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>Last bread

Not associated with anything. What are you working on? Having any troubles or question? Or just want to rant about your stuff? Sometimes, just putting words down can help to organize your thoughts.
Made this thread to motivate myself

>Resources for the aspiring developer
>https://anydice.com/ (A fantastic resource for checking probabilities)
>https://miro.com/ (A online whiteboard with tools to help organize yourself)
>https://www.notion.so/ (Similar to the above, but in a bit cleaner format for those who work in larger teams)
>https://obsidian.md/ (Notetaking and other assistance)
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After watching Exhuma last night, feel like making a game about solving mysteries surrounding yokai and other ghostly shenanigans based on Shintoism.
Wanting to add different classes/careers so that it's quick to make a character and start playing, self-contained mysteries. With set roles, like bushi/soheis, because sure you occasionally need some muscles or a sharp blade to not only defend against yokais, but also humans not liking you sniffing around.

Though, wouldn't the shinshoku/miko be the most important character? Potentially stealing the show for everyone else?
Don't think it's that bad if some characters shine more than others, some players are more present than others. But don't know how to feel about making it system-relevant.
question: is it possible to have 4e/pf2e-style power sources with unique mechanics in a classless system? I want to have a system where arcane casters use slots, divine casters use temporary ascetic vows, primal casters use MP based on lunar cycles, martials gain stamina each turn, and experts flip coins and expend them on tails

they dont all have to be shinto. buddhism has plenty of standing in japan and is often interleafed into shinto. on top of that, you could have more conventional ghost hunters or even westerners depending on the time setting
You could tie these resources to certain abilities that unlock being able to cast arcane spells, divine spells etc in the first place.
>What are you working on?
Something that is intended to be a setting agnostic science fiction system somewhat akin to Traveller. Weird dice pool, and I want to have Traveller-esque character generation.
>Having any troubles or question?
I'm wondering about how to do health and damage. On the one hand, I want something that's relatively quick and easy, especially because I want PC's and NPC's to function according to the same rules. On the other, I want some detail to the damage system reflecting weapons used and the difficulty in treating them. Contemplating using pain as a mechanic, too.
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>Work on cgg
>Feedback echoes what I feared: neat mechanics, but weak core
>Shelve it for a while and work on other designs
>Come back fresh and fix the entire core
>Only to realize I did at the cost of halving the entire design space
guess it's going to be a small pool drafting game now..
>What are you working on?
A personal system that's primarily from scratch.
>Having any troubles or question?
God yes, I'm currently spinning the fuck out over dumb bullshit.
>Or just want to rant about your stuff?

1. I've been working on a system lately (to play with friends) and I realized a couple of small issues and they've blown the fuck up. It feels like I was knitting a sweater, noticed a thread, pulled it, and now the whole thing is unraveling. My only saving grace is that I haven't started playing this with other people yet, thank god, but I was really hoping to have it in a playable state before the end of the year. Firstly, someone I know (who doesn't play TTGs) saw part of my system and "um actually"'d at me about how "proficiency" just means you're good with something, not that you can't use something you aren't proficient in. This was because in the system I've been working with I've been moving forward fast and didn't want to build rules for using non proficient weapons. So they keep sending me the definition of "proficiency" telling me I should use a different word instead, because words have meaning and I'm wrong.

2. The only reason they got hung up on this shit was because I recently realized something I did for organization in this system makes very little sense. So you have proficiencies at character creation based on class, and I realized that some of them didn't really work. Specifically, I have a resource based class with the ability to fabricate items and that requires one tool they have proficiency in, but the other tool they have proficiency in has nothing to do with fabrication. I described it to someone as "I gave a dude 'Puncher' as a class and then gave him punches AND hip checks." Except the puncher is a guy who makes stuff and I effectively gave him drawing as a proficiency.

(I'll continue this)
I was thinking this over myself. did have an idea that I think is very simple

>each weapon has a skill, range, damage, and maneuver associated with it
>these maneuvers trade an attack penalty for speccial effects
>for example, a handaxe would have these stats
>>skill: axes
>>hit: 1d6 + Str slashing
>>miss: half damage
>>range: 4 + Str
>>maneuver: cleave. once per turn when you make a range-1 attack, you can make a second range-1 attack with the same weapon and penalty
fuck, >>93896350 was meant for >>93896125
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So the thing that bugged me out the most on this was that I give the classes their own skill sets with names so Magic guys cast "Spells" and Monks use "Arts" and this Fabrication class uses "Brews" and I'm sitting over here like, "How do you brew Books?" So maybe I should've just changed the word. I know that's an option. But my ass was like, "No! I can make a better system out of this" because that's just how I solve problems. But the issue I'm running into is that of the three people I've suggested this change to to see how they feel about it, all three have told me it feels too complicated. And I can't figure out if this shit is just me. Am I retarded? Is it seriously too complex?

The original system was: You choose a class, it comes with skills and proficiencies. Skills usually require a proficient weapon be equipped to use them (not all of them, but most of them), but they're all in one pool related to the class. My solution (the 2nd system) was to break all proficiency skills into separate pools and allow these pools to be shared between classes based on proficiency. It's effectively just a reorganization of already established mechanics where I'm just suggesting that instead of one giant unique pool per class you get a handful of smaller universal pools and one unique class pool. I feel like it's simple enough, but no one seems to understand what the fuck I'm talking about when I try to explain it OR they understand and tell me it's way more complicated and they prefer it less. I even made picrel to try and better illustrate my point.

I guess the main issue I'm dealing with here is trying to figure out if everyone else is right and this is somehow way more complicated or if I'm just clearly explaining this super wrong and it's more simple than people are telling me it is? I don't know. I might also feel a little hurt because almost everybody I talked to had some kind of input they needed to make on the system at large about proficiency or skills.
I think I really just needed to vent about this more than anything. I've been super stressed out about it for the last couple of days, thank you for making this thread.

Also, one of the guys I was talking with told me that 25 basic skills per class feels incredibly high and that I should be shooting for a lower number. I make players pick 3 from a list of (currently) 25 at character creation. I felt like the idea of having so many potential options felt like it would be fun, but his argument was that sometimes having more options is a bad thing and can overwhelm people. And now I think he might be right. So I'm dwelling on that part, too.
I think you're explaining it very badly because I can't see what the difference is. The weird skill names aren't helping.
In 1, the two FUS skills are "completely different". Do they actually do different things for the different classes, and if so why do they have the same name?
In 2 the two FUS skills "share a pool", but I don't know what that means. The two characters have to share one resource between them? Why?
The names I chose for the mock version are definitely stupid as all hell, I'm so sorry. It was like midnight when I made that last night and I never make good decisions around then.

In system 1: both players have 2 different skill pools: BAPS and TUPS. And both of them contain skills that require the use of BAP and FUS or TUP and FUS. BAPS-FUS and TUPS-FUS are completely different, but both require a FUS be equipped.
In system 2: BAP, TUP, and FUS all become their own independent skill pools. Puncher has access to both BAPS and FUSES and Kicker has access to TUPS and FUSES and the FUSES skills are all the same.

I'm so fucking sorry that sounds super dumb, let me remake this with normal words, I thought using fake words would make it easier to understand because it would be more abstract, but it just feels like I'm a crazy person explaining shit.
>I thought using fake words would make it easier to understand because it would be more abstract
This doesn't work when you're giving examples, and tends to be confusing when you only abstract some things and not others (eg FUS vs "puncher").
>skill pools
Okay but what are they? Why do I care how many I have and how they overlap with those of other players? If we both have a dodge skill and I dodge something, does that reduce your capacity to dodge? And if so why?
>sometimes having more options is a bad thing and can overwhelm people
Overwhelm is one thing, lack of reward is another. Imagine list of 100 skills, and you can pick three. Even if skills are following some greater structure (i.e.: Strength based skills, Casting skills, range combat skills, etc.) you are still selecting them blindly, best case, to be somewhat aligned with your idea of your character, only to find out, that:
>Sunk cost fallacy
>Skill A is forcing me to charge into battle heads on every time, since to NOT use the skill is waste, I can't really focus on anything else, then getting better melee weapon and armor, so I can survive the first few rounds.
>Bringing harmonica to fishing trip
>Skill B is unusable in this campaign, I thought it would be neat to mix potions, but I either have no place to collect resources, or no place to prepare my epic potions. When DM throws me a bone, others are advancing plot or simply buying potions from shops.
In both version, you end up with frustrated player.
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I'm hoping this is easier to understand.
Zandarth is a Stabman and Craig is a Clown. In both systems, they get proficiencies and one over laps (Paint). In both systems, they can both choose a total of 3 skills out of a potential total of 15 they both have. In both systems, 5 of the skills require a knife be equipped, 5 require a Horn be equipped, and 10 require nothing (they can be used no matter what is equipped).

In System 1: The Stabman class calls their skills "Murders". These are skills that can require nothing be equipped, a knife, or paint. These are all unique skills to Stabmans. The Clown class calls their skills "Jokes". They can require nothing be equipped, a horn, or paint. These are all unique skills to Clowns.

In System 2: The Stabman class calls their class skills "Murders", but they also have access to "Stabs" and "Arts" as proficiency based skills. Murders can be used no matter what the character has equipped, but Stabs require a knife, and Art skills require paint. The Clown class calls their class skills "Jokes", but they also have access to "Whimsy" and "Arts" as proficiency based skills. Jokes can be used no matter what the character has equipped, but Whimsy skills require a horn, and Art skills require paint. In this example the Murders and Jokes skills are unique to classes, but the Stabs, Whimsy, and Art skills are not. These two classes share Art skills, so the skills available for learning in them are the same. And if (as an example) a third class existed with horns as a proficiency, they would also get access to the same Whimsy skills that Clowns get.

I feel like the pool thing was getting confused there. I only meant "pool" as in a selection of skills you can choose from. Not as a resource. I mean that Art skills are the same for both classes in System 2 as opposed to System 1 where all the skills are unique to the class.
I want to make a system based off of the dominions games with stats like the units have but the only way I can fathom putting the stats together is by making the players roll low. Ive never played a roll low game does it suck?
Also, keep in mind in this example that all 15 skills either class can use in system 1 are unique to that class regardless of proficiency or equipped weapon. But in system 2 (in this example) all the skills you can use with Paint equipped and a proficiency in paint ("Art" skills) are all the same as anyone else in any other class that has access to Art skills.
Okay, so in 1 each class just has a list of skills it can access, but in 2 skills are put in categories and each class has access to certain categories? And each category may require certain equipment and proficiency in that equipment.
2 sounds simpler, but you're still bad at explaining it. "I put all the skills in categories" does not need an example, and providing one only confuses matters.
1 has the potential issue that two classes have skills with the same name that do different things. Or are just worded differently so no one can tell if they are supposed to do the same thing or not.
You mostly got it. System 1 is just 1 big category, system 2 is a bunch of small categories.

In 1: A class calls all it's skills the same thing, as in they're part of the same category. A "Stabman" might have a "Murder" called "Vanish" or something that requires no specific weapon be equipped to use, a "Murder" called "Stabbing Day" that requires a Knife be equipped to use, and a "Murder" called "Paint it Black" that requires Paint be equipped.

But in System 2: They would have 3 categories of skills. Murders, Stabs, and Art. "Murders" all require nothing be equipped and might still have "Vanish" on its list, "Stabs" might still have "Stabbing Day" and all Stabs require Knives be equipped, and then "Paint it Black" might still be an Art and all Art skills require Paint be equipped.

And then if we introduce a new class: "Abomination". And Abomination has a proficiency in Knives, in System 1, Abomination wouldn't have gotten "Stabbing Day" they would've had all their own unique skills that might have required Knives. But in system 2, they have "Stabs", so if "Stabbing Day" is in there for Stabmans it's in there for Abominations, too. Clowns and Stabmans share all the same Art skills, but Clowns don't get Knives/Stabs and Stabmans don't get Horns/Whimsy skills. And the Murders/Jokes skill categories are unique to their specific classes, so those skills never get shared.

System 2 is NOT more complicated. You're just making different skill pools/trees, some of which are accessed by more than one class. This is a much better way to organize things.

25 skills is way too much to have access to from the get-go. For one thing it'll lead to choice paralysis. For another it'll feel bad to miss out on all the things you can't get.

You might want to consider looking at Lancer's Licensing system for some inspiration on your skill system partitioning. I get that you're trying to do your own original thing from scratch, but there's no need to reinvent the wheel.
Why "mostly"? None of what you said looks different from what I said to me, apart from the example.
>Skills are in categories;
>Gear and proficiency requirements are uniform in a category;
>Each class has a list of categories from which it can pick skills.
>Lancer's Licensing system for some inspiration
I'm definitely going to do this, thank you.

I said mostly because of the potential issue you listed. I think I slightly misunderstood what you were suggesting there with the "potential issue"? My bad if so. When I said mostly I meant I thought you were like 99% of the way there and that little example I gave was the last bit I thought you might have needed. I'm clearly pretty bad at explaining this stuff, I just wanted to make certain I did it right that time.
This is an idea that popped into my head today for hexcrawl movement. System is The Riddle of Steel, but the idea is system agnostic.

Each party members movement speed is calculated individually. Your Base overland travel speed get's multiplied by a bunch of factors. So say you're heavily encumbered (x0.5) but on a good road (x1.0). If your Speed was 16, you would have an effective movement of 8 (8*0.5*0.5). For this explanation we'll say that's 8 Miles per day. The party travels at the pace of the slowest member obviously. Pretty simple so far, I'm sure you've seen this idea.
The interesting part is when characters want to perform additional actions. Instead of performing them as a whole group, each individual member can optionally perform a "travelling activity" while travelling. These are things like foraging, scouting ahead, charting the path, etc. These activities apply a multiplier to your INDIVIDUAL Movement Speed. e.g Foraging gives a 2/3 multiplier.
The purpose of applying modifiers individually is to allow fast characters to perform actions like Foraging, without slowing down the party. Say Grug can only move 4 miles per day (plate armour, fat), but Armin the woodsman can move at a cool 8 miles per day (light armour, fit). Armin has so much speed, that he can perform the Foraging activity, and still outpace Grug.
8*(2/3) = 5.33 VS 4.
This system came to mind when I remembered Aragorn escorting the Hobbits. Even though Aragorn was scouting ahead and likely foraging, he could easily keep pace with the Hobbits because of his long human legs. In game terms: his vastly superior movement speed allowed him to perform Travelling Activities and still keep pace.
I'm pretty happy with this idea in theory, but I'm hoping for feedback about how this might not work in practice. The math isn't easy to do in your head and necessitate the use of calculators/phones, which is more time consuming and prone to syntax errors.
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Should be
>Quietus of the Knights
This game was absolute kino and is criminally underrated.
>give myself a deadline
>more and more stuff comes to mind that need to be added
It's pain.
Is there a rule of thumb for how much record keeping is too much in a pen and paper game?
>Is there a rule of thumb for how much record keeping is too much in a pen and paper game?
Generally too much is
>more then 3 gauges per character (arrows, gold, health points, mana, ...)
>more then 2 resources (spell slots, ki points, vitae, ...)
>more the 2 states (dazzled, poisoned, flatfooted, mind controlled, ...)
>If your campaign includes traveling and your rule implementation is attempting to do something more then provision per distance traveled in various terrains, you should design simulation boardgame, not pen and paper game
Thank you. I’m off the beaten path (I think) as my concept is more of a wargame than a traditional fantasy adventure. Resource management, squad sized units, mission planning, campaign objectives etc.
>my concept is more of a wargame
That's whole another beast to tackle anon and it really depends on number of "models" you plan to field in standard session and what is your standard session

>I want to field small team (4-8 units) of operatives against other human opponent with his own team and session consist of skirmish on single map
>In this case, it's viable to track gauges, statuses, action points and resources per unit, of course less is better
>I want to field platoons (10-40 units) of infantry supported by vehicles (1-5) and off the map strategic strikes in grand battles
>1 gauge/state per unit, 1 gauge/state/resource per platoon or vehicle
>I want to orchestrate large scale conflict,w here I open fronts, move armies across regions and protect my vital industrial sites to provide me with resources
>I really have no idea how to handle this
What does 'core' mean in this context.
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The framework in which the cards are operating on, namely what you're doing each round and exactly why you're doing it
Put simply, the combat sucked. I intentionally made it tangential as it was supposed to provide an alternative route instead of it being de facto. Unsurprisingly the end result was it being lackluster as it "wasn't the focus". Cue poor balancing that made it easy to abuse and now it's both not fun and the one thing people feel compelled to use.
So I figured - if its not integral to the core, why keep it?
Which was pretty great move. Game still has a lot of points of interaction, it still feels competitive, and it has more of a voice now.
Unfortunately this closed off so many event windows and keywords inherent to combat that I'm now struggling with design space that feels absolutely gutted. Worse still, everything I've tried to inflate it back up feels like trying to ducktape 'complexity' back in.
There's nothing wrong with a clean system and I'm not trying to make this a 3000 card sort of game, but atm it's barely scraping above a poker deck with a few keywords
I am working on a homebrew and simultaneously test it by running a silly campaign for my friends group.

1. I want it to be a d6 dice pool, but currently it is d20+other dice pool, and I am kind of conflicted because my friends like to throw a lot of funky dice.
2. I'm changing the rules in the process of development quite drastically, and I am afraid that I won't get a proper feedback from the friends.
3. I use Google Docs to write down the rules online, but this app is pissing me off a lot. The worst part, that the specialized sites I've tried are even worse.

It is all so tiresome.
Is this system too confusing?

Note: an advanced power is the martial version of a level 1+ spell
Only in that we don't know how the power level relates to that. And maybe the advanced power should have a set adrenaline value. But maybe there is some scaling here at work.
Why not make power level 3x greater or adrenaline requirements 3x lower? The whole 3x cost thing seems unnessesary if you can just set the limits 3x higher to begin with
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>What are you working on?
Im making a homebrew game rn. its a scifi thing where humans are immortal. it has its own rules and stuff
>Having any troubles or question? Or just want to rant about your stuff?
i am sorta disappointed with my friends because we were supposed to have a meeting on saturday but no one showed up. i got sad about that.they show up during a campaign when theyre in the habit of showing up but they couldve said sometihng
ended up scrapping that for a simpler dice-based system. Now I'm working on primal
I see what you are doing there, but don't know how I'd feel about being weaker one day and stronger the next.
Have you thought about the phases changes after using the power itself, not after rests?
I had an alternative idea, but it feels even more convoluted than the last.
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I'm doing a bronze age sword and sorcery themed game, I saw those wojack setting charts but I couldn't think of a compass thing to do so I just made a bunch for the ethnic groups in-game. First time I've ever fiddled with these.

It's gonna be fun! James Earl Jones just died so I'm working on a Thulsa Doom homage as a villain.

big homebrewing element is a system where Experience is determined by going over the events of each session and forming poetic accounts of them, the cooler the account the more experience, so the result is going to be a sort of mytho-poetic account of the campaign's events that I can keep in my records.
How is it any different than
>gain 1 Adrrnaline each round
>need 3 to use an advanced power
guys, I need a system to distinguish primal and arcane magic. I want to base it on their resources, but everything I come up with is too complicated
Needs more context. Health and Mana?
I can add any arbitrary system I want for this. It doesnt need to use health or mana or anything
I only played this game because of PS+ and I was immediately engrossed. The designs really are very good, and if I have any complaints it's that they don't let them breathe enough.
Hey Anons, I'd like your thoughts on my mechanic if you don't mind!

Previously, I explored the idea of mechanizing roleplaying to incentivize and shape character behavior, rather than relying purely on player choice. Games like Pendragon, Burning Wheel, and Exalted have implemented such mechanics, but I found most fell short either by being too restrictive or lacking meaningful consequences.
I've written a mechanic, and I want your feedback on it.


In short, each character has five core Values that represent aspects of their personality and worldview. These Values are rated from 0% to 100% and categorized as Weak, Moderate, Strong, or Defining, based on their importance to the character. These Values can motivate actions, create internal conflict, and influence how a character grows over time.
Each of these Values are refined with a corresponding Value Statement that reflects how the character views that Value. For example, a character with Loyalty might have the statement: "I will always stand by my friends, no matter the cost." These Values are often tested against one another, and whenever that happens, the player may choose to align with the winning Value, or resist it. In either case, the Character grows from the change.
I'd love to get feedback on this mechanic - However, I am explicitly Not looking for "This is dumb and I would never play this game" or "This mechanic is stupid" - I understand those arguments, and I disagree with them enough I don't want to rehash them here.

What I am looking for is feedback on the mechanic itself - what do you think of it, how good is it, and so on.
I need an alternative to 4e's ugly X[W] notation. Any suggestions?
I think that it seem hard for players to track it all the time. What your play tests showed?
truth shines
Primal uses blood. Yours, without long winded rituals. It works on mind more than matter. Failure usually does nothing other than waste blood.
Arcane uses refined exotic reagents that fuel complex tools that perform specific tasks. Affects matter rather than mind. Failure is unpredictable and often dangerous.
>five core Values
Seems like a lot.
>rated from 0% to 100%
I'm very doubtful that you need that kind of resolution.
>Each of these Values are refined with a corresponding Value Statement
Sounds backwards. I'd pick a value statement and then (if necessary) categorise it in terms of defined game effects.
The way successes work in this is also confusing.
>Hate (70%): Rolls 35 (3 Success Levels).
>Loyalty (60%): Rolls 50 (5 Success Levels).
At least as far as I'm concerned with d100 roll under systems, rolling as low as possible, and as far as possible from the target number constitutes how many successes you get.
Are all opposed tests rolled like this? I wonder how much this impacts compared to rolling as low as possible.
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I've wanted to make this for years but I can never figure it out. I really like radio stations, I wish I could run a game that happens inside one and works the appeal into it (not just a radio station gonzo dungeon or whatever). Killer Frequency did it okay, having a small town temporarily without police so 911 is directed to the radio station and you need to figure out how to help people. But it's extremely lineal and single player, so I can't just copy it.
>Players should have roles
One or two are the hosts, but you have producers and managers and operators. I think different parts should have a variety of ways to influence the whole plot instead of having 1 main character and everyone is support.
>long or short term
A single night where something huge is happening and they're trap at work can be cool, like Pontypool, but a longer time frame where they get sponsors and new equipment and have to become popular wouldn't be bad. I don't know where I should focus.
>players should be affecting something bigger than their small bubble
that's part of the appeal of mass media, especially if we set it before the internet, you were given a huge tool to use.
I think they could affect groups acting outside, like switching the radio host in The Warriors from someone narrating parts of the plot into someone pushing groups into action.

As an extra I could make a soundboard and effects for discord. I think there's space for extra interactions, but this is purely cosmetic.

Is there some system that already does something like that? How could I make it work?
how do I prevent martials from being locked out of battlefield control or arcane casters from being locked out of tanking?

this is a classless system by the way
If you want everyone to be equally good at anything, then you proving those right that say that classless systems suck for exactly that reason.
Simply requirements. Give armor a strength requirement and now wizards have to invest into something if they want to be able to tank.
Give martials various attacks, intimidation attacks or leadership abilities that allow them affect several enemies/allies at the same time.
So far, it seems that it works surprisingly well even with all the things to track. My game is fairly complex, so it's selecting for people who are willing to track that kind of thing.

The five Values actually used to be 6, and I feel like I'm missing something as is lol.
But the Values are rated like that to mimic the rest of the system, which is a d100 game.

I personally think "rolling low" is counter-intuitive - rolling high should always be good. My system is like Warhammer fantasy - you roll under your skill, as high as possible.

Opposed Tests are also done like this - both are trying to roll high, and roll under their skill - whoever has the highest SL wins (SL is determined based entirely on the 10's spot of your result, so a 50 means 5 SL, and a 30 means 3 SL, and so on.)
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The very big publisher turned down my game, as did a couple smaller (but still pretty large publishers) I can keep posting here for the forseeable future ;-;
>What are you working on?
I've got a card game 4X game I just need to get playtests in with, an asymmetrical cat and mouse game I'm working on that has had some pretty big breakthroughs and is starting to actually feel fun to play.
>Having any troubles or question?
I wish I had friends to playtest with. A lot of games I make seem to get a lot of traction when people sit down to play them, but I'm really agoraphobic and have a hard time talking with people, so getting people to sit down has always been the hardest part. Origins was great because people were willing to try out anything, and I mostly walked away with a bunch of great feedback, but all of my local shops are pretty much all just Magic the Gathering and Warhammer, and there isn't a ton of opportunity to have random pickup games.
>Or just want to rant about your stuff?
Not about my stuff, but a lot of online game design groups are SUPER cliquish. It's bizarre how much people prop up weird petty psychopaths just because they've been in that social circle for a while.
you can always selfpublish on itch and try to build some traction
echoing other anons, there is no way that you need the granularity of a 100 point system.

If you can't describe how 66% is different from 67%, you probably would be better served just cutting that number down.
There's also a lot of tracking. I want to play a game, not write up TPS reports.
Yeah, I probably could, with the game in question I just think part of the issue with it is that it fits specifically within a certain mass market publisher's catalog incredibly well, but they passed on it. It's not intrinsically tied to that IP but it would always be directly compared to it.
I have other games that have gotten some buzz locally, but I think it's best to just put this one on the back burner and show it to publishers as a fallback when I have more meetings around other games I'm making.
has there ever been a board game that blew up because of itch?
blew up is a bit much, no, it takes months and months of promotion everywhere to even have a chance. But being available at itch gives you a higher chance than not existing anywhere.

that makes sense, dropping it online works better for stuff you just want to be done with.
Also, checked.
Are there a lot of people playing board games there? I thought it was mostly for self publishing video games.
I've messed around with screentop, and I use BGA, I've just never seen anyone talk about playing board games on itch.
there are some.
Less than ttrpgs and those are much less than the videogames.
well after a few weeks of (lazy) work I tried the whole game out for the first time and it was way too easy. time to rework literally everything I guess
you shouldn't only self test stuff, you know how it works so you'll be ready for it. You run the risk of over complicating to a level only you can follow. It happened to the Alien game that was the first to try a modern joystick configuration, people though it was impossible to play and it bombed but now a days it's a decently competent but clunky shooter.
I need a term for a player class that tinkers with early modern machinery, inventing e.g. firearms, steam engines and such. Specifically without magic, so I don't want to go with Arcanist.
It's for a small rules-lite system I'm drawing up for some friends to run simplistic early JRPG-style campaigns.
Variations of the above where you exchange the front and back halves.
depends on how close the setting is to a historical one. do a historical one if you want the class to invent things and act similar to something in real life, come up with something off the wall if you want it to feel foreign.
Like in Mad Max they could have called the people that fix cars mechanics, but instead they call them repair boys to signal the loss of understanding and culture in the world.
Do people actually play any of these homebrew ttrpgs? It seems like it's just mental masturbation desu
anon, it's a hobby. you know what a hobby is, right?
Got a group together for one of my homebrew games, campaign was short-lived due to the usual scheduling.
Played a homebrew game for a while made by some game.
If I finally finish my current project and nobody cares, I'll drop out of this hobby entirely.
Well, it is one of the points of the hobbie. How else to run a homebre campaign or make the rules work? You will understand when diving into TTRPGs.
10 years into reworking the classic d&d spell list (the osr one, dont know about the others) into a parallel one which is more about utility spells (valuing mood over usefulness, without the spells being virtually useless) and less about grid combat. This is my 2849 iteration. Wish me luck.
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Ganbare, anon!
So, where is the previous iterations so we could use them?
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this is the immediately previous one, the only one I conserve yet. It actually works and in fact im running a campaing on it, but it is my desire to return to the vancian paradigm


I gotta actualize it with the "speak with dead" spell and I got a problem with "LIGHT". It is just too shitty on itself to compete with the other spells, and merging it with lightning or similar seems to me too forced.

What are your opinions on making LIGHT just an ability of the wizards at a given level (per my rules, at level three, alongside the right to bear staff; or maybe at level four for a little extra dependance on torches).

This kind of decisions paralyze me a little because I like to weight the implications of it on the wizard society and the world in general: what if every wizard knows LIGHT? it can be cool if the mere fact of using it has some implication of power towards lower level wizards. Or if light has colors for every mage depending on their alignment or personality, and gives away some information about you.
> spell and I got a problem with "LIGHT"
You can temporarily blind people with the flash of light, you can get bonuses to spot with help of magical light, if the game have torches that runs out, the light is useful.
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I want to create my own Warhammer game. Where do i begin?
make a prototype
Play-testing with friends!
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>friends that are into ttrpg
>friends that are willing to playtest homebrew games
Identify what you want changed about the existing game (plenty to choose from here).
Read and play non-GW games to see what else exists and how it works.
Make changes and playtest them.
Starting from scratch takes more effort and is probably better to save for once you have more experience and a clearer idea of what you want.
I only finished Empire of Order and Border Republics. I need to work more and finish Green Horde and Dwarfs next. I haven't even made any progress on Elves and Undead.
How does this sound for the base concept for combat resolution in a card game?
>Player A's turn
>They decide to complete a job by assigning a group of characters under their control to said job
>If Player B doesn't want that job, Player A gets it uncontested
>However, if Player B wants it and can complete it with a group of characters they control, combat occurs between the characters that Player A has assigned to the job and the characters that Player B has that could be assigned to the job
>Characters have three stats each, the player whose characters win two out of the three stat comparisons wins that job, the loser has to sacrifice a character from their group that was assigned to the job
It's basic right now, and of course there would be ways to change or alter a character stats such as spells and whatnot, but how does that sound as a starting point for combat resolution?
Whether it's workable or not depends entirely on how much information Player A has about Player B's hand, and vice-versa.

Sounds fine absent of any other explanation though.
Sorry, a bit of a miscommunication on my part. The characters will be on the field of play, in separate groups. A player can decide which one of their groups of characters are assigned to a job. So you'll always know what characters your opponent has in play, but assuming that they have multiple groups that can work the same job, you won't know what group they're going to use against you, or if they will even use a group against you. Kind of like how in MtG you always know what creatures your opponent has, but never which ones they plan on attacking with.
I'm working on a 2 player game, asymmetrical, kind of a war game, kind of a worker placement game. One player is trying to find a secret base on a small board, the other player is trying to hide out until a shared deck runs out, and set up obstacles that make the deck deplete faster.

I need a theme/title though. Right now it works really well mechanically. It's a bit of a cat and mouse game with some light area control elements, think Star Wars Rebellion, but in 30 minutes.
Alright folks. Quick question:
How do you picture the effects of these combat actions, in an abstract game sense?
By "abstract game effects" I mean stuff like:
"Charge: minus to hit, bonus to damage + chance to knock the enemy over"
Here's the actions I'm pondering over:
>Bracing against a charge
>Manoeuvring around an opponent
>Observing an opponent
>Pouncing on an opponent
Just give me the first stuff that comes to your mind
If you need a bit more context:
It's a tabletop RPG that's dinosaurs vs Mad Max-style humans, where both humans and dinosaurs are playable
How about "Storm over Area 52: They Can't Stop Us All"?
Global War on Terror: Bagram Bugaloo.
Battleship 40.000

Would help to narrow it down if you have a specific tone you want to go for - is it more casual and lighthearted fun or something that builds tension etc.
You need distance from the enemy
>Bracing against a charge
Damage negation
Opposed test
>Manoeuvring around an opponent
Taking a more advantageous position
>Observing an opponent
Perception/intelligence test to get a bonus for the next move
>Pouncing on an opponent
Grapple but ground
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Seeing this picture i want to make Human Amazon Tribal Turok Dino Rider Faction now.
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There's a 3x3 map made up of cards that are double sided, one suit on each side. These cards have a slot for a pawn,& 3 cubes. You make a map & the hiding player picks a split of 4 of one suit, 5 of another, & a shared deck of cards with a location name & a suit.
There are 6 cards that dictate where your base are, 3 rows & 3 columns. The hiding player chooses a row & a column, & the intersection is where their base is hidden, the other 4 cards are put face down in front of the seeking player.
The goal of the seeker is to find the hider's base, & once that happens, remove all of the hider's cubes from their base. The goal of the hider is to set up enough roadblocks to make the shared deck run out.
The hider starts by setting up the board with all of their cubes on the board, & whenever one of their cubes is removed by the seeker, the hider has to remove a card from their hand. These cubes also give the hider player more flexibility on their turn.
When a seeker puts their pawn on a card, they remove all of the hider's cubes (this triggers them to discard cards), then they can add cubes to the board based on the suit of the card they play. Black cubes can never be removed, & they reduce the number of options for the white player. Once they've gotten total control of a space, then the seeker reveals one of the 4 hidden base cards, & shows which row/column the base is not at. Once all 4 cards are revealed, the Hider's base is revealed.
The Hider's mechanics are based on the colors on the board, wherever they place a pawn, they get to take the actions on the space, green means they can place a cube, blue means they can move a pawn or cube, red means they can discard a card. At the end of their turn, they get to draw back up to 5, & if either player attempts to draw from an empty deck, the hider wins. White cubes on spaces mean that space is wild, so the white player has more options, but black cubes mean you can't take that action, so your options dwindle.
There are a couple extra rules to help with flexibility (the seeker can resculpt their hand from the discard pile if they can't play a card, the hider can use any card to use their base for actions) but the core idea is that the seeker is an inevitable force that reduces the options for the hider, but they need to avoid removing white cubes to take over areas, otherwise the hider will draw more cards on their turn and speed up the game. Plus if the hider has cubes on the board, that also means they don't have them at their base.
The Hider feels really open to start, and very claustrophobic by the end.
This was a theme I had thought about, along with Leonidas' last stand, but historical settings always seem like poison to game sales.
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I have nearly finished my new playtest module! (noone tried the last playtest module)
I know, right?
>You need distance from the enemy
The thing I'm always wondering is "What does charging do, exactly?"
Why would you charge rather than... say... carefully approach an opponent? Charging makes it a lot harder to react to your opponent or to dodge, so on paper it should make you an easier target. Is the added momentum on your weapon worth the added risk of being hit?
It's really dumb: I can picture a charge, but I can't figure out how the benefit of it would translate in terms of game.
>but I can't figure out how the benefit of it would translate in terms of game
It's a tackle. It's running at full speed at someone and using the weight of your body as additional damage. Yes, it's potentially more dangerous. Risk, reward.
If it wouldn't have an in-game benefit, why do you feel the need to include it in your game?
I like the idea of a Speed attribute that can literally translate to miles per day (so long as the modifiers make sense).

Your model of "foraging while travelling ahead" is novel. But, it sounds to me like you are describing a scenario where the party is split for much of the travel. Is that accounted for when it comes to events or encounters during travel?

In my opinion:
- Travel mechanics should be easy to calculate into nice round numbers. It gets fatiguing otherwise. Even # of hexes is nice (you move 3 hexes a day if you walk, 4 if you force march, lose a hex of movement if you do something).
-I think systems where parties stick together is better, personally. Maybe, instead of trying to calculate speed differences, having the party split the day up between X hours of travel and X hours of "other stuff" (hunting, fishing, foraging).
-As you already surmised, the "group" travel speed is the slowest guy in the party. Any system that can speed that up can probably start with a question: "who's the slowest"? and work out how much total distance they will travel. Faster characters get to do "foraging" or "hunting" in addition to just plain walking (boring for the slow guy, but hey).

Hope that helps.
Just use the DRN and incorporate the stats from the game.
if you were to make a game where you select with what to punch or kick an opponent (lets say you can kick, right punch, left punch and even headbutt an opponent) and then the opponent has those same places as hit zones (so you can technically headbutt them in the legs, for example), but don't want to just let them pick the part they are attacking (so they don't just choose the head and knock the opponent out cold every time), how would you make them pick? i tried with a die (1. opponent picks, 2 legs, 3 left arm, 4 right arm, 5 head, 6 you pick) but seems a bit.... awkward, how else would you let them "aim" at the opponent?
I think you should think about the aim of the system as it relates to the larger game, and what the aims of the components are. In this example, dice are probably a poor choice for aiming because they don't give you any agency, the selection of where you hit is random. Games like TTRPGs tend to use dice to determine outcomes from your decisions, games like castles of Burgundy use dice to limit your options on each turn.
Not sure what your aims are, but you will probably be better served thinking about the experience you are trying to make as opposed to the set dressing for it.
well, imagine its like Mario party, where they go around the map and gain power ups to either arm, legs, head, etc and when they pass next to another player, they may do one attack and then keep going, so the idea is they come running, say, use left punch to hit opponent then go, the thing is this part, the whole "how do i select where to aim without being unbalanced" since the power ups can me broken if enough damage is done to them
maybe shift the focus from the aiming to the end result. like assume you hit what you aim, but how well did you actually hit? Did the other player manage to deflect your blow, or did you nail them in the liver? Not really sure that gets you farther than you already are but maybe it's a better mindset to start from. just off the top of my head it seems like something you'd be able to build modifiers for a quick dice roll easier than actually aiming.
thing is, the hit is already well, that, a HIT, the variable is from the damage where every boost is a different roll,or maybe same roll but a diff effect (maybe slowing down if an "ice attack" hit the legs or something along that)
Make it card-based: draw X cards each turn, they've got either an attack (Left Punch) or a Target (Jaw), so they have to pair up the combos they want.
sounds interesting, maybe make so a certain powerup adds an extra cart of your chosing so its more likely to come out, hmmmm
I'm looking for people who'd be willing to help brainstorm options or mechanics for some hack ideas I want to make for various japanese trpg systems. But whenever I try to ask people to help or feedback on ideas the yseem interested at first but then never get back to me. And I'm not really the type of person to ask someone a hundred times to get back to me. What could I do to get help with my ideas?
Just ask here. Half the time I think of a solution to my problem while I'm typing it up and trying to explain in detail what the problem is.

Allright one idea i'm toying with is a clothing damage system. Like in most games like dnd the armor or clothing just gives you more armor or hp or something. I'm just wondering if this would be too much to track in addition to haviing regular hp. Plus if the clothing or armor gives benefits and it gets destroyed, players might have a lot to keep track of if they have to constantly change the sheet on the fly. Since not all games are automated. Also should the clothing be lost forever if it gets destroyed or should layers get access to said armor or clothing again in the next session or scene.
As someone that has worked on a hentai system, it's something you can do. In that case, you might want to make characters own HP matter less, and have the tankiness and other defensive options be based on their clothes and armor primarily.
I treat it basically as a second layer of HP, next to other resources. But it's a good amount of keeping track of things. So you might want to tone it down somewhere else.
in Mothership and some other systems (WH Fantasy I think?) armor gets shredded and lost once its damage absortion is exceeded. But there is no particular +something given by clothes to re arrange your stats or anything.

Got a link to said system? Might be fun to look into for inspiration. Since the game will be anime inspired and have optional rules for more adult style play.

you got the wrong answer because you asked for abstract instead of mechanical, I'm assuming you're a young teen. For mechanical stuff
Quickly reduce distance and multiply damage
>Bracing against a charge
Con/Tough/res chance of leaving charger stuck
dex/speed/reflex chance of avoiding charge damage, both are multiplied
>Manoeuvring around an opponent
this could be anything
>Observing an opponent
at best add int/wis/smarts to attack roll. Otherwise get some fluff that could be interesting.
>Pouncing on an opponent
getting them prone is usually more than enough mechanical justification
check out Dokapon Kingdom
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It's one of these
Beware: it's very crunchy and made for solo-play. And, well, lewd.
You control one character vs a bunch of tables and enemies. So that singular character has more mechanics going on than I would think would make for a good party-game system.
There were some talks some threads ago about how HP on your character is useless, as you often lose before you drop to 0 HP anyway. Next to that, you also have MP for spellcasting, stamina for combat actions and sanity as defense against mindbreaks.
But maybe the layered armor HP system might help you with something.
Had similar problems with my own lewd system (sorry if your game isn't lewd but I'm gonna talk like it is). For recalculating armor values it was easily solved as it used an armor save system like in Warhammer. Basically a 4+ save that means on a D6 you roll a 4 or more to prevent damage. The armor getting destroyed simply meant you don't roll armor any more. No calculating required.

Then it was made more complicated with enchants. The goal was to make girls weaker but give them an enchant multiplier to incentivize stripping them but not males and also allowed for different builds. This means recalculating stats but it was mitigated a lot by girls having 0 base strength so I didn't need to track changes to their strength/damage values at all. A naked unarmed girl was just as strong as any other. Also encourages enemies grabbing girls. The girls can defend themselves from grabs with their weapons. Don't it to be too easy to get grabbed.

As for how permanent clothing damage should be, could have it that it can be repaired between encounters but if you flee from a fight and don't spend an action picking it up then any destroyed gear gets left behind. But that might cause a loss spiral as your gear gets destroyed, fail quest, need to buy new gear, gets destroyed again and you probably won't be able to beat the quest without armor. But if you want quests to start with girls fully armored up and end with them finishing naked, turning in their quest in the buff then permanent damage (till repair) would be the way to go. Better if armor isn't crucial to success in the final battle and is instead more of an expendable resource you need to get to the end at all and can fight fine without it. It'd probably be ablative HP in that case as that doesn't change your stats, just lets you last longer.
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>why do you feel the need to include it in your game?
The whole thing I'm going for with this system, is that it's designed to work as a dialogue between the GM and the player, with the player describing his actions and the GM translating it into rules.
So I'm trying to come up with rule translations for most common combat moves.
Because there's a lot of dinosaur actions in there, charging is going to be come to the table often.
But, I'm not too sure how a charge from a triceratops is supposed to feel different, mechanically, compared to... say... a headbutt, when targeting a naked tribal.
Why would you charge when a headbutt would probably kill it just the same?
just did, looks hilarious, and its close to what i want as a game, but instead of paper/rock/scissors i just want them to be able to hit the others and run

Thanks for the advice, Think I found the game that was mentioned so I'll give it a read later for ideas.

Another mechanic I want to toy with is a romance/relationship table. Either for stat bonuses that modify your rolls or possibly giving you new skills or abilities if you progress far enough in the relationship with someone. Thought it might be an interesting way to make npc's or bonds more useful. Just not sure what the best method would be. A simple modifier might not be too interesting.
the biggest appeal in Dokapon is how it stages income. The ceiling of what winning is starts with who has the best items but the first town is like 100 times the money you have so you start fighting for towns. But when you're done starts the castle quest that gives 10 times a town. As you go continents give you less, but the one in last place can renounce everything to become a pure PvP character taking away towns and castles.
Once the earning ranges stabilize you start having to do dungeons, that are huge time sinks and people can focus on getting towns and then screw you before you cash in the dungeon reward.

The gameplay structure is very good and it creates very real tension. One time it was three of us completely silent, only talking to curse when someone got something done. I've never seen that level of seething with any board game, it's brutal.
Seems pretty solid. Thanks Anon!
Also, checked
I have no idea if this is the right place to post this, but here goes.

I’ve been hung up on running a sci-fi colony building game for months. Been researching which TRRPGs work best and most of what I’ve read about has felt flat and uninspired. Stars without number seemed promising, but didn’t feel quite right.

I fondly remember from /qst/ when Father was running ASoIaF games and was always impressed how that system created character driven stories that interacted well with a larger groups ongoing goals and buildup. I fully grant that this impression might have been solely produced by its author.

Once I delved into the rules however, the feeling that it was well suited to a sci-fi experience struck me and stuck. I feel that there is a kind of overlap between shepherding a noble house between intrigue and danger, and guiding a colony on a hostile planet.

So I was going to take some of my spare time to hammer out some kind of adaptation or parallel concept.
Where's a good place to post a completed draft/potential 1st version of your game?
Itchi.io seems fairly popular nowadays, but you'll need to shill it if you want anyone to see it.
All I want to know are your total skill list for the whole system now
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Been running a campaign with a homebrew system as a sort of beta test / live development kinda thing. It's supposed to be a relatively fast pace and fluid battle system that can be geared to run pretty much anything. Originally, I had designed it as something that could be run fairly easily on like /qst/ but that board seems pretty dead these days. Would love some feedback on how I have everything structured.

Heres a quick rundown of the mechanics. Been *VERY* slowly trying to get everything into a pdf format for my current setting. What does everyone use to make those slick pdf's i see floating around all the time?
guys, I'm driving myself crazy. How do I give divine casters a unique subsystem or way of casting that's not any of the following

>setting-specific gods
>determined by roleplay
>determined by the dm
I would say it's funny that you're trying to separate "divine" casters and Gods, but I'll try. How about just giving them specific spells that belong to them and them alone, but depending on the god they follow there's different fluff for it? Like relate it back to their personal god. Like: "Oh! The god of the death hungers for your soul, I roll 1d4 of additional damage!" And then the divine caster next to him casts something identical, but it says "Sun god" instead. The idea being that it isn't actually reliant on the gods, it's a grift by religions. Divine magic is just its own school that uses belief to fuel and shape its magic and that belief is better focused using gods even though they actually have nothing to do with it in actuality. Meaning a divine caster could exist who doesn't really believe in gods at all, but might believe in something else like "friendship" or "love" or themselves and they could still cast divine magic. Not sure if this is what you're looking for, sorry.
how do you decide what game you want to make. I have no ideas except "D&D but better"
Meassure their rank in how much people believes in their doctrine. Make them roll for the level of divine intervention they manage to bring, where too little is not enoguh and too much has unwanted results.
try other games and see what works, what leaves you wanting more, and so on.
You're like a kid that only tasted chocolate explaining what they want from the candy store.
i want to impregnate footmom
how do I get into a different game? I don't have friends who will run a different game for me
sounds neat, when/where can i try it out
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Heres an example of a completed character sheet. This is one of the "Boss" NPC from the games first arc.
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>Also, one of the guys I was talking with told me that 25 basic skills per class feels incredibly high
Add more basic skills. Hold on, I will consult the sacred texts.
My players too my surprise are open to the idea of running a high school RPG centered around sports. Probs basketball or America football. Any systems that already do this?
some subreddit, facebook group or whatever social media still has a bitof life in it.
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There's a couple PbtA games: Varsity, Volleyboys, World Wide Wrestling. But those focus more on characters doing their thing than a random chance of success.
You could do X-Crawl, the ultimate extreme dungeon delving sport. It's just dungeon delving if it had a referee, cameras, sponsors and famous dungeon designers.
There is one anon always asking for a game about hockey in the share thread, no clue how it plays but it looks like old simulationism. There is SPI Baseball and I think they did a football one. But they're a very vintage attempt at translating sports through the lense of war games.
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Are there any PvE games with deterministic combat? Like the Into the Breach video game where it's more of a puzzle.

Feel like there still needs to be some randomness, possibly in the form of random enemies and reinforcements.

Dunno. Not sure it could even work. Kinda seems like combat could be solvable but I'm not sure if that's a bad thing. Might be cool to be under pressure from enemies attacking from all sides and having to maneuver the solution. Can even make combats 'unfair' in terms of numbers but planning can let you win. Maybe.
None that I can think of. That's a fun idea though. Basketball would be a good fit for a typical ttrpg party, with 5 players on the court at any given time. But also, if you're running the game more like a sports movie where it's more about the athlete's struggles and interpersonal drama, maybe your not looking to play out every actual game, and that team=party fit matters less.
you'd have to design every encounter like a puzzle.
there's a reasson why games like that have a limited amount of levels, it'd too demanding for the designers on the long run.
I'll check out SPI.
I'm leaning more towards basketball myself and I want it to have enough RPG aspects to somewhat simulate home life and school drama like a shitty teen drama. My players are very fond of this idea, I can easily homebrew the RPG home life stuff, it's the rules for basketball with dice I need help with.
what weapons make the most sense for an eberron-like magic setting? wands, staffs, knives, and guns are a given. I might take some inspiration from LoL, though given my only experience with it is arcane I'd need to do some research into the wiki
I made two campaigns to completion, also a hack of 4e, and now I'm making a Shonen adventure for my longtime players. We're gonna decide tomorrow whether we use Fabula Ultima or Anima Prime. Big problem is me trying to write a story that isn't grim dark or cynical. My play group loves Made in Abyss, Symphogear and a whole lot of Dragon Quest/ Shin Megami Tensei
>lovely view isn't it?
Oh fuck yes she is.
This is cool, I'm stealing it so that I can have ideas for another campaign.
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I guess this was a nice thread.
Reminder that there will very very likely be another general on the 1. of October. Of course, if you feel like making another one, then go for it.
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>player that was involved in a month-long playtest with me last year in October brings up my rules unprompted and asks if I finished it, and whether we can play a full campaign yet
Haha... haha....
I hate the 7 day bump limit.
I sort of hope we get another one between now and then. I like these threads a lot. Fuck the 7 day limit.
Does anyone know of a good AI plugin in Obsidian? I want to be able to ask it a question about the world I've described in the notes and just get the answer.
What happened to Bugchud?
If your option what is the best way to handle modern fire arms in a RPG? Hyper realistic lethality or so thing more video games with people talking 3-4 attacks with a fire arm to go down? I've been debating on using a wound system instead of HP. With the damage of the attack being pitted against the CON or STR score of the person being shot. With a failed save resulting in a wound. Thoughts?
Why would a failed save result in a wound? You can't stop yourself from bleeding. A safe could stop yourself from getting weaker from bleeding, or fainting.
One system I remember liking (from Riddle of Steel/Song of Swords I think) has each attack deal some mix of Shock and Bleeding (forget the exact names). Shock disrupts your next action immediately - forget if it gives you a check you have to save against or applies a permanent to your actions, but it basically represents your immediate physical response to being hit. Bleeding is what kills you. So you can have a superficial injury that still throws you off the next round, or a fatal wound that you don't notice until after the fight ends.

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