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Art critic edition

Previous: >>93802429

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
Design a card that is good without being broken, other anons rate your design from unplayable to ban-worthy
That's an ugly afro American man.
Shit OP picture, shit question, bait thread
Bad day~?
>Design a card that is good without being broken, other anons rate your design from unplayable to ban-worthy
Legendary Germ, costs 3 Phyrexian mana (one white, one black, one green) it's a 0/1 that gives all your other germs +0/+1 and for one black mana and tap it you can sacrifice an artifact to Populate
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That's interesting. I would do a deck around it.
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Mono R chads keep getting such good swiss army knives
Too bad it has such shit art.
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what's wrong with Etika?
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Here's your poltergeist reference bro
They haven't even properly done guns.
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Jesus christ
Super normal and not butthurt at all. I'm sure you lead a very healthy and fulfilling life.
elaborate on how I'm butthurt

>Gets called butthurt
>Immediately responds under a minute denying they're butthurt
I don't want to derail the thread, but you're 100% off topic and confirmed butthurt. Good thing jannies back your shilling or you'd be instabanned
>discussing the aesthetics of the card game
i accept your consession.
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People would actually discuss cards if Wizards stopped doing this kind of thing on purpose for the sole purpose of derailing threads of 4chan
Yeah, you added some real quality discussion. Really enhanced the average posts on the board. It wasn't poorly thought out whining to veil a boring grandpa political point
[reddit space]
You do realize you're killing this board right?
>They couldn’t make a literal Stranger Things set like the AssCreed one, so they made this as close as possible
So where’s the Ghostbuster Proton Pack equipment rare?
Lol this set is such a fucking joke it's worse than MKM
IT wouldn't even derail threads if the R******* like you could just admit you're butthurt and move on.
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Johnny Ghostbuster is currently using it
>added some real quality discussion
it was a one off jab, taking the piss out of tards who freak out over the aesthetics of a game that has already been raped into the ground - i'm sorry you were personally attacked by it. personally, i'll be enjoying my 80s horror set, while you mald over it
Cost: 3 mana (2 colorless, one blue)
When this spell is cast, target one other Fish, Kraken, Serpent, Octopus, Leviathan and exile it until the next turn. Then sacrifice it.
Flashback: One blue; Summon from graveyard then exile it.
>Unwilling vessel
>Art depicts a man getting raped from behind
What did wotc mean by this?
Vessel for cum
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I have a lot of custom cards but this isn't the thread for them. RIP /ccg/
This is pretty good.
Strictly better Shunt but I feel like I'd often rather run Return the Favor.
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>last thread everyone is nice and posting about themselves
>this thread is instantly full of shitposters
Makes ya think.
Almost as if Americans are tired of a certain political agenda being forced on them.
>OP makes a troll thread
>People complain about quality
My almonds are activating alright
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oh, you missed it?
Oh good, you only helped ruin the board with one post. That's good.
God forbid this was a hot white woman.
>soul warden
>make it a black lady
ngl that's pretty funny
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Has a pushed dino been revealed in the horror set yet?
males getting raped is funny
NTA, but it's remarkable that you would lead with "you mad" and then go on to be so openly mad about nothing. This site is a mirror and I hope that you're processing what you see.
I'm still protecting him from all harm, group slug chads, where you at?
That's only if you assume the ghost's gender is male.
>ghost vacuum
They couldn't be bothered to come up with an interesting name for it? Just call it the most bland descriptive thing imaginable?
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I'm that faurking powerful, don't mess with me. Look, I'm going to be candid - I only made the post because I remember there being some cope floating around, about them 'not being televisions - they're ghost screens! totally different thing!', and seeing them directly referred to as a 'television' in flavour text was too much to resist.
It was supposed to be a one-off shitpost that didn't get any engagement, but you keep slamming your hand on the stove element, and going 'nuhhhh you're killing the thread, stoooohp iiiiit i'm the hero here'
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Found my new meme card to post when anons are acting like silly billies
I expect the secondary commander to be much better and more interesting as many such cases.
This would unironically see more play in 60 card formats.
I like the Clown, and Toy types, I hope they have enough of an identity to do something.
Destroy target enchantment
You take 5 damage
No. It's furries mad that this set has playable cardboard.

I remember when I used to make the thread for like 3 years straight around almondcat. Good times, good times.
Why does she look like Micheal Jackson?
Make it a sorcery and you take 3 damage and I could see it.
This card alone makes the set seem really cool but then I look at the rest of the cards and I'm not a fan
Probably still going to build the balloon man though
Now we just need to combine rav rakdos stuff, find an appropriate mardu commander and make a circus themed edh deck
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weak, only played on a budget
>Judith and the Balloon Man meet up via Omenpath and start up the Multiverse's first Fuckmurder Circus
Pretty nice that the ward triggers his ability, so he will at least replace himself.

Loyal Reclaimer
When - etb you may discard a card, if you do choose one:
-Draw a card
-Return target artifact, enchantment, or creature card from your graveyard to your hand
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Pic related is going to be busted in Ivy Gleeful Spellthief decks
Somehow I really like that the clowns are Boros and still evil
Card type?
Creature - Human Artificer
Bit too much mana, theres cheaper costed ones that'll do a similar effect already
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Sure just slap a mass reanimate onto a bastion of remembrance
Yeah but there's not something that does both on the same card
What part of this art even conveys that it's a cleric? It just looks like some random african american woman.
Are you saying that she doesn't look qualified to be a cleric
Why are you so racist?
Do you think they'll ever repring Edgar Markov? I'm thinking of biting the bullet and just buying the fag because I like vamps but they are utterly unplayable without him.
The Clavilenho dude requires a retarded setup for a ridiculously small payoff.
Literally just proxy him until they reprint him. If you buy him now you're just going to be left holding the bag when they inevitably do
just proxy it, you'll wanna kys if you end up buying it for 100bux, and they reprint it.
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What's a deck I can build with this that's not gay enchantress?
I’m mad it isn’t “Funeral Parlor”.
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Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
>Do you think they'll ever repring Edgar Markov?
Commander Masters 2
>I'm thinking of biting the bullet and just buying the fag
Why would you willingly play Edgar Markov as your commander? You're either playing in commander tournaments (lol) or you're genuinely looking for each opponent to declare you archenemy on turn 0.
Temurbros we're being oppressed.
>commander tournaments
Edgar will be banned there just like Rhystic Study
Can't think of any deck that wants this card lmao
Colorless TV that requires you pay extra for color
Mind fucking blown
That's actually clever if they did that on purpose
Still can't think of a deck that wants it
Sad to say, his ability triggers only on the turn of the opponent losing life. Instant speed removal is not gonna give you cards back...
Ob Kingpin is leagues better, unless you need to play into Drannith
Ob kingpin more like ob lynchpin that guy is literally the definition of dies to removal and then your entire deck is dead.
>grab rector
>sac it to phyrexian tower
>get overwhelming splendor or humility
We legacy gaming now.
It's good removal in limited and that's it. The art isn't bad but it isn't good enough to be a bookmark (unless it makes you think of some in-joke about being trapped in a screen or something. Like if you were a youtuber and you hated your life you might use this as a bookmark).
I take it back, I thought I was looking at Trapped in the Screen, this one actually is funny enough to be a bookmark.
casual 5-color spirit tribal.

its a 3cmc rock that taps for all colors, and becomes a 7/7 spirit lategame.
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>pulls out sonic screwdriver
>removing italics from flavor text to stress emphasis
This looks horrible.
Is the joke that she's a prostitute? Is that why I gain 1 life when a creature enters her tent? Very cool Wizards
They’ve been doing it for ages.
Not a new thing but yes it looks horrible
It does but doesnt matter. Thats correct way when writing
very normal, actually, it's ok you typically don't learn that stuff until you're out of highschool anyways
bolding costs more ink ofc
Gotta save that .00000001 cent
now you're thinking like a corpo
LOOK, we already went over our ink budget, with all the fucking awful jumpstart 2022 printing botchjobs
>also the CMM cards I bought that had straight up ink smudges on them
at least they smelled nice
Run your own business before you go making snide comments about cutting costs
Thanks for taking the defense of wotc to another levelThanks for taking the defense of wotc to another level
>Working on pic related
>trying to make it mid power
>want to balance out making a great ramp deck with fun but suboptimal cards at the top end
What are some dumb BUG cards that dont get enough play in your opinion? Currently stacking things at the top like Cruel Entertainment, Terastadon, Thieving Amalgam, the Chancellors etc
Just something for playing with people that consider games going for an hour or longer to be a good thing
i will make snide comments as i please, thank you very much.
look, we can't have our ink costs eating into our pinkerton-hiring budget
That's true, for every card we avoid printing bold text on we can hire .000000000000000000000000000000035 pinkertons to harass the people who consume our products
Play Mindleech Mass or Silent-Blade Oni.
Nah you can fuck right off. Anyone can make the shortsighted quarterly decisions these retard mbas make. They're all inherently suicidal from a long term sustainablility perspective because their jobs are based on short term gains. Put the customer first, have a quality product, and dont skimp on materials. They're selling "premium cardboard"; cutting corners to save a few pennies compounded by the size of the print run is just cheap.
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Should I do it bros?
Thanks for taking the defense of wotc to another level
No, buy a real one. Arena is garbage and actively cheats.
They'll never add edh to arena tho
You deserve the pinkertons
>Put the customer first, have a quality product, and dont skimp on materials.
See how long your company lasts
Retards will sooner spend $30 on Temu than $20 on American-made products
Brawl is better than EDH.
Hey man I didnt make this neocapitalist dystopian hellscape of centralized global conglomerate distribution, I just profit off it using common sense, good ethical business practices, and sustainable growth. Boutique or bust my nigga, we Moby Dick now.
this just in, wotc has reportedly planned on inking their cards in the blood of the innocent, extracted from consumers by a private contractor firm they have on retention.
upon being asked for more details, the representative could only tell us that this group 'rhymes with 'dinkertons'' and that we should patiently wait for further details
more on that at eleven
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Should i buy the precon, bros?
>actively cheats.

Citation needed.
Mindleech mass is about the speed Im looking for in top end, thanks
>neocapitalist dystopian hellscape of centralized global conglomerate distribution
Leftoid buzzword babble.
DEI is inherently incompatible with capitalism. Multi-billion dollar hedgefunds enforce DEI in every industry in the Western world. We do not live in a capitalist system anymore and haven't for almost 40 years.
I'd personally wait until the decklist comes out but you do you I guess if you like him that much
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This is good
Imagine defending DEI
goth gf
Oh look it's another typical LGS native
Kek good one. It's going to waffle between removal magnet against anyone running W or G and or outright win the game with absurd value against everyone else as the B players pray for their Feed tbe Swarm.
LGS typal*
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It's a really bad skullclamp
I wish
Gay Bolas
Kinda good because it lets you sacrifice artifact tokens like blood or clues etc
>Kinda good
That 2 to equip makes it really hard to like it
>>93811204 you only have to equip it once because you're sacrificing something other than the creature
+2/+0 means you are almost certainly not equipping it once
its an uncommon im sure people will be trying it out for some decks that want any old sac outlet but 2 to equip is sword rates for a time constrained, once per turn draw a card that also requires you to attack with a thing you arent already trying to get rid of
>DEI is inherently incompatible with capitalism
If the people with capital have decided that it’s what they’re going to prioritize, it’s actually just capitalism in action.
Are you both bots? No one was talking about that crap. Leave it on your containment board you charlatans. Now post your favorite cardboard you pretentious pseuds.
>t. Faggot with expertise in the nonmagic magic related subject
If you can’t find the brain cells to rub together to understand why DEI is relevant when someone is bitching about “muh capitalism” you’re either wilfully ignorant or just stupid
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I love the flavor for this card so much, it enters and latches to an enemy creature, stunning it. Then you can pay mana for both of them to be dragged to the depths, never to be seen again
The two biggest obstacles to a working (fully) capitalist society are perfect information (companies do their best to obscure this) and rational decisions (people are retarded).
There's like 5 powergaps before DEI is on the list of problems that prevent the system from working.
>as long as there’s money involved it’s capitalism!!!!
Retarded commie stubbornness. I bet you play Gruul.
The aim of capitalism is to acquire and maintain capital. Sacrificing capital to promote the equality of outcome is the absolute antithesis of capitalism

Of good foundations
WW Sorcery
Search your deck for a land card, reveal it and put in your hand, then shuffle.
If an opponent controls more lands than you, you may put it on the battlefield instead.

Angel of Exploration
Flying Lifelink 1/3
same as previous on etb
not technology btw
Idk what to tell you anon. even in universe mtg is UB now
A fully capitalist society making rational decisions with perfect information will rapidly end itself.
this card is /b/ incarnate
>go to /b/
>never come back, assimilated into the mass of anonymous shitposters
DEI is one of those attempts at regulation which end up turning into a corporate charity program. Many such cases.
and comes in "untapped" when sees a player under 13
sensible chuckle.
anyways, it's from a cycle of 13 life lands - kinda shit for commander, but i like the flavour of them as they're all presented in the stylings of urban legends
>The aim of capitalism is to acquire and maintain capital.
So you don’t know anything about capitalism, got it. Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals who hold capital exercise it according to their goals and interests. Saying that it’s just unrestrained “number go up” is unironically a commie talking point.
>you don’t understand capitalism
>proceeds to give a faulty definition of capitalism
This is the cope you have to tell yourself to explain why all the billion dollar companies espouse your own (supposedly radical) talking points.
Under capitalism, capital is used to acquire more capital, not to enforce your moral beliefs.
Read any work written by a fucking capitalist instead of inventing your own definitions for a strawman.
>Under capitalism, capital is used to acquire more capital, not to enforce your moral beliefs
Oh ho ho ho.
jam all the cards that make you skip your draw step for some big boon
Whats a commander that cheats out big artifact robots?
I'm sad that they're not super good in commander because the flavor of this cycle is one of the best things of this set so far
>As every individual, therefore, endeavours as much as he can both to employ his capital in the support of domestic industry, and so to direct that industry that its produce may be of the greatest value; every individual necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was no part of it. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good. It is an affectation, indeed, not very common among merchants, and very few words need be employed in dissuading them from it.
- Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776)

He would have played Boros.
myeah, there are so many duals these days it's hard to top the best ones, in this format at least
If these tapped for 2 mana they would be worth playing. As is, there's absolutely no reason to play these when there are better, more predictable, alternatives.

The lands in this set that tap for one or the other depending on what other lands are on the field are vastly better
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Just want to say “resoundingly btfo” before he cries to the mods and they delete it
>Maybe if I pretend to be cool they won't notice any design flaws ( ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■)
I'm sorry, do you play yugioh?
I've never lmaoed this hard
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>don't mind me just drawing 40 cards
would you lose to a wheel in the same way psychosis crawler dies?
oh nvm you have to lose life for that with this
doubling isnt gaining
Psychosis Crawler does not die to wheels
wtf I have been scammed
It is though.
Doubling is simply shorthand for gain X life where X is your current life
>Design a card that is good without being broken, other anons rate your design from unplayable to ban-worthy
Spiteful Heist
As an additional cost to cast this spell, sacrifice X creatures.
Destroy target artifact with mana value X.
>"If I can't have it, nobody will." - Cowboy Marchesa or some shit
State based actions (like a creature dying due to having 0 toughness) are only checked when a player would get priority so with a wheel your hand is going to be full the next time SBA are checked.
>number of counters
>not “number of possession counters”
Oversight, or intended functionality?
Edhg is still bad at magic
You’re misreading the passage pretty egregiously. Smith is taking it as assumed that one with capital will always seek to acquire more—he doesn’t argue that it needs to be mandated, but rather that it doesn’t need to be reigned in. And the case under discussion is still being exercised by individual, non-state actors, without any regulatory agency forcing them to behave a certain way.
>It is an affectation, indeed, not very common among merchants, and very few words need be employed in dissuading them from it.
And yet you have American legislators trying to bar them from doing so. If the invisible hand is moving people to invest along these lines, that is a market force, and responses to it are capitalist in nature. The fact that you don’t like it doesn’t make it communism, as there is no centralized state agency promoting any of this.
Probably intended, they do this pretty often.
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Considering another card has similar rules text in the set, likely intended.
Might make the cut in my Baylen non creature tokens deck
Gee good thing they didn't put that card in an archetype with a shit load of proliferate effects.
Is this the year of the spider tribal ascendancy?
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There are two types of anons: those who believe that art is currently presenting things seperate from life's paraxis, and therefore should be an interesting endaevor on a conceptual level, and; those who want to be shown things they've seen as to be reminded of stuff they like.
Shut the fuck up
But why though? Use your words.
mickeys dick smasher
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and villainous wealth
Cool marbles bro
Any Dogmeat players willing to help me figure out what to cut from my basic upgrade plan? I got 107 in my deck rn and I'm too biased on cutting so I need an outside opinion. Thanks.
>Secret Lair Drop: Universes Beyond The Walking Dead
>everyone complains about mechanically unique cards and that the cards don't fit with the game thematically
>despite this, paypigs and scalpers buy
hundreds because of FOMO and greed
>4 years later entire in-universe standard legal premier sets just look like Great Value Universes Beyond, but with no guns because guns are bad or something
Kiss my paraxis pretentious faggot, endeavour for more than word soup and also realize most new art including all the new showcase
>seventy US dollars
it's worth somewhere between one and two thirds of that price, shipped
You maroon, you absolute doink, cant you see the platonic ideal? Their roundness has a historicity to it; a riff on the antiquity of conception. As anvil, the feminine, recieves the hammer, the masculine, you have the inversion of tropes. Magic ascends from being a game about cards to a game composed of cards, moving from dark to light; antiquity to legacy. The sky is featured in the orbs because it's designed to draw the eye up from the lowly ambitions of eathen mudmen into the realm of ideals, because the player is the philosopher king with dominion over their deck. You are a planeswalker and the very nature of being is at your disposal. Those who trifle with power are really trifling with knowledge and the cartesian dualism is almost gnostic in application. A skilled mage can navigate the strange aeons and sacrifice their mana, there very essence, for the preservation of their ideals! God I hate art fags so much.
Bros I miss my cootie patootie yiffable bunnies. All sets should be Bloom burrow
absolutely insufferable
Rector? Damn near killed her
Shouldn't this card be black or something? What am I looking at?
What was the lore reasoning for bloomburrow being so powerful it could forcibly alter the bodies of any mage who went there, regardless of power? Was it explained why it's the only plane that can do this? Or did they just do that to have ebin furry planes walkers?
>Duskmourn is a plane built around one specific entity - a super evil turbo demon thing that managed to completely subjugate the realm, and turn it into a personal feeding grounds
>Aminatou is presented as an ultra powerful character that could turbomog bolas - a multiversal threat
>Vulvagoth - or whatever - is bound to his plane, and isn't a threat to the multiverse (explicitly below gay bolas in threat level)
inb4 aminatou just thanos-snaps VGV
Something turbo cursed the plane ages ago to transform all who enter it
I've still yet to see any stranger things references
Ok and what was it that had such power? No other plane has this power. Sounds like poor writing to excuse alt arts and shit
life imitates art. so many have been converted over time
It literally was never explained
Same reason why Innistrad zombies were immune to phyresis
>Segovia shrinking everything that enters it to 1:100 of its normal size
Bro it's just a rule for existing in the plane if you're not originally from there, same reason why planeswalking to Amonkhet and getting stabbed in the heart means you're not dead or Eldraine turns you into an endless loop of fate
The fuck is Segovia?
segovia shrinking everything (except phyrexians)
>retard arguing about Magic lore doesn't even know Magic lore
Every single time
>jam all the cards that make you skip your draw step for some big boon
recycle and null profusion are in, i dont have a yawgmoths bargain lying around so thatll have to wait
Im actively trying to not use villainous wealth but its probably going to be the 100th card
Tying it so firmly to your hand probably makes it fine in blue.
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The plane is just like that. Same reason Xerex has questionable laws of physics, or Theros has Nyx in its make-up. Planes just have things specific to them that are just kind of... How they are.
he's fun
>the phyrexian didn't turn tiny
you just lost this argument
ya i turned it sideways because breaking my neck to read cards was kind of pissing me off!!!!!!!!!!
Remember your Barrel Down Sokenzan
>common tapland cycle not incredible
I've been wanting to make my Ishkanah deck for a while and this might be just the card the deck needs
Images of things seen are worth seeing again anon or you wouldn't hold the image dear. You're a pseud and don't understand art or beauty
Not everything needs an answer anon you have redditbrain :) there are allowed to be mysteries in narratives that are never explained. Not to say wotc writing is good, I've never read it, but that's not relevant.
Make sure you get his name right
Robert Orgymos Engaged
>Sounds like poor writing to excuse alt arts and shit
It literally doesn't matter. If they made up some random artifact called the Scrimblo Stone buried in the middle of buttfuck nowhere by some oldwalker a billion years ago that caused this nothing changes
>anons example is "uh they did it before and didn't explain it so why are you complaining now?"
Segovia isn't a real plane. No set is featured there.
Color has never been an indicator of good/evil. Xantcha was black mana aligned, so was yawgmoth. Gideon was white, so was konda
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Hey /edhg/,

Newer player here, experimenting in making my first "real" deck that isn't just a jumble of random stuff. When BLB came out I saw Vren and he kind of jumped out at me as a cool concept for a commander. Could I get some advice on what I need to add/cut or change for my deck that I made?


Don't know if that's correct for this thread/format but I hope it's not too far off base. One of my friends recently unpacked a copy of three tree city which he gave to me so I'm hoping to keep that one since it's kind of special to me now.

Thanks for any advice.
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You know what lore is really fucked? Goblins on Mirrodin.
>Goblins in the original mirrodin block all look like classic green goblins with metal plating
>In the Scars of Mirrodin block all goblins are more feral looking, apparently based on a dog-like design by Chippy.
>then in Phyrexia All Will Be One, it's mostly the animal goblin redesign, but there's also a compleated Slobad who still clearly has the original design
They've never talked about this other than them just deciding to do a redesign and picking Chippy's concept art
>Not everything needs an answer anon you have redditbrain
It does when it's "TVs, vacuum cleaners, sneakers" though?
Should be a two drop
Where's my Dead By Daylight Secret Lair?
Since when is Gideon evil?
When he hecking killed Nicol Bolas
We have been so flooded with newfags lately, best ignore it when you see something like that.
Tbh I like the chippy redesign
Massive homophobe. Secret twist villain of the story.
>Made Chandra straight
>Killed Gay Bolas
Not a newfag I just completely didn't pay attention to war of the spark because I was suck as fuck of both ravnica and bolas
you've salvaged this card for me, that's hilarious
Why did she let herself go bros? She used to be so cute...
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I do too, but it's weird as hell having two races of goblins with no explanation, especially since one seems to be extinct barring one compleated member
Goldberry is peak feminine shape and to argue otherwise is just wasting precious shitposting reply count
I always figured that after Memnarch was defeated, the Soul Traps were destroyed and most of the creatures who were "brought" to Mirrodin to populate it went home. I figured that's what happened to Raksha and Bruenna. I figure whatever Goblins were left over were probably a species that cropped up on their own if I'm reaching for a lore reason.
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>Whenever one or more land cards are put into your graveyard from your library, put them onto the battlefield tapped.
Oh neat, if you mill some lands you get to put one on the battlefield.
>put THEM onto the battlefield tapped
Oh, oh no...
I can't wait to see the combos
You're fine, advice here is just sometimes hard to come by especially during spoiler season (which is now constant).

Your deck looks fine if a little heavy on edicts. I get the goal is to nab 3 creatures and get three rats but you need to have a game plan for when Vren isn't in play or your opponents have no creatures out. You're also very heavy black but have some double blue cards like Clever Impersonator and Bident of Thassa that don't do much for you, so consider your color balance and maybe scale back on some of the enchantments like Sunken Hope and Black market that don't really help your primary game plan.

On the whole it seems reasonable for a first pass at a deck. Curve seems decent enough. Needs a bit more card draw that isn't contingent on having a board in play and a bit more proactive muscle that doesn't require Vren to function.
That's spicy thanks anon
Another piece for my Coram deck, that's for sure. Milling through my lands becoming a form of slow ramp, especially with dredge.
Amulet of Vigor/Archelos+anything that mills you a fuckton
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Who else is building this clown?
He is getting added to my winota goblins and humans deck but I dont think he is all that great for a commander himself
Darkslick Shores -> Watery Grave
What commander do you consider exciting?
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Bolas was such a tiresome villain, according to wotc everything that happened between Alara and War of the Spark was all part of his plan, even when it didn't make any sense. Stuff went right for Bolas? Part of the plan. Stuff went wrong for Bolas? Accept loss and somehow part of the plan too. He's a midwit character who was written to just always be correct regardless of what the fuck was actually happening. Really didn't help wotc strung his plotline out for almost a decade, I was so ready for someone to chop his head off in war of the spark.

I'm sure when they finally pull him out of the icebox the writers will have him start prattling on about how his entrapment was planned too.
>He's a midwit character who was written to just always be correct regardless of what the fuck was actually happening.
Got that Sherlock syndrome
>not a creature
Close, but no cigar. I already have three of these effects anyway but a fourth wouldnt hurt.
They're gonna bring him back in the Return to Tarkir set with a more sexualized design and you WILL LIKE IT, CHUD
>Bolas was such a tiresome villain
He really was. I don't miss him at all, everything he did was stupid and boring and importantly it also involved the planeswalkers which also suck. At least now with the omen paths everyone is effectively a Planeswalker, I was looking forward to them getting rid of the permanent type entirely but they don't seem keen on that
>I'm sure when they finally pull him out of the icebox the writers will have him start prattling on about how his entrapment was planned too.
Worse yet, he will become a reluctant ally to the main cast of the story for some bullshit reason.
>I'm sure when they finally pull him out of the icebox
He's gonna get one shot by Kaya and the spotlight card will have her smirking face 3 inches away from the POV with a quip about how tyrants will always be overthrown
Far cuter in this art
Better than Yawgmoth and the Phyrexians

>guy bested by a silly ginger storyteller man
>army of not-Cybermen/borg
He's somehow going to join Jace and loot and vraska
Loot was Nicol Bolas the whole time
Just as planned.pmg
What is reading comprehension.
Xantcha was good and black aligned, yawgmoth was evil and black aligned.
Gideon was good and white aligned, Konda was evil and white aligned.
There are no good qualities in black's identity.
Yeah sorry I didn't pick up on that at all from the OG post, mostly because I didn't know Xantcha was good. I knew kinda was evil.

And yes I know that from the way the color pie works black is not necessary evil and white is not necessarily good but it does work out that way more often the not so I always like to see white aligned villains
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>Loot? Did you perhaps ever read LOOT backwards Jace, or were you always thinking ahead? He was nothing but a disguise so I could sleep next to you, and that makes you gay Jace, you have to break up with Vraska now!!!! I Peter Pettigrew'd you!!!
It's probably because clowns tend to wear red and white facepaint.
Every single Unset clown has been red and white for temporary token creation
Genuinely better writing than wotc
Oh shit. SOBER Secret Lair when?
And every single main set clown up until now has been red and black because murder carnival.
work on your reading comprehension, newfriend
Kinda neat desu. Bitchin art too
ugins gay sex meditation plane makes everyone incorporal doesnt it
Kino set
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This is real, isn't it?
Oh no /pol/Bros what do we do?!
Why is this card supposed to offend me again? Cause a black character exists in the 80s horror set?
Probably wouldn't work on Emrakul
It's panderslop. It has nothing to do with pol or polcels. Recognize trash for what it is. I'm begging you fucking people to have standards.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post...
what's you opinion on fling decks?
What? They have talked about it. Menarch grabbed goblins from all over the multiverse and they had a large number of diversitym When memnarch died Karn sent everyone Memnarch stole back home. Their Children however were from mirrodin and had the metal bits permanently part of them, not to mention the mixed breeding of all those multiversal races. That's why they and all species on mirrodin changed like that for Scars. Slobad died st the end of the mirrodin books, sacrificing his life and uninvited planeswalker spark to save Gissa. His corpse was not sent back Gome but instead buried until the phyrexians found it and compleated it, bringing him back to life in the process.
You MIGHT be thinking of the zendikar goblins changing for no stated reason, but that has nothing to do with mirrodin. Shit you even posted a zendikar goblin without realizing it.
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>*Is the coolest, power-scalable graveyard focused fungus EDH commander in your path*
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>captcha: WJANK
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Being a black woman in an obnoxious theme set isn't a problem in and of itself, the issue is that WotC makes a point of printing ugly black women in every single set, particularly on white cards to increase the color contrast, and the obnoxious, talentless hacks who are driving our favorite game to ruin act like they've achieved some great victory when they do it. It's gotten to the point where we roll our eyes every single time because we know that there isn't any deep meaning or intention behind a character's race, it's only being done to score social points with people who don't even play the game.
Most aids shit in 1v1
Fine in EDH
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Not a terrible first stab. But remember that Vren is control-y first and foremost: you're not Rats tribal, though some Rat payoffs are worth including, and you're not aristocrats. So
> More lands (38/39), bit more ramp, more advantage, maybe some GY recursion.
> Cut "OMG RATS" cards like Karumonix (you have like 6 rats to hit), Pack Rat, Lord Skitter's Butcher that don't help your Vren rats win.
>Cut hard aristocrats stuff like Bastion of Remembrance and Attrition. Even Grave Pact and Dictate are iffy.
> Some Cuts: Gray Merchant (not pip heavy and little recursion), Smallpox, Brainstorm, Sunken Hope, Black Market.
> Some possible adds: Gix's Command, Boggart Traveler, actual Rankle, Offer You can't Refuse, Primaris Eliminator, Fact or Fiction, Shoreline Looter
You can browse Vren moxfield lists for further inspiration. This list seems is correct (though with some stupid includes like Clackbridge Troll)
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>In response I begin the hangman's knot
> This list seems directionally correct.
Can't type today
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>Playtest new deck
>Opponent has the silver bullet that makes it a worthless pile of junk
Understandable response
Mesmeric orb is now ramp
best part is i just run ashes for the lifegain
>agree with me
No. I'll continue to consider you a retard unable to even articulate your issue.
Lot of words to just say "reeee black character"
No clue why you haven't found a different game. You've been crying for literally 9 years now.
Also do you have any statistical evidence to your claim no non-whites play MTG?
If you think that's good art, there is no combination of words in the English language that will get through to you. Enjoy your slop. Buy the foil edition.
It's genuinely hard for me to believe you're a real person
Do you notice when the firmware update happens or is it like nothing ever changed?
I think it's utterly forgettable and non-offensive. I have no strong feelings and am confused why it infuriates you like that.
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>particularly on white cards
Particularly reprinting white people on white cards as black people every set is the obnoxious part
>hehe got you, replaced you, oops replaced you again :))
agreed. They shouldn't reprint cards
based and reservelist pilled
Sounds like a lot of projection. I said the problem was that she's ugly and that the set designers don't care who she is or where she came from. I said that these hacks are conjuring ugly black people out of nothing and pushing them in front of non-players on Twitter to make them clap.
I go out of my way to have good art on my cards
>Card Kingdom has Magic Origins version of Archangel of Tithes at $8.50
>Thunder Junction version is $2.50
Really makes you think...
How much do you think the WotC shill gets paid to post here?
>Rarer things cost more
You're the one derailing the thread with your crying
Slightly more than the Russian disinfo guy
Enough that he keeps doing it
They've literally conditioned you to automatically hate black people on sight. It's amazing how this has worked entirely in reverse, but at the same time this card isn't pandering. It's perfectly in-line with 80s horror down to the stupid hairstyle. Those damn enchiladas, man.
>Those damn enchiladas, man.
kek this. I immediately recognized that hair as Demon from F13 V
>Those damn enchiladas, man.
EXACTLY my thoughts when seeing that card...though the cleric part doesn't work as much
City in Spain with a 2000 year old Roman aqueduct still working
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>realize a card is missing in my deck
I hate theft decks so much it's unreal
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No one hates on Zimone because Zimone isn't purposefully ugly with a literal
>really cracker??
face looking at you like you just crossed the street when you saw them like the soul warden reprint. Anon is right, they are doing it on purpose.
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>No one hates on Zimone
>His sleeves don't blatantly stand out when scooping up
What should I cut from this Sultai +1/+1 counters deck?
Thanks xo
>Not just telling people they're not allowed to handle your cards and they need to make custom tokens while you treat them as phased out
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Why lie? It's the same shit for every black character. Why lie that people like Zimone? We constantly have people hating her here because
and then you have Aminatou, which angers people because
now you have some retarded reprint that is themed to the set and features references to films, and it's
Pure "bitch eating crackers" shit combined with genuine narcissism (They're doing it to upset me because I am important)
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>he doesn't use hentai sleeves to distinguish his cards
Exactly. It's fine to hate it when the DEI is super obvious or pushed, but this is one of those settings, a lot like Zhalfir where it would be retarded if blacks just didn't exist.
Cleric is just part of the card they reprinted, and probably something lorewise about why they picked that card in the first place. Outside of that though, I think it's a wonderful execution of a pretty cool design since it's as quintessentially 80s as it gets.
Last week at my LGS someone resolved Scrambleverse and we ended up all sitting down and counting our decks to 100 after the match
That shit sucks, thankfully we all had different colored sleeves (mine were red, the others were blue, black, and some anime girl holding the blue mana symbol but it was a monored deck)
they literally based the character off of an actor, hairstyle, facial expression, etc
Friday the 13th V sucks but it's a fun watch and you should maybe consider it before you keep screaming at every black person in mtg. Google "Demon Winter" or "Anita Robb" followed by "Friday the 13th".
>being a completely Irredeemable sped
just keep a tally on your stuff, anon
Zimone is poorly-written.
Aminatou is unsalvageable.
Both of these facts are unrelated to them being black. People don't like Ral. People don't like Jace. WotC just can't write for shit.
>No one hates on Zimone
so did you start playing in the last year or what? nobody likes le einstein negro
Aminatou's only saving grace was that she was drawn by Seb McKino.
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God damn this is an awful thread. The fuck happened, last thread was so comfy.
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I think zimone is cute :(
The nog version of battle angels of tyr is cheaper despite being the rarer borderless alt art
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that's just a neat little card
Cute but again what deck wants this?
probably going to be a pain in the nuts in draft
just cut lands ggez
You know what happened
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I like this card.
I like the art.
I like what it does.
I like the foiling.
I like the groans of target opponent.
More cards for these feels?
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clearly it will have a great home in a constellation/eerie deck as reusable fodder to trigger the eerie/constellations
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This is one of the nicest looking foils I've ever owned.
Faggots got mad that they werent getting attention? Idk, I know why the thread is shitty but not what happened to make people act this way.
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This bad boy is one of my favorite shiny brain chemical makers, all the individual lightning bolts of its body and fire wisps catch the light
I hate that Eerie and Constellation have such specific names. Constellation is basically impossible to use outside of Theros, and Eerie only really fits in creepy planes like Duskmourn and Innistrad or as one offs on creepy creatures on other planes. Despite Eerie's name being more reusable, its reliance on Rooms makes it hard to justify reusing. It's all so short sighted. If they just used a less Theros specific name for Constellation, it could have been reused in Duskmourn instead of needing to have two nearly identical keywords, neither of which can be reused.
Actually the new animatao might
>colourless TV
close, the B and W represents TV static. you get hurt when the RGB image starts to come through.
Eerie and Constellation are ability words rather than keywords. "Eerie" doesn't mean anything, and there won't be anything akin to "whenever a constellation ability you control triggers". They're used for thematic grouping of similar mechanics, so it's fine for them to be more tightly tuned to a specific plane.
cEDH hates this one trick
>Black and White TV
>Pay more to get color (Red Blue Green, what almost all color screens are made of)
thats what anon said
Actually yeah. You gotta cast it t1 but it will abaolutely fuck up some people's day. I run codex shredder for generally the same thing.
static is different than a purely colourless TV
You're looking at it as in paying more money to get a color TV, when he's saying that the colors (ie, the ghost that's made of those colors) are harmful.
Mirko Vosk is a son of a bitch desu. Mind Grind, Consuming Aberration.
I'm considering this for my Urza deck, should I do it just to be annoying?
Can you lose the trip
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Urza already run a bunch of stax for it to be annoying.
>Mirko Vosk
Nice, never heard of this one.
I use the other two in my upgraded Captain N-word mill deck.
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Sorry, racist anon is right
The Prerelease holofoil of the fallen angel version is cheaper than the List reprint
>expecting a dipshit to stop being a dipshit with a polite request
Maybe you should throw a trip on anon
Picrel is my favorite deck by far, and I have 24 decks. Any other commander that plays a similar role of group hug but at a cost? (My nekusar deck doean't run any wheels, just group draw) other than Xyris?
I'm not gay
Super newbie here.
What should be my first upgrades and cuts?
Do I have enough land?https://www.moxfield.com/decks/_55HDCRrvEiGqzBbUanaKw
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You are like a little baby
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I'm sorry.
I hate everything about this art, not only is it DEI blackwashed but what the FUCK is this pose where her legs are going a different way than her upper half?
Check mpcfill for alt art.
>Knowledge is the greatest tool, not hands that build stuff. Fuck people with hands that build stuff, I only need one hand anyway, fucking idiots and their 2 hands, I have books, fuck you, I don't even want a treehouse
I made this card as a joke working inside WOTC btw
luckily now you can play this card without a black on it
Take your autism tax like a man, autist
anon... her dress is blowing in the wind
you know
her hair is blowing in the breeze too
and the flowers
my dude you're blind as fuck
stupid faggot come on man look at the card
yeah it's dei blackwashed autism but the art isn't wrong because you have terrible visual reading ability
Why is this thread so terrible today?
You know why
Reading the thread explains the thread.
Yeah man that's totally a natural pose.
I mean... It's commander players.
/pol/tards out of containment?
Cut diamonds and sphere for other 2 drop mana rocks that don't enter tapped.
Yeah man he has been using that trip for a decade in like 500 different generals but it's the general afraid of squirrels that will finally change his ways
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I'm not racist, I only use the Nielsen blvck bvll art for StP, but the Archivist will NEVER land on the table from my hand. I would scoop before being seen playing a card with art that bad.
People like Ral and Jace
I'll take a playset.
So you're saying you're autistic instead? Sounds like you're a casual not out to win games,just look at heckin adorable art
She was too good for this game anyways
The saddest aspect of this and cursed tape is that they are clear Ring references, but no one seems to realize it because apparently no one remembers Ring
She wishes she was half as good as Seb
Zimone is basically just the average Big Bang Theory character, that's all there really is to say about her. Aminatou feels like someone couldn't think of anything interesting for the mandatory lore blurb every commander precon needs to come with and hastily shat out a paragraph about her being the strongest character ever. Characters like Aminatou are just fundamentally bad and basically impossible to pull off in almost any setting, unless the whole point of the setting is about how ridiculously broken those powers are and how inhumane a character with those powers inevitably becomes. Since MTG very clearly isn't a character study on Aminatou, as prior to Duskmourn she's basically only ever had a single blurb of lore that came bundled with a precon as her sole appearance, that's obviously not what they're trying to go for with her. At least Duskmourn seems to have retconned her to not be anywhere near as powerful as she was previously implied to have been, but even there she's poorly written for what little screentime she has. It feels almost like they're mocking the reader by bringing up her refusal to help fight Phyrexia despite allegedly being so powerful.
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>Nooooo pleeassse!! don't kill me just one more turn!!
>Full swing at little bitch nigga
I love having beta nerds beg for their lives. You find out who is and isn't a bitch when you have them dead to rights on board.
laughed way harder than i should have
based good half of Kengan moment
I bought almost 100 copies of this card for like 50 cents a piece when wotc did that racist ban thing. I thought for sure there'd be a second wave and this would get hit.
Room deck, but you're just showing your opponents around like a realtor.
Who would you buy the spooky house down at the end of the street from?
Why didn't she help during Phyrexia? I don't remember that bit, her downgrade seems to be little walnuts you can carry that tell you you're about to seal your fate, rather than outright altering everything herself?
Aminatou isn't any different than Guff when it comes to power. It wasn't cool when Guff just went "XD AND DEN YAWGMOTH DIED" and it wouldn't be cool if Aminatou had done so with Norn. Aminatou actually is written better than Guff in that regard since Aminatou has no reason to care about the Phyrexians, and Guff was on a task force to kill the Phyrexians but forgot his own powers.
tommy wiseau
You should use edhrec to help you get an idea of the average deck your commander will have around
Although this is the direct upgrades and cuts you should make, probably a bit out of your budget for now but work towards them slowly
Definitely cut the Diamonds for a Dimir Signet and Mind Stone and the Commander Sphere for Patchwork Banner for your Zombies and turn the Negate into a Counterspell at the very least as well as making room for Shipwrecked Marsh Drowned Catacomb and Underground River in the lands by cutting Myriad Landscape Darkwater Catacombs (you don't need filterlands if you're only in 2 color) and 1 swamp
It's an election year, it could still happen. Hang onto those copies.
this but buy more so I can dump mine and profit off your retardation
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>You only have 7 life, right anon?
>I attack you with everything lol
>Pic related
>NNOOOOO I...uh...
>Can I take some of that back?
>I only needed two of these guys to kill you anyway
>I won't attack you again, I promise
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Found some cool shit while sorting at my lgs.
nice damaged card. Could have been worth tens of dollars.
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>The signature sperg is activated again
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I hate morph/disguise/manifest
Any one of them is fine, but it's ridiculous that the players are left to sort out how to distinguish between them.
All I've seen so far is green support, and most of the last set with it was green support. Any good blue support for my Ixidor deck?
What about Mega-morph, Cloak and Ultra-manifest Dread?
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>going through my collection
>realize I have some cool shit I havent looked at in years
does this affect the type of spell they are for the case of Jet Medallion
bro on left like
No, they will only be black while on the battlefield
thought that'd be the case, cool card regardless, too bad I play monoblack
chippy's signature legit adds $100+ to the value
Painters servant does that im pretty sure. The enabler of jank everywhere
Really? I got it as "damaged" like 10 years ago and forgot about it.
yeah he hasn't signed in over a decade and pretty much refuses to acknowledge he worked on Magic
nta but the first result for a signed one for sale was only 38 bucks, but it was out of stock so honestly no real way to measure atm
>refuses to acknowledge he worked on Magic
check signed card groups for chippy cards, signed Baubles are crazy expensive
not sure, and asking anywhere in the signed card community basically gets people that don't know or being told "just don't bother asking"
hmmm a mono artifact deck with painter's servant and jet medallion for even cheaper artifacts. I am getting an itch
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Wow, fair enough. I had a signed seb mckinnon promo stasis test print, but like a retard I sold it for like $500 when I was buying into fast mana, so I guess I deserve that.

Yeah I saw one for $50 USD. I might sell it and the roaming throne for a xiahou dun I've been lusting over.
Who's Chippy?
draft decks
old mtg artist with the same name as a serial killer so he goes by Chippy
Goes hard in Yedora
i feel like zoomies know of the ring and the grudge, but have never seen them. they'll "understand" the reference if there was a sadako or kayako card. but a haunted TV is too vague and will be glossed over, the art not being a direct enough reference to sadako, few will understand the reference to the number 7.
I want more legendary creature spoilers
I'm just happy this bastard is getting printed, and I'm going to play the shit out of skinny danzig until he gets banned.
Who the fuck is danzig
In what universe is this a ban worthy card
begone, zoomer
Whether or not you're indeed racist, you certainly sound insufferable and I can hear the Doritos crumbs crunch in your chair as you shift your weight.
lmao he won't get banned. giving your opponents 2 extra cards every turn cycle is crazy. as long as your opponent's play some grave hate and/or doesn't care about trying to hold back/play reactively (which is a significant portion of the playerbase), then winter isn't really going to be a massive threat.
God I feel old. He's from "Misfits", which was like a punkish band themed around horror cliches in 80ish. Probably the only place you would know them is from like Jackass.
I don't know if he's banworthy but he will definitely be brutal if built correctly. Jund is the perfect color combo to dump stuff into the graveyard as quickly as possible, and Duskmourn will add even more dual type cards for him to abuse
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>being this new
I'm one of the resident stax experts, he's fucking busted. Probably one of the strongest decks you can build at like the <$350 price point, if not significantly cheaper. You will see paragraphs of people crying about this guy; he's not a cedh commander but absolutely buttfucks casuals even through gravehate and free interaction.
people cry about all sorts of shit. nothing ever happens. he won't get banned. he will make people cry. he won't get banned.
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Bro they haven't even banned the fucking bird, ain't no way they're banning bargain bin Jin over here.
I doubt he will be more than a minor annoyance. Everybody loves playing with their graveyard like everybody likes playing with their dick. He's just cycling people into their gameplan and the removal they need to either be able to pay for or get around ward.
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I'm telling you right now he's going to get banned because he's going to be easy to get for normies, incredibly powerful, cheap to build, and very VERY resiliant to hate. This isnt like reanimating iona or sire of insanity where you exile their fatty and you're done. The last card of comparable strength was Leovold, and he combo'd with very expensive cards; you couldnt just play necrogen mists, a bunch of $0.50 green cantrips and laugh your way to the bank.
All the characters in card art look like cosplaying millennials now (mainly browns and blacks)
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LMAO you are retarded if you think this is on the same level as leovold.
Stop replying to obvious concern trolls
You can screencap this if you want but 4chan will be actually dead when this comes true. They don't ban shit and they definitely don't ban shit Wizards actually has for sale.
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That's because nobody plays the bird, and the people who do know what they're getting into. The bird isnt banworthy because he's strong or oppressive, but because he's a nondeterministic time waster. Dumbasses who crack packs and play standard are suddenly going to shit all over the incredibly weak selection of cards from the past few sets for like $150.

Did you play with leovold? I sure did and I'm telling you this innocous seeming jund edgelord is comparable. Leovold was a $130 card that played shit like timetwister and was banned because it "created unintended play patterns". It was so strong they considered banning wheels all together. Winter is just as oppressive, easier to enable, way cheaper to build, and printed as a normal card in normal packs. You dont even need the two card combo, just run the old windgrace lands package and people will be locked out just fine. But you dont have to believe me, this isnt a "secret tech" sort of deal. I've built the deck, I've play tested it, and I know it's insanely cheap to build as long as you arent running chains.
I think you'll be surprised. Either Winter is getting hit, or Uba Mask, Chains, and Teferi's Puzzle Box are.
Mike Myers is a MTG artist?!?
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>Did you play with leovold?
yes. and stopping draws is FAR more oppressive than a conditional hand size reduction. you do realize that they discard at end of their own turn, right? it isn't like you can't have more cards in hand than your hand size, you just can't have more than your max handsize after cleanup step of your turn. stopping draws was too powerful in the command zone, and too powerful on hullbreacher because it had flash, gave you treasures, could go into any U deck, and was cheap to play (unlike notion thief which is 4 mana and more restrictive in colour identity). they won't ban winter, the worst they will say is "rule 0 lol" because that is all they ever say.
already wanting to build him, and ofc the deck will work perfectly with the goth gf card we just got
Nadu isn't a popular commander
>goth gf card
Think about how it interacts with Uba Mask or Teferi's puzzle box. They "could" shrug and say rule zero, but something this strong, cheap, and accessible has basically never been printed before. I know that sounds like stupid hyperbole, but you're talking to a guy who plays incredibly oppressive stax decks every day that dont deserve to be banned. I wouldnt be this invested if it wasnt some fucked up looney tunes shit.
Is Glimmer a new thing or did we have like 2 glimmers outside of changlings?
>a precon commander can't be busted unfun ban worthy shit
Stella says hello.
Winter also gets rawdogged if someone rushes out a Reliquary Tower before he comes down. Basically unaffected by it.
no glimmers outside of Duskmourn according to scryfall
>t. Anon who doesnt know how timestamps work
Look it up. You have to play your thought vessel or tower AFTER winter does his thing or he overrides it.
lavinia has a bunch of cards that make it so that your opponent can't cast spells, she's still legal. i really don't think winter is getting hit, even if there are a couple cards that it combos with to make shit oppressive.
Nothing ever happens and it happens even less in this format.
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Jobs to 0-mana pack filler.
need a reliquary bong
These only do something if played after the card reducing your size is played. If you have these down and then I cast Jin gitaxis, you get to suck my dick.
It's late and I've explained things thoroughly at this point. You dont even need to do the combo to fuck people's day right up, you can just play normal stax/pox/8rack type things and be just as strong. You're in jund. You have the best tutors, the best noncreature removal, the cheapest (dollar wise) cantrips that also enable delirium, and the best land hate ever printed. A table full of fast mana will be fine, but for under $350 I seriously doubt anything will be comparable in terms of power level.
None - 7 is still none anon.
Did you read Uba Mask? Sure hope you enjoy those cards in your hand; you're going to need them.
If multiple effects modify your hand size, apply them in timestamp order. For example, if you put Null Profusion (an enchantment that says your maximum hand size is two) onto the battlefield and then put Reliquary Tower onto the battlefield, you'll have no maximum hand size. However, if those permanents enter in the opposite order, your maximum hand size would be two.
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"Reduced by seven" does not mean "Is zero"
You are correct, but his card says skip your discard phase, which means it doesnt matter. What he doesnt realize is puzzle box and uba mask dont care about that at all.
>Wowee I can turn everything into impulse draw wait no stop winning off your instant speed interaction!
∞ - 7 = ∞
Try your best anon. I hope you coincidentally have the right conditions to play your instant speed removal the turn you draw them. And that's assuming I drop the lock and dont have any follow up like burgeoning stripmine crucible.
you still have to fight through 3 other players and hope they can't work together to fuck you in the ass. you keep saying "at 350 dollars", some aribtrary magical number that winter is apparently strongest at, as if that is what most people are playing, as if winter actually is the strongest at that price point, and as if rule 0 still won't be the answer. things like uba mask were always used for this kind of shit, winter doesn't make uba mask more oppressive, winter makes it so your opponents see more cards (like instant speed interaction) regardless of if uba mask is out or not. you are shitting your pants over nothing, it won't get banned and players will learn to deal with the deck if it shows up or learn to not play against it. no bannings, mark my words.
Waiting for a decklist on this dumb twink. I'm sure it's absolute cancer, 0 fun to play and nowhere near as strong as anon thinks.
>burgeoning stripmine crucible
wow, you can remove one land a turn. burgeoning only lets you play lands from your hand, it's not like you get to blow up every land ever played with that combo.
You're at the "retards cannot disprove you but have strong opinions anyway" part. So you're just wasting your time now.
>as if that's what most people are playing at
It is. It's the average price of a deck mid-tier deck, the genrally accepted threshold of casual, and Winter can be built much cheaper than that. Maybe not as cheap as Zada or Edric, but that remains to be seen. Anyways, what decks are stronger? You seem to have a lot of faith in random dumbasses who often dont run removal or gravehate.
he's the one making claims that need to be proven, you absolute retard. which he hasn't done.
But he has. Thoroughly and from a strong understanding of the format. He wasnt saying it was a top tier cedh deck, he was saying it will be a common boogeyman among bullying retards.
he claimed it will be banned. he hasn't said anything even close to supporting that prediction. there are lots of boogeymen for casual tables. that doesn't mean the RC is gonna ban shit. i never said that it wasn;t strong or won't make people cry, i agreed with that. i am laughing at the certainty with which the retard claims that it will be banned. it will not.
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>it's strong
>it's going to make people cry
>and it's common
You realize that's the entire criteria for a card to be banned, right? Seems like the retard here is you playing games of semantics.
call me a retard when it gets banned, until then go be a smug anime bitch elsewhere. "making people cry" isn't a criteria, nor is "it is common". lots of cards that make people cry are still legal, lots that exist in the command zone, and lots that are common. they aren't going to do anything, it isn't strong enough that playgroups cannot adapt to it, and adapt cheaply. it isn't like golos where it is so generically good that it nullifies the all other jund commanders. people might cry for a couple weeks and then the next set will come out and everyone will start crying about another boogeyman.
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Go on retard anon, tell me which "cards that make people cry" in the command zone are legal? How will playgroups adapt?
tergrid is still legal and people constantly seethe to this day, vorinclex is legal and that makes people seethe, toxrill makes casual groups seethe and its legal, voja makes casual groups seethe and its legal. i could go on. winter isn't getting banned.
NADU you dumb faggot don't think you can dodge out of it again by saying nobody plays him.
None of those expensive commanders are as oppressive or can be built as cheaply. None of them have two card hard locks. Nice try retard anon.

You mean the unpopular nondeterministic combo deck that needs thousands of dollars of cardboard to be good? Dont be silly.
you absolutely can build tergrid on 350 dollars and it make casuals cry, which is what the original claim said was going to make it ban worthy. vorinclex can as well.
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No. Not even close. Have you ever played a stax deck? Can you read? Neither of those commanders have two card hard locks.
uba mask is not a hardlock. the minute a player exiles artifact removal with it, it is done. and like i already pointed out, winter actually makes it easier to get out of uba mask hell than if you just had uba mask out, because players see more cards. winter isn't getting banned.
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>he's doubling down not understanding how uba mask works
D'oh! Embarassing retard anon.
>have winter and uba mask out
>winters upkeep, exile top two cards of my library. can play them this turn
>there is abrade in the exiled cards
>cast it at instant speed, same turn that it was exiled
kill yourself
I'm curious how you think it works anon
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>still doesnt understand how uba mask works
I sure hope you randomly top deck instant speed removal and have mana open with zero cards of setup while the winter player does whatever the fuck theh want completely uninhibited. It's literally easier getting out of stasis locks you immense dumbass.
you're fighting against three other players, dumbass. winter isn't getting banned.
Wow those goal posts flew across the room retard anon. Good luck getting instant speed removal across three players before a guy with a full hand and the best tutors in magic does literally anything to stop them. Have you seen the decks people play? Obviously not if you think he's comparable to fucking 6 mana useless vorinclex or voja.
>goal posts flew across the room
no they didn't, i literally have always been arguing for ONLY that it won't be banned. not that it isn't strong.
>the best tutors in magic
you aren't playing the best tutors in magic AND all these great stax pieces at 350 dollars, which is the price point that original anon was claiming winter is actually good at and a big enough threat that it will get banned. you are the one who keeps shifting goalposts, faggot.
>demonic tutor
>vamperic tutor
>imperial seal
>Grim Tutor
>uba mask
>teferi's puzzle box

Ok retard anon.
you used up more than half of the budget on 6 cards. now build the rest of the deck for under 350.
>you guys are all nostalgiatards. let me enjoy my 80's nostalgia set!
Quick changes
>Kindred Dominance, Mystic Remora, Malakir Rebirth
>remove Cut Down and Brainstorm and Smallpox
>remove Karimoux and Pack Rat (EDHrec is wrong)
>remove Idol of Oblivion and Tithing Blade
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>ITT brown "people" seething central
Fuck off with your gaslighting
>he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention…By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the public good.

>And yet you have American legislators trying to bar them from doing so
>there is no centralized state agency promoting any of this.
You live in a fucking imaginary world. I invite you to look at some 60 years of equality legislation in the US, particularly that which relates to employment. Then Google “Fortune 500 diversity quota” and see what the fuck they’re enforcing.
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>99 main deck
You're missing a card - the Commander is taken into the 'main deck' #; if you add up all other categories, you only get 98

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