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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Edition Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93901477 #

▶ Thread Task: You've received news

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
"Fighting a dragon midair"
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scaling a cliff inside a dark cave
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>She had only heard about snakemen, but had no idea they kept large snakes at pets. It was a lot to take in
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>Contrary to popular belief, you are allowed to shoot the messenger.
Nice throne you've got there. Would be a shame if someone conquered it.
"A lot to take in?"
I know what you're doing with those snakes dearie!
Quite the snake charmer aren't you?
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Still at it, lowercase?
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>too many requests
You shouldn't say such things, grandma witch. And those kids in the cage haven't been moving for some time now
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They aren't supposed to move! They got too chatty!
>Thread Task
No better mail than owl express
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It's better to have two kids in a cage than four on the roof
>You've received news
Better to have a few kids in your womb! When are you gonna make me a great grandmother?
What about kids in a tomb? Asking for totally not necromancy related reasons.
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Great Sororita!
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Hey, quick question. Any idea on how I can ditch this damn ghost? It's been wailing on and on about my "impending doom" for several days now and it's REEEALY beginning to give me a headache.
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The flesh is weak
The surety of steal rusts
Only the mind is eternal
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I sing praise unto the machine spirit
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Nice armor
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Feed it a newborn.
Doesn't have to be your newborn.
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>You've received news...
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We're not in the business of giving children, only kidnapping
>it's great that I got accepted into the Stygian school of the black arts, but school started three months ago
>OC in OP
>Thread is still up, and pic is still there
I guess it's only because OP pic includes undressed man
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"Momma's home."
Looks like some Heavy Hoods are roaming the neighbourhood
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"Whaddaya mean I'm not allowed to smoke in here?!"
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What happens if one farts while wearing one of these space suits?
"Spend too much time looking forward, and you won't notice death from above!"
What is your issue?
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I just think he is angry because his OC gets deleted. And it's always just 1plague doctor standing, never relevant to the task, and it's made in a ugly homemade engine.
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Good shit.
Shit shit.
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can someone generate a vampire;

a pansexual super-morbidly obese chinegro (yes black + chinese) transexual woman of color....

this is the only acceptable Strahd


cause i really want to laugh
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NTA, genius. I've noticed that janny typically deletes pics with OCs in it, and it happened several times.
My issue is that janny is retarded, and instead of following the rules he basically imposed on /slop/, he deletes posts according to his mood.
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I see this as a prequel to the original Arnie Conan the Barbarian film, set thousands of years previously when Thulsa Doom's people were still a major force in the world.
This is one of their cities, she is one of their human slaves.
She is in a city she is in is very much inspired by a mix of Conan and Mengbilla from Dark Sun. Poisoners guilds, slaves, trade, black markets, dark arts and forbidden magic. She is a witch though, and not a slave. Using Swade rules, and just incorporated most of the races from the fantasy compendium

Also, look at those guards, they look awesome
Turning a new leaf?
PK Tech girl is looking good
Dreamy King has been in a few OPs. He doesn't post much or start threads much, but he's done a few
I don't get it
When he does blatantly ignore thr rules or target certain posters, you can report him to a higher authority using the Feedback button on the bottom of the page. It's actually worked a fee times to get him to cool it on certain things. If we all send feedback that this shitcunt is really bad at his job, maybe we can look forward to a new janny.
Animal Crossing: A new leaf and older reference.
Only female OCs. Janny is a literal faggot who let's shitty male ocs slide because they bring down the quality of the threads and that's exactly his faggot goal. That's why the tripniggers disgusting faggot shit is never removed no matter how off topic or low quality.
ah, gotcha
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I don’t want to know what he’s telling her…
Tight I can see that thing becoming like a venom suit
Animatrix vibe
Just yes more of this
Dig it
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…random mix of terror and cute… I like it ima run with it for world setting
If only I was aware of this tool earlier. I remember jannyfag deleting almost every my post, even if they weren't violating rules.
I for one support smug catgirls in all things.
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He deleted your shit cause it was Warcraft themed. The janny doesn't like franchises being posted. Like when we used to post Star Trek guys. It has nothing to do with your gay fantasies
Still, there's nowhere in the rules that posting it is against the rules, and Warcraft setting had its RPG rulebook.
He only deleted the star trek ones when it was the poor renditions of Spock that were being posted. We had a whole thread themed around OC donut steels wearing Starfleet uniforms.
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Behind you!
I'm just trying to clear up this retards persecution complex. He hates Dream King and projects his gay feeling onto him, and claims the janny deletes women not men which is just untrue.
You apparently confused two different people
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Nice cleavage, wish I could gen some nice ones on regular
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I’m liking the grit vibe, I realized I don’t like clean art
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Don't consume seed oils, bros
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figures, processed foods are bad for you
have some crude oil instead
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I'm talking about this dude >>93926045
Yet you've already accused him of being both Plague Doctor poster and Warcraft elf poster
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I didn't call him Plague Doctor poster.
I did call him Warcraft poster.

I think you are confusing me with someone else
I don't remember Warcraft poster ever making OP with his waifu character. Honestly, has he ever started any /slop/ thread?
Shame about the full frontal nudity
Yeah, he made a OC merch thread about figurines and whatnot, that quickly got deleted. And while we had quite a few of those in the past, it could be considered off-topic.
Aren't you confusing again? The merchandise one (action figures in boxes) wasn't his. it's really like you want to put a blame for offtopic threads on someone, especially since he definitely didn't start the tabletop figurines ones.
All I know is that there is someone who constantly complains about DK and complains that the janny never deletes his shit cause it's a shirtless dude/gay
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I thought someone was complaining like that about tripfag's content
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>"Apologies, Your Highness, we were unaware that there was actually a druidic circle of Elves. The guards made the assumption that you had been eating toadstools. Please forgive this mistake."
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very nice style like a ghost in the shell setting can imagine
cool stuff like a possession

would the 900 yo hag
So >>93922607 then?
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i always pay to notch for witching services rendered, and a little after work exchange never hurt anybody.
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very nice
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Can imagen do 16:9?
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Flooding small idyllic towns hurt somebody though, and it's not very subtle either
And, really nice image, looks great as always
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>grainy, minimalistic painting, Gouache and ink, impasto washed watercolored, detailed manga Style by Yoshitaka Amano
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Can someone please extend this drawing upwards using an AI generative funcion that extends pictures beyond their borders?
I need it for a custom phone case and the sky needs to be way taller.
Hey! I saw that guy drinking a piña colada at Trader Vic's once!
His hair is perfect.
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We wolfing out here?
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Awwoo, buddy. Aw-fuckin'-woo.
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Great reference!
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I tried with NovelAI but wasn't having success. It keeps wanting to alter the plane. I'm not sure what program is best for this.
Bake it up,fag
I see, thanks for trying anyway
>white hair and beard
>big gun
>eye patch
>orange and blue colors
male version of Ana

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