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Sea Slug Sea God edition

Previous >>93861925

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>EX06 Infernal Ascension questionnaire

>BT17 Secret Crisis questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 6 Part 1! Next chapter scheduled for September 26th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 4-2! Next set of chapters sometime in November

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in some territories! Release delayed to September 20th in NA & EU, 27th in UK

EX07 Digimon Liberator is out now in some territories! Release delayed to September 20th in NA & EU, 27th in UK.

BT18 Element Successor is out now in JP. Part of SB 2.0 in EN

BT19 Xros Evolution is scheduled to be released September 27th in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released November 1st in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

EX08 Chain of Liberation is scheduled to be released November 29th in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM02 through LM04

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

What do you think of the new Liberator sea slugs?
Like two but good luck finding them, fuck bandai.
Pretty great fish support. One of the things I definitely want out of the set after being disappointed with the Xros half personally.
>What do you think of the new Liberator sea slugs?
They're neat, but the best thing they have going for them is that Ryugumon can still leave behind a level 5 if it returns itself with its EoT effect. Which means it isn't sticking around. Kind of a lame feature for your deck's alleged boss monster.

But I think the additional Jamming inherits from the other line plus the other recent Aqua support from EX6 and BT18 overall might put the deck in a good place.
So, now with blockers running rampant in the meta thanks to Shoto, should I include 4 copies of the blue plug_in on my Magna X deck?
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I can't find other way to use her than argo or bunny decks. It's supposed to be an indirect support for shinegreymon, right?
The BT17 yellow Greymon stuff suspends your Tamers directly like the old BT2 ShineGreymon, but they haven't followed up on that design thread since then.
Interesting how this is a less generic cool boy with twice the cost.
Cool Boy is probably why they’ll never print a 2 cost tamer again.
Just wait for Cool Boy (Liberator)
They've made one since (Hokuto) and one card that specifically interacts with them (Makuramon - though it would be interesting if they gave Devas a way to reduce the play cost of tamers in play similar to D-Brigade) but yeah unlikely they'll make more.
Cool boy being white is why he went from 3 to 2 cost
But he should have been 4 or 5 really
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>suspend digimon -> suspend tamer ->Suspended tamer activates various shinegreymon effects -> her own effects gives memory and draw
pretty standard, just not very good
So did anything ever come from the hybrid stuff in bt18 besides purple and black?
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Oh my.
The BT17 builds of AncientGreymon and AncientGarurumon basically just adopted the new Agunimon/Lobomon and the Takuya&Koji dual tamer and called it a day. Tommy's Hybrids saw a little bit of success with the EX6 Hexeblau stuff but that's still a bit shaky. I did see one list that won a TB using the new KaiserGreymon "as intended", and another that just stuck one copy of each of the two new MagnaGarurumons in an AncientGarurumon list.

I could see Lanamon and maybe even AncientMermaimon playing well with the new Aqua support, and Tommy's Hybrids having a future with more Ice-Snow support from Liberator. Time will tell.
Nene tummy…
wtf I'm a Xros Wars fan now
You havent seen Shademon Nene? Its even better :) Sadly no card for us
Ngl I’m pretty disappointed with the Xros half of the set if you can call it half.
>Nothing that wasn’t already in the reference book got a card. ShadeNene is the obvious one but Twilight really could have used a good lvl6 that’s actually has the twilight trait.
>Twilight is still a mess of conflicting traits and effects that whiff each other for no reason. Also they still refuse to give the deck access to rush.
>Shoutmon EX6 looks fun but seems like it requires more pieces than you can possibly fit in a deck.
>BF probably got the best support of the 3 but idk if it will bring the deck back to relevance.
>No new Bagramon
Playing Deva’s for awhile I always thought it was dumb Makura couldn’t stun 3 cost tamers. At the time he came out it probably would have been op but Tamers are only getting more and more powerful so now I think it would balance out.
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>pull an AA you really like
>the deck it’s suppose to go in doesn’t even use it
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Me with the one double pack I bought for bt14 containing this and the illustrator AA MetalGreymon Ace
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I wish the deck was less stacked so I can run this card. Legit just doesn’t do enough despite all those effects they basically do nothing
Yeah the deck not needing any memory to do anything means a setter isn't essential and if you do play a setter the double search is generally better.
Sort of exists for an imaginary deck where one of Primogenitor or Partition doesn't exist
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>Not enough armpits
Trash card.

>Nene tummy…
I can't believe it only took 16 sets to completely invalidate the memory mechanic
nah the deck does still need memory if they want to keep turn, just the davis setter and davken are better. Otherwise you can get memory starved and not have enough to set up end of turn dna
The deck pretty consistently keeps turn with 1 memory, a rookie in raising and 1 BT16 tamer. It does not need memory in the way that 98% or the other decks in the game do
uoh, etc.
I will still not make a xross deck.
>was excited for ex6
>lol fuck you enjoy having no space in your fucking deck anymore for anything other than this new line that requires many pieces for a mediocre payoff
What the fuck were they genuinely thinking?
yea but that requires you have one of the end of turn dna rookies and the two bt12 level 4s which you don’t always have you missing just one of them in that situation means you wont keep turn. That’s why having a setter in Imperial is a good safety net when you have to make unoptimized stacks but can’t afford to wait more turns. Had too many times where I can’t get the right color level 4 in time. People be like “but you have a dozen searchers why don’t you always have combo” like okay and? You’re only looking at the top 3 cards of your deck. You can have searches where you needed multiple of the revealed cards but can only pick one, and now a key card was bottom decks and you need to hope you can get another copy in time.
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Damn, nice AA
oh I should have known you were this idiot
Explain what was wrong with my explanation. Have you ever actually play the deck? Cause you niggas here def make it clear you’ve never actually played the deck for more than a few games. Even then I agreed with you about the deck not always needing memory. The deck only needs memory as safety net cause you can’t always make the optimized plays and if your opponent is pushing enough pressure you can’t afford to wait for the perfect set up
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We're getting Jesmon support in BT20 I can feel it.
What decks are good against 7DL? I'm getting so filtered against it, it's even funny anymore. No matter what I do he always justanages to slide something under his egg, sometimes twice in a turn. The countdown to my end fucks me up worse than than the actual match does.
>red deck that isn't hybrid
Keep dreaming

Magnax or imperial.

Pretty soon shoto+mother too. A wall of mother blocker means ogudo will never close out a game.
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>When you lewd without any purpose
Will this bitch relevant in a millenniummon deck?
Trying to be lore accurate I guess but there’s simply not enough room amongst 50 cards for everything to wants you to run. Tbh I don’t expect much from this set to have a huge impact. Still can’t wait to play Bee’s though.
>A wall of mother blocker means ogudo will never close out a game.
I've seen this posted before but wouldn't they have 2 hits the turn they play Ogudo? The last demon lord they played and the Ogudo?

Yea, they'll likely have a second body with ogudo, but you can also have 2 mother with blockers out too.
I got a serial omni off playing the deck in a regional
No I will not tell you which one or my exact placement, I don't want you looking up my name since you are already a schizo.

I have played the deck, I play the deck, you are just awful at it and cope about how hard it is despite it being easy af and the shit you say about it applies to EVERY single deck except usually they have it worse than imperial.
the deck basically demands you play floodgates, either play cost reduction flood gate to have more memory to work with, or play by effect flood gate on their ogudo turn so they need to wait an extra turn to remove it
or they just let ogudo rip and u tell them that they can't play him out because of your floodgate and they just have to eat shit
You haven't explained how he's wrong though.
I have explained to him many times, hes the same schizo who says it every time.
But he's not wrong.
Okay, can Omnimon Ace be a good deck? What do I have to do to make it work? What floodgates can I put in to counter current metadecks without fucking myself over too badly? I'm really paranoid about the 7DL players at my shop who will just dedigivolve or kill my lowest level digimon which will no doubt be my Omnimon Ace.
about what? be specific.
Because its one of the fastest decks in the meta to get setup and gets the most free memory from anything.
In what scenario are you concerned about them going to fast that you can't make a stack? because you don't need the perfect setup when you stun them.

Most competent players will not push out first vs imperial unless they are about to combo off right then and there, the general strategy is to play on board while building in the back if your deck can avoid having the situation where u get stunned and then looped and lose. Its far better to give up a few checks than deal with that.
Its a world of difference for opponents who actually understand what will happen if they push out first vs not instead of them getting a check or two and then getting chain stunned and can't unsuspend

Imperial is one of the fastest decks in the meta
an argument about what happens if other decks are going faster than you because you don't have a perfect stack is fucking retarded, every deck deals with this, its not an imperial specific issue.
Any issue that EVERY deck faces isn't something you can complain about as a weakness for that deck and that schizo, you, keeps complaining about things that apply to EVERY deck, either you just don't like the game or you are trying to cope that imperial is the strongest deck right now by a wide margin, just play it, no one cares, I do.
>an argument about what happens if other decks are going faster than you because you don't have a perfect stack is fucking retarded, every deck deals with this, its not an imperial specific issue.
The results of not having a perfect stack are way worse when it comes to Imperial though. If you don't have two level 4's then you don't get the partition from Bt16 Paildramon. If you don't have an ExVeemon then you don't have the jamming under it. If you don't get a Davis and Ken on the field you're unlikely to even get to an Ultimate. Your searchers can help but what do you do when you have two stingmon and no Exveemon? Sure you can get to the ultimate in raising but it doesn't help you win. Your speed is ruined without the jamming. I don't think anyone is arguing that it's not the fastest deck in the format but it's way more at the mercy at RNG than other decks in order to keep that speed.
You can't really afford floodgates besides Digimon Emperor. You need to be all-in on Agumons and Gabumons.
Where the fuck are the decklists from the Dallas regionals?
Ask the egman monopoly.
Literally any deck
We will get them after Egman uploads the 30 small OP tournaments that happened last weekend around the world then 1 or 2 Dragon ball and if you are lucky maybe in two weeks he will post the lists.

Worst part is that TOs refuse to give the list to anyone else.
>way more at the mercy of RNG than other decks
its not though.
Even a full build 3 to 6 stack deck requires 5 pieces at MINIMUM, if all they require to setup is their direct line without any tamers or anything else
imperial needs 6, it needs a SINGLE piece more, but it runs FAR more of those pieces than other decks and has far more draw power and far more searchers
so no, imperial is NOT more rng than other decks its LESS rng than the standard deck
jogress decks being more piece reliant is ONLY the case when you are jogressing into your lvl 6 since you need to find the equivalent of two stacks, jogress at 5 completely eliminates this.

Ancient needs to constantly find its 4 of's and multiple of them for the deck to even function
dorugora needs to find its 4 of's constantly for the deck to even function and there are no substitutes as well as needing to find tamers and a perfect line to be able to do anything, don't find the dorugreymon? deck doesn't function.
even blue magna needs to actually find magna x which is still a 4 of in their deck and there is NO substitute

explain to me how when your most difficult card to find has 8 copies even if its not a perfect stack means your deck is MORE rng than others when it still accomplish its gameplan without a perfect stack.
imperial is THE most consistent deck in the meta right now, it has the most draw, most searchers, needs similar amounts of pieces but can run redundancies easily and it requires the least amount of resources to get to this state.

I play imperial FOR its consistency, maybe you should try playing other decks so you can compare because imperial is incredibly consistent right now compared to anything else
I play in the Australia tournaments and if you are a player you can view every deck list in the tournament after its over, I wrote a scraper and I put up the data as well as do some data analysis on each of them, but other places aren't doing this shit and the fact that they only directly send info to egman is fucked.
just make it public info after its over.
Sanzomon and co as a deck is shit. 5 cost every turn is ridiculous.
>make a well designed lvl5 zoo deck with Deva's.
>Throw it all out when designing Sanzo deck
So disappointed. Wanted to play Buddha deck but it just doesn't work.
We are just not going to agree. I play Imperial every time I'm at the LGS, but I can't ignore it's faults. It's fast when everything lines up, and and horrifically slow when you're even slightly behind. In any normal deck it doesn't matter if you pull three of the same champion so long as you have a champion and an ultimate, but it matters a lot if all you manage to find is three Stingmon over anything else and a Paildramon.
Really just depends on your color base. For Blue Ancient just needs to find either a promo Lobomon, both a BT17 Kendo and Lobomon, or have Ancient Guardian Deity which is fine because you run 12 tamers. You have three ways of getting AncientGarurumon out without needing any level 5s.
It really doesn't and it hurts a little that it doesn't.
It's a deck which paradoxically can't afford to DigiXros because it loses tempo doing it, you can't draw because of it and due lacking Save it has no synergy with it's older cards or the tamers it could possibly use to get over it's lack of draw power.
It's so poorly thought out and resource hungry with no real win con outside of Shakamon hit for 5 next turn even though he has zero protection and costs 7 under a best case scenario.
Journey got fucked and it would take something serious like Nezhamon and Erlangmon being added to the concept with some CAC tier effects to help the deck.
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That's probably the weakest looking tamer AA in a while. If the digimon wasnt in the pic you couldve fooled me and said that this was the box topper.
There is something about liberat or art I just dont like, its the glossy AI shit.
Man, why couldn't they lock Shoto to its archetype? It's fucking bullshit having to pay 2€+ for a Rare.
And speaking of bullshit prices, BT14 Koromon got expensive for an uncommon. Probably a hot take but maybe we need another reprint set.
>BT14 Koromon got expensive for an uncommo
It is because it is used in many red based deck too, specifically shine and hybrid. Dunno if it is used in ancient garuru.
How to win against imperialdramon? fuck that deck it's so unfair and powerful
you build mother shoto and block them all day with immunity
Kill the tamers
I'm playing devas with shoto mother blocker in the next regional
I believe it can go the distance
isn't this why they are teching in 1-2 hexabluemon from ex7? who cares about mother when u can just ice clad the bitch
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She's a gamer girl and her Digimon has tentacles when it evolves, you know she's a freak.
Were starters 18 & 19 super meta or something? Why are they so sold out?
They had Training options like the Veemon and Guilmon ones had Memory Boosts.
Supply is also fucked
Thoughts on Cendrillmon?
I love Puppet Digimon but with supply so fucked it's an expensive SR here in Australia with the few stores that have it
$18 isn't that bad for single SR. What state you in mate?
Victoria. And for a non-meta SR that is pretty bad
But with mother reaper the opponent can build a second stack and just let one of them die and probably still check 2 or 3 times per turn
I don't have any deck that do this...
start hustling on the facebook group
seems like very few people bought ex7 boxes though
idk how well bt18-19 will do either since its a pretty low power level set as well, I don't think my competitive deck will be changing until like at least february with the 19-20 release date
I'm so sorry you live in Victoria. Make sure to alternate between omni, cherry and drabsy. Cherry has the best price for her at the moment, good luck with your deck anon.
d void and mr present will get stock as well... eventually....
they usually have good prices but are so random on stock and never restock, as well as take ages to start selling singles after each release. idk whats going on there.
Yeah I've just decided to get the rest of the line and wait, I really only want it for the most casual games so if she gets a passable Rare in BT20 or something that'll be fine
>the same schizo everytime
nigga all I said was the deck needs memory as a safety net when it has to make subpar plays. You said it doesn’t need memory. I don’t know what magically perfect Imperial list you play but by all means share with the class the perfect always open exactly what you need list
nigga that wasn't even me, my first post was saying I do play the deck and that ur a samefag schizo
and then what happened, the schizo popped out and started posting
Imperial is at the mercy of rng because you need two specific color level 4s and you can’t always get the exact one you need in time. Without DNA, Paildramon is a nothing card. You said earlier you can keep turn with 1 memory but that requires you already having a rookie in hatching, the two level 4 bt12 level 4s, and a rookie in hand with the tamer on the field. You realize how oddly specific that is turn 2 or 3? You spent a whole turn setting up the tamer right there, rookie in hatching means no searching effect, and then you’re at the mercy of what the rookie played off tamer searches. You clearly haven’t actually played the deck. You probably play a bad deck and lose to Imperial all the time. The fact you refuse to post your “perfect imperial list” means you’re just upset at Imperial.
>You realize how oddly specific that is turn 2 or 3?
you are the only person bringing up turn 2 or 3 bab
read nigga read >>93927134 where did I claim that shit.
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>everyone with the same opinion that I disagree with is a samefag
damn nigga. By that logic everyone who says Imperial is the best deck is also a samefag schizo.
literally the first thing you said in >>93924199
You said it wasn’t at the mercy of rng, but being a dna deck, it will always be at the mercy of rng because you can be bottle necked hard by not getting the right level 4s in time
>"You said earlier you can keep turn with 1 memory"
not me

>"two level 4 bt12 level 4s, and a rookie in hand with the tamer on the field."
its unlikely for ANY deck to have the perfect stack every time, you don't NEED a perfect stack though.

>"You realize how oddly specific that is turn 2 or 3?"
who mentioned that?

>"You spent a whole turn setting up the tamer right there, rookie in hatching means no searching effect"
okay thats ur turn 1, whats ur turn 2 and 3?

>"The fact you refuse to post your “perfect imperial list”"
When did I claim I have a perfect imperial list?
When did you ask me to post it?
When did I refuse?

How about you actually answer some questions that have been asked instead of trying to avoid them.
Scroll up, answer the questions, or trying to argue about it.
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you know what’s funny it’s probably like 5 different people on both sides of the imperialdramon argument but you dipshits are so stupid you think everything is just two people arguing with each other
I started it and left after one post and someone else took over for me
there is this one anon who calls the tamer "davken" when everyone else on the planet calls it daiken, the moment I see an anon make the same arguments and then call their tamer davken it was like aight bro I know who this is.
>reply to someone about something they said
>that’s not me
>>93927134 replied to >>93924199 about what >>93924199 said, so if it wasn’t you why the fuck are you acting like >>93927134 is replying to you if you’re not >>93924199
u should read the posts again, think you mixing up who said what.
It doesn't matter who keeps arguing, just stop trying to look like a victim and suffering like if imperial were a 2 tier deck
I don’t think anyone is acting like Imperial is tier 2. It just seems like someone complains about Imperial and someone else comes up tries to correct it. I don’t play the deck so I can’t speak about it but someone said the deck doesn’t need memory and someone said it does sometimes. Doesn’t seem like anyone was saying the deck wasn’t the best deck right now. No one at my LGS plays it so I don’t go against it that often so I can’t really speak of how good the deck is outside of event results
Don't you know the child Motomiya David kun of Digimon 2 ?
Imperial is super consistent, even mid plays are powerful. You “brick” maybe once every dozen games, but even brick hands can easily turn things around. Any deck that can remove tamers or can stop playing by effects can deal with Imperial. That’s about the only time Imperial bricking will matter.
Damn are people so against dub names. My stupid ass didn’t even realize the “Dai” in daiken was for Daisuke, I legit just didn’t even think about. I still saw it as “Davis” even when I say Daiken
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All you Imperial experts, can someone explain why you don’t run the movie wormmon? It seems good or is there something Im missing?
bottom decks your monocolour cards
duh I completely misread it. OK yeah that makes sense.
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>like wormmon more than veemon
> the wormmom side always sucks
Blue card game :)
someone asked for imperial lists but I legit wanna see people’s lists here.
All of your lv3s and most of your lv4s are a single color. Bt12 worm is superior in every way.
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Cards in hand?
I hecking love all the effs that force you to take actions that benefit your opponent. Very balanced, very fun.
>just don’t attack into the blast ace if you know they have it
>okay how about I force you attack into it
>just dont play any searchers or card draw
>I force you to draw, giving me 50 memory and instantly winning the game
>just don't block him bro
>i use collision, evolve into dorugora, and eat your board
Just don't sit down to play :)
Bt20 will have an sr lv3 that lets you look at your opponent's hand, select any card, and force them to play it ignoring color reqs
>bt21 has an option that forces someone to play
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that was fast
And two weeks early, that's a nice surprise.
just look at decks winning events.
obviously because your list is bad and you’re coping also I’m gay
Not him but watching this all play out I still don’t see what the issue was? He replied to someone and that wasn’t you? But then why are you replying?
>or Partition doesn't exist
this card support partition. Realistically though, running over it isn't an option since Paildramon has 3 layers of Ace protection, but if you somehow could destroy it by battle, this tamer brings one of the pieces back for you to do it all again next turn
can only grab 2 colors and there are more davis tamers and ken and davis tamers
>You “brick” maybe once every dozen games
also, "brick" in this context means "Needs to play one of my rookies, which are ALL searchers". And of course, you can cheat them out for free with Davis and if they don't get destroyed, returned to hand and played again for free.
unironically because just people don't know how to play against it doesn't make it OP. Overextend your plays. I WILL play 5 cards every turn, I don't give a fuck, you'll replenish my hand and without me having 8 cards in my hand your best play is swing twice.
got it, play a better imperialdramon deck
>But then why are you replying?
because it was him, but he has no reply, so he's violently deflecting as to not look like a retard, but that's just my guess.
This whole argument devolving into autistic "Uhhh, I didn't say that" smells like bullshit to me.
>if all you manage to find is three Stingmon over anything else and a Paildramon.
just evolve your stingmon into Paildramon and go into imperialdramon that way
no I meant actually bricking, like missing a level 4 for dna. Doesn’t happen often but I have had times where even after multiple searches and still missing something. Especially if you open no searchers. Doesn’t happen often but it can happen
without the option card you can’t really go into Pail without passing turn since hard evo will be 4 memory. And then your stack becomes a target for removal without partition.
wow Shoto makes 7GDL even more annoying
For four memory when they put you to one because you don't have a memory setter? Then they kill you Paildramon and because you didn't have Exveemon so you don't have your partition? Or do you just stay in back until you can get to Imperialdramon?
>you can't safely digivolve without passing turn and then your stack could get deleted!!
Yeah anon, welcome to the game. You know that's how 99.99% of decks operate, right?
>let me throw myself into a bad situation on the chance my opponent doesn’t delete my stack in a meta where every deck punishes you for having a body on a board unprotected
not that guy, but I keep Pail in the back if I need to get to Imperialdramon but I can’t get DNA going. The only issue Ive ever really had with the deck is not having the right color level 4s, but that usually isn’t a problem too often. At least with Exveemon you can have jamming on your swings, piercing only on Paildramon is a ticket to get your stack killed. Idk what lists people are playing that never bricks.
I mean Doru won the Dallas regional this weekend. Imperial tops alot but isn’t always the winning deck.
then keep it in raising or something.
You're not going to make me feel bad for a deck thats entire rookie base are searchers that are easily shat out by the worlds most overtuned deck just to make a stack with absurd protection and recursion than also directly goes into the best Ace in the game (of which Imperialdramon gets 3 different Ace's) that is basically an instant win all because you bricked 1 out of 15 games.
Guess what every other deck in the game does when they get impossibly bad hands? They go "aw fuck I bricked" and don't bitch and moan about it like Imperialdramon players.
oh no I wasn’t trying to pull a “oh poor Imperial” card, I was just saying in sucks with DNA decks in general. I should have made that clear. Lowkey Shakkoumon is a really good level 5 when you can’t dna but need to hard evo with that unconditional effect immunity. Paildramon is a nothing burger card by itself when you can’t DNA. I rotate between all 3 02 DNA decks and the pain of not getting the right level 4s can be annoying.
I guess I just don't see the value in the Imperialdramon. To me the deck wins based on the Paildramon getting jamming and two swings.
>I rotate between all 3 02 DNA decks
Imperialdramon is easily the best DNA deck in the game, let alone from the 02 cast. That being said, Valkyriemon is the most fun. Haven't used Shakkoumon, but I pulled his alt
based, yea Imperial is easily the best, it can handle “bricking” the best. But Shakkoumon is honestly such a good card even with you cant dna. It’s perfect for forcing your opponent to use option removal or setting you up for blast ace. Ive seen some people at my store tech it in black decks cause it’s basically safe for a turn unless you wanna waste an option removal card on it
depends on the match up, I generally try to not go higher than Dragon Mode and save the Fighter Modes and Paladins for situations where their effects will matter. Or when going for game. You don’t wanna just hard go into FM or Paladin. Paladin Mode especially cause that card is such a target for removal. I only play it to save DM or FM with the Option card or if im going for game. Pail’s double swing and freezing effect is the backbone of the deck that allows it to snowball hard. It’s why not having DNA in time can cost you the game.
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>Swing with Waru
>Play Levia from trash
>Gain 4+ memory
>All resolves on when attacking so opp doesn't get to counter or block

Demon Lord decks are patrician.
this is the deck Ive had the most success with dealing with imperial. It legit fucks them over hard. That or my store is full of bad Imperial players. But even on sim Ive had success with it
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Imperial is the ultimate goalpost moving argument deck.
>deck is perfect with no flaws
>actually it does have some flaws
>then your list is bad and you’re bad
>my list is good trust me it’s a skill issue,
>but what if you dodged your bad match ups and went against bad players too?
like I know Imperial is good, but I feel Doru and other purple decks deal with pretty well. Could be confirmation bias from my LGS but I feel regardless I say someone will just say “nah those are bad lists trust me it beats everything easy” I just never had problems against it compared to full power blue hybrid or numemon. It’s good but doesn’t feel any more bullshit than what other decks do too. Could just be confirmation bias from my view but my LGS is pretty big and alot of people there travel for bigger events and do pretty well. I trust them more than people here
>not op
>tier 1 every format since release
>bdif multiple formats
Gaoganiggers are delusional
It's a solid deck that highrolls insanely hard.
>night claw/light fang turns hexeblau into a massive floodgate
I love how those cards are a problem every set because of bandai forgetting to restrict them to their own archetypes. Gotta love the blue card game.
yea that’s how I feel about the deck. To me it’s like the “worst” tier 1 deck. It filters out alot of decks but still loses to other tier 1 decks too. Just tops alot cause alot of people are playing it but I never struggle too much against it. It’s a match up I still have to respect but I usually have some answer to their deck
It’s o be ticket the best way to utilize Hexe rn but to actually play pure Ice-Snow if even that deck isn’t gonna be great till we get that Skadimon line.
They literally can't build two stacks per turn. Partition doesn't trigger in battle, at most they can fuck you with that option that prevents deletition for 2, stupid card
Actually isn’t that why the starter deck DM is used to make a second stack the same turn?
Yep. They effectively get infinite memory because of it
Shoto is going to be the same. Didn't even have the sense to colour lock it because presumably there's some Liberator soup deck they're cooking in the background.
to be fair, from what Ive seen, you need the option card to keep turn with it because of the 4 memory cost. But even then just bring out the level 3s and dig deeper into the deck if you can’t keep turn. But Imperial was already doing that even before BT16. i guess the general power boost of the deck made a great play for a mid deck into a great play into an already great deck
The DaiKen tamer also helps them keep turn as they get even more memory when going into Paildramon than they do just with the BT12 level 4s
You're playing against retards. Good imp players use the st imperial and make at least 2 paildra stacks per turn.
I like to run the Minomon egg for a little big of extra memory along with the tamer. Helps keep turn with more memory if I can’t get both BT12 level 4s. Tried the Demiveemon and I felt the extra 1k didn’t matter in my matches
>Guy at my locals accidentally left his deck when he went home
I am currently holding on to it until he shows up again to give it to him but I don't want him thinking I was intending to steal it.
see now this is the part where someone will show up and say “what if you don’t draw into the ST Drgaon” or “what if you can’t keep turn”
Probably a retarded idea but I wanna build a deck centered around ultimates as I don't like the designs of megas much. Particularly those 10k vanilla ultimates.
Did you tell the store owner?
does your locals have a group chat? Generally mine has one for every card game, when something like that happens if it’s a regular, you can try contacting them.
Message him
Try with 4, then adjust it. You probably only need 2.
For a 4 drop tamer, it is not good. If the 2nd effect was an all turns, it would be significantly better. With its current effect it should be a 3 drop tamer, but it being dual color would never allow that.
From an empty board, one setter and 2 davis and ken they can at most make one stack. 4 memory to go into imperialdra, get 4 back so they are at 3, at 3 they can't make another stack.

It they have a rookie in raising they still cant without passing turn. Fuck off.
the sim is full of horrible players but Levie has always been pretty based.
>moving the goalposts
Nowhere was the qualifier "from an empty board". That is factually how the deck works. If you're too much of a proud retard to admit this, then that's on you.
>do nothing for 20 turns while you fill up your trash is based

I was talking to the anon who said they can rebuild from mother block (they can't), I have no ide what you two retards have been arguing for almost 3 threads no, I haven't been reading your posts.
>New set/Starters this weekend

Is Pteromon actually worth building? I was just going to grab the yellow starter to cannibalize for chess/Nume stuff, but Ptero's looks interesting.
It's fun and probably good for a more casual setting but it's to reliant on interacting with your opponents digimon to be meta relevant. Also, hope you got your promo rookies already.
I didn't lol. Seems like they're nice to have but not 100% necessary thankfully.

I'll probably just stick to Cendrill then if I build something. Only liberator decks I'm eyeing so far are Galactic, Tyranno and Fish.
>dcgo retard devs break cards that were working just fine
Miles and miles of spaghetti code.
They honestly have no idea what they're doing.
Their not meta but they are “fun” and have “cool” brand new digimon made specifically for the card game. Personally I’m making the green bird man deck.
It's an MC deck so at least it will be getting regular support for the foreseeable future. ex8's confirmed to have a new MedievalGallantmon for it.
>it's to reliant on interacting with your opponents digimon to be meta relevant.
I'm getting really tired of this pitfall with green cards. There's so much battle reliant shit in green that just does nothing if they just hide in raising. Meanwhile Blue has shit like MirageGao and AncientGaruru that don't care about your board state at all. Green needs something like ex5 Octomon that forcibly puts a body on their field to be a target.
it stills works as davis, it isn't like davis doesn't have an I in it, which is why people go with daiken, it appeals to everyone
but davken is saying you don't want anyone else to like it expect you, its being a dickhead about the name.

Thats why its a problem, thats why its clear that anon has a chip on his shoulder and is a weird for using davken, because daiken just works for everyones.
hes davis in my head as well, I call it davis and ken if I use the full name, but thats still daiken.
because hes trying to tell me I am wrong because I told him X Y and Z, that I said the deck doesn't ever need memory, that I had a perfect list and I am refusing to post it, that I claimed its always going to have a perfect stack
none of that was me, some of them NO ONE claimed, so the problem is hes trying to "call me out" for saying things and not backing them up or changing my stance when there are 3 other people (by my count) talking to him and hes conflating who said what.

So when he says "b-b-but you said!!" no, I fucking didn't, don't try to throw it in my face when I wasn't even the one who said that.
They released EX7 on DCGO, lol
>oh cool il try out some ex7 stuff
vortex doesn't even work
gotta give it a few weeks for it to work I guess...
The card that matters work, which is lilithmon x, maybe.
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Does blue Mahiramon see the deva being played in breeding for the trashing effect.
>Bandai tries to make ex7 + the starter decks a starting point for new players
>Only releases the promos necessary for the decks at a nationals event
>Massive stock issues with the starting decks.

I'm used to disappointment, but how did they fuck this one up so badly?
I mean irl I say “Ken and Davis” cause Ken being one syllable just rolls off the tongue for me

No, I don't think so but he should see himself come into play.
They're massive retards who can't into logistics.
Surprised there were no 7DL placement in the texas regionals.
the lists from this event are wild
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What EX7 decks do you think will be worth building? Trying to get some idea of pieces to pick up.
Bandai just kill Digimon at this point. Its obveous you hate it and don't like it. Is it because we did not buy Battle spirits. We all know you are going to fold one piece in to union arena.
"worth building"
for fun? a lot of decks, but thats very subjective
actually strong meta decks?
BT18 only has purple hybrid and even that is just good not a top deck.

Even bt19 isn't looking high power level, pretty much nothing will be strong thats a new deck
beelze may be strong enough after bt19, but basically until at least ex8 or maybe bt20 might be nothing meta thats new to build

I would personally grab some of the liberator stuff from ex7 because its getting more support in ex8 and it MIGHT be strong, I don't doubt they support protagonist decks for a bit either so its probably a good idea to set yourself up for the future, and the decks are quite fun imo
Black Hybrid mother is pretty alright.
Its bad against ancient and imperialdra
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Wait, can I play this in 7GDL even on an empty board and everything they play just dies and doesnt trigger partition?
no the game isnt gonna keep checking its eot
Then why revelion of light effects do?
Purple Hybrid is good too
Nah it's not a boardwipe because the Digimon don't have to target themselves.
Like if you've got an Agumon and a Greymon in play, you can activate Greymon to delete the Agumon, and then the Agumon doesn't delete anything because it isn't on the field.

You are correct that it does not trigger Partition
>purple hybrid is good too

>BT18 only has purple hybrid and even that is just good not a top deck.
is in >>93933143
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hey, dukemon fan here. So I took out the kalumons and added red memory boosts. I am going to a tournament on friday. I am also thinking about exchanging the raid dukemon for another bt17 one.
Aren't you that guy that was feeling a bit iffy about the state of the game a few weeks back?
3-1 ratio is pretty good for them
the raid gallant is good in a lot of scenarios
I think you have too many crimson mode ace, 3 seems like a lot, but I guess not really in a lot of situations since you really want to see them.

can't believe gallant is getting even more support in bt19, a whole new line and a straight upgrade to the blitz tamer, guess raid gallant will be kind of bad then since every gallant will have raid and its just the sec trash that would make it unique, but the new gallant then is pretty good too

good luck in your tournament, let us know how you go!
got a regionals on sunday myself, taking dorugora to it
yes, thats me. The newbie with the kalumons lol.
So this is basically what happened. A friend recently opened a game shop, mainly for warhammers & magic the gathering. He tried to put in one piss but it mega flopped... I was purchasing some cards on fb group and I talked to the guy that sold me a dukemon with raid. I showed him the shop and suggested the idea that we should try to bring digimon there and start a new community. They loved the place and we will probably have digimon now and we are having a debut tournament this friday. The shop is at the other side of the city so I probably wont have to see the annoying vultures that traded my belzemon memory boosts for 15 cent cards. Thankfully its not like I am doing very good in economics.

P.S. I should had gotten another ex02 alternate takato when I could.

How are you doing? I hope everything is great.
Yesh! I am very excited for bt19! loads of pretty looking cards and awesome effects. We literally are getting a new growlmon that does the effect anytime and not just when it digivolves, to bring takato into play.
Should I put another dukemon bt17 instead of raid? or will there be a new one in bt19? I also saw the new takato that gives raid, its awesome.
btw the 3 ace crimson modes really have made the absolute difference to me. Folks never expect me to have a 3rd and when they find out them grow super scared lol.
This is fine, keep the bt12 one since raid and trashing is powerful, 3 guilmon rush might be a tad much I would bump the dp boost one.

When you play you will realize which gallant and pieces you like more so you can start tinkering, keep the 1 ofs so you can go in your head "Wish was the new Gallant" or "I wish I had more raid ones."
Decent, I'm trying to accommodate new players who have joined Digi at my locals because they are disillusioned with the state of Yugioh. Australia got hit hard by shortages of the starter decks, my local store didn't get a single one from distribution.

I did what I could to ensure new faces could get 2 starter decks of the archetype they want to try.
No, I mean does the effect affects digimons that werent in play when I played this card? Like the minus dp or sec one effects
What are your thoughts on the EX7 decks?
>Evil Dragons
>Linkz Dragons
>Nature Spirits
>Three Musketeers
>Vortex Warriors

I'm really enjoying Puppets and am so upset by how bad Nature Spirits is.
The ACE part helps them get less cluttered compared to the old one, its fine, its a mini panic button that needs immediate answer
>straight upgrade to the blitz tamer
Memory setters are not as good as 1+ sometimes and the raid one forces you to either attack security or raid while the other has more flexibility.
>I'm really enjoying Puppets and am so upset by how bad Nature Spirits is.
Does it even have a top end yet, its like a bunch of do nothing effects on a 5 color deck.
Blitz stays at 4 but I would probably change the set to 3 and warp takato to the set to 3 and raid takato.

I wish they would print a christmas or halloween takato of ex02.

Yea, it's a blanket effect but 7 memory is a lot to pass over
Wish the deck could cheat their options.
Wit the new growlmon you can probably afford to be more greedy with running more tamers, you can also use the takatos to warp more sacrificial and keep the 1 of restriction.
Also, Raid Takato only lets you attack once due to suspending and there are occasions where you would want to blitz twice in a turn. I'd say it's more of a sidegrade than an upgrade to Blitz Takato. Of course, a sidegrade to a main piece of your deck is still a big deal so definitely run both.
Bt11 mamemon feels pretty good but you probably wanna up the numbers of black lvl 6. I also feel you wanna get either lne merciful or paladin mode
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Beautiful slugge :)
Here's your Lucemon tamer. They updated the character page to include this guy and the Nightmare Soldiers girl from chapter 4
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I hope they actually do give the minor characters (no pun intended in this case lmao) tamers and decks that currently don't have them so that they can actually get archetype support.
seggs with slugge perhaps?
Yeah, he looks like he'd play fucking Lucemon.
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>Regional over the weekend
>only two Imperial lists in the top 16
starting to think Imperial isn’t that big of a deal and you faggots are just bad.
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Oh baby

Agreed. I don't see mirage on that chart either, tier 3 deck confirmed.
Unironically think Mirage and Imperial are good decks but have plenty of ways to beat that shitters don’t wanna admit. Like they filter out bad players but are easy enough for bad players to pick up too and do well.
AAs incoming
>Shattering bt18 Millennium’s AA
Damn that’s cool
Thank you! That's what I've been trying to say, but I keep getting called a schizo!
yeah it's insane, they take all the logic, good business decisions, probably the Digimon Story 2017 game, love for the franchise, convert all of it into pure distilled soul and use 100% of it to make bad ass alt arts.
what does lucemon need all that thigh for
Fucking Hell
Happy to see Shine put up results
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Are there really only two rookies with NSp trait? I thought there was a Starmons or something.
Yes, there are really only two. There should have been a Tentomon but I guess they forgot.

>There should have been a Tentomon but I guess they forgot.

Good news
oh damn
hopefully this is still nature spirits and not some random NPC using an Insectoid deck
Artbook when
new banlist disabled their starter decks

I should have just posted the full pic but yea, piedmont on the box as well so probably more NSO/NSP stuff
I wonder if they will be liberator tagged or if its that specifically just the main characters thing
liberator pile might become a thing if they are
Nsp feels so unfinished. It wants to swarm but only two cards in whole are chetype actual do anything to accomplish this. I hope Nightmare soldiers and Deep Savers are better.
Perfect timing. Hope it’s playable in pure bugs as well.
It sees itself being played. Breeding area doesn't typically proc effects unless the Breeding keyword is present.

>4x Gennai
>no analog

Shoto seems really solid but I'd definitely adjust it and run like 3-4 Shoto, 4 Analog. Setting up trash for Fanglong is too important IMO.

Solid list otherwise, deva-bro.
byootiful, love it for fish deck.

I hope Deep Savers have a good Ace mega, like Metalsea or something.
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It's specifically the main characters because they're evolving into new Digimon. The NSo cards we saw weren't Liberator tagged because Reina's DemiDevimon is evolving in the expected way, she's just a player not a member of the debug team.
I worry that Deep Savers will barely support old Aegisdramon at all. I could see MetalSeadramon being mono black.
Yeah, it is a turn board wide effect. Anything new that comes into play will gain the effect. For an example, the new lv6 Hina Dragons that play out one when one would be deleted, has to choose a target to delete, after it is played out, if there are no other digimon that can resolve the effect still.
I do have my concerns, but I think a new aegis and a metalseadra ace are in the cards hopefully. Whether it works with aquatic or not remains to be seen obviously, but my guess is that we get a Piedmon Ace equivalent for Metalseadramon, and then a 3-color Aegisdramon, like how BoltBoutta is 3-colors. Blue/black/purple could be something.
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I wished this worked properly on the sim. Opponents choosing their own mother Reaper should delete mother
Three Musketeers feels bad to play. Vortex doesn't feel like it has its full power. Puppets and LilithX seem like the most legitimate decks to play, but that is primarily do to purple and yellow having good support in general. I have not played the rest. Playing against dragons though, there only out to winning is people not reading the cards.
Yeah Blue/Black/Purple is my guess too, but I could also see them doing something crazy like Red Ebidramon and MegaSeadramon because unless Elizamon is in the set, Red is going to only be Dinosaurs
when will it be blacks turn to be meta?
vortex feels like its so close to good
that its just missing one piece

it feels like you can do a good job of killing things and setting up, shitting things out on board....
and then just kind of nothing? you can't kill off this, you don't have some big defensive mechanic to make an unbreakable board, you kind of just do some things and then have to keep playing on board.

Promoting up, evoing into your 6 then vortex to kill a stack, pierce through, keep turn from the memory gain, then swing again is definitely pretty nice, play out something else to pass and then you kind of just can't keep doing it really.
yeah I imagine red is going to be taken up by Tyranno stuff.

I need to see that Dinomon alt ASAP. I bet it goes hard as fuck
Nature Spirits feels unfinished, just like the Argomon deck. I suspect we get more support.

Puppets looks neat but I'm annoyed that the promos seem important for it. I'll just use the puppet stuff for Numemon honestly. That new Shinmonzae is really good.
You can play Black Hybrid with Mother Shoto and be a giant fucking faggot if you really want!
>you can play
Wanking at the table is not the same as playing, sadly...
I been testing this all week, Analog is a brick, Gennai not only searches for Shoto, unclugs your breeding way more than analog does and speed the mother promoting and also stop otks way more.

Try it, every time I played analog I hated it and wish it was a Gennai.
Yeah vortex feels on the cusp of being really competitive. Here’s hoping the ex8 line can do it but then again that could be struck with the Gallantmon curse…
huh. I might give it a spin. I was a Gennai hater in my build but you do have some good points.
Which one?
The queen.
I'm both relieved and disappointed by this answer.
Nsp feel like it was supposed to have an option card in the being of Royal Knights and Demon Lords that lets you play out all these cards that are clearly intended to be played out by an effect. Eldoradi and Tilalocmon are just not enough.
Gennai felt awful in the old builds and you only needed it for Mirage I agree.

Now its not only a searcher, now your breeding are is way more cluttered so it helps fasten it a little bit and play more as a reaction now since every deck hits as a level 5 now.

Also why I wanna play Mamemon, the turn you hatch mother playing a deva feels bad so I wanna try it and play it that turn, only drawback is you don't have enough black lvl6. Mega gargo helps but the black four general suck, the old non ace one is decent.

This deck has potential, maybe someone can get there.
I am drunk, last tibdit. Decks are way better at removing your deva in play but still can't deal with a blocker deva that kills their stack. Its just safer and your deck has inevitability, other decks can only do their shit 2 or 3 times.
How competitive is a zephagamon deck? Tempted to build one since I have a couple of the promos from the last evo cup, a few liberators packs, and going to buy 2 of the new starters anyways for the trainings.
Not very.
It's the epitome of a green deck that does nothing if your opponent doesn't give you a digimon to attack over.
It's close to being good. Vortex is strong, but if you don't have something to run over, it doesn't do much.
>How competitive is a zephagamon deck?
A rogue deck at best and what everyone else says. It topped some during release but japs has a case of new toy syndrome.
That's kind of what I thought. Thanks anons. I'll probably just slap one together with what I have as more of a casual deck instead.
Man they really need to give green a way to put tokens or something like Dragomon/Waruseadramon if they’re going to keep making all these battle reliant archetypes.
If vortex let you attack into unsuspended, I think there would be more to work with. However, that would be busted.
Imperial got 2nd btw
Who got first?
Black Base DexDoru
>that its just missing one piece
Zephagamon's Lv. 7 evolution. Just watch.
Not competitive enough to justify EX7 Zephagamon cost 10€+.
What does ofs mean ?
cards you are running 1 copy of
actually this would make a lot of sense, I was trying to figure out what direction they would take it, but a lvl 7 would make a lot of sense and keep it consistent.

Now I want it, can't wait :S bandai better not let me down
I'm convinced that "Deep Savers" are just going to piggyback off of the Aqua archetype instead of having their own trait like the other two.
I fear they're just going to make a generic Liberator level 7 that gets protection and all the effects of the Liberators in its Evo cards.
That's an unrealistic thing to be afraid of.
Yah they would never make a secret rare for all the liberator decks that would be crazy
A powercrept level 7 and a searcher option card that is functionally similar to another promo option and so far sees next to no play are completely different things.
Tbh that’s the route I’d prefer they take because I’m going to be pussed if they print another MetalSeadramon fish can’t use.
It's funny how long it took that archetype to get a functional level 6 at all, Seadramon or otherwise.
>Only 2 tokens per box

What the fuck is bandai doing? They also 100% shorted shoto.
Blank cards to write Diaboromon/Familiar/Umon/KoHagurumon etc etc on. You can technically use anything as a Token as long as it conveys whether they're suspended
I know what tokens are, I mean what box has tokens? EX7?
Yeah the deck only started to see a glimmer of hope once it broke free from relying entirely on Aegisdramon. fish is my favorite blue card design but it’s also the most balanced blue cards so I never expect it to be meta
Would you kiss the sluggo?
EX8 announcements are starting soon anons! Remember to buy your barbamons now before they announce his barbamon x.
>still no mention of belphemon x
MoonMillenniumon already cucked Barbamon to death, I can't imagine an X form will help.
They might be leaving him for as late as they can because BT13 Rage Mode already has the de facto highest play cost they give to level 6s, ever since BT2. Even if they design Belphemon X in such a way that you never want to hard play him, they've kind of set up a pattern with the play costs of 7GDL Xs and to a lesser extent with X-Anti forms in general, and 7GDL and Belphemon's own dedicated deck are decks that actually pay attention to the play cost of level 6s.
just ordered a case if EX07 bros. I hope I get that special chase Zephagamon.
So many people playing Mother Block at locals that I don't think going to it is worth at all
I don't think they did, I got the regular amount of 2 to 3 per box.

>So many people playing Mother Block at locals that I don't think going to it is worth at all

Funny thing is that all mother blocker mirrors should go into time. Meaning it will rarely get 1st place.

If your worried, just have a deck with unblockable buffs
Can barrier protect from security checks?
If the security checks are Digimon cards with equal or higher DP, yes.
So a security check against a digimon is treated as a proper battle, although those digimon do not count as "opponent's digimon".
>the dcgo devs programmed st18 shoto incorrectly because they thought it couldnt redirect to unsus digimon
These retards are supposed to be pro players mind you.

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