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A new Dawn edition
Previous Thread: >>93908502

Aquilon rules preview

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Rules and Teams
>Brief team summaries if you are wondering who to try out next
>Homebrew teams by a kind Anon:
>Game assistant-database thing

Without saying wether you think the next edition looks good or bad overall, what's your favorite change, and least favorite change?
>least favorite
squatting of teams
>most favorite
1 inch climb ladders
>least favorite
making teams go out of use
>most favorite
The cover mechanics rework. Conceal allowing your model to be literally unshootable outside of specific circumstances lead to some of the most boring matches I've ever played of any tabletop game. Glad that's done with.
Removal of the compendium. Should have gone the Warcry route and revamped the compendium, keep them as the more simple/introductory teams but tune them up so they don't feel like garbage to play compared to the bespokes. For the most part that'd keep everyone asking for their specific faction to get rules happy and it'd make the game feel like more of a complete product at launch.
I ask you for recommendation of the alternative to vetguard models. Printing them isno issue, if you guys know any full sets of non-ugly Krieg I would be very grateful.
Do you have a Killteam meant to represent space boarding operations?
Adding more tokens and markers, replacing small figures for measuring with actual numbers. Tiny changes are nice.
>most annoying
Rotation, obviously.
Equipment change. Hoping for the better there.
Navi breachers.
S-s-space m-marines...?
>I can't read and I must shitpost
Our meeting place has five dedicated tables for play, I have never attended a meeting with less than three tables being used and not at least two more guys/girls showing up to paint or just hang out
I'd rather play with actual human beings. I may give the coop mode a try. Sorry you're a friendless loser that has to rely on solo mode to find any games
Favorite: Simplified rules for cover and conceal
Least favorite: Solo mode giving people the idea they're actually welcome here for playing the game. You are not. You have no games.
>favorite change
Stormtrooper equivalents get BS3+
>least favorite
Compendium squatted. It’s the only thing that really kept it relevant as the 40k crossover game KT is supposed to be.
I can understand why you would be anxious about solo mode, I'd certainly rather play games against a flowchart than with you
Gonna be so funny to see the playerbase not change at all despite how much crying you do (lol)
Ha, you sure showed those anons! Nobody talks shit about GW like that and gets away with it!
Now lets get back to discussing what really matters: buying more product!
Is GW coming to your house and melting your models to make hivestorm boxes?
Not like you have much of a choice, faggot
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>favorite change
Equipment not being linked to specific operatives. It's just less bookkeeping.

>least favorite change
RIP Compendium

At least it was a good excuse to build some new models.
No games
>favorite change
Not one specific change but the predicted general reduction in setup time should be great.
>least favourite change
I mean, the one truly bad change that has been made is the removal of some teams and entire factions. In every other aspect the game has only seen improvement.
>as the 40k crossover game KT is supposed to be.

Said who? GW?
Yeah, its sad really. Should have been like in warcry, where tons of stuff can be used, but apparently public opinion can be swayed easily enough so that "balancing kill team is hard!" is somehow considered valid.
Lol, their removal of compedium brought nothing and removed alot. But you are saying things you are saying just because you are bitter and like to spoil fun for others. To level the field as you sure dont have any. Dont you worry, people will get their compedium teams one way or another, but you? You will remain bitter.
Says sensible approach to an idea of many factions fielding their special forces in order to achieve the certain objective(s) at places where greater forces cannot be deployed? What's your rebuttal to this? GW themselves basically pushed that narrative by inventing compedium teams, and surely at least some people bought the small boxes or somesuch to play kill team, only for them to be invalidated later on because development idea changed.
It's your interpretation of a sensible approach. GW says otherwise. (for now)

My prediction: there will be a compendium 2.0 within the next 6 months.
>many factions fielding their special forces
>Compendium teams included: Guardsmen (common forces), Battle Sisters (common forces), Skitarii (common forces), Daemons (common forces), and Ork Boyz (COMMON FUCKING FORCES)
I think the transition from KT18 to KT21 was rough as they wanted it to be both a way of introducing new/refreshed models and play into the feel of a special forces squad doing small skirmishes. A lot of early releases don't fit into the spec ops theme but it feels like with 3rd they're trying to recapture that flavor
Just noticed that Reap X is no longer a rule, but Devastating can work on a melee weapon now. That's... very interesting, I suppose. Reap was one of my favourite small rules to have on an operative, it was a small but fun bonus. The thing is that I don't know if Devastating will work quite as well.
Unlike old Reap, Devastating
>inflicts the damage immediately, instead of when the die is used to strike
>doesn't protect friendly operatives or even the wielder, assuming there is an AoE to the damage
So I'm not sure it could really be put on a melee operative, at least not as commonly as Reap has been. I wonder if that's some flavour that is just being lost or if they've decided on a different solution.
>How dare someone complain! Consume and be quiet, morons!!
which decision?
What are GW taking away from you?
i rather guess it was to weak and to rare to use becaue it only had effeckt if the wilder was in melee with multiple people, only if you had a crit and it was not blocked, in any other circumstance it had no effekt. also people often got confused that it does not damage the initial target and that the timing was when striking not like every other rule when the dice gets retained, leading to a lot of little upsies and wrong plays over time (and because it came in so rare people often just forgot what it actualy does).
That's kind of the whole Gellerpox thing yeah
hearthkyn salvagers are lgbtq+ dwarfs in spacesuits
imperial navi breacher are supposed to be spaceship breaching specialists
elucidian starstriders are more pirat like shipcrew
gellarpox are mutant spaceship infestations
anything with power armor and helmet would fit.aka space marines, teams are for example intercession squad (changing to agels of death, loyalosts) or legionarys (chaos faction)
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I've been playing the Rogue Trader crpg for a bit, and this forest world with old rusty imperial prefab housing and equipment really started the urge to make such a gaming board for KT.
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Anyone got some ideas on where to get suitable terrain besides the obvious (and great) container set?
Fish tank plants should work also, any other recommendations?
You can use the Fronteris hab blocks I guess. There's plenty of generic scifi bunker MDF buildings too. I think the real important bit for that aesthetic is the painting and flocking to make them look overgrown. Build the ramps and stuff yourself too obviously.
I just found pic related on google when i looked for overgrown 40k terrain, and you are right. Those plants really sell it.
hard to say if we have no idea where you live and what circumstances you have around you.
in general the obvious things are:
for such woodenstructures get coffee stirrer or something similar, normaly quite cheap and easy tow orks with,
for plants, dollar stores, animal stores, merklin or other train stores (but they are expensive) or somwhere with decorations.
for the crates gw, 3dprint, etsy
for sandbags or similar get either cheap toy store soldiers they often have similar things
Here is a store that has the preorders already available, with 15% discount:

Looks awesome.
how are those vines done?
usually there are multipla ways, to name the three i know:
-in rare cases they are bought (etsy or so)
-get some wool garn or linen cord make it green rough it up or glue fake moss/grass on to is
-buy moss (or similar looking stuff) and twist it together, maybe with some wood glue or green stuff
>I must shitpost
There is also a playgroup in my city I wanna join once I get done painting and I already was told by members that out of 10 matches planned 2-3 actually happen due to scheduling conflicts.
I love solo rules because I live in a fully stocked bunker and once shit kicks off next year I'll be able to entertain myself and "play games" with my cat in the safety of my little hiding spot while society falls apart outside.
Yeah the player base isn't going to change
>The spend per player will be a different matter
3d Printer goes Brrr as usual.
>favorite change
Obscure not being an invulnerability shield. It was too stupidly abused and alotnof times made no sense. In am happy with the middle ground its at.
Probably the planned obsolescence for teams. I'm not a poor fan, but it invites GW jew tactics the likes we have only seen once before (endtimes). Also the teams are all obscure units, they won't just easily melt back into big 40k, you'll have to buy more to make use of them and GW is relying on that psychological tactic
The madlads don't paint their minis!
Painting minis is overrated. At most I'll prime my shit but painting is boring as fuck.
go play video games
wanna paint my kitbashes? I build, you paint, we play?
sounds good, having different models as a palette cleanser is always fun
What'd you make that train out of?
This was in one of the recent articles showcasing someones take on the new terrain. Thought it looked pretty cool.

Although have to say im abit dissapointed with the style of the new buildings and that there is only 2 new ones and the rest is old stuff. I dont really get "heavily reinforced bunker" vibe that o believe is what its supposed to be going for.
What am I meant to be looking at.
Normal people playing kill team with a cute girl
I wonder if Kill Team will ever get so popular that GW starts adding more stuff to it and keeps growing bigger and bigger due to scope creep that we eventually come full circle and it becomes skirmish again.
Are those Raptors? I like those guys, it's cool to see them in more official stuff.
Would be sweet if they added some tanks and terminators or obliterates. Super heavies. Carnifexes.
I can't tell if KT models (cultists/guard/etc) are bigger than skirmish models because GW wants to make truescale models, or because it's to add more "value" to a KT game because there's so few models in a KT game.
Or maybe it's just GW wanting more money.
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Settle down now.
The cultist models for Chaos Cult are literally from the 40K cultist box. What models are you even talking about?

I want to play AS a cute girl in Kill Team.
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Dangerously based.
ah, I thought the Blooded models were bigger than usual.
We don't need a community hole
they better not even think of adding vehicles or heavy walkers into Kill Team.
I will only tolerate smol tankettes, smol bikes, and smol walkers, and even then the rules would have to be reworked so that vehicles don't break the game.
>KT cheaper than 40k skirmish
>smaller boards than 40k
>faster shorter matches than 40k
>more self-contained and less models and bulky clutter to lug around than 40k

alright, what's the catch to Kill Team?
that sounds too good to be true. How is GW secretly going to screw me over?
It's not a secret. They explicitly announced that all teams will be squatted at regular intervals so if you want to play 3 years from now, all your current models will be incompatible with the rules. They're trying to turn the game into a subscription service.
It's still pretty expensive. They release a lot of cool teams so you'll want to buy them all. New double team map expansions every few months? 6/12?
You can play whatever teams you want whenever you want. You don't need to be 'current' or play 'tournaments' at the game store against other neckbeards. You can do 'whatever' you 'want'
>You can do 'whatever' you 'want'
Yeah, like I can call you a bootlicking faggot.
40k skirmish models won't be compatible with Kill Team,
but Kill Team models are compatible with 40k skirmish.

Not so subtle nod that GW views Kill Team as a gateway drug to lure newcomers to the 40k skirmish pipeline.
That just shows other posters the seethe you feel in your sore twitching gaped anus
>just do whatever you want mannn
you could say this about literally anything, absolute drivel.
Armies that don't have Kill Teams
>Death Guard
>Thousand Sons
>World Eaters

Which will be the last to get a Kill Team, and how long will it take?
>You're forced to buy X or you won't have fun or be relevant!
That's drivel and you know it.
That makes the assumption they won't keep some of the current teams for the first season or who of KT26
It's not an assumption. They explicitly say teams only get rules for 2 editions. Any KT21 teams will not have rules in KT27.
Gellarpox and Chaos Cults
>Death Guard
Nurgle Mark Legionaries
>Thousand Sons
There's literally a Warpcoven Team and it's pretty good, this does not require stretching at all what are you on.
I just want a Kill Team faction that has absolutely NO presence in 40k like the Hrud or Q'orl.
Teams have a six year lifespan. You aren't going to want to play the exact same squad of models with the exact same rules for six years.
Of course, we're presuming they won't abandonware this like they did to... what was it called? WarCry? Shadespire?
Can y'all argue about something not retarded?
Hard ask, I know
>gluck gluck gluck gluck mmmm daddy GW you taste so good gluck gluck gluck gluck
Anyone know how popular Kill Team is compared to regular 40k?
This is a 4chan general so the guy needs to make sure his presence is known every thread by repeating the same bait
Where's my cadian kill team
You mean the plastic guys I spent 40-120 hours on? I won't want to play them forever? You sound like a cool gamer with a long attention span and good at investing money and resources into things.
How old are you bro? You can't be more than 20 years old
what's your oldest plastic dood you still field and how old is that dood?
Who's stopping you from playing them forever?
>I still have all my pokemon cards and yugioh cards and beyblades from childhood
Sure you do
clearly the answer is to create a homebrew game, since GW isnt forcing us to play killteam and we can just do whatever we want. I'm sure random pubs at the LGS will just love to be a lab rat. You know what, now that you're here in front of me playing nillteam with me, I've decided my space marines should be a 12 operative team. Hope you're okay with that, anyway lets begin.
Ah so you already don't play games with other people so what's the problem?
What have you made for dinner recently?
I made these pork buns the other night. They were bad.
what do you mean, I just set up the terrain, you can see it on the table, did you say yes to play testing nillteam just to be polite? wtf
>cares about beating people, winning, competitiveness
oh no no no no bro.... have some sex get a gf or something jesus man this is a GAME to have FUN with not some super serious shit
Pull your stove out and clean out the years of food and grease buildup the fell between. Clean your stove. Clean your room. Clean your house. Dust, sweet, mop. CLEAN IT UP.
>still being interested in a stinky 40 year old universe like 40k
Why haven't you moved onto a nice fresh universe like Concord? Anything older than 6 years should just disappear.
I gave my marines vortex grenades from 2nd edition, all my marines have them actually, and they can throw them 48 inches because they're from the Imperial Pedites Pila Chapter
The only date that matters is the launch date for KT27 unless you are a top of the scene player going to GW run events. Every TO I’ve seen is saying they’re running all teams with current rules, period. I think most people are going to be like that. You would likely know this if you had a scene but your attitude reeks of nogames, nomodels
oh so they're all running homebrew tournaments? Interesting, I wonder who will win the proper sanctioned tournaments with the official GW rules
One of the 6 guys on the planet who play competitive kill team probably
at least no one will get a bye during pairings
You’ve made a rock solid argument, perhaps you’ll finally get off your ass and paint some models to celebrate
SoB don't have one either. Novitiates literally don't count.
Says who?
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>he doesn't cherish his little army dudes
goodnight everyone, I wish you all a very happy pre-order experience tomorrow.
whats the general loadout for brood brothers?
you know what? I think Kill Team is still TOO big of a game, i think it can even be made smaller.
4 Custodes team? Let's cut down that to 1 Custodes.
12 Veguards team? Nah, you only need 3 vetguards.
30 x 22 board? 18 x 12 board is good enough.
Paid 308 dollarydoos for my hivestorm.

1 Custode could very easily be lore accurate, but that'd be unfun for basically every other team.
The new specialist game: Kill Pals
Buddy to Buddy Friendship-Bonding Combat in the 41st Millenium
you know, a 40k themed 1vs1 fighting videogame could be interesting
So when are all the free rules coming out? A week from now?
primus, familiars, commander ()laspistol/power), VOX, 3gunner(plamsa, melta, granade), iconward, veteran, agitator, sapper, knive fighter. Equipment, talisman on primus, laspistol on the icon and sapper with hotshot pack, hot shot pack on commander
Supposedly same day as Hivestorm. 5th Okt.
That’s gay. One of the YouTubers has a nemesis claw and corsairs review going up when the embargo is lifted today. So if the embargo is lifted then the team rules should be out because they’re going to be a free product.
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So what you're saying is, I have 2 weeks to scrounge up 130 more dollarydoos or pray someone will do splitsies with me
i tried posting this two times now, everytime it gives me: post successfully. so im trying a third time

can anyone of you guys remember a big homebrew kill team system? i remember it having campaigns, rpg elements like leveling up and getting artefact weapons and such.

i cant remember the name
When pre-order
yes to both
Looks like we'll get some officially supported variation on OG KT also sensible measuring numbers instead of retarded shapes.
Honestly, I'm probably going to end up calling it quits from buying from GW at this rate, it's just pure fucking greed.
if you play an inquisitorial acolyte then the name is Kill Team Acolyte. But it only has one 3 mission campaign for introduction, afterwards it is "radnom encounters". still rpg elements like: lvlvups proper equipment recruiting new units.
GW sure is going to your home and fucking your mother so good you think he is your father and defend his abuse.
its none of this two. it was from the time before the kill team relaunch from GW. i think the name began with age ore something like that. they had rules for every faction in 40k.
nevermind i found it, its name is heralds of ruin, if you are interested into trying it
Grab a whole load of coffee stirrers from your local McDonalds for free and easy board-walks.
in that case go ask in the /gwsg/ treat they have a better overview of those games.
Just placed my pre-order without any problems! How long until the first youtuber secondary comes out with a video saying it was impossible?
>placed preorder with LGS but didn't reserve a copy in advance
>no idea if they will get enough stock or even when I'll find out
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So given that he's the only source for this currently, I went to can you roll a crit's video on nemesis claw.
He's reporting that they are, in fact, a 6 man team still. That's incredibly surprising, they've effectively gained a 2 wound buff and had midnight clad change to a heavy defense buff in long range engagements, gained a start of turn reposition, gotten nightmare manifest as a permanent bonus, and then gained all the benefits of an elite team in the new edition.
They've lost... I guess the trophy is worse now, but their other equipment honestly seems better. The plasma weapons are worse but that's shared across the entire game, which benefits them most anyways.
Space marine dominance coming up? As a marine player I must protest. Maybe there is something about the changes to the game that I've missed, and marines actually have a new disadvantage now?
>Maybe there is something about the changes to the game that I've missed, and marines actually have a new disadvantage now?
Gayest faction for retards, but that’s not really a new disadvantage.
I'm buying hivestorm and selling both teams because they're not marines
I'll continue to play my firstborn tacticals as intercession/legionaries/nemisis claw depending on my mood and there's nothing you can do to stop me
Cope and seethe
Ok so exactly what rules will be available for free? Has anyone said?
Sounds like you have a garbage playgroup and are projecting your inadequacies onto other people as a cope
Just two more weeks bro, this time for sure
Hi guys! Is someone kind enough to share the Kill Team Termination book? Thanks a lot
Oh yeah I forgot about Warpcoven. But
>Gellarpox and Chaos Cults
>Death Guard
>Nurgle Mark Legionaries
That's you just saying random things. Gellarpox and Chaos Cultists are not in the Daemons Codex. Cultists are in the CSM Codex. And Legionaries aren't in the Death Guard Codex. They are in the CSM Codex.

That doesn't make any sense. That's like saying Scouts aren't a SM Team.
>Hunter Clade didn't even get a preview
>Barely a footnote
They're really setting us up for a pteraxii sterylizor upgrade sprue aren't they?
This post >>93950142 is pretty misleading.
There is a system where teams only get4 years for official tournaments. It isn't the same as legends though since you can still play with randoms or local tournaments not using the classified teams syatem. The main point is that they have only committed to stocking the teams for 4 years. Which in my opinion is a really long time.
The core rules and the team rules for all the previous edition's teams minus the compendium.
you wish. admech will never get a box, their models would be too cheap
lol, if they can sell 10 mandrakes for $80 they could sell 10 Skitarii plus upgrade sprue for the same.
My gf looks hotter than the girl in that pic and plays KT. So do a bunch of girls at the local store
no, white dwarf teams didn't get previews because kill team specific boxes get priority.
No one likes a braggart
>$460 for the set
Wtf do they think I'made of money? I could buy a ps5 for that much
Do we know when they'll drop new rules for existing teams?
>I won't want to play them forever?
No, you won't. You like the idea of playing them forever but it won't pan out like that.
I love Suggs and her funky teeth
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Karskin are literally the best Cadia had to offer
That's a super clever paint job on that meltabomb
Stupid question, i pay 144€ for the box and a friend of mine would like to have the "jump scions" i keep everything else. would 35 be kinda a fair price for us both? (i mean i would give it to him for free if he had money problems or something and my wife wouldn't give me a side eye)
€35 would probably be about, or less than, what they'll go for on ebay and significantly less than what they'll be going for RRP, so yes that's a pretty fair transaction.
Okay thx. I just don't want to scam him and hoped i guessed the retailer and box savings in an okay way.
Cadiafags can never be sated
Scouts are an iconic part of the Space Marines. Novitiates are an intern asspull no one asked for or cares about. They are a insulting, they're a disgrace, they're fucking ugly and uninteresting. SoB deserve a team that actually uses real Sisters of Battle.
That's why they got the kneepads after all.
Probably the same day as the box, no point in starting the new season without also dropping the rules
I'm gonna paint mine with silver faces so it looks like they're wearing masks and gonna paint the pants skin color so they look extra slutty.
Are legionaries really getting bolter discipline or was that a bs rumor?
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>Nemesis Claw still picks 6 operatives
wew, things looking grim for horde factions.
>markerlights you out of obscuring
> kills an operative in one activation with a weapons expert
Nothing personal, kid
>making new board for the KT3 terrain
>local hardware store doesn't sell stiff board insulation foam anymore
so like where the fuck do I get it? should I just get a 22x30 piece of plywood for the base instead?
Home Depot and Lowes will have those boards.
It would appear that all space marine teams get double fight and double bolter shooting as a default passive ability now. One shot has to be bolter, and if it has Heavy the second shot costs an extra AP to do, but yes.
That said, Legionaries already had it, they just had to pay a CP for it per turn.
Scouts are part of space marines but if they were the ONLY marine team and there wasn't a power armoured variant there'd be a problem. That's just what some are looking to play. Same with novitiates, sure it's a part of the faction but it just doesn't replace regular sisters.
Sweet, now taking ordinary warriors will be somwhat more viable.
Can't wait to see how they buff intercessors if their double attacks aren't unique anymore.
Moreso than you might think. They seem to be giving the basic warrior of each team some special bonus, including the old teams. For example, the nemesis claw warriors get lethal 5+ when attacking operatives that are injured or just have 7 or fewer wounds. Against a 7 wound guardsman team, I wonder if they could bring a majority boltguns and just engage from the shadows for obscurement buffs while obliterating with crits. Would make it hard to play the objective but it'd also be hard to counter.
Justian specialists are in the team and they will probably get more ploys. The 3 doctrines were rolled into one ploy with 3 modes instead of being 3 separate ploys. Even if the chaos teams get the same wounds and double shoot they should be quite fine.
>The 3 doctrines were rolled into one ploy with 3 modes instead of being 3 separate ploys
Oh thank god, those were so fucking boring.
I feel the same, if they do get new ploys with fun functions alongside the new specialists I might actually play them.
I don't really know what to buy. GW games just aren't the same anymore and the product cycle is stupid. Everything they make now is literally disposable junk.

Back in the day, 3rd edition 40k lasted something like 6 years with some of its codices extending all the way until near 4th edition's end. My favorite games are Mordheim, Inquisitor, BFG, and Warmaster: the Specialist Games that haven't been touched once since they were initially released.

Kind of want to get the rulebook only and the approved ops because that seems like the minimum to play. But even then, the rules are on nuGW's shitty 3-year cycle and the cards will be trash in less than a year. None of these rules are worth remembering. This isn't like some RPG where you can collect an edition's boos and be happy. No one will ever want to revisit KT21 or KT24 as a collector in the same way as old RPG editions or even 3rd edition 40k.

I'm frustrated.
You're comparing dead games which barely had a few years of official support with ongoing editions of the same game since 2018 or more.

The problem is not the game, but players who only want to play the latest rules and insecure people like you unable to do your own thing.
>You're comparing dead games
Mordheim and Warmaster are not dead games. Both have entire conventions dedicated to playing them. Both draw bigger numbers than Kill Team at many conventions/events.
You're playing semantics and being delusional. Having community supported rules doesn't mean they aren't "dead".
Also lol at comparing those to KT, which has risen to become one of GW most popular games and it's going to have its third edition since 2018.
If the constant FOMO and rules changes bother you, play KT21 Compemdium like I've been doing. In the end it's all about your group of players. None of this is an issue if you have friends.
Is non-recriprocal shooting still a thing or did they fix that sweatlord bullshit?
if you are obscured your target is as well,
also obscured does no longer block line of sight.
Don't really like Necromunda's theme or factions. And all of its new models look like they were designed by some green haired troon.
Is that a yes or no? Just say "yes they fixed it" or "no, non-reciprocal shooting is still in the game."
>"yes they fixed it"
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>Corsairs get both a gunner and heavy gunner.
Farseer, please share your foresight. Will we ever see a Nid bespoke team?
Slutty paint schemes. Based.
This worked out surprisingly well. I always felt that the pants folds molded onto novitiate thighs would be a little too obstructive, but at this distance or farther they just look like a girl with thighs out.

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> shows up
> stomps your whole organization

Why do these even exist.
They were cool before they got their own army and suddenly fight on the tabletop. Just some unseen fluff in rulebooks every so often.

Advancing 40k's story past the Fall of Cadia was a mistake. True canon ends in 999.m41 when Abaddon makes planetfall on Cadia.
>if you are obscured the target is as well
I've found nothing in the new rules indicating this. It seems to me that obscurement is still a wack defence bonus.
It not providing immunity is nice at least, but the damage penalty is so large that it's rarely going to be worth shooting. It'll feel less bad at the very least.
I just don't get why they insist on such a measurement-heavy and exploitable mechanic when the solution to what they're trying to do is so much easier - hell, it's basically in the rulebook now, they have a rule that just turns little bullet holes and such into visibility-blocking material. They just need to drop the obscurement. That shit makes containers and similar blocky terrain insanely protective in a frustrating way.
I am actually a newfag to 40k. Read some shit and they just seemed ridiculously OP and out of place given that there is 10k of them. Also, unrealistically passive for the ability level.

Didn't know about the army. Seems like it would be really stupid to balance.
what would tyranids even get besides different sculpts for a few Warriors, hormagaunts, and a shitload of rippers?
Lictor, Genestealers, Specialist Biomorphs
damn nigga if only we had genestealers, lictors, and Von Ryan Leapers
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The motherfucking G.O.A.T.S
Alternatively a team with a bunch of unique forms would work very well with nids and would be a perfect dark mirror of hierotek circle
contrast and speedpaints is just a small dip into paint by numbers, how do you even know lmao

or get someone else to do it
Nornite Cronivore
A team of two hiveguard and a small modified biovore that spawns more tyranted biomorphs each turn choosing to spend AP between ripper swarms, spores, or various special types of gaunt.
>Which will be the last to get a Kill Team, and how long will it take?
If i'm lucky hopefully i'll be 6ft under and long gone before Custodes get a kill team
They don't belong in a game such as this, you either make them slightly stronger space marines or you have 1 custodes on the board both options suck. They're simply not suited to the game. It's like wanting a leman russ or a bloodthirster.
>They don't belong in a game such as this
They don't belong in 40k either and yet here we are.
Please share your wisdom noble farseer, how can the blades of khaine be made less shit?
Warp Spiders
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didn't mean to sage, oops. Silly me.
Your wisdom is great, noble farseer. What knowlege do you know of the swooping hawks and fire dragons?
I wonder if GW will introduce KT models that you absolutely can't use for 40k no matter how you slice it.
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idk all I know is that Putin isn't going to nuke Kiev now because Corsairs can take both a gunner and heavy gunner.
The would be beyond shitty. What a good thing that GW would never ever actively shit on it's customers in such a way...
Never. The game still exists to get people into 40k collecting.

Every unclassified team will only be usable in 40k after it gets legacy'd out of Kill Team.
I fucking love that oldhammer farseer helmet. wish they would make a new farseer model with an updated helmet of that sort.
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Just proxy them bro. GW gave their official blessing.
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>wish they would make a new farseer model with an updated helmet of that sort.
I don't.

nuGW sculpting is shit. They haven't been good at rules nor models since they stopped producing metal figurines.
If GW wants Kill Team to become completely different from 40k, than i can see that happening.
But non-compatible models is a real dealbreaker for people, there's a reason hardly anyone plays Epic or Apocalypse.

I would ONLY support introducing KT only models if it makes Kill Team a much better game that blows 40k out of the water.
I personally disagree. Of all the new sculpts, I've liked the new eldar models. I feel they have been quite faithful and accurate to jes goodwin's designs.

Can't say the same for the other factions though. (besides sisters)
Got fourth and “most sporting” in the last tournament of the edition in my area as well as my second tournament ever. My Corsairs treated me well! I love the team. They’re a tight crew and it looks like they’ll have some new friends with the new edition changes.
so I heard the next edition is squatting all the compendium killteams
friends and I have been slowly painting ours and I picked the admech hunter clade, I assume this means if we play 3e I won't really be able to play mine
I also noticed on GW's site they're only selling the most recent teams plus the 2e starter teams, are the rest of the bespoke teams going to be updated and legal in the launch of 3e?
It wholly revived the Warhammer scene here, and fills most tables with college students that cannot afford proper armies but love the IP.
All of the new Eldar models have been excellent. Dogshit, terrible, contrarian taste.
Hunter Clade is a bespoke team, so it won't get squatted.

Yes, they are updating all the Bespoke teams to be legal for 3e.
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The "Compendium+ Kill Teams" from White Dwarf are viable through Season One of KT24. Rosters/Seasons are only Tournament/Organized Play enforced and all teams are getting ported into 24 so should be playable in one way or another for friendlies.
With the introduction of co-op and model agnostic enemy profiles if you have access to compendium statlines you should feel free to utilize them as much as you like in this mode as its surely a plea to get the newcomers to attempt to think outside of the box and apply some homebrew/house rules/friendly allowances to their gaming sessions.
oh, I thought bespoke only referred to teams with dedicated boxes
that's good to know
if you wanted to build warpcoven you need at least a box of exalted sorcerers and then a box of rubrics or tzaangors or both depending on how you want to build it right?
Oh and looking at this >>93958157
it looks like warpcoven is going to get continued support for the new edition then?
You can build it out of one rubric box if you like, but you won't get the (kt2021) meta roster
All teams will have rules in KT24, although they will drop out of tournament eligibility and stop being sold as shown in that image. KT27 is when all the current teams get squatted.
Just played in the biggest Southern Hemisphere GT on the weekend with 60 odd players and Corsairs won. I loved playing them but ways performed poorly, just need to git gud
thats a really amazing ak fuck
the mould lines on the scout legs are torture
why are they blacks?
they're as annoying as phobos leg moldlines
Gameplay-wise, what's the difference between the Salvagers and the Yaegirs?
yaegirs have cool coats
Yaegirs are weaker on defense but have traps and things
Is there any point in getting those new datacards, or will they just be outdated within 3 months with rules updates and I'm better off just using ktdash?
>Is there any point in getting those new datacards
To have them in case you don't care about competitive balance and just want a board game experience.
the point is to throw away your money
I haven't touched KT since 2019 or so? Are custom teams still a thing (i.e. can I field a bunch of zerkers and an eightbound?) or is it all boxed teams only?
Box teams only. Very little customization within even that. You will play what GW tells you to play and enjoy it, pig.
welp, looks like my active rules bookshelf will get some more space and my obsolete rules shelf will have a few more volumes
> favorite change

> least favorite change
We threw away 3 years of tournaments format balance just to reset at year 1 for the sole purpose of making Marine the strongest guy just to launch the game. Hear me the Year 2 we will return to 6 objective or Marine team will go down to 5 operatives.
>wanted to buy spearhead skaven as a gift
>find out that GW Store suddenly started to deliver tomy shithole of a country
>impulse buy the new hivestorm box

Bros... I still have a corsairs box to paint...
Paint it before the box arrives dumbass
So with Deathwatch going away is there any way to use my Deathwatch models?

They have:
>Xenophase blade and shield
>thunder hammer
>stalker pattern Bolter
>infernus heavy Bolter
>frag canon
>5 models
that's not even a full team in 21 lmao
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No, and it's fucking outrageous that DW doesn't have a team in the game named after them. Fucking GW...
The same happens with the Grey Knights. It's about total manlet death
Two heavy gunners was never a thing in compendium DW.
5 guys is outdated for nearly 3 years now,
Stop complaining no games guy.
Also use legionarys if you wanne play.
thunder hammer= butcher
frag cannon=reaper chaincannon
blade/shield=anointed or aspiring champion
stalker nothing good use as plasma
infernus nothing good cant play two heavys anyway
Next release is Deathwatch vs Nid warriors
>inb4 source
I'm going to miss kasrcuck seething over his canonical ballistic skill, but all this crying over cuckwatch getting squatted might take the cake

Your typical nogames fag crying over nothing
Speaking of, I haven't heard any rumors/leaks for future releases beyond abhumans v orks
That's not a legal team in KT21
Post models
I don't play kill team, I was just wondering if I could use my models in the game and there isn't a unified source for what teams are or aren't legal now so I was asking the experts.

I agree with the one anon it is sad that the prototypical kill team of Deathwatch Veterans isn't in the game but it seems I can just play them as other teams.
>there isn't a unified source for what teams are or aren't legal now
There is and it is official as well.
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I know this is a troll post but you're obviously thinking about this all wrong. You don't need to chase the FOMO of new editions, you can just find one you like and stick with it as long as your gaming club is willing to play with you. Hell, you can homebrew balance changes for your group and keep the ruleset fresh within your circle. That's how Mordheim's bloated corpse has survived this long, despite being a trash system.

You do not need James Workshop's permission to play these games, nor should you expect him to leave money on the table by letting an edition chug along for longer than it should.
>Both draw bigger numbers than Kill Team at many conventions/events.
I was looking at that train for a while on etsy. Its bigger than expected it seems. Now i really have to get it.

STL is from "War Layer" btw
Apologies if this has been answered already but coming back haven’t played in awhile, this is basically the only stuff that’s playable now? None of those lists of all the regular army factions?
If you mean the Compendium teams from KT 21 then no, those will not be ported to the new edition.
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So apparently fusillade instances just get turned into torrent in KT24. Nothing fancy or new happening after all.
This is all that is officially supportet, I am not sure what else you mean but that is currently all ( from starting in two weaks with the release of the new edition).
Sort of are. The modes appear to make torrent attacks but with fewer shots compared to the focused main mode. It's a significantly better solution than fusillade ever was, and might actually be used.
Ahhh ok gotcha yeah that’s where I left off last I should’ve clarified. I used to play Wyrmblade awhile back and given how that was mashed up of not specialized KT GSC stuff is it not usable for new edition?
No, Wyrmblade is not technically a Compendium team because it was originally released in WD and then again in the first KT Annual. It will have rules for KT '24 at launch and will receive updates throughout the lifespan of the edition.

It will, however, not be usable in official GW tournament events after a year.
Ahh gotcha I “get” it given just the default evolution of balance with new stuff. Thanks for insight. I remember some character I used to play KT18 with had a shit fit because he couldn’t use plasma spam IG any more
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Finally its time to buy those remaining books
wow i would have bought them for that price as well.
Games-Island in Germany is the store that has the old KT books on sale for that price. No idea if shipping cost are doable for you tho.
why get shadowvaults if you're getting annual 23?
The missions, maybe?
Thank you, i look into it.

For two reasons i guess.
1. Collection
2. Fluff
Because i want to have it in my bookshelf. I dont "need" any of the books, as all rules are available already (and i also have scans), but for 10€, i just got the couple of books that i did not get from the boxes or otherwise so far.
Bored and was going through videos I had saved, tabletop minions guy really is a bit of a whiny bitch about KT isn’t he? Especially throwing back constantly to KT18 as the best thing ever when people just scummed with the easiest cheese possible esp if they were rich in sprues.
>tabletop minions guy

Why would you ever listen to that retard?
She is a 10/10 in Br*tain
He’s an unironic shill for OPR so that should tell you all you need to know about the guy. OPR is flavorless model agnostic slop
The color of your marines doesn't require specifoc rules.
It was my understanding that all the Classified Year 1 teams would still get balance updates throughout the edition but just couldn't be used in sanctioned tournaments after the first year. At least that was how a lot of KT jewtubers were explaining it.
Nice, I just need Ashes of Faith but its still going for $40+ USD on eBay. Can't decide if I should pull the trigger or wait. I know the print run on that set was extremely low.
is it safe to assume those teams who are only year 1 will have some kind of replacement before being made unplayable?
No, but some will get new teams and they will probably update and rerelease others with different units. Admech will get Pteraxii most likely since they fit the drop troop theme perfectly.
That is true, supported for the whole edition but not allowed in official tournaments after 1/2 years
WTF, why is it no longer playable?
What about all the people that bought specific boxes just to make a compendium team that are now left holding the bag? This is outrageous
If i look at teams that still have no compendium replacement at all, the chances are not to high but as long as you are not a tournament player even the year 1 teams rules will be updated/balanced for the rest of the edition.
Completly new for any kind of game (especially from GW), deleting teams/units or anything when the edition changes. Sarcasm btw.
They never released the AoF shit standalone aside from the Inq team, right? Bit of a shame since that's the one I'm most interested in even though I have the PDFs lying around somewhere
If you were actually playing compendium anytime after 2021, you weren’t actually playing Kill Team
I was actually considering buying two custodes and five SoS to play their team, if I had done that, would be very pissed right now.
>part of kill team roster
>you play the kill team roster? You are doing it wrong!
What a bootlick you are.
Stupid bullshit. just because you have fewer to no specialists. intercession, blades of khain. no difference except MORE equip and ops (and narrative rules that are optional)
Bro, there were like three teams in the Compendium that were no longer playable within a year of its release. They were always designed to be replaced and the only reason it existed at all was for people to be able to play something other than Kommandos or Vet Guard at launch.
If you faggots actually looked at the new rules they revealed you'd realize that it requires basically no effort to convert a compendium team, or any other team, to fit with the new rules
But none of you actually play the game or look at the new reveals so
Why would I want to convert a compendium team? 95% of them were total garbage and there are better teams which will be updated.
While i don't agree with him, what you say is completly beides the point.
Lmao, ok nogames.
It was always a stopgap, GW told people that from the beginning. If you thought it was continuing on after KT21 you were being willfully ignorant.
It's not beside the point. The point is to whine about this non-issue where a collection of bare bones garbage teams aren't being ported over to a new system made 3 years later. No one should spend the time to homebrew these teams, if you're going that route just homebrew entirely new ones using those neglected factions or, even better, reflavor existing teams like a sane person.
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Why did they choose the most boring color scheme?
Now I want a moon AK.
>It was always a stopgap, GW told people that from the beginning. If you thought it was continuing on after KT21 you were being willfully ignorant.
Can't argue with that but this and what you said befor are two completly different things.
>Want to get Nemesis Claw
>Still have four factory sealed teams in my pile of shame
Why am I like this. I don't even play right now
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Just shut up and consoom.
Do we know if influencers got all the team rules, or only some of them?
GHD is on stream right now, he went to an event where they were allowed to see all the teams rules (makes sense as they were allowed to bring their own teams)
I just finished painting ASOIAF armies and Star Wars Legion shit I had sitting for ages. I legit have no idea if ASOIAF even has a scene anymore because I remember people getting irritated how CMON’s release schedule was all fucked and they delayed a bunch of shit. I think I can remember like one game I saw played in shop and it was before rona times.
Glass Half Dead
kasrkinsisters...the BS3chud fucking won. what do we do now??
>Intercession has to choose between the Eliminator and the Heavy Intercessor
I'm building my Kasrkin right now. Can someone translate this post for me?
There is no world in which his wife doesn't have a boyfriend. I have even money that it is Vince.
There was an autist who cried and cried Kasrkin should have BS3 instead of elite points, which allowed you to upgrade your dice results, the result on average was about the same, except it was a little more complex and allowed you to pick and choose when to spike, they got "downgraded" to BS3 because this next edition is simplifying old teams a bit. Nothing to worry about for a new player.
How is it a downgrade? don't Kasrkin still have elite points?
There is no mention of Elite Points in the imperial kill teams warcom article
NTA but they don't. Their team ability is now "Light 'em up", if they don't roll any crits on an attack, they can upgrade one normal success to a crit.
yes, a stopgap while those teams wait for WD rules to flesh them out or a bespoke team replacing them. not a stopgap between existing and simply not existing and that's it. you can not play proper battle sisters in any capacity in KT24.
I see. Thanks for the rundown.
does anyone have scans of the angels of death cards? im building a team right now and dont want to build an invalid loadout
Correct, it just came with the box so its price is inflated. I have all the bespoke teams even though I didn't buy all the boxes. Just need Ashes to finish my book collection.
Talons of the Emperor and the 'nids were still pretty fun. I always gave Talons to someone who was interested in trying it out. Low mental load and beefy wounds.
Do you have a good source where I can check how the whole team will work now? I could see myself kitbashing a marine with a sniper rifle to field the team if they are actually fun now, while intercession and justian were just too basic previously to be engaging last edition.
The AoF Chaos Cult team (and 2/3 of the Imperial models in the box) were all pre-existing 40k boxes.
The campaign materials have not been published elsewhere, and probably never will be.
They're rad, though - had a lot of fun adapting them from 2-player to larger group rules at my LGS.

The Kasrkin Team Ability is "Skill At Arms" which lets you choose between one of four bonuses every turn - "Light 'em Up" was a single option they previewed.

Nids, Commorites, Talons, Scions, Death Guard, Ecclesiarchy, and Deathwatch were all fun in my experience.
Hell, mixed Scions+Guardsmen with 5 AP2 weapons was cracked in some matchups.

I regularly used Scions vs Battle Sisters as my 'learn to play' scenario - trying to do a learner games with full-specialist teams like Farstalker Kinband or Vet Guard often was too much cognitive load for beginners - they'd spend half their time re-reading all the special rules for everyone instead of getting stuck in and rolling some dice.
link pls
We don't have full info yet. I only learned that tidbit from a stream. That sniper guy you're thinking about will 100% be playable tho, that much we know for certain.

nice, thanks. that youtuber is a dick, but had some good information
Is he? I only watched lile 30 minutes of that stream, but he seemed pretty laid back.
Ah, I was hoping someone would've shared the full setup already. The team might still be pretty dull and if so I still won't have a reason to run a sniper guy.
Any other tidbits of info from the stream?
he tries to be laid back, but he also deleted my comment for no reason :( it wasnt even a bad one, it was just saying 'i preordered hivestorm and am looking forward to your next video'
DEI? like giving red states more representation than blue states?
Basically everything both Kasrkinfag and Corsairfag wanted for their teams came true.

It's not from the stream, but apparently The 3 doctrine ploys got rolled into one with a choice of 3 effects upon activation, meaning they get 2 new possibly interesting ones.

Huh. Doesn't make much sense deleting something like that.
We have a small local scene, about 15 peeps. Big enough to enjoy the game, although the local blood bowl people are 20+ strong and massively loud every time we play together. They seem to be enjoying themselves more, too.
And the guy(s) who are anti-deathwatch had their wish too with the team being deleted
Elliot is actually reading the threads
Andy lets me say anything but CYRAC has me shadowbanned from commenting so I don’t believe you.
No one asked for Deathwatch to be deleted what the fuck are you on about.
i went back to check my comment and it was deleted, it shows in my comment history. it could have been a mistake, but i took it as him being a dick, and watched other channels
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How anyone can watch glass half dead is beyond me, guy goes on 10 minute tangents and babbles for hours instead of just getting to the point and telling me the new information that I want to know.
he plays into the friend/parasocial relationship aspect, like V-tubers do. Not my cup of tea, his whole "double hello! wow how wholesome, the wholesomeness knows no bounds" schpiel reeks of insincerity.
i find him insanely attractive for some reason. id jump his bones. i normally thing all bri*ish people are disgusting, i cant explain it.
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if this alleged "Joe Killteam" is truly trolling the threads he'd give us a lesser xenos kill team with new sslyth and zoat babes
It's common knowledge you post here ghd, stop shilling
No one is anti deathwatch
It's just that no one aside from you is surprised a faction that's pretty much squatted isn't getting new rules
All this talk makes me sad that my first team was deathwatch and got absolutely rolled by compendium teams. One of my first real painting projects I really liked. Hopefully the recent mentions in the video game gets people interested enough that GW smells money.
>They are killing firstborne.
>The primaris treatment for DW didn't get received to well.
If they bring them out they try primaris again and nobody except new guys that like the video game will like it. IF videogamers would care that much anyways.
Remember when he falseflagged against himself and made a member's only video covering it?

What a freak! Lol.
What's up Andy?
He's a husk of a man. This screenshot was taken years ago and even back then you can just see the soul-crushing despair behind his eyes.
never accuse me of bring bri*ish
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I think a cool necron kill team would be a squad of warped 'crons whose bodies were partially rebuilt with bits and parts of other necrons and mettalized bits of other races. Like a tanky guy with chunks of space marine armor welded on or a warrior with sharp bits all over its body. Some real frankenstein's robot kinda shit.
Speaking of GHD, I just watched his live. Saw he mentioned me.

KasrKING here. I was only on 4chan (alongside like two other kasrkin fans). Whoever else talked about Kasrkin needing a BS3+ was a different guy and GHD is wrong about us being a samefag just like the thread schizo was wrong about it.

Coincidence? Was GHD the thread schizo all along?
nice blogpost, had any good games of Kasrkin recently now that the rules are "fixed"? I'm pretty sure their full rules leaked a while ago.
Full rules aren't out yet. Waiting on some youtube channel to spoil them.
>kasrkun multiple people
>thread shizo is not
You are as stupid as you try to make GHD out to be. Not that i want to defend him but you are not better in any way.
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ITT we say thank you to God Emperor Elliot for blessing us with this glorious new edition.
I prefer to thank the 40k studio head for giving Elliot marching orders as to how to fix the game because KT21 was a fucking shambles compared to what KT42 will be.
>the game won't be good until 2042
we all know what he meant but based. nuGW slop is shit overall
Will Deathwatch finally get a viable team in kt42?
Yes. Unfortunately, it will get squatted a year after KT42 releases
It will come full circle and Deathwatch will be the only legal team.
You can admit you were samefagging now anon, you've won
You've already forced kasrkin haters like me to kneel and beg for forgiveness for ever doubting the canonical ballistic skill of Cadia's finest
If anything admiting it would make your absolute and total victory more impressive
Nah. I don't post on
>social media
only 4chan. And there wasn't even only me, though I was the most frequent. I remember many-a-thread where the schizo accused the (((guard community))) of being one person but it's absolutely not true.

Notice how absolutely zero people here or anywhere else has a problem with Kasrkin having BS3+? Whereas BS4+ was a controversy that MANY players hated?

It's because BS4+ on stormtrooper equivalents was dumbass loreless bullshit that no single actual Imperial Guard fan on the entire planet accepted.

We are legion.
If Elliot was getting GW marching orders then we would be getting a space marines vs space marines box instead of vespid vs scions.
Way to continue to miss the point. They changed it because elite points were a shit mechanic that no one actually liked. Nothing to do with the lore.
Cope. Kasrkinfag's best childhood friend is now in charge of the 40k IP when it comes to rules. He's an American. Cope and seethe!

Check it.
No. Watchfags and Nidgas will still be begging for a team in 42
Tragically there will never be a Deathwatch VS Tyranids box.
This is Andy (GHD) attempting to remain relevant.
YouTube is a hobby for him. It's 1% of his income compared to his G4P work
>his G4P work
That makes sense because he goes to that gay Polish city all the time, obviously for buttfuck.
To be clear, jokes aside, I'm not surprised. A bit sad, but it's not like I don't see GW's perspective. The only thing that annoys me is the repeated claim that deathwatch is nothing but a paintjob.
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So when Deathwatch is added (since it's not a question of "if") do you think it will just be the old veterans repacked with the new rules or are they perhaps sitting on the faction until a new box of primaris deathwatch veterans with various new options is ready?
The second one, no way to explain why they've been left to rot so long in their self-titled game but a mandate not to work with short king models
Is deathwatchposting replacing kasrkinposting?
Insincerity? Are you autistic by chance? He's not trying to be sincere. It's just british humor.
It has to be funny to be humor. It's just a catchphrase he rattles off like a depressed cashier.
Nice. Still has nothing to do with sincerity.
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Nothing to do with Kill Team either.
I want to do a warp coven team but I don't want to pull the trigger on any minis before I see the rules.
Still it's annoying that I can't find Ungors anywhere, I want to do a more ramshackle force so I wanted to pick those up, but I can't find Ungors even on the usual recast sites.
Anyone else still play the 2018 version of Kill Team? I really enjoy the listbuilding aspect of it. Also, I really like the flesh wounds and morale system, I find it makes for more cool moments. It has much more random elements which I enjoy
Everything I remotely miss about KT18 I get through Necromunda.
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