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In the grim florkness edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
What's your second most favorite base decoration after skulls?
I like mud on my bases
Sometimes, I feel daring and add a tuft too.
2025 news when?
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Hard to beat good old grass tufts. Simple, yet effective.
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Elves that sting

Also they ruined Nuln Oil holy shit it's terrible now
I use some of my own piss and shit to make bases for my Death Guard
cocktail cactus
tau manta
OOP orca dropship second hand from ebay
Squastodes Captain
Asking again, is shredded corckboard as a substitute of sand for PVA basing
any kroot model
C'tan nightbrikger
just go to a beach and pick up some sand, siv it if you want to for the finer stuff
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fuckton of nurglings
knight lancer
No retard
I just don't really like sand.
And no beach sand here, only field and forest
More primaris marines
Man up, Anakin.
A box of intercessors
The most expensive plastic model / unit of your favorite army currently available for sale.
Every new space marine that is unhelmeted is now a black. Every guard officer that isn't going to die in the next few seconds is now female or female and black. Getting fatigued
Orkz is da best
Terminator chaplain
not remotely accurate
now go back to /v/
A single Ork boy
the gigantic titan from FW
well fuck
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I would rather find an stl to provide than anon give forgeworld money.
mix elmer's glue with water, spread it on the base and then pour corn meal onto it. let it sit for a couple of minutes then remove the corn meal that didnt stick and let it dry
This but blue
Mars Pattern Warlord Titan Body
Begone tourist
they're the only one having a good time, maybe alongside dark eldars
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Need more skulls
Deathskulls? Aye.
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Damn straight.
Im all for it personally, I think its quite funny that the factions chuds gravitate towards are the always the most boring mfs imaginable and they get milked and fucked constantly by GW
If you had any semblance of originality you'd play something cooler that avoids these issues but you're a boring incel so its all the funnier to me
Thunderhawk from FW.
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Post models
It doesn't count right? He meant a knight, right bros...?
Sydonian Skatros
don't reply to your own lazy bait with even lazier bait
I am not able to afford this, anything below 200€ I could have delivered but I am not in the position to spend 1510€ on a half a resin model right now
If you don't like black space marines why do you keep painting them black?
You do paint models, right?
Titan Phantom
Yes you will, those dubs prove it
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Are skitarii literally remote controlled puppets and same vein as imperial guardsmen? Basically just dudes? Like is the average skitarri a actual person or are they literally just vat grown puppets doing shit for archmagos people?
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Hang on. FW doesn't technically exist anymore and it was all moved to the "Expert Kit" subsection of the main GW site. I move that this request is null as it is impossible to buy something from an entity called "Forgeworld" now.
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>didn't see this coming a mile away
fuck giving forgeworld anything though, just roll again
slaves turned into killing machines using whatever useless bits of tech the mechanicus don't feel like keeping
Fine then.
Since anon will not deliver as he should I am rerolling for 2 ork Boyz now. No more, no less.
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That’s some heresy right there
No they aren't you mega retard
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I've been a fan of dry brushed and washed astrogranite and dead models of my friend group's armies. Working on another daemon prince right now that's going to have a dead marine as well.
They're dudes but in terms of thought process they're less like your random Cadian guardsman and more like the tech-priests who order them around. Their obedience is wired into them.
then enlighten us instead of throwing ad hominems like a monkey at a shit factory
Dubs giveth and dubs taketh. If you couldn't spend lmao1.5K you should've said so
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Done, will arrive in 2 days.
>new season in 19 days
Black isn't a skin colour but a type of human with different facial bone structure.
I just wanted to assemble and paint something new I would not have chosen to do by myself desu
They are actual persons, very obedient to the machine god ofc. Some are more, some are less augmented. In combat, they can get remote controlled if the situation requires it and they are connected to each other and to their leaders giving them an edge. They don't rely on speech or vox to communicate in battle because of that.
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Rockman is one of my favorite models GW has ever released. Excellent taste, anon. Duncan Rhodes has an excellent guide for painting him if you're not creative like me and have trouble not painting by the numbers.
I think I have to decorate the base with some skulls
and they don't make black marine models
you'd know that if you owned any :)
bellend the dick master
Ohnonno he's getting squatted in 40k after the daemon codex gets split into the chaos marine books
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technically the warlord (normal or psi version) and warmaster titans for legiones imperialis are both "the gigantic titan from FW"
Saved. Be'lakor is a fucking stupidly good model. I'm satisfied to see this resolution.
I've never fielded him in a game as I don't play daemons anymore. Painting him was purely a project for fun. I'd imagine they'd have to release some sort of appendix to the CSM book in the style of the Agents of Inqusition that allows Vashtor and Disciples of Belakor lists if GW finally pulls the trigger on cult/daemon hybrid armies. I'd be stoked if some form of Khorne Daemonkin comes back.
>getting squatted in 40k
doubtful, he's got a fucking marine as base decoration
he's getting folded either inside the undivided marines or chaos knights codex
I will post updates as soon as he arrives.
Any subassembly suggested? He looks big enough to be easily reachable. Gonna use him to learn sponge blending on the wings.
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>chaos discord going actual autism about dice, one guy is actually running a fucking full-blown seminar on the topic
>Has studies to back him up and everything
wew lad
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How walkable are Hive Cities?
Sorry anon, Be'laddy already won
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Well fuck I didn't know the anon was poor. Get the GSC combat patrol
Keep wings, chains, and sword arm off until after they are painted. Don't glue to base until final step. The armor plates are fine to glue on.
You already have your explanation in this thread, but fuck you.
Despite gw making them turbo shit in the game, skitarii ar still ALL elite infantry.
The augmentations they get are not uniform but they all are military grade and up for the tasks asked of the legions, making them faster, stronger, more resilient and adaptable to hostile environments. And on top of that, their brains are linked to their skitarii commanders and the bossman Magos around. And this is only the modern and very narrow interpretation of skitarii, other times they on top of being augmented, they also had genetic modifications making them hulking men with a mortal cocktail of combat drugs at their disposal (essentially eversor light)
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Warmaster my beloved
Imperial guard codex when?
40k is such a good setting for a gritty seinen anime, I don't care whatever it's about. But the boomers in the board would never approve it and certainly would not let the Japanese do their thing if they did.
2025 after Eldar.
With a complete Krieg Army overhaul. We will probably get new plastic vehicles, some stationary field guns, new Krieg horsies, new Krieg command squad and Krieg marshall.
army box with early access codex released in November.

Full normal release in January.
it took you 20 minutes to write that mess?
Didn't they say there would be nothing until 2025?
Dice balance is sirius bisnis:
>the boomers in the board would never approve it
Fake grogs would disapprove. Slapping anime aesthetics onto 40k was stupidly popular through the whole first decade of this board's existence, and it's not like it's not popular in the present either.
It's always funny when people argue over dice randomness when it's always fruitless since unless everyone adopted the same dice, it's never going to matter. I have at least one set of dice I know rolls slightly on the higher end, but at the end of the day I still can't control whether they're going to roll high for when I'm saving on 2+ anyway, and they still have a chance of rolling low even when I need 6s. Also people who say craps dice are the best are retards, it's not the dice themselves that guarantee the randomness, it's the wall of the craps table that you need to hit them off of for it to even count in craps, also craps dice wear out quickly, which is part of the reason why you can buy them in casino gift shops, so even if you use casino dice, unless you're regularly changing them out you aren't getting the true randomness you think you're getting (even though you aren't getting it anyway, since you aren't shooting them off a craps table wall).
No, they said that the proper release of the blood angels will be before the end of the year and the proper release of krieg will be in the new year.

But army boxes always happen a month or so ahead, so expect the preview of kriegers and the release of the army box before the end of the year as well.
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toasting this image just to get the dust off it
Chaos discord?
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Moderated by Abaddon the dilator
I mean you say that but according to this its not like there's "casino dice" with near true random and then "all other dice" which are a crapshoot, it varies by brand. Chessex for example is dogshit while GW are slightly better and backgammon ones better than that.

I do understand the whole not using actual casino dice thing because they're only good for a short time
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That doesn't narrow it down at all.
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I bought a spook
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based, I loved doing my assassin.
are ciaraQ dice any good?
Guard and Admech is more like 50% fighting strength.
so, should we use spinning tops? digital dice? dice without pips but just painted dots? other types of numerals on dice?
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Finished the warbikes
Painted pips, non-rounded edges.
>Contrast paint
You didn't "paint" these
at least try with your bait next time
Ummmmmm actually it isn't contrast. Its just paint thinned down to the point it behaves very similarly
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Lorewise, how dog shit was older marks of power armor? Compared to newer marks now? The older marks literally seem like suits of armor with nothing under them almost.
They look great annon, especially good job on the different metallics and the gloves on the right one.
You should give the claw on the left a repass, some silver got off.
Also, you should put in a very light silver wash in the little squares of the lamps of the bikes.
Codex Daemons getting squatted could possibly be great for Be'lakor, because then he could get mortal/marine minions like he does in AoS.
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What are you even talking about?
>Silver wash
Could you elaborate? I figured I could do something with yellow in there if I wanted to make them look lit up but why silver?
We use digital dices only in my DnD group since last year and it just isn't fun. It's missing the whole suspense and shaking and physical connection to the gambling.
I haven’t chosen my chaos legion colours yet lads but I’m painting my cultists in a rag tag scheme of cloth colours, would that fit? I always view cultist as just normal dudes
looks nice anon
Why did they give the iconic Death Guard armour combo (III body with II head) to an Iron Warrior?
>What are you even talking about?
Whats confusing you? Pretty straightforward sentence. Hit your head recently?
cultists exist to die so it doesnt really matter
nice digits
You use a darker shade of metallic on the frame of the lamp, you use a very light silver on the little squares that form the lamp itself to give it a mirror appearance, making it reflect light.
huffed too many airbrush fumes
many such cases
>non-rounded edges
I see, I'll give it a shot at some point. I'm a bit sparse on light silvers.
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>not a single spec of red
>those legs
lmao someone has been watching truescale models a bit too much, these are cataphractii looking legs lmao
our mekz make 'em plenty fast, grot. Don' yaknow blue iz best?
Want them to tumble from the physical force of being thrown, not last minute movements which are more likely to be from sides being weighted differently. Less of an issue with painted pips
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If you want to make them light up afterwards, you give them a very thinned down shade of orange and yellow on top of the silver (I recommend Vallejo silver) and it will have a good effect
Good stuff as always blueork anon
Got an example.of the finished results? The most I've ever done for a lighting effect on my Orks was painting the lights yellow.
>I mean you say that but according to this its not like there's "casino dice" with near true random and then "all other dice" which are a crapshoot
uh yeah obviously but that's not really the point I'm making. Arguing over dice randomness is silly because they're never going to adopt even a competitive standard of dice, let alone what people use for casual games, so in most cases it's not as if having dice that are truly random is going to do you any favours, it only matters if both players are using the same dice. If anything, assuring true randomness is going to put you at a disadvantage since you're holding yourself to a standard that your opponent in most cases isn't meeting, so logically it's better to use a set of dice that's slightly to your advantage (not overwhelmingly so) rather than a set that's perfectly balanced. Also you missed the point entirely about casino dice, and it's actually a point that extends to backgammon dice as well, it isn't a case of just that they wear down quickly, it's that the style of dice made for casinos aren't made to be perfectly random when rolled in the way we do, so unless you're bringing a 10 foot craps table to every game along with a fresh set of dice, you're probably actually rolling worse than chessex dice. Wear effects all dice, if you fell for the precision dice meme and use them regularly, then they aren't rolling any better than GW dice by now. Yes some brands are worse than others, but even "precision" dice that aren't casino ones have a time limit on them, just use whatever dice you want as long as they aren't clearly weighted.
To your first point - the other dice compared to casino dice are actually worse, so you're not holding yourself to a higher standard and hampering yourself, you are literally giving yourself an advantage over others. Even if that advantage is actually baseline random.
I found a psychopath
Some people have gunpla brainrot
I am phone posting right now but I suggest you try it on a leftover bit to see what I mean
coat of silver
coat of thinned down ink/contrast
dot of white in a corner
dark metallica for frame
and youll have a nice shiny lamb
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idiots who don't know what moldlines are
I'll give it a shot tonight if I've got time anon. Will post results and hopefully I'm understanding the process right. Thanks for the advice
Jesus christ anon your reading comprehension is dogshit.
Cute doggo, can Chaos armies just make a mixmax army like the Imperium where you can just put Chaos Knights, Deamons and Marines in the same list?
They're more common than you think sadly. Too many times I'll see someone post a model with a great paint job, yet you can see the mould lines running all over it
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>can't spell mould
>calls others idiots
No? You seem to be under the impression that you are kneecapping yourself because not everyone else is using the same dice. You literally said it's potentially putting you at a disadvantage and it's better to use a set with a slight advantage.

That's what true random dice currently fucking are, you ape.
>I am the biggest Necron, that makes me the boss of Necrons.
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I wish Necrons would actually have cool officially sold vehicles and monsters. Like the Canoptek tomb stalker or the Canoptek spider. I would immediately buy an army, their lore and aesthetic is so interesting.

Considering Trazyn is so popular, they should make a Trazyn army rule where you can just throw every unit as part of his collection into battle.
I miss when important people could be the same size as regular people without even a tactical rock under them.
damn maybe find somebody who cares
Nice! Is that the new terminators?
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Working on these two waifus. I hate painting vehicles, but it's kind of cathartic not having to be super precise. I'm shopping around for soviet-style transfers too. Still working on my nurgle girl, but no update since the last time I posted her
World of Warcraft rules. The more important you are, the bigger you are.
I could go looking for your dad, after he left your mom who became super-sized with a mobility scooter.
Oh piss off. That dais is badass, much superior to your garden variety tactical rock.
awful lot of projection while you seethe about an inferior era being passed on
Qt tonks
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Is there a big difference between the Leviathan termies and the normal ones? I wanna use some for conversions so it would suck if I got the leviathan ones and their torsos and legs are one piece etc.
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>troonscalers at it again
you doin okay little schizo? Nobody's mentioned truescale here
How do I Necrons
some of these faces actually look fine
a bit funny but fine

Cute chimera stand ins, you’re the guy who also has the white sentinel?
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If you're refering to my question about termies you can rest easy buddy. I'm gonna make terminator characters, not truescale stuff.
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>I don't want truesscale, I just want bigger models
you're a genuine retard if you think anything in modern 40k is truescale
new as in start of 10th yes
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I really wish the idol/culture war retards would stop focusing on how much melanin a character has or their genitalia or how ugly they are and focus on how dumbed down (and paradoxically made more complicated because of constant fixes to problems they created or a myriad of other issues) and boring 40k has become to play. If you ever, ever complained about any of the following, you are the retard who is actually ruining 40k:

>Sweeping advance
>Armor value
>Weapon Skill vs Weapon Skill
>Things not being "viable"
>Points per model2

1 People complain about how there was so much choice (yes, which is good) but no one ever took x, y, z because k was so much better and literally everyone who played the game took k because it was the superior option, completely discarding that anyone would take x, y, z, k, c, g, etc because it was the fluffier choice for /their dudes/.

2 Someone said that points were a WAACfag thing and that I was mad I could no longer take the most OP thing or min/max or whatever. Blew my mind with the stupidity. As if points couldn't be used for anything else and were only ever used for completely symmetrical point value armies to fight one another.

Sure, things weren't always "balanced" but who the fuck cares? You make do, and you have a good time doing it because Warhammer isn't chess. It's asymmetrical. It's war. It's a wargame. Only it is no longer a wargame. It's a board game where you play with /GW's dudes/ and your options are a different weapon (that isn't reflected in the rules so beyond aesthetics there's no point) and different colors. Wowee. Can hardly wait to choose my army ability of +1 or -1 to [thing]. Then I get to use my rerolls for my rerolls. What an exciting game. Fuck you.

And yes, I am aware HH exists and has that. I will not apologize for trying to make 40k better. As it was. Don't say anything about Crusade. It fucking sucks too because it's held down by current 40k.
fuck you talking bout honkey
I wish my models would come to life so I can get pampered by my black templar army.
Mucho texto ay caramba. The look of models/media is more important than the rules.
Read the post. My thoughts are laid bare.
Yes but the rules are slightly different
>CSM can soup battleline units from mono-god CSM armies and daemons from any god
>Chaos Knights can soup daemons from any god
>Mono-god CSM can soup daemons of their respective god
>Anyone can soup chaos knights or titans
Neither are any of the troonscale models.
are these troonscale models in the thread with us now?
this is an actual bot poster
I'm lucky enough to have two entries in the collage, hope they're among the better ones
Happy for you or sad that happened
>Cute chimera stand ins, you’re the guy who also has the white sentinel?
Sorry, my one finished sentinel is green with a bit of snow on it
There really are people who are decent to even very good painters who
>don't drill barrels
>don't clean moldlines
>don't clean sprue gate after cutting
It blows my mind that people are either too stupid or lazy to make their models actually look good.
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I would exchange my eyes for those bulky imperial eye prosthetics in a heartbeat, I hate the weakness of my flesh.
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will the rumored warp spider phoenix lord be male or female
Have you considered they might be fucking terrible?
Can't be worse than the pair I have now
How many fingers am I holding up
I would kill for a working prosthetic
t. cyclops that has to spend 5 times as long on purity seals and eyes
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Had a game into some crimson fists today
-10 vp.
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You know, I never saw the dark angels as real space knights.
I know that they are inspired by Arthurian legends and the orders of knights, but I always felt that they were missing something important, the spirit of knights.
I see their armor and iconography, but I don't see a group of knights, I see a group that tries to look like knights.

On the other hand, I believe that the imperial fists and successors have the true spirit of medieval knights.
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Do those Hellblasters have drum mags?
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Those are combi-plasma
You guys think if a masochist Slannesh worshiping Eldar died they would enjoy the eternal suffering or would they not?
Reminds me of Krang
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Yea they're combi-weapons and the guy said he used alot of horus heresy imperial fist bits in his army
I'll take a guess and say 3? You'll have to come closer. My eyes are pretty fucked up but I can see models and read ok if I get REALLY close. Lights and contrasts are a bitch though
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>John Deere clowns
Are 40k tournaments good places to make friends
And make enemies.
I mean the only way for them to suffer if they were truly masochistic would be for Slannesh to put them in a sensory deprivation chamber, right? I don't think he would do that. Guess being a masochistic Eldar is winning. Maybe this also holds true for Slannesh cultists.
Local RTTs sure.
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Its the masque of the Veiled path's scheme
Merci, Docteur
Snagged a mark 6 set of Marines for cheap and gonna start that as my intro for alpha legion, should I go all in on neutral looking Marines to keep them somewhat vague or should I just get a box of CSM
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4/10 they look really flat. I hope they're wips. With some proper shading and like 2 layers of highlights I think you can improve these a lot though. Not sold on the golden rifle either.
I might wash them with nuln oil if ur lucky but thats the best i can do
>Doesn't know what regional dialect is
>Posts whales
mfw I have no face
What purple do you use?
Get the CSM bits. AL players need to be bullied for using unmodified HH marines just as much as IW players are.
Cool chimeras I like the way the white looks
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>mold is a regional dialect
Try again buddy
zased image
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Basecoat is 50/50 mix of genestealer purple and xereus purple. 1st highlight is genestealer purple, 2nd is genestealer purple with a bit of white mixed in.
Champion, thanks.
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ive been looking around at a bunch of 3rd party stuff and was probably gonna get a big thing of custom shoulders and helms, and i was looking at various unique models on etsy that looked kinda cool, i just didnt know what i wanted to do as the base for the army
seen a few people take loyalist models and grind off the imperium icons and such
What should I add to this for a 1K points army? Quite keen on keeping them all Death Company but I’d be willing to branch out of necessary.

Could it use some shooting?
Yeah I don't see any shooting. Not seeing much melee either
nice nu-sangyguard loser
Damn, those are some stealthy Blood Angels
>On the other hand, I believe that the imperial fists and successors have the true spirit of medieval knights.
Because unlike the dark angels, the children of Dorn prefer to act rather than think and speak.
Lmao, I’m a retard. it’s just the launch box.
its orkz ya git
the only faggots more ugly and obnoxious than the literal faggot legion that is the dark angels, are the imperial fists
>death company orks
Idk, Ultramarines are up there.
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So if i am not completely retarded (doubtful), my interpretation is the following for 5 man units:
>1 guy with eviscerator (+bolt pistol)
>1 guy with plasma pistol (+chain sword)
>1 guy with power fist (+bolt pistol)
>1 guy with power fist + plasma pistol

So i only have to field 1 guy with the basic loadout?

What happened to sergeants and aspiring champions? Is that too hard to define?
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Its time for him to get a model
I don't like any of the loyalist legions desu, I guess blood angels are alright but their color scheme is boring. Dark angels have the best look but their fluff is just wank, ohhh we are the nimber one, oooh our terrible secret, oooh Lion is so perfect with no flaws or character and he would beat up your dad
>havent painted in years
>almost all my paints are fucked
guess were starting from 0
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someone sounds a little resentful.
>after vicious fighting with the blood angels, a number of orks become overcome with da green waaagh and go into an uncontrollable rage, believing they are mork and everyone else is gork
Kinda same. I like the flavor of Iron Hands but they have their own problems. Raven Guard's alright, I guess. Deathwatch and Grey Knights are cool tho.
Gave me a chuckle
Do you post your stuff anywhere?
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How do we keep other augmented power armored people from being functionally Marines or Marines + 1?
anon please take a decent fucking picture
We don't.
If I want to read books about Necrons, which ones are worth it? Also, PDFs where? I'm playing Space Marine 2 and just heard the data slate where a female tech-priest was stalked & killed by what I believe was a tomb scarab or wraith. Anyway, it made me think that it would be cute if a more intelligent Necron with personality were to be awoken by a female tech-priest, and they build a mutual romantic fancy over their fascination over studying & being studied.
At times I wonder if there's subdivisions of Custodes based on various historic bodyguard groups. Like one's a Swiss Guard, another's a Varangian Guard, then the Immortals, etc.
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Is this any better
Wait a sec, why doesn't the rogal dorn have a hunter killer?
Delete them from the game
go splurge
Heresy detected, opinion rejected
Did I make the right choice going for a beakie?
By the way some use their fridge for photographs. Minis are small enough to fit and there's lighting and bright white surroundings. I don't know what effects cold has on minis though.
I've heard not nice things about this line outside their og primary colours
A whirlwind, a stormraven gunship, and a rhino
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Best, (NOT DABBING) boy
I'm terrified to check on mine
Who cares about moldlines? I'm not an autistic perfectionist.
I think the Imperium SUCKS and ISN'T COOL.
The Imperium has fallen. Billions must die.
Billions must die.
Billions must scheme.
Billions must die (trillions must be born).
Billions must die VERY painfully.
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putting your models in the fridge for a few minutes will have zero effect on them
But what if I do it for very long?
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Nah just here. Not a fan of blogs or social media like readdit and such.
(Fake) water and sand :)
the custodes are based on the italian royal guard which are inspired by the swiss guard
what happened to you anon? Where did the imperial fist touch you?
Then they will be cooler
these are a pain to use and THICK as fuck out of the pot
they also love to crack regardless of what they're painted over
Nowhere because they're jobbers
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My tra la la, my ding ding dong
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cobblestone ruins and shno
sad to say these are still my latest, wageslavery is kicking my ass
I like Necrons. :)
I'm starting to like them more. They're ugly but carried by their characters.
in the eyes with their repugnant piss yellow scheme and braindraining lore
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You know, I think the limit of 1000 space marines per chapter is understandable when you see what a single marine with the rank of veteran can do.
Female necron models when
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damn, wrong image.
Evens I paint tonight.
Odds I don't.
It's been a long day.
They already exist. There is no observable difference between a male and female necron, the metal bodies were one size fits all.
If a faction is ugly they can have the coolest lore in the world and I won't like them
The exception is Nurgle
Slannesh big boobie and booty Necrons when
>inb4 "erm Necrons can't worship Chaos"
I thought they were Praetorians.
Anon please masturbate before posting.
Ok, what now.
thin your paints lol
Damn I thought I was going to get 40 hormagaunts from buying 2 boxes but each box only comes with 10, it's a retarded mistake since they have the number of models on the front of the box.
I would have made a proxy traitor guard unit from a necromunda kit if I realized
Point and laugh at me.
>sprue crystal
just when I thought sallyman couldn't get any more based
heavy body paints like kobra kolors are a pain in the ass to thin and they still crack when thinned
I'll stick to good paint lines like pro acryl and MSP
Resin stuff and super glue responds to temperature in funny ways. Generally the cold can make resin and superglue bonds fairly delicate
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The fool thought he was getting a good deal!
I know the target board games have a pile of gaunts in there for like 40$
Question. Anyone here possibly has Aria Arcana and Successors Anthology pdfs they can post here? I wanted to finish my Fehervari collection.
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Can harsh model review-anon come back and stir up the thread again? Yesterday was fun.
I want a brimstone horror riding one of these as an optional bit
Sometimes adding airbrush thinner and buzzing them on a vortex mixer for a few minutes each will bring them back to life
anyone got an Orks codex pdf?
putting together a merry band of gits
why don't the imperium just build a big bridge over the rift?
Too beeg
Have fun painting anon
but not today
2 bridges?
Are there any canon deviations of Blood Angels Black Rage in their successor chapters?

I'm making a custom successor Chapter and I want them to be

1.) So fanatical about the Emperor they make the Black Templars blush
2.) Revile Sanguinius for his failure and seek to atone for their rotten blood.

I want their Black Rage to only see one Horus, and if successful, they go on deluded thinking they're a victorious Sanguinius. They're still coherent, but 100% think they're Sanguinius.

They then make their way to Terra in Homecoming Companies (Death Companies) to see the Emperor, cutting down any who would dare stop the Great Angel from seeing his father.

Is this believable or gay?
Day 7 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
>Revile Sanguinius
perhaps kill yourself
Kinda gay imo
Why are you making up a chapter destined to be Minotaur boot stains?
Darn. I always like seeing your dudes, was hoping you had a gallery somewhere. Anyway, keep on trucking dude your stuff is cool.
Extremely gay and heretical. This is worse than my buddy who made an even secreter and innerer circle/company of dark angels who were all blanks and were supplied with weaponry by the gay knights.
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The captcha is saying weird things to me again.
Based captcha knows who the superior lifeforms are
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It's a sign that you need to paint some pewter
make some of them girls
>t. a shit hobbylet who doesn't care how his models look
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Nta but personally makes me a little sad when I finish a model I thought I did a good job on and notice I missed a mouldline. Pic related I was super stoked on and was defs a little bummed when I seen the mouldline
So we doing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazonian_Guard or the typical battle harem light novel?
>Autistic sperg that hates on other people instead of minding his own business
not your hugbox
Anon has now reminded me that the Votann vidya lacks a Guardian Spear.
Anons keeping in-universe battlelogs for their matches, do you tell your opponent about them?
What do you do when they insist to be in it, but all their contribution is shit like "I kill this guy so hard you can't use him again and have to buy a new model lel"
I'm making a Chapter of absolute fanatics for the Emperor, and I want to mimic some of the more extreme elements of monotheist religions.

I just think it's neat but I'm trying to refine them before I put paint to model. I was iffy on changing the Black Rage portion, so it's good to get some feedback.

Another quirk is on their homeworld, a Shrine world, they ring deafening bells across the planet for every year the Emperor has sat on the Golden Throne, every single day. As of M42.999, Bells ring throughout the system every 9 seconds making vox chatter near impossible and the native population deaf.
Die to a failed watch out sir?
Doesn't really matter if they insist, you're the one writing it down and if they aren't interested in creating a narrative then it's up to you to do it
How redditpilled of a take is it that Alpha Legion doesn’t use daemon engines or daemonkin and should just as non-Chaos possible? I love the look of the chaos range but it seems like it’s the least accurate look for them
Do what *you* think is cool, anon.
I want Demon Engines hidden as vehicles now. The shittier the better. Glue some rhino sides to a forge fiend.
>but all their contribution is shit like "I kill this guy so hard you can't use him again and have to buy a new model lel"
Give excruciating detail about how you violated and defiled the bodies of every mini you defeat.
I'm on like month 10 of exercising until Dark Mechanicum (or Chorfs in AoS) are added...
Congrats on being able to make phobos armor look great
>FB marketplace already filling up with nerds looking to offload impulse warhammer buys.
>Entire armies of assembled but unprimed or painted models for 50% or more off the cost.
God I love the winter after an edition change.
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duh, they're veterans.

"The deeds of one bold warrior can alter the course of a battle. I have four such men under my command, and our every deed changes the shape of the galaxy."

That is the description of the veterans, they are literally beings born to change the destiny of the galaxy.
Exercising once a month until the Dark Mechanicum Codex is released
You should paint and model what you want.
How do I unsubscribe from your ugly contrast sloppa models and blogposts
>they are literally beings born to change the destiny of the galaxy.
>cannot change eternal stgatus quo
And this is why SM are so popular.
not your hugbox anon cry about mould lines some more you little bitch your lucky you don't get cracked upside the head
hey, veterans are great, but they are not gods, don't be so cruel to them.
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>The captcha is saying weird things to me again.
Holy shit. Mine too.
I just found this.

At 50:19 Dan Abnett says that the Emperor coded Xenos hatred into the 30K Imperium to remove them as disruptions to his status quo. Does that mean that one of the core foundations of the Imperium was built on a lie? If it weren't for the Emperor humanity would have been chill with Xenos?
>but they are not gods,
None said anything about gods.
but changing universe is changing status quo, so it's all show and no go, designed for capeshit
Wait. Didn't Abaddon change the universe by blowing up a planet?
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>believing anything Abnett says about HH
He's not a 1st Company Veteran though
I would have shelved them. They've rounded corners.
>Didn't Abaddon change the universe by blowing up a planet?
He kind of didn't. Since nothing changed drastically
There were legitimately planets during the Great Crusade where Eldar and Humans coexisted. Vulkan and Konrad specifically were sent to one to wipe out the Eldar there.
Fine. Calgar changed the universe by taking the Ultramarines first company to a duel with Abaddon and his Harbingers of despair on Vigilus.
Unfortunate choice of face
The Great Rift, Primaris, Vashtorr, Wyrmwood, The Star Tide Nexys, the Ynnari, the Arks of Omen, the Psychic Awakening, the Star Child, the Emperor Angelic, etc. All resulted from the Fall of Cadia.
Humans were chill with xenos before. HOWEVER, humans were and are weak and were usually a slave or underclass to xenos species.

It might seem strange in the modern setting, but while widespread, humans were weak. Almost vermin. The reason the Emperor was so xenocidal is he never wanted it to happen again.
Xenos were chill with humans while we were strong and united. Once the Age of Strife kicked in basically everyone turned on the humanity.
So nothign relevant.
>The Star Tide Nexys
Excuse me?
What does the startide nexus have to do with the fall of Cadia?
Including humanity, damn humans, you ruined the Imperium.
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Posting my bloodthirster for the last time. I'm working on Skarbrand now and after that some war dogs and then more bloodletters
The Sautekh dynasty and the Great Rit surrounded the T'au Empire so they were forced to use experimental warp drives to circumvent them resulting in the Startide Nexus.
The Age of Technology section in the main rulebook basically says that DAoT bullied alien races and weaker human colonies for the fun of it. That's not very chill.
>The reason the Emperor was so xenocidal is he never wanted it to happen again.
It's not like he was aware about it, since he never left Terra.
He did leave Terra with a rocket ship. He traveled all the way to Molech with Alivia Sureka to use the gateway to the gods to bargain with the Chaos Gods for their power. After he got what he wanted he used his power to teleport back to Terra.
The disaster happened at the same time as the great rift (the 4th sphere being thrown into the warp happened before the rift formed) but I don't see anything that suggests the great rift caused the startide nexus. Unless the warp energies entering real space caused Tau'va to manifest in the warp?
Define relevant and give examples
What exactly changed there? Before the campaign Vigilus could be used as a staging point for the main imperium to move into the nihilus. After the campaign that's still the case.
Sorry anon, but that's cringe as fuck nulore.
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Nah. Get your hand on the 8th ed tau codex page 22.

The Great Rift happened shortly after the Damocles Gulf burning
I swear the more they write about the HH the less sense it makes to me.
Calgar was named a living saint
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Stages of an Inquisitor
>Define relevant
Something which changes setting/status quo permanently.
Destruction of Cadia was supposed to be such milestone, but it ended up with nothing (even cadians remained posterboy guard regiment), except of ressurection of Bobby, but he only brought just another line of space marines with him,
>Great Rift
Eye of Terror existed along with Maelstorm.
>Pariah Nexus
Was sabotaged by Guilliman and his bitchboy Imotekh from one side and Szeras from another side
Threw their quest to awaken Ynnead out of window in the same book which introduced them
Day 1 of choking my fucking cock out until world eaters get a female space marine.
Ok I'm reading it, you're right, I concede
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In a casual game with a stranger at a store would you be okay with people playing with legends models and rules?
So in 13 years when they release space marine 3, Titus is going to crack another crystal? The same crystal again?
I'd rather they use them as proxies for something current, but I would expect that's a minority position. I honestly don't really care what your models are as long as they're painted and at least somewhat coherent to what you want them to represent.
Im running Badrukk and there isnt anything anyone is gonna do about it
Maybe they'll get creative and have you start with fighting chaos, then a xenos faction shows up as the twist villain.
>Eldar show up
>have to destroy one giant ass soul stone (crystal)
You're not gonna believe the exact space marine to call.
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I use em myself so why not?
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>the factions start blending together and a chaos eldar is the final boss
necrons are the DLC faction in space marine 2
Is there a full version of the art for 3?
Look mom, I'm 3d printing myself
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Of course, almost half my models are legends anyways
Do you consider yourself a narcissist?
Always nice to see your models.
LOL most subtle 40kg poster
uh oh tourist melty
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NTA but I constantly angst about it yeah.
There you go guys. The poster that lives in these threads 24/7 and posts the same photos of his models ad nauseum is behind the constant tired shitposting.
Whoda thunk?
Now call me a schizo
But I’m only ever honest with you desu
You're alright dude, you don't spam the same 5 photos every single thread.
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im currently using some dark reaper for edge highlights and it seems alot thicker than other GW paints, and when i thin it down it not mixing particularly well either. Is this color just one of the more finicky colors or did i get a fubar bottle?
narcissistic psychopaths don't typically reflect on their behaviour when called out, so to worry about it implies that he isn't
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Should have been a griffon.
Going to be hype when they introduce female imperial guardsmen and space marines. They'll sell a fuck ton of units.
there's already female guardsmen models, anon
try to keep up.
very reddit because chaos is for cool kids and they're cool kids
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Im hoping they will showcase ambush/femboy marines first.
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We ain't ready for that.
With that face?
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I have a perfect Chaos man for the job.
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How would Jack fare in 40k?
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>Has four Greater Daemons at his command
>Can wield their powers as if they were his own
>Said Daemons can plunge entire worlds into darkness at his will
He's a high tier Undivided Daemon Prince.
A lot of misinfo. Skitarii are indoctrinated true-believers. Their military culture is one of total service without any expectation of material reward, they don't get paid or accumulate possessions beyond what they can barter for, or receive as gifts. Their reward is augmentation, they want to become more blessed by the machine, striving to become more metal than man.

They do have implants to allow priests to inload instructions, boost aggression, repress fear, divert power to specific bionics, and collect data through their sensors.
Legends should just stop being a thing.
If GW sells it, it should have rules and be legal to use anytime.
>The 4 Chaos Gods sit at the table of the Great Game.
>Slannesh speaks: "k I'm bored let's blow it up"
>Nurgle agrees happily, Tzeentch agrees knowingly, Khorne is mad he's outvoted on Slannesh's idea but is happy the blood will flow for a bit
>Tzeentch speaks: "wait which universe are we gonna go to. we gotta scout out this shit"
>Tzeentch opens a portal, says "how bout this one"
>Jack walks through
>Washes Nurgle with soapy water, casts Blizzaga on Khorne, punches Tzeentch in his nerd mouth, Slannesh jobs to something offscreen
>Chaos Gods play dead and Jack leaves as Limp Bizkit blares on his iPod
>The Great Gods all agreed on something that day
>Never again shall they cross JACK FUCKING GARLAND
From what I've heard almost all of the old world tournaments have told GW to fuck off and allow legends units to be used. I wish 40k TOs would do the same. If there's enough community pushback they'll eventually change.
Most legends stuff is incredibly inoffensive rules wise. I can't imagine anyone besides the biggest turbo autists throwing a fit because their opponent wanted to run a techmarine with some servitors or some random named inquisitor
legends should be removed entirely, I dont care if its just a dfiferent weapon option, or if its a simple headswap away, or if its something thats 2 years old. I dont wanna see your non competitive shit on MY table.
I'd serve you without expectation of material reward Lamentits
>non competitive shit on MY table.
Is my all Nurgling army ok tho
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>Discord call
>Nomodels comes into call
"Anon, you're the warhammer guy here, right?"
>Proceeds to go on a half hour rant about how the Amazon deal was supposed to span a whole marvel-sized cinematic universe, and how Cavill is pulling out of the show because GW apparently buckled to DEI Amazon and added femstodes.
>Refuse to give sources

He then proceeded to shill the weeb MMO he's been into lately
Post hormone regimen
Since the subject was brought up I support Femstodes because I want to fuck them
They're a step above servitors but they're arguably treated as more disposable than your average guardsman. Willing or not they're little more than slave soldiers with essentially no chance at advancement or further argumentation beyond the basics. They're essentially just a more colorful deathcorps
They can become Alphas which are aren't leaders but are well respected.
that's gay of you
You are aware that they aren't real, you don't need GW to make them canon in order to wank it to off-model fan art or to stick stormcast heads on custodes bodies, and even if they were real they wouldn't fuck you (specifically you, just like every other woman you've met in real life)?
Nice try Emperor, you can't gaslight me into thinking it's the same as liking big buff oiled up men like you
Them being canon makes them more fuckable
girl custodes being real is not gonna kill your dog bro chill
Nice scorpions
The canon ones are ugly, it's literal homosexuality to fuck an ugly woman.
Those can't be canon. There is no reason for a Custodes to be ugly.
get some sisters of battle, but youre not allowed to put helmets on them if they have the option for a bare head
>Those can't be canon
So we agree that GW hasn't shown any canon female custodes yet.
They were in a White Dwarf article once or something idk she must be pretty
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Joyless faggot.
>Post-wall Malibu beach mom
HELL NAW this was sculpted for the Emperor?
Would, bet her lips can deap throat my entire fucking spine.
can they also become sigmas?
Camerahead Admech going against Nurgle Skibidi Toilets when
They definitely do get augmentation upgrades, as Alphas are generally described as being veterans and having more cybernetics, one even has extra arms hidden under his robe. Their cybernetics, wargear, and training are all more than you'd bother to give a basic guardsman.

And I think regarding being treated as disposable, that's more a consequence of the mentality of Tech Priests. They pretty much treat anyone other than themselves as disposable and lesser. Most tech priests treat even space marines as disposable compared to their projects, their data, their archaeotech, etc. There's also evidence of priests that treat Skitarii better than that, like Faustinius in Mechanicus (the game). He specifically chides another priest for being flippant about Skitarii losses, and makes it clear that he values the lives of anyone who serves the Omnissiah.
she's ugly, so she's not canon
I didn't make the rules
I enjoy my games without your non existent models.
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I would be into the Tau if they leaned into their Asian inspiration more. I want Fire Warrior officers with big ol' samurai swords on their hip, I want those big cone hats but technological. That would be cool as fuck.
stop posting your tranny fantasies here ffs
>would be into the Tau if they leaned into their Asian inspiration more.
Yeah it would be cool if they were street shitters.
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Isn't that just the average Hive City
Yes, and without hesitation.
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I just like my models anon it ain't that complicated
Thanks anon
I would frick the big lady
I almost admire you for still trying to force this tau are indian meme after getting blown the fuck out repeatedly
Zero chance it's going to be male. There's only 1 female Phoenix lord right now. In what reality do you think modern day GW would miss an opportunity for a new big female character?
>rumored warp spider lord
not a rumor, just your sad wishful thinking
you're getting swooping hawks and that's it
Femboy with a fat ass
While I definitely would, given the chance, that doesn't change the fact that this retcon was:
1. Unnecessary
2. Done entirely for virtue signalling purposes
3. Handled in the absolute worst way possible
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>fight chaos so much you ascend to daemonhood and become chaos
It's probably not a novel idea but after sorting through my bits box I thought
>Hey, maybe it would be a really cool idea to have limbs and heads (of which I have plenty of surplus) and just use them as macabre scatter terrain of sorts
So just a bumch of Space Marine Helmets, paint them up, maybe in a beat up style and use them as decoration, I even have lots of arms gripping firearms, so maybe a torn up arm clutching a bolter or two on the battlefield could give it an extra edge.
Do you think this could turn out fine or would it just be goofy or "too much"? I mean, I don't really have any use for them anyway. And I just thought this: I could even go the extra mile and drill a hole into a Space Marine helmet/head and paint it in a way to look like he got absolutely blasted.
Holy shit it's the Emperor
Only coomers think they are Japanese.
Just thought what an absolute shitshow orcs vs tyranids would be, it's like the unstoppable force meets the immovable object meme.
Who would even win, they would just send endless waves of quickly spawned troops against each others until one side runs out, but none ever will.
Inquisitor Kryptman tried out this thought experiment. Did NOT end well.
Love the flame freehand
I like the green you use quite a bit
Lovely stuff as always
Love seeing blue orks, these are great
Very nice, I like your gold nmm recipe
I like the orange you use lamentersanon
I've never seen one of these guys not covered in blood, they're quite nice painted clean
Really nice whitewash effect anon
I love your red recipe purpleanon
I like your boats
I like the lime green a lot
Don't see too many yellow admech schemes, they look pretty cool
Sally anon based as always
Always liked the minty green you use anon
I like the orange you used here anon
Lady looks like she wants to talk to your manager, good stuff
I like the effect you used on the axe head, looks like dried blood
These three are great, very flavorful
Juggernauts are so cool, yours is great anon
Love seeing these dudes
Really cool cape sallyman
The pose on this guy is very cool
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>replies to every paintfag with a compliment to stop them from killing themselves
based positivity spreader
this but ironically
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Some people need to hear their shit metaphorically torn apart by wolves, others really just need to hear their stuff is cool and to keep going
All of that was 100% genuine, yall too hard on yourselves
anything is better than grey tide at the end of the day
If you don't play grey tide then you're playing gay tide
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>ork seeds soil
>tyranid eats soil
sorry lil man it dont work dat way
I play green tide you zoggin git
I actually play Darktide.
Octarius War implies they're pretty evenly matched
What did he predict? I guess that both xeno factions would just grow even more powerful as they thrive off war and with enough time passing both would be pretty much invincible?
>retarded zoomers can't read a whole 4chan post
Anyone born after 2000 should be executed.
He predicted that they would stalemate each other and be out of the Imperium's hair until they could be dealt with. They, uh, did what you said instead. Kryptman is now considered a heretic for his very poor judgement.
Kryptman had a choice. He either buffed orks/nids, or let them reach terra and destroy the imperium.
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Uh oh, boomer meltie
Not like he had that many options.
Leviathan had to be diverted, otherwise it would've reached Terra.
Even Kryptman knew that the solution he came up with probably wouldn't hold forever, so it was more about buying time for the Imperium to find or come up with a solution
You can complain about both retard
what's the most expensive army? any horde army?
sisters, tau, admech, honestly most things that arent chaos space marines are pretty pricey.
Primarchs are boring capeshit, I'm so sick of them
Agreed! Except Peter Turbo, he's my hero.
Anyone got a dread mob 1k list
daring today aren't we
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why is it always tyranids?
BugCHADS prove to be the most inclusive faction once again.
They're cute.
Can someone balance this thread out by shitty on all the models??
i take
>shit that never happened
for $500, alex
Enjoy your handful of upgrade sprues, 1 (one) new $35 infantry character and a half backed codex with 2 detachments of which only 1 is playable (you will use renegade raiders anyway).
Picking out my first army, what faction blends best with Land Raiders and Terminators specifically? Variants don't matter much to me just so long as I can field a bunch of big guys in their big box.
iron warriors.
Black Templars or Dark Angels.
Your models are bad. Do you feel better now
Astra Militarum Catachans
Does it matter that abaddon can put 300 or so points behind relatively small cover
these are all bad answers btw.
Feels great
What will be buffed/nerfed in the upcoming dataslate?
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>What will be buffed
Strong stuff

>What will be nerfed
Weak stuff
You would never really run him by himself, but what do you mean "does it matter"?

He's a very strong infantry model and thats to his advantage if thats what you mean
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Which space marine chapter/color scheme is the coolest?
certainly not /hisdudes/
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Zoomers being too generate to learn how to spell. Sad
Grey Knights
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>blessed compliment anon graces us with his presence
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RT colour schemes. Its subtle but it really sells the alien foreign human empire in the far future having a totally different view aesthetics/colour theory for special forces
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>Grey Knights
More like Gay nights
>Chud Ravens
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Don't know why I felt compelled to make this
feels much better than that abusive australian that came into the thread 2 days ago and ridiculed everyones paint job. wouldnt post models either because "ill doxx myself" yeah yeah we've all heard that one before
why would you be doxxed by posting your models
You won't but people are paranoid about some schizo anon reverse image searching their pics and seeing they have a reddit account or Instagram or inspecting element and learning they own a house in a city of 500,000 people. Basically people don't want any of their real info tied to their anonymous shitposting, even if it's just a picture of their models.
some people in these threads are schizo as fuck and seem to think someone they know will recognize those models. i mean those fucks barely go outside as it is, who is going to recognise that shit?
Have you heard the tale of Scoob? A man who just wanted to get /fit/ and lift heavy things. He posted one too many times on /fit/, and people not only found his house, but sent him death threats, creeped on his family, and even left a dead dog head on his doorstep.
People do wild shot here man. There's another fella who got shot IRL because people couldn't handle his posting here on /tg/
Does he have the golden wings like Celestine and Macharius? Title seems a bit hollow without them
We don't need to know about your evening activities.
What's with women and Nids? They universally love them, regardless of age.
They just wanna have a good meal.
nids look like a bunch of cute colorful animals to them
i like deff dreadz. should i get some
I like everything dreadnoughty.
I recall a site selling bootleg coomer 40k models. There was like a naked tau covering her bits with a pulse rifle.
Anybody know what I'm talking about?
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>Maternal instinct
>They subconsciously larp as the hive mind
>They need to "feed them" I order to grow
>Animalistic nature, so they are "kinda cute tee hee"
>Phallic nature of the Tyranids, they are attracted to what look like dicks, because women are extremely sexual creatures (same for man, but with reverse interests)
Honestly, if you're gonna self insert as someone, Hive Mind isn't so bad.
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War game exclusive


They have a lot of good alternative sculpts
it was probably artel w
Does anyone have a link to the GSC codex???
might be a long shot but has anyone here used acetone to strip metal minis before? what do you use to scrub them? (as a toothbrush would just melt)

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Wargame Exclusive
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Women are degenerates.
90% of the beastiality shit and alien rape is enjoyed by them.
Is there ever been a case where a marine is a psyker, but he is not psychic enough to be put into the Librarius?
This is it. Thanks, dudes.

This isn't is but is also cool. Cheers.
no, you get put in the librarius until you're strong enough or you pass out from writing about history
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Rare jakhal
I forgot that jackasses existed

should have been khornogors
>no, you get put in the librarius until you're strong enough
You can't really strengthen psychic power.
You have what you're born with.
If you're some Phi level psyker, you are never using telekinesis.
psychic powers can be trained, if you show potential when untrained, that means you can be trained to be useful one way or another.
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Actually, every high noble has different bodies that kinda reflect them in their flesh life, in the TDK books there's descriptions of a female noble and it's clear that there is at least a bit of difference in how her body is constructed.
But anything below nobles or crypteks gets the copy paste treatment.
>psychic powers can be trained
Yes, trained.
But training just means you get better at using them, you don't get more power.
I buy the models thats enough
>buying rocks
nigga just go outside with a hammer

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