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Previous Thread: >>93838614

For: Creation and discussion of Lewd RPGs; including Solo Rpgs, Homebrews, and Greentexts about your game sessions (specify the system you are using)

>DON'T post or ask for "Looking For Group".
>DON'T sperg about Hentai logic, Hentai Artists or NTR. Take your meds.

>What's a Solo RPG?
1: YouTube (Season 1 of Me, Myself & Die! gives a good explanation)
2: Ask in the Solo RPG General: >>93840527

3: Solo is a good way to test out systems and to avoid problems such s "Schedule Conflict" or "Playing with Weirdos"

>Solo RPG Toolkit (NPC Generator, Mythic GM Emulator, etc.)

>Official Thread's Discord

>Lewd Solo Games
Labyrinthus: https://gm-bertus.itch.io/labyrinthus
Labyrinthus Random NPC Generator: https://srr5cb2m.play.borogove.io
Lewd Attack: https://mega.nz/folder/CbhQnQyB#Xn-0F9OVyr_SHQ2s7rDhmQ
Lewd Attack, Frameworks for Maptool: https://mega.nz/folder/4ixRTS7K#nSxJQ4BuNcaZYA4slPVPcw
Powered by the Lewd: https://j5drops.itch.io/powered-by-the-lewd
Rapture World: https://mega.nz/file/PPQxVYIa#EHENwjI-gTxCvJjVTzVEeTj7Y-yl_6Ubra4RM2oZ3ck

>Other Material and Systems (IE: D&D, Pathfinder, Ventangle etc)
Where do you guys find inspiration for your NPCs? What's your process?
Depends what you mean.
Appearance -> Pinterest and search for what you might need
Personality: Read Books
I play mostly solo without the lewd part, but I base my expectations on the setting, then test it with Mythic and roll some oracles for descriptions, themes and initial presentation.
I don't immediately roll a personality because that is only revealed later on as that NPC becomes more important (Mythic has the Character Lists which help with that).
I figure for lewd you can do the same but use lewd-centered oracles? (With more focus on appearance and eventually horniness, kinks and desires)
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Post them.
You are in the wrong thread Sir
Stop using tumblr art for the OP, idiot.
Either inspiration hits me during horny daydreaming, I extrapolate from the existence of something else (i.e., an organization needs a leader), or I use random generators.
What the fuck does this mean? That piece is by Wellington Phelippe, a pinup artist and character designer who lives in Brazil. He doesn't even have a Tumblr.
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>tumblr art
>It's from Artstation
Shut up George, you are embarassing yourself
Even if it were from Tumblr, who cares? Art stands for itself.
How dos a solo lewd RPG even work? Is this something I should get into?
Same Way of a Solo RPG but with Lewd. If you don't know how a Solo works, read the OP
You play an RPG solo as normal, but free from the fetters of sexual propriety. The world is your onahole, if you dare roll for it.
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i do this but there's too many same-y looking ai slop in pinterest lately.
these days because of AI sloppa everywhere, I try to only search for content from before 2022.
go to a booru site
search for
>goblin_girl sort:random
you're welcome, you'll shit brix, profit, etc
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Pinterest also gives you results based on your search. If you looked up for AI art it wil lgive you AI art more
Anybody else does gay lewd RPG?
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>killing three northern orc warriors and the target buffed ice ogre with one swing
I would love to tell you about the sexy times of this character. Alas, stuff tends to be dead before any of this can happen.
Because that's how LA works. You get OP pretty fast and nothing really happens unless you do it on purpose like whoring yourself in the big city
File deleted.
Are there any good pregnancy mechanic/rule/system or whatever you guys have been using that i could possibly add to my game? I remember seeing someone post mechanic for pregnancy but i forgot to save it.

I was also thinking of a mind break system where you slowly change your partner through the power of the dick. Is there a system for that?

Thanks man!
Eh, this character was captured some days ago. She's also very optimized for this area, and optimized in general, so this is also somewhat what I wanted and expected.
She now got some magical tattoos making her even harder hitting. If I manage to gain 1 permanent Fame, then I might check out these sewer scenarios. We'll see how she fares there.
Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of follow-up to these documents?
Often enough, I have a mix of players with different tastes and one guy swings both ways. A few sessions ago he ended up between a satyr and incubus looking to prove who was better in bed; pissed them both off by saying a twink alchemist he knew was better than both.
Okay, just explain to me real quick WHY we don't talk about groups here?
I get why most people play solo, its awkward and vulnerable, moreso than normal ttrpgs, and it can get a bit squiky if you think the other guy you're larping with is actively jacking off or something.

But for those who do want to go that route, why is it taboo in this thread? Why is it against the rules?
Oh wow, you're a bunch of neckbeards describing how your elf girl PCs are getting railed to help each other get off under the table. Lol what a bunch of losers.
I'm going to try one of the solo games in the OP, which one lets you control a female character that gets impregnated often by as many different species as possible?
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nah, my elf PC tops
Because this is a thread to talk about games not to looking for groups. I know it's hard to graps for you, but hey
I dont think theres any rule against it, ive seen people talk about group sessions in past threads.
its like you said, most people do it solo so thats what youre going to see the most
You can absolutely talk about group play so long as you don't go trying to recruit or join a group.
Still most people play solo so that's 99% of what gets posted.
Excuse me, my PC fucks the elf girls, and I do my jacking off over the table.
Labyrinthus has impregnation but only from monsters like slimes and tentacles, but you can optionally remove it's anti pregnancy magic field
The adventures of paladin and cleric continue: We heard rumors about a dungeon west of the wasteland village, so in need of coin after leveling up and in the mood for some fighting, we decides to hire retainers and leave.

Then something fun happened: A cleric, a girl, was generated. And not only that, but she was lawful, meaning, of the same religion as our heroes, and strangely not in the company of a paladin as she should. Asking UNE for her personality I got "plebeian professor", and then I realized something: We already encountered a religious commoner before, right? It was the zealot priest in the village of the Theng. In line with that I decided to make them both related, more specifically siblings, he uneducated and fiery while she studious but somewhat vulgar.

Why is the ordained sister of a village priest around, and with no paladin as she should? No idea, we will have to find out. After rolling reactions, Cleric doesn't care for village nun, while Drow feels uncertain and insecure which is hilarious.
Not sure if I shared/where I left off, but been playing a lewd game some.
>Witch is plagued by demonic intrusions due to toying with forbidden magics.
>Demons use her for their own amusement, but eventually allow her to go free to do missions for them
>They send her on a quest to fetch an eldritch tome from a cavern beyond the northern forest
>Witch has to battle a necromancer that the demons sent just to fuck with her
>She eventually finds the cavern, locating a way inside through a secret door
>discovers a lab with a Thoul servant inside
>he is unaffected by her spellcasting attempts
>knocks her out and drags her to the dungeon
>witch awakes to find that she's chained to the wall, and the Thoul is preparing tools to torture her
It's an OSE setting, and she didn't roll super well. I plan to give her some degree of treasure and XP just for getting out of certain situations, or she's going to be a walking fleshlight and punching bag.
Man, after getting into solo rpgs vidya just doesn't cut it anymore. It feels as if I can get far more engaging, fun and open adventures with pencil, dice and some rules.
> so long as you don't go trying to recruit or join a group
Why? What's the harm in that, I can recruit a 5e group in the 5e thread, atleast if I do it quickly and not across 30+ posts, without people spirging out about it.
Because people who do LFG always bitch and whine like you are doing right now. The thread is for general discussion and not for recruiting random retards for your games. Go somewhere else if you want to find people, not here.
I feel you (no homo)
Thanks for the shoutout

New thread up

We always try to link to the latest solo thread but /srpgg/ tends to die quie fast
OP here

It's the slowest board out of the group of /LRPGG/ , /OSRG/ and /Sharethread/

I've been enjoying keeping it up and running. Being the "caretaker" of the thread.
It says alot that we get more shit done in this thread than in /srpg/

>sex sells

y'all do have the lewd thing going for you.
the solo thread seems kind of dead these days, I just use this one
yeah, prob the only reason im trying out solo play
You have an entire board to spam your /trash/ in. You're allowed to post AARs because it's /tg/ related and there's nowhere else for it to go but this is fundamentally a thread for people who play TTRPGs rather than people who ERP with each other.
Thank bumpfaggot and the lazy mods who decided to cripple the board with a 7 day autosage rather than actually deal with him. SRRPG threads used to last weeks.
>mods suck
Who would have known that?
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Bumpfaggot is the mod. Bumpfag complained about generals ruining the board and the 7 day limit only affects generals. Meanwhile bumpfag can keep on making new shitty threads. I also believe he was dragonfag from long ago.
Solo Lewd RPGs have changed my life for the better. I've stopped watching as much porn and reduced the number of times I jerk off to about twice a week, and when I do it I appreciate it more.
I've started writing, and I go for a lot more walks now to get exercise.
Glad we could help, anon.
So for a lewd ruleset for Ironsworn Starforged I’ve been doing, I’ve adapted a different systems 5 character stats to determine kinks, control of arousal, and dice checks of whether or not they WANT THE D. It works well in making characters with a variety of virtues or standards (the one with high stats is near impossible to get, the one with less control is easier to manipulate). Only parts of that fit nicely though.
However, for my system for the actual fugging I have juryrigged starforgeds system together with SEX instead of combat so it perfectly fits with only 1 extra variable to keep track of: stamina. Intimacy turns into a back and forth almost combat like encounter based between building passion and stamina, then either using it efficiently in passion advantage or riskily when not. It makes sex a lot more than just AND THEN THEY FUGGED and also allows bad shit to happen or combat to occur during it.
I REALLY like the sex system, but I feel like if I put it together without the bullshit I’ve concocted for the romance, women would be too easy. Should I put together what I got? Or should I refine it into something that fits better?
I'd say you should post what you've got and get some feedback. It sounds like a couple of good systems from your descriptions but that's not a lot to go on.
It's a goblin and I don't have friends. Ya fuckin weirdo.
No, anon! Don't do it! Hoard it all to yourself so that games continue to stagnate and remain the same FOREVER.
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/SRPGG/ OP here.
I've made the past five threads. I thought I was keeping it alive. After this one goes, should I just leave it there and hang out here?

Solo roleplay, lewd or not, is where it is at.
It has more legs than the universal systems thread. Dunno how you'd encourage more posting, since there's no common thread to tie everyone together like there's lewd here. Sometimes a general disappearing for a few weeks is how you get it active again.
>2 Tentacle Lurkers and 2 Tentacle Shamblers in a Spawning Pool
>5 Horny girls all with an interest or kink for tentacles, only two of whom can even fight

taking bets
What system?
Labyrinthus, my character on a quest to rescue a bunch of captured people and her friends
Given that this thread is a lot weirder and a lot less useful on average than the regular solo thread, I'd rather that one stayed alive.
>2 Shamblers in one Room
How did you managed to have all that mass of tentacles in one room?
Just to be clear, You ARE specifically the guy who's characters are a paladin and nun/sister/cleric of a goddess of love and fertility, whom you've also based off of your wife? You are also the guy who claims to be married and have mutual kinks with your wife, right? Because you did say you go out of your way to make sure your paladin and nun make it out of their adventures intact and not violated? AKA; you make sure you don't get yours characters into sticky situations that leads into a doujin scene, AKA; you play your cards and dice rolls right so that your female character doesn't get raped or sodomized or tentacled by some rape monster or bandits? Again, because you based your female player character off your wife and you're not a big fan of NTR and such.

How long do you expect your female character to be un-violated and not SA'd? You sure and confident she can potentially retire or complete her adventure with your paladin relatively unscathed or not SA'd?
oh my god stop
Please commit unlife
1 for Dangerous encounter for exit, 1 from spawning pool, lurkers wandering
Well i guess it didn't ended well for the 5 gals
The dice giveth, the dice taketh
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>want girls to be weaker but still have some sort of advantage
>think having more action points would be good, lower strength and toughness but can act more
>also want armor to impede the wearer to make berserk builds and such make sense
>so armor should impede action points?
>but that would make girls the best in heavy armor since a, say, -2 action point penalty hits harder when you have 4ap instead of 5ap
>if I put a strength requirement in then there would be no lady knights at all
game design is hard

I feel like any variance in stats I could do would result in girls being heavily suited towards some archtypes and just bad to the point of not bothering with others but there isn't really any role I wouldn't want girls to be able to participate in.

Could just make them inferior in all ways but let them have larger party/squad sizes. Maybe the advantage is they don't have to worry about dying. Maybe they gain more exp. Or, fuck, maybe they gain exp/mana from sex so being stuck in the rape cave for a month isn't a total waste of time.

If this was an action videogame I'd just give them lower stats and call it hard mode and make up for it with player skill. But for tabletop having straight lower stats when all results are based on those stats doesn't feel right. Just feels like it'd be dumb to play someone with low stats.
Make women better at certain forms of magic, duh. Like casting charms.
That anon isn't me, I am. That anon was merely inspired by my campaign.

I'm confident my nun-wife can retire unraped because that's not something I'm going to have happen in my game, of which I'm in total control. I'm playing D&D 5e, and I'm not using any lewd add-ons, so it's not even built into the rules as a possibility; therefore, as long as I don't decide the NPCs are rapey and go out of their way to do it, she will remain unraped.

And my nun-wife is not based on my IRL wife, except inasmuch as they might happen to share a couple of personality traits I find attractive. Most obviously, my IRL wife is very pretty, while my nun-wife is relatively plain. Part of the kink for me is that the two characters only have each other as an option at the moment, so they have no choice but to fuck no matter what they think of each other (myself to get my rocks off, her to fulfill her religious mission).

Next session report on its way Someday™, btw. Life happened, but I do intend to get back to it. I'm hanging around here to enjoy the other session reports and get ideas in the meantime.
Yeah, might be able to make them good at buff magic.

Maybe it burns through mana so it's not sustainable, burn twice as bright for half as long. Maybe it lets girls min/max their builds since a guy might have 5 Strength and 5 Toughness while a girl has 3+4 Strength and 3 Toughness. Maybe the buffs are channeled through equipment so girls have higher damage ratings on weapons and higher block ratings on shields and, hell, their magic gatling cannon or whatever fires faster.

Something like that could work. Just don't want it to end up with the girls being the same as guys while still being able to play all classes well enough.
What does this new cleric have that wife-cleric doesn't, I wonder, such that the drow would become insecure? Smoking hot? A charming personality?
It's not like it doesn't suck IRL to be a woman in physical contexts. IIRC, the Olympic women's hockey team practices against high-school boys, because full-grown men would simply obliterate them. If anything, it would be weirder to me if women *weren't* physical weaksauce in your system. And at that point you can either play into gender stereotypes by making them better than men at indirect magic like support and disruption, or level the playing field by giving them equal access to destructive magic. I say equal and not greater because I always want the option of the most powerful mage in the world being an old dude with a long white beard.
I’ve used both threads and do like both but man, up to you. If solo does die off please include them resources here at least. Some of it has been real helpful.

Since this is basically the same thread I’ll ask here: My dudes goal of setting up a town/isolated haven (with side characters and the womens) has been successful, now I gotta find a new goal. Should I be defending it from a crisis? Building it up? Going off and exploring the nearby area only to encounter weird shit? Getting into a conflict with the weird evil faction that marked me for death? Or just peacing out to simplify my adventuring again?
I could do all of the above I guess but what should my overall goal be?
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>game design is hard
You tell me,
I'm still on my bondage project where you get focus for magic through:
- "sexy" (lewd/wealth)
- bondage
- dominant/submissive "path" + context
All gradual.

The hardest part is to jungle between contexts and still allow for girls to be capturable, despite being magical powerhouse, especially if incapable of freeing themselves.
I'm ignoring strength, as the lowest level magic override it.
I've got the obvious anti-magic bindings, but also context, like beating all ally who could have freed a mage = instant loss of focus.

The idea is to justify the dominant warrior wearing sexy bondage gear, and the cute submissive cleric.



I'll keep on keepin' on with /SRPGG/
I don't know what you're game currently looks like as far as mechanics are concerned, but Red Sands Blue Skies from 2hour wargames had a decent idea for differentiation between male and female gladiators.
Females still suffered attribute penalties, which makes sense, but the author gives them a larger stamina dice pool, 12 instead of 10. Stamina dice are a consumable resource, refilled at the start of each battle or when you rest (1 per turn, almost pointless), that let you expend dice at a 1:1 rate to either your initiative, to hit, or to wound roll. Keep in mind that these pools are usually only 4-8 dice large and that there is no limit on how many stamina dice you can spend at once, so this isn't a nothing-burger bonus and it still keeps the sexes distinct.
Hope this helps out.
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let sexy women have ways to distract or debuff male opponents through lewd or lewd adjacent things (for example, LA's lust debuffs that weaken regular attack and defense and split regular/lewd attacks that impact different PC values).

alternatively heavy armor AP penalty is partially offset by strength/toughness, so strong men are better able to use heavy armor and women are either glass cannons or slow tanks

I'd also say cute girls should get a charisma/social bonus
>Rapture World
Hey, I remember that CYOA
Have you considered making a greentext of your sessions?
We had an anon some time ago posting his Labyrinthus sessions but he stopped
I was doing that, but then I was in hospital!
You better now?
That dude is such an obvious cuck troll: When more people were playing LA he wouldn't shut up about female characters, misogyny and evil players. Now that more anons are playing "vanilla" harem campaigns he is NTRbaiting.
>When more people were playing LA
Anon sperging about retarded shit was even before some anon posted their LA stuff. First was hentai and hentai artists, then moved to "females are the worst", then moved to NTR and so on
Paladin, clericwife, drow and company finally delved. Long story shorts: It was brutal yet by far the most profitable and rewarding crawl so far.

The dungeon was a tomb, probably an ancient elven holy site. Of the 3 rooms explored all were filled with traps and hazards: First a pitfall, then flying blades, last a sorcerous wind that threw the party against rocks, walls and sharp angles. One of the lv0 retainers hit a wall and broke his neck in the last one, dying inmediatly. At this point, however, paladin is more mentalized about it and while reluctantly, he understands that dead is part of the process. I wonder how this will interact with the fact that clericwife is pregnant, tho they haven't realized that yet.

Anyway, they found 3000 platinum pieces+3 magical ítems, bag of holding included. That's more than 15000gp, enough to upgrade everything, level up again and maybe even start commanding a small warband. It's beyond my best expectations. They hit jackpot.
Aye, thank you for asking. I'll organize some more greentexts when I have some free time maybe, I'm also doing prep for my usual dnd campaign
I don't think he's sperging out, just trying to be annoying.
I have no idea: The new cleric (from now on referred as clericsister) is rather plain with just 8 charisma and mediocre stats in general. Maybe drow fears that she will attempt to use the same strategy she is using: hooking with paladin, something that would even make sense given how unusual is for clerics to wander alone. I expect the recent fortune recovered to put her even more on edge trying to get in clericwife's good graces.
>First was hentai and hentai artists, then moved to "females are the worst", then moved to NTR and so on
Actually aren't the pearl clutching autist and pro-NTR tard who did go on about"women are terrible " different people? I know for a fact the autist is basically just like those younger people in twitter who're unbelievably shocked at actual edgy nsfw content never made for minors and underaged kiddos. Meanwhile the guy who did go on about"women are terrible " appears to be pro-NTR and unlike the "porn is bad" autist. The other guy seems to be a vapid third worlder who only likes NTR because he "self inserts as the Bull" and believes in that stealing a guy's wife is valid so long as you win bullshit.

Both are faggots.
This may be the answer. Now that clericwife has someone more closely aligned with her in their social orbit, there's less reason for her to come to tolerate the drow.
>Bumpfag is the Mod
Oh God, no wonder this board has gone to shit.
Would you?
idk what your character would do, but I usually roll up some Waylays from BOLD when I need a kickstart
AIslop is everywhere but Pinterest is basically unuseable because of it now.
That's bullshit. i use pinterest all the time and have 0 problem with AI slop at all
Didn't know about BOLD or all these other resources like it. Thanks! I'll give it a go
Good Lord, even I could draw better hands than that.
Put before:2022 into the search. Works for google as well.
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>playing a lewd westmarch
>fighting off a horde of greenskins
>the skaven sniper uses Big Joe as an elevated position
Need a succubus/incubus house name.
Willow Cottage
I think anon means a dynasty name.
So Kender?
>Playing on Roll20
My condolences Anon
I'm planning an RP for one player and a GM in which the player is head of a small group growing to become a stable community. It's inspired by games like Rimworld, so there should be random events, managing efforts and resources, mediating disputes, negotiating with other tribes and developing culture.
The aim is for a small, nomadic group to traverse a dangerous world until they grow large and strong enough to withstand attacks from nearby counties.
Since this won't be very strict on mechanics, I'm fine with just lifting a couple different systems that work well for the setting from different rulebooks. I know I want to use the Domain and Scheme system from Kevin Crawford's books, and I might use the social encounter system from Knave... but most other stuff is still up in the air, especially the lewd stuff. I definitely want something that lets me keep track of internal affairs and resources, either buffing the colony if things are going well or collapsing from within if not. Tables for events and encounters are welcome as well, especially the 18+ ones.
If you know anything that fits the bill, please let me know! Like I said, I don't need a complete rulebook designed for colony simulation, just some tables and intuitive ways to manage things should be enough.

PS: She's got a breeding kink and I'm into transformation and corruption, if that helps.
Starting up a campaign of Labyrinthus

Party consists of
Paladin trying so hard to save their first time for marriage
Wizard Elf Femboy looking to get dicked down by monsters for their college thesis
Barbarian Futa on a quest to rid herself of her dick
and halfling thief, that's basically Alfie from that one porn comic
Are you the same guy who made the previous party run?
Godspeed Anon. Let us know how it goes
>wife with breeding fetish
Tribe/group sim seems like a good choice.
Most lewd games have some kinda table set for kinks or types. I’ve used Randy Encounters for giving them stats with variation though a lot of that was just for flavour. One thing I like to do is if characters are having an intimate moment and other characters could interrupt them, have either a countdown clock check or skill check to avoid them. If they do interrupt, play into it. Maybe they’re peeping, maybe they try to break it up and accuse you and ya gotta explain and persuede, maybe they’re wanting to fight and now you gotta stop and fight (or CONTINUE and fight).
You can probably make that fit in whatever system you got.

Let us know how playing with the lady goes. **I haven’t considered bringing mine in though I know if she were introduced to a lewd tabletop system that would be her go to moveset**
Unfortunately, it's just an online connection just made for the RP. I don't know if I could handle a smur RPG in person.
Thanks for the advice, and words of encouragement, though.
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It was either here or /trash/, but I remember reading a lewd RPG greentext where the setting had a whole thing about how each time a woman had sex their assets would permanently grow in size, so women with big tits/ass were universally treated as sluts. I can't remember much more than that, but I've been trying to find that greentext again for months with no success.

Does anybody know what I'm talking about? If not, could someone at least point me in the right direction?
report back to us on how she gets off on her breeding kink, anon.
it's a westmarch, so roll20 is better suited for that kind of game than fantasy grounds.
Foundry VTT is better suited than anything Roll20 or Fantasyground could offer
If you want to go 1v1 why not trying Labyrinthus since is also made for couples (and we had some anons playing with their wives).
You can even make your own encampment and other camps can talk good/bad about your character depending on what you do
>heavy armor AP penalty is partially offset by strength/toughness
Stamina looks like a pretty good mechanic. Could make berserks use it to go all out while heavier armors have a penalty to stamina that can be lessened with high strength, but not fully removed.

Could work.

Sure, I want them to be weaker but I still want lady knights to be a thing.
Not for a westmarch. You have to have the host log in and host a session any time a player wants to adjust something. And we have 40-50 players now...
You could make it so heavy armor applies a percentage penalty to action points.
So for example, men have 4 AP and women have 6. If plate armor applies a 50% reduction, then men go to 2 and women go to 3. They're still ahead on points, but it technically costs them 2 rather than 3.
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Labyrinthus Anon here with a preview of the new Pregnancy rules that will be added in the next update of the Core Rules.
Pregnancy wil lbe no longer an Endurance Check but just "a check". Some of the rules remain untouched while others have been adjusted to this new version. I also added that some infesting creature have a lower DV so even without bonuses it "should" be stil lpossible get knocked up. I wil lalso test it as soon a spossible but if anyone also wants to try and give feedback, here's the changes. As addition some more creatures will be able to cause pregnancy regardless of the presence of the deletionem
Drama between people write slash fanfiction about tabletop rpg's instead of actually playing tabletop rpg's will never not be funny.
It's like watching two people argue from their windows in the line at a drive through.
What drama? One schizo shitting things up constantly? Plenty of generals have that.
Damn, 80% chance of impregnation I love it
Update on Paladin, Cleric and Drow: Reading the OSE manual, there doesn't seem to be a lot we can actually spend our hoard on at this low level besides more shiny equipment and mounts. Part of me wants to start conquering the wilderness, but we won't get a permission to raise a temple or a stronghold till we are level 9 or so.

Maybe I should start running dungeon modules and see how it goes. That or just ignore the rules and start investing in rebuilding the nearby ruins: If Paladin is going to keep collecting chicks and making babies (and he will) a sizeable player base will be needed.
I guess 80% if you manage to max out all bonuses. Otherwise average encounter you need to roll a 7 on a d10 if the character gets banged twice by those with a lower DV.
Or if you just get the Fertile Womb trait you automatically get a +2 to pregnancy checks by default
Wait a second I read it wrong as I am silly, success on the check = impregnated, so it's not like a check to resist impregnation you are rolling for the sperm to succeed
Pregnancy was always like that. Previously you used your Endurance value for the Check as to indicate that healthier Characters could be imrpegnated easily than those more scrawny or sickly.
This changes is to focus more on situational bonuses or let those really into it to max out chances as they want even with fleeble Endurance 1 maidens
It's been a really hot minute since I was last in the threads. Have there been updates to Lewd Attack in a last handful of months, and if so what changed?
Stake thy claim and impregnate thy bitches, o holy paladin. Restore the ruins and fill them with the pitter-patter of tiny toddler feet.
>Updates to LA
My character has been rolling with an auto impregnate curse mark for tentacles so no need to use the check rules
Well that works too
On second glance, my PDF version is .03 behind, so I assume that SOME updates happened.
Yeah at least start so there is a place to offload them. You can always play it as a place loaned to you or you’re managing, before eventually going full claim.
>admin has to log in for a player to adjust anything
Surely not.
I think the more pressing question is anon has a lewd RPG with 40-50 players!?
It's a westmarch. We also have 4 GMs. I'd invite you nerds, but I don't think you'd like it.
Yeah I prefer to wack off solo my man
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The ruination of gobbos (turning them into green elves) has and always will be my prime example of how coomers ruin everything.
I think you mean coomers improve everything
This is a coomer thread, vro... and I like greenskin short stacks. They make me coom hard.
but why don't you coomers just take a short elf and not degobbo a gobbo?
Exotic skin color, wild/tribal culture/clothes, typical goblin obsession with breeding

its based
i like the green skin and four digit hands, and also the different set of tropes and cliches attached to them
Elves aren't usually portrayed as hispanic or black. I'm tired of white women, dawg
Turning goblins into green elves is what weebs mostly do or artists that can only draw one body type. I like my WoW coomer goblins, thank you very much
>squat, stocky, short of limbs, pig-nosed
>green "elves"
Just call them green halfings.
Excuse my autism, but do.
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Did someone say Goblin Wumenz?
gonna start playing soon, and I wanted to get your 2 cents. NPCs as sidekick or just make an actual character? Playing on 5e.
5e is not really balanced towards one or two characters due to the dreaded Action Economy, so you'd either have the character beign alone and fight weaker monsters or you'd better try systems balanced around being by yourself
it depends on how you're gonna use them
It's generally better to have a simple NPC with no stats who takes no mechanical actions, they're there for the PCs. If it's gonna be a regular part of encounters it might be better to have a sheet or at least the important stats recorded.
I was thinking of adding more turns to my character ala panic in the dojo.

I was originally thinking of using that mechanic for solo boss fights for my players and i wanted to playtest it thru solo.

Party members I can fuck and corrupt to be my willing onas, I guess. Plus cover my weaknesses cause I want to play as a martial artist.
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Yeah the standard action economy sucks in a lot of games, but it's tougher to maintain combat tension and have it be coherent otherwise. Gaining levels but also having to raise the stakes means facing greater dangers that the character honestly can't handle alone. And if I give her companions or mercenaries, I'm coming to understand that they are certainly fodder.

The only long running solo games I enjoy seem to devolve into semblances of horror stories where the main character actually has incentives to run away.
>Blowing up the shuttle and being deposited planet-side in an escape pod was the best

The only other genre that tends to make any sense for a long running solo story seems to be mystery. But they are hard (if not harder) to maintain interest because it's literally the DM hiding something from himself more so than discovery.

Either way, I've enjoyed taking other systems, these systems, and interjecting them into pre-made campaigns that have horror or mystery elements a lot. It tends to elevate the slasher/-sploitation aspects of a fun D-tier action flick which gives me a cop out of something other than, "congrats you died" start your adventure again.
I've been playing Lewd Attack a bunch (I'm the Amazon Soldier guy from a bunch of threads ago, if anyone remembers that) and during the adventure, a town got destroyed by goblins after a random attack. I've decided that they turned the ruins of that town into a breeding camp, and I eventually want to reclaim the town from the goblins, and then do a little bit of town/city management gameplay on top of the regular adventuring gameplay.

Are there any lewd (or just solo play) town/city/civ management games that would work for a side mechanic in Lewd Attack, or am I better off just homebrewing a system?
Sir, yes, sir.
I'm playing a 5e campaign and am simply using two characters, my self-insert and his wife. I would have made her a sidekick instead of a full PC if the premise of the campaign didn't feature her as basically a second main character. So it's up to how important the NPCs are to you, imo.
With pinterest, you have to add the ones you like to a board and then you get better recommendations, and you can click on more like this on your board too.
In general the pinterest algorithm is pretty trainable but it takes a while to learn
Yeah, i shot myself in the foot by saving lovecraftian/abstract/abberation slop for my monsters
It's fine. I think they don't allocate too much memory for each user because it forgets past pins after a while. Just keep saving things you like and it'll forget the slop eventually
I don't think of goblins as green elves at all (though I do usually thinking of them as being green). If they culturally behave the same as elves, you're doing it wrong.
Can I get recommendations? I've got a friend who's into lewd roleplay and is interested in getting into RPGs, so I was thinking I'd try to find some good one on one thing that I can GM for them.
>Roll to bust

What happens next?
You have to fake the orgasm, clearly. Or it gets ruined.
Would that require a performance roll?
With faking, only if you think your character would even bother. Or if the other character(s) might care. Then that could lead to social conflict.
Labyrinthus is made for solo and 1v1 sessions
5e isn't balanced period.
Because players here will get jealous fomo. That's it, unironically.
Goblins are better as male only species, specially if they're domesticated by women who want to build their personal army getting bred by the goblins they own.
Do what everyone else does: homebrew the system and share it.

I’m the enemy dynamics anon. Been away for a while, coming back with an update soon, if anyone still cares.
Oh hey, I use your module all the time. It really fleshes out the enemies in the game without completely replacing them. I'll think about it, it's definitely a worthwhile endeavor, with how much I play the game, but I've already got so much other writing to do with my vanilla non-ERP ttrpg group. So if I do make it, it won't be soon.
My games sex system involves a combat advantage and disadvantage system. I like to imagine it like so
>In passionate lovemaking (advantage)
>(Good rolls)
>Girl starts talking dirty
>(Roll a crit miss)
>Girls dirty talk gets way too weird it offputs us
>(Now in disadvantage and gotta recover or each action is riskier)
>try to shut her up by kissing her (roll to get back to advantage)
>(miss) she instead gets MORE into character (more stamina loss)
>when a human boy walks into the goblin bar
What's the best way to find a group that will play these online?

In Minecraft, of course, I see the thread rules, but having a thread doesn't really do much when you aren't planning to expand your community.
Post about it on /trash/
I'm not kidding, a bunch of the online communities they're attached to have online ERPG groups
You piss instead
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or one of the numerous horny Discords
or any dedicated online roleplay platform
or timetravel back to 2010's /tg/
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So it's been about a full day since I asked, so I'm bumping my question just in case it was missed somehow.
Fuck off
>Girls dirty talk gets way too weird it offputs us

Tell you what. After the enemy dynamics, I may be convinced to put something like what you’re looking for together.
I like this option the most desu seems most likely for a 1
I feel bad for you but I don't have the answer
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>search image for more
>find artist
>see a familiar looking drill
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I will likely regret this, but I run the aforementioned westmarch with 40-50 players. We've had minimum 1 game daily since the group's inception. <s>The only catch is you have to be okay with the occasional person into vore.</s>

Discord server is <s>V2y9rCdjTH</s>
I forgot how to spoiler. RIP me.
For future reference: You can highlight Text and hit Ctrl+S
Something like that might be the ideal but I figure it'd only work if the divisibles could be applied evenly.

There's medium and heavy armors with penalties but unless I'm missing something the only numbers that could get both a 50% and 25% penalty would be divisibles of 4 so if girls have more AP they'd need to have 8.

Girls having twice the action points with half the damage can work but it might end up with them running circles around guys and having complete control over how battles play out with defeat for girls only happening if they're dumb.

Then again, maybe I'm over thinking it. Maybe it's okay for girls to disproportionately take less of a penalty since if girls can take less damage then armor shouldn't have as big of an impact. An effective 100% boost to survivability doesn't mean as much when you have 50% less HP to begin with. Maybe.
Labyrinthus, any indication what things there may be for sale?
In a Small Settlement, durp
I'd definitely be interested in seeing what you put together. Though I've got some ideas for mechanics about how to build a world and not have it just be genned as you go, with how I prebuilt several regions to travel through (Inner Kingdoms, High North, Fractured Lands).
I know the one you mean. I'll check my folders later, it had the druidess that was submissive to her unicorn right?
That's actually a good point, but i never thought of that since so far nobody mentioned them. Problem is it might vary from settlement to settlement but i could make some examples
Cool! Ran into a wealthy merchant a hex outside the settlement anyway lol, my dice luck a bit silly desu
The catch is that it's a Discord server of Furries who are into vore and that you shouldn't post LFG nor LFP
I prefer Goblins to be more like their American counterparts. the Gremlin.

mixed with as much evil as your setting needs, a liberal dose of mechanical experimentation and comical mishaps.

in the context of this thread, it means that the race of goblins is best for complex sex/torture/BDSM machines and/or the worst/best of BAD ENDS.

and while I like ShortStacks (and have been blessed with one these past 8 years) I can take or leave the idea as it applies to goblins. too short and you might as well just admit you like midgets.
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Gremlins are just Goblins with a different name.
>Try to mess shit up and doing it badly
gremlins are sabotage spirits, mischief arising from a single loose bolt, mis-hammered rivet, or shoddy weld.

got to know mechanisms to do it.

that and like lots of other factors of the glorious melting shit-pot I live in, they're a combo meal of cultural influences.
>gremlins are sabotage spirits, mischief arising from a single loose bolt, mis-hammered rivet, or shoddy weld.
In medieval times every time something went wrong, broke etc it was caused by either the devil or the fey folk, which goblins are a part of.
If you live in a melting pot of cultures you are clearly not even paying attention to what cultures they are or from were they came from.
>implying "fey folk" aren't themselves an amalgamated spiritual collection of entities.

>implying "mischief spirits" are unique to Europe
So you are confirming that gremlins are just goblins with a different name. Glad to see that Reddit hasn't completely melted off your brain
never been on reddit, just been a chan-turd since forever ago.

and by your own admission, Coyote, Loki, and Anansi are all goblins as well...
Sure buddy, now stop crying
kill yourself
I mean, he kind of is
>kill yourself
at least use the proper vintage term and tell me to An Hero

and, exactly. my point was mischief spirits, all kind of led to the concept behind the gremlin as it occurs in American folklore.
In terms of having things be more divisible, I think what you could do would be to double the numbers and costs. Give guys 8 AP and girls with 12, easily divides into 8>6>4 and 12>8>6 respectively, and then if every action costs 2 AP, then you maintain the same sort of ratio.
What are good virtual tabletops to use for solo lewd games? Ones that aren't necessarily online or that others can see. Ones where I can put maps, avatars, and tokens on, where I can simulatedice rolls and write nasty-ass lewd scenes in.
Foundry VTT
It scrapes your files for content if you open it while connected to the internet, and the developers have inserted content that prevents you from generating adult content with its AI assist tools.
Are you retarded by chance?
I'm just saying that I've used the Foundry VTT before, and it uploads your files to the developer upon startup, and that if you try to use some of the tools that come with it, it will stop running if you try to generate lewd content.
You got a source on this? Obviously if it's sketchy they wouldn't post about it, but nothing on their website, EULA, privacy policy, etc. mention any of that.
Why in the flying fuck would Atropos & Co give a fuck about all the bullshit you have in your local folders? Why would the program to play locally or by p2p upload them to a mysterious cloud where they can see what you have? Come on.
>You got a source on this?
Go to a different machine and install Foundry VTT, then log in. When you go to open it, you can open your campaigns from other machines, including all the assets you create and add to it.
And, open any of the AI assisted tools and generate anything that directly has a "Sexual" word in it. For example, ask it to generate a female character's breast size... Last time I tried to do this, it gave me a bullshit chatgpt explanation of how sexualizing women is bad.
So you are just full of shit since:
1) You don't "Log In" Foundry VTT. When you run the program it just opens.
2) If you install it on a different machine all you stuff is not there. You have to literally copy all your stuff from one machine to another
3) To enter your "Campaign" you need a direct link to the machine hosting it which has to be running otherwise you can't entr.
4) it has no AI assist tools

So there, you are just a mongoloid making shit up without even knowingwhat the fuck you are talking about
>You don't "Log In" Foundry VTT.
It is now dawning on my that I am actually thinking of Fantasy Grounds VTT, and am in-fact a retard...
PLEASE DISREGARD THESE POSTS, I AM FUCKING DUMB. My bad y'all. I'll look into the Foundry VTT.
Do you have any other apps to suggest?
Gothic virtual tabletop (on steam, itch.io) it's free, and I'm the guy who made it. If you end up trying it feel free to post on the steam discussionspage /the discord server with any questions or suggestions and I'll answer them. (But not until monday because I'm camping this weekend)
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Looks like a better free option than Owlbear or that Shit that is Roll20
>Are there any good pregnancy mechanic/rule/system or whatever you guys have been using that i could possibly add to my game?
I just use a d20+ modifies. Standard 15% chance with virile monsters adding bonuses and less fertile creatures adding maluses. Critical is a Critical for any monster where pregnancy is remotely possible. If wanted to get deeper into the weeds I'd make a cycle system but I am a very forgetful person so it'd probably be forgotten 90% of the time.
You don't need to if you rent a server or keep it hosted locally 24/7 but thats annoying.
Which is the same fucking thing of having Roll20 since that's also hosted, but people seems to not understand that. Again, furries using Roll20 so i'm nor surprised by their lack of braincells
Are you sure about that anon? how about doing literally 30 seconds of research to confirm that before accusing others of lacking braincells.
Roll20 is a website so it's hosted. Foundry VTT by default is not hosted BUT you can have it hosted on websites, like Forge, and let it stay online all the time you want. Like Roll20.
So yeah >>93932467 has no fucking idea of what he's talking about
You are being purposefully obtuse as the distinction your making is the very one that was being pointed out. Roll20 hosts your game for free*, foundry does not which requires you to either shell out for forge, or keep your local server hosted 24/7.
Ah yes for *Free with a limited amount of MB and if you want to have more space you have to pay.
And i bet a Westmarches games with 40+ people requires more than 500mb of free space and at this point if you have to pay, Forge is actually cheaper and you get access to more bullshit overall.
I honestly have no idea, but probably yeah. Been so long I barely remember what was in it beyond "assets expand when segs" and I thiiiink there was a thing about one girl in the party getting lost to goblins/orcs at some point then getting rescued, but now has to live with being viewed as a slut forever?
>Critical impregnation

Crucially, does it make the girl cum when she is instantly pregnant
Thats a hot idea so yes.
It doesn't yet, actually.
>Foundry is $50
>Hosting for Foundry is an additional $4/month
>Cheaper than roll20

lol no
Use whatever is easy to pronounce.
The free version has been even reduced from 500MB to 100MB on Roll20. So you are saying you are using less than 100 mb for the game
Any ideas for ritual methods to bind a succubus to service?
replace the nightshade in the ritual with a potato, overpower her when she's distracted by this substitution
Not that anon but I'm stealing this
I've posted this story before, but it's psuedo-relevant here so:
>Playing a "Hardcore" campaign with my friends
>Everyone started as commoners in a corrupted world
>Gradually over time, your character would adapt to another class and you'd start gaining your "Real" levels
>I was the last person to still be a commoner, everyone else had become rogues, martials, and spellcasters
>I just didn't really know what I wanted my character to be
>DM said, "Well, let's not force it. Just continue to play, and as long as you stay alive, we'll wait to see if anything unfolds to push your character in the direction of one class."
>Every fight that would come along, my character would just sort of sit in the back lines and wait for it to be over
>Essentially he was almost useless
>Then we played this one published adventure from AEG's "Adventure Compilation II"
>In it, there's this evil statue of a dancing succubus that the villain uses to summon a succubus at his command once a day
>Anyone who touches the statue has to beat a difficult Will save or be mind-controlled by the statue
>We kill the villain, and it's implied that you should destroy the statue
>My character asks to borrow all the Will resist items in the party
>He just barely succeeds against the mind control
>Now, once a day he can summon a succubus to do his bidding
>At first the DM was going to give me a shitty version of this device because it seemed too powerful, but I requested that it have all the same properties as the one that the NPC originally had
>So now, at the beginning of each day he can summon a succubus (Either the same one or a new one,) and she sees him as her master and obeys without question or funny business.
Is there any reason the other lewd 5e book got nuked? I have a copy lying around somewhere in my files though idk how often it was updated.
Yes. I haven't hit the limit yet.
You are going to have to be more specific than "other lewd 5e book".
The "Erotic Arcana" is the only 5e one currently available in the link to other material. At one point there was also one that I think went by "The full lewd handbook" but that one is missing and was mentioned to be unavailable in a previous thread.
You mean this one...
Yes, I guess I was confused or mistaken. My apologies.
>Access required
Lmao. Why you'd think all the links get nuked? It's a set of (mediocre) rules froma Discord server where you have to show your ID to access.
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proof delivered
You seem unnecessarily angry, or at the very least overly invested. Relax.
>It doesn't includes art from built-in set or web stuff
So you are using direct links from websites like Imgur or have bought stuff in the market?
Actually, neither. I used cropped images for tokens, saved and uploaded to roll20, each like a couple dozen kb as not a single one is over 1000x1000.
For maps, I mostly use Dyson's Dodecahedron maps, again saved and uploaded. Those are all black and white, so they're not particularly big filesize-wise, and I delete them after use anyway.
Anything my other GMs import isn't counted, so if you're looking for a catch to disprove me, that's the best you're gonna find.
>super cropped tokens
>Black and white maps immediately deleted
So basically all have a free account and have everything cropped used in the same campaign?
Basically. Nobody in the game to my knowledge actually pays for roll20. And quite frankly, there's no reason for a token to be more than 1000 pixels to a side, even with my size-changing rules.
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Look i hate Roll20 but the fact that you convinced others to basically combine all their free MB together by being super stingy so nobody has to give them a dime is quite funny to me
Not paying them a dime was a happy accident. I'm just naturally savvy with filesize conservation. Either way, I'm glad you saw beyond the "roll20 users are the ENEMY!" mindset. Without a doubt, some are drones. I like to think me and my gm's aren't that way.
Is not about "Roll20 users are the enemy". I just really hate Roll20 due to all the bullshit it threw at people in the past (me included), like acting like reatards and banning people, meddling with users payments stuff, releasing broken-ass features if you paid and such features took like 2 years to then be released as broken for 4 more months and requiring major overhauls and so on.
So if i can tell people to just ditch it instead of giving them money i do so. If you instead use Roll20 but use loopholes to fuck them over then all is fine
That is a perfectly reasonable conclusion. If ever you wish to join a dumb lewd westmarch, don't hesitate to ask.
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Trying out Ironsworn for the first time with the 2 lewd add-ons from the last thread and the character appearance generators
>Made Artiga, bisexual exhibitionist spearmaiden
>tall, blonde, blue eyed, big tits
>+heart, -edge/shadow
>Her vow: free her people from the Empire and the threat of monsters
>Her home: a fortified riverside fishing village surrounded by fertile fields
>prologue: a goblin raid on the village! roll for defend village vow: matching miss
>Scene starts with Artiga tied up by her gf in the boathouse when the alarm is sounded
>A couple minutes later she's out the door, half dressed and frustrated (--control, no armor, enemies grope)
>A hijacked riverboat sits at the dock, its cargo of goblins having disembarked while your girl got ready
>the handful of dockworkers are down, goblins have spread out to go after townsfolk and try to secure the gates
>her mission: protect the people, keep the goblins busy until the menfolk get back from the fields
>her opponent: a Formidable (large pack) of goblins (size due to match fail earlier)
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Labyrinthus Anon here with a new Testing Run to try out a bunch of spells to see how balanced they are. I was suggested to add something to summon but the problem is that it can easily become something that could be mandatory to have so so far the two variant i'm gonna usare are as follows, for those who also want to try it out:

>Variant 1
Conjure a spirit which acts as an Ally and attacks on his own turn. Can't be targeted, lasts 1+Will Rounds, uses the Caster's Magic value to Attack in melee and deals 1+Will Arcane Damage.
Can only be summoned once every hour.

>Variant 2
Conjure a spirit which acts as an Ally. Targets 1 Creatue In Combat range which must pass an Inquire Check vs the Caster's Intimidate. If failed it has to at least make one attack against the spirit. if failed by rolling a 1 all its attacks are against the Creature. Creature uses caster's Magic value to defend. Lasts 1+Will Rounds but for every hit it suffers, reduces 1 Round of Duration. You can spend 2 prowess to increase duration by 1. At wanderer it lasts for twice the amount of rounds.
Can only be summoned once every hour. It's automatically squished by Wandered Spells that deal damage or by attacks from Large creatures or bigger.
I like what ironsworn I’ve played so far but BOY does miss with match love to happen right at the start or RIGHT as I’m about to end a quest. One was right as a very simple uneventful expedition was ending and the group I was with was completely taken out by the weirdest creature I’ve generated yet while I only survived with luck.
Has anyone ever made a lewd magical girl solo TTRPG?
No. Would you like to make it?
Maybe someday. It would be some shitty d20 hack though because I'm an OSRfag.
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Whew what a good starting Plotline.
Guess i'll have to at least map an Infested Tunnels Map now. Plus i can test the new pregnancy rules i see.

>1 Body 1 Agility

I wonder what will happen to this girl.

Variant 1 seems superior as it's less complex, would this be Arcane spell only?
For everyone probably, but first i have to decide how strong both are. Variant 1 is simpler but is still +1 Attack per round.
Variant 2 instead allows to taunt at least one creature for some time, which for casters is rather useful but instead of being additional prowess, it's just a timed thing that expires quickly if hit
You could instead have it replace the caster attack, and bump it to two attacks a round?
On Paladin, Clericwife and Lady Drow journey: There isn't much to report. They are finally traveling towards the rumored ruins, having reached a small region of grassland and nearing both a swamp and a forest. The ruins are beyond that, in a small hill country, but whatever path they choose it will be difficult and dangerous to reach.

Only remarkable thing is that via oracle questions Drow, Clericwife and Paladin shared a genuinely wholesome moment: At first I thought she will try seduction with the couple again, but after asking some more, it turns out, drow actually led the conversation towards their adventures so far and how amazing is that they have survived this long. Amazingly, Clericwife joined in and actually agreed with Drow, which is perhaps the first time those two have a genuinely friendly interaction in the campaign, lmao.

Anyway, hopefully the scouting of the ruins will go smoothly so I can start pumping money into a long term project. If there's a dungeon in the area the group will have to clear it first, same with any potential monsters. The joys of colonialism.
I don't want to have it replace the caster's attacks since it should be a viable option not something mandatory by being stronger than just casting 1 spell per turn or preventing you to cast other spells since by doing so you waste precious rounds.
HAving +1 Melee Attack for 4+ rounds with 4+ arcane damage (which can also hit ethereal creatures) output seems rather reasonable for a Lost Soul spell. Also it allows the Caster to "Attack" even if is pinned down
Makes sense! Eager to see how it plays out
I was trawling through an archive of the last thread, and saw some back-and-forth about using Scarlet Heroes as a simple system and references to a specific doc that adds a lewd overlay to it. Does anybody here know what that doc is? I'm basically sifting through most of the pdfs in the OP and not really seeing what I'm looking for. Any other friendly tips (or stories) about running SH in this context would be welcome too.

On another note, should I take it that the main reason to use the explicitly "developed to be erotic" games in the OP like Labyrinthus would be that they gamify the erotica with rolls/tables/mechanics and so on? I'm familiar with solo gaming and journaling games in general, but I'm trying to figure out how I want to approach this as something like an erotica writing exercise with extra steps and I'm not convinced how much I should care about mechanics versus just adding the lewdness on my own as though it were typical RP. Like I'm not interested in FATAL style anal-circumference rolls but having mechanics to generate situations or track and manage NPCs with interesting curveballs sounds very helpful.
>Scarlet Heros
Mostly people use either Homebrew Rules for Scarlet Hearoes they made themselves or just add the OSR lewd rules which is not in the OP because people don't put it in a folder as easy access for those interested.
>On another note, should I take it that the main reason to use the explicitly "developed to be erotic" games in the OP like Labyrinthus would be that they gamify the erotica with rolls/tables/mechanics and so on?
Yes, they are made to actually accomodate the erotica part in the rules without having a product made to do X and then adding random rules which most of the time don't follow the balance, add strange interactions or have to rely on 4 different pdf to make one thing.
>I'm familiar with solo gaming and journaling games in general, but I'm trying to figure out how I want to approach this as something like an erotica writing exercise with extra steps and I'm not convinced how much I should care about mechanics versus just adding the lewdness
If you just add lewdness yourself it will always be something you only like or expect to occur. You like busted bimbos with blonde hair? Oh look, the barmaid is exactly what you like or the mage you saved looks exactly like that. Instead by having rules you can never anticipate what NPC you might encounter and the random stuff could make it actually fresh and interesting. Labyrinthus has multiple tables to randomly generate new NPCs
>Like I'm not interested in FATAL
Nobody is. Fatal is just the work of a retarded guy and if you look at the links its not even present nor suggested.
>but having mechanics to generate situations or track and manage NPCs with interesting curveballs sounds very helpful.
That's literally the point of the games made in the OP
Aww, that's a promising development between them. Let's hope it sticks.
of course we are all grateful for Labyrinthus inventing random NPCs
As well you should be.
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I had to go digging through the TG archives to find these.
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Anyone know a game that uses bonds or connections in a cool way? Besides giving a character a modifier or something based on your connection with that person? I'm looking for some ideas to borrow for my own game ideas that could involve romance and possibly more lewder shenanigans based on your romance level with someone.
no and its nonexistence bothers me
And what do you mean by "in a cool way beside modifiers"? What should give you that can't be solved by ropleplay decisions?
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Sharing some slimy autism, for inspiration

It's for a bondage-fantasy project where slimes are not to be "just another mob with sexy failure scenario".
- mob with sexy failure/winning scenario
- dominant live-suit, giving you magic so long as you submit don't even consider removing it
- submissive live-suit, giving you magic so long as it accepts your domination
- material for magic suit or traps
- teleport opportunities for low level player
- underwater adventure
- slime repel other slimes

For context, the Path is to be a global Dominant <> Submissive stat
>thinking my character can defeat a blue dragon
That's 6d6 + 20 directly into the mindbreak table, thank you.
Monster Hearts is explicitly ablut romance. A bunch of other PbtA hacks make character relationships a part of the character-building process.
I know one person doing a greentext story used this as a supplement for SH though not sure how. I’ve taken the stats and kinks from it for generating women at least.

As for how much to gamify lewd, no idea. I have ended up adapting my games combat into an intimacy system to gamify sex scenes as I don’t know how to write sex secenes. No idea how that would work with other systems like SH though. I also end up just MAKING certain situations lewder. (Clothes get ripped, girl gets stuck with butt hanging out, girl with “unconscious sleep sex” kink attacks during night)
Another thing I liked from another system was a control meter that goes down when lewd shit occurs and works as a resist modifier when being coerced and assualted, or if it gets low enough a massive debuff until you get release.
>one person doing a greentext story used this as a supplement for SH though not sure how
That was me. I've considered making a supplement that explain exactly how I do it, but as I started to explain it, I realized how difficult it is to convey every single rule in the procedure that I've developed.
I get that. Trying to write my rules in a doc but half the shit I’ve used fits well together, the other half I’ve used is cobbled together from 3 systems with stats that do nothing practical. I just realized 2 of them have the same name and one has to change.
Ah, okay. I had skimmed the beginning of that one and hadn't thought it'd be directly useful to what I'm doing but now that I take another look I can see how the tables would actually be extremely helpful. The body part tables and kink/fetish tables seem like they'll work in a system-agnostic way so I can see why you'd have grabbed them and I'll look into doing the same. I'll have to take a deeper look at the rest of the mechanics to see what can port over, even though I'm not particularly interested in the core system itself. I guess the only real issue is that some of the tables/generators refer to a modern day setting, but that's easy enough to fix or nudge into a setting-appropriate equivalent (uniforms can apply to town guards and the like, businessman to merchants, "techy" to wizard or gadgeteer or something). It's not like I'm totally locked-in on Scarlet Heroes; I've actually debated using Star Trek Captain's Log as well since Trek can be pretty unapologetically horny at times.

No worries, I'd appreciate it if you'd keep doing greentexts when you can though. If nothing else it gets the noggin joggin' on how to approach this stuff in an "of course I can just do it like that" sort of way.
This is the one, thank you very much. I'm gonna save this and possibly splice it into a single image.
Consensual or not? Both have benefits and dangers, as an angry Succubus will drive you insane and ruin your life and not neccesarily in that order.
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You're welcome anon. I wish you luck in the faps to come.
Either works. Nonconsensual would probably be hotter though.
Anyone have any good encounter charts for Cyberpunk settings or is Ventangle the best we got?
New thread is up >>93967100

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