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Along For The Ride Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 PHB spoilers

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

>5etools (2014)

The Trove Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md


>Previous thread: >>93891132

Has your table ever dealt with parasites or symbiotes, /5eg/?
where 2 find games? and did the DMG get leaked? I want to know what deities are listed. prob going to play a cleric. got like 3.5 cleric character ideas.
>Has your table ever dealt with parasites
the preferred term is "players"
How long until we have a separate general for 2014 and 2024?
Why do people say that the new sorcerer is the best caster? Is it bullshit, like when they say the bard is the best caster?
question, are you guys able to understand able to understand what the fuck I'm looking at? the guy in the other thread powers are supposed to be level 1+ spells?
>Running one general for all 3, soon 4 Paizo games
>Twats getting itchy about not having a second thread for a .5 update to 5e
*said advanced powrs are supposed to be...

jesus, I fucking hate not being able to edit my posts
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Do you (usually) capture important enemies when given the chance, or just kill?
Not really, it's convoluted and gay. I get the gist is that you have a new resource which increases every turn of combat but that's bad design in a game where most fights are 3 rounds or less.
I've played a GOOlock where the patron is an astral brain parasite, sort of a tether to a greater entity. Basically the shtick was that it was a symbiotic relationship as it fed her magical knowledge and spurred on her existing curiosity while it fed on her neuroses and phobias, rendering her affably fearless. She was cognizant of the entity, but considered it a precious companion. I've played the character with a couple different DMs and they all have gotten really enamored with the idea of detaching the parasite-patron. Like a big powerful demon/fey would become curious and trivially detach it for a bit (which would basically cause an instant mental breakdown) or some wizard would offer to trade the parasite for something. My stance was always that she was much too enamored by her patron and psychologically dependent on its side effects to entertain giving it up, but I always appreciated that the DMs were engaging with the character concept.
In retrospect this sounds somewhat similar to the tadpoles in BG3, but the last time I played the character was in 2019. It's kind of a shame that I'll never really be able to use the concept again without someone thinking "Oh yeah like BG3!"
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>It's "every important NPC that your party helped is a douche so you don't get any support" session again
>Right after "elves betray their gods for demonic boons" and "Evil God's harbringer already corrupted the temple"
I am this fucking close bros...
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Has anybody made a list of titles for 5e classes?
>It's "every important NPC that your party helped is a douche so you don't get any support" session again
God I know that one. Look, I get it, the DM doesn't want to clog things up with DMPCs or handwave things with "the NPCs will handle it", but it'd be nice to feel some fucking gratitude at least.
On a related note, how many times have you had the "Actually we anticipated you finding this hideout and we cleared out everything important before you even came" session?
Surprisingly, only once. And it was due to us deciding to clown around with a sidegig on the way there.
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>"Actually, that operation had become useless to us, so taking it down means nothing."
>"Actually I let you capture me on purpose so I could tell you everything you've done so far has been pointless"
>"Actually you'll never be able to find the real boss because we're 20 steps ahead of you"

The fucked part is that we really did never find the real boss or even fucking see him. He did his thing completely offscreen and we ended up fighting the mega-demon he was summoning instead. It wasn't even a failure state for failing to prevent the bad guy. I think the DM just genuinely didn't want to concede the fucker not being 20 steps ahead of us at any given moment.
honestly, it's better to just have a simple recharge mechanic
>it’d be nice to get some fucking gratitude at least
This is so weird to me. How does a DM not reward their players for doing good?
If I wanted to be treated bad for going out of my way to help people, I’d volunteer to help the homeless
How impactful should Calm Emotions be? Does it essentially just pause combat (for creatures that fail the save) and let the party reposition until someone does something hostile again?
Wildly ungrateful NPCs are an oddly common thing in my experience. The party never treats them poorly or bitches at them or anything. The NPCs are just snarky bitches from the get-go and never ease up on it no matter how polite we are. I think a lot of DMs use it as a substitute for giving them an actual personality. Plus I think a lot of DMs have an instinctive urge to neg the party to get ahead of the players getting too big for their britches.
Man, it was so bad one time that I thought the DM was trying to encourage us to start up a revolt against the snide, impotent, borderline hostile leadership of the group the party was working for, like it was an experiment to see how long we'd just lay down and take it, but he confided later to one of the players that he was going to come down hard on us if we tried anything. Fucking absurd.
>Plus I think a lot of DMs have an instinctive urge to neg the party to get ahead of the players getting too big for their britches.
I see this all the time as a player and I simply do not understand it. As a DM, there is nothing I want more than my PCs getting cocky and bamboozleable.
Depends on how liable the party is to bitch and moan after they fall for something after getting cocky. Constantly keeping the party at moderately low morale just causes simmering resentment and despair instead of a flash boil of anger. I don't think most DMs actively think about it in those terms, but they might do it subconsciously.
Meanwhile the best games I've ever been in were ones where the DM aimed for a positive rapport with the players. When you actually trust your DM, you won't get mad when he throws your PC in jail to be tortured because you know either you deserved it or he's got something cooking.
I'm sorry for writing a blog, I just need to vent. My group seems to love the kinds of campaigns that are low effort for the players where their OP PCs bulldoze any threat.
>no ammo tracking, save for slots
>no survival because of Goodberry
>no hexcrawling so no random encounters
>no dungeoncrawling, so no depletion of resources
>DM rarely throws OP enemies at us to compensate
>the one time he did he resorted to a (homebrewed) Tarrasque and we still survived, but just barely
I'm going to give my next PC a constitution of 7 just so I have something to overcome.
I'm basically playing a more lame version of Shang Tsung right now so I'm going to recuse myself from this question.
>no ammo tracking, save for slots
>no survival because of Goodberry
>no hexcrawling so no random encounters
Sounds like the average game desu

>no dungeoncrawling, so no depletion of resources
Like no dungeons ever? What do you guys do all session? Talk to NPCs?
>Like no dungeons ever? What do you guys do all session? Talk to NPCs?
Think of it like fast travel between every location. When we have to go fight something and when we find a method of travel, we're there. If there is exploration it's done with a hexless map or theater of the mind.
There is a fair amount of talking, but not as much as you think.
So no dungeons and little talking. What are you even doing all session?
Fighting monsters because it takes a while to go through several rounds of combat and fucking around with off topic discussions.
How do you guys deal with player griefing the party because they playing some goofy and/or retarded character?

I am about to tell my DM that my character is just going to bail on them one night because of all the nvl, and make another retarded character instead.
is fighter or ranger better for a thrown weapon focused build (2014 edition)
I have told my players falling to 0 hp will have penalties (skipping an action, plus a brief debuff) in next campaign, to encourage self preservation and promote healing

One of the veteran players said then I should double all healing, since healing being so weak is what breeds "only heal the dying" meta.
Is he right? Won't I trivialize everything by doubling healing?
They have the same HD and both get access to Fighting Styles, so this sounds like asking whether Hunter's Mark is worth losing Action Surge, heavy armour, Second Wind, Indomitable, more attacks at higher levels, etc.

If you want your thrown weapon fighter to win fights, build him as a fighter. If you want your thrown weapon fighter to range about, build him as a ranger.

Double healing sounds OP as hell and way too much compensation for what you're implementing. Just lower the price of health potions or something, if your grumpy player absolutely insists on getting some extra.
Paizo stuff isn't real gaming tho, just some fan homebrew crap
Never, og 5e general will be merged into 3.5 general
>These retards like their generals incomprehensible, so we should too
yeah that ranger/fighter dilemma is what is killing me right now, simply because dueling+thrown styles are simply better on fighter
the game will be only in one biome, so that's the only bonus ranger gets, aside from stacking the dice on mark+subclass feature
thanks anon, you made me see the light in a way, even if i dont like what i saw
I don't get it. I have a villain. Other NPCs don't need to be pricks all the time, that's the villain's job.
Fun fact, Hunter's Mark is Divination, so its a valid pick for Fey-Touched.
Thanks for proving me right.
Ranger get skills and spells. Spells are good. If all you care about is combat dpr, then go fighter, otherwise...
EK gets spells as well, along with all the bells and whistles of a normal fighter
though skills are a valid argument...
maybe i posted before i thought, sorry for the juggling
I am not a fan of the 2024 PHB's "some species get everything at level 1, while others have to wait for level 3 or 5" school of design. It makes some species feel lacking at levels 1 and 2, while others feel left behind by level 3 or 5.

• Scenario A: The DM is running a brief adventure, just a few sessions long. It starts at level 1 and ends at level 3, but the PCs never actually get played at level 3. One player considers playing an aasimar, because their transformation is super-cool and effective, but then realizes that they will never actually get to use it. The player instead settles for a species that actually gets everything at level 1, such as dwarf, gnome, halfling, human, or orc.

• Scenario B: The DM is running a full-fledged campaign this time, starting at level 3. (Page 43 specifically says, "It is particularly recommended to start at level 3 if your group is composed of seasoned D&D players.") Players can make new characters or modify/retcon previous ones. Now, a plain old human looks a little stale, whereas electing to play an aasimar immediately nets the character that nifty transformation ability.

Has this been an issue previously? Yes, but now, it is much more apparent.

In contrast, Pathfinder 2e reduces the mechanical impact of ancestries as a character-building element, and gives each a selection of gradual upgrades at 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th, so that they get extra benefits at the same overall rate.
>You gain 1 point of adrenaline every round of combat at the start of your turn
>To use an advanced power, you must have at least 3x as many adrenaline points as the power's level
>If you have more than 3x as many adrenaline points as the power's level, the power is buffed to act as if it was level (1/3 of your adrenaline points, or 1/3 your maximum power level, whichever is less)
>Using powers like this does not reduce your adrenaline points
You have to also consider the fact that ranger is an inherently gay class
wrong. ranger from DnD 3 onwards is dribble the dork elf.

BEFORE that, ranger was chad as fuck, since it was the ARAGORN class.
That's ancient history. We are talking about 5e ranger. Who is inherently gay.
Spotted the Jacksonfag.
Aragorn in 5e would be Oath of the Crown Paladin, with Outlander background
wow. how can you be this new?

the ranger class was explicitly built to copy aragorn from the BOOKS. you giant retard.

HAVE you even played DnD?
Aragorn in 5e would be Champion Fighter, with Noble background
OG ranger is closer to a fighter than what it is now
No. First of all, Champion Fughter is reserved for nameless NPCs. A random orc can be a Champion Fighter, but not a PC.
Second, you miss his healing hands ability.
Third, he doesn't have any trappings of the Noble background. Neither clothes, nor skills, nor ability. He's 100% Outlander in all regards
As was book Aragorn
>not having the villain be impeccably polite and respectful towards the players
What a deficiency of style, anon.
Except if a class were to be an explicit copy of book aragorn, it'd certainly not be a fucking ranger.
He is Ranger 1 Paladin 1 Fighter x
Double seems too much. Maybe just let them reroll low rolls?
He clearly has an aura that protects allies, so he's at least Paladin 6 or 7
He, thankfully, has nothing of a 5e Ranger. Just an Outlander background, since that's literally how he lives.
The DMG wouldn't be out for months.
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Anyone got ideas for pirate-themed magical items? Preferably in the Uncommon to Rare category.
yes, and?
congratulations on being a newfag retard so retarded you've not only NOT played OG DnD, you've not READ tolkein.
What's the point of DMG?
All rules that concern players are in PHB.
The only ruoes DM is obliged to observe are the same ones that affect players.
DMG is just a bunch of suggestions and advise you can find in older DMGs, or on youtube
>healer feat
>history proficiency
>persuasion proficiency
>noble feature
dont know senpai, checks out
someone trying to reinvent 4e and 13th age at the same time.

no you gain adrenaline equal to the size of your max power, not just 1.
A 5ft long large unwieldy plank of wood, clearly magical with a strong aura of necromancy.
When set down on the ground as an action requiring both hands, anyone that walks the length of it is affected by a finger of death spell DC 15.
The full length must be walked for it to be effective. Forced movement, flight, etc do not count.
How could i fuck that semen demon if i killed her on defeat?
i'd just be fucking her hollow corpse, and her indignant struggling and eventual submission would be the best part.
>persuasion proficiency
Where? He was pretty gruff
>history proficiency
Available to a Paladin
>Healer feat
No, Hands of the King are a clearly supernatural ability, which, and could cure stuff that mundane medicine could not

He has neither retainers, nor proof of pedigree earning him audience. Throughout the books, all respect heal gets from Gondorians and Rohirrim is from his valor, not pedigree.
As it turns out, people have a real hard time learning how to DM or are super intimidated by it. The DMG is basically just a resource with a bunch of examples and templates and tables for loot and basically a hand-holding guide to help newbie DMs see how stuff generally gets organized behind the curtains before they feel confident to take the reign and make it all themselves. Usually there's a bunch of default setting details in there as well like Gods and cosmology and some small region maps and sometimes a sample town or dungeon.
Yes, and you can use 5e, 4e,or 3.5 one just as well, since its nothing but a useless confidence charm, the magic is inside you all along.
>but that's bad design in a game where most fights are 3 rounds or less.
it won't be once fights no longer only last 3 rounds because everybody is locked out of their highest level stuff until turn 3.
this is just ki
Look, I know that and you know that but Joe Firsttimer doesn't and his mates all put him up for being the DM first and he would really like some kind of framework to start from. Realistically any DMG will have all the same advice and there are literally hundreds of free resources online for it but WotC already has you on the hook for a PHB so they're going to try to catch you for the other side too.
stop thinking in vidya terms.
it makes them indifferent instead of hostile, it doesn't turn off their AI.
>attack rolls can miss
>saving throws can be successful
Give me a single reason to use anything other than magic missile on my enemies.
Using any attack that can fail is playing a fool's game.
You are 600ft away
>Have Spirit Guardians/Conjure Woodland Beings/Regal Presence active
>Move towards foes
>Damage all foes
>Action: Ready Action to move when the next person in the turn order does anything
>Person does anything
>Reaction: Move away and then back towards foes
>Damage all foes
>Allies can grapple and move you
>Damage all foes
>[Particularly effective as a Wild Shaped Owl]
Forward and back and then forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
>damage type is capitalized
>neutral is equated with good
What cretin wrote this? Dod WotC hire some idiot youtuber?
Any way to duplicate range:self spells onto a minion? Wildfire unfortunately can't do it
Sure, you can do that, but I'll forget your name and begin calling you Fartcloud. Just fyi
Shield spell exists.
So does Counterspell.
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I just noticed they updated the range from radius to Emanation. So these are finally big ol squares instead of a circle now!
People WANT squares? O_o
But squares/cubes look so dumb and unnatural
They always were squares.
A circle is a shape formed by a line equidistant from a point.
A circle in 5e is a square.
A radius is a square in 5e
It was always a square it's just that lots of tables didn't want to do that now it's much clearer.
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This is your brain on VTT
What age category of a dragon do you think would be sufficient to
a) raze a city to the ground or
b) at least attack/raid a city and cause a great deal of damage without being destroyed itself

Assume it's a large late medieval style metropole with a population of 100k and that in bother scenarios it's a surprise attack by the dragon.

Is adult enough? or would it need to be a great wyrm?
Depends on city. Waterdeep? Probably a Greatwyrm to just damage, considering the amount of epic level fuckers around.
Elturel or Neverwinter? Adult to damage, Ancient to burn down.
Baldur's Gate? Ancient to damage, Greatwyrm to destroy.
It's just how it looks on a grid.

>SPHERE [AREA OF EFFECT] ~ Sphere is an area of effect that extends in straight Imes from a point of origin outward in all directions. The effect that creates a Sphere specifies the distance it extends as the radius of the Sphere. A Sphere's point of origin is included in the Sphere's area of effect.
>EMANATION [AREA OF EFFECT] ~ An Emanation is an area of effect that extends in straight lines from a creature or an object in all directions. The effect that creates an Emanation specifies the distance it extends. An Emanation moves with the creature or object that is its origin unless it is an instantaneous or a stationary effect. An Emanation's origin (creature or object) isn't included in the area of effect unless its creator decides otherwise.
Both do say in all directions so yeah both are squares on your average 5e grid.
>using grid outside of 4e and chess
Appreciate the reply, I really should have specified based on the "bullshit" epic npcs that would be defending the city, I was thinking there wouldn't be the kind of density, if any, as seen in waterdeep. But honestly it's interesting to compare with their presence and absence to see how it impacts the age of the dragon required.

I had vague idea about having the players deal with and escape a rampaging dragon, in the sense of having to roll to avoid the environmental effects as it runs havoc through the city (so avoiding debris from buildings being destroyed, fire swooshing past them) and so on, rather than being in a position/level to fight it head on at this point. Hence the question.
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Consider instead, since you're almost certainly never going to run out of slots in a normal day because you long rest too often, going sorcerer, then melting down all of your low level slots you'll never end up using into max levels.

No sense letting them go to waste right?
emanations are technically circles too.

it's just that circles are squares in default rules 5e because diagonals are noneuclidean in every edition after 3rd.
>BBEG dominates my great weapon fighter
>prepare to slaughter squishy unarmored allies
>other players dispel the domination
I have murder blueballs. Why are my fellow players such wet blankets?
That’s pretty good kek
>want to know what deities are listed
Wdym? Deities are setting based
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Because they're casters. I almost had a similar situation after party buffed my champion fighter/wild magic barbarian with enlarge/reduce and haste when a Yochlol (one of Lolth's Handmaidens summoned by Priestess of Lolth) tried to dominate me. On the topic of blueballs, I never felt one bigger than making the domination save only to be restrained by giant spider webs and some drow bitch who I crit below half hp with one attack dispelling my buffs and all of the enemies not touching me for a round which forced me to also lose rage.
>Has your table ever dealt with parasites?
Yes. Players.
>you are ambushed by fifteen hobgoblin archers
But they could have at least let me kill the wizard... at least the wizard... Is that too much to ask?
What are the best and worst parts about 5.5?
Fog Cloud.
Best part: 5
Worst part: .5
>fog cloud radius: 20ft
>hobgoblin move speed: 30ft
VTT only do what the rules say. Playing on a grid is technically optional rule, and it says diagonals count as 5'. DMG has ANOTHER optional rule modifying the first optional rule, which makes every other diagonal count as 10', to bring the distances closer to reality.
Canonically it took an entire squadron of dragons, the Dragon Run, to turn Phlan into ruins, according to the 2e sourcebook Moonsea. A bigger city with more high-powered people in it would probably take heavier firepower. Hell, I don't think the Dragon Run could have ruined a city like Thentia that has several high-level mages in residence.
>Can't see the target: Disadvantage
>Target can't see you: Advantage
Still gets murdered by archers.
>As a Bonus Action, you can conjure a pact weapon in your hand - a Simple or Martial melee weapon of your choice with which you bond - or create a bond with a magic weapon you touch; you can't bond with a magic weapon if someone else is attuned to it or another Warlock is bonded with it.
If a Paladin or Wizard or Ranger or Sorcerer cast Magic Weapon on a non-magical weapon couldn't I bond to it? Would the bond stay even after the spell's 1 hour duration?
>trying to balance an encounter
>i either give them what seems like a decent encounter and they blow through it, or I give them a deadly encounter and a little help, and it means they kill something they shouldn't
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Are you letting her gnome?
>stop thinking in vidya terms
I'm not; I'm thinking in D&D terms. I don't play video games.
So if we're still in initiative, what kind of actions is a non-hostile creature likely to take? If their leader ordered them to attack, would they still do so? Or would that count as becoming hostile and the spell would prevent it because the conditions the spell specifies haven't occurred?
Anyone tried this before? How was it?
My players came up with a plan of blocking out a dragons throat by throwning a bead of force inside of it. I let it happen and stopped any breath attacks, but for the future any idea on how I should handle it if it happens again?
Gnome pussy.
>"I'll allow it this time. Next time, it likely won't work the same way."
The correct solution if you don't want PCs reliant on NPC help or favors is not "oh you helped us? Well fuck you regardless." but "You're our heroes, we'd love to help, and we will in any way we can, but brother if we had any resources to spare we wouldn't have needed your help in the first place."

Which makes it all the sweeter if months later (once they've had time to recoup) they DO end up sending help out of the blue, maybe the town's pluckiest party favorite member, spurred on by your gallantry takes up sword and a pack of health potions and happens to arrive at the same time as the BBEG's right-hand man accidentally swapped places with a Nightwalker instead of completing his "summon an undead army" ritual, because while you were clandestinely investigating his lab 4 sessions ago, the rogue swapped his vial of ectoplasm with cottage cheese on a whim (the DMs miniboss fight plan all along but it was a great excuse that makes the players feel involved)
>When you actually trust your DM, you won't get mad when he throws your PC in jail to be tortured because you know either you deserved it or he's got something cooking.
Yep. About a year ago, I threw one of the PCs in the game I’m running into Hell, where he was being tortured by someone he had killed in his backstory. The player loved every minute of it, especially because he got to infuriate the guy by pulling the old “For me, it was Tuesday” bit while still being a protagonist.
Best: monk changes
Worst: backgrounds are RAW far too restrictive
It's odd how they put all the building blocks for how a 5.5 custom background should work, listing out the parts of a background near the official backgrounds themselves in chapter 4, and way back in chapter 2 includes a sidebar on if you want to use backgrounds from an older book just tack on the ASIs and an Origin Feat if it doesn't already include one, but doesn't actually RAW say to just, do that thing they explained to create a new one.
Acrobat: Apprentice, Tumbler, Jumper, Gymnast, Vaulter, Leaper, Aerialist, Acrobat, Master Acrobat.
>The Amazing
>The Spectacular
Not everyone is created equal.
yeah this flabbergasted me too, I skimmed back and forth trying to find the obvious custom backgrounds blurb but couldn't find it.

written by AI
All the AI rewrites have unintentionally made RAW a lot less clear.
I hope the Monster Manual has any sort of counter balance to all the bullshit players now get. So not looking forward to monsters getting immobilized with 0 counter play.
Also, did I miss the part in the Warlock text where it limits how often you can cast spells given to you through the Invocations?
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If you don't tie their legs, what does tying someone with rope actually do?
>Also, did I miss the part in the Warlock text where it limits how often you can cast spells given to you through the Invocations?
they say in the invocation.

And we've seen some monsters with the new design philosophy out already.

anything that gets multiple reactions a turn is a good example, because that's what's replacing legendary actions, it was too complicated for new DMs.
well, they wouldn't be restrained if you only tied their hands, because restrained condition drops your speed to zero.
>Now, a plain old human looks a little stale
you underestimate the power of some origin feats.
because even accounting for the misses, most things have a better average efficacy than magic missile's guaranteed effect.
It especially sucks because the possible build combinations of origin feat + general feat + class + subclass + species makes for a lot of character concepts that work well mechanically. But score increases and origin feat end up linked together as part of background, so your character's origins are even more restricted than if score increases came from species still. No acolyte paladins, no charlatan wizards, no tavern brawler unless you want to also be a sailor.

Here's a dumb one: if you play a criminal rogue, you get thieves' tools from both your class and background that you can't swap to another, so you end up with one less proficiency than a rogue of any other background.
>Deities are setting based
well yes, but also no.
>they say in the invocation.
Where exactly? I'm reading through Ascendant Step, Fiendish Vigor, One with Shadows, etc. and all it says is "You can cast [SPELL] without expending a spell slot". Am I supposed to read it as an always ready on demand spell?
bruh she got a head like hey arnold.
literally a pathfinder goblin with dull teeth in a small mouth, hair, pink skin, and a big nose.
I wonder if this is too complicated
Unless it says you need to complete a long rest to use it in this way again, yeah.
>it's the same fucking system again, slightly tweaked, but with a new resource name

enough with the headgames.
this is a different system. Basically, your progression is slower but it's cheaper for you to upcast your powers
Power creep's a bitch ain't it? but buff Rangers more amirite guys?
>the old sentence about choosing a new one if you get a redundant proficiency is completely removed
what the actual fuck?
I mean that was even a hallmark of Tasha's customization was expanding it even further. why would they go backwards?

Wait, wait, hold on, did it maybe get changed into a general rule period?
"If you would get a proficiency in something but already have it pick a different one?"

That would make sense for wordcount, instead of specifying it every time just include it once as a general rule in the proficiency section or something.
99% of tables are going to let you customize your origin to any asi, 1 feat, 2 skills of your choice.
they're at-will, same as those particular invocations always were.
Well considering we're on Athas, we usually sell them into slavery to make a quick ceramic.
It does what my DM did when I shoved an immovable rod down a white dragon's throat: it acts like a cornered animal and claws said object out of its throat, especially if said dragon is trying to flee.
Reading through it a bit more, main thing that changed is that they got pulled down to earlier levels (from lvl 9 to lvl 5 for example) and One with Shadows is now just flat the Invisibility Spell. What's gonna make it more prominent now compared to before is that Warlocks get 2 more invocations compared to 2014.
they got pulled down to the level you would normally get the spell, yes. because needing to wait until level 9 for fucking JUMP was ludicrous.
>needing to wait until level 9 for fucking JUMP was ludicrous
And that was with Jump being a shit spell too.
Now jump is actually a great 1st level mobility spell.
But it's not just the spell jump, it's a spell slot free casting of the spell. At that stage you might as well say that outside of combat, your players have triple the jump distance. And now they get that at level 5.
its effect changed.
Bonus action, 1 minute nonconc
30ft jump for 10ft of movement, 1 per turn.
Everyone Jumping 30ft each round is goofy asf.
I see why they did that. Nobody cares to look up the jumping rules each time and it makes it easier. Makes it slightly less useful for exploration, since it's not as useful to strength characters but otherwise comparable to other types.
The combat buff tho will make fights even more of a chore if you have someone who can easily deal with opportunity attacks.
>it's a spell slot free casting of the spell.

it's fucking jump, that's not exactly the end of the world. i'm not even sure it's worth spending an invocation on, especially one at 5th. You have 5 total,
1 is either blade pact or agonizing, main attack method
2 is either thirsting blade, or armor of shadows or fiendish vigor, blade chain is invoc hungry otherwise defense.
3 is either eldritch smite or repelling or spear, the optional but actually obligatory main attack upgrade
4 is chain or tome or one with shadows or misty visions or gaze of two minds or devil's sight, depending on what specific major playstyle defining utility you want.

Do you really want 5 to be "I have anime jumps"?
>Everyone Jumping 30ft each round is goofy asf.

Disengage will be Cleric's most used action at 5 and after.
That, plus most casters have str dumped. Literally only EKs could get good use out of jump under old rules.

they didn't fix it for monks though, which angers me.
>gives each a selection of gradual upgrades at 1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th
Gross. Races should get all their features at level 1, with subsequent advancement being derived from your experience with your class abilities. You don't become more of a human as you kill things.
Why not? You already named a good chunk of Invocations that would previously be the ones to pick and you still have a 5th left.
Sure, Jump isn't the strongest of the options, but it's vertsatile and useful outside of combat (and now since the update, even useful in combat). Having 30ft movement in the form of a jump is nothing to sneeze at, especially on a Warlock who has good range options. Getting out of melee range, and possibly entirely out of the attack range of enemies can and will trivialize encounters.
Play something other than human than lmao.
You don't become more of an elf or dwarf as you kill things, either.
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I forgot the symbiots were a thing in 3.5. Arn't they from the psionic handbook?

Anyways, it made me think of an idea of a psionic ranger who takes on a special symbiot from the Far Planes and you would feed it your psionic energy to transform your body in specific ways and based on the size of the die would add new effects to the transformation.
I know symbionts are a decently important class of "items" in the Eberron setting, and looks like the 3e Fiend Folio included some for the Forgotten Realms setting. Probably a few others I'm missing from various works
for starters, you could be taking anything else already on that list.
I'm not saying there's no reason ever to Otherworldly Leap.

But I am saying that effectively adding 20ft to your total movespeed, and 30ft of brief verticality isn't remotely gamebreaking at 5th, even if they have the ability more or less permanently because it's an at-will bonus action to renew.

>Getting out of melee range
You'd still provoke.
As I said, stop playing humans. That includes not playing non-humans as if they're human.
>In contrast, Pathfinder 2e reduces the mechanical impact of ancestries as a character-building element

SO GO PLAY PF2E. This is a different game.
>You don't become more of a human as you kill things.
Depends how you define human.

If you define human as a thrown-weapon specializing water-cooled visually-oriented persistence hunter that uses vocally-organized pack tactics, then yeah, you definitely get better at that skillset the more you use it.

I'm a slightly active retail worker. I have no fucking doubt Umbubu Chwkangi who spends his all-day every-day chucking spears and chasing down zebras would be markedly better at it than me.
New to D&D 5e, and making a character to join a friend’s game. I think I’m going to make a Paladin. Few questions. They need STR for melee damage, CON for sustain/survivability, CHA for spells and some DEX to not go last in combat. How do you balance the need to not suck at 3-4 attributes?

Also how are glory path paladins compared to other oaths? They seem like fun to play thematically.
What level and what rules for stats are you using?
Group is level 3 close to 4. So joining at 3 maybe 4. They’re using the 2014 PHB and other supplements just no 2024 PHB as far as I know.
Forgot to add we rolling for our stats. So I guess I gotta get lucky.
Level 6 save aura is makes paladin good and scale with CHA, so:
5e rules: stack CHA and dip 1 level hexblade
5.24e rules: Stack CHA, use a quarterstaff with shillelagh from magic initiate druid, or dip 1 level warlock for pact of the blade invocation.
>How do you balance the need to not suck at 3-4 attributes?

You're supposed to suck at some stuff.
>showing up to a Strixhaven campaign with a Battlemaster Fighter be like:
STR or DEX are the most important as your main melee attribute, dependin on what sort of weapon you want to use. Don't worry too much about DEX if you go STR, initiative isn't THAT important. CON is the next most important after your melee stat for obvious reasons. Then CHA is the third. You're only a half-caster so you're not totally depending on your spell attack bonus or spell DC, so maxing out your CHA isn't super vital.
getting good rolls will make you a lot better, but you really only need to focus on one of str/dex and cha, with an ok con.
>some DEX to not go last in combat.
Don't bother.

Going first in combat is for people with mass shutdown, things that effectively remove enemies from initiative before they get a turn, or at the very least delays their first effective turn until the other ones are dead. Smiting a single enemy for an extra 2d8 before they get to go does literally nothing.

Just Str, Con, Cha. If you're worried about dex saves then grab shield master.
but having more cha makes the paladin aura better, and the aura is one of the paladin's best features. both are probably fine though, and even a +2 to saving throws is kinda nice.
CHA is the most important stat for Paladins.
If I want to do 2024 bladelock (Warlock x/Fighter 1), should I just have 14 DEX to cap medium armour AC and then use Shields and Defensive Duelist to supplement my defenses?
>why not Fighter 1/Warlock x for heavy armour and CON proficiency?
I don't like the class fantasy starting as Fighter first. I'll be taking War Caster earlier starting as Warlock
Nah you're right, you should probably prioritize CHA a bit above CON. I still would prioritize your main melee stat first.
If you don't want con prof, I doubt it is worth dipping fighter just for the fighting style.
i agree with that, if only because i feel like most people who play paladin would want to be better at weapons than spells.
main melee stat is CHA with 1 level of hexblade.
It's for weapon mastery, medium armor and shield proficiency, and fighting style.
I want Vex for my finesse weapon and it's a waste to take the weapon mastery feat when I can just dip Fighter for that and more
MMmmmmm, i dunno. They have mostly buff spells not saves, so save DC doesn't matter as much. It's just their tiny save aura that buffs your surrounding martials that really benefits.

Strength seems more important imo. The majority of what you're doing is hitting things with a weapon.
Also I said Defensive Duelist, the general feat. Not that I won't be taking Defensive fighting style either. I'll take both
You can trade fighting style with 2 spell slots, and two spells with a Paladin or Ranger dip.
In terms of multiclassing requirements, I won't have the 13 STR for Paladin and I'm not sure if I'll go 13 WIS needed for Ranger either
Since Figthter is primary STR or DEX, the choice would be 13 DEX to multiclass
>some DEX to not go last in combat
Eh, unless you have high dex and at least one feature that boosts initiative (Alert, Rakish Audacity, Hare Trigger, Jack of All Trades), the d20 roll is going to be much more impactful.
I dunno, as a lock, those 2 slots look real juicy to me, and I'd try to make the stats work for it than settle for fighter.
Multiclassing is for homosexuals
Are those two spell slots forever level 1 slots since they're not Pact Magic slots?
They are level 1, but you could use them for shield, or hex, or absorb elements, or whatever else is nice, and save your pact slots for something big.
If you're doing Defensive Duelist, then you're using finesse weapons.
If you're using finesse, you should be dex-based.

If you're dex based, then light armor is enough for your max AC, you don't need medium armor. 12+5 (studded) vs 15+2 (half-plate) vs 18 (full plate).

So you're only going fighter for shield proficiency, mastery, second wind, and a style.

And paladin would be getting you shield, mastery, style, and then lay on hands instead of second wind, PLUS spell slots and spells prepared. Including divine smite, since it's a spell now, meaning you could double-smite once you get eldritch smite.
he's probably going cha based finesse.
I thought this was obvious as a bladelock that it's CHA based
since when do bladelocks actually cast spells with their slots instead of just spamming smites?
Is hexblade banned or something because that gives you medium armor and shields anyway.
My group runs with whatever we have in DnD Beyond and we dont' have the source book for Hexblade
Besides, I was planning to do Archfey as the subclass
I would just copy/paste hexblade using homebrew features.
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This is totally a party member you'd trust in Barovia, right? He's got the group's best interest in mind I swear!
No way, he'll get pregnant and go on maternity leave before we get anything done.
are you allowed to start with a feat? If you can start with a feat you can take alert if you are worried about going last.
highest stat should be STR, its your main attacking stat and you don't need cha to attack or smite so its not as important
Con needs to be at last 14
Cha is your 2nd or 3rd highest skill. You won't have as good spell save DC as a cleric or wizard but you aren't a full caster and there is no such thing as a free lunch
its a D20 so lower dex isn't as big a deal as bg3 (and alert isn't as good). plus you aren't casting control spells so its not as big a deal if you don't go first.
paladins get a level 6 feature allowing them to add cha mod to all saving throws so your other stats can be low
Dex = Wis. Dex lets you go first, but your heavy armor allows you to have a low dex or ignore it. dex saves protect you from damage. wis saves protect you from most control spells and are important for perception.
int saves are rare and it would be weird to deal with them before level 6 anyway so lowest stat is int.
oh and >>93915906
dipping into hexblade or warlock is for literal trannies
it literally isn't. strength matters more for attack rolls
Cha on a paladin is like dex on a wizard or sorcerer or barbarian
he said he's playing 2024.
so... he starts with a feat, but it would need to also give good stats.
he literally said they weren't see>>93915888
>tweaking new PC
>urge to play the same PC from previous games
is this normal?
You like what you like and enjoy familiarity
Nothing wrong with that other than maybe a bit boring for your party if you're playing with the same people all the time and they've seen your previous PCs
The dude is going war caster at 4 and besides, lock 1 is still good for a pact slot an cantrips/spells.
Are you trying to be funny, or...?
What are your strategies to make exploration in 5e engaging? That's the one bit that I, as a new dm, cannot figure out.
hex map, stuff to find if choose to explore instead of traversing, random encounter tables, and the 2 most important things: the PLAYERS roll for encounter chance and for which encounter, and encounters are not automatic combat

the best part of this system is it's also fun as a dm to not know what's gonna happen
are you the delusional guy who wants to pretend it's an entirely different 3rd party game, or the delusional guy that thinks it matters what abbreviation people use?
i just really enjoy martial minotaur and thieving goblin PCs, female drow PCs as well but that game is ongoing, the party will have like one or two players who tastes the previous mino

to cut the blogpost and get some inspiration, i was looking at an Earth Genasi, and have points to ask the thread
>is Blade Ward + Heavy Armor Master a worthwhile combination?
>is Wildfire Druid a viable melee supporting class?
>is STRanger a good way to play area control (spike growth + push effects)
please do a bannable offense so i can report you and get you gone for a few days.
Sorry anon, but this is the 5e thread, where 5e and 5e adjacent conversation happens. One of those is making fun of """people""" who call it 5.24. You could go to other sites where that doesn't happen.
Can you switch to zalgo or something? I might be able to understand you then
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Is Beer-Chan a cromulent homeBREW character?
What kind of non-combat encounter can they expect in uncharted territories though? Merchants, local tribes, and then?
Do you include survival elements like food and water, or not? What about dungeon crawling? What's the right pacing when exploring rooms?
>What kind of non-combat encounter can they expect in uncharted territories though? Merchants, local tribes, and then?
well, yes all that, but also any hazards, animals, etc. But even if it's a tribe of goblins, the point is it doesn't have to start combat immediately. Combat should be a choice from the players to initiate, or not avoid, and in rare cases be surprised by.
Random example: herd of aurochs stampeding. The party hears them in distasnce, nature checks to recognize, finds a safe spot, watches it pass and stop to graze, then suddenly 2 bulletes start feeding on the herd. Depending on the million choices the party can have done since the time they heard the herd in the distance up till the end, there can be combat, there can be just a cool thing to witness, everything in between
>Do you include survival elements like food and water, or not?
depends, ask your players, try it. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it's not, it can all depend on the party and level
You remember dragons are some of the smartest and most cunning creatures in the lore as well as intimately knowledgeable about magic and magic items likely even more so than any PC and you don't let it happen so easily again.

If the dragon couldn't use its breath weapon, why is is sticking around? Fly away until the minute is up and then come back. Also the force sphere can be moved and the dragon would be smart enough to know how to remove it either by claw or using its breath weapon to push the sphere out as it only weighs 1 pound and the only thing that can pass through it is "breathable air." Just because something is clever doesn't mean its effective. Maybe give them one around of the dragon focusing on getting the sphere out but it really shouldn't hamper it any long than that.
I don't trust anime party members regardless of setting. They all have brain rot.
It spits it out, the sphere only weighs one pound, so any amount of throat muscles can move it

Especially a dragon.
My campaign will have a prop in shape of a notebook with clues of a hidden treasure
In addition to clues it will have a few homebrew spells, potion recipes, teleportation circles and maps for a few side quests, a few lore entries relevant to the campaign, but all that will take me a ton of effort writing and drawing by hand and yet still leaves a bunch of pages empty. What to do?
I dunno, man, my dick also weighs one pound, yet your mom choked and gagged on it whole night.
My mom isn't a dragon, idiot.
True. She's a bad dragon.
Any more opinions?
I won't change such impactful rules once campaign starts, so I need to decide fast
here's how I fixed combat
if a player rolls a natural 1 they can turn it into a natural 20 if they accept being whacked over the head with a foam bat by me
if I roll a natural 20 against a PC they can turn it into a natural 1 the same way
if I roll a natural 1 against a PC a random player gets to whack me
>if I roll a natural 1 against a PC a random player gets to whack me
Why not the player you rolled it against?
you make a good point. I couldn't have thought of that through all the brain damage
But what happens if it's a fireball or something? Where you can have multiple 1s hit multiple players?
I went with
>Reduced hit points for leveling. A d6 hit die means 1+Con mod per level above 1st, a d8 means 2+Con mod, a d10 means 3+Con mod, and a d12 means 4+Con mod.
>When you're knocked unconscious by damage, you don't immediately regain consciousness when you're healed above zero. Instead, once your hit points are above 0, you roll a d20 at the END of each of your turns, adding your current hit point total to the roll. If the total beats 15, you regain consciousness.
>When you regain hit points, you can spend a number of hit dice up to your proficiency bonus (no action required). If you do, you roll the hit dice, add your Con modifier, and regain that many additional hit points. You can also do this as an action in the absence of another source of healing.
>No death saves, no double-taps. You die if you hit 0 hit points and have no unexpended hit dice left.
It incentivizes people staying up, gives them the tools to do so with the healing surges, and makes managing them more necessary--while you can multiply the effectiveness of heals, you have to weigh the benefits you get from doing so. If people don't want their characters to die, they can hold back hit dice to make sure they stay in the game, but it means sitting out combat sometimes because they'll be unconscious.
How does any of this improve the game?
That's just a different game at this point, mate
it's only on d20s I'm not a murderer
How would you make players interested in such scenes they could, in theory, ignored?
Sure, because spear-chucking zebra chaser is Umbubu Chwkangi's class. He would also be markedly worse at being a retail worker than you if someone magically switched the two of you and told him to do your job.

Neither has anything to do with being a human.
>You don't become more of a human as you kill things.
You must be not American. Pathetic.
Funny. I immediately thought that was exactly how orcs work. Than I realized WotC already did it.
Mexicans are not American. The are just from Northern America.
Sure, you could double down on the invocations you mentioned, increasing your overall combat effectiveness at the cost of Roleplay/Exploration functions, which the other invocations provide.

Anon, 20ft extra is a 66% increase to your speed, at will at lvl 5. No Monster can keep up with that unless they're dashing the entire time, which means they can't attack. And if you jump on a roof or a tree, you're out of melee range possibly for the entire fight.
>You'd still provoke.
Yep, but AoO is one attack instead of the full attack action a monster could do. So what you could do is:
>Monster approaches you, maybe attacks already
>you use movement to get 50ft away, maybe on a high ground and use your actions
>monster now has to either spend it's action dashing or hope it has ranged options
>if it can reach you during it's turn, you can just move away, risking an AoO but still have all your actions

And again, that's all still only talking about combat only.
>every single combat my players go down multiple times with near-deaths being made from enemies attacking and death saves
Maybe I’m going a bit far with my custom monsters.
Stupid questions from someone who hasn't bought the new PHB yet:
>Can you be a bow/crossbow/gun/sling Paladin, or are all of their abilities still melee-focused?
>Is gloom stalker useless now or just 'less useful', or improved?
>Is this new shit backwards-compatible with previous modules?
>Seriously I like playing ranged shooty classes, so is there anything in general that works great for them in any of the new shit?
Smite spells (of which regular Divine Smite is one now rather than being a non spell thing that can burn spell slots to use which has some implications) all require a melee weapon or an unarmed strike, but are no longer limited to melee attacks, working on things like a thrown javelin. (Incidentally, same with Barbarians and their features)

Gloom Stalker is more of a sidegrade if you weren't cheesing a Fighter multiclass for Action Surge and the old version of Dread Ambusher, can use the extra damage feature on any attack (wis mod/long rest) once per turn rather than an extra attack as part of the attack action on the first turn. Umbral sight is better, bonus range for already having darkvision is 60 feet instead of 30 (still has the weirdness that you're invisible to you since you're relying on darkvision to see you). Loses the ability to make an extra attack if they miss and instead make an extra attack against someone next to the original or an AOE frightening if they use the extra damage feature, Reaction dodge thing that's the subclass capstone loses the restriction that the attacker can't have Advantage and gives a free 30 foot teleport.
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>Can you be a ranged paladin in 5.5?
No synergy. Smite is melee only, and you don't get archery fighting style.
>Is gloomstalker less useful in 5.5?
It's no longer broken with the multiclassing you could do with Assassin and Fighter. By no means useless, as far as a Ranger subclass goes. If you want to be a stealth archer, it's decent still.
>Are previous modules backwards-compatible with 5.5?
It's supposed to be, but the playerbase thinks its clumsy. Ask your DM, or use your own discretion as a DM.
>Are there any good ranged builds in 5.5?
The new Sharpshooter feat is worse. You can get two hand-crossbows, and use both the Light property and Dual Wielder. 1 Fighter level can give you Weapon Mastery and Fighting Style, and Action Surge at level 2. Honestly going Eldritch Knight isn't all that bad. Otherwise I'd try finding a way to get a Weapon Mastery and Fighting Style on a spellcaster with Extra Attack (Bladelock, Valor Bard, Bladesinger, etc.) A Fighter dip, or a feat or two, it's hard to tell which is better. I always want spell progression, personally.
Convoluted mechanics attempting to emulate a video-game.
They're sacrificing a magic item to do it, I'd say what you did was fine.

I probably wouldn't make it last forever, maybe make the dragon make con saves to regurgitate it.
One example I remember: there is a parry ability that is inspired in the Bloodborne gun parry.
You spend 1 Focus point and you have to make an attack roll that doesn't matter as a reaction and a damage roll, but it deals no damage, instead you reduce the damage of the attacker from the "damage" of your attack, and also if your "damage" roll is higher than his you also stun the enemy. One subclass upgrades this ability so now you when your "damage" roll is higher than your opponent's, you have to also compare that attack roll that didn't matter (now it does) to see if it would beat the enemy's AC , and if it does you deal damage equal to the difference from your damage and the enemy's damage.

>prompt: AI, create an D20 ability that simulates the parry from Bloodborne.
Sounds pretty cool, ngl
>videogame slop
It could be worse; it could be another anime supplement.
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It would be simpler and truer to the game to make an opposed attack roll, and if your roll is higher the enemy does no damage to you, takes whatever damage your pistol does and is stunned until the start/end of their next turn. (Depending on how punishing you want it to be).
I still think Bard should have been an ultimate jack-of-all-trades halfcaster.
Maybe even using Warlock's retarded spellcasting system
>you don't get archery fighting style.
Stop making shit up.

There's only one Fighting Style feature and it gives access to all fighting style feats.

Also, the bonus action spell smites are shit, skipping them and prepping bless and shield of faith and divine favor and healing word and using your slots on those while being a longbow paladin is completely tactically valid.
ignore this guy.
Ah but only NEAR deaths.

So you're actually balancing just right, assuming you want them to be on the edge of their seat.

That said, if it's every single fight that's maybe too much. highs and lows, tension and relief, that's the name of the game.

If it's just always all the time, people get inured to it.
t. Savelet caster
Bards should just be a kind of warlock.

Their patron is the Song of Creation.
Bard shouldn't be.
Split the class between Paladin (Valor/Skald), Wizard (Lore), Sorcerer (faggot singer/dancer).
Additional unpopular opinions:
>Ditch 'fighter', ditch 'barbarian'- make "Warrior" class with different fighting 'methods' (feats, whatever)
>Ditch 'ranger', ditch 'rogue'- make "Strider" class, same as above
I'll allow any and all hissing,cursing, flaming, and half a liter of angry urination
Rogue subclass then, if anything
AD&D style classes with 3.5/5e style customization and 4e style maneuvers for non-casters would be peak D&D, unironically
No, Rogue inherits the "skill monkey" parts of Bard without its fluff thus it wasn't mentioned.
There isn't much to it besides jack of all trades, but that should clearly go to Rogue.
>>Ditch 'fighter', ditch 'barbarian'- make "Warrior" class with different fighting 'methods' (feats, whatever)
As long as I can get angry while wearing slightly heavier armor I have no issues with this.
Just run some test fights on your own.

I'll agree with him that healing normally can't remotely outpace incoming damage, which is why yoyo and out of combat healing are the meta. Preventative healing is a losing race.
So you'll have to do SOMETHING if you don't want death spirals. But doubling seems like a lot. Though I don't have any data to actually confirm that suspicion.

Hmmmm. So that it's just another power source like fey magic or storm magic or shadow magic?
Yeah actually I'm fine with that.
Paladin is a subclass of cleric, replaces war cleric.
Ranger is a subclass of druid.

Valor and Swords bard exists, Bladesinger exists, it can be done, nay should be done.
have we got a 5.5 ''official'' pdf yet?
Rangers aren't druids. Druids are wizards.
Rangers are martials.
People think 'park ranger', forget they're more like bounty hunters/long range recon.
Technically the three classes with the Fighting Style feature have slightly different ones, but substantially correct as the "two cantrips" Styles the casters get as options are the only unique ones, all others are available to anyone with the feature
So am I to understand that I can finally get a Paladin (or Cleric) with an 'archery' fighting style, give them a crossbow, and do my best bullshit Pulp Fiction Samuel Jackson bible verse cringe- and it actually functions?
>every important NPC that your party helped is a douche so you don't get any support
In my game we get reasonably well supported by the different groups we run into. Sometimes even too much to the point where we just point out the problem, which is too big for us, and the local powers take it from there.
Like come on, I thought we are the heroes of the story, it would be nice to work together with the powers that be to resolve the issue.
Whats worse we were close to this - some dooms day level Armageddon was about to go down and it seemed it was up to us to rally the 3 groups operating within the city and face the fucking leviathan or whatever. But the two other motherfuckers I play with just decided to pack up and leave. I cant fucking believe it.

The other thing that bugs me is that these organizations are all some grand scale operations of epic complexity stacked with living legends.
I could go into more detail but TL;DR is be glad for ungrateful NPCs at least they dont make you question why are you there in the first place.
No and we never will because WotC hates PDFs because they think it causes piracy.

Only 3.5 got PDFs.
Cleric doesn't get fighting style feats.
You'll have to dip.

That said, because they don't get extra Attack, Protector Cleric is actually one of the few classes that jives with guns.
As a player I can say that healing as it is now feels not so great. I would double the dice not the correction. So Cure Wounds would be 2d8+MOD, probably 2d8 per spellslot above 1st too. I would do the same with healing word.
Lay one hands and such I would leave as is unless your guy is going for something really healing focused, than I would consider buffing the class feature a bit too or something.
Forget what I just said buff other healing too while you are at it.
I would buff Heal too maybe something like 2d6 per spell level if you dont want to go too big. So 70+12d6 I think that should be enough. Otherwise Cure Wounds is just better.

Arguably this will make fight way less lethal and maybe more boring so it could definitely create problems.

If you want hitting 0 to be more punishing go for it but skipping action is brutal.
As it is now to heal someone - basically to use an action - just to have to do it again the next round feels shit. So if you want to encourage healing you need to buff it a bit.
If you do so you can make hitting 0 more punishing but you run the risk of the players not hitting it.
>skipping action is brutal
That's how it is in BG3, and it feels really fitting, desu
>old suggestion said it had to be a single suggestion said over sentence or two (as in at most two verbs) and made to sound reasonable and non-harmful. I.e. "You don't need your bandit captain to beat us. You should kill him right now to become the new Bandit Captain and also get a bigger share of our loot." "Hey paladin go slay that entire orphanage because I think it'd be funny" doesn't work, because even with hypnotically compromised judgement the paladin would never consider that reasonable.

>New suggestion says 25 words or less, and the task only needs to be achievable and not directly damaging to itself or it's allies. "i.e. Enthusiastically obey all instructions I give you in the next eight hours. Don't resist if I recast suggestion on you. Deny accusations of mental influence."
And then for the low low cost of a 2nd level slot in the parking meter every 8 hours, you just own a person indefinitely.

There's no reason to even learn Dominate unless you just want the option to [ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL]. And Geass is a total joke other than slot cost.

People used to joke that enchantment was the rape school of magic, but that's actually the case now, because we've gone from "suck my dick" only working if the person would have considered sucking your dick anyways, basically just a spell to let the intrusive thoughts win, Glibness but with a save, to being your permanent flawlessly compliant sex slave. What the fuck WotC.
Suggestion: Do not question our design decisions.
I counter with BG3 is a game, you are supposed to "beat" it, while in DnD you are supposed to roleplay. Also in BG3 you might get more goodies.
If anon has players who know how to build effective characters maybe he could try to test the o hp change first and introduce the healing buff later but iirc he didnt want to do that.
I want to introduce some homebrew spells for various classes as a reward for unearthing some secret lore. Wizard spells will naturally have scroll shape, sorcerer spells will be arcane essence, that they can absorb, bard spells will be like a melody, but through what could Cleric and Druid learn spells? Scrolls/books with prayers just doesn't quite do it, considering their magic comes from an external source, not from knowledge
Quick question- other than the spell 'Darkness', and... well, turning off the light sources- are there any ways to deliberately create a source of darkness that darkvision can see through? Spell, items, etc.?
Clerics could be a small icon of their faith that weaves 'rosary beads' around their arm- alternatively those censers just seem cool.
Darkvision can't see through Darkness.
Druid would be a nature spirit.
Yeah, I did know that- I should have structured my sentence better. But basically looking for a way to make regular darkness. Any ideas?
I should have specified its a bit more occult magic. Basically, they will find star lore and gain spells to channel the power of different stars (think 4e Star Pact Warlock, themed for different classes)
I have my Paladin/Cleric make seals (like in Warhammer) for their spells.
yo, wtf where is half-elves at PHB 5.24?
Mutts aren't allowed, only pvreblooded Humans and Elves.
Wizards of the Coast finds the concept of half-races to be inherently racist, so crossbreed adventurers have to pick one or the other to use for a statblock.
Any opaque substance can block out the sun.
You have to use legacy content.
Well, now that they're Species not Races, of course they can't interbreed, that's one of the defining trait of species vs subspecies/breed.

>A species (pl.: species) is often defined as the largest group of organisms in which any two individuals of the appropriate sexes or mating types can produce fertile offspring, typically by sexual reproduction.
>In biological classification, subspecies (pl.: subspecies) is a rank below species, used for populations that live in different areas and vary in size, shape, or other physical characteristics (morphology), but that can successfully interbreed.[2][3]

So elves can breed with elves. And humans can breed with humans. But if an elf and a human can breed at all, despite being so phylogenetic distant, on account of Elves originally being formless fey spirits created ex nihilism by Corellon and humans being... Well no one knows for sure, they're mortals not Outsiders but there's no god claiming them, and no one even knows where they came from only that Sigil was one of their first civilizations. But they're almost certainly not fey. So their hybrid would be quite certainly totally sterile, even if by some miracle they weren't a total abomination that dies in the womb.
>Elves and Tieflings have natural interspecies birth control
>All the playable species do
That has some VERY horny lore implications.
I am going to exclusively use a half elf from now on on my next 2 campaigns just out of spite.
its fine using legacy content if you want, no reason not to use it
We went from the interspecies breeding chart to "no more race mixing". This part would actually ruin a part of my setting if I used it.

>Wizards of the Coast finds the concept of half-races to be inherently racist

isn't not-allowing half-races unironically more racist?
i thought their propaganda is all about interbreeding, encouraging diversity and whatnot

So what am i supposed to do? just create an Orc character and call it Half-Orc?
what's the point of a new edition if you have to use older edition rules for your fantasy game?
>Sleet Storm ... When a creature enters the Cylinder for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or have the Prone condition and lose Concentration.

Huh. 5.5's Sleet Storm now causes people Concentrating to lose that as part of failing the DEX save versus being Prone rather than being a separate CON save. That feels weird? Means you can't use something like Mind Sharpener or War Caster which dropped the requirement that it only applied to CON saves triggered by damage, but Sleet Storm was the most obvious thing the old wording didn't apply to (there's still things like the example of heavy waves crashing into a ship you're on that are covered now I suppose) since both specify they only apply to CON saves for Concentration
> Interracial couples and mixed-race people. These do NOT exist!
>You can bust it raw in the Orc lady
Make it a Half-Elf Vengenace Paladin with Elven Accuracy and TWF for maximum spite.
Did they drop Vengeance Paladins from the new PHB or something?
Wizards of the Coast is scared of Love
No, that part is just for the edge.
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Nah, they're scared of reproduction.
And >>93922608
>So what am i supposed to do? just create an Orc character and call it Half-Orc?

Though actually they kind of did that for you anyways, the new orc is what Half-orc used to be, meaning there are no more REAL orcs built like a 500lb gorilla.
The art even confirms it.
Everyone in the that picture looks like what Half-orc used to. Very different appearance than the 2014 monster manual orc.

Only Goliaths have Powerful Build in the 2024 PHB.

They're also not cave-dwelling vengeance obsessed raiders anymore either. Gruumsh has been completely rewritten.
Instead Orcs are all about travel and seeking and enduring challenging circumstances, a race of nomadic eternal pioneers of wide open spaces, and leave a legacy of impressive deeds of tenacity in the face of impossible odds.

On a similar note, ALL elves sided with Lolth and got cursed by Corellon to no longer be amorphous spirits, and then most repented. No connections to specific subraces.
So Drow aren't almost exclusively Lolthite, no one is, but also you might run into a Lolthite Wood Elf or High Elf.
Probably just that Vengeance has a super easy source of Advantage. Vow of Enmity, dual wield Finesse weapons, Nick property and the Dual Wielder Feat since they apparently stack to both move the Light extra attack to the main action without using the Bonus Action and also create a new Bonus Action attack for three attacks (four when Extra Attack comes online) all at easy Super Advantage. Pretty likely to crit so might give up the Bonus Action attack to do one of the 5.5 Smite spells which are a Bonus Action you take when actually hitting.
Drow have never been exclusively Lolthian, Vhaeraunans, Ghaunadaurans, and Eilistraeans have been around since the beginning. Though I struggle to see why any of the other elven races would turn to Lolth of all deities - sure, sun elves are just the sort of massive cunts she'd like, but they'd never deign to worship one of the Dark Seldarine.
>Seeking and enduring challenging circumstances
>Leave a legacy of impressive deeds of tenacity in the face of impossible odds
Isn't that just goliath lore?
I'm so fucking pissed I didn't think of cowboy Orcs first.
Because you're still thinking about DnD as a fantasy or maybe a steam/magic punk type of setting, not modern.
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Nah, modern orcs would be like pic related.
I actually run my halflings as Appalachian train-hopping gutterpunks. Real Snufkin-type beat. I ended up making the orcs more Tibetan monks, my reasoning being that any people who can make a functioning society while having a rage god whisper to them would have to self-select to be cooperative and empathetic.
guess I never really paid attention to Orc lore since I used Goblinoids for the ruthless tribe aspect in my games till now but I can see where you're coming from. Even though in canon Githzerai already fit the bill technically
Theorically speaking could a Wish spell turn someone into a Warlock.
Say, if a random peasant stumbled into a wish ring/scroll/whatever.
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So if I want to roleplay as a copypaste of Thrall, I can do it with the new orc lore?

my love for orcs was born thanks to Warcraft 3 so the idea of the completely evil and dumb orc is not my thing
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Reminder that any Ancestry in Pathfinder 2E can take any Versatile Heritage and be mixed with anything.
>What do you do with a bunch of young men who don't know how to do anything but bang their heads?
>Tear, sniffs - You start a revolution, Lars!
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goliath lore is that they're partial giants now.
>it's just WoW again
damn, 5.5 really is 4e attempt 2 isn't it.
>A game with Grom Hellscream in it
Maybe not so much on the completely evil thing, but that dude alone fills every possible checkmark for dumb, anon.
Funny how true that is in every timeline. "Draenor is free!" my ass.
My friends all watched me roll these stats on stream for a Ranger in Rime of the Frost Maiden. I almost feel like it's a waste as a Ranger lmao. We're doing 2024 PHB ruling as a test, what Subclass do you guys think I should rock with?
Anyone got the new Eberron book, Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone.

They're in Magic of Eberron, I believe. They were in 4e, too.
update I unfucked 5etools items by updating the unreleased content, updating homebrew wasnt enough
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>we want the Jaheira audience
I didn't know it was fucked, how long 'till 5etools updates the new 2024? i can't wait to have it working with plutonium foundry.
Is there ANYTHING good about Ranger in 2024 PHB rulings compared to other classes? It just seems so fucking awful compared to everything else. Whats the reason to play this?
so you can rule0 hunters mark with no concentration and its fine
It has access to druid CC spells, but also weapon masteries to push people into them or trap them inside with slows.

compared to a paladin, its base damage will basically always be higher because free hunter's marks for any time you aren't trying to concentrate on something else.

surprising amount of mobility. not quite monk tier but close. legitimately monk tier with legacy spells.

gaining exotic languages is not damn-near impossible and ranger gets two, plus 3 skill expertises which now apply to some tool checks, such as sleight of hand applying to thieves tools, so if they want they can be as good as rogues at trap disarming.
stop demanding to have your cake and eat it too.
i demand to have the class not bound around a singular spell
had the focus on hunters mark been a part of a subclass it'd be fine
almost analogous to cleric having its base class bound to Bless
>Oh jeez, my spell casting half casting fighter gets a dedicated spell that they can use for free on top of subclasses and masteries
>crossbreed races are out
>crossbreed classes are still in
Jeez, commit to the bit, WotC
Didn't they just... not include the half- races in the new PHB?
I always though it was weird that half-orcs were in the original 5e PHB but not orc orcs.
5e orc orcs were not civilized
They needed BHC to tame them into half orcs
Because pre5.5 orc are closer to animals than sapient creatures, and are always chaotic evil
>kobolds were treated like a proper playable race in 5e and I saw people play them
>hobgoblins and bugbears were given playable racial stats, but thankfully no one played them (expect lore rewrites)
>orcs are basically warcraft garbage in 5.5

So, what will WotC do once they complete the journey and make all goblinoids, gnolls, and other filthy monster races good guys? Who will players have left to kill?
>Half-Elves and Half-Orcs are out
>Haflings are still in
Come on, WotC. If you're getting rid of Half- races, they have to go as well?
Probably since 1372 when the orcs were recognized as a legitimate kingdom in the north with the Treaty of Garumn's Gorge.
Apparently all dwarves have Stonecunny, even the dudes and adult women?
>anon has never heard of bussy
I hate Concentration.
Stupid fcking rule.
Why is it just one spell? Why not casting ability modifier at least?
Why can't I fly and concentrate on a spell, WotC? A wizard is supposed to be flying.
Buffing up properly is also impossible.
What a dumb rule.
Because casters in 3.5 did this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Nqjz5R8LrU
Yes? And it was awesome.
You know, there's nothing stopping you from playing 3.5. It still exists.
But all casters could do this, so it was balanced. And it still costs spell slots, which are really sparse ib 5e
Do men and women still exist in 5.5verse? I fully expected "body type 1" and "body type 2"
That's a rather unintelligent thing for you to expect.
Why? Isn't that what all woke game devs are doing nowadays?
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>paladins are half casters and have smites as a singnature spell among others
>rangers have a mish mash of offensive spells with no real theme

If Paladins gets Smites, Rangers get traps. I made a few ranger spells, some possibly overtuned. Can I get some criticism on these spells? Wording is a little scuffed.

>Blast Mine
was written in a way so that the ranger can't trigger it, but can be used to sort of quake grenade jump to safety, if that makes sense. Might just be my own autism.
>Cinder Pit
similar to searing smite, but can't be upcast
>cordon of arrows
Slightly reworked, adds WIS to the damage roll and is made first level, but ammunition by reduced to 2.
>Flame Arrows
very reworked flame arrows, which is also a druid spell. made into a first level spell produces the new burning hazard. Might be 2nd level power. This is also a druid spell
>Herbal Poultice
I liked the idea, but wasn't really sure how to make it distinct from lesser restoration without making it too strong. this might be the first I cut.
>Hide in plain sight
Sort of a mix between the old hide in plain sight and vanish features ranger features from the 2014 ranger. It just lets rangers be better and being rangers for a spell slot.
>Spirited away
Alternate name was feywild doorway, but I like the description of being swooped without a choice. Similar to banishing smite except lower duration, spell level, and specific interactions with fey creatures.
>Vine Snare
Slightly reworked normal Snare spell but higher level, ritual, no consumed material components, cannot have more than one active at a time, and alerts the caster. I made it a ritual for rangers who might want to use it for hunting.
I'm sure you could make a clever or accurate observation about excessive or clumsy attempts at inclusivity and wokeness, but that post was not that.
They should get bow smites, inspired by Seeker class in 4e
>They should get bow smites, inspired by Seeker class in 4e

It would be stronger but usless for none bow rangers and flavorless because it's just copying paladins. Just make hail of thorns not suck and make a paladin subclass that can used smites at range


>your smites can be used with ranged weapons at against enemies within 30ft as long as you aren't wearing heavy armor.
They had awesome flavour, momentarily dumping people into various nasty spots in the Feywild.

A ranger is supposed to use bows. Its a RANGEr. It fights at range. Melee ranger is dumb. You want to play melee outdoorsman, you play Barbarian.
Isn't the seeker just the new arcane archer fighter subclass?
No. Arcane Archer is generic and flavorless, Seeker had some feywild and primal spirit lore and unique abilities
>melee ranger is dumb
yeah but why
Fighter uses bows better than a ranger, so through your logic he is a better RANGEr
I know that's how it is, but that's not how its supposed to be.
What's a good way to describe a home brewed boss enemy with this ability, without it being too "nothing personnel kid"?

The boss also does this ability by dissipating into black smoke and phasing around the person.
keeping on the ranger topic
is shillelagh/magic stone wisdom based ranger something that is viable?
or would those cantrips overload the bonus action?
>magic stone
Less so. Ask your DM if you can enchant 1+ WIS stones, and you promise not to minion exploit with it.
Shillelagh's fine enough (better in 5.5 than in 5e as the new version gives cantrip scaling as if it's a steadily larger weapon), one Bonus Action every 10 rounds is fine enough, though it is a setup turn if you're using your Bonus Action for something else too. Magic Stone is pretty Bonus Action heavy, once every three rounds before Extra Attack comes on and two out of three once it does is a pretty heavy investment
Anyone knows any good composers for D&D music? Something quality like FaboMusic or Travis Savoye?

Or any less-known video games with good OSTs? (i find that osts from games i i know ruin my immersion when I'm the
>i find that osts from games i i know ruin my immersion when I'm the

Understandable. But I feel like that'll happen even if you use music you're not familiar with, because you'll become familiar with it.
Not really. Its not due to familiarity per se for me, but because when I hear music from Skyrim, I think "heh, that's Skyrim" and mentally I'm already in Skyrim, and not in Faerun
the reason i am asking is because i am looking to focus on forced movement for Spike Growth and am split between Ranger swarmkeeper doesnt appeal to me, but sacrifices must be made and Druid for Gust and Thornvine
im breaking my skull on how to enforce movement and be in melee, with minimal feat investment
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>Smite is melee only

Actually smite is melee WEAPON only also unarmed strike, so you can use it with javelins, hand axes, daggers, darts, tridents, etc. when thrown as a ranged attack.
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Great club, pike, war hammer, and heavy crossbow have the push property. Heavy crossbow does just as well as a melee option with crossbow expert, and if your DM is cool, he'll let you reflavor your melee ranged crossbow attacks as bayonet stabs. For real melee options, you're looking at a STRanger build.

Your last bet, if you wanna stick with High Wis, is to ask your DM to let shillelagh work with greatCLUBS along with quarterstaffs and regular clubs. If you can convince him you want to unga bunga with a great club, he might allow it for the novelty of seeing a player use an actual great club.
To add on, if anything, great club shillelagh is worse than normal shillelagh since it means you can't wear a shield with it.
Plus since 5.5 Shillelagh allows you to choose Force or the weapon's normal damage type it'll combo with the Crusher Feat, choose to deal Bludgeoning and just grand slam someone 15 feet once per turn if they allow the spell to work on greatclubs (or of course on the weapon without the spell, but that requires STR rather than WIS)
shouldve specified im in a 2014 game
STRanger is an option with crusher, however getting stuck with a low AC might blow me out of the water
wanted to go Earth Genasshole for flavour, but the Minotaur push as BA makes for a better build

the worst part about druid is that you cant ungabunga unless i ask the dude to allow 2024 shillelagh, since spore flavours sucks actual donkey balls

greatclub kensei monk is always an option but fuck me man, i dont want that route
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A regular Granny Goodness
>shouldve specified im in a 2014 game

oof. Yea. That greatly reduces your options. In that case, genie warlock (dao) gets you spike growth, repeling blast+grasp of hadar gets you knock back and pull on your eldritch blast (8d4 from spike growth), and genie (dao) lets you add bludgeoning onto an eldritch blast so it combines with crusher for more movement

With that being said, unless the game stays at tier 2 or its a one shot, you definitely shouldn't rely on spike growth for damage or build your entire character around it
Old veteran fighter ladies are awesome. On my favorite tropes. Not every female character has to be coombait
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>Old veteran fighter
Paladin, but yea.
apprehensive towards warlock since its "taken"
the level range is around 3-15, so ranger would "fall off" while druid would only get better
thats the whole reason for my conundrum

spike growth is just one of the gimmicks i thought of to justify using forced movement with area control
Dilate ywnbaw
Unprompted, absolutely rent-free, holy shit.
New bread?
A ranger is someone who ranges. It has nothing to do with ranged combat.
I know this is probably just a bit, but still.
Homebrewer here.
How do you feel about a subclass taking some baseline things away from a class?
It depends on what you're taking.

But core class features are usually frowned upon.
Usually, you're seen as an unimaginative hack.
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>sees a gilf
>thinks of trannies
absolutely mindbroken
But that's how all homebrewers are seen, that's nothing new.
>trannies want to be sexy young women, but can't
>old women want to be sexy young women, but can't
Clearly, trannies and old women are the same.
>old women want to be sexy young women
Playing 3-4 session mini-campaign, and DM told us to bring backup characters for next session, since we stopped right before a big boss fight.
What is the best way to make DM suffer as a 9th level character? I was thinking about making a necromancer (cleric, ideally) and flooding the table with skeletons.
Circle of the Shepherd druid, 9th level conjure animals summons 32 raptors or wolves. Every one of their attacks gets advantage from pack tactics, and they all have buffed health, you can give them temp hp every turn with Bear Spirit totem, and all of their attacks are magical
Oooooh, that's perfect!
If he kills my quirky wizard, he'll pay for it
Oh, 9th level character. What i said still applies tho. You can summon 16 raptors or wolves
This is using the 2014 conjure animals btw

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