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Autumn Blockbuster Edition
>Previous Thread

Aquilon rules preview

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Rules and Teams
>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:
>Game assistant-database thing

How are you liking the updated rules shown so far?
Are the rules good now or are they just as bad as they were last edition
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>buy box of warhammer
>let it sit unbuilt for 3 years
>GW says it will be tournament legal for 1 more year and playable for at least 3 more years
>wow I was totally about to build and paint these guys but now I just can't GW is so evil they've squatted the team I love so much
Reminder that these are the people complaining about team rotation
>Reminder that these are the people complaining about team rotation
I'm here from Space Marine 2. Did some research looked at the third party model pastebin on /40kg/ and decided to make a veteran guard team out of third party models to really make the army mine.
Now I have learned that they won't be around for much.
Will there still be "legends-like" support for armies that get rotated out even after they're no longer tournament legal?
>wont be around long
Its Guard. There will be another Guard team you can use your models for at some point.
Stormies, Kasrkin etc etc
Get building ya damn secondary
I literally just bought vet guard from my local store thinking I might dip my toes back into 40k again after GW made all my space marines obsolete with primaris....are they getting canned completely?
Can't build anything when the bits haven't arrived.
But I'm on it, chief.
>no glory
Either it was supposed to be like "no guts no glory" and it flubbed or since they're spec ops units they're not likely to be paraded around coated in medals
They did great. Stormtrooper equivalent Guardsmen hit on 3s like they’re canonically intended to. No complaints.

Hopefully marines will be knocked down to 5 models. Astartesfats get the rope.
No but after a year you won't be able to play them at official events and any tryhard playgroups which you'd probably want to avoid anyway
Wouldn't surprise me given a lot of the changes actually do make elite and low model count teams have more staying power and versatility as well as directly given points for killing enemy models
>Now I have learned that they won't be around for much.
Still got 4 years for normal games and 1 year for tournaments adhering to the classified teams system. Not really what I would call a short time.
Definitely better, at their core very similar though so how much better it actually is in game still remains to be seen.
So far so good but not enough shown yet to be sure. They're masters of releasing promising information then right before release slapping you with the details that spoil it.
ach but four years passes by so fast for boomers
You're a faggot and you need to stay on reddit
I bought vet guard in June because I wanted a new team, I have every right to complain
Have you opened the box yet?
I remember "less rerolls".
They said teams get 4 seasons of tournament eligibility and 2 editions of rules compatibility. So they'll be tournament eligible for the next year and have rules for the next 3 years. Then in 2027 they lose their rules and become paperweights.
>No mercy
>No compromise
>No glory
>No teams
>It's too hard to perpetually balance teams!
>instead of pursuing competent game designers and play testers, let's just make our customers buy new thing and get excited for next thing!
This max profit at the expense of end user experience shit is off the rails. C-Suite fucktards act like there's a razor edge between wringing customers for every they have and minimum business viability.
Fuck off nigger. I bought orks early on August and was busy painting and repainting dorf rangers to get onto orks.
>but have you painted/assembled/whatever them?
Yes. No. Maybe. Fuck yourself, because whether someone hoards shit or not it is no excuse to take their toys away. Besides, post your models, faggot.
The quality of the rules is irrelevant when they're putting a definite, close-by expiration date on everything included in them
>"but four years is sooooo long"
Don't give a shit what zoomers think time is like, every faction in 40k that's been around from the start has a significant chunk of units that are still usable from then - hell, warp spiders have managed 30 years on the same kit
Still waiting for you to post your teams since last thread
Who are you quoting?
GW's design staff and upper management
it's real i was there
What really needs to be done is the communities need to finally collectively tell GW to go fuck themselves and decide for themselves what's legal or not.

Unfortunately the hobby is dominated by millenials and zoomers who grew up with the modern live service videogame mindset and think corporations are the ultimate arbitrator of a product and you have to follow them blindly.
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>implying he has any
he's just riling you guys up
Have you opened the box yet?>>93876447
oh yeah they haven't previewed a single marine team.
Different users. I have two teams finished that have both seen several games each, plus a third team in the works (and a fourth abandoned team). So yes, I've opened the box.
There will always be a "guard" team, one way or another. Since you are using proxy minis anyway (i.e. not playing official tournaments or in GW stores), you should not be worried at all.
However, following this logic, I don't think the hoarders ever do play with their toys. What with the rules cycles lasting three years for the last decade.

Somewhat like telling yourself you'll definitely write a book one day.
just make every variant of the vet guard team including the bad ones, and like 4 basic gun dudes, you'll fill every archetype for any future guard team
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I need the marine showcase come on GW!
And you'll have a Necromunda gang, too!
Do we have a hard and fast release date yet? I know in my local area people will be snatching up these boxes but they do nothing but shrug everytime I ask when I can put in a preorder hivestorm.
Just befriend the LGS owner and ask him to keep a box for you before it goes up for preorder.
19 more hours
Them saying "if you're curious what the Angels of Death kill team entails" raises my hope that it'll be something more interesting than just intercession squad renamed. Still not super hyped since it might still be boring as balls but maybe, maybe. Maybe it'll even have Deathwatch options
The new core rules seem overall quite good, more or less just a refinement of the previous edition's core rules which is good. Going back to inches and adding solo/co-op rules is obviously nice too.
It'll be a good system once someone gets around to making a homebrew compendium because neither of my teams currently have rules and I refuse to spend a penny on the game so long as they're catering to tourneyfags with esports team rotation cancer.
Out of the loop, what showcase?
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they're in the process of showing off the changes to existing teams in the next edition on the Warhammer Communtiy page. They said they'll show marines later this week. Also the marines were renamed into Angels of Death. And also seemingly combined with Strike Force Justian, since they didn't appear on the classification chart.
This leads to some people theorizing that Intercession will get new equipment options, thus hype.
What are your teams?
Nids and DG.
>inb4 some variation of "just play legionaries bro!"
I'm happy for the people who are okay losing all the DG-specific wargear, disgustingly resilient, slower movement, poxwalkers, etc for something vaguely similar but if I wanted to play normal CSM with a Nurgle mark, I would have made a team for The Purge.
If one of them is Hive fleet you can play it nearly as it is by translating the stuff. but seems a bit like there is some power creep in the other teams so compendium might be even weaker now.
replace the shapes with numbers
(AP1=Piercing1, Splah1=2"Devestating1)
GA2 of the gaunts need to be made into an abillity instead.
Equipment may not work like that but just from the logic 2,5 EP = one of the 4 equipments you can choose.
For DG it is mostly the same.
dig in just needs wording changed (throw one extra defence dice)
GA same as gaunts
1 equipment=2,5EP
What compels people to make post like this
What do they expect?
For everybody to just do nothing for decades until they decide to play?
Am I tripping or are most of the teams they're choosing to show off in these articles barely changing at all?
Most of them are pretty small changes and more like clarifications, yeah. A lot of the real changes will probably be abilities tied to specialist units, which we won't know until we can see their cards.
Honestly, I do this, but I think I'm gonna repurpose some my unbuilt models into bit farms for kitbashes.
>barely changing at all
Isn't that the point?
Bzw they showed everyone except power armor guys (legionarys, phobos,angels of death, scouts, nemesis claws).
There are a lot of details changing in the team abilities, like reanimation protocols only letting one guy resurrect a turn or hernkyn no longer being unable to shoot if they forward deploy (probably because that's no longer needed as a balancing factor with the core rules).
We're also seeing some new ploys like bitter demise, and the new way equipment works means that a lot of it has changed, either just changed to apply team-wide (servo skull, kasrkin knives) or entirely new effects or choices (breacher stimms, symbols of bloody worship).
I assume they're trying to keep the core gameplay elements of the teams rather similar, but are changing up some smaller aspects to be in line with new design principles or for balance.
Yeah, bummer
Blooded strat and tac ploys are all so laughably bad, it would take them zero effort to make something better
Why do infiltrators and incursors get so many options in the Phobos strike team, while reivers only get warrior and sergeant?
So I've picked up various kill teams the past few years intending to use the models for 40k and then getting backlogged. Which ones should I paint first? Which ones are fun?

Tau Pathfinders (Built the novitiates but for 40k)
Hernkyn Yaegirs
Ork Kommandos (Part of boarding party box.)
Kroot Farstalkers
Brood Brothers
Navy Breachers
How bad are heavy intercessors? Thinking of getting started in kill team since I like 40k but don't have enough time to make a full army these days. Kinda wanna do heavy intercessors because I like the super heavy ranged stuff but maybe will end up just doing intercessors so I can have at least some melee ability.
heavy intercessors are a compendium team, which just got removed. Tomorrow we get a preview of the new version of the generic marine team, called "angels of death" so no way to know anything until then.
Brood Brothers or Kommandos probably your best bet in the current edition.
I'm hopeful that Kroot will come good with their core mechanic getting reworked in the new one.
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new to kill team here
i was thinking about making a team that's just a bunch of servitors and their handlers, like if the opposing kill team fucked up and ended up in a factory or some shit and now they have to fight the workers
what team would you recommend i use for the rules to proxy them as?
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Because modelkit.
they are BAD, really really bad. a 5 man team with just apl2 and the gunner is just weak. probably one of the worst compendium teams in existence.
pic related? all equipd with MM (or big guns in general) is kinda hard to do there is nothing that fits and.using them as just hotshot lasguns or something is really strange, with lots of fantasy maybe talons of the emporer (but the team is now gone) two magos as custodes and 5 servitors as flamer sisters of silence. or similar with inquisitorial agents but they already have a servitor that could give problems with identification what counts as what.
The phobos strike team kit was the incursor/infiltrator kit with an upgrade sprue. Reivers were thrown in mostly by association and didn't get any of those upgrades.

They were possibly the worst team in the game, and on top of that they are no longer legally playable in a month-ish. Do check in in 6 hours when we should have the preview of the Angels of Death team, the chance is slim but heavy ints might be playable there.

If you're willing to do a lot of converting, inquisitorial agents. They fit the bill as an assortment of specialised human workers (though they might end up feeling really overcompetent for a bunch of factory workers) and they get to bring two servitors if you don't bring in any of the other teams as support.
Next best option would be like, pathfinders or something with their drones, or maybe gellerpox if you want to REALLY stretch some conversions and make giga-sized servitors.
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I want to help some guys here with this picture.
I only play Kriegers. Kriegers are my team. When they go, I go.
Did they show plasma in any of the previews yet? So far it only got a buff with the increased pistol range.
Unless Plasma Pistol keeps the 6" range and other options get 8"?
>you can't play official tournaments with your team for long so stop playing a game you like, there is no in between
then what? play another game you like less? stop tabletop completly? just don't go on OFFICIAL tournaments and enjoy the rest of the game.
Who would you use for the Patriarch if I wanted to proxy Genestealers into a chaos cult?
Not in the previews, but the leaks for aquilons have this statline for their plasma. Not a low chance it'll be the statline for plasma across most of the game.
What exactly could replace Hierotek Circle once it goes out?

I guess you could do a warrior or flayed one kill team but that would be boring.
Hierotek Square
If you look at the edition previews it'll actually be replaced by Hierotek 2".
I laffed
Flayed ones for a killteam are thematic kinda wonky even canoptec would work better. maybe special lychguard
>le angels of HECK
Ffs I sure hope I can get a cool team out of mkX marines only. Total phobos/gravis death!
I share your dislike for Phobos, but what's wrong with Gravis?
This is gonna be the longest hour of my life.
Just like phobos it shouldn't exist and was born out of desire to double dip on terminators at home while the real terminators were still in the oven.
Heavy ints/eradicators are cool and great models. They could have just made them the new devastator squad and it would be fine.
They shoud've kept the original squad specializations in general. No need to shit out some new special armor types or new mono gun sqads, marine roster was bloated already.
Any word on the Solo Rules yet?
The whole book leaked on >reddit
basically you have 3 missions (kill, capture objectives, reach the other side of the board and escape)
you also have 6 enemy types (and the approval to crate your own) wound caractersitic is how many "points" the model cost and mission "suggests" how many points should be balanced but you are free to pick more or less
you literally just take a team (or half of one in coop, rounding up or down by odd numbers is your own decision, no further restrictions both half team can pick gunners)
that is basically the whole mode, something else you want to know?
>the Intercession Squad and Strike Force Justian, so commanders can recreate their old squad or experiment with fresh combinations
it's real, holy shit
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New article

>All space marine are Astartes meaning base shoot and fight twice
>Intercession squad and justian slammed together
>Phobos are 7" move base
>Chaos marines are now 14 wounds base
>Night lords get their obscurement without being concealed
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This dude seems like a rather crazy upgrade from the regular ol' Sergeants. Especially Assault gets outclassed entirely. I guess ranged one is still an option if you want to delete enemies with his powerful double shots.
Power Weapon and Plasma Pistol and can still fight twice with the Angel of Death ploy which he can activate for free. Also Iron Halo.
I wonder if we'll have to pick 2 operatives out of gravis heavy bolter, phobos sniper, old gunner, old grenadier.
Might be time to start looking for the models.
One less marine kill team is always good news.
I hope next edition keeps removing those without adding new ones. Maybe that way we can finally get a non marine elite team.
Sorry buddy, but this just means marine players have more options now. Justian was basically just intercession squad but with special weapons and a captain instead of chapter tactics, now that they're rolled together there are just more build choices for that.
>>Phobos are 7" move base
I totally missed that while skimming over the article, that's a nice compensation for having less wounds. I don't know if the special-issue ammunition is going to be enough to let them go head-to-head with the other SM teams though.
It's not a bad thing for the main marine team to have nice things. It's a great thing that they get more options within a single team to better represent a variety of chapters and playstyles.
It is just annoying that the entire real estate of "elite teams" is reserved for types of Marines because there are so many of them clamoring for representation within the game.
Them having their own heinous arrogance AND vox scream is pretty nice. I think they might actually be quite a bit better now than they were.
Outside of D/Eldar, what faction has elite infantry that would not be incredibly overpowered in the granularity of Kill Team?
>built my full intercession squad just before the new edition announcement
>time to get more bodies and have more to paint because there's new options
cool i guess, if the sniper makes the cut for angels of death that'll be nice. i'm sure what I have will still work fine though
>captain comes with power fist and plasma pistol
fuck I'm out of both of those though, this is a problem
Any additional information at all would be appreciated. I love 40K and I've always been interetsed in Kill Team, I've just had nobody to play against until these solo rules came along.
Newb here, can you please explain what his Heroic Leader rule does?
What it appears to do is allow you to use a ploy (40k equivalent is a stratagem) on that model for free once a turn. Alternatively, you can change the squad's doctrine (shoot far good, shoot close good, or melee good) once per turn for free.
Oh so he kinda gives out orders to your dudes?
More like he makes giving orders more efficient, as you would normally have to spend your limited command points to do so.
I see, thanks for the explanation
>legionaries are 14 w now
Adeptus Astartes Tactical Manlet Squad (*counts as CSM) is back on the menu!
technically every more information is detailed stats from the npo's (non player operative, basically npc) or how they act what basically is :"can you hurt the player if yes do so if no get closer to hurt him" or stuff from the normal rules of the game. there is nothing more to the mode.
>Phobos Movement 7 and can skip activations
Actually kinda exciting, but we'll have to see if they can actually kill things this edition.
And correct me if I'm wrong but it doesn't look like they made any mention of Marks of Chaos coming with list building restrictions. That's exciting, I think.
>plasma pistol is weaker even than the new nerfed plasma gun statline
>BS3+ on the plasma, meaning he's also somewhat vulnerable to Hot
>allegedly he can do two fight actions by default since he's an astartes
>sergeants might have received a buff to compensate
Space marines seem to have been stepped up a notch in strength overall, so maybe they are going to 5 man teams baseline?

It's really simple, you'll play as a kill team in simple missions against generic enemy statblocks with a functional but not complex ai system.
Having plenty of mooks from a bighammer faction will help, if you can put a few squads of basic horde infantry and a few elite enemies on the table you'll have enough for big enemy waves.
The ability to skip an activation seems really niche, as you'll potentially be giving up a Counteract to do so, or maybe even giving one to your opponent.
Stealth Suits, Tyranid Warriors, Flash Gitz, maybe even an Abominant, 4 Aberrants and Biophagus team
And if you do want to include (D)Eldar then Wraiths, Warlocks, Grotesques, and Court of the Archon could all be some very elite teams.
In midnight clad is actually useful now lets go
>Oh no my plastic expired
This is the crux of the dumb thought, Gw thinks they have to put out op product to get people to buy kill team and that leads to power creep unless they can shelve old teams.
>This is fucking stupid, people rarely buy teams because they are powerful (witness all the Karskin, warp coven and intercessor type teams).
People buy teams because because they identify with them, want to spend some hobby time with the kit, want to have an excuse to talk about 'muh dudes' . Some many people play rarely (and Gw recognized this with the solo play bit, I've been going out of my way to play and I've played a couple of games in the last month or two because I've just not had the time). It's far more likely to move product letting people have 'muh dudes' and they may also catch another team they like and start collecting those (the number of 'one team' players seems super small in my experiance) but instead they've looked at us and said
>That 3 year old plastic is just too degraded and as a game company I cannot be expected to keep upwards of 30 variables even remotely balanced despite managing a logistics system that takes a couple of people with Business Masters to make the damn things.
And even that is a slight self-own there considering their routinely late and out of stock routine. I could balance those teams, me myself. All of them. It wouldn't even be a part time job, maybe a 3 month contract to set up the power level templates/benchmarks for a five year plan and touch back on it a year or two later.
>It's fucking lazy and stupid and I shouldn't be surprised from GW but here we are.
So I'm just going to 3d print and enjoy the game on Wahapedia and play occassionally and not spend a dime on anything that says
>this plastic is just no good after three years and this game is just too complicated, yes I am a professional game designer but it's just too much work.
Because the people who say that are idiots and taking you for a ride.
Going 2 plasmas and a Sharpshooter on my Kasrkin. Can't decide on the last gunner. Hotshot, or Nade Launcher?
You can only take 1 of the same gunner no double plasma
You should repick the second gunner if you want a legal team, all signs point towards the same "one of each gunner type per team" restriction as last edition.
Oh fuck I misunderstood the writing. You guys just saved me some trouble down the line. Thanks.
Lucky for you
I realised my mistake half way through a game where i was running double plasma and grenade launcher
I think plasma, sniper, grenade launcher and melta are your best bet, flamers are bad and volleyguns are meh
Who are you quoting?
>Kill team rule writers try not to be needlessly obtuse challenge (impossible)
So when are they squatting my Kasrkin? 2026?
in theory they get "unclassified" late 2025 and finally squatted end of 2027.
Xv46 void suits, vonrayan leapers.
I'm playing mandrakes tommorow against felgore. This is like, my 4th game with my gay elves and I've never played against unga bunga goats before. How screwed am I?
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no cap(tain)
Don't get ganked. Save up for the fights first in combat ploy. Offer up easier kills on basic warriors to bait overextended charges with your specialists ready to retaliate. You can probably balefire some targets for your sacrificial warriors for some easier shooting to make their sacrifice worth it.
you're playing one of the most OP melee teams in the game, stop whinging
I still don't understand what the fuck Angels of Death Team is.
intercession and strike force justinian's gay son
"Angels of Death" is one of the many epitaphs they use to describe space marines in the fluff
>intercession and strike force justinian's gay son
Yeah but it tells me nothing. Does it mean we will be allowed to freely mix Primaris operatives?
Post models
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Sure thing.
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Have an in-progress team for a bonus, too, while we're here.
So where are your models?
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Based, carry on. Have a kabalite
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I'd post current models I'm working on but I'm all nice n comfy in bed so take an old photo instead
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nta, but I too think you're a gigantic faggot and GW apologist
Here are the models I have laying about, my blooded, kasrkin and vet guard I bought in June that i'm just getting ready to paint. forced obsolescence is a shitty practice and is indefensible for anyone with half a brain.
>GW apologist
>for saying GW fucked up and it doesn't matter how good the rules are
>while specifically calling out forced obolescence as a problem
how do you square that one again
Sorry, i'm retarded and got you two mixed up, I meant to reply to >>93887684
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Not a GW apologist as I also think putting a shelf life on models is pretty retarded. But I also don’t really care about the rotation in general because 1: I can just play with someone at the shop if I want to play a game with my Corsairs when they lose rules support in 2027, and 2: I don’t play in tournaments. It doesn’t affect me and likely won’t affect most people except at the “”””bleeding edge””” of play. I’ll homebrew my Corsair rules if I need to, I don’t need GW’s blessing to use my models.
That's fair, I also don't play at tournaments so i'm able to use my teams indefinitely, but it still puts me off buying new models if GW plans to try and move people onto new teams every edition
>Phobos are 7" move base
So stupid. They aren’t Eldar.

Inb4 some astartesfag copes at me.
Phobos trade a higher wound count for more movement. That's just intuitive design. Choke on my adamantine dick.
It's just making the movement buff of their vanguard ploy part of the team's base rules, so it's not quite as auto-use as it has been during the previous edition.
Actually pretty funny that all three space marine teams (intercession, legionary, and phobos) had pseudo-teamwide access to 7" movement before any eldar team did. Eldar definitely should have 7" move base as a faction identity thing and the circle movement definitely got in the way of that design all of last edition.
you dont have a plasma+fist cap? that's standard 10e loadout
Wait and see the seargent before you buy any extra models. He might still be the better pick.
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Doubt it. You'll probably have Intercession (Tacticus only) with the option to take 1 phobos sniper and 1 gravis heavy bolter as specialists. Also a captain as an alternative to the sergeants.

My first team. Looking forward to tweaking them depending on the Angels of Death changes. Working on some Kasrkin in the meantime.
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And yesterday I finished painting my kitbashed intercessor KT. Terrible timing.
I don't play Marines in 10th, so nope.
Anon all of your models are almost certainly still gonna be legal
>space marine with bolt pistol and chainsword will be illegal
So I read that Exaction Squad relies on:

Man with Shield to be a distraction/tie down enemies

Man with Shotgun to atomize said enemy

The question being:
>Is that true, but more importantly: how can I make it funny? I want to arrest people and gun down the rest. Also dog - I would like the dog to somehow join in the brutality.

Brand new to Killteam, but mostly waiting for the new edition I suppose.
is money the only reason for not allowing Kill Team exclusive models for standard 40k skirmish?
>they hated Jesus because he spoke the truth
Huh? You mean the other way around right? Because kill teams get 40k rules
wait, so you could use Kill Zone models for 40k skirmish?
yes, you can use KILL TEAM models for 40k. Some like Death Korps, Mandrakes, and Scouts get wholly new rules, while others like Phobos, Nemesis Claw, and Brood Brothers are just upgrade sprues of existing units.
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They're adding HQs?
>HQ name
>Sergeant stats
It's just marketing for marinepiggies.
>still no deathwatch
I mean they have added named hero HQ models like that Rogue Trader captain.
Lol thats not your photo.
>They're adding HQs?
they already did with multiple teams
Hierotec, brood brother, strike force justian, maybe novitiate or warpcoven, no idea if superior or sorcerer could be considered HQs, same with other teams legionary chosen/aspiring champion or whatever. starstriders is an odd one.
I painted up these little dudes my friend got me. Are space squats a popular killteam? I also bought the salvation box so scout squad and those elf dudes.
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Lmfao. Karkinfag won. GW did every single thing he wanted. The team is basically bespoke Compendium Scions.

Based. I kneel.
no they suck because I said so.
Did they add hot female guardsmen yet?
It's GW. All women from the company will be grotesque trannies.
i would have preferred if they made him a lieutenant at most, it feels extremely weird that a commander of a whole company leads a sneaking action involving half a squad
Play OPR Firefight instead. It's superior to KT in every way as long as you are not a brain-dead Subway Surfer-watching zoomer capable of reading more than just Basic Rules section. Being able to field a Captain, a Termie and a Biker as my Kill Team is simply amazing.
It is true, yes, but as for making it funny? That really depends on your paint scheme and theme for the Kill Team. Like a clown themed Exaction Squad with Subductors wielding balloon batons and clown-faced shields while pie-throwing Vigilants back them up would be pretty funny. You could put a clown nose on the dog, I dunno.

>I want to arrest people and gun down the rest. Also dog - I would like the dog to somehow join in the brutality.
The arrest mechanic is a bit fiddly but when it works it's great, it's especially fun to do on a specialist and just keep them tied up until the enemy spends activations killing your Arbites to free their friend.
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>OPR Failfight
That shit's trash, go back to /awg/ and shill your garbage blandslop.
Bold of you to call other games blandslop while fanboying for the most soulless game GW ever released. I bet you use terms like 'bespoke teams' unironically and cheer for Compendium squatting as well.
Orks without green look weird at first glance, but i like them.
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>if GW plans to try and move people onto new teams every edition

I couldn't care less if they plan to milk their cattle that way, so be it. Everyone can decide for himself what to buy, and what not to buy.
It means a steady stream of new teams in the best case, and there might be some miniatures among them that i like.
>Being able to field a Captain, a Termie and a Biker as my Kill Team is simply amazing.

Sounds like 3 reasons already why is it not superior to KT.
Not even among /awp/ players OPR slop is liked. If someone is looking for an alternative to KT, Mantics Deadzone is actually quite good. (and you can use your 40k minis for it, just as with OPR).
Grotesques team finally confirmed?
>Nooo Termies are haram
>Custodes in my Kill Team? Totally acceptable
Doublethink hard. GW trained you well.
Custodes are on the way out the door, though.
Not an argument.
Nice to pick the one of the three that i have the least problems with, but you are a retarded OPR player anyway.
Just run them as Intercession, they're getting new weapon options for better variety.
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Did we see any meltas yet? Do they also get 8" of range?
Ok, I found one. It has 6 inches only.
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Are Angel of Death teams going to be 5 man?
doubt it, most likely still 6
Throw your intercessors into the bin and buy the new Angels of Death™ team or it's 3 years in the Games Workshop prison for you, mate
Could've trimmed the knee pads
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I wonder if the Angels of Death team will have options from the Eliminators and Heavy Intercessor box that aren't on the monopose Eliminator and Heavy Intercessor Team Justinian models
They probably won't have a dedicated box. You'll have to grab those Gravis, Phobos and the Captain dudes from 40k boxes, just like with the base Intercession Squad.
If they don't get a specialized "angels of death" box i higly doubt it. Also what options for heavy intercessors, the only special weapon is heavy bolter.
That's what I mean, since ST Justinian is a limited edition thing that's harder to get than other Teams, most Angels of Death players are going to have to get an Eliminator and a Heavy Intercessor from the regular kits for those units.

So they might aw sell let you use the options from those kits. Like, let you give the Elimator a Las Fusil and the Heavy Intercessor a Heavy Bolt Rifle instead of a Heavy Bolter
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Soo, what are we thinking about the new flamer? Could it be worth taking now?
more range, ignores cover saves, torrent kinda fixed, hot real killer for non elite teams..... still seems worse as granade launcher plasma melta combo.against "most" teams.
oh yea forgot one attak less but one dmg more
Yeah... I'm assembling my Kasrkin right now and I'm on the fence about the plasma, since I won't be able to fix hot failures with Elite now. I might actually take the Hotshot Volley Gun instead.
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It's significantly better against most targets, especially its supposed specialty (horde enemies). It is marginally worse if the target is a space marine that already wasn't in cover but a significant upgrade.
>Range 8"
>Torrent 2"
Wait a minute...
it's because he's the Captain Justian replacement
i would wait with fussilade gone the weapon could have changed a lot.also i think plasma in not overcharged (from current rules) is still better then volleygun, we also don't know how much granade launcher or melta changes (ir at all) the melta carbine could be different from a "normal" melta to compensate for the good movement of the team.
Ah, I didn't even notice Fusilade is gone. The wait is driving me mad. I think I'll just try to buy two more bodies somewhere.
>91st of April
Definitely fake. Post address, DOB, social security number and the 3 numbers on the back of your credit card to disprove.
You were supposed to have forgotten those existed, Anon
A Games Workshop Compliance Drone (TM) has been dispatched to your location
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Sooo, think it's too early to print myself a heavy intercessor and a phobos sniper?
Bruh it'll just be like a couple weeks. Wait it out.
play with other people outside of tournaments? If you are playing casual games the rotation doesn't matter
..... that was the point.
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I want to get a non human kill team for the new edition, what xenos team is your favourite any why, anons?
>>instead of pursuing competent game designers and play testers
Keeping bloat under control is competent game design. It's arguably the most important game design skill.
We are literally in the switch of editions, how the teams play will shift so be aware of whatever you hear/read can change. Ps gallrpox and fellgore are not xenos but still monsters/beasts so maybe also an option.
First choice would be Hive fleet but they are compendium and get squatted now so i can't reccomend them.
Kommandos would be the next pick orcs are cool in general the team is not to complicated but still has a few tricks and is more melee focused (most human teams are more ranged focused so nice change of pace)
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When exactly does overwatch activate? Is it after the enemy finishes their activation, or during? Can I shoot a concealed operative who's moving from cover to cover over open terrain? Or a hostile operative who's charging at my operative who wants to shoot from overwatch?
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Nvm I'm dumb. I reread it and it makes sense now.
>Can I shoot a concealed operative who's moving from cover to cover over open terrain?
This isn't Xcom.
Overwatch happens after your opponent has finished his activation and its now your turn but you have no ready operatives
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Corsairs are the best team for players of patrician tastes. You have a bunch of tricks, decent shooting and all the mobility you could ever want (now that fly is nerfed). They are glass cannons but learning how to pilot them without getting tabled is a test of your skill and luck.
I might have convinced a friend to play Kill Team with me, we're going to play a proxy game in the next couple of days. What do I do to make them definitely want to play?
Are you into 40k? Show him so models from factions he likes
Alternatively just tell him the game is one £40 box and is fun
Play the co-op mode from the leaked rules.
What does your friend like? Find a team that fits his play style and let him pilot it against you in something simple like Loot.
I started a campaign with one of the regulars that'll be completed just in time for the new edition. I'm playing slightly modified Deathwatch, giving them the Infiltrator and Incursor keywords to give them a few extra ploys and equipment. It makes them just a touch more interesting. My opponent is playing Kommandos.

First game was two weeks ago. Both teams are trying to secure the planet Vardania which has been abandoned for centuries before a passed rogue trader's journals revealed that it is rich on valuable minerals. Teams have been sent ahead to secure landing areas and the existing infrastructure before main forces can make landfall, as heavy storms make mass operations risky. With comms to HQ broken on the planet, both teams make their way to planetside comms relays, long abandoned, to repair them and use them to bypass the storms.
The Orks were slaughtered pretty badly on this mission, but despite this they managed to eke out a draw by preventing the space marines from capturing more repaired relays. Both teams withdraw to focus on other objectives.
Upon repairing the first objective, Sergeant Maltus scavenges some spare parts and gets the secondary objective Scavenger, getting to equip an item of equipment for 2 less EP for the rest of the campaign. This was pure luck, just me rolling a 6 on the first objective.
The Kommando Nob scores two marine kills and marks himself as a rising powerhouse in the battle, becoming the Champion for the campaign and gaining a narrative play rank.
Some highlights include Pho'dro blasting two orks in a row with spectacular rolls from his heavy bolter and a stunning shock grenade from an ork boy robbing the marines of 2 actions.
He digs Dark Eldar and the Imperial Breachers, so I'm gonna push for that angle.

We played mission 2 today, where the two teams move in on the suspected target site for the mining operations on the planet, only to find it littered with already excavated minerals. It's a scramble to seize most of it before the other team can do so, as this much material would already make the expedition worth the costs even if the planet is lost.
The Deathwatch hit pretty hard, getting control of the central area early and raining hell from the center tower. Despite all of the shooting, however, from both sides - the ork gunners were blasting and five out of six marines fought or shot twice during the turn - only 2 orks, a squig, and one marine is taken off the table during turn two. Disaster strikes in turn 3 as a miscalculation leads me to lose my heavy gunner - I thought he could deal with a 2 wound ork in melee but forgot to account for Just a Scratch, and in combination with some other unfortunate exact numbers he bites the dust instead of scoring two kills. This is followed by many shots leaving orks standing on just a single wound. In the end, both sides sit on 3 crates of minerals, creating a second draw.
My leader steps up to challenge the Nob and the campaign's Champion, taking him down and establishing a rivalry going forward - Maltus is now the Rival for the campaign. He gains a rank.
Eager to move on and grab further gubbinz, one of the orks manages to secure the mine entrance while the deathwatch are busy holding the minerals, securing his team a faster entry into the next mission.
Selasco took the opportunity to, at the start of the firefight, download the miners' logs from the central data tower and also gains a rank. In it, it was discovered why the planet fell to ruin; a power rests in the depths, one that the population could not control. This does nothing to discourage either team, however; both sides are sure they can seize and control the power for themselves where the mere mortals of the planet failed.
I finally decided what Chapter I'm going to paint my Angels of Death team as. Sons of the Phoenix. An Imperial Fists successor that isn't super popular but still looks neat and has cool lore, albeit only like three sentences of lore. Plus it'll be good practice painting white.

The only problem is that now I'm going to want to gussy up the models to get that religious vibe the example from White Dwarf has. Guess I need to order some greenstuff and do a deep dive in my bits box
I don't know about that Imperial Fists part, but Sons are an awesome chapter. Love those dudes. Also their paint scheme is great.
I was also considering them, but I didn't feel like messing with white paint.
I'm probably gonna do something like light grey base, drybrush Corax White, recess shade of some kind for the white. Keep it simple, let the accoutrements pop
They're secretly Primaris based from the Emperor Children's geneseed. There are now primaris marines made from traitor legion genestock sprinkled everywhere on the Imperium thanks to Cawl, whose brilliant solution was to simply rebrand them as loyalist successors.
>all kill team products deleted from the GW store

it's joever...
they all get a new packaging we already saw that.
Anon btfo. Your models are cool as fuck by the way. Generally I don't care for non green Orks but the scheme is really nice. Would play a game with you.
How were I supposed to know with which one you 'have the least problems with', you imbecile?
You couldn't, but you still assumed it was the termi because you needed it for your silly argument against Custodes being present.
Who would you put combat blades on in a Kasrkin team? Is Melta guy a good choice, so he can defend himself if he gets charged?
If you wait a few weeks you can have them on the entire team
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Huh? Does every Kasrkin get a combat blade by default in the next ed? What'd I miss?
from the old rules, melta demo and trooper are best options if you really want them. from the new rules this will change a lot so probably not even a choice anymore
not him but equipment seems to change drastically and get bought for the entire team instead of individual models (like buy a granade that can be used once but by whatever model you like) i am not sure if equipment like knifes will still be a thing.
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Gotcha. Guess I'll just use them as decoration, then. Thanks dudes.
it says right there that they're Imperial Fist successors
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Yeah I wonder who told them that they were.
>No more support for Compendium Armies
Is the news of preorders meant to be today?
Did you legit play any compendium teams? If so, which ones?
Cycling plastic like you would video game seasons is stupid, anti-consumer, blatantly greedy, and overtly destructive.
Apart from anything else, making the figures disposable entirely undermines the part of the hobby where you actually put effort into your minis.
Fuck e-sports chasing.
Go lick boots elsewhere.
What offical events do you go to?
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>mfw I've been picking 2 entire categories instead of 2 abilities for Chapter Tactics
Nta but why are you defending that shit? There's literally 0 reason for a company as big as gw to cycle/squat teams other than greed. Wouldn't it be funny if this was testing waters for doing something similar in 40k by introducing premade army lists and then cycling them?
>There's literally 0 reason
A store only has so much shelf space, they couldn't keep 60 kill teams in stock.

Rules bloat makes games harder to design for because you need to consider an ever expanding list of rules interactions.

Rules bloat makes the game very difficult to play for a new player or a tournament player if they need to memorize the rules of 60 kill teams to have good games.

Players expect constant new content and GW needs to sell things to fund that new content. Why do you think it would make any sense that you would buy a single box of models and then receive a lifetime commitment to new rules? Who is paying these people if you're never buying anything again?

If you are happy with your same old team forever and their same old rules forever you can just keep playing them.
The knowledge burden of 33 teams is a lot already, and we’re getting at least 2 new teams a quarter for the next 3 years.
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It's okay, anon. I still love you.
It's okay, as a Space Marine player it's just assumed you're going to cheat.
Hear me out, what about a selection of teams, one for each faction, that are less specialized and that have more options from the entire faction range, allowing the player to build the variation of their faction they want instead of needing a team to specifically allow those models?
You could get the diversity without as much rules overload, and you'd no longer have someone complaining because their specific flavour of space marine monster energy isn't written up or their favourite dark eldar unit doesn't have a dedicated team. Sure, teams would have to have more complex building, perhaps using some sort of granular cost-based system, but maybe the advantages in variety and choice could outweigh the extra investment in team building time.
I do appreciate the characterful teams and reduced cheese that KT21 has given us compared to KT18, but at the same time if they're going to cap the number of teams below 30 so some major factions don't even get to play I don't think that makes up for the loss of options anymore.
all the kill team stuff next week it looks like
Finally Nemesis Claw and Mandrakes
why dont they just play with friends? Or people at at GW store that arent fucking autists about MUH LEGALITY and will be fine with it?
Man suggs is so cute, even with her funky as fuck teeth
So what's the expected price on the box?
So when Kommandos charge from conceal, that doesn't mean they can fight, right?
Only Charge and Shoot are disabled by conceal orders by default.
Oh snap. Thanks.
Wasn't the Octarius launch box $210? I wouldn't be surprised if Hivestorm was $250 and GW blames the economy for the price.
Well they're putting a bunch more plastic in the box by replacing the cardboard token sheets so a slight price hike might be reasonable
Which is why the box is probably gonna go for 300 or something
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Does auspexing an operative in conceal who's in cover allow me to shoot him?
No, you'd need Seek for that.
No why should it?
>ignores obscured
not relevant in cover
>ignores auto win defence dice
has nothing to do if you can shoot him or not.
Anyone a guess what only the rulebook could cost? sadly cannot afford the box.
$60 easily.
If you're this new to the game, why do you feel this concerned about things being tournament legal?
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he's got the right attitude for 40k, bitching about things that will never have any impact on him right from the get go
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>pre-order bonus wound dial bases
>doesn't come with a single one in 32mm
So which fag on the KT team is secretly one of the shitposters from this thread who is constantly seething over marines? It's painfully obvious that someone developing KT has a personal vendetta against the true protagonists and antagonists of the setting.
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The WAACfaggot at my LGS claimed it was going to be 450 bucks because it was a new edition
When I pointed out Skaventide was 210 he folded like a lawnchair and was like "uh buh i heard about it i dunno where but i did"
thx, yea thats around what i expect.
The wound trays look nicer than the bases imo.
the obsession with competitive play is so weird to me. if you're friends won't let you play with your cool toy soldier your friends suck desu

having a melty because daddy GW says its time to come buy new models is peak mindbroken consoomer desu
I'd say just piggyback off of other players or use pdfs until the starter set releases because it will have the rulebook but condensed without the lore fluff that thickens the book
why so many 28mm anyways, arent most teasm 25mm bases?
Most people come on this board only to complain. That guy will probably not even go through with the idea of building that team, let alone ever playing in a competitive setting. Literal SC2 tourist and he's already complaining, fucking incredible
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Part of geedubs' plot to remove 25mms from the game forever. Have fun rebasing everything, FAGGOT
>ktdash dies right as I begin my match
As if i would do that.
Btw, why are you such an ars.
If Warhammer players are remotely similar to MTG players, the vast majority of them will never participate in any kind of tournament.
and still follow the ban list
depends on what fromat/league you play.
I will never rebase anything. Seeing whether or not someone gets butthurt over me using the bases my models came with is a wonderfully effective "that guy" litmus test.
And yet even in casual settings WotC's data suggests that casuals overwhelmingly still refuse to play with cards that aren't tournament legal (silver border cards), so much so that for their latest un-set they had to make it black border with the bulk of cards being legal for eternal play to encourage casuals to actually play buy the set.
Warhammer fags are the same. Yes you'll find occasional people willing to play legends/unclassified teams, but the majority of the playerbase is literally full of autists who are afraid of playing anything that isn't """approved""" for the most """balanced""" way to play. KT's focus on catering to tournament autists certainly doesn't help either.
>playing higly competitive games with strict rules where you try to exploit them or strategize around them to win.
>play outside the rules where exploiting is mean and nothing is balanced because it is not legal stuff anymore
>create 16 different magic formats to make things legal even if unbalanced because everyone playing the format knows what they get into and what to expect
>majority of players refuse to play against highly skilled veterans that use cards you never even heard of and play in more restricted formats instead to have a chance at winning and ignore rules bloat
magic fanbase is really big at organising this stuff to an extend that it got into the official games and tournaments.
It comes with base sizes that are actually used by teams in the box you retards
it's the turret.
the cannon
oh okay, thought the aquilons would be 25 like kasrkin and veguard.
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wonder how that'll work for big 40k or if it'll be a waste of sprue space. Would be cool as its own unit you can drop on a point and cock block with higher OC
Probably just a fancy model in the same unit like heavy weapon team for guard.
Kasrkin are 28
Certainly their age varies quite a bit, no?
Kasrkin are not only on 28s, they're board game scale in height because a kasrkin features in the darktide board game.
My buddy and I have decided that Kill Team will be our game so we're going to pick up the new box seeing as how it has a two week pre-order window.

Is GW going to be releasing unit stats and rules for free online? I'm buying the box either way, but I'm curious to know if the post-release support will be akin to 10E.
>Is GW going to be releasing unit stats and rules for free online?
So they've said, though there is precedent for them not holding that promise. There'll always be wahapedia and such though.
>we're going to pick up the new box seeing as how it has a two week pre-order window.
Careful, it's a two week pre-order window with likely limited stock, and while we don't know how many copies they're making this time around the story with some previous releases, especially around season 2 of KT21, has been "sold out in minutes". They've been better at it with the last two boxes but this is also the release of a new edition combined with potentially 40k players wanting to nab boxes to use the models in bighammer.
>gather up a bunch of these new wheely bases.
>use them at tournaments
>allowed to change my model’s position every time I take a hit, sponsored by GW official merch
Base GW feeding the WAACfag cheating habit.
>Careful, it's a two week pre-order window with likely limited stock
Noted, what time do pre-orders usually go live on a Saturday?
oh my bad i had scions in mind. but thought all the guard teams are 25mm like brood brothers, blooded, breacher
Can someone post the Termination scan? The original link expired
The darktide board game is the largest hunk of shitdick I've ever had the misfortune of witnessing.
I'd it true space marine 2 is so successful getting people into Warhammer that all our shit is gonna be sold out? Some dude was saying everyone will buy kill team now.. all the paints will go out of stock etc when tens of thousands of people start playing.
It is somewhat possible because kill team is easiest to get into. Vast majority of these people won't like the hobby though and will drop it real quick. Might actually be a chance for some cheap aftermarket finds
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They're gonna fucking balk when they see that a lone Johnny Space In Fat Armor is like 40 bucks. And PAINT? You think a bunch of normies will figure out how to PAINT? that shit is a monumental time sink. SM2 is NOT going to attract as many people as you think, and any fucking spikes in sales is gonna immediately drop after the hype wears down.
Seeing all the bighammer retards bitch about the price of the new Kill Team stuff is peak entertainment. The price increase sucks but if it dissuades big hammer retards from buying up all the stock for their dogshit game I’m all for it.
230 for the box, 80 for all Kill Teams (those new cardboard tokens aren't cheap you know)
So intercession squad is now either assault or rifles, no grenadier etc.? If I'm reading the rules right sgt no longer needs the chainsword to take plasma?
It’s anywhere between 65-80. Scouts and Mandrakes are getting jewed because they’re being sold as 10 man squads instead of 5
I would expect an uptick in demand, Space Marine 2 is very popular and will probably bring in a decent number of people. I doubt it will get significantly worse than the current fucked up stock situation though.

Kill Team doesn't have any Space Marines or nids, so it's not going to be a huge draw for SM2 players, but it is an introductory game and the timing is good so it'll probably be the first purchase for at least a few new converts, but once again I doubt numbers big enough to really be noticeable in terms of stock.

Now, that new Space Marine 2-themed 40k starter GW said they're going to do, I'd bet that will be popular. It's insanely stupid that they buried the announcement in a Warcom article and haven't even showed it off when SM2 hype is at it's highest, but that's GW for you.
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No, Ned, 80 dollars. All Kill Teams in that fancy new packaging with the cardboard tokens will be 80 dollars.
Damn that sounds dope as fuck. I want one.
wait what fucking warcom article???
No offense mate but space marines are kinda gay as hell. Tau fire warriors on the other hand...
Based and true
Any other sci fi, small scale tactical games with a focus on individuals instead of squads besides Kill Team? Not liking having seasons where the shit I paid hundreds of dollars for is now out of season and unplayable
Stargrave comes to mind.
It's pretty fun and easy to pick up and has tons of customization, only problem is getting other people to try it... and the fact that the game is really swingy with its D20 system and the encounter table can screw over a player by say, spawning a blood thirsty Yeti in a players deployment zone turn 1, but you can just make your own encounter table or have a gentleman's rule to not have monsters spawn too close to models.
>While you’re waiting for your chance to play Space Marine 2, this week’s episode of Loremasters is all about the hero of Graia himself. It is available to watch right now, and if you’re still looking to get hold of a Titus miniature, Space Marine 2 Warhammer 40,000 recruit sets are coming later this year.
Infinity, obviously. I know Mantic's Deadzone exists but I haven't played it myself. I have preordered Halo Flashpoint though which I believe is based on the same ruleset.
I need some Team recommendation. I got starter set Vet Guard/Komm orks. Not sure which team to get now. My brother has Intercessors and is now paiting Kasrkin. His Marines owned me 3 times already. I would like some xeno team but not sure if any is cool so might get Legionares. At least I will have less minis to paint this time.
(Everything is already free online)
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Go Nemesis Claw, fight your brother, after your first victory insist that the guy on the banner is one of your brother's marines
I wish there was a way to cat proof a gameboard. My cat will hop on the table, walk over everything knocking them over, and steal marines with her mouth to devour in secret.
have you tried mmmmmm playing outside your house? like at a LGS? or mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm putting her in your room until the game is done????? oooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrr mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm throwing her into a volcano?
post cat
>Not liking having seasons where the shit I paid hundreds of dollars for is now out of season and unplayable
This will happen with literally any game you buy into unless the game stops updating at which point you will get bored and the models may as well be unplayable
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I hope the Volkus season has some good urban warfare picks and not half-fitting half-just-there picks the way Gallowdark did. Like for real how the fuck did goatmen and birdlizards get on a space hulk?
get some cat mats and set up elaborated booby traps around the table
maybe put duct tape sticky side up on places she uses to get on top of the table. cats don't like it and it's harmless.
Damn Im gonna get priced out of kill team at this rate.
Space hulks are full of weird mutant freaks that live there, so goats were fitting. Kroot go around doing mercenary work in giant space ship homes, so trying to loot a space hulk makes sense.
>still no bespoke tyranid kill team even rumored
>shitty compendium team getting squatted
my girlfriend's not happy
let her peg you with her turanid strapon so she can feel better
Nothing stopping you from continuing to play with her as long as you can agree on any rules that need to be updated for unsupported teams
this mfer sad turanid
add some venomthropes as sorcerers and run it with warpcoven rules, that's what I'm doing, tzaangors have the same statline as genestealers
Can't people just make their own homebrew rules at home when they play with friends and family? I'm not interested in competing with people at the game shop in any capacity.
wtf it's animal cruelty to lock your cat in a room you fucking criminal monster
Obviously yes but people like to bitch and moan and treat 4chan as their personal blog
What the hell are you talking about? Intercession squad, as it's being updated into Angels of Death, is only going to gain more options. Are you maybe looking at the compendium rules that have been outdated for playing intercessors for over 2 years?
How does she reach the table if it is over the chairs, you just need to put the chais further away or under the table (or place some tinfoil on them).
If there is something your cat does not like you could put it on or besides the table (like a vaccume or a scented candle). also putting your cat in a room after she run over your table is not animal cruelty like someone suggested it is training, if the cat did something wrong it gets punished that is normal. if you do it directly AFTER she destroyed your game or is right about to she will connect the dots after a few times and will stop or start pissing in your shoes for revenge or so depends on the charater your cat is and how good you trained her befor.
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pretty sure the "putting your cat in your room is animal cruelty" comment was a joke because most of the time when people complain about their pets on /tg/ the response is to do something fucked up like hitting the pet or throwing it out etc.
I used to put my dog in my room whenever we had get togethers and yeah she'd whine and scratch at the door but if she was given free reign she'd bolt out the door.
Soul Drinker also were, and suddenly they are no more.
>Kill Team doesn't have any Space Marines
Not having the SM2 starter sets ready to go for the game launch is a huge whiff.
Okay, didn't know that, lucky me i guess.
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Has Hivestorm prices been revealed/leaked?
Hey guys.

Are Angels of Death going to be okay? Phobos are gay as fuck, but the new Chapter Tactics seem really bad.

I still have my converted Black Templars for intercession that I could finish painting. Kind of want to play them but AoD seem bad compared to Intercession.

Which chapter tactic is good?
>the new Chapter Tactics seem really bad
>AoD seem bad compared to Intercession
They seem buffed if anything. For chapter tactics, aggressive no longer requires a charge, stealthy no longer has a minimum range, etc. and the four they previewed are not the full list so there are more. You've got more different operatives to choose from for the team, improving variety and fun factor. With all three combat doctrines being rolled into a single ploy I also would bet that they're getting some new ploys as options. On top of that marines in general are stronger now with a lot of the core rules changes.
I could see them dropping the team (along with the other marine teams) to be a 5 man band if anything because all the buffs seem too good for them to not receive a hefty nerf as compensation.
New thread
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point to the Space Marines

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