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Nova Cat Cavaliers edition

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Clanners are cool and neat. They're my favorite 'faction'. All the Inner Sphere powers are old and ossified and too focused on each other, much like 19th century Europe. I like the idea of the totally foreign and contemptuous Clans coming in and beating everyone with sticks for a couple decades.

But I wouldn't mind if th narrative veered away from the Clans for a while.
What is the worst clan? That sweet spot of most oppressive lore, worst mechs, and dumbest culture?
>the canon Nova Cat field uniform is something like an extremely dark grey skintight latex full length bodysuit. They literally wear catsuits.
Yes, that's basically correct. It's one of the few places where non family friendly content was allowed to remain in the game. We planned on retconning it, to something more practical and less fetishy, but the extinction of the Nova Cats really made it a moot point. Nobody plays Nova Cats anyway, so retconning their stupid old uniform wasn't a worthwhile project.

I don't even have that many art references for their gear, because they died off and we didn't plan to illustrate them again, but here's one of the 4 images I have for female Nova Cat field uniforms.
>I wouldn't mind if th narrative veered away from the Clans for a while.

You want the Wolverines to come back?
Ice Hellion, and it isn't close.
How'd they treat thier civvies worse then Coyotes, Falcons and even Jaguars?
I wouldn't mind it. A Clan equivalent of the WoB that fucked things up for them for a while and allowing the IS states to do their own thing for a few years would be cool.
Time for the long-lost heir of Amaris to return and point out that his great-great-great-great-great-great grandpa was right about everything, and literally everything bad that's happened over the last several centuries can be blamed on Kerensky and Blake.
Is the hunchback 6S any good? It looks potentially very funny.
Sorry, but I'd rather be ruled by genocidal cartoon characters than Asians any day.
Get close, punch a hole and force a bunch of crits. Honestly seems like one of the better Hunchback variants that follow the traditional loadout of 'beeg AC' and a few support weapons.
Well, given there was only few thousand surivors, they had next to no material left, even after 400 the most clave does is at most raiding. Probably under cover of mercs pirates and or dark caste.
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There's no fucking point. The clans are magical realm personified. In fact, them pretending they're grinding the ugly edges off the clans to make them more palatable for ilClan has been the worst part of the era. It's part of what made them the greatest enemies of the Inner Sphere.

>The caste system isn't THAAAAAT bad.
>They're totally super reasonable and don't want to literally solve everything with violence.
>Fetish tier ceremonial gear? Haha, the art will show the Grand Council in normal not crazy people uniforms.
>Child soldiers who all fuck each other and are literal siblings? Haha, let's make the art all of them in their 30's when they're realistically being shipped off as solahma and retired.

Just fucking terrible.

Also the Nova Cats are alive and well. The Spirit Cats are literally Stone's Nova Cats. It's just the Combine ones that are dead.
I like how all of the Clans have furry porn costumes for their ceremonial uniforms.


The Hellion's Fury campaign is described in multiple different places as a "temper tantrum".

Falcons and Coyotes both treat their civvies about Clan average, and the Coyotes actually treat their scientists almost like real people.
>just the Combine ones that are dead.
Those are the only real and legitimate Nova Cats.
It's okay, but the Blitzkrieg does the same thing objectively better, and any reasonable player would let you swap out the UAC for an LB-X.
Ah yes, the abjured chalcas clan is more legitimate than the double abjured chalcas clan.
I mean...yes.

Also the Stoner "Clan enclaves" are among the more retarded ideas, even in the Dark Ages.
You know, at one point in my life I used to think the Clans were really cool. The whole honor and ritualistic combat thing was a neat idea and I did spend a lot of time learning how it worked through the novels.

I dunno, it just doesn't appeal anymore. They still have cool mechs though.
It's a logical extension of the forced resettlement programs. You want to break the culture of a world, you give it to clanners. Stone was an absolute monster and he knew exactly what he was doing.
The Clans are definitely peak "im 14 and this is cool".
Their mechs were always cool, but they were always scum.
I meant Clanners willing to leave their Clan but somehow hold onto their old identity, without the loyalty.

It's even worse than what the Woof-in-Exile did.
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I think the clans are fun in an "I can be really hammy and not be serious with them" or "the guys are really silly from the outside but in universe would be terrifying" kind of way. They aren't who I want to play as usually but are fun as villains.
This is why casting them as less villainous is retarded. At least they learned that lesson with the Dracs. It's FUN to be the bad guy.
The Clans are peak "NPC faction", except like most NPC factions people quickly started wanting to play them.
>I think the clans are fun in an "I can be really hammy and not be serious with them" or "the guys are really silly from the outside but in universe would be terrifying" kind of way. They aren't who I want to play as usually but are fun as villains.
I mean it didn't help that they had game breaking shit...
The worst part for me is the Ghost Bears fucking CHOOSING to be subservient to the Rasalhague state intead of fucking conquering it.

I get where they're coming from, it's smart to try to build some kind of partnership so they aren't constantly trying to kill you, but they should've subsumed the fucking government and ruled benevolently. The Ghost Bears have always been one of the least 'Clanish' Clans, but the Rasalhague Dominion has tried as hard as it can to destroy any kind of Clan personality the Bears had left, and I fucking hate it.
Oh yeah it's totally fun to get in character with them and the Batchalls or to use their insults.
>We've realized that our caste based society is fucking insane and self-destructive so we're going to form a coalition government with the Inner Sphere planets we've already taken, thus ensuring that the subsequent nation state is prosperous, powerful, and relatively peaceful.

Yes, how DARE they abandon the mega-autism of being a clanner.
Having a throughline of some clans getting "corrupted"(less evil) is a more interesting plot than having people with the tactical skill of Cobra Commander and the morals of Ramsay Bolton fumble their way to victory for the tenth IRL year in a row.
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You have yet to prove they aren't cool.
What's crazy is all that harmony nonsense is a soft-retcon. DA novel lore was all about how clanners had to retreat to reservations to maintain their cultural integrity in the OZ's and dictate their mandates to their populace. Then you get all this "We we actually a unified government the entire time with the spheroids having power over even the Khan."

Bears are such a fucking dumpster fire Jihad+.
>fumble their way to victory
That's the good part. They should lose and be systematically exterminated.
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>except like most NPC factions people quickly started wanting to play them.
>very first source book was about clanners
Says the "Amercian midwestern interpretation of foreign culture #3"
Nah, they're still cool. Just more aware of their shortcomings and I learned that other factions in the setting can be cool too.
Like, it makes sens that the Bears wouldn't rule as tyrants, they aren't THAT stupid. But just allowing Clan culture to completely fade would make them significantly weaker. If they are going to adopt Spheroid values, are they going to get rid of sibkos? Are they going to get rid of Trials? Are they going to tell the Scientist caste what they can and can't research, when the other Clans are researching the exact same shit but without the constraints of impotent spheroid morality?

If they go too far off the deep end, they'll end up like the Nova Cats. Exterminated for their "morality". Chased to the edges of civilization by a 'grateful' spheroid government.
>Are they going to get rid of Trials?
They're so far gone they use simpods instead of real mechs for trials of position these days.
Crusaders are just retarded
All the research that is sped up by a lack of morality is for pointless vanity projects like making bigger obligate carnivores to hunt or the trueborn program that still consistently turns out hundreds of people not fit to be warriors.
>95% failure rate
>only hundreds
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Behold the 41st Auckland Fusiliers.
>If they go too far off the deep end, they'll end up like the Nova Cats. Exterminated for their "morality". Chased to the edges of civilization by a 'grateful' spheroid government.
I don't know, I think the specific scenario that Rasalhague's existence supplied would still be fulfilled by the Dominion. And considering they aren't the Falcons or Jaguars in terms of being retarded there is little to gain from trying to kill them off. Compared to Nova Cat which kicked the Dragon and were surprised the Dragon bit them back.
Pretty sure the nova cats were basically completely integrated into the combine and just lost a normal style power struggle the same as many warlords before them.
Truly they are too far gone. A purge must be done.
Exactly, they should have known better.
Nova Cat should have read up on their history and known that trying to be independent from the Combine only works if you have the Lyran's and Comstar backing.
Does a Supercharger generate Heat? I'm looking in the Battlemech Manual, and it describes how to activate it, but it doesn't say anything about heat. Does the only extra heat come from the extra movement?
>Does the only extra heat come from the extra movement?
Are you adding heat per hex of movement or something?
Scorpion Empire literally turning their back to Alaric will never not be funny.
was the dragoons set to be the clans-related from the beginning? or 'wait this chick's last name is kerensky? let's use that' retcon?
There's nothing about extra heat, you just suffer an engine crit if you roll bad.
>NEW TIMELINE: BTAU's core conceit is that in BTAU, the timeline diverges from canon BattleTech's timeline starting during the Amaris Civil War. In BTAU's timeline, the Rim Worlds Republic never fell (though it was purged of House Amaris and their supporters). Additionally, House Cameron actually survived albeit in hiding in the Deep Periphery. ComStar set out to establish a new realm for the Cameron survivors and so in the late 3030s, the Terran Hegemony was reborn in the heart of the Inner Sphere. With the addition of the RWR and the Terran Hegemony, the balance of power in the Inner Sphere has shifted dramatically. Both the RWR and the TH are able to be allied, have their own shops, faction stores, and faction spawn lists. Additionally, BTAU now starts in 30*61*, not 3062, giving you a full year of gameplay and story events on the map before things like the Sanctuary Alliance invasion kick off. Finally, the timeline events have all been adjusted to account for the new factions and to give them things to do. There are new lore popups, new stories in the events, new characters to learn about, new wars to fight in, and more besides. Oh, and as a fun adjoinder, there's another new clan that comes to the Inner Sphere in 3061, Clan Fire Mandrill (and yes you can work for them and even ally with them).
Oh God no why
What is this? Like an alternate mode for BTA or is it now the way it's going forward now?
They knew they were going to be the SLDF returned they just hadn't hammered out what that really meant
Doesn't it automatically destroy both your supercharger and your engine and both your hip actuators?
>Reading patch notes in full
Yep, full retard mode. The way it's going forward now.

Why is it so hard to just get one of these mods to just stick to canon shit and not add a bunch of stuff?
Is "Waco" in the Waco Rangers supposed to be pronounced as "Way-Ko" or "Wah-Ko?"
However you pronounce the town where the branch davidians were in

They think they can improve the game
The town in texas is pronounced "way-ko".
The one positive change is Battle Armor not slowing down APCs and VTOLs now. Seriously who's bright idea was that? I had a great idea with a Karnov, using it to carry some BA into position and letting them shoot from high ground but then I saw it go from 7/11 to like 3/5. It was ridiculous.
I'm relatively new to Battletech, having only played it a handful of times about 20 years ago with other peoples' minis. I've picked up some models that I like the look of and I got to wondering if there's a set "points" level that most people tend to play at or if it's more something decided on by individual gaming groups? I'm trying to decide what I want as "my unit" of mechs and figured I'd try to figure out what upper limit I'd be aiming for, at least for starters.
This is true, but it's also more fun to pronounce it "whacko."
Point cost (BV) isn't a good way to estimate game size due to the massive variance in the cost of mechs and also pilot skill.
A better way to look at it is how many mechs are on the table since that directly affects how long the game will take to play.
When you're starting, a lance of mechs (4) per side is pretty common. As you get better and can play faster and faster you might do two lances. If you're doing three lances per side I hope you've got the hit location chart memorized and know what happens when all the critical locations get hit, and can crunch GATOR in your head.

Also, movement is the most time-intensive part of the game because you're trying to plan out and think where your enemy might move as well. This means that fast mechs have more movement options and therefore make the game take longer. Slow mechs simply have more weapons or armor, which while it slows the game down doing those roles, doesn't slow it down near as much as the 3D chess game that is a bunch of 8/12/8s trying to figure out how they're engaging.
6, 8, and 10 thousand points are all pretty common.
Because if you set your mod in a non-canon timeline, you don't have to deal with lore autists screeching about ever little error.

The amount of research and scripting it would take to turn base-game Battletech into a mod that accurately tracked the canonical events of the setting really cannot be overstated. And it's something that is basically just be window dressing for 95% of the players who are mainly interested in gameplay changes, not lore.

The Battletech Extended mod did try to do a canonical timeline, but they're basically defunct now, and achieve less in terms of gameplay improvements than either BTA or Roguetech.
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I guess that's fair considering I'm one of those lore autists screeching about errors.

Retarded clans are much more fun than sensible clans. Blood Spirit had the right idea telling everyone to fuck off their lawn.
>RWR never fell
>TH still a thing


>TH was reborn with comstar's help because some camerons survived in secret in the periphery, and the clans are still a thing

>Why is it so hard to just get one of these mods to just stick to canon shit and not add a bunch of stuff?

You mean like BEX?

BEX is great, and I like that it's not in development anymore. It's annoying that there's still a few bugs, but it's better than endless fucking feature creep.
>you don't have to deal with lore autists screeching
You mean, of course, "Battletech fans". The exact people the game is intended for.

How dare the intended audience of a product get irritated when they are told that they don't matter, right?
Does anyone do a model/STL of the chunky Marauder? I know the IWM one but I’m hoping for one that will look at home with the CGL plastics
If they were real fans then they'd be happy with whatever the IP owners give them. That's what fandom means.
I love Plog, but all of Project Phoenix was an abomination.
No, and you're wrong for wanting one. The Project Phoenix Marauder is the single most cancerous art change which has been ever made in Battletech history. Rethink your opinions, because they're wrong.
>Happy with whatever the IP Holders give us
Where have you been in the last 20 years? BT/MW is one of the most mismanaged IPs ever.
>If they were real fans then they'd be happy with whatever the IP owners give them.
>t. average 40k-refugee
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>If I'm a real fan then I'd be happy with a retcon like this
Yeah... nope.
>I came to a game that only autists and accountants could love
>how dare there be autists!

We were here first and you're invading my safe space.
I also believe the user you are replying to is being completely sincere. The nurses at my retirement home recently taught me how to use the computer.
I’m looking to add a second marauder to the /dudes/ and it would be nice for it to be visually distinct
I agree it’s not much of a Marauder though
Keep your culture war bullshit out of these threads.
There's so many options for Marauders that are actually good, though. The MWO and HBS models are visually distinct from each other and from the originals, and there's the shimmy one as well. You can easily have a whole marauder lance that looks good with zero model overlap.
If you're neurodivergent then you don't deserve a safe space. Get over yourself and be normal and like normal things. All a safe space does for you is coddle you into thinking that what you're like is ok.
Catching up on the past few threads and seeing talk of dumping machine gun ammo turn 1. How do people feel about my houserule of just letting people switch machine guns for flamers or small lasers?

I can't tell if this is real or not. It's so retarded that it could be either one.

Stop letting the devs embrace it and shitting up the setting then.
Fair enough
any particular STLs for those designs?
It is my brain and giant robots are my fixation.
It will never not make me laugh at how fucking dangerous bins of MG ammo is.
Stackpole also went and shut him down by stating that he'd always planned Focht to be a guy and that another author from a different series had already pulled the switch before and he didn't want to copy it. Bryan Young couldn't accept that and still wants to assert it could be interpreted that way
I wouldn't be surprised if the AIV Davy Crockett is revealed to be actually made with a milliom MG ammos
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Get a japtech marauder. It has all the chonk you'll ever need.
How many mechs are in a Galaxy?
why does it have two V6 engines
Depends how many stars are in it
iirc, the cylinders are heat sinks.
200ish I guess? If A Galaxy is 3 to 6 clusters and a cluster is 4 trinaries, which is 15 mechs in a trinary. It's a lot.
Absolute max is 5 clusters of 5 trinaries of nothing but mechs for a total of 375. It's usually more like 150-200 with a bunch of slots taken up by fighters, ASF and in some cases vehicles.
It needs the help.
because it looks cool
Good luck getting to Canada, Mr No-Car
no one asked you nameless fag.
When I was first getting in to the background I thought that's basically what was supposed to happen. They invade, raise hell, then get horribly defeated and are driven back to a bunch of rump state "occupation zones" that are politically irrelevant. MW4 has that great bit where you fight Jade Falcons who are basically just well equipped pirates, and the protagonist mocks them openly.
I was a bit disappointed to find out they come roaring back later, and "Twilight of the Clans" is really just one group getting wiped out but not really.
>Stop letting the devs embrace it and shitting up the setting then
They've the devs. It's their game, not yours. They can do what they want, and you can either accept it or leave.
Good luck getting to Canada without a car, you batchall-dodging pedo coward.
CGL means nothing. The game belongs to Topps. It's Topps's game, not yours. They can do what they want, and you can go fuck yourself.
I do love that set of missions because you can play their game with the Batchall or you can just attack them the night before. Obviously it's easier to attack the night before, but you can claim the commander as a Bondsman and get one of the best pilots in the game. It does have some great dialog in the missions though.
Your obsession with Bottom Anon is embarassing. You should change your name to ChaserLord.
>can't stop seeking my attention.
talk about a complete lack of self awareness.

I will batchall you and take you as my isorla husband. We will play nightly games of erotic Battletech that end with you penetrating my rear armour with alpha strike after alpha strike as our heat levels soar up onto the expanded heat table, ending up with us falling asleep in our embrace as your coolant leaks from me. We will use lots of customs in our games and I will help you paint them while you help me kitbash.

It will start out as proper Clanners sex (ranked, competitive), but eventually we will fall in love and I will cherish you until the day we die in a tragic 3d printing accident.

Mark my words Banshee, you may not have a car, but that has not stopped you from driving into my heart.
It's incredibly funking variable.

A galaxy is 2-6 Clusters. A Cluster is 3-5 Binaries or Trinaries.

In theory, a Galaxy could be as few as 60 points or as many as 450.

Most are 200-300 in practice though.

A point is 1 Mech, 2 ASFs, 2 vehicles, 5 BA, or 25 PBIs. Front-line formations are usually 60-70% Mechs, with the proportion going down for second line and solahma.
The point of the possibility being raised is clearly to demonstrate how effective star league and therefore comstar surgical techniques are.

By that same token, any character could be trans if you attribute enough wokeness points to the society they inhabit. I think there's even a line about Fredrick looking like a male Katrina.
How hard/annoying is pinning? My metal minis keep breaking
hey bottom where are you? it's violating time.
(can't wait for you pussy havers to spam report this too)
idk man, how would i know if you're the real bottom? literally anyone can use your name.
post yours and i'll add, i have a surfing atlas.
can you guys be just normal?
>namefags refusing batchalls
a tale as old as time.
>disagree with Jade Falcon
>entire star begins to caw at me
How do you put up with this?
Can we keep the /soc/ bullshit to a minimum? I was gonna set up my minis for pictures but now I don't fucking feel like it.

I need to sand a bubble out of the finish for my nightstar anyways but don't let me interrupt you fucks erotic roleplay.
I made a burner, again. Not really feeling like posting my main at the moment.

Add: banshee_x_bottom

>Can we keep the /soc/ bullshit to a minimum
How was the Master able to seize the control of the WoB and have dedicated fanatics to him, when he was an outsider that had nothing to do with the Comstar and its religious shits?
Mate, you sound like a desperate creep right now.
By the time the word of blake split happened he had been a comstar guy for almost twenty years, and even high leadership seems to low-key buy into the mystique of nobility, see also Fredrick "Banzai but german" Steiner immediately being put in charge of their entire military.
>you can either accept it or leave.
Laughs in Davionman.
>can a bunch of fans of an autism simulator who are posting on 4chan just be normal

I want you to sit down and think about that question.
Does any other fandom have anything nearly as ebin?
I've heard references to this, can anyone give me a detailed run-down?
How's your grip stamina? Because drilling holes for the pins into pewter with anything not motorized will test you in every way possible.
>Catching up on the past few threads and seeing talk of dumping machine gun ammo turn 1. How do people feel about my houserule of just letting people switch machine guns for flamers or small lasers?
I think my preferred houserule would be to allow for bins that are almost empty. If someone complains, ask if you can spend 180 turns firing your Machineguns before any other gameplay is done. If they refuse, you know they're a bitch-ass motherfucker.
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need a hug to cope, maybe a little struggle struggling?
Davionman showed up at the line dev's house with a shotgun and a dream. Shortly thereafter, certain plans involving Davion failure were scrapped.
how the hell are you breaking pewter? what the fuck is the method that leads to sacred pewter destruction?
i just like big dumb robots that shoot other big dumb robots
>Namefags taking the fag part literally
where are there robots in the mech game?
>big dump robots.
the pilots are dumb, not the machinery
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This thread is in desperate need of some Dragon flavor.
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>where are there robots in the mech game?
pic rel
>the pilots are dumb, not the machinery
have you seen rifleman? or assassin?
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>oppressive lore,
Smoke Jags, although that's mostly because we hear more about them than the others. Jade Falcons get honorable mention for lining their entire Scientist Caste against the wall in the 3070s and having every single one of them shot. Manually.

>worst mechs, and dumbest culture?
Fire Mandrill. Blood Spirit at least has *practical* shitmechs.

Matt's blameless for that fuckup, the 3085 art is him vainly trying to polish Chris Lewis' wretched turds into something presentable.

I dunno, how does a fanatical convert with a clear vision and the ability to forge a coalition wind up taking over a religious movement that's collapsing inward on itself during a massive crisis of faith?

>How hard/annoying is pinning? My metal minis keep breaking
Usually it isn't hard at all, just a little time-consuming. Dimple the points you want to put the pin with the tip of your knife, drill a hole with a pin vise, insert a pin, profit. If you have to put heavy pressure on the drill and your hand is cramping, you're using dull bits and pushing too hard.
The hard part is very shallow joins, and convex domes. There was an era when IWM decided that they should do both of these things as much as possible for "poseablilty". It was not a good time.
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right here
Are there any names? I wanna look this up and see if that's any police reports or whatever.
>Jade Falcons get honorable mention for lining their entire Scientist Caste against the wall in the 3070s and having every single one of them shot. Manually.

Those Scientists kinda deserved it.
did killing all of the people that do all the research and development an operate the eugenics program for the entire clan have any negative consequences for jade falcon?
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No one deserves to be a Jade Falcon. God surely cannot be so capable of that level of disgust with a soul.
They take Clan Wolf knots now, if that's not karma I don't know what is.
how clans are so dumb? is it because of the honor system or the cast system?
i mean they didnt fought each other so that part at least worked
I'm Nucleaaaaaar... I'm wiiiiilld....
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that part failed almost immediately
They fought constantly, they just made it a ritual as opposed to outright war.
Obvious weebery aside, is there an in-universe reason why everyone calls their giant stompy war machines "mechs"?
i mean thats why duels and honor was created for them
to vent
and it worked, they didnt blow up all of their infrustructure during the duels
>clan wolf knots

Steiner-Davion Clan Wolf knots
Why not?
I guess cause mechs have to be piloted when robots are implied to be autonomous.
They started as Industrialmechs (or Workmechs), because they were used for industrial purposes, but why "-mech" was used precisely? I'm not sure what led to that.
They secretly trialed for "reinforcements" from the Bears, Horses, and Wolves, vetted them as best they could and shot any that failed to pass muster. Then restarted the entire science program with Warriors in the rooms to immediately burn anything naughty that was leftover as well as anyone trying to restart it.
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>Retarded clans are much more fun than sensible clans.
Even uglier than that "Warhammer" redesign, somehow.
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Lol, IS BA pilots are such manlets.
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I love this guy

>tfw no tinkerbell elemental gf

Why even live?
those proportions don't work
None of the BA proportions work aside from the OG Elementals.
And that is why only Elementals should have BA.
No argument here.

Though I do love the Kage, but that could almost be PA(L).
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Don't work.

And women can't be fighters anyway.
Her thighs and upper arms are clearly too short (not by a lot, but by enough). Her shoulders and hips are also too narrow.
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I needed to bring the colors back up again because my varnish, tone or both fucked up and dirtied up the tops too much, now the blue needs dragged back down again but I'm not going to bother until they're bone dry and I can be sure the polyurethane won't fuck up.

Adding two little metallic greebles to the griffin after reworking his chest entirely too.

I might be frustrated with them now but I like them a lot. I just need to stay positive over imperfections.

Next projects will be the urbies I have, then some chameleons and stingers for trainer shitboxes for scenarios/BV filler, then some infantry and vees.
I picked up a box of a 40th anniversary starter set (one with a vindicator and griffin and a bunch of cardboard punchout tokens to work as extra mechs) plus some salvage boxes (pulled a hellhound, warhammer, stormcrow, puma and a crab). Are CGL models scaled to each other? Because i look at a hellhound next to a warhammer and it feels like it is believable that one of them is around 20 tons heavier. Asking mainly because i have seen claims on the net that the game is 1/285 scale and this doesn't seem right. There is an art piece with a Lyran throne room and it seems people are about the height of a griffins shins(minus the foot height) and applying a ruler to my own griffin tells me that the scale is between 10-15 mm for people depending on how you interpret the image. The anniversary boxart shows a griffins pilots head sticking out in the "cockpit" with most of the pilot being deeper inside the mech, so i can't say that the transluscent canopies are too small to fit for a 15mm dude.
And how is this game in regards to hand holding? Aside from the occasional Battlemaster or Hatchetdude no mech seems to have a gun to hold in their hands. Is it just a style thing that almost all weapons are integrated? Is there an in universe market for holdable arms?
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All mech designs are made in more or less the same construction system where weights are very important. Unlike the real world, you can't just bolt on more armor, or an extra weapon, or a computer upgrade.

The old art that was taken from other settings features hand held weapons but the new art is in line with the rules that all of this stuff is hard integrated with the machine.
More or less; at least as much as any mechs have ever been scaled correctly to one another. That particular piece of art is commonly given a giggle over the scale, so I wouldn't stress it too much. Volume and height is very ballpark, just don't get hung up on it.

Regarding held weapons: Some mechs actually have mechanical quirks related to their 'held' weapons. Those are generally "Jettison Capable" quirked weapons, which can be dropped to free up the arm or for example, to trade a damaged one for a functional one in the same time it would normally take to reload ammo. There are also Experimental level rules for handheld self-contained weapons, but they are extremely uncommon. I don't know if I've ever seen a record sheet with one.
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leopard doesnt look right
it has cartoon proportions
Stop posting artwork you know damn well is wrong. Mechs are between 10-12 meters high, and the Mechs outside that range are exceptions.
I still want a single mech orbital drop pod.
How many more proto armored cores are there miniatures of? I want them all.
My 2 boxes (starter and clan invasion) should be delivered tomorrow, and I heard that I need more dice than it comes with.
What else might I need? protectors, binders, anything? I don't want to do multipule runs through the stores.
Would Gattaca ver. Clans be possible? Freeborn faking his identity as trueborn and stuff
Don't think so. I'd think as heavy into genetics as the Clans are he'd be discovered at some point via some kind of ID check that goes by genetics or routine checkups by doctors.
Maybe if the trueborn's parent's were coincidentally selected as the gene-parents for a sibko close enough to the conception so that everyone was roughly the same age at the same time.

They would still run into a thing where they wouldn't know people they were supposed to have spent twenty years with.
Clanners never face actual consequences for decisions that are impossibly stupid. By all tights, they should be lower tech than the Successor States.
And even that is a lie they tell themselves.
sonewhat related to this, didn't aidan pryde stole someone's identity? how did he pull that off?
Only if it's really really Gattaca: to wit, they'd need the assistance of the trueborn they're impersonating/replacing.
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No customs.
It is advised (but not forced) to have three colors of dice (or more), generally I've done well with having a dice holder with 4 white (walking), 4 black (running) and 4 red (jumping) dice per lance (4 mechs). Additional colors/sets of 2 dice can be good for speed-rolling cluster hits and such, but not necessary by any means.

Get either a printer, pen and paper, or a tablet with an internet connection for record sheets.

And if you consider going to a store multiple times for the sake of a game a chore, this game might not be for you.
>Why is it so hard to just get one of these mods to just stick to canon shit and not add a bunch of stuff?
Because you faction fags are obsessed with having "your" faction represented in the game even if they don't fit in the timeline.
Just Play Mercs™
They had empires ablaze already, why not just use that? Are they stupid?
>intended audience of a product
Shut your fucking corportate cocksucking mouth. Intended audience of a product... UGH!
It's a fucking videogame mod made by people who like the game, that you get to play for free!
>they are told that they don't matter, right?
Because you don't fucking matter, because it's a completely free mod. If you don't like it, you don't use it. How fucking entitled must you be to complain that videogame mods aren't catering to you.
And what happens when the "faction fag" is the mod developer?
Yes. Unironically.
We get an alternate timeline for the game and a real timeline in reality in which you cry like a little bitch.
Ok tourist
I accept your concession. Keep crying bitch.
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Yes. I run it often a d it's great. Only suggestion is swapping the scatter shot for solid because you already have critseeking in the srm rack
Ter Roshak used the identity of a Freebirth he murdered as a way to give Aidan a second chance. Easy when the person in charge does the work for you.
>alternate timeline
Fuck off with this Marvel shit. It's either canon or it isn't.
Would it make sense for a Clanner to just fucking hate spheroids? Like to a genocidal degree? I'm wanting to make a Ghost Bear Star Captain that just fucking hates the Combine and is looking for literally any excuse at all to wander into Combine space so he can genocide a couple worlds.
Crusader might be nuts enough to just kill every ape that is disgracing the crusible. oh humanity
but i dont think most of them will
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every piloted BA works due to the fact it doesn't need to be perfectly designed to fit the form of a human wearing it
With the Home Clans now not killing each other they've got two new ideologies; Bastion and Aggressor. Guess which one fits "hating the spheroids to a genocidal degree" and will do anything and everything to bring them to heel
Clan Ghost Bear? absolutely not, they definitely wouldn't 'genocide a couple worlds' although looking for revenge against a particular Combine group or two wouldn't be out there.
What's the rules for armor piercing ammo? I'm away from my books and Sarna doesn't have the rules.
Long tom hunchback when?
Redditors have ruined this site.
Faggot can't even reply right.
As soon as you model it.
4chan was shit before reddit even existed.
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Does anyone have copies of last years Worldwide Event, where the Cappies fight the Wolves? I've looked around in the folders, but I'm either blind, or it's not there.
Where do the rules for handheld weapons live? And are they worth it? It seems to me that for the low price of TSM your atlas can carry around a gauss rifle alongside all it's other guns which is pretty cool.
sup btg, I'm working on some one-off mechs and I was looking for some color scheme recommendations for them, trying to avoid camo schemes since I'm planning to do some after these guys.
>if it helps, the models I was planning on painting are a Hunchback 4p, a Cronus 3M, Apollo 1R, a Chameleon 7V, and a Lineholder LH2. all 3d printed proxies, no loveably janky pewter.
Tactical Operations, along with most advanced rules gear.
They're not very efficient, though there is some funny applications like loading them up with as many rocket launcher tubes as you can fit (RLs are one-shot weapons anyway so you can just drop the launcher and switch to your own weapons after blowing your load) or giving a mech with 2 hands and no long-range weapons a handheld LRM so it has something to do before getting into close range.
A new wave of 40krefugees approaching

The fuck happened now
>>Tyrith Shiva Kyrus (the first three of a long list of honorific names earned fighting for the Emperor) has the privilege of being our first portrayal of a female Custodian Guard since the recent revelation that Custodians can be any gender.
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Let's shoot the refugees at the shore, 40kiddies and GW deserve each other.
Literally who cares

You think they want to come here, where we've had women all over the place for decades? One of the main charcaters of the entire setting, and arguably the greatest mechwarrior of all time is a woman mary sue. They'll shit themselves.
>You think they want to come here, where we've had women all over the place for decades?
Yes they will.
Said Mary Sue was also one upped by the edgy self insert, I don't think it comes close to the 40k case.
>You think they want to come here, where we've had women all over the place for decades?
None said 40kiddies are smart
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>here they come
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Did any of the Word-allied forces survive the Jihad? Or did angry sphoids wipe them all out?
>Vulgar Bulgars
Ahhh, I miss the days of casual racism in BT
Yes, some SD survived and some were absorbed into the republic, especially the lower level guys nobody cared about

Vapula joined the republic in a blatant operation paperclip reference
There's a difference between
>We always wrote the setting to have strong female characters
>We're shitting on the established lore (which has strong female characters) to add new ones because we're so woke u guyse!
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You joke, but the Terminator models, especially old metal ones, absolutely could be used as Battlemechs. Kodiak, for example.

>The fucking Captcha I got
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I painted some tanks and finally added a Bogust for the Company :3
man is this how you wanna live your life?
Sexy color scheme
Do you guys ever play in specific years that aren't '3025, 3052, 3067'?
>The fuck happened now
Prelude to the Wars of Reaving
Thanks! It's from the school of "Drybrushing is the greatest technique known to man"
I have to put together a 13k and 19k force, 8 mechs each, and I'm drawing blanks. Pre clan invasion, very late succ wars.
I'm thinking either FWL or Kurita since my opponent tends towards lyrans.
13k bv
>Veteran indirect fire lance
>Veteran Medium Battle lance
12878 BV with stock models for each. It really ain't that hard to come up with a force.
BT universe is more or less our universe, so the concept of mechs has been around there the same as has here. Ergo the original mech designers were weebs who posted on their equivalent of /m/
>so witch mech here is your mech?
>mine is the one that's painted in the stealth Ukraine pattern
seems distinct, and I haven't tried painting a mostly yellow mech before, I'll give it a shot.
The nice thing about that color scheme is that even if the yellow comes out like shit (make sure it's the base color). the bulk of it will be occluded by the blue.

I must point out that Battletech is absolutely not our universe at all. Crazy science aside, it's alternate history.

That said, Mecha anime was already a thing by the point of divergence. Maybe mecha stuff was even more popular in culture, or the Camerons were giant weebs.
Genocide isn't really the Clans' thing unless they're purging one of their own (RIP Nova Cats). Even the infamous Turtle Bay glassing was the Jags getting fed up with the locals waging asymmetric warfare instead of just capitulating like honorable warriors, not an offensive measure.

Your closest deal would he the Falcons in the 3100s, after Hazen embraces Mongol Doctrine and starts contaminating the fresh water supply of entire planets with plutonium to frighten their neighbors into surrendering. The Ghost Bears, as a rule, are fairly chill even by Clan standards.
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Some of the First Edition Imperial Robots are roughly the same size as the old Ral Partha sculpts. Here's an Imperial Castellan next to a Ral Partha Archer.
How do anons divvy up their mechs?

I usually try to grab designs that I know are specific to a Clan / House and throw them together, and then add in random filler I think might work well until I have 5/4 mechs respectively.

At this point I have a Star of Ghost Bears, Falcons, Wolves, Smoke Jags, two lances DCMS Legion of Vega, and maybe a half dozen random scheme lances, and then a fairly large assortment of random one offs.

My current backlog of decided items is a Smoke Jags assault lance and a Kuritan company. But I wanna divvy up my kickstarter stuff and a few odds and ends I have laying around.
The most genocidal the clans have ever gotten is against other clans, namely the Snake Alliance murdering the shit out of both invading clans, and anyone else that disagreed with them, like the Blood Spirits.
>it's alternate history
That's why I said "more or less" you pedantic spaz.
I made my ideal battalion, then a couple of "fuck you" lances to play against my power gamer friend, then started making thematic units for different time periods, like last night I arranged my leftovers into a 3025 merc company. It just depends on what I've got and what I feel like painting.
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I put one of every chassis I have a model for for my mercenaries, divided into sensible lances by battlefield role and weight, so I might have a Heavy battle lance that is mostly heavies but might have one assault and/or medium.

Oh hey, Fuck You Lances are great I'm still waiting for my Thunder Hawk to organize my Inner Sphere "9 Gauss Rifles, you fuck" lance.

Fair enough, but for any new people, it should be made clear its the "less", and increasingly so.

Though gaslighting brainrotted kids into believing there was a second Soviet Civil War when they were babies sounds funny.
What are some 6/9 heavy Omnis that aren't the Linebacker?

I'm trying to draw up a fast scout star, and I could take the Linebacker, but I don't much care for it.
I started painting 1MM, realized that I planned more than a company but less than a battalion and am now flailing around because my autism won't just let me do partial force structures so now I'm going to either need to do like 2 whole tank platoons and just have it be a combined arms battalion or end up with like half of the mechs that I own as a single paint scheme. Still undecided on that.
Scorpion Empire shitting on the Sea Foxes is also never not funny.
My headcannon is that the pilot uses his feet to control the mg ball mounts
When it comes to vees I've been dividing them roughly by half and painting them in WWII German blue and the other half is woods camo.

For mechs, my autism also demands I divide stuff into proper force structures. Ie mechs by lance/star. I haven't been counting vehicles/inf/BA/etc as worthy of parade schemes so I don't feel obligated to do them up in unit colours. I feel like this is advantageous as it lets me provide two different sets of support to any of my other existing mech units.

I guess that would change if I were to do a force that used fully integrated combined arms? But I haven't wanted to attempt that thus far.
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Enjoy your gay horse.
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A lot of them, the pilot would have to be a dwarf or pilot in an impossible posture.
Storm crown is better than most heavies.
Lyrans have been doing blue and yellow forever.
Yeah I already got the Crow. But I want a heavy to lead them, and it'd be kinda sad if it couldn't keep up.
people have been crammed into worse than that
I do pretty much that. Sort out the more faction iconic mechs and fill in with more ubiquitous mechs as needed. I also pay attention to what faction gets cool variants in case I ever want to run those.

I think the Linebacker is just something you're gonna have to learn to accept.
Fair enough. I don't hate it, but it just feels like it pays a lot for that 6/9.
Yeah, this is what the current force looks like. A lot of them are partially painted simply by virtue of "oh, I still have some purple on the brush, and I'm done with this Hunchback, let's dab it on that Scorpion or Marauder" Everything this side of the Union and eventually including the Union itself will be part of it. Left side is 1st company, with fire lance, fast cav lance and scout lance. Center is the reinforced tank company, with one Scorpion away at a friend's house, and an uneven amount of BA because I did a squad of Elementals in 1MM colors before the Kickstarter came in. Right side is 2nd company, with fire lance, strike lance and scout lance. HQ lance is back by the Union itself, with off-color Stalker being the Commander.

Once I get some more money, since it looks like Catalyst just couldn't care less about the Mariks or our mechs, I'm going to order the IWM sculpts for a bunch of the Marik specific mechs like Albatross, Sirocco, Hercules, and Grand Titan, etc, and those will be 3rd Company.

The mech stuff I've pretty well got set in stone, but the tanks are all still up in the air until I get paint on them basically.
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How does this look for a heavier FWL force from the late 3040s/early 3050s? I'm going to have to tweak the piloting and gunnery skills to hit 13k.
Treb has narc pods, so bring Narc capable missiles for all your launchers. Otherwise looks fine. The 3S is easily justified as battlefield salvage, and while I've never been a fan of the shortbus stalker, I can at least understand it Since it looks like you're trying to trim BV to stay below 11k. I am slightly worried about your lack of close range punch. You don't have much to deal with like an AC20 Banshee that manages to run up under your guns.
Are there any whitworth variants worth taking, or is the original the way to go?
Use and abuse of the NARC LRM ammo. I would recomend to change the Pixie -3S for other mech with NARC, or TAG for SG-LRM shenanigans.
The only Whitworth variant worth taking is the one you don't bring.
0 is a decent brawler for its weight, and if you load up infernos will absolutely annihilate tanks and infantry.
1 is decent fire support on a budget as you already knew.
1H is the 0 but with more memery.
1S is just a 0 that hates infantry slightly less.
2 loses medium lasers to gain artemis. Not worth it. Getting 4 extra missiles per volley is not worth completely losing your short range profile.
2A fails at being a C3 scout because it's too fucking slow and too fucking thin skinned to get close enough to anything worth being spotted with C3.
2H is an MRM boat without C3, and MRMs without C3 suck.
3 is one of the case studies in how not to use IJJ. just do normal jumpjets and go 5/8/5 instead.
5S kinda kicks ass, kinda sucks. X pulse lasers are good, and AES is even better. This thing is kinda-sorta awesome, where it can absolutely shred anything in its weight class, but nothing in its weight class is obligated to fight it, and it will get kited to death by a Panther. I kinda wish it went 5/8/5 and lost the ECM and used FF or something to make up that half ton.
K is a solid MML boat that again uses IJJ wrong.
Anything in particular you would recommend? Off the top of my head the only other NARC capable mech I can think of is a Raven.
Mariks have a whole bunch of Narc Orions, which I kinda like as a narc spotter since it can actually hang out at point blank till the Narc pod lands. I personally like the one with the command console since it gives +1 on initiative, although that one's 3054 as I recall.
Yeah, semi-guided launchers will get much more return on value than narc will. Narc is trash, and the only real use-case is that it makes for mechs that can't hide behind cover since the narc beacon has them always spotted for IDF.
Well I don't want to go both NARC and TAG, since that means two different types of ammo. Besides the Raven, are there any pre clan invasion mechs with TAG?
as much as I despise actually trying to use megamek lab for customizing a mech or even reading the crit slots, SSW is infinitely better there, the advanced search function is really the best.

And to answer your question:
Herme 3S2
Ostscout OTT-7K
Raven RVN-3L
Sling SL-1G
Sling SL-1H
Spartan SPT-N1
Spartan SPT-N2
Firefly FFL-3A
forgot image like a dumbass.
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NTA, but I noticed that some Clan Mechs, even front line Omnis, have TAG in some of the configurations.

What's the point of that? Don't the Clans not use Artillery, nor SG-LRMs? Is there a benefit of TAG I'm missing?

(I think I recall that Clan Wolf does use artillery, hence the Naga, but you have TAG on mechs more associated with Nova Cat and Smoke Jaguar - i.e. Huntsman and Cauldron Born - who I'm pretty sure never used artillery. )
JR7-K makes me angry, some of these upgrades were so close to actually being good, but they always fuck them up.
It's a 60 ton 6/9. There's no way for it to not pay a lot of it. At least it's better than the Lancelot.

>But Anon, the Adder is basically the same thing for 60% the tonnage

That's what you get for a 360 ton engine.
>Are CGL models scaled to each other? Because i look at a hellhound next to a warhammer and it feels like it is believable that one of them is around 20 tons heavier. Asking mainly because i have seen claims on the net that the game is 1/285 scale and this doesn't seem right.
The game used to be 1:285. There had already been some scale creep over the years, but the new art director has been pushing relentlessly for a ~15-20% scale-up on Assaults and a 10-15% increase in heavies. Lights remain about the same, mediums are only slightly bulkier. It pushes out the scale to around 1:225.
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>but you have TAG on mechs more associated with Nova Cat and Smoke Jaguar - i.e. Huntsman and Cauldron Born - who I'm pretty sure never used artillery. )

Every Clan uses artillery, even the Jaguars against dezgra targets. They just use the Huey instead of Nagas.
well lads, had a discussion with my fellow organisers. Peregrine Swarm guy has been noted, and we will be keeping an eye on him next time.
Im really sorry to the two guys who got their Thuds back cracked by him, it was one thing to fairly assume that as the others had told him skidding rules where not being used on tarmac, air ones were not either, but its another thing to blatantly cheat on gunnery to get a metric ton of crit rolls. Still kicking myself for not noticing, though to be fair I was exhausted and barely awake.
It could be worse; it could be a Panther 10K.
Thoughts on the hiplite?
They totally meant for it to have DHS, right? The 10K2 actually looks really good for a Panther.
I really like missiles. Favorite mech is the Archer. Haven't really played and have heard taking a lot of missiles is frowned upon or otherwise stigmatized?
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No stigma that I'm aware of or even caring about.
No, lots of LRMs are perfectly fine.

Lots of Clan LRMs might get you a raised eyebrow, but it's not too egregious as these things go.
LRMs become extremely busted once you get up around the point where you can have company sized fire support units and land more missiles on target than most units have total armor and structure. But at the level most people play they're actually kind of anemic.
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The Dragon has the Stable Quirk, pic related. Rules as Written, does this apply to the check for missing a kick, since that is a PSR that is the result of a physical attack.

No, this isn't MWO.
Dracs are designated badguy fodder mechs. Of course they're bad by design.
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It should be named the Hoplon.
Oh, so now you do care? What happened to being a smug asshole and "I had fun, so what do I care"?
>we have Jenner at home
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Does this force sufficiently honor the dragon?
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That's a relief. I just want to go heavier on solid ammunition over energy weapons in general. Only got one mech painted thus far but I have others. Mostly going by the ones I like the look of.
I care about people cheating, and I actually have enough energy to wory about others enjoyment today somehow, its been an 11-fucking-hour work day so stop being a cunt.
I would absolutely love to see this FWL force >>93810578 just run a trian on this Drac force >>93811561
Can you run bot v bot in megamek? I forget.
yes. gimmie a minute and I'll set it up.

Princess is pretty bad at coordinating forces, so I'm expecting the NARC heavy mariks to underperform somewhat, but we'll see what happens I guess.
>Stop being a cunt
I don't want to hear excuses. You were totally okay with other players game being ruined since you had fun. Good on you to finally realize your error, but that doesn't excuse you for being a dick.
Bump up the G/P on the bigger marik mechs to equalize the BV.
An atlas would be more drac but it's sufficient
SHD-5M seems fine. Yeah it's not as good as as the GRF-3M, but it has really closed the gap compared to the SHD-2H and the GRF-1N.
Being fine with people playing the game is one thing, its not the same as people cheating. I'm too tired to get into this, or to have the patience too for that matter.
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I fiddled with the Marik Pilots a bit to get the BV to match, but I couldn't figure out how to swap the ammo loads to all have NARC missiles loaded, so the Mariks are going to underperform because of that. let's see how it goes!
Drac Princess is set to berzerker because dracs.
Marik Princess is set to LRM boat because duh.
Porblee!!! :D:D
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Here's the maps.
did that.
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right click on the mech, configure
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>BTA has nukes
Who should I nuke first? I've got C-bills to burn so the 2 million a shot won't hurt much.
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Mariks won HARD. now to go thru the logs and reconstruct what happened.
Comstar/Wobbies, for the irony
A lot of the "3049" upgrades are terrible though, not just the Dracs.
our first real damage of the fight. The GDragon also landed both ultra AC shells and a medium laser.
If you're having Princess masturbate, you may as well run it 5 or 6 (or 30) times to see if there's a real trend or if it's flukes.
I think every good possible faction is dead, Word of Blake is gone and there isn’t really anything left to pop out of the inner sphere or periphery unless you want Clan Wolverine to just show up again which I guess could be based, Clan Wolverine goes full clanner genocide, just ignores the inner sphere unless they try to stop them. Just total clanner death.
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>Some of the First Edition Imperial Robots are roughly the same size as the old Ral Partha sculpts. Here's an Imperial Castellan next to a Ral Partha Archer.
Some of the early GW Warbots were straight-up stolen BattleMechs and FASA had to slap them down. There's also a Crusader that was unreleased as "Manga Robot".
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yeah, I don' t know how to save the pre-fight config. The times I've tried to do that before and then load it up again, the thing just refuses to run. I mostly just have megamek for searching for specific equipment combos as noted above >>93811233

Turn 5&6 has the PHawk and Grand Dragon keep fighting with the Wolverines on both sides joining the scrum, and the 6M ganks the Jenner in short order, critting hte gyro with the first shot, where the 6K backstabs the Marik PHawk.
Star league unironically should have just conquered the clans before it collapsed instead of the great refusal which didn’t mean anything long-term.
>Cland skick the asses of the IS
>Star League 2
>Route the clanners from the inner sphere
>Invade clan space
>All clans subjugated, annihilated, or driven further into the periphery
>Star League collapses and remnant clans regain autonomy reacting into their assraping in different ways
After that was just several turns of the Mariks having better long range firepower, with the LRM heavy volleys killing the Panthers in short order and then it just being a numbers game that the Mariks were already winning.

The biggest mistake was not having the Society win. That would have been a much cooler end to the WoR and wrapped up the hanging thread of the HW clans much better. Essentially

>Society gets to keep Clan Space where they just sit around masturbating over science stuff
>Any Warden Clans they want to keep, if any, go have out in the Scorpion Empire, keeping a tab on the society and IS both to "save" them if needed
>Any Crusader clans they want to keep have to do a Hail Mary invasion against the Invading clans to nab some planets. If its a clan they want to keep, they succeed, otherwise they burn out and are absorbed.
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although this was pretty funny, NGL.
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Am I beating a dead horse by asking what does AC10 have over the PPC in introtech?
>deals the same damage
>same range as AC5
>so much lighter that the AC and it's ammo that you can get multiple heat sinks to solve most of the heat issue
>no ammo issues either
I'm guessing special ammo evens things out a bit once you get out of introtech?
Alright, I was the person who posted both lists so I'm going to run them in Megamek against each other as well.
No minimum is a bigger deal than it seems, especially in introtech where there isn't necessarily enough long range firepower to guarantee the kill before you get to kicking range.

But yeah, they're roughly equal tonnage wise, I think it comes out to like a half-ton difference, but that doesn't account for your 10 free engine heatsinks.

They end up being more complimentary than direct competitors, where an AC10 and one or two PPCs is better than the third PPC. This gives us configs like the classic Best Banshee, the 3S. Since the Autocannon can still fire in melee alongside your medium lasers ad the SRM rack, and the low heat is no small part of that, but it can also fire at long range alongside the PPCs.
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I need to mess with the settings before I run it again, but here's what we had. Significantly less one sided but still a marik victory.
Well consider that depending on the loadout you will need more than a few heat sinks to cover the costs. At a minimum you're going to need at least 2 which is still lower than the AC10's minimum at least. But the AC10 can also more easily use other weapons along with it without running too hot. Minimum range kind of sucks too.

I think they both still have their places in introtech. And like >>93812100 said, they're complimentary weapons too. Don't underestimate heat efficiency in introtech.
The Dracs are paying a premium to have those panthers that are too slow to survive and the Jenners being a cardboard coffin, and they've all got veteran pilots in them.

Which, to be fair, is VERY Drac, but it's also the kind of thing that requires real players to get the most out of, not Princess.
Is wave 2 going to be this year?
Heat, mainly. 1 PPC is just about enough for the base 10 SHS an introtech mech gets. An AC10 can be doubled up or paired with some other weapons such as a brace of Medium Lasers and an SRM4 or 6 to make a good brawler, without really pushing the heat tolerance too far. If you want to go all PPC then you need to seriously invest in SHS, take the Katapult that carries 10 tons of additional Heatsinks, or the Griffin that has to watch its firing and heat carefully because it is undersinked for its loadout.
Once DHS become a thing, the advantages of Autocannons fade away.
The AC/10, without precision ammo, is just a worse PPC. It could ahve been explained away with an availability issue (they're both the same availability) or a price issue (the literal space lightning cannon PPC isn't prohibitively more expensive than an autocannon), so really, it's just a big "what the fuck" in general.
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At what point is it reasonable to have and support clan omnimechs in a merc outfit?
Which map in the MegaMek is closest to what people use in the actual tabletop for the lance vs. lance game?
Grasslands, desert, etc.
No earlier than 3100 in my opinion. Omnimechs aren't uncommon by that point, but they're mostly used by the Houses and Clans because they're rich enough to he able to afford to. Only the richest and most well connected merc outfits would be able to maintain more than a couple Omnis at any time.

And then of course that all goes out the window when the Dark Age happens.
While the AC-10 should probably be slightly lighter and have slightly fewer crits, losing a few hexs of max and medium range in exchange for actually being able to use your short range isn't nothing.

There are other, bigger questions, like why anyone bothered with R&D of the Ultra-5 when an LRM 15 does the same thing but potentially better.
Rolling Hills #2 is a classic. So is just the Battletech map.
So a LCAF trooper would have a LC patch and a unit patch on his battledress right? Do mercs just rock a unit patch?
I was originally thinking development spreading to the other sizes would have been interrupted by the Amaris/Succession wars but there's a 100 year gap between the UAC5 and those so that wouldn't work.

I swear tech development in BT either happens way too fast or so ploddingly slow it's unrealistic. I'm sure there's SOME logical reason why it took 200+ years for someone to apply it to larger sizes.
Late 3050s. The initial invasion is made up mostly of fighting retreats where the IS doesn't get to do much salvaging but post truce regular raids start happening, Clan techs and equipment
stockpiles start getting captured, etc.

Accepting a higher costs for better performance will happen sooner with smaller, elite units that don't have to get decisions like that signed off on by a central authority. In many early cases it will prove to be more trouble than it's worth, and the scraps will be sold to a research group.
Well, as always, real world history can provide inspiration for headcanon.

When smokeless black powder was first developed, it was a marvel, but it came with one main glaring issue: the energy that the smokeless powerder released was much too strong for the weapon designs of the time. Regular black powder, which every gun was designed for up to that point, released significantly less energy, so it was much easier to contain with less tightly designed chambers and recievers that also used lesser quality materials. If you put smokeless powder in a 1873 Peacemaker it would blow up in your hand, and it did for many. Most people that didn't want to buy a new weapon settled for having their weapon converted to smokeless, similarly to when those same kinds of pistols were converted to take cartridges a couple decades earlier.

You could easily say that the Ultra system that was designed for AC/5s was too weak to sustain the significantly larger charge in the AC/10, and took many years for somebody to develop a design with the proper tolerances.
"double the fire rate of this gun without making it much bulkier or worsening accuracy" sounds like a legitimate design challenge
Based on the 2s chart, they only did the 1st half.
Mercs in social situations do everything from multiple fancy uniforms custom made for their companycomplete with their own OC DO NOT STEAL patches and insignia, to their cleanest T-shirt.
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Field Manual: Mercenaries page 35
I'm looking to put together a real mean wall of metal, aside from the Banshee, what are some introtech heavies and assaults that can tank fire?
Orion, Thunderbolt, Atlas, Stalker, Awesome, Flashman.
GLT-4L or CPLT-C1 for the last mech?
trash that is now floating around the salvage box pool to force you to make a dragoon lance or waste a unicorn slot
Post dark age. That's when Clan Sea Shark starts proliferating clan tech on the open market.
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what if you could become greater
Which leader was the most incompetent in all of battletech history?
Any answer that isn't Katherine is factually incorrect.

Or maybe the last Cameron, whatever that losers name was. I can't remember.
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Ever been so good at being an asshole you get not only half your rival clans reave'd but your own as well?
Katherine was the latest usurper.
Richard Cameron was a remarkably bad judge of character and strategy who totally failed to control his own court. Max Liao had very similar failures without the excuse of getting groomed.
Kaleb Davion?
Always bet on Brett
The Thud's tougher than you would think for being a bomb.
Disolving the most powerful state since the Star League because your brother doesn't want to fuck you is so stupid, it actually breaks suspension of disbelief. It's patently unbelievable.

Fedcom shattering? Sure. Inevitable even. But Katherine being the reson? Almost insultingly stupid.

Brett's actions only make sense if he was like, secretly working for Star Adder.

Man, speaking of Star Adder...

>Clan Steel Viper had an asshole leader, but he's dead
Sorry, but they must pay for their crimes and get all their shit stolen for us - I mean, annihilated.
>Clan Blood Spirit doesn't want to play your autism games anymore.
Unacceptable, they need to be genocided
>Clan Coyote literally harbored and fostered a movement that nearly wiped out the entire Clan system
Nah, they're good boys, dindu nuffin, let them live.
>started new campaign recently
>included a guy who wanted to be a part of the last one
>he is a sperg among spergs
>says seemingly any thought that pops into his head
>if he doesn't get the reaction he expects, keeps just repeating himself verbatim until someone does react like he wanted or tells him to stop
>mostly knows the lore from tex memes
>generally shows up late
>is also bad at the game

None of what he's done actually merits telling him to leave the campaign, but I'm close. Telling him he's being annoying hasn't accomplished anything in the past, either.
You have to be nice to this mech. It is friend shaped
How many dropships would be required to transport 6 regiments of conventional infantry?
Much like the Jihad the Wars of Reaving had the aftermath decided first and the events leading up to it pieced in in any way that fit regardless if it made sense.
Rule 0 exists for a reason
Why would it be inevitable? Why wouldn't the internal opposition to unification look sillier and sillier as more and more benefits start to show? Why wouldn't the differences between Lyran and Suns culture not be thought of as the same as the differences between Skye and Donegal, or the Draconis and Capellan marches?
Lyrans are dishonorable bastards who care more about the next credit than anything else.
Inevitable because from a narrative point of view BT isn't allowed to have a strong singular faction like that for every long.
Those are good examples, but there is still a power structure on Tharkad that isn't used to having to exist under a bureaucracy that is mostly centered on New Avalon. Is it truly inevitable, in universe? No, not really. Some disgruntled aristocrats uave existed in every monarchy in history, but they largely would've just gritted their teeth and bided their time ad infinitim. But they would try, at some point. Just look at how easily Katherine was able to peel away the entire Alliance.
Depends on the dropship. Sarna.net has a list of types and their capacities. There are dedicated troop transports, so maybe not as many as you'd think.

Did you capture it off the battlefield? Are you capable of upkeeping it using the actual game rules? Can you afford to upkeep it using the actual game rules?

If the answer to all of the above is yes, then the soonest it's fine to have Clan stuff in your merc group is 3049. Because "playing by the rules of the game" is always an absolute defense against claims of fiat or Mary Sue-ism, or anything of the sort. If you *earned* it, legitimately, then you damn well get to use it.

Now, if you're starting a brand new merc unit in 3049, and 8 of the 12 Mechs in your company are Clan Omnis before you've ever played a game...then that's a problem. Outright buying Clan Mechs off of a marketplace shouldn't really be a thing until 3060 at *minimum*, and it shouldn't really be a safe or easy or routine thing until much later than that.
>difficulty: Against the Bot cares not for any of this. It can and will put Timber Wolves up for sale on the marketplace the day that Vlad and Friends hit The Rock. And occasionally in games set in 3010, but those might have been bad table lookups.
There is no reasonable way to transport an infantry regiment or RCT with cannon designs. With customs you can very easily make a Mule that costs as much as a Union and moves a regiment or more with plenty of cargo left over for supplies, APCs and Artillery etc.
Redpill me on the Marshal
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Doing some research for a Shrapnel submission set on New Avalon during the DCMS occupation in 3147.

I have a vague outline of the plot - a freshly ordained priest suffers a Dark Night of the Soul as he watches the brutality that the occupation forces inflict upon the citizenry, and wrestles with the moral quandary of whether or not to take up arms as he joins the resistance movement with the Davion Guards who stayed behind. Protagonist is loosely inspired by the life of Saint Josemaría Escrivá during the Spanish Civil War.

Are there any sources for differences between the Roman Catholic Church and the New Avalon Catholic Church, i.e., doctrinal? I vaguely recall reading at one point that the NACC allowed women to be ordained...which adds a frighteningly horrifying layer to the Dracs' ruthless persecution of the clergy, up to the Pope and the local College of Cardinals.

Beyond that, I'm doing some speculative research for the extent of the brutalities the Dracs inflicted on the locals. Shattered Fortress mentions looting/burning of Davion-related art/architecture, as well as "harsh curfews, production quotas, and trade restrictions" as well as executing "offenders for even the smallest of infractions". Again, are there any sources that go into greater detail, found either in fiction or splatbooks? Otherwise, I'm just pulling from the list of Japanese WWII war crimes.
The Collossus
>Designed to move an entire combined arms regiment (36 'Mechs, 72 vehicles, 12 platoons).
>Troop transport (20 light vehicles, 12 platoons).
>Combined assault transport and command ship (24 'Mechs, 18 Fighters, 12 heavy vehicles, 16 platoons, 20 battle armor squads).
>Early Infantry transport (Four Infantry Battalions)
Those were just up to the letter C on the list, I'm sure there are more.
Colossus and Conquistador are hideously rare and expensive. The Czar is extinct. The Condor is ludicrously inadequate and cannot remotely move enough cargo or vees.
It's a slow Griffin designed to stay in the field as long as possible.
>Otherwise, I'm just pulling from the list of Japanese WWII war crimes.
Make sure you have a Drac commander ordering his mechwarriors to toss Fedrat Urbanmechs into the air and impaling them with his Hatamoto-Chi's sword. And don't forget the brothels full of comfort mechs: lance after lance of Panthers and Jenners taking turns banging out crying Hatchetman and weeping Victors right up their collant ports.
i like the jumpy one. the X1 is introtech save for ferrofib, with all the firepower that implies. the 2L is decent.
An RCT consists of 1 mech regiment, 2 armor regiments and 5 infantry regiments. The condor is the only one of your list in general production. using 15 jump collars on infantry is extremely inefficient.
Thoughts on the Hermes?
She fast.
That's just a sample off the sarna entry. At any rate, moving that much manpower and materiel is going to be a major undertaking no matter how you pack them up. And if cpuld could fit all that in one fuckhuge drop ship would it even be a good idea? Imagine losing a whole RCT because your one transport was geeked in transit.
Submissive and breedable
they ran out of product. if you haven't gotten it already youre probably out of luck. retailers gonna get prioritized to bring the stuff out in october
Every day we stray further from Blake's light.
Is there anything stopping me from just using the warhammer as the hammerhands?
Tell me that face and pose and hips don't scream "submissive bottom" to you.
You want to do that shit you better be ready to back it up.
well, for one, i don't want to spend $20+ on 15 years old metal sculpt
Yeah? You going to cry about it like a pussy?
Proxy rules don't allow it. According to the AS350 ruleset, which is being adopted as the default play conditions pretty much everywhere, you cannot proxy a unit when an official miniature exists. Since the IWM Hammerhands is available for sale, if you want to field it, you need to use that miniatures. Proxying with a Warhammer is a breach of rules and your opponent is justified in having you removed from the game
So the merc box goes to retail next week, right?
It's in the proliferation cycle. You could spend 35 dollars for it and 5 other mechs.
It's already on the shelves here.

You DID already get your kickstarter stuff, right?
Wasn't that the BattleAxe?
AS350 can fuck off and die. They try to come tell me that I can't play with hotwheels and pennies and i davionman them in the parking lot. RAW trumps their stupid fanfic rules, and they can fuck off back to 40k and never come back.
I didn't back, pretty much waiting for the Ostbox, but I might get a couple quickdraws in the meantime.
the one with the roc, sol and war? wasn't that winter 2025 release?
>AS350 ruleset, which is being adopted as the default play conditions pretty much everywhere
40k and its consequences have been a disaster for the wargaming community. All. Fucking. Tourneyfags. Must. Fucking. Hang.
Do you guys play with Quirks a lot? The No/minimal arms and the no torso twist seem like they're brutal.
>Scarabus, Nightsky, Axeman and Berserker
Can someone give me a name for this lance? Primary OpFor will be the Clans
Bunch of Axeholes Lance.
They don't sell a plastic Uziel, so I'm using a printed one. If they have a problem with it, then I'm proxying a wooden cube that says "UZL-2S" on one side and "ISN'T THIS BETTER?" on the other.

Fucking deal.
basically for campaign play only. And my GM hates them because the Stalker gets what's basically 4 free heatsinks and THAT'S NOT ALLOWED.
Are they Rasalhague?
Do quirks factor into BV or is that why they're usually skipped?
Haven't decided yet
Good. Blake is a false prophet. Christ is still king, even in the 31st century.

Christfags leave
No they don't they have their own system where you balance out good quirks with bad ones.

But most of them are about maintenance and other long term things, which is why they're pretty much always excluded from casual and competitive play.
Quasi heretics as they are, Mormons are the ones who run Battletech. Somehow.
Yeah, you're right.
You wouldn't have Battletech if not for Christians. Praise Christ or you can leave. Faggot.
>If they have a problem with it, then I'm proxying a wooden cube that says "UZL-2S" on one side and "ISN'T THIS BETTER?" on the other.
You better fucking deliver if it ever comes to that. I laughed like a hyena reading this.
Are the claws the best melee weapon out there, by the virtue of using the punch table?
You wouldn't have Battletech if not for Muslims inventing alchemy. Praise Allah amd Muhammad.
Neither of you would have Battletech if not for Greeks inventing civilization and fucking young boys. Praise Zeus.
Honestly the least realistic part of Battletech is that religion takes such a back seat to the house politics.
>tfw no non WoB Space Islamic Jihadists blowing themselves up with Booby Trapped mechs and vees
Whats the lowest rank you'd reasonable see a bloodnamed warrior at in an actual frontline fighting unit?

Like I've seen second line Star Colonels without a blood name. But in front line units since there's more bloodnames is it more competitive and those pilots, not matter how good they are, are forced into lower ranks?

And what if its a bondsman from another clan? i.e. would Bobby Pryde from Jade Falcon, if captured by the wolves, be starting out just as a point commander?
that's the role Wobbies take.
>would Bobby Pryde from Jade Falcon, if captured by the wolves, be starting out just as a point commander?

Once your bondcord is cut, you have to test out as a warrior the same as a new sibbie. If Bobby only kills one enemy mech, he's just Mechwarrior Boddy.
They’re fine, I guess? They’re cool and you get 2 attacks, but you need a seriously heavy mech to hit 12 points of damage. Unless you have a design with two claws and TSM, I would probably stick with the weapons that have to hit bonuses instead of to hit penalties
The best melee weapon is usually a kick from 1 level up
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Behold, purple birds
Blood named are usually at least star commanders or point commanders if they are elementals but there are instances of blood named mechwarriors or pilots in the big invasion era unit lists.
the quickdraw looks like he has a puffy vest on
>Redpill me on the Marshal
It's loosely intended to replace the Shadow Hawk and Thud as a cheap all-rounder for the Periphery once the Unseen bullshit came down the pipe. The -2L is the most obvious Thud clone. It's a solid backup to pretty much any Unseen heavy.
In much the same way, the Lineholder is a very, very obvious Griffin replacement (even using the same chassis), the Scarabus and a few of the Light omni configs are replacing the Bugs, and the Watchman and Wraith are both Phoenix Hawk proxies.

Are there any mechs that would be more common in the Periphery than in the IS? They seem to mostly use the basic Introtech stuff out there, but I'm wondering what you'd most commonly come across beyond bugs. Were there any mechs the periphery really liked? Or were rugged enough to be good for fighting out there?
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The Canopian 6MC Marshal variant is fucking terrifying when facing the sort of conventional forces usually found in the Periphery. Speaking purely as a tankfag, I hate NEA for creating it.

Speaking as a player, the Marshal is actually a good looking metal mini and I will unironically burn down Scoggins' house if he greebles up the flat surfaces. It's a freehanders (or decal person's) dream Mech.
Great execution of one of the Inner Spheres worst official parade colors.
The Falcon Hewers.
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I like my garish purple boys.
>Are there any mechs that would be more common in the Periphery than in the IS?
Anything shit.
>According to the AS350 ruleset
Model Huffers get out!
"The periphery" isn't really a useful category when it comes to stuff like this because it includes both major industrialized societies with dozens of star systems like the Taurians and Canopians and single horse towns that are too far away for anyone to go out and collect taxes from.
And none of them should have good Mechs. That's the point of the Periphery.
The periphery is also where unicorns live but the governing militaries dont get to have them. Theyre out there for player campaigns to discover.
There's a couple of mechs designed specifically by periphery nations like the taurians
I mean Xotl's RATs are right there in the OP, he did quite a lot of work on them.
Through the 3050s, most of the Periphery was relying on whatever they could steal and get running again, along with a lot of old Star League trash left over from the occupation and very limited domestic production. The Canopians were making and trading Shadow Hawks to the Davions, though what exact mechs they got in return no-one knows. They also used mercenaries as something like half their on-paper military forces and doing a pirate-hunting tour in the MoC was seen as something of a R&R tour. The OWA mostly made fighters and Bugs until a Lyran managed to sneakily fund their Merlin line. The Marians didn't make jack over shit and bought or stole all their hardware on the mercenary market. Taurians made Commandos, most of the Unseen heavies, and assorted lighter stuff and sold it extensively on the merc and Periphery market.

In the late 3050s that changes, with the New Colony region opening up and both the Magistracy and Taurians building new mech lines in addition to the ones they upgraded in the beginning of the decade. Lady Death's pirates design a few mechs they build out of contraband parts and weapons. Detroit becomes a major manufacturing hub, which the Canopians stole when the NCR collapsed in the Jihad. Meanwhile the Marians have begun developing rocket tech and retrofits, but still don't have any mech manufacturing until the end of the decade - and that's RetroTech. Most of the Periphery cozied up to the Blakists at first for tech and mech upgrades, but eventually kicked them out at some point. This gave the Marians the boost they needed to start making proper mechs.
Most of the homegrown ones. The Merlin is mostly used by the OA, then other periphery powers, then periphery mercs, then a few IS mercs. The Hawkwolf might not have ever entered the IS under any circumstance if the Brotherhood of Randis didn't sell them to Filtvelt and the Calderon Protectorate.
The idea is that if they're good enough to stay in the Alpha or Beta Galaxies, they're good enough to earn a bloodname.

And yeah, if you're captured as isorla and eventually have your bondcord cut, then you start out at square one. One interesting knock on effect is now your new clan could potentially Trial for the genetic heritage of your bloodname, which would obviosly be a catastrophe for your old clan.
What even counts as contraband parts and weapons? Stolen stuff or are they not supposed to have anything bigger than an AC5.
>Lady Death's pirates design a few mechs they build out of contraband parts and weapons.

You mean "Blakists did all this for the Tortugan pirates while Lady Death was in Fedcom prison and ran the pirates just like they did on CIrcinus."
Most of the corporations in Battletech are conniving schemers who use creative accounting and inventory management to sell things that they really shouldn't be selling. Sometimes it's legal but uses a loophole they don't want noticed. Other times it's "don't ask where these pristine parts came from or why this exact number of parts from the government contract were tagged out for QA failures". Either way, they'll sell to anyone who can make contact with their grey or black marketers. That's why everyone has chargers. At one point, every single Charger that had ever been made was in Drac hands, rusting away in a field behind the manufacturing plant and occasionally being pulled for military use. Mysteriously, every other state started fielding chargers. Less mysteriously, a bunch of executives ended up on the wrong end of a katana.
What are you on about? 1MM is probably the single most popular paint scheme for Mariks, and has to be one of the more common paintschemes total because a lot of the other Houses split their playerbase, but almost every Marik player does 1MM for at least some of their minis. We've got 2 more people who've posted that same scheme in this thread, and another in the last.

Like what other Marik paint schemes are even half as good. Silver Hawks have a couple good schemes, but they're also dragged down by some of the others. picrel of one of my buddies who paints them for our campaign.

Imma go down camospecs list:
4MM white and blue starburst. looks horrid.
4th Marik Protectors: silver with red highlights. NOPE.
5MP: Dark blue with black highlights. Not bad, but doesn't pop on the table either.
40th MM: standard marik milita except with black torso hand and feet black? Just keep normal MM thanks
1MP: charcoal with steel highlights. not bad, but again doesn't pop on the table.
3MP: brown with green and red highlights: christmas vomit? no thanks
2MP: the first time I've found a Marik Protectors scheme that isn't trash. Sky blue with white feathered wings on the back. Sounds awesome, but hard as hell to freehand.
1st Augustine Arquebusiers: gradient red fading to Marik purple on the legs and rear with gold highlights. Awesome, but hard as hell to do.
1st Ducal Guard: black and which checkerboard accents on purple. pass.
1st & 2nd KOTIS: White with gold/silver highlights. White is hard to do right. we all know this.
1st Covenant Guards: Purple and black with gold highlights. better than most, still not great.
1st FWL Guards: mix of white and purple paneling with black accents: Pretty good, but not as good as 1MM.
Andurien Guards: alternating buff and green vertical stripes. Not only does it look shitty, its hard to do!
Andurien Rangers: White with green accents: Not bad, but again with the white base.
Andurien Cav: White with checkerboard green on the arms. Hard pass.
Atrean Hussars: top half white, bottom blue. Meh.
Atrean Dragoons: light grey with green accents and panels in solid green. This one's pretty good, even if it looks a bit too Falcon or Liao.
Free Worlds Legionnaires: white with purple and green highlights. It doesn't sound too bad but every example looks hideous. purple and green clash so hard.
Fusiliers of Oriente: Dark green with pale green highlights and black edging. I'll admit, this one rocks
FoO 5th Brigade: Standard SLDF olive green. points for reppin it, but hardly the only ones who do.
1st & 2nd Loyalty Defenders: Canary yellow trimmed with red. Welcome to MacDonalds, can I take your order?
Oriente Hussars: 2 tone green camo of dark on bottom light on top. Not a parade scheme, but looks alright.
Orloff Grenadiers: Olive Drab and Lime Green? Oh hey, the vomit parade is back!
Iron/other metals Guard: Purple and Powder Blue. Done right this looks pretty good. Done wrong it looks like one of TMNT anon's schemes.
1st Regulan Hussars: Orange brown with yellow highlights. Looks alright, but not very exciting.
2RH: tan and brown camo with fern green highlights. Boring and generic. pass.
4RH: repeat above but with maroon highlights. Looks a lot better. There's like 7 more RH that are the same with a different highlight color. most are boring.

Rim Commonality Guards: Sandy Yellow with crimson highlights.McD's burger is back.
Sirian Lancers: Ochre red with white highlights. I kinda like it, but feel like it needs a 3rd color. 3rd lancers do that with blue and its pretty good.
Stewart Dragoons: red and grey with scarlet highlights. Decent, but not great. Grey doesn't make for exciting mechs.
Eagle's Talons: mottled green and black camo with shoulders and torsos purple. Not bad but can't say I'm a fan either.

Now, I skipped a ton of duplicates, but of all of these, what are distinctly Marik and possible to do for a new player and don't look like trash? 1stMM gets chosen a lot for a damn good reason.

Most of the ones that look REALLY good are also hard to do, and most of the rest are various flavors of trash.
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Oriente Hussars are about the insignias not the color scheme

Are clans bigoted at all when it comes to bloodname stuff? I know you're supposed to submit to your new team, but if you're a freshly bondcut warrior with a bloodname that's exclusive to another Clan, do you think your Star Commander might seethe with jealousy especially if they're un-named (or if whoever is giving out promotions is) and stick you with mook life until you solamha?
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Wish these shitboxes are canon for the pirates and the Periphery
I could definitely see one being bitter like that, yes.

More importantly, some of these units are a bit lore-locked - either from being stuck in one place geographically, or not even existing until the Dark Age.

Marik Militia are basically always somewhere, always fighting somebody. Even when the FWL dies you can still find them in the MS Commonwealth.
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Right, and so are the Regulans, but are you gonna see the insignia across tabletop? Unless its on the side of a Union, it won't even be noticeable.
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The Wolf Clan and Jade Falcon books have full listings of a few front-line Galaxies for each Clan, down to individual Warriors (though only Point Commanders for the Elementals).

There are a few with Bloodnames.
I love painting Regulans because brown camo works for every kind of mook in a pinch.
Yup. Unless it was for a specific scenario, I don't think I've ever seen someone grab a Marik unit scheme other than Marik Militia or FWL Guards. They're ubiquitous, distinctly Marik, and they look pretty good without requiring much in the way of technical painting skills. I would LOVE to be able to pull off some KOTIS or 2nd Marik Protectors, or 1st Augustine Arquebusiers, but they're hard schemes to do right, or even at all.
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It does depend on the clan. Most are happy to get a new kickass warrior.

Snow Raven and Fire Mandrill at least are known to be very snooty when it comes to bloodnames, and have a lot of blood-name centric politics. In Snow Raven if you're not one of the "right bloodnames" you're probably fucked unless you can politic. Similarly in a Fire Mandrill Kindraa, especially the Crusader ones, they're happy to have you join the family, but that Kindraa is going to have a ton of its major bloodnamed packed into it, instead of being spread around a Clan, and they're going to dominate the officer ranks.

Not sure about other examples of this. I know Smoke Jaguar turned up their noses at Mongoose bloodnames, so they were probably jerks too. And I'm certain Blood Spirit will just shoot you if you're not on their short list of acceptable clans.

On the more liberal side I'm less sure, but the least bigoted clan is surely Goliath Scorpion. They took in a bunch of Ice Hellions and Mandrills with little problem, and an Ice Hellion even became Khan. I think they had Jade Falcon commanding a whole galaxy, and were happy to let Spheroids and Peripherats join and even have their own bloodnames.
That's not exactly a point in their favor either though. Generic and practical is boring.
Did something happen?
I love that hunk of junk so much it's unreal.
The Marik Protectors also go everywhere and some of them only use those schemes for the clickytech era. The 4th MP reverts to MM colors since they used to be and would eventually become again the 18th MM.
>I love that hunk of junk so much it's unreal.
If it works, is it really a hunk of junk?
Actually, all of the surviving MP units revert to MM colors by 3145. Which is a long time using weird schemes, but eventually they come back to it.
Too bad it's a hideous scheme. I respect someone doing an official unit, thoughever.
Ok i've decided, 3/5 is unplayable trash, especially after 3025. 4/6 is infinitely better and costs no more bv
Do not dare shittalk on the Annihilator and the Urbanmech. They are good boys.
Youre not giving the mandrills enough credit. Each kindraa is a seperate clan within the clan that you are a part of just from your bloodname (if you were born into the Payne bloodname house you arent going to be welcome in Payne unless they merge) and they are constantly fighting with each other, forming alliances, and holding grudges going back centuries. You may spend a good chunk of your career fighting other Mandrills. The Kindraa is named after the dominant name(s) and if youre a lesser youre not getting the same treatment.

They were formed by a Drac that got shanghai'd into the Exodus so its really no surprise theyre as contentious as they are.
Those are 2/3
Ravens also openly have a glass ceiling for adoptees (Star Commodore IIRC), while the commander of thr Wolf Gamma Galaxy in 3052 was a Furey.
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pirate mechs are great. I wish mektek's Privateer got canonized too
Someway some how they really nailed the implication that this thing is an overgrown skidsteer.
It's also very funny that some way some how, this janky bobcat also manages to have wonderful high-mounted hardpoints while most purpose built military machines in the setting have gorilla arms. Bravo PGI!
Aren't franken mechs a thing in cannon? It could theoretically exist somewhere.
"Theoretically exist" and "is listed on MUL" are two different things. Nothing is stopping you from running a custom, but very few groups or players are willing to deal with customs outside of a campaign.
>and obviously, if you're in a campaign anything goes

Can't really claim there's a pirate factory putting them together either since one of the legs is from a King Crab. As one-off salvage you can swing it but as anything standardized Nope. No amount of unicorn points will let your pirate faction have a factory that can manufacture King Crab legs.
Battle report incoming Friday, from the campaign

>My Lance: Wolverine 6M, Shadow Hawk 2H, Griffin 1N, Maxim, Foot Rifle Platoon(in Maxim): 4291 BV
>His lance: Shadow Hawk 2K Warhammer 6L, Wasp 1W, Atlas 7A: 4618

We'll be doing an Instant Action scenario. I'm leaning towards Salvage as my agenda. Regardless of my choice, if he picks Hold I'll have real problems, because I do not want to get within 9 hexes of that Atlas.
man the 7A is such a great shitpost of a mech. it doesnt fish for crits it forcibly takes them
Where do we get the fluff that the Griffin is a mainstay of the LCAF? Most of the TROs I've read are clear that all the great houses except the Cappies can produce them. The only clear standout is that the LCAF has a unique variant but that variant is highly questionable.
So really only feasible as a one off. Still cool though. I always got a impression they were that anyway. Pirates just banging shit together and making it look scary.
The fact Griffins stand in the throne room on Tharkad as bodyguards and they have 2 or 3 special variants just for them for one
nobody said its exclusively lcaf
Just score TACs through the left torso, man. How hard can it be?
Yeah, that thing's a nasty threat. The Warhammer has me worried as well. It'll depend heavily on the scenario, though.
Build me a 4/6 Awesome in 3025.
sure the CERPPC is great but for me it’s IS tech
stealth armor, tsm, MMLs, a million sidegrades of existing weapons instead of flat Clan upgrades
Hellstar is available in 3025 to the death commandos
for me it's MASC and SRMs
Oh wow! so what you are saying is that clan technology offers flatly superior performance in exchange for little to no sacrifice? That can't be intentional! We should start a letter writing campaign or something!
It's still funny watching people get booty blasted about clantech in 2024. You could just play in Ilclan if you want where IS tech is arguably equivalent or sometimes even better, but you insist on running pre-helm mechs against Clan omnis or something.
But normal IS PPCs are better then IS ERPPCs.
Not with double heat sinks
The point is that it's silly to judge everything by the standards of clan tech. A devastator isn't a bad mech just because the Masakari C exists.
Wrong. Objectively better means exactly that. If you ever field something not optimal, then you're only hurting yourself, and real militaries don't do that.
Okay cannon polisher.
fuck off back to 40k WAACfag
What's your preferred 4/6/0 assault in 3025?
I was going to say the Bounty Hunter Marauder, but then I realized that it's 3/5/3. Shame
AC20 Banshee, or the Battlemaster. It's a tossup for me. I also kinda like the Cyclops, but not because some kind of delusion about it being good, I like it because it's bad.
Thug 10E pretty much by default. Banshee 3M is the same but slightly worse.
Cyclops. I know it sucks, but I like it anyway.
Zeus 6A and Charger 1A5 are mean.
Well explain that to the tubers.
Why the fuck are you taking advice from a vtuber?
Anon is talking about the yams and potatoes that come to him in his dreams.
Goliath online.
>Go ahead, TACCOM
I don't take advice I was being sarcastic.
None. 4/6 introtech assaults are garbage. Mount more guns.
For the hullabulloo about this mech being underarmed for it's tonnage, it's a perfectly adequate loadout.
You suck at being sarcastic.
I play Poe's Law in attack position
>Are there any mechs that would be more common in the Periphery than in the IS?
Proportionally, sure, but it's easier to think about what the periphery doesn't have much of - namely 'mechs that are new, expensive, specialized and/or complex. Aside from the Taurians I'm pretty sure that manufacturing of new 'mechs is pretty scant and their neighbors obviously aren't going to trade them the good stuff; on the periphery in 3030 a heavy lance might be a Warhammer, an antique Longbow and a Thunderbolt anchored by the commander's ancestral Victor while a heavy IS lance might have two Marauders, a Stalker and an Awesome.
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>the Atlas is 15.4m now
>and the Overlord is 131.2m
>the periphery in 3030 a heavy lance
A Periphery heavy lance should be a Quickdraw, a Clint, and 2 bugs. There's a heavy mech in it, so it's a heavy lance. Stop power gaming.
The Atlas visibly cannot fit through the Overlord doors. Good fucking job, Shimmy. You fucked everything up again. Mechs were all 10-12 meters tall for a fuckin REASON.
Get the fuck out of the thread. You aren't welcome here and your schtick is as tired as your calloused and hairy palms.
the banshee was like 15 meters tall for a really long time
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glad this outfit is still canon with trashcan and all
It was also called out as being notably, unusually, tall, and not representing the tremendous majority of Mech designs. Same with the Thor. Having a fewer than a dozen chassis outside the range on either side of the spectrum doesn't mean the spectrum of 10m to 12m doesn't accurately portray mech heights.
but it does mean that a 15 meter tall atlas breaks nothing or the system was already broken
>I'm deliberately obtuse, the post
What book is this?
Battletech Universe
Or... and I'm being crazy, the atlas and some special cases just bend down as they walk out...
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I like you
Ah yes, the new designs that can't bend at their midsection but only at the waist by rotating their hips. Yes those will bend down without falling over.
Just a weird hill to die on. Considering how jank most illustrations have been for 40 years, it's weird that now people are butthurt about impossible geometry.
I think the bigger problem is that the atlas is actually too wide to walk out of the doors. Like, significantly so.
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there's more than one way to lower your height using only your legs
try it
>too wide
Oh shit you're right. Look at >>93816011. The Atlas there for scale is almost twice the width of the central Mech door on the Overlord. That's a huge oversight.
Is this what happens when you only exposure to battletech is mechwarrior?

Mechs are much more limber than any established animations have depicted. They're based on weab mobile suits, ffs.
Can't mechs sidestep? Just not at combat speed.
Why is no one talking about how shit that McKenna looks?
Because, to be completely blunt, nobody really cares about warships.
Because overlooking that the overlord and the atlas are not drawn at the same scale is more alarming for people with poor critical thinking skills.
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>ywn engage another assault mech in fisticuffs because you're 100 tons of ninja nimbleness
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if a marauder can pull off dropkicks, I imagine a king crab and everything else could
The problem is that's a mechbay door. Combat speed and even midair combat jumps are expected out that door.
The Overlord is also meant to be 99m in length/width.
A. take the speed penalty and just shimmy out the doorway at one third the usual speed
B. put the mech on a mech sized skateboard and launch it out of the dropship
so you can kick the vehicles but not stomp on them?
Shreks are pretty big vehicles. Some are bigger, but most are a lot smaller than that.
The overlord and the atlas are absolutely drawn at the same scale you mong. That tiny atlas next to the overlord is there SPECIFICALLY for scale. And it's too wide to get out of the damn door.
Old lore that's on the dust in of history now, chud. The Overlord has always been 131m long, and that's a good thing.
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Height =/= length or width
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this scale would make the schrek almost a full meter taller than the heaviest tank ever built, a vehicle over twice as heavy
>drawn to same scale
If you stack the 15m line up against the 130m one, the atlas is clearly bigger than it should be. This is basic shit, man. Use your damn eyes.
Yes, this scale is idiotic, and Scroggins is a fucking hack who needs to be Davionmanned for the good of the franchise.
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The biggest of chungus
well, it's a future tank built with lighter yet stronger material
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these measurements don't match up at all
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are the fins on the jumpships for cooling or?
masts for solar sail iirc
They're the vanes for the solar sails.
It has always been 131 meters tall though. This is from Dropships and Jumpships (page 42).
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You shut your whore mouth.
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THAT is how a McKenna should look.
So 1 Union and 1 Mule are good enough for a merc company?
I've said it before, but I really do appreciate the fact BT spaceships feel like they genuinely could have developed from rl>>93816774
NASA tech
Union should be sufficient for a company.
The 3057 WarShips were a mistake.
...Except that JumpShip sails aren't solar sails, they're just big solar panel arrays. JumpShips use ordinary spacecraft engines, same as WarShips but smaller.
I agree, they had them perfect in TRO 2750.
>Salvages and spare parts though
Bay 1: BattleMechs (4), 2 doors
Bay 2: BattleMechs (8), 2 doors
Bay 3: Aerospace Fighters (2), 2 doors
Bay 4: Cargo (74 tons), 2 doors
how much cargo can you load more if you ditch the asf bays?
Each one is 150 tons.
A Union's a little short of cargo space, but you can always load up the aero bays with more cargo or live off the locals.
A Mule can handle a battalion easily as long as you're willing to transport all your mechs as cargo. A dozen mech cubes doesn't eat into the cargo space much, the conversion only takes a few weeks of dock time, and that still leaves you enough space to transport all your dependents, supplies, some support vees, and a small pre-fab base. And all that *without* smelling like a hooker farted into a week-old can of open dog food and armpits, which is a running problem with Unions.
>If only they left some room for 'there could be some more Argo class ships somewhere idk'
New thread when?
74 tons of cargo is a cruel fucking joke. That's 1 engagement, tops.
If things go really well and they never take more than armor damage 74 tons of replacement armor will last a company two to three engagements. They will probably also want ammo, food, water, at least one recovery vehicle etc etc etc.
Argo was broken as fuck. Even the Clans don't rock DropShips that advanced, and they're no slouches in DropShip tech, even in upgrades of old Star League designs.
You're not supposed to live in the thing, it's a combat drop vehicle, not a camper.
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When Shimmy stops being shit
>They will probably also want ammo, food, water, at least one recovery vehicle etc etc etc.
I think it's safe to assume all of that is already factored into the gross weight of the ship itself. A Union has a base crew of 28 and they and their needs don't seem to be accounted for as part of that 74 tons of cargo space.
The assertion was that you don't need to pair it with any kind of cargo ship for logistics, which is clearly wrong.
New thread


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