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Stevie Wonder "Superstition" edition


Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8

This general encompasses all board game genres, whether it be Euro, American, Warfare, or Card-driven

What silly nonsense or superstitions are routinely used by you / your group to bring luck while gaming?
Inb4: If it works it's not silly!
I'm the only person in my play group who likes randomized seating.
Seems weird that it would be a problem since most folks are gaming with friends. As long as the lighting is good so I can see what's going on, I don't care who I sit next to in my usual gaming group.
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I play Cosmic Frog, where seating is made up and the points dont matter.
Well, your points wont matter.
Most games we don't care.
Apocrypha on the other hand has very important card effects depending on where the other players are sitting relative to your location. Building a deck that compliments the players to your left or right is really important.
that's really odd, depending on the game randomized seating helps a lot for turn order stuff and if you have effects targeting your neighbor, my group varies in skill level so randomized helps them not continuously abused by someone
>Well, your points wont matter.
Damnit Drew!
We have a very enthusiastic boardgaming friend, but he is not very serious about games, and he often makes very poor choices and usually finishes last. He's always happy to play though and doesn't seem to be discouraged by it.
We have a very competitive friend who only really cares about winning and will take any advantage he can get to walk away the victor.
When both of them happen to be at the same table, munchkin B always seems to find a chair next to bumblehead A.
get your womenfolk playing Harvest
Played it, found it comfy and neat, played it 4 times, never thought about it again.
Probably different with the physical version, but I did kind of expect the designer to come up with something that wasn't this kind of standard euro, especially after fucking Argent.
pretty sure his design goal was just "Agricola but short".
entry level, but it's pretty tight and stands up to replay with drafting characters/sunrise tiles. and i'd much rather play Harvest than everdell or flamecraft or whatever
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how do we solve the solotax?
small box solo games that are well suited to solo play or perhaps 2p coop in a pinch
Choose your own adventure books went out of style. This too will pass.
I mean that's all fair points, it is meatier than its weight would make you think. Still, I was a bit disappointed by how standard it felt. Although it IS extremely comfy and seems like a very well-rounded game.
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Feels like if they put 10% more effort into the actual mechanic side of things, they'd have a sleeper hit
I'm becoming increasingly TerraMystica-pilled

You will never be as iconic as the "Wingspan is a below average game" poster or the "Thoughts on SUSD?" poster
My problem with Agricola is that the worker places are just super boring. The cards are the heart of the game but herein lies the issue - the cards feel like a fix to a boring game. If you play Agricola without cards (rulebook-recommended beginner mode) then you're playing an extremely primitive eurogame that moves at turle's pace. The first half of Agricola is just spamming cards to make the game tolerable and half-way exciting - dumping rulebreakers, or action-enhancers, stuff that allows you to do more than "grab 2 food" (or absolute absurdity, like "build fences" action coming up in round 1). Caverna made worker placements fun on their own, circumventing the need for a crutch card game on top. Almost every worker space does multiple things, you lay down double tiles, expedition spaces change in power and evolve depending on your dwarves level, rubies are rulebreakers and bring so much flexibility to your decisions. The major improvements from Agricola are free actions and can be evoked at any moment, but enhanced further by furnishing tiles. Caverna is Agricola polished to sheen perfection.
>You will never be as iconic as the "Wingspan is a below average game" poster or the "Thoughts on SUSD?" poster
911? Ya, I'd like to report a murder.
It is quite interesting how singular this view is; I could tell what the conclusion would be reading just the first sentence.

Just accept that Caverna lost. Hell, it's not even in Rosenbergs A-Tier
>I'm becoming increasingly TerraMystica-pilled
Try Terra Nova it's a better Terra Mystica
Not the best comparison; publishers likely want to keep this going as it broadens the audience and they can just chuck in a few shittily designed cards and ask for 5 [currency] more.

It gives the mentally ill and friendless a justification for buying it, and it doesn't even really affect the geek score since noone ends up playing it anyway. The solotax is here to stay, I'm afraid.
I like solo games
Says the tranny who only plays with his discord friends on TTS
we play digital a lot and instead of just pressing the "shuffle" button on the card decks or the dice we press it like three to five times for good luck
doesn't actually do shit and arguably hurts more than it helps but it's fun to listen to the shufflihg sound
>or the dice we press it like three to five times """for good luck"""
Buddy your """friends""" are rolling the dice until they get the result they want.
nigga it's tabletop simulator, the dice spin in the air at a random speed after you press "randomize" on them
can't rig the result without being very obvious
>Says the tranny who only plays with his discord friends on TTS
I'd argue that trannies fall precisely into said target audience. I'm sorry if this annoys you, I'm sure there are some sane solo gamers out there.
What are your favourites?
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I too could tell what OP was on about from the get go, but I gamely struggled on, making a hash mark on the back of an envelope every time he mentioned starvation. I only gave up after the envelope was an sodden, ink stained mess. It goes beyond fixation with these people, the typical Uwefag has no other metric for evaluating a board game than how many of his meeples have starved to death over the course of a session.
I look like that and I say that.
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Should I ra-dog it?
>cardboard tiles
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look at the edges on those tiles, already starting to wear and look like shit.
i concede the wingspan guy but a fucking shill come on now
what's the appeal of playing solo tabletop games?
emergency in case your phone runs out of juice?
I backed the retail reprint, should I actually upgrade to the wooden tiles? I don't like the bigger box but maybe it's worth it if the tiles will deteriorate like that.
Also if one of the wooden tiles get chipped i live at the end of the world and it probably would be awful to replace.
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what's your opinion on digitally assisted boardgames?
helpful? too videogamey? a hindrance to the social atmosphere?
i need to see the sun disks of other players but
>this is epoch 1 so speding a 12 for a 7 is fine
>2 gods relatively early lets you secure pharaohs and floods and civs as long as you don't bid
>not bidding but still calling Ra in a bluff-thread manner might lead to you being last player and gambling with your 3
thus i think you should bid the 12 here. but again i need more info

god Ra is such a fun game
too videogamey, it should be restricted to physical components, no audio either
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>not creating your own custom RA game using ancient egyptian pigments to paint hand carved mummified pharaoh bones for your tiles.
Do you even like the game?
After only 13 plays too.
>god Ra is such a fun game
It really is. One dude hadnt played in forever, had to relearn rules. By second round things clicked and he was angling for conniving plays. Came in last place (score was 58-34-33-33 mind you), and still he asked for another go.
I am 87% certain Ra alters the brain chemistry of the average male.
Solo is only going to get bigger.
I've had several power outages recently and it was fun pulling out the board games I could play solo
Same as solving crosswords or puzzles on your own - proving to yourself you're mentally capable and not a brainlet. You're not a brainlet, anon?
Oh absolutely, my wooden tiles have been holding up great. Even if it's a simple game, it's one that will get played a LOT. No regrets getting that pharoah edition. Better to get that than two cheap $50 games that will get played not even half as much.
Nice tater
I don't know anything about those games though
It CAN be cool, but it has to be done right.

I liked Mansions of Madness a lot, and I was very against digital assistance in my games.
digital assisted boardgames CAN be good.
but not a fan of apps, what happens if the app is delisted or shutsdown permanently?

i demand that all digital assistance comes from an actual digital gadget that comes with the boardgame.
Just do what return to darktower does and do the worst of everything: an enormous $200 toy that you have to connect your phone to sold in the board games section
Why are solofags so fragile?
>but not a fan of apps, what happens if the app is delisted or shutsdown permanently?
These games should come with an USB stick with the requisite files to solve that problem. Then your only problem is the software or hardware becoming outdated.
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CGE made me kneel and accept apps
How can I win Risk in a 3 player game every time?
You can't ensure that.
The effective way to end the game at three players is to trap someone in Australia. The Europe + Africa player stacks on Ukraine & Middle East, the North America + South America player stacks on Kamchatka, and eventually the Australia player blows all their troops into one of them.
The player the Australia player doesn't hit wins.
I can definitely see the appeal but if your game has a companion app it's hard to justify why the game isn't entirely digital.
Alchemists' companion app is just what the game needs, nothing less, nothing more. It saves your group all of the bookkeeping a referee would be stuck doing.
Good day, my correspondence friends! It's our favourite part of the week - with exciting boars game evenings! Hope you all have a pleasant and memorable experience, but most importantly, I wish your game night will be free of toxic and manipulative people who could spoil the whole event.
What are your plans for this Saturday meine schwarzenleute?
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Nothing, just making moves in terraforming mars, planet unknown and maracaibo at BGA. But next tuesday I'll be playing more Kutna Hora with 3 or 7 others. It's a great euro with very low random factor. The game starts right away with the biggest decision of the game, which set of 3 guilds you'll be building in Kutna Hora.

Also the components are really neat. The pieces are done with some new type of plastic that affords great level of detail. And the board looks noble and dignified. Unfortunately I think it's pretty much a 4 player game only. With 3 players it loses a lot of its soul, because you'll have one of the six guilds all to yourself, and there's no competition in that.
The only winning move is not to play, I'm afraid
Played triplanetary for the first time yesterday. Just the tutorial mission: fly and land your corvette from Mars to Venus, or Mercury to Calisto. It was fun, with just the basic of the basic rules it did create some tense moments as 6 ships were finding their way. especially the longer route. Can't wait to get to the more complex missions and eventually build a campaign for it (or use it as a part of another campaign).
Had our second child a month ago and am in dire need of boardgaming. Might get an evening in next week

Also I want to add that your style of writing these is distinct enough you didn't even have to write your signature sentence to make it appear in my mind. Jannies must be positively SEETHING
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I need to know more!
The game sounds fantastic.

From what I have read, TGZ seems to be the game that is closest to it?
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I have played more of Spooktacular and have become a bit obsessed with it. I quite enjoy the buzz and hype feeling I get from this. Is this what crowdfunding faggots feel all the time, even though they rarely got to play the product or even know the ruleset?

I can also already see the hype and excitement slowly fading away, and when it finally is delivered the hype is gone. And I suppose the less mentally stable you are the more you want to chase that feeling, ignore what you got and consooom. Just writing this because it only now after years it occurs to me that these ks whales are never after the game itself but about the vague feeling of excitement and dopamin hit you get on purchase. Like a prolonged 'something cool is gonna arrive soon in the mail'. Which you gotta take ever bigger or more frequent hits to keep up. What a devious device these crowdfunding platforms are.

On the other hand, maybe I'm just jaded by the hopefully small minority of faggots who live like this
>playing solo board games
lmao just play video games, you will get a magnitudes better experience. board games are for multiplayer
regicide is better with the app assistance
Why do many eurogames suffer from engine syndrome?
>round 1 score: 5
>round 2 score: 23
>round 3 score: 44
>round 4 score: 58752986663
Because if you wouldn't score higher in later rounds it would be much harder to come back later on and make up for earlier deficits, and also make it way clearer to everyone who is going to win which would deflate tension.
>and also make it way clearer to everyone who is going to win which would deflate tension.
Also the reason games with trackable information still suggest to keep it hidden and autismos fail to comprehend that, nobody's keeping close count of everybody's shit anyways
Because they scale exponentially. The problem is they often make you start from zero. So the first few turns are very slow, but once you get a few things reinforcing eachother you suddenly start printing points. And in the final rounds you no longer invest in your engine which makes everything you build give points.
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Wow, you're fucking stupid
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why did you post a picture of yourself?
I'm looking forward to Bemused by the same guys. Tell me how cosmic frog works.
>no u
What do you mean "suffer"? What's wrong with it? Why should games be decided after turn 1?
Gotta add another one >>93894020
Is there a good board game substitute for Call of Cthulu?
I want to play CoC with my friends but they aren't the type of people to learn settings or rules ahead of time, I'll have to explain as we play.
If you mean lovecraftian setting adventures there's an entire line of FFG slop - Arkham Horror, Eldritch Horror, Arkham Card Game, Elder Sign, Mansions of Madness etc.
All these games are painfully mediocre but then again all adventure board games are mediocre at best.
You are colossal frogs in some nebulous god's employ, eating literal mountains in order to preserve the remains of a dying world.
Turn order is decided by a deck of action cards. Every frog gets a fixed number or action cards per round and you draw one card per turn, the player whose card comes up goes next.
Frogs must recover (eat tiles) the pieces of the dying planetary shard and then store them (puke them out) in an off-dimensional vault of their own, and they score VPs if they arrange them neatly in there.
Every frog has different abilities indicated in a personality card you draw, and you power these abilities spending "oomph" crystals, and once per round a cosmic shift will happen that switches your frog's personality card to a different one. You can regain "oomph" by taking a rest turn to recharge your schizo frog's battery.
Your other actions include leaping, eating and puking terrain, shifting through dimensions, teleporting around the map, smacking down other frog bitches dumb enough to walk around with their bellies too full of delicious VPs, then steal them, and raiding the other frogs' vaults when they're not looking because you punched them into the fifth dimension. The action economy actually rewards opportunistic violence because piracy is far more efficient than actually doing the work of eating all the tiles yourself.
You do all of this while meteors rain upon the shard of the world, which destroy more and more of it until it finally breaks apart, triggering the end of the game. The countents of your vault are then tallied for VPs, the hungriest, pukiest, most successful frog wins.
To the anon who keeps recommending March of the Ants,

I played it and it was alright. I would play it again if the opportunity arose.
But I would not buy that game. And not because the MSRP is $100. I wouldn't pay $20 for it.
Yeah that looks like a no-brainer. The monument and civilization aren't doing much but you can probably use those god tiles to steal civilizations and get 10 points out of this lot. The only downside is you'll probably take last place in pharaohs if you have to rely on your worst sun disk to dig you out of that hole.
>not bidding but still calling Ra
Too big of a risk. If someone calls your bluff before you trade in the god tiles you can't use the god tiles anymore.
>should i ra-dog
No. Better off to make like a mummy and wrap it up.
That was my read on it as well. Neat game, cool idea, ultimately too "just fine" of the road to be something I want in my collection, just like renature
*Middle of the road/just fine
Big grasshopper energy
Interested if this is gonna be agean sea 2.0
As in, a few anons being very hyped, and with the game released all posting about it stops
They're insecure consoomers that don't play their games enough to realize the half-baked solo rules are poorly balanced and easily exploited. Real solo chads develop schizophrenia in order to play multihanded like calandale.
>he fell for another "bgg shills an obscure game" meme
My group loved aegean sea, we just havent found the time to return to it on a frequent basis. Which is a shame, I quite enjoy its chaos and shenanigans.
Someone else brought it. All I lost was my time.
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possibly a rematch after Imperium yesterday
I'm still not convinced all the rapid-Empire civs have enough downsides to them
you have no counter argument - video games are the superior solo experience
But that's golf, you shut in dipstick.
You're thinking weightlifting.
I can bet my life that I have a higher taste in board gaming and better critical skills than you could ever develop
I think the opposite, video games are better as multiplayer than board games.
Unreal tournament, counter strike and Tekken alone easily beat any tranny JRPG or kiddie platformer
Downing pints until 4am is much better multiplayer than board games and video games combined.
Solo modes are either bullshit easy or bullshit hard, no inbetweens
I broke Wakhan before the first dominance check, just strangle her of cash and don't stop hoarding rupees, you'll win by the second dominance check by pitting out more cylinders.
>the superior solo experience
That's masturbation.
it's a vidya hoe
nutsku mentioned!
Also been playing Maracaibo on BGA non stop. I hate myself for enjoying it so much cause its a pretty dumb design (essentially 'make numbers go higher' salad), but planning the entire trip ahead of time and pulling it perfectly feels good.
>bday is coming up
>she knows I have sakura arms, but isnt intimate with its three box lvl99 setup and doesnt know i already own all three of them
>realise this is from boardgamebliss
>shes perusing around trying to find me the right gift
Feels good and loved, bros.
You're a lucky man my dude. I wanna feel like that someday.
ay yo dis nigga sending himself messages from second sim!
So agricola would be a boring game without the main feature that defines it? Got it.
Caverna-anon is very special indeed
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Uwe clearly considers the central board good enough since playing without the cards is the recommended intro game option. I'd argue that the card game offered by Agricola is not impressive either. It's not like you're actually 'playing' with your cards - you're just putting them on the table and they sit there forever. There's no interaction between the players, no multi-use component, no wacky card mechanics a la Innovation or Dominion. And because everyone has their own private hand of cards, there's no timing component either (unlike Caverna where furnishing tiles are available to everyone, so no plan is safe from disruption).
Both Agricola and Caverna are shit. There problem solved.
I like solo games and even playing multi-handed solo. I think it helps you plan out strategies and see how mechanics work better.

I would never even think of buying Fallen Land to play solo. That's a great game but you need bros that like to smoke weed or drink to play with.
Arkham Horror LCG. The rules are easy, you get the endorphin hit of deckbuilding (AKA fitting out your character), and you have tons of campaign options. It's still one of my favorite game experiences after almost a decade.
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anyone played Arcs yet? I've played it twice now without the factions and I'm not sure how I feel about it. the trick taking game makes the game really unpredictable. it feels like you just happen to be in the right place at the right time when you have a good turn. it seems like the best way to play is just set up as general as possible and then wait for a hand good enough to plan a turn around or just react to what's happening. not a whole lot of long term planning or strategizing going on. it doesn't play poorly, and I can't really put my finger on exactly why I don't really like it. but it definitely feels extremely overrated with the way some people are treating it like the second coming of christ. maybe it'll feel better once I play it with the faction pieces.
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Every single Cole game is like that. The exact feeling of "There seem to be good ideas here but I just need to have to right play when it all clicks." But you never have that play. Every root game is like that, wherein somebody doesn't get to play the game because their faction is shat on by poor balance or just coincidence. Eventually you realize Cole doesn't design good games, he designs good promises.
Pax Pamir and John Company are dope, I don't know what you are talking about.
I haven't played John Company but while I would consider pp2e Cole's best design of those I've tried, it's still a middling game with an amazing production value that carries it. It's the only game of his I actually still own so a part of me still believes in that particular dream more than the others but I've been disappointed too many times now.
Arcs values being flexible and playing around the hands you get, and you should be planning how you play out your strategy for the current round or the next one. You should have an objective your hands let's you go for, council items, vp stuff, items etc. Items can help mitigate the random part of hands to garuntee you can go through with a strategy too, and taking priority is big if you need to use your weaker cards. Factions are cool, they give you an extra objective or ability you need to play around too.
Why do you think it's middling? I used to play PP on tts so production value was irrelevant and I still found it great.
What are good board games to play or have with a few people in a bunker or enclosure once WW3 or Armageddon happens?
Also seconding this, Pax Pamir is a fantastic game, idk what anon is on.

Also John company 2e is also stellar
This is a typographical error. It's not in the original German.
None, I'll be too busy watching thirdies get blown tfo while munching popcorn.
Cole's games are good when he has something historical to anchor them in. Fictional settings allow him too much freedom to justify putting in whatever bullshit mechanic he wants. If he could figure out a way to fit trick taking or some shit into JC he would have, but his autism for history wouldn't be able to link it thematically to the setting so he'd scrap it.
God forbid he ever make a pure abstract
Cole has said he tries to make games for niches that aren't filled, and there are hardly any good trick taking games, much less trick taking wargame
I used to play a bunch of a Chinese trick taking game you could play with a regular pack of cards in high school lunch, so it's pretty fun playing a truck taker in a more complex game
I feel similarly to >>93899687
He's always interesting, always different, always frustratingly close to actually making a good game. I think this is partly because his stuff seems like it's really competitive, yet his design philosophy seems to be some faggy the journey is the destination thing. How his games end has felt very unstatisfying to me and much more dependent on metagame than on player skill. Which is fine, but then oath and especially root give you fuckall to negotiate with. In short I think he wants people to enjoy the experience of his games and not make tournaments and get overly competitive, yet all of his stuff I have played wasn't that much fun.

That all is with the stark exception of PP which I deem his best game by far, and that likely is because he iterated on an existing design, the fundament of which he could not infect with his wehrle-ness. Would really be interested in a codesign
>there are hardly any good trick taking games
I think this is ignorant at best. There are hardly any trick taking games that are more than lightweight, that is true. Only brian boru comes to mind tbqh
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You know what, Cole? Your games are a fucking joke. No wonder Eklund doesn't wanna work with you or Cathala, and he'll fucking work with everyone. I mean, your games are ridiculous, unbalanced, full of kingmaking. I have never seen more disjointed, more gimmicky "asymmertical" designs in my entire life, and that says a lot because I've designed over a thousand fucking games, and I'll tell you, that tranny from SUSD was right about one thing: you will never create a masterpiece! You couldn't even create a COIN knockoff for children! Motherfucker, I wish I could say you'll die in poverty, but it's one of God's best jokes that your games sell well, except it's on all of us!
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>both girls
aegean sea is one of my favorite games. it unfortunately filters too many of my friends to be played often
In Arcs, if your plans don't involve resources and court cards, and are only as large as the action cards in your hand, you aren't playing the game, you're just limiting and handicapping yourself for no real benefit. Use resources. Get more resources. Use those too. Secure court cards and then use them too. If all else fails, steal and/or provoke outrage, it's not that bad if you plan for it.
Leaders&Lore does make this "break out of the action card limits you dummy" thing clearer and on some leaders even easier to get, so once you know how the base cardplay goes i recommend trying the core leaders out. Don't mix the leaders expansion pack in immediately though.
An amount of hotwheels or matchbox size cars and some Gaslands templates; as a bonus the empty tin cans and boxes of MREs can make for pretty good terrain with very little modding/painting needed.
G'day all, where should I start when taking a boardgame from a prototype (printed map, paper, homemade pieces etc) to something a bit more legit?

In other news, enjoying Garphill's Ezra & Nehemiah at the moment. Kinda feels like a culmination of their other titles, good resource management

I like the LOTR Journeys game but detest the app
This sounded a lot funnier in your head, eh?
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>Cole triggers Third Impact
I have no idea who this eceleb is, but sounds like your typical grifter.
>designers are now e-celebs
I think this general may not be for you
Did you even read the conversation before posting?
Ironically seems like a pretty zoomer move
ramiel's rebuild depiction was a disgrace

NGE could make a cool coop boardgame. Players have to advance through stages fightign every angel one by one.
How come I know so few ameritash designers by name? Is there no consistancy and it's all one hit wonders or am I just ignorant
Eurogames are just more popular. Surely you know Garfield, Lang and Cole
Cute, Anon!
I think the problem more likely is that I only really counted pure ameritrashy designs and not hybrids. You are very right about garfield though
stick dies
Dr. Reiner Knizia didn't say that
Off the top of my head, Ive got Corey Konieczka, Garfield, Felli, Isaac Vega, Steve Jackson, the Eklund(s), David Thompson, Artyom Nichipurov, Cole Wehrle, Patrick Leder, Michael Oracz, and thats it
Not sure if the hex and counter/war & politic sim stuff counts.
Whats funny, I can rattle off plenty of euro designers, but aside from Uwe, Knizia, and those two great Dutch lads, I cant really name the games these dudes are famous for.
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Huh, weird. I always thought of corey as ti4 co designer, and now I see he's got a lot of big names in his catalogue. Most of which I don't like all that much tbqh

Also, I cannot decide if he is embracing the soijack meme or if this is life imitating art
It was originally a case of art imitating life. That expression is used by people who aren't photogenic to hide why they look bad.
>the Eklund(s
No doubt it's because of their pioneering work in the field of roll-n-moves that they have ascended to the pantheon of ameritrash designers
Most of the reviews of the game I saw said it was mediocre so I went in thinking it was going to be mediocre but I really liked it a lot as did the rest of our group. There's good amount of stuff to try to wrap your head around and you are going to have a hard time doing it all and it's all compounded with the timing aspects of the game (when to play cards, when to decree and make yourself a target). It scratches that itch of area control wargame without rules bloat of a typical historical sim. I think the praise it gets is well deserved.
I am aware. But by now the stereotype is well known, and this is almost too spot on to be coincidental. I mean, the stray beard stubs?
Doesn't matter anyway
It's not a filter if it's a bad game. I float around in a couple different game groups in a large metro and it's universally panned - I've not ran into a single person that's wanted to play it more than once.

The only positive aspect of Aegean Sea is it single-handedly stopped me from blind buying games after it game out.
I was given a coupon to get a boardgame but don't know what to buy, any recent games that's worth considering? We like interactive games, no multiplayer solitaire.
>mentioning Cole or Lang before you mention Konieczka, Boelinger or Vlaada
This general is too far gone.
the trick taking doesn't really fit though, because it seems like the general consensus is you are playing to escape the limits of the trick taking game as much as possible.
I think it fits perfectly. You aren't always guaranteed to get what you need to do what you want or set decrees that you want so you need to do some planning to mitigate for it by buying up the guild or vox cards or overloading in areas. Using pseudo trick taking to do it is pretty novel and it give the game some flexibility in the future (ie adding 7s with no decrees or 0s with universal decrees).
it's definitely an acquired taste, and there could be some improvements from a rules/card language perspective. i don't care how many people dislike it though, it's my favorite Chudyk design, I prefer it to Mottainai and Innovation
just to add my own anecdotal evidence, plenty of the people I've introduced it to have liked it a lot, just two sour apples really dislike it
what are the arguments that it's a bad game? I could go on about why I like it
>i could go on
Please do, im very curious what elevates it above Mott and Inno in your eyes.
Like all three but my personal rankings are mott>inno>agsea
nta, but I would love to read your thoughts, I recently got into Innovation and am tempted to explore his other designs, like impulse and Mottainai
I find that what trips people up about it is the card design where the most pronounced aspect of each card is the special effect that rarely comes into play. The most important information is hidden in the corners while the center area is dominated by an effect that people assume is the most relevant and work hard to execute only to find it pretty pointless. If you set up the expectation that card abilities are a marginal part of the game that you should ignore most of the time, I find that gives a better starting point for beginners.
He might just associate based vlaada with galaxy trucker and forget about his absolutely obscene range
No matter what you think of his games, you gotta respect the man
>It's not a filter if it's a bad game
lots of bad games are filters anon. the filter traps all the grit and dust so it doesn't pass through and ruin other, better games. filters work by being attractive to undesirable players. like the way 40k is a filter for all of the tabletop wargaming hobby. there are tens of thousands of That Guys the rest of games don't have to deal with because they got filtered out.
i'd consider codenames an ameritrash design too
but on the other hand there's Through the Ages, one of the euro-est euros and the only way it could be more euro if it somehow had worker placement
You should be playing around the trick taking as much as possible, the regular trick taking concepts of using your high cards/bombs to help use your lower cards in your hands still apply. cole even added a bunch of failsafes if your hand is shit too, items and court cards with the ability to do actions you might not have and the ability to take prio if you don't have any high cards. Very cool to see a complex trick taker, great use of an old mechanic imo
Galaxy Trucker
Bunny Bunny Moose Moose
Mage Knight
Space Alert
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Anyone here have some experience with Isaac Four Souls? I love the PC game but it's a little expensive to get base game + expansion, so I'd like to get a few non-youtuber opinions before diving in
This is Munchkin, people may say it's worse than Munchkin, some may say it's better than Munchkin, but at the end of the day, it is Munchkin.
Oh this is the game that broke anons back when he was sleeving it. I'm not familiar with it myself but the /vg/ thread has played it before. If you have Tabletop Simulator you could ask them to play it with you.
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*gives it all to Goodwill*
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To be fair, 50 years from now there's a good chance some of these games will appreciate in price immensely
I can understand two copies of Dixit. But why are there three copies of Catan and Azul?

>i know what i gort
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>he doesn't play 12-man Azul as a way to determine the first player in his game of 12-man Catan
Would you even want to go first in 12-man Catan? In 4-man Catan you want to go 2nd. Or is this some crack shit where the players in Azul are trying to manipulate the placement through poor play?
High calorie crops such as taters are important to a subsistence farmer
That's not where money is. Almonds, avocados and tropical fruits earn you way more cash.
Man, why aren't there more "campaign" board games? My friend and I haven't been able to scratch that Frosthaven itch at all after finishing it.
If you have an itch I suggest a shower. I insist, actually.
First time I've ever seen someone complain of a *lack* of campaign games. There seem to be thousands of them out there
Sorry, enjoyable campaign games.
>After that the Æsir feared that they should never be able to get the Wolf bound. Then Allfather sent him who is called Skírnir, Freyr's messenger, down into the region of the Black Elves, to certain dwarves, and caused to be made the fetter named Gleipnir. It was made of six things: the noise a cat makes in foot-fall, the beard of a woman, the roots of a rock, the sinews of a bear, an enjoyable campaign game, and the spittle of a bird. And though thou understand not these matters already, yet now thou mayest speedily find certain proof herein, that no lie is told thee: thou must have seen that a woman has no beard, and no sound comes from the leap of a cat, and there are no roots under a rock; and by my troth, all that I have told thee is equally true, though there be some things which thou canst not put to the test.
Wow, he's literally me
Never heard of 'em
"Listen, I'll soon get around to playing them when I've got a little more free time"
Something I have wondered about a bit, but I do not think that the large majority of boardgames will actually increase in price in 50 years (aside the obvious inflation adjustments). Maybe if some weird trend of bg historianism arises, but I don't see that. As is, I think the only game to get expensive are ones that can't be reprinted for licencing or other legal reasons.
Idk anon. As is so often the case, the euro/ameritrash dichotomy is too vague to really categorize codenames if you ask me. Wouldn't even call it a hybrid game.
Yes, that definitely is a list of games vlaada designed.
This. Euro/American is an outdated debate that makes no sense anymore. Euro is the only one that is still quite spot-on for few titles, but that's it.
Use actual terms describing the mechanics when referring to the games.
I woukd argue not even that. Lacking an official definition, the whole thing is used fo what "feels" like euro/ameritrash to someone. And I think what is regarded as x or y changes relatively quickly. eg. how Argent is considered euro (at least I haven't seen it called ameritrash) because wp = eurogame.
Yeah, while the game design has improved, none of them have any actual cultural value to be generally desirable as collection items. Most of them are rightfully consumer products made for commercial purposes. Maybe some random obscure board game will rise to notoriety as the favorite game of the [evil (=losing)faction leader of WW3] or something.
To me, the distinction between euros and amerimuttos is that the former is constructive and the latter in destructive.
In eurogames, you start will little (few workers, some resources) and the goal is to multiply your assets over time. Agricola, Terra Mystica, Great Western Trail. These games are usually light on interaction to permit for that creative space.
In ameritrash, players are given a lot at the start (armies, powers etc) and the goal is to reduce your opponents assets. Kemet, Blood Rage, every wargame ever.
Of course many games combine these elements, like T&E or Arcs.
>Go to a bg gathering
>there is this woman that must tell everybody that she plays Euros and Euros only
>Every single game put in front of us she must ask if it's Euro or Ameri
>We all end up playing a 5p game of Cosmic Frog and she loves it
>But keeps going with the euro/ameri shit right after
It's like those "20 year old oomer" memes Jesus Christ.
Age of Innovation: What the fuck do I do for my first few actions? Spending three tools to terraform seems like a bad idea, but I can't figure out what else I CAN do. I get that I can burn power, but burning 4 power to terraform one tile seems like a terrible idea too.
It is funny how bad your seperation criteria and examples are.
>every wargame ever
No, that's wrong. Some wargames just require one side to holdfast, or to simply do better than their historical counterpart.
One I played recently about the battle of Montmirail started with few soldiers on the board, followed by reinforcements, then maneuvering to grab towns and crossroads on the map before nightfall. Attempting to "reduce the opponents assets" would result in a loss for whoever was wasting time fighting instead of holding.
I don't know about that: many ameritrash have VP too. I usually associate euros with point salads, while in argent you can only compete for a finite number of VP. It's also so full of interaction and take-thats that it's more in the ameritrash spectrum to me.
That's the problem with the euro/american dichotomy: it's too arbitrary, if not even misleading.
That's a common feature of many euro/american, but it's still not true anymore. It used to be, before the hobby got so saturated. I think euro still has a sort of reliable meaning to describe a game, especially when lots of them are done by the same famous authors. Still, we have examples of euro as multiplayer solitaire/point salads vs euro as engine building/low-luck games with mean interaction like Barrage/competitive Agricola.
American as a term should just be dropped at this point.
>American as a term should just be dropped at this point.
People were calling for this figurehead years ago. Fortress Ameritrash changed their name due to the waters being so muddied that their raison d'être didn't make sense any more.
Still we have the dinosaurs grumbling around the internet, refusing to go extinct
I think ameritrash isn't really used as derogatory term anymore but as a shorthand for "it's not elegant/balanced but really fucking fun" whilst euro has a wider spectrum of meaning. From elitists using it as "low randomness high skill" to "point salad", some faggot use it as replacement for certain mechanics, ie using "euro" istead of worker placement etc. Oh and of course it has a derogatory use nowadays as well.

It's quite interesting how hard it sometimes is to describe boardgames in short terms, even if you merely describe them mechanically. I would say that is a positive.

And because this discussion is entirely too reasonable I will throw in a FUCK COSMIC ENCOUNTER into the mix
Sup /bgg/. Stefan Feld games, only the pointiest of point salads. Love em? Hate em? Rank em!

Out of the ones I've played ( * = own):

1.- Bora Bora*
2.- Castles of Burgundy*
3.- Trajan
4.- Amerigo
5.- Forum Trajanum
6.- In the Year of the Dragon*
7.- Castles of Tuscany
8.- Notre Dame*
9.- Carpe Diem*
10.- Bonfire
11.- Aquasphere

Which would you buy/keep/burn?
I wouldn't say ameritrash are necessarily unbalanced, it's more about the role of luck. Euro are usually low luck games, even though that is not so true anymore. Still, there are always ways to mitigate that.
It's not that uncommon to discover a bug in Euros where a strategy is clearly the best one, see Tzolkin.
Same for elegance: euro have become so fiddly that calling them elegant is a big stretch.

>It's quite interesting how hard it sometimes is to describe boardgames in short terms, even if you merely describe them mechanically. I would say that is a positive.
That's a great thing, as it means that the way mechanics interact can be that varied.
Even as a patrician euro enjoyer, owning more than 2 felds seems a tad excessive. Heard good things about trajan. YotD is cool and kiiiinda unlike other feldian designs. Bonfire was a pretty huge box I got for 12 euro from pegasus themselves and I quickly knew why. Everything looks great but holy shit the game was devoid of soul. Sold it for 5.
CoB somehow still works superbly despite every edition (especially the new one, wtf were they thinking) having very subpar components and art. I have no idea why. Maybe there is some spoint-saladiness:game length quota that works like magic?

But yeah, despite his reputation I tend to stay clear off felds.
Haven't played a one of these games despite owning almost 100 games total. Haven't even heard of most of them.

Sell me on this fella.
He's got his fans, he's got his haters. He's kind of the anti-Vlaada in the sense that he has no range whatsoever, he only makes multiplayer solitare, archetypical dry euros with varying degrees of complexity, all featuring pasted on themes, interlocking subsystems and racking points from multiple sources.
He does them well, though, and he adds mechanical twists so they don't feel too samey. He's got a few of his games in the BGG top 100 games and they're considered modern classics, some justifiably so, others are kinda meh.
If you like his style you'll probably end up wanting to try more of his designs just to see what else he comes up with. If not, you'll be perfectly fine only knowing about Castles of Burgundy.
Start there, it's a really solid tile laying/dice placement game with very satisfying combos. Dice can fuck you a bit, but it's more of a minor inconvenience and you can almost always get away with a good play using a roll mitigation token or two.
Just responding to say that >>93909126
is a pretty good summary of Felds stuff
If it's anything like it's predecessors, make a temple equivalent and find a cheap way to expand with a dwelling or two either via water or free terraforms, while leeching as much power as possible.
As >>93909711
Said. Either find a way to terraform through magic (whatever it is called in AoI) or the round tile or go high; either plan to get your fortress or a temple out.
Also burning power early is quite good, you want to cycle the tokens fast. If you have 7 tokens in total, gaining 10 nets you 3 usable power. If you have 12, you have fuckall to show, and the most you ever need are 6 anyway. Though a small buffer is nice. I'm sure there's a lot of autism concerning the optimal number of power tokens
>subsistence farmer
>he doesn't eat money
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>tfw you're having a board game burn out but have 20 turn-based tables running on BGA with no end in sight
>what's the appeal of playing solo tabletop games?
It's basically playing a puzzle game and challenging yourself.
The thing I really love with some solo games is the emergent narrative aspect of them.
When you play Mage Knight, you can imagine the story and scenes in your head through your actions, you don't need other players for that.
It's something I can't really get from most modern video games which are visually too "cinematic" now.
It's like the old FF7 and FF7R, when I was playing FF7 at the time, I imagined all the scenes between characters made of 6 cubes.
Comparing to that, playing FF7R is just watching a movie, my brain isn't working like when I'm reading a book and it's something I miss when I play.
Another example, playing Nemesis solo is stupid, but fuck I absolutely love it, It's like watching Alien with a new different story every single time.
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>BGG now shows the runtime of review videos
>Like maracaibo
>Feel like playing it again on bga
>Eh lets just play this tournament, more interesting to have a wide range of skill levels
>It starts
>Didn't see it's a fucking swiss system
>13 parallel games

Interstingly, I still like the game after this chore. And I still have NO fucking clue how pushing the tempo doesn't fuck me over eventually
Git gud
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This fucker just kicked my ass
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Every board game gets an upgraded edition or becomed replaced by something newer in general.

Hoarding old shit like Starcraft the Board Game or Arkham Horror is beyond coo coo stoopid as a better game that replaces it gets released regularly.

Older board gamers really needs to trash their cybernetic nostalgia eyes.

Splotter and Pax games is understandable as they aint popular enough to be copied, but everything else...
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>lets play an arena game
>hhhhm thats weird the search stopped
>huh it stopped again
>wtf why does it keep stopping

>realise I'm in turn-based and just started like 5 games
Who's the Lil Wayne of boardgame hobby as a whole?
Friedmann or Candice Harris
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You sound a lot like crazy, but I have to agree with you on some aspects of the solo topic.
I get what you mean with that back in a day proportions between visuals and our own imagination. I agree on that, but on the other hand, playing games solo is an obvious sign of being gay. It's a slippery slope with solo boardgaming. It usually starts with playing Robinson Crusoe "just by being curious", next thing you know, you're going all crazy in Aeon's End Legacy and at the same time thinking about that dude from you job, the guy a few years younger than you. And you have thoughts that only a prayer send away.
Honestly, I haven't even thought about do a solo run I Memesis Lockdown I can't even imagine how much time does it take from the setup, throughout the actual game till cleanup. That's next level dedication, autism, or a sign of being horribly alone.
Quick rules question, how do you draw action cards (or whatever the cards you use in the recruitment phase to check who you can recruit) so that you can use them for their effects?

I know you start with two but do you really just not draw anymore the rest of the game?
You check the rule book and see what it says. I'm not a mind reader. You have to tell us what game you're stuck on.
I get something like Mage Knight solo just because there's a ton going on and it's long and thinky but why the fuck would you ever play Nemesis solo?

It's a social game about fucking off together on a space ship, how is that even remotely captured solo?
I'm retarded and had to rewrite the post because of a captcha error

I meant Star Wars Rebellion
>When the time marker advances to a space that contains a recruit icon, players recruit leaders.
>To recruit leaders, each player draws two action cards, chooses one leader on either of those cards, and places that leader in his leader pool. Each player keeps his chosen action card facedown and can use it at a later time.
Wtf anon
Obviously you keep the action card of the character you choose to recruit?
I want to say I wish I had your imagination, but the bit about nemesis makes want to call you autistic
So I'll just say I'm glad you're having fun
I swear the rulebook I had made it sound like you just don't get the card

Thanks anons
Yeah it's ffg, they cannot structure rulebooks to save their lives. I remember getting what I can only call unreasonably angry at the fact they decided it would be perfectly fine to put the list of units you get upon setup exclusively in the setup example of the learn to play book (or something equally stupid, I can't fully remember).
>Arkham Horror
A better Arkham Horror second edition has still not been released. AH3 and Eldritch Horror are both heavily sanitized and nowhere near as evocative as AH2.
Light games don't have this problem btw
>on the other hand, playing games solo is an obvious sign of being gay.
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>game ends when the player in the last place hits X amount of negative points
Are there any hobby board games that feature this mechanic? It seems like such a great idea, like a natural antidote to kingmaking and runaway leaders.
6nimmt is all about that.
I love it.
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>You don't like runaway winners? What about... runaway losers?
it's a matter of personal preference and i love all three. mottainai is probably what I would consider the "best", but 5way asymmetric mottainai with more direct contention and a slower paced, resource management angle just does exactly what I want.
it's not really an abstraction of space, but the way inner islands and home islands works feels just enough like it to add a new dimension. I love the idea of mottainai works being these islands that can be contested and used by other players
it's definitely a bear for beginners. i always tell people that the hardest part of the game is spending great cards to fuel more practical moves. and plenty of times you'll need to just create a ship or a populace at home to prepare for a more bombastic combo down the line. I like that turns can be so wide-ranging in their impact. With the quest system you can see effects looming over the board state - but maybe nothing is coming and they're just trying to get action economy out of a sailing card.
I thought the corners get the job done as well, considering how the tucking works I think the overall design is sensible

Solo, coop, and 1-vs-everyone-else games are going to become more and more popular, because people can't GM for shit.
After giving it some thought, I've come to the conclusion there is nothing more cucked than enjoying negotiation games and "interaction-heavy" euros. If you enjoy either of these, you might as well go tranny right now because you're already mentally a woman.
Men are made to conquer and overcome. On the most basic level, a man will want to outsmart or overpower their opponent. This translates directly to either direct confrontation ameritrash or solitaire multiplayer euros, as they provide the purest form of out-thinking and out-gunning your opposition. If you're limpdicked enough that you'd rather win by a popularity contest in a negotiation game, or partake in a passive aggressive trading of bitchslaps under the pretense of an "interaction-heavy" euro, it goes without saying you have a female brain and the lowest possible level of test. You can't handle competition like a real man so you have to find alternative ways of competing, just like women do when they feel outclassed. You will never be a man.
Maybe I just think it's funny trying to be the asshole that can't stop smuggling contraband in Sheriff of Nottingham
This >>93916126 but with an exception for Sidereal Confluence.
You are just too much of a bitch to play Dune.
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Now THERE'S a man's game
I hope that supposed special-edition comes with a larger board though, I hate having to squint to see those tiny spaces way across the table. I don't care about minis, maybe give me an option to replace those flimsy counters with screen-printed wooden discs like Cuba Libre uses
AH LCG is way better than AH2 and AH3.
But I'm not saying that the games has to be the same exact theme.

Heck, AH 2e is just a simple whack-a-mole with a possible boss fight if you dont whack enough moles.

In 5 years we'll get something that is way better than AH LCG again.

The cycle will never stop.

Old games will always get a better version or derivative in the future.
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>Diplomats are gay
>Only murderers are real men
Is AH3 that bad?
I only have AHLCG and Eldritch Horror to compare, but I find Mansions of Madness far more evocative and engaging than those. I get why people would consider AHLCG as the better game (though personally I just don't give a crap enough to spend mental effort on the deckbuilding), but the other games are completely outclassed by MoM in my opinion.
what kind of autism is this
you okay lil bro did you have to deal with people again
Lads what is the go-to version of bullet?
It looks neat. I'll judge by price and shipping cost if I'll risk exposing my group to chinese cartoons
>popularity contest in a negotiation game
Confirmed for never playing a negotiation game and having 0 bitches
Heart has less gimmicky characters, Star has more gimmicky characters. All other sets are spare characters and not strictly needed if you don't want them.
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Dang it, how could I lose to some fucking blobs.
I bought both star and heart because my group goes up to 8 but if you have a group of 4 or less, heart is probably easier to start with, but the girls in star are hotter imo
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Ayo white boys, it's De'3vion from /mu/! Whatcha pekckerwoods finna play this week? Don't tryna fool me white boiz!
Cockroach Poker has something similar, the game ends as soon as someone loses (either via running out of cards, or having 4 of the same suit of card in his shame pile)
Thunder Road Vendetta also has something similar, in that the race is endless but once a player loses all their vehicles they're out, and the others slap the "finish" tile on the end of the road (so the leader running off of the front map section doesn't extend the board and kill any stragglers, it wins that leader the game instead)
Runaway winner makes the game either boring for everyone, or forces other players to crab bucket, which is the one thing more disgusting than kingmaking. Runaway loser creates an interesting dynamic, particularily in Hearts for example if there's such a loser, other players will try to feed him jack of diamonds and avoid feeding the queen.
That's what he do.
Our group wasn't really fond of him blowing us up each time so we've switched to slenderman.
Our first fight with him (slender) was much more tense and we did manage to win, but only just.
That being said its kind of a shame because I like the thematics of the kinsman (and the king) so I hope we have him back in future campaigns and the group doesn't mind too much.
Why yes, I am linking the single piece of official king art in the rule book that has butts
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Forgot the art even...
A post so correct there's no way to refute it.
Can I have some examples of direct confrontation Ameritrash games?
Is that KDM?

Do people actually play it?
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>Is that KDM?
>Do people actually play it?
Yes, though of course not heaps of people. My friends and I play over the sim a lot, I got them all entry level copies of the sim and they got hooked - and lobby for us to play it two or three times a week. It's a lot of fun if you can tolerate a fair amount of rng punishment.
Fortress America
How puzzly/crunchy is the combat? I watched some dudes playing next to our group and it seemed to me like a dicefest without any meaningful decisions.
Clash of Cultures, yay or nay?
Nay, it has a certain flourish to it but it plays very samey with a stale tech tree. Also the barbarians can fuck you over early game leading to game that's lost within the first 15 minutes but you still need to play.
i liked it with the civs expansion, havent played without the expansion since its a friends copy and he insists on playing the big game all the time
>very samey with a stale tech tree
There are 36 base techs plus 12 government techs and another 4 civilization techs. There are some definite techs you want to get early but there's maybe 6 or 7 of those. It's the wild west after that based on player count and what you're trying to do. I don't think I'd call it samey.

I will agree - a barbarian event can cause a lot of problems early but its never insurmountable. My biggest problem is trying to remember to take the effects of the techs you've unlocked and the game length. We've never finished a 4p game in under 6 hours.
>he doesn't play KDM
It has an engaging gameplay loop, great encounters if one is into boss-battler, top-notch aesthetic and lovely emergent narrative.
It is not, at all. This is peak disinformation that few dumbasses have been spreading for years.
There's luck involved, just like in any game with dice, but there are tons of builds you can make to heavily mitigate that. Monsters all have a specific mindset and if you play without a proper strategy you will get stomped really hard; if you can figure out how to solve each puzzle though it's quite easy to handle at least low level quarries.
I love me 4x's but the only 4x that really gets discussed is TI4

Though, to be fair, I haven't really been able to play any others anyways.

I wanted to try Fractal but I just haven't bought it yet
Spooktacular actually, kek
If anything spooktacular errs on the euro side of the spectrum if you ask me.
As an aside, I do really like the game and have high hopes for it to become a mainstay in the elusive "meaty but still sub 1h game" category... But fucking hell, could it have a worse name? I get that it is deliberate, referencing something an 80s horror movie festival would be called but still, I feel stupid saying "how about we play spooktacular?"
Cosmic Frog, cosmic Encounter, Mythic Battles, Stationfall, the Vast games, John Company.
How is stationfall ameritrash when there's no luck involved.
Random assignments at beginning isnt random?
Fog of war of who the others are at start isnt random?
The absolute chaos that follows isn't the spitting image of Ameritrash?
Any other good boss battlers that don't cost an arm and a leg? I know I can play KDM on tts but I want something in physical form.
If the random assignment at the beginning counts, then I guess most euro are actually ameritrash.
Once you choose your character there's no randomness involved, except for the project x or the final turn.
Your idea of randomness is not the same as the one often used when talking about ameritrash (aka output randomness due to dice rolling and the like)
So basically, stop using ameritrash which is a stupid term that doesn't even describe new games anymore.
Not the I am aware. Boss battlers are often narrative games with miniatures, so the price is usually high.
Player order and board layout in Catan are random.
>most euro are actually ameritrash
I think that logic being dumb is anons point.

I think Stationfall is an edge case because it *feels* very ameritrashy (chaotic), yet it is very much deterministic mechanically.
As >>93922329 said, it's an archaic dichotomy that has lost most of its meaning like two decades ago
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Here's how I'd fix T&E to be less terrible:

- instead of personal hands (behind sissy screens) players draw tiles from a common market, it could be two tiered Pax-style or a moving conveyor like Through the Ages. Players can pick tiles for free from the leftmost edge, or pay victory tokens to grab tiles from further up the market (again, Pax style). Treasures could give cool bonuses like being able to pick tiles for free from upper tiers of the market.
- conflicts are handled through a simple die roll, adjecent tiles being DRMs, victory tokens can be paid by both players to reroll, each reroll costing more tokens
See how victory tokens are now a cool resource instead of pointless dead weight? It's because I'm a better designer than Reiner Knizia.
Nigger just play Y&Y. It has semi-open tile drafting and streamlines external conflicts...
It honestly is not the worst idea I've ever heard tbqh.

Still would prefer to play the original way, though
your group doesn't come up with silly nicknames for commonly played games? i'm sure we'll be calling it spookytown time or some such other nonsense
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Stationfall is an "immersion game", that is to say theme breeding mechanics
Anon asked the question and i answered.
If that puts your panties in a bunch, that's a (you) problem.
Make our friends get better jobs/schedules.
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im happy
Well done anon.
What did it cost you?
Anon has friends. He's bitching about the cost of games amortizing the cost to develop solo rules he won't be using.
about 120 bucks more or less if you speaking usd
Knizia games are a lot less impressive once you realize his design process is just writing a long, complex mathematical equation and then assigning board game pieces to each variable until both sides balance
Fuck that. CYOA books were fucking rad. Are there any games that get you that consequential feeling, but have some crunchier boardgame aspects to them?
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>Dr. Knizia has literally created a mathematical equation for fun
Wtf, he's even more brilliant than I realized
Legacy of Dragonholt
THis sounds like a setup for The Twilight Zone
>madman scientist doctorate encodes the formula for solving the universe into board games, and forces random passerbys to play those games until they die as living calculators for computing the ultimate solution
someone should make a board game with this premise.
Fund it
My point is, your answer was of poor quality and misleading.
Now that's a weird choice of words: immersion is largely avoided in game design, as it's another problematic term. "Kinematically involved" and similar terms are used instead, as they better describe the feeling.
>immersion is largely avoided in game design, as it's another problematic term. "Kinematically involved" and similar terms are used instead, as they better describe the feeling
I must have lost touch, I can no longer reliably tell if this is satire or not.
It's a troll or an autist, don't engage.
A big factor why I am so confused is because his previous post was pretty reasonable
I heard there was some special variant deck for Star wars Rebellion that combines the base deck and the expansion deck into a nicely balanced game. Does anyone know where I can find that?
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Oltree is worth looking IMO.
Or you could actually study game design and understand what I am talking about.
You can find lots of talks and files about that, see https://youtu.be/dWR42Q0PrYs?si=vtHYYEd3VQz39zLJ for example
I heard this too but I couldn't find it, I'd love to know as well
That's gorgeous. How does it play?
>there are cards AND a board
this is my fetish all that's missing is a labyrinth
What are some good sleeves I can buy that are cheap for board games but wont split after 1 shuffle?
Depends on the board game's card size for one thing.

From the pastebin:
I like Gamegenic for the budget options and weird sizes, but they go out of stock way too often. Never buy titanshields, they're super flimsy. Dragonshields and Katanas are the absolute best, I prefer DS for clear and Katana for colored back. However, they're pricey and you're limited to just TCG standard size with them
I'm not about to watch 45 minutes of some tranny in a dress explaining why fun is a bad word, either sum it up here or go fuck yourself
It's usually for standard american card sizes, stuff like the nemesis characters and other games like that like the Beast

I don't sleeve the entire game mind you, I JUST sleeve stuff that is constantly shuffled throughout a playthrough like the player action cards

I play TCG's occasionally (on and off) so I dont want to spend Dragonshield or Katana prices if I can help it, plus these games don't get tabled ANYWHERE near enough like a TCG player shuffles their deck
God damn you got me good, I even clicked the link
Here's your (you), you've earned it you absolute bastard
If I can't afford the sleeves, I can't afford the game. At least, that's MY reasoning.
Great argumentative skills, you two are clearly scholars.
And I'm not fixing your ignorance, just stop talking about things you don't actually know. I agree about the tranny in a weird dress thing, but that's not the point.
Great! You've got an opinion. Now do you have anything helpful to add about type of sleeves to use for the Anon asking?
I just told him Gamegenic is a good budget option. My absolute favorite for sizes like American poker are the old Ultra pros, but they stopped making them and so now they're really expensive.
I never said I can't afford sleeves though, I just said I don't want to buy dragonshields because I think it's overkill for how much I'll actually use them for a game (and I legit think Dragonshields have gotten way worse over the last 10 years)
Oh really? None of my dragonshields have ever split, but I will admit I'm not happy with the consistency of the edge cuts on the clears. I haven't bought draogonshields older than 3-4 years so I don't have a reference for the older ones, only that tolarian college still likes them a lot. Katanas are my absolute favorite TCG size with a perfect shuffle on the matte backs, but they're a nightmare to find now.
At least the Dragonshield sealable inners are fantastic.
Their inners and certain colors work, but I've 100% experienced that their quality is dependent on certain colors.

Some colors can survive world war 3 and others split after 2 shuffles. the consistency in their product is dogwater these days and I avoid them because I don't want to roll the dice on a 13 dollar purchase
Which colors have you had bad luck with?
Now I'm paranoid because I bought a copy of dune imperium for my friend, and pre-sleeved the cards with those sexy blue with silver inner anniversary sleeves
All you did was talk immersion being """""problematic""""" and link 2 videos.
I fail to see a point or why I should educate myself and would urge you to go back
Im just hoping anon gets back to me with five euro games that handle hidden role assignments and chaotic hot potato similar to Stationfall.
Because they're so similar, yknow?
Dual mattes are like 90% failure rate for me, only like 1 pair survived a month after the 8+ I bought.

Single color non-matte have the longest lifespan, matte is a mixed bag too.
Well, shit. That's exactly what I got him.
Oops. at least the hard part of putting on the sealable inners is done, so if he needs to replace the sleeves the worst part is over with.
The point is that you know nothing about game design, nor the current studies. So you not understanding whether that was satire or not is solely because you are ignorant on that matter to begin with.
That doesn't prove that stationfall is an ameritrash, brainlet.
NTA but seriously, reign in your autism.
That is the single metric you used to argue it isnt. You came in guns blazing deciding no dice= no ameritrash as if thats *the* defining feature. And then pussied out by saying we shouldnt be using the term anyway. You dont get to have your cake and eat it to.
Put up or shut up.
Ameritrash discussion aside (in which I think you are correct fwiw) - I think you have watched a bunch of game design videos and are incapable of putting what you heard into your own words. Hence your refusal to elaborate or discuss and insted posting a video. Pretty weak overall
Fine, I'll make the next thread myself
Its just page 8, and weve been up since Friday.
You can let the broth simmer a tad longer, OP
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That's ridiculous. I don't want it to get to page ten, people forget to bake an op, and we archive without a new thread link. Bake them early and get it over with. Anyway, here's the new thread.
Nice assumption, but that's actually what I studied. I was merely pointing out that "immersion games" is just as debatable as "ameritrash", since immersion is a term that does not convey anything concrete and is current avoided when talking about game design, the same way no one uses ameritrash anymore.
There's really nothing to elaborate, and I'm certainly not writing an essay for a random anon who's not even willing to discuss, when posting a video is enough to cite the issues. What kind of discussion has the other anon done, out of curiosity? Their first message was literally them not understanding what I said due to ignorance and calling me a troll.
I agree with all of this, and I could add to that the excellent scavenging/crafting aspect.

But there's one thing which made me drop the game. Not the swingy dice rolls, not the repetitiveness of grinding quarries for loot, but traps. Once you get to the higher level bosses, the traps are such complete fucking crap. They can be anywhere from the top of the hit location deck to the bottom, so you could either coast through the battle getting series upon series of hits in, or get your balls repeatedly smashed in just because that card is drawn from -and is then immediately shuffled back in the top of- the hit location deck. Fuck that and fuck anyone who thinks that is good game design.

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