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Tasty stew Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93796173

▶ Thread Task: Prompt food. A feast, a character digging into a meal, etc.

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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Can piefights count as well?
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Can you defeat my stand,『Kiss from a Rose』?
With 『Don't Worry, Be Happy』,I can sure as hell try.
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Wait I want a stand: "Cotton Eye Joe"
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"Don't worry <ribbit>, I've got thousands more."
Surprised this outfit still works with modern censors. Aren't you tired however? It's been months of the same images
>Aren't you tired however? It's been months of the same images
Where do you think you are?
A few months ago you'd have been right, but the past few threads have been great, I've never saved so many images from here, compared to the previous staleness
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I post a lot more than just the drow girls.
Still you'll remain "drowgirlfag" for the others for the rest of your life, as they can't familiarize your other pics with you.
On a plus side, the same fags that few threads before told you to KYS because you post total garbage can praise your other pic in a completely different style. And this can bring some satisfaction.
You're right, you can eat around the shit in the sandwich.
Ancestry & Heritage: Forge Dwarf
Background: Goldhand Arms Dealer
Class: Magus (Laughing Shadow)
>Wait, he actively advertises that the firearms are cursed? How does he stay in business?!
...yeah, I don't care about the +2 to aiming, this thing is definitely evil!
>You have your target backed into a corner, but your fingers tremble around your revolver - not from the weight of it, but from the unsettling tremors pulsing through the impatient gun’s metallic frame. The large bulbous eye on your service weapon whirls around to face you, silently judging you for your moment of indecision. You're just about to tell the damn thing off when your target suddenly lunges at you, blade raised - you instinctively pull the trigger; once, twice, and then a third time. The killer's body crumples to the ground, staining the pavement with the various liquids that seep from the recently-dead. The eye on your revolver rolls back in a state of quivering ecstasy that can only be described as inappropriate, and you drop the weapon on the ground in disgust. HR is going to hear about this.
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The Sopranos: Dungeons & Dragons Adventure
Episode Title: "Redbrands, Ruffians, and Complaints"

Location: The dank, musty cellar under Tresendar Manor, Phandalin. Uncle Junior sits in his Combat Wheelchair, arms crossed, a constant look of dissatisfaction on his face. Bobby Bacala pushes him carefully over the uneven stone floor. Tony and Chris walk ahead, Tony's armor clanking with each step, while Chris tightens his grip on his greataxe.

Junior Soprano (Lore Bard, grumbling)
"Ya know, I gotta say, this Lost Mines of Phandelver thing is already a bunch of malarkey. We're here to clean up some two-bit ruffians? What am I, a janitor now? Feels like a goddamn side gig!"

Tony Soprano (Paladin, gritting his teeth)
"Quit yer bellyachin', Uncle Jun. It’s an easy gig. We go in, bust some heads, clear out the Redbrands, and collect. Sildar Hallwinter’s gonna owe us big. Besides, these clowns are like a cheap knockoff of us. Ain't even a challenge."

Chris Moltisanti (Barbarian, rolling his eyes)
"Tony, if it’s so easy, why don’t you let me smash their heads in already? We’re wastin' time here listening to Junior's damn complaints. Let’s get to the fightin' part."

Bobby Bacala (Artillerist Artificer, nervously adjusting his crossbow arm)
"Uh, guys... I got a bad feelin’ about this. I mean, Sildar's a fed, right? You really think he's on our side? What if this is a setup?"

(looking up at Bobby with a scowl)
"Ah, Bobby, would you stop being such a nervous wreck? Between you and your crossbows, I’m surprised we ain’t shot in the ass yet."

They push further into the cellar. Ahead of them is a dimly lit room with a large cistern, the water still and murky. Chris peers into the water, squinting.
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Chris Moltisanti (scoffing, tapping the water with his greataxe)
"What's this supposed to be? A goddamn swimming pool for these Redbrands? You’d think they’d at least clean the place."

Tony Soprano (Paladin)
"Focus, Chrissy. There’s supposed to be a secret door here somewhere, leadin’ to their hideout."

Junior (grumbling, motioning at the cistern with disdain)
"Secret door? In a dump like this? If these Redbrands got any sense, they’ll be long gone. Who leaves a cistern full of dirty water like this? It’s like our last job in Newark—except less rats."

Bobby Bacala (examining the walls with his Artificer skills)
"Wait... wait, I think I found somethin'!"
(Bobby pulls a lever disguised as a loose brick, and the wall creaks open to reveal a hidden passageway.)

"Good work, Bobby. See, Uncle Jun, it ain’t all bad. We’re makin’ progress."

Junior (sarcastically)
"Yeah, yeah, let’s just hope the floor doesn’t collapse under us while Bobby plays with his toy inventions."

Just as they’re about to enter the passage, the door at the far end of the room bursts open, and three Redbrand Ruffians swagger in, dressed in ragged leathers and wielding scimitars. They talk like they’ve just stepped out of downtown Newark.
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Redbrand Ruffian 1 (Newark accent, sneering)
"Ay yo, who the hell are youse? This our turf, man! Ain’t nobody told you Phandalin's ours now?"

Chris Moltisanti (barbarian rage bubbling under the surface, stepping forward)
"Your turf? You kiddin' me? You talkin' to us like you got any balls. Tony, lemme smash these morons."

Tony Soprano (Paladin, smirking)
"Yeah, Chrissy, show 'em what happens when you mouth off to the wrong people."

Redbrand Ruffian 2 (laughing)
"Man, you don't scare us! We been runnin' this town! Glasstaff says we're untouchable. So why don’t youse take a walk before we make ya?"

Junior Soprano (exasperated, rubbing his forehead)
"Glasstaff, huh? Another clown runnin' a circus. I swear, every day in this place, I miss Jersey more."

Chris (suddenly roaring with Barbarian rage, charging)
"You talk too much!"

Chris barrels forward, swinging his greataxe with a primal roar, activating his Totem Warrior powers. He smashes into the first Redbrand, splitting the ruffian’s scimitar in half with a single swing.

"Say hello to my little friend, you mook!"

Tony follows suit, invoking Divine Smite as he slashes with his longsword, cutting another ruffian down in a holy blaze of vengeance.

"That's what happens when you think you're the big man. But let’s see who’s still standing, huh?"

The last Redbrand, visibly panicking, stumbles backward, calling out for help.

Redbrand Ruffian 3 (desperate, shouting)
"Droop! Droop, get yer goblin ass in here!"
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Droop, a goblin who acts more like a low-tier mafia associate than a fearsome creature, shuffles in wearing a tattered suit, clearly out of his depth.

Droop (nervous, in a nasally voice)
"Ayyy, uh, boss, I dunno if I can—"

Junior Soprano (interrupting, eyes wide in disbelief)
"Is this a goblin in a suit? What is this, a joke? This is who they send to back up their tough guys?"

"Listen, man, I didn’t sign up for this kinda heat. I just do the books! You gotta problem with Glasstaff, not me!"

Bobby Bacala (puffing out his chest)
"Then why don’t you help us out, Droop? You wanna live, don’t you?"

Droop looks around, torn between loyalty to his bosses and not wanting to end up like the Redbrands lying on the floor. Bobby’s crossbow arm makes it clear that Droop doesn’t have many options.

Droop (stammering)
"A-alright, alright, I’ll talk! Just don’t shoot me! Glasstaff’s down the hall, in his office! He’s got this, uh... magical staff that makes him invincible or somethin'. But... but he's not that tough! You take out the staff, he’s just another guy, I swear!"

The corridor grows colder as the crew walks deeper into the hideout, shadows playing tricks on their eyes. The air is thick with a sense of dread. Tony, Chris, Bobby, and Junior stop abruptly as a chilling voice slithers into their minds. The walls seem to shift slightly, like they're breathing.

Nothic (psychic voice, smooth and eerie)
"Ah... I can smell the secrets, the fear... the guilt*. What delicious pain you carry... each of you.*"

The crew looks around, trying to locate the source of the voice, but it’s everywhere and nowhere at once. Tony grits his teeth, fists clenched. The walls of the passage ripple, showing flashes of past mistakes, regrets, and unresolved traumas. Tony’s breath quickens.

Nothic (to Tony, a chilling whisper in his mind)
"Anthony Soprano. Betrayal follows you like a shadow. You smile at your friends, but in your heart... you know you'll abandon them. Carmela. Adriana. Gloria."

Tony winces, his jaw tightening. He feels the weight of the betrayals mentioned. His therapist’s voice echoes somewhere deep in the corners of his mind.

Tony (trying to shake it off, speaking out loud)
"Shut the hell up. You don’t know me."

Nothic (mockingly)
"Don’t I? How many nights do you wake up drenched in sweat, haunted by those you’ve wronged? The women, the lies..."

Tony suddenly sees flashes of Gloria’s lifeless body, Carmela’s disappointed face, Adriana’s pleading eyes. He stumbles back, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword hilt. The weight of his choices presses on his chest.

Junior Soprano (Lore Bard, irritated)
"What is this, another shrink? This whole place is a madhouse. First, we get a goblin in a suit, now we got a goddamn talking wall actin' like Freud."

Junior rubs his forehead as flashes of his past misdeeds come to him: his jealous fights for power, his failed attempts to take control of the family. His face tightens, fists clenched on his wheelchair's armrests.
Nothic (to Junior, dripping with malice)
"Ah, Corrado Soprano. The once-great capo. Now a relic, cast aside. Forgotten by the very people you raised up. How does it feel to be irrelevant?"
Junior’s mind floods with images of his dementia, his failures, his loss of control over the family. His grip on reality slips, and he grits his teeth in anger.

Junior (snapping, furious)
"Don’t you give me that crap! I still got plenty of fight in me!"

The nothic shifts its focus to Bobby, who’s been nervously fiddling with his crossbow.

Nothic (to Bobby, softer yet cutting)
"Robert Baccalieri, the gentle giant. But you know, don’t you, Bobby? You’ll never be respected. You’re not cut from the same cloth. You’re just... soft."

Bobby freezes, his mind replaying scenes of his struggles to earn respect in the family, the way everyone always treated him like a joke. His father’s voice echoes, reminding him he’ll never be like the others.

Bobby Bacala (stammering, defensive)
"I-I... I’ve pulled my weight! I’ve... I’ve taken lives!"
But he’s shaken. Doubt floods his mind as the nothic digs into his insecurities.

Chris, already wound tight from his Barbarian rage, can’t take the mental invasion any longer. His rage surges, but the nothic dives into his psyche before he can strike.

Nothic (to Chris, a mocking, pitying tone)
"Christopher Moltisanti. Always angry. Always striving. You fight for approval that you will never earn. Tony will never see you as his equal. You’re nothing but a loose cannon."

Chris’s mind flashes with the image of Tony dismissing him, of Adriana’s betrayal, of his struggles with sobriety. Rage and shame mix as he grips his greataxe, knuckles turning white.

Chris (yelling, voice cracking with fury)
"Get out of my head, you freak!"

The nothic finally reveals itself, a grotesque, one-eyed creature that feeds on these dark emotions, grinning as it watches them writhe in mental agony. It steps forward, gloating.
Nothic (gleeful, voice in all their heads)
"Ah, such rich, tangled webs you mortals weave. I feast on your misery, on your unresolved guilt. It makes me... stronger."

Tony shakes his head, trying to ground himself. He clenches his sword.

Tony (snarling through clenched teeth)
"You think you can mess with us, freak? You ain’t been through what we’ve been through."

Tony slashes at the air, sending out a wave of divine energy that cuts through the psychic grip the nothic has on them. The creature recoils.

"This ends now."

Chris (rushing forward, screaming)
"Time for some good old-fashioned payback!"

Chris’s greataxe cleaves through the nothic’s torso, and Bobby quickly follows with a blast from his enchanted crossbow. The creature screeches, its psychic hold broken as it collapses, still whispering, even in its death.

Nothic (dying, a final whisper to Tony)
"You will never escape your own mind..."

Tony stands over the creature, shaking his head, trying to push the voice out.

Finally, the crew bursts into Glasstaff’s office. Iarno "Glasstaff" Albrek, once a member of the Lords' Alliance, now rogue, stands behind his desk, the shimmering magical staff in his hand. He looks every bit like a crooked FBI agent with wizardly flair.

Glasstaff (smiling, arrogantly)
"So... Sildar sent you. I expected better company than a group of thugs and their grandpa."

Tony Soprano (advancing, sword drawn)
"Yeah? Well, you got us. And we’re here to break that stick of yours and drag your ass back to Sildar."

Junior Soprano (grumbling from the back)
"Grandpa? This wiseguy's in for a surprise when I drop a Cutting Words on his smug face."

Glasstaff (waving the staff, summoning defensive magic)
"You don’t stand a chance. My magic will crush—"

Suddenly, Bobby Bacala lobs a tiny device—an enchanted grenade—from his Artificer pack. It explodes in a burst of arcane energy, disrupting Glasstaff’s concentration.

Bobby Bacala (smiling sheepishly)
"Uh... sorry to interrupt."

Chris charges, roaring, with his greataxe raised. Tony follows, a glow of divine vengeance radiating from his blade. They crash into Glasstaff, who, without his magic staff to protect him, quickly falls under the brutal assault.

Glasstaff (gasping on the floor)
"You... you don’t know what you’ve done... the Black Spider is coming..."

Junior Soprano (rolling his eyes, muttering to himself)
"Great. Just what we needed. More spiders. Why don’t we just go back to Jersey?"


The Sopranos theme song plays as the camera zooms out on the defeated Glasstaff, the crew standing over him, victorious but with more trouble on the horizon.
Here, Anons, have a old good slop https://files.catbox.moe/kh817z.jpeg
I thank God that the thing on a plate wasn't what thumbnail suggested...
And what did the thumbnail suggest?
I won't post it, cause I don't want to give you any ideas.
NTA, but it kinda looks like a foot
I want to see something that contrasts the "edgy", rough and "dirty" fantasy look of older or more grimdark settings with the modern, "clean" fantasy aesthetic
>I want to see something that contrasts the "edgy", rough and "dirty" fantasy look of older or more grimdark settings with the modern, "clean" fantasy aesthetic
Have you tried https://bing.com/images/create/ ?
I've been messing with that all day. For most of my output, either the "clean side" looks off or the "dirty" side seem to be missing something. I'll probably post at least one of them later.
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You HAD to post that, don't you?
Now he'll definitely make something like this.
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"Ryori! Hajime!"
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In the Culinary Colosseum, one man reigns supreme. He is...
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Choose your gang, slop! Who would you pledge your allegiance to?

>The Harlequins
>The Calaveras
>The Biz
>The Junkers
>The Motorheads
>The Sisters
>The 4N0NYM0U5
>The Soul Brothers
>The Oni
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I'm not quite sure whether she's a lady.
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>A feast
Ogre picnics on the beach with his progeny. (Don't ask what is the kid in the background doing.)
>Thread Task
>"super hard to eat when I have the mask on"
>(Don't ask what is the kid in the background doing.)
lmao, bing just came up with that? wow
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Why does "lying down" always make the AI so horny?
There's only one right answer, anon.
Cool stuff by the way.
lots of porn is lying down, it's all about averages

more like these for the love of god
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>Edgar Scrolls casts 'Ex-pasta-dishes Retreat!"
Oni, Harlequins, or we are leejun xD
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I hear ya, anon.
Give that guy a foot and he'll take a mile.
Carlos you little shit.
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...Okay. I'd totally buy an album with that as it's cover. Badass.
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You're in luck
how do you get it to depict the character fighting
I think I used the phrase "charging at" to describe the action
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Onos T'Oolan
Ancestry/Heritage: Whisper Elf.
Archetype: Hellknight Signifer
Level: 2
>In order to become a Hellknight, you must first best a demon in a single combat. First you break its body, and then, it's spirit.
Good stuff that music
bitch that's Elric
Sorry, I don't follow sports.
Every setting needs an Elric clone. it's the rules.
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>fantasy illustration. On the left side is a vibrant elf in shiny, silver armor, a determined expression. On the right side is an elf with gaunt features, wearing crude, dirty, worn silver armor, a wicked grin

I'm trying to do a contrast between modern "clean" fantasy and something more gothic/grimdark, but I feel like there's something lacking

I've done a bunch of barbarian horsefolk gens and for the most part it they get the "gritty" part down
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Here, anon! Try my ratatouille! I only used the plumpest, juiciest rats I could catch in it!
Ignore that. Capcha... I mean moot... I mean Capcha ate my image. I totally didn't just forget to attach it.
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A man of impeccable taste
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fuck off footfag
Leave him alone spergfag
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Why do you keep trying to force this, OP?
Not OP, but force what? You know you don't have to be here, right?
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Dear Anon, I don't know what kind of lousy generator have you used, but Bing can do it better.
The name change.
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I love this, it's just great
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Turns out janny deletes post only on the basis of his own mood. He's like those divorced cat moms from HR. Or worse.
Doctor Jones?
>tfw you put too much pressure on your fake fangs, and they give
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Anyone know how to get results like this? I saw these on pinterest and really want to copy the style/prompt.
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Looks like Midjourney to me. It would let you upload and steal the style anyway.
I think you're right. Not that anon, but I tried to take a few stabs at it with Bing and it just can't get that level of film grain and detail in the valley background.
I've onky ever used Bing. Is it hard to get started in Midjourney?
Just curious, what prompts were you using for Bing? I can't even get anything close to looking like that.
>Is it hard to get started in Midjourney?
Not at all. It's very well documented. But also not free.
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Ancestry & Heritage: Empty Sky Kitsune
Class: Kineticist (Fire/Fire)
Dual Class: Cleric (Cloistered)
>The Fire Fox could search for hours without pause, her spiritual training allowing her to multitask efficiently while expending very little energy.

Looks like Midjourney's default style, which is more painterly, while Bing leans more towards digital art.
We're not talking about the OP picture, we're talking about (>>93827537)
I've genned something loosely based on a pic I've seen here on /tg/ years ago.
I think she would need some backstory. Any ideas?
Full prompt I used (note: in the Designer window which allows more characters than the default Bing image creator window)
>kodachrome 1940s photograph. extreme film grain. washed out colors. halation. on a grassy hill in a valley in the swiss alps is <Piro prompt>, blue sky with fluffy clouds. small flowers by her feet. rocky outcroppings in valley distance.

But like I said, I just can't get that level of film grain.
I see her lighting her cigarette without a lighter and I started to type something about it being Republic City, 100 years since the death of Avatar Korra.
Then I started going on about the spirits finding new roles with advancing technology and a clash between old and new and I realized I was just typing out the lore of MTG's cyberpunk Kamigawa set.
I don't understand why you're prompting for a photograph, when the MJ picture doesn't look like one.
Honestly I didn't noticed the lack of a lighter. And for the setting, I guess some Cyberpunk one would be the best, even if no augmentations aren't visible.
The sky and her armor look like an oil painting, but the flowers and details in the valley and her face look like a photograph.
I tried "highly detailed realistic oil painting" and even with the prompt for film grain and washed out colors, it wasn't anywhere close. Kept giving bold, vivid colors and no film grain look.
Also, it was likely because I was using the Piro prompt* that the oil paint style kept giving her large anime eyes.

>*which I use to test things because if I can pull it off with her, you can pull it off with your OC Donut Steels
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to be fair the calaveras lack the latino essence, a better name will be the ciber skulls
is just
>gouache and ink, impressionist brushstrokes grainy, heavy motion blur, female necromancer(stringy black hair, elf ears, dilapidated dark robes, gleaming green eyes, black lipstick, freckles, smiling) cradling skull, portrait, green painted background
different /v/ slopper, did get that one from detective of course
Oh, you're still posting here, Vivienne?
I'm afraid I don't know who that is, only been posting here a couple of days
I thought you were purpleslime, nevermind
if you're talking about the purple slime poster on the /v/ thread then I am that guy, but if there was a purple slime poster here beforehand that ain't me
I just vaguely remember a purple slime chemistry teacher from /slop school/ from ages ago, named Vivienne I think, I never bookmarked the page some anon made
funny coincidence I guess, but yeah I'm a different slime poster
Still making stellar gens
thank you kindly
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Dragon I used as an end boss in a campaign for my friends.
really cool
How do you get these cyberpunk prompts? Been trying to find character art for an upcoming shadowrun game but the concept is so specific I don't think I'll be able to find it
NTA, but what kind of character are you interested in? I could help you in next thread (hopefully >>93829354 will realize he posted the last image and will make one.)
Some sort of kitsune in firefighter outfit with a crazy/insane facial expression. Gonna play some sort of obsessive pyromaniac. Still fuzzy on details like gender, height, eye/hair color.
I say 'sensitive too', but I don't think that goes with 'tone deaf'.

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