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File deleted.
"No new thread for 10 straight hours. Again. For the third time." edition
>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 UA



The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>93812414
TQ: well, since it's obvious interest in 5e and especially 5.24e is in its death throes, what TTRPG system is your group moving to? Mine was eyeing PF1e but then they tried to do their own version of the OGL nonsense.
My group isn't going anywhere. The DM, bless his heart, is a turbonormie consoomer who will buy every 5e hardcover until the sun explodes or they release a new edition, whichever comes last.
Having said that, I'm going to poach some of his players for b/x homebrew tomfoolery. Pathfinder 2e obviously took its share of players. I've seen interest in Cosmere and Forbidden Lands rising too.
Sheeit OP... I'm doing session zero today with my usual group for a new campaign. Gonna start next weekend.

Gonna do survival horror meets exploration. Lewis and Clark type of shit on a fey-twisted continent.
Our first campaign together is ending soon, we did it on 5e because it was one of the guys first TTRPG experience. I can't wait to move on to some Nu-SR Fantasy stuff or Paranoïa but we're probably going to try a few systems before settling
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Fun fact: Paladins will now have a harder time breaking free from effects like Hold Person, because their Aura of Protection is disabled while they are Incapacitated.
Good catch. Sleep spell could also be a good option, though in both cases these are Wisdom saves which Paladins are quite good at.
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King slime boss but during its turn it spawns slimes according to the attacks taken during the turn; the slimes have the same health as the attacks that spawned them and inherit their properties in their own attacks (ranged, elemental, spell, etc), with the rest of the stats scaling with their max health.
Yay/nay? Also please share fun boss mechanics that players can figure out during combat.
I've been slowly shifting my friends from WoTC slop to skirmish wargames.
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Here's a list of reactionary attack/double sneak attack options that I found with only the 2024 PHB. You'd need advantage on this attack (Lucky feat or Foresight or Reckless Attack) or you'd have to have an ally next to the opponent when you make the attack to get Sneak Attack:

>The target moves out of your melee reach using one of their speeds, action, Bonus Action, or Reaction without disengaging or having some feature, effect, or spell that stops it from provoking an opportunity attack. (The spells: Dissonant Whispers, Fear, Command (Flee and Approach), Confusion, and Compulsion can trigger this)
>You use the Riposte Combat Maneuver
>You take the Ready Action- to attack after a Trigger occurs- using your reaction. (Fighter's Action Surge, Haste, Swift Quiver, War Cleric's War Priest, and Sorcerer's Quicken Spell make this consistent)
>The Guardian benefit of the Sentinel Feat
>The 10th-level Berserker Barbarian feature Retaliation
>The 15th-level Glory Paladin feature Glorious Defense
>A Battle Master uses the Commander's Strike Combat Maneuver on you

Since Opportunity Attacks can now be used on allies, getting Hasted via an ally with War Caster might be easier.
it depends on the table. The crunchier players are moving to pathfinder, while the people who enjoy more narrative and RP heavy games are sticking with 5e
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currently playing a Long Bow fighter (level 7 Samurai Aasimar) and I'm wondering if there's any real reason to progress in the class after level 12. I already have 20 Dex and Sharpshooter, so I don't think there's much more I can do to increase my damage output beyond some ridiculous magic items. I have enough Wisdom to potentially multiclass into War Cleric or Monk, but that's a question of timing & not totally gimping myself in the process. What do you say, /tg/?
Did they? I thought ORC was specifically to avoid that sort of bullshit.
op, pf1e was written in ogl entirely and is now dead save the companies still publishing supplements. it won't change regardless of what 2e is doing with their orc license, so feel free to use it
Which ones specifically?
sounds like a lot of busy work, keeping tack of specific traits on the fly for multiple minions

>Also please share fun boss mechanics that players can figure out during combat.

-King slime has an aura: all slimes within 300ft have a +10 to hit
-at the top of the round, 3 slime minions drop from the ceiling, right next to player characters
-When someone begins casting a spell, the king slime shivers and spits out a minion at the caster's location (2d4+5 bludgeoning) and a slime minion is spawned
-the king slime has two attacks: body slam and rollout

king slime leaps into the air and lands in a location, targets 10ft around its space and any creatures in that space make a DEX save
king slime charges in a 60ft line

Any targets hit by Body slam or rollout make a DEX save for 2d12+5, save for half damage, and 2+X slime minions are spawned, X being the number of failed DEX saves
-minions have 6 health, hit for 1d4+2, and have a +5 to hit.

If you need to pump up the difficulty, when king slime kills a slime (slimes in the body slam space and rollout area automatically fail their DEX save), he heals 6 HP and the ceiling slimes can be replaced with gray ooze
2014 or 2024?

obviously the answer is to worry about that when you're a level 10-11 which is probably months away
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>what TTRPG system is your group moving to?
We played Shadow of the Demon Lord and liked it and there's a (sequel?) called Shadow of the Weird Wizard now so we might check that out and see if it's an improvement.
cute tits
I'm prepping a Shadow of the Weird Wizard game, it's a decent evolution (i especially like the streamlined spellcasting/power progression, which has been somewhat ported back to demon lord)
Setting imo, lacks "weirdness", but it's just starting after all; for all the shitpost (albeit somewhat legit sometimes) about Demon Lord tone and shit joke, I really liked the setting, but it had like 10+ years to develop; there are a few hooks in Weird Wizard that have some potential. One of the city is entierly about doing dungeon crawling, though i'm not sure if the system has a whole is good for doing just pure dungeon crawl.
Really neat Expert & master path, just as in Demon Lord
2014. The table has shown zero interest in switching over to 5.5

Also I should rephrase that: how much would I be hurting myself by Multiclassing before I get my third attack?
I don't mind the amount of extra minions, I actually already have an excel spreadsheet to manage them with a single click, down to their individual rolls and randomly chosen attacked player. That said, I like your ideas, thanks.
if you know you're going to get to 11th level, an early multiclass is no good.
Same here, I liked the dark faery-like lore and the demonic deep lore from SotDL. It was unique and different from most other fantasy cosmologies, and did the "dark fantasy" part fairly well with in-setting events and also mechanics like corruption.
fey stuff (+men of gog)was my favorite of the lore, weird wizard dials back a bit on them, but they are still cunts.
I wouldn't worry too much, just reach level 11/12 for the third attack and asi and then branch out as you'd like. I figure that you have at least 13 or 14 wisdom; so yeah anything from cleric to monk could give out some flavor but I doubt it would be gamechanging, especially for Monk as you'd get their subclass even later and none of them are that interesting . I'd definitly go cleric just for the potential mechanic, but flavor/reason to multiclass are interesting to think up too.
>game in 3 hours
>have no desire to see other people today
>already agreed to drive the DM

Just talk to your group like a human being. Everyone has life shit to deal with outside the game. You could always drop the DM off if you feel that obligated.
>Mine was eyeing PF1e but then they tried to do their own version of the OGL nonsense.
Are you retard, troll or useful idiot of WotC?
Neither of my ongoing groups has any interest in updating to 2024 edition. We'll review the idea when one of the campaigns wraps up but from general chatter they seem to be largely unhappy with a lot of the changes or find them pointless.
looking forward to the 2024 book, currently playing pf2e and i miss 5e
nah I'm going to force myself to go, I'm sure I'll feel bettr once I get there and this campaign is basically in perma-limbo because of the DMs mental health. Once I get a new job I probably will soft-exit the campaign due to scheduling
That weapon list in the 2024 phb made morning stars look like a poor choice, mechanically.

1d8 piercing is covered by War Picks, Rapiers, and Tridents, all of which have additional options.

The war pick even covers the Sap weapon mastery, while being lighter and cheaper.

What would you change, to give the morning star its own identity? Personally, I would switch out Sap for Graze, as there are currently no piercing weapons with Graze, and the spiky ball seems like a good candidate for near-miss injuries.
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Perhaps heroically suicide your character within first hour?
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Fucking hell, man. Fell's Five was such a good comic. Shame it got cancelled.
Frostgrave ATM because it's D20 which tricks their small brains into thinking it's d&d. I'm trying to get someone to try oathmark with me soon too.
I'd rather just delete it.

Mechanically, it's worse by every metric than a war pick
Thematically, it's hardly different enough from a mace to really matter.

5e isn't like pathfinder that has 8 different kinds of spear. THis is one situation where I think It's perfectly fine to "simplify" and remove it.
>/5eg/, is there any genre of combat-heavy ttrpg that you couldn't easily make by making small mods to 5e's chassis?
Lancer would be nearly impossible to replicate in 5e, it's just not built for mecha.

Having seen Carbon Pink, space/far-future no-magic settings doesn't jive well. You can see the lore visibly straining to make something like the druids mechanics make sense as nanobot goo, or to explain angel and demon summons as computer viruses empowered with hard-light holograms.

And when people tried to back-engineer a properly MtG magic system to fit with all the MtG settings for D&D that keep getting released but don't really play right to feel MtG, that didn't really work either.

So to not need to basically rewrite everything from scratch, you need a setting to have Magic and Monsters, and roughly conceptually approximate Classes. You can kind of avoid certain conflicts by removing classes, but too much removal affects game play, for instance if you remove cleric and bard and druid and mercy monk, suddenly there are no good support healers and the party has to take Healer and a lot of short rests or else the DM needs to use the DMG Healing Surge variant rule.

And you need it to jive well with Spell Slots/Spells Known, or at the very least DMG Spell Point variant rule mana pool style magic.
An autistic and exhaustive homebrewing of 5E, of course!
>-King slime has an aura: all slimes within 300ft have a +10 to hit
>in 5e
Why not just say they always hit by that point?
>slime rolls 3, +5+10
>cleric has 19AC
>slime misses

15 is solid. trading advantage on one attack for +1 attack attack.

So you BA Fighting Spirit, Action Surge

Action 1
Rapid Strike Attack with Advantage
Attack with Advantage
Attack with Advantage

Action 2
Attack with Advantage
Attack with Advantage
Attack with Advantage

oh and you have 15 temphp.

If you're a no short rests type of party, you outperform BM's power attack+precision strike nova.
Not them, but for a similar sorta build, would going elf/eladrin for elven accuracy outweigh the damage from aasimar dealing extra radiant damage equal to their proficiency per hit or is the higher crit potential not worth it over the raw damage?
only Heavy Melee weapons get graze and cleave.
just like only light weapons can get nick, only 2hand or versatile get Push, and only rogue weapons can get Vex.

if you want to know the rules for weapon designing, they had rules for fighters swapping them in the playtest UAs.
>it only has an 85% chance to hit a min-maxed cleric on its best turn!
The aura will still apply on the initial save so I don't see them having any problem
extra advantage dice has diminishing returns.
elven accuracy only gives about half as much bonus as just advantage.

>is the higher crit potential
just ignore crits period tbqh.
A max level rogue gets less than 2 damage per attack from their 10d6 sneak attacks critting.

unless you're going whole hog in on crits, the return is never worth it.
Consider into your calculations that Aasimar can only nova once per day
that term has lost all meaning in this general
Probably. Believe it or not I picked Aasimar for the temporary fly speed & rp opportunities (my character was bound by loyalty to be a mob boss' assassin, and I thought it would be cool to have that extra weight on his conscience)
>literally +0 AC bonuses
lmao what
I ended up cancelling
What's the best class for going at it alone? Wizard or Cleric?
cleric or paladin
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Of those two, definitely cleric. A wizard would die the first time you encounter a giant ape.
a cleric with shield of faith of faith can get it at level 1 tho
chainmail + shield + shield of faith is 20 AC
scale mail + shield + shield of faith + 12 dex is 19 AC
How can the cleric deal with ranged enemies that can fly?
The same way as everyone else? What a stupid question.
By prepping spells to help with that or using a crossbow. Like the other anon said, that's a fucking stupid question.
>ducking the question
So he can't. Wizard it is.
How can a wizard deal with flying ranged enemies? And no, saying any spells or ranged weapons isn't an answer according to (You).
if this mean I can double class as rune knight + battlemaster it's fine by me
>gee, Bill why does the DM let you have two wizards?
>his group doesn't have maneuvers as a base feature for fighters
Also it's probably a glitch due to the new level 3 subclass shit. Wonder if it works for clerics.
>what's a cantrip
he doesn't know, he just wanted people to tell him to play a wizard
ngl I don't think the vibes around this game have been this bad since 4e came out. And even then, things were slightly rosier because 3.x had absolute fuckloads of content that most players hadn't touched yet so there was years of content to trawl through during the bad years
Guiding bolt
The cultural juggernaut of D&D will continue regardless of how zoomers feel about vibes
With their multiple ranged cantrips, javelins, or a heavy crossbow??? What kind of goofy-ass question is that?

Literally every character at a table should be packing some kind of non-spell slot ranged offense.

Yes even the barbarian. Yes even the paladin. Yes even the monk. Monk gets shortbow and hand crossbow and every thrown weapon but Trident. Barbarian and paladin get all of them.

Honestly, I'd even say it's more optimal for a wizard to carry a light crossbow than use no-CC damage cantrips until level 5, as long as they've got a +3 dex mod. 1d8+3 at a +5 is better than 1d10 at a +5/+6.
It a glitch because they're technically two separate classes.
So you can choose to be a 2014 Wizard 3, 2024 Wizard 7, because someone forgot to specifically turn off that ability.
>local company keeps fucking up
lmao fucking retards
>They got rid of the Sorcerer's exclusive spell Sorcerous Vitality remade it into Arcane Vigor and then gave it to the Sorcerer...AND Wizard
>They made a cool and powerful Sorcerer-exclusive spell called Arcane Eruption then they got rid of it replacing it with nothing
At least we got Sorcerous Burst right Sorcerer bros...
Last week I posted a breakdown of which backgrounds are most viable for which classes.

now, inspired by >>93828917 and 93829279, I've done something similar with Weapon Masteries by modifying my old sheet that let you know which properties fighters could reassign to what.


Dexadin's options are atrocious.
didn't you get the ability to go super saiyan caster?
>Chaos Bolt gone and more or less merged into Chromatic Orb
It wasn't even that good a spell, but it'd be nice for Sorcerers to have a few unique spells..
>Dexadin's options are atrocious.
Looks like a dexadin with a monk dip has pretty good options though.
You'd have to choose between AC and Aura bonus though.
yeah not having any makes it weird that you can't pick them for Magic Initiate or Bard secrets.
>player count has dropped in half for two weeks cause players having depressive episodes
Bros this game is falling apart. I know I said it was an semi open table but this is getting out of hand? Do I pull the plug or try to bring in more people?
>loading, meaning by default only 1 attack per action.
>But no feat to ignore loading like crossbows. Meaning completely and irreparably incompatible with extra attack. it will ONLY EVER have 1 attack per action.
>literally the cost of a +1 magic item, so not for martials that don't have extra attack yet but will be getting it at 5th
>rogue, the only martial that doesn't get extra attack, doesn't get proficiency

Valor Bards casting a True Strike with their other attack?
Clerics and Druids that go Protector/Warden?
swap to westmarches, ye.
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>Clerics and Druids that go Protector/Warden?
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artificers and people who aren't retarded and carry more than 1 firearm
depending on DM ruling, i don't know if valor bard can. depends if true strike made with an attack action counts as being made with an action or as part of the spell.

that said, like somebody mentioned last thread, it never says you can't load and shoot more than 1 loading per action, just that you can't load and shoot the same one twice in the same action.

So if you weapon juggle between 2 muskets you're fine. Or even just two pistols one in each hand, though you'd still have to do draw and stow shenanigans to have a free hand to load.
>i can't load the same pistol twice, but i can load 2 separate pistols

surely that's not actually how that works is it?
>You can fire only one piece of ammunition from a Loading weapon when you use an action, a Bonus Action, or a Reaction to fire it, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.

it doesn't say loading weaponS, just "a weapon" so... seemingly yes.

I guess imagine pouring the powder down both at the same time then having two ramrods you use at the time time in the same hand to push the ball down both.

Speaking of, where is the cost for powder in the 2024 PHB? Is it just rolled into "firearm bullets"? is that why they're 2lbs for a set of 10 and 3GP, compared to sling bullets that are 20 for 4cp and 1.5lb?
Actually wait, does that kind of imply cartridged rounds? But like.. it's a musket it's by definition front-loading...
Front-loading cartridges? What nonsense have the rock gnomes been up to?
dex just seems
kinda fucking cucked?
but nick and vex are the best masteries
which ehhhh
i don't think i like that
i guess str can still use those weapons though, they're not obliged to be dex
>only rogue weapons can get Vex.
My fighter with thrown handaxes says hello
handaxes are light. rogue weapons are all lights and finesses.
>casting polymorph and dropping tje concentration instantly gives the target 157 thp
>a lvl 5 fighter with weapon mastery in scimitars for nick, a scimitar in their hand, another scimitar on their belt and a shield in the offhand can make three attacks with one action if they juggle the scimitars
>conjure minor elemental + eldritch blast + quickened spell + potent cantrips
>lvl 18 sorcerers can summon ten dragon spirits
So it's written by AI, right?
Yea well, my fighter is gonna throw a handaxe, vex the enemy, use a bonus action from light property to throw another handaxe with advantage, vex the enemy, move to melee, use my multiattack to hit with a greatsword
that polymorph thing isn't real and is a product of the worst possible intentionally obtuse reading
CME, nicker, sorc, all real
as written you don't even need to be using scimtars, you could be doing the juggle with a vex weapon and just have the nick mastery known
this unironically has more basis in "rules as written" than the stupid poly temp hp thing or extending armor of agathys's damage component past the original duration
>though you'd still have to do draw and stow shenanigans to have a free hand to load.
Or just carry a brace of pistols.
Read from the book how long temp hp lasts
I know what it says
I also know how specific vs general works, and how the temp hp is part of the spell's effect, and thus ends when the spell does, regardless of temp HP's original ending conditions.
I'm planning to go as a melee Paladin 1 \ Hexlock 1 \ Paladin X into "Descent into Avernus" (no spoilers, please). Maybe I'll take 3nd level of Hexlock later.
Question is - what paladin Oath to take? So it would be mechanically sound for the DiA on the one hand, and not too lawful-good on the other - party includes a necromancer (neutral alignment) and there may be not-kill-on-sight encounters with devils in the DiA, I assume.
I heard Devotion fits best, mechanically, but it could be problematic RP-wise, if I understand the Oath correctly.
yes before breech-loading became the standard many muzzle-loading firearms used paper cartridges. here's some from the american civil war.
No, 5e rules say thp drop when the effect that gave them drops. 5.24 rules say thp drop when you take a long rest.
I'm not saying anyone should play it RAW, I'm saying the book is not written by a conscious human being.
How would you implement Roman-era equipment rules without completely fucking front-line martials over?

Preferably without the obvious step of switching to another system.
I'm saying the change doesn't matter, the THP being a spell effect makes that line being missing irrelevant. If you had a spell with a duration of instant then the thp would work that way, and hey, what do you know that's power word fortify.
Everything else you mentioned is "yeah wizards is just fucking stupid" but they're genuinely retarded things and not stuff that you have to make absolutely asinine intentionally ignorant reaches to justify. like CME scaling? that's just fucked, there's no further dumb reading needed
Everyone at the frontline has a shield, a spear, protection fighting style and sentinel.
Backline uses protection on the frontline and the frontline stabs
>TQ: well, since it's obvious interest in 5e and especially 5.24e is in its death throes, what TTRPG system is your group moving to? Mine was eyeing PF1e but then they tried to do their own version of the OGL nonsense.

I'm currently trying out a Pathfinder 2e campaign but that's more because the DnD5e campaign I'm in keeps getting pushed back with no clear indication when we're gonna play again
My main group will probably keep playing DnD since everyone's rather casual. We've played Delta Green before but that was years ago
Do Artificiers still have the Repeater infusion?

Is Gunner still a feat?
So im playing a level 12 druid with new player handbook. Problem is the only cr4 beast is the elephant.If anyone has the monster manual can you let me know what other beasts are in it. Please screenshot the statsheet if you can.
not even wotc has the new monster manual yet lol
>but nick and vex are the best masteries
i mean, don't sleep on graze. the majority of blast spells DPR comes from the guaranteed half. graze basically gives your attacks that same benefit.
and cleave is decidedly good when swarmed.
Plus, you can't forget the differences in feats.

GWM gives prof to all attacks, including your 3rd attack from Cleave and potentially a 4th attack from the feat's BA.
Dual Wielder just gives 1 BA extra attack, probably with a d4 or d6 light weapon unless you're doing highly advanced juggling. It's more reliable to get all 4 attacks, but the damage is way lower.

>dex just seems kinda fucking cucked?
i mean, they definitely have lower damage dice.
And yeah, outside of a 1 level monk dip for slow and sap simples, it's literally only Nick, Vex, and Slow other than Push on Heavy Crossbow, which needs a feat and rogues don't get it at all. And the dex Slows are all on ranged other than Whip.
But it's hard to understate just how useful the ability to pull out something with >30ft range is, even if it's not the most damage anymore due to somehow apparently unforeseen by the devs synergies.

unless you're dropping them on the ground, you're still drawing them and stowing them from the brace.

they can make 3 attacks if they throw knives. why couldn't they make 3 attacks with scimitars?

Sounds like normal gameplay. I'm not sure what you think you're saying.
neither of those were reprinted.
gunner rather noticably so, given that guns were made phb core, and the majority of tashas feats that don't break 5.24e's "don't give out class identity stuff" design philosophy made it in completely unchanged.

so... only as unsupported but "technically compatible except where it isn't" legacy content, same as plasmoid or shepherd druid or martial adept.

CRs won't change. and i wouldn't expect beast stat blocks to change too too much. just use the 2014 statblocks for anything that wasn't updated.
Never was a fan of the lacking list of animals you could turn into each CR level up and the reliance on the Elementals
they don't even GET elementals anymore.
Then what's the point, is there even a sort of compensating replacement for that?
How the fuck are emanations supposed to work on a grid? It can't be from the center of the creature's square since half squares aren't a thing.
Graze doesn't duplicate additional damage so it's largely pointless
They work the same way spells with a range of self and a radius of effect worked.
From the edge of the creature's space.
whats your opinion on 2024 phb?
I didn't read all the changes but I liked some some of them
however I see mostly negative comments
whats the issue?
i mean except the obvious cashgrab
blame real life.
can you name 5 real life animals as dangerous as a Medusa or a Young Brass Dragon?
The sheer, contemptible cowardice in introducing angelic sparkledogs as a core race in the playtest, then backtracking on it.
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I've been pulling out and looking through my 3.5 books lately; guess I'm feeling nostalgic, so I'll probably head there.
nope. that's how the rules work. things that got reprinted are replaced.
things that aren't reprinted are quasi-legal legacy content.

it's almost entirely either
>butthurt halfcaster players
>people who don't like that martials get a draw or stow between each attack not just 1 a turn like it was.
>people mad that there's several day 0 erratas, and likely more on the way, because the book was rushed as fuck to print because Hasbro is breathing down WotC's neck since it's the only thing keeping them financially afloat, and MtG is already being pushed to the point of breaking so it can't be squeezed any harder.
How would you write a oneshot for a party of cripples having to go through a dungeon with the sole purpose of being as anti-handicap accessible as possible?
>Draw/stow between each attack
Is that a thing? Is Diablo IV barbarian weapon juggling the new meta for martials?
It's worth mentioning for those who are unfamiliar that you don't actually load the whole paper cartridge into the gun. It's more like a convenient little package for your bullet and the correct amount of powder, so you don't have to carry them separately and fumble between them each step.
To be fair there are Beasts in the game that aren't even real, aren't around anymore or some variation of one another
I'm going to continue to blame WotC for never bothering to bring back things I think are neat from previous editions

The book has a good couple of nice ideas but has plenty of bad one's that make you wonder how that happened and how it got past playtesting, which then makes you consider that they actually hadn't worked on this new edition till fairly recently
they said they're still coming in a later book, just that it needed more drawing board time.
same as Bastions originally being PHB and Brawler fighter.

I'd write it as a DCC style funnel. Everybody starts with 4 level 0 characters (race, origin feat, background, 1 simple weapon, 1 skill, 1d6 HD), with randomly rolled stats and disability.

that's an almost perfect comparison, because the main reason you'd want to switch weapons between attacks is to swap between different Weapon Mastery effects like slowing or pushing or cleaving to a second target.
Circles are squares on a grid.
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People are obviously focusing on the negative changes because that's just how the internet works. It's overall a mixed bag. There's definitely some eyebrow raisers in there and some places where I disagree with their methods/intentions, but it's... fine I guess.
If I had to say something positive, I'm very pleased that my pet build Thief Rogue w/ Healer not only survived but now you're not so locked into Vuman to pull it off.
emanations aren't even a new thing, they're just finally given a proper keyword.
see Astral Self monk''s activation kaboom or Spirit Guardians.

It's from a point at a vertex, or if from a creature, from the edge of its space.
Lorewise how hard would it be to make a pact with Titania?
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Make a deal with her daughter instead.
>Lesser god
Fuck no
Very, unless you have an ass's head and her husband doped her up on something.
>ass's head
Do you mean a donkey's head?
Monks ate especially well. I do miss tongue of the sun and moon though.
Rogues ate well other than UMD ignoring class stuff on thief only works for common scrolls (which are now shop purchasable). But in trade, they can use a Pipes of Haunting or Wand of Viscid Globs or a Cubic Gate as a Bonus Action, so I feel like that's fine.
Fighter ate well other than Superior Technique not getting made a fighting style feat for battlemasters. Champion and EK especially got improvements.
Barbarian is pretty much objectively improved, though some specific individuals on /5eg/ prefer the original non-feature brutal critical to the markedly stronger brutal strikes, for Timmy reasons.
Things that were broken cheese got brought down to their originally dev-intended strength (all long overdue).
Some classes seem nerfed to people bad at the game, but taken as a whole are actually slightly buffed side-grades that are just less obvious to some, for instance a lot of people are really undervaluing weapon masteries because they've yet to see them in play and never done any math.

this just shrieks "Ed Greenwood." Like a bull elk in rut.

he's referencing midsommar knight's dream.
Net positive, but not worth a whole new book.

Shelled out for the digital version, which I also get at a discount.
Ok so I played bg3 and I have a question
How come if you take over the netherbrain no one seems to be able to stop you? Wouldn't elminster or the like do so?
because you touch yourself at night.

Bgg is garbage and only talks about shadowheart and halsin
well here we talk about pen and paper tabletops, since this is /tg/ - Traditional Games.

So i guess you're just fat out of luck, maybe try reddit.
Funny you say that while reddit spacing. Your disguise almost worked.
It's a supercharged elder brain merged with an artefact a mortal once used to become a god, anon. Consider the chaos it caused BEFORE you took it over. Dealing with the guy who managed to turn a creature like that into his personal weapon is pretty much a high-level campaign in of itself, complete with coordination between major factions and famed heroes.
Alright thanks anon
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>Recalling the reason they don't make Superiority and manuevers built in to the core class.

If you're too scared to do anything but say "I-I hit it...With my sword?!" Then using spells is far out of your league as well.

It still makes me mad that fighters and martials are still gimped while they keep churning out new spells to add to the spellcaster's kit.
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Ok, what the FUCK is going on with two weapon fighting? I can't see to get a straight answer and there seems to be some level of fuckery going on the rules and the words involved because my table spent like an hour going back and forth on how this works and even after the fighter got it wrong once. But the fighter was doing some crazy damage because they had a flametongue shortsword and a custom scimitar which also did bonus radiant damage on hit.

Anyways, this is how my table interpreted it
>Main hand attack with Scimitar, proc nick, add shortsword to the attack, being a 9th level fighter he got an additional attack. So for a single attack action he could make 3 attacks
>Bonus action attack as standard with light off hand, or if applicable dual wielder feat enhanced two weapon fighting attack using weapon that does not contain the two handed weapon property
So as a 9th level fighter he can make 4 attacks / 6 (with action surge) and is averaging about 50-60 damage a turn (as stated by DM)
So the two weapon fighter went from one of our weakest party members to THE strongest one because of all this fuckery with two weapon fighting style, dual wielder feat and weapon mastery nick
no it's from having a flametongue and a radiant flametongue lmao
congrats, you discovered why flametongues are the best weapons in the game
you do need the dual wielder feat to get the separate bonus action attack, resulting in the 4 attacks, but otherwise your breakdown is correct
>still gimped
behold, another person underestimating masteries.
using nick with dual wielder does get you 4 attacks a turn by re-freeing your bonus action, yes.

Though more correctly and more optimally I think it would be

Shortsword (adv from vex)
Scimitar TWF Nick (adv from vex)

Shortsword Dual Wielder (adv from vex)

>But the fighter was doing some crazy damage because they had a flametongue shortsword and a custom scimitar which also did bonus radiant damage on hit.
Ah. well there's your problem.
>See that there's a new Book called Book of Ebon Tides
>Bunch of new races
>Feels like an assortment of crazy characters

Cool that we got more races to choose from but the variety is so much I'm not too sure on the tone of it
without the magic weapons, assuming TWF style, he'd be doing roughly

1d6+5 * .65
1d6+5 * ((.65)*(1-(1-.65)^2)+(1-.65)*.65)
1d6+5 * ((.65)*(1-(1-.65)^2)+(1-.65)*.65)
1d6+5 * ((.65)*(1-(1-.65)^2)+(1-.65)*.65)

total of 29.218125.
14.97 more during Action Surge.
god I hate the new vex math.
anon I average 40 damage per turn with a regular old longbow and Sharpshooter. 80 if I use Action Surge. Hell, I'm not even level 10 yet. If you're that het up over Fighter doing a lot of damage you're quite literally never going to make it.
it's 3rd party, so... of course it's all over the place.
WotC's not going to partner with a 3rd party that's going to show them up.
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people like him are the reason martials will never prosper.


go roll through a minefield.
>several thousand gold
You can't buy magic items
>Downtime Activity: Buying a Magic Item XGE p126

you can't RELIABLY AND EASILY buy a magic item. you have to spend time hunting down a seller, and if you're looking for a specific item, seeing if they even have it, then negotiating a price. It's a lengthy, somewhat costly, and skill-check heavy affair. But it can be done, and there is price ranges given per rarity.
Why is the file deleted?
which one? if it's easyupload, its because they get DMCAed. we were doing pretty good until somebody told one of the wotc corpos lurking how to decrypt the address.
meant the OP
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>be human storm sorceress
>adopted by fairies, raised in the feywild since birth, now 2,000 years old
>only member of the party to be immortal
>now level 16, getting pretty powerful with magic at this point
>party has taken on new player: an ascended male elf that's roughly 30 years old, and an NPC that's a female elf around 12-13 years old
>elf girl NPC also happens to be a magic user and (as usual) unfortunately has no parents, party is likely going to look after her (as usual)
>the elf girl also happens to be a magic user
I'm kinda hoping my character gets to look after her and become a sort of mentor figure to her and help teach her a little about magic and fighting.
right, there's two links in OP. which one?
mods probably thought it was too political to blame Blackrock for the dying state of WotC.
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I'm so fucking dumb

I meant the OP image
>12 year old elf
don't forget her teething ring.

bruh just check the archive.
no, I see it, I just wanna know why it was deleted and >>93841280 answered me
>cope for not having maneuvers as a base feature for fighters
ok retard
>1d6+5 x 4 --> 34 avg
>leaving 16-26 from additional damage from magic weapons1
>flametongue x2 = 2d6 x2 --> 14 avg
It adds up, but only because of the magic weapon, otherwise they're roughly par for a barely minmaxed fighter.
No, there are optional rules in a now-defunct book for dms to choose to let you do it.
Well, 12 years old by elf reckoning.
If your PC wanted to find gauntlets of ogre power or a belt of hill giant's strength, how would you go about it in the Forgotten realms?
I'm about to start playing in a published campaign & am thinking about quite early and as often as possible trying to find libraries or people who might know what direction to point me in to find specific magic items. Is this something you would just straight up ask the DM for outside of play? Or try and make it make sense in game?
head to waterdeep

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