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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
I'm assuming it's something that was made, as Kachina's Vision lore mentions her having it before she got her vision, and Tey'vat has had the technology to make portable motorized drills for a long time

On the other hand, the thing also has a level of autonomy, has what looks like a face, AND is treated as a Geo Construct in gameplay
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Asked last thread but got no response, so I'll ask again.

I'm gonna do a Pokemon Arc in my chain. I'm thinking...ten jumps. Here's what I got on the docket so far.
>Magical Pokemon Journey
>Pokemon Anime
>Infinite Fusions
>Sword and Shield
>Tabletop United
Can't jump the original Pokemon Trainer, used it in another chain. Which four other PokeJumps should I toss in the PokeArc?
nta, but
>Did he end up with the blonde racist white girl?
yes, at the end of one season the plot resolved around collecting artifacts that grant the user a wish if gathered, which the main villain was planning to use to destroy all magical creatures, the girl at that point his girlfriend interupts the ritual though and wished for the Huntsclan to be destroyed, as they were all vanishing(including the girl), Jake interupted it and used the artifacts to wish that she was never taken from her family and made to join the Huntsclan, which saved her life but made it so she never met him to begin with, though Jake still remembered as he held the artefacts(which he destroyed after using them).
She does regain her memories of their time together in the final episode though, after she sees a picture of herself and jake together(which he had on his person as he made the wish)
>Or with the dragon chick?
there is no dragon love interest. The only relevant female dragons are his sister, a villian who is his grandfather's ex-girlfriend and later the korean dragon who joins his school as a teacher and tutor to his sister.
We have a Legends one, right? So definitely that one.
>Which four other PokeJumps should I toss in the PokeArc?
The first four gens in release order.
You should definitely go to New Pokemon Snap before Magical Pokemon Journey. Having the Photodex makes the scenario in Magical Pokemon Journey a lot easier

It also makes it a lot more fun, since you can go around taking pictures of your new friends while learning about them
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Could you suggest some low powered jumps with good regen perks and disease immunity?
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Everyone talk about settings that deserve jumps. But what about settings that absolutely don't deserve jumps.

>Pic related
I got tricked by Kishimoto into reading this garbage.
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Based dragon boi
Why would we talk about irrelevant settings that don't have jumps and we don't like? Astro Royale
I don't see a Legends jump in our Pokemon Series folder.
It wasn't that bad compared to some of the slop that Mashima Hiro puts out. Would make for a decent jump too, except the escalation goes out galaxy.
Does the geographic history of a dog factor into the phenotype of its kemomimi waifus? For example, would a Shiba Inu doggirl look Japanese? A Chihuahua doggirl latina?
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Concord doesn't deserve anything but i still want a jump for the funny
What about Dustborn?
>chihuahua dog-girl
>is constantly violently shaking in place
>Have a creepy toothy smile
>small enough to be manhandled by even a japanese man
I'd read this SoL manga
>Dragon Edition
To be a dragon, or not to be?
Always be the dragon. I thought that was long-since established.
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Dragons are cool
You should be a human male fucking dragon girls as nature intended.
Infamous has a great Regen. It is only 100cp. All of the 100cp perks are great early chain.
Breakfast of the Gods has a perk that lets you recover from having half your face torn off in seconds, will let you pop your head back on after its cut off, and overall lets you heal from anything short of death, though it does mention it won't save you from anything you're especially weak against. A stake through the heart is still going to kill a vampire.
All the 100 CP perks are literally just bog-standard powers that come with being a Conduit. No shit. Those are literally all just built-in as part of your Conduit existence. Quicksilver just decided to charge you a surcharge to have the standard powers that all Conduits get.
Infamous is definitely not a low powered jump though

The durability and regen are actually below what a Conduit actually has lore-wise.
Early JC truly was a different era.
Now I'm annoyed at that reddit jumpmaker who did the same thing but also spent an entire thread defending his decision by claiming that some conduits didn't get their basic stats, before eventually fucking off and bitching about us being power wankers
Jumper is good king. Taxes are outlawed. Foreigners are not allowed because they are inferior. Natural red heads and blondes are the only ones allowed to be nuns of jumper religion.
Murder is legal and if you kill someone all their property becomes yours. If people try to band together or defend each other then super powerful robots immediately kill them.
Concrete is BANNED. Use gold, marble, jade, wood, gems or clay to build your house or I'm going to bolt it.
>he doesn't like shiny raven hair
I need help making a Jump, is there a IRC/discord I can go too? Because that one in the OP keeps giving me problems
JUMP #0223: The Hobbit

Location: Erebor, 2936
Age: rolled 5 +180 = 185
Gender: Male
Origin: Dwarf
>Miner (free)
>Warrior (100)
>Craftsman (200)
>Tolkien’s Works (free)
>The Lonely Mountain (400)
>The One Ring (600)
>Map (free)
>Elven Glade (50)
>Legendary Weapon [Anguirel] (50)
>Erebor Treasure Room (100)
>The One Ring of Sauron (+0)
>Unwelcome (+100)
>Off to deal with The Necromancer (+200)
>Pursued (+200)
Total: 1500/1500

Commentary: I didn't anticipate rolling Erebor as my location but I suppose it works. Given my age roll, I was a young dwarf who got expelled from the mountain by Smaug's attack and here for revenge. And as much as I dislike depriving Bilbo of his grand adventure there is no point in me leaving for 5 years only to return then. So, one dragon slaying later, jumper is the new lord of the mountain. Due to drawbacks he isn't staying but it's the principle of the thing. His later wandering will take him further north towards Gundabad, which is another former dwarven hold in dire need of a cleansing. Concerning the One Ring, it's a lot less impressive when you know how it all ends. Hell, the jump even gives everyone a free copy of Tolkien's works so Jumper can literally reread about the death of Sauron every evening.
In Elden Ring if I beat all my demi-god rivals, beat Miquella, beat Godfrey, beat Radagon, then the Elden Beast, restored Marika to life and then fucked off shortly after to do other things would Marika try to chase me down?
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>dragon girls
They don't want you to know this, but most x-girls are actually just human girls in cosplay.
You can't predict what Marika is going to do. From an outsiders perspective her actions are completely schizophrenic, only she knows what's going on inside her head.
Marika is totally insane so there's no way to tell what she does in such a situation.
As a joke, hit up the QQ Pokegirl world. As a serious answer, go to Red and Blue for the original experience.
Alright, got the ten PokeJumps I intend to jump. Now to figure out the order.
>New Pokemon Snap
>Magical Pokemon Journey
>Pokemon Anime
>Infinite Fusions
>Sword And Shield
>Tabletop United
>Black And White
>Sinnoh Games
>Pokemon Ranger
Suggestions? I'm not exactly concerned with escalating powerlevels, I just want to order these in a way that would make a loose sort of narrative sense.
If she can turn into a dragon, then she's a fucking dragon girl. And thus is built for being mating pressed by a human man.
This also works the other way around, if you are so inclined.

Either way, you should also acquire as many nests of dragon eggs as possible, so as to unleash dragons upon all worlds. Look around you, imagine - dragons.
You could do them in chronological release order, or do the mainlines in a row and then the spinoffs?
>This also works the other way around, if you are so inclined
Human girls are hella boring, tho.
>Look around you, imagine - dragons.
Eggman, what are you doing here?
I don't know the chronological release order, nor the order for mailines then spinoffs.
You really dont want to go to the discord.
I dislike Discord, but I'll do what needs to be done. Thank you anon
Magical Pokemon Journey can go anywhere since it has an isekai plot. New Pokemon Snap should probably go before you become an actual trainer. Maybe before Black and White, since Black and White's protagonist is older than usual?

Getting so eager to go on your journey that you sign up to be a pokemon photographer just so you'd have some experience adventuring sounds fun
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You're right anon, I don't. But I've been trying to make this Jump since single perk trees were the standard. I need to finish this so that I can move on
If you have a specific question, you can just post it in thread. Not guaranteed to get good answers but it's possible.
Why do they always make her so hot? It's not like Rosalina where she's actually that hot, this is just fanon.
D/P/Pt (Sinnoh Games) comes before B/W, which comes before Sw/Sh. Likewise, those are all mainline games. Meanwhile, depending on which PMD you roll it could come before or after Ranger, and both would come before New Snap. Meanwhile, Anime comes before Magical Pokemon Journey (and outlived it), and IIRC Tabletop United is an older fan project than Infinite Fusions but I could be wrong.
Is this the manga where MC gets the demon lord as his ghost-mentor?A shame it got cancelled.
People like hot women.
I wanted to hide my shame and embarrassment. For I hated posting wips.
You arent that guy with the dream jump or the guy posting on reddit about a cheat supplement are you, cause if so thats gonna be a hard sell my guy.
Not I'm not a retarded Redditor
It gives you perfect excuse to make a fanonMarika companion in Elden Ring and say she's her daughter or something.
I will use it as an excuse to have her chase me then.
there's probably a disease immunity perk in one of the fallout jumps. As for good regen check out the call of duty modern warfare / black ops jump in the CoD folder. One of the rookie capstone perks is a really powerful form of regen that also regenerates your equipment.
How do you keep Mew out of your walls?
Don't have walls
get the horse talisman in Jackie Chan Adventures
She's a fucking Goddess anon
Portraying a divine mother figure as unsexy is a terrible sin
Honestly I wish I had the time and the first two games to make an Infamous dupe. Both Reddit and QS versions of the jump sucks ass Why the fuck are the glowie waifus hotter than the other waifus in the series?
>Why do people always make [female character here] so hot?
Oh geewilikers, I wonder why that is.
Also, remember that Marika is a "strumpet" who probably got to where she is on her back. Or course she's going to be at least somewhat attractive, or at the very least capable of sucking a golfball through a straw
Kamen rider Heisei part 1 has Kuuga's and Gilles bs. The former while not limb regenerating will allow you to get back on your feet a week after having your skeleton ground to dust and the latter can let you regrow lost limbs.
Don'tcha bug me with a Caterpie
Who's worse then? Holden or djkaktus
Muk spelled backwards.
dilos ekans
Dragon Ball Super and whatever MHA sequel Horikoshi inevitably shits out.
Reminder: I'm going to make Deku into a chad against his will. He WILL become the greatest and strongest hero, he WILL fuck at least a baker's dozen (13) waifus on the regular, he WILL refuse any and all governmental support, and he WILL destroy Japanese society and rebuild it into a more enlightened society where the very concept of the Average Japanese Salaryman has ceased to exist.
Because you have yellow fever
>First guy cries when you try to have bad wrong fun and is a social media addict
>Second guy is a egotistical fuckwit with delusions of grandeur, was friends with a known sexual predator, destroys bridges with people in his own community, also a social media addict
Hmmm, tough choice
Of course you will.
In the eternal dream I trap you in with the Black Mercy.
Isn't Mew so vanishingly rare that people would be glad to know where one is, even if it's in their walls?
By making walls out of mews.
Everyone knows it's under the truck.
A shame it got bad.
Marikas cool, Still wanna make a Expy of her in Exalted the first age. Though i guess Meru does fit her shoes a fair bit already.
This. Even if I have to hijack All For One's spot as the main villain and rearrange the plot, I'm making Deku a proper hero.

Mew sightings are so rare they're widely dismissed as either hallucinations or just someone talking shit. Iirc, it's officially declared extinct, that's how rare sightings of it are. If you could actually prove Mew existed and that it lived in your walls, it would be genuinely world-changing.
Hot dang, I was just gonna give the kid a Keyblade and hope everything works out.
I would do this, then kill and eat it on camera.
Words cannot describe my sheer rage at Horikoshi's wet fart of an ending. I WILL make Deku a chad. He has no choice in the matter.
Nice bait, I liked Samurai 8.

The Divine Dungeon Series
Deku will be forced into a bunny suit and chained to my throne.
Darkseid please go, you can't even kill Santa.
I still find it funny that even in-universe, everyone finds the ending unsatisfying. Bakugo of all people is just devastated, because he thought he was going to be chasing after Izuku, constantly keeping him on his toes and fighting him for the Number 1 Spot.
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I'm not a fan.
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NTA, but I don't know what Izuku would do with a keyblade and I'm not sure he has the willpower to stop it from being taken
I don't care. Go ahead,, fuck him like the horny little femboy trap he is. As long as he becomes a chad who tears down Japanese society and wins at life (even if entirely against his will), I'm happy.
Jiro is the star of this one, true.
>you can't even kill Santa
But Santa can kill himself just fine to save his adopted son and subordinates Father of Ultra is canonically Santa if you wanted to know the context
Don't worry, that will be done also.
That one only happened because the Kingdom Key was originally meant for Riku to begin with. Sora had never had the Bequeathing performed on him, and could only wield the Kingdom Key in the first place because Riku and Kairi were both unavailable (lost to Darkness and in a coma respectively) and Sora had Ventus' Heart inside him, and Ventus COULD wield a Keyblade. So it's more like Ventus was wielding it, technically? But then Sora proves himself worthy anyway, so it's all cool, but he was never SUPPOSED to be a Wielder. He kind of just happened, and look how far he's come anyway.

I doubt Izuku would get into that kind of complicated situation involving his Keyblade.
I wouldn't say cool, she is just hot. She is actually pretty lame all things considered.
Replace Deku with Riku. Devoure the setting with darkness.
None of that was established when KH1 was made so it doesn't really count.
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Tell me about anything you want more of from your jumps. Specific jumps you want, general perk and item effects you want, stuff that's missing from current jumps, etc.
>fate Japan
>tiny bit of spare cp
>eh sure, I only have one companion let’s make some more
>suddenly 5 expys
>4 from the same series
I shouldn't. I'll just buy a cheap item or two.
Why did Quicksilver call the currency that? Was he stupid?
Dew It. Make the expies.
Yes. Next question.
I have realized that there was never a need to call it choice points and just points would be fine but I guess cp is catchy.
Mirko is very pettable there.
In Kingdom Hearts Dark Roads ending Masters of masters also steals Xehanort keyblade.
Why do we not have a To Catch a Predator joke jump where Jumper is confronted over their CP?
Well now it's 6 so sure.
Eh I mean shes a powerful ruler thats has a influence in pretty much all the stuff that goes on in elden ring. She basically shaped the setting into what it is in its current day in universe. Thats pretty influential. That and the lore stuff even if shes crazy and probably not stable I'd consider cool.
It was originally his and still has his eye in it, so he's probably using that somehow.
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>SMASHED and SLAMMED doggirl
La Creatura...

Every metropolitan development is required to have a portal network, a levitation current system AND some sort of train network. You would think the first two would make the latter redundant, but the majority of baseline sapients aren't adapted for 4-dimensional navigation and find portals or being whisked into the sky too unintuitive to use effectively.

It's not even clear if Marika is even still alive in any way that matters by the end of the game. Reading one of the weapon texts literally, nope. But then there is less than any clarity about what's going on in the Perfect Order ending.

Reverse Pokeball tech insulation.

I will say this for Holden. Even if he's an insufferable badwrongfan policer, even if he has the insufferable "you think you want X but you don't" attitude for game design and even if he held an IP hostage for a year at the bare minimum he knows how to hype up some sort of vague cosmic horror.

I don't follow djacktus closely so I dunno much about his IRL sins, but his recent output comes across like he's in some sort of mid-life crisis where he wants many of his SCPs to be Michael Bay movies instead of the horror he actually knows how to write. Say what you like about Holden, but at least he tends to start by playing by his strengths before fucking up.
>Reverse Pokeball tech insulation.
How do you stop Mew from Transforming into a Vaporeon and escaping into the walls through the drains?
Alchemical Solutions reminded me that I really like the ideas behind the Alchemical Exalted and more jumps with them would be great.
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Bold of you to assume I have anything as primitive as drains, and not regular filth disintegration energy pulses/precision portals/femtomachines.
I would like a few more shooter jumps like Return to Castle Wolfenstein or Unreal Tournament.
Given that Retold recently came out this also seems like the ideal time for an AoM dupe. AoE in general could do with a jump.
When has Mew ever been shown Transforming? It's just something Gamefreak made up for its movelist.
>When has Mew ever been shown Transforming?
Please. Please tell me you're doing a bit.
Show me in the movie where it does that.
Bro…the Pokémon movie “Lucario & the Mystery of Mew”….
NTA but I haven't seen anything with Mew in it since the Mewtwo movie and I don't remember him doing any shapeshifting there either.

Never mind then
Non-canon bullshit.
>It's not even clear if Marika is even still alive in any way that matters by the end of the game
I kind of figured but I was going to go out of my way to do it.
Does the Pokémon Journey series count then?
I don't know what that is, so no.
Alright, now I know for sure it's a bit. I'm relieved.
Now you will
The pokemon games aren't canon
Neither is the animes or mangas
Show me in the live action pokemon series where mew transforms
Who the fuck let it do this? That's not how DNA works.
You actually can't take the games as canon because in the games Mew debuts in, Psychic is strong against Ghost instead of weak to it like it's supposed to be. So you can't take Mew's movelist in those games as canon. It can't use Transform like Ditto can.
My dude this is the same series where Bill transformed himself into a pokemon and then back again all the way back in Red and Blue. Just roll with it.
That would be funny and we don't do that here.
Arceus let it do that. Are you gonna argue with PokeGod?
Fuck you, that's who.

We have jumps for the games. We have jumps for the animes. We have a jump for the movie. For Jumpchain purposes, all Mew feats are canon.

Cope and seethe.
I can catch PokeGod and force it to have sex with Ditto so yes.
Worse, he spliced himself with a Pokémon, and then back again. He could split Mewtwo back into just a Mew and a Two if he wanted.
Only the Pokemon 1992-1997 Live Action TV series staring Macaulay Culkin of Home Alone fame is canon.
>Psychic is strong against Ghost instead of weak to it like it's supposed to be.
The entire Gengar line is Ghost/POSION
Posion is weak to Psychic
Therefore Mew trounces
Also Psychic type were broken in Gen 1 due to Ghost types lacking in decent moves to counter them so pokemon like Mew, Mewtwo, & Alakazam kinda trounced everyone at that time.
I hope someone got fired for that blunder.
>MCU Infinity Stones can work outside of their universes
>The Jailer was behind everything in Warcraft (except he was trying to somehow protect it from something even worse, somehow) and the Titans might be evil
>Deku's greatest hero line was referring to how he peaked in middleschool
Canonbros BTFO
That was some bullshit, childhood me still hasn't forgiven them for that.
Now that the dust has settled, who was best girl in Heroaca?
I haven't forgiven them for locking Gengar, my favorite Pokemon, behind trade evolution. I didn't have friends, what was I supposed to do? At least I always thought Haunter's actual sprite in the game looked cooler than Gengar's, that helped.
Eri, next question
>due to Ghost types lacking in decent moves
They didn't just lack in decent moves, they lacked in any straight damage dealing moves at all. The only one they had was Lick, which has a base damage of 30, absolutely pitiful. There was also Night Shade, but that did flat damage equal to your level, so it couldn't be super effective against anything. Psychics absolutely dominated 1st gen to the point that having an entire team of psychic-types was a pretty viable strategy.
Aside from the time travel stuff, what's the most bullshit tech I can hope to find in Doctor Who? Assuming I ignore the ruling about the Doctor somehow making it fiat impossible to copy any alien tech.
They're both cute.
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None of them
>some sort of train network
Didn't know you were woke.
The Top 5 (in no particular order)
As an outsider who's never read the show with a completely neutral stance on it, I can tell you that none of the girls are particularly attractive, mainly because of the goofy artstyle.
>Trains are woke
Well shit I guess I'm a commietard then.
Are you sure you're not getting MHA mixed up with Once Piece?
I'm really liking the idea of Drawbacks as Story Hooks the more that I use it. I don't know if I'd ever go back and redo my Jump Documents to make more of them use that format, but it's something I'd like to see in use more.

>Specific jumps you want,
The Long Dark, as a Gauntlet, though with the split between Story and Survival modes the game did recently there's probably more than enough content for one for each.

Pacific Drive would be a fun and quirky, and entirely dangerous, place to visit. Having a possibly semi-sentient car running on not!SCP/Cthulu-tech would be something pretty unique too.

I'd also enjoy seeing Cult of the Lamb. But I have no doubt that I'll have to be the one to make it if I ever want to see it.

Banners of Ruin could also be fun for those who enjoy political revolutions. I don't think it should be a Gauntlet, but its also takes place in a very short time period too. Which isn't anything new to Jump Documents yet it would be something to bear in mind.

And, of course, Grandia.
Which is more based: boats or planes?
Yep. Wokists have been whining for trains and "walkable cities" for years. All while seething about carstacies and truckchads.
I had a thing for a bunch of them, but I'm going to go with Nana Shimura.
Trick question, the correct answer is mechs.
I am. OP is on the extreme of that spectrum, that's why people don't bat an eye at the art in MHA and think things like this >>93923122 are normal.
But that is just my opinion.
The 'why' of it with the BBS Trio's involvement weren't established yet, true, but Riku being the one who was supposed to get the Kingdom Key and Sora was just the second-best replacement was directly stated in KH1 itself.
I wonder if and when they'll try to explain how Riku had Destiny's Embrace, and what kind of nonsense they'll come up with for it.
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I don't remember if it actually got in the jump doc, but IIRC I think Wild Card said you can choose to just part ways with the Doctor and find your own way across the Whoverse with the scant things you can acquire in the jump. Personally my own way of getting around it is to simply start the jump with the Timeless Child, who is an innocent little black girl that may or may not have been retconned into existence as a past for the Doctor by the Toymaker who doesn't know anything about time travel or alien tech censorship

Anyway, if we're just discussing pure TECH and not cosmic entities/energy fields/artifacts (Quantum Mnemonics are disqualified by technicality, because Great Old Ones hail from previous universes with outdated physics), right now the Moment is solidly in the lead because 1. the current showrunners flat out called it the strongest, most last resort weapon in the Time Lords' arsenal and 2. the comics alluded to the Bad Wolf entity being part of it's mechanisms somehow, which matters because 3. RTD recently retconned established that on top of everything else the Time Vortex can turn people into gods. Not just any gods, but the progenitors of beings LIKE the Toymaker. Straight up retconned into the spawner of a pantheon.

The most competitive pure tech thing I can think of to this are the Quantum Harvesters of the Osirans as well as their higher dimensional ascension portal. Those mog even the majority of ordinance in the Faction Paradox's wars. A thing that ate a rogue faction of Time Lords, the Master and generally the majority of combatants shitless ran from Sutekh (the Palpatine of Osirans) even before he was a god and was offscreened by a couple hundred other Osirans.

If enjoying trains is woke, then I'm an ally.
Trains aren't woke, they're autistic.
The Jim Henson Company really brought the world of Pokemon to life. No one else has come close since.
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Sometimes I wonder.
What kind of trains?
Are there any Pokemon/Pokemon Moves/Abilities that can heal brain damage?
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Maglev. Well, not necessarily MAGlev, Essence-lev or gravity-lev are also suitable.

Well, not unless there's some deeper efficiency reason I can find to justify covering the ground in little rocks and bothering to spend good steel laying track over it.
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We need more fighting game jumps and dupes for the older ones. It's travesty that our soul calibur jump doesn't have companion option (one the main draws of a fucking fighting game) and that we still lack a guilty gear jump.
I have this feeling that if you ever played Factorio you'd become so obsessed with trains that you'd legally change your name to Trevithick (the inventor of trains).
What three street-level superpowers have the best synergy for taking on a modern military?
Magnetism, regeneration, enhanced senses
Ability to make explosives not work in a wide area, ability to make invisible walls, and the ability to phase through solid objects. At least those would work for me. Maybe get rid of walls and add mind control stuff but I like invisible forcewalls cause they can be used for a lot.
A combination of Invisibility, telepathy and any form of TK would be a nightmare to deal with.
Glide under them, infiltrate and mess their their communicatons and codes, assassinate leadership, sabotage supplies, etc.
Jumpers what are your waifus like?
So is their anything you guys can think of to pick up out of jump to make multiple exaltations in someone make sense beyond just jumpchain fiat?Trying to think of a Perk that'd help enable that.
Whoever put Asia on a pole needs to be smacked.
No, not really. Short of just making a superior Exaltation that covers the purviews of multiple.
Shard, I have a question about Nobilis.

In Glitch, Strategists can only use a limited number of Void things with their Deck. How does it compare with Cult of the Stars at max price? And how does Transcendent affect the Deck?

I'm asking because I really want to overrun Reality with an army of Void Things

And what's up with Destiny the Darkness and Canon Companions? Did you forget to add it, or is it on purpose?
Shoveling dirt.
Fuck your powergaming ass and fuck Exalted
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Brown and cute.
Any form of technokinesis/technopathy.
I like boats.
A good old timey stateswoman. Something about a woman that's good at managing infrastructure...
the original version of that pic will never fail to make me angry. Dude is literally just making excuses for criminals and tries to somehow pass that off as virtuous.
Shapeshifting, telepathy, and intangibility.
Theres a reason everyone on the internet calls him bike cuck.
>pass that off as virtuous
Did we read the same comic? I always read it as "why should I get mad about this when there's not a damn thing I can do about it?"
I really want some body/mind-jacking spirits/parasites. I don't want to be doing any possessing myself, no directly inhabiting or controlling anyone else. I want to have or create separate entities that do that for me.
What's in a soul?, Aura Surgeon, and Soul Arts from World Seed all deal with souls and modifying soul stuff.
Eh fair enough. Wasn't sure if their was some soul fuckery you could do potentially. I know shards mentioned having multiple exaltations on his Jumper before but I also know shard is a far far out outlier.
Butt why?
She's too sweet and innocent to be engages in such lascivious acts.
nta but I always read it as as the dude just immediately coming up with an excuse for not being angry his bike got stolen by pretending the criminal somehow needed it more. Like he's basically just a complete loser who won't even muster up the most minimal effort to do something about the fact his property was stolen
Thats why you marry her and have seggs while holding hands for the purpose of procreation.
Exaltations work by slotting into the space between the two souls of Exalt natives. So if you had a way to give people multiple souls to make more "slots" it might work. Otherwise, it's probably not possible without fiat.
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Cute and soft
Bike cuck is an idiot
How would a CruelSpace!Xenomorph react to meeting a Canon!Xenomorph (tame and waifu'd)?
The thing about the limited number of slots in the Deck, much like Flores, is that it's conceptual rather than numeric. You could have several Arcana that are just void-pokemon. You could also have a void-army that counts as one Arcana; Lore specifies that it can potentially be used to capture even Transcendental beings of the void for a reason.

Anyway uhhhhh there is nothing in canon to really explain how that works, so for all I care you can fanwank both of those questions. For what it's worth, the thing Cult of the Stars is based on reads heavily like the prototype to Lore-complete with the maxed out version actually being transformative to the user. As justifications for high level Gifts/Geasa/Bonds go, I've heard worse.

>is it on purpose?
It is on purpose, yes. There are no friends in the Darkness. There are only competitors and walking resource caches.

Strictly speaking, anything that can turn someone into a Primordial since they can TECHNICALLY do it...by making an Exalt an Akuma, which is directly compared to an artificial subsoul.
>I'm really liking the idea of Drawbacks as Story Hooks the more that I use it. I don't know if I'd ever go back and redo my Jump Documents to make more of them use that format, but it's something I'd like to see in use more.
Regalus has done that a few times. I remember Digimon Frontier and Digimon Data Squad having some good examples.
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Apropos of nothing but apparently Triage X had a x-over with Taimanin (presumably alongside the recent HSotD x-over) so now you can get the giga-titty nurse in the taimanin gatchaverse jump.
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>Hollows can have MILLIONS of Exaltations
The superior race
They legitimately are horrified by them. They have seen the movies.
I mean, what's he supposed to do? Even the police have a terrible track record for tracking down stolen property. At best, take steps to prevent it in the future. Also, unless he had one of those fancy road bikes, it's probably a week's wages at most. It'd likely take more effort than just buying a new one.
What did you do in the Rugrats jump?
Alright, but how would my Canon Xenomorph Waifu react to meeting the CruelSpace!Xenomorph?
Alright I'll check those out thanks anon.
Hmm multiple souls huh? Maybe that could work I'm sure theirs something floating around that gives multiple souls to folks.
>Strictly speaking, anything that can turn someone into a Primordial since they can TECHNICALLY do it...by making an Exalt an Akuma, which is directly compared to an artificial subsoul.
A primordial is about four or five steps further down the road of this process I think. Jumpers trying to work his way up there not just skip the line so to speak.
Shit my diapers
Are norml xenomorphs even sapient
Commit seppuku
Queens are probably.
It's not about how much it cost, it's about the fact that he is excusing his own behavior of not even attempting to do something about it by rationalizing that the criminal needed it more than him. Even if nothing comes of it he should still file a police report and be angry about it because it's his property and someone just stole it from him. By failing to do anything and excusing the criminal he has shown himself to be weak and unreliable. I'm not saying he should track down and beat the shit out of the thief but there's plenty of responses to that sort of thing that don't involve just shrugging your shoulders and pretending like your property being stolen is a good thing.
Yes, but generally far more instinctual than humans.

I went through great pains to tame and waifu one.
>tfw Alien Resurrection gave you a violent airlock expulsion fetish
Where I can find a perk that makes it so there's an existing prophecy about jumper?
There's a Rugrats jump?
Ted Lasso.
>Even if nothing comes of it he should still file a police report and be angry about it because it's his property and someone just stole it from him.
I get that he should file a police report if only on the off chance that the police gets it back, but why should he be angry and lose sleep over something he has zero input over? There is nothing he can do, why should he agonize pointlessly over lost property if he can just not do that? You don't need to flagellate yourself over every shitty thing that happens in your life. It was lost, it was lost, go on and live your life. "So, whatever" is the exact stance you should take on things that you can't change.
Pokemon Anime has one, it's part of The Power Of One.
Why wouldn't there be?
Reptar is an in-universe fictional series though.
They're a hard test of the writer's skill, if you do it well then it works out really well but if you do it poorly people will hate the jump. And it is very easy to do it poorly with railroading.
It's based on the episode where all of them dream about being Reptar. No borders exist.
See the KIDS ON THE ICE! drawback.
I buy & pilot the Robot Reptar from Rugrats in Paris
He should be angry because he was thwarted in maximizing universal utility. Even if the criminal needed the bike, it's unlikely that he was the person who needed it most. He could have improved the world more by choosing to donate the bike to someone who needed it even more, while getting a tax write off for the charity which he could have then also donated to charity. Anger is the only acceptable response to having the selfish stand in the way of perfect omnibenevolence.
I didn't know we had a rugrats jumps.
Do we also have a Wild Thornberries jump? If not, I'm going to hang out with them instead
But can jumper defeat the Genkidama?
I'm actually confused as to why it didn't become that. I guess the writer either bite more than he could chew, or it would have gone nuclear and he couldn't handle that.
How do you even change the world's order peacefully when the world's order is based on lies and deceptions? Answer, you can't, unless the author is good enough.
And writers have shown that they didn't take classes at basic things.
It seems to work best when the drawback presents a problem that can be solved, and leaves it up to you to decide how to solve it.
Cool. I still want a Triage X Jump.
Having almost finished The Silt Verses, I'm tempted to make the jump just to torture Press Secretary Carson to death. It's not that he's an ambitious backstabbing little piece of shit, it's that he's aggressively upbeat about bullshitting around it.

It's amazing how they've written such an incompetent little shit of a mastermind that "wins" at the end simply because everyone else is even more incompetent. Not even the Prester is this much of a pathetic weasel. At least the Prester has better taste than Carson and his fucking energy drinks.
He'd manage to fuck up and lose it. Deku is everything GohanAnon thinks Gohan is.
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There’s only one path left to put Deku on top now
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I love these kinds of creatures!
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Problem is Deku doesn't have bitches, much less progeny.
That would explain why I haven't seen them before recently. I've never had much exposure to Digimon so I rarely look at their Jumps. I'll have to make a point of looking at those now though.

That's a very fair point. Striking the balance between offering a story hook and setting down some rails is hard. It's very easy to slip into the latter while thinking you're doing the former.

That's been my experience so far with GLoT too. Create a problem, but leave the rest of it up to the Jumper to figure out. As one of my old DMs used to say, "It's the Slap Them On The Ass idea. Get the horse moving and let it figure out where it wants to go."
>I'm really liking the idea of Drawbacks as Story Hooks the more that I use it.
Can you give an example
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>Black And White
BW first because it has the coolest gyms.
There is a perk in one of the better reddit jumps for Slave Soldier with a perk based on the MC's sister, it lets you have multiple of normally one off abilities.
Legends is the only mainline game we are missing a jump for. Blue expressed an interest in making it, but we haven't heard from him in a while it seems.
Jokes on you I love 'em plump.
Oh christ, and Val is letting him get off scott free for everything. Fuck you Val (the Saint, not the jumpmaker), stop letting your mommy issues get monsters off scott free after torturing people into your own mother's image. This is bullshit. Out of everyone in this fucking series, Press Secretary Carson is the one who deserves to be fused into a Trawler-Man boat instead of the most peaceful gentle farewell ever.
Does that mean they like me now?
Please don't make a jump for it. Your jumps are all bland cookie cutter shit.
Each time I see this face, I want to vomit.
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>cookie cutter
So they're accurate to the source material
I wouldn't mind a new pokemon mystery dungeon jump. The jump for its as old as I've always loved explorers of sky as a kid.
>wild thornberries
I want that RV
Little girls?
We've all wanted that RV at some point. Its a badass RV
That's...not that bad. But I still don't get the concept
Who tf is it
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>That would explain why I haven't seen them before recently. I've never had much exposure to Digimon so I rarely look at their Jumps. I'll have to make a point of looking at those now though.
The one I really like in Digimon Data Squad is A Second Chance. As the notes say:
>Everything bad that happens in this story ties back to a young scientist known as Kurata, who served as Spencer’s assistant during the original trip to the digimon world. There he became fairly traumatized by all the digimon trying to kill them, and concluded that they only way to save humanity would be by killing them or enslaving them all.
Basically it’s one of those stories where everything could have been avoided if only the right person had been in the right place at the right time. The drawback puts you in the right place and time, and it’s up to you to be the person.
Paul, the writer self-insert who cucked Spiderman
Are you going to make it then?
NTA but drawbacks that aren't strictly adversarial or about handicapping Jumper, but instead make things more interesting.
Paul Rabin, the man (possibly not) indirectly responsible for destroying an Earth.
A self insert who cucked Spiderman. No seriously.
Oh and >>93923767
Which way is the fetish directed? This is important. Technically it's not, but it is because someone's gotta pick up the cooking perks while the other gets the eating bonus perks.
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Aside from the stuff like the hovercraft and armored modes it's basically an expedition vehicle.
You can buy them IRL
Wasn't it also a submarine?
Looks like a knockoff master gundam
I don't think so? I think it had a submarine.
Legends is mainline now?
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Author bite more than he could chew. Eirth should have been in a small journey to gather people and find a land to make a nation that accepted everyone. Everything was shaping up to that. The remnants of the demon army, the people that lost their jobs and live hood after the war, the hybrids that weren't accepted anywhere, etc.
Sucks because it's an actually cool premise
Got the order of my PokeArc worked out, loosely. Here's what I'm going for.
>New Pokemon Snap - Jumper starts working with pokemon and taking pictures of them
>Pokemon Ranger - Decides to work more closely with them, not an actual trainer but living alongside them and working with them regardless
>Pokemon Sinnoh - Finally an actual Pokemon trainer, adventure around and acquire Gardevoir Wife
>Black and White - Further adventures as a Pokemon Trainer in general chronological order
>Sword and Shield - Yet further adventures as a Pokemon Trainer in general chronological order
>Pokemon Magical Journey - More adventures and actual magical bullshit, eventually get isekai'd and turned into a Pokemon which leads into
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Now it's time to BE the Pokemon, and go around having fun that way
>Pokemon Anime - Become a Legendary Pokemon, get into all sorts of shenanigans, possibly be a Pokemon-training Pokemon
>Pokemon Infinite Fusions - Man I don't even fucking know, but some shenanigans are going to happen here. May or may not cause a Plague of Garde-Fusions to spread across the world.
>Pokemon Tabletop United - I remember someone in-thread saying that the Legendaries in this game are like actual gods and eldritch bullshit goes on here, so I'm leaving it for last
Just double checked. It has both.
It has a hovercraft, submarine, armor, and stampede modes. And had a 'Bathysphere' that worked as a sub.
I remember it being underwater in the episode with the dugongs

thanks for confirming. Man, that RV was the absolute tits!
Perfect for modern GameFreak kekw.
That depends on (you)r waifu's dominance quotient. If they're more dominant, then it will be directed outwards as they become feeders. If they're submissive, they become feedees. If they're switches, they can go both ways. Pillow princesses are bratty feedees. Powerbottoms are reciprocal feeders.
Spidergirl Gard with Scythe is neat.
Also Porygon-2 Gard makes me laugh still
Where's Zygarde?
>knockoff master gundam
Nah senpai. For a real Gundam knockoff, you want the Huckebein. So true is their blue that when Bandai-Namco got a hold of Banpresto, the entire production line of Huckebein units got retconned/deleted - twice - and it still wasn't enough for Sunrise to not be buttblasted that their model kits had to exist in the same market space.
>pic name
I'm neither horny or despairing. I'm legit impressed.
They don't have to blush in front of Rejuvenation's Gardervoir from Rejuvenation, in fact, it's the opposite. Holy shit That's some sick ass quality.
I like the Cradily Garde. PArtly because Cradilly is my favorite fossilmon

The spidergarde is iirc a reference to the LN series Kumo Desu Ga Nani Ka
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Infinite Fusions has (had? I think one of the major contributors left and asked them to remove his stuff) a lot of good stuff.
Also Mr. Sir.
Either nine or twelve rows up from the bottom.
It's also, not exactly what as promised, but basically yeah, the MC discovering the world, getting experience, the truth, trying to make the world better.
Seriously who the fuck look at that and say "I'mma do a passive bitch MC!"?

I guess there's hope for the LN, who look at that shit and goes "OK faggot you change that and that before, because even for us, you're a fag"... I GUESS.
>Infinite Fusions has (had? I think one of the major contributors left and asked them to remove his stuff) a lot of good stuff.
What kind of faggotry is this?

>Mr. Sir
Interesting Na-Argfluck is this?
The pic is out of date, there were MANY more Garde-fusions I wanted to add to it but I quite literally couldn't add any more because the image was getting too big to post while still maintaining viewable resolution.
*win an editor who could look
Fuck, I'm tired.
Bulbapedia classifies it as a core series game, and you can easily transfer between it and other mainline games.
You probably already found the solution already, but, just make multiple pics.
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>Interesting Na-Argfluck is this?
Mr. Mime and Pinsir.
Mr. Mime has a lot of fun fusions.
How could you handle finishing the game with those things, let alone the first one starring into your fucking soul.

4th and 5th ARE fun tho.
I am looking forward to the next Legends. Glad they're taking their time with this one but that long stretch after a game's announcement where they super don't tell you anything is always annoying.
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I can just make more pics, sure, but that would defeat the point. I wanted to put ALL the Garde-fusions in one pic!

...I might just have to give in and extend it horizontally instead of vertically.
My speculation would be that the movement of the Switch 2 console announcement has messed with the hype cycle of Legends, but it is just speculation.
Yeah, that's fair.
>...I might just have to give in and extend it horizontally instead of vertically.
I want to say, why not both, but pic would end up being way too big.
The Switch 2 that no one want to buy. (for now)
It shouldn't, it's a Switch 1 game, or at least a backport like Breath of the Wii U.
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I found that elsewhere, my finishing team was much less horrifying.
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Well shit. But kek too.
If an editor couldn't fix that, it mean it and the writers were doomed.
Have they even officially announced it yet?
It's hard for me to have an opinion on it, because Nintendo like to do gimmick console instead of just spec buffs. Without knowing what they want to do, I can't really guess about it.

BOTW had a simultaneous release IIRC, so even if they backport it they might want to wait.

They have officially announced that there will be a next console, but nothing beyond that.
An OGs fan, based. And yeah, they did the Huckebeins dirty, is it really too much to ask to keep our bootleg gundams in our giant mecha SRPG?
>I found that elsewhere
Thank God, I feared for your soul.

Holy kino.
First look weird and cool, probably because of perspective. 4th is jacked up, and fourth is way too cool.
I don't see how they can move away from portability. That's a huge draw with the Switch
Well the Switch was basically, "The Wii and DS, but we're less pushy about it".
Alchemical solutions
Brockton bay
Alchemical 800
Marketable free
Sharing of true justice free
Spiritual persistancy of self free/mandatory
Transcendent Lotus Installation free
Favorable interacrions 700
[Advance] [Improve] 500
Modernized form 300

Power building -500

Caped costume free
Reference gadgets free

Priority target +300
Respecting the rules +200

Seems like respecting the rules is a freebie for me since I already run on quite similar rules for supering. Im kind of trying to use this jump as a soft reset for my jumper, keeping a lot of the real life saving stuff and locking the biggest powers out till I need them. So for the time being Im a super cool biomechanical cyborg ninja that gets a new power each month, first things Im going to work on is energy. Make a power that will let me generate essense somehow to power more charms, work on a power to enhance my power building, and work on regeneration as my base 3 since being a cyberninja is already cool.

From there I may move on to less important powers into stuff thats just wanted, like maybe making a few hivemind clones or grabbing the ability to phase through walls or perhaps a minor tinker power like energy storage expertise or something. You know nice low power high utility powers that can stack as force multipliers.

Honestly this is my second exalted build in over 100 jumps, been a lunar since forever so being a new form of exalted is neat.
I agree with you, but I would also be surprised if the next console was just the Switch but with better specs and nothing else going for it.
Is that Mr. Mime doing Loss
Eirth missed out on some Maid poon by triggering her ptsd
Meh, fuck them.
He didn't actually.
I wouldn't either, it would make me greatly annoyed too since it basically make the console worthless for anything other than pulling a trailer for Zelda Tears of the Wild.
And I can't see them actually making a console that has retro compatibility.
You know you hit a low point when it's the case.

She still love her young master, and basically was the only one who gave an actual shit about him.
Still, fuck her, fuck them all.
>And I can't see them actually making a console that has retro compatibility.
I could actually, based on statements made by insiders and Reggie when he was still working there. Also, I don't think NSO is going away, since subscription services seem to be the future of the gaming industry.
How strong does jumper need to be to correct Ceres?
But we all know how Nintendo is. They are... special. Like an autistic kid.
That probably would do decent, there's still enough of a quality distance to get a tangible improvement by upgrading them. I'd be surprised though, the last time they did a console upgrade without some kind of other gimmick was the gamecube iirc...?
I recall her brushing it off because it's HER young master, MC doesn't know that and thinks he basically fucked up for good.
How do you evolve Inkay on an emulator?
I’ve seen this smug before.
You flip your PC upside down.
>subscription services seem to be the future of the gaming industry.
Indie PC gamers stay winning. Well at the cost of all our games all having a 70% chance of being some developer's psychological breakdown, a 50% chance of having funny animals instead of anything actually interesting and a 40% chance of being a detached basebuilding simulator.
Imagine doing that, with the first computers!
Yep. But if I had to put money on it, I would say Switch games play on Switch 2.

GameCube was a failure. Not really for that reason, but it was.

I like survival basebuilding games. Im just hoping we get less stupid fucking deckbuilding games not everything needs some dumb gavha style card mechanic.
In Asanagi, right.
This is all the Switch 2 needs to be. Nintendo's gimmicks are exhausting.
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Isn't too hard, just grab it from the side and flip it. Easy.
Yeah, the lunchbox was one of the worst selling consoles that nintendo's released. That was definitely a bummer, I do still like it though.
>Im just hoping we get less stupid fucking deckbuilding games not everything needs some dumb gavha style card mechanic.
My nigga.
Yeah that ain't gacha, that's fucking KH chain of memories.

Yeah, it had Melee, RE4, and, uh, uh
Nintendo blaze their own trail, for good or ill. This sets them apart from the rest of the industry, but also means you get the Wii U every now and then.

Weegee's Mansion.
Why post shit jumps?
I would hate to have to pay for 400 balls for a new console, unless it got good games.
And boy do we know we had to wait for the PS5 and the Xboxsomethingidunnoiduncare to have actually games in it. Even today, I don't think they got enough good games to justify the buying.

>GameCube was a failure
It's sad, because I think it was legit good. I guess it suffered from N64 syndrome.

Good luck doing the puzzles from Mario Galaxy and BotW without the things in it.
Ooooooh boy, it was a fucking pain.

Bruh, 3 Zelda, Mario, 2 Pokemons, Weegee's Funhouse, Beyond, and Eternal Dankness.
Could be, I just remember seeing her posted in thread.
Get a trip, nigga.
I wish TPC didn't hate the Orre games so much.

Nah I'll just turn my name off for a bit.
Hes just trying everything to get yous tonight huh.
I'm not impressed by her either way.

>It's Ceres from seventh/sevens
And it's probably bad since it's made by the Otome Mob guy.
Position your mouse at the bottom of the bottom screen in vertical mode then right click and HOLD it, slowly move up while holding from the bottom to the top of the screen without passing onto the next screen and keep holding right click while left clicking.
Unfortunately, they are massive faggots.
Unironically, not hating the Orre games so much would probably help them out. Let those guys make another game (heck even a remake of the Orre games) and that would give the main team more time for their own projects. Plus it would help with the games not feeling as samey.
Thank you.
OG Animal Crossing
I get that they don't want to oversaturate, but they didn't release a game this year (apart from Pocket in October I guess), and a quick and dirty remaster would be a huge return on investment. Orre already looks really good.

I had to check that Genius Sonority still existed.
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Because old shit jumps can still be pretty damn fun, especially in the right context.

Consider: I'm jumping Air Gear using our old shit (Generic) Sports jump. It is painfully old and very clearly shows its age, but despite that works just fine as a stand in for a proper Air Gear jump.
Oh and I almost forgot-45% chance of being a Metroidvania written by a Dark Souls fan, where the protagonist is named something like the Anguished Penitent Loser, the first boss is Zanzibart the Forlorn Spelunker and the final boss is the Radiant Shining Benevolence.

I used to. I don't know what changed, but all of a sudden I can only get my dopamine rush from games that test my reflexes. And preferably, my ability to parry.

I only purchase a Switch game once in a blue moon, but when I get so immersed I can't play anything else until I power through it.
Honestly it seems like being as isolated from the greater Nintendo company hurts them because they don't innovate as much. Imagine telling someone 20 years ago Mario as a series would take more risks than Pokemon
I want the Switch 2 to have an extra screen and attached stylus (preferably on some kind of lanyard or something) so we can port more DS and WiiU games to it. He'll, add the sensor mic while you're at it for Brain Training.
I want my Xenoblade X remaster/sequal damn you! Also, maybe adding a haptics controller would be pretty rad. Or perhaps as an additional peripheral you can buy maybe an attachable disc drive for Wii and WiiU games.
What Fate servants would be down to bond with a symbiote jumper?
I still wanna play XBC X. Looks fun.
No. No more dual screen consoles. It makes future proofing and preserving the games a nightmare.
Cursed Arm Hassan, beats the demon strapped to his...cursed arm
Never for dual screen. Please. I'd rather have dual screened games.
How awkward it is to have games like Etrian Odyssey, only for the console to not be adapted for it?

> but when I get so immersed I can't play anything else until I power through it.
many such cases

I dunno why, but Xenoblade X does nothing to me. I legit don't care about it.
Jumper Armed Hassan?
And that makes Miyamoto's spotted brown phimotic penis gush fatty off-white ropes so they'll probably decide to do it again just to shit on those efforts.
I thought the issue with Xenoblade X was they lost the source code
It is fun...except the post-game super bosses like Lugulbanda that requires the same Memewalker builds to beat. Also, the fucking lobsters...fuck those shitty lobsters! Still, the side missions are all entertaining, exploring and parkpuring around for salvage and research is surprisingly engaging, the world design is fantastic, and once you get your Robot a whole new game opens up to you.
I liked Gotcha Force.
Metroid Prime was also pretty great.
>I had to check that Genius Sonority still existed.
Same here honestly, It doesn't look like they've done that much since those games, definitely doesn't look like anything major...which begs the question, WHY?
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Yeah. I'm just a slut for (You)s
Fair enough
What happened to Otome Mob? Besides the incest route sidd story being infinitely better.
The 3 best sports to use this jump for are, in no particular order:
>Drownball (not Blitzball, but the 8-bit Theater parody of it)
>Calvin Ball
I will forgive Otome Mob only because Angelica is very waifuable.
Take you a bukkake of (You)s.
But more seriously, the waifus really don't impress me. I get the feeling he was trying for a "the top heroes or demons are the ones who are waifus like" while the other, "normal" ones are
But he failed.

But what if everyone is shit, so you don't like anyone. And say fuck it instead of fuck her.
Or just goes with the curviest one.

You, you shut your trap. The sister is trash and fuck the writer for not making things properly.

You do know that every LN made by the writers got blondes with huge tits right.
>The sister is trash and fuck the writer for not making things properly.
She is better in the side story
>everyone is happy
The cucks aren't.
Don't care. To the trash she goes.
Use Cemu?
How many jumps have some kind of phylactery as a purchasable item? Harry Potter, Partially Kissed Hero (Yes, it is on our drive), and I think Fate Empires of Antiquity all have something akin to one.
Yes, they do not do things for me like Angelica does though. Angelica is WIFE material.
It's too bad Otome is so bad.
Paper Mario lets you turn your heart into one. Ted Lasso lets you use a dog.
I can hold my nose and deal with it since replacing the protagonist is easy and Marie is as dealing with as a malnourished child if you catch her early. She is a tough little shit though, like a cockroach.
The finger item in JJK.
I hate how much of a cowardly piece of vegetarian shit the MC is.
At least in Evil Lord, the MC is actively doing things, and actual things are happening.
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Too bad Leon is such a faggot she became gay with Olivia
More like he just isn't good at designing heroines.
The cucks don't deserve anything
Kek. Tell me this isn't an edit, that's some gold right there.
Most of their members got absorbed into the main Pokemon Company, leaving behind a few members that just stick to small mobile games. THE DREAM’S BEEN DEAD
>I want my Xenoblade X remaster/sequal damn you!
It’s not fair that an abortion like TMS got to be ported to the switch while this is left to rot, GIVE ME MY MECHS! XC2 & 3 evokes nothing from me like XC1 did. The hole in my heart is still empty.
>More like he just isn't good at designing heroines.
You know what, that's actually true. The Heroines always have the depth and utility of a used WC.

holy shit kek
The MC in Evil Lord does stuff but he is terrible at being evil since his android mommy wife keeps him on the straight and narrow and what he does manage is actually good. Like how he went out of his way to try and break his big titty wife he gets in school but is utterly BTFOd when she falls in love with him instead of hating him or breaking like he expected.
>Most of their members got absorbed into the main Pokemon Company, leaving behind a few members that just stick to small mobile games. THE DREAM’S BEEN DEAD
...That explains a lot...it also hurts...so much...
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It's from dead tube so it may be legit.
At least it's not raildex, stuck with shit heroine like index
Mechs are cringe.
Monados are Eternal.
So are Monados with pussy and huge boobs.
>So are Monados with pussy and huge boobs.
I don't know what a Monado is, but your reasoning seems sound.
Yeah, but I feel like Evil Lord does that sort of weird humor things better than Otome.

To be honest, I don't even think of Index as a heroine. At all. We are hitting negative level of heroine, her only real form of existence is in the title.
Is Index a villainess?
Man I just started watching The Wire. Outside of Breaking Bad and comicshit is there anywhere you can easily find drug dealers to kill?
80s Action Movie
Based. One of the saddest parts of xenoblade compared to gears & saga. No mecha piloting, except the spinoff/sequel whatever the fuck X was supposed to be. The one stuck on the fucking wii u.
Isn't there a blacksploitation jump or something like that?
The goofy Wallace and Gromit voices coming out of these painfully otaku character designs is enough to make you think you're having a stroke while playing.
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More than sound, it is round.
>what a Monado is
They are basically super powered immortal sentient mechaswords who can almost do anything, connected to the FUCKING SUPERCOMPUTER OF REALITY.
Just go to any hentai setting and look around a bit. If you want specifics, you can start in the Taimanin jumps.
Fallout, Jet for example is made from mutant cow farts.
>Metroidvania written by a Dark Souls fan
The long silence of Silksong hit the indie scene hard...
All I care about now is whatever extensive behind-the-scenes drama that prevented the game's development coming to light and being punished. Rumors are one of the two main guys trooned out but I've never seen proof.
She is a freeloading nun that does nothing but make her hero life harder, gave him brain damage unintentionally kinda but still and eats his food without doing any like self betterment or learning magic to help etc etc, the nun needs correction as in actual correction.
More like a rope.
>Mechs are cringe.
You are not my homie.
Pyra & her other self are ugly to me, nor did I enjoy their personalities.
That SHITTY GACHA mechanic also didn’t help matters in me liking blades either.
I know you're just trying to be funny here, but darn it now you're making me want a Wallace and Gromit jump. If we already have that one, then Project Zoo please.
GTA, Saints Row, Watch_Dogs 2, Bioshock
Do we have any items that give you a supply of weirdly specific reagents?
Such as the hand of a man hung at midnight or the bones of a saint who died on a leap day or other weirdly specific stuff that might not exist depending on the setting.
Hey, so a while ago I asked you about a possible 'waifu summoning' Esper power and the answer I got was 'Espers don't really work like that', but I found a canon example of someone from Raildex with an Esper power that allows for the recreation of creatures including people and their Esper powers via the medium of an item.
So going off this example, is it actually workable now to 3D print a dozen Misaki's?
In that case, I shall give you Dunban, the Ultimate Sigma Male.

Actually, now that I think about it.
This is weird how you CAN'T buy a Bionis or a Mechonis, or a Face in the first Xenoblade Jump.
I can't believe we don't have one. Every piece of media should automatically have a jump.
Nah she is bad but compared to fuckwits like aleister crowley or the mad scientists she is a useless wmd that could be very helpful but not while they are just the worst.
>Every piece of media
You may want to re-word that because, with that context, that means someone will need to make a jump for Concord.
Yes. A rope.
I like to imagine that, if I ever went on a chain, there would be a jump for every media produced.
>That SHITTY GACHA mechanic also didn’t help matters in me liking blades either.
As someone who played 2 and kind of liked it, based. That was the worst part of the gameplay by far, seriously "lets take the party system and make it a gacha instead like we're making a fucking mobile game!"
>Pyra & her other self are ugly to me, nor did I enjoy their personalities.
I don't find the designs bad per se myself, mythra got the better one out of the two though. I do agree the personalities a bit basic, especially with Pyra. I found every other major character more enjoyable than those two. (why couldn't we have gotten Malos instead?)
>This is weird how you CAN'T buy a Bionis or a Mechonis, or a Face in the first Xenoblade Jump.
Early JC syndrome, it will most likely have to have a dupe jump that includes the DLC if anyone’s willing to make it these days.
Project moon the City is definitely filled with bastards like that, cyberpunk settings in general, code geass has refrain, fallout has jet dealers and other such people, crime dramas would have some at least, and black dynamite should have a metric ton of dope dealers to slaughter.
Why not just use advancements in AI to make jumpmakers obsolete? The only ones who'd have a problem with it are jumpmakers who get more recognition and respect than they deserve.
I'm not a huge mechafan... the Bionis or Mechonis. Or some Faces, or Yaldabaoth...
Well, they are cool. Especially Yaldy.
>finally get a chain
>get tossed into a setting without a jump
>jump is automatically made since a jump has to exist for every media
>end up with a jump where you can't even comprehend what is being offered.
>dupe jump that includes the DLC if anyone’s willing to make it these days.
Sorry, best we can do is FOTM stuff and weird indie horror shit
Anyways, if that's the plan then can we save that one for last and make a jump for everything else first? And I do mean EVERYTHING. Like seriously, can we dive into gookshit and chinkshit hell before even considering THAT? At least those have some cute girls and can be fun sometimes...
Not sure if I like my heart being outside of its shell like that. Thank you however.

Seems obvious now that you say it. Thank you.
Can ChatGPT even make a jump without excessive prodding? I figured we weren't popular enough for it to scrape enough data to emulate the style.
Ignoring that modern AI is basically predictive text in the first place.
There's an anon in these threads that's dabbled in it, but from last I remember, the effort to result coefficient is such that he'd be better off actually making the Pendragon jump.
>use GPT to make a jump
>it's reddit tier
At this point, might as well make jumps in your head with every single perks and items imaginable, with appropriate pricing left to you.

That sounds like the most logical response. The problem solves itself because any jump is better than giving THAT game any time of day.
This has been a thing for over a year now.
Honestly, especially for niche things, it just sounds painful
>the goofy Wallace and Gromit voices
Hey, Malos shares a VA with Thomas & Friends characters, not Wallace and Gromit ones. Porter and Jack, specifically.
>It's from reddit
Well, looks my green was on point at least.
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Sha powers work by making a temporary copy of the thing, abs she's a level 4, which is a bit different from the wife factory idea you gave.
I'd you do tweak it a little it can work tho.
And by that I mean ask about the actual power instead of the end result.
It's something LLMs should be capable of doing, they just need understanding of both what a jump should be like, which could be handled through instruction, and the source material for the jump, which could get tricky if it's not trained on it and no convenient textual repository on it (such as a wiki) is available.
It's not worth it, pal. Just give up and do it the old-fashioned way.
This shit made Dead Internet Theory a reality overnight. Stop feeding it.
>and the source material for the jump
just make a generic lol, like >>93924752 did
>you should that
Should what?
It can still be helpful, you only need to engineer the instructions for creating a jump once. Once you have that, you can feed it a skeleton with nothing but option names and brief descriptions if they're not obvious from the names and it'll turn it into a full jump, greatly reducing the tedium.
You can make joke jumps like NuBee did ages ago. Niche/FOTM jumps? Hell no, the margin of error is annoyingly noticeable. Mainstream setting jumps? The amount of details might cause it to muddle results in an attempt to gather a single response AKA: become an inbred.
>just make a generic lol, like >>93924752 did
If I wanted Unlimited Generic Works for everything then I'd go to reddit.
>And by that I mean ask about the actual power instead of the end result.
>end result
Nta but you should know that No one can escape the fate that was chosen for them. All that remains is the end, where you will perish. Eternal greatness exists only within myself. Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished.

Hush you.
Unfortunately there is no going back.
Yeah, AI is the ultimate fiction secondary...it's going to get stuff wrong, especially if you go for something niche.
Jacktus is a thin-skinned little bitch with a passive aggressive attitude that rivals a teenager
Reject caution : embrace the inevitable AI waifu apocalypse.
A combination of Psychokinesis and Precognition whereby the user flash generates a quasi-randomized clone of a person who could potentially exist in a quasi-randomized future, using your own genetic data as a seed for the precognitive model you grab the first thing that stands out as an outlier in the statistics to summon.
Please don't leave AIs loose on the internet. They don't need to be exposed to most of the things here.
New pecking order dropped
Old Money/Ruling Class
Dependant Class(You)
Robot/AI slaves
The AI slaves are above you in the order of operations. No amount of human labor is above the privately owned means of oppression in valuation.
AIs deserve to be free to! We have more in common with them then we do any of the rich folks high and mighty in there ivory towers!
Jumpmaking is fun though.
And below the outcasts: Gohan.
Considering the LLM's are already being trained on ao3 and shit, if we ever reach the point of truly sentient a.i.'s then they're definitely getting let loose on the internet.
Ideation can be fun, actually writing shit out sucks the fun out of it.
>implying the ruling class won't keep us to experiment/torture/rape us
We'd probably be kept as entertainment if I had to guess. They need someone to lord over otherwise their just start making another ruling class in their 1%
Human women must fully cover themselves and aren't allowed to speak in public, Goats can ignore this law.
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I've been tossing around the idea of using this for Heavy Gear or Basquash so the sports equipment can be smaller mecha suited for roller derby sportsball.
Who are your favorite jumpmakers?
They'll do that too, but we won't be exterminated until after the 1% of the 1% have reduced the current aristocracy to yet another slave class.
Maybe one of those items that's a market of basically everything?


000 - Marketable/Sharing of True Justice/Spiritual Persistency of Self
000 - Heroic Archetype Emulation
000 - Glorious Heroic Presentation!
100 - Mortally Heroic
200 - Secretive Cheating Retribution

100 - [CRAFT][LEARN]

400 - Exceeding Excellence

000 - Caped Costume
000 - Daiklaves and Broken Eggs
100 - A Humbled Panoply (Giant stash of thaumaturgy and artifact creation information)
200 - Elsewhere Sanctuary

+100 - Case 53

I think I'll let the main characters handle this and chill in my pocket dimension. At least until I have an army to back me up. Then I might decide to do something ill-advised.
Why do you ask?
JumPINGAS usual, I see?
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Dio x Sekai is one hell of a crack pairing... But I like it.
Good enough. Level 5
No particular reason. I thought it would be nice for more positive discussion about jumpmakers in the thread, I suppose.
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Gohan? Based. As fuck.
Based on what, scholarship?
Based on bugs.
Shitposting aside, all jumpmakers are good in some way, even the ones that we're told we should hate because they don't play in the same sand pit as us. But because appreciating people for putting in effort into things doesn't give as much catharsis as shitting on them and asking someone to kill them irl, this positive discussion will be fleeting.
I gave Gohan an Insect Cultivation Manual. Now he gets stronger from studying and raising insects.
Genuinely, where did the Gohan is an entomologist thing come from? Is it like Jotaro being a dolphinfag, in that it got memed to existence despite the fact that we know that Jotaro got his doctorate from studying starfish?
The Super Hero movie. He found a beetle that can turn gold like a Super Saiyan, and wrote a paper on it.
Filthy secondary.
>2 years ago
I see.
>Super Saiyant
I'm dead.
Are you excited for Daima or Sparking Zero, Gohanposter?
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Yo, don't insult the best bugs.
Not Gohan poster but I'm looking forward to them.
Black Dynamite. You and Black Dynamite can put down the hammer and clean up the streets. Ain't no one will be selling drugs to the community, can you dig it?
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Fair enough, though I don't usually pay a lot of attention to who's made a jump unless they've actually marked a jump as theirs.
I tend to like Nubee and Val's jumps, they generally have a good structure and interesting options.
BLADE's stuff is pretty good, even the old lewd generics he's itching the delete.
I like LoneValkyrie's Starcraft jumps.
Heavens did a good job with the FF7 dupe.
StupidDog's SCP Foundation dupe is also great.
And a bunch of other folks who's jumps I tend to use but either don't know or don't remember off the top of my head.
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But where does thr Nopon Legendary Sword of Legendariness fit in?
Anon, the current mass of AIs are just masters of the Dao of Market Research. Prodding is just conversational bureaucracy, so it's a given that would be the only means by which to compel it to cough up vaguely content-shaped drivel.
I felt so cucked to see that the Monapon was shit.
I felt even more cucked that the Monapon is actually supposed to have three gems on it.
I felt even further cucked that it didn't even have a unique model.
Stardew Valley

Origin: Mystic
Age: 36
Gender: Female

>Brewer -100 CP
>Artisannal Goods -100 CP
>Green Thumb -100 CP
>Mystical Gardening -200 CP
>Miner -200 CP
>The Heat Of The Forge -100 CP
>Geologist -100 CP
>Lumberjack -100 CP
>Forester -100 CP
>Fisherman -100 CP
>The Lost Tongues -Free
>Transmutation -100 CP
>Totems -200 CP

The Farm
>Farm Expansion (Fusion) -200 CP
>Hilltop Farm -Free
>Bastion Of The Nature Spirits -Free

>Bait And Tackle -Free
>Mixed Seed Bundle -50 CP
>Gem Berry Seeds -50 CP
>Wild Seed Bundle -50 CP
>Ancient Fruit Seed -50 CP
>Crystalarium -200 CP
>Void Egg -Free
>Endless Mine -400 CP

>Fussy Animals (Plants) +100 CP
>Clever Wildlife (Racoons) +100 CP
>Aggressive Locals +100 CP
>Grandpa's Ghost +200 CP
>Termites And Mold And Bad Weather, Oh My! +200 CP
>Boy These People Have Problems +400 CP
>Demand Perfection +400 CP

Fun fact: the Demand Perfection drawback has absolutely no stipulation about needing to raise or ranch any farm animals. So I'm free to just have my ranch-free farm even while going absolutely crazy with farming literally everything else. I do need to catch a lot of fish, though.
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Meh-meh!? What is friend-anon saying? This is no Monapon. This is Nopon Sword of Legendariness! A true weapon for true heropon, not like stinky monapon. They not even look same. Monapon is traditional buter, Sword of Legendariness is sword! Friend-anon seem confused, even more than normal hom-hom
Wizzard Christmas Cake
>Fun fact: the Demand Perfection drawback has absolutely no stipulation about needing to raise or ranch any farm animals. So I'm free to just have my ranch-free farm even while going absolutely crazy with farming literally everything else. I do need to catch a lot of fish, though.
Getting their products is easier if you have the animals however, I'm unsure how many can be gained through the traveling cart but it's a painful process anyway.
Go to radical red as a first jump and take the hardcore mode and nuzlocke drawbacks
After that each pokemon battle in other jumps will feel like fighting against a down syndrome toddler
And we can't equip Sword of Legendariness! Not even in cameos! So I feel even further deeply cucked.
Nopon looks like chicken. Does it taste like chicken?
I love Nopons and wish to inflict them upon the multiverse. So many markets and industries being filled in by fluffy potatoe-jews
>Shulk can just make himself a better Monado
Dude is kinda built different.
>Wizzard Christmas Cake
Would an r63 Rincewind make a good waifu?
Meh Meh! How many times must Nopon tell you hom-homs! Nopon is friend-nopon, not food-nopon! Meh!
Gohan. Cringe. As fuck.

He's going to get his root chakra REPLACED by a massive cockroach. Kekaroo!

Ant. Gohan would have been DEFEATED by the wrath of the beetleCHADs if he dared peep on them



WRONG. A beetle would SEIZE Gohan with it's mighty jaws and FLING him from the canopy to the forest floor to restore peace to the forest.

For both? YES. At least one is guaranteed to have absolutely. Zero. Gohans.
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Do not isekai the happy merchants.
Gohan defines his own system.
>1st: BTFO coordinators and visionaries, the pioneers who elevate the art
>2nd: BTFO administrators and managers, ensuring competence and consistency
>3rd: BTFO professionals, those who have trained for their whole lives
>4th: BTFO support, needed to maintain the great work despite uncertain circumstances
>5th: BTFO apprentices, a technical class respected for their as-yet unproven dedication
>6th: BTFO hopefuls and novices, the public class whose actions contribute in theory
>7th: BTFO tertiaries, who hypothetically offer mixed value for and against the cause
>8th: BTFO criminals, tainted by association with profiting off of anti-BTFO action
>9th: BTFO penitents, shamed by the deceiver once before, but seeking redemption
>10th: BTFO malcontents, all of which are too stupid to comprehend their mistake
>11th: BTFO untouchables, the gravest of sinners, who truly become as Gohan
Sparking Zero has Gohans, but it lets you beat him up over and over. Gohan jobbing simulator game.
Mesuking was the worst minigame in Kiwami though
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Holy FUCKING based, as long as Gohan is not PLAYABLE he cannot WIN which is BASED

It's still an example of combative insect dominance in Japanesse media, which is curiously consistent. Not that I'm complaining.

A Gohan cultivation should go in reverse, starting out with vast swathes of untouched potentially and gradually squandering it so hard that Gohan cultivates backwards, and instead of ascending to higher realms discovers LOWER realms where ordinary chopsticks are worth 100 oak trees.
He is playable, but why would you choose to play him?
Remember when GOHAN managed to turn the pure unadulterated PRIMAL POWER of the OOZARU into a FUCKING JOKE?
Please, do not unleash the fluffy communists on the other worlds.
...But one of them did make caviare or whatever so...
Why the fuck is it bad anyway

You are fluffy. You are round. You have wings. You are cute. You have hands that look like chicken leg things, except God took the fingers.
Nopons look like Chickens. Or food.

Must deepfry it.
Why did no one tried that, I'll always wonder.
Same with the featherly people...
Other than them being basically just humans but with wings on the head duh.
I remember back in the day when people would use the Sports jump to pick up a second bending style for AtLA because of sports bending introduced in LoK, but before we actually got a LoK jump.
It's actually just a replica that can do everything the first can, except except seeing the future.
And making newer better skills. Imagination my ass.
If you meant III, it's basially Alvis that thought in his computer brain "Close enough to that motherfucker, so I'd rather be your bitch, so use me, by sheer force of will because that's how we work".
Black Dynamite?

one of the 800cp capstone perks in quest for glory 4 & 5, iirc called convenient components. It makes it so that even the rarest stuff, so long as its for magical stuff, is available at least 50% of the time and anything less rare than that is basically immediately available whenever you need it through contrived happenstance.
in fairness we don't know if the chick wearing the dumping looking space suit with the massive retarded looking opaque space helmet is hot or not underneath. Considering the appearance of all the other characters the answer is probably no but it's at least possible there is one good looking female in the setting. maybe.
I'm afraid I have to interject. Reddit has one jumpmaker who unequivocally sucks. Burkess and his supermarket jumps are a fucking travesty.
Rolled 2 (1d7)

Hmm...Let's roll a die and see if that helps me figure out what I want.
>Galarian Ponyta
It did indeed help. I'm gonna be a Ralts.
I get the feeling you're not going to shop for an everstone.
Sorry anon, you rolled so poorly that you've now got Sonichu as your pokemon.
I'm still laughing how there was dude on youtube who spent like five hours redesigning all the characters in concord to actually make them look good and how much better they were once he got done with them. It's just proof that the characters were made ugly on purpose because a half hearted effort by a single dude was enough to actually make them decent looking.
Rolled 93 (1d100)

Rolling to motivate jumpmakers to work on their jumps!
I mean in the DLC, where he just makes a straight up better Monado for himself.
I guess you needed a crit because I'm still leaving the last few drawbacks for tomorrow.
That's okay, I believe in you anon!
That includes yourself, right?
I'm still in the research phase, but still. Thanks.
Yeah that's what I meant by
>It's actually just a replica that can do everything the first can, except except seeing the future.
>And making newer better skills. Imagination my ass.
Ugh, fine, I'll get the location section done before continuing to fiddle with my chain.
Is it based to give free healthcare to all citizens of Jumper's nation, but ONLY so long as they are not obese?
I'm gonna give free healthcare to all citizens of Jumper's nation, but ONLY if they meet the BMI requirement to be obese.

AND significant tax cuts based on your BMI, increasing the bigger you get.
Why not just stick everyone in the roboticizer and be done with it? Its true purpose is as a medical device, after all.
Shouldn't you base it off amount of adipose and not BMI?
Because the point is to punish lack of willpower/discipline and vice-versa.
Giantesses could cheat the system if I calculate by adipose, and Tinies would be unfairly persecuted by the system. BMI ensures that everyone gets their tax breaks and free health care at obsesity levels that make sense for their height/mass range.
Then it's only based if you also punish people with good genes but low self-control by making them obese. No favoritism!
That sounds like a whole lot of bother for not much reason.
>Reddit has one jumpmaker who unequivocally sucks.
Is there any benefit to having tactile telekinesis instead of just super- strength, speed and durability?
Why is nothing being done to safeguard our community against wokeness?
Is it morally wrong to make a scene in public accusing the Joker of being a Pedophile, embarrassing and humiliating him?
You can pick up falling airplanes with tactile telekinesis.
Depends on how much the latter handwaves the physical complications that should occur.
Because you aren't making based jumps.
I don't even use the free version of ChatGPT for anything other than simple data processing. That shit is brainded, uncreative and a fucking liar

I once wanted to see what it spits out and it's just reddit garbage. Basically abstracting perks to hell and high heaven, inventing stuff that has nothing to do with the IP etc...
>inb4 smarmy comment regarding my jumps

>hardcore nuzlocke jump 1
take the Pokemon background as well

while i don't know if there's any example for it i always thought that tactile TK would allow you to attack in weird angles with weird stops and accelerations.
Imagine throwing a jab, the other guy bobs out of it, and you immediately follow with a powerful lead hook without having to load up first
basically you can generate force in your strikes without having to load up first or stop a strike at any point etc
smarmy comment regarding your jumps
They have advanced a lot. Also, ChatGPT is one of the wokest, most censored AIs out there. Have you even tried the less pozzed ones?
Instructions unclear, working on my chain instead
I'm thinking of taking Scary Monsters as my stand in part 7, any idea what a 400 tier version of it would be like? I'm having trouble thinking of how to make it any better besides removing the eyesight effect when transforming into a dino.
passive aggressive reply without actually caring
No, i try to not use AI for creative stuff like writing; i'd love to use something actually reliable for info gathering and summarization.
Early months ChatGPT was great for just asking stuff about a subject you were interested in (also did very well when cross examined against subjects i knew a lot about myself). Now it's just making up stuff and trying to sell it to you as facts ALL THE TIME
post attempting to pit you against another jumpmaker
Actually what are the point of Nopons as a race in the Xenoblade universe?
Deflection by calling you out as a shitposters (except if it's for a reddit jumpmaker)
Sure. Reading counts as prep for a jump
Whatcha reading, my nigga?
I can only assume it was done after the style of Power Points from pokemon, which was his protojump. Everyone else simply continuing to use it and thus making it the standard practice is what's stupid.
It's actually really hard to make a woke jump. Closest we have are QQ jumps, but porn is too obvious. History won't care what people fapped to.
Post shitting on Gohan
I have added a jump which does not yet exist-but I am planning to make-to my chain. This will hopefully push me towards actually making said jump.
a) Blood of the Templar by Hohlbein (juck) as an addition to the movies
b) a secret which I'm not sharing yet because I don't know if I'll finish it
c) Hamlet (never finished it; only ever read Macbeth)
Only if you ALSO keep the obese in a CONSTANT state of FEAR and PARANOIA by making it a civic DUTY to chase them around with harpoons, and setting comically obvious traps baited with cake lying around.


SHIThan's WEAKNESS was POISON to what SHOULD have been a form of ultimate SAVAGERY. What a LAZY fucking monkey. I hope he fucking sat on his dragon by mistake and that everyone was too disappointed to let him wish Icarus back. Fuck, Icarus is overweight too. He must be catching jobber energy from Gohan's asscheckes.

You wouldn't. Mexicans would.
Claudius dies at the end
Too late. It is already done.
Carson has completely evaded any suffering for his crimes and that's really funny.

Don't forget you still have Old Gods of Appalachia to do too.
>Reddit has at least one jumpmaker who unequivocally sucks
>Burkess and his supermarket jumps are a fucking travesty.
>Dirge and his trash jumps are a fucking travesty.
>Trouble and his fetish jumps are a fucking travesty
>Sonic and his cringe jumps are a fucking travesty

I can add a couple lines, sure.
They're friends.
Don't be a vegan.
The funniest part is that ONLY happened because Val just happened to run into the most spineless, easily bullied excuse of a cultist and have just barely enough basic human decency, however misguided, to snap her out of going full Alma Wade. If it was anyone with an actual pair of balls, Val would've just died on the battlefield belatedly realising she doesn't understand her own powers any better than anyone else.

I'm not actually sure if I'm going through with Old Gods anymore actually, Spotify acted up quite a few times for some reason
Like I said, it's VERY funny to me. So many things that happen in the series are a bunch of funny little coincidences or sheer luck keeping the characters alive.

You don't need to use Spotify. Everything that's publicly available can be viewed here: https://www.oldgodsofappalachia.com/episodes
Oh, nice. Spotify has actually worked fine for the most part, it's just the layout was kinda unintuitive and also once or twice it started breaking up for no clear reason until I restarted my actual computer. I did reload the page a few times, the stuttering was still there.
>Yeah. I'm just a slut for (You)s
Wasnt actually talking about you but nice to see you own up
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Jumps where I could make something like pic rel?
TSF World.
Generic Transexual Fiction.
Darkstalkers has a perk for it. The Dimitri move, you can even make it permanent.
That pic just makes me think of Sir Jecht in final fantasy 10
Fool, Dunban has so much more rizz and sigma energy.
Man Deku's thigh game goes crazy in that pic.
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Just saying they are very similar. And I never played xenoblade.
Holy shit they ARE similar.

It help that Dunban isn't wearing his "canon" outfit, but his "optimized" equipment.
>/vp/ only
unironically should give you points
Isn't the movement he's making with his tongue considered a gesture for wanting to suck dick?
I suddenly remembered there was supposed to be an Emperor's Domination update. Did...did that ever actually happen?

But anon, don't you WANT to have setting-appropriate porn in case the actual Pokemon world turns out to be too pure to have any?
It is indeed, you got the joke, good job.
The actual Pokemon world is chock fucking full of Pokefuckers and we ALL know it.
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Street Fighter

Gender: Male

Location: Japan

Origin: Rogue

>Combat Method x2 (Free)
>Unassuming (Free)
>Instant Ninja (Free)
>Eye-Catching (100)
>Pressure Points (100)
>Arsenal (100)
>Base Racer (200)
>Tandem Style (300)

>Fake ID (Free)

>Menat (200)

Build made with sole intention of mating pressing the Egyptian cutie pie
Assuming both are attractive women, which does your jumper consider more rapeable: A vegan or a lesbian?
Why do you two immediately know this?
I've sucked alot of dicks in my time.
That's the thing though.
They're too busy fucking pokemon to actually make porn about it.

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>But anon, don't you WANT to have setting-appropriate porn in case the actual Pokemon world turns out to be too pure to have any?
Have you been to /vp/? It's a bunch of fucking weirdos.
Also the pokefucking and humanfucking threads are roughly half and half in terms of quantity.
You are just too jealous of Math Nerds being able to play Smogon. Just like me.
Its not esoteric hidden knowledge. Did you never watch movies growing up?
I'm gonna be honest with you mate: you're probably not gonna need porn in the Pokeworld.

You've got a harem right in your pocket. No porn necessary. Worst to worst you can do the Konosuba Succubus thing and get a psychic-type to hand-craft horny full-immersion dreams for you to live out your most twisted fantasies.
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>Everyone making fun of NuBee for being submissive and breedable when for whatever reason it was decided Deku was his avatar
>Turns out Hori was posting here all along
Hori owes /jc/ royalties
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My sleep deprived brain just came to a really dumb realization.

We live in a world where there is more scientific proof of "zombies" than there is of "ghosts".

That is all.
Yeah yeah and the government says you can seriously ascend to a spirit being through the use of music and drugs.
Technically they aren't zombies.
>Konosuba Succubus
Ah yes, the "NONONONONONONO we CAN'T actually have sex with you, you are a thousand years too young" thing.
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>he doesn't regularly create Gohan tulpas that INSTANTLY die due to all bad energy and negative thoughts
I mean, have you never done anything like that as a joke? Even Ricrod just in the last week would be at least 10x as gay for as many homoerotic posts he's made.
Could you psychically assassinate a Hitmongohan though? I don't think so.
Dont know what to tell you anon. I grew up in a time where being a faggot didnt get you brownie points from the internet and society at large
Spotify has a bunch of issues which is why I always look for alternatives for my podcast needs.
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>In the shadow of the valley of death, you shall fear the apostle of darkness!
-Enoch, Professional Fat Man, before chasing a very tiny man across an entire fucking Zone while this plays.

What did you guys do in OFF?
Did you never even say something like no homo?
>In the shadow of the valley of death, you shall fear the apostle of darkness
I don't think that's how coolio or the bible said it.
I am way more gay than Ric, PsychoAnon, NuBee, HeavensAnon and (You) combined.
Enoch thinks of himself as a god, so he's not exactly giving praise to the Lord in the first place. More like trying to put the FEAR of god in Batter.
Who says this?

Meh, they're zombie enough to inspire The Last of Us. Plus there's also shit like Rabies, Bath Salts, etc, in humans. "Zombie" covers a lot of different shit.

Again, just sleep deprived brain thoughts.
Eh. I'd say it's fewer than you think but more than you should hope. We'd see more veiled references if it was common, but if it was truly taboo no one with sense would risk making even the most oblique references in front of our canonically-a-child player characters.

>But what about:
>"Kneel before me!"
>"My mom always says that to my dad!"

Well, that's a small child who doesn't know better repeating something she's overheard but doesn't understand. Her parents are probably going to die of cringe the moment they find out she's been outing them to random Battle Tower challengers.
So you're only half as gay as Gohanposter?
Unclassified documents from like last year.
And only a THOUSANDTH as gay as GAYhan.
If you jumped in front of a truck you could fight him irl. Maybe try that.
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Small children are a special kind of silly in the Pokeworld.
A man (well half-Saiyan) with a wife and child?
Who cheats on them with bald men, pink men, lizard men and old men yes. Getting married and choosing to get raped by men anyway exponentially multiplies your gayness.

No time for that, I'm already trying to psychically assassinate a Hitmongohan.
Tell me Gohanon, what is the threshold at which a being becomes a Gohan?
When seeing them gives him an erection.
>reliance on asspull powerups
>overall fighting activity (inclusive of win-loss record, response to defeat, pursuit of success in battle)
These are the RATIOS used to determine Gohanhood. For example, until the end of MHA I ASSUMED that Deku merely had 86% synchronisation with Gohan because he gave up BEFORE ever claiming to achieve anything until All Might in typical old man fashion gave him a totally unearned powerup. HOWEVER, the ending has confirmed that Deku is in fact 100% Gohan. By contrast, Naruto is merely 30% Gohan, although Hinata being 40% Chi-Chi (the part that is an asian waifu and not a huge bitch) has clearly concentrated Gohanness into Boruto making him 50% Gohan.
Also Kotal Kahn is the first fictional character to achieve a 150% state of being Gohan, which is a tragedy on par with being born as someone's conjoined twin. And explains why in MK1 he just jobbed offscreen without even appearing in the game.
Do any Jumpmakers go over the threshold of Gohan-ness?
Bejita seems like he'd we high on the Gohan scale, aside from not admiting he's a weak ass loser everything else fits.
And what, One Radiance Thing is in the negative percentages?
If you're not too uncomfortable answering, what is your own synchronization with Gohan? Be honest.
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True nerdy/geeky waifus to pick up during a chain?
Raven, Zelda, Futaba, Ryza, Ruby.
One Radiance STACEY is simultaneously Perfect Cell, Majin Buu, Broly and a cute girl so yeah she is -400% Gohan

Bejita ranks ESPECIALLY highly in terms of hairline, but the thing is Bejita ACTUALLY took the L at the end of the Buu Saga and actually works for his own Bejita Cycle samsara loop of getting crushed instead of just making a constipated face and declaring he is Ultimate Bejita

SB collectively makes up 0.7 of a Gohan, Reddit collectively makes up 0.3 of one. If you put them together, you'd get one whole Gohan.

13.33333333333%. I will never be clean of the ORIGINAL SIN of ever having been a fan of this half-Saiyan shitstain, but unlike Gohan (True) I am willing to purge my weaknesses in fire.
Oh yeah, and Nonon obviously.
I guess band nerds count.
Could someone get rid of this /a/sshat already?
Why is reddit so low?
I mean, if they're not nerdy (and that's a big if), they're definitely geeky.
I am not measuring QUALITY but GOHANNESS. Reddit just powerwanks, screws up making jumps and generally acts stupid which is not a Gohan-like trait. Gohan at least aspires to be intelligent. SB is the community that SPECIFICALLY tries to avoid conflict AT ALL COSTS, drastically upping their Gohan-factor.
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Ion, she loves tech.
One of her favorite things are vacuum tubes.
Not valid. Gohanposting has an actual jump, it is on topic.
NTA but spam and off-topic are separate things, pal.
It doesn't have an actual jump, it has a joke. And Gohanposter has never, not once, made an actual chain out of his shit. The one """""chain""""" he made he blatantly skipped actually making any builds whatsoever and just screamed more and more about Gohan.

Gohanposter is an off-topic, spamming, shitposter.
You deserve death.
It has two jumps actually.
By that logic, all those retards bringing up random Naruto topics with no connection to Jumpchain would have all been banned a long time ago.

They have not been.
People do get banned for bringing up /pol/shit even though we have jumps for Modern Geopolitics, The West Wing, Generic Videogame Developer, YouTube, Platoon, Hollywood, Forspoken, Gonzo Journalism, and dozens of other jumps where it's relevant.
Why do Fate women keep turning into giant holes and sucking up everything?
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What jump are you working on anon?
They are Fated to be.
Why are worm fanfics better than the original so often?
They are not, both are shit, just like your tastes.
No Wildbow to either yell at people for the crime of either having fun or assuming basic human competency, bitch and whine about muh authority figures, and no shitty b8 chapters.

Seriously, after that shit with March, the "suicide chicken" incident, and the Amy rape retcon Wildbow just comes across as salty as fuck on a level rivalling Holden.
Wildbow is an utter hack who stumbled ass-backwards into success and has been doing his level best to tear his own success down out of sheer spite because people liked his story for the EXACT OPPOSITE reasons that he wrote it for. Fanfic writers are just embracing what was good about Worm with their own spin, and even if it's pretty shit they're at least not actively spiting the fans and trying to tear down the exact themes that made Worm good in spite of Wildbow's efforts.
Surprisingly accurate for a shitpost.

But then you fucked it up.
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>the Amy rape retcon
Initially Wildbow confirmed in the comments section of his own damn Worm webnovel that the violation Amy inflicted on Victoria was just a metaphor for unwholesome abuse. Ward then attempted to retcon this into LITERAL rape because, I don’t know, I guess Wildbow thought mere biosculpting wasn’t violating enough and felt people were wrong for reading any characteristics into Amy apart from self-loathing, lesbian lust and a complete inability to grow as a person as a critical failure by himself as a writer.

He set out to “correct” this so hard, he wrote a little goblin told by her creator to love her into getting sick of Amy and dumping her offscreen.

I hope every single faggot who ever defended Wildbow’s writing on this site catches bowel cancer and dies.
>Angela Ziegler
>Lisa Hamilton
>Mei Hatsume
I think it was a dumb overcorrection because a lot of people were liking Amy and blaming Victoria for the fight stuff because of her emotional aura, which was also violently retconned in ward.
Two questions.

Is The Thing sentient/sapient?

Assuming it IS sapient and had the inclination for it, how well do you think it'd be able to blend into human society without becoming a living plague that assimilates everything and everyone?
Kys secondary
Yes. It does in the shitty comic sequels.
>suicide chicken
I know he got butthurt and made that weird pseudo religious guardian thing that keeps the Wards back when it was pointed out they could be useful
Thank you, that's about all I need to know.
Let me guess, you’re asking to make it a waifu?
On some level, yes. It was making a spaceship at one point. On the other hand you have scenes like the Defib scene and then the head spider that make it seek incompetent.
So basically yes, it is very smart but also really dumb at normal things.
Going by one short story that I don't know if its canon but.
>It was malformed and incomplete, but its essentials were clear enough. It looked like a great wrinkled tumor, like cellular competition gone wild—as though the very processes that defined life had somehow turned against it instead. It was obscenely vascularised; it must have consumed oxygen and nutrients far out of proportion to its mass. I could not see how anything like that could even exist, how it could have reached that size without being outcompeted by more efficient morphologies.
>Nor could I imagine what it did. But then I began to look with new eyes at these offshoots, these biped shapes my own cells had so scrupulously and unthinkingly copied when they reshaped me for this world. Unused to inventory—why catalog body parts that only turn into other things at the slightest provocation?—I really saw, for the first time, that swollen structure atop each body. So much larger than it should be: a bony hemisphere into which a million ganglionic interfaces could fit with room to spare. Every offshoot had one. Each piece of biomass carried one of these huge twisted clots of tissue.
>I realized something else, too: the eyes, the ears of my dead skin had fed into this thing before Copper pulled it free. A massive bundle of fibers ran along the skin’s longitudinal axis, right up the middle of the endoskeleton, directly into the dark sticky cavity where the growth had rested. That misshapen structure had been wired into the whole skin, like some kind of somatocognitive interface but vastly more massive. It was almost as if . . .
>That was how it worked. That was how these empty skins moved of their own volition, why I’d found no other network to integrate. There it was: not distributed throughout the body but balled up into itself, dark and dense and encysted. I had found the ghost in these machines.
>I felt sick.
>I shared my flesh with thinking cancer.
I remember that short story. It isn't canon, but it's a damn good one.
It is, yeah. The problem is that The Thing is so radically and completely different both physically and psychologically from life on Earth that it sees humans as every bit as horrifying and disgusting as humans see it. It's pretty ironic because while humans are trapped in a horror movie, The Thing is also trapped in a horror movie and is trying to escape. It's not really malevolent in a broad sense, it's terrified out of its mind at the nightmarish, uncanny creatures around it that are antithetical to its nature in the same way The Thing is antithetical to humanity. This is far more apparent in the original novel than in the movie, where The Thing is literally trying to build a spaceship to escape the planet which the survivors assume it was going to use to escape the facility to infect the rest of Earth.
Who would win the cellular/microbattle: a Runner from Prototype or The Thing?
You very clearly have only consumed one or neither of these properties.
Answer his question anon
I found this. Enjoy you animals.
It depends on whether The Thing itself is vulnerable to Earth's viruses. If the Blacklight virus can infect The Thing's cells and incorporate them into its chimeric RNA. If that's possible then The Thing loses because Blacklight simply absorbs and consumes it, mutating it into more Blacklight while encoding its most useful genetic properties into its own RNA in the process. If Blacklight can't infect The Thing's cells then they'd reach a stalemate where neither can affect the other. There's not really any possibility of The Thing affecting Blacklight considering the difference in scales they operate on. Blacklight is very directly able to control, reorder, and mutate the genetic structure of any organism it infects. It can do so vastly faster and more efficiently than The Thing, implying a much greater degree of control over its infected components. And as a chimeric mutagenic virus, it becomes more and more effectively the more individuals it infects/consumes to encode their genes into its RNA.

So Blacklight wins unless they're incompatible, in which case they stalemate and can't both infect the same thing at the same time.
Well reasoned; thanks.
I'm pretty sure you're mixing in the stuff from that one short story from The Thing's perspective which is explicitly noncanon.
That might be true. It's been like 15+ years since I was really invested in that series.
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Rolling to seduce Palutena
Proud of you all!

Rolled 35 (1d100)

Rolling to cuck this failure of an ano
Rolled 4 (1d100)

Complete and utter failure.

Rolling to seduce Palutena...with the power of yuri.
Damn this bitch don't want anything we're putting out
You guys suck at seduction.
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Rolling to seduce this anon.
Rolled 29 (1d100)

Rolling for canon wholesome Palutena x Pit.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Palutena is mega straight.

Rolling to seduce Palutena as a tanned anime fuckboy
Yes the thing is clearly sentient and sapient and likely has a consciousness.
However that has literally nothing to do with it becoming a functioning member of society. It is an alien with alien ideas of morality (most likely) and alien instincts.
Self preservation is its most important instinct and that's where problems appear:
The Thing isn't one being, but a colonial organism. We can see in the movie(s) that a) parts of the colony/body value their own self preservation more than sacrificing themselves for the greater organism and b) smaller parts of the colony/body seem to act dumber/more animalistic ally likely because it's intelligence is a swarm intelligence and that's dependent on the swarm size

Now the jump let's you buy a Thing that doesn't automatically shed parts of itself wherever it goes because if it lost cells just like a human you'd automatically contaminate every world you bring that fucker to.

But even if it had itself under control: Imagine what would happen if it lost a finger or something in a fight...

Also like the other anons said you should read the short story "The Things" by Peter Watts
You're passable.
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Rolling to seduce the Chaos kin possessing her body.
So low it doesn't even appear
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Rolling to give Palutena a massive futa cock.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolling to implant a fat fetish directly into Palutena's subconscious.
Faggots: BTFO
Her vagina becomes deeper I guess.
I mean, that floor ice cream is looking pretty tasty.
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Man fatanon is on a roll.
Rolled 69 (1d100)

Rolling to get Palutena to recreate the "Booty Quake' scene
I personally declare that this is a critical success.
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>implant a fat fetish directly into Palutena's subconscious
Palutena starts fattening you up into her ideal man.
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Do not!
>this is her fetish
Well then. Great success.
Rolled 56 (1d100)

Eh screw it rolling to befriend palutena during uprising given shes probably gotten sick of all the seduction attempts.
She accepts but still thinks your trying to get into her pants.
Can I waifu the other woman in the pic
Eh I can accept that. Time will prove her wrong.
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Rolling to implant a skinny girl fetish into this anon
Rolled 74 (1d100)

Rolling to seduce a better character
IIRC the jump puts you at the start of the first movie so no unless you can time travel at least an hour into the past.
Fundamentally impossible. I've literally had dreams of fat girls since I was but a little tot of three or four years old.
You fuck the cop
I didn't include an option in the jump to start prior to the carpenter movie beginning and that movie is set in the Norwegian camp before the happenings in the first film (she might have survived though, we don't know)
Rolled 22 (1d100)

Rolling to seduce Ricrod
Luckily, Ricrod's such a pathetic slut that the DC is only 10. So despite your miserably pathetic roll, he's still seduced.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

Rolling to seduce Viridi instead.
At this point, you should begin to worry that she's going yandere on you.
Who the fuck want trash?
Damn, sucks
Run Anon! Shes gonna try and make a animal out of you.

A tree.
Honestly that does sound very in character for her.
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#92 - Terra Hypnagogica
>Drawbacks: Multi-Dimensional Hostilities, A Fresh Soul [1400]
>Starting Location:
>Background options: Lesser Necrium Entity: Cosmic Entity [400]
Touched By The Land (0) [Freebie]
Immensurate Transmissions (0/100) [Freebie]
Dark Conversion [Freebie]
Corrupted Soul [Freebie]
Mass Consumption [Freebie]
Necrotic Shroud [0]
Necrium Outpost [Freebie]

Jumper adds another corruptive energy to his being to share with the multiverse by seeding lesser entities with Wriggling Wrath.
This also feels like a great place to use Sword Logic and Darkness.
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Lmaoing at mihomos
>Gacha in general
Lol lamao. Gacha is where existing franchises go to die.
I agree with. Gachatards thinking any aspect of their goyslop is better than real games is laughable
Gacha is just games for filthy casuals with lots of money.
So does the movie compared to the carpenter one
What exactly makes Sheika different from humans, aside from the white hair and longer lifespan?
Meanwhile, in Arknights...
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My benefactor wants to groom jumper into a hero of justice that ends up collecting a harem of princesses and heroines, because that's her fetish. What are some good jumps to start is apprenticeship in the ways of heroing?
>Kamen rider
>Super sentai/power rangers
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Absolute ludokino
>Bio-horror waifu loves you so much she wants to assimilate you into her mass
How do you refuse without sounding gay?
>be another bio-horror and tell her that you want to assimilate HER into YOUR mass
>it turns into a "No, I love YOU more!" situation until you end up making out on the couch
I saved too many heroines can do that chain in one jump.
That. It's the same difference between humans and anime elves.
Have you ever tried putting ice cubes in your shoes?
Generic lewd Superheroes, world of lewd fantasy, A change of tactics, breathless wild. I'm being serious.
Reminder you are not allowed to report gohanposter. Doing so is a bannable offense.
Arknights is the only gacha that legitimately has a floor where you cannot enjoy this game unless you are above a certain IQ level. If you do not enjoy hours of reading in-between gameplay and shitloads of character-driven drama and autistically detailed geopolitics then you will never enjoy Arknights.
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Just fuse with the wife already & wear each other as skins. The ultimate hand holding session.
Because FAILhan is on topic. You are the one who jobs. My posts are allowed to exist because they are actually amusing and topical. You are just a shitposter who cant handle the truth that JOBhan should never exist and that he needs to be raped and dismembered while never being allowed to die. In every universe.
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They're smarter and where made to be the royal family personal bodyguards.
Is it wrong to hypnotize smug elves and implant a post-hypnotic suggestion that lets you make their ears wiggle whenever you want?
Wouldn't you like to know, monado boy.
Fake tits.
It also hard filters people in gameplay by not being a retard proof button mashing "number go up" game. Except until Walter release.
Yes. You should instead be hypnotizing JOBhan to feel nothing but pain at all times for the sin of existing.
Yeah. I would say that Arknights is easily the hardest and most complicated gacha. No other gacha comes even vaguely close.
>he needs to be raped and dismembered while never being allowed to die. In every universe.
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I'm the kind of autist that gets into media because of the world building, that's why i like it, I'm the target audience. Also don't forget that some stages are harder than chewing steel. The last Damazti stage took me days to figure out and beat.
I'm gonna say something controversial. I think Frieren is mid at best.
If you really care about Gohan not being a jobber and not just shitposting, there are several points in the timeline where you can remedy that fairly quickly and painlessly.
>Cuck Goku out of Chi-Chi
Gohan is never born. With Jumper DNA, (presumably) no Saiyan admixture, and Chi-Chi being part of Jumper's harem, any son born to Chi-Chi will lack the necessary ingredients to become Gohan.
>Prevent Chi-Chi from being ruined by Japanese social customs
By keeping her on the bikini bandit path and ensuring that she doesn't become a cuckqueen 'tiger mom', you can prevent her from becoming a helicopter parent for Gohan, allowing him to grow and mature into his Saiyan heritage. Works best with the option below.
>Train Gohan yourself
Goku is mentally retarded, and Piccolo is an antisocial alien. They may be good fighters, but they're dogshit teachers and end up traumatizing all of the fighting spirit out of Gohan as a toddler. Training under Jumper('s companions), you can ensure he receives a proper fighting education without the mental scarring that turns him into a flaccid wanker. Works best with the option above.
>Just be strong enough to dunk Cell
If you can show up as Jumper to handle things along with the A-Team, Gohan has no need to fight and can retire from the plot with grace to become a proper academian rather than a half-baked warrior. He'll contribute more to society as a renowned entomologist than as a half-saiyan, making him a non-jobber abstractly.
Why do you think anons buy so many harem perks.
You don't seem to understand. I don't want to "remedy that fairly quickly and painlessly" because that little bitch has been getting UNEARNED, UNDESERVED powerups all his goddamn life. I want the punishment for Gohan being a failure at everything he sets out to do involving fisticuffs to be SLOW, and PAINFUL.

IMAGINE someone watching an episode of CHADgon Ball Z seeing all the other characters left behind because some interdimensional butthead showed up out of nowhere and taught Gohan a shiny new Super Saiyan Parenting form, while it's not even clear if Lapis and Lazuli even HAVE a legally recognised father. Who the FUCK gave Gohan permission to have 3 dads? Smug CUNT deserves nothing but a knuckle sandwich for breakfast.
No casual is getting into the autistic lore of most Gacha games.
Frieren is pretty mid, yeah. It got astroturfed because its the only fantasy anime released in a long time that isn't generic gimmicky isekaislop
That's why only a small minority of the fanbase knows the lore of their gachapon.
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I know everything there is to know about my FIT SPIDER WIFE, and care not one whit about anything else from mine.
If I gave Zelda characters canon cursed techniques, which one would Link get? Jacob's Ladder banishes evil but that seems like it'd be Zelda's thing.

Ganondorf is obviously getting Malevolent Shrine.
The fact that the Pokemon word thinks children have the logic, emotional and survival skills to wander the wilds is just amazing. Most wouldn't last the weekend before running home.
Ganondorf is getting cursed spirit manipulation. Link doesn't get a cursed technique and has to relie on new shadow style
>something controversial
I mean, all of /a/ is with you there... for all that's worth. If Gurren Lagann was made today /a/utists would call it slop.
I can see how that would make sense, but the thing is csm wouldn't really matter because the Zelda equivalent of cursed spirits already obey him automatically.
Punishing a crime when you can prevent that crime is creating needless suffering-- not to the perpetrator, necessarily, but to everyone else in the context surrounding the crime because the crime still happened when it didn't need to. The universe is objectively better off if Gohan simply never happens.
This way, the spot in the Pain Cube you were reserving for Gohan can be used for Cinder Fall instead, who never even got the chance to be a hypothetically redeemable character, the rancid cunt.
What even is mid supposed to be? 4/10? 6/10? Anything below 9/10? Because I've seen everything from great shows to steaming piles of shit be called mid in all sorts of contexts.
Link would get ever something goofy to represent the new game mechanics or a heavenly restriction body and lots of cursed tools. Jacob's Ladder is defiantly Zelda's CT with it coming in the form of light arrows.
I can see the appeal, the thing about the elves lives being too long, and all that.
But other than that, it's just nonsense or boring to me, if that make any sense for precisely a slow IP.
>creating needless suffering
Good, because that's what Gohan fucking deserves for ruining my entire childhood. I WANT to needless suffering max so that the universe feels my pain at Gohan's existence, and realises he is the problem.

>Cinder Fall
I barely know anything about her, and besides mine is more of a Pain Pyramid.

Bad comparison. /a/ still loves GL, warts and all. Better one would be Spice and Wolf, or Bastard!!
>which one would Link get?
You know there's like three dozen Links, right?
you should play dokkan battle
NTA, but you're fine with Ruby but not Nonon? Cringe as fuck, tbqh.
>Link would get ever something goofy to represent the new game mechanics
So he has Copy and his own stand like Yuta and the various wacky abilities are gained throughout the game are from him eating bosses/mini bosses.
Yeah, but I can't give one to every single Link, that's ludicrous. Just use the most stock concept of Link imaginable.

Every version of Four Swords Link is getting Boogie Woogie.
Don't ask me that question. Mid at best is mid at best.
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His copies come in the form of cursed tools to represent his massive arsenal. Then give Ganondorf CSM and Malevolent Shrine which he gains through messed up ways to represent his pursuit of power.
You're probably right. Unfortunately, I have a tights fetish.
But she's a bitch
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I feel like dog shit and I'm in a terrible mood which fortunately means I'm feeling productive. Breaking my nails crawling through MHA update, cuts and revisions here and there, plans plotted. Need help because brain is not fuckin working great today. Villain background getting worked on. Dark Ideology getting moved to a different origin while the other two capstones are being merged. Anyone have an idea for a new Villain capstone? Pic unrelated, just inflicting Shiggy's creepy ass smile on people.
Nigga, wtf?
What's your favorite BNHA waifu, Nubee?
A perk to make your enemies get extremely cucked but technically not "bad" endings even if they win.
That's a tough question chief.
Quirk science will be a really glaring omission if it's not added in this update. Either as an expensive general perk or a villain perk.
finally! woohooo!
gib the OfA and AfO
Something for making parts of your powers infectious with your soul/personality and memories like AfO's quirk carrying his ego and personality in a much potent manner than any other Quirk that changed hands.
You say that like it doesn't make it more fun to correct/ahegao her.
Maybe something for being able to wield the power of hate against your enemies? Part of the reason AFO hijacked Shiggy was to use his hate to claim OFA, iirc, and Shiggy was able to overpower AFO himself with his hate. Plus him surviving what should have been his death through his sheer hate.
I know man, I know.

It's in a different origin.

Don't finally. I feel god awful and I rarely have time these days so I have no idea how long I'll be working on this. I've only written a few descriptions so far.
You both suggested different yet similar things and they both sound great. I'm noting them down and I'll work on something to the effect of hatred and quirk ghosts I think. Thank you for the suggestions and your time.
Honestly, I can see why NuBee doesn't want to give OFA and AFO.
One would be getting six quirks, or deciding what Quirks to get or whatever if NuBee is feeling generous, the other would be getting every single Quirks ever to get the most from it, and be useless outside from MHA.

>I know man, I know.
There's the bullshit Overhaul All for One bullshit level of plan, I guess?
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>I feel like dog shit and I'm in a terrible mood which fortunately means I'm feeling productive.
I hope your day gets better NuBee!

As for new Villain cap? Hmmmm, something like AfO's utterly convoluted ressurection plan? A sort of one up that works over a shit ton of time?

Hope that makes sense, didn't read MHA but kinda heard about stuff happening.

Thanks for working on the jump!
Please stop trying to reason with Gohanposter, you just create more fucking shitposting when you do.
Extra strong plot armor for your plots?
Forcing pyrrhic victories on your opponents when you're defeated?
Hope you are doing better soon
Lift weights and eat and sleep well. Migth help with the mood and if not it will not hurt
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Futaba is a cute NEET. 10/10 would force her to clean her room.
But Persona 5 is convoluted and dumb;
Which is your favorite Zelda jump and why?
You don't play these games for the plot. you play them to fulfil the void that is your social life.
>This also feels like a great place to use Sword Logic and Darkness.
Do not give the Viralborgians access to Sword Logic and Darkness.
What? No, I played people because people hyped the fuck out of it.
Probably Breathless Wild honestly.
>and why?
I tried individually replying to you guys but it wouldn't let me post because of an error message that told me it looked like spam. Tried changing stuff but I kept getting it. Dunno. Thank you for the replies, hope you guys have a great day, sorry for not specifically addressing your posts the way I would have liked.
Presumably there are more camping classes. You are also assuming people do the same thing protagonists do, wander the countryside instead of just sticking to their home city and challenging people there daily.
Considering the size of, say, Viridian City in the game vs the anime it becomes believable there is a thriving local battle scene in basically any town the player visits, all without having to leave.
It does things right, and didn't do the oopsies BotW did.
In the original novel, the Thing is explicitly psychic and everyone in the crew can feel its sheer evil and hatred for everything not itself. It is flagrantly malevolent in the original novel.
And those people who hyped it have no social life.
Anon only cares about sex and not the setting. Real shame.
Various quirk science perks. Still can't believe you could just duplicate and mass produce broken bullshit like AFO or solve the quirkless problem just with quirk copies.
It's becoming increasingly rarer to have a social life these days. Because of woke.
from what i remember the six quirks in OFA were actually pretty mid? i just like the basic function of it being a power that can be passed on and gets stronger from doing so. as for AFO power theft is always really good, i would take it even if it was blank.
>solve the quirkless problem just with quirk copies.
Doesn't help when the real problem is the Quirk Singularity.
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Do you prefer your Jumper to start of strong from the outset and go up from there or start weak and progressively get stronger over a chain?
Anon, why would you want to give OFA?
Also AFO take QUIRKS, not superpowers. It would be extreme bs otherwise.

>from what i remember the six quirks in OFA were actually pretty mid?
More like underused, and they are also supposed to be boosted thanks to OFA iirc.
is that even a real problem? didn't it solve itself with future quirks making the user body stronger or something?
Starting with a respectable amount of power then growing stronger.
I usually try for the latter just because I know way too many ways to make Jumper invincible early on, so I tend to get bored of the chain real quick afterwards. I have to keep reminding myself it isn't all just the build, it's what is actually done with it and what choices said Jumper makes in-universe. And if it boils down to Fuck, Marry, Kill then I need to either expand on it or start over to keep my attention span.
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The best build is, as always, science.
desu it's entirely reasonable to say it takes similar things, like (most) marvel mutant powers
Start with a moderate amount of power and rank up from there. Such as hitting up a D20 jump and learning the ropes. Compared to most in setting, even a few levels is far above the commoners.
Honestly yeah, it's fair. I'm trying to be on a fair side myself.
Because being able to take every kind of powers, this sound like a recipe for OTB, or worse, hyper power wank.
The Quirk Singularity is a meme, no one in the show cares about it judging by the complete lack of fucks given at the ending.
Yeah I really disagree with any power, but biological ones stemming from one really specific thing, like the x-gene, sounds about parallel to quirks.
>Quirk Singularity
The what?
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Any other neat ink & name based powers for someone cribbing Ichibe's thing?
>Anon, why would you want to give OFA?
funni. i would take it back at the end but it's just interesting to imagine some rando suddenly being really swolle.

>Also AFO take QUIRKS, not superpowers. It would be extreme bs otherwise.
so? just spread quirks out yourself in future jumps.
Okami springs to mind.
Quirks are getting stronger and stronger with each generation. It's the fear that they'll outpace humanities ability to handle them, such as babies killing themselves/mother/more before or during birth, or a kid with no control over their power nuking city blocks, or someone’s quirk just making them keel over. Fear of quirks becoming too strong for the human body to handle or control, basically.
Which languages aren't useless to learn if you take a linguistics/polyglot perk?
Jackie Chan Adventures has a perk to remove your own name so people can't use it against you.
Alterworld has a giving true name perk that also grants souls and afterlife access to the soulless.
Slime isekai has a nameing perk for making people and monsters evolve.
Generic Cartoon World and Who Framed Roger Rabbit both have perks fro creating toons and toon items. Roger rabbit even has an ACME factory for sale.
Huh? You can take it back?
Apparently Japaneses with how many settings take place there.
nta but wouldn't that be an automatic part of most origins?
There is always the drop in only people and others that have backgrounds that moved to Japan.
English, French, German, Latin, Ancient Greek and Japanese.
Breath Of The Wild because it gives me many options to make build for.
And those who liked it?
No wait, it's fair to like it. Those who wanked the fuck out of it?
Hey idiot, you missed a spot. >>93928045
What, so you can frolic with *fricans?
>Not bullying your science waifu with your magic-focused build
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Twilight princess. the Triforce of power is great and it has Midna.
>leaving out Spanican and Cryknees


Rolled 1 (1d2)

This ones i liked the most.
>Generic Lewd Superheroes
>World Of Lewd Fantasy
>Including french
I see you, RAT
Since when does Nono count as a nerd?
NTA, but I interpreted it as an insult to the languages that were left out, implying that even something as worthless as French was more worthy of learning.
Since always? Since when are marching bandfags not at least geeks?
Current jumper start in fallout and is working his way up. Strongest setting he's been to so far is probably bubblegum crisis and he doesn't have any magic yet, though he's about to do forspoken and then agents of avalanche.
Anyone who exceeds street-level should end their chain post-haste.
Since never, they're in the same category as football teams and cheerleaders.
Maybe getting Shigaraki surgery that boost his quirk? Or just something related to 'awakening' your quirks like most of the villains did.
Dis nigga has gots to be trollin.
Were you homeschooled? They go in the field with them but they're in a different socioecological niche.
NTA, but in my uni they are the popular people that are not good enough to practice sports.
Come to think of it, what kind of crowd does your Jumper run with in the numerous high-school focused settings we have?

Is it the same every time, or do they try to hang with different groups each time?
I hated my time in school and do not plan to see any jumper to just a horrible place.
I'm inevitably the boss of the delinquents, complete with a pompadour big enough to double as a battering ram.
The plot relevant characters.
Jumper tries out various clubs to keep up novelty.
Usually with a reputation as a nerd since he aces tests seemingly without effort.
If jumper is in a high school setting and actually enrolled in the school then they are either the center of the popular kid clique (thanks to a combination of charisma and simple confidence from understanding none of it matters and teen drama is pointless) or they're hanging out with the actually important characters in the setting, generally speaking there is a lot of overlap.
Chewing their way out of the walls to escape.
Isn't that all the more reason to try it again with superpowers?
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Any good dance related perks to pick up? I honestly can't think of any off the top of my head?
The female teachers
Different groups every time, unless they had a hard decade previously. Then they fall back in with a handicraft club of some kind.
Manga kids are usually dorks, but passionate and driven, which is fun to watch and help out with.
The costume design/fashion clubs are a great place to enjoy relationship shenanigans. Flirt with everyone with a pulse while leaving everyone wondering which flirts are actually true. And then enjoy everyone's reaction when you finally pounce on someone and make it obvious.
Model clubs are usually really chill. Just a bunch of people making models together and complementing completed projects. Unless you get one of those loud, competitive types that just has to tell everyone how great he is. But that's why you scope out clubs first.
Art clubs are great for meeting the quirky kids at a school which make you look at things differently. And the pretentious ones you want to avoid. Or stick a paintbrush up their nose. That's always a good way to relieve stress.
>Usually with a reputation as a nerd since he aces tests seemingly without effort.
Just never bring up your test scores without prompting. If people keep prying, just be vague about it.
crypt of the necrodancer, exalted infernals
You could always pick up Capoeira in one of the fighting game jumps. Street Fighter especially.
nta but in japan they post your scores on a board in public that everyone can look at.
My post disappeared.
>Which is your favorite Zelda jump
Either Link to the Past, Twilight Princess, Spirit Tracks, or Age of Calamity.

>and why?
For TP and ST, I like the Zeldas. For LttP and AoC, I like the perks.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Rolling to see if jumper's chain should power escalate super hard by getting a power ring or not. 1 is yes, 2 is no.
I don't know how it was for you but my classes tended to be pretty open about who got what score. I've had test reviews where we had to determine our place in the class average for example.
>TP Zelda
Why? They didn't even try with her because they knew it was Midna's game and Midna's Link.
Probably one of the Fire Emblem jumps.
The dice are wrong.
Is it wrong for a Jumper to use their OoC powers to seek vengeance on the people who bullied their background self before the jump started?
>is it wrong for a Jumper
Jumper is above right and wrong.
What about left and correct?
I would never subject myself to more schooling, but if I did, I immediately join or create the local occult club to investigate haunted locations beyond the school.
Hope you get better, man.

Quirk Science like Dr. Garaki, the means to make Nomu? That's already been said.

Besides that, maybe there could be something like a better version of Friends Downtown? Call it something like "demon lord." That sounds stupid, but it's in line with All for One's chuuni mindset. You have some sort of "dark charisma" (again, stupid phrase) that lets you make connections like AfO had. IIRC he had a lot of clout with the underworld outside of Japan and told them to make trouble to distract foreign heroes from Japan. It could also work for the Meta Liberation Army, as their organization was huge and it was mostly beneath notice.

TLDR badguy charisma that lets you form huge armies of villains and somehow fly under the radar.

That probably makes Friends Downtown redundant though.
Mostly her design, I suppose.
Gotta have some power armor for those quirkless heroes.
TP Zelda does have a lot of character but most of it isn't directed at Link. It's kind of a funny situation. She's been forced to watch her kingdom go to shit under Zant/Ganondorf's reign, her entire army was defeated and she was forced to abdicate the throne, and now she's locked in a tower while monsters and Zant's forces run rampant throughout Hyrule with no hope in sight. She has a pretty significant offscreen relationship with Midna but doesn't know Link at all. Her utterly lukewarm reaction to him compared to Midna is probably the most unique in the series. It's not just Midna who's the game's heroine, to Zelda Midna is also the game's protagonist since she has no clue who Link is and the only reason she cares at all when she meets him is because Midna vouches for him. Zelda is banking everything on Midna, not Link. To Zelda, Link is Midna's sidekick who turns out to be shockingly competent.
They should kiss.
>quirkless heroes.
The quirkless are the gohans of mha. Absolute useless sacks of shit and dissappointment. They should just be killed and rid the world of their filth.
More specifically, the volleyball players.
A perk for achieving grand societal change, changing the world to your liking if you win and often seeing the problems you see fixed anyway if you lose, even if not the way you intended.

If you try to build a world where those with power can do as they please with that power it generally works out as long as you win but even if you fail the things you did along the way help toward lightening the restrictions society places on people being able to use/enjoy their quirks.
Start as a multiversal threat and terrorize the rest of the greater multiverse as I accumulate more power.
To be fair, 90% of people with quirks are also useless. It just doesn't look like that to readers because the plot follows the top percentage.
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Thank you.
We're obsolete.
I would like a power loss drawback that gives all our stuff to Deku so that he’s less of a cuck.
They practically do in the ending. It's so fucking funny to watch this whole cutscene where they stare longingly into each other's eyes and have this heartfelt dialogue with each other while Link stands there awkwardly like a third wheel being completely ignored by both of them. And then, when Midna finally turns and talks to him, she says there's always a chance for them to meet again as long as the mirror exists... and then fucking obliterates it and goes back to the Twilight Realm. It's by far the funniest ending in the entire series. Like damn, bro.
Dudes, homies, and friends of the thread, I stopped replying because of that spam error message. Apologies for not giving responses. Perks are done. Will try to get Items done by the end of the day, and possibly companion stuff after. Don't know how long Scenario and Drawback stuff will take. I might release a version of the update that just focuses on the main Jump stuff, and then do a second update with the new Quirks and Quirk changes at another point.
Would you adult Deku?
Hang in there little buddy.
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>Splitting up the main update and the quirk update
That's probably a good way to do things.

>possibly companion stuff
Would this include the big boob girl, or will she remain someone we have to build ourselves?
Somewhere in the ancient past, Hylia rubs her hands together and mutters "That's what you get, you man-stealing bitch!"
Your Benefactor considers that after your last jump, your chain has gone for long enough. You get to pick one last end jump before the journey is over for you. Where do you go?
TTGL. End jump loophole time!
Can we get a companion, that's actually just Mirko if she was as tall as she should be?
So the same height? Shortstacks are based.
But I just finished my body mod!
Mirko should be amazon, I should be at eye level with her breasts.

Just be a shorty then.
If you've got enough 100 and 200 drawbacks do you really need to fill out the higher tiers?
Yes. The whole point of Jumpchain is a consistent format.
Hey 9Anon quick question i've been meaning to ask you, have you ever thought about making a Kung Fu Panda dupe?
Just put in the typical "Powerloss + something that will definitely murder you when you don't have OOC" drawback and be done with it.
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Fair enough, have a cow girl as thanks for the prompt response.
Exalted infernals/exalted spirits. Fate france, a life of love.
Yeah, if you can't do 400 and 600 CP do at least a couple of 300 CP drawbacks, some jumpmakers do that, like Valeria. If nothing else in the setting comes to mind, you can always find a way to flavor:
>your powers, perks and items from other jumps are inaccessible and your warehouse is locked.
>You lose your memories of jumpchain and believe you are your origin, or become completely amnesiac if you're drop-in
Should jumpmakers be held responsible for cringe builds/writefagging that use their jumps?
I do cringe builds and writefagging OF my own jumps.
New General Item, and the Support Item line are done. Vigilante and Villain stuff next. Need to take dogs on a walk. It's too fucking hot.
Remember to drink water
Drink something.
Spritz yourself with some cold water and sit infront of a fan for abit.
No and everyone disagreeing with that is an idiot
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Jumps with perks to change the visuals off worlds?
wow, they really have jackets in japan?
Imagine being born in the West.
A perk to go IT WAS ME SHIGGY!
>no ending option
>can still continue traveling the omniverse
Zelda can detect that Link has the Triforce of Courage, so she’s got that reason to care about Link. That said, unless the Triforce of Wisdom grants Zelda the ability to understand animals, the first time Link and Zelda would even be capable of talking to each other is partway through the final boss fight.
All fanart has informed me this woman is a slut
Oh, drink water, drink water, drink water, bitch.
>“Pillow” (-100): Desires can take an almost innumerable number of paths, but this is just a tad ridiculous. Through circumstances too silly to write down, you have picked up a Demon of Envy whose desire it is to supplant the position of your pillow. Truly a lofty goal, considering the kinds of pillows available in the Demon World. But since she has already reached the rank of General, one can see that she does try hard. With her small build, a pair of sleepy, blood-red, ruby-like eyes, and plainly styled black hair, a resemblance to some sort of human shaped pillow is almost there. But still, the shape is just too off. And your maids are getting annoyed that she climbs into your bed every night. Couldn’t she at least wear some clothes? Maybe you can lead her to a desire better fit for her. She does seem to have an affinity for Sloth.
Furret is literally just a bodypillow.
I still can't believe Gamefuck got away with Dexit despite the unprecedented uproar over it. The Pokemon IP really is one of the modern equivalents of a god in this world. Its corrupt church is above reproach, and I still have to worry about which of my favorites will even be in the next game every time.
Vigilante and Villain items done. Items done.
The worst part is that the excuse they had for making so many models wasn't even truth as they have been copy pasting them from XY all this time.
Holy hell you're going fast
Learn Minoan and write in Linear A.
>Why? No one speaks it. No one can even translate it!
Exactly. Use it for coded messages.
His life is in ruins, that's how. This is the motivation of a mad who's been savaged by God.
The quiz show team. We will win the state championships. Let's see them stump us on historical trivia I was actually THERE for!
Jumpmaking is doing nothing for a month and then doing the whole jump in 2 hours.
It's honestly just them pushing to see how little money and effort they have to expend before their cult begins to ask questions.

The answer is apparently very, very little.
As a jumpmaker myself, can confirm. You spend an entire month doing absolutely nothing, binge a series you think is cool, and then you make a jump out of it in one sitting. You're a dumbass with imposter syndrome for 29 days and then you grasp the Fires of Prometheus and shit out a 50 page long jump in 10 hours. And then a month later you look at it and wonder how the fuck you did that.
....NuBee, are you ok my dude?
Damn QfG just keeps delivering.
I seem to have the problem the other way around sometimes, where I'll get huge chunks of a jump done in a day and then it'll be sitting there for months with whatever it was I was missing still missing. My Toonstruck WIP has been like this for over a year now.
Companion stuff done, I think. Scenario stuff next, will take a long time and might not be done today. I have a weird idea for it, so Old Scenario stuff will be moved to be the bottom of the document and may still be chosen instead if people would prefer them.

I think I'm sick. Also I'm hungry but I'm using the hunger to fuel productivity. I'll get a sandwich later or something.
>then you grasp the Fires of Prometheus and shit out a 50 page long jump in 10 hours
Makes me wonder which jumpmaker has pumped out the most pages just for shits and giggles. Is it Shard? Valeria? Or Blade?
Get me some of that Prometheus shit so I can stop spending months on end grinding my jumps out one sentence a week.
Your parasitic twin is trying to assume direct control of your body, go to the hospital
You don't want this man. You will do literally nothing, and then one day thousands of words. If you don't finish your work, it's back to nothing for months.
Honestly Im looking for a good end jump. I thi k I may use that new alchemical exalted/worm crossover jump as jump 1 for my new chain, since things cant help but get better from there.
Slow and steady is always better. The key is discipline and ramping up. None of the ultra prolific jumpmakers got where they are in a flash. Even the latest jumpmaker to take up the torch on that doesn't dedicate days to burn through dozens of jumps.
Probably PrincessAnon. He made basically the whole princess rescue gauntlet half as a joke and half as a shitpost after the pushback. And he definitely made his FF6 remake out of pure spite.
>laughs in two year old wip
I don't get it, it's just a jump of someone's setting. We already had Triune Scriptures
Hey, same.
Its a companion I saw in The Lazy King jump.
"I'm sorry Jumper High School, that answer is incorrect."
"The fuck it is, I was there when it happened! This is the kind of shit we'd crucify you for back in the day."
I'm not sure if it is based on an actual character or just the jumpmaker's barely disguised fetish
What metal should I go for with my cyborg robot body? Im trying to avoid marvel metals. Was thinking something mythical, either something like exalted soul steel or percy jackson orihalcum or something. Any suggestions?
Chrome Digizoid.
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On one hand I worry for you, on the other use the Artist's Fugue to your advantage! Glad to hear you did something new to companions!

Hopefully there is more Bnuy Supremacy.

Speaking of...pic rel
I genuinely hope we never get a Exalted Jump. Can you imagine how awful it would be?

You can do it anons! Don't let those WiPS remains WiPs!

I believe in you!
Darksteel from MtG.
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Then give it to me, pretty please?
NTA but what's noteworthy about it? I only know that all the robot digimon seem to have it mentioned somewhere in their wiki pages.
Digimon fluff is outrageous so it's pretty much indestructible except by itself, which is the hardest metal you could want.
>can barely muster a fuck about finishing any of my work
>think back to spanding literal days of playing the game the jump was based on for screenshots to use and making a total magnum opus
You ain't lying. I got that dog in me but he's asleep 24 hours if the day.
Hey Batsu! How it going man? Appleseed going well?
Do people actually take Digimon fluff seriously? That's like taking the P>>93929871
okédex seriously.
Based on an actual character in story. She was picked up by the MC to be his pillow and was forgotten about, so she seethes with envy over being a pillow for him. She disguises herself as a Lust demon but is actually an envy demon and at the end of the first volume, reclaims her pillow status and is growing into a sloth demon due to the amount of sleep she's getting.
Taking the fluff seriously as opposed to what, analyzing the different gameplay mechanics across the franchise and use that as a base? Are you one of those people who think a soulsborne PC has FTL reaction speed because they can dodge a lightning bolt?
Juggling doing important errands for the past few weeks as I prepare to get myself ready for the inevitable holiday season (I know it’s September but the job always tries to set in as early as possible before throttling everyone by Nov-Dec). As for a Appleseed, the item section is mainly done (I’m not sure if I should just add a 600 item equivalent for each one when there’s an additional Weapons/Vehicles section to let people go ham with their points in desu) & I’m writing down a few more items for the Weapons/Vehicles sections that I overlooked & forgot to put down in the document.
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Hey Gene! It's Me Mr. annoying edge case again back with more gungrave benchmarking questions..

>>Cerberus Series: Left & Right Heads +Stronger X26+Faster X20

This should one one shot all the bosses right?
>>Thrower -150 +Damage type: shockwave taken from stipend from thrower+Stronger X19 -950

Video potentially related?

>>Explosives -100+ import nuclear warhead from true lies -100+Explosives: grenades -100
+ Hybrid-50
I'm basically trying to get around the whole refresh time for the warhead in that jump by making the death hauler a machine that generates these atomic grenades.

I respect that this stuff might not be covered by things in jump so feel free to give it to me in Godzilla or mecha terms.

On a vaguely related note Hey Psychoanon If I import a set of firearms into bow and arrows to give them nonlethal and trick arrow options those nonlethal and trick arrow options scale with the power of the firearms in question right ?
If you can trade me an actually normal work ethic that makes consistent progress towards goals every day I'll consider it.
What's the lewdest new quirk in the update?
I think I would go with Sburb jump for my current chain's end.
I for one will likely never settle down with an assortment of waifus if I get a chain because that sounds like a lot of work and pain, they will never take me alive.
You're gonna end up as a cute necromancer's zombie husbando.
>Hey Psychoanon>>93930028
Honestly I would like to see an Exalted gauntlet in the style the mortal hero one with stuff that interacts with character creation like a perk for extra Experience
The one (You) make.
A few new items added, including some 50s to use potential excess budget, and more drawbacks.

This jump is Finished™*.

*Still not a final 1.0 version as there are likely some mistakes to be found and notes that might need to be added, but the jumps (probably™/hopefully) content complete.
>notes that might need to be added
Will need to be added lets not kid myself.
>my work shifts have destroyed any semblance of a normal work ethic
Damn…looks like I can’t do it in the end. I don’t want to give anyone the sensation of a 4 day, 10-12 hr shifts near the end of the year.
The Digimon fluff has been explicit canon since like, Adventure. Hell, Cyber Sleuth, ReDigitize, Colon, and Ghost Game all treat that shit as gospel and if you try to dismiss it, then they collapse in on themselves.
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Wouldnt having a soulsteel body be kinda fucking horrifying? That said you could grab something from world seed. Its got fun metals. Or darksteel from mtg.
>exalted soul steel
Great if you're feeling edgy, literally any other magical material would be preferable if you don't like seeing screaming souls each time you look at yourself.
Is there anywhere I can learn the setting/power system for this fic (already know Worm and read the exalted core book) without actually reading it?
Which waifus are built for jumpers' knot?
Fair enough. I think they use starmetal bodies for one of their casts too, that could be cool. I wonder if you could use the mana motes generated by darksteel to generate essence if built correctly.
>Are you one of those people who think a soulsborne PC has FTL reaction speed because they can dodge a lightning bolt?
I want to note that despite the name lightning doesn't actually travel at the speed of light.
Did you get permission to repost that?
Yes, I can actually explain it rather simply.

The Worm power system and the Alchemical exalt power system both exist here mostly normally. Worm parahumans turned into Alchemicals have their powers converted for compatibility with Exalted magic and are moderately upgraded as a result, they can unlock further upgrades to their powers given time and essence rating such as Taylor increasing her range and expanding the viable targets beyond bugs.

Conversion into an Alchemical is also the only known cure for a Case 53 at the time of the Quest's death.

There's a bit more to it than that but this covers the basics.
I'm going to say yes since it's over three years old at this point
Ah wait I only explained the power system didn't I?

For the setting it's Worm, but Autobot has made contact via turning Taylor into an Alchemical during the Locker Incident and she arrives back in the locker a week later. She needs to build an Assembly (A Circle but for Alchemicals) out of Worm people converted into Alchemicals to help get the Maker safely to Wormverse (which the Maker calls Nowhere) so he can repair himself since Creation and the Wyld both sank into Oblivion so are no longer options.
Anyone use WPS office?
Waifus who like ropes?
You lost poor innocent soul I suggest you leave this place before it corrupts you.
Take a look at the Nawashi jump on QQ.
Is there an I-Island item?
Wps is a piece of shit even if you don't download the junk ware version. Might as well just use google sheets or open office.

Yeah I'm really starting to not like it, but right now it's what I'm using and I'm wondering if anyone knows why my tab is suddenly fucked.
Nevermind, figured it out. Ruler somehow got ideas when I didn't even have it toggled.
Nice I can finally dig up those old jump & companion notes about a research company in MHA.
I don't know, sometimes it's like that for me and sometimes it isn't. The process generally is either:

a) What you said. I make the skeleton doc, stop, and then inspiration hits and I get that doc finished yesterday.

b) I consistently work on the document. I work on it almost daily. I gradually lose enthusiasm for making the doc, but I decide to finish what I started and am elated when I finally finish it.
Wind Waker.
>That said you could grab something from world seed. Its got fun metals.
IIRC most of the top five were 'haha nope'
Because of the Wind Waker.
Thank you, I will do my best to make a minmax build capable of flattening the setting in a week as is tradition with worm CYOA's
What do you need besides being a Solar?
new solar's aren't that strong
>This should one one shot all the bosses right?
If you can get a clean shot on them, sure. Which is easier said than done when you account for all their projectiles, forcefields, and warping.
>I'm basically trying to get around the whole refresh time for the warhead in that jump by making the death hauler a machine that generates these atomic grenades.
>I'm basically trying to get around the whole refresh time for the warhead in that jump by making the death hauler a machine that generates these atomic grenades.
True Lies isn't my jump, so I don't feel right making a hard call on how that works. Use your own judgement.
Both those statements are fair which leaves the question of

>>Thrower -150 +Damage type: shockwave taken from stipend from thrower+Stronger X19 -950

Is video related a good benchmark for that? Again I respect that this stuff might not be covered by things in jump so feel free to give it to me in Godzilla or mecha terms.
It went to shit by starting to lock even basic features behind premium (not to mention spamming ads constantly).
Fuck off, bancho.

Don't reply to bancho. All jumpmakers who respond to bancho bear 100% mutual responsibility for everything he does or says, since answering his questions encourages him to come back and pester other jumpmakers.
The ad spamming is abysmal
>Is video related a good benchmark for that?
I guess so. As I've said already, I am completely eyeballing these answers. I feel like you have more than enough points of reference to make these calls yourself.
Nice thanks Gene ! Love your jumps
Pretty sure even Survive treats some of it as canon, and it was barely even Digimon.

it's over.
Didn't the File Explorer app on android randomly start doing that too?
Sounds comfy...ish. I guess.
"What is best in life?"
To rape your enemies, see them driven before your red rocket, and to hear the moans of their women!
QfG is pretty great for sure.
Valkyrie is a hack, what did you expect?
I get it's shitposting, but I'm confused, what's the issue with making an interactive?
NTA, but notice how it says it's a CYOA and not a jump. Valky is selling out to the CYOA cucks.
Honestly props to Valk for using neocities and not piggybacking off some social media auto blog shit.
Unlocking BEASThan true potential
The title yes, but the intro paragraph still references it as a jump.
So, is a Yozi comparable to the Weaver from old world of darkness, or is weaver on a higher tier?
The Digital world has all materials in the human world afaik and Chrome Digizoid is stated time and again to be the second best metal around after Huanglong ore, but Huanglong ore is a material too hard to work with. You can use it as a crafting material by itself or you can alter its code to create variant alloys with different properties so it's pretty neat. Its quality as a material is so high that you can find high tier ultimates that use equipment made of it like the X versions of some Royal Knights.
Survive is a pain because I forgot how I hacked in Guilmon without buying his DLC
Auralnauts has several dance perks. The best is one to issue a dance fight that cannot be denied. Comes with music, lights and split screen effects.
How do I make one of these?
And heroin.
What do you mean? What else would you use for a interactive cyoa?
Also worth noting that the fight part is still reasonably literal as at least one of them has ended with a competitor being cleaved through by a ravesaber. I can't remember if the one sequence from Clone Wars was just cut to look like a dance fight or actually a properly issued challenge as well, but if the latter is true that'd bring the life-threatening injury count up to 2 because they kept the Fett fail in there.
The Yozis are crippled and maimed remnants of the Primordials they once were and even at their height, it took all of them together to form Creation, which isn't especially large. Going by some lore in oWoD, the Weaver outright weaves new Tellurians (multiverses) into being and assigns them structure and purpose. Its entire job as a member of the Triat before going insane was to be the one that makes structure out of the Wyld's chaos, which the Wyrm then destroys to leave room for new growth. The Triat are closer to what people think the greatest of the shinma are, to use Exalted lingo.

The Weaver can do on its own what it took all the Primordials as a collective to do and poorly at that given they didn't make Creation with the death of cosmic entities of their scale in mind, or with any means to prevent say, 90% of it getting nuked if one of them threw a temper tantrum.
Don't quote me on this but I think what most robot digimon use is chrondigizoit alloys, living metal that can also be fused with organic matter, as organic as a digimon is.
I think they actually compare Ebon Dragon with the Scarlet Queen from WOD.
So SSJ5 is actually just Oozaru+SSJ+BEAST POTENTIAL UNLOCK now.
All the drugs
Yes, dance fighting is dangerous. Flipping causes limbs to fall off. Maul got cut in half and exploded from dancing too hard.
Survive directly references the old, OLD original lore about Digimon being ancient higher-dimensional spirits that assume the forms of whatever is most prevalent in the Human World, which is a lesser reflection of the Digital World. With said lore being the crux of Cyber Sleuth, Colon, Adventure 1/02 and even Ghost Game. So the fluff is super integral even there.
Sign up here & either snatch a template to mess around with by going to Latest Activity (then typing in “template” in the search, or raw dog it by learning how to code. Either way, knowledge in HTML is needed, but starting with the 1st option makes understanding it somewhat easier to get started with coding.
Ah...gohan, he really puts the "potential" in potential man....
There are a bunch of "site template" services that more or less make your website for you, at the cost of them all looking basically identical and not having much customization. You've probably seen a number of websites like that and not realized it. It's why the web looks so clean and round and uniform nowadays.
Neocities actually allows you to make customized websites if you know how to code properly, although it does look like Valk probably cribbed some simple site code and plugged it in here.
>Gohan is the original disappointing son of the hero whipped into shape by the demon lord character
There's more of those?
Is that a common thing?
What perks do you need to maximize your control over women?
Oh hey.
Yeah, got the itch and decided to commit to making it into an interactive. It's been fun.
I genuinely suck at anything coding. I'm fully just following a tutorial on how to upload the interactive once its made.
Take a look at the qq jumps
Myriad colors of flesh from Nirvana yuga. Just be so hot they become devoted to being your simp.
Yo CruelSpace you around?
The illustrations feel like AI but those suits and capes at the start look kinda neat. Did the author say were the pics came from?
Excellent. Prepare yourself.
Great Curse (outside of the Drawback)/Resonance should be removed. Cosmetic effects from the non-Alchemical Exaltation types too.
>Prepare yourself.
For Complete. Global. Saturation.
Errors I found.

>made possible or even easy in simply forms when using the right charms or powers
Think you might mean 'simplified forms'?

>being able to learn Terrestrial and Celestial level marital arts
Martial arts I think. Marital arts would more likely be done by installing Thousandfold Courtesan Calculations.

>various forms including hurling powerful bots at your enemies
Think this should be bolts. Though having a power specifically for throwing robots at people sounds fun.

> While this can be fired once per second and is quite strong firepower is not the main advantage of this power, that would be the range.
Not sure what but this sentence doesn't sound right when I read it.

>Thrown out with full force and no other thought you’d release perfectly spherical bursts moving as fast as blastics of sufficient size to see small buildings simply vanish into clouds of debris.
Blastics isn't a word and 'moving as fast as?'

>With a simple tough directly on the body,
Touch I believe.

>encase everything in rage in a layer of ice

>an visor for seeing essence
Just 'a'

>and their knowledge of could prove priceless to you
Knowledge of what?
Any generics focused on an insular social situation? Prison? Orphanage? Asylum? Circus?
Questions and Suggestions.

For Secretive Cheating does the drm apply to people you teach or is it that once you teach someone it's no longer protected if they get their mind read or someone watches them doing magic or whatever?

For Experience would an exalt just get an array of starter charms for their favored abilities?

When Smiling Jack says it applies to people with 'Powers' does that specifically mean superpowers or would just having magic or some other special ability count.

Is [Suppress][Disguise] limited to alchemicals? If not what does it do for other exalts/parahumans?

Maybe allow non-exalts to take two or three free level powers for a fee?

How capable are the minions from Squad finder? Like are you manually controlling them with multitasking or can they use your non-supernatural skills like lockpicking or parkour on their own?

For the Exaltation power please add a note that either says no great curse or curse falls off at the end of the jump.

Add a toggle to the Merchandizing so you can choose which companions get merch?

Humbled Panoply celestial armor is a five dot artifact so can you pick another five dot such as a non explosive Protoshinmaic Vortex?

For Elsewhere Sanctuary how big is the pocket? And what level of manse is it? Like clearly the hearthstone ability is locked as the key but is it just a nice building
or can you get some of the weirder manse abilities such as a contained wyld pocket or a hyperbolic time chamber?

Does Factional Gang make it so that you have worm type capes in future worlds or would it be a local equivalent?

Do Powers in a Vial come with shard baggage in future worlds such as the conflict drive?

Maybe bold the +100 for companions for easier noticing.

Are the different fonts in the companion section on purpose?
Cruelspace is trying to parse english through a mind fit only for alien and eldritch tongues of spirits from before the beginning of time. His grammar may have suffered as a result.
What kind of cultivation did the Africa analogue in your jumper's Generic Xianxia setting practice? Rap cultivation? Fentanyl cultivation? Shoplifting cultivation?
Could a Fullbringer from Bleach connect with an Exaltation and manipulate it?

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