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SUGOI Edition

Here is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.
>Build Divide
>Force of Will
>Final Fantasy TCG
>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)
>Flesh and Blood
>Gate Ruler
>Battle Spirits
>One Piece
>The other DBZ game
>Magi Nation
>Lord of the Rings
>The Condemned CCG
>Grand Archive TCG

Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!

Pastebin/Rules for some games
>Dragonball GT SD
>Gate Ruler
>Build Divide
>Ashes Reborn
>Fusion World
>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)
>The Condemned CCG

voice chat for playing /acg/

>Last Thread

>Thread Question:
Does your game have a "low rarity only" format? How does that compare to its standard format?
budget formats are better than low rarity formats, change my mind.
It's a little bit more work for TOs, but well worth it.
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Today's Build Divide reveal is a Rare from set 15.

Dolls Panic
When you would play this card, for each of your Black Aura you may pay 1B less and for each of your Blue Aura you may pay 1B less.
Target 1 of your opponent's units, and for each pair of a unit card and Command in your Cemetery, the target gets Power -3000 until the end of the turn.
How do you set the budget?
Low rarity formats?

Is OP a MTG faggot?
What games have low rarity formats....
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I've been playing the Neopet card game and really enjoying it, though I feel like this could have been an LCG very easily.

I also bought three starter decks for Grand Archive which looks cool, I like how the resource system works. Not sure I'll go to far outside of being super casual and maybe playing it with one other friend. Anything I should know going in that would be helpful?
depends on the game. for things large enough to have a card price database like mtggoldfish you just use that. you plug your deck in and take a screenshot ahead of the game night / tournament. for tournies there's usually a lock-in date (like your prices can't be set from something older than 2 weeks or whatever). and when you run in to those fringe cases where there's volatility or someone trying to fudge numbers, burden is on the player to show the TO there are cards available for purchase at or below the price they're claiming in their deck list. It sounds like a lot but in practice it runs smooth 99% of the time.
what the actual format is varies. you could say the whole deck needs to be under $30 or $50 or whatever. a semi popular magic variant was to allow no single card that costs over a dollar.
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Maul artwork looking decent
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Banning the books was a mercy
I can't imagine how bad Kano would have been with this fable
This might still make him the strongest deck in the format
They should have banned wildfire along with bonds
a nice side effect of the $1 format is it's self balancing for the most partg. you can just go eternal, no restrictions, no ban list. even in smaller games like FAB, SWU or Lorcana, card prices for anything that's noticeably broken will tend to stay above $1. but unlike rarity formats you don't lose access to all the other rares that aren't especially good. that's especially important for games like FAB where a commoner format bans a lot of the less flashy cards decks need to work.
Got a new post up on The Condemned Website. What happens when you don't get many Condemned in your draft? I break it down in this episode of Draft Talk:


This whole pod was just plain weird. Like, I was looking through the first packs and going "What the actual fuck is this?" It was a fun draft, though! Everyone had interesting decks, and even the two people who had never drafted before had tons of fun.

There's not a big enough card pool to warrant a pauper-type format yet. Down the line, I would love to have something like that...

>Maul artwork looking decent
You know, I have to agree. I don't hate that artwork. I'm not a fan of the SWU art overall, but that one works.
Yes but
>faggy Filoni Maul
>Badass episode 1 Maul
Makes me sad. The character literally exists to look cool, why use the worse version? Where's the fuckin' double lightsaber that everyone who isn't a massive star wars nerd associates with him?
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>Where's the fuckin' double lightsaber that everyone who isn't a massive star wars nerd associates with him?
on his unit card
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How has your weekly local events been bros?
Wixoss def has hentai artist do their drawings.
More games should do this
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Now that I'm a filthy wagie again I can actually start making a binder, and this gem is the first one to buy. Pretty hyped up lads.
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Pretty cool card. Weird that I have never seen this before.
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>You're buying more cards? What an intelligent financial decision dear, now get in bed so I can ride your cock all night.
Mexicans outside of the US can't afford TCGs.
USA has Gencon
Europe has fucking nothing compared to that.
Wish I was born in America man :/
Are you going to share what that alleged change is, britbong-kun?
don't forget we also have to drive an each way to the lgs
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Trifighter is a respectable statline (a bit below curve) but the stapled on "no healing" ability means it's going to absorb a lot of hate from blue control decks trying to play Vigilance (the card) or Make an Opening.

Manufactured is just a token engine, there aren't many mono-green decks currently but maybe it's worth running for 5 in a droid deck? Or maybe mono-green gets a meta deck somewhere in set 3. Or maybe somebody uses

Invasion, our second legendary, is an interesting side-grade to Superlaser Blast; much worse at being a turn ~7 board wipe but grows in usefulness the longer the game goes on after that. Moreover, it's not locked to villain decks like SLB was, so potentially a lot of options open up for hero control.

Ki, also a legendary, comes in with a basically on-curve statline but also what is potentially the strongest card draw effect in the game to date. It's conditional on having 2 other units out, but your leader is probably on the field around this phase of the game, so really it only needs 1? Few to no cards giving direct card draw have been good so far, so we'll see if Ki breaks that trend.
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Uhhh FAB bros?
What is this?
>FaB: Feet are Beautiful
I saw those the lightning legendary boots too. This shit is getting out of control.
Hey /acg/, how much would you say you've invested in your card game of choice? I'm relatively new to OPTCG and I gotta be close to 1k by now.
Invested? $0. Wasted? Between $150 and $800 per game, mostly in the $150-$250 range. I've engaged with too many games though.
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anime thighhighs UUOHHH
lightning erotic!
bratty card game need correction!!!
Do these have anything on the othe side or are they just completely unusable for competetive play?
They're the reverse side to the new "macro" cards, which are special starts-in-play objects meant to adjust the limited environment. In Rosetta it's a little extra damage prevention, but in theory they could do basically anything.
It looks like the back sides will form 3x3 images of the Rosetta Heroes.
Oh, I thought that this was like one of those fullart marvel cards. I didn't know that they start a new collectible thing.
Wait are those feet of a man....?
>ultra chase legendary marvel FEET
Someone at LSS clearly has a foot fetish (or enjoys the meme), but they're not degenerate enough to actually do that.
I don't think they'll really be sought after. It's mostly a cute extra to mitigate the feel-bad of a card that genuinely can't ever be used outside of limited.
It surely could have been an LCG, but how could upper deck and whoever holds neopets ip now make a gaborillion dollars and not even line up any sort of tournament circuit for it's paying customers?
fabgots utterly and eternally BTFO
Hot damn, Daisy is a qt.
These surveys these companies do are pointless.
Anyone expecting Bushiroad to change anything are idiots.
close to 3k in FaB
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>Runeblade set
>picrel is only card I might play
Playing Viserai is pain.
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Maybe also picrel, the new block, and the "kill an aura to kill their aura" in sideboard. But idk if either is an upgrade over what's in the slot currently.

I could try to entirely rework the deck to throw 15ish damage across AB and standard each turn, but that's a lot of work to end up as a less consistent Kassai.
Yeah, she's a favorite of several of the artists, too. Actually, Lahiru threw this together for me for free after I finished the base set. I needed a poster, and he was happy to oblige!
What's your current deck look like?
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This is the latest version, after switching from an aggro build around the release of Heavy Hitters because the aggro build with 12x M. Skies was just not very good.

I'm not sold on the blue attacks and have been experimenting with various options, this is just the latest. Should probably replace Oath of Arknight with the yellow or blue version, too, it's mostly there as a runechant creator. The idea is throw enough damage on one turn to OTK, though a looming doom with 6-12 runechants out usually is a good play. Otherwise, create their life+6-8 runechants then throw one of the attacks, usually with either a pump or the go-again attack first.

I like the deck, it's not that good but it's a different path to victory than most fab decks and will win about half my games at armory events.
I don't really like this equipment. The discard effect is really not that strong against go tall decks and using 2 block armor + 2 cards to block a go wide deck attack doesn't seem that good.
Eh, it's trading 2 cards for 2 cards and getting the block amount for free. Probably will be worse than Crown against a lot of matchups, but against a lot of wide decks I do think it's a reasonable trade. Even against tall decks, you'll stop their arsenal plan if you use it well.

It does ask a lot of the player to get full value, though
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Today's Build Divide reveal is an Ultra Rare from set 15.

Legal Shota Creator, Kazuya Seto
<Territory> [Evol - (1B, 1B, 1W, Remove 4 cards from your Cemetery)]
<Territory> [AUTO] When this unit is placed by Evol, during this turn, you cannot lose the game and your opponent cannot win the game.
>VTuber as an attribute
oh boy
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Viserai being pain is lore accurate.
I hate Evol so much
dead thread
>implying a bushi card game will ever have a non-shit tournament system
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Seems kinda bad desu
>Anything I should know going in that would be helpful?
They do this thing where they invent cards for players to print that are meant to balance the game
Arisanna desperately needs it, she can't compete at all without it. So go over these and print them (Polaris and Scepter of Lumina). If you're playing casually also print more copies of Cosmic Bolt, you're gonna need them.
If you're gonna play with just vanilla starters then just remember about the Polaris, Scepter and Cosmic Bolts.
clones are 2/2, playing three 2/2s for 5 resources seems pretty decent?
3 2/2s AND giving your opponent 3 1/1s
maybe we end up needing to play around Exploit, but if you're the beat down that's basically no downside at all
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Hello there brothers, I have a doubt about her deck: Can I have multiple copies her many for the J-Ruler side? How many you recommend to run?

Deck recipes are welcome too.
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I'm really, really glad they banned tome of feyndal and artherwind, Oscilio is so fucked even without them
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You can have any number of different werebeast j-rulers for lyka in your sideboard. For decklists:


Have you enjoyed the new set and B&R /acg/?
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Bro Viserai got so many playables it's not funny, he's back
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>LSS once again fucks up balancing Elemental heroes
>wide viserai
>less offensive overlap than mech or ninja
>lower card efficiency than warrior or brute
>worse payoff turns than ranger
A turd with polish is still a turd.
That's only one version of an Oscilio pop off turn
Glyph Overlay value is real and you can blast someone with Aether Flare if you want
Even if you're laying tempo Oscilio rather than a combo thing, putting out a 2 for 7 and then an amped Zap every turn is realistic, on rate, and forces interaction with surge effects, and then next turn your sigil pops and give you more value
And his ability lets him fix brick hands or find block cards when he needs them
He seems very scary
You can do more damage with just playing instants with Gone in a flash from boots
>once per game 5 card 27 damage turn if the stars align or you pitch stack for it
W-what the FUCK???? LSS delete wizards and Aria from the game right now! Elements were a mistaaaake! MISTAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!! AAAAAAAAAAA
We'll see. I still think the earth heroes are going to be the ones to go off.
Bandai does surveys and I never answer them they're not going to change shit anyway.
>Legal Shota
yes plz
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Talents were a mistake. Boring deckbuilding options, brokenly powerful, or both.
Game should have been 5 classes
>Ninja, Warrior, Guardian, Ranger, Brute
Every set should have been cards from all 5 colors and heroes should have higher stats for fewer colors and lower stats for more colors.
There, I fixed it.
i will never stop seething over the fact that the only reason mtg is still alive is because it was the first ever tcg....
Kano hands typed this post
It's actually still a very good system.

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