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Brace For Impact edition
Previous Thread: >>93872201

Aquilon rules preview

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Rules and Teams
>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:
>Game assistant-database thing

230 dollars. Do you have the dough?
I put my name on the reserve list. Prepared to get fucked by big daddy GW when the Australian price is revealed.
It's 390AUD, just preordered from a local store
Fuck no. I dont feel too bummed out about it tho, I have nothing but apathy for IG and the space Indians.
I am already mentally prepared to not get a copy.
Are mandrakes really 80 USD?
No, my wife would kill me after i already bought the termination box. I hope there will be a way cheaper starterbox later. Don't like the terrain anyway (ruins .... again....).
I can get whatever I want but at the prices I've seen, hard pass. I wanted more plastic mandrakes for my dark eldar but not at 80 bucks. 75 for nemesis claw is stupid too
Seriously. I paid less than that for my half of the nightmare box and got a piece of terrain out of it too.
I have the money buy bought season 1 and 2 before totally stopping because I don’t need any of this shit.

Will just get the rules and maybe the cards. Maybe nothing because all the rules are free. I’m honestly done supporting GW anymore via purchases. Gay ass company.

Will still play tho. I got models.
I've been eyeing up kill team for a while to get my 40k fix, and this new edition seems like the way to go. I'm going to run a Phobos Strike Team and I don't care if they're bad, but I don't want to be taking some auto win option. What's the general opinion if someone pulls up with a phobos team?
>What's the general opinion if someone pulls up with a phobos team?
nufag marinepiggy without the dignity to play classic scouts.
Usually the reactions are good. (except those that hate spacemarines in general or those that think you are a looser for not picking the strongest teams)
They are still a bit on the weaker side. for now, we have no idea if that is still the case in the new edition
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They used to be $50 for 5.
This is actually a price cut.
>new boxes come with cards and tokens for all kill teams
Dang I just bought a team like 4 weeks ago. What are the chances those bastards at GW will sell the accessories separately?
Cards are separate, they just come with unique tokens probably for like 15USD more over the current box
Oh you were talking about the new box. Then you're right, I guess.
Just check eBay after a week or so
Yes yes, but I have my Heresy stuff for regular marines. And scouts are basically children, I do not condone child labour.

That's perfect, if they're a weaker team I'm happy.
So how much more expensive is this box compared to the last one.
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How much of an easy mode is Intercession squad?
I've been playing with my brother who bought the starter and so far it's 3-0 for me. 2 times against Veteran Guard 1 against Kommandos. Although I gotta say Orks did much better than Krieg because the Squid taught me an important lesson about spacing.
I won't be buying it whether I have the dough or not. Plenty of terrain already where I play, no interest in either team, and going to see how it goes with the digital rules before buying anything hard copy that's going to likely be obsolete immediately anyway.
It's the most noob-friendly team in the game, and against a player that doesn't know how to take advantage of the activation advantage they become oppressively tanky and hard-hitting.
In current edition an experienced Guard or Kommandos player has a massive advantage against Intercessors. The thing is that guard especially takes a good understanding of their game plan to play properly.
>oppressively tanky and hard-hitting
That has been the experience so far, yeah. Shooting twice was brutal, especially with some elimination focused Seek & Destroy ops.

I see... We should probably have to find a more experienced opponent so he can kick my ass. Playing when neither side knows what its doing is rough.
So can anyone tell me what time preorders go up at on Saturday?
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What are you guys thinking about the new Hot? Is Plasma Supremacy™ over?
It can't be mitigated with rerolls, but there's no longer a chance of smaller operatives cooking themselves to death after a single shot.
Do we know anything about the core rules changes of this upcoming edition?
Yeah, everything. There's a full book leak on the kill team reddit. Somebody got it early.
The nerfs to the plasma damage profile will probably do more to discourage it as the be-all end-all.
>play vet guard
>kill an intercessor with a good plasma roll
>kill an intercessor with a melta
>kill and intercessor with the demolition guy
>he now has 1/2 of his team
It's that simple
i hate that it favours elite teams so much.
>oh no the man in power armor can handle his weapon exploding in his face better than Jerry
NTA, but for me it's not as much about tanking damage, as about elite operatives having a smaller chance of exploding in the 1st place.
i am not saying it makes no sense i still hate it from a gameplay aspect
I certainly don't think it should be based on BS. It'll make BS2+ pretty much free to overcharge because of low risk, and so I bet we'll see a lot of plasma pistols limited to BS3+ when the wielder normally would have 2+.
It would've been so simple to make the rule "Hot X" where X is the number you have to roll equal to or above to avoid going boom. That could let them design less dangerous Hot penalties when needed, and adjust for alternative ballistic skills.
the problem is not only that the risk of triggering is low with bs2+ it also makes min-max 2 damage. both together are just mean.
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I mean if even the Space Marine captain only hits on 3s, how many units with plasma would you even expect to have a 2+ roll?
Yeah, the exponential power of it when tied to BS is rough. If there is an Overcharge Lasguns ploy that gives Piercing 1 and Hot it's not going to suck because those shots have a chance of chunking 6 wounds off a guardsman, instead of them limiting it to rolling a 2 or lower for balance.
>"putting your cat in your room is animal cruelty" comment was a joke
Would you lock your child in a room? No? Then don't do it to a loving family member cat
Can I get a down low on the PVE and Coop modes? Or do we not know about them yet?
sure kids get groundet all the time (i mean not LOCKING the door so if there is something important like toilet or whatever but otherwise same thing).

There is not much to say. 3 missions (kill, take objectives, reach other side of the board) and 6 npo profiles (light middle heavy for both range and melee options), take a team (or two halfs in case of two players). that's practically it.
>230 ding dong dillerydoos
that's not much of a discount compared to the other boxes
What are you talking about? Seems quite similar to octarius despite price rises. Terrain alone would probably be 230ish, teams seem to cost 75-80 now (looking nemesis claws 75 and mandrakes 80) rulebook 60, team book 55ish cards no clue and kill-team essenials+ no clue.
>that's practically it.
A little bit snooze, no?
Yep, it is just tailored for new players that don't have the confidence to play against other players yet or some small things you can do if you are stuck at home or something. Not a real game mode, at least yet, they did mention to improve that thing later, MAYBE they actually do it.
I'll see if the small gang of players at our shop would crowdfund the starter to have at the shop. But otherwise I'll just enjoy the free rules for the teams I own while they're free.
Yeah that's more or less where I am with it. I can pick up resin proxies for two dollars a fig roughly I just can't justify paying almost 5 times that. I'm literally saving what this would be for a 3d printer.
>Is it over
I think the fact that the new Overcharged Stat line is only AP1 or Piercing 1 or whatever they call it now is the real killer. The new hot brings it into a reasonable place. I think the new Plasma, New Flamer and the Grenade Launcher lines are now very closely balanced.
assault intercessor sargeant, so there's a reason to pick him over Justian
I bought Octarius new for 180$ when it came out
>Kill Teams were 60$ at the time: 120$
>Terrain was around 100$-120$
>total was $240 in box contents, $60 dollars saved compared to buying separately
unless it's going to be discounted on Amazon it doesn't seem worth it
Since 3e is promising to get rid of DF stat, how do you think the saves will be handled in the new edition?
well 180 was retailer price i guess? i googled and it was supposed to be 200 back then.
you did save more with octarius because of the octarius book,the kill team essentials and the cards. ths time the essentials kit is bigger and everything is more expensive. so the % discount is probably pretty similar. soooooo what? i mean it is not cheap i get that but has nothing to do with the discount of thing to buy them seperate.
Same as befor. Everyone has default DF3 now. It is in the core rules instead of every individual operator.
If you couldn't already guess from everything else remaining the same, the rulebook leak confirmed that defense dice start at 3 as a default instead of being a stat now. It's the same as before.
corerules say everyone throws 3 dice, i am more curious how they handle the Gellerpox wich had df2 befor.
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>If a range attack is made against this operative, throw only 2 instead of 3 defense dice
could be, but they also could make the throw worse instead (5+ to 6+) or reduce the wounds from 2 to 1. would make more sense. that reduces the datacard text, what they seem to do in this edition.
Haven't touched kill team since it's first release in 2018, thinking about giving it another go to try and bring some friends into it since games and much shorter and it's way cheaper than 40k.
What's the better game gameplay wise, 2018 or 2021?
KT24 is the slightly better version of KT21, which itself is miles ahead of KT18 when talking about gameplay.
Have either of you played a game of 24?
I played a game with the new barricades and obscuring, it's barely different, ladders help make very tall maps playable so that's great.
I've played enough KT21 to see the good the new changes are going to do. Balance might be a bit off at first, but that'll be fixed before long.
Is this release going to be significantly better than 21?
Nah, it's gonna be significantly worse before the first balance pass, then incrementally better.
The the new obscuring changes the game quite a bit making LoS blocking terrain way more important. It is quite a bit harder to not get shot down. Over all still better thought. Just a question how that shifts the game balance between melee and ranged with the new team rules. So 24 feels mostly better for now.
What books would you guys recommend for someone getting into KT (and 40K in general)?
>core book?
>do I need a codex for my team?
Depending on your answers I may get a ripped version of this stuff and just bring an iPad, would that be looked down upon at a LGS for open play?
I know there’s free rules for assault intercessors, would that be okay? Or should I get the core book as well?
You could buy books for GW prices or you could go to wahapedia.ru that has all the rules for free and is constantly updated
If you're playing at an official GW store you won't be able to play with ripped rules, otherwise, I doubt anyone will give a shit. The rules for every team will be free after KT24 drops, which is probably in 2-3 weeks.
I predict this edition will be a mess balance wise at the start. Everything seems to favor marine. IDK in 21 we have gone from 3/5 objective to always 6 because Marine were oppressive with so few Objective. Now we return to 3 objective and nerf weapon like Plasma to Oblivion, a balanced BS 3+ Plasma has only 34% chance to kill a 14w Marine.

I am really excited about the new edition, but I fear we will need a few balance patch to put thing in a stable situation.
for kill team you should know the core rules, buying the book would be fine BUT BE AWARE next month comes a new core book,
the team rules will be available for free next month because of the new edition launch.
40k you should know the core rules and you "need" a codex to play your faction.
technically you don't need to buy any books for those informations you need to play. others can teach you the core rules or you can look it up online somehow or just watch youtube tutorials.
Sure thing how could it be different. funny that most hard elite going teams were compendium that are now gone anyways.
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So is the intercession kill team gone with the new rules? Just recently glued it together and base coated them. My hobby time is limited and this feels bad man
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No, anon. It's now called Angels of Death. It's Intercession with added operative options from Strike Force Justian, meaning you can pick a Captain as a leader and probably a Phobos Eliminator and a Heavy Intercessor with a Heavy Bolter.
Read here: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/09/13/space-marine-kill-teams-loyalists-vs-heretics
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is this kill team any good? it’s my first one and I’m gonna do it kind of soon after I finish Leviathan. I’m on the last like three models!
But the two very spesific sergeants I've assembled will probably not fit in the team?
The starter set? I got no clue which one are you planning on playing more, the space marines or the tau?
All the existing models will still be perfectly legal, it's just that there's new extra options to choose from.
Either or
Pathfinders are the most obnoxious team in the game, spess muhrines are fun to play/play against
Cool thanks. My day is not ruined after all
both teams are okay but not strong. Space marines feel better but start of next month the rules of ALL teams will change and it is possible that is no longer the case then.
i demand vehicles in Kill team, just limit it to the less powerful weaker vehicles.
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Does this work with crits generated by Lethal, or only natural 6s?
Tau are S tier in every single season this edition, what are you talking about
Regardless I wanted to ask I was thinking about doing my kill team for space Marines. I wanted to do a custom faction. How would I go about doing that? I understand you know come up with a name and symbol and a paint scheme but I mean in gameplay do I just choose the codex that I want my troops to play like.?
works with lethal. lethal makes crits out of your hits befor you chose to parry. at that point they are like every other critical hit.
This could only work with plastic grot tanks
lol forgot to write my reply to this post, it's very likely marine teams will go down to 5 operatives, seeing as everything seems to be a buff for them
Well I think what'll happen is they get 6 ops but they can replace 2 normal marines for one Specialist marine, like a sniper or gravis gunner.
>winrates most of the time around 50%
s tier? says who?
Chapter tactics were way watered down and nerfed I don’t get why people are saying they were buffed.
Says practically every major kill team content creator
consistently top tier of everyone's rankings, every single time. Strongest team against elites defacto. Stronger than other horde shooting armies i.e vet guard, kasrkin. The only teams the pathfinders have trouble with is teams like mandrakes and kommandos they hard counter plenty of teams and thus are S tier
every faction should have tankettes for Kill Team.
even space marines could perhaps use Rapier Carrier for Kill Team.
I mean hasn't it always been the case that elite factions are almost always better than spam factions in Kill Team?
Yeah pretty much. Used to be Space Wolves though you had to paint them up as space wolves since they didn’t have sucessor chapters but the nulore has them with successors now so yeah any chapter with rules you can throw on now for your dudes or whatever.
There's one issue and that's that the box you've bought is from KT18, so it's a month away from being two editions old.
The good news is that not all the models are out of this edition. The bad news is you'll need a few more things.
You only have five, and unless the new edition lowers space marine body counts by a full member that means you'll need at least one more model to build a legal 6-man Phobos Strike Team. The boxed set for the phobos strike team would be the best extra box, but reivers are considered an important part of the team so having some to start off is a good thing.
>fire warriors
These are technically not in this edition, but you can play them to some extent as pathfinders and the drones are good extras. The issue is you'd need the pathfinder weapons and the team upgrade sprue to build the specialists (unless you've got an expansive bits box and can convert them up from that).

It's the unfortunate situation with how they've done teambuilding in KT21 and 24 that a lot of models just aren't playable and that you need a bunch of specifically equipped specialists to field a reasonably competitive team. At least you weren't planning to play tyranids in KT, they got shafted something immense.

There is no faction-specific space marine team, though the angels of death team (intercessors plus a few extras) can choose chapter tactics to emulate specific subfactions. Reivers (that is, phobos strike team) however are the same regardless of chapter, so you don't need to worry about that for rules.

You probably want to check up wahapedia.ru for the KT21 rules. KT24 is just around the corner but it's going to be mostly the same, and the teams mentioned above are all carrying over.
k those are all pretty new videos but if you say that it is for a long time now i just believe you there. i never looked tier lists but winrates of that team are most of the time around 50% all edition with small exceptions. so i thought they are mid (nobody here plays them so no first hand experience)
Iirc it is just the novitiates leader.
But having Grot Tanks and bringing back turn radius ratio from Rogue Trade would be absolutely hilarious
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this shit is pretty barbaric.
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what the fuck
>not harrakoni warhawks
>not elysian drop troops

Holy shit they just can't learn from the success of KT2021 with the death korps.
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I'll kick your dick in m8
Piss off back to the main game
You will hear about the glory of elysia and their cool, boxy armor design which is superior to the lame steam punk in space armor of the tempestus gaylords until I am done telling you about it.
They should at least have hoverbikes and motorbikes with rocket pods
Fuck Krieg
Should have been Steel Legion in that box ;_;
Go play combat patrol
They tried asymmetry in 2018 with commanders. It was a disaster. They were so strong they could body entire teams.
it can almost work:
This operative can only move in 3 inch increments, (round any extra movement up), can perform the first 2 inches of climb for free, and cannot climb more than 2 inches (even if a ladder or another ability would make it count as 2 inches or less). Whenever this operative is going to move a 3 inch increment, it must choose to charge forward or turn, when it charges forward, it must move in a straight line, whenever it turns, place an axis point exactly 90° to one side of the tank, at a minimum of 3 inches away (worsen this value by increasing it by 1 inch for every 3 wounds this model has lost). It must move forward and remain equidistant to this axis point throughout the entire move.
Grot mechanic (1AP): This operative regains 2d3 wounds.
Crew splattered: if this operative's wounds ever become 5 or fewer, this action is lost and decrease the APL of this operative by 1 (this can only happen once).
Take it slow! (1APL): you can turn this model and the next time it moves this turning point, treat the minimum axis point distance as half it's value.
I would applaud the madman crazy enough to deal with it.
does any team have the ability to call in airstrikess or orbital bombardments?
yeah it's where like 70% of the power of Elucidian Starstriders comes from
Who the fuck even pays the actual GW price? You know that ebay and Amazon will have it for $195?
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Krieg Veteran Guard is theoretically themed around it but in practice it sucks cock and the only viable option is to trade artillery for 4 extra bodies on the board. Really hope they buff the 10 man version in KT24.
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>KT27 is the minivehicles/monsters mode, each limited to 3 minis per squad max
>Gimmick is they have more wounds but can't climb terrain/abuse cover as well as regular teams
>Bespoke teams made for Space Marine Bikes, Hernkyn Pioneers, Crisis Battlesuits, Windriders, Kastelan Robots, Krootox riders, etc)
>New teams include
>>Imperial Guard Tankette squad (Think what if a Leman Russ fucked a CV33 or a Tetrarch)
>>New Chaos Bikers
>>Grot Tanks
>>New Tyranid species built around melee combat
>>Plastic Grotesques

James if you're listening feel free to steal this
meant Compendium, obviously
>not fucking sentinels

Immediately shit idea. Outta here
Pretty sure they're doing away with that entirely
They make no mention of strategic assets in the article Vet Guard were featured in
I do but I don't care for the terrain or either of the teams so it'll be a pass for me.
As a Metal Slug fan, I buy it.
Oh wow, you're right. I didn't catch that. It does also say that "Unaugmented humans are comparatively weak in a galaxy full of terrors, so the Death Korps generally have a lot of bodies in the killzone.", so I wonder if they will make the 14 man squad baseline.
I considered Sentinels at first, but then I remembered that the current model has an 80mm base which is fuckhuge for a small skirmish game (And the idea of vehicles being present is already pushing it as it is). Plus I was going for models that already came 2-3 to a box, while Sentinels are only 1 to a box. 2 Kastellans and a Datasmith is an entirely different thing compared to 3 Sentinels.
I believe the Patriarch is 80mm, so there is precedent, but I personally don't think vehicles should be in KT
Is it even worth getting Team now before they reveal all changes?
Yes because once they repack your choice of dudes they'll be 5-10 dollars more
Wow! This would look great on a Shirt!
some cards and a a couple sprues don't justify the price hike. If it costs about the same bundled as buying separately, it's not really worth it
>2/3 models a box
Guess guard can now bring weapon teams in this "vehicle" edition now

Shiposty reply aside, that actually sounds like a good way to implement the guard gimick of infantry screening for vehicles
> bring 1/ max 2 sentinels
>regular 10 man team
>can opt to lose 4 extra man option to bring in a heavy weapon team
Im a-fucking genius anon
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New to KT. Never played 40k. Want to play Space Marines. Should I just get a box of assault intercessors and call it a day, or should I pick up phobos strike or something else?
The big answer is to get what you think looks best and to take your time practicing how to paint everything. It’s a collector’s hobby first and foremost but you should always try to have fun. So which of those kits catch your eye best, anon?
Just getting a box of assault intercessors gives you a valid, insanely simple, but slightly underpowered team. If you're totally new to tabletop gaming it's a good idea. But yeah, as that anon said, what looks cooler is always priority.
I will tell you by my own experience. They look cool and for "newbie" games they are strong. I have kommando orks and Veteran Guard. I played 4 times vs my brother Intercessors and not once I was close to winning.
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I think a cool tyranid KT would be one where you spread spores across the map and while you're in the sporezone, you get buffs, but the spore tokens are easily destroyed and being outside of your sporezone makes you weaker. Think Zerg spreading their slime to make spots to build
I think a cool Tyranid KT would be Genestealers and their gimmick is they rip your face off and eat it
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would I be able to use this model as anything in a deathguard kill team?
Champion or fighter would be the closest, both have a pistol and a melee weapon
I know it's stupid to ask for build advice 2 weeks away from a new edition, but my exaction squad arrives today and I really want to start building and painting immediately.
Should Shield Leader + 3 Shield Guys + Doglord + Sniper + Grenade Launcher + the two different pistol dudes + Vox be suitable as a first build?
Don't buy from GW, buy from LGS. Should be 280-300 or so
Where you getting it for 25% off? I'm the guy you quoted and I actually got it for 10% off
>If it costs about the same bundled as buying separately,
If that would be the case, yes BUT everything seperatly got more expensive as well... do you not understand that? 3 years of price rises from GW and repagaging for the new edition made everything more expensive not just the starter box. I even gave you the rough numbers. Also you should know how expensive just a couple of cards and an upgrade sprue from gw can be.
Depends on store and country. Here in Germany most stores offer 20% on GW, and only for "sale" items they go lower. There are a few exceptions who offer outright 25%, usually sold out in moments for all the interesting preorder items. Shops in Poland offer better discounts by default, but shipping cost usually eats away those 5% of extra saving.
I assume the same is true for other countries too.
Buying that stuff separately is retarded.
You wait for it to show up on eBay, from the people who bought the big box and don't need it.
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Since it's looking like nobody at my LGS wants to split Hivestorm....
how should I paint my vespids?
Drones from Halo
You'd assume but australia is renowned for everything being jacked up for no reason
Hey do you mind outlining your strategy? I remember when you had said you were preparing for the games originally and at the 2nd game mark last thread or so but whats been going on in them? Feel like the terrain was unsavory, or are your guys getting killed en masse? Whats up brother
Whow I can shoot that huge fucking bell from anywhere on the board good luck
You are paying for the crimes of your ancestors
There's no point to the plasma version, but I think there's still space for the power weapon one.
Giving him 2+ on plasma would be a little crazy.
Check out mossacannibalis on xitter. He's great.
Yeah that's not bad.
Generally I run every game
4 shield and Revelatum, Malocator, Marksman, Vox.
Leader generally shield but sometimes shotgun
The last two slots I have used depending on match up grenade, castigator, Webber, or leash master and dog

Combat Company, Emerald Hobbies, Gap Games
Is it just me or is Spec Ops just gone? Would be a shame if it is.
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Think of a insect you really like above all others and if its colour isnt too complicated do that.
At least in my area, every shop only offers GW stuff at MSRP, no lower. Want a discount, have to order online and usually eat shipping that kills the savings. Unfortunate.
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Blue, as god intended.
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Did they explain what's the deal with all those grenades? Do they no longer instantly explode and instead lay on the ground for a while?
They're just going to sit there as long as the pin is still in them. Not sure what that's all about.
True, they're not armed. Could they be pickups for your team to acquire during mission?
yeah it's gone, hopefully they add it back afterwards, though lack of individual equipment makes it a little bit sadder.
yeah smoke grenades last the whole TP like normal, then an additional 1d3 activations so everyone doesn't go naked immediately at the start of the turning point.
So you found out it was tiny huh?
Probably, but I'm pretty sure grenades are like women- you don't just grab up any that you see laying around, it's either a trap or an actual trap.
>mfw when the Gellerpox infected tactically use grenades they see on the ground
Yea, I asked on /30kg/. Heartbreaking reveal. I'm struggling with terrain acquisition at the moment. Shit's expensive.
>Shit's expensive.
Such is the GW toll
cardboard and coke cans
That's why I'm building my own terrain right now with Octarius measurements. Cheaper and way more sovl
Got any pics? I'd love to see what that would look like.
There's millions of good videos of doing home made terrain. It's fun too.
>counting banners and decorative bits for visibility
no honor
Damn, well i have to see if i can just use the old stuff and if people still play with me. I nearly had my first Ace rank.guy, he has 14 xp.
>though lack of individual equipment
Narrative is somehow different mode anyway so maybe it is fine to still have individual equipment there. Spec ops would make the joint ops WAY more interesting as well.
>Shit's expensive.
If you buy a hivestorm box and sell the aquilons, vespid, and core rulebook the terrain will be very cheap
That's brilliant, anon. You're so smart.
I hope the next kill team was the harlequin one that was rumoured ages ago, I want some mimes and the ridiculously hard to paint harlequin patterns become much more manageable when you only need to do it at most 10 times
I can't validate the source of my source of this rumor- but apparently the whole 'phasing out' of Kill-Teams isn't going to be completely removing the models from the range, and- more hilariously:
>The phase-out time for most Kill-Teams will probably come around just in time for another edition of Kill-Team with completely different rules
We're their rumours for stormboyz and swooping hawks. Swooping hawks are like 99.99% confirmed coming in the new year now (although not necessarily for KT) and stormboyz would make sense now that we know kommandos are squatted soon.
That's not a rumour. They explicitly state that in the article. Most models leaving KT will still be available for 40k and all models lose their rules after 2 editions, which for all existing teams up to hivestorm is the next edition.
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>>93918544 Obviously the one on the left is unfinished and the fact that there's windowholes means it's not 1:1 with Octarius but I'm planning on making shutters for those that let me use it as both open and completely closed walls depending on what we feel like using.
ive used him as the psyker before
I'm not trying to farm (you)s I just want to know, what's your favourite thing about Kill Team?
Probably the basic action system. It's a good base that the rest of the system can rely on, and APL modifiers and managing to make extra effective use of APL are usually some of the most interesting plays in the game.
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If my LGS continues its trend of a 15% discount on this box this would cost like 156 euros. Even if both Kill Teams are 45 euros (unlikely) this would be not amazing but preety good saving. Guess Im gonna get it.
It's alternating activation.
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It's Warhammer without a mortgage.
I don't get boardwiped turn 2 by two dreads and a daemon I couldn't wound
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We only played 4 games so far. First two(as Guard) we played with only KT Starter light terrain so I was basically blasted to hell. Other two as Orks we got some paper cutout metal containers. It was better to some degree but still he was putting one of his marines on high ground early and in last night game I lost my sniper at the beggining. I feels hard fighting vs 3AP dudes, it's also tricky moving my melee guys into actual fight without them getting damaged. Getting in melee is also a problem since well marines hit hard. Only success I had in dealing some real damage was with Rokkit Boy and Dakka boy. Those were not games where I focused objectives, my only one was to survive. Still only 4 games in so I will hopefully learn but as said before it was quite shock how hard Marines stomp. Pic related from yesterdays rape.
I like that others here play it the most. It is simpler than most skirmisher games still has some depth to it's tactics. Most don't want Infinity or other game because "wrong setting/models" or "to complecated".
Rulebook 50€ terrain around 100 teams 55 or even more and the other stuff on top (all without discount) yea seems like a "good deal" .... for GW.
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With vantage points on the board you should definitely add some heavy terrain for the drop zones. If either of you were playing a team with one of the better blast weapons in the game they'd be able to take out a quarter of the team first activation. Heavy terrain to take cover behind in the drop zone will prevent this.
You also definitely want some LoS-blocking heavy terrain in the middle of the board to prevent an operative from retaliating against the entire board from a single position. It should be possible to engage one model in a firefight without being exposed to every other model on the board getting to shoot in return with minimal movement.
I'll say that it's no wonder the intercessors are winning when they can fully use 2APL per turn just to deal ranged damage, that'll make short work of any enemy team.

Pic related is an example of a board I set up for a random game some weeks back with necrons vs admech, and is a pretty good amount of terrain for a game. You can also look up Turning Point Tactics for examples using the official terrain sets, those are a pretty good standard for games in my experience.
We are currently looking into some proper terrain. I also ordered Legionares. Maybe they will fare better.
Also thanks for the pic. We didnt try such "cramped" setup yet. Maybe that will be the way to avoid death by shooting. Are all those containters in the middle climbable?
The rules and the terrain.
I can actually play Guard without selling a kidney
They are, so the board could be considered somewhat open. With the amount of heavy terrain available it works though, you don't get all exposed in conceal.
Hmm thats true, might try something like that in our next game.
Currently considering getting into KT, debating between either Kasrkins or the new Night Lords kill team. Which would you guys recommend?
Nightlords. Everyone needs an astartes team, traitor or loyal.
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>>93923335 is right, you should always have an elite team in your back pocket especially if you're starting. Less bodies with more actions and better defenses means things will be easier to memorize. Alternatively AoD are solid.
Don't get either because they're being squatted in just 3 years.
I hope they do an Emperor's Children Kill Team that's Raptors plus an upgrade sprue
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>have entire team be basic warriors
>they become specialists over time if they do something cool and noteworthy in their battles
>if a specialist dies, roll on 5+ means they permanently die after the battle and get replaced with another warrior
anyone else do stuff like this? I think its cool to have a progressing narrative to your teams even if the opponent thinks its weird
That's what NARRATIVE is for.
To make a NARRATIVE.

These guys were exposed to too many heavy metals as children. Don't feel pressured to paint them blue because of them. Different strains have different colors, so go with whatever you like.
I'm gonna make them tarantula hawk wasps.
how does Kill Team compare to Boarding Action?
Is it more fun?
Boarding Actions is still 40k with multiple squads of dudes.

Kill Team is just one squad of dudes where each one is treated as its own unit in gameplay.

Basically a different abstraction. BA uses more models and different dice system.
so uh how do I preorder without it going out of stock in seconds?
Talk to an LGS and ask for a pre order
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reminder; for a curry and hot chip combo she'll smack your cock around behind bugman's on a friday night.
my ancestor
I just copped the ITD box from a guy on ebay for 110 Bucks, did I fuck up with the new edition or are the teams and the terrain still useable?
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110 is a shockingly good deal, I hope you didn't get scammed into buying literally just the box. Yes, ITD and both teams are 100% usable in the new edition, just the datacards and books are getting discarded. If you get two copies of the terrain you can even play Boarding Actions
Alternating activations.
I wonder how Aquilons will play in big 40k. Will they be straight upgrades to scions or will they be a more expensive sidegrade?
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yup GW prices can eat my ass
at the start of 2 ed, elites were almost invincible. now we’re at the end of it, elites are struggling against power creepy hordes
This combined with new operative options might make Intercession a little crazy, but I want to hold off on judgements.
Also why are you not using any plurals?
She's gross.
But I still would
>230 dollars. Do you have the dough?
I have it. Not gonna pay it though. I prefer to convert my own models anyway
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Really tempted to stick some jump packs on Kasrkin for Warhawks.
>inb4 I still “need” 2+ boxes to play Exaction Squad

Built my first box (and first ever KT) to prep for the new edition. Doubt it’s a good loadout but whatever man. Shit’s cool and I have a heckin’ doggerino to play Paw Patrol.
The "needing 2 boxes" thing isn't a big deal imo. As long as you picked specialists when available, you're good.
The only team that ACTUALLY needs 2 boxes is inquisitors.
Why don't you do it?
You need an extra box to take the 4 extra vet guard troopers
No, you need 4 bodies.
technically you don't "need" them to play. but yes blades of khain need more than scorpions as well
forgot chaos cult? and annual teams (hunter clade wyrmblade, void dancer, warpcoven?)
Wonder what they'll do to the kriegsmen. Either A. they keep the air strikes or B. GW forces people to buy 2 boxes. No way they'd rearrange the sprues to fit 4 more guardsmen in one box
I'm more interested in the kitbash than the aquilon gameplay. I already have teams for Imperium and Chaos, so I decided my next team will be Xenos to round it out. I also already have Kasrkin so not really interested in assembling the same pieces again. I like to keep it fresh.
Ok so Hivestorm officially drops 5th of Oct, right?
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Aquilons vs Vespids battle report just dropped.
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>you now get Victory Points for removing enemy operatives
Smells like more advantage for elites?
Also it teases a 5 man team in the future.
You can see why I keep saying that marines might be 5 operatives now, all these advantageous changes for low model count teams and 5 is the lowest number on the kill op.
If marines do NOT end up being reduced to 5 operatives a team, I'll be incredibly surprised and definitely worried about balance going forward.
That would also fit with Legionaires getting more wounds. You might be onto something.
Question: what fucking kill teams are in the 7-8-9 range?
5-6: Elites. Duh.
10: Regular squad
11-12: Squad plus mini units
13-14: Proper horde mode
>7-8-9 range
Warpcoven can meet all of those model counts due to their very flexible list.
Corsairs is 9.
Blades of Khaine and Void Dancer are both 8 dudes.
Hierotek is 8 as well.
I think it's a spot for teams of Xenos that are supposed to superior to an average human, but that GW doesn't want to go full elite.
Eldar, dummy

I did not. 4 Subductors, 3 shotguns, a gunner, leashmaster, and the gimp (Cruciator or whatever).

“Shields and shotguns” was basically every piece of advice in-person and online.
I was about to say the exaction squad is maybe the best modern GW kit I've ever put together and has basically no flaws, but I got to the assembling the leader and realised (after gluing) that the pistol holster part has a huge hole in it designed for the shotgun grip to fit into in the shotgun loadout pose but if you assemble it in the mace and shield pose there's nothing to cover it so you're left with a blatantly unfinished model. How did they fuck that up so hard.
>We have suggs at home
Nope, the box already arrived, fully sealed in shrink wrap when it got here. I openend it, everything is as it should be.
So I'll just need the new core book and the ktdash data cards?
Yup. Both teams and the terrain are 100% good to go for 3e. However you're gonna have to shave off some plastic from the terrain because it gets FIDDLY.
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what a difference 5 years can make
Thats not Louise
No, it's Emma over 5 years. Why the fuck would it be Louise?

Nobody said it is.
well that was fucking boring. nothing of interest other than that kill op
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Well yeah a good deal for GW if we wanna talk a really good deal it would be using cardboard and drawing Vespids on them or quitting my hobby and instead making 3d printing my hobby but I dont want either for now.
Oh good that saves me watching it myself.
If they change Intercessors to only require 1 box of 5 marines they'll be even more popular
Bro, malocator and vox are shotgun dudes but with extra abilities.
Revelatum and marksman are both super valuable
It's only a saving if you wanted everything in the box, and I mean actually wanted it. I'm just copping a hardcover version of the new rules and the equipment upgrade sprew.
Just bought some ODST helmets for when I pick up the Kasrkin for the remix. Feet first into hell mofuckas
Aren't Marines sold in boxes of 10 anyway?

I probably will just get another box then. I tried browsing Waha to see what the specialists do but it was fucking moonrunes to me.

Or I can try to redo the appropriate models.
Just check kt dash homie
Its what i referenced to kit out my converted Kasrkin

Awesome. Now please face the wall.
My super powerful mega gun gets to do this, nuh uh my mega alien super armor doesnt let you.Yea well my guy with hyper mega bombs gets to do this, nuh uh my alien xeno tech special stops it.

Jesus christ, i can't tell if the game is actually like this or these 2 guys are just fags. Or both. It just seemed like a series of special rule gotchas. Why did they have to turn 40k and all its spinoffs into these card gamey homoshit.

Probably isnt so bad and im just a whiney little bitch. Not played in years but sadly this didnt make me want to come back. This video was presented like one of those retarded saturday morning kids shows that would inform you about inane random facts about a zoo.
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So my friend and I played our proxy game and now we're both picking up a kill team and splitting the new box when it comes out, so that's pretty sick, but allso, is there a kill team Mega or something like that? My folders are sorely lacking the expansions.
It's a rule showcase. There is a lot of dice manipulation in the game to give players control. Otherwise it would just be pure rng.
All those "gotcha" moments as you called it are because those are new teams with (officially) unreleased rules so they need to explain what they're doing and why.
Also it's both, they're fags and you're a whiny bitch.

All of the rules and content are uploaded on wahapedia. Check the links in the OP.
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Tomorrow my Legionaires arrive and I am looking who to build first for main squad. I have heard pic rel dude is trash. Is that true? He looks pretty cool to me.
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>All of the rules and content are uploaded on wahapedia. Check the links in the OP.
I'm not interested in constantly clunkily referencing a website when I could just have the expansion. So should I just take that as a "No, we don't have a mega"?? Here's what I have so far.
We used /gwsg/ mega until it got nuked. We never had one of our own because Karscuck kept reporting it.
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but... you'll be clunkily referencing the pdfs as well?
That's a shame.

Reference once, screenshot once, retain for future use. No websites, no internet required, offline gaming guaranteed.
Anon you can do this really cool thing where you screencap the website and refer to it while offline
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Anon you can screenshot the website as well. I really don't see your point at all. Am I dumb or something?
just in case you are not stupid bait. 5th oktober comes a new edition and new rules.
I would simply prefer the legitimate product. I've already found most of what I'm missing though, so it's all good.
>the legitimate product
>but not payin for it
Tsk tsk

Cant touch me redshirt, my models are 99% orginal dubya plastic.
They just look cooler
I pay for my plastic, GW asks too much of paying customers as it is. In the end the only things I could find were the 2023 annual and Nightmare & Termination books
Yeah I know but I was asking more about his current status.
The legitimate product comes without included errata, balancing, and FAQs, you'll have to include those yourself. Meanwhile wahapedia has interlinked pages and hoverover popups to help quickly navigate the rules. Sure, read the official print first, but once you have and just need to refer back to the material wahapedia will work better than screenshots at least.
ignoring that the compendium is going to be killed, kasrkin or scions?
Why do we have so many no games like you here?
>cringe af overly decorated plate
>lmao dual wield

>just look sick af
>snoipa with cloak
>bomb fat guy

The choice is obvious
talking about rules, i have kitbashed steel legions stormtroopers. I know with the new edition we are getting aquilons and karskin, but my local will play the older version for a few more weeks.
I spent £164 on Kill Team today, tell me I did good.
>Not played in years
So why are you commenting?

>It just seemed like a series of special rule gotchas
Because they're staging a game to reveal the rules in a dramatic way. In real life you both sit down and read the rules before playing. They're doing this for the audiences benefit.

They're putting on an episode of yugioh.
Rules wise both teams are pretty weak because they lack any crazy tricks but the kasrkin are very deadly against casual opponents because they will automatically kill anything they shoot and very harshly punish sloppy movement.
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He's an elite melee specialist that hits on 4s. Basically unless you set him up to use his passives he will lose to most other melee enemies and his big damage will get parried off.. He wants to do the charging, If the enemy manages to charge him instead he gets caught with his pants down and likely gets outrolled. If you do manage to set him up well he will do some work, just not very reliable.
>no fluffy doesn't bite :)
I'm gonna miss Kasrkin being near completely immune to Hot in the next edition.
I get it's a healthy change, but still.
Blooded. They get an Ogryn.
I like the horde aspect of vet guard over Kaz.
Cry more nidga
Can't you just paint them brown?
I'm not going to miss kasrkin being an absolute garbo team (hopefully)
Yeah, but its the sentiment that counts
Fuck Krieg
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If you hate krieg you're gonna piss and shit and scream when you see what's coming next in 40k
Have the official rules for coop been leaked/released? Might play a game tomorrow and wanted to try it out after.
if you google it you find it
I have an option to grab Inquisitorial Agents for cheap. How are they? Are Auxiliary lists good? I've already got some Kasrkin so I could get more value out of them by including them in 2 teams.
Fun team, and I can see kasrkin making for good auxiliaries this edition with them having BS3+. Previously it was vetguard, breachers, or in niche cases SoS that were the common choices I believe. Auxiliaries have at least always been the better choice over pure agents, and I should hope that holds true in the new edition as well.
what he said BUT BE AWARE you may get in a bit of trouble with your models because of tha ap2 limitation. it is possible that you cant use your kasrkin gunners or have to be careful how to equip and build your agents.

>tha ap2 limitation
Can you elaborate? Is this like if I tried to bring a plasma gunner with a plasma servitor?
Including Ancillary Support, you can only select up to two operatives equipped with weapons that have the AP2 special rule (even if only in one of their profiles).
so you can have max two plasma or melta combined. the servitor the gunners also remember the pistolier. but we saw a plasma weapon that no longer has ap2 in the next edition so it could change in 3 weeks.
oh yea right also the demo trooper
No, they have never been.
In a KT21, best factions always have been Vets, Kommandos, Pathfinders, Cultists, Goats.
On a average-below average level, there was a period when Intercession dominated, yes. But as soon as people found how to counter them, that ended.

In KT18 best factions were IG, Eldars, AdMech, Necrons (flayed one spam list, not elite Lychguards or Immortals).
Okay, at the very start of the edition, DG were considered strong, as their flails of corruption had damage 2, but for some reason GW fixed that soon. It's strange because they didn't give a fcuk about the balance for next 3 years.
In the end of the edition, GW added few space marine models with 2 wounds instead of 1 and that made them a little more viable. I even managed to win one tournament with them, but generally, they remained weak.

So we have a score of 6 years (2018-2024) of Elite teams sucking.
The only semi decent elite team is Nemesis Claw, every other 6 man team gets dunked on by Timmy and his 14 operatives
So let's summarize the differences between KT 2024 and KT 2021.

- You can shoot into Obscure
- Obscure is determined in a bit easier way, but still complicated
- All start in Conceal
- More rules to Vantage points
- Less Objectives
- VPs for killing
- Everybody has grenades, that are probably worse btw
- Always 4 pieces of equipment
- Other scouting phase
- Less CP
- No archetypes?
- More various reactions
- Overwatch is more dangereous

That't it?
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>Everybody has grenades,
Oh, yes, and some weapon abilities are reworked
>All start in Conceal
You deploy all of your dudes in conceal, but you can shift to engage on their 1st activation.
> No archetypes?
archetypes still exist, vespids are recon/seek and destroy, just as an example

> More various reactions
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Tempted to gamble for an eliminator, or a heavy intercessor. What do you guys think?

I think he's talking about Overwatch getting replaced with Intercede, or React or something like that. Basically it gives you 1 AP to spend on whatever you want, with the caveat that you can't move more than 2 inches.
Gonna be pretty damn good if Intercession keeps their 1AP Fall Back tactic.
but he mentioned overwatch seperatly and those are not reactions in any way those are just the addiotional activations if your enemy outnumbers you.

I would like to have the heavy intercessor myself but i would not gamble for that. you get em easier via ebay.
What about Aquilons? Are they all the archetypes like Compendium Scions are?
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They're also S&D and Rec.
I wonder if they'll remove the non-included Crypteks as options in Hierotek Circle.
I only get the article explaining the types but can't find anything with official mission or npo make ups.
Kill Team Hivestorm Leaks
Archetype are in, but each archetype has only 3 cards. By the way I heard streamer will get Hivestorm and the old teams "repack" so that we will get those team spoiler too. You think it's possible ?
Multiple streamers already have those boxes, No idea if they also have any rules to spoiler besides the hivestorm box. I mean it is not like the new boxes come with rules.
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Where is the Tyranid bespoke kill team
In 9 years when they get their next refresh.
>flying bugs
>guns that eat into the target even if they survive the initial hit
>feral behaviour
>controllable through the mind control abilities of the leader and a command node
It's releasing on the 5th of October.
On that note, do gargoyls and vespids have the same base size?
Brood Brothers just came out.
And i'm sure all 8 people who wanted another guard kill team are thrilled about that, but I would like Tyranids.
Its 40k
Pissin' and shittin' is half the experience.
Rather have the cadians as posterboys at this rate
Cry more Nidga
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There is now a solo mode so having some terrain can be useful even when you are stuck at home alone.
I'm pretty sure the Guard teams sell quite good, otherwise they would not make so many of them.
I recind my previous statement due to my own retardation. Thanks anon, I was being too selective with search phrases.
Don't worry that is a common mistake.
>actually know how to aim, literally shoot better than marines if you have reroll 1's on, and you basically always will be
>don't have 6 million different special rules, but have some cool guns leaving you more mental overhead to actually play the placement game while chilling
>tempestor is the best plasma pistol user in the game. (hit in 2, reroll 1)
Haven't seen them on the table yet but from their rules I'd say "thinking man's Marine team"
I already have the octarius and the ITD terrain at home. I also have a dedicated group off over 60 members that meets twice a week to play. Why would I want to play the solo mode?
Ah yes, Kasrkin with their 6 million rules such as, elite points and... uh.. reposition kinda and... some more i'm sure, surely that isn't all the team has to offer, right guys?
I mean, it goes without saying that if your most fun operator is a fucking commsman your team is in need of a overhaul
>60 members
>like 2 actually play weekly
Everytime. Anyways the solo mode sounded fun and I sure as hell aint going out to play when its raining.
when will real SoB finally get a bespoke/WD team? it's beyond laughable at this point.
After tyranids and daemons.
And Deathwatch
>got wrecked by Kasrkin
Salt so good.
Move n shoot ,simple as
I play Kasrkin, bozo. I have first hand experience
Of sucking ass with them, it seems
Go back to playing eldar for your bing bing wahoo spechial rules
>Why would I want to play the solo mode?
For the, uh, fun of it. Spastic.
>Of sucking ass with them
Grenades swapped indirect for no cover so it isn't as bad as it might seem.
Not to mention the worse BS. They'll be pretty good for horde teams that hit on 4+ anyways, but for BS3+ teams and teams that already have good ranged weapons they're going to be significantly less useful.
But anyone can use them now, so I think that balances it out. A lot of games in KT '21 your guy with the grenade becomes a priority target and that's just 3 EP wasted.
No scoring from objectives TP 1.
Imperial agents have a team
Deathwatch isn't a real faction and are likely an edition away from getting squatted
I'm still pretty surprised Grey Knights didn't get the same treatment as deathwatch.
I would love to see some ordo-specific Kill Teams either way.
dying general, dying game
incredible how much good will GW killed with one decision
They made a single player version just for you

Weren't Custodes stupidly good too in that edition? I am super torn about that edition because it got me and other people really into it, but so much shit was imbalanced and everybody played the scammy plasma IG fuckery. I also remember very early there was a cultist spam cheese list that took some early tourney but they messed with stats to make it not really a thing. I do get why fat fucks like Tabletop Minions guy gets mad they got rid of list building.
new thread
>60 people meeting twice a week to play means only 2 people play weekly
So are you ESL or sub-80 IQ?
>I can't read and I must shitpost
Our meeting place has five dedicated tables for play, I have never attended a meeting with less than three tables being used and not at least two more guys/girls showing up to paint or just hang out
I'd rather play with actual human beings. I may give the coop mode a try. Sorry you're a friendless loser that has to rely on solo mode to find any games

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