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Previous: >>93831943

Good taste edition.

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM (embed)

>how to proxy using any printer

>Thread Question/Prompt:
Simple TQ, who is your favorite commander and why?
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Marrow-Gnawer. I live for the simple things, and I like "tribal" synergies rather than comboing off some commander effect
Super powerful
Inferno of the ones I regularly play, but I have digital lists for Velomachus, Kosei and Zacama that I'm sure will rival it when I make them irl
Nice, I recently built this one with less rat colonies and no thrumming stone because I thought it would be boring to just build it with a million of the same card. What do you think? Should I just spam RC?

I enjoy being archenemy. Also because I purposefully built the deck without wheels, it basically makes it so no one else has to ever worry about drawing crads, so all of their decks function better and they never have to worry about missing a land drop. It's like a group hug deck, but everyone hates you.
It would certainly be more effective, but thrumming stone immediately makes a deck more predictable and less fun.
Simple, solid fun.
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I like this guy. He's simple but the power he can build up for himself and the board can't be underestimated. I also like the flavor of the deck and the way it builds power.
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There is something special about tapping other players creature on their turn.
Someone got filtered
I wanted to build this but he just seems like such a huge target
Boy I sure do enjoy having a cost reduction commander that is impossible to go infinite, a islands matter commander in monoblue that makes my lands islands, and a voltron commander that has no protection or evasion.
>impossible to go infinite
You again lmao
Who gives a shit about that
He is. From my experience, everyone at the table quickly realizes after he gets a few counters just how much of a threat he is and how much the deck relies on him. Because of that you need some protection spells and options to keep him around. Some of the Sigarda and the one Avacyn are also good and thematic ways to keep him and your board up. That and back up plans. Things like Door of Destinies can help keep the heat off him. But it's not going to be perfect. The big thing I've found you need to keep in mind with Kyler is that you rarely get to cast him early. Or if you do he's going to be removed before you get to get everything up and going. He's often a late game play to turn a board from numerous weak 1/1s to fatal in one move. He's open ended enough in the colors he's in that you can build him a bunch of ways though so there's a lot of directions you could go while still keeping things in theme and effective.
Who? And your "super powerful" commander should do at least one thing super powerful.
i built an eluge deck and got bullied out of my lgs for asking about my decklist, never went through with building it.

looking for making a smiling-flood deck without extra turnshit
unironically this was super fun to play a bunch of shitty utility lands "oh you cant destroy the rogues passage/reliquary tower, its technically an island"
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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Time to make that one anon seethe again
But how will you get three blue pips to cast him if all your utility lands dont make blue? And how would being an island protect them from anything when it's still a nonbasic?
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Kino. Not very good, but it's always fun to choose a permanent type I don't have, because it's always fun to shit on the walker player.
What is the most enjoyable precon deck you have played with little to no upgrades?
I did upgrade it shortly after but her upgrades are cheap because no deck really needs dungeons but hers
This old man was my first commander and is still my favorite.
Though I immediately replaced the Mothman with The Master, the precon did actually work decently well. There's enough mill cards in the precon that you can get a couple of options of your own to bring back or mill your opponents to pick from one of their creatures. Eventually I replaced the vast majority of the precon, but the first few weeks playing the mostly unchanged version wasn't half bad.
I imagine he's only gotten better as etb's become more common
I built a deck with Master, but I don't think that the precon works well with him. It's much more designed for mothman instead.
It really is. The Mothman doesn't really care what it mills to gain value. As long as it's a nonland you are getting something out of it but The Master needs it to be a creature to get anything out of it. It's not as out of place as some other precon side commanders are, still don't know what they were thinking with Mr. House, but he's not as synergistic as he could be. Still, if you can get Mothman and The Master out together you're probably going to be having a good time.
She gets removed a lot, but I still love her.
Master's biggest problem is that you need another consistent source or rad counters, which I never managed to get when I had Master as the commander, otherwise he's just a one shot, and you're pretty much limited to giving the rads to yourself. Maybe I had just shit draws, but Master consistently underperformed. As a non precon commander, he's great, and I like him better than I like mothman, mostly because he's more interesting and more open ended.
House was really wack, It didn't have any real synergy with Caesar, aside from maybe making tokens to sacrifice. Caesar itself is a powerhouse.
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Nashi, Shadow Seeker
Legendary Creature - Rat Ninja Wizard

Each time Nashi deals damage to a player, you mill that many cards. You may put any number of legendary and/or enchantment cards from among those milled into your hand. If you don't, put a +1/+1 counter on Nashi.
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This is actually pretty good. I know the finality counter is a bummer, but any reanimation spell you can cast from the graveyard tends to be pretty solid
Do my commanders have to be in the top 100 for games to be fun for both me and my pod? I have a few decks I've built on moxfield that look fun, but the commanders aren't necessarily the best in class for their archetype. I'm tired of agonizing over builds on moxfield instead of just buying my deck and playing the game with real people.
If they're top 100 they probably won't be fun. You should build shit you want to play, not shit that's meta.
Yeah the Master needs a little more to work. Had the precon came with a Mesmeric Orb or at least an Altar Of The Brood or something similar, then he'd be out of the box playable. As it stands you need guys like Mothman or Screeching Scorchbeast to do anything with him and without those he's just not working. And those all need a turn or two to get going which is hard to manage. The Master still ended up being one of my favorite commanders in a long time to play with, but he's not one you can just play out of the box. As for Mr. House, I have no idea what was the plan with him. I have a friend who was hellbent on making him work and almost immedietly he had to cut almost every card that came in the precon. They really couldn't have at least given the precon a few more dice cards? Or at least an untap artifact and treasure generators so you could at least use Mr. House himself to roll.
Mishra hands down.

>with little ... upgrades?
If you want one can swap out two or three of it's payoffs for just any artifacts your really enjoy, and it keeps chugging along at the same speed. It's great.
>rat and ninja and wizard
meme language
It depends entirely on your pod, what decks they run, and at what power level. Commanders are on the top 100 based on popularity, not necessarely power. You're right though, you'll never get anywhere just thinking about builds, you have to actually play games and get a feeling for your playgroup.
Copying lists on Internet isn't commander
Yes but accusing someone who took inspiration from other lists of copying someone isnt commander either.
No? Just pick one you like and work around them. Yes, it's going to be rough if you are dealing with an opponent who can vomit out their whole hand in one turn, but having four players at the table takes some of the heat off you and introduces enough randomness that you can still have some kind of impact even with a weaker commander.
What playmats do you guys use?
Official ones? Custom or any boomers with those Chandra x Liliana ones that were popular?
My pod runs a pretty casual power level, I think the deck I want to build (Skullbriar, the walking grave, >>93836780) will be alright. I'm concerned about my LGS as well, I don't know if I'll be stomped while playing a golgari voltron deck. I chose skullbriar because I thought he looked fun and unique, and he has my favorite art in the entire game.
Isn't this just terrible unburial rites?
You're definetly overthinking this. Commander is the most popular format because you can get away with pretty much anything, you just need to find a playgroup for it. You will build decks, you will play with them and realize why they don't work, you will swap cards and keep making them better. It's all part of the game. Just make the deck you want to play and go play.
Sure, but it's also another copy of it you can run.
sandman op pls nerf
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Rate my Karlach bonus cards.
I was hoping for a Xorn for my monored deck but allegedly Archivist is good for my Azorius deck
Major art upgrade for both cards. Rare WotC W.
The TQ asked about favorite, not powerful.

None of my decks would probably be ranked as “super powerful” but I enjoy them because they’re strategies that I want to play. I would never swap them out for a Nekusar Wheels deck, even if it improved my win rate.
You have white. Just throw in Open the Armory and Steelshaper’s Gift, then add Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots as search targets.

Cheap, simple protection for your biggest boy.
How do you break this card? This just seems okay but nothing insane
I'll add that even though you should just have fun, you should also be aware that some LGS commander scenes are absolute dogshit. You need to be aware of whether your deck has problems or the power level of your group is the problem.
Gay Bolas
Yes, this is very true. Some LGSs just fucking suck, but unfortunately this is another thing you can only really figure out by going there and playing
That Gay Bolas porn posted last thread that went to archive
I don't think 4 cards would have been enough, Master definitely needs more work to be playable. I do run most of the rad cards in my Master deck, but you ought to run wider amount of shit, where with Mothman you can manage well with just mill.
You don't. It's bad.
In EDH the best you can do is run it in the 99 of Satoru. At meme-iest you can run it in Grixis superfriends
I think you'll be fine. One thing I've found when playing at game stores is that there are all kinds of players out there. Some that play on flavor more than anything else or some that are entirely speed and power and everything in between. It's a crap shoot on what you'll get. But one thing that is consistent is that almost everyone can tell when someone is comboing off and when they need to be focused down. If one player starts going too hard they'll have to deal with three other people at the table. That keeps things in check a bit. Just go there to have fun and don't worry too much. Just play some games out and see how it feels as you scope out the store.
Man why can't Nashi get a good Commander card he's cute, give him a precon face card Wizards
I mostly use a Venters Kiki-Jiki mat, but with prereleases, I usually use Ejsing Bitterblossom mat. I have several, but those two are my most used ones, but Kiki-Jiki one sees significantly more use. I really like it, but shame that it has a massive Channel Fireball shitty logo in there.
He goes in the 99 of Ramses Overdark obviously.
This reminds me of the time I played a guy who had brown anime tomboy proxies of all his creatures, and his playmat was also a brown tomboy covered in ooze.
He had the exact deck in nonproxy format in case anybody didn't want him to "use the art I prefer"
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I use the lion child prostitute playmat
What even seems "breakable" about this card anon? Why did you even ask that question?
i like men
I mean Eluge is a worthless Bloomburrow card but there's 2400 decks on edhrec using him
I figure something like Nashi could be better than that
Nashi is fucked because he got pigeonholed into being a character who attacks rather than schemes, yet has zero red influence. If his abilities triggered on anything other than attacking, he'd be good.
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>all these newfags
I use my friends spare playmats.
It's the kind of card more naturally built to be in the 99 of something like Felix or whatever. Good enough to warrant a spot but not good enough to easily build a deck around. Though you could.
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I dont mind, I'm trying to teach them about stax, but it's trying my patience.
Man I like anime alot but I don't think I could ever be as degen as making softcore porn proxies

I'll stick with using sfw weeb stuff for sleeves and playmats, also answering this >>93837527 have 3 vtuber mats and pic for when I'm brewing
Those arent softcore porn. In order to be porn it needs to have visible nipples at minimum and the implication of someone fapping to it.
This. I see more revealing bikinis at the beach but I wouldn't call the gals wearing them softcore pornstars.
It kinda depends, I find myself only really going slow sometimes
but it could probably use more ramp. I try to swing cheap knights in for card selection and often keep lands from looting since Knights are easily revived.
It could probably use some more draw/ramp though, that's for sure. Any particular suggestions, or should I just try to find room for more signets/talismans?
I both hate and love it
>making me actually want to buy Zimone for this
those bastards

Either Sidar Jabari, Mono-Blue Urza, or just by chance Esper Urza. I've really come to love combat decks that focus on colors I like and people seem to pitch a fit if you touch their board so there's always this look of "why are you victimizing me" when you just throw a 4/4 Karnstruct or a 5/5 Knight at a guy with no real big defenders. Esper is easily my favorite color combo as well.
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>low power once-per-turn self mill
>a narrower, shittier Muldrotha

Jesus, Nashi can't catch a break.
This is objectively pornographic lol
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> +1/+1 counters on tokens
It's crazy because he's the only modern Magic lore character I care about too
MTG are such homophobes for not making the men have good cards...
I was going to help you but you're the fag that keeps hating on Eluge so fuck off
He's also an actual rat fucking fag
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>thousands of badass interesting and downright scary characters creatures and beings in magic
>"yeah I built my deck around one of those singing fish toys LMAO"
>That pic
DBZA vibes with Tamiyo as Nappa.
So like is tamiyo dead for real?
Lolno. I dont ask for deck advice. I know how to build good decks; I am a provider of advice.
Q: What house rule could be implemented to balance lifegain in 1v1 in order to prevent endless lifegaining slogs? Played 1v1 Rick vs Angels and this shit dragged forever as both players were gaining and losing about 100 life per turn.
21 commander damage = you lose the game
Commander damage
Modern new MtG characters like Nashi suffer from designers sticking to close to old mechanics.
This card fits perfectly into what Red currently is, but he's a rat and ninjas can't be red. Take all of Nashi's cards, replace black with red, and each one is better
literally commander damage
This is fixed by playing a real format instead of 1v1 commander
I wish they had kept him sultai because running an enchantment deck without white or green is rough
We didn't use commander damage in 1v1. It could have managed this matchup but with other commanders it still might not prevent the slog, also removal was heavy too.
That card is and should 100% be monoblack. Stop having commander brainrot syndrome and remember that there are other formats, adding red would make it harder to cast for no reason other than just giving it another color for commander.
Ikea table cloth
>5 dollars/euro
>bigger than a playmat
Use a combo you dink.
Why wouldn't you use commander damage?
>Modern new MtG characters like Nashi suffer from designers sticking to close to old mechanics
Try "old habits". They clearly made Nashi stay black because its been the main color for rats for decades. Which is funny because the flip-flop on what tribes/classes get what every so often.
Also, that Nashi you posted is fine as black. It's reminiscent to the first Gonti.
>How do we fix [problem that we deliberately created]
Don't create the problem in the first place dingus.
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Commander damage was LITERALLY invented to solve the EXACT problem you have.
It's the one rule that exists to have a way to combat infinite lifegain, so if you don't use it, it's a you problem.
Its "The Last One Forever and Ever (For Real This Time) (We Fucking Mean It)"
Yeah she died after being compleated and so now Nashi inherited her scroll to be a historian and keep track of legends, that's why Moon's Legacy and now Shadow Seeker are heavily focused on Legendaries (people think he lost green because it didn't suit him to completely model his life after hers so he kept blue as his own way of remembering her)
>adding red
Not adding, making it monored

>other formats
You mean the formats where Nashi sees under 1% play?
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I just love his mechanic. When that engine gets going it’s pure dopamine
Because the games usually end too quickly. In this case it dragged forever and our brains melted from life-gain/loss math. Unfortunately I'm stuck with 1v1 because if lucky my playgroup gathers once per year, and at least I can play 1v1 every week.
I understand this, but in our case commander removal gets heavy and it doesn't really solve most matchups where the commander is not really a combat centerpiece.
That's even worse. He wouldn't have the "pay life instead of mana" clause if it were red, and ninjutsu isn't part of red's color pie. A monored version of that card would just be an entirely different card. It also doesn't matter that he sees no play in other formats, a non-commander set card's design shouldn't be changed with commander in mind, that's how we get stupid shit like Nadu.
Then play Thoracle Consultation or something.
I always wonder what a deck like that does when Rest in Peace comes down. Do you just fold or are you running actual piece of shit answers like Scour from Existence?
Its the kind of deck that just loses the game if anyone plays any "exile instead of die" effect or just, you know, kills the commander like two times since it costs 5 mana and the deck doesn't work without him. I would know, because i had a Shirei deck in the past and i gave up on it for these reasons.
I enjoy playing against niche commanders better. It’s a format that prioritizes discovery, and that never happens if everyone uses the same 100 cards.
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>the original red ninja
that's not a ninja, that's a nigga
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>It’s a format that prioritizes discovery, and that never happens if everyone uses the same 100 cards
This filters the Cedh player
>t. Fellow monob enthusiast
sounds like someone saw an opportunity to abuse a rule and got away with it
I have an old ass Balthor, and I really wanna build it, although I already have two other monoblack decks.
>he wouldn't have x because that's not red
Are you retarded? That's the entire point of what I said. Good characters are fucked because theyre locked to dated design philosophies. And honestly, the designs they stick to are completely arbitrary. Green has ninjutsu now, why not red? Because originally samurais were red. Oh wait, samurais are EVERY color now? Okay, so it must be because Nashi is a rat. Oh Rats now have lots of Rakdos support because monoblack rats got too expensive for most players?
Nashi got fucked because of designers with the same retarded mindset as you.
I have two opinions. First, you dont really NEED more than one monoblack deck. And second you should listen to your heart. I say this as a guy turning yawgmoth into xiahou dun.
>hey lemme play against the same undersupported tribal/voltron deck with a different coat of paint forever
Truly a fate worse than death.
Does anyone else absolutely hate Niko?
They are not "dated", it's called the color pie. Red is about agression and impulsiveness, it's the last color that should ever get ninjas or nijutsu. They're not going to print every card into every tribe just because you want to make a commander deck. Well, i say that but considering how Wizards has been, they just might, unfortunatel.y
Original samurai were white. Ninjutsu is tied to ninjas not samurais so I'm not even sure why you're bringing them up. Samurai are still like 75% boros (as always) with other colours splashed in, mainly black. Honestly anon? You're fucking retarded and just seething because you can't play your goonmander. Kindly kill yourself
Are still thoroughly black! A few cards from a different plane doesn't change that. Additionally not a single fucking thing about nashi is red
>>"yeah I built my deck around one of those singing fish toys LMAO"
This, but unironically
Even if I don't like the art, mechanically it's looking to be a good card. I just hate how shards are just better clues.
People said that white ninjas would never exist and look at neon dynasty
Times change, old man. Break the glass ceiling and let the oppressed groups prosper
It might take a Commander Legends style set where they don't need to tie in to lore but they WILL make a good Nashi card one day
The fish looks super cool, but mechanically it's a mess. It doesnt seem like a human designed the card or it was heavily altered at the last minute.
I do not think of Niko at all, to be honest
>gay fag
No worse than big gay elephant, gay cyberpunk rat, gay omnipotent african child, gay super smart black woman or gay sort-of-ninja.
I don't really think about him. This is at least an interesting card. The gay purple Mohawk rat is worse. Neo kamigawa was a huge mistake.
Seems fine to me? I don't understand why Eluge seems to specifically trigger just a couple of anons
I don't get it either
It's like Sissylesnya posts. We just post it because it's funny to watch one guy get super mad about it and it's part of the thread culture now. I'm sure Duskmourn and it's flavour will have its own footnote in /edh/
Because it has all these abilities that are heavily limited and retarded when it very easily could have been good.
>get rid of the once per turn part of the cost reduction and it's fine
>make it hit more than just instant and sorceries and it's fine
>have the flood counters turn things into basic islands and its fine
>put some skibbity doo da counter on it instead of a flood counter on a land and it's fine
They failed on all three fronts and it's just a mess as a result. Very poorly designed, even if it's your cardfu for whatever reason.
Bad fish is bad. I told you this the first day it was spoilered.
And you were/are wrong
She won with this set
Goddamn I love this thing. Blowing up everyone's rocks, artifact creatures, and utility cards while gaining 30+ life at instant speed feels great.
I love Big Fish and I cannot lie.
She's bad compared to vannifar and zimone and it's just going to take time for people to see
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for me, it's the eldrazi
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I'll never understand why it rotates like this
Nope. Everything I said was true. Maybe you're also bad? It's okay to be bad, but if you're pretending to be good people are going to call you on it. You want to see a good new card?
You cant do flash+wilderness reclamation/seedborn muse shenanigans with the other 2 though, thats what makes Kadena fun
His "Im angtsy about losing my spark" deal feels so artificial. They made a big deal about him being this 'non-binary hero' when they realized it's going to make him appeal to two people on the planet, so they unsparked him to give him some leverage, only to reveal he has an insufferable personality because of it.
What the hell even is this. Clearly only an Eldrazi player would know.
>get rid of the once per turn part of the cost reduction and it's fine
I would say it's potentially broken if you removed the once per turn limitation. Other similar commanders that do a flat reduction (Mizzix for instance) are capped by only reducing colorless, but they still lean into combo by reducing all spells during a turn. Eluge leans more into a control/value shell but gives the added benefit of a potential combat win condition.
>that chastity cage
holy fuck I didn't realize selesnya players were just posers the catheter looks so long
>least faggy eldrazi player
Ah shit I assumed it was some sort of cable to put around the balls. That's much worse.
Me too, beating down with a big dumb fish is nostalgic.
>The Eluge hater is the winter lover
It's all coming together now kek
Anon, every single part of the card was nerfed, other than the X/X islands thing. Even if it reduced more than one spell a turn and you try to loop it with flicker cards for a progressively larger discount it will eventually brick itself if you arent also drawing a shitload of cards.
>get rid of the once per turn part of the cost reduction and it's fine
You just made a broken card congrats idiot
What do you mean? Winter is actually good for a variety of reasons.
She's super-dead. She was compleated and turned into a Phyrexian (death 1), then killed by the Wanderer (death 2) then Elesh Norn's death made it so she couldn't be revived anyway (death 3) and now a scroll containing a back-up of her memory and personality was destroyed piece by piece in Duskmourn (death 4). Wizards love killing Tamiyo.
I would remove the once per turn limitation and make it reduce the cost for all blue spells, but only the generic mana cost
then make the flood counters turn lands into basic islands, so you have incentive to place them on enemy lands
>t. anon who's never played a combo in his life
Can't wait to see how they kill her again.
I can't believe all eldrazi players have a big tube in their pp constantly
was in wrong thread
>friend's casual table
>burn commander who usually goes lethal ~t7-8
>esper flicker shenanigans with lots of mass sac control
>some other golgari and grixis mid-range creature decks
I have to keep saccing all my stuff and then get burned to death. my high power decks are too much durdleshit and not fun for the table. what do? token creature commander?
Combo is for fags so no shit I haven't.
Stop evaluating everything from a combo lens
>every single part of the card was nerfed
Why would that matter? Who cares if a card was significantly stronger or weaker during development, it's not like you were playing with it at the time.
>put some skibbity doo da counter on it instead of a flood counter on a land and it's fine
It operates the same as pic related and Aquitech's Will
Just wait her soul will arrive in Theros and get eaten by a Titan
If you're too stupid to understand an integral part of the game, why do you feel the need to comment on what is and isnt broken?
If you're so dumb that you only view things through a combo lens what makes you think that your opinion is worth anything?
>anti eluge poster is also the winter is the stax commander of all time poster
Holy shit this is rich. Uba lock isn't even very good
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>but he's a rat and ninjas can't be red
Yes he can, just no designer likes him enough to bend the color pie and add a little red to him because that would be cool and fun
This card was specifically made for commander and not standard anon ^.^ and even then it shouldn't have happened, but it is different design space
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>no u
Sure anon, whatever you say. I know what's good and explained why. You lack the capacity.

People have posted about this already? The uba mask lock is comparable with a stasis lock, so I guess your milage may vary. But it also has three other locks.
You're a fucking retard actually
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>Stax without white or blue
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Yeah what a hilarious twist of events top kek
>t.retard anon
I hate building three color decks. It's way too many moving pieces. I'm gonna become a mono color only retard.
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>he never played lord spaghetti
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For me, it's Dogs (and Cats, don't tell him I said that though)
>No u the post
Top kek. All breath is wasted on you
Enjoy your "supremely powerful" commander you dont understand.
Um your commander doesn't discount all cards by infinity, effectively giving you infinite mana for free merely by existing? He only lets you do that for one spell per turn? Wow, that sounds really weak. He's almost good but if he generated infinite mana for free on his own without needing another card to combo off of he'd be playable.
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>being this booty blasted
Hilarious. Keep digging the hole booty blasted bad anon.
You realize he was being compared to a two card hard lock in the command zone, right?
Pretty disingenuous retelling of events. Plus winter himself is in no way part of any lock anon....
>there are other cards that do completely different things i happen to prefer therefor it sucks
>commander doesn't go infinite
It's bad
Why are so many commanders bad?
mine doesn't need to go infinite, just needs to go to about 40
I hecking love edh so much
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Doesn't need infinite, just needs to have 21 power and Iunno hexproof/indestructible to survive and unblockable and then game fucking over, lads

Got a decklist?
Like all of the new "protagonists" I forgot he even existed until you mentioned
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Monkey brain say effective 10/9 for 7 is good value.
Really if she manages to stay on the field everything becomes a lot more interesting. I have enough +1 and Double Strike that I could knock players out one at a time with 24 commander damage but it's never gone that way, someone's always able to knock out a link in the chain to stop it.
>throw together shitpile of R/U pirates
>been winning a lot because low CMC and people don't view them as a threat
>shit out treasures pretty frequently

You're too stupid to realize it's not even the same guy
No? That's exactly right.

Sure anon, whatever you say.
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How often do you have mock games to stay fresh on your combos?
Post list.
Gisela was one of the first mythics I pulled and I love Boros and Angels but I've found that Aurelia is far more playable as a voltron commander.
Took me about 5 years of goldfishing to get really proficent. I have a nondeterministic maelstrom wanderer list I've goldfished about 10,000 times. It really does help you improve as a pilot.
Nashi gets mind wiped by Jace and loses all memory of her.
Dont got one. We can make one for the general with an infographic if you'd like.
Pretty frequently. After every game night I go over the decks I played that day and think about what I could have done differently and if I need to rethink any card choices.
Never. All of my decks are fire and forget.
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Seems like a pushed card for face down commander yeah?
I'm still convinced these were supposed to be nfts
Yes. I'd like to use him to make my playgroup suffer before he gets banned.
it's another 5 mana "when thing: draw card"
Awesome, what website do zoomers use lately or is tappedout okay? I can probably fire together a list fairly quickly, any particular tech you think will be interesting?
Do things draw cards that also come with free do things.
Christ almighty this is the ugliest art I have seen in years.
Moxfield is easy.
Mostly want to see the synergy pieces or if he really does form a lock on hand sizes
u/r players, how many decks still have expansion//explosion in them?
between one ring, flame of anor, and fierce guardianship, which would you swap in? or would you just keep the expansion//exposion?
Expansion//Explosion should only be for spell copy decks like Alania. I run it in Kalamax as a finisher. My only UR deck right now is Balmor which keeps things low to the ground.
between the 3 replacements, which would you choose?
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Is there a way to search Scryfall/wherever for commanders that have no generic mana cost, just pips? Like this dude here
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I'm not the anon that was originally shilling the Winter stax deck but here's an outline I made. It's missing win cons, a full mana base and probably some obscure cards I'm not familiar with
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One time I placed a Progenitus in a hydraulic press machine and the machine exploded into millions of tiny pieces and the card was left unscathed
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>Simple TQ, who is your favorite commander and why?
This nigga has been with me for so long he can't not be my guy. An old friend got him for me (and Rasputin Dreamweaver for himself) back when they were $10 each to try and get us into EDH. I had a rough time over the years adjusting the deck constantly, never happy, but I've finally found the perfect build that I'm delighted to play every time, win or lose. I wish I could play it against my old friend, but life sucks sometimes. Wishing him the best.
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Looking for massive quick ramp like this, but without the downside of sacrificing/etc
Tappedout is fine-ish but really dated these days.
Archidekt is the most feature rich but it's often slow as shit to load
Goldfish has a poor UI but some good integrations
Moxfield is generally considered the best overall these days
This and Boundless Realms are the biggest, but there isn't much at the mid-mana value area. Closest is the massive number of Skyshroud Claim variants - Map the Frontier, Circuitous Route, Explosive Vegetation, Migration Path, etc. Resolving two of those in a game is basically what you want.
>sit down to the only table playing edh
>its a bunch of combo decks with every card over a dollar proxied
Guess Im proxying mana crypt in every deck before going back
It was fun at first but I cant imagine this being fun for more than a couple of times
I think im starting to appreciate really low power metas more and more
>Another dragon with RU that's gay

Do hydras count as dragons?
Do drakes count as dragons?
How would Niv-Mizzet react to these questions?
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I have a weird rules question. I'm making a deck with Lurrus as the commander and I was wandering if I could use Lurrus's ability to cast Gift of Doom from my graveyard as a morph?
>Do hydras count as dragons?
No, but they are fellow powerful reptilians and deserving of respect
>Do drakes count as dragons?
No; a drake is to a dragon what a monkey is to a human
Ah, I see. Thanks anyway
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why isnt it a hydra
Same reason
three non-regenerating heads does not a hydra make
So you're saying Niv-Mizzet would not be happy if I asked him if drakes were dragons.
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I'm actually getting real fucking tired of the blatant powercreep in Magic lately, to be real honest
What's the power creep here exactly
2 mana 3/2 with haste? And a buff tacked on to make it 4/3 haste/trample? C'mon now.
Dies to Bolt
This will fall on deaf ears in /edhg/
Are there any options for creature boardwipes in green (with color pips)?
yeah I mean that's fair. I don't venture into the other general so this is the place where I gotta drop complaints.
This is falling on my deaf ears
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I'm still unhappy seeing cards from WAR and MH1, let alone LTR and MH3...
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I, too, remember when Naya zoo was relevant in standard with cards like pic related
I just realized. Did they... Did they put the art in upside down?
That's not a bunch of hands coming out of the ceiling. They're coming out of a bathtub. Which is on the floor. And gravity is pointing to said floor.
I like Creeping Corrosion and Fade From History. If you're running a Ygra deck, they're both creature boardwipes.
Technically correct but not contextually useful because green has no shortage of effects like that.
>play krenko
>put haste on him 6 times
>sacrifice 10 goblins to do nothing
>concede after blowing someone up to force a win on the other player
True chaos.
Who's your commander?
Does it? Bane of Progress and the new Season from Bloomburrow are the only other ones I can think of that don't have some major downside or require other colors.
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Huh. The only thing I can think of is the entire room is upside down, as this doorway looks normal. Though the shower curtains flowing upward looks like gravity is going up, too?
I assume it's an attempt to show how fucked up the house is, by having some rooms be upside down and having furniture that ignores gravity. One of the stories mentions that things like curtains seem to move at random, as though there was wind despite there not being any, so it's not too much of a stretch to think that a shower curtain could just have the wrong gravity applied to it. A lot of shit in the setting is just "creepy" stuff for the sake of being creepy. It looks silly but the artist probably thought it was creepy.
>It looks silly but the artist probably thought it was creepy.
I mean, that same thought could be applied to all horror stuff ever created
if you can make 25 percent of your mana base utility lands then you deserve to be mana screwed at that point
There's a few things that are pretty objectively creepy. Most of them have to do with evolutionary history and that though.
duskmourn's main design notes include mis-shaped furniture, the feature exists without the person to design it or build it because the mansion grows itself

(aishit justification)
>>93840137 deciding to do one of
Will that work with this guy? I was considering him or Etrata for a new Dimir deck
What are some gigabrained creatures for Selvala heart of the wilds?
Yes, you'd draw a card for each creature that "was milled -> entered on your side".
Remove One Ring
Remove One Ring
Remove flame of anor
I have a Xiahou Dun deck and the other one is Chainer. So at least the two are remarkably different kinds of decks.
that's backwards, take out expansion//explosion for one of the 3.
my brother is gifting me one of the cards from his collection bc he is retiring his cedh deck and coming home for Xmas.
commander is not decided yet, it just has to be a wizard
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based as fuck commander. This set still, to this day, as some of the best art Wizards have ever put out in Magic
But i have more than 21 health
Swing again combat cuck
>hurr what is commander damage
Oh wait I read wrong.
Fierce Guardianship since you need the protection when you go off
Flame of Anor for the draw and removal
The One Ring. You need to buy time when the table turns on you aftwe you cast your 1st wheel
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Alright. I put together that winter deck. I can make it a lot stronger for about $750 total, including things like a full set of tutors, scapeshift with valakut/omnath lines, hailfire/urborg/coffers, burgeoning and exploration, as well as wrenn and six without running any fast mana so it would still be "casual". I might make a version that focuses most of the money on tutors and lands, then fills in the blanks, as well as an ultra budget version, but this version is under $350 on coolstuffinc and tcg player, and is a good place to start. No tutors, nothing contentious, drops winter with zero cards in hand t3/t4, and has a bunch of brutal things you can do afterwards to keep people locked down. Take a look:
thank you, I'll playtest a few iterations of this
Unfortunately I own the poorfag version of it, but back when I did get it, it wasn't super pricy, I remember it traded for a foil Embercleave and some small value shit, but I also got a Vampiric (the one with the glaring vanpire) from the same Judge in the same trade, so I kind of forgot the deets. But it was either 6 or 16 euros.
I used to run him in the 99 of Chainer, but later ended up liking him so much I built a deck around the guy.
You only kill one person at a time with combat damage, dipshit
The rest is non-combat damage
Never act like you know what shit is, because you dont.
>first player doesn't get a draw step
>last player got to scry 2 before drawing
>You only kill one person at a time with combat damage
no fucking shit? Like, holy FUCK no fucking shit??? Jesus christ, anon.
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They will never see it coming, heh
>the game is over
>still have two opponents
Mother of fucking god, anon, just how autistic ARE you??? The post was clearly a joke, since I added all the other shit like "uhhh iunno give it this" jesus fucking christ you're an embarrassment.
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i get filtered by this every time. even if i beast within it theyre always running recursion bro i gotta sequence it with graveyard hate??
>anon makes joke post
>another anon makes joke response
>third anon goes full retard REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE DOESN'T WORK
Never change, /edhg/
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Just stumbled upon this. Just how long into EDH/Commander's existence was this card legal for? It's the biggest and funniest "fuck your commander" card I think I've ever seen
Just blood moon it.
Thats just cope for getting called out
Nice try but nobody is buying it
Sucks to suck
Or in your case swallow
Got banned in '08 so lasted a shocking amount of time.
>he's still going
God it's just pathetic at this point.
Anon that's not a joke
A commander that doesnt go infinite is a big disadvantage
Only in cEDH/tryhard play groups, I'll give you that. But I don't play those types of people because they're insufferable as hell, so it doesn't really pertain to me
So its not a joke then?
>A commander that doesnt go infinite is a big disadvantage
Laughs in ornithopter
Second biggest
Oh god anon fucking lay it on me, I'm ready to be entertained
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So did they get rid of mana burn just so they could print wacky ass shit like this??
They got rid of mana burn because they playtested removing it for a month and it came up zero times.
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>A commander that doesnt go infinite is a big disadvantage
actually based take. wtf I like Grist, now
I don't get you people
Of all the fucking freaks and degenerates on this website, fags who wear dick cages boggle my mind.
It's just so fucking cringey. I can understand NTRfags and furries better than people like you.
But anon, it's easy to make grist go infinite.
>who is your favorite commander and why?
Sill these guys
It's because you're gay, isnt it.
I find it so weird how this general often pretends it cares a lot about SEXY WIMMIN AND TITTIES on artwork, but then also don't like when some dude puts sexy wimminz on his card. I guess sex is only allowed when it's WOTC approved.
I guess the obvious answer here is "classy TnA" versus "coomer/gooner bait TnA"
W-where does that tube go???
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Considering getting a new one. Maybe a Seb art Damnation playmat.
I never get official mats because the ones with cool art sell out everywhere (I question if they ever even go to LGS shelves) and then sell for 100+ dollars while being far thinner and cheaper than custom mats
Looks fun. Might build.
Goddamn dr who is so fucking gay.
Eldrazsissies out response?
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I turned this into a full list and goldfished it a few times on moxfield using standard multiplayer rules (1 free mull, everyone draws on first turn)
Results are pic related, it seems like you can drop Winter on turn 4 with Delirium almost every game if you build around it heavily enough
The game I played him on turn 2 was because of manabond
Still not sure the best way to actually win the game once you dumpster everyone's hand
I have a feeling that adding more creatures and birthing pod effects to tutor into an infinite combo would be the best, but I'll have to do more research to set up a proper pod list
Also LMAO at the idea of this deck being cheap
Eluge is bad
also so is Phlage and the One Ring

500 Year Diary will be a 30 dollar card
I always loved this art. It makes me feel a weird feeling. Like some nostalgia for a place you never were and don't really recall.
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Got Selvala today boys
Original Conspiracy 2 print also
Rec me some tech for this elf honey
You basically go dorks + ramp spells and green fatties with 5+cmc and power right?
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I'd love to build this guy but it feels like you'd need to make the deck cost a minimum of a grand. You'd want to fill it with fast mana so you can quickly cast him for a large X. Your option besides fast mana is....wait 7 turns or some shit before ever even entering the game.
I don't sere how you build him without crypts, vaults, chrome mox's etc
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>500 Year Diary will be a 30 dollar card
Yeah nah, unless we get some massive Clue buff/support like Ygra, Eater of All for foods, will never ever. If it was a Legendary Land then yeah I'd be right there with you
>Yeah nah, unless we get some massive Clue buff/support
This was stated during MKM spoilers because it was clue heavy and had a clue precon
Yes now come here for a big kiss for a big guy
And then it came and went and 7 months later still nothing
Yes. Phlage is bad also bad. The one ring is good though. 500 year diary is bad, but it depends whether or not any UB cards ever get reprinted.
Can you explain why the cheapest version of Phlage is nearly 30 dollars? Pricier than a card like Vein Ripper.
Yes, this is easy. Modern > Pioneer. In fact, pioneer is barely a format. Legacy is usually a bit more reasonable, but if it's played in a top tier modern and legacy deck, chances are it's quite expensive.
And to add, phlage is good in modern without the boros energy deck. Vien ripper is only good because of sorin.
It's just the biggest green creatures you can think of. Here's one that I like
This but redwall
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Also true.
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I love the flavor
You shouldn't.
Fuck you guys
this but you

Yeah brother I second that. Fuck that guy.
Meme card that's only popular because people bad at the game say he's good, leading to people buying it.
What's bad about it?
I wouldn't listen to that guy
Shame it absolutely sucks in EDH. Might have some use in limited but tap lands are a pain and we already have plenty that will at least do something when they ETB.
Its crazy because the other dual lands in the set are actually good. I hate the business strategy of deliberately printing shit commons
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Props to them for actually making a Doctor Who villain look scary. Reminds me of this fucker.
>literally just "Baseball Bat"
They couldn't even call it like "Warding Baton" or something?
Simple: It isn't good.
It's just a bat anon? It's not a baton? The fuck are you smoking
Yes you said that, I'm asking why. I'm also curious what is a meme card and why is it one of those too
Name one thing about it that's good. It literally kills itself as it enters the battlefield, it's basically just a lightning helix that costs more mana.
>who is your favorite commander and why?
It's basically built so that once I drop her I can remove whichever opponent has been the biggest threat that turn. My usual playgroup knows this, but each of them is enough of a threat that if they focus on me early game instead of keeping each other in check one of them will get out of control and win. I love the sudden shift in tone when I pull the cardboard equivalent of shooting someone in the head and asking the survivors who's getting it next turn. It's never won, but it's great for making everyone shit themselves.
>It's never won, but it's great for making everyone shit themselves.
As Ziatora should be. The Riveteers can topple the entire city and take everyone down with them if they want to, but will never have the power to actually conquer it.
Yes. Also, Mystic Forge let's you cast morph cards from your library.
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The fuck do you think "bat" is short for?
Either way, how the fuck does Duskmourn have baseball? It is an entire plane that's just one huge haunted mansion.
>Either way, how the fuck does Duskmourn have baseball? It is an entire plane that's just one huge haunted mansion.
Because it's literally just "Ready Player One: The Plane". it's just Wizards jerking themselves off with however many "horror" references/cliches they can get away with
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Wait shit do these two combo off each other? Cast something from your hand, Jodah triggers and you get something from your deck for free, which triggers Kellan, who can give something from my hand for free, which triggers Jodah, back and forth until a card can't be found?? Assuming I'm always casting a legendary permanent off Kellan's trigger, I mean.
Fuckin YEESH
in response i doomblade kellan
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Fade from History, Rampage of the Clans, and Wave of Vitriol are other options for wiping artifacts/enchantments together. (Wave of Vitriol also turns nonbasics into basics in the process).
Back to Nature, Hush, Primeval Light, and Reverent Silence do this for enchantments only.
Seeds of Innocence is another artifact option.

It's creatures specifically that green struggles to remove so I'm wondering if green has another other in-color options for it, or if they're locked to colorless options aside from Ezuri's Predation.
Well I mean I would expect nothing less
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>Bluenigger holds priority for literally 2 full minutes in response to a turn 5 Sol Ring
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Does anyone else find it crazy how this art was only used for promo purposes and not actually used on a new rendition of the Tarmogoyf card?
>Goyf didn't even see any increase in meta presence in Modern because all the ultra-pushed cards were Energy
It's based on RNG, so you get most likely whiff earlier rather than later, because you get lower costs in most cases, but it's still strong synergy.
Oh no doubt, I figured that. I was just making sure I wasn't being dumb and that it actually worked
Hey, Vsauce! Michael here. Obviously, Michael is a boy’s name, and I’m a boy…right? You’d think the answer is obviously “yes” but 0.3% of people don’t know their own sex…

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