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Range Edition

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)

>2024 UA



The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>93782903

Do you do voices, /5eg/? If so, what ones do you like doing the most?
Man personas designs sure got worse.
I find that describing what an NPC tells the player is both much faster, and leads to a better dissemination of information.
>Gay ass min maxer dip into warlock for CHA casters got a buff by making cha weapon attacks a level 1 feature for warlocks meaning paladins and bards will now sell their souls to satan to minmax
>inflict wounds giga nerfed for some fucking reason
>retard still thinks warlocks can only deal with demons and contracts only involve souls
you aren't going to take my soul, satan
what was that 3D game engine that was supposed to function like roll20
i crave y axis
Talespire, anon?
ohhh my goodness, i think this was exactly the one i was recalling thank you very much
interested tho, what other innovation has been made in this field by other devs i wonder
i'm a lil ashamed to admit bg3 is inspiring me strongly right now and i'm helping my partner reboot/repurpose an old online campaign that they ran for close to 7 years, and we're gonna co-dm online
>No thumbs
>First few pages is all thumbs
I'm just joshing ya, thank you for your hard work

no, previously you could only grapple "when you take the attack action" or any instance that specifically allowed you to grapple, like the grapple battle master maneuver as a bonus action.
Which paladin subclass would make for a great prostitute? Sex (gender) need not be taken in consideration.
>Exchanged a cool rock for the ability to eldritch blast
I will not have sex with Dragonborn
Oath of Glory would probably be the best fit.
My fave would be either the sort of conniving hissing voice or the upbeat cowboy sort of fellow. Pleasant to my ears and not too straining on my vocal chords.
Generally the deeper, gruffer voices for characters I play like orcs or bugbears or raspy ones with pauses for the more fiendish creatures if I dm since their common probably isn't as good or carefully choosing their words to inflict as much dread as possible in the case of a demon lord I had strike a bargain with a lower level party. Recently also been having fun with a gravely, blunt and to the point voice with a custom lineage Champion Fighter/Wild Magic Barbarian Redcap for Dungeon of the Mad Mage and making allies with normally monsterous creatures like Onis and Hags since they're on favorable terms with Redcaps.
Warlocks still don't sell their soul for their power. Yes that includes fiendlocks.
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did 2024 fix Ranger?
If you had posted an image of a D&D ranger like Drizzt I would've said yes, but what D&D calls a "ranger" isn't good at all for playing actual Rangers so no (and in fact it has become worse at that).
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'Fixing the Ranger' is a tough one because no one seems to agree on what its supposed to do or supposed to be. So I'll say what this ranger does well:
>It has more expertise (2nd Level & 9th Level) than the 2014 ranger making it more skilled at things such as Perception, Survival, and Stealth
>Its spells are stronger, they get more of them, they can change one spell per LR, and there are some AOE options like Conjure Volley and Conjure Barrage that are much stronger
>They can move a little faster
>They get multiple free castings of Hunter's Mark per day. Also, Hunter's Mark gets a minor buff at 13th and 20th levels, with a solid buff at level 17.
That's about it really. Ranger is still a solid overall class, cause its Ranger and they've always been a solid class since they get spells and standard weapon use.
For me, it's Aasimar Archfey Bladelock with a one level dip in Fighter
The squeaky-voiced teen impression I do for the gnome NPC with a doomed crush on the tiefling ranger PC is always fun. As the campaign develops he keeps getting more pathetic, but in a non-comedic way that offers the ranger player in particular genuine opportunity to roleplay. And everything he says is with constant pubescent voice cracks.
I generally keep it NPC voices light, since I don't have the skill or range to do distinct voices for all that many NPCs without being gimmicky, but I look forward to going deep and gravelly for some powerful devils when my party encounters them.
It seems better. More useful abilities that aren't as reliant on the DM actively playing to your strengths. Hunter seems kinda underwhelming now when you line it up with the other options.
I don't know, it's hard to say anything super definitive until people have their hands on the new PHB and play with it a while. The class might still end up being underwhelming in the grand balance of things since everyone got reworked.
>Do you do voices, /5eg/?
Accents more than voices, but yes. Mostly various British ones for humanoid races and Slaadi (all of whom sound like Stephen Merchant), Arabic for genies, etc.

That being said in a few months I'm going to be GMing a game of the Essence20 Transformers game, and I plan to pull out my best impressions for Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, Chris Latta, and the rest.
The autism some of you guys have on this point has reached tragic levels.
Sure every single piece of D&D fiction disagrees with you, and this has been tge standard view of the warlock since the class was invented, but you've got a bluro in the 5e handbook, so everyone who says it is immediately wrong about anything they said, no matter how peripheral.
It's genuinely sad.
>they've always been a solid class
Aaaand you've totally discredited yourself. Stumbled at the final hurdle there.
True enlightenment is completely divorcing flavor and mechanics from one another and doing whatever you want.
try playing above level 4 nigger. tashas fixed up their niche features
>always been a solid class
>needed an overhaul in Tasha's
Pick one.
So what's sucked about it, and please explain what a superior choice would be for a ranged combat character.
>"Fuck ranged combat"
Is not an answer and will instead be interpreted as cock-gargling.
No it isnt. thats the definition of a nothingburger.
dont argue with the resident thread rawlet
he thinks a goblin having a spear instead of a scimitar is "calvinball'
no, that is gay as shit, minmaxer fagito
>no making a deal with the red horned guy the sons of abrham worship or an archfey won't result in you losing your mortal soul
I'm not making a pact with a devil, fagola
how are rangers that much worse than fighters? Rangers get a fighting style and extra attack
mindbroken Oath of Redemption
Nta but if all you care about is ranged combat, then you'd just pick Fighter or Warlock (let's be honest, EB+AB is just a glorified bow). The problem with original PHB Ranger was that several of its basic features heavily depended on the DM playing ball. Like, I've played alongside several rangers and I've barely ever seen Favored Enemy or Natural Explorer be meaningful.
Don't get me wrong, I think people overstate how bad OG rangers are. They were never a drag on the party in my experience.
because fighters also get action surge, which means a ranger can do in one round of combat what a ranger can in two and at 11, fighters get extra attack (2) and with action surge, can do in one round what it takes for a ranger to do in three rounds

All of this, without the need of a bonus action. And ranger has a lot of features tied to their bonus action
You will never be a real fighter. You have no Action Surge, you have no Second Wind, you have no heavy armour proficiency. You are a skillmonkey rogue/druid twisted by Wizards of the Coast into a crude mockery of human male fighter perfection.
Because fighters get an extra ASI and stuff like maneuvers, while rangers just have Hunter's Mark and whatever bit of extra damage that their subclass gave them.
>hich means a ranger can do in one round
fighter, my bad
is the GWM nerf good or bad?
I have mixed feelings, but that's how I feel about almost everything they did
I'm mad inflict wounds was nerfed. I want to play an evil cleric
It was? Seems pointless. I barely ever saw people use it to start with.
>So what's sucked about it
Weak concept. Let's look at some classes and their concepts:
>Fighter, skilled warrior
>Barbarian, raging warrior
>Wizard, student of magic
>Sorcerer, gifted mage
>Rogue, sneaky backstabber
Fighter gets a fighting style, barbarian gets rage, the casters get spells in a way that makes sense for them, and rogue gets sneak attack. Everyone is doing what they do. Now, what is a rangers concept, and what do they get that allows them to fill that concept?
>Ranger: Nature's Warden
No that not right Druids are better at that.
>Ranger: Woodsman Survivalist
No Scout Rogues are way better at that, so let's find something else.
>Ranger: Fighter with some Druid powers
Well that fits but that sounds like it should be a fighter subclass not a whole class.
So what does WoTC do for the new ranger, to give it the identity it's never had before?
>Ranger: Hunter's Marker (Hunter's Mark is still not good).
That sucks.
>>Ranger: Woodsman Survivalist
>No Scout Rogues are way better at that, so let's find something else.
Unfortunately, this is the absolute heart of the problem. Rogue and Ranger share too much territory, and the survivalist / explorer / hunter role that should rightfully have belonged to the Ranger has been totally occupied by the Rogue.
Rogues should rightfully be the urban, melee counterpart of the Ranger. An assassin, spy, infiltrator, gangster boss, all these archetypes are available to the Rogue. They don't need to take the Ranger's core identity on top of that.
As with everything else, of course, Pf2e solves this.
>>Ranger: Fighter with some Druid powers
>Well that fits but that sounds like it should be a fighter subclass not a whole class.

As much as Paladin should be a Fighter subclass as a "Fighter with some Cleric powers". I think one of the major failings of Ranger is that Paladin is in the same hole and manages to distinguish itself mechanically and flavorfully, while Ranger doesn't feel distinct from anything.
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The rogue is nothing but sneak attack. Honestly sneak attack should be an action that other characters can use the same way you can use grapple.

That said, as far as class identity goes, I think the only way to really save Ranger is to get rid of the "inna woods" intrinsic identity and make Horizon Walker it's default identity. Instead of their survival skills being explicitly tied to being out in nature they can now survive literally anywhere which seems good if you consider that the primary concept of modern D&D is to fuck around dungeons that may or may not have their own unique environments.
it went from a melee attack roll 3d10 to a melee con save, half on a save 2d10
so 16.5 to 11 or assuming a 65% hit rate 10.73 on average to 8.25 assuming 50% save rate.
Guiding bolt didn't get changed so its 14 average damage at 120 feet range with a better damage type and gives advantage. and that is 10.4 assuming 65% hit rate. inflict wounds was mainly for evil clerics and death domain from the DMG. also this nerf, assuming death domain does not change, is a mega nerf to death domain because in 5e they could use their channel divinity to add extra damage onto melee attacks which included inflict wounds and vampiric touch
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>Weak concept
Gonna hard disagree with you there.

Ranger's ARE the wardens of nature, as in: all the terrible and awful things found in nature, REMAIN in nature and don't pose a threat to civilization. That is the ranger's job, when that job becomes too much, they are teh first to report it so it can be taken care of. Druids on the other hand either lean towards balance, or in favor of nature.

I think what you were looking for was weak execution because
>No Scout Rogues are way better at that, so let's find something else.
Is clearly a comparison to execution and not concept. And even then, a ranger can do a lot that a rogue can't all through spell casting

>but a druid could do that better
Not while also remaining on the frontlines of the fight (rogue nor druid can do this)

Which loops back into execution, not concept.
Except Paladin is not Fighter with some Cleric powers. Smite and Lay on Hands are unique to Paladin and give it identity as a holy warrior. Outside of some useless ribbons, Ranger has no such defining feature.
>The rogue is nothing but sneak attack.

Expertise and Cunning Action are a pretty big deal. I was surprised how liberating it was to play Thief Rogue and have so many options with my bonus action. Like, just being able to use items as a bonus action and thus not waste your attack really opens things up.
Is the Xammux still in DND? I want to play a cleric who uses necrotic powers and likes science and knowledge and wants the McGuffin to take back to his cult and the short sword part of the Xammux priests seems aesthetic.
A character's concept is defined by what it can do based on its features, not the other way around. A Ranger is not a warden of nature, and that is because they have no features that make them feel like a warden of nature.
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Yea, paladin got unique features and a variety of spells. Ranger on the other hand got

>Class feature that deactivate if you're not in the location or not fighting the right enemy
That's basically my point. Ranger doesn't really integrate its magical elements like Paladin does, which is why it fails while Paladin succeeds. The path they've chosen now is to just incorporate Hunter's Mark directly as a core mechanic while leaning a bit more on the Rogueish elements. So instead of trying to make it more distinct, they going the opposite direction and trying to make it more of a jack of all trades.
After a certain point, I almost want to just drop the nature flavor and make it a dedicated jack of all trades thing, like a more martially focused Bard. Call it Explorer or something.
Rangers are cowboys, change my mind
Day 1 PHB errata

Topics that I've seen /5eg/ discuss
>Shield don/doff is a utilize
>Giant insect is slot above 4th, so not 70hp to start.
>True Poly lasts until dead, not until the temphp runs out.
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>change my mind
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That your opinion and it's fine to have, but that's not what a concept is.
>Far from bustling cities, amid the trees of trackless forests and across wide plains, Rangers keep their unending watch in the wilderness. Rangers learn to track their quarry as a predator does, moving stealthily through the wilds and hiding themselves in brush and rubble.
>Thanks to their connection with nature, Rangers can also cast spells that harness primal powers of the wilderness. A Ranger’s talents and magic are honed with deadly focus to protect the world from the ravages of monsters and tyrants.

And they actually do have those features

>hunter's mark
>detect poison
>detect magic
>speak with animals
>locate object
>locate animals and plants
>pass without trace
>enhance ability

All tools used to protect society from the wilds and unlocking ritual casting for rangers makes that go a lot farther. But unlike Paladin which is well put together, Ranger needed more time in the oven.

I don't know why this didn't make it out of unearthed arcana
1̶S̶T̶ ̶L̶E̶V̶E̶L̶ 2ND level: DEFT EXPLORER You are an unsurpassed explorer. Choose one of your proficiencies in a skill that appears on the Ranger skill list. You gain Expertise in that skill. In addition, choose two types of terrain: arctic, coast, desert, forest, grassland, mountain, swamp, or the Underdark. You have Advantage on Intelligence (Nature) checks about the chosen terrains, and you have Advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track creatures in them. Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you can meditate and replace one of the chosen terrain types with a different one from the list.
Not cowboys.
Rangers are Rangers, as in Arizona with the Big Iron on his Hip.
Rogues have been dungeoneers since their literal inception.

Rangers are fine for being innawoods, the issue is you dumb fuckers, and the dev dumb fuckers because they listen to you, keep stripping the importance of overland travel from the game then wondering why ranger, the class that makes it not drain resources and time that then affect your effectiveness at the dungeon/quest target, suddenly suck and is irrelevant.
Oh and then you go full pants on head and make ranger's overland travel benefits only apply in specific biomes, and get mad every time the devs try to backtrack that retarded-ass decision.

The UA biomes idea was fine. Switching the biome on a long rest rest would have been a good change
Actually from playing a Gloom Stalker, Ranger felt a lot more like Rambo from First Blood.
Why tf would you quote me with the other guy? I literally said that overland business like survival and exploration is the core of the Ranger identity.
Rogues have been dungeoneers since their inception. Dungeon skills are urban skills. Backstab (sneak attack) is an assassin's move. We're fully in agreement on all this.
Anon, Druid does every single one of those things better with the exception of hunter's mark. If you're just going to argue that Ranger is unique because it has different flavor text than Druid, then we have nothing to discuss.
>Switching the biome on a long rest rest would have been a good change
By that point why bother? Just let them always have the benefits, like it was originally in the 5e NEXT playtest, before retards botched and moaned that rangers didn't have a favored terrain anymore like muh 3.5.
>be DM
>two players want to DM
>one tried to run Strahd
>never made it past one session
>style was dry and unimmersive
>fuck it, at least he tried
>other one was making a one-three shot
>did not read a single book
>game never materialized
>whatever, not like i expect-
>they band together to make a campaign
>tell them not to overcook it
>"we'll keep each other in check dont worry"
>they been cooking for months
what happens when you put a minmax numbercrunching autist together with someone who does not even know how the game works?
the only reason im worried is because i have ran overcooked games and they crashed and burned
otherwise i have this morbid curiosity to see how this will turn out
Nah, Rogues shouldn't exist. Rogues were just a replacement for Thieves, and thieves had a purpose when people actually explored dungeons and you needed a thief to find traps and disarm them, pick locks, and peek around corners. Now, pretty much anyone can do that.
"Rogue" is just a weak way of trying to shoe-horn it into a game and pretend it's still valid.
It isn't.
>No it's your fault the ribbon abilities are useless 90% of the time!

Sorry, not every campaign I run involves constant, extended treks through the wilderness and I don't like feeling obliged to have them just to make the Ranger feel useful. It's like including random locks on things just to give the Rogue more to do.
Okay, I'm backed into a corner so I'm asking here because there's nowhere else to turn to.
How the actual fuck do I come up with a Character Concept for a high-power "hero that selflessly stands against evil" type character that's actually fun to play as from a non-mechanical standpoint? It's a keyed-in intrinsic part of the character generation process for a game I'm playing this weekend (colville's game) and I'm absolutely at a loss. I'm used to games where backstory is barely there and even if it is you're not expect to be a capital G Good Guy with no self interest. Frankly I'm only playing this to encourage one of my players to run games. I'd be an absolute liar if I said I'm particularly interested in this type of game. So I come to /5eg/. How do you engage this Avengers-with-Swords stuff?
Anyone could do that BEFORE thieves were in the game too.

Thieves are defined by doing it well and reliably.
In the same way that everybody can muddle their way through wilderness survival and tracking monstrous humanoids and setting up surprise rounds, but Rangers did it well and reliably.
>you needed a thief to find traps and disarm them, pick locks, and peek around corners. Now, pretty much anyone can do that.

I mean, a thief is still the best at it thanks to expertise.

>Sorry, not every campaign I run involves constant, extended treks through the wilderness
Stop using Dungeons and Dragons, a game about leaving civilization to go trek down trap-filled murder holes for loot and glory, to run political intrigue games.
You're right, it's Dungeons and Dragons and sometimes you're just IN A FUCKING DUNGEON instead of wandering around the fucking woods.
Anon it's Dungeons and Dragons not Treks and Travel, you are the only one here who likes roleplaying a hike.
Let's just say you want to do a dungeon thing, and disarm some traps, right?
You can bring along a thief, because that's all he's good for, or- And hear me out:
Children. Grab a few, throw them in a sack, and tell them to run down the hall or you're going to cut their toes off. A whip can assist in providing additional motivation.
We like to call this the 'Cambodian Minefield Clearing' tactic.
Or just roll a wagon wheel down the hall
Why the fuck would you waste a perfectly good wagon wheel?
Also from the looks of it, if I wanted to run a crossbow shootie-boy, there's only a few little novelties that a Ranger offers that a fighter doesn't- and there's ways to apparently have the fighter offset those novelties.
You can't eat the wagon wheel afterward, retard. Do you even do dungeons?
>Why the fuck would you waste a perfectly good wagon wheel?

They're a dime-a-dozen now ever since I employed all those children to work in my wagon wheel factory I operate as a side business. Children are NOT expendable while child labor is on the table.
Mechanical things are not what I'm struggling with and straightlaced holy warrior doesn't solve the fun issue.
>Eating children instead of employing them to mass produce rations

No one in this thread has vision!
THAT'S the real issue. It's not that Ranger has no place in D&D.
It's that Ranger has no place in Medieval Fantasy MCU.

You don't need wilderness survival if you're always in towns.
You don't need to track people or hunt clues if you're on a railroad, the plot necessitates you find them.
And if everything not combat is solved by lots of fucking talking, then ranger brings nothing to the table a druid or bard or even just a warlock with the right invocations and subclass can't do better, and that's only if talking to animals or plants even becomes relevant.

It's no wonder WotC made it Hunter's Mark the class. That's all it offers to these fucking storygamer online RP theaterkids killing the hobby and demanding X cards because they want to spend the other half a session they aren't being spoonfed pretending to suck each other off.
How the fuck do you think you get to the dungeons?

They're not 3 blocks down from Main Street. They're out in the middle of nowhere because they're full of spooky dangerous monsters so sane person would build a town nearby.
>How the fuck do you think you get to the dungeons?
By spending a few silver on rations and having the DM say we traveled for four days?
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Umm, aren't the dungeons built in the middle of towns and guarded by the adventures guild?
Okay, but why don't you use women instead? Those poop babies, and babies generally become children if you don't drop them down the stairs. At least that's what I read somewhere.
>Make women do all the wagon wheel making (they're not allowed to do anything normally, they will be grateful)
>Have women fart out babies
>Give babies gruel or whatever so they grow
>Use babies to clear traps in dungeons
>Strike women and make them poop more babies
And look, with my plan? The whip can be used on both sets of creatures.
You act like people ever took travel seriously. Even back in 3.5e days that was something you only took seriously if your DM was a serious stickler.
>hey dm, just skip us to the bottom of the dungeon, get us to that end fight now.
>every dungeon needs to be a three week hike through uncharted territory so that the Ranger can do his thing

Look, I get it. Sometimes the journey itself is the adventure and you encounter interesting things along the way. I'm not saying everything should be a "You leave town and arrive at your destination" handwave. But sometimes the actual adventure is at the destination and I don't care to harass the players the whole way there.
Well what the fuck are we going to do for four days on the road? Fight a random encounter with 13 horses?
See, you're still wasting valuable child labor on something a cheap wagon wheel can do. Like casting Knock when the Rogue can do it for free.
I'll never understand shitting on this trope and not using it as sanctioned extortion. "The gang of asshole opportunist rival adventurers set up shop at the entrance of the dungeon and demand payment for entry under the guise of protecting the entryway" is a classic. Turning it into a guild is just the logical extreme.
It later evolves into cronyism as frequent payers (higher ranked adventurers) get "benefits" and the "guild" takes the entry fees and scrapes off the top of extracted wealth, using the money to "increase security" (for themselves) and continues to sell it to more and more people plumbing the depths of the place.
It's the perfect backdrop of a rotten to the core and semi-necessary evil as the forces of the dungeon push back against it with steadily increasing force until some dam bursts, usually prompted by the PCs.
what the fuck are you going to see in the dungeon? some fucking skeletons and pit traps?
>Implying people actually do dungeons and most sessions aren't just going town to town and talking to people with a fight on the road with goblins
>This isn't even homebrew faggotry, it's like half the official modules
>roleplaying a hike.
It's not about the roleplay it's about the resource drain.

In older editions of the game, before Ranger was repeatedly invalidated, spell slots and hp pretty much only came back during downtime in civilization.

So expedient and safe travels to the dungeon, and especially back after you were fucked up by whatever was inside, was very important.

It's kind of like how martials have been slowly made irrelevant as casters now have no trouble casting every turn, and have no trouble protecting themselves, and martials can pretty easily run out of steam. Not only are they worse at being the most cheap and efficient source of a universal problem solution (damage) than they once were, casters don't need a beefwall around. They don't have to ration leveled spells remotely as much now that everyone is spontaneous, not to mention they all come back every night, and they can't lose a spell by having their casting interrupted, but if they have more health and a myriad of answers to getting targeted.
>The game started with 3.5
These fucking newfags these days
God-damn right there will be, and a Zakya Rakshasa too! Bet you won't find that shit in the woods.

Never ran one and never will.
I'm not the ranger shill, but you can make the journey itself interesting. Say you only know the vague location of the dungeon, so you have to explore and you encounter a shady hermit who can guide you if you help him etc etc.
I just don't think you have to be doing it all the time. Sometimes you really do just want to move things along. Maybe the players dallied too much somewhere or something.
Sorry, some of us are only in our 30s instead of our 40s or 50s
You can do resource drain at any point in the adventure. It's just a matter of when and where you place encounters.
Finally, a post that makes sense. Thank you for the focused and logical grognardism, instead of just grumbling about how kids these days don't innawoods in their RPGs.
Make them flawed. They’re a character who is fundamentally good, who wants to do good, but they have something that makes doing so difficult. That could be a vice, or a character flaw (overzealousness, recklessness, naïveté, just plain stupidity) or some facet of their nature (i.e. I’ve always wanted to lean hard into the chuuni idea of a dhampir paladin who has to wrestle with UGH MY DARK IMPULSES and having to find non-suspicious workarounds to use his holy powers without burning himself).
So what you're saying is... Delete ranger, it has no place in the game as played in the modern day?
And while we're at it, delete rogue, it doesn't do its original job well anymore, and it's original job also is largely irrelevant and better handled by a bard, warlock, or artificer anyways?

Actually let's just continue on with what you said about martials being largely irrelevant, paladin is enough we don't need fighter and barbarian, if you want to be more fighty knights than magical beacon of hope go str con instead of str cha. We leave monk because it does actually fulfill a unique niche, but we rename it antimage to make it obvious to the brainlets that normally play it.

all these motherfuckers acting like ranger isnt meant to be two martial oriented druid subclasses
lmaoing at your existance
the merger of druid and ranger is a necessity
whats left is integrated into rogue, like the scout subclass was meant to be
Anon thinks he's so clever for finding a way to ruin three different classes at once.
>rogue scout
kino and what ranger shouldve been
>melee druid
either become a furry fuck or a retarded mushroom
2024 gave them Warden which makes Hunter's Mark Userâ„¢ obsolete
if they made wild shape summon an anim-
oh wait it already does

no good reason not to flesh out druid to cover both niches and become the default nature class as intended
>but ranger is a half-caster and martial oriented
yeah, with concentration locked on a single spell RAW in 2024, limiting his spells even further
he already performs worse than any other "martial oriented halfcaster"

im just saying it makes sense to spread out the "outdoorsman" niche to other subclasses than have a hyperspecific class that is outperformed by the other nature roster
So with the backgrounds, are you supposed to take the stats/skills it gives and then completely throw out the names and narrative and just make your own? because otherwise these backgrounds seem retarded as fuck
>rogue scout
>kino and what ranger shouldve been
>but let's retire the class anyway
Anon are you listening to yourself? You want to retire ranger because it currently inhabits a role it never should have had, and you want to put Rogue into the role Ranger is obviously meant to inhabit, a role that the Rogue doesn't even fit.

Just axe Ranger spellcasting completely and give them all the scout stuff. Scout and ranger are almost synonymous. Add some mounted combat and animal affinity shit so they get a falcon and an attack dog by default and the class is fixed.

>but Druid is the wilderness class!
Druids can be full spellcasters that do their wilderness shit via shapeshifting and speak-with-animals. Rangers can be a fully martial class that relies on their hand and eye and sword and bow and trusty dog. They overlap less than fighter/barb or cleric/paladin. Literally just axe the spellcasting and give them more mobility.

Then 'rogues' can go back to being fucking thieves and assassins like they were always meant to be.
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So since some of you guys are making the argument to turn Ranger into a Druid subclass what would you do with the already existing ranger subclasses
I think the Drakewarden and Beastmaster deserve to continue existing
There was a time when Druid was the pet class even more than Ranger was. No reason both of those couldn't be Druids, thematically.
now these are some actual points

>rogue doesnt fit into ranger
ill stand by the fact that rangers and rogues inhabit a similar role of tracking, expertise and sneaking - one in urban and the other in wild environments
they differ in the level of martial prowess, where ranger should surpass rogue, however at this point it does not

>axe Ranger spellcasting completely
absolutely, there is no reason why the class should be allowed into it, save for granted thematic spells on later features - Pass without Trace a prime example, and even then it can be a standalone feature and not a spell

>last point
yes, and now we get to the root of the problem geddit?
what kind of mechanics do you give rangers to exemplify their martial jack-of-all-trades + companions role, to carve out a unique niche as a BASE class
the main issue in my eyes is to give them something that fighter cant have, to avoid the
>"le dex fighter with archery/sharpshooter"
rogue can stay in its own niche as a skillmonkey for all i care, but losing expertise on ranger demands some sort of compensation

with axed spellcasting, druid falls out of the equation completely, which is one of the main problems erased
>The rogue is nothing but sneak attack
The rogue s nothing but a skill monkey after lvl 7
literally nobody is stopping you from making it so
The gods in most settings are lame, it's better for players if any connection to them is optional. Same goes for clerics (who don't get their power directly from gods anymore either).
youre fucking lame
i will serve tiamat for the chance of seeding that ripe cloaca and nothing will stop me
>Still Unchanged 2024 Rules:

Stunned Movement. You can now move normally while stunned.

Somatic Components. It is no longer clear if you need a free hand to cast a somatic component. They removed the word ‘free’ from ‘free hand’ in the previous wording.

Otto's Strange Rules. For a creature with immunity to being charmed, it is better for them to fail their save against the throw against Otto's Irresistible Dance then succeed, because the "on a successful save" part makes them dance for one turn ignoring charm immunity, but the the "on failed save" part doesn't do anything to creatures immune to the Charmed condition. [Since a target can choose to fail a save now]

Nick Wording. The Nick weapon mastery does not have the "with this weapon" text that every other weapon mastery has, meaning you could, make the attack with another weapon.

Blindsight vs Blind. Blindsight states that you can see anything not behind total cover even if you have the Blinded condition, are in darkness, or are looking for Invisible things. But it doesn't negate the effects of the Blinded condition. So you can see them perfectly well - but still have disadvantage on attacks against them if you have the Blinded condition.

Divine Intervention Clarification. It seems as if you can use a Magic action to cast spells that have longer than 1 Action cast times such as Raise Dead effectively ignoring their normal casting time.

Concentrating On Temporary Hit Points. The rules on concentration and Temp HP conflict, meaning its unclear if ending concentration on a spell like Polymorph leaves you with 150 Temp HP or not. They removed the "Unless a feature that grants you temporary hit points has a duration..." part from the 2014 Temp HP rules and the "When the spell ends, the target loses any remaining temporary hit points from this spell." from spells such as Heroism and Armor of Agathys.
The new weapon mastery talents are retarded. All of them should be effects like cleave, graze, push etc that happen instantly.
I don't want to keep book on which kobold is vexed, who has sap on them and so on. They are powerful but they slow the combat even more
So how many times over can you add your charisma modifier to your weapon attacks through multiclassing with the 2024 rules? I remember the old meme was 3X
>It seems as if you can use a Magic action to cast spells that have longer than 1 Action cast times such as Raise Dead effectively ignoring their normal casting time.
This is by design, I think the devs even talked about it in a video.
That puts it on par with Wish doing the same, which seems intentional.
Coke bottle rings for conditions.
I think 3 is max

Divine Intervention is wish but for clerics so... Yeah. Of course.
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Okay. Then yeah it's really strong then. Prayer of Healing goes crazy with this. You have a "Phase 2" with your party via this- Mid Battle Short Rest gives every class except most Rogues something back.

Here's a question- if you cast Prayer of Healing on an ally with 0 Hit Points do they heal the 2d8 first then are allowed to gain the benefits of the short rest or is it short rest first then 2d8 healing?
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No, it should be a rule that everyone must follow!
The only rule everyone should follow is rule 0.
Go back to FR, fagtron
I do voices of all kinds, I was told recently that I have a podcast voice and that one girl thought I was doing a Suguru Geto voice. I don't personally agree but people have been saying it a lot lately. I think my voice sounds deeper but apparently that's just my bones tricking me
>IRL Group has to stop playing because of changes in our schedules
>No other local groups available
>Look for online stuff
>Ghosted and reprimanded by multiple potential groups because I'm "too old"
>Wonder if I should just give up on my favorite hobby altogether
>I'm only 30
I can't tell if I should just resent zoomers, kill myself, or both
>Okay. Then yeah it's really strong then
In 2024 it was literally a blank check.

It's arguably gone down in power. It just got reliability and increased frequency in the trade.

But prayer of healing is actually nothing compared to something like Instant Hallow.
Take the forever-DM road. It's the only way out.
>>Ghosted and reprimanded by multiple potential groups because I'm "too old"
>>I'm only 30
I DM in open tables and sometimes I feel pretty weird DMing for those teens. But I guess that people nostalgic about the 80's had a similar experience. It does make me focus a bit more, I feel pushed into being the adult I'm supposed to be. It isn't bad but it's not the same experience as shooting the shit.

Playing with a DM in his early 20's was pretty awkward tho.
I'm so glad I still only play with my old college friends and fellow dads. Playing with modern teenagers would probably be a culture shock I'm not ready for
The game will never ever start
Powergamer autists literally shut down when they attempt to DM because they start to realize the game they've been trying to solve has been DM fiat 90% of the time
Lazyfags will never ever do or amount to anything
My bet is this is how it's going
>Autist: I made 10 more statblocks for these EPIC NPCs that the party will encounter, I like this one the best *posts anime art* have him introduced by instantly killing a Beholder
>Lazyfag: Uh sure man *goes back to tik tok*
>be 33
>DM is mid 20s
>other 4 players are all mid-late 30s
>no problems have arisen
>also about to get my own group together
>I am probably the youngest

Honestly I think as long as everyone is mentally mature it's fine. My 20-something DM is a good example. Homie is pretty emotionally mature.
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I decided to make a puzzle room with 4 flaming skulls for my toa game, i have no idea how am i gonna voice them or how the puzzle will go next monday.
Flaming skulls are kind of an asshole of an enemy to deal with. I hope you're not planning to have players fight them and solve a puzzle at the same time. A puzzle to circumvent having to fight them might be fine though.
>>Autist: I made 10 more statblocks for these EPIC NPCs that the party will encounter, I like this one the best *posts anime art* have him introduced by instantly killing a Beholder
seen way too much of this exact thing lmao

>unc trying to get into highschoolers discord channels
I mean... it's not a great look
>>unc trying to get into highschoolers discord channels
>I mean... it's not a great look
I've seen people explicitly saying that they are teens looking for teens, which is helpful for this kind of issues, but it sounds like asking for grooming.
Big yikes. That's mad skibidi ohio famalam. Maybe don't be so cheugy, sksksk.
>But prayer of healing is actually nothing compared to something like Instant Hallow.
I disagree, Hallow only works on specific creatures and will require some set up with your group (for example to maximize the vulnerability debuff) - it's still fantastic when it works. Prayer of Healing is universally useful, for any group and basically fully heals the team while giving back many resources:
Anon most of the games I tried to join were, by their own description, only accepting people over the age of 21.
Take your faggot zoomer lingo elsewhere.
I want to play DND not be the next Dr.Disrespect.
Heals 2d8 hit points then can expend Hit Dice to heal themselves as normal.

You regain one expended Rage and Relentless Rage (Level 11) resets back to DC 10.

You regain all expended Bardic Inspirations, Glamour Bard’s Unbreakable Majesty (Level 14) recharges.

You regain one expended Channel Divinity, Light Cleric’s regain all expended Warding Flares, War Cleric regains all expended War Priests uses.

You regain one expended Wild Shape, Land Druid’s can use Natural Recovery.

You regain one expended Second Wind, you regain all expended Action Surges, Battle Masters regain all expended Superiority Dice, Psi Warrior regains one expended Psionic Energy Dice and regains use of Telekinetic Movement and Psi Powered Leap

You regain all expended Focus Points.

You regain one expended Channel Divinity.

Your exhaustion level is reduced by one, Hunter Ranger’s Hunter Prey and Defensive Tactics can be changed.

Stroke of Luck (20th Level) recharges, Soulknife regains one expended Psionic Energy Dice.

Can use Sorcerous Restoration.

Regain all expended Pact Slots, can change their Book of Shadows/Pact of the Tome spells, Celestial Warlock’s Celestial Resilience triggers, Fiend Warlock’s Fiendish Resilience triggers, Great Old One Warlock’s Clairvoyant Combatant recharges.

Can use Arcane Recovery, Memorize Spell triggers, Signature Spells (20th Level) recharges, Diviner Wizard’s Third Eye triggers, Illusionist Wizard’s Illusory Self recharges.

Orc’s Adrenaline Rush regains all uses.

Musician’s Encouraging Song triggers, Mage Slayer’s Guarded Mind recharges, Boon of Fate’s Improve Fate recharges, and Inspiring Leader triggers.
Over 21, but 30 was tool old? that's a pretty narrow range.
>Memorize Spell triggers,
THAT's huge.

Oh fuck, I didn't know we were going to fight X today so I didn't bring my anti-X shutdown spell!

Here senpai, go ahead and swap that mid-combat

I mean, it's only once a day, and there's honestly even stronger stuff it could be used for, but hot damn.
Encouraging Song also is huge- not only is everyone healing but you're also giving 4-6 people a Heroic inspiration.
Ive read dozens of ttrpg books but all my ideas end up circling back to 5e and pf2e

why am I like this bros?
correct, however the """lazyfag""" is more like
>bro and then they get trapped by this guy who shoots fucking lazers from his hell motorcycle when the party is level 5 and he has these fucking massive hammers that shoot out like thor AND THEN THEY ARE IN THIS FUCKING HELL PRISON BRO...
a total fucking unhinged sweetheart
the autist is more akin to
>bro this shit gets like 3d6 temp hp if it combos with this other source of fire and then when they walk through this corridor its just back to back DEX saves then they have to pass passive perception checks to find the exact key that opens this specific room, which admittedly is a bit higher CR than planned, but thats amenable if they complete lower encounter where...
i dont like him but his heart is in the right place if anything

the "checks" they put on each other cancel out where one tardwrangles the other and the other one just adds complete chaos
its like yin and yang but i agree ill probably never play in it
sucks, but thats DnD
I guess its because zoomers see anyone over 30 as someone looking to be a fucking groomer.

Nevermind the fact that 5e came out in 2014 and if youd been playing it since release or thereabouts its practically a decade
you should show them some third party modules and itch thingies to push them into just writing 3-5 pages of a concise unity, and leave the extra stuff for future projects. People need limits to get things done.
I'm torn between going Fighter 1/(Abjurer)Wizard 19 and EK7/Wizard 13 in my next 5.5e campaign to 20 and honestly keep switching back and forth. Anyone got advice (other than not being a faggy multiclasser kek)
nah bro i tried giving them pointers and the one dude tried to run strahd with little success and they hit me with the
>nah we got this bro
so i aint gonna interfere since they learn by fire
the other guy idk wtf he is smoking but it aint the good grazzt reserve avernus grown infernal spiced erinyes mahimahi sprayed pipeweed
well yeah, Stradh is huge. You don't give it to the guy with ADHD, you set him up for failure. They need to learn you can make a one shot in a handful of pages and get that release of actually finishing something.
Play in the Forgotten Realms then.
honest to god he volunteered for it and his controlling/hyperfocus nature gave me hope to finishing it, but the game was mostly fuckin around in VTT
actually i pushed the lazyfag to finish his oneshot since he was pretty close, but the last thing he had to do, and i didn't let go, was to read the fucking PHB
it smelled like a good three evening cake as well, alas its gone
hopefully this project will end in at least a session 0, i miss the group
though i also triggered the affair that i wont run west marches if they didnt run a game for the group, a self entitled maneuver, however fuck playoids
Instead of Fighter 1/Wizard X I'd rather go Fighter 1/Bladelock myself, unless you simply want armor and con saves like a boring person.
EK7/Wizard 13 I like a bit more but it's very, very, very hard to pass on the new Indomitable so I would be tempted to go 10 or 11 in Fighter instead (extra extra attack is really nice with conjure minor elementals too).
>Glamour Bard’s Unbreakable Majesty (Level 14)
I played a lv15 bard in 2014, the new version is so fucking gutted, it's not even funny.
Glamour Bard looks really good still though.
Yeah, can't complain about the rest, except maybe Carwford hyped that mantle of inspiration has it's temp hp amount buffed, but technically the average of the dice we get now is a little bigger at early levels and smaller at higher levels, but still the best bard for me together with sword.
Imma be real I completely forgot about CME. Fuck, that just makes this choice even harder. I think I slightly prefer 7/13 with Abjurer cause I wanted to do a tanky protector type character, and Abjurer Ward stacking Temp HP and being fairly free each day seemed pretty nice.
They hate you because they fear the enlightened roleplayer.
>singleclassed warlock
I need reasons for ghosts to remain in the physical plane/not pass on to the afterlife. Both serious ones (like "vengeance" or "they must fulfill the oath they swore in life") and somewhat jokey ones (such as "every time they go to pass on they smell a suspicious amount of sulphur and brimstone then bail")
minmaxing is selling your mortal soul to the horned guy the sons of abrham worship when you are a paldin or bard to get cha weapon attacks
NTA, but...
>Sure every single piece of D&D fiction disagrees with you
>this has been tge standard view of the warlock since the class was invented
Ah, that's why the 3.5 entry says shit like
>Born of a supernatural bloodline, a warlock seeks to master the perilous magic that suffuses his soul.
>Warlocks are born, not made. Some are the descendants of people who trafficked with demons and devils long ago. Some seek out the dark powers as youths, driven by ambition or the desire for power, but a few blameless individuals are simply marked out by the supernatural forces as conduits and tools. The exact nature of a warlock's origin is up to the player to decide; just as a sorcerer is not beholden to the magic-wielding ancestor that bequeathed his bloodline with arcane power, a warlock is not bound to follow the source that gifted him with magic.
Why do people go Fighter 1/Bladelock X rather than Bladelock X/Fighter 1 with the dip at around character level 6 or 7?
To be fair the real strength of CME is the insane scaling so you can't really go wrong either way.
If I get the opportunity my EK will go into Evoker however, might be weaker but I like the idea of never missing with the cantrip attack.
And don't forget that you have the opportunity to pick MI:Druid for a INT based Shillelagh.
Proficiency in CON saves and heavy armor
-they asked some god to stay so that they can watch their childrens
-that or they simply refused to move and no one really bothered to force them
-didn't do the paperwork properly and couldn't enter (bureaucracy hell)
Because I want to use STR based attacks in order to take advantage of the martial feats. CHA attacks are for queers and spellcasters (but I repeat myself).
Doing it the other way around doesn't give you the heavy armor training.
>Sure every single piece of D&D fiction disagrees with you
4e description of warlocks (SPECIFICALLY fiend warlocks too, who can have found texts written by devils who tried to subvert asmodeus by giving humans power before they were wiped from existence. Meaning anyone who gets their hold on such knowledge is not necessarily (though still may be) bound to a devil) doesn't agree. 3e also disagrees, as >>93820076 pointed out.

You can call that anon obnoxious without blatantly lying.
You dip fighter for con saves and maybe a fighting style. Dipping that late gets rid of the biggest reason for dipping it.
>playing warlock x
>complaining about spellcasters (derogatory)
pick one
>noooo you must use hexblade what are you doing it's not optimal REEEEEE
Fuck off, fag. I WILL play STR based bladelock and I WILL be happy.
I never mentioned hexblade at all. As a warlock you are still a caster (explicit).
>CHA attacks are for queers
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>aunt jemimah preaches the evils of pancake syrup following her conversion to islam
CON Prof and Heavy Armor.
How do I use the string of text under the PHB scan link? Is there a faq/readme? The resources link doesn't explain.
Watch out for kobolds. Those assholes make traps that won't be set up by something as small and light as themselves, and children fit into that category.
And better hope some cheeky bastard doesn't design the trap to destroy whatever treasure you were after, or otherwise make the dungeon inaccessible.
Jesus Christ what are these awful expressions.
Couldnt they have made them a little less stereotypically hideous?
You have to use your internet detective skills to decode the hidden meaning.
But, that's why I like ranger...

You're right, but what a way to put it! Lol.
They are "worse at using weapons and having ASIs' than fighters, that makes sense they're fighters. Rangers are spell casters with solid martial skills and also actual skills.
Lil bastitches...

Wait until you're in your 40s and you play once a month with only half your group because the other half is dead or being grandparents.
A plesiosaur looks like a deadly encounter for level 1s.

I'm wondering what tone it would set if they got TPK'd by Nessie.
IT has only 1 attack, action economy will fuck it up no matter what unless you manage to get some massive damage kills with its attack
Tried mega, tried a few other things. Nothing works.
They're not supposed to fucking fight it in that quest, you knob, it just attacks the boat at most and isn't written to be just combat, get the idea that encounter = combat out of your ass.
Boohoo faggot, if some dipshit starts shooting Three Fiddy as soon as it shows up it's going to take a fucking huge chunk out of their face
That art reminds me of SMT 4 Omoikane.
Pro-tip, it's not something you plug into a URL
Why don't people just use torrents anymore?
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As long as they don't fuck with Guadalupe, the skulls won't get mad at them.
It can down anyone at level one in one go if it simply rolls average damage, so it's one "it attacks the cleric first" from causing a TPK
>You are a skillmonkey rogue/druid
They're closer to Fighter/Druids than Rogue/Druids. Expertise is a relatively new addition.
>stuff like maneuvers,
That's a subclass. It's like saying "Fighters suck because rangers get things like being invisible in darkness"
>Scout Rogues are way better at that, so let's find something else.
Ranger spells are far better at this than any amount of expertise. Survival is pointless when goodberry solves all of your food needs and hunter's mark/locate X can do all of your tracking for you.
Most boomer grog thing I've ever read.
>So about ranger...
Ranger has been dogshit in its design since 2014 when the normie new blood had yet to file in and the game had been playtested by 3e grogs. Find a new scapegoat, retard.
>wilderness survival if you're always in towns.
Or maybe WotC is terrible at designing wilderness features? Go read the Outlander background, then read goodberry, then read most of what ranger does. WotC cannot write survival features without the feature just being "you ignore survival".
> don't need to track people or hunt clues
Having a high skill (which rogues and bards do better) is really all you need for tracking. That or... casting spells, which track infinitely better than most mundane methods and rangers get all the tracking spells already. The issue is that it isn't so core you can build an entire class around it.
>And if everything not combat is solved by lots of fucking talking,
Source: my /tg/ ragebait threads. You idiots construct a mental image of a version of the hobby that makes you mad because you love to make threads about how mad you are.
Not a magnet either
>Being told you're too old

No, you shouldn't either look or sound visibly too old yet. You either don't take care of yourself / are a disgusting person, or you're an awkward "that guy" that creeps people out and no longer have the excuse of being 19. The problem is almost definitely you, not your age yet.
Wow War cleric buff are pretty fucking nice, shame about spiritual weapon tho
Calm down Anon. Here, eat a Goodberry.
Really picking out a particular point on that one, huh? Sure, maneuvers are just a BM thing, but it's a core PHB subclass that's very commonly picked and meaningfully expands on a Fighter's combat options. Compare to Hunter (Beastmaster isn't even worth mentioning), which gives you a bit of extra damage per turn and some defensive abilities later on. Not bad, not great, just sorta there.
That's kinda the problem with PHB Ranger. It's like if Fighter only had Champ and EK. Later Ranger subclasses are a bit better, but that's true for basically every class.
Precision applies first. Then if it's still a miss, Graze applies.
>Ranger has been dogshit in its design since 2014 when the normie new blood had yet to file in and the game had been playtested by 3e grogs.

>Implying 3aboos still aren't newfags and part of the problem.
Were rangers actually good in 2e?
Ha, no. They got ONE choice of enemy, so if you picked one that wasn't in the cards, you were shit out of luck. You couldn't sneak in anything heavier than studded leather, and even if you hamstrung your AC by sticking to lighter stuff, your Move Silently and Hide In Shadows chances were halved if you tried to use them in non-natural surroundings, like, say, a dungeon.
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What are your favorite elf builds
>fag posting slop
Get back to your containment thread
It's encrypted. People are trying to be "sneaky", they're just retarded and gatekeepy and should genuinely just kiill themselves.
You find a decrypter and you plug it in and you get the url. It's fucking retarded and serves no purpose.
sure but their chances of success looked like this.
Here are some clues for you
>soup base (the soup part isn't important, just the "base" part, you know, like base 10)
i'm gonna lmao if even those hints lead to another brainlet chimp out.
>It's fucking retarded and serves no purpose.
when it's not encrypted, the link lasts like a day and a half, 2 days tops.

when it's encrypted, in this very fucking easy encryption as long as you know what you're doing, it lasts a week or more.

It serves a purpose, all gatekeeping serves a purpose, it keeps out those who would ruin things for everyone else. Even the "Tolerant Left," champions of omni-acceptance, gatekeep the Basket of Deplorables from their spaces.
If certain problem-causing people didn't need to be kept out, there would be no fence with a gate to keep.
Didn't expect to learn about different encoding tpyes in /5eg/ of all places.
it's not like it's a trick /5eg/ invented. I've seen it used on /b/ and /co/ and /vmg/ and /x/. I'd imagine /a/, /lit/, /vp/, and /vr/ also use it, among others.
>Your character's background is a collection of characteristics that represent the place and occupation that were most formative before your character embarked on a life of adventure.
>Each background includes a brief narrative of
what your character's past might have been like. Alter the details of this narrative however you like.
so is RAW that backgrounds as written in the PHB a 100% mechanical feature only and you are supposed to entirely throw away the narrative element and replace it with your own, even if it directly contradicts the name of the background?
Like for instance, RAW a palidin should pick noble as a background because it fits with his or her class as it grants by granting str and cha but then make the actual narrative backstory that he or she was a poor orphan who was taken in by the church?
just click the catbox link, you don't need the other one it's worse.
I see it all the time on sights/discords that trade "paid" resident evil mods, because fuck modder trannies who are trying to charge money
Well, you'd still need to explain why your poor orphan ended up with the exact same skillset and gear as a noble. But... arguably yes? Kind of stretching "alter the details" to its absolute limits.
basically anywhere that deals in chronic piracy and DMCA takedowns from corpos really.

i'd imagine they mostly just have a bot scraping for links, that then get passed onto a human operative.
If you try to do it actually based on the background its retarded though
>I'm going to be a cleric
>take acolyte since that make sense
>have to start with fucking 5 or 6 cleric cantrips and 2 holy symbols
>be bard
>take entertainer
>start with 7 god damn musical instrument proficiencies
>want tavern brawler and to not be a human
>guess you need to ride a fucking boat
>Add some mounted combat and animal affinity

Can't, paladin called dibs, so only he is allowed to have a reliable animal companion not bound by subclass. He called dibs on aoe support, healing, and prepared casting as well.
Oh, I also want to point out, the noble background gives you skilled which is just skill access, history and persuasion, paladins already have persuasion access and the ability to play a game of your choice. so you basically just need to be able to explain why your paladin can play poker or chess and why he or she knows history. not a hard task. the items also are just nice clothes, perfume and a gaming kit, easy for a paladin to have or he could have 50 coins which is the same as a farmer or guard. every class can start with 50 coins
Thanks anon
>That's a subclass
It fucking shouldn't be.
Why would a noble not be able to play cards or chess? Indulging in leisure activities with no regard to how much time or money you lose is part and parcel of being nobility.
Sure, though honestly most people should probably just use a Custom Background or Old Book Background at that point.

Custom Background
Ability Scores: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose three different +1
Feat: Choose One Origin Feat
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two Skills
Tool Proficiency: Choose One Tool
Equipment: 50 GP
ranger was already okay after tasha's and while some parts of it are disappointing it's probably going to be totally fine.
clerics are just humans given access to the gods' type of outer planar magic.
Honestly, I can only think of a few kinds of gods who would feel a priestly intern is the best example of their will in the world enough to enable them to cause miracles.

You're a god of the harvest, do you pick a weenie in a bathrobe that spends all day memorizing holy poetry, or a farmer?
You're god of war, do you pick a weenie in a bathrobe that spends all day memorizing holy poetry, or a soldier or general?
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Simple enough, that's basically Angelo.
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Two steps forward, one step back. Its "fine". Had they given the Ranger actual features instead of fixating on hunter's mark, I'd argue that everything else it got would be a job well done.

-Extra hunter's marks goes a long way over a day.
-Weapon mastery is stronger than people think
-Prepared casting is a big help
-Ritual spell casting goes a long way to helping ranger provide team support

-Three additional class features devoted to hunter's mark (one great, two shit)
-Lost lands stride (a crime)
-Most cool class features are in tier 3 and 4
-Still over-burdened bonus action
-A joke of a capstone

all in all, strong but boring.
So what are the flavor options you're going for with this spell? I'm thinking of floating orbs of shifting elemental energy that merge with my attacks. The difficult terrain would be something like the ground is filled with the elemental pressure making it harder for my enemies to move through it.
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I wonder if Ranger would be liked more if it was a Companion/Pet-themed class. Like at level 1, it gets Find Familiar and can cast it without a slot or material components once a day, Find familiar gets stronger as you level up in the Class. The subclasses will give you a Companion/Pet at level 3 that has mechanics that mesh with the subclass flavor and a small flavorful buff to Find Familiar as well (Example- Dragon Rangers can make their Familiar a Dragon instead of Fey Fiend, or Celestial, and it gains a flying speed or something dragon-like).
With this though, I'd also imagine the Hunter would have to get merged with the core Class making the Ranger better at hunting things.
Yeah but what's the point talking about the classes as a whole if you're really only talking about one subclass from each and excluding all the other ones?
if you play it as a fighter that sometimes breaks out nature themed CC or divination/exploration based utility, then yes.

If you want to be Arnold Schwarzenegger from Predator... sorry no, that's never been supported in basically any edition.

actually two of the three hunter's mark is arguably good.
the free uses means it's a completely costless fallback for when other concentration spells aren't better. (though is still feel like letting you spend uses to refill natures veil or tireless would have been a good idea, especially since they dropped it from prof to wis)
and then advantage is good period.
>actually two of the three hunter's mark is arguably good.

Free hunter's mark makes four and I agree its a good feature, I was referring to

>no concentration check on hunters mark at 13 (bad)
>avantage on hunters makr target (good)
>hunter's mark turing from a d6 to a d10 which might have been ok at 11th level, but this is the capstone (bad)

I said the capstone bit twice because it bears repeating how robbed rangers were.
i wish the capstone was you shared your hunter's mark with allies. that would be pretty neat.
Oath of Vengeance
When the Paladin meant that would do anything, it was anything
Vengeance if in pursuit of their goals (whether directly or they just REALLY need the money), conquest if they get off on any emergent power dynamics or again use it in pursuit of their goals, glory if they're in good shape and just like to fuck.
Unironically would be a worthwhile capstone. Adding 3d6-6d6 extra damage on a target for the team would be cool.

In fact, I'm stealing it.
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With the new nick, this could add up to a lot of extra damage
It's pretty cool, but it doesn't feel very capstone-y.
It's quite simple, like fighter's capstone. But I'd imagine it adds up with another one two Martials in the group.
Dumb question- do you think Angelo makes for a better Cleric or Bard?
I'd say Cleric. Though he clearly doesn't have the temperament of one, he yet remains a templar, and has access to a variety of powerful holy magicks.
>the Dead Sea,
Heck yeah, I love Neon Genesis Evangelion.
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Can someone please explain to me why Curse of Strahd is considered so beloved? Because to me it's fucking dogshit.
>World is dark, dreary, hopeless, and exceedingly edgy
>Tons of Dark Souls tier bullshit that will kill characters or even TPK the party without meta-gaming
>95% of the NPCs you interact with are unlikable pieces of shit.
>Module LITERALLY FUCKING ENDS WITH A "Somehow Palpatine Has Returned" ending.
I will NEVER understand people's obsession and reverence of this campaign. Imagine spending MONTHES of real world time and energy just for your DM to go "teehee you didn't accomplish shit."
For me, it's the sword bard Sylvando
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A Bard could have powerful Holy Magics no? Nothing stops you from being a Bard with a religious background and even being a priest. He'd even be good at archery too. I also recall his entire "Charisma" tree covers all of his holy magic in Dragon Quest, which sounds bard like.
>>World is dark, dreary, hopeless, and exceedingly edgy
It's designed to be that way, so yes. a gob well done.
>>Tons of Dark Souls tier bullshit that will kill characters or even TPK the party without meta-gaming
yea, it's not a superhero campaign, it's horror. You're in a hopless nightmare
>>95% of the NPCs you interact with are unlikable pieces of shit.
yea, Barovia is a horrible place.
>>Module LITERALLY FUCKING ENDS WITH A "Somehow Palpatine Has Returned" ending.
its not perfect.
>I will NEVER understand people's obsession and reverence of this campaign. Imagine spending MONTHES of real world time and energy just for your DM to go "teehee you didn't accomplish shit."

Ravenloft excels at what it's trying to accomplish. Compared to every other adventure pout it, it's actually good.
>Ravenloft excels at what it's trying to accomplish. Compared to every other adventure pout it, it's actually good.
Ravenloft is notorious for it's initial inception not being playtested at all and being created by the designers to curbstomp players into the dirt.
You sound like every other moron I've tried to get answers from.
>Dude it's good BECAUSE it's a hopeless depressive shithole where everything sucks and it's lore accurate that you walk away from the table feeling unfulfilled BECAUSE BAROVIA!!!
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Ok bud, everyone seems to agree it's good, and I've told you why.
It's possible my DM was just dogshit, but I cannot, for the life of me, by any metric or sense, forgive the canonic, written ending.
I think if someone pulled that "Somehow Palpatine Has Returned" shit on me I would never join another of their tables ever again.
Imagine having monthes of your time wasted on THAT fucking payoff. The ending is arguably the most important part of any story and THAT's what the book serves.
Heresies do pop up from time to time, though admittedly it's infrequent given that the gods are provably real and capable of offering direct instruction in the event of doctrinal ambiguity. That sort of thing is more common in Eberron, where the existence of gods is far less certain (with the exception of the Silver Flame) and divine power is more ambiguous.
Yes? Being cremated hurts
How compatible is OneDnD with 2024 if you use forward compatibility. Neither me or my group care enough about it to move over, but I like the 4 Elements Monk rework and I'm wondering if I could convince my DM to let me use it
Well there can be superstitions not directly related to the gods. I'm sure the fae actively cultivate incorrect beliefs about themselves. Different religions can shit talk each other and probably not get their gods sending them fact check visions. Not everyone passes their religion checks after all.
Generally, I think the biggest disagreements within a given religion would be things that go under their god's radar. Points of nuance, local traditions, minutiae. Really depends on how involved or detached the gods are in a particular setting.
it definitely would. Mearls and Crawford were complete dipshits for removing the most important part of the ranger class

I actually had a domain of dread based on the masada mass-suicide. I wanted to do something with it, but shelved it after october 7th because it seemed in poor taste
>Being cremated hurts
t. Reborn
The more localised the feature, the better.
Indomitable works the new way: simple.
Anything involving Weapon Mastery or designed to interact with redesigned feats: more complicated.
like using the playtest materials with the new rules?
kind of depends which playtest PDF you're using.
just cast animal friendship
I'm retarded, I meant using OneDnD/2024 with 2014/5e
that isn't what I am saying. I am saying the only things a paladin gets from the nobility background they don't get from the class itself/isn't super generic is they get a history proficiency and a game proficiency and if they take the supplies, which they could take gold instead, they get nice clothes, perfume and one game set. explaining the game and history proficiencies shouldn't be any harder than explaining any free skills you get from being a human or taking skilled.
the whole thing is set up retarded because they wanted to make background do too much shit so you get the retardation of backgrounds not making sense for the class most likely to have the background and most of the skills are generic as fuck and would take maybe on skill change to avoid all issue and even then its just a minor issue
>I wonder if Ranger would be liked more
it would definitely make a very specific kind of player very happy.
it would also annoy the people that want Ranger to be Solid Snake.

Basically, ranger has the monk problem.

There's the class as its originally imagined, which is what WotC is still mostly aiming for.
But then there's like 3 or 4 different dissatisfied camps that want it to be something adjacent but different and none of them are compatible.

Sorcerer has a similar problem but only mechanically. But monk and ranger are at the premise level.
they didn't explicitly put
>muh custom background
in the rules, though I suspect it will be house ruled a lot
I (93824399) assumed that was what you meant.
Because it's a caster (yes, half round up still counts), and that's how caster subclasses work.

Pure martial subclasses can have entirely novel subsystems for subclasses because they don't have any other moving parts.
well their is literally a war cleric domain for battle and its pretty easy to build a cleric with heavy armor who does a bunch of melee with martial weapons.
Theoretically, this is what subclasses are for. Generalize the flavor of the main class a bit more and put more of the flavor burden on the subclasses. But then people get pissed off that you're washing out the core class flavor, even though it already barely exists aside from the nature-y spell list and the description at the start.
in that case, you want to use a 2024 class in a 2014 game?

Well, to answer in your specific case, monk will suck a little because you don't have the rules change about trips and shoves being unarmed strikes.
But any other martial would suck due to losing masteries, so it's about equal really.

there shouldn't be much of any other mechanical issues for you though for monk.

It's definitely an increase in power. But it's not overbearing, it just gets monk on par with other pure martial with no expertises or skills options.
Yeah, so if we compare apples to apples we just end up at the Paladin comparison. Though on that note, I really wonder if Ranger would've come off better if Hunter's Mark wasn't an actual spell, but an ability that uses spell slots a la Divine Smite. I guess it's a moot point since they did make access to Hunter's Mark a class feature while they made Divine Smite a spell like Hunter's Mark. Maybe that's just how it always should've been.
paladin subclasses don't heavily affect playstyle either.
Their bread and butter is the spellcasting and base class stuff.

If anything it's weird that ranger has a subclass as bizarrely out of pocket and convoluted as beastmaster, not that hunter is a subclass about swapping between a handful of passives based on what you're planning to fight.
Honestly I'd be fine using 2014 monk, I'm more interested in the subclass than anything
It was an allusion, a real places name being used to describe a metaphysical place human listeners otherwise had no context for imagining, as is evidenced in the fucking context.
I'm playing a time themed wizard in a game I'm in (not a chrono wizard, a transmuter).

GM is letting my character create some of his own spells and I want more time themed spells. I'm just getting spells that already exist and refluffing them because I don't want the homebrew to be stronger than core options.

I'm trying to refluff Web into a spell that creates a little zone of slowness.

Effects are the same. Creatures that start its turn on the "web" must make a save or be restrained, and the web is difficult terrain.


Duration is 1 minute, concentration (instead of one hour).
Save happens when the spell is cast or when a creature enters the area for the first time (web is when the creature starts in the area or enters it during the first time).
Save is wisdom (web save is dexterity).
Creature repeate the wisdom save at the end of its turn (web the creature has to use an action to do a strenght check and tries to escape)
Zone is not flammable (web can be burned, which causes damage to creatures stuck in it, but destroy the area of web after a whole round).
So, is that weaker or stronger than web?
Uhhh, honestly, probably sun soul/draconic tier then.
you have a push pull unarmed at minor range, a minor explosion for cheap, and some flight and aura damage when you dash.
>literally how?

surprise only imposes disadvantage on enemy initiative now as opposed to being a whole free turn.

>meanwhile the new CA and CWB are markedly strong.

The new conjure animals does much worse damage on a failed save and 0 damage on a success – which will happen frequently since it relies on your wisdom – it loses the old spell's ability to restrict enemy movements, its synergy with command and diss whis, and its utility (no more summoning a bunch of giant owls to carry you to mordor)

CWB on the other hand is a worse spirit guardians with a higher level spell slot
>it would also annoy the people that want Ranger to be Solid Snake.
But ranger is't that already? Solid Snake doesn't use magic- Solid Snake is closer to a Battle Master Fighter or Assassin Rogue than a Ranger.
the thayans?
>surprise only imposes disadvantage on enemy initiative now as opposed to being a whole free turn
You know, the DM can just rule that enemies aren't surprised even if the party manages to hide from them. Surprise can be super impactful (or could be lol) but if the alarm has been raised or the elite guards have an Alert-like feature or whatever PWT isn't just an auto-surprise mechanic.
(different anon btw)
(if my players abused PWT I'd let them reap plenty of benefit from it but I wouldn't just grant them surprise on every encounter)
that's all that guy ever does. he's the same one that said grappling can't move you it can only drag you which just means you're carried and floating in the air whevever you got grappled, and the same guy who said that mounted combatant applies to all the horses you currently own because they're "your mount(s)"
When did /5eg/ become a bible study class?
Trying to get some feedback for this spell here. It is a chronomancy spell, the direct comparison is web, and the intention is that it is not as strong as the web spell.

Rewind Field
2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (an hourglass)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute [Web is 1 hour]
Time and space behave erraticaly, causing creatures to quicly rewind to the point they were previosly occupying. For the duration, a 20 foot cube in a point you can see becomes difficult terrain [web also lightly obscures the area; web needs to be cast on the ground or anchored between two structures]

Each creature in the area when the spell is cast [web is when a creature starts its turn in it] or that enters the area during its turn must make a Wisdom [web is Dexterity] saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained as long as it remains in the area.

A creature restrained by the area makes a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. If it succeeds, it is no longer restrained. [With web, a creature has to use their action to make a Strenght check].

[Webs are flammable and can cause 2d4 damage after one round. This spell is not]

So, is this worse than web?
Edit: Makes the wisdom save at the end of the turn***
Some baiter got stuck on the topic. He'll probably be back next thread making the same arguments from the top, hoping to catch new anons.
I think so. the only improvement is it activating immediately so a creature can't get pulled out before their turn starts. But i think all the other nerfs more than make up for it.

Restrained seems like a weird way to represent constant rewinding though.
its stronger
My only wish for monk has always been "sun soul but not the worst subclass imaginable" so I'll fucking take it. Asking for the 2024 monk on top would be pushing my luck, I'll take my ranged attacks that actually work with monk features and decent AoE and be on my way.
How so?
A the end of the day is just a refluff to get a more time magikey theme to the spell list of a character. That's why it is a web refluff. Why it is clunky also. But keeping a dex save and a strenght check to evade time magic would be even weirder. So the intention is to tweak the spell a little, but not make it better.
every time he gets banned the thread is decent and free of trolls for 24 hours to 3 days.
I honestly kind of wonder if he's the same asshat that used to tripfag back when 2014 first launched. Our current nuisance only really showed up once 2024 stuff started leaking. Would make sense if the guy is only around for a few months surrounding each release.

arguably a bunch of pigs and the demons possessing them, does that count?

unironically, you can probably just play original 4elem and be happy, if you just convince your DM to let fangs of the Fire Snake's extended reach last 1 minute not 1 turn.

>doesn't require walls
>WIS save
>can't be destoryed with fire
>Basically, ranger has the monk problem.
My big issue with the 2024 Ranger is a bit of a narrative one. Back in the 2014 version Rangers at least had some abilities that felt unique to them like Favored Enemy, Favored Terrain, and Primal Awareness. These weren't good features, but they at least covered a niche. By removing them or changing them to just blanket expertise or just hunter's mark they're now implying that to be the "Good at ranging character" you can just do that by strictly having good skills.... Rogues, Bards, and even Fighters are better at these things than a Ranger is. ESPECIALLY Rogue- you can have a Rogue that at level 7 has expertise + Reliable Talent (Making them the most consistent at all of this) in Stealth, Survival, Perception, and one INT skill related to whatever type of quarry you want (lets say Nature for Dragons) while also having heightened movement speed and the capability to use all types of dexterity weapons like bows, crossbows, or dual swords, they even got an extra language from Thieves Cant. This isn't even factoring in Subclassees, Scout rogues are called:
>"Ambusher, spy, bounty hunter—these are just a few of the roles that Scouts assume as they range the world."
That feels very Ranger-y to me. Plus that subclass gets even more expertise in the natural environment department. You could do assassins for headhunters too. Or an Arcane Trickster for a Wizard-themed one.

Currently, I view Rangers as this hybrid Fighter/Rogue/Druid thing- and the Druid part does a lot of heavy lifting cause without the explicit druidic magic of the class- I'd say it would feel too close to the Rogue.
But also
>1 minute duration
>Second save requires a save instead of a check (more creatures have proficiency).
>Save happens at the end of every turn, no need to expend an action ever.
So far I've only played variant humans, but my dm is banning variant humans for our next campaign. I'm thinking warforged, are they fun to play as? I'm also thinking of playing Kensei monk, is Kensei any good?
>unironically, you can probably just play original 4elem and be happy
It's always been too "you can be a lesser caster!!" for my tastes. If the new monk doesn't get okayed I'll probably play a Dragon Monk for the AoE and cool element fists or just play another class entirely. Mercy is pretty good but I played one recently.
>without walls to support it, web lasts for a single round, so the duration is a moot point.
>no creature has proficiency in strength checks
>Wisdom is still a very weak save for a lot of creatures
>>Wisdom is still a very weak save for a lot of creatures
People have done average saves before. The TL;DR is that targeting Wis is roughly as good as targeting Dex. Wis is slightly weaker for monsters overall, but not by much.
Ranger still has a 40ft swim and climb speed. I thoroughly wish it still had land's stride, in fact I wished it was just a blank check ignoring of all difficult terrain, or at the very least mundane difficult terrain. But that still has to count for something.

also, it DOES have spells that make it supernaturally good at wildernessy things, locating and detecting things, and animal handling things. A lot more spells at one time than it previously had, in fact, and more flexibly.
I realize that druid also gets a large chunk of these spells, but cleric also gets most of the paladin list.

but sun soul, which you said you liked, is literally just a lesser caster too.
it gets worse EB, quickened burning hands, and worse fireball.

they just deleted half the thread, why would you continue to taunt the mods with this?
>sun soul
I like the *concept* the not the actual class. It's fucking dog shit, one of the worst subs in the entire game, that's the entire reason I want an improved version of it.
are the underdark and asmodius not forgotten relms related?
it's very apparent that you're using coded language to repeat the real life question you were saying earlier.

go back to /pol/
Does he actually think that's slick or is it meta-trolling by pretending to be retarded? I can't tell anymore.
are we not allowed to talk about warlocks?
only ones in the game, real life examples are a no go.
Literally the most cartoonishly blatant samefag I have ever seen. Do you have a prescription for your Moods? I'd hate to think you have to rawdog this.
I'm sorry, man. You should try to make an appointment with your main healthcare provider. A lot of this stuff doesn't need appointments with a shrink.
>I'd say it would feel too close to the Rogue.
Without its magic it's far closer to fighter in every aspect. I've genuinely never understood why people say ranger is rogueish when most of their similarities are mechanical
post medical credentials
>are mechanical
are narrative**
Because tracking and bushcraft are mundane things and rogue is very good at mundane things

That's it.
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>also, it DOES have spells that make it supernaturally good at wildernessy things, locating and detecting things, and animal handling things. A lot more spells at one time than it previously had, in fact, and more flexibly.
Like I said the druidic magic does a lot of heavy lifting for my outlook on the Ranger's uniqueness. I dislike that they removed Primal Awareness for this exact reason. Yes, Rangers now have 15 (before they had 11) spells and can change one each Long Rest, but the old version gave you 5 very fitting spells (Totaling their actual count to 16) that covered the whole 'Magical connection to nature and its creatures" thing while also making it so you could cast each one once a day for free. That was pretty good. They also had the opportunity to fix Primeval Awareness but instead just got rid of it...
I dislike Land Stride getting taken out as well. If there was anything, I kinda wish Deft Explorer gave you two skills expertise. Rangers IMO cover Stealth, Survival, Perception and one INT or animal handling skill only getting three means you gotta drop one of those.
I think both can accomplish that feeling if Rangers didn't have magic. My reasoning for the rogue primarily is because the class itself, it covers a lot of skill-related things (Surviving, Hunting, Tracking, Knowlege on Monsters, Trap Making, Hiding, Perception...) that your average Ranger could do while also having heightened movement options, and still being great with Dexterity weapons.
Fighters can also do it, because it's a Fighter they have a lot of ASIs so you could make yourself very skilled- while also having class features like Tactical Mind to further improve your skills. Mobility-wise you could cover that with feats or by playing a Battle Master or using Second Wind for Tactical Shifft.
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my 2024 ranger changes

>imp hunter's mark makes it a greater tracking tool or makes it equivalent to divine favor

primal awareness was awesome except beast sense, I never used that shit I used those free casts all the time simple because i had them.

I think ritual spell casting makes up for it. It may take a bit more time, but you get more use out of
I have something better. I'm a cripple.
2024 barbarogue status?
seems to me it is still where it was left off
apex cinema
Still a fine build and character concept.
Straight barb is stronger than it used to be. Brutal critical no longer 3 dead levels.
Athletics expertise no longer impactful due to new grapple/shove rules.
New dual-wielding stronger.
Vex (and Nick indirectly) make Sneak Attack more reliable benefiting less from Reckless Attack.
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>publish on dmg and drivethru
>my lazy item and spell homebrew sells way better than the adventures I put all my love and effort into
Yeah no shit, because your items and spells can be inserted into any campaign but your adventures only appeal to the 0.001% of DMs who don't want to make their own story but also don't want to play one of the official ones.
Maybe they should just really hammer home Ranger as the jack of all trades class. We're all looking for Ranger to have its own identity with the nature warden stuff, but maybe its identity should kinda be that it's a bit of everything. You want to play something that can do a bit of fighting, a bit of skilling, and a bit of magic all at once and you don't want to be a faggot Dance/Valor Bard? Ranger should be what you reach for as the all-arounder.
Side note, why the fuck do we have both Valor AND Dance Bards? Do people really want to wander into melee range as a Bard that badly that we need a melee bard and a gayer melee bard?
understanding the post
berserker 5/assassin 5 is the baseline for a good build, however instead of pumping into rogue you keep pumping barbarian for more damage

since rogue 5 feature halves damage, it is not resistance, therefore you should take a quarter when raging

barbarogue chads we just keep winning
its a shame about the grapple, but i am still content
Warlocks don't form a pact until level3 anyway
Fuck, I just started looking for groups online since I failed trying to get my friends into it multiple times and I'm 34.
Don't forget the 1 level dip to Cleric for heavy armor.
God no. Unless you REALLY like Hunter's Mark. To an unhealthy fetish level.
Did they kill all summon spells making them spirit guardian clones or can we still summon shit?
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>As with everything else, of course, Pf2e solves this.
>Side note, why the fuck do we have both Valor AND Dance Bards? Do people really want to wander into melee range as a Bard that badly that we need a melee bard and a gayer melee bard?
Because WotC hates the idea of a dedicated swashbuckler class, and would prefer to keep adding subclass after subclass after subclass to the 2014 class list than admit that they totally fucked up matching the mechanics to the core vision of half of them. If they even had a vision, that is.
Nice trips by the way.
You now summon with Summon X instead of Conjure X.
What's the best way to play a necromancer now that the wizard subclass is gone? Is the death domain or oathbreaker going to be in the DMG again?
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What is the new Trickery Domain like?
If party consists of Barbarin, Cleric, Rogue and Wizard - what 5th class would fit well and why? Except Bard or Monk, they are not an option
Fighter (or Paladin if you also need a Face), the wall that stands on front of Cleric and Wizard when Barbarian goes berserk and starts mindlessly chasing enemies and Rogue is stabbing behind enemy lines.
Paladin is tailor made to slot into any party. Strong offensive and defensive support frontline.
huh why?
i don't like it
does nothing new, only good is free teleport to duplication on 6
unlimited on bonus action
>now that the wizard subclass is gone
It's not, though. They just didn't revise it and put it in the new book.
>pick abjuration wizard
>learn necromancy spells
>round out with feats
>you are now old necromancer
>minding my own business
>archfay comes up to me for no reason
>asks if she can have my attention
>say "sure"
>now you're a warlock with ADD
Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. That or illusionist with stuff flavored as shades and shadows.
>You always have the Counterspell and Dispel Magic spells prepared. In addition, you can cast Dispel Magic as a Bonus Action, and you can add your Proficiency Bonus to its ability check. When you cast either spell with a spell slot, that slot isn't expended if the spell fails to stop A spell.
>Dispel Magic: Choose one creature, object, or magical effect within range. Any ongoing spell of level 3 or lower on the target ends. FOR EACH ongoing spell of level 4 or higher on the target, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability (DC 10 plus that spell's level). On a successful check, the spell ends.

Where were you when level 10 Abjurers became able to dispel every single magical effect on a thing for the low low price of exactly one spell slot (and potentially a bit of time)
*one third level spell slot
I play a 2024 Mercy Monk in a 2014 5e game. There's little to no compatibility issues.
Monk is arguably one of the easiest to port over because most of their changes are minor buffs and bandaids to their rulings.
>Your bonus action unarmed attack can be used whenever, not just after an attack
>Your Patient Defense/Step of the Wind act a bit more like Cunning Action now.
>One daily refresh on Ki on initiative roll
>Deflect now works on all attacks, not just ranged.
>Martial Arts now starts at d6
>You can now use Dex for Shove/Grapple.
There's a couple more changes for higher level play I'm likely forgetting, but those listed are the most important base changes, and almost all of them can be easily fit into 2014
Are you my DM? He literally did this to our halfling druid to fuck with him.
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Can you niggas petition hasbro to put 2 or 3 masteries per martial weapon pls. i`m tired of weapon swapping already
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We got the full art of the Eldritch Knight in the new PHB.
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>Trident 1d8 piercing (versatile d10), range 20/60, Topple
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I like this new dragon overall and think it has potential for future designs. The Ancient Green Dragon is no longer just "A big flying lizard with poison breath" it's that but now it is heavily Charm focused and mind control focused. This Dragon has the potential to use a 5th Level Charm Monster four times per round, even with advantage it's gonna stick to someone eventually.

Things I don't like:
They might be moving away from Regional Effects, I thought those were kinda neat and getting rid of them is a flavor loss.
I don't like that 'Rend' only deals Piercing damage + the elemental type of the dragon. I'd rather it be broadly Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing (Dragon's Choice) damage, plus the elemental type in extra damage. That way you could have this be the dragon biting, clawing, or crushing you.
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Damn, just realised a cr 24 enemy with polymorph can just turn into this badboy
I'll never understand how that thing's a beast- I could understand Monstrosity or Fiend but 'Beast' is really pushing it imo.
play a fighter. that's their whole schtick.

only one is a spirit guards clone. the others are spirit shroud, spirit weapon, guardian of faith, and well, animals is weird but i'd compare it most to flaming sphere.

yes you can still summon, but only one creature at a time, bigger slot just makes bigger creature.

if you want minionmancy, you want Animates not Summons.

it's 3 fucking features, on levels you otherwise wouldn't have gotten anything but a spell slot size increase, you fucking pissbaby.
You could already add spells to dragons, there were even guidelines on how to do so
I have no clue about the game and I am going to play in the not so near future. What classes are interesting and fun?
long convoluted adventures are shit. go write a novel.

3 page dungeons that a DM can drop into a sandbox world and what would have been free user submissions in a magazine, or else items and spells.
Correct, but this MUCH better than the limited once per LR spells that didn't work with their Multiattack and only had a vague theme. This is better.
Hey, am I crazy, or are nat 1s/20s only for attacks now? I only see it about attack rolls, nothing about any of the other possible rolls.
That's always been that way yes.
Huh, I thought they were for saving throws as well. A little bummed about that, I've always kept some people scared by throwing a lot of saves at people to make them risk rolling a 1.
>5 very fitting spells
i have literally never used 4 of them in my entire 3 year campaign.

if you gave me the ability to swap them out, I would have done so literal years ago, because I basically have like 1 spell of each level that I actually got to choose.

my picks:

Absorb Elements
Ensnaring Strike (between I've never gotten its damage once)

Pass Without Trace (I can't remember the last time we didn't go in hot, but I can only swap one spell a level.
Locate Object (another one i'd like to swap. at the time I picked it we were doing a lot of mcguffin hunting)
Silence (the only spell that's really put in work in the last 6 months, because of force cage on the cleric)

Revivify (in case it's the cleric that dies)

Conjure Woodland Being (basically only works as temporary CC now)

steel wind strike, because we had no good aoes.
>I have literally never used 4 of them in my entire 3 year campaign.
That's kinda sad. I've seen most Druids and Rangers and Totem Barbarians pull out Speak With Animals, Speak With Plants, Locate Creature (and Locate Object), and Commune With Nature. Commune with Nature especially was used a lot in my first 2 or 3-year campaign. It was great for gathering knowledge and was used at every opportunity.
>play a fighter.
Doesn`t change the fact that it`s only 1 mastery per weapon which is gay as fuck
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2024 Ranger has some good spells these are more or less my favorites:

Commune With Nature
Conjure Animals (C)
Conjure Barrage
Conjure Volley
Conjure Woodland Beings (C)
Cure Wounds
Dispel Magic
Entangle (C)
Fog Cloud (C)
Lesser Restoration
Locate Creature (C)
Locate Object (C)
Pass Without Trace (C)
Plant Growth
Silence (C)
Speak With Animals
Speak With Plants
Steel Wind Strike
Summon Beast (C)
Summon Elemental (C)
Summon Fey (C)
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>psionics is back
>"Finally, my autistic fixation is core"
>psychic warrior equivalent is a Jedi minus the lightsaber and mind trick
>souknife went from warrior with custom guaranteed can't-take-it-from-me weapon to unambiguous assassin
>closest thing to a Psion is Aberrant Sorcerer with forced Cthulhu theme that is redundant with actual tentacle fucker Warlock pact
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BG3 had figured this bit out, don't know why they didn't copy it.
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>Doesn`t change the fact that it`s only 1 mastery per weapon which is gay as fuck
Not forever though.
What is the state of warlocks in 5revised?
It seems like with Magic Cunning, lowered invocation prereqs and cutting the trap options, and incentivizing more short rests for parties as a whole, that warlocks are finally more viable caster options.

The chassis in the phb is solid enough that it doesn't feel like any new book would need to present a fix of any kind.
We had a totem barbarian for the entire time that speak with animals was relevant. Retrained to zealot now, but I can't even name the last time we saw an animal, and we're asking questions even gods don't know.
In the level ranges people actually play at, Warlock only got stronger. Beyond that it's decent.
After they burned that bridge, and fired all employees that ever even worked with them, they couldn't.
Afaik it got zero nerfs outside of some minor spell list changes, only buffs.
And it was never a bad class to begin with, just suffered under specific play styles.

Most of its buffs only come in the form of additional options and customizability though, not actual additions, other than the bootleg arcane recovery and the free contact patron.
Is GOOlock not as much a psion as the sorcerer?
And for that matter whispers bard?

I do wish that more classes got psi dice though. If you're going to make it a thing then go whole hog. Make it the spell slots of psionics.
Is Good Berry good now that cure wounds is 2d8+stat?
It's slower, less action efficient, and less hp.
It replaces rations, but just buy rations they're dirt cheap.

It's only use case is as giving everyone in the party a just in case 1hp senzu beans to raise people from bleeding.
Trying to get into the specifics of weapon mastery.

So, Barbarian and Fighter both get expanding options in terms of weapon mastery, while Ranger, Rogue, and Paladin all get the basic 2 weapon masteries. However, anyone can change their mastery whenever they please after a rest?

Is there any benefit to having more? More options to debuff enemies mid combat?
LONG rest.

And the benefit to having more is weapon switching.
A ranger or paladin or rogue might have 1 melee, 1 ranged/thrown, or 2 melee.

A fighter or barb has 1-2 ranged/thrown, 1-2 bread-and-butter damage melee (Nick, graze, cleave, vex) and 2-3 CC/utility masteries.
>lost access to some cool (i.e. Bestow Curse) and powerful (i.e. Mass Suggestion) spells while getting nothing back in spell variety
>Pact of the Tome lost the Book of Ancient Secrets invocation
>Pact of the Blade is considerably stronger but also more invocation taxed than ever (and multiclassing remains the best way to make use of it)
>still complete shit AC that can't be fixed easily
>still CHA based caster while being knowledge flavoured
Overall is better than before but being cut off from some cool things that you could do before really irks me.
So I don't even think you can use it to heal a downed ally, but the reason the spell is still good is because it last for 24 hours. This means any slots you have left over can be used before you take a long rest to conjure up some berries for the next day. That's always great. You can also make spell scrolls for them.
I like it. Seems a little busy like it could use a bit of cleaning up but these are good ideas.
>>Pact of the Tome lost the Book of Ancient Secrets invocation
No it didn't.
>still complete shit AC that can't be fixed easily
Single level dip fixes it.
>No it didn't.
Liar. Can you get Wizard and Cleric high level rituals? No? Fuck off.
>Single level dip fixes it.
>>Pact of the Tome lost the Book of Ancient Secrets invocation
This invocation basically just reads "Each short rest you can learn any 3 Cantrips and any 2 First Level Ritual spells in the game." It's okay.. The loss of higher level Rituals does hurt, Phantom Steed and Tiny Hut and Telepathic Bond and Water Breathing were good.
>The loss of higher level Rituals does hurt, Phantom Steed and Tiny Hut and Telepathic Bond and Water Breathing were good.
Had they improved the base class spell list like crawfish said they did it would've been okay, but they actually didn't so it's a bummer.
Huh. so what you're really saying is, only fighters and barbs can afford to take the debuff options, unless you're willing to give up some damage potential.

Because paladin NEEDS to have either:
Great Weapon Master
>Greataxe Cleave for swarm of tinies
>Greatsword Graze for high AC single target
Shield Master
>Trident Topple (battleaxe objective downgrade)
>Handaxe Vex

Rangers NEED to have
Crossbow Expert switch-hitter
>Handcrossbow Vex
>Rapier Vex
Dual Wielder 4 attacks
>Scimitar Nick
>Dagger Nick

And rogue NEEDS either
Advantage switch hitter
>Shortbow Vex
>Rapier Vex
Dual Wielder 3 attacks
>Scimitar Nick
>Dagger Nick
NTA but the lack of multiple weapon masteries is one of the things that baffles me, along with the fucking inexplicable lack of rules for mounted lance (and general mounted combat), the latter especially considering the iconic image of a paladin as the shining armour type with a lance and an amazing horse. Like why the fuck can a greataxe cleave but a longsword or a greatsword can't?
Is the gencon copy on .moe dead ?
>Like why the fuck can a greataxe cleave but a longsword or a greatsword can't?
Anon, have you ever been chopping wood? (I see your scrawny hands are getting calluses at the very thought of manual labour.) Believe me: axes can cleave, swords can't.
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It's the 3.PF cleave feat of hitting another enemy, idiot, not splitting shields like it's Battle Brothers.
You're splitting people.

No I think catbox itself might be down. Anon raved about how good it is, and admittedly the file hasn't been taken down, but they don't seem to be particularly reliable when it comes to server uptime.
Rogue should probably do shortsword dagger for dual wield build.
You'd lose 1 points of damage on your Melee nicks, but gain Vex on all your main hand attacks.
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Are we 4E now?
In the most disguised way they could muster... kind of.
>along with the fucking inexplicable lack of rules for mounted lance
What more rules do you expect?
It's 2handed when on foot, 1handed when mounted. Reach weapon. Heavy.
why are you retarded
Because he has nothing better to be. Didn't you hear? He's a cripple.
in the 2024 rules they can get pact weapon which now works like bg3 pact weapon at level 1 if they want
why would a paladin need heavy armor?
literally any. I'm assuming the rogue can talk and skill monkey, the wizard and cleric can cc and nuke and have out of combat spells and the barb is kind of there
its not like the barbarian is doing anything different than a generic melee fighter would in or out of combat and fighter, cleric, rogue and wizard are the generic core 4 party members
>Trident Topple (battleaxe objective downgrade)
The exception being the slasher feat is better than piercer.
they buffed the trident? in 5e it was d6/d8
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yes, and the only thrown weapon with topple mastery
I'd take Eldritch Hex over Bestow Curse any day.
It essentially recreates slightly nerfed Bestow Curse, but has no save and at a range of 90 feet.
Also, I can still take Sign of Ill Omen. Legacy content is RAW.
Imagine being such a fucking whiney tit and also being a complete dipshit! Lol
>lance got nerfed
>still zero reason to use a morning star
>war pick got semi buffed
>trident got buffed
>maul still has a dumb name and has the great sword dice instead of the great ax dice
>It essentially recreates slightly nerfed Bestow Curse, but has no save and at a range of 90 feet.
But you have to pay concentration. Not a bad trade, but I'd like to have a choice.
And speaking of choice, you have to be a GoO lock if you want that feature so it's not like it's actually a choice if you want to play Fiend or Fey.
>Also, I can still take Sign of Ill Omen. Legacy content is RAW.
I like it better when a game can function all within its current edition without having to borrow content from the old edition.
Why would you play anything besides a goolock? But seriously, this is still 5e. It's just 5e revised. As someone who has transitioned through multiple editions, this is not that in any way. I get what your saying, but it is all still in the same edition still.
>But seriously, this is still 5e. It's just 5e revised.
Either it's 5e or it's the revised 5e, you can't have both jeremy.
>waaaaah I don't like that they mildly updated my game system and still allow for older content to be used!!!
You should go outside.
They didn't update the game system, they made a new book and sold it at full price (+tip). I expect that with full price it also comes fully functional without needing older books.
In some sense that makes selection kind of harder. So now I'm thinking between support cha-focused paladin (watcher) and generalist chain warlock (celestial). Would they fit?
Lance got buffed, it's part of polearm master now and has topple, it's really good.
I don't see why not, but you won't be able to use more than one at a time considering that you need to spend your bonus action to attack with one of them.
literally any class would fit. the phb suggests a party comp of fighter, rogue, cleric and wizard. in terms of party roll fighter and barb are 100% completely interchangeable. pick whatever sounds the most fun to you for the part of the game you enjoy in the manner you enjoy it. the only thing I can think of is if the rogue player specifically chose skills unrelated to being a face
I really have to divorce the names of weapons and armor in the game from their stats because shit like the lance are being used as half-pikes and there is no reason to think of it as a lance when its being used mechanically as a half pike (2 handed stabbing polearm that is longer than a spear but shorter than a pike and intended for skilled troops to skirmish with instead of line fight)
It is fully functional. And the older books can also be used as needed.
>plus tip
I see you have the brain rot, so have fun being mad for no reason.
why don't they hire these minmax fags to play the game so they know what shit to patch?
Why not just hire competent game designers instead?
autists always find a way

>main hand

fucking scaly heretic
we really need to go back to beating those subhumans
What are some nasty things for a lich to get up to, so that he is not just sitting there in his castle twiddling his thumbs until some adventurers show up?
Stealing a single femur bone from every grave in the area
Only specifically death saving throws, which it still is.
Nothing's changed.
Weapon Juggling is silly, but yeah that does seem legit. I'm surprised he didn't mention the whole Nick mastery thing, save up your BA for other stuff.
nick isn't on handcross bows. it seems extremely retarded if you can just like hold a dagger and get an extra cross bow shot without doing anything with the dagger
You can do that as Weapon Masteries don't require you to wield the weapon to use its property, which doesn't matter for every property except for Nick. However, I think I know why he didn't mention it, It is because the Loading property would stop you from being able to use the Nick Mastery via juggling due to the attack being an action instead of a Bonus Action. If you have Crossbow Expert however it would work with the juggling then.
>you can shoot a cross bow an extra time because you own a dagger
holy shit whoever wrote the rules is retarded
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Yeah it's a little odd, all they needed to do was either add the phrase "and you must be wielding the weapon." at the end of the Mastery text here:
>Mastery. Each weapon has a mastery property, which is defined in the "Mastery Properties" section later in this chapter. To use that property, you must have a feature that lets you use it.


They needed to add the text "with this weapon" in the Nick Mastery:
>Nick. When you make the extra attack of the Light property, you can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. You can make this extra attack only once per turn.

Then it would be fine and this issue wouldn't be here. But since it's not, it's optimal to pick the Nick Mastery and just dual-wield two Vex weapons.
the only retards are the white roomers who think any dm would just go "yep that's allowed in my game!"
hey, there are white roomers who say its ok to carry their keys because god will think they are home because there is a wire up around the town
Like weapon juggling it's a thing you can do and is supported by the rules- as of current day. It's interesting that in the D&D Beyond Erratas, they didn't change this one- I know its been discussed enough to where they must know about it.
/5eg/, give me something to do now that homebrewing is no longer fun for me. Ideally it's something that will fuel my praise kink

in 5e, liches need a constant influx of souls to survive, and a constant influx of humanoids to experiment on and corpses to form their armies. Basically, have them send out raiding parties to conquer towns, or even have them rule over militant nations
What the actual fuck are you tarding about?
This also works with melee weapons and shields which is why everyone was saying the Dueling Fighting Style is basically better than The Two-Weapon Fighting Style now.

>Be a level 5 Fighter or Paladin or Ranger
>Wielding Shortsword and equipped with Shield
>Attack with Shortsword (1d6+Mod+Dueling)
>Attack again with Shortsword (1d6+Mod+Dueling) at the end of this attack sheath shortsword
>Item Interaction draw a second Shortsword
>Bonus Action: Light Property Shortsword attack (1d6+Dueling)
If you do this >>93833289 you could save a bonus action and use a BA spell or feature
they are, because that's not actually the rule.
Nick masteries are made with the Nick weapon. You can't like, use Nick to give you a longsword attack or something. It doesn't GIVE you an attack. Nick is just a normal-ass TWF Light attack, made with specific weapons that have the mastery, except it's moved from Bonus action to Attack action, with all associated rules that apply.

So you'd be drawing and throwing a dagger in between all your normal expert crossbow shots. And that seems pretty normal action movie stuff to me.

>Weapon Masteries don't require you to wield the weapon to use its property,
all of them other than Nick specify you have to be holding the weapon. Nick doesn't because you can draw the weapon and make the attack with it as part of a nick attack, which notably you can't when it's still a normal bonus action. mostly only relevant for throwing, but does technically mean you can, say if you're a thief rogue, BA utilize to doff your shield, then attack with your shortsword, then draw and nick attack with your scimitar.
On paper, yes, but most faggots who try to "dual wield with a shield haha build" will get a gentle "no" from most DMs.
sure, but ranged and melee on the same weapon, with topple for potential advantage AND for downing flying enemies... you can't beat that if your focus is melee damage.

Slasher is for people like Fighters and Barbarians who can afford to invest in debuffs and positional control with their weapon and mastery choices.


what the FUCK is that file name?
also yeah.


i have frequently wondered that.
Hell, i have literally been freelance employed for that exact purpose by a much, much smaller studio.
Lead dev calls it giving it a "sanity check."

Though tbqh I also regularly give the same service on here for free to any proposed homebrew that catches my eye and doesn't feel half-assed. And to indie vidya game devs.


THAT'S WHY YOU HIRE AN AUTIST. Or at the very least someone fairly approximate like myself.
... god damn it.

in case any of you have reply pings on and care.
>Nick masteries are made with the Nick weapon.
Nowhere on the Nick Mastery does it say that you must make the Light attack with the Nick weapon. You'd be correct if it said
>Nick. When you make the extra attack of the Light property [with this weapon], you can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. You can make this extra attack only once per turn.
But it doesn't say that nor does any other rule say that you need to wield the weapon to gain its mastery. In fact, what the rules do say is all you need to use the property is a feature that lets you use it.

>Mastery. Each weapon has a mastery property, which is defined in the "Mastery Properties" section later in this chapter. To use that property, you must have a feature that lets you use it.
>Nick. When you make the extra attack of the Light property, you can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. You can make this extra attack only once per turn.
>Light. When you take the Attack action on your turn and attack with a Light weapon, you can make one extra attack as a Bonus Action later on the same turn. That extra attack must be made with a different Light weapon, and you don't add your ability modifier to the extra attack's damage unless that modifier is negative
rules lawyering goes way beyond DND. I suspect most of these rules lawyers/"optimizers" are rules lawyering irl
in one of the vids the head designer said the weapons juggling is an intended feature. its mega gay if its meta
>I can attack faster by sheathing my sword and drawing my second sword
The weapon juggling is dumb but I find the Nick Mastery thing much worse and that didn't get errata which is very interesting to me.
>it's quicker to switch to your sidearm than it is to reload
>Nick masteries are made with the Nick weapon. You can't like, use Nick to give you a longsword attack or something. It doesn't GIVE you an attack. Nick is just a normal-ass TWF Light attack, made with specific weapons that have the mastery, except it's moved from Bonus action to Attack action, with all associated rules that apply.
>So you'd be drawing and throwing a dagger in between all your normal expert crossbow shots. And that seems pretty normal action movie stuff to me.
the asian guy someone else posted tried to say the nick one isn't clear as to if you need to attack with the nick weapon first or second
>Its quicker to switch between two/three/four Heavy Crossbows than it is to reload.
honestly, pf2e has the most effective rule for curbing powergaming: "if it looks too good to be true, it is"

simple, explicit and to the point.

That said, as anyone with experience can tell you, giving DMs the responsibility of balancing the game only results in idiots fucking up the game worse than it already is
that's actually accurate assuming they were preloaded. carrying them around preloaded sounds retarded. but a heavy crossbow needs like a windlass to wind the string back
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As far as I'm aware 5e doesn't have "preloaded" rules as you'd be required to load it each time you declare an attack. So you'd actually be loading them for each attack. I do think it caps at three Heavy Crossbows though:

>Level 20 Fighter
>Wielding Heavy Crossbow and carrying three more
>Attack 1: Attack with Heavy Crossbow #1, at the end of this attack sheath heavy crossbow
>Attack 2: Draw Heavy Crossbow #2, attack with Heavy Crossbow #2
>Item Interaction Sheathe Heavy Crossbow #2
>Attack 3: Draw Heavy Crossbow #3, attack with Heavy Crossbow #3
>Attack 4: Sheathe Heavy Crossbow #3... but no way to draw Crossbow #4 so punch the ground in anger for last attack
This is unlikely of course- you'd have Crossbow Expert at this point but ya know its funny to think about.
>not having a squire that is holding actions to hand you weapons
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I'd wonder if that would count as equipping a weapon. Maybe handing something to someone wouldn't count against their equipping or item interaction for the turn. Plus idk about you but carrying around three 18lb Crossbows just for this is kinda great.
>the asian guy someone else posted tried to say the nick one isn't clear as to if you need to attack with the nick weapon first or second
>>Nick. When you make the extra attack of the Light property, you can make it as part of the Attack action instead of as a Bonus Action. You can make this extra attack only once per turn.
Seems pretty clear to me. Nick only modifies a TWF attack to no longer be a BA, just another Attack action attack.

>not having an unseen servant or monkey familiar to just reload the same crossbow over and over for you.
martial plebians.

the light property does not specify or describe it as dual wielding anymore. only the associated feat does.

Heavy crossbows don't have Light, so irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
But if you want to use them without the feat, then >>93833583 is a solution to avoid reloading, yes.
/5eg/, is there any genre of combat-heavy ttrpg that you couldn't easily make by making small mods to 5e's chassis?

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