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Dragon Rider Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93873301

▶ Thread Task: Fantasy means of transport.

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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"Doot Scoot"
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Attempts were made.
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The actual previous thread: >>93892311
Here's what's bullshit.

Bing will allow me to substitute Limbs as long as it's organic, but as soon as you ask for a weapon it deliberately chooses to avoid the prompt
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Sorry, I forgot pic
I can't get it to render three separate animals. All I wanted was a dog, a pony, and a fox.
>a painting by Landseer of a dog, a pony and a fox
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That's easy my friend, how are you messing that up?
And one trypophobia guinea pig
Not the same as a character holding all three.
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Holding them? Horses are kind of big to hold
Wonder if bing knows how to make this type of cloak, (see also Raidou from SMT)
Wonder if there's a special name for it or a better way to get the AI to make something that looks like this and not just a normal cloak/coat.
When I was trying, calling it an asymmetrical poncho got me closer than calling it a cloak. But it still couldn't quite get it right.
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Large language models start to degrade when they start training themselves on LLM-generated content. It's a recursion that causes it to get stunted and eventually collapse as its inputs become more and more, for lack of a better term, inbred.
Combine that with Microsoft applying stricter and stricter filters to its content, it makes Bing's image generator more and more frustrating to use.
I'd say it's still far from bad. But its a noticeable decline for those that have been using it since its early days.
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Not if they're fillies. When I tried to gen it in an anime art style I got only one-two, bad fusions.
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On the tenth day of Christmas ...
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You know that's a good thread task to use in a few months. One the 12th day of Christmas (followed by anons counting down with gens
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veryfurryoclock here
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Any tips on how to get a scar that doesn't look like it was drawn on with a fat permanent marker?
Well, stop trying to gen things that are stupid as fuck then. Problem solved.
It's harder to do that now with the safety feature, half the time it flat out ignores you if you ask for scars, or just turns them into random war paint lines on the face. It really is a program for babies.
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When AI cannot decide whether Draconians are humanoid or not.
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I do like the mistakes. Sometimes.
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Does the same with my Catfolk which I call Felinarians, though I could see them like using smaller members of their race to pose as just regular housecats and act as spies. Kinda like Khajits in their Alfiq form.
Ironically helping up someone he found just "lion" on the floor.
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Been trying FOREVER to get monsters with swordarms. Pic related is the best result i was able to get.
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its surprisingly hard to make a character with missing libs or made of different stuff. kinda like the breadless dwarfs.

missed the old TT but getting cool stuff noaw
Dear Anon, please, go back to school and learn how to write instead of spending time on 4chan.
These are great. Could you catbox these individually pretty please?
Have you tried describing it like a piece of armor? That usually works for me when I'm trying to get cybernetics and similar.
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dont diss my cutesy way of writing.
(also im raiding atm so i have to gen, merge and post between pulls)


This one is neat.
Yeah, I've tried bladed gauntlet & everything. I have NEVER run into a hard block on Bing, I can even gen tits. I swear I've been able to gen a swordhand before. There is nothing I can gen if I try. I'm the Dreaming King, I can make it work no matter what. Either Bing got infinitely dumber after I took a break, or they have banned that is some way. Usually I can work around it, but I'm running into tons of content warnings. It's why I made the post. At first I was just trying to help anon out, but now I'm mad that the AI is actively working against the prompt. It's why I posted what I did. I've never run into this problem before so I tried to explore it. I can't even generate pirate hooks which should be simple. I can't generate Captain Hook even though he's iconic. I tried Freddy Krueger & while it will generate his face, hat & sweater, it makes him wear these weird metal capped gloves but no blades. It's really odd. I'm still working on generating something though. I always deliver!
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>Either Bing got infinitely dumber after I took a break
This has been known for quite some time. Just look at the hideous pictures in this thread and compare them to old slop threads six months ago. Night and day.
In the meantime this Ukiyo-e style is really cool
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Don't even bother
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Glad I could turn you onto something you like. I'm still not terribly happy with most of the results I'm getting unfortunately, but practice will make perfect I suppose.
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Progress 50/50 chance to give a robot chainsaw arms
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and good night im off to bed have a abstract art version as goodbye. for that dream episode where it turns out the TPK was just a booze induced dream the bard got from doing a line of sniffy from some barwrench cootch . so everyone lives again !
Good night.
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The Angel of Death had no wings of her own, yet she rode upon a beast, great and terrible, whose yawning maw breathed death as effortlessly as you draw breath.
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Nice OC!!
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0900 hours, reports of a skinwalker on the lower west side came into HQ. Android Agent P.I.E. hits the streets to intercept and neutralize.
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The time for discussion was long over, as the council of elves were being led by a magister, a magister on the path to lichdom. Despite their protests, there would be one less monster in the world, or so Nish intended.
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"May the Fury guide my blows."
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gib brouzouf
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Entering the Lair of Forgotten Deaths, Sef found the walls to be the final resting place for thousands of tormented souls.
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Old gen from forever ago but I still like the energy it has.
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The prior master of the lair left behind many things, including undead servants. They were resistant to her spellcasting attempts...capturing her, and dragging her farther into the darkened cavern.
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I really like that Hippo Hatter.
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Very nice. Very Invader Zim
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I gotta say... I just love killin'
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Thanks. I've been tinkering with her prompt for a bit and I like how it's worked out.
Race: Tiefling
Class: Wizard (Necromancy)
Background: Shipwright
>The ocean's depths offered endless companionship for those willing to work for it.
She sure does have some good... qualities
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Bing has lost its mind. It can't even hardly do a mantis arm.
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What's your prompt for the beast?
Damn straight.
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Beseiging your heart...
I'd breach her walls if you know what I mean
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You can't beseige an open gate Aure
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>Alpha Protocol
This was such an odd game
Started out apparently serious, but became more and more meme-tier as it went along. You had the MGS-type femdom character, then this weeb character, and it all just turned into an skit.
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>Front toward enemy.
Nice little touch lol
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Does this lady have a name?
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ok retard
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Someone tell me, which one of these looks the best. I'm planning on using it in an upcoming supplement I'm making.
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I like this one best personally
To me, this is best, mainly because of the knight having the high ground with gives an interesting stance to the space lizard.
The planet in the background is quite realistically lit with respect to the shadows in the foreground, so that's nice too.
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You should try braiding her hair, and add some cute freckles
I was going for the original cover of The Stand
Been thinking about it and I've settled on "Margrethe" pretty much. I just like the sound of it.
>I have mastered the double-hilted blade, not even Death himself can best me
Congratulations, you have defeated Death. From now on, every living creature will inevitably turn into a mass of a cancerous growth.
Dead Space endgame
Nice Lara.
>I challenge you, Death, to a duel with your scythe!
>Very well. Of course, the scythe is merely a symbol of my role. In order to make our combat fair, you must fight me with an equally stupid weapon.
>En garde!
Looks like shit, delete it.
Looks like delete, shit it.
Nice Dora.
Y'know, the funny thing is Bing seems to give her those by itself about 30% of the time.
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Fallout vibes for sure… nice
The high ground is always good, this one feels best, but all feel like shatner
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Love fused weapons… and in the worst way
Wish it would do a better job on embroidery already.
Nice, thanks.
Is there a particular prompt you used to get hat kind of vest/tunic look?
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uh i like that. did you use something like autumn or golden leaves? artystyle is oilpainting?
I hear ya, anon.
>Short snug white waistcoat w. blue/silver embroidery.
It seems to gen outfits in that wheelhouse.
Thanks. It's closer but I haven't quite gotten there. Still going to playbwith it. At least it gave me this which was cute.
Tried adding a corset to give it a nice cinched waist look.
Adding belt to the prompt also worked, but would occasionally give me final fantasy tier belt messes.
Dear immigrant from /v/, I presume. /tg/ stands for 'traditional games' not 'anything goes'. Please, don't sully this board with your presence and post your cheap knock-off Lara elsewhere.
Dear Satan, would you kindly go right to the top of fuck off mountain, and come back only to be told to fuck off again.
Glad to help, chief.

Made some Forsaken slop video
Please combine your love of travel with your love of sex and fuck off
Do it!
But you don't mind Stalker or World of Warcraft?
>Thread Task
Bake pweez
Many anons here mind Warcraft very much. And some other seem to accept only fantasy stuff as /tg/ related.
>Stalker or World of Warcraft
As far as I know both have pen-and-paper RPG adaptations.
Would you kindly fuck of with this shit to /v/? Your shit-ass Bing thread was reinstated.
Next thread
Yet still some anons hate anything Warcraft related with passion.
Even in dedicated threads they would shit on it that it isn't /tg/ related.
Fantasy oil painting, autumnal forest with falling leaves in hues of orange and yellow. That one was from Midjourney but I've made similar ones with Bing.
Cute cot.
Desire to headpat intensifies.
I'm not sure whether you're blind or insincere, but I trashed Anon for a shitty 250x250 resolution. (Verification not required.)
nah its 720p
Are you jealous a horse girl is stronger than you?
Oh my, that's fantastic. It looks like Amano and Klimt all mixed up.
I miss when it was easy to proompt this.

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