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Fighting Urukhai edition

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>What are some dos and don'ts when making up a merc company?
DON'T make the foolish decision to buy mechs that will be difficult to repair
DON'T forget that you live or die by your ability to travel freely instead of booking a ride courtesy of your employer
DO read the fine print of any and all contracts
DO have someone who can do proper legal review
DO have a plan to bail if the contract starts going tits up
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Hello I'm fat
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Hi fat, I'm dad.
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>Design challenge:
>Tonnage: any
>Speed: more points awarded for higher speed
>Armour: 75% or higher
>Weaponry: 1x C-ERPPC + capacitor + turret mount, per side torso
>Weaponry: 2x C-ERPPC + capacitor + Actuator Enhancement System
>Cooling: able to fire both C-ERPPCs with capacitors and generate no more than 13 excess heat, exceptions for up to 17 excess heat may be considered if mech excels in other regards.
>Other Equipment: bonus points will be awarded for electronic warfare, sealth systems, and C3 systems.
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DO have a code, and follow it.
DO fulfill all contracts to the best of your ability.
DO give a shit about your people first.
DO be aware of your unit's capabilities at all times.
DON'T break your word.
DON'T betray your client unless they betray you first.
DON'T settle for chump change, consider all possible costs.
DON'T sign a contract with Capellans without vetting it with legal counsel first.
My Beloved...
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Here's my entry, courtesy of Radical Heat Sinks.

I don't honestly believe that the 4 C-ERPPC build can even work outside of slow assault mechs. You just can't fit that many heat sinks.
It could work if you volley fired them, but I don't know if that would be superior DPR. On the plus side you would be sure every single shot was Capacitor boosted and could have an option to just blast someone for 80 total damage. Would it be smart? No. But it'd be... Awesome.
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>DON'T sign a contract with Capellans without vetting it with legal counsel first.
This is 7 words too long.
Is 26 doubles enough for 8 CMPLs and 2 CERPPCCs? In a Dire Wolf?
It's unwise to outright deny a potential paying client, but covering your ass is prudent.
Everyone who deliberately decides to work for the Capellans or Dracs is an idiot. Doesn't matter the era. Some writers attempts to muddy the waters and pretend everyone is equally bad aside, there are too many incidents to ignore.
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>DON'T make the foolish decision to buy mechs that will be difficult to repair
But bro. It's a Madcat. Like bro, it'll be fine. Trust me.
Working for the Dracs was only bad during Takeshi, you libelous mongrel wasteoid.
Their leadership is filled with scheming backstabbers who have radicalized themselves against the concept of mercenaries in every era.

Having to take orders from some kind of idiot or psychopath is a roll of the dice no matter who you work for but the odds you will have to shoot your way out increase under the dragon.
Mercs have had a field day in the Combine since the coming of the Clans, thanks in no small part to Theodore and Hohiro.
Yeah, it's so much better to get company store'd by the Feddies or the Steiners. Nothing better than having your inherited mechs casually taken away from you and given to a house regiment because you have nothing else as collateral.
Ah, but if, y'know, you were to swear fealty to the throne...?
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TSM gives you a run speed of 12. And lets you scrap if you need to. You're kind of fucked if you lose the arm though.
There's a difference between one off schemes from corrupt individuals and state policy. There are bad bosses everywhere but the Combine has the highest number of military commanders who are not emotionally prepared to deal with the concept of people who might one day leave their service.
as opposed to company stores by the two factions you're trying to promote who are NOTORIOUS for it?
I don’t see why becoming house troops is so bad. McCarron’s Armored Cavalry seem pretty fine.
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Silly weebs, this thread was already claimed by purple bird Stalkers
There's reasons they didn't stay that way, though, and it took several decades to escape it.
Imagine if you will a group of people that don't want to be house troops. Then imagine their employers constructing a series of events that force them into such a situation. Then ask yourself if they are satisfied with this outcome.
You're trading freedom for financial security. I can't even say actual security since you probably get used as shock troops anyway since newly integrated mercs are only just barely above the cannon fodder that is infantry and tanks in terms of value to the House. Now this is obviously more true of some houses than others, but the kind of House to company-store you isn't going to be the kind that puts any kind of value on human life.
That "state policy" stopped being policy after Takashi croaked, and any douchebag Warlord still doing it is doing it on their own, not by sanction.
As mercs, you can organize your unit and make personnel decisions as you please. A merc company is a business and you're the owner/operator.
Once you become house troops that goes away. If Lord Armstrong wants his son to command a lance of your men, all he needs to do is pull the right strings on New Avalon.
I was looking through the list of equipment for Protomechs in MegaMekLab and GAUSS RIFLES are valid equipment? Is this because technically any mech weapon under 15 tons is considered valid or is there some design out there that's basically nothing but a Gauss rifle on legs.
ALL threads belong to the Dragon; know your place, trash.
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>he doesn't know where the cockpit glass is
Look, when the first 4 images of the thread are all Stalkers, and the very first one is Marik, it's now a Marik Stalker thread. Them's just /btg/ rules. I didn't make em, I just have a working sense of pattern recognition.
I like this.
>Fire both PPCs with caps
>Fire both LRMs, recharge caps

You've met the weaponry criteria, so +5 points from the walk speed, no additional points.

Rating: +5

Note: I would strip the upper arm actuator out so that the arms could flip, allowing it to fire all weapons into its rear arc.

I also like this!

>Fire both PPCs with caps
>Uh, well I guess TSM is active now? But you're at +10 so you're not gaining any speed, nor is there a way to maintain the TSM bonus as far as I can see?

You've met the weaponry criteria, so +6 points from the walk speed, no additional points.

Rating: +6

Do I think this build would win against the above build? No, but that's my fault. Although I wasn't looking forward to procurement on those XXLs anyways.
It was literally my first mini. I painted that like back in 2012 or something. I'm not proud of it, but I don't have any other painted purple bird stalkers.
Well my thought process is you don't TECHNICALLY need to fire the PPCs to get TSM active, you can just keep running the capacitors and always be at +10 heat which activates TSM. At least if I remember how they work right.
The second turn would then be:
10(starting heat from previous turn)+10(caps)+2+2-32, which is below 0. So the TSM would deactivate, afaik.

TSM triggers based on the heat you start your turn with, so you ideally wanna start your turns at exactly 9 (the threshold to gain +1 MP).
It doesn't seem like there is any actual way to fit a gauss rifle on a proto, but you can just about fit a ERPPC on a 15 ton 3/5 quad and have enough mass left over for a reasonable amount of armor.
Why are people so mean to the Stalker? I like it.
It's because everyone has one. It's ubiquitous and boring.

It's never bad in any format it's ever been in though.
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40 damage per round plus damage output is diffused so losing an arm doesn't mean too much since you could just fire one with the capacitor and one without the capacitor every turn.
The first one you replied to is designed so that it can alpha strike with all of it's weapons every 2 turns by using it's radical heat sink system to boost it's cooling up to 60 points (since it adds +1 cooling to every heat sink) then on the turn you let the radical system cool off (it has a roll like MASC) you charge your capacitors and shoot the missiles. While this set up only lasts for 6 turns, I don't think very many mechs are likely to be standing after 6 turns of that.
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Nothing wrong with Stalker per se (slow-ass brute that it is), I just prefer Longbow for sexual reasons (step on me, Daddy StarCorps!)
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>10 years and he hasnt spent the 5 min max to fix it
Is the blitzkreig good?
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I got a special place in my heart for the Longbow just because I had the Destroid toy version of it along with the others.
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>Forces on world
>Hostiles on all fronts
>Mechwarriors, prepare for combat action
Good luck.
Look, I don't make the rules. The grading criteria is already written. Unless you can jam on 2 tons of electronic warfare, sealth systems, or C3 systems, the contract is gonna go to the other anon because that design goes a bit faster.

And you'll be out of ammo after 6 turns anyways. :3c

I did see that firing cycle! I like it! I personally prefer XXL with the later armour types, hardened or ferro lamellar, but I accept its use here.
Honor! What do you stinkin Dracs know about honor!? I go out a mission in a Rifleman, leading a bunch of lights, mostly bugs.
You dracs thought you were so great with your ambush on us. Jenner, Crusader, Grand Dragon; all bit the dust without taking down a single one of us! All that's left is that 100 ton construction mech that you stole. You're surrounded, you're overheating, you're alone, and your armor is already half gone. You can't win. So just eject already. Give it up. It's what any sensible person would do. Not you dracs though, no. Instead, you ran through a burning forest to get at one of the Javelins. You charged it, took the leg clear off and knocked it to the ground. You didn't stop there though. Even then you could have ejected. Not you though drac.
The drac did a full on alpha-strike on the downed Javelin. 3 Large Lasers and change went into it. The mech was wasted, obviously. More than that though, the pilot... the pilot... he was just a kid damn it! He was no older than 14! I begged you drac, I pleaded with you to stop. I screamed it over the open comms channel.
And you... laughed. You laughed as you murdered that kid. That kid who still managed to outfight you even though you had him outweighed 3 to 1. That kid, who had managed to fire off a volley of inferno missiles out of his 2 SRM6 launchers, which just so happened to be enough when combined with your merciless alpha strike, to force your mech into a shutdown.
Funny thing, the open comm channel was still working during that forced shutdown. I heard your laughter turn to fear when your mech shut down Drac. I heard you start to panic and scream. I heard you begging me for your life, crying in fear as my Rifleman marched ever closer to you, firing all the way. I heard you scream as I blew your mech's fucking head off and incinerated you in a blazing hellfire while your spent your final moments weeping for mercy!
Dracs have no honor.
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A recon lance from the First Free Worlds Guards engaged a mercenary medium lance. After a brief battle and immobilizing the mercenary Pegasus, the FWL Hermes II lost its leg. Outweighed and down a mech, the FWL force withdrew, and the mercenaries allowed them to collect their damaged mech while the mercs recovered their Pegasus. Mercenary victory, no notable loss of materiel.
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>Glaugs on, unrepentant
Why are you employing child soldiers?
Its trash, no armor and pretty expensive. You can get mechs with the same firepower that are slightly slower and better, It also gets outdamaged by a random mech with like a ac10 and a few medium lasers in practice

>7 on cluster 2
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Meanwhile, an Aurigan battle lance engaged their Lyran counterparts. The battle turned against the lyrans early on with a lucky crit, and the Lyrans sacrificed their Archer and retreated to save the rest of their mechs. The Archer was destroyed in an ammo explosion, and the Aurigans claimed its scraps.
Oh you get that purple mech bug too. Man is modded HBS Battletech held together with duct tape.
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After those battles, we did the strategic moves for turn 2. This time, the Aurigan scout lance will be engaging a battle lance of mercenaries who are definitely not comstar, while the Free Worlds League medium lance will be engaging the normal mercenaries' battle lance.

The Omen campaign has begun!
I get that bug too and I don't use mods.
Is blain pardoe actually a good writer or are people defending a western shonen novella author like he mein kampf?

For comparison, I've only read the grey death trilogy. Which was mediocre, but not offensive.
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Ask why the BTA mod has a ronin that looks to be a 14 year old kid. He got assigned to me at the start of the run. Funny that they gave him the deepest voice too.
Lorewise, I like to think that the Commander interviewed over an audio channel. Hired him, but didn't get to actually see him until they were already up in space. I started my career this time with just 250,000 c-bills and a lance of bug mechs. We also spawned in Otisberg, an abandoned system, so we had to travel to get our first contract before going bankrupt. When your circumstances are so dire, you'll work with whatever you got.
"What the... just how old are you!?"
"14." The commander looked down at the kid, his voice was unusually deep. Deep enough to sound like a 40 year old man over comms.
"You have to leave. Now."
"Come on Eclipse, let me stay. I've trained myself. I swear I can pilot any one of those mechs!" The boy motioned towards the lance of mechs currently stored in the hangar. Edith felt a headache coming on. Something about this 14 year old boy calling her by her callsign really irked her.
"We are already en'route to a contract. A contract we have to fulfill or this mercenary company is over before it even began. I will not let this company become one of the 90%!" Edith was referring to how 90% of mercenary companies went under within 6 months of being formed.
"I can do it. I swear to you Commander, I won't let you down." Edith studied the boy for a bit. She had alternatives. Not many, but a few. So she still wasn't sure what compelled her that day, but eventually she smiled wickedly at the boy.
"Alright then. You'll be piloting that mech." Edith pointed to the Hornet. While none of the mechs they had available were impressive, the Hornet was even less impressive than the 3 Locusts and Stinger that it shared the mechbay with. "I expect you won't survive the 1st mission."
"I won't die Eclipse. Not in that thing."
"We'll see."
The kid was right. He didn't die in the Hornet.
It's been a while since I've encountered that bug, but sadly it cropped up on what ended up being a very memorable battle for me. Shame too since it was doing that for a mech I've never seen before.
He's alright. I genuinely enjoy his Land and Sea novels.
If you look through the archives you'll find the general consensus was lukewarm, at best, in regards to his work over the years.
I must expect too much from established universe fictions.
I had the Rifleman toy when I was a kid. Now I have all four of them. I cannot explain the psychic pressure that finally having the full set relieved for me.
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Yeah you guys, we're all about Battletech, not some weebshit anime.
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Just got back from my first meeting for the local scene's BT campaign. Got a lump sum of 12 Mil Cbills to buy mechs and upgrade pilots ended up with:
Wolfhound WLF-1 4/4
Javelin JVN-10N 4/4
Wasp WSP-1A 4/5
Locust LCT-1V 4/5

Obtained a Patrol contract with Kurita. With any luck Sancho's Star Goblins will get to cut their teeth this Friday. Honestly pretty stoked.
What kind of campaign system are you using?
>I must expect too much from established universe fictions.
That might be a genuine issue.
It would be best to not expect great books from lore tie-in novels. At least that's what I learned when I read one of the Invasion-era MtG books as a kid
So how does this whole map thing work? Whats the system?
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All the details and a download here. You can grab Instant Action too. I got tired of having to link google drives all the time.
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It's a homebrew I believe. Essentially the players get contracts and play them out with another player being the OPFOR. Then after players re-arm, repair and buy supplies and new contracts. There is no grand campaign elements to it as its mostly just for fun and stories.
He is one of the better btech authors. I understand that isn't a high bar.
He's mediocre at best, which puts him in the top 2/3 of BT writers, but since he got "cancelled" he became a rallying point for incel manchildren. They conveniently leave out and forget that the real reason he got the axe is because he was making his own game directly competing against Battletech in the giant robots tabletop war games genre. They just want any excuse to sperg about the culture wars.
My Hermes II had its laser and autocannon critted, so the mechtechs have decided to turn it into a budget Kintaro
How have I slept on the TSM nightsky for so long? I love it
Not enough SRM to be an SRM boat sorry
Yeah, that reason only works if Brent Evans was also let go at the same time as Pardoe since it's his name being billed as the lead behind Land and Sea. But afaik Brent is still employed by CGL.
What is the absolute worst MWO interpretation of a mech?
I would say Shadow Hawk. CGL plastic looks a lot better.
The Battlemaster is barely recognizable as to what it is.
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Hatamoto-Chi. Ruined its aesthetics completely.
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According to the contemporary statement it was because of his facebook brainrot posts.
Do Clans use Stars that have both bettkemechs and omnimechs in them, I guess like a mkxed star? Is there a time period when they're more common than pure stars?
I'm with CGL, dumbass facebook brainrot posting is a good reason to not hire someone.
>in consultation with Topps
IE, "fire this racist asshole or we're terminating your license"
>Final decision was CGLs
IE, "oh, ok, yes daddy Topps, we'll do what you say"
t. Maskirovka operative
Shad was pretty decent for a reintroduction after being absent so long. I just never liked the extra thumbs.

Made it look cool and edgy like the Dracs are but also made it look more like a one off boss mech.
>But afaik Brent is still employed by CGL.
Barely. He was the art director and the BT line dev for a while. He lost both positions when BLP got axed; Scroggins is the art director and Ray is the line dev now, and Brent is just a freelance artist who gets less and less work.
All of them. If you see an MWO mini on the table, you're absolutely within your rights to smash it.
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please axe this guy too if that's the case cgl
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>Made it look cool and edgy like the Dracs are but also made it look more like a one off boss mech.
It looks like a Charger got fucked in a ball cage filled with rhombuses. Thank fuck Shimmy didn't model his design off it.
>Signing your actual name to shit you say online
How do people that retarded survive? Is this just a thing boomers do?
its got a cool skull face tho
Any group of five mechs, 10 tanks or ASF, 25 BA or Protos or 125 foot infantry is a Star. An All omni star is the most prestigious kind but if a garrison has two omnis and eight non omnis they are going to field two stars.

There is no battlefield difference between an omnimech and a non omni with the same equipment, Omnis are more expensive upfront for greater strategic flexibility. A clan that is doing well will try to maximize the portion of their equipment that does that, but past the opening stages of the invasion only the most elite and prestigious clusters could really indulge in the expense.
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It wouldn't be out of place in a 2nd line star. They'll take what they can get, but every clanner wants an Omni.
Oh thats why hes shoving that bullshit into everything hes trying to cope with fucking up raising his kids
Lol. Lmao even.
What was opinion on the piano?
>There is no battlefield difference between an omnimech and a non omni with the same equipment
I really hate to be the Um Akshually guy but the ability to carry battle armor is a pretty big deal at times
Is there an in universe reason why Spheroids use Lances (4) and Clanners use Stars (5), other than just to be different? Would a Merc lance not named Wolf's Dragoons organizing into 5s be that weird?
hello bottom
Four is traditional armor formation; five is Nicholas Kerensky finally learning how to count on an entire hand. Six is ComStar showing off.
It is substantially cheaper and easier to modify the battle armor to be able to ride on a conventional mech than the reverse.
>Star League symbol is a four pointed star
>Clans consider themselves the true heirs of the star league
>Name their basic unit the Star
>Give it five Points
this should not bother me but it does.
the comstar lvl II being 6 is explicitly to counter the Clanner qualitative advantage. It really should have just become standard lance size after Tukkayyid.
Technically nothing stops you from using 3, 5, or 6 mech lances. The advantage of 4 is that it’s flexible. You have three to a company for 12 mechs, you can split one lance for two augmented lances of 6 mechs (a demi-company) or you can split each lance to field 6 sub-units.
That'd require rebuilding every DropShip in existence, which would be too much of an ask for BT space industries. Better just to accept "if you're fighting a Star, you want at least two lances"
Sounds very cozy. Wish our local group had something like that.
Not really. It would just mean sticking to unions and not bothering with leopards. And since no one wants to have anything to do with leopards that seems reasonable.
Cheap and ubiquitous still holds value.
Be the change you want to see
Well, post-REVIVAL, I can definitely imagine some merc bosses seeing the Clanners use 5 mechs to a Star and copying that. Only real issue is that basically all battlemech infrastructure in the Inner Sphere revolves around the Lance. Union Dropships carry a company, which is 12 mechs. All other Dropships carry mechs in some multiple of 4. Most brick and mortar hangers will only have room for a regular lance.

But all of that is way outside the scope of the game and really the realm of headcannon. If you want your IS merc company to put 5 dudes on the board, go nuts.
Just tear out your ASF bays and replace them with mech bays in Leopards like the HBS game did, and for everything else, I'm pretty sure most of the rest of the major ones are divisible by 6 already.
I like it because the face torso makes for an easy Gurren Lagann conversion.
Most people with a Leopard need that space for literally anything else. By default it has four mechs, two ASF, and then what, 30-someodd general cargo tons? That's nothing. You need to rip out the ASF bays just to be able to carry spare armor and ammo for your mechs, nevermind things like salvage or extra supplies or a couple jeeps so you don't have to walk into town once you hit a halfway friendly planet.
Isn't that what the Clan version of that dropship does?
Pretty sure the levels thing was said to be a Focht reform from the 3040s to encourage combined arms, so it would be 4 mechs and two tanks, or 4 tanks and two infantry squads etc.
It does 5 mechbays (Star: natch), and one 150 ton cargo bay
I find it funny that's how I ran my lance in BTA for a while. 4 mechs, and 2 support vehicles. Started with a pair of Scimitars for flanking manuvers, upgraded to Gauss Rommels eventually, then Manticores for general all around support. Even tried them in LRM carriers at one point, that worked out pretty good.
I'm trying. Currently working with a handful of people who know jack shit about the BT universe. At least only one of them started gravitating towards clan LPL boats but I told him he's acting like a SSB player and that fixed things. Now he's becoming a fan of setting things on fire as a Wobbie, so that's an improvement.
Is Battletech a good scene to get into if I want some STEM networking?
Or am I better off in 40k by sheer popularity? I feel like Battletech has a higher concentration of mildy autistic STEM graduates.
You'll find a big Venn diagram of overlap between 40K players, BT players, and STEMwads. Almost everyone I know who plays BT on the table also has 40K armies,
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What is that red mech supposed to be?
It's very clearly labeled Captain Blood
It's a Banshee, and that weapon is probably a club good for one hit, rather than a hatchet.
The classic club is rebar pulled out of rubble or an uprooted tree, but there's nothing stopping you from making purpose built ones.
Working on the TR-6 wing Wraith
Your big fat mom you stupid cunt
If I really want to use both the Annihilator ANH-1# and the Behemoth BHN-6H for the Introtech Dragoons lance, what 2 other mechs should I use to offset their 2/3/x movement?
Locust and Pixie
He should still be overall art director for CGL just not the art director for Battletech in particular. Unless he lost it as well which I'm not seeing anywhere
Clan front-line units have only OmniMechs (before the Dark Age, at least), but some of their second line units would have Omnis as well.

Clan Galaxies are often named in order of quality, so that Alpha and Beta Galaxies are front-line, then Gamma and Delta are second-line but still pretty capable, and Epsilon and Zeta are garrison forces. A mixed OmniMech/BattleMech star would be common in Gamma and Delta here.

Some time before the Dark Age, all of the Clans start using non--Omnis in their front line forces. Probably by 3090 or 3100.
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Replicate the lance, coward. It's only about 10k bv depending on how you interpret the elite and veteran ratings.
A banshee wielding a makeshift club.
IIRC Zed's Stone Rhino is supposed to be unique among the Dragoons anyway.
The rest of the Dragoons were smart enough to not want that shitbox.
I'm an advocate for dynamic poses, but I don't think these topheavy models should be elevated by fake plastic gas.
Did it still have gauss rifles and all that or did they at least do something of a downgrade
I hate them, too. My "jumping" mechs don't get jump clouds; if I want them aerial, I'll use flying bases. Elementals piss me off because they come default on that shit.
>BHN-6H Behemoth
>Assigned to Gordon Zed of the Zalman Bloodname, even downgraded with primitive Succession Wars era technology his Behemoth was a powerful 'Mech that caused mass panic and confusion whenever it took to the field with Wolf's Dragoons Alpha Regiment during the Third Succession War. Zed's Behemoth swapped the large pulse lasers for PPCs, the small pulse laser for standard model and the twin Gauss rifles for Autocannon/10s with four tons of reloads, the extra weight for this loadout and the heat sinks to make it viable is made possible by a reduction to 200-rated standard engine, greatly reducing its ground speed. Like many Dragoons, Zed and his Behemoth would fall during the brutal Battle of Misery, and though the Draconis Combine might have salvaged the 'Mech, they were never able to repair or reproduce it.

Honestly, 2xAC/2 and 2xPPC is pretty killer in 3025, though 2/3 is shitty in any time period.
Hate is a strong word. It's just not to my taste. I also don't like models coming with slotted plastic rocks to stand on. I like my models to be the main attraction. Not generic smoke and missile effects. It's just distracting from the model itself.
>I also don't like models coming with slotted plastic rocks to stand on.
That I don't mind as much, probably because all my sexiest 40K models came on high bases to look more dominant. The only BT model I have on an enhanced base is the Highlander smushing the Urbie.
I actually like the smoke effects if they're used very sparingly. I didn't really care for it with the Crusader I have (though I might have warmed up to it if I was using it), but I like it on the LAM Urbs both for the variety it gives and how it fits the specific chassis role and purpose.
Do the Clans actually call their Marauder IICs that, or do they just call it a Marauder and everyone else has to make the distinction because they're still using the old one?
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Tell me your favorite aerospace fighter, OR ELSE
The poorest clans still use the marauder 2R, and clanners have a thing about precise speech.

Also Corsair.
I know that the Clans still use Star League-era Mechs for their solahma units, but I wonder if they're all old stock from Brian Caches or if there's any level of manufacturing, if only for spare parts.

But then, I guess that the SLDF in Exile put A LOT in the Brian Caches...though maybe they should have dumped a bunch of it to make room for more supplies.
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I just think its neat.

Special mention to the Bashkir and Vandal for probably killing any normal person who tried to fly them.
We know some dumping was done before departure, or Teddy Kurita wouldn't have ended up with Kerensky's Orion.
I imagine that because, like >>93796248 points out, they still have the originals, Marauder IICs are just called Marauder IIs.
They must've been fucking pissed when they ran into Inner Sphere Marauder IIs
>The Marauder II C and the Marauder IIC are completely different machines from different manufacturers, sharing essentially zero parts between them
I love Battletech
Blame the faggot Dragoons for doubling up on the name.
It gets worse, there is now the Marauder, Marauder C, Marauder II, Marauder II C, Marauder IIc, Marauder IIC2.
The "IIC" was an Inner Sphere designation to differentiate the Clantech version of the mech. Eventually the Clans would adopt the designation. So, the Marauder IIC, at least initially, would likely just be called "Marauder" because it's an evolution of the old Marauder rather than a "II" like the Marauder II is.
What's the average lifespan for notable people?

Sometimes it feels like important people live for like 150 years before they die or vanish.
>someone saved my shitpost
This lightened up my shitty week
All over the place. A bunch of the 3025 characters notably die in like their late fifties but also Katherine SD doe femme fatale shit in the youth obsessed clans past her hundredth birthday.
Depends. Theodore Kurita died at 73, Victor Steiner-Davion died at 104.
Considering the bondsman fetish material he posted on Reddit, It's definitely more of a sexual thing for him.
Clanwise, We've seen a bunch of khans like well into their 80s.
Suppose you have like 1000BV left to fill (arbitrary number). Will you rather take a bad mech costed at 990~1000BV? Or a good mech costed at 930~940BV, making your total BV 60~70 short from XX000 limit? (numbers only used as an example, not for 'hey actually this excellent mech is 998BV')
it is merely a matter of time until the marauder II IIC and marauder IIC II
What's a reasonable size/format to expect if I want to play a pickup game at the store?
If you take the bad 1000 BV mech over the good 930 BV mech, you're wasting a hell of a lot more than 70 BV.
Marauder IIC II makes sense, but wouldn't the first one just be the Marauder IIIC?
Exact BV matching is silly. Meks are rated based on their strength in a vacuum, not on their utility to a specific force or how well they fit a scenario. I'd "waste" even a few hundred BV if my options don't make that any value.

However, infantry and Vees happily fit into small gaps like these.
I take the ac10 blade every day
6000 BV, Clan Invasion era, 3-6 units per side, Instant Action scenarios
wait, can you make a mech star with 6000bv? thought clan mechs were fucking expenaive bv wise
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>Is blain pardoe actually a good writer or are people defending a western shonen novella author like he mein kampf?
It's not the novels that are important. It's the first three TROs. Pardoe wrote most of the entries in them, plus a significant chunk of the first two rulebooks.
The main difference between 4chan and X (formerly Twitter) is that the people on 4chan are nicer and don't actually use their real names to give the absolute worst takes imaginable.
For Clans you double it. A 12k mech star is doable
For clan vs IS, usually the clan player is supposed to bring some elementals. Pretend a nova has gotten separated or experienced a bunch of losses.
the name logic would dictate that a significant clantech rebuild keeps the original name and puts IIC onto the end
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You could make a pure mech star using clan mechs for as low as 2500.
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>He doesn't like the Fwoosh :(
It looks like piled shit, sorry not sorry
>This year's theme keywords are CLANS, ILCLAN, CHALCAS or DARK CASTE, and SOLAHMA.
My head hurts.
On the other hands, would the Clans even allow LGBTQ+?
No, that would just be a marauder 2, see?
That bit, probably, as less likelihood of freebirths. The rest? Probably chemical therapy to correct the brain issues.
a focus on sexual identity would be considered wasteful irrelevant bullshit, the ideology as it is today would certainly be chalcas
the warriors reproducing asexually and other factors of clan society likely mean that there is no prejudice towards abnormal sexual identity, sort of similar to how there is no prejudice towards race and women(at least there didn't used to be), but no clanner is going to flaunt how gay he is
all of this is of course constructed from current information, the writers seem like they may attempt to change it significantly
I don't
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>On the other hands, would the Clans even allow LGBTQ+?
Yes, and they absolutely wouldn't give a shit. If you aren't a warrior, as long as you perform the breeding requirements assigned to you by the scientist caste, nobody cares what else you do. If you are a warrior, it also doesn't matter, because coupling is simply "warrior-on-warrior", you can be ordered to do it, and if you don't want to and can't win the trial of refusal to make them stop ordering you, then you deserve it anyway. Your actual preferences don't actually matter until you're a good enough warrior to enforce them on other people.

All told, the Clans are probably the most LGBTQ+ friendly group in the game, albeit completely by accident, and they aren't *trying* to be friendly to those people.

The big exception is trans people. There shouldn't be any trans people outside the scientsts. Scientists have the know-how and resources available to them to do that; they've canonically done genemodding stuff that goes WAY past just doing gender swaps. Nobody of a lower caste would be allowed to use the resources to switch genders though. Trueborn warriors trying to be trans would indicate a defective genome and the entire sibko would be liquidated prior to ever leaving basic training. And freeborn warriors would be kept from it on purpose, simply as a way to make their lives even more miserable.
>Clanners are also probably anti-trans because the equivalent of a trans Battlemech is a LAM, and we know how they feel about those.

I will give them this. They're saying extremely clearly this time that this is 100% a fan product and it's not official *OR ENDORSED BY CGL* in any way. People who don't like it shouldn't take it any more seriously than the Built for War TRO got taken seriously as an accurate depiction of the universe, or, for that matter, it's going to be as equally canon as Critter-Tek.
Why is the LAM bad but vehicle-to-mech transformer thing is ok?
Only the Heck Ponies think it's okay. Another Clan would probably treat them as inherently dezgra and nuke them from orbit.
Clans only care about retaking terra and bringing back the star league. Meaning everything that isn't supporting that effort is irrelevant. You can do whatever in your free time, but as others have stated, you are more or less property of the clan and will do what you're told to do in most cases.

Pride parades and other general faggotry for faggotry's sake would likely be deemed illegal mass gatherings irrelevant of the context. There is pride in the clan and it's your honor to be an archon for the clan. Not a role model for disaffected youth.
>On the other hands, would the Clans even allow LGBTQ+?

It's been discussed ad infinitum. The general consensus is:

-Clans wouldn't care if you were gay because they don't give a shit about anything sex-related as long as Civilians have enoughbsex in the missionary position for the purpose of reproduction with their designated mate to pop out a few kids
-Clans wouldn't allow any alternate gender identity because they like people to fit in neat boxes. Medical transition would be regarded as a waste of resources.
clans don't even want to bring back the star league, they just want to use the name
Aren't dark caste just clanners that failed at their tasks and somehow weren't liquidated?

I've always seen dark caste, not as an actual cohesive group like warrior or scientist castes, but more like a shunned label. So you'd have a couple dark caste mixed in with the pirate rabbles. Criminals, insubordinate, insane, etc.

Is there anything that explores dark caste in detail other than the rpg explanation?
This. There's a gay clanner in the book Redemption Rites and not much is made of it, he's using a lower caster for sex because that's what clanners do and can't even remember the guy's name.
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>he's using a lower caster for sex because that's what clanners do and can't even remember the guy's name
>Aren't dark caste just clanners that failed at their tasks and somehow weren't liquidated?

"Dark caste" is a big, vague term. It covers everyone in Clan space who isnt part of the program.

This includes people who run away from Clan society and their descendants, criminals who continue to live amongst Clan society but in the cracks, and also populations on the Pentagon worlds (and worlds in the K Cluster settled before the establishment of the Clans) that managed to never really get under Clan control in the first place.

Some of these folks are first-gen Clanners, some have been "dark caste" for 200 years. Some are petty criminals, some are organized crime, some are pirates and smugglers, some are low-key towns with subsistence farming and basic services.

WoK discusses the Dark Caste, OpKlondike discusses it, FM:CC discusses it in the context of the Burrocks, and Wars of Reaving too if I remember right.
Every time this discussion happens I become more sympathetic to people who are SW exclusive
>nobody cares what else you do
>Clans only care about retaking terra and bringing back the star league
Objectively wrong. God this is even worse than when 80% of the community struggle with basic rules, reading isn't that hard folks.
Honestly, as people go, we're lucky Bottom is who he is. Yeah, he posts too much skin sometimes, but can you imagine the misery if, instead of a moderately intelligible Canadian, we picked up something like an Australian femboy instead?
>*pounces on ya bulgerydoo* Oi crikey what's this owo
>aw farkin strewth /btg/, me bf went threw me draws and i cant foind me clan woof thoigh hoighs the fukkin cunt
Next game intel is in

>My Lance: Wolverine 6M, Shadow Hawk 2H, Griffin 1N, Maxim, Foot Rifle Platoon(in Maxim): 4291 BV
>His lance: Shadow Hawk 2K Warhammer 6L, Wasp 1W, Atlas 7A: 4618

He's got a slight advantage in BV, but it's less than 10%, so not insurmountable. I think my play has to be kiting. That Atlas has thirty SRM tubes, but outside of 9 hexes all it has is an LRM10 and an AC5. And I've got three 5/8/5s and an 8/12 hovercraft. Should be able to control the range fairly well.
Because LAMs gave grogs PTSD and they're too insecure to admit it.
Watch out for that Wasp popping your Maxim with all your crunchies inside it.
>Objectively wrong
He said, posting textual sources for his claim.
If it tries I'll hopefully be able to punish with my mediums and kill it, but yeah that's something to be concerned about.
And next year people claim it's official using some really tenuous link or saying "Look, CGL shared it, so it must be endorsed by them!" So it really doesn't matter if they say it again for the third time or not.
The only people I saw doing that this year were very obviously ragebaiting.
For starters, several generations of clanners lived and died a few months travel from Terra without ever moving towards it. We can therefore infer that taking terra is not, in fact, the overriding goal of clan culture to which all else is subordinate.
Doesn't dispute my point that they'll do it again
>vs clans burning a beeline toward terra in every invasion
>clans outright state their objective in multiple sources
>"To see the return of the star league as kerensky planned"
Are you fucking stupid, or what? Granted, it's not the same star league, but that was their actual professed goal.
If you get mad at ragebaiting that's a you problem
Pointing out that it doesn't matter if they say it or not because of a select few dickheads does not equal getting mad at ragebaiting, but whatever buddy
I'd also be concerned that the Warhammer's got two PPCs to your Griffin's one despite being a Hothammer and he's got a third PPC on his Shad. You are severely outgunned if you can't separate those two from singling out any of your 55ers.
we're unlucky bottom exists at all
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If yall don't want Bottom to post, stop pressing the button that summons him.
>Look, CGL shared it, so it must be endorsed by them!
what do you think endorsement means?
Are you still concerned about Saddam's Bioweapon research camper trucks?

By the time the Truce of Tukayyid and great refusal expire they have all gotten too distracted to care shit that was made up to rationalize the invasion. In the eighty year period between 3067 and 3150 none of the khans experience any unrest from the decision to abandon what you allege is the overall goal of clan society.
It's a dildo with legs. But as a mech it's excellent, one of the only SW mechs that deserves to stand in the same circle as an Awesome. The other being the Steiner Banshee.
How do you deal with pilots going from 4/5 to like 2/4 from surviving an ammo explosion ejection? It's really throwing the balance of our hex campaign.
They're cheap and enthusiastic.
As a general rule I confirm the kill on all Drac mechwarriors, where they don't grease themselves. The rare exceptions I give over to the cav lance. They like to strap 'em to the front of the mech. It's honestly pretty fuckin funny.
"should pilot experience be reworked" is on my list of things to deal with. Might see how the new mercs campaign rules do it, I grabbed that dump last week.
Even a Leopard could be refit since it has two aero bays. You'd be using them for their intended purpose of commando raids either way.
Honestly even with weight saving measures you wouldn't have much of a weapon loadout. For example here's what you could do with a LAM if you had an XL, Ferro-Aluminum and Composite. Not exactly breaking for a 55 tonner. And 5/8 in fighter mode is laughable. Though while figuring this up I never realized that Aerospace fighters get more speed out of the same size engine. Not sure why.

I do really think LAMs are cool conceptually though.
I didn't attach a picture, just imagine a loadout with a LPL, 2 MPL, 2 Bomb bays and 2 LRM 5s.
The problem was mixtech 100 ton LAMs that mounted CLPLs and a Tcomp, that could superjump for 12+ hexes.

And the other problem was that removing transforming Mechs from the game was part of the deal that FASA signed with Harmony Gold to make the lawsuits stop. Removing LAMs didn't have to make in game sense. They went away because of IRL concerns, and damn the damage it did to the canon.
I do like the idea of these dead end techs. Weird tech comes out of real life that go nowhere. It does make the feel the universe more alive that there's people trying (and failing) to make the next big thing that will revolutionize war. Sometimes it works like Battle Armor. Other times it doesn't like Protomechs.
I find the Marauder II and the Imp better
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Wait aren't the WoB LAMs post lawsuit?
Well by then it no longer mattered, iirc Harmony Gold ended up getting it's shit kicked in later down the line.
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I'll always be kinda annoyed by the fact there's no LAMs that shit into a chicken walkers like the Marauder or Madcat. I don't know, just felt like the most natural way to build an LAM.
It always felt like even in universe the only group to seriously look into LAMs was Star League itself, and every other group never put any real effort into improving on the tech. Even the Clanners' LAM project felt like them trying to confirm their own biases
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Not hard enough, and they're still smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money.
So, for clarifies sake, are you still claiming the clans don't care about the personal activities of their subjects/warriors if it doesn't interfere with their duties?
Not him. Fuck off with your culture war shit.
>Local loreshitters get upset after revealing their knowledge of said lore comes exclusively from YouTube videos instead of the actual sourcebooks
My dude, It's only 100 pages, step the fuck up.
Look at this thing and tell me that's not a LAM. Snow Raven was absolutely working on LAMtech and they pussied out of fear of getting their beaks kicked in by the frogs in Clan Woof and Clan Thundercougarfalconburd.
Frankly I think QuadVees make way less sense than LAMs do. In the BT universe legs are pretty much superior to every other mode of transportation save for like roads.
Up to a certain point, and depending on the nature specific Clan we're talking about, yes. You can be a laborer and make all your quotas, but if your favorite personal activity involve breaking into the genetic repository and jizzing in the "making warriors" vats, then the Clans are going to care a lot. If you're a laborer and you've already produced the 2 kids that the scientist caste told you that you had to produce, and you spend your spare time shagging men instead of women, then no, demonstrably and canonically, they don't fucking care.

And, also, fuck off with your culture war shit. You're trying to start shit, and you need to stop, or ideally kill yourself.
It seems more likely to me the average breeding quota is something like "Hab Bloc 23, you have a week to work out how you are going to produce 25 children in the next two years. A scientist will be by to ok your pairings." and hab bloc 23 has a bunch of pre existing couples.

Pretty much all the eugenics work we hear about has to do with the warriors.
Is playing with artillery fun? How would you go about it?
quadvees do not exist for practical reasons, they were specifically created to game the clan system
In an average game, artillery is better if it's an objective and one player's goal is to capture or disable the guns while the other is defending them, and the guns themselves are firing at a more important battle happening over the horizon.

Once you're up to company scale engagements and DropShip assaults, aritllery firing at other targets on the board starts to make sense. In those cases, arty's job is to pressure snipers and keep someone from playing turret with a Nightstar or whatever.
You'd think that kind of behavior would be dezgra but I guess not. Clans are stupid and inconsistent, who knew.
>Clans are stupid and inconsistent
So like every other culture that tries to have "honor" or "rules of warfare" in the history of humanity, then?
I can't help but feel like pic related is what the Ion Sparrow is based on
literally every culture has honor in some form or another
No, every single clan member has their genetic lineage dictated by the scientists. For non-warriors, they tell you that you have to have kid(s) with this specific other non-warrior. In some clans it's possible to get the scientists to rubber stamp a pairing that's already "in progress" because they're not that picky about people who aren't their obsession. Warriors either get with the tube program or don't reproduce.
Most of those societies not so secretly say that winning is the most honorable, as is killing all the losers who say you aren't the most honorable.
Peri, a mid level Scientist, produced a Freebirth child with Aidan, who was dark caste and had no official identity at the time, and no one gave a shit, not even her fellow scientists.
You really think that they have the time and inclination to micromanage to that degree? What would be the point? Inbreeding between sibkin/immediate children of sibkin is probably a problem but who knows or cares what gene segments make the best welder or accountant or crane operator when the blood houses are breathing down your neck demanding warriors who beat the previous record holders year on year.
You aren't totally wrong, but in continental Europe it was surprisingly late introduction brought over by England, France really did have the "Winning dishonorably is worse losing honorably" until it backfired so heavily they lost most of their commanders in a single battle.
>You really think that they have the time and inclination to micromanage to that degree? What would be the point?
The clans micromanage everything on paper. They have a true command economy, to the point where individuals don't even have currency available to them and nothing is ever legally bought or sold on the scale of individuals. Most scientists aren't going to care that much and might just pull names from a hat or just rubber stamp whatever happens organically, but if you ask "the clan", they'll say it's all planned and controlled and deviation won't be tolerated.
Piano? What are you talking about?
Whichever ones aren't put on the table in my game. Fuck aerospace.
The hellbringer mk II F variant does it pretty well, buying 6 turns of heat neutrality with 6 coolant pods. If 24 er ppc shots isnt enough to make back its modest points, youre likely doing it wrong. Its not super duper fast, but keeps up with its weight class at least.
Someone already said Shilone, so I’ll go with my second, the Slayer.
No, the official rules are awful adding additional phases that require you to autistically write down hidden orders, calculate flight time then calculate drop deviation because you'll never have a successful hit roll if you don't have a bunch of supporting units spotting. However It's funny when you accidentally glass your own mech though.
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Big game overview from Sunday, 16 players, 8K BV each, 64K BV a side
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Overall it was an Attacker victory, the Defenders failed to really get the momentum going, though it wasnt helped by the Peregrine swarm one Attacker brought to my end of the table (the white fighters) which, thanks to the lack of skidding rules to speed things up, led to them casting couch no less than 2 Thuds, to predictable results. The Demolishers spent all game rolling into range, only to be cucked on the final turn by adjacent 1 level higher terrain, and not firing a single shot. Rommels next time, I think.
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The Defenders valiant forces
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And the victorious Attackers. Sadly I couldnt bring the mechs I wanted due to a printer issue, and the Warriors had to proxy as Yellowjackets as the only sheets for them I had available where for troop transports or a variant that was 3 years too late for the game.
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Thunderbolt 1 being Casting Couched. It would survive with Engine and Gyro damage and sans its rear armour and all 3 Medium Lasers only to fall whilst trying to get up next turn and land on its nearly-full LRM bin.
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Thundebolt 2 would take an engine hit and a gyro hit as well, but would survive and manage to stay upright, continuing to fight (and pass piloting tests for jumping) for the rest of the game.
I should note, the player whom brought the Peregrines does have a bit of a reputation, and it probably wasnt fun to play against. But I wont lie, it was funny. His other 3 VTOL's where Yellow Jackets.

I'll be honest, I'm amazed that all those Peregrines survived that first turn when there were literally no other targets to shoot at.
>Peregrine swarm one Attacker brought to my end of the table (the white fighters)
> lack of skidding rules to speed things up
Damn, almost as if the skidding/sideslipping rules existed as a method of balancing out their insane movement values, instead of allowing them to constantly get a +18 movement modifier while threatening the rear arc of any vehicle they see at short range.
>GW models
Why is it always GW fans powergaming
>I'll be honest, I'm amazed that all those Peregrines survived that first turn when there were literally no other targets to shoot at.
An unit that has a +5 movement modifier every single turn for the entire game is not exactly easy to hit.
> lack of skidding rules to speed things up
Yeah I missed that somehow. Jesus fucking christ. These rules exist for a reason, that being the exact same reason LAMs have to use the goofy-ass WiGe movement rules rather than just being able to jump 18. Tangible battlefield performance improvements without commensurate drawbacks are overpowered.
>Why is it always GW fans powergaming
Do you even have to ask?
>I should note, the player whom brought the Peregrines does have a bit of a reputation, and it probably wasnt fun to play against. But I wont lie, it was funny. His other 3 VTOL's where Yellow Jackets.

Yeah, he has a reputation because he's outright cheating. Sideslip rolls are there for a damn good reason. And if he has that much of a reputation for being a powergaming faggot, why wasn't anyone bringing flack rounds or LBX autocannons?
>Namefag enjoys playing with powergaming assholes
>and it probably wasnt fun to play against. But I wont lie, it was funny.
You're as bad as he is.
Opinions on thunderbolt missiles?
>LAM's are limited to 55 tons maximum weight
>LAM's move in airmech mode like WIGE's, they don't jump any more
>The Unseen lawsuits didnt actually effect LAM's, what did was one particular dev having the hate boner of hateboners for them
That about sums it.
Now I will be fair, the number of people meant that the skid rules where being ignored for the game. That said, he admitted he heard that and just assumed it included the Sideslip rules and noone bothered to check on that till it was too late.

>>93798090, plus there where 5 Yellow Jackets

Ill be fair here, LAM's move in WIGE mode because it was the worse movement mode that Randall could push on them without an outright rebellion by the playerbase. LAM's actual balancing factors are that they have 0 access to any weight saving equipment

>"Abloobloobloo you had fun how dare you have fun"
Put it in your pipe and smoke it, good sir.
>Put it in your pipe and smoke it, good sir.
He said, while also saying
>it probably wasn't fun to play against.
not true
LAMs get to use the highly questionable composite structure and small cockpit
>Now I will be fair, the number of people meant that the skid rules where being ignored for the game.
Maybe you should try playing with people who know how to read? Or who don't get scared of the concept of two additional dice rolls?
swapping out AC5 memes aside the 7A would legit be better by simply trading the AC for a PPC. It's got more than enough heat sinks to fire it and the lrm while moving and once you're getting close it's SRM time anyways so you don't need to fire it. Get to knock some holes open before you shotgun them. Extra ton from the ammo can go wherever. I've only used the 7A once but it mission killed 3 mechs, then died in an ammo explosion from an LRM5.
>Knocked prone turn 1
>proceed to fail 4 piloting rolls in a row
I hate BT.
That's what happens when you play a dice based game.
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So I'm getting used to playing with Battlemechs and am taking a look at infantry - but where do you get infantry models for Battletech? What do you guys use? Have any pics to share?

And as far as conventional infantry, whats the best options that you've found? Mechanized vs. Motorized, LRMs vs Lasers vs SRM.
turn based RNG games are not for you
Attaching wheel or tracks to a quad mech's legs is a lot easier than making a mech transform into a plane, though.

But yeah, quadvees are at best highly situational. The wheeled ones move faster in vehicle mode than in mech mode, and being able to effectively go prone and still be able to move around at full speed is occasionally useful, but usually the weight spent on the conversion gear isn't worth it. The main reason they exist is because Hell's Horses love tanks so they wanted to make a tank totem mech, and also it lets them abuse Clan bidding rules because a star of vehicles is 10 units while a star of mechs is 5, so they can bid a star of vees against an enemy mech star and then transform them to suddenly have twice as many mechs as the opponent (even if those mechs perform slightly worse than a normal mech of equivalent tonnage).
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I'd print a set out of scale if I needed infantry, and if I had to purchase I'd generally go third party even if CGL put out plastic infantry because they're just too damn small to be worth the price for what they tend to put out. They already look like they'll charge $30 for those four-packs of IS battle armor, which is crazy.

That said, I wish they sold the new Elemental sculpt in 28mm since the one-offs looked pretty neat.
Only ever played the videogames but I never cared about lore. How to get into mini painting and gaming? Especially when I don't know anyone into BT?
>Don't know anyone
Ask around your nearest FLGS/online group/gaming group to find people who might be into it. If there are people, they'll want to teach you so they'll have more people to play with
Go to the FLGS and buy a Starter hobby set or whatever they call them. The Army Painter free "how to paint miniatures" pamphlet is great if you just want to paint models so you can play with them, not win contests.
Buy 'A Game Of Armored Combat' which has enough models to last you a lifetime if you so choose, and all the rules you need to play Battletech.
Kill yourself
It'd probably be easier to get into it digitally through something like Tabletop Simulator or Megamek if you're not in a region with a BattleTech group - TTS has a number of saves on the workshop with all sorts of stuff to get you started, and there's a beginner level save that comes to mind called 'Dave's Battletech Table' that has the third or fourth edition rulebook from the 90s at hand with the beginner mapsheets.

If you find a buddy at hand it can be fairly easy to do the model intro game with a Hunchback and an Enforcer or something, and while it's digital you'll get familiar with the routine of doing all the rolls and checking the tables. It's arguably a better start than Megamek since MM automates everything, and you can use tools relevant to IRL BattleTeching like Flech's Sheets alongside TTSim.
Check your local FLGS, ask on the forums/reddit/here if there's anyone in your area that plays (there's often a local facebook or discord group too, but those can be harder to find or require an invite).

The minis and painting thereof is only as important as your interest in that side of the hobby is, it's by no means required. This game is infamously one that is perfectly legal to play with buttons, pennies, and hotwheels cars. I'd say find a group and see if you enjoy the core gameplay before you invest any money in models. It's not a GW game where you'll drop 800 dollars to field a standard army, but it's not free either. If you like the game, then think about buying some models. This is an autistic and niche as fuck game that isn't for everyone, and its better to be honest about that up front.

Got any recommendations for third party infantry?
Deathray Designs. They have some nice bt proxy stuff and they're good quality with decent shipping times.
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Another anon a couple of threads ago recommended GHQ since they do some 6mm infantry that's about right for BattleTech, picrel was some of GHQ's french infantry with a few of their mechs.
Strato Minis has some infantry models that were either in scale with the mechs or with most BT infantry (which tend to be off-scale because the few that actually are in scale with mechs are so tiny you can't have any details). Also any company that does 6mm modern military models should do.
I like Khurasan miniatures for jump infantry, GHQ has a lot of modern IFVs/APCs that work for mechanized infantry.
I use the oodles of spare Dropzone infantry I have and they seem to work out OK. Generally speaking, I like using jump infantry with SRMs (for mobility reasons) or mechanized to tow artillery.
>the few that actually are in scale with mechs are so tiny you can't have any details
I mean, the Ironwind ones have the same detail as any other metal 6mm infantry, and are pretty good as far as 6mm models go.
Thanks for the suggestion. Is the faggy clan/IS console war real or just some banter? I want to mix and match my favourite mechs.
Actually I'm leaning more into the painting part. I don't believe anyone in tyrolia is up to hours long games, especially if they're not into the setting. Best I could do is gaslight my gf into playing it with me.
no u
>faggy clan/IS console war real or just some banter?
It's a bit of both.
tl;dr: The devs released the clans in the 90's and they were OP as shit and thus very divisive. This split the fanbase (as did the Jihad, and Dark Age, and IlClan...) but if you're not a dick about it or powergaming, then yes, you can just plop down any models you like and play with them.
>why wasn't anyone bringing flack rounds or LBX autocannons?
Speaking for the Lancaster crowd, we didn't know anything about the guy. One player brought an lbx carrier but the vtol player stayed the other side of the hpg station.
Thanks for writing the scenario and your club for hosting! Was great fun and good to meet more players.
Coming into from the videogames, Clantech is generally more busted and there's availability stuff that can come up when you're building a force. For example, Clan weapons can't use IS ammo, and vice versa which if you get deep enough to figure out running and supplying a company can make mixedtech complicated unless you're in the 32nd century. Otherwise it's what the anon said, you can generally get away with mix-match if you don't lean too hard into the meta since salvage is a thing.

On busted builds and powergaming though, a big thing that will come up is the disparity in mech health between tabletop and the videogames. PGI's games for example do 32 points of armor to ton while BT itself does 16, and where heads in MW5 can max out with 30 points of armor, the max in tabletop is a scant nine plus six internal structure. This is why things like Gauss or Clan ERPPCs are headcappers - fifteen damage for 15 points deletes the pilot box.

Another thing will probably be pulse lasers, with the biggest offender generally being the Clan L-Pulse as it's basically a PPC with more range and aim assist.
Do we have concrete dates for Force Manual Davion and Battletech Universe or just "sometime in September"?
Worst part was how he resolved attacks, he rolled for all of a single weapon type from all the units together.
Basically hit them with about 12 medium lasers, then roll for 6 srms. Rather than 2 medium lasers, then the srm for each vtol
And again, he's straight up powergamer cheating. Weapons fire is simultaneous, but it's resolved one unit at a time.
Yeah, pretty sure that's called cheating, and you really shouldn't enable that kind of behavior.
Yep, that's cheating. I bet he did some cheeky target changes in between what should have been simultaneous shots too.
You'll be right at home offline; very few people give a toss about the lore and the few that do are self-aware enough to recognize a vast majority of it is pretty bad.
The what? Post link!
Is this viable for a campaign?

>After news of the first couple Dragoon reports, the Diamond Sharks put together a company of former warrior merchants with Brian Cache mechs to pose as mercenaries and get their own information. Their mission is to take contracts that will take them all over the inner sphere, but to learn more about the economy of each state and what future market demands may be based on the their current levels of decline.

Kinda like a Snord’s Irregulars deal but Sharks and merchants.
This is why I have enforced writing things down and then declaring and rolling shots at my FLGS. I've also encouraged this by showing how useful it is to just have a whiteboard to do it on rather than scribbling on your sheets constantly and that way my opponent can see that I'm being fair.
Finally got around to painting a test model. Stole the swordsworn scheme cause i found it on color compendium and thought it looked cool. And the Federated Suns are right next to the capellans. So My freind and I will have a reason to fight or some shit idk.
accidentally pressed it, is it his prostate?
I mean sure, but we don't usually measure things by what they aren't, do we?
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Now that's a table full of sex. Mine should look similar after I get home tonight.
>no side slip
>blatant cheating with the to hit rolls

Wow, I'm submissive & breed able, but letting someone do this is a whole new level. I'm glad you're getting in touch with yourself.

I wish.
>Maybe you should try playing with people who know how to read? Or who don't get scared of the concept of two additional dice rolls?
Please re-read the game size, we had 16 players and that was after 4 bowed out. The size of the game and the relative newness of some of the players meant that it was easier to drop the skidding rules in order to speed things up. As it was we only got 5 turns in.

Oh I admit it probably wasnt, but just for once im choosing not to care too much. People will bring cheese, everyone else had a fairly sensible list though, and the guys at my end had plenty to shoot at.
>Kudos to the Mackie that went down fighting, putting an AC20 and 2 Large Lasers onto my till then untouched 3/4 Kingfishers CT, knocking it off of its feet

Ehhhh, Composite is a double edged sword. Weight saving at the cost of taking double damage, and few LAM's have a lot of armour. They can take Ferro Aluminium armour too, but most of the good stuff is hard locked from them. Small Cockpits are not worth it IMO, you need to be able to pass those skid checks.

UK? Brigade Models is a good start
Does the battle armor look as bad in person as the pictures that were going around?
Huh, shit. Now that you mention it, he did. I didn't even notice at the time, guess I wasn't paying attention. Thanks for that anon, I'll keep an eye on him next time hes around.

Good haul anon

Anyway, got an Exterminator and Hussar (both old metal) sprayed green for the 2nd Falcon 2nd line star
Honestly questionable selection Anon, boxmax better.
>As it was we only got 5 turns in.
Having more players generally speeds things up as there can be multiple players rolling and doing things. Also, the best way to learn new rules would be to use them in a game. It's not like skidding takes long to resolve.

>Oh I admit it probably wasnt, but just for once im choosing not to care too much.
So you really think it's fine if some people don't have a good time because some players are assholes? I'd love to come to your game day with 90 platoons of Jump laser infantry some day. Thankfully you're most likely on another continent.
Ok, a niche case, but I'm still new, so hopefully figuring out niche cases like this will help me figure out future niche cases.

I notice there's some infantry units that have VTOL movement, especially later on in the setting. I get how these units move, but how do they interact with terrain? Can they move into woods like infantry? Can they "crash"? i.e. if I had Sylph Battle armor could it zip down into woods to take cover?
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They seem fine to me? They're not the same quality as a good resin print, but they're definitely more detailed than I care to paint. shrug?

I don't understand what this means?
>Having more players generally speeds things up as there can be multiple players rolling and doing things
Of course, this only works if you can trust the other people to play the game right and, say, not cheese their to-hit rolls.
>So you really think it's fine if some people don't have a good time because some players are assholes? I'd love to come to your game day with 90 platoons of Jump laser infantry some day. Thankfully you're most likely on another continent.
Honestly? I was far too tired to care then and I have far too much going on in my life to care about an event that's passed. Sorry if that's horrible for you to hear, sorry if it ruffles your jimmy's, but it is what it is. As it is, I will know to look for him next time and I will know to watch out for any shenanigans.
And please bring the jump laser platoon list. I'm fine with playing with Artillery.

Yeah, the metal ones are better.
they probably mean the clan invasion forcepacks. what i want to know is what patches and dice you got
We're not using artillery though, that would slow the game down too much :^)
What's a cool civil war mech I can pair up with a nightsky?
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POV: your prostate
Ah, well, the maximum unit count is 5 then, dont want to slow things down after all :^)

the skid rules being dropped was decided before I got there, the Demolishers might actually have done something if I had learnt about it prior to Turn 2
that's just the picture someone used last time KS elementals were brought up
>I'm glad you're getting in touch with yourself.
I was the other side of the table in a 16 man game so I wasn't aware of this until afterward, it also wasn't my club hosting so not my job to make sure everyone across the table is using correct rules. I definitely wouldn't stand for it
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Yeah, that's to be expected of metal minis. Still, smaller details than I wanna paint.

I don't seem to have gotten a patch and looking at the confirmation email, I didn't seem to select one? Was the patch meant to be an auto include? I have this other patch from Adepticon, picrel.

Star League pins because muh forefathers, etc.

I just took those pictures, lol. The details are small enough that it's annoying to photograph.
>I don't understand what this means?
Spending the least amount of money to get the best selection of mechs and avoiding redundancy.
Caesar 4S
i know for a fact someone took a pic of some shitty melted looking elementals a while ago.

those also look absolutely terrible
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Here, maybe this is clearer?

Or... Instead of fiddling with it, just do 2 hours of work and get the 200$~ to cover the costs? :3c

16 GUYS!?! Wow, talk about a dream come true~ huffff~. No wonder you were so tired!
They actually don't look as bad as the other pictures I've seen. They're weirdly shiny and I think that makes them look melty. By no means the best infantry out there but there's enough detail to work with.
Weird, I'm not crazy for thinking those are using a different plastic or even a different/better mold right?
What is Kraken and why does it think its people?
Low tier namefag. Dunno why he feels the need to namefag though. Bottom posts ass without the name these days, and our actual namefags at least do stuff sometimes.
That doesn't go 6\9\6
Do you think mechs absolutely have to be the same movement profile to support eachother? Do you think a 1500 bv 50 tonner melee mech is likely to be the centerpiece in a civil war lance?
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>he doesn't play a full lance of customs every game
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>He plays a full lance of donut steels instead of canon units
I've reverted to 3025 (semi-)canon only, I generally prefer the community surrounding it.
>I like my mechs bug and generic.
>I'm boring and generic.
>I need my super special mechs like my japanese animes
Half the mechs from 3025 are just anime mechs.
I bet you paint your minis in camo.
Does the FWL have a fair amount of Ostscouts during ng the Succession Wars? If not, are there any other 35 tonner Lights that would be suitable for them? I already have a Firestarter. Also, who *would* have a fair number of Ostscouts?
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Hey. Watch the friendly fire chief.
Kong Interstellar was producing them for a while, so it would seem likely that the FWL has quite a few. As far as I can tell, other product locations include two factories on Terra, one under the FedSuns on Robinson, and one up in the contested territory of Rasalhague. Seems the Dracs and the Steiners could both get a supply from here up until the clan invasion.
There's a factory in the LC as well but not until after Tukayyid.
Nyope, Black, Blue and Black.
What is the best design of neuro helmet for cosplay? Aside from the shoulder bucket where you can't turn your head.
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I wish I could find you the name of this short from the German fanbase but it eludes me. They had some great cardboard neurohelms.
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There are probably bike helmets about the right profile you could modify.
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that genuinely looks as fucking awful as the leak that anon posted months ago.
battletech has fallen, C-billions must die.
Yeah motorcycle helmets would be the best bet I'd say.

This looks fucking kino. I hope you recall the name I wanna watch it.
The Kong factory got got in 2802, the Ostmann Industries plant on Terra stopped producing them in 2700 to retool the line to make more Ostrocs, the Krupp factories on Terra and Orestes only got started making them in the 3060s and 3070s respectively, and Robinson started making them shortly after the Dracs occupied the place in 3144. Blackstone on Inarcs also started making them in the 3060s as part of the whole Project Phoenix business.
Ostscouts are rare in the late Succession Wars, but everybody has a few because they're specialist 'mechs and the SLDF spread them around thinly to their units throughout the Inner Sphere. After the collapse, SLDF units integrating into the Great Houses brought along small number to everyone. The FWL might have a few more than most because they got 16 years of proprietary production 200 years ago, but it's like having more DeLoreans than the next state over.
35 ton 'mechs aren't very common generally during that time period if you aren't a Drac. What the FWLM does have are more Spiders (at 30 tons) than most other militaries, and lots of Hermes IIs (at 40 tons), which aren't so bad if you think of them as fat Stingers that gave up their jump jets for almost twice as much armor and the ability to hit with their primary weapon at twice the effective range.
i meant which version of neuro helmet, not real life helmets.

Also, as the owner of several moto helmets, they're not something you want to wear just walking around.

I'm going to use elastic fabric and a 3d printer to incorporate my headphones and vr headset into a single sleeve thing for the upcoming clan vr mods.
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This star league helmet looks closer to a bicycle helmet than a motorcycle one.
These things are fun to paint.
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You should do this one with an ATHF Carl soundboard.
>My lance is none of your freakin' business Clan man.
why would you want to play as merchant clanners in the succession wars?
Because the lamest Clanmen are cooler than the coolest sphiggers.
>It don't matter. None of this matters.
-Mechwarrior Carl Brutananadilewski, on hearing the Clan Wolf's announcement of their victory on Terra.
"Call the Ghost Bears, I want them to see this."
>He doesn't field a company on in-universe customs from wildly different people places and periods

That Mech was designed by Vipers

>white raven

Lol and/or lmao
The Clans have this too, on both counts
Shark Merchant/warriors.

I think it's actually a really cool idea, especially since it supports having your characters be older, which is always a nice change.
The other mechs in this lance are all 4\6 so I would prefer something that can go a similar speed to the nightsky in case it gets lonley
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What kind of neuro-helmet is that? Looks bio-tech instead of battletech

Multiple mechs taken inspiration from aircraft

Pure fucking evil

>nova cats join stone's coalition.jpeg
Damn, Nova Cats look like THAT?
Rumor has it the real reason the Dracs wiped them out was because they refused to run maid cafes throughout the Combine
Generally speaking, yes. Usually have larger bulges, though. Do recall that the canon Nova Cat field uniform is something like an extremely dark grey skintight latex full length bodysuit. They literally wear catsuits.
new thread
Everyday I come closer and closer to wanting to serve the dragon.
i ordered a regiment pack and got by default got 4 coins and 2 swag items, i went with 2 patches. guessing you went with battalion and got the 1 coin and 1 pin as your 1 swag item. honestly i probably should've ordered pins as well.

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