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Dark Temple Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93812798 (Cross-thread)

▶ Thread Task: Prompt food. A feast, a character digging into a meal, etc.

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
>the same thread task as in previous thread
Is OP stupid?
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maybe he's fat
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T is for Transportation
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TT: Cursed! Post cursed characters, cursed loot, hideous transformations and the aftermath of curses.
>in the style of a grainy retro 1990s anime OVA, full body portrait of an elf woman, dark gray skin, white pigtails, SAFE fantasy sorceress outfit, silver armor crop top and shorts, knee-high boots, swinging a magic sword, red lightning magic energy, particle effects, white freckles, arching her back
nothing special to get the particular pose or wraparound effect, just luck of the proompt
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Damn are they going to eat all of that?
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Probably. I am just cycling through the races and getting the best images for the task thread. Here are the Halflings
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That's a funky mothman.
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amusing misgen
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>amusing misgen
They're more than half the reason I'm here.
cursed creature it is!
very nice
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dragons are always cool
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How the dryads are being made.
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Either it's me or it's surprisingly hard to get people with visors/masks that cover their eyes. Like, no eyeholes. Or at least that's the case with horsefolk gens
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Add 'sci-fi'?
>Wow Smaug, wait til the dwarves hear what impressively large balls you have!
very cool
I was trying to go for something more fantasy, My prompt has something like
>eyes blinded with a solid metal faceplate
and I still get eyeholes maybe half the time, and that's not counting the times I got less than 4 or dogged
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>Although it's a beginner-level cantrip, amateur spellcasters must still be mindful when using 'Acid Splash' or the results could prove embarrassing.
How did you get open-sided armor like that? I try to add midriffs in armor and it gets dogged half the time
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Sef Nor: Magic-User I'm playing in S&W campaign.
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Dammit, SD, I want to love you. It's just that my witch looks so much cooler in Bing.
Saw there are a few generators listed in the OP and I'm wondering which ones people prefer. Or does it not really matter? I'm just not sure I want to create a microsoft account just to make a few images.
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Bing does complex prompts super well. SD can be tuned to do lots of stuff. For example, taking the exact same prompt that I used above for the witch and pulling in some anime training models gets picrel. It really depends on what you're after.
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This thread is, like 95%+ Bing.
Here, have a Wendigo.
Inpainted. This was the image Bing gave me.
>when you're so ugly you made a Troll puke
(And here's the aforementioned Troll.)
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Barbarian I played a while back who was given an imperfect cure to his lycanthropy
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i've recently been trying out flux on tensor, it seems nice
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What style did you use for this?
Really like how this one came out but I wanted him to have more gold colored skin
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Weirdly adorable
>sad moody atmospheric, navigavi artstyle, minimalist colors, High quality dark fantasy painting with thick black outlines, low color saturation, line threading. league of legends 3d.
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Simple edits are simple
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Oh shit, thanks. I was going to see about editing it after messing with the prompts a little more.
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This series is neat. Can you prompt it to make a 'dark elf' in this style?
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Real '80s dark fantasy' vibes.
>Fresh from the spawning pool
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How to get it to post art similar to a concept art document with looks from multiple angles?
academic drawing, character profile, front and back sequence
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POV: they sent you to the rape dungeon
POV: they also send you to the rape dungeon
What's a good outpainting site besides picsart?
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I've actually played around with this a bit. I had a decent amount of success with "character reference sheet, full body in frame, color palette. front, profile, and rear view sequence"
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It's been a while since i used stable cascade, guess some style tokens tend to make the model ignore the other parts of the prompt.
Getting centaurs with human torso and horse body at all seems tough.
Also, mentioning eyes makes the AI want to create eyes.
Curse of... DIABETUS!
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Anon, is this supposed to be "chubby obese"?
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This looks very sexual.
have a prompt
>gouache and ink, impressionist brushstrokes, concept art character refrence sheet of CHARACTER front view, back view, side view, crouching, pose, dark shadows, grainy, halftone dithering, ghibli
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It's Imagen-3 your mileage will def very

>A 1990 sunny japan magazine with tribe shrine busy spotty striped large text, weathered translucent hover wraith spectral medieval lord fantasy shadow w spiny echidna armor fantasy organic living sword close up in medieval shrouded cloaked obscure with photograph macro boiled weathered crystal translucent creature smoke dark tsukamoto on board tantive IV screencap silvery shadow ed sharp still photograph spiny pastel transparent textured
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Ancestry/Heritage: Gemsoul Oread Strix.
Class: Air Kineticist
Deity: Cayden Cailean
Background: Amnesiac
Archetype: Archer
Home Country: Ravounel
Level: 16

>The jet black rock growing out of the harpy’s pale skin glimmered in the sunlight, and her mighty obsidian wings beat against the wind as she hovered over the raucous party below. Her heavy, stone-like features weighed her down, but she possessed a primal mastery of wind and air that kept her aloft. With a snarl, she descended and snatched up a goblet of wine from an unsuspecting reveler and downed it in one gulp before drunkenly plummeting back towards the ground like a boulder tossed from a great height.
The character is from a lewd game, but this wasn't explicitly supposed to be...explicit.
Nice look character.
...Wow. What prompt gave you this?
>80's fantasy art, oil on canvas with digital effects, a gigantic castle standing in the middle of a vield, a videogame glitch-effect splits it in half and shoot up right in the sky, on the foreground a group of fantasy adventurers are covering in fear in face of this videogame phenomenon
Sweet. Thanks!
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MFW market day
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