares vs whatever else showed up. He ended up getting one of each variant printed. He also, from what I hear, severely bungled the rules he was supposedly "teaching" to people especially when it came to the Ares mechs
I'm seriously considering getting one to run with my clan mechs. Don't know how I'll justify it though. They seem like dogshit but fun.
>Dumbass "teaching" the game has no idea how the rules work.
Tale as old as time.
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What a shitbag. He shouldn't even be allowed to die by seppuku to atone.
You could explain it as either a Clan Wolf ilclan force or a Free Worlds Guard detachment assigned to a Clan Protectorate force.
I'm thinking about turning it into a narrative for me. Like my Bears won one in a Trial against the Wolves and now they're just trying to get it back to Alshain before they lose it too, and they have zany adventures along the way. Kinda like Midnight Run, or Thelma and Louise if it didn't suck.
what is earth like under clan woof?
We don't really know in detail, but one of the bits in ilClan had a news reporter get shot live on the news for doing an unsanctioned broadcast, so probably not good.
Like modern day China, complete with a mandatory Ward-thought app that you have to play each day for social points or else you can be Bonded to Wolf freebirths and be an eternal slave.
And what will they do to me if I think knotty thoughts?
Probably won't be for long though. Even though the Wolves won, they arent doing much better than the Falcons, and they're about ready to fall apart. Comstanly fighting over Terra os just going to result in more clans getting eaten up by resergent spheroid states. The only Clans healthy enough to stand on their own are the Clans that stopped caring about Terra a long time ago.
Geld you.
Knotty thoughts are mandatory
worth noting that was a falcon that shot him
Yeah, but who'll be the Clan or House that'll take a shot at Alaric and his people while they're sitting on that real estate, knowing they'll be opening themselves to powers willing to ingratiate themselves to the Wolves?
battlemechs still aren't and never have been walking tanks
mechwarrior is a result of tech limitations (and could fit as a in-setting mechwarrior game)
who are you talking to?
I imagine early ones were more tanky than nimble, but advances in gyros and other such motive concerns eliminated that. You still aren't getting Tekkaman Blade movement, but it'd probably look super strange to us to watch a Charger high-kick the head off another mech with the grace it would possess, because nothing that heavy should be able to move like that from physics as we understand it today.
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my cum is already thinned
clan birddog is occupying clay taken from half the great IS powers, and is occupying more clay in spitting distance of the other half of the great IS powers. after gutting their toumens against each other. what friends do the wolves have?
I miss the Republic of the Sphere
This was my point from the start, that's why I specified early UC mobile suits
i mean, look at this

even the Mackie's first test run it clearly displayed humanistic movement, stomping on that last merkava tank and all
and if battlemechs were really walking tanks then neurohelmets would be pointless, half of their primary purpose is to let the pilot move the battlemech like they would their own limbs (the other half being direct linkage with the diagnostics and sensors)
Anyone that thinks Alaric's Davion-Steiner genes are worth something.
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make it thinnerer!
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That was such a terrible book.
i wouldn't know i can't read, but i know bryan young is a massive retarded faggot.
with uevr inject, I've been playing mercenaries in vr for almost a year.

And yes, it's fucking glorious.
stop you'll convince me to burn 500 bucks on an index
My bigscreen beyond arrives tuesday. An upgrade from my gen1 oculus. I have full hotas, with rudder pedals. People are working on streamlining shunting telemetry to butt kickers so we can have tactile feedback for weapon's fire, impact, and walking motion.

In all fairness, Elite Dangerous VR was a gateway drug. Then I remembered I love big stompy robots more than aerospace fighters.
It's funny because sterilization is an actual punishment that the Clans apply to civilians all the time.
The Commando is 6/9 and considered perfectly adequate for pumping SRMs in.
We are reinventing the Kintaro because the asshole in the previous thread claimed that it is not enough of an SRM boat to be an SRM boat.


Chess, Baseball, Hockey, Soccer, American Football/Rugby, and Basketball maps.
It's hard to go wrong with a TND-5S.
>SRM2 and 2 MGs
>hard to go wrong
Do you even play this game?
>Map Pack Worldwide Event 2018
there used to be an worldwide event for the bt?
there is only one solution
put an SRM20 on it
The TND-5S is a great general purpose shit-kicker and is everywhere on the periphery.
Okay enjoy your ammo explosions
they temporarily sterilize everyone. earning a bloodname is the only legal way to undo it.
The most recent one was "At the Cost of Bootlaces" that was about the Cappies fighting Alarics Star League on New Earth. It's also not canon because CGL didn't "officially" distribute it
>The Clans scientist X likes Y from the other caste, X manipulate the test result to show "X and Y have the best gene match. must get married"
wonder if this kind of thing can happen
Only if you acknowledge anyone in the clans has actual agency. Which we all know isn't true.
Clanners are nothing if not duplicitous. Don't tell me you actually bought into all their honor crap?
A. civilians don't get Bloodnames and almost all of them have kids
B. non-Bloodnamed Warriors get their genes used in the eugenics program, it's just that a Bloodname guarantees it. For a specific example, when Natasha Kerensky returned to the Clans, she brought the genetic material of all of the Dragoons, only a handful of which had had Bloodnames.

I'm sure. Warriors of Kerensky says that the eugenics program for Civilians is somewhat half-assed, and the Clans seem ripe for petty corruption.
What the actual fuck would Mech hockey even look like?
Ever seen a demolition derby?
Ostroc suffers in the Succession Wars from being a heavy cav mech that gave up a lot of armor for speed. If you use it like a fat Mongoose the SRMs are wasted, but the close-range package is kind of anemic against anything it can actually catch. What it does very well is back up a lance of 55-tonners, and the Marik jump variant is particularly effective at it despite losing its short-range bite. The paddle-hands refit is pretty solid too, assuming you drop the MLs for the second launcher and maybe a sink for a second ammo bin. Works well as a backstop for a more conventional hole-puncher like a MAD or a Whammy.
The -2D is one of the very few straight upgrades in TRO 3050, and is an excellent sniper.
In the Phoenix era the 'Roc pulled the short straw compared to the 'Sol. Liao's sniper model is solid but suffers when rushed. The Wobbie SNPPC model is a flat downgrade from a Rifleman (which is not a sentence you'll hear often) but still has Snubs and C3i despite the horrible piloting penalties keeping it out of melee. The Kurita Snubbie carrier is a much more effective all-rounder than the WoB design but also works well as a backstop and bodyguard for a more conventional 4/6 heavy fire lance.

Out of 'verse the Osts kind of sold like shit. Despite being aggressively on the upper end of okay their roles were confusing, they didn't hit hard enough, and they were all a little bit uggo. Even once they went Unseen they never carried the kind of premium a Marauder dose -- I have four lead 'Rocs, one converted, three lead 'Sols, two 'scouts, and a 'War but only three Marauders and all of them are dogshit 3e plastics
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Anyone got a hard copy?

NEA's got your back on this one
Fucking Penguins and leafs MY ASS
wow the mw5 dragon's gambit campaign is just total fucking horseshit huh
6 months from career start to build up enough mechs to put up with functionally no repairs for 15 missions straight? go kill yourself cunt
>laughs at you in Teddy Kurita's Legion of Vega
thanks doc
god damnit you're right
MW5 isn't a good game, so really this shouldn't be a surprise.
well, he DOES do all his RP as Jade Falcons.
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>NEA is a Bruins fan.
>Resurgent spheroid states
I can’t think of any spheroids in a good position, Commonwealth is near collapse.
Cappy plot armor is about to clash with wolf plot armor on Terra.
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The Clan Invasion would have been much more successful if they had deployed their Mega Elemental Girls at Tukkayid.
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>Man I wish Clan wolf didn't win all the time
Like, what would be worse? Literally any alternative would be more interesting, and would also set up something else than just Clan Wolf continuing to sit at the top of the hill. Literally anything, blowing up Terra, the Capellans capturing it, somebody else coming in and taking it. Literally anything would be better than the Wolves yet again.
kinda cool

effective, though I wish the shade was a little brighter
It's okay the Sol is better. 5/8 is nice for a heavy cav mech but not fast enough to make up for the armor. It's a good sidekick to something else. I treat it like a big commando.
This man is right, except I throw it in a Drac Cav lance full of dragons/quickdraws/chargers like the Coordinator intended!
I need help coming up with a scenario.
it has to be a symmetrical 1v1v1 (3 player free for all)
so far the only thing's I've managed to come up with are: standard deathmatch, king of the hill, or grab objectives from centre and retreat with them.
any and all inspiration is welcome
I may live long enough to regret that wish.
Anyone used I-OS weapons on custom designs? Was flipping through the BMM and they seem neat, but only worth it on the smallest launchers?
>blowing up Terra
By Blake, please
They're not. For one half ton more you get a ton of ammo so your mech isn't carrying around a 5 ton paperweight after it fires. If you want one shot weapons rocket launchers are way better, the 10 is only half a ton
Is this tabletop viable?
Whose a good canon enemy for Clan Star Adder? I want to make a pair of armies with one of them being Clan Star Adder, could be inner sphere but I would presume another clan.
Is...is that puck a Savannah Master?
>Clan invasion 2: Genocidal Boogaloo
Blood Spirits, the resurrected Burrocks/Dark Caste/Society
Blood Spirits. Star Adder basically kept them alive on York as a plaything for their touman.
Nobody sane would play with you if you insisted on running this, It's pure cringe.
While I repect the use of Binary Lasers, it's pretty stupid.
Every player goes through a few phases during CBT. One phase is bringing as many AC/20s as possible in the hopes of carrying the game with nothing but big hits. Another phase is nothing but ML boats because laser vomit is so mathematically efficient.
Eventually you stop because they're not particularly fun to play as or against and you start running mixed, balanced forces with mechs you simply enjoy without a thought in your mind about how meta they are.

Have fun playing Battletech anon.
It still astonishes me that in all these years MLs have never been reworked.
>revising classic rules
That's not what Battletech is about.
I'm so sick of fetishists trying to make btg their home.
Wear patches while naked. I don't like where this is going.
>weapons you want.
>on a mech you want.
why, you must not even play the game then!
filthy disgusting peasants prefering to make their stuff how THEY want are DISGUSTING!
Legion of Vega are all the malcontents, rogues, and malingerers right? That's why they get all the garbage equipment. Would it be a big deal to have some Lyran and nicer drac equipment painted up as that? I don't want multiple drac units.
I like 80% of the Hunchback's design but the hips are just fucking hideous
why is it attached like that
it looks so stupid
Nope. I can see the Vegan using Lyran and Feddie equipment that no one else wants...even Cappie and/or marik...
How hard is it to get a hold of FASA mapsheets?
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You guys ever put things like doomsday cults (non-Blakist) or Lovecraftian elements (void squids) in your campaigns?

With Halloween approaching, was thinking about creating a short campaign about some sort of cult posing as mercenaries who think they can't end life in the Inner Sphere as we know it.
Trying to think of storytelling elements that would suggest the unknown without it being something as blatant as genestealer cult-tier or breaking the BT universe's rules on intelligent aliens. I guess sort of like True Detectives season 1, where Carcosa seems like some sort of mass delusion the cultists have propagated.

Anyway, any of you ever run a Halloween campaign like that?
get fucked the tight windows of repairs are the best part about those missions
Pretty easy. Collectors will sell them to you for $40 a sheet.
You could also just print them yourself.
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Lol, we were here long before you, newfag. Battletech has always been full of sexual content, no matter how much you seethe about it.
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7ft tall elemental muscle mommy that wears a cooling west for a top...
From time to time you will see the old MapCompilations on Ebay. But your best chance is to get the pdfs and just print them.
Fuck no. Battletech is a realistic military sci-fi game. Faggy supernatural shit doesn't belong in this game, and if you're trying to include it then you'll should have been gatekept years ago.
Feels like the setting hasn't progressed in any meaningful direction since the Clan Invasion era.
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battletech is as much of a realistic military sci-fi game as armored core v
Do you just tape up 4 8x11 sheets up for one map?
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Morgan Kell and his magical Mech-fu have been in the game longer than you've been alive.
Don't care luv the Black Marauder. Simple as.
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That's how my DM does it for our campaign.

Also, one of our few good namefags actually put togeather a set of ultra-high resolution mapsheet scans a few months back.

>join any BattleTech game
>continues to field tanks and hovers instead of mechs and effortlessly breaks the game via sheer action economy
Are there people who actually like the mechs?
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Jesus Christ on the tree what kind of power is this?
low quality bait. 2/10 because I responded.

And not everyone is a WAAC fagotron. Some of us play the giant robot game for giant robots.
Looks like I have a new project. Thank you for the link.
Who plays combined arms and doesn't front load their init? Who agrees to play a tankfag that doesn't need his activations. I don't think this happened.
You think I was joking? Morgan Kell has literal magical mech powers. He doesn't show up on any sensors, you cannot shoot him, and nobody can explain it. Phantom Mech is what happens when you have accepted your death, meditated on the experience and ascend beyond mortal limits when it comes to piloting giant robots. There's like 3 people in the entire history of the setting who have pulled it off, and he's the top dog.
I've entertained the idea of doing a xenomorph infestation for fun, but haven't gotten all that far since gameplay wise it might just be like trying to stomp out melee-only BA or protomechs.
At what point in the timeline do 3050 omnis make their way into legion of Vegas availability? At least by dork age right?
>What is "half of Clan society wiping each other out as they all collectively have a meltdown and crisis of faith in their way of life" for 500, Alex?
>What is "the people who control the flow of information of the entirety of humanity tear themselves apart in a bloody coup that culminates in humanity getting nuked into the stone age on a galactic scale" for 500, Alex?
>What is "Earth pulling themselves up by the bootstraps and forming a Terran Hegemony 2.0 and becoming a major player" for 500, Alex?
>What is "Terran Hegemony 2.0 experiment implodes like 1930s Spain and kickstarts a while new era of conflict" for 500, Alex?
>What is "a Clan literally fucking conquers Earth itself" for 500, Alex?
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I bid one Firestarter.
I wish it was bait because then I could've gotten some good BattleTech games done. Instead I get to enjoy someone slowly and methodically moving 10 tanks each time I move my mech. If there are people who genuinely enjoy the mechs then it's not in my area.
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Converted it to Record Sheet but the game doesn't use the exact same build stuff so I changed some stuff.

Also your under tonnage so I ramped up the engine so its no longer a mobile turret.

But still sucks. Its extremely overgunned and using an alpha strike will shut it down.
Why did you agree to the game?
I personally love Combined Arms and I detest the "one light mech can vaporize an entire regiment of tanks with one medium laser without breaking a sweat" dogma some retards try to insist is canon, as I am in the "king of the battlefield, but not invincible" camp, but I feel sorry for you.
If it's not a narrative thing, or a funny lark that asks "can I beat you with nothing but tanks lol?" then that sounds like WAACfag'ing. You have my sympathies.
Oooohhhhh, sorry, I thought that you were advocating for that, rather than it being what your opponent is doing.

My advice: Thunder augmented LRMs, LBX autocannons, and inferno SRMs. Don't even bother to try and work your way through the ludicrous armor bricks. Just hand them like 28 crit checks with every shot you take. Once their vehicles turn into useless pillboxes by the boatload, they'll catch the hint. Bring BA if your faction has any of the good stuff. It will shred infantry with trivial ease, and vehicles have no counter to being boarded. I know that convees being invincible bullshit is the meme, but counters DO exist. The local taurian player kept trying that shit until I absolutely dumpstered him a few times with the aforementioned tactics, and he swapped to more conventional play with just the occasional vee.

And remember that thunder-aug lrms target hex rather than the vehicle itself so your TN should be trivial.
How out of line are heavy and assault mechs for planetary militia and pirates? Looking to slap a Victor, Longbow, Rifleman, and Cataphract into opfor status.
when i give my militias assaults i mechs sure they are a generation out of date usually
do you have a print shop near you?
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I just print 4 maps each time, is cheaper that way. These are printed in vinil, not paper. To get them in place i use double face tape on the blank face.
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put some turbodork sparkle motion in the crevices with a tiny brush. then used some pyroclast flow air paint to keep within the grooves. then went back and very carefully tried to hit just the slats. just requires a lot of patience and a steady hand. i fucked up a little but its not too noticeable unless you stick your face right in it.
The an ting legions are similar to that right, but they're the guys who didn't do quite enough to get sent to Vega?
Actually come to think most of the legions(Arkab, Shin, ATL and vega) in the DCMS tend to be like that. What gives?
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Victor makes sense if they border on Liao or Davion space, Longbows are ubiquitous, and Rifleman and Cataphract are barely worth mentioning. What anon said >>93790893 absolutely applies, where if they DO have that heavy of a force, it's like the personal HQ lance of a pirate king rather than just some rando raiders, and they should absolutely be in bad shape or slightly frankenmeched before the fight even starts. Like maybe the Longbow has a Stalker arm for one of the arms because there wasn't any other available replacements, and the Victor has a Rifle 8 instead of the AC20.

Pirate mechs should look like piled-togeather trash out of Mad Max, not pristine assaults straight off the lines of Hesperas 2.
>What is "a bunch of contrived abd not canon bullshit" for 500, Alex?
Arkab are semi-independant muslims. Shin Legion were cappies that defected to the Dracs. They later went back to Cappieland.
The first time? I was genuinely interested to see how it goes.

But after a while I've come to realize that this is some kind of regional meta that everyone plays and if I want mech vs mech combat I'm stuck with megamek. I've tried shopping around for different groups but so far nada.

I'm still not completely against it but.. this is a game mainly about mechs and no one around me wants to use them. It feels like historyfags coopted BattleTech and are trying to play it with usual soldiers instead. Idk much about other systems but maybe BT offers a more granular simulationist system for them to enjoy, but I find it cumbersome and slow when you go bigger than the common lance.
We've never done much outside of 'mech combat for games but that sounds like it would be fun.

How easy is the dismounted game to learn?
It happened, it's canon. If you don't like it, fair enough, but I'm sorry buddy but the time line moved on.
Also I'm really fucking sick of this fucking mentality of some people in every fucking fiction fandom where you smugly assert that "ERM actually thing I don't like is non canon because I said so." Even when there's evidence to the contrary.
I had some fuckhead in the Warhammer threads tell me time and time again that "oh, past 3rd edition is canon" "oh, Eldar aren't canon" "oh, the Horus heresy isn't canon. Nope, not even the old lore from 80s".
Like buddy I'm all for head canon stuff to a degree but if you expect to be able to discuss things with the greater community you can't just come in and hand everyone a list and say "this is what you're allowed to acknowledge, if not you're a *slur* and a *insult*."
God it's so fucking annoying. It's more annoying than if you and I just had a conversation about why you don't like those fucking eras.
Touch grass, eat ass.
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The best pirate mechs are custom hack jobs
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Anyone got this MapPack scanned?
>>What is "half of Clan society wiping each other out as they all collectively have a meltdown and crisis of faith in their way of life" for 500, Alex?
I'm glad the Steel Vipers were at the heart of it because otherwise it would have mostly been the Wars of Literally Who. It didn't really land very well because most of the clans that died were nobodies.

>>What is "Earth pulling themselves up by the bootstraps and forming a Terran Hegemony 2.0 and becoming a major player" for 500, Alex?
I really wish this was the case, but it isn't. The RotS wasn't >Earth< doing shit, it was Stone conquering Earth and imposing a government he formed from expatriates of the Great Houses and Clans.
Was there even a single Terran involved in the creation of the RotS and drafting its system of government?
Even Stone's successors were from the Great Houses.
It's worth adding that the Republic wasn't Terran-centric or Terran nationalist at all. It was dedicated to "Stone's Dream" and just used Earth as a symbol.
Also Blackjacks, the Tank battalion fears the PLINK!
God I hated the Wars of Reaving so much. They chucked all the non-plot relevant clans in the trashcan, but didn't acknowledge their failings as writers for never giving them anything to DO in the first place.

The writers executed the Home Clans for failing to perform, while being the reason they couldn't perform in the first place. Lazy fuckers.
Does anybody use the term 'buddy' in good faith anymore?
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CGL showed up for the NOVA Open this past weekend. I think one of the guys said Randal was there on Friday, but Bryn showed up to do a few demo games (got a free pin for saying Leviathans looked cool). One of the guys running the till is a line developer for Shadowrun of all things because CGL was pulling double duty with the NOVA Open and Pax.

Top sellers were BattleTech Universe (sold out), Field Manual Davion, Star League Assault Lance, and a rare showing of map-scale Union/Overlord/Overlord-C DropShips. They were also selling dice pucks, patches, pins and challenge coins, and had completely sold out of ComStar metal dice.
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There was also a giant Lament.
>no mech scale drop ships
Yes, I scanned it for printing on top of the hills I 3d printed. QnV0IEkgZnVja2luZyBoYXRlIGJvdGggeW91IGFuZCBTb21lIEd1eSBmb3IgY29uc3RhbnRseSBzdGFydGluZyB5b3VyIHN0dXBpZCBidWxsc2hpdCBpbiB0aGUgY2hhbm5lbCBzbyB5b3UgY2FuIGZ1Y2sgcmlnaHQgb2ZmLg==
Bring the Blackjack Omni C. A pair of LB-10X autocannons will ruin the days of entire lances of tanks. I've had the BJ2-O C solo cripple a Behemoth, a Hetzer and a Rhino, all in just a few turns of shooting, and then I moved the fight away from them, and that was that.
Thunderbolt with a hatchet, and I'm not quite sure what's supposed to be the shoulder gun. Looks dope though.
>Comstar destroyed
>FWL destroyed for like 80 years
>Wolves take earth and declare Star League 3.0
>Bears and Sea Fox largely assimilated into the Inner Sphere
>Several clans destroyed, Star Adders are clear hegemons of Clan Space
I will agree that the Republic of the Sphere was a huge nothingburger
Honestly the annoying thing about the Ilkhan era is forcibly reinjecting old factions instead of letting them stay dead
>Gray Death Legion are back
>Eridani Light Horse are back
>FWL is back

If you're going to kill off a famous faction have the balls to keep them dead, and this is coming from someone who likes GDL, ELH, and FWL.
>Honestly the annoying thing about the Ilkhan era is forcibly reinjecting old factions instead of letting them stay dead
>>Gray Death Legion are back
>>Eridani Light Horse are back
>>FWL is back
>>Smoke Jaguars are back
I mean, they brought back the fucking JAGS and they were supposed to be super-dead.
Nothing ever happens.
>who are Clan Wolverine?
The writing was on the wall, we just didn't see it in time.
Yes, but they won't let me print copyrighted material.
Why vinyl?
>ComStar is dead
>2nd Star League is dead
>FedCom is dead
>Victor Steiner-Davion is dead
Only the Smoke Jaguars soldier on!
>where if they DO have that heavy of a force, it's like the personal HQ lance of a pirate king
Yeah, I just named the big boys because I was unsure if they fit. I got a lance of bugs some subpar mediums and a Rifleman rounding out the pool.
What is Battletech Universe?
gauss rifle off a Highlander misprint, I use it as an AC10. It's also got a Firestarter forearm where the large laser should be.

1 AC10, 1 Hatchet, 1 Flamer, 4 MLas, 10 heat sinks.
>If you're going to kill off a famous faction have the balls to keep them dead, and this is coming from someone who likes GDL
I concur. Especially after reading the "fiction" written about the nu GDL.
FedCom breaking up we saw coming, that was a Hanse move that wasn't going to last two generations unless they won the whole game together, which they didn't even manage to eliminate ONE rival while together so it was a doomed arrangement. VSD should have died during Bulldog desu. 2nd Star League was silly but at least Liao had fun. ComStar dying wholesale was the only real surprise, I figured like when AT&T got broken up in the '80s the scattered pieces would reform as a weaker but still useful galactic service, but instead they just gave up or got nuked outright and have let the equivalent of Mint Mobile take over.
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I guess Lincoln was vindicated
Where's my god damn shipping confirmation, you fucks? This is not funny anymore.
I haven't even gotten a shipping amount to pay yet. Such a bigger cluster than the first one.
If you mean the Alien RPG, I never got around to playing a game with it unfortunately. I've heard anons say that it's basically like Mothership if that means anything - situationally though, having an outbreak of xenomorphs seems like the kind of thing that could be a neat one-off that gets capped off by something like a firestarter going ham on some bugs and calling it a day. That's probably the weakness of doing a bughunt or monster thing - the stuff that would pose a substantial threat to a mech without needing a tide are probably too 'advanced' to pass off as generic hostile alien beasts.

I've got a mediafire link to the Colonial Marine sourcebook for the RPG if that's of any interest, but not the standalone rules.

General lore summary book that gives a few pages to each faction and roughly sums up where they are by ilClan. It's no replacement for the sourcebooks, but it's okay as an overview. Surprising number of typos, though.
Contact support. Mine literally arrives tomorrow, and I paid months ago.
thanks, buddy
>Surprising number of typos, though.
I'm not surprised in the least, it's apparent from the little books in the box sets that they don't employ an editor.
Even the good old BJ-1 could probably put in some good work, given Anon's description of his local Meta in >>93791039, I'd honestly want to see if I could rebuild the utility of BattleMechs by talking my opponents into letting me Orbital Drop them onto the map.
I've been wondering how well Panthers, Blackjacks, and Catapults would work out with their matching 4/6/4 movement
CGL is notorious for bad copyediting. If anything their Shadowrun stuff is even worse. It should be your baseline expectation at this point that everything is stuffed to the brim with errors.
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>all those factions brought back
>my Fighting Uruk-hai are still dead
goddamn it I want them back
They literally never sent mine, even after my boxes already arrived. Same thing happened to one of my friends. I wouldn't expect anything in terms of emails.
As a Comstar/WoB fan, it irritates me to no end that they're the one faction that gets permanently killed off. Meanwhile, they're resurrecting dead and buried factions like Smoke Jaguar or all things.
I mean, I'd do it for them if they wanted to hire, but I'm 99.9% certain that bitch Rem would piss me off and I'd make her cry.
>Yes, but they won't let me print copyrighted material.
Is that really what's stopping you?
Grab one of official CGL map packs that includes printing instructions on page 2. Swap the maps in the PDF to whatever other maps you want.

Unless Randall Bills himself is running this UPS I don't see why they'd refuse to print a document that literally gives instructions for how to print it.
Just like the other factions once the fatigue of writing them wears off they'll come back.
I know what it is to sip from the dregs of that cup, but take heart, for if one may rise again then others well might.
>FWL gets completely atomized but regrows its entire body like a starfish
it's funny too since ComStar/WoB was one of the few unique factions in the games

meanwhile great houses and clans are being resurrected when we already have a bunch of those lmao
>Bringing a swarm of cheap gauss vtols, that was a dick move from that guy though
Ill be fair, he had 3 Yellowjackets. The rest where Kurita Peregrines that would go down to anything stronger than a Small Laser.
>Threads already saging
Welp, next thread for photos I guess. Work ran over today.
Yeah, and if they expect me to jump on board with Sea Fox being Comstar's successor, they've got another thing coming.
At what size does a your dudes merc outfit stretch believability? Is this something I should really care about?
Sea Fox is so incredibly boring compared to Comstar/WOB.

They totally lack the mystique and intrigue inherent to Comstar as a psuedo-illuminati.
It's your setting, go nuts. You want to make your own Wolf's Dragoons who are mysteriously well-resourced? Sure. Have fun
Having played at the Nova Open Northern Assault Tournament I was very surprised to find that the Charger 1A1 is quite possibly the single best mech in all of alpha strike for its point cost.

18 Points for a mech with that much health that can move 10 inches and melee for 4 damage is actually pretty insane. Projects a big 20 inch threat bubble on the table with it's melee.

I think I've been underrating just how effective a rush of high-durability mechs can be in Alpha-Strike tournament play.
jenners no good very bad day A+ for effort though
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oops forgot picture
I mean, Kurita did buy all those Chargers for reasons beyond just filling force org gaps.
CuntStar also became a gay retarded space brotherhood of steel later on
which doesn't help
"le heckin pay your hpg bills le heckin you found something cool? too bad comstar magically knows about it and will bend all their resources to take it from you because fuck you no fun allowed"
I would say anything over 30 mechs, but like the other guy said, nobody really cares that much. It's not lioe there are any rules associated with it.
how can anything be gayer or more retarded than the brotherhood of steel?
Here's something fun for you. Just to showcase how bullshit the Foxes have become. Look at the cover of Interstellar Operations.

Look at that logo.

On the goddamn Ares.
I mean the WOB are 100% still around in the Deep Periphery. The Scorpion Empire is probably buying mechs off of them, given that they've started fielding old WOB designs, and while it's of dubious canonicity, Ghosts of Obeedah outright states that the WOB left the remaining hidden worlds after the Blackout to retreat to their larger holdings in the Deep Periphery, probably on the opposite side of the Sphere from the Clan Homeworlds since they've been exploring out there for centuries.

That all said, they're definitely gone for now. In the universe book Comstar/WOB show up in the historical timeline but don't even get a faction page in the back of the book. Very sad. The society don't either.

The charger is kind of dogshit in classic though, I think it's just alpha strike where it shines because of how unit costs are calculated.
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That Karnov AC 20 variant loaded with flechettes for anti infantry work. Yea or nay?
No company that ever owned the IP has ever shown any restraint when writing /their guys/ and no author has ever not canonized /his fetish/ so why should (you) give a fuck? Nobody is ever going to read your fan fiction anyway, so if you really feel like painting the same color scheme forever that's your business.
i think the thumper karnov is more like an ac130 than the lb20 one
I didn't know they had a thumper one. Is it the snubby canon or the real deal?
il need to check again but im fairly certain its the full artillery piece
What are the most bog-standard mechs for mercenaries to have in 3025?

Besides Bugs, I already have some Bugs.
If the GDL are anything to go by: After bugs they pick up a Shadow Hawk, Rifleman, and Assassin, with their big boy earned midway through their second campaign being a Marauder.
He never said gayer or more retarded, he was just being redundant, like saying a gay man who likes men, or a retard with a low IQ.
Its a full Thumper, with 2 tons of ammo
Phawks as bug commanders, 55 ton trinity, then most common heavies like Archers and most common assaults like Stalkers.
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Cluster it is then.
thumper karov with stealth armor would be pretty cool
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>, so if you really feel like painting the same color scheme forever that's your business.
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Yes. Very simple. You know the dinosaurs people go to Hunters Paradise to hunt with BattleMechs? Well, the dinosaurs have been sentient the whole time, they've finally developed anti-Mech technology, and they're pissed off. The PCs hunting party are the lucky ones who get to find this out first. The scenario is simple: live long enough to get back to your DropShip.
20 mechs
6 asf
20 combat vees
20 combat transports
8 pieces of artillery
36 Squads of BA
20 platoons of Infantry
Various support vees and prime movers

So like a Union, Leopard CV, and a mammoth right?
kek I like this idea
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Would you play protomechs if they were actually cool?
The shipping container falling into the sea was hardly CGL's fault. That shit just happens sometimes.
No. But that has more to do with me being a spheroid.
I like them conceptually, the idea of squads of extremely small mechs sounds cool, sort of like superheavy infantry.

Until you get up to Dragoons status where you've got your own fleet of warships and 5 fucking regiments, I'd say anything's fair. Even then, one of my grogs likes to tell of the game he did that took decades of daily play and basically wound up with him as the 6th successor lord.

My current unit started as a company and we're up to most of a battalion, just from battlefield salvage and buying mechs between contracts. It's got to the point where we send out a Union with a company of mechs aboard to individual hotspots rather than our full force because battalion sized games take too long.
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It was still unit spam and the lack of armour doesn't matter much when the player is disregarding sideslipping (skidding rules weren't being used, no-one mentioned sideslipping, the player just decided that without confirming) and they can thus easily get a +6 TMM whilst being exactly where they want, in a game with gunnery capped at 3. Plus it further slowed down an already slow game when everyone else was trying to limit themselves to around 4-5 units. Oh, and they dunked on a relatively new player.
Just all round a dick move, I think if I had been on that side of the table I wouldn't have enjoyed the game as much as I did.
Yeah for sure. I'd even play the wonky looking ones we already have, but if they got a decent redesign I'd love that. I think adding arms to the combined arms aspect is very cool and good.
Whatever size you want, Wolf's Dragoons are about the equivalent of six regiments and the MAC may be bigger with six (presumably regiment-sized) sub-units, so that seems to be an official canon limit in size. Personally though I'd say do what you want, if you want something like a budget or Walmart of mercenary outfits with five divisions able to probably threaten smaller periphery states on its own go for it.
trying to make a basic bitch alpha strike list. I have the goac and proliferation force box. From what ive read people play to like 200 points. But also that lances are 4 mechs. Four dudes adds up to around 150ish. Am I missing somthing/retarded? Im just trying to get some shit painting during the week for maybe a game this weekend.
People who play 200 points with just a single lance are probably fielding all assault mechs or clan heavy mechs. If four mechs adds up to 150 than you could probably scale up to a demi-company of six mechs using some lighter mechs to fill the gap, use some other support assets, or just improve the scale of your pilots.
No, they should be what they always were: a last-ditch Smoke Jag attempt to survive their karma coming due, and then be forgotten as the misbegotten pieces of desperation they were.
Isn't the main selling point of AS being that you can easily take more than one lance without seriously impacting game time?
Didn't you know that you are playing the game of GIANT FIGHTING ROBOTS wrong if you enjoy playing it with GIANT FIGHTING ROBOTS instead of infantry and tanks?
I've never played an AS game below 250, and if you don't buff your pilots you can cram 8 mechs into that.
>Nobody is ever going to read your fan fiction anyway
B-But several anons said they read mine :(
Also since when do fully clothed Minotaurs count as Furry Porn on /tg/?
>Games Workshop models
>Powergaming assholes ruining the game
Yup, that checks out.
Well that sucks.
Nah but only cause I'm a spheroid. I could use more BA though.
>Am I missing somthing
Buy up their skill level to something that can reliably hit targets and then see what your points look like.
Based. Got more?
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Now be fair, it did give us the hilarious sight of not one but two Thunderbolts being Casting Couched one after the other.
Although year, the lack of sideslip rules really did make them far too effective, although I imagine rolling those checks for each would have bogged the game down a lot.

You should make a mega archive of these, or something. They look really good and I want to have a read when i have time.
I play protomechs now. The latter era designs are passable, the minotaur X2, the svartalfa, and quad Procyon. Those are most of the ilclan RAT for Hell's Horses.
honestly if its an unseen IS mech available in 3025 youre on the money.
>and a rare showing of map-scale Union/Overlord/Overlord-C DropShips
Are those ever gong to actually hit retail? I'd love to have an Union.
Only this one. I will be writing a new one when I play a game that's got me invested enough.
Thanks. I might do something like that.
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As everyone else said the Dragoons set the standard with their spontaneous arrival during the 3rd SW with 5 regiments, including Oops All Annihilators and an orbital mech factory that produced their own custom Archers. They grew to have their own fleet, their own intel unit that rivaled even ROM, and literally ran the entire Mercenary industry. They have been nuked into the dust, torn apart by civil wars, betrayed almost as often as the GDL, and yet keep resurrecting. Theyre currently waging a solitary war against the Wolf Empire operating out of a secret planet base they got from the FWL by giving them tripods they salvaged from the Republic.

The other big guys all have their won extremes too. The Kell Hounds have their own independent nation from the Lyrans now, the Highlanders have their own planet and have backstabbed nearly every person who hired them but are still running around. the Big MAC are basically their own RCT at this point.

So dont sweat too much on how big you grow, just dont mirror your unit list off what an endgame HBS Battletech career mode looks like.
Very slickly produced battle report, Anon.
My best view on them is they can be used for insurgency shit. Orbital drop them on a planet and skip out and they do just a long running hit n run campaign and disrupt everything. Something to throw at your players who think they are getting an easy garrison contract.
I'm going to get my brother to play this exact scenario with me. Outrageously based.
>that pic

Poor Dekker.
3d print has existed for years, stop being a dummy
I made the autistic decision that I am going to buy 'mechs and dropships while 3D printing vehicles and Battle armor.

Hope you have fun! Which reminds me that I did also write this piece of lore with a scenario attached after an argument with the local BT community on how "you can't run a Mercenary Company with just a Leopard"
My dekker never got used because I always ran Medusa instead. Then we got a bunch of Drac salvage and I gave him a Dragon. First mission he KO'd two mechs and then got his cockpit got kicked out by a weaponless Vindicator. His armor was UNTOUCHED.
>"you can't run a Mercenary Company with just a Leopard"
You totally can, so long as you only take contracts for lance-level missions.
>"you can't run a Mercenary Company with just a Leopard"
To be fair, you can. You will have one lance of mechs, an ASF or two, and maybe a security platoon or a couple of vees if you ditch one of the ASF bays (double up if you ditch 2). Morale will be shot, you wont be able to haul salvage or any major supply of spare parts, and everyone will hate life.
But you can, in theory, do it.
just get a Union, its not much more, readily available, and far, far, far, better for a merc outfit
I like em, but there are Niche even amongst the Clan forces that use em.
A Clan Second line Star would have upgunned IS mechs, right?
It would most likely have IIc and non-omni clan mechs. Homeworld garrisons, and later on when things get a little more desperate are when you see the C variants.
IICs or regular Battlemechs. Clanners have their own homegrown non-Omni Battlemechs as well.
Say by Jihad era then. Would IS mechs with clan equipment be more common by then?
Especially if it's a Garrison Contract and you can actually base your unit out of somewhere planetside.
A Leopard might be shit for Interplanetary travel, but it's a perfectly suitable combat dropper.
Pretty uncommon amongst house forces and rare among Mercenary outfits.

By the IlClan era its pretty common even for merc outfits to be strolling around with clan shit since Sea Fox likes money.
Really depends on the clan.
Smoke Jaguars had omnis in their secondline and garrison clusters, but some clans had upgunned IS mechs as you say.
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Why don't you tell us what cheesedick fuckery you're trying to justify and then we'll tell you whether or not you're a retard?
Just trying to increase the number of mechs I can take with the plastic Clan Assault Battlemechs, and there aren't many Clan Heavy or Medium Battlemechs anyway. I don't want to have to take a Orion IIC and a Goshawk and a Conjurer every time I play a second line star. I like to switch it up.
I want all my Awesomes to have clantech ER PPCs and double heat sinks
It only becomes normal in the dark age. The clans refitted some star league mechs for third rate garrison use, then during and after the invasion there were some custom jobs, but nothing became normal until dark age.
At that point just get a hellstar
Buy metal minis. Next question.
>Poor Dekker
Is that guy just written to eat shit? It seems like the game just wants his ass dead.
>lance of King Crabs
Too slow. It's all about a Royal Highlander lance deleting enemies with gauss salvos before they can even get you into range.
I don't know how badly people play to get Dekker killed so often and so early. Sure the Spider is made of paper and held together with hopes but it's not that hard to evasion stack or alter the loadout to have a bit more armor until you get more resilient scouts.
>Is that guy just written to eat shit? It seems like the game just wants his ass dead.
I mean, considering there is an achievement for keeping him alive the entire campaign...
I've never had Dekker get into any serious danger, honestly. He starts in a spider in your first real mission, which sucks, but doubling down on piloting in HBS is never ever bad. I think it's just that because he's in the mech with the thinnest armor and using him properly requires actual skill, he has a tendency to get downed by bad players.

In my experience, Medusa is more likely to eat stray headshots from LRMs than anybody else.
I like them, they always gave me a mazinger vibe. That said, I understand that they'd be better received if their designs were updated to better fit the modern Battletech aesthetic.
They devs posted stats and an alarmingly large % of the player base lost him on the majesty metals mission
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Put capacitors on them.
All of them
Yay! New Fox Patrol novel!!!
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WoB was too cool for BT
I don't think there's enough heat sinks in the world to sink that.
Wouldn't want to be on the other end of that though.
if a hellstar can sink 4 cppcs, it can sink 3 cppcs with capacitors
Actually wouldn't that still work? Just fire them in pairs, then the other two in pairs and keep charging them?

I was imagining the 4 PPC awesome for this. Might still be spicy, that'd be 50 heat before anything else is considered.
Who said you needed to sink them? Ride or die, mothafucka! If you aren't going out in a giant fireball of your own making, are you even really living?
At what point would it be better to just use a supernova?
You don't _need_ to charge the caps if you're not using them. I've mostly experimented with them with customs that are high speed and I charge them on turns where I break LOS or don't have good hit mods.
What are some dos and don'ts when making up a merc company?
First rule of war crimes is to have fun.
New thread


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They said DropShips would be hitting the shelves sometime(tm) next year, but no earlier than either Q2/3.

Union retailed for $45, Overlord is $60, and Overlord-C is $65. CGL sold all of the DropShip stock they brought for the convention.
DO have a code, and follow it.
DO fulfill all contracts to the best of your ability.
DO give a shit about your people first.
DO be aware of your unit's capabilities at all times.
DON'T break your word.
DON'T betray your client unless they betray you first.
DON'T settle for chump change, consider all possible costs.
DON'T sign a contract with Capellans without vetting it with legal counsel first.
Paint the cockpit first then apply your basecoat over it. Don't fuck up, you've got one shot or you'll have to strip it.
I'm pretty sure you can run one with a leopard, everyone has to start somewhere!
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Huh? What do you want?
You don't even need to own a leopard, renting transport and salvage crews is a thing, campaign ops has a rating for merc companies based on how much transport they own vs how many units they operate and it can go to 0. Also some merc companies might just operate on a single planet.
Also in my campaign the players managed to run entirely from a leopard with 5 mechs, they converted 1 AS bay to a mech bay and the other to infantry, living quarters, and storage. They eventually managed to 'salvage' a union though and it is a lot easier.

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