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Wacky Beastmen Edition

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread:

Hobby report. How much have you gotten done this year? Are you happy with what you've done? Is it as much as you wanted to get done so far this year?
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Got most of my Kings done but now it's time for the next step
How're you gonna paint them up?
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Help me decide a High Elf color scheme.
As much as I love the white and blue normal scheme I want to try something different.
>24 hours post release and still no arcane journal
Is it over?
High elves look fine in white but maybe a pale yellow with a darker grey would b cool. It would make the flesh pop and I really don't see any other faction being able to pull it off.
Black as night!
But in serious not sure yet. Luv Tzeentch so I'm gonna maybe look up some blue-ish color schemes.
I just did a Beetlejuice double feature yesterday, and I am S P O O K E D
I wanna make a Vampire Count army and have one of the regimental fillers be a skeleton matching band
Purple and gold?
green and silver
Pure white/silver with gold trim. Make them look even fucking snootier.
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Red and brass/bronze.
First mini I've painted in nine years. BSB for my Middenheim army I'm starting. Also my first time at freehand on a mini!
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Would help if I posted the pic!
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Offbrand caledor
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Pretty good progress this year even if I had to jump between a few projects.
>ogres started and finished
>two blood bowl teams for my dad
>bolt action mostly finished
>decent amount of kingdom death done
>did a painting competition
and now I remembered why you never post to 4chan directly from your phone
It looks good, thinking of starting an Ulric army myself depending on what Armies of Infamy and units they get with their 2025 releases
Red + anything.
Close your Agrax Earthshade.
Don't worry, I noticed after I posted the image.
Here's hoping I won't have to run my Teutogen Guard as greatswords anymore
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Battlefield needs some terrain, so I decided to paint some farm ruins from Warlord Games this weekend
This actually took more time than it supposed to
Holy FUCK this is making me hungry.
hungry for what anon?
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Next week I'll have my first chance to try out the high elves. What are some must-haves for 1k points?
I can proxy the slayers with the aos fyrslayers. What do I use to proxy the engineers and the metal carts and canons?
>slayers sold by gw
>used as gw slayers
Depends what you mean by "must-haves". If it's a friendly game just take the models you like, if it's a sweaty game I think High Elves can fit a dragonlord in 1k.
>What are some must-haves for 1k points?
It'll be 100% casual, thanks
fyrslayers are aos and not tow, which I was calling them a proxy for the old world slayers. Or does the term not apply because they´re from the same company, but not the same game?
Dang nabbit, the head of a giant is far too small for miss Piggy.
This is 0k playable points, since not even a single model is battle ready. Go back to 40k with this shit if you're gonna treat it like a board game
it wont flip if you crop it before posting
love don quiogre
>couldn't be assed to paint a single model, or even finish assembling all of them
Your effort is so abysmally low and pathetic in life, I can only imagine what your body has been let go to look like. No respect for yourself or your opponent
aright, so here's a fun question for the room. which guy is more irresistibly punchable:
>the guy who doesn't paint his army
>the guy who uses the phrase "battle ready"

it's a tough one, I know
>implying I won't paint them before playing
I genuinely don't believe you will.
So bretonnian players get a pass for showing up with unpainted knights? I can knock out the Lord and MAA before playing and have them fully painted, but I want to paint each knight in individual heraldry and that’s 31 knights for my 2k list.
I hope you'll apologize on Friday
Im more upset that he left out unprimed 3d printed models, I went from having a hearty appetite to being nauseous now.
>How much?
Not enough.
>Are you happy?
It's not completely done, so I'm not satisfied.
>Is it as much as you wanted?
Nope. I don't know why painting takes me so long but it does. Just now it took me nearly 20 minutes to paint the black + silver basecoat of 2 orcs, regular orcs so that's a helmet, weapon, an armguard or two and some random bits.
Friday? You can paint that much by Friday??
Please don't sent your precious elves out into the cold, terrifying battlefield without even a coat of paint to protect them! They'll be shaking in their unpainted boots!
Thanks anon
you sound thoroughly autistic and unpleasant to be around
Not him, but i will. But with claim like this all of it better be painted
I have a similar yet different problem. I fell in love with the yvresse lore but their color scheme is the base white and blue. I might do chrace but the only chracian thing I have is a white lion chariot.
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hopefully, I can!
Oh, the longing!
What white primer are you using? This brush on stuff doesn't cover for shit.
That's Army Painter's matt black + brainmatter beige, which is pretty much matt white but cheaper and more readily available where I live
Why are the elves in a lance formation?
>Checkers sold by Hasbro
>used as Hasbro chess pieces
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what's w the lance bozo
Simple reason, lance formation looks nicer of the shelf
okay, so get this. leadbealchers, but on dragons.
Gw fire this man
Leadbelchers cant get any more dogshit so go for it
>leadbealchers, but dragon ogres
Let's be honest
A dragon ogre with a fuck huge shotgun would be sick
This year I started a WoC army from old conversion fodder in my bitz box and some secondhand minis I picked up. The collection has grown silly and there's a ton in the paint/hobby backlog. I haven't even converted my dragon lord yet! I did start an Expeditionary Force as well, but this was a bit more controlled and I've now got all I want and just need to finish painting it. I'm definitely picking up more stuff to make a Sea Wolves army.

All in all this has been a pretty productive hobby year. I had not done much painting at all since I dropped out of ASOIAF. My goal for the year is finish the Dwarfs and try to get an army of WoC painted.
Draykekyn Stahlbelchyrs ( new AoS unit )
Too German. Roarckbylchyers.
He's thrusting it with flair, duh.
Hyvy Mytyl Bylchyrs
how you sound rn
Go back
Should have planned it our better instead of buying and painting a whole 2k list at once if you want to play in any reasonable amount of time
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>picked up ogres because I genuinely fucking hate painting shields.
Its not the sole reason, but It was definitely a major highlight.
The immense yearning!
how do find painting gut plates?
The guy who professes to love The World That Was but actually just seems to spend 90% of his time seething about AoS.
>The World That Was
What the fuck are you talking about.
>picked up ogres because I genuinely fucking hate painting shields.
Almost all of them have "shields" because of their gut plates you dingus.
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Verdict on these?
I like them
Not sure if you mean the positioning on shields so yes if that
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Got some test models done for this scheme pretty happy with it so redoing my awful previous scheme on the right
He's groglarping, but forgot to filter his smegger nuGW marketing terms out.
>these anons have unpainted armies but still use the phrase "battle ready"

I think it's something from wheel of time (show) or some shit
How do you groglarp when you claim to love TOW, which is the exact opposite of grogfaggotry?
Arcane Journal upload for WoC when?
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Instead of paying up the asshole for a carry case I'm just gonna magnetize my dudes and buy a cheap 10€ plastic box and slap a magnetic sheet on the bottom with soft padding on the walls in case they get loose so they don't get completely demolished. Anyone have experience with the Green Stuff World magnets and sheets?
The fjordlike pining!
>Anyone have experience with the Green Stuff World magnets and sheets?
do not fall for that. They didn't come up with that idea, but they'll charge you an arm and a leg for it.
Just google for a magnet shop in [your local area]. You can get the ferro foil by the meter and buying magnets in bulk is pretty cheap.
Magnet baron is good from what I hear. I'm going to order some 1mm x 1mm to magnetize the assault weapons on my marines and the arms of my Devastators from 40k
I appreciate the tip anon but I already did check. The prices in my local shops aren't competitive at all. GSW is offering 5x the amount of product for a slightly smaller price. Postage fee isn't an issue since I was gonna get more movement trays from them anyway (also not available anywhere locally based on my digging around).
This post reeks of artificial estrogen
Getting ready to start my warriors of chaos army. What’s a good place to get some inspiration for paint schemes?

My list has a unit of tzeentch knights and a unit of Khorne knights. I’m thinking of using blueberry colorshift paint for the tzeentch knights… thoughts on the khornate ones? Thinking maybe using copper or bronze… not a fan of “red” Khorne knights
anyone got the WoC arcane journal pdf?
Maybe something like brass/bronze and bone colour could work for your khorne guys.
Black and brass/bronze is also a cool approach.
You could even mix the two and go with the latter but with bone coloured helmets, bonus points if they're also somewhat skull-shaped.
red is awesome, it's such a fun color to paint
red chaos warriors are awesome too
>What’s a good place to get some inspiration for paint schemes?
>not a fan of “red” Khorne knights
most army books have a couple of variant schemes (for the schemes you could also look at chaos space marine codecies). Black is also a color that works for khorne. But in reality just having the standard bearer/champ be flavored in the god-appropriate way should suffice to mark the squads in practical terms. Or just paint the knights however you want and add some red detail to the shields.
Oh, the considerable hankering!
wonder when we will get ToW RPG news
>Someone put effort into this
Can the rider General in the Karl Franz kit fit easily onto a Demigryph or an Isle of Blood Griffon?
>Isle of Blood Griffon?
This one has rider molded on it, so you either has to scrap him and greenstuff, or cut the torso and greenstuff the legs
The Empire General can ride the Griffon or Imperial Griffon, how does GW expect you to acquire a normal Griffon for the general to ride?
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Brass and white mayhaps?
Empire going to get a new model for a character on a demigryph model next year anon just wait
Or just an aged brass?
What is the recipe for that white? I was thinking of using White on my CSM
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Forgot pic like a total doink.
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It's only in the book to justify Theo re-released on his weird rat-chicken thing.
I think GW will make it the new plastic kit for the Empire it's easy enough for them to do
and as aside GW hasn't bothered to release the rest of the tarmukhan model for TOW so it's likely that won't be the case for the empire
Got a chuckle out of me
>mounted and dismounted model
Love when this is done! All mounted heroes should come with a dismounted mini, in my homebrew WHFB I have rules to dismounted heroes or have them unhorsed in battle
Ok now do i really need to get a command squad for slayers? Why the fuck are they sold seperately.
You should buy the Avatars of War slayer kit instead of GW's resin models if you actually want a unit of them
they want to encourage people to actually expand their hobby and have them buy non GW slayers.
How come that the Mortuary Priest is again not available online?
This, but also for tank commanders, i'd love bailed out versions of the old metal guard tank commanders. Also catachans should have gotten a metal command squad back when they got the metal update.
Has anyone posted the warriors of chaos Arcane Journal yet? Feels like its absent everywhere online
found only a photographed version
Shut the fuck up I’ve been waiting for Grail Knights for 3 months, you’ll get your priest after,
Surely they will bring back Teclis right?
Teclis nuts
right in time for the Great war of Chaos expansion
Happened in a game today but thought I'd ask as I can't find conclusive evidence.
If you remove models from a Lance formation, how do they step up?
>Option 1
My opponent argued that the Lance formation allows you to remove casualties from the middle of the back rank and therefore they do not lose any combat efficiency because casualties are not removed from the fighting rank.
>Option 2
My understanding is that the removal of models from the middle of the back rank is in lieu of removing models from the sides of the back rank, thus allowing them to keep the v shaped lance but those models are still "stepping up" into the fighting rank of the V and those attacks are lost.

Not in the FAQ, didn't see it in a batrep. Usually a non issue because charging Bret's often go first too.
>No way to make Greatswords or Flagellants core
Hope the Arcane Journal fixes this.
What the fuck is a local magnet shop?
>clean white
>not taking the opportunity to dirty it up with blood splatter

This better be a WIP anon
shop that sells magnets in geographic vincinity to your own location in order to avoid excessive shipping and possible customs fees or taxes.
just kitbash both so you can use them as grave guard and zombies, the two factions perform the same way right?
In the lance formation rules pg 11 forces of fantasy

>Casualty Removal
>When removing casualties from a Lance, you may remove models from the middle of the back rank, rather than from
one end as usual.

Also, when the lance formation is charged, if it wasn't able to counter charge it loses its formation and becomes close order

So your option 2 should be the correct option
I mean like, who the fuck has a local magnet shop. I don't think I've ever encountered a walk-in store where you can buy large quantities of quality magnets
Dude. I mean a shop that is on the same continent and if possible in the same state and country. UK, EU, US, Canada etc. If you order shit across international borders it gets expensive. I can't believe I have to explain that. I didn't say local store btw. I said a store in your local area since we are on the internet. People from all over the globe can post here.
Thanks anon,
His interpretation of the rule was also that you aren't removing fighting rank models at all, despite my understanding of "stepping up".
I wonder if they'll bring back tyrion, it was arguably a more iconic sculpt but he's way less relevant for the time period and storyline unless they want to pretend he accompanied teclis in his quest into the old world.
They could do a campaign about Ulthuan during the Great War against chaos. It'd be good as an introduction for dark elves.
Oh, the almost sensual desire!
>blatantly ripping off names of GoT most popular characters
GW hacks simply can't help themselves can they?
Man i dunno ive been debating getting the chaos warriors starter box but i only like the regular chaos warriors, chosen and chaos knights etc. In terms of big monsters they're all kinda boring. Except the Chimaera
dark elves aren't a core factions so they won't get touched for years to come still.
They are legacy true but you can still buy them online from GW right now. Soft legacy.
Im guessing if you buy the bleakswords on the site you get round bases instead of squares
Woops wrong thread
wrong board. /lgbt/ is over there.
Actually /lgbt/ is right here
How the fuck are Chaos Giants and Gigantic Chaos Spawns 'boring'?
While the Shaggoth isn't exactly the most penis-clenching modelwise the vast customisation that can be done to it equipment-wise makes it also really intriguing.
>I didn't say local store btw. I said a store in your local area
>local store
>store in your local area

I dunno they dont really do it for me i guess the shaggoth is neat.
the specialist team doesn't get money when someone buys them while they're still technically aos products, they're not incentivised into bringing them to relevancy at all.
>they dont really do it for me i guess
That's completly beside the point. Now, do tell exactly how they're boring to you.
Gigantic chaos spawn and giant minis look ugly to me
I also dont like their rules
No you can't? There is some nuGW AoSlop models, but no classic dark elves
>look ugly to me
Why settle for the generic version when they're clearly meant to be converted?
While that's a fair thing to think I don't see how anyone can think that their rules are boring.
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Anons, how do the high elves actually raise armies?

I'm looking at making a high elf army, but I'm not sure how it works lore wise since almost all of the units are region specific. Do I paint them all uniquely and have an army from all of Ulthuan, or if I pick a specific region do I just have spearmen, archers, silver helms and like one or two unique units?

Would there be any shadow warriors in a cothique army or white lions in an Averlorn army?
Elves are never consistent with their lore.
>they won't get touched for years to come still
And by then any campaign books still won't have reached Praag. See HH1's black books never reaching past the early heresy, or HH2's books being about the buildup to Terra for years.

That said, they could just as easily (but shouldn't) make the battle more about elves vs chaos and downplay the dark elf involvement to a footnote
It depends on who's raising the army, if it's a local lord leveraging on his closest allies or it's being assembled on an order from the king or due to some immediate emergency, but generally the various kingdoms coordinate their forces for any sizeable action, most kingdoms don't have enough of a population for huge standing armies, plus limiting yourself to one kingdom massively restricts the amount of units available and needlessly forces you to a level of uniformity your elves can really do without.
>white lions in an Averlorn army?
Yes and sisters in any army

Sisters are given to lords when the everqueen cares about your cause. Lions and Pheonix guard when the king cares
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High elves are like skaven but nicer. If a high elf prince or whoever else wants to raise an army, they first pull from their local troops. Say for example a chracian prince is marching to war for whatever reason: he first raises his archers and spearmen from his local levy. Then the local high borns answer the call to war, mounting up on their best horses and armor. Then he calls to other forces he has direct command or influence over like white lions and white lion chariots. After that, he wants some cavalry, so he calls in a favor with the ellyrions and has some ellyrion reavers March to the prince's side and adorning his colors. Say they are marching to fight a chaos host sailing from the north, and it looks massive, other kingdoms might provide some units and men to help fortify the chracian defense. finally, if things look dire enough, named characters not from chrace may volunteer to help bolster the chracian defense.
So do the regional units (ellyrion reavers in the example) wear their native colours, or those of the noble they're fighting for? The GW studio army is entirely the blue of Lothern
I think the armies im going to play are going to be Dwarfs, Chaos Dwarfs, High Elves and Wood Elves. Got armies for all but wood elves atm.
I wish there were some stls out there of GW models that I can get my hands on. I hate the clash of 3rd party aesthetics with the rest of my army but these faggots won’t bring grail knights back in stock so they’re forcing my hand.
There's a call to muster, you put your gear on, and meet with your lads.
You then are divided into units based on your gear. Usually you'll have mostly spearmen and archers, as the bulk of any army will be levies.
I would think there exist stls of grail knights. Keep looking.
Thre are 6th edition Delves sold on the GW store, in square bases. Could be older, but I remember the sculpts from when I started.
Check cities of sigmar section
I'd just say paint everyone the same colour
it looks better imo
fuck that.
Yeah fair enough
Thats cool. Its your army dude.
Just paint it as you please
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I am today making Hobgoblins from the old stormvermin kit + new Hobgrot kit

Not super happy with the stormvermin shields - anyone got ideas for alternatives?

Also - what are you working on?
>implying chorfs would give expendable slaves shields
Even if they did they would be too small to customize or put your armies symbols on.
Maybe beastman shields? or make some out of plasticard (get a plastic sign from a hardware store and cut it up)
Hobgobins use shields
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Panting Amazons and high elves.
Well, these are their useful-idiot enforcers against the other greenskins, so they do certain privileges

also all the OG melee hobgoblins had shields, so its not like its without precedent
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printing high elves and working on my first set of decals for them. Never made decals before but I sure as fuck cant freehand that many swans by hand
>Not super happy with the stormvermin shields - anyone got ideas for alternatives?
See if you can pick up a sprue of Steppe Warriors from Fireforge and bluestuff the shields, to min-max some Mongolian vibes.
Oh no, your high elves are retarded.
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Forgot pic. You get two types of shields.
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Just their goddess.
Look man if there was a chance I could get aqua proud of me I'd hold the line with a spear and shield, even against chaos warriors

Won't be painting for a while because I am waiting for the new stls to drop in november and because I am going white I need to airbrush everything at the same time to help consistency
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Or, you could get the Mongol Cavalry. Doesn't have the giant rectangular shields, but you get a nice Mongoliana-style banner with it.
>DIY decal
...alright, I'll allow it
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Look at how badly I fumbled basic shapes and tell me I should keep freehanding
>Shrunken-head dudes from the call center as a squad
that would kick ass
What army would have Darkness on their banners?
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Like I said, they are like skaven if they weren't scumfucks. Reavers working for a chracian prince would chracian colors.
>Rereading Bretonnian lore
>Get to the part about how much it sucks to be a women in this land, even as a noble. If there are any women with jobs or who wish to fight its done through disguise.
>For some reason however at some point King Leon allows women to become knights.
>Absolutely no cultural upheaval or discourse noted among the population regarding this radical change in a religiously conservative kingdom

Man what was up with GW when doing Old World?
How many of the empire units are going to be metal? Or where they a plastic army due to being a poster child?
How would we know? They haven't announced anything yet.
its clear what they are, they have charm, and they definitely dont detract from the army as a whole. I like them anon, good work. good paintscheme.
You can see in the book and just look at what they had at the end of 8th

Pretty much all of their units would be plastic with a few resin. They might bring back some metals as an mto but that's it
Oh, the vast desire!
are beastmen a race that you are birthed into or are there cases where humans can mutate into them?
You could mutate into beastmen, but natural born ones would treat you worse than ungors or brays (beastmen with no horns). They are called turnskins
both, and more
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It's a militia drawn from local cities and the countryside + household troops of the rulers + religious orders + the nobles of a kingdom (with their own retinues).
Just a bit of everything.
>stormvermin kit + new Hobgrot kit
But why? Surely the hobgrots on their own would've been fine.
They look nothing like hobgoblins.
(am the anon converting)

I wanted them to look more militaristic and organised

The hobgrots from AoS look like slave-soldiers with how naked they are

Whereas hobgoblins in WFB are the underling class of slave-drivers beneath the chaos dwarfs themselves who've betrayed the rest of greenskin-kind but been afforded some protection and a little status by the chorfs in return
>Is it as much as you wanted to get done so far this year?
It never is, but I try to paint and build stuff consistently.
But I also paint thing for few other games and started to build Gundams this summer, so I guess overall, as for hobby, my progress is good
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>how does GW expect you
Reminder that GW wanted this game dead until recently (and some inside still probably do)
If you want a nice griffon, there are 3D print alternatives, or for example this nice boy from HarrowHyrst sold by Footsore Miniatures
>Not super happy with the stormvermin shields - anyone got ideas for alternatives?
Hobgoblins should have round shields - I guess you could look for historical alternatives, since you can find both bronze ones from Hoplites and wood ones from Dark Age/Viking era, depending on the style you are going for (More Feral, plains Hobgoblins with wood shields, those closely working for Chaos Dwarfs with bronze shields)
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Paint on elves.
>and wood ones from Dark Age/Viking era
Wargames Atlantic sells a box of 63 (hard plastic) Dark Age shields for cheap. More than you'd ever need.
Looks like they're becoming something that's really classically 'in the spirit' of Warhammer. Keep us updated, anon.
What are you gonna do about the slotta holes?
I wish someone sold gallic shields. Got a ton of the Warlord gauls and they come with 16 shields for 40 men a box, of which 4 are for javelinmen skirmishers so really 12 shields. Except 2 of the 10 a frame are nobles with maille and need shields, leaving 4 fucking actual shields for the 28 normal infantrymen to share.
It kinda works if you do it the way Warlord wants it, where the front eight guys are nobles and the back 32 are whatever the fuck, but I refuse.
>Reminder that GW wanted this game dead until recently (and some inside still probably do)
I don't agree with the narrative that GW hates Fantasy.
The fact of the matter is GW was 2 weeks away from bankruptcy and Fantasy was the big hole in their ship. I fully believe their mismanagement of the game and releases is the reason for this, but it nonetheless was the problem child between it and 40k. The motions for heading into Age of Sigmar were already well underway by the time 8th started to get its best sculpts and (I believe at least) what would have began the turning around of Fantasy's financial black hole into something profitable.
If they truly hated Fantasy they never would have let games like Total War: Warhammer be made or Vermintide. I'm sure there are some people in GW who view Fantasy as a Chud game and prefer xheir PoC Stormcast OCs but I don't think that is the majority.
As for 3d printing, well ahead of you on that front although I want to find a way to make this General on Isle of Blood Griffin work.
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>I wish someone sold gallic shields.
Victrix has your smooth meaty manbaby ass covered with warm, firm hands.

Neat. Needed gallic cav anyways.
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in WFRP fanon news the fanzine the Ratter is looking for submissions(art, RPG articles, adventures, ect.) for there Winter zine release
to submit stuff you will need to go on the Rat Catcher Discord
The CEO at the time was one of the biggest retards in business history. The problem wasn’t fantasy, it was the business direction. Never forget Kirby said that online sales/the internet was a passing fad. The only consolation in regards to his stupidity is he sold all his shares of GW for 2 million Brit bucks, if he had held them a few years longer he could have sold for 20.
Oh the sensual pleasure of final arrival!
>You should buy the Avatars of War slayer kit instead of GW's resin models
NTA, but:
1- AoW stopped selling anything physical psot covid
2- GW doesn't sell resin slayer except for two hero, tow ungrim and a dragon slayer sold as part of the fw resin command squad.

Slayers are at best a 1 phase screen this edition. The command is nice as a collerctor item only, do note there is three version of the standart and two of the musician, but only 1 of each available now. As a unit, they should have had scout as a base rule since at least v6, but alas. They're costed as if they had any chance to be used.
>our lady of the lake
>aqua means water, her brain activity is still as a lake
L take. AoS doesn't automatically mean bad, they're fine hobgoblins and the models have good posing and details.

W take. You've clearly thought about their armaments and how you want to display hobgrots in your army. Look forward to seeing the paint you slap on them!
>L take. AoS doesn't automatically mean bad, they're fine hobgoblins and the models have good posing and details.
They're fine skirmishers as is, but would need works to fit in any oldhammer hobs unit.
>AoS doesn't automatically mean bad
It doesent, but they still look nothing like hobgoblins as established in WHFB

Hes using their heads (which work) but giving them different bodies since they have very strange armor on which doesent really suit their aesthetic. The hunchbacked skaven on the other hand provide suitable bodies.
Lel, they really didn't even bother to add new gifts in the WoC Arcane Journal. What the hell GW?
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New chorf confirmed!
>TOW is a souless cashgrab
ill post it again.. shocker
Its HoC 2.0, what did you expect?
Why did you bother editing the eye?
why are you asking why retards do things they do?
because I can understand why the elements he edited out of the smoke were removed - theyre things you would need to remove to use the model in WHFB.

The eye on the other hand both "works" within the context of chorfs - its cartoony but thats the faction sans the FW stuff - and isnt a sculpted detail, its just a part of the paint job
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My point was more about the manner of TOW release, Anon
GW did almost everything they could as a parent to sabotage their child's school debut
Deliberately driving it to school late (premiere in the dead period of early January)
"Forgetting" to properly pack the schoolbag (pitifully small amounts of printed books sent to LGS'es, low stock both in physical and online GW stores)
Ostentatiously telling everyone in school that this kid is a bit retarded and his other sibling is much better in every aspect (every Community article with ludicrous footnotes like "Grognards and old peple will understand" or "remember that End Times is a thing, maybe you should be playing Age of Sigmar instead?"
Constantly calling the school to ask if the kid failed already and they can take him back to basement again ("Dead on the arrival/This game is already dead" viral campaign on almost every internet platform)

Someone in GW did everything they could to kill TOW, and I'm 100% sure they will keep trying, even despite the sales, investor report and community response proving that TOW/WFB has a place on the market
>adult male posting fag anime shit
As a father this unironically makes me sad. I can't imagine the disappointment of seeing my son growing up to be a "man" who watches anime and obsesses over cartoon girls. Literal nightmare fuel
>he says typing on 4chan
>I hope my son will do manly things, like passing out from drinking, pissing on streets and saying "fuck" in every sentence
>"Forgetting" to properly pack the schoolbag (pitifully small amounts of printed books sent to LGS'es, low stock both in physical and online GW stores)
Stock has been an issue with a lot of GW releases for some time now, HH also suffered from this

>every Community article with ludicrous footnotes like "Grognards and old peple will understand"
Anon thats not an attempt to drive people away from TOW thats an attempt to appeal to the self appointed grogs who like it. Its corporate pandering.

>("Dead on the arrival/This game is already dead" viral campaign on almost every internet platform)
And you think this was done by GW? Are you fucking retarded?
>an attempt to appeal to the self appointed grogs who like it
How was reminding about End Times in every article "pandering"
Unless you mean the AoS crowd
>And you think this was done by GW?
Then enlighten me, by whom?
Who was so dedicated to do this on multiple platforms for several months pro bono, out of pure spite, for whatever reason you can point out?
Please tell us Anon
>How was reminding about End Times in every article "pandering"
The "grogs will get this" comments dipshit. That's very clearly someone trying to be "hip and relatable" in corporate speech.
Corvus Belli
Parabellum( the dudes who make conquest I dont remember what theyre called)
FFG or whoever it is makes X wing
Privateer press
The guys who make the ASOIAF wargame
AoS players.
40k players.
"GW free warhammer" fags.

Throw a dart and whatever you hit will have a better motive and a higher likelihood to try and sabotage TOWs launch than the company spending lots of money to launch it. And this is of course assuming the base premise of "there was a coordinated attempt to sabotage the launch" rather than "people say sensationalist things on the internet because it drives engagement". This sort of X is DOA/Dead/Bad/Dying/the best thing ever! occurs to any number of games, movies and shows. Are all the "40k is dying!" articles and videos also an op by GW?
Tell me how many articles about TOW were published in White Dwarf since the game release
And yes, I'm sure all the Perry Twins and John Stellard were trying to sabotage TOW
Jesus, did you just list wargame companies from the top of your head and think this makes an argument?
>FFG or whoever it is makes X wing
X-wing is dead, same as SW Armada, Anon
I havent read a white dwarf since 2014 so I cant tell you, it is >0 however.
>did you just list wargame companies from the top of your head
Yes. Because any given random wargame company has a better motive to sabotage GW trying to launch another game and claim more market share than GW have to sabotage their own game.

Is it? I saw an event or something at the LGS a while back.
Whoever runs star wars legion then if thats the new one.
NTA but that makes more sense the saying the company that launched product is also trying to kill it? like what stops them from just straight canning it if they wanted to kill it as you say
Does anyone who isn’t a 40k paypig even buy white dwarf now? What’s the point? It doesn’t have good hobby articles anymore, it’s paying for advertising. Insanity.
yeah FFG is also kinda dead to an extent a lot of it just due to Embracer imploding and splitting off into three companies
X-wing is still alive thanks to the community, but the game is officially dead

While this seems logical, it doesn't explain all internal GW obstructions and hurdles for TOW
It comes from interal infighting between parts of GW
In the simplest terms possible, TOW made by Specialist Games division is a competitor for the manufacturing resources for main games divisions (40k, AoS), and from the AoS group, TOW and it's success is nibbling their "fantasy game" position
You can hear it here and there in several podcasts that are near the whole mess
>You can hear it here and there in several podcasts that are near the whole mess
so like no actual hard evidence that this is the case? just hearsay and rumour?
>almost the entire fucking Bret range is STILL out of stock
I'm starting to believe the self-sabotage schizos
I know, it’s fucking insane. Literally cannot buy grail knights anywhere. Out of stock globally, trebs out of stock, green knight out of stock, prophetesses out of stock, yeomen cav out of stock. What the fuck is games workshop doing? It’s been like this for months.
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We don't need to be arguing about commercial success or people trying to sabotage the game. What matters is that Fantasy is back. Get the models you want and the models you missed out on and have fun painting and playing with them. Who cares what people who don't collect the models or play the game think? It's just chirping, trying to make you upset. Ignore it and have a good time. Here's a funny picture from my last game.
How out of place do modern 3d printed minis look compared to the old models?
Making a vampire counts army and plan on bulking up whatever old kits I could snag on ebay with some printed dudes since I’m not a big fan of a lot of the AOS equivalents.
Once painted, you can't really tell the difference
>get small empire lot for cheap
>bits bag has a metal grimgor hiding inside
>captcha TOYGOT
>While this seems logical, it doesn't explain all internal GW obstructions and hurdles for TOW
NTA, but I assume that is a combination of GW having retarded policies on minis not working between systems and having no faith in old world because they are already murdered fantasy anyway.

>oh hey fantasy is actually really popular and people want to play it
>only way they can officially use those armies is half assed AoS factions or literal unupdated PDFs
>what if we just releases the game?
>nearly all rules and models ground work is done
>clearly shoved to the back burner of focus to shit out every other system that was getting an update or also getting launched since all those years of “work amounted to fuck all actually noticeable yet
>GW policy means no faction cross over unless it’s literally impossible to avoid like warriors of chaos so factions have to be gutted from one system or the other since AoS is currently in various states of doing fuck all with several of them
>most likely assumed that AoS would always dominate fantasy in customers and thus support should reflect that
>probably hesitant to produce much of anything because at the best of times GW production numbers are fucked outside of some starting boxes for some systems
>constant hype cycle means nothing gets to come out at a normal rate since whatever current big release is must be the only thing discussed and take up all the time so focus is scattershot and screwy

Basically incompetence to the point it looks malicious
NTA, but each major company is nowadays composed of multiple parts that are not always going after the same goals. The best example would be gaming companies, where devs want to make the things they want to make and investors want devs to make things that will sell instead. Modern World of Warcraft devs have been sabotaging World of Warcraft Classic since it launched, since it went against their vision of how WoW should be, while at the same time proving that the old WoW, from the time before those 'visionaries' were even hired, was more popular with the players today (well, back then). They couldn't just can it since it brought in a ton of subs and investors wouldn't let them, so they were hoping that by adding stuff nobody likes people will stop playing, which should let them can it and preserve the 'superiority' of their own vision.
Surely the noble and mighty elves won this fight against the disgusting little daemons...right?
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Good post. Here's what I'm working on currently. Very finicky but looking forward to painting
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Same with TK.
GW I am for once willing to spend full price to get some ushabti and screaming skull catapults but you fuckers STILL have them OOS for ages now.
Are there any good alternative minis for Wood Elves?
Won't the sand on the model itself get in the way of painting? Or has it not been brushed off yet?
Paint the mini before attaching it to the base, dont want to accidentally paint the sand.
You can call it like that, considering that no corporation will air their internal dirty loundry willingly

But I point you out for their investor report, where GW admitted that TOW managed to attract players old and new, despite their own predictions, and it forced them to re-evaluate their attitude towards the game
In corporate terms this is as far as you will get in regards of admitting previous mistakes
Taste is subjective. So depending on what you are after you need different recommendations. That said wood elves are not exactly a concept that is unique to warhammer though, so you have tons of options. Basically every DnD and LotR mini range from the 70s to now could be used as alternative for wood elves.
You could look at the 9th edition forums where they have collection for alternate minis to use to get you started.
Ill take a look, i hate waiting so long for the basic minis to come back
I would believed the incompetence if not for all those already mentioned small things like "but remember your universe is DEAD, lol" footnotes

Buuut, I guess that could be an attempt at humour?
I don't know, I guess through a computer screen someone's plain stupidity could come as malice while it's not, who knows
Not brushed off yet. Just a mid-process pic
Not in my country, I saw only weird japanese kitsune or "gauls with pointy ears" celtic ones
But apparently there is some 3D print alternative in the UK that is selling like hot cakes, if you believe Square Base host
That's what I figured, but I wondered if maybe you were going for some kind of texture. Looking forward to seeing it come along if you'll post more of the progress here, I think it's cool.
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>Basically incompetence to the point it looks malicious
pretty much true. They killed off WHFB just before Total War came out. Can you imagine the influx of people from that release? Without Dawn of War exposed 40k to the mainstream audience and made it a know property outside of gaming stores.
I had a ton of normie friends ask me about WHFB. I had to tell them that GW killed of the entire setting by literally blowing up the planet. I don't think there is a more effective way to kill someone's enthusiam than that. Looking someone in the eyes and watching that spark die while they process what they heard is quite the experience.

Friends don't let friends get into GW games.
Damn bro not bad speed, I got my models 3 months ago and haven't finished painting them.
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Never played any wargame but love the tomb kings in TW:WH so I bought the starting box and a few others (Necrosphinx, Tomb Guard, and a few special characters.) But I've got almost the first box finished just have to wrap up the chariots and then I can move onto the others.

I just feel ashamed to have my first army be grey and boring, but a buddy wants to play soon so I've got to speed up some progress.

Running a company eats so much into hobby time. Bought these when they dropped in Febuary.
Won't cleaning off mould lines after assembly be kinda difficult?
Looking sharp, anon. Good work. Keep it up and you'll have a fully painted army before long! You don't need to play a full 2000 point game if your models aren't ready. Consider asking your friend to play 500 or 1000 points to start.
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I just saw the prices on gamesworkshop.com and i even had to check the local retailer.
Holy fuck i will never return to this brand. I will just 3D print my own and maybe use the rules for the.
Like what in the jesus fuck happened.
and TOW is still generally cheaper than other GW games going by a cost per model basis with some completely bizarre exceptions
GW trying to make up for lost profit expectations by upping the price.
Been that way for a while now.
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Obviously some interesting (Undivided-themed) gifts.
Also really fucking lame that they just decided to half-ass a second Army of Infamy. I for one would definitely had prefered that they spent the wasted space on further fleshing out the interesting but limited not!Norscan sub-army.
Consider that ToW is by far the most reasonably priced game. 15 years ago a box of 16 chaos warriors cost $45 at my GW. Today a box of 32 chaos warriors costs $100. Hasn’t even kept up with inflation, actually cheaper per model than it used to be. Unless you’re playing orcs or a legacy army the pricing is pretty damn good if you’re buying third party and paying $80 for a unit that is double the size they sold in the past.
>some interesting (Undivided-themed) gifts.
In HoC 2.0? Why?
You will take your dragon and your cav and play like this is 6th ed and you will like it.
6th had rules for gifts and mutations. They were published in white dwarf and included in one of the annuals.
You don't know what you're talking about.
>In HoC 2.0?
What army did you think the posted pic was applicable to?
They went out of their way to point out that the AJ's focus lay on Undivided (while hinting that future ones might have a mono-god approach) which taken together with the fact that they are an expansion type thing meant to add flavour and variety to the more generic basic army book would suggest that gifts would have center stage since they're vital to the customization of characters. In other words; when adding some bonus Undivided flavour to WoC gifts really are a shoo-in which is why them not including any is so baffling.
>6th had rules for gifts and mutations
I know. They just werent interesting.
>What army did you think the posted pic was applicable to?
Which of those was supposed to be interesting?
Oh, you're trolling.
Oh yea, +1M on foot and "1 extra attack on the charge" are both super interesting and really change what you can do with your character.
I fucking hate ToW.

I fucking hate the myriad of close combat options. If you fail break test you should get fucked none of this fall back shite.

I hate pre measuring.

I hate stupid fucking fated dispel. A rule that only exists because they fucked up casting.

I hate that everything has armour saves, ward saves and fucking regens.

I hate 3 fucking dragons in a 2000 point army.

I hate stupid fucking armour bane proc and separation of AP and strength.
Time to embrace Age of Fantasy: Regiments
Alright, go play an older edition then.
That's okay. We hate (you)
>Time to embrace Age of Fantasy: Regiments
NTA but it is fun.
There are simpler rulesets. Try the one children used to use for green army men: each player throws (or rolls) a marble at his opponent's army, any models that fall over are dead and removed from play. Should be more your speed.
Ruined the paintjob on my Chaos Dwarf Taurus Lord

I am killing myself
Nonsense, simply soak the model overnight in your paint stripper of choice and try again.
Dont have any and im broke atm. I also fully believe i will just mess it up again lmao
there is nothing you cannot fix. If you painted it before you can do it again.
Just adapt the Bob Ross mindset. No mistakes, just happy little accidents.
How the hell did you afford an expensive out of production model if you can't buy cleaning products? If you're just going to give up, why even post about it? When you fall off a horse, you're supposed to get right back on, anon. Do it. Try again. Don't pussy out.
Bought it a while ago
wish we got the older plastic WoC models even as a MTO
Took another look at it, its not that awfull. The taurus itself still looks really good since i did that before.
>3 fucking dragons in a 2000 point army.
plus forsaken plus dragon ogre.
Spread wide, they be coming.
wonder why GW isn't releasing the old forsaken models for TOW.
it's such an odd omission to not have those models available to purchases
Those things are brittle as fuck, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the smaller mutation pieces got ruined somehow. Bring back the 90s mutation sprue.
Why dont Dwarfs have great cannons
>plus forsaken plus dragon ogre.
You arent really taking dragon ogres in any meaningful quantity.

At cheapest the three dragons runs you like 1345 pts or something, add your 500 obligatory core and thats 1845 pts. And this is iirc with an entirely naked chaos lord, so realistically you are at like 1875. The three dragon list is, as the name implies, three dragons, not much more to it than that. Dont need much more than that either.
there more advanced than the Empire or the Bombards of Bretonnia
Cannons generally became smaller as they advanced in technology
But they're weaker on the tabletop
because smaller cannons will do less damage in general but the dwarf ones are more advanced
Dwarf philosophy is like that Matthew Mchounghey Lexus commercial “ sometimes to go forward, you have to go back “
Because dwarfs have smaller, less flashy, but more accessible and reliable artillery than the empire.
But can be inscribed with runes!
Anyone who brings 3 dragons is a faggot and you shouldn't play against them anyway, so that's not a valid point. Pre-measuring vs. not pre-measuring is a meme and doesn't actually matter. Fated dispel is good.
The rest of your points are somewhat valid.
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>I hate pre measuring.
How to spot a brainlet.
Guess distances is an inherently flawed system that can only be defended with cope.

It fails to provide meaningful ambiguity or randomness (the things its supposed to do) because distances are easy to learn
>But its not supposed to provide randomness!
Then it does nothing but obfuscate information for the three or so games until you learn to eyeball that shit, meaning its just an inconvenience
>but the point is that it rewards player experience!
It rewards a very rudimentary learning curve with no bearing to the actual choices made in the game. A system that you can render obsolete through knowledge/experience is not a well designed system.

I would say its comparable to having dice results which are worse unless you know the probabilities involved, but knowing probabilities is a meaningful part of strategy and knowing what to do, so that's not even correct.
>Nooooo! you can't like what I don't like!
>Anime on an anime forum! unthinkable!
>Real men can only paint their toy soldiers with things I like!
>Dwarfen Mountain Holds [2000 pts]
>Warhammer: The Old World, Dwarfen Mountain Holds

>++ Characters [235 pts] ++
>Anvil of Doom [235 pts]

>++ Core Units [505 pts] ++
5 Quarrellers [55 pts] x 8
10 Rangers [120 pts]

>++ Special Units [780 pts] ++
Bolt Thrower [60 pts] x 2
Bolt Thrower [55 pts] x 2
2 Gyrocopters [130 pts]
2 Gyrocopters [140 pts] x 2
1 Gyrocopters [70 pts] x 2

>++ Rare Units [480 pts] ++
5 Irondrakes [96 pts] x 5

Bruh... THIS is your epic fantasy ranked battle game?
dwarves are gay. Now with that out of the way how are ogres holding up in the old world?
>n the simplest terms possible, TOW made by Specialist Games division is a competitor for the manufacturing resources for main games divisions
lol, did they not think a game involving pre-End Times would hit the track running?
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just finished painting my first lance this weekend :)
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>*Builds cheese*
Seeing that the last one needed to be cancelled for fear of it killing the entire company (Not the IPs fault mind you) yeah probably.
Also they are creating a new building for manufacturing minis which will probably allocate a lot of space to The Old World.
The people owning stake in the company don't play the game, they only know what Data Analyst reports tell them.

I plan on having 60 chaos warriors and 20 chosen chaos warriors when I play 3000 point games. As it stands, my 1000 point army has 26 chaos warriors and I've got ~20 left to paint.
The game is only stupid if you choose to make it stupid. Stop being gay and build an actual army, lest ye receive Nurgle's pox.
In theory you can do this, it's shit but in theory you can do it.
what makes them bad?
Weaker offensively but cheaper and with better defense.
>I hate pre measuring

So then don't do it lol?
>unironically defending asian cartoons with little girls and shit
Post Physique, I wonder what's on your hard drive
these look crisp as fuck, nice
The new whip item might make chosen actually pretty decent. +d3 movement isnt something to scoff at, especially since its before charges. And since its a characteristic buff it affects stuff like steed of shadows, so a potential 45" drilled march turn 1. Just *teleports behind you* stuff
Are they any good?
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> I wonder what's on your hard drive
Gay men, also a bunch of wo jacks.
overcosted but fine otherwise
Dwarfs have better options for infantry, empire might want them. The dudes themselves are overcosted for what they are, but the character is good so I guess it balances out.
Nice, are these the new helms from the recent boxset or 3rd party?
>Not super happy with the stormvermin shields

I combined the round clanrat with the triangle from thiers. Makes a kinda kite shield.
What edition do people mainly play old world in?
They look like microwaved dog turds
3rd party, Highland Miniatures

One of very few 3rd party mini ranges that actually looks like it belongs next to GW stuff imo
They’re honestly fine, albeit overpriced across the board. But their monsters and mournfangs are good, as are Ironguts. They do get hit pretty hard by heavy cavalry, and those are everywhere this edition.
the old world
Give me those old tree men and trew kin back.... They're kino
A thing about the whip that I think is slept on is that it's also basically a budget Duellist Blades that trades one of its additional attacks for not requiring two hands meaning you can take a shield with it.
Warriors of Chaos Arcane Journal is in the OP link now
May your chaos god of preference bless you with many gifts, anon.
Thanks Anon. Appreciate the photos until someone else can give the pdf
Already mentioned, plus it's only screenshots.
warriors of chaos back to the poll
Now that I've actually read it, man, I'm not paying $33 for not even a half a page of content I actually care about. 2 magic items, the rod of the damned and the tome of the dark gods, that's all I'd need the book for. Screw paying for that, I'm just going to print the magic items section out and use it like that. The rest is just nonsense gobbledygook fluff that isn't even cool, alternative army lists that I'm not going to use and unit profiles that I'm also not going to use.
These magic items could have been in the ravening hordes book.
>2 magic items, the rod of the damned and the tome of the dark gods, that's all I'd need the book for.
I agree that the book is a major let down but atleast the items are pretty neat.
Beside the two you mention I found the following really appealing:
>Dagger of the Dark Pantheon
Looks to be lovely on a DP or ever a combat sorc. While it only effect the first dispel/cast you do that still gives you some opportunity to steer the magic game and would even allow you to take a lower wizard lvl will still being somewhat potent.
>Taskmaster's Scourge
Budget Duellist Blades that allows you to also take a shield is looking rather lovely imo, especially since it also bolsters the movement of whatever unit it is taken in and has a low enough point cost that a unit champion can take it.
>Daemonic Platemail
Would be absolutely great on a DP or a char mounted on a Daemonic Mount. The extra T is really nice but on top of that it's also a full plate armour.
>Mighty Serpent's Scalemail
Could be neat on a Chieftain with a flail I suppose.
>Talisman of the Carrion Crow
As a Nurgle guy I just really love this one.
>Talisman of the Soaring Eagle
Could have been amazing if the ward was a +4 but as is feels kinda hard to justify on anything else than a chieftain.
>Sea Raider's Crest
I'd love it if only it wasn't locked to the Wolves of the Sea AI. Furthermore with this banner in mind I do find it weird that they didn't add an item that grants Fear. Would have absolutely creamed my pants if I could take this standard in a unit of Ogres.
>Icon of Darkness
Really lovely, will probably not let my Chosen knights leave home without it.
>Bloodskull Pendant
Another item I'd loved if only it could have been taken on a Daemonic Mount-riding Sorcerer.
>Daemon-Forged Barding
Fun but lame that it's locked to the Heralds of Darkness AI.
>Fun but lame that it's locked to the Heralds of Darkness AI.
NTA but the entire Heralds of Darkness list seems lame. It feels like a phoned in after-thought after Wolves of the Sea.
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Red and gold, if you ever played World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade or later you may recognize it as the Blood Elf color scheme.
That's because it is.
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little update, finished three more riders and glued everyone on. Will be varnishing them all tomorrow.
Those boars look crazy as fuck. Nice.
is TOW also dead at your LGS?
It came 2nd place in a tournament.
No, people are playing it and are having small tournaments every so often as people are getting their armies built as their arcane journals come out.
It never even began since the game nights are hosted by the people working there so it's only MtG with 40k, AoS and HH. But TOW product is constantly moving in and out of store so it's being played somewhere. You need to join a wargaming club where you can find games for even the most obscure system you can think of.
I have two LGS in my city which I frequent, both have a strong TOW community with leagues and events. Pretty lucky to live where I do.
Thank you anon, I saw the eyes as an opportunity to give them different personalities/frenzy levels
AOS has more frequent tournaments but makes almost zero new sales, my LGS has like 20 boxes of Skaventide collecting dust still. TOW sells better.
From what box do I build the rangers? The quarreler box?
Everyone gets an all cav list now, but woc already does massed cav in the grand army.

The 33% core is stupid and lazy, would have been far more interesting to give 33% rare and 33% heroes but that would be at odds with the mega dumb mark limits.

I don't hate the mark limits if that was how it worked in a grand army but in the heralds list it's kinda crippling.

Chosen chariots are good, but black orcs got them in core too and honestly I would have preffered light marauder chariots for wolves of the sea.
what do skaventide sales have to do with how much AoS is selling? most people dont care about rats or SCE.
>Hobby report.
>How much have you gotten done this year?
A lot. About 5k of Orcs and Gobbos and 2k of chaos.
>Are you happy with what you've done?
Yes and no. I'm mostly annoyed I haven't had motivation to fix any of my 100 empire infantry that have sat in a box since late 8th or the 200 remainging nightgoblins
>Is it as much as you wanted to get done so far this year?
No. Heresy and the birth of my 3rd child have distracted me
New edition starter set being DOA is a bad sign for game health.

Given legacy faction sales for old world
Or it might be a sign that new people aren't interested in Skaven or Sigmarites and are buying something else to start their collection. You'd need to see the full range of data to make any conclusions.
Man ogres really are lacking in something. Not even sure what i'd add to them really, also whats up with yhettis being in there? Innt that more of a western thing than a Mongolian attribute?
You may want to look up where yetis are from.
guess I was thinking of big foot or smthn.
Nta but arent they originally a westernized version of the wendigo?
I don't know where or from who the myth originated from but since they are supposedly from the Asiatic region that's probably why James picked the name.
Also as a side note the yeti has several regional names, one of them being Mi-go.
No. Yeti is specifically derived from the Tibetan word for the monsters in the Himalayas. Wendigo is from Algonquian Native American folklore.
According to H. Siiger, the Yeti was a part of the pre-Buddhist beliefs of several Himalayan people. Buddhism was formally introduced into Tibet in 7-9th century C.E.
>educated in multiple disciplines including myth, folklore and regional histories
Yep, I'm in a WHFB discussion.
This always nice to see on /tg/, glad something here keeps the old ways alive. And it's making me want to reread my books about tibet too
>Bloodskull Pendant
Flying daemon princes with this and the plate of t6 and strike last aura will be pretty groovy. Amazed it's not locked to heralds like most of the other good things.
any books that showcase the morality of norscans the best?
It never even got off the ground
like BL books or just general source books?
I don't understand why they didn't just do a Kurgan-tailored list instead of the Heralds. Would have worked equally well as a half-ass since they wouldn't have had to do much, just give them acess to berserkers and huskarls (which shouldn't be the huskarl unit we got but oh well) and throw in a mandatory unit of marauder horse archers.
>Watch oldhammer painting videos on yt.
>Want to start 3 more armies on top of the ones I haven't even started painting.
Tale as old as time.
The DP strike at S6 already and can easily get a fair number of attacks with a decent to high AP so I don't know if it's the best item on it but as is yeah, that's probably the best use of it given the small base size of other infantry chars.
I feel like I really aught to block ebay and youtube, shit is not good for the soul.
either or. I guess bl takes priority.
Why would they do that when it's basically just another wolves of the sea?
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Well, it's a pity about the high points cost, but if they're as good as you say then I may actually take them with Empire.
They do look distinct from more 'recent' Dwarf minis, being 1987 sculpts. But with a good paint job they certainly have a charm.
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>we will never get cursed company
i don't think BL has many if any books staring norscan, the Wulfrik book is pretty decent I guess Rider of the Dead but that not about Norscans but the Kurgan instead.
WFRP books Tome of Corruption and Sea of Claws has a large section of Norsca and norscan society
Lustria has a large segment about the Norscan city of Skeggi which you may also find useful
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Liber Chaotica is worth a check, WD290's Olde Weirde's Incunabulum entry has some stuff, and WD309's Wayfarer Companion (the Skeggi HQ units option for 6e) also has a little.
>it's a pity about the high points cost
I think its to balance out the character, either that or GW really overvalued their pistols.
Theyre pretty decent when kitted out, but they wont beat dedicated heavy infantry (not without relying on the inbuilt character).
Yea, for a budget magic item its offensive stats arent that bad, +1A at -1Ap isnt awful, means you can take it on a unit champion and not feel bad.
Stick it on a chosen champion and watch the magic happen.
>Another item I'd loved if only it could have been taken on a Daemonic Mount-riding Sorcerer.
Its only really good for bullying bretonnians since it hits every dude on the outside of the lance since theyre all in base contact.
All the armies I want to collect haven't been released for TOW yet and I don't feel like browsing 3rd parties. Heh! Otherwise I'd have your problem.
Well, I went and done it. My lgs is getting the dwarf warriors and shieldbearer king for me next week. No clue what to order after them though
if you don't have any Dwarf Carts already you might want the Miners box since that box give you five of them
That a good addition? I'll put tgem on my list
the carts can be built two ways one of which give greater movement to dwarfs
It obviously would have had different special rules to set it apart as the nomadic horde take on marauders to the sea raider approach of the Wolves of the Sea. Would have been much thematic then just throwing in the half-baked random second AI that they actually did.
>Nta but arent they originally a westernized version of the wendigo?
I think you are thinking about Sasquatch/Bigfoot
Wendingo is the thing that is always hungry and cannot ever sate it's hunger
It is usually associated with an evil cannibal dying and turning into Wendingo as a punishment
The issue is that they clearly pussied out on it, probably because they realized that it was just going to be "the main army but better".
So an ALL non-cav/chariot options (no dragons, no manticores, no nothing that isnt mounted), ban dragon ogres. Chosen knights in core/made 1-chaos champion like black guard. Everyone gets fear and some other stuff.

Actually commit to knight spam in a way that lets it play differently to "the exact same list you use now but worse"
That was a nerf in v6 to discourage their use in favor of the non plastic machines.
The current dev dont even know that. SO they kept it verbatim even though it comparatively overnerf them. The v5 mini was a metal grand canon.
Same way the dwarves royal army is the grand army but worse.
These writers are smug hacks.
>Same way the dwarves royal army is the grand army but worse.
The royal army is better as a melee army, which is its niche. Its a significant boost to your ability to throw infantry at people and fistfight them, but gives up a lot of utility and ranged power to do it.

The heralds of darkness list runs essentially the exact same units as the main army, but has mark restrictions and an extended core section in exchange for rerolling 1s on the charge.
Stuff in here any good? Also does anyone happen to know if iron guts come with extra bits for conversions?
Dwarves dont get to ever reach melee.
grand army but melee buffed! is a worse army.
Worse, your best chance for melee is rangers in all armies and miners in ex force. Or the dispel at all cost anvil teleport.
None being a royal army thing.
>grand army but melee buffed! is a worse army.
Grand army but better in melee is a different army. It does and plays differently to the main army.
If I was half assing the heralds list I'd keep the existing special rules + give everyone fear if they didn't already have it.
I'd remove dps and dragons and focus on small heroes and rejig the list as follows:

Army Of Infamy Composition List


Up to 50% of your army's points value may be spent on:

1+ Exalted Champion or Sorcerer Lord per 1,000 points

Aspiring Champions and Exalted Sorcerers


At least 33% of your army's points value must be spent on:

1+ unit of Chaos Knights

Marauder Horsemen, Chaos Chariots and Chaos Warhounds

0-1 unit of Chosen Chaos Knights may be taken as a Core choice


Up to 50% of your army's points value may be spent on:

0-1 units of Chosen Chaos Knights per 1,000 points

0-1 Chosen Chaos Chariot per 1,000 points

Gorebeast Chariots, Chaos Spawn and Chimeras


Up to 33% of your army's points value may be spent on:

0-1 Gigantic Spawn of Chaos per 1,000 points

0-1 Chaos Giant per 1,000 points (see page 108 of Ravening Hordes)

0-1 Warpfire Dragon per 1,000 points
Personally I would go with something like this:

>All characters must be mounted on a chaos steed, daemonic mount or chariot

up to 50% of your army can be spent on:
0-1 chaos lord
0-1 exalted champion or sorcerer lord per 1000 points
Aspiring champions and exalted sorcerers

At least 25% of your army must be spent on
1+ unit of chaos knights
Marauder horsemen
Chaos warhounds
Chaos Knights
Chaos chariots
0-1 units of chosen chaos knights may be taken as a core choice if your army is led by a chaos lord

Up to 50% of your army may be spent on
0-1 units of chosen chaos knights per chaos champion taken (aspiring champions and exalted champions are chaos champions The lord isnt included because he already gave you a core unit).
0-1 units of chosen chaos chariots per 1000 points
gorebeast chariots

Up to 25% of your army may be spent on
0-1 warpfire dragon may be taken if your army is led by a sorcerer lord

>special rules
Same restrictions for marks (buying a character with a mark unlocks giving one unit that mark for free, canonot otherwise purchase marks)
reroll 1s to charge/pursue/flee
reroll 1s when rolling to determine the number of impact hits
all units gain fear if they did not already have it

Really emphasize the "retinue" aspect when list building, you compensate for the extra cav power by cutting out all the monstrous elements of the army.

Also while im listing empty fantasies, I would rework the obsidian dreadglaive or whatever its called:

55pts, heralds of darkness only
+2S -2AP, reroll 1s to hit and wound on the charge, the strength bonus from this weapon applies only in a turn in which the model charged
Your mileage may vary, but the Dagger and a couple other maid items are quite cool. Sea Wolves look genuinely good and unique, Warpfire Dragons are cracked, and the new units are fun conversion opportunities. Heralds are lame, but you can't win em all.
Are you gonna let that stop you? As if GW are going to have their new version of Warhammer Fantasy to be without the most original idea they've ever had. Skaven will get rules. This is not cope.
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Could a necromancer or vampire hanging out in the woods summon a bunch of animated haunted trees to aid him?

I love the idea of a skeleton army with a bunch of haunted wood spirits following them into battle, to complete the spooky halloween vibe
>Stuff in here any good?
In what sense? Also ogres are ogres, you only have so much variety in your core units.
>Also does anyone happen to know if iron guts come with extra bits for conversions?
Ironguts are just the regular ogre kit with bonus sprues.
Ironblasters are very good. The rest is just stuff you'll need anyway.

Reanimation tree spirits sounds like a great way to get on the wood elves shit list, sounds fun. Dreads as ghouls, treekin as crypt horrors, treemen as varghulfs, etc.
>Dreads as ghouls
Theyre a bit big and armored for that. Maybe the really old RT one could work as unit filler.
I always wanted to do a cursed/spooky treeman army. Seems fun.
Wouldn't have cared what I ran it as, but either as Strigoi or Wood Elves treedudes made sense to me.
No, we got a league going on now and a tournament forming up for next month with around 20 people.
I recall a magic item from the Storm of Magic book that had to do with necromancy and animating dead trees.
The idea that people are skipping over the big "BUY THIS BOX TO START YOUR JOUNEY!" box and are instead buying the other ones is... one way of coping, for sure.
The banner is a 10/10, would ride to krump with them
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Yes make some of these dudes
Could mean that new people aren't coming into AoS or they aren't interested in Skaven or Stormcast. That doesn't speak of AoS sales as a whole since AoS is more than just new people buying a new people box. As I said earlier without the full scope of all the sales data it's impossible to say what this means for AoS as a whole. However..

>one way of coping, for sure.
You're the one who is full of cope pulling out doomsday scenarios based on, what, anecdotes? The box is sold out in my local game stores. What does that mean? They ordered 1 copy and it sold out? They ordered 100 and they sold out? Who knows. We'll only know once we see what happens next.
multiple spearheads have been going out of stock when I was eyeing some of them, the seraphon, not vampire counts, and one other stupid aos name I cant remember had been out of stock from third party stores for a while I think.
Demon forged barding is probably the most thematic and fun heralds item. It would be cool if the heralds army let 1 unit of chosen knights swap out their chaos steeds for demonic mounts, even at an extraordinary price. As it is, its currently sharing an item slot with ruby ring of ruin and the new magic missile item which both seem like safer bets.

Wtf were they thinking with 33% core requirement?
There is not a single spearhead out of stock and no, they do not refill that fast, even for 40k, so don't claim "well they just put more up for sale!"
>As I said earlier without the full scope of all the sales data
We know from 3rd parties that AoS was selling almost as well as TOW, which had only 2 and a half factions launched at the point the data was collected. That's not a good sign for AoS performance.
they're out of stock in my state.
Your state smells haha.
>Wtf were they thinking with 33% core requirement?
It's paticular bizarre as wolves of the sea gets an inflated 33% rareand maintain a 25% core.

Locking so many items to the armies of renown is very weird though
In the state of absolute denial perhaps
Would you play against this? Or is it too cunty?
I would but I enjoy a challenge and going up against meta armies.
>would you play against this
No, I only play older editions.
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Just a reminder, the only champion that can accept the Warriors Duel from a Wolves of the Sea list in an Ogre Kingdom's army are gnoblars.
No chaos warriors? That's kind of gay, anon.
Rebase for tow now or we take you to Nottingham.
My neck of the wood has constant supply problem with various AoS boxes and figs while TOW is fully stocked. Also no LGS is hosting TOW events at least yet.
If only official figures reflected your anecdote... But the plural of anecdote is never "data", now is it?
Your "official" figure is someone calling a bunch of LGS' (In America) and asking what's selling, in 2023. There have been no official statement by James himself that I'm aware of.
>Your "official" figure is someone calling a bunch of LGS' (In America) and asking what's selling, in 2023.
That's actual data, you realize?
You'll never make me rebase James Workshop, I will even base newly painted models on the old sizes
NTA, but while that is data, its not data gotten via statistics. So its basically worthless data. Many people just flat out don't consider it to be data as a result. TOW doesn't sell or exist in my area, but statistically speaking; TOW did well in Spring 2024.
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>triple dragons
>bare minimum core
>forsaken and knights only
You know what chaos needs? Chaos warriors with magical blunderbusses.
>So its basically worthless data
"IT'S WORTHLESS BECAUSE I SAY IT IS!" is not a compelling argument. It just makes you look like you're in denail.
nah, their main characterisation doesn't support the industry and supply lines needed for entire regiments armed with blackpowder weapons.

occasional gifts from demonic patrons, or purchases from the chaos dwarfs, are alright, but again, not enough for entire units and then again they do look best when they barely look like a conventional weapon.

chaos warriors with crossbows would be another story altogether.
Ignoring the fact that the data is over a year old now and, thus, worthless. You're the only person I see here who is in denial because he latched on to a survey result only because it confirmed his bias. Zero critical thinking exercised on your part.
>Ignoring the fact that the data is over a year old now and, thus, worthless.
It was until the end of Spring 2024... That's less than six months anon
>preorded the first books for old world
>massively delayed partly do to the ‘the snow storm’ that lasted well after temps had risen into the 60s
>preordered orcs and goblins
>that order came late with half it missing and in two completely separate boxes
>chaos preoder is already at a terminal 2 hours from my home and is most likely coming today or definitely by tomorrow
Praise the dark gods???
cite it
NTA, but it might make an interesting regiment of renown so it explicitly avoids overriding the factions character. Maybe even just make them have a pistol as a side arm?
Granted that immediately raises the question of why said unit wouldn’t just be a unit of chorf mercs instead
The fact that it says "sales Spring 2024" doesn't clue you in...? Do you think Spring 2024 means Spring of 2023 for some reason???
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I miss my dwarfs already
Rate my not!Nuln List (it's a Blackpowderocracy in the Border Princes that I'm going to build from Pike and Shot-era minis that I have)


>Wizard Lord (General)
Level 4 Wizard, Necromancy, Wizard's Familiar, Armour of Tarnus, Lore Familiar

>Empire Engineer
Grenade Launching Blunderbuss, Light Armour

>Empire Engineer
Grenade Launching Blunderbuss, Light Armour

>Witch Hunter
Light Armour, Brace of Pistols


>State Missile Troops, x10
Handguns, Light Armour
Full Command, Hochland Long Rifle
>State Troop Detachment, x10
Thrusting spears, Light Armour, Shields

>State Missile Troops, x10
Handguns, Light Armour
Full Command, Hochland Long Rifle
>State Troop Detachment, x10
Thrusting spears, Light Armour, Shields

>State Missile Troops, x10
Handguns, Light Armour
Full Command, Hochland Long Rifle
>State Troop Detachment, x10
Thrusting spears, Light Armour, Shields


>Great Cannon
>Great Cannon
>Great Cannon
>Great Cannon

>Outriders, x5
Pistols, Repeater handguns, Heavy Armour
Musician and Champion, Grenade Launching Blunderbuss

>Outriders, x5
Pistols, Repeater handguns, Heavy Armour
Musician and Champion, Grenade Launching Blunderbuss


>Steam Tank
Steam Cannon, Steam Gun, Hochland Long Rifle

I think it's gun/10. Not sure if I need 2 engineers since I'm not sure if piling all the cannons together or spreading them out into 2 groups is the way to go. If I need to drop one then I can spend it on a priest or something. Hopefully a good building point for whatever Nuln-list they're doing for Empire's Arcane Journal.
But why.
Are detachments worth it at all?
Are you referring to the gunners or the detachments? Explain yerself, lad.
all of this would fit in tow just fine with some rebasing and a removal of the sigmarine mask. This gives you pretty much all the ogres you need for, I want to sayyy 1k points? maybe more? idk how good or bad gnoblars are but some gnoblars and yhetees would help flesh em out a little. This box is good but i'd say buy 2 at most.
Detachments have to be half the regiment size.
Also who necromancy and not Illusion to buy your guns more time?
It all depends on which shops those were and how they gave their answers. GW shops would say that AoS is selling out no matter what, while others may not want to go into their books (if some literally who just called me I definitely wouldn't waste my time on it) and just say whatever off the top of their heads. Aside from GW shops promoting AoS, which is useless for statistics, the other answers would at most indicate what is most recognizable by shopkeepers.
>Detachments have to be half the regiment size.
Oh, shit. My mistake.
Lance over flail retard. No point in an enchanting aura on the dragon either.
Poison for warhounds is pointless.

Thats 63 points of core more than basically any other army out there.
NTA, but how good is the scrap launcher. I’ve had the kit for a bit and have been paralyzed on building either option
Stop it anon, you're going too fast for me
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Alright, I adjusted the list so it's 12 missile troops and 6 detachment troops each. With the leftover points I put a Ruby Ring of Ruin on the Witch Hunter because I didn't know what more to spend it on. I could drop him entirely and put an Ulric Priest with heavy armour and shield (and Ruby Ring again, spare 31 points don't know what to spend it on) in I guess? The Wrath of Winter prayer seem pretty good.

Also reading up on Illusion that does seem like the better option for a ranged list, so I'll go with that over Necromancy.
You can catch up, friend. Today and tomorrow I'm helping a friend exacuate their home due to incoming flood
>Natural disaster has to occure to pull away this Anon from his painting table
But on serious note, stay safe, I just came down from fixing my roof after that goddamn rain and I hope flood barriers will hold
It's an industry trade mag of very famous repute who has connections with stores. It's not a cold call.
Does the shieldbearer dawrf box have a battlestandard or do I have to get it elsewhere for my thane?
Looking over what setting books there are for 4e, out of Altdorf, Middenheim and Salzenmund, which do you think is the best written/best used for running an actual campaign in?
I like Salzenmund because its like 2/3rds Salzenmund and 1/3 Nordland. It gives you a good overview of the whole province so when your character inevitably leave the city you know what's up. You can also use Archives of the Empire Vol 1 as it covers the Laurelorn Forest in Nordland in case they wander in there.
I don't think that kit has a battle standard just either a axe and Shield or double handed axe options
the Middenheim one is just an updated version of Warhammer City from 1e with some extra rules and a slight expansion of the surrounding area to make it more up to date with current lore
Altdorf was the weakest one imo
Salzenmund is good and goes into a lot of detail about a place that didn't have detail beforehand
and C7 is making a smaller PDF to talk about Wreckers point which is breifaly covered inthe Salzenmund book
>its not data gotten via statistics

Anon what do you think "statistics" is?
I think he's confusing raw data with what you ultimately interpret from it?
>Lance over flail retard.
Why? Flail is two handed hut gets ap2 in subsequent rounds while the lance turns into a noodle.
>No point in an enchanting aura on the dragon either.
Are you high? Who doesn't want a strike last aura?
>Poison for warhounds is pointless.
Oh really? I thought it might make them slightly more usable but maybe those points are better into the knight block.
NTA, but my two cents
I would personally go for the lance since the flail starts to fall off after the first round of combat and your not getting armor bane on the charge, but I wouldn’t call the flail a retard pick over the lance just not my choice

The aura feels like a mixed bag to me. If your regularly getting into and winning combat it just helps you win harder, but if your losing or the enemy just doesn’t engage with that unit much then it’s kind of ehh and a point sink

And I personally run poison hounds BUT only because I’m doing a thematic Nurgle list that they just feel right in. Most people are just using them as speed bumps or occasional character and war machine harassers on the cheap
we'll see how well they krump some ogres I'll be facing today. Thank you though, I'm really excited to paint the BSB and three other cloth banners I'll be doing for this army.
>Flail is two handed hut gets ap2 in subsequent rounds while the lance turns into a noodle.
You care about the 3+ armor more than the drop from Ap2 to Ap-1, you should also be charging in basically every combat. Most of your damage is the dragon, and his damage is good enough even if the lord is only Ap-1

>Are you high? Who doesn't want a strike last aura?
Someone who will be going first anyways, a charging chaos lord is I9. And even if you dont strike first the only things that you care about hitting you (i.e which are likely to cause serious harm) are the sort of things which dont care about you alpha striking them. Roided out bretonnian dukes and the like

>Oh really? I thought it might make them slightly more usable but maybe those points are better into the knight block.
Warhounds die to anything that looks at them, have no Ap and are just generally not great in combat. They wont beat anything except artillery and MAYBE archers
>trade mag
People still read magazines nowadays? Not dissing, just surprised.
The main utility of the ASL aura is on an embedded character, it makes countercharging cav or even MoS infantry incredibly potent defensively and allows you to eliminate enemies before they attack which diminishes the damage you taken.

On the single model, m10 swiftstride flying dragon the benefits are incredibly marginal. The armor of meteoric iron (if using a flail), paymasters coin or even the aura of -1 to be shot will all provide you better return for your investment.
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Got a bunch of broken knights (the metal ones) weirding some of them out. I got them second hand snd stripping has been rough, whoever painted them used some sort if old enamel paints.
I haven't seen it played, but it looks like a bad stone thrower.
After a couple games with the Expeditionary Force, it seems pretty good and annoying. I haven't gone up against top meta stuff, just fairly normal Ogre and Royal Host for now, but there's so much mobile shooting it's hard for stuff to do meaningful damage while constantly bleeding.

I've been playing this:
-Sapper general w/ handgun, bursting flame, rapid fire
-Engi BSB w/ handgun, concussive, rapid fire
-Thane w/ handgun, piercing, rapid fire, accuracy
-2x8 expeditionary thunderers
-2x8 Rangers
-2x2 Scout Gyros
-Booze cart
-2x1 steam gun Gyros
-2 Cannons w/ forging and obligatory extra 5 point rune because the first one minted the NFT
-1 Bolt Thrower w/ skewering
-8 Miners w/ charges
-2 more Scout Gyros or a Hewer
-4 Doomseekers

It's just been a ton of shooting whittling stuff down while giving up very little as it's all MSU. No penalties for moving and shooting make the thunderers reliable, the cannons open up a lot more really good shots, and the gun runes are really strong. I think the gun thane might be an auto-take in every list with the bursting, rapid, accurate set up. 2 shots on 3s that each hit turns 2D3 with no BS penalties is murder on chaff.

I'm not sure how well it holds up to faster stuff, good stuff, and dragon lords, but for now I think I'm going to bring some fun/bad stuff along and tune things down if the matchup looks too rough.
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Forgot the pic. Army is still WIP, but I'm trying different copter schemes currently.
Somehow, between getting slightly into ironjawz a while back, and several conversions made from blood bowl orcs, and a recent print job, i have acquired over 100 models i can use as black orc mobs. I already have a scheme in mind, so this is a pretty good addition to the massive quantity of goblins and squigs i already owned.
Main color: darker grey
Trim/secondary: golden yellow shaded to orange
new thread?
Finally got my hands on Tamurkan model. How were his rules in 8th?
New Bread
New thread
HA. I was 2 seconds faster, Satan.

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