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Legion-specific edition

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>Thread question:
Should FW update the older legion-specific units that will likely never see a plastic release?
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i'm fine with the older units. but since i don't play any of the first batch legions i don't think i count
That Alpharius needs to skip the corpse starch for a while
Please, god no.
he's on that perturabo-impersonating diet
John Gramaticus reminds me of a less well realised version of Cheradenine Zakalwe
>Should FW update the older legion-specific units that will likely never see a plastic release?
I dont think so, they are (generally) good looking and I would rather see the legions with lackluster special options get some attention or plastic releases for more fundamental troops in need of it (breachers/destroyers would be nice)
so, which one do you prefer ?
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i am a special kind of retarded tonight
No, those are Mk VI legs from the BA tactical squad kit May the Emperor rest its soul
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they are death company legs.
great kit, i should've bought more boxes
no, those are 40k Death Company legs.
If you're going to armour autism, do it right.
bro, your barrells?
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gets tedious at some point.
also the drill bits are lost in the T̵̨͕̗̯̏̕h̴͔̪͍̯̩̞̏͒́́̄ͅe̸̢̥̯̭͖͗ ̴̧͖̗̝͉͍̞͈̘̗̑̎̔̉͐̌̓̋̽͐̎P̶̺̬̞͍͎̄͗̐̂̎̏̎͒̎͠ị̴̡̧͖̰̋̈́ț̵̄̀̎̇́̔͛̔̓͝
Death to the barrel drill mafia.
Do you also drill your models assholes because otherwise they can't take a shit? Do you replace lenses with actual glass rather than paint them, because otherwise models can't look through them? Get the fuck outta here.
The first point is irrelevant, since the asshole isn't visible except for space wolf players, who do
The second one also doesn't work. The shape of the lens is constant, regardless of material.
With the barrels, drilling changes the actual shape. You can argue it's unnecessary, and that's a matter of opinion, but don't give arguments that clearly don't compare apples to apples.
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Nice mental gymnastics there faggot
If you had to choose between the autocannons and the plasma for the Deredeo, which would you go with?
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Plasma every time all the time, hands down. It can fire the same Str 8 rending 4+ large blasts that make scorpius so hated, on a platform that is durable enough to fire at a lascannon HSS and survive the return fire.
The autocannons just serve no purpose and do too little damage to warrant the deredeo's point cost.
But of course my deredeo still only has the autocannons, they were decent enough last edition when I build it.
Plasma, in most cases. S7 Heavy 6 will reliably wallop aircraft and light vehicles and the option to overcharge for an intercepting S8 Breaching 4+ Large Blast will make most terminators be more careful around you, too.
Autocannon looks better, though.
Plasma. It's not even close
The hellfire carronade is one of the few good plasma weapons this edition. A decent number of S7 shots will make flyers stay out of range and a large blast that can be fired to ID deep-striking terminators will make elites stay away.
The autocannon battery doesn't throw out enough shots – while Sunder and Rending 5+ is nice enough it doesn't have enough shots to really make it count.
would you let him get +1 to hit if he was dreadwing?
Did the Emperor's Children utilize any daemons before the end of the heresy? Would it be fluffy to put them in a diorama/army display?
sorry I had a brain aneurysm, I meant deathwing
I chose a different path. I chose... Volkite.
>Did the Emperor's Children utilize any daemons before the end of the heresy?
Absolutely. Sometimes they even did it on purpose.
The first confirmed summoning/contact with daemons happened BEFORE the Dropsite Massacre, they were doing it before it was cool.
Hell yeah brother, then I'm biting the bullet on a box right now.
Slaangorrs = Demonic Brutes of Slaanesh
Maybe towards the end of the Heresy. Just a handful of lesser Daemons hanging around with some choice members of the legion like Typhon and his Nurglings.
But I actually like the Traitor Legions when they have clearly fallen to Chaos, but aren't fully into the Daemon worship or are only just starting to grasp what they are dealing with.
What were FW smoking that they decided to sell the anti-infantry weapon in combination with anti-air missiles only...
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Solar Auxilia designs are cool but a little too busy
No, DAfags are scum and get no concessions

you didnt even have the good graces to model him with the big sword the banana boy dreadnoughts get
If it was still a 'Dreadnought Close Combat weapon' modeled as a sword, I would
But it's a gravis power fist/chainfist now, so no
Well, I'm getting the MkIII box (local store still has it), so I'm pretty sure those two are the only options that it has.
you can't just arrange letters and call it a name, this isn't star trek
they're both charming

What does Volkite even do
eh it's like a 1/5 to penetrate AV14, about as good as BS4 lascannons but with four shots

I can see why it is that way and not more obnoxious with a higher rate of fire and/or AP2/Wrecker, plus the thing also comes with a bucket of eat shit rockets for taking out flyers or affordable infantry

not great, not terrible
at that concert where Fulgrim fucked a violin?
Lol the skinny leg mkii look so shit. People defending them are sunk cost fags rite large
Asked last thread but no response. Kharn comes on either a 25mm or a 50mm base depending on which of the two provided bases you use. Would a 40mm be fine for a conversion if the base model is sized for that and uses the full base?
Unfuck your life then maybe paint more toy soldiers
it's basically a microwave gun
set it to popcorn and people burst into flame and get atomized
Coherent microwave beams. The MASER to the lasgun's LASER.
It just isn't 200 points great.
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So just a meltagun.
closer to the 2nd ed melta but longer range, more directed, and less explosively dramatic
So it kinda just cooks you from the inside? I guess i'm trying to figure out what it does and also what its gimmick is; what it does it do that causes someone to choose it over a lasgun?

But doesn't Volkite get zero AP?
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-Black with grey highlights/chips


-metallic colour washed down with nuln oil and with metallic chips?
Some anon once posted which kind of radiation volkite could be based on real life physics, but I forgot the specifics. Should have saved the post dammit.
In the lore it is uncertain what volkite weapons actually fire.
>vape gun
this is a fun idea for a necromunda gang
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I personally don't like the excessive black trim on new mk3 for IF, it's too busy imo. Your metallic idea sounds neat, same armor color but with chipping to imply its a different material?
Yea, trim being more obviously metal and not just ceramite

The black with grey looks a bit too plastic-y imo
>not just ceramite
What about plasteel? Older marks apparently are suppose to be made with plasteel while later ones have ceramite. It'd explain what the new armour material for the MkIV was.
Agreed. You have the blessing of one nameless autist at a Cambodian basket weaving symposium.
Not exactly. The power source, delivery system, intended effect on the target, and the way it looks/sounds when firing are all different... but they effectively use the same type of reaction (agitated molecules).
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>power source
Wonder what they do use as a power source. The Admech plasma gun seems to have a battery very similar to FW volkites.
Use classic red trim
The Falconet seems pretty good but it's a real shame it looks so ugly.
Heat rays. Beams of "thermodynamic energy" that are super devastating to flesh, burn it and cause it to explode from heat, thus additional hits on unsaved wounds.
>it have bad AP
it have same AP as high calibre armor piercing explosive bullets with daimond tips and rocket booster to add even more speed.
>but they effectively use the same type of reaction (agitated molecules).
If you want to get pedantically technical, bolters also use that type of reaction.
>Should FW update the older legion-specific units that will likely never see a plastic release?
Considering most kits that were rerelased as plastic are straight up downgrade design wise I would say FUCK NO!
it deflagrates; that is to say, it propagate deflagration in a target medium


it's not a microwave beam because that would just boil the water out of a body (and be stopped by various types of armour quite easily, though it would heat some of them up fast)

it's not ionizing radiation because it's widely used and doesn't cause radiation effects; particle radiation would be next to useless, and no ionizing radiation would cause deflagration short of the kind of beam that would permanently irradiate an area

so it must be a more exotic effect and likely uses quantum or some shit to agitate molecular bonds; a bit like dielectric heating, but probably directly targeting carbon molecules (since they're abundant in living targets and burn well along with oxygen, which is also abundant in living targets) with a weaker effect on other molecules (hence it's bad at burning through metals, ie armour)

basically it's an old-timey ray gun
>finally get around to reading Horus HERESY novels
>The Emporer is a fedora tipping atheist Redditor
should have never come here
Reading the wrong Horus Heresy novels which is most of them is a very good way to stop liking the Horus Heresy.
>he didn't know the Emperor was a hardcore atheist
How? It's one of his defining features that led to the Heresy was his denial of all things divine that his sons weren't prepared to deal with them.
The "Heresy" was tacked on much later after the Imperial Cult twisted the guy who didn't want to be worshipped as a god into a god and made Lorgar right.
Wait until you find out about 'Perpetuals' and John Grammaticus. Also what they did to the lone mortal soldier who stood up to Horus, Ollanius Pius or w/e he was called. BL writers are unbelievable hacks. Especially Abnett. Overrated as fuck

The best books are mostly done by ADB. First Heretic, Betrayer, etc. Not so much his more recent HH novels
>it have same AP as high calibre armor piercing explosive bullets with daimond tips and rocket booster to add even more speed.
Or a basic handheld flammenwerfer, both capable of piercing basic body armour.

I like to imagine with volkites and flamers it's more to do with the coverage of the armour, rather than its protective value. You can have a cuirass of adamantium, but get hit with a flamer and that plate does nothing as the flames burn your limbs and head. Models in carapace tend to be quite covered up, so they're more protected from such effects.
You have to remember the weapons also work on automatons and dreadnoughts, so it's not just biological matter. Maybe, if they added Deflagrate next to Flesbane and Poison as things they're immune to, it'd suit the idea more. I think even the designers don't know what to do with it, so it's just another energy beam weapon with a special rule and that's it.
>and John Grammaticus
John is a perfectly fine character, and his walking out an airlock at the end of the novel is how his story should have ended.

Much like how Loken should have stayed dead. And our closing "I was there the day Horus slew the Emperor" could have come from Abbadon.
>that would just boil the water out of a body
Bro I'm 70% water. I don't want you boiling my body moisture thank you very much
>(and be stopped by various types of armour quite easily,
Makes sense it's AP5. Volkite is totally an energy bean in the lower end of the spectrum, so microwave-infrared. The flash you see is the air burning in front of the energy beam.
Do NOT try to use a Volkite weapon as a source of radio waves. You will be able to communicate with the target, but only once. The message: D-E-A-T-H-X-D
A melta gun uses magnetic "containment" (not unlike plasma) to fit a whole volkite's clip in a single shot. Not to mention many models use petrol as fuel (tank + hose).
So it could be said meltas are what volkite would be if you used a magnetic bubble to concentrate the whole magazine's energy into heating up fuel which it then shoots like a shotgun.
>"Then it's just the same"
Like saying RPG and frag grenades are the same because they're both "grenades"
>Not to mention many models use petrol as fuel (tank + hose).
Hydrogen masers are a thing in real life. Some meltas use a fusion reaction instead (hence the Eldar and Tau fusion weapons). Many melta weapons don't have the hose either, nor do we see meltas being reloaded with a fresh tank very often. One one of the plague marine models there's a bunch of extra barrels, implying the barrels wear out faster than it runs out of fuel.
>shoots like a shotgun.
All the depictions of the beam make it a tight red line. Coming from the middle of the tall slit, which has barrels running on the edges of it with empty space in the middle (as seen on the Deredeo and Kratos volkites). Meltas are a nigh invisible jet or blast of heat.
>Like saying RPG and frag grenades are the same because they're both "grenades"
They do make frag rockets for RPGs.
>all this autistic disscusion about how "grim dark future tech" work
>when you have no info outside "heat ray"
>when designers who come up with it them selves have no idea and don't care how it work
Never change anons.
Brother what the fuck is that. I do not hate it but I'm also not getting close to it
>Many melta weapons don't have the hose either
Most do have the tank though. Also it says it's petrol (CnH2n+2), rather than hydrogen, the easiest element to fuse
>nor do we see meltas being reloaded with a fresh tank very often.
Huge wasted opportunity. I hope they retcon it away like they retconned bolters being caseless. Reloading a cell-canister is super cool
If it was up to me I'd make meltas fucking pump action lmao. I just like shotguns u.u
>All the depictions of the beam make it a tight red line
The Space Marine vidya's depiction (fusion shotgun) is cooler than Dawn of War's (blowtorch gun), though they're both fun.
At least they're not DoW 3's Lascannon...
>Meltas are a nigh invisible jet or blast of heat.
That'd be in the vacuum, with no air to ignite
Mate, the pit doesn't even look that hard to tidy up if you spent some time on it.
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>Also it says it's petrol (CnH2n+2)
Pyrum-petrol. Or Pyrum/prometheum. I was merely using the hydrogen maser as an example of microwaves using some form of "fuel" as part of the reaction. It's possible whatever fuel they use, it's able to produce the reaction without tons of energy being put into fusing the elements. Maybe it's how melta-bombs work, just put some chemical mixture in there, mix it up and it'll produce a great amount of heat through chemical nuclear fusion.
>like they retconned bolters being caseless
When were bolters caseless? People keep saying this, but I have yet to see examples.
>fusion shotgun
Feels more like they didn't want to make a short ranged lascannon, so instead of a tight beam they made it a blast. 2e dreads could use their multi-meltas in such a way, spreading the beam into a short, wide blast using the flamer template.
>That'd be in the vacuum, with no air to ignite
Yet in the description they mention moisture in the air hissing along with the near invisible beam, so...
I reckon what the official source vaguely says. I just find it less cool than Fusion Boomstick.

Do you have any headcanon you find cooler than the official fluff?
Hey meltagun is still fusion shotgun, just loaded with slug instead of pellets and it can vaporise fully armoured space marine and anything behind him or burn hole in battle tank.
A lot of MK IV models are out of stock or sold out. Wondering if they’re repackaging them or if they’re about to drop an update for them
Is it still headcanon if you just pick and choose official lore?
Specifically a Head pyrum-promethium microwave Canon :^)
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Black trim. Metallic looks like shit on the nu characters
Just here to remind that there are canonically 2 types of meltagun.
Sorry, forgot the image
>MkIV Maximus, my beloved
Hopefully the latter. Seeing them squatting next to the taller MkIII and MkVI has robbed me of all motivation to paint them.
>Also what they did to the lone mortal soldier who stood up to Horus
made him real rather than explicit in universe propaganda? yea, that was stupid of them
Yeah, he's also a perpetual now.
I know, I read the books (some of them anyways), I just hate Olly and hate the adoration of him by mouthbreathers online, it was never some random fucking dude with the emperor in Horus's throne room that would be fucking retarded, why would the emperor take some random faggot guardsman with him on the most important spec ops mission in the history of the universe

perpetuals and everything surrounding them is also shit to the umpteenth degree and whoever came up with that should be shot and then have the body displayed on a pike to serve as a lesson for the others. Cyrene can stay because shes neat.
>explicit in universe propaganda
Do source this claim.
RT where the objective account of the throne room showdown doesn't feature him despite later imperial sources having him be a saint with his attributed actions
Anything's retarded when you strawman it enough.
cyrene can stay because she has a purpose in the story and doesn't come up in the next book.
and she doesn't even count as an abnett aberration in her book
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So you just don't know what "explicit" means then. It's not like there weren't multiple versions of the event in RT alone.
Thank you for proving my exact point. The ollanius pius story was always nothing more than alleged in universe propaganda, and every objective account had it be a marine (later made into a custodes)

>who is supposed to have
I feel like Oll's death by Horus might have been an editorial mandate. I mean Abnett already wrote the whole thing with Olly in Saturnine, and his afterword reads a lot like he meant for that to be the end of the whole matter of Saint Ollanious's martyrdom. Of course, this wouldn't have been an issue in the first place if he hadn't had introduced Oll as a character way back when. The whole thing is incredibly stupid.
What happened to "explicit," buddy boy?
what happened in the duel is apocryphal at best, and usually propaganda.
the worst idea of the HH books was to give a clear picture of what happened.
turning warhammer 30k into BL's bitch make me mad
That is explicit, its there in plain text, the ollanius pius story is nothing more than an alleged version of events, in universe propaganda by the guard. This is made even more explicit by every objective recounting of the showdown not having him there.
If it was "explicit," you wouldn't need to infer it, they'd tell it to you outright.
Which they did
>the guardsman who is supposed to have
Get a dictionary, ESL.
Speaking of propaganda, did the BL book even have the Emperor tell people to grind his armour to dust and mandate the crux terminatus on all terminator suits?
sicaran turret variants in plastic when
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Hello. I'm looking around for some kill team terrain. Anybody have pic rel terrain (Civitas Imperialis Ruins)? Does that single box really transform into all of those buildings, or is that just showcasing more boxes from the same set?
Also not sure about the scale. Would this look weird with 40k models?
>Also not sure about the scale. Would this look weird with 40k models?
Hilariously. An epic rhino doesn't even come up to the knee on a 28mm marine, having these buildings would look like a bunch of dudes stomping around a miniature city.
you can mix and match some bits. doesn't translate to 40k and Kill Team at all, unless you plan to fight in a hive city of ants next to your 28mm minis.
gods why do i see folks asking dumb question that they could answer themselves by looking 10mn on my social media
Ah, so that's what this is. I felt like it looked to good to be true, lmao. Thank you.
>by looking 10mn on the GW website, instead of asking it on my social media
too drunk to paint, not drunk enough to avoid despair
Aside from "fun" or "flavor" (both perfectly acceptable reasons for me), when do you want to run a Champion consul?
Maru Skara it's mandatory
>3x Champion + 5 Pyroclasts riding inside the holds of a Land Raider Achilles squadron
So much melta... and scoring...
Aside from RoW requirements there isn't really a reason. Most of the other consuls are going to contribute a lot more to your army than a champion.
And he's really expensive for just a centurion with a paragon blade and WS6 that gets forced into duels even if he doesn't want to...
You still need a MotL
if you take vulkan it's fine, but then you have a 425pts deficit
This is dumb, a champion doesn't fit this theme at all
I'd understand a chaplain preaching about purifying everything with fire, or even an armistos forced to take the flamer, but what the fuck does a guy with a sword have to do with spamming flamers?
because it was already that way in 1rst edition and carried that way in 2nd.
salamanders should have chaplains everywhere, definitively second most fanatic legion after WB
I guess you just make one of them a Praetor. Either way, it's stupid but fun.
But a Phoenix Warden is both cooler and better because he can take a thunder hammer AND a phoenix spear and also doesn't have to challenge and also gets bonus combat resolution and can also just give himself WS6 if he needs it.
would've been way more deadly if the master-crafted melta bonus had carried over
15 multi-meltas and 15 (18 if you splurge for combi meltas on the HQs) meltas are deadly enough imo
my single biggest problem with pyroclasts is that they can't take chainswords
otherwise they would be absolutely perfect
It would be nice (albeit pricey) if they could swap their basic CCWs for something better, but they are one of the few units in the game to actually have that and a Pistol, so they do get 4 attacks each on the charge which isn't nothing.
Which legions inductii do you think are worth the time to run?
I already played my UM tacticals as 10 man units in rhinos for flexibility so getting special weapon access was a no brainer to me
Alpha Legion Inductii are hillarious
i prefer them on the defensive, holding an objective and daring anyone dumb enough to charge 5d6 flamers
Salamanders get some of the best of the bunch.
>WS5 Sarge in a despoiler squad
>Reroll 1s to hit in melee
>Can have a couple guys replace their CCWs with meltaguns
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is Adeptus Titanicus good?
Another praetor level combatant for cheap, government hil a jump pack and let him either run and hide across the board or deep strike to bring the hammer of justice from the heavens.
It does some stuff which Epic doesn't, which is more than Ligma can say.
Mars book still not shared?
Grim times indeed.
Two questions both Mechanicum related and potentially retarded so forgive me

1. I want to base my mechanicum on a forge world that exists in universe, however it has no examples of what their colour scheme are, and the planet in question technically isn't sanctified or connected to Mars, so doing just the standard red robes is likely a far fetch of an option. On the same forge world, however, is a knight house that DOES have reference material and colour schemes of the knights. Would it make sense for Mechanicum elements to also adopt a similar colour scheme? What should I do in this scenario?

2. Is there actually anything for loyalist mechanicum players in the new mars book? All the screenshots I've seen so far only really seem to be traitor exclusive, even down to warlord traits. Why does it seem like being a loyalist for mechanicum related armies only comes with downsides?
This isn't 40k, not all Martians wore red. Other than that you should look at the titanicus wiki because it has probably every house so far and nearly every bit of fluff like the forge worlds that supply them.
>Would it make sense for Mechanicum elements to also adopt a similar colour scheme?
No, it's knights that are subjected to the will of the mechanicum not the other way around.
2:Not really, I've heard there are some things that don't rely on alignment for the campaign but other than that nothing. No characters, no rules, no anything. Unless you play marines that is.
Well, already built and painted mine, so I guess fun and flavor it is.
Yeah, mine has a jump pack.
for the first question : fuck mars, kick mars in the balls, roundhouse kick mars in the face, etc...
look up mezoa stuff if you want loyalist mechanicum, but yeah loyalist mechanicum has exactly one unit, while the traitor mechanicum has dime a dozen of stuff
what's ligma?
>can also just give himself WS6 if he needs it.
No, he can give himself a +1 to it for hitting or defending only at the cost of an attack, which is flat worse than just having base WS6.
>39 euro for free pdfs, marine fapfics and a slew of things that are so bad you won't ever run them
I'll pass.
it's fun, in a "don't cry, laugh instead" way to see warhammer wannabees fail to understand basic shit
>This isn't 40k, not all Martians wore red
I still understand it to be a way of signifying loyalty to mars though, no? I dislike the idea of associating with traitors and hereteks
>Other than that you should look at the titanicus wiki
I'll give the titanicus wiki a browse then and see what I can turn up
>No characters, no rules, no anything.
Damn that's rough. Feels like a bit of a kick in the dick to get literally nothing and not even some kind of lacklustre unit or warlord trait or something
>fuck mars
>look up mezoa stuff if you want loyalist mechanicum
I gave them a quick read and was very enamoured, I'll have to give them more of a look over. Basing their iconography seemingly on their planet is an interesting one...The forge world I picked is technically from Ultramar so maybe I could do something in a similar vein?
>but yeah loyalist mechanicum has exactly one unit, while the traitor mechanicum has dime a dozen of stuff
It's a shame too since I'd be down to run more of the Arcuitor's but they're...0-1? And sure I could run a Malagra high techno force but my mechanicum are gonna be an allied detachment, so that means not getting access to the cool "take 3 Arcuitors" part...Feels a bit lame. I guess loyalty is it's own reward but ouch
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Yes, loyalty to Mars which during the heresy turned mostly traitor. The mechanicum was very hands off with that kind of thing for the most part and ignoring all the forge worlds straight up disobeying Mars each forge was it's own citystate with their own little secrets and heresies against the dogma, they were still expected to fight under the banner of their planetary governor (fab.gen. or other titles) when needed, which was in turn expected to do the same for Mars/the Emperor. The system is based off feudalism, after the heresy, seeing that half or more of the mechanicum went traitor or even completely renegade, Kane shackled any bit of freedom mech had and turned the whole empire into an adeptus ordo.
The only good bits were free before this book and those too have had some new restrictions. We did get some warlord traits but outside of the Sarum one letting you pick slaughter engines as troops and iirc giving them line there isn't anything noteworthy. There were so many interesting predictions that would have been fun to see but I guess this is what we get.
Pic rel is the martian Fab.Gen. and his allies.
It seems that most non-marine armies get incredibly fucked over when taken as allies because they rely on certain things that are non-compulsory and are in non-troop slots like militia not being able to get discipline masters, mech only having 3 sources of cybertheurgy, SA companions, etc..
>Why does it seem like being a loyalist for mechanicum related armies only comes with downsides?
You get an exclusive unit. But on the whole its for the same reason some legions get more benefit going loyalist than traitor or the reverse.
>Would it make sense for Mechanicum elements to also adopt a similar colour scheme?
Yea, in Xana II house Malinax has the same color scheme as the other mecanicum forces so it's not like it's unheard of.
Other forge worlds with multiple knight houses like Mars also seem to have very close color schemes for them, with all being variations of red, so I imagine that's because it's the color associated with Mars forces.
If the house you are reffering to are knights under the rule of the mecanicum then they are basically mecanicum forces and might as well be the same color
>so doing just the standard red robes is likely a far fetch of an option
They are very inconsistent with the color red thing. Sometimes it represents the omnissiah and other it's the authority of Mars...
If your forge world is not associated with Mars and given there are others like Xana that completely pass on it, I'd say it'd make more sense to not use it.
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I'm having a real boring ass time

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>Why does it seem like being a loyalist for mechanicum related armies only comes with downsides?

Loyalty is its own reward.
>Why does it seem like being a loyalist for mechanicum related armies only comes with downsides?
Have you seen what traitors get for being traitors?
Anyone who has Ashen Circle models, are the heads part of the torso or are they separate pieces?
Torsos/heads are one solid piece. The arms and jetpacks are separate though
All right. Unfortunate, I wanted to use one torso but save the head for another model. Guess it's back to reconsidering my approach. Did find one stl for them that didn't include the head, but the quality looks rough and I wasn't eager to go for it if the resin kit had them separare.
>Why does it seem like being a loyalist for mechanicum related armies only comes with downsides?
Emps forbid all the things the cool kids do like creating skynet, sorcery, binding daemons, not paying taxes, the dark age of technology relics that work great, not paying taxes, creating factories whose product is suffering so you can breach the immaterium and escape in the waves... the waves.
Also, the official kits are pretty annoying to work with. Pinning is required since a lot of them are hopping on one foot. I ended up kitbashing the rest of the squad because plastic is a little more forgiving
amazing because cheapest mass volkite in the game but can't be used in 5/6 rites of war
amazing because massed breaching 5+ on a squad with spite of the legion
bad because there's no section explaining that they have to be able to hurt the thing they shoot at meaning they will just waste their shooting phase
amazing because in sagyar mazan with fearless on the charge it's a free +1vp
bad because running and charging means sw units never have issues with distance in the first place
pretty good because the pinning is basically guaranteed to go off if you take two heavy bolters
pretty good because it's mass breaching 6+ without paying a tax like on the ec version
bad because you're replacing spite of the legion for potentially maybe getting fear 1
bad because +1ws is of dubious worth on tacticals and you're losing fury of the legion for the potential +1bs (this is worse than just firing twice)
bad because ravening madmen is the worst rule in the current edition
pretty good because they make the best msu option in the legion list with two meltas in a rhino without the cost/foc tax of veterans
bad because it's just worse than taking an ordinary tac squad with an apothecary with no other real benefits
bad because you're losing asphyx bolters and fotl for the potential to possibly get maybe one extra wound in a shooting phase (at the risk of blowing your unit up lmao)
pretty good because they'll virtually always be near a ws5 unit in a soh list and so it's basically a free +1s on the charge, argually better than actual despoilers
bad because instead you can just make normal despoilers corrupted for a pittance
amazing because ws5 sergeant and two melta guns and half of preferred enemy (everything)
pretty good because they don't lose fotl which means they can dodge a charge without burning a reaction and then fire back next turn
amazing because free fotl on turn 2
ran out of space to finish

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Makes sense.
Really I just want to try and find something similar to this guy's torso, which I know is Ashen Circle originally. I'm not concerned about the legs or head, both of which I planned on replacing anyway. But it sounds like it'll be more trouble than it's worth to try and do it from the resin kit.
>iron hands inductii lose fury of the legion to risk D3 wounds to get BS5
>imperial fists inductii, with their innate bs5, get to keep fury of the legion and also bring a one-in-ten heavy bolter as well because why not
Truly, they are not all made equal.
Maybe if their dad was still around he would've taught them better.
That's the joke
>DSM 006.M31
>My primarch! Your brothers betray you! We are outnumbered 8 to 3! You must do something my lord!
>Worry not my son I shall use my expert sneaking and espionage skills to take out one of my brothers and put a critical dent in this rebellion before
>BRILLIANT IDEA MY LORD! Taking out Horus before he ever reaches terra will be a
>Im not taking out Horus.
>Oh....well... perturabo is the logistical brains behind this heresy, taking out him would.
>Im not taking out perturabo.
>Mortarion or angron would be considerable foes having them out of the way would
>Konnrad Curze or alpharius would be a wi
>uh uh
>Na fuck ferrus.
>Who does that leave?
>You.....are going to try to assasinate Lorgar.....the priest....the weakest primarch who 's just.... there....
>Yup and then Im going to fail there too and run away and spook Lorgar far far int the future.
>*flies away*
Maybe if we dragged the writers out of that hole GW makes them work in and beat 1 out of every 10 of them to death with sticks, they might learn how to write good rules again.
>pretty good because they don't lose fotl which means they can dodge a charge without burning a reaction and then fire back next turn
Their ability triggers when they get pinned, not when they get charged
mp that's just French being a faggot combined with the Traitor Tax
Well, the expectation is they'll be shot at and pinned in expectation of being charged the same turn. Their ability lets them ignore the pin and consolidate 7" backwards, fucking up the charging unit's position and then being in range to rapid fire FotL in the next shooting phase.
so IF the enemy tries to pin a tac squad, rather than any more valuable unit, and IF they succeed in getting a wound (so, a loss of at least one model) and IF they fail the pinning check (which is unlikely) instead of being pinned, they run 7" in a direction the enemy can choose via smart positioning, all for the low low price of losing AA access, losing an FNP and stubborn on objectives, and no attached characters.
It's such a niche situation, that the rule in and of itself is a neutral at best, and nowhere near the value of the rules they lose to get it. RG inductii are shit.
maybe i'll see you on the other side.
it was a wild ride
>IF the enemy tries to pin a tac squad,
Yes you dubmass, pinning makes unable to score or deny objectives. It's really fucking useful against units with Line. Specially units with Line that deply on the objective on turn 1.
>but muh AA and characters
literally pointless against nemesis bolters, the main source of pinning
You clearly don't play against people who use pinning it at all
How bad of an idea is it to deploy some of your jump pack units (like regular assault marines) on the board and take advantage of their packs to move from there, instead of trying to deep strike everything with a jump pack? Seems like better odds of getting early charge(s) in exchange for being more vulnerable to enemy fire.
if you're saying what you are implying don't do what you're about to do
you are loved anon, the ride doesn't have to end
>Should FW update the older legion-specific units that will likely never see a plastic release?
Absolutely not, if they do that, they will do the new GW bullshit where they have basically no compatibility with the other older models as well.
So fuck no.
>pinning makes unable to score or deny objectives.
So does putting that unit 7" off the objective.
>You clearly don't play against people who use pinning it at all
No, most people I play don't bother with pinning since only a few legions can make it reliable.
>>but muh AA and characters
I'm going to be foolishly generous and assume stupidity over malice here.
I'm not saying AA and characters will prevent pinning (though, both those can, in fact, reduce the chance of the unit being pinned), I'm saying that the general benefits of:
- Not being support squad
- Having access to AA
- Having access to characters
- Having Heart of the Legion
massively outweigh the benefits of Unchained Conviction.
It's a better idea than deep striking them most of the time. Specially if there is enough terrain to hide behind as they advance. That Intercept reaction can fuck up jump pack units as they come in, even if it's a mere tactical squad shooting.
Now that run moves add a fixed distance rather than anywhere from 1 to 6 inch, running melee units on foot has become loads more reliable.
So is that giant snake on the right fulgrim? I wanna say it's the guy right of it since he has the long hair and what looks like Fulgrim's sword but if so who's the giant snake? Just a random chaos laer?
It's a daemon from the books IIRC
It's the native Cadian priestess who revealed the Primordial Truth to Lorgar, she got turned into a daemon prince for the effort. And yes it is indeed Fulgrim standing next to her.
Does anyone know the turn around time on wtg? Considering ordering a sabre and the full weapon set if that helps. Also, has anyone here magnetized a sabre, is it particularly hard? I've not seem any good pictures of the two connection points.
Call it a retarded but I think a fun Horus heresy AU idea would have the lion join the traitors but have luthor and his faction fight for the loyalists and his faction becoming the mainstream dark angels chapter by the time of 40k. What is essentially a mortal human being in charge of a legion and if the codex astartes would be the same with a human directly controlling a legion would change that
>Its another what if luther was loyal and Lion was traitor post
Its been done to death anon.
Is WTG actually legit? This website seems sketchy as fuck and the copyright hasn’t been renewed since 2020…
Anon, don't actually kill yourself and make your last words be on some internet forum.
If you're having a bad time, go talk to someone. Family, friends, some rando on the street, a priest.
Literally anyone and find the help to make it through this.
JFC guys you all understand he is more then likely just talking about the game and system itself right?
He is saying teh game has been a wild ride.
We had a dude hurting himself and posting it in the general before. Can't really make assumptions.
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Anon its 4chan people make shit up all the time here.
Lot of people make shit up a lot of the time.
And sometimes they tell the truth.
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I ordered about a month ago from the .me domain, mostly as a test to see their quality.
The order did arrive and is really good quality, had to do minimal cleanup. Will definitely buy from them again.

picrel, it's the only thing I ordered
fuck off. this isnt your blog.
threads better off without him.
How tf are these microbes T5 let alone use a multi melta or rotor cannon
Fuck those are literally the thing I want to order too and they don’t look like trash
Fuck it I’ll give it a bash then, crossing my fingers this isn’t a scam and I’m about to get my account sapped of all its cash
Ashy boy vs the Big S
Did they even get to swing back before being wiped?
>use a multi melta or rotor cannon
Good news anon, they don't, because nobody is retarded enough to spend 10-25ppm to give a bs3 5+ save model a better gun. Or any gun for that matter
These little niggas are nothing more than ablative wounds for my the walking cortex controller magos to keep my calix shooting at what it should be shooting

>they don’t look like trash
They really didn't. Now I wish I took pictures of them before priming so I could show you.
>crossing my fingers this isn’t a scam and I’m about to get my account sapped of all its cash
I paid through paypal, Just send them an e-mail afterward with your order number and request a paypal invoice. If you're still paranoid, and live in the US you can use privacy.com to create single use cards to pay for shit. If you're not in the US, revolut has the same functionality.
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Deredeos aren't worth it for the points they cost this edition, IMO. The Sicaran Omega has better sustained fire and flexibility, the Scorpius has better anti-infantry fire, and the Castraferrum's lascannons are some of the most efficient anti-armor weapons point for point in the game. There are just too many better options. Losing the ability to split fire set it back quite a bit, meaning the Aiolos ML only works with the plasma guns and volkites.
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I check gw's site and saw that the Krios Venator and Vultarax are sold out online in both the UK and the EU.
Did anyone else notice this? Is it a very recent thing?
>Just send them an e-mail afterward with your order number and request a paypal invoice.
Do they respond fast? Was about to head off to sleep so don’t wanna potentially get my invoice denied or have it expire or something weird
>because nobody is retarded enough to spend 10-25ppm to give a bs3 5+ save model a better gun
T-the list I have planned features 3 tech priests and 10 automata with multi meltas in a triaros…
As some one who has tried to run this thing multiple time,s its not worth it at all.
4 HP on a AV 13 gets SHREDED. A single Las canon can fuck you, and with how common HSS Las canons are, i have never once had any sicaren do anything worth while.
Between the Deredeo and the Omega, I was planning on running both of them, separately. I just really like the look of the Deredeo and want to build the new one - I had a resin one back in ~2018-2019 that I sold and regret selling. There are better options but I like this option.
It's been like that for at least 2 weeks.
I would assume we're getting a new plastic one soonish.
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They responded in less than 12 hours to my paypal invoice request
I think I remember having 24hrs to pay for it

>T-the list I have planned features 3 tech priests and 10 automata with multi meltas in a triaros…
I'm sorry I started blasting you caught strays, anon. For what it's worth I encourage you to follow your dreams and make that funky list!
Just give them servo arms. 4 power fist attacks on the charge.
DG inductii are good in the Drop Pod Assault ROW with three chem flamers. As DPs only have 10 capacity, their inability to take apothecaries is redundant, meaning they have an advantage over standard tacticals in DPs.
soon as in next few months, or soon as in "Melee weapons in spring" soon?
NTA but I saw the thread when >>93920409 happened. This was not long after another anon was debating suicide, but is likely not the same person.
I’ll have some time to sleep then sweet
>For what it's worth I encourage you to follow your dreams and make that funky list!
The list is planned to be a macrotek one so I wanted to try and find a way to make tech priests interesting…The cybernetica magos auxilia can target his own servo automata to give them +1BS or the “avoid first wound” buff, and then on top of that they’re guardians so they can react too…Idk thought it might be a fun way to storm objectives beyond just using more thallax…10 Multi-Melta’s is enough to make even a terminator unit stop dead in its track is what I thought
But they can’t charge after coming out of a triaros and they’re only moving 6” or 9” at best every turn…
numk3 is so bad its insane
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I just remembered that they never published one of those primarch novellas for Horus. Kinda hecked up if you think about it.
You dont even have to send them a request. They will send you an invoice within a day. They usually ship within a week after payment. Shipping is from china, so it takes a bit of time, depending on your location, but they provide a tracking link.
>No, most people I play don't bother with pinning since only a few legions can make it reliable.
And there you go. Your group ignores a huge part of the game mechanics so you think a unit that interact with it is shit
Bet you all think reactions are soooo broken and there's no way to deal with them either
I don't think we even have assault vehicles anymore, those are marine only now. Anyways it's the most fun loadout and one of your only melee options.
Oh, I don't ignore it. I use snipers quite a lot, the range and rending are very useful.
I get a pin off maybe once every three games, and it's almost never significant.
As for reactions, I agree they're strong on paper, but I've yet to have serious issues with them, no. But we also don't spam lascannon HSSs, which helps.
I'm in the western US, usually gets to me in 2-4 weeks between order and on my doorstep depending on if he already has the pieces cast or not and size of order.
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>Expecting anon to read the instructions
Is 3d prints or third-party knockoffs the most cost-efficient way of building an army?
Depends on the level of quality you'll accept and what you're looking for. The more niche it gets the less likely a good stl or cast model exists for it.
Is there a PDF for the Mars book?
Sounds like you play with too little proper terrain. Locally the dreaded lascannon HSS aren't considered much of an issue anymore, and there's more people having issues with magna melta cannon predators and lascannon javelins.
>Can't move and shoot, so it's easy to deploy your vehicles behind terrain where they can't be shot at
>HSS have to deploy somewhere with plenty of LOS, meaning it's also easy to have LOS to them
>The HSS just get killed turn one, and maybe kill something back with return fire
>Vehicles are free to roam the board and do their thing after
A lascannon HSS dies just as easy as a 10 man tactical squad after all, which nobody is scared of. It's worth to sacrifice a unit to the return fire to remove them, and something like a deredeo with hellfire plasma has a good chance of neutralising them and survive the 10 lascannon shots.
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>Expecting anon to read
One has not appeared here yet.
sounds like you're playing with the 40k players's sloppy seconds
post a photo of your mdf LOS blocking L's
>and something like a deredeo with hellfire plasma has a good chance of neutralising them and survive the 10 lascannon shots.
Barely. Certainly not the sort of thing you want to bet on.
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We play with several generations of GW's plastic ruins and house rule that all the bottom floor windows are closed, actually. Now post what terrain you are playing with.

Why not? A deredeo is cheaper than a 10 man lascannon squad, so even if the dreadnought dies it still traded up. It is a wargame after all, some sacrifices will have to be made in order to win.
>Why not?
Because (and this admittedly going off napkin maths/gut feeling) its "most of your dreadnought"/decent odds of it just dying for like half a HSS squad.
Do you take named characters (excluding primarchs) in your list?
I love MKIV so much.
>iron hands
I don't have any lists seeing as I don't play the game, but I do invent new characters and funny little rule ideas to fluff up my designs.
Don't forget the aiolos missile launcher, it's got a decent amount of shots with AP 3 and pinning.
No, including primarchs. Why would I? The game isn't about "every major character of the entire heresy coming together on one planet to fight all the battles every time". It's about your dudes.
is 2 20 man tacs enough scoring for 3k?
Bit on the low side, would advice for a third scoring unit. Preferably something that's a bit faster than footslogging marines. It can work if they got apothecaries and you do a bit of a think about which objectives to score and deny.
I dont know how to really napkin out the big plasma beyond "it probably breaches like 5 of them", but if you assume theyre in a ruin (which face it, they are probably going to be) then the aiolos does just north of a wound (the breaches do just north of 3) - assuming it isnt just facetanked by a sergeant with artificer armor.
Its certainly not a shot the HSS want to take, its going to hurt them a whole lot, but it also just feels like quite a risky shot for the deredeo.
It takes about 12 lascannon shots to kill a deredeo in one go with BS 4. Lascannon HSS have 10.
>It takes about 12 lascannon shots to kill a deredeo in one go with BS 4. Lascannon HSS have 10.
Exactly, they probably wont kill it "on average" but theyre not very far off from that point, just a little bit of bad luck and thats a unit lost on your turn.
The same goes for the HSS, a bit of bad luck with the cover saves and most of them will be gone. It's a game with dice in the end.
And 5 lascannons still are gonna do a lot less damage in their turn than the full squad of 10.
>The same goes for the HSS, a bit of bad luck with the cover saves and most of them will be gone
True, but the variance has to be a fair bit higher. Dealing 20% more damage and dealing 100% more damage are different things after all.
>And 5 lascannons still are gonna do a lot less damage in their turn than the full squad of 10.
I cannot argue with that. But if those 5 lascannons already killed a dreadnought and then go on to menace a predator or something then theyve already made their points back.

I feel like there has to be a better answer to HSS, scorpius, nemesis bolters, the big plasma gun for the predator, stuff they cant shoot back at.
Bullies only pick on those weaker then them.
>Back Bird Emo Boy can only pick on the weakest of all Primarchs

But if he did kill off Lorgar then no Ruinstorm so the Ultramarine's and Blood Angles would have just cut down the rebellion cold
It wasn't an actual choice to go for Lorgar, they were close to each other in the fight, and Corax ended up stepping in because Lorgar was slaughtering his men.
Why does no one play titanicus?
Uhhh anon that's MkX, designed by Belisarius Cawl for primaris marines
What neather of you are taking into account is that fact that if you are going in a 1 on 1 situation, the las canon squad is also going to be return firing agianst that dread, so even if a full strength dread fires first on a full strength HSS with las canons god forbit they have anything thats boosting them. On average your going to have an almost dead dread vs an almost dead HSS.

Really though this just goes back to HSS being able to react at full BS with return fire and overwatch being the problem child of the this edition.
>I feel like there has to be a better answer to HSS, scorpius, nemesis bolters, the big plasma gun for the predator, stuff they cant shoot back at.
There is.
Heavy support weapons can only overwatch and return fire at BS1, maybe BS2 depending on the legion.

Thats the main problem here, if you dont shoot at a HSS las canon unit, they are going to kill something, if you do shoot at them, you are going to get killed.
Its suicide for a vehicle that is not AV14 to engage a heavy support squad with las canons

Another option would be something like Fast attacks or fast vehicles have the casualties from their target removed before they do a return fire.
Can you take those choices as compulsory? The troops part? So instead of tacticals you can bring the flamer dudes? I understand that correctly ya?
All though they dont explicitly outline it, IMO, pyroclast become troops and fill the compulsory role.
Seeing as how they also gain line.
Thats how i would play it, and thats how i would house rule it.
If it's not specified they have to be non-compulsory (like the predators) you can assume they'd be permitted as compulsory troops.
The exception here is the TSS - which is already a troop choice - but it doesn't specify they lose support squad, so they assumedly can't be taken in compulsory slots, but do gain line. It's poorly worded though.
If you don't shoot at the HSS they're going to continue to kill stuff. And you can dictate what the HSS shoots at with return fire by shooting at them with certain units. Yes, you will lose some stuff, but killing the HSS marines is worth it. Again, their defensive stats are basically the same as a 10 man tactical squad.
Ya I noticed the lack of losing the Support Squad special rule. But it says you can take them as troops which you already could. RAI seems to imply they can fill the compulsory slot with pyroclasts.
That feels like reading a little too much into it to me. The Line definitely applies to both, but it doesn't mention losing support squad, and they've had several F.A.Q.s to fix it.
hmm. 3 10 mans in rhinos or 2 20 mans with apothecaries?
Makes sense. Them being line is cool and you might as well take one of the slots for pyroclasts. The other compulsory can be anything else. Plenty of good stuff available to throw in.
If you're playing the new core missions from the Cthonia and Beta Garmon books, take the 20 man squads with apothecary, you really need the staying power.
If you're only playing the old core missions from the main rulebook then three 10 man squads in rhinos will usually serve you better.
Legitimately the best nu-Specialist Game. Also require at least 22% of a functioning brain to play, so it's wildly unpopular.
Yes. It's so good that even years after it's had an actual new model release it's not only still supported but James spent money making it easier to access the terminals and weapon cards.
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I play around four games of titanicus a weekend. You need a better local.

Best system GW ever put out
Space marine helmets with empty eyes instead of lenses are so boss.
>more titanicusposting
goddammit those fucking stencils for my legio fureans cant come in the mail fast enough forgive me brothers I am too shit at freehand to paint the flames myself Q_Q
what's ligmaballs?
You are forgiven brother, transfers are the light and the way
how are Knights in AT?
From what I have seen, they die horrifically and usually can barely manage pyrrhic victories on the best of days, but they are also adorable and I have 11 at the moment, so......
Knight lancers are really really good. They’re basically fire-and-forget cruise missiles, easily able to kill warhounds and reavers in melee combat. As long as you play smart and with sufficient terrain to keep them alive, a knight lance or household battle group can be fearsome. I personally can’t speak for the other knights, but if you ignore lancers and don’t drop some heavy fire on them they will ruin your day.
Tortuga - and I say this as someone who's bought tons of their stuff and has defended them here in the past - and third party physical models generally desu, are never the most cost-efficient way. You buy third party because they're offering something you want whether that's a variation on an aesthetic or just correctly sized Marines.

If you want cost-efficient, you spend ~500 quid on a nice 3D printer and all the accessories, set it up somewhere with an extractor fan or a big window you can open, and pirate as many of the STLs you want as you can find on public telegram groups(you can buy if you like, but a lot of the Marine-related creators have really jewish pricing schema where you'd end up paying a few hundred quid to get all the options). By the time you've printed one full army you'll have "paid off" the printer relative to buying even discounted GW minis and everything you print from then on is pennies of resin and a few pennies more of cleanup accessories.
Knight households are apparently quite potent, but individual lances are easily destructible and even though they can do damage if they get into position that's a big if.
Individual banners, excuse me.
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nullificators done
I wonder why people don't take more disintegrators in their armies
It’s hard to find a good unit to use them and uses in which to use them. Plus no official model outside of a custodes weapon
>No official/easy access parts
>Very limited number of units that can take them
>Disintergrators are kinda shit when it comes down to it
They just don't have enough of a niche that they outperform all other weapons in to warrant the effort of bringing them.
Disintergrators are hella cool though, I'll give you that.
these guys look fucking awesome anon, great job
they seem perfect for killing terminators which are very widely taken this edition
>many shots
>range doesn't matter too much because their targets will want to get into melee
>ID obviously
>can be used against dreads in a pinch

disintegrators aren't as obviously strong as lascannons but they're fit a niche that's as big as a crater
also 3d printing
that is enterely 3d printed or only the legs?
Has anyone ordered knight models from Z before? Is it true he actually casts them in plastic?

So they are good if I can get them up to something but on open ground, they are going to get bonked, cool. I will try and use that information appropriately
NTA but I also recall that the poryphon knights are (were?) brokenly OP
They got relegated to a support slot, you can only take 2 maximum. I’ve never used or played against them, but the stories are that they are in fact broken. Enough so that taking 2 is considered bad form. Take that with a grain of salt though.
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disintegrators don't exactly grow on trees, Anon, but I do fancy a destroyer mortalis unit with them lead by a mortitat with loads of it.
But you've made the kitbash look easy. They are an attractive unit but yikes, how many points is that?
Disintergrators are kinda mediocre at killing terminators. Can't really bring enough of them to reliably kill more than two or three terminators, and the point cost of units that can bring disintergrators gets too high. Can often bring a unit with lascannons, melta weapons, or both for cheaper. Which will not only wound terminators more reliably, without risk of killing your own models, from much safer distance - but also deal effectively with enemy vehicles and dreadnoughts too.
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You cannot solve all of your problems by shooting lascannons at it, Anon.
The poryphion still fires 4 large blasts of strength 10 ap 2 with twin-linked. With how rare weapons that fire even one large blast with such stats this edition, it arguably has become even more broken.
The words of a man without enough lascannons.
Bringing disintergrators creates more problems than it solves.
post nerf I'm not sure if you can give them coordinated fire but S8 blasts are still hella deadly, and the conversion beamer one is fucking S9. At least you can only take a few now.
Apparently the reason why the titan conversion beamer weapons are kind of ass is because the rules-writers overcompensated with being reasonable after the acastus debacle.
ye but they are cool so that overshadows all other reasons.
Does anyone have the Primaris Bits User™ OP image, I need to rip the transparent face off that pic.
Do the models come on sprue, as bits, or as a solid model?
Cataphractii my beloved. Any advice on not fucking up the second pauldron layer when assembling?
nvm, I got it.
yeah it's pretty pricey at 360 for a squad of 5 + preysight and then another 250 something points for the LR

then you get called a queer

what do you mean exactly?
just make sure the shoulder pads are touching the torso?
Because there's just that small little ridge on the first layer of pauldron I found it difficult to keep the gap between the two layers consistent and even
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>Esteban VII, Estaban II and Istvaan III are all different planets
I hate GW names so goddamn much
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You need some kind of ability to either offset their drawbacks or make them more effective at killing. TSons have Corvidae, WE have Crimson Path, UM have their LA ability, SA have master-crafted for each character, etc.
how hard is it not to roll a 1? Git Gud.
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I literally have no idea what you're talking about, sorry anon
best advice I can give is to make it look natural
>implying he brings loaded dice
I get you're joking.
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Just got my archmagos and tech thralls from the mail and I'm hyped to start my mechanicum army bros.

I'm praying for a game one day where a group of tech thralls are able to achieve something monumental, whether it be the death of an important HQ or warlord, or being the deciding factor in a win or loss from a secured objective. I've no clue why I feel such passion for these little guys but I love them so.
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That's a positive, thing, Anon. Good job.
Now get them a transport.
Man I might hate primaris like the next guy but that's actually funny as hell if the nerds got hit by a fastball from the popular kids.
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They will only get a taxi when I go up to 3k points. For my planned 2k points they'll be keeping my Archmagos and Dominus company, whereas the sole triaros taxi will be assigned to some Irradiation Engine Myrmidon Destructors
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Honestly I'm half tempted to just get an allied Alpha Legion Detachment of 10 Legion recons and a delegatus with Nemesis bolter as an least slightly Lore friendly option to toss into my lists to deal with fucking Artificer Armor fags, since having actual recons doesn't fit neither my Dusk raiders or word Bearers and my mechanicum don't get snipers.
>Did they even get to swing back
Nope all dead. BUT, sanguinius died later to fucking bolters of all things. Multiple tactical squads Fury of the Legion-ing. Great day for tacticals
Medusa and Medusa V are on opposite ends of the Galaxy.
I'm tempted to get another drink.
banana milkshake
you can still deflagrate metal, it just takes more energy to get it to burn
can't stop the bolter.
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Bros... I'm doing 70+ fucking infantry models and I'm at the chipping weathering stage. Will it really make a big difference in time and paint usage if I batch paint them at this stage? Have done in all previous stages, but the chipping shit is seriously soul draining
Do it. You made your choice.
Chipping is kind of a weird and overhyped technique, so if you're at the point where you need strangers to tell you things just be done. Otherwise post the actual models and we'll engage further
Do it the way it gets done broski
As an owner of the anniversary release of axis and allies board game, which valves attacking and defending using loaded dice, I’m very offended that you’d even suggest I use those nice glossy black dice for warhammer.
If you want to do it faster use a sponge
I'm making some, but I have so many projects. Did you 3d print the guns?
no they're just recasts
>But if he did kill off Lorgar then no Ruinstorm so the Ultramarine's and Blood Angles would have just cut down the rebellion cold
Kor Phareon and Erebus would do it regardless it was alredy planned and in fact nobody needed Lorgar. Only thing that would not happen would be Anrgon being turned into daemon but this is still a maybe.
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reminder that mkVI during the entire heresy is now canon
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same for the traitors
Didn't the Raven Guard always have Mk VI from the start of Heresy?
The new orrus spyrers have a disintegrator option. Not that it's usable because it's mounted to a gauntlet, but it's at least a visual example of a non-custodes disintegrator.
At the very least, they were the ones who had the prototypes deferred to them by Perturabo and probably had plenty of the final design. Wasn't the Alpha Legion also said to have stocks of the stuff?
Why? Entire point of MK VII is that after using MK VI for combat legions wanted something even more streamlined and easier to manufacture and repair, so on Terra MK VI was turned into MK VII.
It make no sense to have MK VII in works when MK VI is still field tested and new.
>reminder that mkVI during the entire heresy is now canon
It was canon since long ago, IF took a lot of MK VI from Mars when they retreated and MK VI was field tested during late crusade, with IW and Salamanders hating it and RG loving it. Not to mention we have AL and DA using it in early heresy.
the martian stores was retconned to mkIV prior to this
Yes, Alpha Legion stole the schematics and started their own production line.
When? It was always MK VI.
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Plastic MKV WHEN



... Then MKVIII
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Always has been.
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MkVII is just the MkVI project (which started as the MkV project) finalized. The two suits are mechanically nigh identical, which is why both kept in loyalist service to M41. The MkVI as rushed into service while the project was finalized on Terra as the MkVII.

All this is of course the original versions. As lore ends where capitalism begins, GW just has to have their new models sold to everyone and suddenly MkVI was in use before even the MkV, and somehow the MkVII was a separate suit also in development. Why they couldn't just say prototypes were in service prior to and during the early Heresy, before production models got pushed out, is a mystery to me.
>Why they couldn't just say prototypes were in service prior to and during the early Heresy, before production models got pushed out, is a mystery to me.

But, >>93925834 seems to indicate just that?
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mech novel
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>for the first time, the Black Sword took the lives of Space Marines
Nigger what the FUCK are they talking about? Soggy got his special beatstick during the Siege. We LITERALLY JUST HAD A BOOK ABOUT THIS!
Then it was rerectoned back to MK VI, because Black Books and current Heresy Rulebook mentions MK VI, so is WD article about armors, iirc Corax books also say about MK VI taken from mars.
Now it's that production examples were shipped out just prior to HH.
The timing for the Black Sword is wrong. Wasn't Sigismund using a chainsword or a power sword during this period?
It was, uhhh... a prototype!
He have it on model and in rules so he have it in combat too. Maybe he borrowed it from female custodes or something.
Same situation as with Fulgrim model, Fulgrim is using Laer Blade despite using Hammer during duel and for most of his time he used fireblade and gave Laer Blade to Lucius after he got possessed.
>Soggy got his special beatstick during the Siege.
Hasn't he had The Black Blade (blade...blade...blade...) since the Crusade? The description says it is of unknown provenance and that it HAS killed alien warlords with it
How come Sigismund used it to kill xenos with it if he only recieves it until the Siege?
>You should use whatever headcanon you wish
BL is not canon

Plastic Outriders when?
When I run 3 Tartarus terminator champs ,of them as WE all with Raving Madman :^)
That dude on the left could really use a glass of water
>... Then MKVIII
I know it was a typo, but aren't the Death Watch Veterans the same size and scale as modern Mk VI and III?
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I love these little niggas like you couldn't believe. Smol, cute horrors beyond my comprehension. Neat
Slightly smaller, and a bit lanky.
Is it just me or is this written like shit?
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Looks like they actually updated some salamanders stuff and forgot to make the changes in magenta
Also the adherents thing doesn't work since Pride is Our Armour prevents you from taking troops
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Thoughts on using Myrmidon Destructors as a base for character conversions, specifically Magos Dominus?
>Come with little wiggly mechatendrites that could count as a machinator array
>Shock Charger could be converted slightly to be an in-built power weapon arm
>Gun arm can be removed and replaced with a printed arm, more mechatendrites or could even keep the gun if going with the right load out
Yours are very cute anon. I’m looking forward to hopefully grabbing some of my own soon and seeing them scuttle across the board
Peak HH 2.0 writing.
You could but it's a bit boring.
That's a recurring theme with this edition it seems.
Wtf? He’s usable now? Did they fix any of the other salamander shit? This is cool!
xiaphas jurr has the same adherents thing as cassian
dreygyur gets an extra attack and stubborn near cassian
Any other changes in 1.3?
Adherents are sweet! And they give the dress battlesmith so he can do his thing. I like these changes quite a bit.
I think myrmidon secutors would probably make more sense
Wait a minute, you’re right. How the fuck are you supposed to take adherents if you have no troop slots due to the Pride is Our Armour?!
Is this the only thing they changed?
Seems they made similar rules for taking them with blackshields for a couple other shattered legions characters. Search 'Blackshields' and they come up. Idk about anything else

All the unusable units seem to still be awful
Adherents are a Salamanders unit. Not a blackshields unit. You're forgetting that Blackshields can't use legion-specific units at all.
Anon read the rules they just posted...
So you're telling me I can give a Moritat two disintegrators, and then exchange his chainsword for a plasma, to really hammer home that he's done with living? Would he be able to use all three in Assault for the one turn before his pistols blow up in his face?
Pride is our armour removes troop slots. Where are you going to put adherents into?
I'm flipping between the 1.1 and 1.3 rules, my bad.
Even so, it's still fucked.
Where's he gonna get the third hand to fire the plasma from
Servo arm
Basically. I saw this image and was struck by an idea
Not unless it's the other guy's turn and he's making Reactions, because he can't do the thing and Charge in the same turn; but they're all the same used as basic ccw. And there are no generic Reactions that allow you to shoot in the enemy Movement phase, nor is he likely to get a Return Fire opportunity unless someone's going to Charge him.
>still doesn't have the Cybertheurgist Sub-type
>literally cannot use his Cybertheurgic Arcana

Adherents may be getting an update to Elites? they are kind of bullshit good

or maybe they got confused between Adherents and Sanctifiers, I know you guys did that a lot too, come on, be honest
Well if he's not going to make the most of them, I'll give the plasma to a despoiler sarge. Someone is being handed two plasmas, and my Moritat already has disintegrators
the final battle for Mars was won by the traitors like a year into the war tho
the new rules mention removing support squad so they actually meant adherents
also the whole sacred flame shit
Well, it's good to know they can go in the non-existent compulsory troop slots as well as the non-existent non-compulsory troop slots.
You can only fire 2 pistols unless you have firing protocols
where can I read the new supplement?
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Done with the magos, too
Very fun to paint models all in all, I regret not ordering more mech shit.
Oh, well, guess I can wait three weeks.
Maybe? I just appreciate the effort but don’t appreciate the half effort. BTW he can use the full cybertheurgic arcana now can’t he? They gave him battlesmith, so he should be able to as far as I know. I could be wrong. Thoughts?
>he can use the full cybertheurgic arcana now can’t he?
If you ignore the part where he isn't a cybertheurgist, then yea. They fixed that part at least
don't forget as an independent character you could also give it a combi disintegrator
>Disintergrators are kinda mediocre at killing terminators
For NL its 1/2 shots wounding on 2s with instant death (assuming you outnumber). So its pretty decent. For IW you could do that stupid reaction fire shenanigans someone discussed a thread or so back and just make a hedgehog that those varanguard/deliverers/custodes/whatever are really not going to want to charge
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