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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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This is a general for everything 3D printed relating to /tg/ from sci-fi, fantasy, historicals, fantasy football, and more! Share your printed minis, terrain, print fails, 3d modelling, printing advice, works in progress, or anything else /tg/-related to 3D printing.

- Post pics of your prints be they fails or triumphs
- Keep discussion/photos about tabletop games only
- Post your resin/printer/settings for faster advice
- Help your fellow anons with advice

- Remember that this general is monitored by GWendolin and her lawyers
- Not make a new thread until old one dies
- Not encourage namefags, tripfags, fumefags and coomers
- Not spoonfeed
- Not war over Filament/Resin consoles
- Keep your model pics naked (no paint/undercoat only)
- Look after small artists/studios
- Buy something from or tip an artist/studio you like
- Read the last 3 threads before posting



>Guides (Install 4ChanX script for better experience)
FDM Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/H1en2ghM
Resin Troubleshooter: https://pastebin.com/raw/SbYWdMnC
Resin Safety: https://radtech.org/safe-handling-of-3d-printing-resins/
Printer Buying: https://pastebin.com/raw/1Kfib5YK


>Last Thread: >>93792358
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You guys aren't giving me much of a selection for the OP image...
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>Decide to get into 3d printing
>All the stuff I ordered finally arrived yesterday, manage to print the test model
>/3dpg/ decides to die
Nice timing.
Why do you need it?
Share how your test model went? Have you printed anything else? Plans to print what? Any questions?
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Well, I don't need it, but it's nice to have a place to talk about your hobby that isn't reddit.
It went pretty well, me chipping the second mm when chiseling it off the buildplate notwithstanding. So far I've only printed it and the Resin Exposure Range Finder test that came included. I'll try my first actual model tomorrow. I trawled the web for models I might want to print while waiting the printer to arrive, so I have a stockpile of stuff I want to try out, I think I am going to start by printing some female vampires for my old Vampire Counts army so that I can have a fully Lahmia-led army.
Getting models off the buildplate gets easier with time.
What resin and printer are you using?
3D printing isn't a hobby.
3D printing can absolutely be a hobby.
Anycubic Photon Mono 2 and Elegoo abs-like 3.0. Got the mono 2 because it was cheap and apparently capable of very good detail due to high resolution screen combined with a small print area, and the Elegoo abs-like was recommended on a few sites.
What else would it be, unless you are trying to make money out of it?
>What else would it be, unless you are trying to make money out of it?

It depends entirely on how you treat it. Its just another tool within their "wargaming" or "ttrpg" hobby for some, similar with an airbrush.
Has anyone come across the Peter the Arkitect stl? I tried to contact the original author but he doesn't respond, assume GW nuked it despite there being no daemon perturabo in their range.
Its in at least 7 public groups.
Thanks, I'm obviously doing something wrong. I'll keep looking.
Most ABS like resins will do you good. Not familiar with the printer but hope it works well for you.
Reposting my request from last thread. I'm looking for babylonian bits of decoration to make a diorama for a babylonian city. Right now I have the STL of a ziggurat pyramid, a couple of lamassu statues and the Ishtar Door. I also have a brick roller to make the texture for the walls, but I'm not sure how accurate it is.

I'm still looking for a babylonian palace and guard towers, plus generic ancient stuff such as market tents, palm trees and the like. Possibly even some boats if I decide to add a river. Do you know any other bits that could fit?
How do I find the good scans in the blue message app? Do I need to speak Russian or what? All I find in normal stls...
Maybe I'm mistaken but I think there are just less scans overall vs sculpts. And even then they are usually mid in quality.
Unless you know of specific scans that you just can't find. If that's the case what are you looking for?
>What else would it be, unless you are trying to make money out of it?
It's the operation of a device, like a oven or power drill. It may be used as part of a hobby, but simply using the thing for does not constitute a hobby by itself.
question: does the size of the miniature depends on the STL or the printer?
STL (obviously). What kind of mad world would it be if each printer decided how long 1mm is?
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That's like saying baking isn't a hobby, it's just the operation of a device (oven). You're a foggot and this thread is a disappointment
You misunderstand: you can bake once every few months and you can bake as a hobby by doing it weekly or daily.
Hell, I have made my own bread a few times too, I sometimes make a cake. I would never call baking my hobby.
I also own an airbrush, and use it to prime. It's a tool, not a hobby.
I have a used mars 4 pro. I did not even bother to level the plate, I literally did a test print with some maker cults presupports when I got it, the plate from the previous owner worked and I did not change it. Printing is not a hobby for me. It's a tool I use from time to time to make a tank or a squad of minis to paint. Building models and playing RPGs and skirmish games is my hobby, everything else is just a tool to that end.

I spend way more time on hoarding Stls and interacting with people who scan the stuff on tele than I spend on actually printing it. Tinkering with a printer seems like a collosal waste of time to me (similar with making my own bread)
You approach people and interact in those groups. If someone posts a pic of a scan, ask on the original scanner because you want to support him instead of resellers. That might get things rolling.
By your logic baking then is not a hobby because it's a tool you use from time to time to consume calories. I'm not even that anon but you're an autistic loser for trying to dictate if someone is or is not able to call a thing they do in their spare time a hobby or not.
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Gents, does anyone, anywhere in the world, produce a 28mm replica of these old lasguns to sell? I can't find them on Etsy, Shapeways, any online marketplace. It'll be a goldmine if somebody made this as there's always people wanting to make their own Mordians and Tallarn etc
You also got it wrong. It's up to everyone themselve if they treat any spare time activity as a hobby or not. 3d printing is a hobby is just a wrong statement. It can be. And it is for many. But it's not a hobby by default. If it is your hobby, all power to you. But don't pretend it is everyone's hobby, just because they have a printer and print minis from time to time
But by that same logic, the statement: "3d printing is not a hobby" is equally wrong, and said statement began this whole conversation.
Sure, that's just as silly.
asked because it is not uncommon to see people messing with scale in cults and similar pages, and i didn't know if it were shitty STL or wrong settings
All I can offer is some Battletech prints.
No it's saying an oven isn't a hobby. If your hobby is baking it's the making of baked goods that is your hobby, not the ownership and operation of the oven. Unless you're literally just 3d printing because you enjoy using the printer then it's just a piece of equipment you're using as part of an activity (either a hobby or work).
Have you tried to use alcohol inks for dyeing resin parts?
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I decided to put it up for free as it'll be a while til I actually get around to finishing on an actual model.
I fixed the melta barrel and it shouldn't deform now.
Unsupported and you have to cut a tag off.

You did a great job with it anon.

3dprinting is hard to pin as a hobby since so many of the people that own printers are really just interested in piracy and IP infringement which just loops back into piracy so a lot of the conversation dies. While /3dpg/ is great for helping learn how to print, if you want to make printable files you need to go elsewhere as most anons here just want files and paid files gets weird as it's partially self advertising and against the rules and enough people will say your labor isn't worth anything.
Holy fuck this.

Once you start talking to other creators there's no reason to talk to the customer base beyond developing a parasocial/sales relationship.

Especially not the pirate groups. The only reason to talk to them is to make an emotional speed bump for stealing your shit. Paying customers will timidly ask for specific small things while the pirates will just screech about how you're not producing fast enough or how your presupports suck (which is a nice to include thing but not necessary, every printer and resin is different and you really should be supporting your own models anyways).
Thanks anon. I am designing for my own collection at the moment. Maybe in the future if it's not too much of a headache, I might start selling some cast resin models I have planned.
Very interesting. I haven't come across pirates complaining about their free models lmao though I don't really interact with any 3d communities.
Wouldn't that completely fuck up the resin? It gets dissolved in it
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I'll take BT pics over dictionary definition of hobby discussions anyday!
Why are coomers persecuted?
You gotta get into the smaller Telegram groups where it's more conversational. Extremely entitled nerds. It's really interesting actually.
You'll find out the answer after you've had sex.
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>Wanting scans
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>being helpless to stop scanners
Proxies look better than James shit
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>t. zoomer who has never had soul
Anon, I've seen fuckers asking for the files of things sold for 0.50USD. It's depressing and defeating. That being said, I think a lot of people sell things for more than people are willing to pay since you still have to do the work of supporting, printing, and cleaning. Since pre-supported doesn't work as well as doing it yourself and a lot of free files don't work. But there is a massive, deep conversation that needs to happen on what is a fair price, what is an acceptable level of printing, parting for various printers and to recombine for personal use, and selling prints that just isn't going to happen at the moment.

Best advice I can give is design things for yourself, publish them as you please for what you feel like, and just enjoy what you're doing. There a lot of digital artists that employed in the video game market that can't make 3d printable files work as a business, so focus on what makes you happy and fits what you want it to be. Just don't start doing exact copies of GW models and the like because you will get hit for that.
Once your numbers are larger it's totally worth linking to in your resume/CV to show additional skills and passion
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A lot of them honestly do.
But some of the GW models are still very good, not considering the amount of nostalgia some of the older (or ancient) sculpts have.
Are there any large collections of historical houses and general scenery objects? I wanted to try making a 1:144 scale medieval town as a project for a future game. Figured there might be a museum or government site that has scans or models of tools, furniture or homes from that period. Or if trainfags have a community for this as they play with similar sizes.
Guessing ripping shit from video games is a good option at this scale rather than high poly models online. But I don't know any games that have buildings as objects rather than unextractable level geometry.
Print cones of calibration
Have you bothered to check MMF?
What's the best angle to print flat panels?
Say for ablative tank armour panels. Inb4 use plasticard
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>your resume/CV
I just posted my entire body of work.
If its completely flat, best would be perfectly flat, if you have good settings that minimize elephants foot and can get it off afterwards without warping or tearing it apart. Most people can't.

Next best would be perfectly vertical, because that way you never have to change a row of pixels and warping is unlikely. But if you have rounding, it can be hard to fit enough supports so that it does not warp, that is the problem with round bases.

Lastly the next best angle depends on the relation between layer thickness and your pixel size, there is a tool for that in UV-Tools, but if your layers have the thickness of your pixel size its 45°. This will ONLY improve surfaces at that angle, so if you print something not flat it will not help that much.
Here a pic to make it clear how it will look
No one? Anyone?
lurk more on cult3d or minifactory, and just to be sure fuck you James
any program where i can pre assemble STL files?
Havent had this problem before, but do they not make regular lcd replacement screens for the Jupiter? (Not the SE). I legitimately cant find one. Did this $900 machine just become a paper weight? The SE screen apparently dosnt match up.
What do you mean by pre assemble? Blender can import and export as stl files
Most slicer programs will do this, but programs like 3dbuilder and meshmixer will do this simply also.
Contact elegoo directly and ask. Screen death is a known thing so there is bound to be replacements available.
tried meshmixer but the model seems broken but when i load it on Cura it looks fine, same as in windows 3D viewer.
Windows also has 3dbuilder you might have to download it. It has a repair function.
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Anyone got any idea what's going on here? My printer seems to be generating this weird 'film' of cured resin, in this case on the bottom between the rafts. But I've also had the same thing happen at the end of a print across the top of a bunch of bases.

Any idea what's going on? Doesn't seem to be anything weird in Lychee. The prints came out fine it's just strange.
Hey lads, any good Tyranid STLs out there that dont diverge too much from the GW designs? Don't want exact copies, just proxies that don't look completely different
io botov/virus of death
is sunlight hitting your printer?
your printer is getting hit by some amount of UV
>io butov
have the lost STLs been found yet?
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looking for a bit of advice, my mars 3 printer wound up having a big rip in the fep that leaked into the internal components of my printer. After cleaning it seems everything else is fine except for the LCD screen that wound up getting cemented into place with cured resin. some of which was able to get between the two panes of the screen, I was able to free it but it seems to not work, I'm planning on cleaning everything one more time, but If that doesn't work is there any advice for buying generic off of amazon or another company like anycubic? this is my first time buying a replacement screen and the official Elegoo website says they're sold out and I don't know if these are proprietary parts that only work for the printer they are designed for.
I apologize if this is a n00b question but every search I make just sends me to amazon or a guide on how to replace the screen with the replacement I'm looking for.
The catachan lasguns are close. Why not those?
yes they are pretty much everywhere. he has also remastered some of them for sale on the purple site
I believe chitu makes screens for the mars series
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>check the chitu website
>all mars models except for the mars 3, and some of the saturns as well
>check the Elegoo store to see if the sizes were close enough to make a shitty patch job
>the elegoo website has mars 3 screens.
thanks for the suggestion, I don't know if elegoo webpage got a restock or if I just missed it, but my problem is solved anyway, thanks anon.
Pastebin telegram link is expired
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Gonna try printing some transparent models, then "gluing" them together with resin. Should I use an old brush then hold the mini under my uv light? I usually spray my minis with a matt varnish after painting them, should I hit these with a glossy varnish?

Pic is some transmission towers I printed.
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If I start to resin 3D print in my apartment how likely is it I'll die of lung cancer?
I feel like joining them together as a single model in something like Blender would be easier than that.
But yeah that should work. Try the different varnishes on the supports from the models. Easiest and most accurate way to see how it will look on final prints.

Depends how dumb/smart you are about it. And how you have things laid out. Chances are 0%-90% depending.

That's weird because my printer lives in a grow tent and sees the sun less than I do.
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Happy to see this shit thread dying. People who print whole minis never liked the hobby to begin with. Yes I do own a printer but I use it for my engineering job as God intended, and terrain.

Bet I could drop a quarter down your asshole without touching the sides
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>you have a printer
>you have a job
>you have friends
>you have games
thanks for the bump though
I've been going 5 years, but idk when the cancer is supposed to kick in
*pity bump*
Every time I cue up a print, I pray to the resin gods.
I’ve got my shit as tight as I can, if I vary too wildly I have catastrophic failures.
So I’ve accepted that I can never have complete build plate full of 100% perfect prints.
>I’ve got my shit as tight as I can
>I can never have complete build plate full of 100% perfect prints

Sounds like it could be tighter
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FDMchads, we're eating good.
Did you print this? What printer are you using?
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god i forgot how wonky old plastic Cadian proportion are
Pretty nice.
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Testing joins and text for some custom bases. Happy with the dimensions - now on to detailing more pieces.
Still having some issues with this new resin, but recalibrating everything from scratch again.
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Vostroyans have held up so well.
I also just realised those lumps on the text are from my slicer adding pointless mini supports and me forgetting to remove them.
Looks like a lot of sanding and post processing.
What layer height? Feels like it would take so fucking long.
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So, after printing cones of calibration a few times to find a decent exposure time, I tried printing my first real miniature and it came out like pic related. Any educated guesses where it went wrong, or do I just need to fiddle around with different settings and try out different models to see if they print correctly?
bad supports
put a medium or heavy support under each foot and the bootie.
Ah, this was presupported. I guess whoever made it fucked up. Oh well, I'll try some One Page Rules models tomorrow, I heard those have good supports (their free samples were recommended for test prints) so we'll see if that was the issue.
If you're using Lychee use the island detector.
Select light and add to all islands.
Should help a bit.
Anon is probably right but if you also include a screenshot of your settings in another post it can be helpful in case you have something wrong in settings.
Does anyone know of a printing service in Australia that can do large bits of terrain for non-insane prices? My printer just isn’t big enough
Is there a tool that acts like an intake fan to help capture particles when sanding or using a rotary tool?
DIY something called a sanding box. It's an airtight plastic bin with gloves inside. You attach it to a vacuum or a fan with a filter on it.
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Currently trying to understand the limits and how to push them on my first 3d printer. I'm at around 140 hours of prints now.
The Kai'sa in the middle is around 8cm, being 30% of the original print size.

The Artisan Guild thief on the left is at 175%.
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More tiny mini Kai'sa.
Goku & Kai'sa.
Kai'sa at 70% scale of original file, so around 20cm.

All of these printed at 0.12mm layer height with 0.2mm nozzle with wildly varying settings.
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>anime statues
not on my /tg/
I have too much money. Should I buy a HeyGears Reflex for my first 3d printer?
NTA but is there an actual 3d printing general on /toy/? I see 1 thread but it isn't a general. The only other one I know about is on /diy/ is the reason I'm asking.

>I have too much money
Then buy whatever.
I did skim through a video about it though. The whole proprietary resin thing they have going on seems like a headache to me. It does seem like you can use any resin but can't change the settings for that resin because it uses auto settings to match their proprietary resin. And that resin is really expensive per bottle.
So go ahead and buy one if you have too much money but I would recommend something different after watching that video.

I don't want to tell you that without recommending something though. I am still using a base Elegoo Saturn and it works fine so I can only really say Elegoo has good printers in my experience.
>is there an actual 3d printing general on /toy/?
dont know, dont care. but this thread is about prints for games, not some namefags novelty buttplugs
Ah thanks anyways anon was just curious.
i think he should start a general on /toy/ for all the other autistic virgins who have yet to touch a titty.
I'd have hoped the actual model wouldn't matter as much as the details of the print

For the uncultured smartasses here: Goku is the only character from anime I've shared.

The others are Kai'sa from League of Legends and a mini for rpgs which now also has a wargame in testing.

I'd hope to be able to have a useful exchange in between the insults, to maybe get better results for myself or help others improve their own settings. If me being a namefag and one mini being from Anime is too much, I shall of course not provide further harm to your fragile minds.
I forgot to mention out-of-focus Skeldude.

He's a free FDM optimized mini you can get at Myminifactory from Arbiter Miniatures.

/toy/ is mostly filled with married oldfags at this point.
No but it's allowed in threads where it's relevant, such as model kit general.
Also statues are not allowed on /toy/, newfags.
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>I shall of course not provide further harm to your fragile minds.
dont let the door hit you on the way out
op clearly states to keep models and discussion /tg/ so fuck off with your made up bullshit
I'm not the one that brought up /toy/ first nor the faggot derailing the thread. I merely answered a question about another board.
fuck off retard
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Anyone know what the fuck made this happen? I printed a plate full of stuff, everything else came out perfect but the tallest thing, this warden body, wound up adhered to the FEP and had generated this...big rectangle of cured resin that presumably is what caused it to adhere to the plate. There's generally no adhesion issues, I've printed this exact body before, temperature is fine, all my settings have resulted in tons of good prints.

Now I've got this weird rectangle with folds in it attached to my warden body. Any thoughts? Only thing I can think of is some cocksuckery with the clear resin but I can't see why that would do that.
is ''the weird rectangle' about the size of your printable area? because that looks like your whole screen cured on the lame layer at once. if so it must be in the file. did you check the sliced file around the layer this happened?
if you cant see anything just try making a new file for the guy that failed and print that. if the new print has the same issue its definitely your model file

It's strange, the LCD is a bit bigger I think but the rectangle seems to be a similar size to the build plate. I'm not sure though. I'll check tomorrow. It sure does look like that. I did check the sliced file around that layer and there's definitely no layer where it suddenly just has the whole plate curing.
I can definitely reprint the body and I'm sure it'll work I'm just wondering why it happened as it's odd
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Some city guard models for an upcoming game. Need to print out a set of undead and skeletons next and want some recommendation for sets to look into.
Looks very discworld to me.
briteminis on thingyverse has some great supportless stuff.
all very fantasy themed, im sure you will find something quick and easy there
There is so many skeleton models and styles out there and it would come down to personal taste. I'd do a yeggi search and look for something you like the look of.
A friend of mine printed this for me
Sauce on the mind flayer?
got into 3d printing two months ago with fdm now considering getting sla to use as shell around my functional prints. can resin acheive the tiny textured coating details like you find in some game controllers? also is cured resin safe to be used for prolonged skin contact (e.g. handheld tools)?
The mind flayer is "Mind Flayer Mage Heretic" from 2moronic miniatures. Shouldn't be hard to find on tranny.
The guard models are all characters from discworld. There from a mix of sets by tytantroll that got bundled into a collection called Guards Guards Guards after the book.

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