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Previous: >>93794508

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
Complain about spoilers or share your experiences with precons so newbies know what to look out for.
Spoilers look good
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Is anyone excited for the inevitable Freddy Fazbear reference?
I doubt there will be one
I'm just happy there are a couple eternal playable cards. The last set was such a bummer.
rocco deck for friend's casual table, playing it since a year now with constant adjustments:
wins with unblockable/trample fatties, fling and chandra's ignition (need more fling tho), as well as some token side strategies, which are slow and meh.
any fatties (besides tutors, it already cleans the tables and I like to get surprised) I can add to the deck so it would be viable to put more fling spells in?
I'm enjoying a lot of the spoilers, the alt frame blows but what can you do
and I've quite enjoyed some of the precons, but I much prefer to use stuff I build myself, even if it is jank
I like the alt frame
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I need ideas for a room commander just in case they don't print a room commander
The card names in this game have gotten so fucking dumb.
not knowing what colors are best for running rooms, and despite only half her ability mattering, Go-Shintai might not be bad
This thing is absolutely unsightly compared to Phyrexian Obliterator. It's the one parallel they failed on.
I do not like the design of rooms at all, feels like yet another one that they never would have done 10 years ago because of memory problems in paper, but said fuck it becuse their target audience is playing arena.
Something that can tap enchantments, just to confuse and annoy anyone who looks at your board.
The red one is worse
I've just noticed how it looks like he's standing outside a football stand
That goes without saying because it's Alchemyshit
So we've seen all of two Beasties so far, but they both have "can't attack or block unless..."
I hope this isn't going to be their niche, that's going to suck hard for limited if there's a whole host of cards like that
Looks like it bub
You'll probably pick the one that fits your archetype, not beastie tribal.
Probably gonna throw this into Coram as a free self-mill every turn. by the time it's able to attack, I probably won't care about using it for anything other than a cheap meat wall
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I have no hopes of beastie or even beast tribal, I'm just worried about a pod where everyone is trying to figure out how to keep these from being dead draws
Post the tribe you think deserves a Commander and more support in either a precon or another set
kill yourself tripfag

Weasel/Rat/Werewolf/Dog precon
I was trying to think of a tribe and this never occurred to me and is indeed the right answer
and the commander needs to be able to control day night cycles so we don't have to deal with the awful shit from the last innistrad
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Is it a mistake for a set to be built around Delirium, but have no kind of piƱata land?
You just have to mill
Tovolar's a total G but we need activated abilities that transform things in my opinion
What if we don't give werewolves support ever again instead so we don't have to watch some dope in the pod flip around all of his cards every turn cycle?
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Both RG Overlords are fantastic Bello pieces. Ramp, removal, can function without Bello.
Not when there are tons of enchantment creatures running around, it's not as necessary.
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I'd like a Jund Kavu commander designed around combat/recursion. Or if I could really have my wish, I'd want it to be Dune-Brood colors so you can have a mix of Jund and Naya for said beastly focus.
lmao even
but also werewolves where you can control the flow of day/night better or just have a way to control the flipping would be awesome
Good choice
i'm still allowing rolls in this thread
Dune-Brood has blue retarded tripfag, you're thinking Yore-Tiller.
Imagine being this wrong this confidently.
>he doesn't play gimmicky decks

I legit can't understand people who only play voltrons or token spam
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imagine being wrong about anything, while using the internet even
All of my decks are gimmick decks
>u-ur wrong
post the card, stop defending tripfags
Dune-Brood is sans black, Yore-Tiller is sand blue and the others have stupid names i'm not gonna google to prove you wrong harder
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this is actually kind of clever
>unironically photoshopping classic cards
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I assume that's aimed at the anon who asked last thread? Here's the starter guide I give everyone:

>1 Legendary Creature
Pick literally anything you like. If you're new or on a budget, I would pick something monocolored.
>35 Lands
You need mana to cast spells, and 35 gets you enough to draw an average of 3 across your first 9 cards. If you have a "Lands matter" deck, the extra lands will come out of your 34 "anything" cards. If you're running 2+ colors, make sure at LEAST half of them come into play untapped.
>10 Removal Spells
If you can't interact with the table, your opponents are free to do anything they want. There are a lot of cards that count as "Removal", including counterspells, kill spells, and graveyard hate. You need to do it cheaply (3 mana or less) so you can afford to do your own stuff and at instant speed so you can react to threats.
>Mana Fixing
You need mana to cast spells, and this will supplement your lands by fixing colors and ramping you ahead of the curve. The color fixing is less important in 1 color decks, but the value of having 4 mana on turn 3 cannot be overstated. It might be a mana rock, a land aura, a mana dork, or spell that puts lands into play from your library, but it needs to cost 2 or less.
>10 Draw Spells
Like Removal, the definition of a "Draw Spell" is very loose and looks different depending on what color(s) you're running. Generally speaking, they need to increase the number of cards you have available or find something specific from your 34 "Anything" cards. No specific guidelines because of how loose this part is, but they shouldn't cost more than 4 unless it gets you a LOT of value.
>34 Anything You Want
I do mean ANYTHING. This is often the most fun part of the deck building because this is where all your combos, commander synergy cards, and pet cards go. There may be overlap between this section and the previous sections, but DO NOT go below 35/10/10/10 in order to have more of these cards.
>here's your dual land bro
These are actually very good bud
>doesn't enter tapped
These will be $5 a piece
>unironically decent dual land
Tainted lands but without the part that sucks (outside of decks that need colorless for specific purposes like 5 color Eldrazi)
My wife came in the mail today. What's the best use for her?
>missed having "10" in front of mana fixing
BRB, killing myself
If my wife came in the mail I'd hit her
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It'a time for one of these. Post your:
>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
>most powerful deck
>favorite card
>top three videogames
>top three books
>favorite spoopy movie
>what you're listening to right now
>what you'd drink at a bar
Other anons? Judge people based on their taste BUT you must say at least one thing positive about that anon.
it's typal, retard
Rakdos Zombies or Mardu Vampires
Retarded idea that brings back day/night
dead typal with nothing to build off of, they don't do anything
Actually braindead because it's just warrior support when it should be barbarians vs cowards
warrior vs coward? that's fucking stupid
>furry night/day
you already have too much
that's like asking for goblins lmao
remember to dilate sister
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Typal is derived from the word type, retard. Calling a single creature type a typal is a great way to prove you don't understand what it means.
>Favourite Deck
Fumiko, spergs gnash their teeth at having to attack and ā€œmakeā€ enemies, fun interactions with Radiant Performer.
>Powerful Deck
Tivit, loads of interaction, voting, Kappa Cannoneer makes for a strong finisher.
>Favourite Card
I love this lil neighbour like you wouldnā€™t believe. Close second would be Sydri
Your nonMTG queries are gay as fuck and I donā€™t care to answer them.
He`s REALLY good and tired of pretending he is not.
Yes and pretty cool desu
Only if you can play him on turn 2
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>Favorite deck
Blurza with a little snow on top for funny
>most powerful deck
Either Blurza or Sidar Jababy, but I'm leaning towards Urza
>favorite card
Underground Sea or Mana Vortex, the colors in the art really do it for me
>top three video games
Final Fantasy X
Spyro the Dragon
Legend of Zelda (1986)
>top three books
Moons of Mirrodin = Darksteel Eye
Gyo (if thick, hardcover manga counts)
>favorite spoopy movie
Sorta torn on this one, but I recently really enjoyed The Ritual (2017)
>What you're listening to right now
>what you'd drink in a bar
I actually don't drink, so I'd get something like a soda while my friends drink whatever they want

Utterly based taste. I had to check to make sure they didn't errata it to suck dick and they didn't, what an incredibly mean spirited thing to use.
He's gonna be very satisfying in things like Nekusar or going for a Rakdos version of it.
Specters, and I'm baffled there isn't a commander for them already.
>They all share the same discard theme
>They basically all have flying
>They're primarily black with U and R for a potential Grixis commander
>They've existed since alpha and players instantly understand what a specter does when someone plays one
Despite such a well defined identity as a creature type and looking sick as fuck they have never once received support as a tribe. There is such an easy layup for a cool specter tribal commander, just print a few new ones in a themed commander deck for them and you'd bring all the boys to the yard. Everyone wants these cool motherfuckers to actually be good but they just aren't without more support.
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>someone at my table says typal
you will take your one monoblack legendary specter and like it
unironically good pick, anon
specters are practically everywhere in magic but never get any love whatsoever and discard is a great theme for them especially if you make them grixis and include making opponents Loot (draw and then discard) on hit like
"Whenever a Specter you control deals combat damage to a player, that player draws a card and then discards a card" so it never is useless
>crying that i'm right
kindred flopped but typal is forever, tribal just makes them all sound like... well, stupid western ideas of what a "tribe" is even if tribes are often more advanced and better societies than we've ever had
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Oh shit he went maximum overbait.
I don't get it
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>That three months period when every Jew tuber switched to "typal" without explanation because the new NPC firmware update dropped
That's not what I think when I hear "tribe"
He is really cool, but he dies to removal
Why is he good, in your opinion?
Do people actually play Eldrazi decks, or are they an expensive meme?
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Give me Jund Ogres
Nta but card draw and constant growing threat
I don't really care if people say the ward is "useless", frankly the more people that underestimate him the better, I'll still be getting 3 cards per round in rakdos colors, not sol shabby if you ask me
I always played eldrazi whenever Zendikar came around, honestly was the only way to have fun with BFZ
It's a meme
I have a mono red one, its artifact ramp into eldrazi titans with a bunch of land destruction/mana denial
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
the thing a generically liberal youtuber fears the most is being called racist for using "tribal", even though no one would be able to explain why tribal is racist in the first place
Anyone built an Ixhel deck? Is she fun?
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Small guy Eldrazi Ingest
Sure, I would like a fuckhuge Eldrazi to finish off with every now and then, but what I really want is small bois that semi-mills my opponent

I remember how fun it was to exile important cards from an opponents library
Hey fellow Ingestbro, guess what?

Umbris + Arcane Adaptation or Conspiracy
I feel like they could do a better self mill zombie deck than sidisi
politely slit your own throat, friend.
Who did the red-based temp-copy archetype best?
None of those are a tempo deck. But if I had to pick one, it'd be kikijiki.
You're getting 3 cards if you do a lot of set up and nobody interacts.
Obviously kiki. I wish the balloon man made 0/1 tokens that didn't sac themselves and couldn't block, and had "when a balloon you control dies he deals 2 damage to any target" or something. I hate the NOTkiki design.
So you're not a fan of iterations on this archetype?
Apologies for the confusion, I meant temp as in temporary, not tempo
I just hate his name. I bet the anons in this general could think of a better one.
Not necessarily. I shouldn't have said it like that. When I look at them arranged like that, I see the nuance in their design and some are pretty unique. I guess I hate that my mind immediately files them into an iteration category. It feels lazy I guess, but then again that's what a lot of what magic is, iterating on itself so it's not all bad.
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>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
bladewing (it's really giada but i don't have pics)
>most powerful deck
ao, the dawn sky
>favorite card
treefolk harbinger or archangel of tithes
>top three videogames
kenshi, night in the woods, ico
>top three books
last exit to brooklyn
>favorite spoopy movie
hereditary or alien
>what you're listening to right now
>what you'd drink
vodka poured into a monster can
the ritual was a comfy movie. gyo is cool, i also have the hardcover on my shelf. good taste
i am not a blue enjoyer, put winter orb in the urza deck.
fumiko is a neat card. carionette has nice art, i haven't seen it before
Kiki and Delina are the only ones that are actually worth a damn, Saheeli in fringe cases like with Brudiclad.
Sultai Skeletons - Dredge/Graveyard Recursion, Regenerate,... idk how to justify blue - card draw when you do skeleton things!!!
Sultai Ooze - +1/+1 counters (Green), -1/-1 counters (Black), proliferate (Blue). also ooze token generation (Ooze)
I dislike red ooze, and while there are some skeletons with red in 'em, I think the blue ones are cooler (and I find red uninteresting as a colour, as a whole)
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>>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
Liesa (https://www.moxfield.com/decks/MtG4Ko6FSE6pfgTQq4Mngg)
>>most powerful deck
Also Liesa
>>favorite card
>>top three videogames
Super Mario World, Hotline Miami, Sleeping Dogs
>>top three books
Books hurt Grug's brain. New cards too much words. Grug forget first paragraph after reading.
>>favorite spoopy movie
House of 1000 Corpses
>>what you're listening to right now
>>what you'd drink at a bar
Tequila and a Modelo
Yay i love pointless blogposting that is barely even on-topic that nobody will read. This kind of post should be against the rules, it's just blatant schizophrenic (you) farming
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>>favorite deck
>>most powerful deck
>>favorite card
Grand Abolisher
>>top three videogames
Kenshi, DS2, FFIX
>>top three books
Alone Against Tomorrow, Awake in the Night Land, Book of the New Sun (counts)
>>favorite spoopy movie
not really my thing, probably rosemary's baby or the others
>>what you're listening to right now
>>what you'd drink at a bar
knob creek neat and a hoegaarden
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>>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
Kresh (pic is slightly outdated though)
>>most powerful deck
>>favorite card
Birthing Pod
>>top three videogames
Death Stranding, Bloodborne, Slay the Spire
>>top three books
House of Leaves, The Dark Forest, Cat's Cradle
>>favorite spoopy movie
Event Horizon
>>what you're listening to right now
Most recently Modest Mouse, My Chemical Romance, Radiohead
>>what you'd drink at a bar
Preferably a barrel aged or nitro stout, maybe an old fashioned
>judgy retard offers 0 thoughts of his own because he knows everyone will shit on his own suggestions
>they don't do anything
So pretty much all tribes?
This is a safe space, anon. Do not be afraid to talk about yourself openly.
No, this is not a safe space you humongous attention whore faggot. Nobody cares about what book or game you like because that's not MTG. This is the MTG thread. Go to /b/ with your off-topic spam.
sorry anon but the dataminer bots need more data, please provide all your data to them
What if this is the book I like?
i really like these lands
of course they're in allied colors though, christ almighty every fuckin time lol
Next set will have the enemy ones anon that's how it works
yes yes, just like with the BFZ duals right?

it fuckin better
He literally said Mardu Vampires and Rakdos zombies before his schizo rant
why are old cards written so autisticly lmao
>Game for autists
>"Why is this so autistic"
Hey, thats a cool card! I might just try to make a deck of sorts with this guy
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>favorite deck
My yawgmoth deck is a lot of fun.
>most powerful deck
Urza, Lord High Artificer. I've played the deck for almost a decade.
>favorite card
>top three videogames
Binding of Isaac, Cruelty Squad, SMT: Strange Journey
>top three books
House of Leaves, The Naked Lunch, The Splatterjay series
>favorite spoopy movie
Dead Alive (Braindead). It's a classic. Or Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2; it's really hard to pick just one.
>what you're listening to right now
>what you'd drink at a bar
Double gin and tonic in a short glass.
Mythics are kinda shit besides meathook 2 and valgavoth compared to sets in the past but that's not necessarily a bad thing considering all the power creep. Ser seems pretty good so far, art isn't complete shit, flavor isnt bad, and wotc aren't going full retard on the 80s horror references like I assumed they would. Overall better than detective hat set, cowboy hat set, and the reddit tier cootie patootie animal sōy set.
The flavour being mostly good does make the few just completely incongruent ones feel even worse though. I don't even inherently mind the 80s-theming, but how does a random cheerleader make sense in a world that's long-forgotten what a fucking City even is? She's not even, like, a cheerleader that's dressed up like a survivor, she's JUST a cheerleader.
>>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
Geist voltron, dont have any recent pictures but here is where its at now https://www.archidekt.com/decks/1437115/el_super_geisto
>>most powerful deck
Winota stax
>>favorite card
Memory Lapse
>>top three videogames
Team fortress 2, monster hunter GU, Lost Odyssey
>>top three books
Every book Ive picked up in the last decade has been either a manual or a textbook so Im pretty sure it doesnt count
>>favorite spoopy movie
Jeepers Creepers
>>what you're listening to right now
The hum of my AC
>>what you'd drink at a bar
Gin and tonic
All the Jew tubers also refer to their cards as they/them now too. They never say he/her/it when referring to their creatures in play.
idk why they didn't just make it like...a kylem cheerleader or something? we literally have an arena plane that could have cheerleaders in it!
She looks exactly like the monsters. Is this a didn't clean up base sketch idea or ai slop?
The art is shit and we've only seen ten percent of the set so far and you're already declaring it better than all other sets this year? Come on man
Also "creature lands"
Pretty soon they'll stop saying colored
Why do I have this nagging feeling like they put something really retarded in the commander decks like a red creature with shadow?
>wotc aren't going full retard on the 80s horror references like I assumed they would.
Monsters Inc. and Casper the Friendly Ghost are my favorite 80s horror movies.
They made a 1-mana Dockside Extortionist
Like, make her obviously from Strixhaven or Kylem or something if you're gonna use that trope. Or just don't use the fucking trope, it's clearly not something that slots in nicely to how Duskmourn has been crafted. The current handwave is Omenpaths brought in some other shit, but that presumably means Valgavoth yanked people in who just so happened to fit the setting's pre-Ascension 80s aesthetic.
Not my fault the other 3 standard sets set the bar so low
>praise wotc not making everything a one note 80s slasher reference like mkm did with murder mystery and otj did with westerns
>anon mentions monsters Inc and Casper, having nothing to do with 80s horror movies references
Maybe there are a bunch of 1980s planes out there and since they're all so similar it's easier for Vaginamoth to grab people from them. That would explain why everyone native to Duskmourn and all the people coming in from other planes are all dressed the same.
At least wait until we have 100% spoilers to shill
Troma Secret Lair when.
I legitimately do not understood how some anons don't seem to think otj wasn't crazy strong
There are monsters inc and casper the friendly ghost inspired cards. We haven't seen it yet, but MaRo said there's a card named "Friendly Ghost". That's what I was referencing.
Oh definitely, her and the jogger are fucking terrible. But I'd rather have a few really out of place cards than have every card be le wacky theme park land reference like karlov manor and otj
This. Original werewolves sucked, the attempt to fix them was even worse. The concept just doesn't work.
That's very mediocre as an explanation. They could've easily still had a Duskmourn-native cheerleader by just having the outfits and moves be something passed down that through the ages got warped into, like, a survivor group that thinks it's a fighting style. It's a bit hokey, but 80s horror is a bit hokey to begin with.
Val has the same clothes magic that Dr Thunder used to manage his Junction.
The jogger I can at least tolerate on his own because he could've died whenever. The cheerleader is just a fucking cheerleader with zero congruency. A lot of the survivors we've seen so far look weirdly too clean and out of place, in general. A few look good (Winter, Veteran Survivor, honestly I don't mind Toby's look either) but so many... It's weird how the natives look like they fit less in the plane than the actual outsiders.
I didn't say otj wasn't strong, that was the only good thing about that set, the art direction and flavor were awful, and i say that despite liking cheesy westerns
Sorry I misunderstood anon , I didn't read all of the maro blog post hints
>Monsters Inc
It's fucking clearly Where The Wild Things Are.
This shit just looks like a video game or a fortnite secret lair or something. There's no logical explanation for the cheerleader and there likely won't ever be
Where dn is (your mouth)
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Horobi is a spicy pick for Mothman to turn mill into removal.
I desperately need a commander who embodies this cards vibe
>Group Cut deck
Id play it
Chud typal. Bigot artists only.
Toby feels more Monsters Inc than Wild Things to me, but I could see it going either way. Beasties in general feel more Wild Things. Either way, not a horror setting, and not 80s.

Artists/writers forgot it was a "horror movie inspired plane" and just drew a horror movie character, that's probably all it is. That's how a lot of it feels.
Gay Bolas
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It's UB faggotry but it seems fitting
>Either way, not a horror setting, and not 80s.
Honestly I agree with this so much. I don't even dislike what I've seen before but it's not what they said it would be. The vibe I get is very much "goosebumps at home" with some Ghostbusters and other tropes sprinkled here and there.
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Hello! I might as well do this :>
>Favorite deck
Tovolar! I have all my favorites laid out here (taking this photo at night time so you can't tell but there's only 6 nonfoils here)
I just love him so so much, I use the Midnight Hunt bundle box as my main EDH deck box and the werewolf mini deck box for assorted Rares/Mythics as a goodstuff collection whenever I open packs
>Most powerful deck
Probably my Sliver Overlord deck, it has pretty much everything you need in a 5 color for manabase and draw power. It's a bit lean on boardwipes though.
>Favorite Card
Blightsteel Colossus! :)
I like to go full autistic and roleplay my victory line, "You're a blight on this world, and my colossus is going to wipe you away, you mistake!"
>Top Three Videogames
1)Pokemon White 2
2)Megaman Battle Network 6
3)Yugioh The Sacred Cards
>Top 3 Books
1)Cat Ninja
2)Diary of a Wimpy Kid
>Favorite Spoopy Movie
The Thing (obviously)
>Listening to Right Now
Alternating between Artemas - I like the Way you Kiss Me and PunchDrunk - Bigger (loud)
I don't drink so root beer float or orange soda probably

(Hopefully the picture doesn't rotate)
I don't think it's fun to print value engines with inbuilt protection into Commander when we're not also seeing versatile removal options being printed in. I don't want more 8-mana bomb sorceries that win the game after wiping the board of creatures. I want a way to kill a single enchantment for less than 5 mana.
>Chud typal. Bigot artists only.
??? I don't have the context
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We can already remove any creature permanently for one mana, what more do you want? The issue with the game is that removal has been too powerful from the start.
>The issue with the game is that removal has been too powerful from the start.
Imagine being this fucking awful at the game.
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I dont understand the controversy behind separating cEDH from regular EDH. I feel like it would solve a lot of the drama around the banlist being inconsistent and the RC's fear of expanding the banlist. It's clear that there are cards that once you see them on the table they(or you) will be enemy number one for the rest of the game and nobody likes that situation. Inconsistent power levels at the table is one of the biggest problems in the format and it's because the RC is stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to the banlist.

Having a cEDH format means cEDH players can play their turn 3 wincons to their hearts content without ever being afraid of their key pieces being banned outside of the most egregious cards. Reading reddit it honestly just feels like cEDH players wont be able to smugly annihilate the table with their totally casual deck guys trust me its definitely like a 6 in power level.
I'm better at the game than you
They shouldn't be printing these retarded value engines at all. IT's the biggest problem with magic right now.
There is no controversy
Value engines are fine as long as they come with downsides. Bring back downsides.
Actually it's that singles are the most cost efficient way to get Magic cards rather than sealed product and therefore anyone who does not have access to buying singles is at a severe disadvantage when the only option is to buy cards wholesale from a target or walmart
No card should be an engine in and of itself. Two cards, sure, that can get you an engine. Three cards, you should be getting some excellent value and synergies at that point. Make them modular enough to be combined in different ways, and you're really onto something.

But when something generates value automatically just because you're playing the game and taking all the game actions you otherwise would, and also gives you ways to cash in that value for yet more value or further iterations of those game actions? That's several steps too far.
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Would you ever keep a hand that is all lands and mana rocks?
>But when something generates value automatically just because you're playing the game and taking all the game actions you otherwise would, and also gives you ways to cash in that value for yet more value or further iterations of those game actions? That's several steps too far.

So how do you feel about landfall?
I don't really understand it either. EDH to me is comparable to Super Smash Bros, and the rules you'd expect when going to a Smash tournament are different than the rules you'd expect when going to go play in your buddy's living room or at a college lounge.
The problem are retards who want to fuck with the banlist. The most fun part of edh is playing cards that are banned in other formats with fast mana, but casuals and comp fags alike want to be the fun police, and both ban philosophies defeat the purpose of the format.
>Would you ever keep a hand that is all lands and mana rocks?
That's my favorite kind of hand, actually. Also works out well in my Imskir deck.
My Commander's CMC is never over 5 so no
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Good thing we got another reprint of a white card with a white person redone with a black person in its art, we nearly went 1 set without that happening
>Group Cut deck
Yes! just a deck that lets everyone at the table ping each other back and forth
When was the last set where a monowhite human was anything other than black-skinned?
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That's actually pretty good
There absolutely is now that someone is deciding to create a new cEDH format and redditors are seething
Which of these three is the most based to build?
no bro you dont understand my dockside loops are jank if i use the infinite mana to cast a weird commander
To me clothes magic makes sense to me. After the omenpaths opened each worldsoul feels threatened by the blending of the planes so now each worldsoul imposes changes on visitors as they cross the omenpaths. Planes already do something similar like Segovia shrinking people and Bloomburrow animalizing people. Itā€™s a bit goofy but it almost works.
Xantcha, but you have to use art that doesn't makes her look hideous. I recommend Commander Masters because she got eratta after her first printing.
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NTA but I really don't buy it at all after reading the stories, it's clearly Stranger Things bait, the whole 80's horror vibe exists because WOTC is forcing it to in certain cards and the godawful trailer for the set. From the first story before Marina met Val
>A modern-looking carriage pulled up in front of the house, conspicuous in its lack of draft animals to pull it.
But also dude CRT's and cheerleaders from the 80's because ??????
They probably had some UB planned for it that didn't pan out.
The animalizing and shrinking is stupid, but if we're going to run with it we might as well say that every plane does this. Thunder Junction gave everybody cowboy hats and a Texas accent, Duskmourne gives everybody 80's outfits and keeps them surprisingly clean.
It's just a clarification, not a real big errata. It's probably there because retards thought that it's an ETB trigger and tried to use it when it would be under it's owner's control.
Yeah, the old way had her start in your control and move to an opponent's control as one effect so nobody got priority while you controlled her. The new wording is much better.
No, it always worked like that and Xantha never entered the battlefield under your control. It's a replacement effect, much like Clone doesn't enter the field as a 0/0 blue creature which then transforms, it enters as the chosen creature.
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What's the best vore-themed commander?
I want to eat the opponent's creatures (or any permanents really)
Since when is cadria trans?
Ulalash the Hate Seed I think it's called
Though you probably want Oozes like the D&D Gelatinuous Cube so maybe something Jund
One of the Devs/writers confirmed it on twitter
Well, there IS the "eater of all"
Gross. I guess it's coming out of my deck
I noticed that actually. Inexplicably they all began to use "they" to refer to the card. I guess that was the new firmware update.
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The problem is cEDH psycho format and the large majority of the community playing it wants less bans, not more. Contrast with casual EDH which is long overdue to grab the toilet plunger and unclog the shitter by banning a few long overdue cards, because the instant they appear in a casual game its just fucked. The formats can't exist together and the sooner they make peace with that the better.
Thromok, let us know what your record is
Creature lands? Is this a replacement for "mana dork" or is it something else?
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They're talking about manlands
Ah, instead of "man". I'm surprised they didn't go with "woman lands"
lol, snowflake
Dark Souls reference? Maybe?
lol, hedonist
You got a lot of new info for your excel schizoanon, congrats
God this movie is so bad
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>What more do you want?
>>I want a way to kill a single enchantment for less than 5 mana.
Reminder that according to MaRo color pie only matters when it comes to removal, but value pieces can go anywhere.
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>fav deck
Pick related. Shitty quality pic tho.

>strongest deck
Karn silver golem deck with no creatures. Involves several stack pieces and locks so Im not allowed to pull it out

>Fav card
Bloodmoon. Fuck 5c greedy value piles

>Top 3 vidya
Misschief Makers, Real Bout Special, Darkwood

>top three books
Bram Stokers Dracula. Dune. Last King before theyre hanged.

>fav spoopy movie
Cabin in the woods. If not spoopy enough then Get Out. Martys was the most disturbing movie ive seen and I have no desire to ever see it again.

Court of the Crimson King

>whatd youd drink at a bar.
Brandy. Remy Martin.

Way too many questions anon.
Any deck. Just ask to cut your opponent's deck before the match.
No dumber than Ms Bumbleflower
>Trying to win in cEDH
Never it's already devastating to not mulligan for a draw engine
>Any other time
Yes I would gamble on an atrocious hand that can hit its land drop for 7 turns in a row.
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If I want a value engine, chances are I'll be able to find one for any archetype that wins the game if not answered immediately, printed in the last 5 years.
If I want spot removal, chances are my best option was printed over 15 years ago, and leaves a large volume of cards it does not answer properly.
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has it been oracled to count as an enchantment creature when transformed?
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goddamn bros i really want to buy some RL kino
RL cards should be banned
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rl should be handed out for free at schoolyards
I love how upset duskmourn is making some people
I like ...80% of what I've seen, I don't care for the goofy ghost tech or the room cards that much but I love a lot of the creature designs
"Multiverse" is the biggest mistake in magic lore design.
Planeswalker cards were the beginning of the end
Card types aren't lore.
Not that poster but its a combo of removal being too good relative to creatures
Old creatures sucked dick, the only good ones were creature cards with effects that made them behave like spells, shit like Royal Assassin or Nekrataal
Its still the same too, the only creatures that really see play are creatures that have effects such that they behave like spells when they enter or can tap or sac at instant speed.
Post your decks anons!
>im an ageing Millennial that is still mentally 12 years old
Wild the shit people will post online when asked, you should take this information to your grave
No one cares because this is anonymous. You have no idea who posted that. You don't even know if I am him.
>I dont understand
Define cEDH without including ā€œEDH where people actually tryā€
ā€˜grats, now you understand. Every other reply to you was a waste of bump limit.
>he thinks 4channel is anonymous
To everyone here? Yes.
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cEDH is not ready to admit that green is the best color.
green is not a creative color
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>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
>most powerful deck
Probably my mono blue deck, Flood of Tears into Omniscience.
>favorite card
Odd answer but Osai Vulture, that was the first card I ever got long before I ever got into the game, just found it randomly.
>top three videogames
Twilight Princess
New Vegas
>top three books
Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Kingdoms of the Wall
The Outsiders
>favorite spoopy movie
>what you're listening to right now
>what you'd drink at a bar
Help me out here
>Pump out Eldrazi Spawns
>Buff them
>Tilt them
Radha or Raggadragga as commander?
Radha sneakily allows you to get two unfizzled mana per chumpblocked scion
Raggadragga can use an x-cost instant to turn one measly token into a 9/10 trampling giant

well...which one do you have a chance to get more value out of. Personally Radha is more fun for what I'd like to do
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>>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
>>most powerful deck
Hard to say. Omo, 2/Vislor, and 10/Adric are what I play when the table wants stronger.
>>favorite card
I don't really have one
>>top three videogames
VTM Bloodlines
Jet Set Radio
Cyberpunk 2077
>>top three books
I don't read books.
>>favorite spoopy movie
Halloween (1978)
>>what you're listening to right now
>>what you'd drink at a bar
I don't really drink. Probably Mai Tai or Rum and coke. Rum is alright.
How is it an insult that I enjoy myself?
I did a bit of reading on twitter about the split. Seems like the guys spearheading this have a pretty solid understanding of tournament cedh space. I can't imagine they are trying to redefine the feel of the format, they will probably just hit a couple problematic cards while leaving most untouched. People complaining seem to be doing so just for the sake of it.
I for one would welcome the split with open arms but then I don't play cedh because I don't like all the hair colors it attracts.
>top three books
>I don't read books.

Finally some explanation behind the character of the 2nd Doctor/Vislor poster.
>one of the members is already out as a /pol/tard type
Yeah it ain't gonna last
>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
Dakkon Blackblade, in process of upgrading

>most powerful deck
Tyvar the Bellicose

>favorite card
Dakkon Blackblade

>top three videogames
Dark souls 3
Mass Effect
Skyrim heavily modded

>top three books
Children of Hurin

>favorite spoopy movie
The Descent

>what you're listening to right now
Future garage radio

>what you'd drink at a bar
Espresso shot and whiskey
A turn 4 Radha seems more fun than a turn 4 Raggadragga.
Turning every scion into two elves seems more flexible than turning them into one bear.
Even if you have 2 tokens the turn Radha hits, the next turn you'd have 5 additional mana.
Because leftoid trannies will burn it to the ground rather than spend a moment in a world with people that donā€™t agree with them?
desu if you refuse to represent your community in your rules committee then it kinda sucks ass
>your community
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>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
Nicol Bolas

>most powerful deck
Nicol Bolas

>favorite card
Ugin the Spiritdragon

>top three videogames
Dragon Age
Baldurs Gate 3

>top three books
Wheel of Time
A Song of Ice and Fire

>favorite spoopy movie
Red Dragon

>what you're listening to right now
Dragonforce - Through the Fire and the Flames

>what you'd drink at a bar
Celestial Sleepytime tea
>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
cEDH chatterfang
>most powerful deck
cEDH chatterfang
>favorite card
Dark Ritual
>top three videogames
Donkey Kong Country 2
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
Final Fantasy X
>top three books
1001 nights
Brave New World
The Egyptian
>favorite spoopy movie
The Thing or Alien
>what you're listening to right now
>what you'd drink at a bar
white russians or just beer
Can I get a closer look at the token darling just beside Chatterfang.
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here you go
fuck i love Golgari so much.
is there any other color combination as quintessential for commander as this?
why no mox diamond anon , and how does your deck do against most partner cedh decks . Specially thoracles .
do created tokens trigger etb?
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>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
Runo Stromkirk, a Shadow over Innsmouth inspired nautical cultist deck.

>most powerful deck
Ayli & Lurrus (switchable with Amalia for lower power)

>favorite card
Titania's Song

>top three videogames
Dwarf Fortress (haven't played it in 10 years, but many good memories)
Xcom 2

>top three books
Three Body Problem trilogy
Kafka At The Shore
Goblin Market and other Poems

>favorite spoopy movie
The Thing

>what you're listening to right now
"Music to Stop Doomscrolling to"

>what you'd drink at a bar
a local craftbeer

>Dark Souls 3
Did you pick him for the vibes? If so, can we be friends?

You certainly seem like a determined strategic player. I commend your straightforward lines to victory.
Elaborate on your favorite books
Yawgmoth and Urza are trash but I'd love to hear your take on House of Leaves.
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Knowledge Pool in Casual Commander
yes or no
She is mighty cute.
nice, i learned something new today
Only with your friends.
>Elaborate on your favorite books
Hitchikers Guide (and the first two sequels) are some of the most hilarious books I ever read, to the point they are the only book I've ever read so much I had to buy new copies to replace them
Kingdom's of the Wall is a book best going into as blind as you can. Strange fantasy world split by a massive mountain range, every few years a large religious pilgrimage is held to go up this dangerous range, most years not a single pilgrim returns, and those that do are maddened. It's about the journey.
The outsiders, I live in the city where the movie was filmed, and I first had to read the book in 5th grade for english class and I fell in love, first book to make little ole me cry, it's one I can finish in an afternoon
I'd gladly lose to a kino cEDH deck like yours.
Do you use the Wishclaw Talisman for politics? Or do you retake/break it after activation?
What's The Egyptian about and how does it compare to Brave New World and 1001 nights?
funny that you ask, I actually bought one just a few weeks ago and replaced viscera seer with it, haven't just gotten around to update the deck photo yet

It does quite alright in cEDH. Obviously golgari lacks some interaction that blue has, and you're not most favored to win, but it's very feasible to simply wait for a good opportunity to try comboing off

wishclaw is there simply for tutoring stuff, you mostly use it to grab something that helps you win the game that turn before your opponents get to use it

you can think of the egyptian as a fictional biography about an ancient egyptian, it's a very good read and the author really did a good job maintaining historical accuracy. I can't really compare it to BNW or 1001 nights, they were just books that really stuck with me after reading them
>Duskmourn manifests the fears and horrors of its inhabitants
>literally no card reference to the Phyrexians compleating and invading most planes
>even Nashi whose mother was compleated and he actively fought didn't give enough of a shit to manifest that
You'd think there would be a reference or something, did everyone canonically just get over it?
Many of the Class types like Rebels, Warlocks, Nobles, Peasants, Samurais, Artificers, Citizens, Rangers, Scouts, Berserkers, or Detectives have lots of creatures and varying levels of support but lack a decent tribal Commander or don't have one at all. There's also Mercenaries and Warlocks, but at least they have Outlaws stuff.
also regarding thoracle, you pretty much either have to cast/evoke endurance if they have cards in their GY or hope that your opponents have responses
Mice, if only to give them a real commander option
Kingdom of the walls goes onto the list. Thanks anon.
Yes, but... only if it helps you win.
In a donate-deck, most of your cards are actively harmful, so this allows you to play around that by using decent cards instead
In a storm deck, you get two cast triggers per cast spell. It doesn't replace your cast trigger.
In reanimator or impulse draw decks, like Whisper, Haakon or Eruth, you've got other zones to draw spells from without casting them from your hand, so you can work around the Pool while disrupting opponents.
I like Knowledge Pool. It fucks with combo decks, it fucks with players who have more money than me, and generally proves how more smarter I am than the other players.
>did everyone canonically just get over it?
Yes. "le ebil assimilating machines fuck up your comfiest settings" was a bad idea to begin with. It's a shame MtG fans have the intelligence of wrestling fans and WotC will probably do it again
It is strange that MKM was all about Detectives, had many Detective support cards, and gave us several Legendary Detectives, but didn't gives us a Detective Commander that actually rewards you for playing Detectives.
>Dark Souls 3
>Did you pick him for the vibes? If so, can we be friends?

Yes, absolutely for the vibes. This art is for me what Magic should be all about, summed up - old school warrior with sword and shield fighting wizards and dragons. I know it's not a good commander and I try to make him as powerful as possible landfall, voltron, stax. If you share my passion we can absolutely be friends.
Even if its a bad idea, it still happened. If I personally was writing a story involving a being manifesting fears within a few years of an assimilation multiversal invasion plot, "Fear of Compleation" would've been an immediate thought.
Instead people are more scared of losing their teeth than the very real threat that everyone had to face a few years ago
All the Detective Legends care about drawing cards and/or Clue tokens, and most Detectives also care about drawing cards or make Clue tokens, so they still work well together.
Why is there no boros commander that leans into land destruction? I want to make people miserable with Land Tax, Devastating Dreams and Planar Birth.
if you take 15 minutes on your winning turn that never even goes to combat phase you are legit retarded
Just pulled a Rhystic Study. Do I unleash it on my LGS or sell it?
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There is no way nu Wizard will allow it, they dont like adding "feels bad" effects to cards.
This guy should have been infect
Since when is that a 50 dollar card kek
if you want to out yourself that bad just do it it. no need to do it the fag way
Wish I'd pulled the anime confetti foil.
>ritual was a comfy movie
absolutely agreed, the designwork for the creature is also really good
>gyo is cool
>also has the hard cover
very based
>i am not a blue enjoyer, put winter orb in the urza deck.
it's there near the bottom of the second pile, I like how it makes people react when it touches the board. Yet it's never been removed a single time.
Huh wuh?
Free my nigga Leovold
Reposting since I hadn't noticed the last thread was about to die.
What's the strongest version of zombie tribal? I basically already have every card.
Give me Djinns.
Commander precon should be either Jeskai or Azorius
Hazezon loves land destruction and is in Boros+green. Flicker a realm razer. Destroy the world. Eke out an advantage in the wasteland that remains.

Alternatively: Zurgo Worldbreaker (with assault suit) to destroy absolutely everything all the time

Better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven.
rhystic study is gays a hell is all
Infect was just a retarded keyword.
It either won the game immediately or you had literally no impact on the game once you die, unless others had Poison synergy.
Toxic is a good way to both actually deal damage, still have a Poison gimmick and at the same time also restrain the random "haha I hit you for 10 damage so I win" feelsbad losses
Anon seething that he doesn't have the magic touch. Buy another pack broski, you'll pull it next time
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idk but quads and i'll do it, quints and i'll do it and then poop and cum on it after.
I'd love to pull it for the resell value, i would never ever ever ever touch that card otherwise
put in Narset she lets you touch artifacts/counters and lets you skip junk cards
The law of equivalent exchange dictates that as I gained a Rhystic, you must lose a Rhystic. Flush it.
Imma play it
if no one gets digits i'll just sell it and buy a hooker after game night at the LGS
Quints and quads are currently not possible at all. The game was rigged from the start.
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>favorite deck (pictures encouraged)
Arna (pic but have changed some), also Urabrask and Ratadrabik
>most powerful deck
Krenko, in the process of depowering and swapping out for the artifact Krenko for variety.
>favorite card
Possibility Storm, but it's hard to settle - maybe Blade of Shared Souls for jank.
>top three videogames
Discoelysium, FFT, Raging Loop
>top three books
Sadly Porn, Culture of Narcissism, and Thousand Plateaus.
>favorite spoopy movie
I Saw the TV Glow was nice recently.
>what you're listening to right now
Headphone jack needs repair, nothing since doing meal prep to hardcore eurotrance yesterday
>what you'd drink at a bar
Rum and coke
Design a card that is good without being broken, other anons rate your design from unplayable to ban-worthy.
I'll go first:
>At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, untap 1 land you control.
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I certainly share your passion. I've been altering and proxying cards in my Varina deck with ones with Dark Souls art. The goal is to survive beyond dying with Crumbling Sanctuary and Lich Mastery, holding on to unholy unlife and enveloping the world with zombies in a world that has exceeded it's natural lifespan.

I'd love to see your PC Dakon slug through the hordes of zombies and unmake the ritual.

Also, what's your favorite Dark Souls ending?
>place cardtrader order
>european sellers go without problems
>american niggers try to scam with missing cards and lower quality
is this normal?
are yurobros the only honest sellers?
Enchantment - Aura
Enchanted Creature can only Attack or Block alone

Enchanted Creature gains Deathtouch, First Strike
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forgot pic
Really good in draft, mediocre in EDH
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This seems abusable
Use your words. Which part do you have a problem with?
yes, to an enjoyable degree
Narset is awful in Urza

(X)(X)(2) tap and Sacrifice this artifact: When you sacrifice this artifact, exile any number of cards from your graveyard. Create X 0/0 Artifact Creature Tokens that enter with a number of +0/+1 tokens equal to the number of cards exiled from your graveyard this turn

card syntax is not my forte but I hope you get the gist
>crew 1
Green's always getting the broken shit wtf?
lmao nerd
She cute
4 to get on the field, and at least 4 more to do anything at all. We're at Helm of the Host levels of irrelevancy

What's that old red card that mills and repeats if you hit a land?

Hell yeah brother, sounds right up my alley.

>Also, what's your favorite Dark Souls ending?
Can't say for certain but I always lean towards the more obscure endings. Although not Dark Souls, I can say for Elden Ring because it's a more recent experience that I liked the Frenzied flame and also Moon endings the best. But Dark Souls 1 and 3 still are my favourite, I have to replay them soon to refresh myself.
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Countryside Crusher
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>Anon, it's just you versus me now. But neither of us can win outright. I think I might win if the game goes on for much longer. But let's just shuffle up so the other two guys can play again. It's okay, I give up. Let's start another game. I would have won though.
Your response?
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"Whatever you gotta tell yourself, nerd. My win, we changing decks?"
A little tease for coping but don't humor them and their "I-I WOULD'VE WON" thing. Just declare it your win and move on. They'll probably keep bringing it up.
commanders to eat, sac and throw away your own lands for risky value?
preferably red so i can play my beloved
Yuma makes plants when you mill lands if I recall correctly
Hazezon is a good pick too
Zuran Orb gives you a free sac outlet for them too
Yavimaya makes every land a forest for Orcish Lumberjack
So many replays, so little time. I've finished a bunch of them along the main line, so I'm replaying with DLC and alternative endings rn.

>Tilt all creatures so the other player can get a clean swing in. An honourable death.
..is what I'd like to say. Honesty forces me to admit that I go for prolonged death throws as my board state slowly deteriorates and I drag on the game for another hour.
I thought Meathook Massacre 2 was a joke.
thing with these both is that i already have 2 Naya Decks and they just dont seem cool enough to make them a third
i like it more than the Sandniggers, but that once a turn exile seems to have too little impact
Because it ought to be one.
Is Meathook Massacre 2 going to be a staple card for black decks going forward? Not sure if I should pick one up on release
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Traitorous Diplomacy
As an additional cost to cast this spell, pay 2 or sacrifice an enchantment or creature.

Traitorous Diplomacy deals 5 damage to target creature. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead
Normally this would be terrible but I'm guessing this is going to be okay because the set seems to have a theme of sacrificing your own and champions
For me it feels like one of those cards that's good but doesn't really further my gameplan directly (I rather repeatedly recur creatures than use finality counters, and the other effect just amounts to some extra pinging on the opponents) so I'd have to replace something that better synergizes with my deck to fit it.
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>think I might win if the game goes on for much longer.
>I would have won though.
Nah, that wording ain't gonna fly. Either you scoop or you play it out until I know for damn sure I can't win.
>favorite deck: Hazoret the fervent, I love the puzzle of having no hand while still doing stuff
>most powerful deck: Winota(no stax but just winota things)
>favorite card: bolt bend
>top three videogames: Max payne2, Dota, MW2
>top three books: No longer human, lolita, the trial
>favorite spoopy movie: The exorcist 3
>what you're listening to right now: Duran Duran - "INVISIBLE"
>what you'd drink at a bar: amaretto sour
Not only is it not a joke, it's going to wreck uranus.
>favorite deck
Magus Kane Fireballs
>most powerful deck
Probably xyris
>favorite card
>top three videogames
Homeworld, Breath of the Wild, Civ 5
>top three books
Use of Weapons, Ancillary Justice, Twice Dead King
>favorite spoopy movie
>what you're listening to right now
Getting into Aurora lately
>what you'd drink at a bar
Moscow mule

>Dark Forest
My nigga
if you want to win in cedh you dont try you just copy the top lists and pilot it the exact same way everyone else does because they're all just AB combos.
What? Yes that's absolutely what you do. Cedh is the epitome of net decking
Recently picked up an Ixhel precon and want to upgrade her. Anyone got a list?
Just use Scryfall and search for relevant infect/ toxic cards
Is this the card they did to make fun of us?
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When will they complete the insult audience cycle
>best case scenario
>turn 1 kederekt parasite
>turn 2 valgavoth with ritual
also you get to draw cards if opponents play any shocklands, city of brass or fetches. BUT the problem is that WotC already printed better option in same colors. Like with Ob Nix you can draw way more cards, stack your library in any shape you wish and then on your turn play Apocalypse and cast whatever you wish for with all the rituals and good stuff from exile while others are left with nothing.
you would be right if it was not for a single problem: ob nixilis doesn't DRAW, impulse draw is ABSOLUTE SHIT, simple as. I'll give you that for more competitive tables and cedh shit with tons of rituals and fast mana, ob nixilis is better, sure, but for 90% of the other tables the butterfly guy is way more fun and better. I mean, draw is OBJETIVELY better than impulse draw.
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Good card
>THREE anons in the thread like Three Body Problem books
Based and chinkpilled
For anons that don't know about the IP, avoid the Netflix adaptation.
oh no, etika got taken to the spooky dimension!
This is going to be a great one
>Urza and Yawgmoth are trash
Laughs in stax. Someone's got to rev up the ol' contamination lock or drop trinisphere turn one, and I'm glad God chose me to do it.

Anyways, House of Leaves. I wont post spoilers in case any other anons want to read it, but it was so fucking good; one of the most enjoyable things I've read in a long time and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys philosophy or theory books. My friend was reading The Malazan Book of the Fallen, and I had just finished Child of God, but I needed something new. Cut to 3am on a tuesday and that My House.wad Doom video essay came on autoplay, then one thing lead to another, and I ordered House of Leaves on amazon. As a nerd with a useless degree focusing on modernism, I was honestly shocked I hadnt come across it earlier. I get how some people might find the frame narrative kind of indulgent, but the whole ergodic literature schtick is just too compelling. It reminded me of reading Paradise Lost in highschool and slowly crawling through endless self-referential citations. It's the same reason I like The Naked Lunch so much; both books are books that play with the concept of "bookness" itself. One of my favorite parts happened purely by accident, though it might have been intentional which is extra neat, when I didnt realize that there were two sets of apendicies and read those letters, and opened my phone to manually decipher that elaborate code. People in the coffee shop were looking at me like I was fucked as I'm spinning this book around and flipping between pages like a mad man; good times good times.
I am having the worst shit of my life right now and i have to be at work in 13 minutes, pray for me
>I mean, draw is OBJETIVELY better than impulse draw.
that depends on the sauce. you could say that drawing A card is better than having a card in exile with similar functions as draw. also fair, nobody in 99% of cases at local gamestore have massive discard effects unless it's a wheel.

but I wouldn't say that drawing a card is objectively better than impulse draw if you can only draw three cards per round. Ob nix has no such limit. if you can't play the card then that's that. it's up to me if I want to be the fastest man alive or slow as a turtle during a round with my impulses. with vol you always get solid three. personally I brew my own decks and when to go flash-mode with my own impulses but you maybe right that a regular guy wants to just feel fast with their honda civic.

so objectively it's the same function but in different zone but I would rather control my draws than be set on hard limit.
Very good. Just need a non Ghostbusters art for it.
Nta but my thoughts are
-drawing is objectively better than impulse draw even if you're limited to three times per round
-unlike ob nix you are not limited to the damage only being 1

Ob nix is probably ultimately "better" but I feel like this is a side grade for someone who wants permanent draw or larger pings. It's another iteration on the same themeIt's another iteration on the same theme
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>90% of the art from this set is some pseudo stranger things inspired slop
Any new serpents, kraken, leviathans, or octopussies in Duskbourne? If not I skip.
I like a lot of the monster designs but hate the survivors. Similarly, I hated the critters from Bloomburrow but loved the calamity beasts, so maybe I'm just biased towards antagonists lately.
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>We wanna represent the urban youth audience!
Impulse draw is amazing when you have low curve or ready to pop off
Regular draw is generally better but I've also seen others / been targeted myself for "having a full grip"
And while it's not technically wrong to target a player for being ahead in a certain resource,
it felt a bit like being punished for actually building a deck has a balance of draw that doesn't leave me topdecking. Even more so because I was in mono W
I'm baking a new one
Survivors are either leftover slop from some UB/secret lair for Stranger Things or Ghost Busters, literally nothing about the lore or stories of Duskmourn points to an 80's setting except jarringly out of place cards
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Pushed one drop

Thats why you run a bunch of 1 dmg ping cantrips with ob nix, filling your hand as you burn thru the impulse draw
straight into abzan martyr-proc
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Funguschads just keep winning
It's best to just memory hole the entire march of the machines saga
>The glistening oil is now the t-virus! (Even thought the only reason it was compleating mirrans is because they were already half completeated to begin with and most of the time Phyresis would just kill them)
>It can corrupt everything ever including the very ground you walk on and living mana
>Oh wait that it's impossible to win against something like that nevermind they need to be stuck in incubation cocoons to be compleated
>Phyrexia just wages war against the entire multiverse all at once and they just have the man power to do that
>All the elesh and jin go full retard and. Start back stabbing the other preators in the middle of the war
>Vorenclex and jin die like fucking jobbers
>Phyrexia got its ass beat on every world including ones that are just inhabited by animals
>Phyrexian armies just drop dead after the big bad dies and the oil just stops working
And my personal least favorite thing was making the dumbass mites when myr could have easily been used
I play Velomachus in a way that can lean into this. Cast an Armageddon off the top when you have Teferi's Protection or Dawn's Truce off the top. Or just do it without protecting your lands but do protect Velomachus.

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