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So I heard that the Lyran social generals and LCAF's incompetence are somewhat true but largely exaggerated memes. Then why have the Lyrans been losing so much territory to the Dracs and the Birbs during the Succ Wars?
Well shit, guess I'm gonna go honor the Dragon in the name of Allah now.
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A medium battle lance from the 1st Free Worlds League Guard engaged a mixed lance from the Cthulhu's Horde mercenary company today. Forces and battlefield are pictured. We used Instant Action - House Marik picked Salvage, and the mercenaries picked Destroy, so we were playing the scenario Under No Circumstances in this urban battlefield. We decided that the hextech roads would be counted as paved, but not the black pavement of the rest of the map.
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Despite my fears that the mercs would send their Atlas 7A straight down the middle, they instead hung it back to cover the two objectives near the right corner of the board, with the Warhammer in position to fling PPC fire downrange on the two middle objectives. I sent my Shadow Hawk and Griffin down the middle, while my Wolverine grabbed the objective on the left.
Exaggerated or not didn't make it any less true, they fix their shit eventually but the Lyrans did have some genuine issues with positions in the military being bought by social generals. As for the Dracs and Clanners:
1)the Dracs fight good
2)Clanners also fight good on top of hitting the Lyrans in their Northern border, which was they're least defended was mostly merchant/economic territory.
Prior to the Clans they never had any reason to reinforce the North when all their fight is in their South(FWL) and East(DC).
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My Griffin managed to put a PPC shot into the Wasp's left torso, tearing a good chunk of it away but not scoring a crit, while the Wasp went for the central objective(the mobile field base). At the same time, the enemy Warhammer managed to put two PPCs right on my Shadow Hawk, one of them a TAC that disabled the AC5 before it even got a chance to fire, and the damage knocked my Shad down.
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As is commanded by the grace of Allah.
>Prior to the Clans they never had any reason to reinforce the North when all their fight is in their South(FWL) and East(DC).
Not since eating the Rim Worlds and using mercs to fix pirate kingdom issues, true.
>Cthulhu's Horde
Is this someone's /mydudes/ or canon? I mean after learning that there's a merc named Godzilla I can't be sure
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Then the enemy Warhammer, hoping to get into short range with my downed Shadow Hawk, ran up. And failed a skid roll. It immediately slammed into the building it was next to, and my Maxim, sensing weakness, decided to zoom up and deploy a platoon of anti-mech scale infantry. I had to brave the Atlas' fire for this, but despite having all the SRM6s he could want, the Atlas managed to miss every shot on the Maxim when he only needed 9s. The Warhammer tried to fire its flamers on the infantry, but the combination of AMM, skid penalty, and prone penalty meant it missed both shots. It was this point when I decided the dice were clearly in my favor.
Fucking LUCKY!!!
Oh dear, come to think of it, the Lyrans got fucked by both the green birbs and the purple birbs
Almost all the territory they have lost is to the Dracs, the FWL is a bit too dysfunctional to do real offensive operations.

Poor grand strategy and toxic internal politics seems like a good enough backstory for me. Remember that their first ever story arc is about Katrina unfucking the situation and taking a bunch of worlds back.
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Someone's /mydudes/, guy's into lovecraft.

With the backing of the dice, I was waiting for a mistake, and spotted one. The enemy Wasp ran in, hoping to stomp the objective into dirt, but he was at just the right distance. My Griffin did a charge attack, hoping to slam the wasp into the building, completely ignoring the array of small lasers peppering the Griffin's armor.

Remember that PPC shot on the wasp earlier? The bulk of the Charge damage slammed into the Wasp's already opened left torso, and it was enough to core the poor little thing, snapping its spine. The pilot ejected in time, but the mech itself was dead.
Yeah, this isn't playing out how I envisioned it would go at all. This is awesome!
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At this point, my Shadow Hawk had managed to regain its feet and grabbed one objective, and my Wolverine had nabbed the other entirely unopposed, so the game came down to the central objective. With the Wasp dead, the Atlas out of range and barely trudging forward, and the Warhammer stuck dealing with the infantry trying to satchel charge his ass, it was all down to the mercenary Shadow Hawk. He charged my Griffin and Wolverine, and promptly ate a PPC and a Wolverine alpha strike, falling to the ground. Next turn, he failed three attempts to stand up in a row, taking almost as much damage as he'd taken from enemy fire, and my opponent put his dice tray away on the theory that it was cursed.

My Wolverine and Griffin watched this spectacle carefully as they backed off the board, objectives in hand, netting me the win.
Based as fuck. Maneuverability winning the day over tonnage and firepower.
Final tally: Marik victory. The only significant damage was the complete destruction of the Wasp and my Shad losing its AC5. Since this battle took place in a Ruin, I got to roll on the Lostech table, and get my choice of an Ultra AC5, a Medium Pulse Laser, or two Narc launchers and a supply of Narc ammunition. Still haven't quite picked what I want. I salvage the scrap of a Wasp, which can either be saved to use in a frankenmech later or sold for 25% of list price. I am so replacing that AC5 with a Blazer.

Also, Betelgeuse was good.
To be fair, no reasonable planner in january 3049 could have predicted 30-40 elite regiments with warship support coming from the direction of the Oberon confederation.
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In the strategic picture, it's not a huge loss for Cthulhu's Horde - while the Mariks are now up a victory point, the mercs managed to defeat the Baumann Group last turn, netting them a fully intact Thunderbolt as salvage that will be replacing the destroyed Wasp, and their lance was able to retreat directly to a mech bay to repair, rearm, and replace this turn.

Also, the Aurigans managed to defeat the Aurigan Explorer Corps this in their battle turn. That wraps up all campaign games for the current turn, but we're still waiting till the 16th to start turn 3, because this coming monday is Leviathans day, and two campaign players are out of town this week.
>Aurigan Explorer Corps
*Omen Explorer Corps. Who are absolutely definitely not a ComStar front.
If anyone other than the Combine amd Comstar had paid attention to certain events in 2825, then maybe a planner might have noted the slim but feasible possibility of an unexpected attack from that quarter.
Yeah you can give Lyrans shit for a lot of things, but not the clan invasion. How they fuck could they possibly have guessed that would happen at all, let alone on their most peaceful border?
This is like saying the US should keep troops in position to counter a possible threat from the Roanoke colony.
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What kind of jonkler gang weed are clanners smoking that gives them the will to rocket jump into a gauss rifle pointed at them at close range
Four worlds attacked and despoiled by a confirmed former SLDF unit long since disappeared from the Inner Sphere is not a boogeyman story.
I bet there's conspiracy theorists in the 31st century insisting that the Minnesota Tribe were a comstar false flag op.
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>OP is a non-Battletech image, in black and white, which is not eye-catching in the catalog
There's literal comstar agents who think it was a comstar op. They tied themselves into knots trying to solve the tribe so badly that they don't even know if their own records of the events are right.
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How about this for black and white
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Your off-topic skank is not welcome here degenerate
what is that mech supposed to be
night gyr
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>doesn't ctrl+f the catalog for btg
Sorry bit late but I had a gentleman drop a massive Battlecorp drop and in a blind stupor I accidentally deleted it. I wanted to go through it to make sure there wasn't any dupes of the other Battlecorp stuff I already had but honestly I should have just deleted the original and just uploaded the one I had received.
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The images are on-topic, and you're joyless and unwelcome.
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...alright, time to print some more storage shelves.
What's the story with the Lucky Charms Star on the bottom right?
Somebody didn't do his besht.
Painted up a JF Alpha Galaxy star, some random mercs, and a lance of Knights Defensor. All and all a pretty productive week
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Carritos' Cavaliers, a unit that was basically inspired by "what if we made a new battletech TV series that wanted to capture the 90s robot cartoon vibe" - hence the blue protagonist, red rival, tough yellow teammate, fast green teammate, and mysterious purple teammate and extremely bright colors throughout.

Their story starts in 3148, when the planet Arluna hires a lance of mercenaries to help defend them from the Jade Falcons encroaching on their territory. Our hero is Dana Carritos, whose mother, the planetary Marquise, is killed when the Falcons raid, along with the leadership of the Cavaliers. Dana's father, now the Regent until Dana comes of age at 21, offers the Cavaliers a permanent home, merging them with Arluna's planetary militia and placing Dana in command. She, her new Jade Falcon bondsman, and three experienced mercenaries have adventures fighting the falcons.

It goes fine until, in 3149, the Falcons decide that Arluna and the Cavaliers have become a threat and launch an invasion to conquer the planet. Dana and the Cavaliers barely escape, but Dana's father is taken as bondsman and the planet falls to the Falcons. Season 2 follows their effort to raise allies and eventually retake Arluna when the Falcon touman departing for Terra gives them the opportunity.
That's pretty fucking neat, not going to lie. Thanks for the infodump, now I want to see this show.
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>yfw your entire army is at work but you're taking a week's vacation and won't paint again until you're back
What the hell was I even thinking abandoning my mechs and my paint at work BEFORE going on vacation??
Primary antagonist is Jabez Roshak, who is deliberately designed to be the opposite of Nikolai Malthus - a soft spoken, cunning warrior who's willing to throw out the entire book. In the pilot, Dana's mother challenges Jabez to a Trial of Possession and he openly laughs at her and says "This is no time for batchalls or Zellbrigen, spheroid. Zellbrigen died a century ago on a world called Tukayyid. Say hello to it for me"

Then a volley of Arrow IV missiles slam into his target's Highlander, destroying it and killing Dana's mother.
What's Roshak's ride?
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Jade Hawk, the TSM equipped model. But he rarely gets into engagements himself. He prefers to command from the DropShip's command deck, ordering subordinates into the fray, which allows him to be the villain while also not getting killed early on by a stray Gauss shell.
Okay but why don't you just play /Yourdudes/ instead, the way Kerensky intended?
Hey, the Inner Sphere having a shitfit is peak Battletech.
Just read the fucking lore primer.
>Okay but why don't you just play /Yourdudes/ instead, the way Kerensky intended?
I have a /mydudes/ force, but I also have my faction forces, and those getting trimmed away pisses me off.
>your dudes
It's a wargame, i'm not going to make up my own super special panzer division if i'm playing a ww2 wargame
Jade Hawk is...unusual a selection. It's also not a very good design unless you want to fight a Charger in an arena.
What is your mercenary company called, anon?
It's visually striking, looks villainous, and captures the "wings, beak, and talons" aesthetic that defines the late timeline Jade Falcons. Plus, it being set up for melee reflects how Jabez generally rejects Zell as a concept.

Dana's a fencer - it was an expected accomplishment for a woman of her station. About halfway through season 1 there's an episode where she defeats a Solaris gladiator turned mercenary in a fight and pulls a Large Vibroblade off his mech, outfitting her Archer with it so she can use some of her fencing forms at mech scale.

All of this of course sets us up for a dramatic, point blank range confrontation in the season 1 finale where Jabez beats Dana in a duel and is about to kill her when her friends come to her rescue and manage to barely escape from the planet as the Falcons take over.
>Plus, it being set up for melee reflects how Jabez generally rejects Zell as a concept.
He's super unusual for a Clanner, much less a Jade Falcon. I applaud the direction, though I have to wonder how the higher-ups see him given how un-Clanlike he is even in style of 'mech combat.

This is the Dark Age era, that's not too weird for a Falcon then. Decades of frustration really made them degenerate.
There is a reason that when the Touman departs for Terra, he gets left behind, and it's only partly because we need him to not randomly disappear from the story halfway through season 2

Someday I'll actually get a Jade Hawk so I can paint him up.
>In 2825
>On January 3049
Tell me, which events from the year 1800 do you think decide military threats and doctrine these days?
nothing more clan like than winning at the end of the day
As proven in the lore, most forces which get fucked up can either resurrect or turn to another lifepath, so you could realistically still play them as exiles, mercs, or whatever. But yeah I guess it sucks, just like it sucks trying to play against them since it limits the narrative.
>Oh you're playing this unit from this faction, let's see, we can't play here, during this event they were over there, we know all their names so we can't really write about any of them dying...
That's right, it is a wargame. It's meant for writing about fictional wars. It sucks most people are willing to limit themselves to what is essentially canonized fanfiction instead of just going with their own.
Considering we still study maneuver formations from 13th century Eurasia in War College, assume anything substantive from 1800 is covered in doctrine as a matter of course, including threat assessments for cross-border incursions from the north, as per War of 1812.
By this logic, the USA should actively be expecting an attack from the UK.
Any day now they'll try to burn down the white house again.
That's why we have a General Staff, after all. Their purpose is to warplan against ANYONE, including our neighbors and allies, just in case.
I love this guy as a villain already. Please give him a crew of jerkwads in his Command Star, like King Darius and his four Death Cross Generals from Gaiking.
So, are the new melee mech variants in the FM: Kurita fully and freely usable canon?
They're in an official book, so yes.
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>FM: Kurita
I want it. Next prints when?
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That sounds cool as fuck. Is this an actual story or just purely cliffnotes you thought up? If you ever posted it I'd love to read it.
Also I love the Jade Hawk, a fast moving melee machine with a really cool design. Plus since it's narrative you could have the villain use the claws like in the original rules before melee got nerfed.
Just cliffnotes at present. It's a "maybe get around to writing it someday" thing
That's a shame, it really does sound like a fun read.
What maps do you guys use on the MegaMek? Or, what random map generation settings do you use?
Impressions from a few games of Instant Action V4 so far: Compared to deathmatches, Instant Action is actually way closer to the lore, since fighting to the death is super rare and most mechs either accomplish an objective and get out, or retreat either because forced withdrawal or for scenario reasons.

So far I haven't had players say any particular scenarios felt unwinnable for them, though I have had it pointed out that fast jumpers are naturally way too good in objective based games. I'm toying with making it so if you jump while carrying an objective, you drop it upon landing. Will fiddle with that idea. Fortunately this campaign will provide on average three games every two weeks with Instant Action used in most of them.
Wouldn't Deathmatching with Forced Withdrawal be pretty close to the lore, too? I also liked how some of the sourcebooks basically had "OpFor is under Forced Withdrawal once 50% of their 'mechs are crippled or destroyed".
>fast jumpers are naturally way too good in objective based games
nooo I can't afford a Spider just yet
Deathmatch with forced withdrawal is actually the Confront vs Confront option
Despite everything, there are still cool things in Battletech.
you can use multiple mapsheets, i combine them
Peryphery shenaningans are my prefered part of battletech, when a single mech lost hurts and you have all kinds of wackoes running around larping as everything.
So you're both going to kill yourselves?
>blue protagonist
Well you already fucked the whole thing up right there.
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>if i'm playing a ww2 wargame
It turns out that Battletech is not a WW2 wargame.
>shitty OP
Colour me surprised
About what? Context?
It's a 3135 principes guards company. Do you think its accurate/realistic and would be fun to play?
I like the bat reps thanks for posting one. I'm going to be a slave at the job for next 5 weeks so I probably won't get to my weekly TT night for a bit, reminds me of what to look forward to.
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except when it is
Maybe we should.
yeah, gotta be ready for that ghostly uprising.
Why do you think we're going back to the Moon?
>IE following leads on the Minn. Tribe.holovid
I'm going to say it...

I don't like the awesome
Which one? I like the variant with 2 large lasers and 2 lrm-15s.
But... But it's Awesome!
If you say "It insists upon itself", I'm going to smack you with one of my rulebooks.
all of them 3/5 is slow and its just boring to play with as all it does is sit still and go turret mode in woods.

the 4/6 variants aren't really awesomes
>Vanilla large laser
The weapon that gets mogged by a clan medium?
What's a clan?
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>clan weapons are bullshit overpowered cheese.
Welcome to 1990.
>Fire support mech plays like a fire support mech.

Truly the end of days is upon us.
most fire support mechs dont just stand still and fire at whatever is the best target everyturn
That's exactly how they're supposed to play. You need to play a period eralier than 3100.
You just suffer of acute faggness, just stop wanking and putting stuff up your arse and in a few weeks you will love it.
...That's exactly how you play one? Personally, I love bringing one turret 'mech with most of my lances.

Sure, it can be boring if it's all you do, but that's why you have your lance consist of a variety of units.
the only good thing is it speeds up the game as you have one unit you dont have to think about in the movement phase
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Alright, here's this threads mech design challenge:
Make a 3049 "upgrade" of a good 3025 mech. It should be more expensive, have a higher BV, include at least one baffling design feature, and make you question whether you wouldn't just be happier with the original mech.
no thanks, every 3025 mech already has about 20 variants
Griffin-FN (The F stands for Failure)
Add Artemis to the LRM-10
For weight-saving purposes, change the armor to ferro-fibrous.
Leave the single heat sinks in place.
Replace the PPC with an ERPPC
>Guy bitching on Youtube about ERPPPCs vs Normal PPCs.
>He's upset it 50 BV more then normal ones.

I swear people are retarded.
he's right though, it adds up and is multipfied by gunnery/piloting and other multiplicative factors
Give it TSM.
if it's the same one i've seen, he's a WAACfag. always harps on about command consoles too.

Indoctrinated to be a warrior from birth. You aren't marrying or having kids, the only way your genes get replicated is by proving you are the baddest motherfucker. They aren't enfranchised to continue wanting to live as civilians in their society, they have no one to go back to, they have their brothers in arms and this fight, that's it.

What weed makes followers of our own desert death god so fucking pumped to claim paradise? What weed makes. young men eager to die for old men's ambitions?
>I love the Napoleonic era but I HATE cannons.
Weird take.

BattleTech is a game of maneuver. That's laid out explicitly in the Ares convention. They talk about it at a strategic level but it still happens to be true at the tactical level as well. If you aren't using maneuver to defeat Awesomes and other fire support mechs you are actually playing the game wrong.
WAACfag? Never heard of this term before.
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Sure buddy
What's the story on the shelves?
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I give you the BJ-1E
Designed to be a long range harasser, this Blackjack incorporates an XL engine and Endo Steel structure, along with deleting the jump jets and removing half a ton of armor to drastically increase the extreme range striking abilities of the Blackjack.
Each arm mounts the familiar AC/2 of the BJ-1, while an ER Large Laser is mounted in the center torso, reminiscent of the BJ-1DB. Each side torso also mounts an LRM5 for additional long range fire, with Artemis IV fire control to ensure more consistent damage. At closer ranges, the BJ-1E can protect itself with a Streak SRM2 in each leg. To guard against accidental detonation of the three tons of ammo carried, each torso is equipped with CASE blowout panels. Ten double heat sinks are sufficient to keep the BJ-1E cool during normal combat operations.
Say what you want about the Republic, all the Stone's brigade shit looks great.
they basically carried the whole republic too the principes and triarii were completely useless and 20+ regiments of them immeditely turned traitor or were wrecked as soon as the dark age started and every single faction decided to invade the republic.

Somehow THAT isn't "fiat" though
Of course it's fiat. It's a fictional setting. Everything is author fiat. Nothing happens unless someone decides it happens.
>damn I love spreading the word and using experimental high tech to commit warcrimes
>wait why do I hear xylophones
I like the atlas III but..
You certainly met the goals of the challenge.
That has nothing on the fact that half the Castles Brian that should have been defending Earth just arbitrarily decided not to fight.
Not an excuse
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This upgrade of the venerable Flea 4 gives it the hard hitting punch that the Flea had previously been lacking. With a powerful Kali Yama "Ultra" autocannon replacing the heavy laser, the Flea 5U brings the kind of firepower that the 20ton weight bracket had been missing. At an economical 1.8 million cbills, it won't break the bank either, and with cutting edge endosteel and freezers, it will remain cool in even the hottest of combat conditions. Order yours today!
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Welcome to Clan Sue, also known as Clan Fiat, Clan Writers pet, or Clan Wolf. They do not lose, ever. Even the War of Refusal which they "lost" saw them come out with pretty much all the Wardens unscathed, a chunk of territory in the IS, the Falcons reserves crippled so no further invasion was possible, and the Wolf Crusaders wiped out. Its no wonder that most of the RAF decided just to arbitrarily side with them, and Stone bent down to kiss the knot, or that they somehow beat the Falcons.

To the anon asking for scenarios, I deeply apologise for forgetting again last night. Let me make it up by posting everything I currently have.
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Incomplete list I was working on for something else, will be completed one day
Some others, might be some repeats. I need to get around to finishing stuff off.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsbqGKyoMsE very cool
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would you class the griffin as a steiner mech?
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Nah, that ain't them.
Bruh they got 2 of them standing Guard in the Lyran throne room..

Yes its a Steiner mech.
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it's ok we've all had those moments
So, while in introtech/3025 era, lacking the long range firepower (like PPC or LRM) is less debilitating? And/or AC20 and bunch of MLs/SRMs more viable due to there being not enough ranged firepower to kill the mechs from afar and the fight often gets to kicking range?
More or less, it depends on the terrain. Something slow like the Victor or Hunchback has no weapons that can reach more than 9 hexes, but they'll usually be able to get a shot off. Faster mechs with short range weapons are way more survivable in introtech than later eras because of the lack of pulse lasers and prec ammo.
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Is it the "MRC" faggot?
>Heavily restricts pulse weaponry (including IS pulse).
>Bans precision ammo on AC/10 and /20
>"Surprisingly", 7+hex jumpy bastards are now dominating the meta
>Ban them, too.
Why are you like this, anon? Of all the threads on all the websites on the internet, surely /btg/ has to be one of the least viable places to find someone to fuck you.
>or that they somehow beat the Falcons.
They cheated by bringing enough fucking bullets.
I desire post cotial Battletech, I like fatguys, and I'm too autistic to communicate effectively on dating apps.
desu mechs that jump over 6 or 7 cant rmeemver hexes are inherently kind of overpowered, pulse weapons dont really counter them, pulse weapons just counter everything
You want human connection. You want love. You want assurance. You want to fall asleep in somebody's arms, knowing they'll still be there when you wake up. You want someone to understand you on an atomic level. You want to feel intimacy and safe vulnerability. You want to feel like your life has meaning, and you think love will bring you that meaning. But it won't. You will never find your meaning in somebody else. Nobody will ever understand you as deeply as you want. They can't possibly love you like that. Nobody can love anybody else like that. Your only hope is to save yourself. Nobody else can save you, or is even inclined to. Random meaningless sex won't save you. Your hobbies won't save you. You're just pouring passion into the void, hoping you'll get something back. Praying you'll get something back. Save yourself. Because no one else will.
I'd consider is a "generic" mech since all Houses except the Capellans produce it, though the Steiners have their own unique variant and prominently have two standing in the Archon's throneroom.
You're right about pulse countering everything, but I'd say that
1) IS pulse isn't egregious because of the reduced range.
2) AC/10 loaded with precision ammo acts like pulse for countering high TMM but doesn't do anything to improve your shot when you're jumping and shooting against a stationary mech, like pulse does.
>the BJ-1E
I mean it's still more coherent than the BJ-2...
So I'm wanting to kind of do a narrative "campaign" with my brother to introduce him to the setting. My idea is to have him join the Wolf's Dragoons in 3025 and work his way up to REVIVAL, using their dealing with the Inner Sphere as relative outsiders to help onboard him to the setting and politics.

So my main question now is how should I equip him at first? He won't be going near Clantech until REVIVAL or close to it. I was thinking of starting him in a Griffin or some kind of capable Medium, then slowly giving him better and more capable mechs, while also slowly increasing his command from just himself, to a full lance eventually.

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It's a Phoenix Hawk that's very, *VERY*, good at BattleMech Ice Hockey.
Sounds very cool. Maybe start him with a chunky light, like a wolfhound or firefly.
If you're starting at 3025, make sure he has fun at Misery!
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Merc box gives you a starting contract and a merc campaign tracker, you could literally start him off as a new recruit and level him up using it.
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I'm experimenting right now with how to do Cherry Blossom's for the 9th Ghost Regiment Paint Scheme, as I want to run Kuritans at my next AS Tournament.

It's really tricky working in pinks I'm finding, nearly as bad as yellows and whites.
Pink needs a very bright base, I recommend tiny dots of white and then putting the pink on top of the white rather than directly on the 'mech's base colors.
Oh hell yeah that's great thanks anon
Looks sick anon
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BTA has gotten a bit out of hand, but I still want one.
I played a game today. It was nice. I got to drive one lance of the pirate opfor against the PC's. How was everyone else's game?
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>magdumping 2 entire tons of ammo in 10 seconds of firing.
Well fuck whatever's on the other end of it I guess. Does HBS BT use the cluster table for ultras and rotaries? That'd be main concern for me. That'd be a lot of ammo you'd just be pissing into the wind.

But if you could do something REALLY stupid like Precision Shot+Called Shot CT and land all the shots. That sounds disgusting.
is there any conversion bits store? i want to see if i can find some hatchets and accessories
In vanilla there aren't really cluster tables, or at least they don't have the same odds as tabletop, but the aimed shot mechanic has a hidden penalty to follow up shots. An LRM 20 and an AC 20 have very different performance with the aimed shot mechanic.

Usually you don't want to totally vaporize the mech because salvage matters up until the really late game when you have everything you could want.
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There's no WYSIWYG in BT, so there's not a lot of conversion resources for it. Most folks seem to just chop up other models and use the pieces.
As far as I can tell from playing the various mods, it resolves each round from ultras and rotaries as separate shots. Any number of rounds can hit, and they can hit anywhere.
No. The Griffin is simply a very good, very expensive medium, and that means that only the Strongest Economy in the Inner Sphere can afford them in any decent quantity.
well given how ylw's 'claws' are rulrwise hatchets, guess i can copy that pic and cut off some lightning claws to use as a hatchet. cool thanks
So you are saying it's Lyran?
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Never forget
>Sword-shaped hatchet
IWM sells loose components under "Online Exclusive Scrapyard", but it's not super comprehensive. Aries sells IWM stuff for cheaper in the US.
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I do wish the coordinator had some cool ass samurai battle armor for her bodyguards rather than just rebel fleet troopers with shotguns.
God this is the worst. It's not a subtle display of power like you'd think the Dragon would want, but neither is it an impressive display like the Steiners. It's just two Chileans with shitty posture.
>wasn't designed in the LC
>not all the factories are in the LC
>don't have to be LCAF or LCAF-affiliated to get one

It's like saying that all horses in the world are Arabian because Sultans and Oil Sheiks really like them. It's nonsense.
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Is there a Cutest Mech than the Toro?
So I just joined a campaign and have been assigned a mech. Do I paint it up in the scheme for the faction I planned it to be in, or paint it something merc appropriate? In case someone wonders it's my mini.
That's a cool Dark Wing Mercenary Cartel Atlas
If it's your mini, you'll paint it in any way you want.
He commits seppuku and it crits, causing an ammo explosion.
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Look at this little cutey!
It's canon that fancy modernized samurai armor exists, but IIRC it's never said whether or not the Coordinator uses them.

Yori Sakamoto isn't really in a subtle sort of mood. She needs to openly and publicly flex power so that people stop seeing her as Toranaga's pet.
Sure, but she's not going to do that backed by Dollar Store Mario and Luigi cosplaying as ANH extras.
We need better art of Yori in her uniform and wearing a good size authoritative strap-on.
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Oh yeah, if nothing else there's the Kage, it just doesn't seem like they bother for Yori's bodyguards. I imagine there's bodyguards waiting in the rafters in Kage suits like ninjas, plus a squad or more of Kanazuchis in the next room, just in case
>plus a squad or more of Kanazuchis in the next room, just in case

Might as well have Panthers at that point.

Maybe Raidens.

But I love the idea of Kages waiting in the rafters, jumping down at the first threat.
To make matters worse, TRO 3085 has this art of Kurita "Ceremonial Guard" wearing proper sci-fi samurai gear.
So how many TROs are there in total? I kinda want to get them all for the art and lore.
Lots. I'd recommend grabbing the recent "era" TROs, the ones named Succession Wars, Clan Invasion, and Dark Age. They're compilations from various TROs over the years, but they have the classic art and all the lore from the old versions. They'll at least get you started.
It's hard to keep track anymore, since there have been multiple books printed under the same title that aren't actually the same book.
Do IWM metal models tend to have bigger hands than the plastic ones?
Smaller, if anything. They tend to be a slightly smaller scale than the new plastic.
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First two mechs I grabbed, the IWM one has oddly big hands. But one example doesn't make a trend.
Why doesn't the Succesion Wars book have the 3025 mechs? Or were they included 3039, along with the Helm Core upgrades?
A bunch of the art from the original 3025 book was subject to a decades-long copyright lawsuit (Marauder, Warhammer, Battlemaster, Locust, Ost-series, etc.) that didn't resolve until fairly recently, so they got left out of a bunch of Battletech content where they should have been present.
those aren't even the same mini or even from the same designer
OH YEAH I completely forgot about the Harmony Gold thing. Nevermind then.
The poison of Harmony Gold is slowly leaving the system, praise Blake.
So what was the resolution? Did they ever get the rights to the original designs? Or are they having to suffice with adjacent designs?
They redesigned the unseens alongside a lot of other mechs but after the redesigns were already established harmony gold's lawsuits got dismissed with prejudice (so they can't sue again), too little too late
So they're just sticking to the redesigns then? Since they already spent the money to make them?
basically yeah
they're sticking with the new aesthetic that PGI pioneered with MWO
Always assume that the detail on metal is smaller.
Because the medium lets you get sharper edges and therefore more detail. This is especially true with the vinyl that CGL uses. It can't support much detail.
I'm curious. Is the faction you started with, whenever you started, still your favorite? Did another supplant it? What made your favorite faction your favorite? The mechs? The lore? The colors? Did you just OpFor into it?
At this point I'm simply collecting an army for every Great House. There's no real reason not to.
Glory to House Kurita forever
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Yes. Mostly because basically all the classic mechs have been getting redesigned in the new style for the Catalyst Games re-release of the miniatures.

While I love the old art, it doesn't really fit with the bulkier, more angular, "realistic" style of the modern minis.
I happen to like basically every CGL design over it's PGI equivalent. It's actually kind of a pet oeeve whenever I see somebody put a 3d print of one of the PGI renders on the table. I mean it's not my model. People can use whatever models they want. But the PGI renders look fuck ugly and I don't know why some people prefer them, other than familiarity.
Eh I can't blame them. I kind of like the redesigns for the most part. The redesigns are at least more consistent with the rest of the mechs. I don't care as much for the PGI artstyle though.
I mean that, and also it's probably better practice to have legally distinct designs you have free reign over rather than literally macross
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I have units for any occasion or scenario, but the stars belong to the Dragon.
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I just can't take goofy ass Valkyrie Gerwalk Marauder seriously
another piece of heresy, I can't take classic MADCAT seriously because of the spindly ass arms
by comparison the redesign feels a lot more solid
Is that the reason LAMs have been so downplayed for so long? I feel like they should be a lot more prominent than they are.
Kinda, it's more like my fallback now, most of my focus is on other factions and I haven't painted anything for it in a while.
100% LAMs have been downplayed because of legal issues
Nah, early on FASA didn't like the LAMs as an idea so they just didn't support the rules for them much. It just happen to coincide with the HG bullshit so even if it hadn't happened, they probably still would be garbage in and out of universe.
There's also the issue that LAMs are completely broken in tabletop, and probably pretty difficult to balance in vidya too.
you would basically need to make a separate game just to justify letting the player use a full powered LAM
like... battletech ace combat.
shit i want that
>>probably pretty difficult to balance in vidya too.
>Look at my Lance of LAMs in BTA that just zoom around the map dropping Rocket Pods or HiEx bombs in people's asses and following it up with other weapons
haha... yeah.
>Sian Dragoons
...Shouldn't this read as 'Tian(an)' as in 'Tiananmen?'
Also, any cool Liao-affiliated color scheme? Other than the MAC ones
Damn, forgot pic
Started playing as merc, but that was joinging a campaign that was nearing its end, and then I eventually got the group to go purple birds with one of the later campaigns, but even then I knew I wanted to be Marik, and I've been playing Marik since then and now field my own Marik mechs.
They're not really "broken" so much as they are suited to a larger scale of play. It's basically the same problem that any attempt to introduce combined arms stuff into tabletop games faces.

To make LAMs work, what you need is to stop playing on a table, and move to the back yard, where each player has dozens of units comprising mechs and tanks in a central combat area around the objective, but also fighter squadrons, anti-aircraft emplacements, artillery batteries, and maybe even orbital assets dangling from the trees in the yard. On that scale, LAMs are perfectly balanced. But nobody's ever going to play like that because it's insane and would take a month to get through a single game.
That's just ASF in general. If you wanna bomb a motherfucker, unless he brought and LBX or flak rounds in his autocannon, he's gonna have a bad day.
That does sound pretty cool though.

Look, I played Axis and Allies. I'm used to month long games.
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>There's also the issue that LAMs are completely broken in tabletop
Kek, boomer detected. LAM's used to be broken, back when they used Jump movement for LAM flight mode, these days they move as a WIGE and suffer heavy accuracy penalties as well as halving any physical damage they do. Factor in the 55 ton weight limit and the fact that the only weight saving gear they can use are Composite structure (awful) and Ferro-Aluminium (basically FF but for aerospace) and they are honestly not that bad.
Now, jumpy pulse boats, thats a different matter.

>Rocket Pods or HiEx bombs
LAM's cannot carry bombs or any underwing ordnance unless you pay the tonnage for a bomb bay at 1 ton per ordnance slot. The only canon ones that mount them are the Wasp 100 Mk1 and the 110, at 5 tons (so 5 slots) each.
Now, if your going to complain about underwing ordnance outside of Aerospace units, try VTOL's, which can carry bombs and rocket pods underwing.

MW5, just enlarge the maps and actually scale things correctly, right now the mechs larger than Lights and terrain features/buildings are far too large.

You basically have one (1) writer/dev who utter despises them and has tried to have them erased from the game since he was in a position to do so. Ask NEA about the original proposed redesign of the LAM rules, that included such gems as LAM's not getting any TMM when moving in Airmech mode, auto crashing and exploding if they moved into woods, being unable to fire if they moved, players auto losing if a LAM they brought was destroyed, LAM's having to make skid checks regardless of whether they used Cruise or Flank MP, and using the number of hexes moved that turn as the base modifier, etc.
Thankfully the testers, and some staff, revolted and forced his hand, so we ended up with still playable rules. Instead he settled for writing a whole tangent about Clan Nova Cat going on an autism crusade and destroying every single LAM and LAM factory ever.
There was one mission where I had to pause cautiously because the AI had a pair of Partisans. They still couldn't hit for squat, but that was probably due more to how broken evasion and defense stacking is in HBS BT. It still gave me some concern.
>MW5, just enlarge the maps and actually scale things correctly, right now the mechs larger than Lights and terrain features/buildings are far too large.
i'm pretty sure YAML has an option that makes all mechs smaller
>You basically have one (1) writer/dev who utter despises them and has tried to have them erased from the game since he was in a position to do so.
>Thankfully the testers, and some staff, revolted and forced his hand, so we ended up with still playable rules. Instead he settled for writing a whole tangent about Clan Nova Cat going on an autism crusade and destroying every single LAM and LAM factory ever.

Was it Pardoe? Tell me it wasn't Pardoe.
Xian, but Chinese has the fun of having more than one way to translate into English, so it all depends on which system got used.
>LAM's cannot carry bombs or any underwing ordnance unless you pay the tonnage for a bomb bay at 1 ton per ordnance slot. The only canon ones that mount them are the Wasp 100 Mk1 and the 110, at 5 tons (so 5 slots) each.
I honestly don't know about any of the rules concerning that sort of thing in the table top. But I mean if you're going to use LAMs in combat, you might as well use one of the things that make them unique, right? Dropping bombs before heading into more traditional mech to mech combat.

How much damage can you get out of bomb bays anyway? They're kind of ridiculously efficent in BTA, HiHexes do 90, close to the damage of an AC20 and rocket pods do 11x10 which makes them a little more efficent than Rocket Launchers.
I declare a trial of possession for dat ass. As to your question I started as a GDL fag and switched to Lyran when the GDL died. Not that it matters much. I got like 6 factions I count as my own. So meh.
what force is the insignia on her helmet? the blood's going elsewhere so my memory's fuzzy
I don't care, just make CGL do a p hawk force pack. I need far country vibes in my life.
Nope, you get Urbiewank instead.
Anyone have pics of the new Thunderbolt IIc art, the new Kintaro art/mini and any of the Dervish or Whitworth minis? Have those even shipped yet?
Thanks in advance.
It was the line dev Herb Beas.
LAMs, WarShips; what else did Herb hate and revive nuclear weapons specifically to destroy?

I remember that there was a plan to completely destroy the Clanners but it got nixed; was that also him?
Is he still there?
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>nova cats used as tool in autistic out of universe crusade against LAMs
>LAMs are alive and well(ish) while the cats got wiped out in an autistic out of universe crusade against small factions
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You mean the Thud NAIS?
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>Arena Supercharger
>Chameleon FCS
>Nullsig System
>insert energy weapons of choice to get the heat you need

>The mech's name?
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This the original sketch.
It's like a Summoner with Down's syndrome.

He was kicked from being lead dev after the Jihad, but still contributes. Most recently he wrote Ghosts of Obeedah, a.k.a. "The Word of Blake is still alive! Hahaha, no one saw this brilliant twist coming!"

More retarded than the fucking Fidelis.
I mean, what else would expect from a Thunderbolt IIC?
MASC and Supercharger stack but TSM doesn't. It's one group or the other.
Wish there was a side shot of the Falconer. The legs look like they have been u fucked but I am not 100% sure. Nice fucking pack tho.
very well

you'll be able to set up a proper ranged weapon loadout too
>Thud NAIS?

That's a Phoenix model so WTF?
TSM stacks with a supercharger, just not with MASC.
Masc or TSM and supercharger.

Masc and tsm BOTH use different myomers and as such cannot be combined.

But a supercharger JUST attaches to the fusion engine. And can stack worh one of the above.
For people who name their dudes, do you have naming conventions? I run some Blackhearts and use the names of famous spies, intelligence operatives, and special forces guys.
When I was coming up with my ideal merc group name, I wanted to be Roger's Rangers, but got outvoted because Waco's Rangers already existed and we didn't want the overlapping implications. We ended up being the Boneyard Blitzers.
It's really funny to me when CGL just does a lazy MWO sculpt but in their lousy round vinyl. I can just buy a resin print at that point for pennies on the dollar and get more detail to boot.

Make some unique sculpts, losers.
well, the east asians have concept of grouping four people as 'four heavenly kings,' so I use their names
>mu kuritan lance consists of the hatamoto-chi (raikou), black knight (tsuna), catapult k2 (seimei) and the kintaro (kintoki)
>That's a Phoenix model so WTF?
Any suggestions for carrying cases?
I like the Feldherr ones, they work well for me.
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If you've got an FDM printer, the warganizer ones are nice.
I use the names of the Seven Lucky Gods
note: they have so many different names that i literally can't run out
frankly I dunno, I have my minis greytided because I'm indecisive as fuck, I'm leaning toward just going different themed paints with each lance
or /yourmercs/ with the starfield "camo" that shows up in a few companies, e.g. periphery star guard, nova cat alpha galaxy, sort of FRR 2nd freeman
hopefully if I stick with someone they don't get unceremoniously wiped out by an assmad line dev
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I just named mine after my MW5 save file, and that was named after a salamander and adding "Defense Solutions" to the end of it so it sounded like a respectable merc group.
then I just kept the name for muhdudez because I tried to paint my wolverine, from the beginner's box, like one (with little success as it was literally my first mini painted ever), and why not keep it? Hellbender Defense Solutions is a pretty baller name.
might try again with doing a Hellbender scheme on a mech, I got some spare mechs from printing too much and my brother's Kickstarter
>got a dupe assassin, hoplite, and scorpion in their salvage boxes. to whoever was cursing people to got nothing but hoplites in the thread
when they announced the salvage boxes, I hope you enjoy the suffering you wrought upon this world.
Glock makes some good ones
>Pile Bunker
God I wish, all we got are stationary lances and pile drivers. When will the Inner Sphere understand true peak melee?
I'm of the exact opposite opinion, I hate the boxy arms of the nu!Madcat.
fake news
You prefer the hexagon pods?
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Why the fuck are they releasing like 3rd or 4th Enforcer while there's only one plastic Wolverine and shits
Because enforcer is cool as F. Fool.
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I like the Red Lancers. House Imarra, House Ma Tsu Kai, Roman's Mounted Fusiliers, Renshield's Dragoons, and Sung's Rangers are pretty cool too.
If you only put good mechs in the box people would get what they want and stop buying :)
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I'd upload the PDF, but it's too big for 4chan. I think it's in the OP archive though. But picrel just to prove I have it
There's a short-lived but very rad white tiger scheme from the Jihad. Cap schemes in general seem to be the ones for people who like a car finish, like Warrior House Hiritsu.
I love the idea of the Enforcer. I don't like most of the canon designs. It's one of those mechs that I'd love to have in a mercenary campaign so I can tweak it.
Slight mods to existing molds are simpler than making all new ones from scratch, so it's logistics.
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So what's that thing on the Commando's left 'eye?' laser? camera?
As alwaysbthe answer to sup par mechs is rebuilding them as clanner'd.

Keep the sfe, use clanker endo and ferro.
Clanker DHS. cerllas, cermlas, cerslas, uae the weight savings on more armour and sinks.
Done. Ez pz.
Is there anything Clan streamlining didn't make better?
In regards to 'mechs, not society or government. Tech, you know?
Not really. Anyrhing woth missiles becomes obscenely better with half weight, no minimum range clan lrms.
Or fucking streak srms that are the same weight? as is srms?

Not to mention what ripping out ppc's for clpl does.
The weight savings of clan endo and FF makes SOOO many designs have enough weight to get that nice >90% armour coverage.
Plasma Rifles when you specifically want the effect of a plasma rifle. Plasma Cannons are not even remotely the same or as useful.
Clanner tech =/= clanner society.
Clanners themselves all must go die in a fire.
Its their slave workers and scientists who must be freed and rehabilitated back into human society after their generations of slavery indentured to sociopathic golem fake humans.
No, newfag, it's a real fucking TRO
WW2 and everything about it is Battletech and by extension, on-topic for this general.
I use a nake generator, but I generate way more names than I need and pick the ones I like instead of just taking what RNGesus sees fit to provide.
On the table, no. There are technologies that came after the fact that clanners didn't adopt so can't be used without mixtech, but anything that the clans produce that has an inner sphere equivalent is better, just varying degrees of better. Autocannons and Gauss Rifles for instance are better, but only save a few tons and reduced heat benefits are often offset by how compact DHS are. Energy weapons and missiles however saw significant boosts.

On the other hand, clantech is generally not that easy to manufacture. When you've only got a limited number of warriors and resources investing heavily on each mech makes sense, but when it comes to numbers or mass production clantech falls behind.

That said though, though the numbers were never really clarified, the story goes that the original star league left with so much equipment that the cache of equipment used to pad out their solhama is nearly bottomless. 2nd line formations aren't just filled with 2nd line clantech but also star league relics and inner sphere isorla.
They are an objectively superior aesthetic.
I'm so invested in getting unit MTOEs filled out and ready for the table I haven't sat down to make lore for them yet. I'll worry about pilot names then.
Clan ACs and GRs are the least improved. You can't remake most of the dual Gauss carriers that much better as a Clan Mech.
I've got a Dervish.
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I understand that many players don't like them because muh unique models, but I loved how the first Omnis were obviously built with standardized parts, like how the Mad Dog and Timber Wolf shared legs, or the Hellbringer and Summoner, or the Viper and the Nova. The Hellbringer and Summoner had the same PPC arm, the Mist Lynx and the Viper the same missile arm, etc.
*TOEs, I haven't gotten into M territory yet except MAYBE the /mydudes/ unit.
There's always something you can do with a few extra tons. An extra Heat sink here, an extra medium laser there... Maybe a little extra armor.
I, for one, miss the modular days of Clan designs.
This is like asking "is there anything a chamber pot does better than indoor plumbing?"
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What's the one next to the enforcer?
I get the notion behind the aphorism, I was just curious if any of the Clan refits of previous Battlemechs incidentally turned out a lesser version of the original. I'm not at all up to speed on how well the IIC program improved or didn't improve upon the Star League-era designs.
Something about these is making me hungry
enforcer is greatthough
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MWO has it too, I think it's just a camera.
Then post a batrep.
This isn't Flames of War, that's like playing a game with Clan Spaniel forces.
I can't think of one unless you count UACs technically being worse off than ACs but even then they're still lighter and can still be shot like a normal AC.
i genuinely just use the megamek name generator
and the Gunsmith and the Hellspawn
Is it normal, or a randomizer that give you names like GLORPEL BILOYX?
You selected to include community content. I did not. We are not the same.

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