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Work in Progress, "Another Pleasant Johnny Sunday" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

>Previous Threads:
>That fountain statue
Now that is something I like. A true hero to behold.
Is it worth learning how to turn inks into washes when washes in dropper bottles already exist? I already bought ArmyPainter washes, but suddenly I'm feeling like learning to make ink washes.

They're still on bilibili.
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Workin on a Destroyer Tank Hunter styled Leman Russ Vanquisher. Any ideas where to put the pintle mounted weapons now?
In theory you can get more for less if you mix your own via inks. That being said whether you will get value of the extra effort spent doing that is the question. If you are frequently using a large amount of washes, like say massive terrain pieces or something, then sure it makes sense. If you are just doing simple washes on models then pre-mix is perfectly fine. As always it comes down to personal preference.
I dont get it, whats wrong with the pintle mount you have right now?
I'm dumb, I meant for the hull-mounted lascannon.
You know I should have interpreted. Id say probably in place of the driver view port, and then put something of a view port higher up? Is there room for it to be co-axial?
I would have said a CROWS setup on the commanders hatch, but you have a stubber there. You got a way to make the lascannon coaxial?
Has anyone made a "modern" johnny using the newer mkVI beakie kit?
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im trying to move her skin into the pale silver gray instead of the mid gray shes currently at
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Incase the anon who posted this is around, could you show the back of the model so one can see how you handled sizing up the mk3's resin legs?
Painted some of the guys, unfortunately most of these were not mold friendly (the mouse on the barrel would break apart badly when removing it :/, i need to make them thicker...)
Why would you post this on the internet?
Do you have a humiliation fetish or something?
NTA but please, post your own models. Please, we're begging you. Provide content to the thread instead of being a gigantic bitch. I could go make the single most hideous abomination to ever grace the tabletop by dunking a $500 model in a bucket of paint and it would still be of higher merit than your contributions to the thread.
Do you?
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Ok. I am working on this guy. He is basically table ready.

I still really want to know the motivation of posting such low teir work other than to be a troll
No, just happy on how the miniature i sculpted came out.
It's a Little hobby, you don't need to be perfect, as long as you are enjoying doing something.
Are we in a competition? My minis aren't fighting your minis. This is for our enjoyment not to dunk on other people
And you say this while being a troll that posts low tier work? Be more self aware m8.
Give 'em to me, I'm the exact opposite. Luv kitbashin', luv assembling, 'ate painting.
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I just painted this guy and im pretty glad it turned the way it did
It's from the Bestiarum Miniatures collection called something of Allstein
looks good so far, always appreciate the grissaile
cute :)
good flesh tones


what did you use for the flesh tones? it looks really good for being o black primer (i presume)
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I got this table ready for flocking, but what are the pros and cons of each type of material I could use? The alternatives I know of would be the small pellets flock, static grass and astroturf-like mats. Is there a choice that's especially suitable and roughly how much do I need for a 6x4' area?
nice mice. you playin mouseguard, or just doing critter warriors for fun?
I started with a base of vallejo heavy sienna, then flesh wash over the everything.
Then just black wash in the recesses and a gradient from sienna to heavy flesh.

I need to clean the clothes up a little bit and I'm calling it good. He is for table not competition.
All I know is that fuzzier stuff like static grass is harder to put miniatures on top of. The flatter the surface, the more stable they stand.
I think static grass is more of a model railroad/scale model thing so you have a point that it could be difficult to play with
Props for actually posting models anyway, good job anon.
It's not just the minis that are WIP, anon. We are as well.
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I'm in the process of making my own battle mats with vinyl prints. When I have a bunch maybe i'll post them. I think it's better to do it this way because you can then do terrain pieces and scatter them to be played on an even surface without having to worry about the models getting wobbly. Also you can do several "biomes" like that.
not_darren_latham is gone:(
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Skipped a bit a head to the eyes. Pretty chuffed how they turned out.
Still trying to figure out how to add some moss/rust, like the guy in the last thread suggested
Eyes look great. How? A tiny fuzzy brush and a greyish brown stab into corners of mushrooms and such to add texture. Not hard
Vinyl prints? What are vinyl prints? Sounds interesting
Looks good so far fren. I think static grass looks good, but the shit floats around in the air and isn't good to breathe. Should be applied outside with a good mask. Also most people use too much of it, sparingly it can look good especially if the ground is prepainted underneath to give color variety and the grass is painted to have even more variety, but nature is all about variety so you want rocks, grass, leaves, sticks, sand, cat litter, everything really, different textures and colors, but remember it's a play mat so needs to be level enough to put characters on. Most of the details should be PAINTED on with cheap acrylic paint or cheapest house paint even for really large sections. In the water areas prepaint the sand and water colors and then apply very thin coats of water effect gel and shit like that for glassy effect or use a simple gloss varnish brushed on. It's not hard to make it look like water. You just paint the effect like all else. Same with roads or sticks, all can be painted.
Good. Not gonna take painting tips from a tranny-loving nonce.
Putting some skin on my Eureka Amazons.
Yeah, let's you understand paints better, I made my own contrast paint cos I wanted to see if it was possible, just a boy of fun
Would would would would would would not would would would would would would not. Not bad ratio.
>Nooo it needs to be a toy of a guy in space armour Le epic skulls!!!
sure buddy
It's worth it if you want cheaper washes/contrast paint inks and worth it if you want a color you can't find or don't currently have access to or a higher concentration you can't get a hold of. Since you can always dilute a paint, but not really make it more concentrated sometimes you want a really strong paint and so if you have access to inks or dry pigments or dyes you can make a super concentrated wash, paint, dye, or contrast paint, but for the average guy is it worth it? Not really.
Kek those mice mog this
Since when?
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Can I look up paints by RGB anywhere? I need pic rel, or something close. Sick of mixing.
nevermind, turns out google is enough lmao
has anyone here used the AK wargame washes? ive never used enamel paints / washes before, how do they compare to the acrylic ones?
Need a nice basing scheme for my Skaven that won't require me going out and rebuying a ton of basing materials (getting back into the hobby and don't have the space for tons of cork and shit) but I am really drawing blanks, any recommendations?

I am painting the army to a higher standard (best I can anyway) so I want to do something more exciting that plain flock or texture paint
mix green into any tan, done. Especially good tans to use are the sickly greens fleshes, but any tan with work as long as it's not too bright.
I mean I am glad you actually posted a model/wip but at this level you really shouldn't be acting like such a cunt lol
Anyone else have issues with AP fanatics barbarian skin? The coverage is awful, at least I we dark brown. Have not had issues with other paints in the range
rgb values given ofpr paints are useless 90% of the time
>both breasts intact
thank you, i need to remember to try that in the future!

Sculpting them just for fun!

But i've been pointed to check Burrows and Badgers so maybe i'll see if i can convince my friends to try that game and use all the 70+ minis i made so far ahah.
Depends on how ambitious you want to be.

Garbage pile: fill the bases with random stuff, paint it scruffy (Takes time and effort).
Raiding party: Human house floors, like wooden planks or tiles (Lollypop sticks or a grid shape to press into putty).
Warpstone mine: Green rocks strewn about (Can be pretty easy, or hard if you want them to look like they glow).
Good old sewer: Wet goop on big tiles with the odd pipe (Would need a water basing material of your choosing, and perhaps some plasticard to make tiles. Pipes can be improvised).
Forest floor: Small stick and leaves (Pour some tea bags onto your bases, ????, profit).
Desert: Sand with the odd rock or cactus (Raid the local playground and sculpt some simple cactus blobs out of anything).
You say that like they're historical.
>but nature is all about variety so you want rocks, grass, leaves, sticks, sand, cat litter, everything really, different textures and colors, but remember it's a play mat so needs to be level enough to put characters on. Most of the details should be PAINTED on

I'm planning on doing door mat fields and forest bases since the board itself should be generic enough to pass in both 15 and 28mm. Scatter terrain of larger boulders, fallen trees, bushes etc seems like an obvious supplement. I also have a ton of 15mm buildings and fences to paint.

Do you have any examples on how painted on details looks like? Getting a rattlecan on lighter brown could be useful for creating more nuanced earth texture and the roads will get a proper paintjob. I suppose a mixture of flock and even painting over flock with airbrush or can also would break up an otherwise monotone board
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This is the best recipe I've found. The sealer (I use matte varnish) is MVP for making it dry with a smooth finish.
I would go through so much wash if I used AP droppers.
If you're using inks instead of paint, it would require making the non-ink part of the mix thicker. Maybe use matte medium instead of varnish. There's definitely a calibration process, just have some test minis or a sprue or something.
>anime background
>booba get natural blur
Are you in Japan?
Ye what happened there. I thought he is a decent looking guy with a good job and a passion for 'art'.
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4 more !
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Is this rust in my water trap? I never leave more than a few drops of water inside. I rarely use my airbrush, I used it maybe 4-5 times since I bought it almost a year ago. Is it possible that leaving it idle for weeks caused this? It was stored in a cabinet, with air released of course.
Otter knight and pirates are great, always look forward to seeing your stuff.
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I don't think he ever bothered to throw the mini NMM vid Darren posted to Instagram ages ago
The titlecard's cropped badly because 'lol Insta', but the rest of the vid's fine for anyone who's interested https://files.catbox.moe/58ur6c.mp4
It's possible there's rust in the compressor, and it shot it into the trap the last time you used it. Obviously the plastic isn't rusting.
I would call the manufacturer, rust in a compressor is dangerous.
Look into a mirror and stop being weird.
*looks into mirror*
>Would you would me? I'd would me.
>Assembled a Myphitic Blight Drone
>Panelgap everywhere
That's what nurgle rot and typhus corrosion are for.
It's weird that the water is perfectly clear. I checked pictures of rust in water trap online and all of them have brownish water trapped inside. In my case it's a few specs of something bright orange (almost red irl) trapped in drops of water.
Flash rust can be pretty bright.
I don't see what else it could be.
Did you clip off the pegs and use plastic glue to melt the sides together?
Not on this one, I only noticed how shit it was after I already joined the first pegs, then I broke off shit while trying to force it apart. Next one I build I'll do exactly that though
Loving it
Looks too red for rust. Looks more like paint or debris, could be one of the seals is corroding, do they move around or stuck on the sides?
They could invade Cambodia and do what our pentagon cowards were unwilling to do. Win the war.
Haven't tried it, but my P3 midlund flesh or whatever it's called was horrible in the last shipment, super watery, had to let it thicken up before use so maybe they are made in the same factory and they had a bad run. There are far less companies than we are led to believe and sometimes there are trends in production problems.
double check the seal on your citadel paints, one doesn't look pushed down enough in the back.
The man who sung "man in the mirror" was a transracial sexual pervert. I think I'm fine.
There's some paint deposited on the back so it won't close fully at this point. I thank god every day that I transferred my citadel shit to droppers and only have a couple of their paints left
Use toothpick to clean fren. So easy, it peels right off.
yeah that's what I used to do. Sometimes the more hardened paint would not peel so easily though. Honestly I just fucking detest GW for still using those godforsaken pots
Everyone does. The original 1988 pots were the best. You can still buy them as empty pots. I use them a lot.
Try to empty your trap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxtuyjFYVTI&t=140s
What are you even talking about. Weird jump in logic really.
after you empty the moisture trap empty the tank, usually there's a valve on the bottom to let out moisture on the tank and a button on the bottom of the trap to empty that out. You need pressure in the tank to empty the trap so do that first.
Claiming I'm weird when I'm on topic is projection. Mentioning a mirror in the first place was strange.
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Testing ideas for plasma damage on a spare helmet.
What do you think about these? Do they look melty enough?
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So, the finish on this 3D print has been surprisingly amazing. I'm wondering what color I should go for. I'm inclined towards Khorne red, but a friend suggested me to go for something wild like Emperor's Children pink.

It looks pretty gnarly. Remove any unwanted strings that might be around and get gorey. Maybe scorched meat color would be legit.
very melty, would eat
start with kr, and highlight with emperors mixed with white and blue, it would be a cool lighting scheme good for moonlit sky
How do you do blood effects? I know theres a plethora of different brands selling products and just wondering which are worth using or if they're pretty much all the same.
I used to use the GW version and it was fine but after not using it for a while I ran afoul of the gw paint pot curse and the whole thing has cured into a bloody puck and I need to replace it.
UHU glue + red
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I tried something similar with some crappy Reaper Bones. Weirdly, I tend to do better mixing my own verdigris with blues and greens.
>do they move around or stuck on the sides?
Only as much as the water was moving during the painting session.
I empty it after every session since I'm using it only once every few weeks but the amount of water collected there is extremely minor in general.
I did drain the tank before and there were no traces of rust. I opened it now as well and there was not a single drop of water inside - literally nothing poured outside.
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Thought I should take a WIP picture of this repentia to see if I shouldn't just strip her down and start again. Obviously very not completed but I'm kinda happy with the skin tone at least.
I think you can get it table ready with a little wash and dry brushing.
If you are making a display piece, unfortunately, I think you should start over.
Any blood effect paint works. It's a bit sticky. You can stipple, rub, or if you water down you can paint or flick on with a brush, lots of options. Youtube videos blood effects miniature painting will show you how. Old school way of doing it was red pigments that were transparent and enamel paint with thinners by the way. That's basically all they do now too.
That's weird. You can do a full disassemble of the trap from the part it inserts into and rewrap with teflon tape for good seal and see if anything has corroded, could be a red seal or something. Maybe the teflon tape or teflon glue they used was red?
I think it's good, Flesh looks nice, colors work well together. A little more detail in the leather and metal parts and you'll be rocking
Will a regular hair dryer heat up a styrene sheet enough to bend it?
Maybe dumb question but you know how plastic glue can help melt and smooth abs plastic bits? Is there anything that can do something similar to resin? To help smooth jaggedness from cuts and edges. Even if its toxic and I need to be outside to use it
It should, reports confirm, styrene is pretty soft, try low option first, then high, I know hot water can do it so it should work.
Arigato mi amigo
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There is no known solvent for resin once it has hardened, at least not anything safe enough to use outside of specially controlled labs, the resin polymerizes into a firm and sound structure so it can't degrade without extreme heat or cold, enough to crack it, it can't be melted or dissolved in a conventional way. It must be BROKEN.
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what shade should I put on this to make it look less like poo? or should I just drybrush it?
Astrogranite and Tallarn Sand might not have been my best idea.
alternate dark brown mixed with dark grey stippled all over especially in the recesses, then dark grey alone here and there same, use present color as warm highlight
Stick some pieces of corn in it.
Do you still want it to look wet, like mud, or is a more "earthy" (but dry) look acceptable?

I was thinking a darker brown wash like AP Strong Tone or Agrax Earthshade, followed by a lighter brown colour drybrushed (Citadels Doombull Brown or Mournfang Brown) and finished off with a lighter drybrush (XV-88 or even Steel Legion Drab - but that may be *too* light!) only on the highest points.
Beautiful work, anon, I love your minis and I wish you would post more.
Looks great
Matte varnish. It looks like poo because it looks wet.
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ignore the marine, still figuring him out.

went with agrax earthshade and a mournfang drybrush. I think I let it pool too much on the top there, but I don't hate it?

gave it a coat of lahmian medium, it's not a varnish, but it is matte. kinda helped methinks.
Wash, drybrush and matte varnish.
>taco bell, not even once.
Turn off compressor and release pressure. Hold heavy part of compressor in lap so trap is accessible near top pointing left, grab glass trap (it's actually plastic) and twist forward and whole trap can be unscrewed and cleaned. You may find debris inside like a red rubber ring degraded or it could just be rust or something. Reattach and run again for a while. You have a lot of moisture so it must be humid where you are at.
You killed him. He was my fren. :(
moar rocks, more grit means less poo. Too smooth
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Speed painted these over the course of yesterday and today was fun

Was fortunate enough to have my lfgs owner gift me a copy of dominion when i bought skaventide

Just wanted to get them done quick
>my lfgs owner gift me a copy of dominion
selling fast :^)
Yeah definitely something i never would have bought but was happy to receive.

He literally said "get this out of my shop" lmfao

Great to flesh out the start to my stormcast army and these guys were a good warmup to get back into the swing of painting
Any suggestions on how to bend wings back into shape? I recently bought a few demons and I need to reshape them because they got bent in the boxes.
apply heat and gently bend, quench in cold water afterwards
pour hot water over them to soften then gently press down between soft towels.
looks good fren. Box of fun!
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Started a new Malifaux crew, went a bit ott with the blood but lesson learned for next time.
I don't know what these are or where they're from but they look really good, anon.
Working on my Skaven, which do you like better? Left has no wash and finished non-edge highlights, right is with a wash added.

I'd probably prefer something like brown lining everything or an oil wash, but I really don't have the patience to do 60 clanrats that way

My goal is a high quality paint job, I'm really trying my best in this army
Definetely right, the left one looks very flat. If you're aiming for a high quality paintjob you could try doing some simple volumetrics but yeah painting that on 60 rats might be too much
wash looks better, it's worth it, do the washes all at once, that way you have table top ready ahead of time
Thanks, this worked great. I just ran them under hot water in the sink for like 30 seconds, bent them, and then ran it under cold water. Worked like a charm
That's a lot of brown, what are you finishing the robes in? Right btw
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TTD demon red
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Stripped, cleaned up, reassembled... Now onto painting. Hating myself for doing big projects but hoping to break it up by doing a wing at a time.
What you anons got going on?
Nice, I have an old collection of blood angels that I rescued from myself and stripped, now I just have to put together all the bits and see how many complete models I actually have.
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10/10 sir. Prep work is done. Good job

I'm digging myself out of a deep depression and I'm painting Chaos Raptors for a CSM army I started in 2022 and haven't touched.
nice! not painting today, trying to relax a bit before work comes in probably starting tomorrow, I reconcreted the grout of some bricks around my house that were loose earlier today and cleaned the yard a bit before it got hot
What's dominion?
fine looking band of smurfs
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I'm assembling the funny stilt boy at the moment
It's the best card game ever made, heavily recommend checking it out.
Whats the best way to strip primer of a miniature.
with the standard miniature paint strippers and a brush and toothpick for getting into tight spaces. Here's instructions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr4LvjqL6Jk
Good luck on recovery anon, hopefully some chill painting will help the mind
Left is now a more targeted wash, do you still prefer right?
I do, it's more grimy, good for rats. But it's totally up to you. It's your rat :)
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>want to make tech barbarians from Marauders
>want to use a non human skin colour, not very happy with the skin colour paints I have

What paint should I use to get a colour like this? Something smooth with good coverage, I will have 30+ bare arms and torsos to paint.
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I prefer left here, more vibrancy and colour whilst now having a good amount of shading/grime.
It's amazing how much better the lighting is in my storage closet than at my painting desk

Controlled wash on all the reds, now blocking in the metals
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Why am I mobile posting retard who forgets images?
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Ive never done green stuff before is there anyway to get the fingerprints out when its already 2hrs in? I had to try 4 times to get the homemade greatcoat to look how I want.
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Alright, just gonna use the old driver's view port as the placement for the hull mounted lascannon/weapon options. In the meantime I wanna add a new viewport for the driver (Or maybe just like a camera or something. Does it look fine here or should I try it on the left side?
The best advice at this point would be, wait until it is all the way dry, then use a tiny tiny bit more to smooth over the finger prints. But also glue your model to a base and get a painting handle. I dont know why but the monkey hind brain cannot help but put our thumbs right into the wet putty the second we rotate the mini.
Looks good for placement. Pro tip. Dont use green stuff, use milliput instead. After it dries, milliput is hard like ceramic, and it can be filed and sanded down to have really nice flat edges that will look great on a vehicle.
>milliput good for armour
>greenstuff good for organics like tenticles
>you can mix the two to get a hybrid of the properties.
Personally I mostly use 1:2 or 1:3 green:put or just pre milliput cause im lazy.
>I dont know why but the monkey hind brain cannot help but put our thumbs right into the wet putty the second we rotate the mini.
THIS. I just KEPT doing it. Ill let it cure and work on it tomorrow afternoon. Thanks anon.
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They are wip, ill give your another picture when the backs are done. This one actually doesnt use any of the back of the legs. I just the back of the primaris legs (which the front plates are grafted too. You can see I kinda messed up, and took off too much material so I had to putty some back (right leg done, left leg to do).

The stuff on the right was a though experiment. I drilled a 100mil hole down the leg, then boiled the resin and forced a 125mil rod down them, which stretched them out. It was really hard to do, and honestly it didnt get the legs big enough around, but they are noticeably bigger than they started so that was kinda cool.

In case you were curious about the torso. I bisect it insert 60mil between the front and back halves. At this point I bulk out the torso with putty aiming to use the old belt as the bottom of the ribcage. Then a make a new belt below that using 60mil half round and 15x60mil stock.
Apple barrel lavender.
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How do you guys think my first attempt at wings turned out? I like them.
Spent my day off working on this mini. Need to wait for some flocking to arrive by mail before I wrap it up.
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My condolences, Anon. I'm in a similar boat and very worried I might end up like you, leaving me procrastinating on my painting. Bought a bunch of tabletop stuff to complete armies I have from the past and started a new one. Deep down though I'm afraid my best friend/gaming buddy might just lose interest and I'll be stuck playing solitaire games against myself in the end.

With my words of condolences and my own situation of the the way, do you enjoy tabletop and painting? If so, take a short break. If you feel like you are forcing yourself to do it for your friend, take a longer one.
I like them too. They're fleshy (in a good way).
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finally getting back into painting
Holy fuck your transitions are smooth. Fantastic work, anon.
The Dominion >>93792204 is referring to was a boxed set for a previous edition of Age of Sigmar. To me, at least, it seemed to come out at the wrong time and have the wrong models (More Stormcast Eternals! Yay?) in it; there are retailers here that I swear either clearanced their remaining stock or are still trying to sell them at inflated prices.

Someone will likely be along shortly to mention Tank Police, too.
Really nice jewel. Looks like green amber.
very nice, very real looking, and the blue stone weapon is great
looking great
Once it's rock hard you can sand it with a sanding stick. No problem at all, a little water on it and sand the fucker. They sell variety packs of sanding sticks for models on amazon pretty cheap.
Nice reds
Glass looks real. Good job.
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Any advice for cleaning up the clothing and horns?
Gangly Orks? What in the goddamn?
In anon's opinion, which looks best when done well on a (chaos?) space marine of any type? An application of contrast paints done carefully, panel by panel, clear and without pooling, and a few choice applications of glazing for color depth and variety,
A well done airbrush paintjob gradiant on the panels using 3 or 4 different shades of a color to achieve the smooth gradiant?
What the fuck? Drilling resin and boiling it to insert rods in and thicken it? Thats frankly amazing. I know resin becomes soft when heated, but to stretch it to make a bigger leg? Honestly kind of a gamechanger. I some some mk3 resin legs I might want to try that with
For all that effort, you could could just recast them yourself. You make silicon molds, then soak them in mineral salts. Then you make a master from that to make proper new molds from so that when it all evaporates again and they shrink, you're good.
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I really like the kabbalite green and runelord brass. First time using them
What's a strange model. Like the robes, but the skin tone and bronze metal are too similar.
What do you mean by cleaning up?
The latter. There's not enough detail on the panels for contrast paint to do what it's good at.
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Here is the model those stretched legs were from, I plan to just bulk them up a tiny bit before reassembling him. You can see the legs are on the scrawnier side, the read more like mk2 than mk3.

Casting has always been something I’ve been interested in, but I just have taken the strop cause every time I research it I never get a clear cut answer as to what materials to buy. But regardless, can you reiterate with more detail as to what you mean? I have never heard of such a method and cannot seem to Google search the matter.

After I finish making this model the way I am satisfied with I was thinking about trying to cast from him.
If you apply the contrast the way you're describing it will most likely end up being smooth wth 0 volume and since there's not much detail on power armor for it to flow into it will just look like a slightly more vibrant regular basecoat. You could do some good preshading by brush/airbrush(not that slapchop shit) and put the contrast over that, would look good. Out of those exact 2 you mentioned though airbrush will look a lot better
Looks nice now, good job. The gaps kinda stand out but it probably won't be visible from tabletop distance
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A drybrush of Tallarn Sand and an extra layer of matte varnish seem to have made it more earthy. Thanks, anons.

He's in a better place now, anon. (Under the sergeant's foot.)
You didn't drill the gun. Other than that, excellent job.
UK so not easy to get Apple Barrel, how are Humbrol acrylics? Their pastel violet looks the part.
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i love my super hobby action fun center 9000
I also like kab green, nice colors fren
Get the medic, we can stll save him
Don't know about modern humbrol but humbrol was the origin of citadel and ral partha paint lines actually, secret history, they made enamels and some rare colors could only be found there. Partha paints and citadel copied many colors. So I say go for it. But as a tip there's no difference between apple barrel, delta cermacoat, and folk art paint. So if you find one it's just as good as the other. Also if you happen to find old bon artiste paint still wet... well that's basically partha paints. The only reason we have samples of citadel paints still good is the polypropylene paint pots they used, magical shelf life.
Thanks. I'm just trying to paint to good tabletop standard.
I did notice many hidden places not in direct line of sight where I had messed up the cleanup job on the model itself, so I should probably strip her and start again.
Thanks. My camera really doesn't like vallejo metallic paints for some reason.
Jigsaw? Nice
Thanks! I really gotta put those drills I ordered to work, but I'm still scared of drilling into my plastic. I don't really have any spare parts if I fuck up.
take a nail or something pointy to spot the center first, and the then drill slowly
Any tips on shading lighter colors? Painting a light green flag and want it to retain the lighter color. Got highlights done, but it still feels incomplete somehow without a wash.
slowly mix your desired shadow color into your midtone and paint thin layers into the shadows
Thanks anons, I guess I have to be painting a dunking a text mini alot to see what I like, but seems airbrush is the way.

I thought contrast was supposed to give a slightly more varied, interesting affect when it dried on flat surfaces, but I think I'll go with smooth gradients instead
>I thought contrast was supposed to give a slightly more varied, interesting affect when it dried on flat surfaces
I mean, if grunge and stains is what you want, sure.
I definitely messed up putting some of the models together, that will be the last time I rely on the push fit pegs. Going forward I'll just nip the pegs and use plastic glue like normal
I think I'm going to paint the rest of the army like the testmodel.
Background was just a quick little doodle to set the mood.

Anything I could make better?
I'd say the green cloth looks unpleasant, but it works cuz its a skaven
I've been in this hobby for 4 years now and I still don't get how to thin metallic paint without it becoming it becoming basically useless.
I've been doing this for almost 30 years, and I never thin it.
I don't have any technical advice cause it looks fantastic, but I gotta say I'm not a fan of normal eyes instead of red beads on skaven. It brings their energy down from "unholy abomination" to "rat dude".
Yeah that is valid.
Bright Yellow it is.
There used to be a grimdark compendium MEGA around, are the new videos worth saving or not? Some of the miniatures from thumbnails look nice, but there's a fair number of clickbait shit on the channel. I don't wanna bring youtube drama here, but I need to know if it's worth archiving, no interest in knowing if this guy is married and who fucks his wife.
>wishing well Johnny
Alright that is beautifully charming, and quite a well executed model paintjob for the project to boot.
>Do you Catan?
just take a needle, hold with pliars, get hot on stove or over a candle or lighter and touch the end of the gun and that'll give you a starter hole, then you can use the drill bit, just turn the drill bit by hand, as long as you keep it straight it'll be fine, lay a piece of paper on the table and look at it, use the edge as a guide to make sure you are straightish with the barrel. Also use the very smallest bit you have, I mean the very fucking smallest, that makes things a lot better, easier, and easier to correct. Also don't worry too much, you can always fix with green stuff. It's a toy, we can always fix it.
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You have a hobby knife right? Like this or similar? It's super easy to make a pilot hole by pushing the sharp point into the plastic where you want a hole and then twirl it around. After a few twirls check that the hole is centered. Obviously be careful and it's gonna take a little practice.
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You really don’t need to be fancy about it.
>take sewing pin and mark center.
>start with smallest drill (should be number 80) and work your way up, check center each time.
Takes about 5 minutes. For plasma I think I like to stop around 72? Can’t remember. Also when checking your center, make sure you observe it at every angle, it’s really easy for uneven lighting to really throw you off without noticing until the end.
If you mess up, apply spruce goo and try again in a week.
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The Invictor Warsuit sucks, here's how I'd make it better
>more dakka
>Invictor Fist sounds, lame, Invictor Sword sounds awesome
>more dakka
>make in an actual dreadnought coffin thing, not a mechsuit
>more dakka
I think I'm getting there, here's a prop/test fit before the final glueing/painting/assembly
Will proabably take me another month to get there, lmao
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Little bit more work on this chap today
>talk to grandma about building models
>says she's got some stuff that I might be able to use
>fishes around in a drawer and produces an ancient pair of flush cutters
>neat, I can always use some extra clippers
>take them home, inspect them more closely
>one of the blades had the tip snapped off
>it's been ground back to a point and resharpened
>figure grandma probably broke them trying to cut something that was too hard and my granddad repaired it
>they're immaculately flush, still nice and sharp too
Thanks, Papa.
The fire is... fire :)
ahh, that's amazing. The power of your ancestors giving you strength today. Grandma knew you'd appreciate them. Took good care. They are your legacy.
recently bought some used warlord caesarian romans and all of their tunics are painted red. is it possible to to paint white over the red (to match the legionaries i already own) or just strip the paint off and repaint?
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Am i as the youth would say cooking with this blue stone or should i start over?
Is that a GP01/Stardust Memory Federation era shield on the front? Sword looks like it is from the Gouf Custom.
Definitely goated with the sauce.
best to strip. White can be painted over red, but you basically have to do pink or grey first, it's not worth the loss of detail, paint, and trouble.
looks good to me. Draws attention up to the statue and still looks same environment. Just make sure mushrooms match in final product and you carry touches of yellow light down onto rock or blues up to the cages so your cooler tones all match or it'll look like two separate objects.
str8 bussin fr on gang senpai. That looks amazing, man. The hypno eye is especially cool.
I have no fucking clue what cooking is supposed to mean in that context but it looks really nice to me
Neat! I'm excited to see the one with the pirate hat. I'd also recommend a big ol rat boy that lugs a two handed cannon and maybe a rapier one, but I'm not so sure how that would take to a mold
Your arm tattoo is positioned oddly so it looks tilted on it. I'd tighten up the lines a bit
That's not table ready, buckaroo
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Check out this goofy motherfucker. He looks so dumb it actually has a certain charm to it
Cool looking eyes bud. As for moss, I would do beds of it for the mushrooms, and rust on the plates and bolts with some streaking. Verdigris would pop really well, but I'd look into how it forms to keep it looking natural
Love the stilt boys, haters are boring.
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long maaan
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Demon bulldog, I like the brindle coat but the face is meh
Without legs like that why even live?
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Side view of the coat
He's a good boy.
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Does this shield placement look better or stupid? Autism demands that the knight with the one handed sword also has a shield, but it doesn't fit on the billowing cloak per your guy's advice
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Same deal with the frog, he's gonna be a hypno toad so I wanted to do a rainbow eye, but I don't think the idea is getting across. The black and white swirly eye from the moonstone guy from earlier is really speaking to me
You cooked up some goated sauce and ate with that paint job. If you're a boomer, add skibbidy rizz to the end of that so you understand what's happening
I.. must... obey... frog.. needs.. flies... I... must... bring
I think it makes sense. I do that with my bags and such, plus I feel like I've seen it on minis before.
>Does this shield placement look better or stupid?
Better than what?

It makes sense, like >>93800473 explained. This guy's obviously not in the midst of a furious melee; rather, he's stopped and raised the visor on his sallet to survey his surroundings and decide what to do next. Should he put away his sword? Ask the party's cleric to cast "Bless"? Retrieve the wooden mallet and bag of iron spikes (quantity: 10) that all adventurers carry in their backpacks?
Thanks frens. I posted a pic a couple days ago with the shield on his back with a GS belt but some good dudes pointed out it wouldn't work cloak wise. Good to know shield resting on the leg works with the visor tilted up, appreciate it
Anyone know any resources to find GW building instructions? Found a nice deal on some new clanrats but didn’t come with instructions since they were from a chopped up box set I assume.
Nvm already found some scans. Thank god to those autist who archive this stuff for the rest of us.
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Thoughts on the Flesh Tearer? Getting ready to paint up my BAs
Nice ultramarine.
In all seriousness I think you've gone a bit over the top with the edge highlight placement and they could be a bit thinner too
I’d love some more pictures of the skin. I’ve been trying to think how I could incorporate some pinkness “under the fur” maybe just a pink wash over a basecoat then last shit up so it’s just the tiniest crevasses?
>Thank god to those autist who archive this stuff for the rest of us.
There's a big community on Reddit that does this stuff, and they're usually more helpful than even GW would be. I myself keep a stack of of the old instructions around, and have scanned many as well. A friend of mine manages a nearby GW and collects the instructions customers discard in his store if they're building at the hobby table.
Do you have any tips for weathering leather? Also I like your weasel, though he looks zonked out on arcane dust
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I was always a little fond of Beholders even though they're the (non-Dragon) poster monsters and with the low frequency I play D&D I would likely never ever actually encounter them in a game as they're rather high level.

Nevertheless, when I had about ten dollars store credit to spend I decided I'll just get one to paint and leave on a shelf. Nolzur's line of minis is a little annoying sometimes as the primer can be a bit patchy making me think about repriming them in entirety when I'm actually painting them.

I'm going to be painting them in a classic-ish outdated kind of look. A gorgon/Medusan green, bold bone colors, yellow eyes...

Anyway, how do you deal with the transparent plastic magical effects for the D&D N's MM line?

I have a few approaches I'm thinking:
>Prime over them and just paint them normally like I would lightning.
>Go over them with a transparent glaze by hand, like with Lamenter's yellow (I'm a bit afraid that pooling in the recesses would look a little weird).
>Airbrush over them with an ink (or two)
>paint over them with a glaze, but also use some inks to have it brighter near some darker areas.

Do you have any examples of the Magical SFX you painted over while keeping the translucency?
Be careful and get a drill bit with its own, very sharp point. The original bit that came with mine was so flat that even with a pin hole, ect it didn't drill. Once I got the right bit, it was perfect and so easy that even a hard like me was able to melagnetize an entire kill team in a sitting.
It gives a cartoonish/cel-shaded vibe, I assume that's intentional? If it is - nice job. If it isn't and you were going for something else - way too much edge highlighting
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What can I do better on next time
I'd like honest critique
All I hear is "that looks great 10/10" which is not true. I'm looking for tips on how to improve.
Shield is from the RX-178 Titans box, just one of those random gundam preassembled models being sold in the Hobby Lobby I walked into. Absolutely right on the sword tho, it's a Gouf Custom, got the minigun shield attachment on the left art too for maximum gat.
looks great, he's battle hardened for sure
looks great 10/10. Seriously though I'll just be more generous with gloss effects. It's a slug, so don't be shy making the underside glossy.
Definetely not but I will say it looks interesting and pretty good. All the details are accentuated, it's very neat and the colors work together nicely even if the palette is not exactly my cup of tea. The usual answer to making a mini more interesting is to add more contrast, make the shadows/recesses darker and push highlights further. He looks very, dunno how to put it, natural? But you could definetely make him look more eye-catching as a piece with increased contrast. If you feel like doing something a bit more advanced you could try some basic volumetric highlights, too. Also there are a couple pretty noticeable gaps so try putting some more effort into building. I don't know how much of that shell is just the effect from some colorshift or whatever paint and how much you actually worked on it so can't give you feedback on that.
Fill gaps
It is clearly meant to be a snail, why is the skin dry everywhere except the parts with blood? it should have a satin like gloos on the upper part and some glossy slime in the part of its lower body that is dragging across the ground. Or at least satin shine in the crevices of the skin, if you want it to appear rougher.
The shell is too large to be left as just a colourshift paint. Give it a black oil/enamel wash and use the "scars" on it to break the shine.
I can't tell if the ground is supposed to be dry or wet, but in either case, that thing is draggin itself across it. You need to integrate it more into the base.
The eye stalks appear to end in a dark metallic, same with the claws, the transition could be better. You could also go for actual snail eyes, but they could look more silly than alien.
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use reference photos for ideas, and fill in the gaps with green stuff or milliput
Those eyes see my soul
I am unsettled
Fill some gaps, lighten up the teeth, and I would do some different levels of shading and washes on the shell. It's obviously very big and old, the shell would take on different colors due to age and also given the type, varying levels of an oil like sheen
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lol, they are the funniest part of conch snails
The shell is a colorshift from Turbo Dork with some drybrushing to highlight and some shading in the recesses. I get what you guys mean about how the shell could be improved, I appreciate that.
I was torn on making him slimy or not. I felt there might be too much gloss between the shell and the body, but I suppose it could go either way. Any tips on achieving that effect aside from a gloss varnish?
The gaps I do feel bad about. I'm terrible at the modelling aspect of this hobby, any time I fill gaps with green stuff it's always a noticeable seam. I need to spend more time on improving that.
Bottom right looks like a Pixar character
>I don't know what "basically table ready" means
unless you're secretly a great at nmm i suggest using a combination of satin varnish and gloss varnish
Id love to see a conversion of just a normal dude with a sniper up on huge ass periscope lookin thing.
Now that I assembled him I actually really like the upper part. If they just put him on something other than stilts he would've been fantastic
Naw, the stilts are the best part. It's just the right amount of wacky.
I actually have both of those. Shame on me for not realizing that was a RX-178 (Titans). I have failed.
I recognize that snail.
Struggling to focus on painting my first Carnifex and may need to take a break for a bit, so I built up Old One Eye now that I’ve gotten my hands on him. I always liked the guy and figure I can make some replacement mandibles for him, but during assembly as I was digging for good bits I found Telion. I don’t even remember how/why I got this guy, but I do know that I don’t really like him, never used him and he’s also the guy who got Oldy stuck into his second ice bath.
Since I plan on putting him onto one of the modern larger Fex bases sideways (so there’ll be space for added detail while he’s facing forward), I think I could have some fun here. How should Old One Eye get his revenge?
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I don't mind the idea itself, it just sucks because when I look at them I can only think of how much better Dishonored did it.
It's all good, man
To be honest, I've never seen either on-screen, my brothers just had the models so I liked how they looked
I do like turbo dork, but I would still suggest a mix or some washes on lower parts to bump up a color shift. As for the slime,I would do a matt varnish up top, and a gloss on the foot where all the mucus is
>How should Old One Eye get his revenge?
If that's a Finecast Telion, you shouldn't feel bad about slicing him into pieces and burying part of him in rubble/basing material like the Primaris Apothecary's base-topper.

I was looking to see if I could get ahold of some replacement mandibles for you, but it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. People who know what they have jack up the prices, and people who don't know or don't care put them in a pile with a hundred other unlabeled bitz.
This is the ugliest fucking mini I've ever seen in my entire life.
>10% of the way done on a shitty paint job.
>Shit talk the paint job of hand sculpted minis
Sounds like you're "basically" a faggot
The shell is way too clean and shiny, it looks like it was cast metal that someone polished and strapped to a slug monster.
Also what is that? It's cool as hell.
Zeta is a masterpiece of a show. Highly recommend watching it.
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First freehand banner I've done so far, I did heavily steal a design I saw online but still really happy with how it turned out. Practice for my next one which will be the BSB. That said any feedback is appreciated.
Slug the Snail God by Witchsong Miniatures
Well, looks like a doable conversion.
Looks good to me.
Is it an Orc banner? Because if so whilst that is a nice design and all it seems too neat and clean to have been done by Greenskins.
Pretty good for a first, I'd recommend picking up the highlights on some areas of the banner tails.
>how do you deal with the transparent plastic magical effects for the D&D N's MM line?

I never have but word around the campfire is that inks are the best method as long as they are quality enough to grip the plastic and not tidepool.
Hard to do that on so small eye(s).
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Lemartes is cool, fuck you.
Not all craft paints are created equal. I would put apple barrel a step below folk art, and the folk art lines can be fairly different from each other. The best answer is to read the label and test it out.
I don't have experience with humbrol but if it's part of citadel's DNA it's probably very good.
I shit on him for strictly hobby reasons, he made his fame by using AK's products and then tries to steal their customers.
>but Duncan did that with GW
GW deserves it though, AK is just doing their own thing.
Anyway, all of Grimdark's videos are the same, Cult of Paint and Feral Painter will show you similar techniques while having more (any) creativity.
>low teir
4chan is ultimately an imageboard. We shit and insult each other all the time, but when an (original) image is provided, the board tends to be more honest. Assuming the poster doesn't act like a faggot, kind of like you
Are fun and dope as hell, they got that unique spirit, like Redwall or Mouse Guard type stuff.

What the fuck did you post, half-naked nigger man?
I've tried the best acrylic ink brands out there and they all tidepool, they're not intended to be used like we use them. Just add medium, it makes inks much more orderly. I haven't applied pure ink to a mini in months.
Test it out first, different mediums make the ink act differently.
If you want deep, even staining over transparent plastic, it will require an airbrush or two thin coats with medium.
I dunno, an enterprising grot could have had the brief flash of true artistic ability.
Boar banners are based
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Almost finished
nice badie
Very nice.
I don't like the skulls, they look a flat
I'm not him but I think it's the lighting. The shading on the skulls is clearly visible, the highlighting doesn't go as bright as it could for a bleached skull, but I don't know if he wants to mess with that now, they look fine IMO.
I dunno, but them crudely painting over a stolen banner would make sense to me.
Yeah, I'm not totally happy with them right now. But as I said, it's nearly finished. Still some work to do on it, but I ran out of daylight and I'm reluctant to do anything else on it untill tomorrow
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Slowly painting up some little guys for an inquisition kill team
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thanks! will look at doing that tomorrow.

Here's a group shot of everyone so far, still wip.
You left your servitor out in the rain and he got all rusty, shame on you.
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might do some weathering once the rest of the unit is done
A couple of pieces had to go back in for another round, but not a bad haul for what I paid for it.
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I decided to start with the hair for some reason. I think I have the colors for blonde hair right, but I'm too stupid to understand specifically why it looks so bad.
Taking suggestions for the skirt/shorts color. Feel like there's a lot of white already.
all clothing transparent of course
I think maybe the hair has too much contrast and there are far too many of the bright almost white highlights
Do you ever get into a hobby and spend way too much on paints?
is she asian
I craft my own out of material I find in the woods
nature is metal
One ... or two painstaking colours at a time ...
Now paint 500 more
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Going to try painting the laser blasting eyestalks later when it's not 2am and I can use the airbrush.

Plus I've got one last highlight on the green to do.

I'd probably would have saved a lot of hassle if I just dry brushed it, desu but I went tryhard mode.
It's always nice to try hard something once in a while to push yourself or keep your skills sharp. Looking great so far, be sure to post the finished boi.
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>contrast paint
Why can't I just paint my plastic out of the box instead of always fiddling with some ghetto conversions and 3d printed bits?
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>pill bottle painting handles
>pill bottle
I thought those were jugs for piss samples
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Lul. I can see why. They're actually a clever little design tho. The lid is threaded on the outside as well, so it can be inverted and screwed on like pic related. It's a bit of a legal workaround, to fulfill the obligation to have childproof lids, but also accommodate people with limited mobility.
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I think it looks better in daylight. Calling it a day on this one
no, she just has down syndrome
Old school, vibrant, cartoon villain orcs. I like it.
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Hair flocks together into bigger clumps and doesn't have deep shadows, because hair is a very diffuse surface that light penetrates and bounces around in.
thank you postal service for granting me 3 day vacation from painting and 2 nights worth of sleep because you did not deliver my paints on time again
>not having everything in abundance at home
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I want my Kasrkin to have separate eyes, but I don't know how to go about it. Think I can pull it off with paint, or should I attempt some greenstuff wizardry? It's a rather tiny space.
good thing about ordering more paints every month is that i have the time to imagine new shortcuts by trying new paints
granted my actual old painting skills deteoriate year by year the more easier it gets and that is pretty sad
Nomodels seething at the mere mention of painting
How much detail is on the model?
You can sell the illusion from a distance with paint, yes, like some do with black spots instead of drilling barrels. The best option for close inspection would be adding a tiny amount of greenstuff/milliput and sculpting that, because you need to raise the area. Unless you plan to carve some depth in the middle of the visor, but looking at the surface and surrounding details it's not going to be easy.
take a dremel with a 1mm or smaller endmill (with very slow speed), carve the shape of the individual eyes roughly, then fill and shape with gs
to make it more consistent get some sort of half tube with the appropiate size to make the indent in the gs
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Personally, I'd just do a little strip of greenstuff to extend the facemask into a little nose bridge
somehow i doubt anyone has that steady of a hand to mill an eye with dremel bit when even painting an eye white needs sowing needle and ultimate precision
Not sure what you mean.

I'll give greenstuff a chance. It just occured to me that I can roll it out first and then (try to) cut out tiny squares to put on the visor.

Carving into the model sounds like the opposite of what I'm trying to do here. Also I don't have a dremel.
>Not sure what you mean.
What do the goggles look like in grey plastic?
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you dont need any of that precission, just enough to remove the required material to then reconstruct it

you would need to remove material to make the gap around the eyes, so first carve it out and then reconstruct the new shape

I'm asuming you dont want a bulge between the eyes but rather keep the current visor level with the eyes cut out

if you are good enough you could carve the gap with some of those tools made to carve panel lines too, but that seems harder
is it this one? if so just carving the groove seems way easier to do since the helmet isnt in the way, you can get into it with a regular xacto knife even
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Gotcha. Pic rel.

Ah, good point.
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maybe actually attach the image
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I don't know what tools you have, but this would be really easy with my Dremel or glass engraving kits.
Pic related, but way smaller.
so all this time that new karskin kit always had a separate face
why not just cover the visor with some putty and make new one with new nose ridge with normal tools, no need for all this complicated dremel stuff
best I can do is a hobby knife and maybe a hot needle
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I am really enjoying my 10mm project. Here's everything that's finished right now, I got a bunch more primed this morning.
You might be able to get a little bit of a better result if you snap the tip off your hobby knife and use it more like a scribe for panel lines. Or even heat that up instead of a needle.
I'd probably sprue goo the middle part to erase the line, clean it up a bit if necessary, then just scribe the new ones in. Like the picture >>93807485 posted.
Holy shit anon that is so small, nice. I automatically enjoy anything desert themed so I like it a lot
They made the bodies so much easier to prime. All I had to do was rotate the handle in my hand and I was able to spray all around. It worked so well, I just left them on there as I started painting. The arms, shoulder pauldrons, and worky bitz got the "strip-of-tape-on-a-Cumbl-box" treatment like normal.
you could also go with the "i will be pinning these pewter parts anyway so i might as well use that with a piece of wood" -treatment
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She's okay for tabletop I guess.
She looks quite nice anon. Up close the skin looks a bit rough but literally nobody will look at her from that distance so it's all good.
gonna do more to the base?
Thanks anon. After years and years of 28mm I wanted to try something new. I've kinda fallen in love with the French Foreign Legion in North Africa. I knew nothing about it before starting this project, I just picked these guys on a whim after watching some FFL movies.
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Tiny truck
Matte varnish on the trees might make them look less plastic. Nice basing otherwise.
i like tiny truck
did you print the tiny hut
Thanks for the feedback. I keep getting dust specks in my paint because I can't help living like a slob.
Yes, I'm just going to paint a few models and then paint their bases and varnish the models all at once.

That's the plan, I've got a bunch more trees to base first.

Nope, I got it from "paper terrain" a long with a few others. I need to make them still, but they're kinda a pain to do. At least they were really cheap.

Thanks for the good words anons. I appreciate it.
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It's WIP-Wednesday.
The Sump Horror for Necromunda.
> I got it from "paper terrain" a long with a few others. I need to make them still, but they're kinda a pain to do. At least they were really cheap.
its called papercraft and while it takes some time getting used to it is really really cheap, even better if you happen to own color printer
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What do you think? Better with a "Bzowt?"
What's all this then?
still good and still lacks a base
Nah, too loud.
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I do have one nominal additional highlight to do but I think at this point I'm like "meh, it's good enough" and not motivated to do a tiny dot highlight to the lips and a hundred scales again.

I'm keeping the transparent base disc it came with, not because I'm lazy, but because it bothers you, specifically.

Yeah, I can see that. What if I had only one or two of the eye beams?
>I'm keeping the transparent base disc it came with
in that case that base is actually pretty nice if its really store bought and came pre painted like that
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Tips for better hazard stripes?
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Hey thanks guy you painted the cool looking moonstone with swirly eyes. I snatched your idea right out of your head, but on the plus side my life has been a lot better since I started leaving decisions to the hypno toad
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A bloody shroud I'm working on, still need to do the bottom teeth and finish the crystal and cave floor, but what do you guys think?
>too loud
>Yeah, I can see that. What if I had only one or two of the eye beams?
Probably. If you get rid of the orange one that would help a bit. Since blue and green are already present in the color scheme.
I.. don't remember this reference.
One of the many ironies now that the dates in the Back to the Future trilogy have come to pass IRL is that Huey Lewis called out Marty for being "too loud", and now Lewis is losing his hearing (because of Meniere's disease); I suspect Weather will probably be his last album.
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Just primed some shit with the new lacquer surfacer for the first time. This shit is awesome. Covers great, no clogs, dries instantly so you can just handle the mini directly.
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chopped up an ICC banner for a submerged statue, post texture pasting I usually do forest themed so should be fun. Finally finishing up this Risen captain
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