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Do you think the space aspect of Battle Tech has the potential for a future return to relevance?


And you should know better than to hope for nice things. We aren't allowed to have those anywhere, ever again.
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>MUL fucks up yet another idea I have for a lance
Not as long as Herb works at Catalyst.
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No. Battletech is a mech game, not a space combat game.
Not likely. Battletech has the worst spaceship designs of any major sci-fi franchise.
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Go fuck yourself and then die.

Space ships that all have a common design language and look pretty good.
Battletech has a lot of good designs, but the mechs will always take primacy.
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My issue with these is they all have vaguely aerodynamic or hydrodynamic shapes which is entirely unnecessary, and they have no obvious provision for creating artificial gravity via centrifuges/rings, in a setting without any space magic artificial gravity.

They just don’t really fit with the quasi hard sci-fi aspect of the setting’s technology. Something like the human ships from Babylon 5 would be far more fitting.
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>They just don’t really fit with the quasi hard sci-fi aspect of the setting’s technology
But that's the thing, it's quasi hard sci-fi, not actually hard sci-fi. It's not supposed to be realistic, it's just supposed to feel somewhat gritty and vaguely plausible, but it still emphasizes the rule of cool. Same goes for the ships.
They use thrust gravity. Spinning at combat speeds sucks. Down=rear>down=out when you have to move fast.
Yeah, that’s true. It’s just that I’ve been re reading the novels and you’ve got things like Phelan’s captivity on the Direwolf being written as taking place in full gravity the whole time and then a few books later it’s a big deal when Kai experiences a zero G tea service after the author makes a big deal about no more gravity since his ship was no longer accelerating and he transfers ships in zero G. Both stockpole books too. It’s inconsistent and jarring.

BT’s ship design has a lot of 1970s sci-fi legacy in it, combined with what was at the time cutting edge 1980s aesthetics, and now it just looks weird. It is consistent however, so there’s that.
Except this isn't Babylon 5 fuckstick. Battletech is about as hard sci-fi as TNG is. It has mostly internally consistent science(depending on who's writing), but that science is totally outside the realm of reality. If you have no problem with Warp Drive or Jumpships or portable Fusion engines the size of a large cardboard box, then you shouldn't have any trouble with ship design. That should be like the LAST thing you have beef with in Battletech.
I farted really loudly in the dropship recroom thinking I was alone but the new cutie spider pilot was actually laying on the couch and now she won't look at me. Is it over?
You lack disciprine.
And you lack a fucking cock.
pretending not to understand what people mean when they say that battletech is a quasi hard sci-fi setting makes you seem very stupid.
So my LGS is planning to start a local campaign group using the new rules in the Mercenaries box as soon as it hits retail. I'm debating what mechs I want to run at the start: was eyeing an Eris ERS-2N and a CDR-8R Crusader since they're 3,000 BV exactly. What sort of pair would you guys take?
No I know exactly what you mean, but there's a line between the story
Neutron Star and Battletech that is a hell of a lot thicker than I think you're willing to admit.

This isn't Niven or Asimov or Pournelle or Heinlein or anybody else. Battletech is basically a comic book, but the minutae of the setting make it easy to find it plausible, most of the time. But it doesn't come close to hard Scifi.
>Pournelle mentioned
As we have established, any "speculative" fiction elements actually make it fantasy. The only true hard science fiction is contemporary romance novels.
Thank you for proving my point by posting 11 lumpy turds with random wings.

None of these ships look good. They're not even the cool, "practical" kind of ugly like Expanse ships. They're just plain bad.
He writes great military scifi when he isn't ranting about how evil welfare is.
Battletech’s space mechanics are quite similar to those in Mote in God’s eye. The only real mcguffins in either one are FTL jump technology and energy production. Otherwise both are set at a level not far beyond near future. Compared with Niven’s stand alone Ringworld series they are both quasi hard sci-fi.

Compared with something like Halderman’s Forever War which depicts relativistic speed space combat and the resulting time dilation, then yes Battletech is a cartoon. There are degrees of difference and not everything is entirely this or that.
I have only read some of the authors you mentioned but all of those routinely wrote stories that involve at least as many genre conceits as battletech.
Where is this image from. Reverse image search is giving me nothing.
So like, twice ever? Everything of his I ever read seemed too obsessed with politics to be enjoyable, except Mote in God's Eye where he had Niven to reign him in.
I have no idea, saw it on 4chan one time and saved it.
Myomer and Ablative armor are two pretty big mcguffins too.
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What mech do I add to round out this company?
So only the Scandinavians didn't like the Kuritan rule?
Welfare in Pournelleworld literally destroyed Earth, he really had no respect for govie gibs. He'd have lost his shit if he'd lived to see marijuana legalized.
>We’ve been hard at work to ensure MechWarrior 5: Clans delivers an experience that surpasses your expectations. While we originally planned to launch on October 3rd, we’ve decided to take a little extra time to add the finishing touches the game deserves. As a result, we’re moving the release to October 17th 00:00 UTC (OCT 16th at 5 PM PDT) .
Might be a good idea
I am always okay with waiting for games to be less shitty
The hogs were the most organized and most successful but the heads mounted on bamboo poles are said to be a feature throughout Combine space. It's not clear how many of them belong to people throwing grenades into soldier bars and how many belong to people who say "we should improve society somewhat"
Yeah that's mostly accurate. The Prince series is pretty good early on, but later it gets too PragerU-ish. Mote in God's Eye is excellent though. I wish him and Niven had written more.
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>get on Catalyst's Discord because I want news announcements for releases
>page after page of dipshits bitching at Discord mods about their late Kickstarter pledges
Yeah, nope. I will get my news from less noisome sources. Sexy Timby for the trouble.
Just mute the kickstarter discussion channel.

Pournelle's problem is politics, Niven's is that I'm not convinced he ever met a human woman in his life.
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>My issue with these is they all have vaguely aerodynamic or hydrodynamic shapes which is entirely unnecessary

They're armored. Curved surfaces require less armor and withstand fire better.

Also, there's no reason for them not to look stream-lined. Humans like streamlined-looking things.

>and they have no obvious provision for creating artificial gravity via centrifuges/rings

Canonically, BT spacecraft have grav rings, they're just small enough to fit within the main body of the craft.
Yeah his best stories are sausage fests. Teela Brown feels like an anime figurine and he keeps looking up her skirt.
>Compared with something like Halderman’s Forever War...then yes Battletech is a cartoon.

So what you're saying is that BattleTech should be much gayer?
It's not that they're merely possible, Myomer and Ablative armor ALREADY exists, and because of that, we already know that they don't behave anywhere close to how they behave in Battletech. Ablative armor isn't some magical "turn your vehicle into a land-battleship" type armor, in fact it's actually inferior to modern armor design for combat purposes, it just has a niche for things like orbital re-entry where extended exposure to intensive heat is involved. Likewise, myomer does exist, but it's not going to be giving us massive legged vehicles anytime soon.
Just remember not to buy it at opening.
Yup. And the recurring thing of aliens with non-sentient females (Thrint, main strain Kzinti, Tnuctipin I think, Puppeteers debatably) really tells you a lot about him.
Better than the non-sentient females are the repeated motif of high-class prostitutes in my opinion.
>except Mote in God's Eye where he had Niven to reign him in.
Niven's who needed the reining in. That guy is legit warped.
EKGs and MRIs are not invasive but can still read things like nerve impulses.
Do you really find it unbelievable that hundreds of years of refinement improved the performance of stuff we have now?
There better be an Elemental button that sends your rats to eat a mech alive
Yeah but he can write a decent story. As long as it doesn't have any women.
The reason there are no obvious centrifuges is because these are warships. The ones that do have rotating grav decks keep them inside the ships armour. That's also the reason why they're vaguely round and blobby.
I think if there were we would've seen it in teasers by now.
Nothing Niven's written has been more compelling a story than what Pournelle wrote in the Legacy of Heorot series. Niven just wrote about bigger concepts.
Personally I find mech based weapon feeding to be biggest macguffin
Fun fact: a sex scene in Beowulf's Children was probably my first sexual awakening/experience/whatever you want to call it.

I miss how 70s scifi and fantasy has sex scenes for no reason.
Eh, I disagree but that's just me. I loved Protector and my dad read World of Ptavvs to me when I was a kid so it has a special place for me. The Gil Hamilton stories are fun too, if a little hit or miss.
The thing about Niven's stories is they're generally puzzles. It's most obvious in his Gil Hamilton The ARM stories, but even in the others, he's treating them like detective stories, giving you details bit by bit so you can ideally solve the puzzle before the main character does. The one about the Neutron Star, the Soft Weapon, and the one about the quantum black hole on Mars are all good examples.

Even Mote in God's Eye works like this, with you trying to piece together what Crazy Eddie is and what Cycles are.
>Do you really find it unbelievable that hundreds of years of refinement improved the performance of stuff we have now?
"Refinement" isn't some magic button that you push and 'poof', now everything is backwards. Especially since almost all refinement that ends up benefitting a mech...will end up benefitting a conventional vehicle moreso.
You are basically insisting that Leonardo Da Vinci's concept of an armored, cannon equipped vehicle will never be effective because it isnt effective today in 1524.
The MC in forever war is explicitly not gay, and that’s why it’s a cultural shock when he returns to earth and everyone is gay except him.

Let’s be honest most of them look like a benis.

The first couple falkenburg books are really enjoyable Kipling esq colonial war stories IN SPACE. Pournelle was a hardcore neocon who was involved with the Reagan administration and SDI and right wing think tanks of the era, and it definitely bleeds into his work.
The anthology he edited, “there will be war” has a lot of good stuff in it but also some straight up 1980s war hawk political essays by pournelle that are somewhat amusing in their anachronism.
I think BT fans would by and large enjoy his fiction.

Niven on his own is weird af. So much strange unnecessary sex.
Again, MUL isn't gospel. The game is explicitly designed without a faction codex specifically so you can use whatever mech you want and can justify it as salvage that switched hands a couple times.
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>Let’s be honest most of them look like a benis.

And you don't think that humans like making benis-shaped things?
Space mech fights are possible, so who knows?
>The first couple falkenburg books are really enjoyable
I loved the Falkenberg Four, but what really got my juices going was the War World series, up until about the 5th anthology when it degenerated into Oedipus in space. Probably the only Pournelle work I didn't end up caring for was King David's Spaceship.
At first he was saying that, now he's complaining that a story mostly about them isn't about tercios instead.
Tercios may be cool but there's plenty of other stories for them.
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Oh shit bookbros…I don’t think Galen is ever gonna get the chance to ask Victor. Is this what drives Kat insane? I’m so worried rn…
It'd be real interesting if this is how things had gone.
You already know that Kat ends up taking Vlad's knot in the end. What does it matter if along the way there's some sort of fake out with Jerr - uh, Galen.
I'm not saying it's not feasible that we'll discover that our understanding of the laws of physics are completely wrong in the future, but if that is the case, our understanding of what is 'realistic' would change as well so you can basically justify anything.
Think Kat knew Phelan took that knot first?
Are you talking about the bondcord?
Among other knots, yes.
Actually the thing that makes mechs impractical isn't even physics...it's fucking geometry. Our entire idea of how SHAPES work would have to change.
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Post your favorite Inner Sphere assault mechs. Clanners get fucked.
Wonder if Victor would have been ok with being just a general of the armies and letting Kat being the Archon Prince if she just asked him
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The problem is that once she started diverting medical supplies because someone didn't bow deeply enough he would have gotten pissy.
Didn't their civil war ended with attack on Combine?
You already posted mine, you beautiful son of a bitch.
I was so disappointed after seeing the actual miniature, after playing MW5
Mine too.
Why does it have those little hands? The gauss rifle barrels would prevent it from picking anything up.
Wasn't the Urbie LAM 30 tons?
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Tiny hands are a proud BT tradition.
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They kicked the shit out of them as like a unity thing. Nothing brings people together like a good war. We know how it's supoosed to end, and what's supoosed to happen. Hopefully he doesnt stray too far from that.
Honor the Dragon!
>an EKG is a sensitive setup and an MRI needs a machine big enough they just stick you in it.

>A repeating handgun? impossible! The mechanism would be far too large, the chamber would never hold up to the pressure, and you would be left standing in a cloud of smoke too thick to aim through.
I always figured the gun barrels on arms could be move or pulled back in some way to let the mech use its hand actuators. Otherwise it makes no sense to have actuators on half the mechs in the game.
Apples and oranges, a gun is mechanical tech, an MRI is delicate electronics.
I don't know what it is about the Pillager that I like so much. It basically runs the exact opposite of what I like in a mech (slow 3/5, AC variants, etc) but it's a mech I end up always gravitating towards. I just really like it and I can't explain why.
Your demand is that all sci fi authors invent the thing they are describing?
>Myomer is a LINER actuator, meaning its more useful for limbs where you have to pull laterally rather than rotate.
I mean, the thing is...we have this in tanks already. It's called a driveshaft...

Similarly, think of human locomotion. What's the most efficient way for a human to move, purely using his own muscle? Well, actually...it's to power a bicycle.
If they aren't fags and have benis constantly on the brain, no they don't.
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I love this piece of shit hundred tonner like you wouldn't believe.
Ever since MW4: Mercs, the Fafnir has had a special place in my heart.
I would. But only if they were in the sky. Perhaps kept aloft by lighter than air gas. Of course they would have to be huge. Leviathans you might say.
>Wheels and Treads like relatively flat surfaces that are hard to find out in nature.
Ah, but there's another form of locomotion that ALSO uses driveshafts that is found in 100% of terrain...
Feel free to call me a Basic Bitch but I like the Warhammer. In the video games without higher tech levels it's usually what I settle into for my command mech.
oopsie I have no reading comprehension and just read 'favorite inner sphere mech'
Just say the Thug, it's basically an assault Warhammer
>Good luck using a rotary wing when the air isn't dense enough
Do you really find it unbelievable that hundreds of years of refinement improved the performance of stuff we have now?
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Is there any mention in the sticky resources about Flechs Sheets? I didn't see anything and I've found it to be a pretty useful site. Nice to have on gamenight and makes a better quick-reference on mechs than sarna or megameklabs.

Childhood is cheering for a great house/clan.
Adolescence is appreciating a periphery power.
Adulthood is knowing in your bones that the Blessed Order was unironically right in everything it did and all actions were towards the irreproachable goal of uplifting humanity from a rising ape and transfiguring us all into ascending angels.

Lesser men complain about paying their HPG fees, greater men pay their C3i taxes.
Good luck using a mech when ground conditions are anything softer than "rammed earth"
Look, ground pressure isn’t real. It’s the first rule of stompy robots. If you’re not gonna play along I need to ask you to leave.
So worst case scenario, we just use jet propelled VTOLs instead which require no atmosphere.
>jet engines
>no atmosphere

How amusing!
Ah, my apologies, I meant thrusters.
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I like my nightstar mini actually a lot.

I remind you that battletech operates under the conceit that mechs work. The entire game is mech battles first. There is no reason to debate their feasibility because in universe they are not only feasible but dominant in ground combat.
I understand that the setting is soft sci-fi with magical robot technology. That's the exact point I was making to the anon I replied to.

I love pedantry when it's incorrect.

A "jet engine" is, properly speaking, any engine that propels by way of a jet of directed, usually high-velocity, gas.

For example, rockets are considered to be a subcategory of jet engine.

Nice try, though.
Your assault and 2 heavies are LRM boats. Then 3 of your mediums also like to be at range. You only have 2 light mechs, so I say go with a Locust to give you another spotter.
Or just go full on insane with the LRM boats and make it a LCT-1M.
Considering how bad infantry was done in the base game, I wouldn't count on it.
>he forgot about water
The definition of soft sci fi you are using makes it a completely useless term.
I think the missiles should be smaller in the artwork. A ton of ammo gives you 100 missiles. So that means each missile weighs just 20 pounds. All of the sudden their shorter ranges and the ability to carry so many on a mech makes more sense when each missile is actually just the size of a dumbbell instead of 10 feet long.
That kinda fits with the fact that they don’t do much damage. Each one is like an RPG rather than a large ATGM which would penetrate much more armor.

Oh no, we’re now discussing how BT weapons have no basis in reality at all.
I've said this before but a lot of weapons make sense in the context of how mechs work and how all armor is ablative. Too much countermeasures? Shoot more missiles. Armor technology too tough to aim for pens? Use more weapons focused on burning away armor than penetration.

It gets a little fucky when you think about weapons like the Gauss rifle which would literally hole punch a mech than blow off too much armor but for the most part this thought process works for most weapons in the universe.
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If they're smaller though, then what we see poking out of the firing tubes could be half the entire missile instead of just the tip of a bigger missile. I for one will be imagining them as tiny missiles.
It's still the future, so I'm sure they've made enough advancements to where their tiny missiles are still significantly more powerful than the RPGs of our age.
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Either a Firebee or a Marauder.
>Kat took Vlad's knot
She cucks him with her brothers DNA.
The Mackie
>you're still going to need reaction mass to stay airborne...

BT spacecraft use hydrogen (i.e. the worst possible choice) for that. "Fuel" is explicitly said to actually be reaction mass.
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luv me atlases, got 10 for now
they need more beefy looking warships that are built thicc like the battlestar galactica for battleships or domething, it'd honestly seem fitting
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The upper right is a Texas (which looks notably beefier than the other in my opinion), and the one right below it is a McKenna, which looks smooth and sleek like a shark, as it's supposed to.

I think you don't think that the battleships look "beefy" because of the scale - the upper is a Vincent which is about a third as long as the Texas, and less than a third as long as the McKenna.

Picrel is a picture of a Sovetskii Soyuz (800m) next to 2 McKennas (1400m)...not to mention a bunch of others. Look how tiny that Scout (bottom center, 275m) looks.
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Current WIP is the Pope's mech. I hate painting whites, but this one is coming along alright I think.
The reaction mass is the reactor fuel. ASFs, Small Craft, Dropships, and Warships all generate thrust via nuclear fusion/ Doubling up the reactor as both a source of power, and a source of thrust.
>no mitre

I'm putting together a team...
The Awesome and the Hunchback had sex and gave birth to this mech?
The Regent is the fucked up flipper baby of the Hunchback, Awesome, and the Hauptman.
If I could find one that would fit the Regent's little nubby head I would put one on in a heartbeat.
okay i have a newby question
is battle value accurate?
Define "accurate". What are you concerned about?
Elaborate, accurate in what way?
I think it's interesting how the Clans design paradigm changed over time. Once they developed Omnimechs during the Golden Century, what they wanted from their mechs changed. They went from upgraded Star League holdovers, often slow and lacking speed, to favoruong very fast and very heavily armed, but fairly lightly armored mechs, and this served them very well much later during Operation REVIVAL, when their speed and heavy firepower completely overwhelmed the Inner Sphere. The the more time they spent in the Inner Sphere, the more the old ways crept back in. They began to design more and more mechs, even Omnimechs, to be slow and heavily armored and bristling with guns. Watching that change has been interesting.
Sorry I might have skimmed a little fast. You good chief.
Didn't the Falcons just copy the Hauptmann because it made development cheap?
well for example HBK 4g and HBK 5m
5m is a straight upgrade of everything except ammo
it has double heat sinks pulse laser instead of the regular one but it has only 5 20ac ammo instead of 10
and they have 15 bv difference in 5m favor
5m can only generate 15 heat with all its weapons and yet can disapate vopping 26 so its clearly unoptimized compared to 4g 14 heat and 13 sinks
is that taken in the account
or is it just a formula based on armor and equipment
If by "accurate" you mean "balanced" then yes it's more balanced than C-Bills or tonnage or whatever else anybody chooses to set their game to.

Still not perfect. Clan mechs and gear are still probably undercosted, expensive as they are. Pilot Skill is easy to game, but that's more a core rules problem than BV itself.
Yeah. It's cute how much the fluff for the Champion overlaps with the Gunslinger program and therefore the later Clan dueling obsession.
>why do the clans love 5/8 heavies?
>probably because of this one 5/8 heavy they adored while they were SLDF because it was good in duels, even if it didn't have the armor necessary for a real battlefield
Heat is notoriously part of the BV formula that isn't calculated well. The Nova is a great example. In BV it's overcosted because you're getting charged for all those weapons you cannot possibly use unless you're suicidal.
To keep it short: BV 2.0 has flaws but there's nothing better to balance by. BV 3.0 would be nice but will also never happen.
>Leviathans you might say.
Keep off topic conversation out of this thread.
Not at all. If it is something that physically cannot exist or function, and it exists anyway, it's soft sci fi. Otherwise know as fantasy garbage. It's not a complex definition.
The Regent is made by Coventry, Technicron, and the Sea Diamond Fox Sharks
Okay, so the Foxes copied the Hauptmann to reduce development costs. Since the Hauptmann was built at Coventry in the first place...
>Why does it have those little hands?
It's triyng to get elected president.
Or because if you have XL engines, 75 is the optimal weight for going 5/8.
I just read that the Gunslinger program was instituted because SLDF mechwarriors stationed in Combine space kept getting defeated in duels by ronin that were created when House Cameron forced them to be cashiered to limit the size of the DCMS. It's funny how this comes full circle in the initial stages of the invasion when Clanners and Dracs started dueling each other based on parallel concepts in their honor code.
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>what IS pilots encounter when assaulting Clanner outposts
oh another newby question
how do you choose a pilot for a non scenario game?
do they have a bv too?
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You increase or decrease the BV of your mech to correspond with the skill of the pilot.
oh i see
wonder why the champion isn't getting plastic model
Because they refuse to embrace the egg plane aestetics.
Because it's basically extonct by IlClan. Might show up in an SLDF box though, whenever thsy get around to doing another kickstarter.
Clans have a version though.
The Champion 3N is still in use by the FedSuns as of the ilclan
Fake and gay
Champion might be a tried and true shitbox, but fake and gay? That's a stretch like your anus.
that's really not changing my opinion by showing more cylindrical ships that are various sizes, game needs more rugged and threatening designs.
Post an example so we can make fun of you.
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real tawk piemps [chair squeak] does anyone else like moffugin stuka 12s,13, 14s? and how often do you deploy them on the regooluhr? [sniffs muh fuckin fingers] oh muh lawrd.
but seriously, where's the aircraft people?
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I have 5 Shilones and 6 Visigoths now. Looking forward to all future airpower expansions to my respective aerospace forces.

Pic related, Visigoths and some Clan reinforcements from the Kickstarter pledge.
People like you are why they did the 3057 redesign. You're an abomination.
stuff like this.
i bet you like the cylindrical ships cause a 3d printed one can fit up your ass, faggot.
I think if WarShip development hadn't stalled out in favor of Battlemechs eventually these >>93923123 would have looked more like your example in a couple of hundred years.
ah yes the visigoth, any super well balanced clan aircraft. but it does look cool though
What the fuck is wrong with you
I'm hoping they bust out some of the SLDF-era ones soon, I want Tomahawks, Gothas, and I have a soft spot for the Rogue even if it's a flying brick.
How do you know a 3d printed McKenna would fit inside someone's ass?
Hypothetical: You're setting up a forward base to support mech and combined arms operations in a war that might last a while. What would you consider important to include?

I need this for reasons.
Here's some options:
Ammo depot
Fuel point
Mess hall
Sanitation aka the fucking bathroom
Sump pit
Backup generators in case the main goes offline
Comm setup
Morale, Welfare & Recreation
Heli/VTOL field with tower control
Motor pool
Med station
Laundry point
Mail pickup/drop off
Tactical Operations Center
Some of these are going to get rolled into a vague "barracks", but I'll use others. And of course "maintenance bay" where you can fix up your mechs and vehicles.
water (purification) plant/tanks?
Motor pool is maintenance as well as staging area for vehicles, just to simplify things.
So, the goal here, my latest autism-fueled project, is to create a campaign mode where you build up a base for your mercenaries/other forces over a series of battles, producing a custom mapsheet to represent it. Basically the goal is to do RTS style base building in a BT campaign. I'll make it so it can slot into either the Mercs campaign rules from the new box or my Hextech Empires rules. Currently still in the early stages.

Since as it turns out RTS games have tech levels for a reason, instead of tech I'm going to have Power. Some buildings can be built without power, others are gated behind a Combustion Generator, and the rest are gated behind a Fusion Generator. Still working out other concept stuff, hence asking for building ideas.
If they're not sticking around for longer than six months, you can go really minimalist with a slap-together base.
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I'd personally suggest jettisoning the tism and slimming it down to the level of the Bitmap Brother's Z. Would even make combined arms play more sensible.
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just discovered a 1993 japanese intro book to battletech

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>jettisoning the tism
In BattleTism General?

Really though, I do try to keep my stuff light, manageable, and convenient for gameplay. No idea what you're referencing though.
I think someone posted in a past thread that Japanese tend to lean heavily into the Lyrans in BT. I wonder if that was even the case back then.
I mean that you should minimize the complexities of strategic play. The old Z game, with its capture-the-mapsheet gameplay is an example of an RTS mechanic that can be much easier translated to the physical reality of BT play than other types.

I'd personally connect that with everybody picking unit lists and only getting to build/deploy units from said lists to ease things up further.
Also, secure location for prisoner housing.
>So, the goal here, my latest autism-fueled project, is to create a campaign mode where you build up a base for your mercenaries/other forces over a series of battles
Bold, but are you colonizing a world? Most planets fought over already have bases on them, and they're the enemy's, who've been there for who knows how long that you've come to displace. Why build a base when you can take the one that's already there?
Oh. So for the non-basebuilding stuff you'll be playing a normal BT campaign with one of the existing setups (Chaos, Mercenary, or Empires) so that side of it is handled.

A "rescue your captured pilot" scenario is always fun...
That's cool. Campaign Ops does have rules for base building, but it lacks any actual rules for the buildings. Like, it makes sense that if you're stationed in the same place for months or years you'd set up some mech hangars and barracks, but there's no actual in-game effect for having them over just operating out of your DropShip or keeping your mechs parked out in the open.
Idea: I'll include an option for starting with some structures to represent moving into an existing base that's been abandoned for decades and only become important now that the current war has made it worth fighting over.

But the assumption will be most of the buildings are prefabs you're just unpacking and setting up.
>A "rescue your captured pilot" scenario is always fun...
So is "infiltrate the enemy base as a prisoner of war and sabotage stuff while freeing a mob of your comrades".
More likely "smash through the defenses, break open the wall of the jail cell, grab the one guy who you care about, and leave before the enemy reinforcements arrive.
Well you can upgrade to refit and repair your mechs better and get defense turrets and stuff
You mean a POW rape dungeon, right?
>clans are anti-melee because they're literally retarded
>atlas is famous for being hand designed by the good kerensky
>atlas has battlefists
>ergo kerensky himself says melee is cool
checkmate clantheists
The Clans aren't anti-melee, they're pro-shooting.
NTA but I'd say they're pretty anti-melee pre-Tukayyid. Melee was never outright Dezgra, but it's barely tolerable, something you'd really only do if you absolutely had to. They definitely turned their nose up at going into melee as a go to strategy, and would absolutely have thrown a shit fit over a mech designed around melee. Obviously that changes later, but it required the IS clans to change up their entire culture post Tukayyid.
Only on the Taurian front.
>thinks Nicky gave a fuck about Alexandr's anything once the old fool was dead
Nick is fucking dead, and I highly doubt your average clanner would bad mouth Alexander like his brain damaged son
The Clans are wholly Nick's thing. If they don't like mech melee, it's because Nick didn't like mech melee. Nick stopped giving a shit about anything Alex cared about when he erased the SLDF from how society worked and remade it in his own autistic way. The average Clanner respects Alex but venerates Nick, and Nick's will be done.
So you think even seeing their god's dad make one of the sickest punchbots to ever walk, and the melee thing being a soft implication from nick as opposed to one of the rules, still wouldn't give them some pause?
damn, bested by autismIIC yet again, how are we supposed to fuck with clanners ever since they dropped hard batchall requirements against IS units?
It has some individual outliers like the Clan Large Pulse Laser that are undercosted, and a few edge cases that it doesn’t track well, such as when you get a mech moving turbo-speeds with shitty guns. The Celerity and I think the Fireball XF can sprint across the entire map sheet and charge your rear arc for a gazillion damage, and cost like 1000 BV at most if I remember correctly. But in most cases, BV2 should give you a decent approximation of what a mech can do on the table and it’s way better of a balancing tool than tonnage or c-bills, that’s for sure.
I think it speaks for itself that there's no Atlas IIC. Sick punchbots were not a Nick thing, so they aren't really a Clan thing. You could make a case that the Clans chose not to Clan-ify the Atlas out of respect for the sanctity of Alexandr's vision, but that reeks of cope to me.

Like you said, though, the IS Clans are loosening up things in the face of inevitable circumstance, so I'd venture to say they're thawing on the melee idea slowly but surely. I'd be interested to see a battlefist Executioner enter a Solaris VII list.
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My buddy finished painting the last mech I made for him, I honestly think it's the best one he's done yet.
thats sick
>see this
Welp, off to the Simple Green we go!
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>there's no Atlas IIC
except there kiiiiinda is
>100 ton shit brickhouse with more armor than god
>big AC primary
>missile secondary
>array of lasers for backup
>retained battlefists in the design
>not an omnimech
so if you squint a little
>tried to stuff MASC into this
Stupid Science ninnies.
>You could make a case that the Clans chose not to Clan-ify the Atlas out of respect for the sanctity of Alexandr's vision
Initially they didn’t do it because literally 0 atlas pilots went with Kerensky. That doesn’t work as an excuse once the atlas II was added later on, there should probably be an EC variant at least.
with lube and effort
mawds ban anyone that criticizes muh gameplay
>literally 0
>who is deChevalier?
Shut up
Make mechs look like gatcha toys again.
honestly fooled me at first because a few mechs actually look similar
well we have this already so wjy not little fatter
With Nicholas choosing to pilot an Atlas II you'd think there would be a Clan-tech version of it. But there might not be any because the design might have been held in such reverence that nobody wanted to change it.
Well, at least you've confirmed you like putting things up your ass. Not that we needed to know.
I really don't think it has anything to do with reverence, but I don't think it has anything to do with not having pilots. We know an unusually large number of Atlas pilots stayed in the Inner Sphere, but to say that NO Atlas pilots went with the Exodus sounds ludicrous. If anything, it's probably just an oversight. Notice how there's no Awesome IIC or King Crab IIC(sort of) or no Banshee IIC or Stalker IIC or Longbow IIC. There's plenty of mechs that one would think would be Clanned up, but never were.
>stick it up my ass?
>no sweety stalker child, it is YOU who sticks things up your ass.
didn't realize we're on a playground
Battletech playground argument time.

>Your dad's so fat he gets fielded as an urbanmech.
It's ok bussy, no need to hide who you really are. Don't you know that Battletech is for everyone.
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>get into /btg/ to check any good BatRep or painted mini
>cheap damage reduction attempt by CGL shill

Many such cases...
One third of the Atlas pilots in the IS went with Kerensky as well as, after being retconned in, all the Atlas II pilots went with him. There would have been a decent amount of pilots to pilot either mech so it being an oversight might be the logical reason. Unless they just updated all the Atlas mechs into the Atlas II when they could
Saw your mech on Cults today. It looks cool, and it always nice to pack diferent variants in the file.
Question. Do you have to be tailor trained to pilot a specific mech?
This was really the first time I'd made a mech with some wildly different weapon loadouts, so I really wanted to give some way of letting people use whatever look they wanted. Personally I love the look of the machine guns.
Arguably Bane's missile spam variant is Longbow IIC in all but name.
Not surprised that Clans never made a Banshee IIC, though. It was always a shitmech that mostly got relegated to garrison duty due to being shit, and the best way to use it was to run into melee range and beat the shit out of the enemy, which is antithetical to Clan style of warfare.
No, but I think in this example it's more "one Atlas pilots equals one Atlas" as opposed to "the gremlin we found dumpster diving near the dropship scored high on the aptitude test so chuck her in an Atlas".
In Total warfare? Alpha whatever? Chaos Campaign? No.
I know it matters for class size as a Light pilot can't just jump into an Heavy and have the size skill. But for the most part it doesn't go that deep into it.
Ok it does but no one uses LAMs.
Ah shit, then there are WoB Omnis to consider...
Nah, you set up a 3x3 or 4x4 mapsheet with one or two facilities on each plus a flag that needs to be captured, preferably by infantry.
Then you assign a value of BV that's generated by owning the flag of any mapsheet per turn and let the player who controls the correct facility and has enough loose BV spawn units from the pool of units they chose pre-game.
>Hypothetical: You're setting up a forward base to support mech and combined arms operations in a war that might last a while. What would you consider important to include?
What are our conditions for setup?

>RTS style base building
Because building a base in an active combat zone is a different beast than setting up in less contested territory, like requiring heavier base defenses.

>But the assumption will be most of the buildings are prefabs you're just unpacking and setting up.
And how are these prefabs getting to the base?
Your big boys make a pretty serious lance together, so do your mediums minus the PHawk. The Phawk and lights will work well together so that's where'd I'd put your 12th mech. Another light or a fast medium striker. Since you're clearly Cappies you can rock a Javelin (fire javelin is best) as Davion salvage pretty easy.
Gargoyle kinda fits into the “cheap piece of shit that just wants to run up and kick you to death” archetype.
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Hauptmann. The B is everything I want in an assault mech. The Regent is a false idol and I am upset a meme got canonized and my boy isn't getting brought back.
Anyone has the meme of Anastasius Focht, the one were he grants a fair battle to the clans, and the fair battle is displayed with the tukayiid map pack hell.
>the most iconic IS omni gets replaced by a fucking clan omnimech
it's an insult, fucking (((sea fox))))
at least they had the decency to not render it extinct like half the pokedex after republic
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i'll never forgive them for this. they should've released a FCCW pack with the fafner/hauptmann.
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How hard should you lean into the c3 stuff in alpha strike? I have a c3s slave and a c3i mech and reading about the rules made it look fun. But it seems like you should go all in on it if you want to mess with it. The c3 keywords seem sparse as fuck. Only two of the 20ish mechs I own even have it.
C3 and C3i don't mix. Personally I'd go with C3i in Alpha Strike mostly because then ECM fuckery won't entirely negate the whole system. But I can also count on one hand how many times I've gone up against C3 in a game.
So, I'm going to make a 21st Centauri Lancers unit in the 3150 and I want it to be as close to canon as possible, I know It's not really possible since we do not have a detailed way of making this since Tamar Rising didn't give any details about the 21st force composition but still I would like to recreate or modernise a company similar to one that'd exist in the 3020s or 3050.

Is there a sourcebook or something that could help?
Banshee isn't bad, it's meant to be used like a retard who got held back two grades and beats the shit out of younger kids (heavies).
No, but it helps. For some mechs with weird quirks or learning curves for its systems, it REALLY helps. And only manlets can pilot Stingers.
I don't know, maybe go ask in an Alpha Strike thread?
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>It was always a shitmech
>He doesn't know about the Banshee-3S
Xanthos. Super sexy aesthetically. Solid introtech variant and some really cool wacky Jihad variants.
C3 networks fuck shit up when played right. There is also the bonus that it will push your opponents to spend points on ECM once you've vandalized them a couple times. I love my C3 lances.
The clans only knew about the 3E, a sort of half marauder, and the 3M, a slightly worse WHM-6D.

The Pulverizer, Kingfisher and Executioner fill the role much better.
The Kodiak is the Atlas IIC. Search your heart, you know it to be true.
The Atlas II is the Atlas IIC.
>the failson who can't even 4/6
Ghost Bore faggotry is a pale and spineless thing seeking to imitate the feats of its betters.
>Rapid Fire MG rules let you use 1d6 damage on each MG
>they also generate 1d6 heat
>and consume 3x the ammo as the damage you deal
>theoretically, a Piranha can deal up to 72 MG damage and gain 72 heat from MGs in a single turn
>this consumes 216 ammo, instantly draining the full ton of MG ammo
>and also dunks you into the core of the fucking earth

I kinda want to see it, just for fun
Cant say in a PIrannha, but one of my players used on a Locust for good effect. Even with a 2 or 3 in the 1D6, you are doing as much damage as the ML, or even more, as a LL at best.
I thought rapid-fire MGs used the same amount of ammo as the number of shots fired? As in, if you roll a 4, you use 4 ammo, deal 4 damage and get 4 heat?
gonna paint my lancelot and crockett in clan colors. looking at the MUL (in b4 'it's not absolute') they feel a bit too restricted when it comes to IS factions.
Coming from someone who openly admits to having a gay sex dungeon and tries to groom other posters, that's very much a case of pot calling kettle.
Nope, when you fire a regular MG in rapid fire, you roll a 1d6. That result will be dmg and heat, and that same result x3 will be the end heat for the weapon.

So a 6 in the 1D6 will be 8 DMG, 6 heat and 18 rounds expended.
>Not as long as Herb works at Catalyst.
I don't believe Herb is still with CGL at all. I know Ben Rome is long gone and thank God for that.

Makes sense. Did any clans in particular favor either mech?
Maybe if CGL would give the customers a look into the process and show them how the sausage is made the customers might not complain so much.
Fellow Hauptmaniacs we can only pray some Steiner gets their shit together revives it, using it as a uniting symbol for the Commonwealth
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>Did any clans in particular favor either mech?
they seem to appear in the HW Clan lists, and I have a pile of Clan Coyote mechs all painted up so it fits.

Not sure if i want to go apeshit and paint up all my clan mechs as Coyote.
Nah, the Black Dragon Society started out as an Anti-Kurita resistance movement and they managed to keep the hatred for the Kurita family strong.
They Society aligned?
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What's the Battletech version of COIN aircraft like the Super Tucano and Bronco?

I guess they're almost urbies of the sky. Slow, tailored for a very specific role but pack a reasonable punch.
What Era? The basic bitch SL Lancelot is extinc by Ilclan, and the C version is in use by the Scorps. The Scorps also use the SL Crockett. As for IS factions, the Dracs are using modern versions of both mechs.
yeah, some of the configs anyway.

kinda tempted to paint my Thunderhawk in the colours too since it's in-line with the MUL, but was kinda wanting to leave that for a Steiner force.
Super cool. You need some Protomechs to round them out.

I think doing small, or rather temporary specific forces is always pretty cool.
BV is the worst possible balancing system, except for all of the other ones which have been tried.
Yeah that the thing. BV isn't great, but it's a much more accurate gague for determining accurate forces than tonnage or C-Bills
Well then why doesn't Catalyst just to the math better so that it takes into account all the variables correctly this time?
Rogue and Ahab
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Off to work now, lads. I'll be able to see the thread but not post, so be kind to each other. Post minis, I'll be painting some of my own during lulls and desire inspiration.
The equivalent would just be certain conventional aircraft. ASFs aren't the only things flying, they're just the most expensive.
Because that's way outside the scope of what they're capable of. That would basically require a rebalance of everything that has ever been published for Battletech, going all the way back to the beginning. It also would invalidate every single book ever published that had any kind of rules in it. The backlash from everybody having all their shit invalidated GW style wouldn't go over well.

I'm fine with imbalance. Balance is a false idol that will only compromise the spirit of the game, to make it a simulation of the future. Making the game more balanced, and thus more competitive, will only harm the game and ultimately the setting as a whole. Some mechs are supposed to be bad. Some equipment is supposed to be bad. Not everything is supposed to be viable.
Conventionals, with the Guardian and Boeing Jump Bomber probably being the most common go-tos.
>Making the game more balanced, and thus more competitive, will only harm the game and ultimately the setting as a whole. Some mechs are supposed to be bad. Some equipment is supposed to be bad. Not everything is supposed to be viable.
>Imagine saying this about chess.
Games are competitive, and competition requires balance. The only people who disagree are the people who plan to exploit the lack of balance for their own purposes. You reveal your own dishonesty by insisting that the game should not be as balanced as possible to play.
I agree with the others saying conventional aircraft, but maybe even just VTOLs.
>and I highly doubt your average clanner would bad mouth Alexander like his brain damaged son

Considering that the Clanners basically worship "the Great Father" as a god, second only to "the Founder"...

(The Josian Cloister - based on Christianity - even has a Trinity: Alex, Nicky, and "the Way", which is what the Cobras call God because they don't like that word).
A liaison with local civilians is also a good idea.
Fafnir, Hauptmann, Gunslinger, Bushwhacker?
And you completely miss what battletech is supposed to be.

This isn't chess. This isn't fucking league of legends. This sure as fuck isn't 40k. This isn't a competititve game. And you will never understand that.
This isn't a strictly competetive game, it's primarily a simulationist game.
There's at least Fafnirs, Templars, and Uziels in the kerensky excel doc.
no one cares you're an insecure faggot who's best comeback is "no u"
How long has it been since you last played battletech in person?
i dunno, the big steiner quadmech?
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but no hauptman so it's gaaaaaaaaaaaaarbage.
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Can somebody recommend me some Omnifighters for a Star? Or give me some pointers on how I want to build an Aerospace Star?
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Fafnir, Verfolger, Blitzkrieg, Zeus.

Plus a MASH vehicle for the obligatory Gesundheit.
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I refuse
Bi it wouldn't. All it would require is CGL to just say "here is BV 3.0, here is the formula to figure out the BV 3.0 number, here is a list of every published unit and it's BV 3.0 number."

Between FASA, FanPro, and CGL it's been done three times already (CV, BV1, BV2) and putting out a new table of unit values is nothing, especially since it can be published online in a heartbeat.
only started really getting into battletech now after dabbling with it for years, SRMs seem really good, at least in 3025. exact same range bracket as medium lasers and for 3 tons you can get an SRM6 that can do up to 12 damage for only 4 heat. MLs + SRMs just seems like a deadly combo.
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Is that vulture a print or the IWM one?
No I won't because what you're saying is wrong. All games are competitive. That's what being a game means. If you aren't trying to win, then you shouldn't be playing. And if you want to win then you should understand the absolute need, necessity even, for well thought out game balance. That's why 40K has always been bigger and had a healthier game community than this one. GW understands that they are producing a game intended for competition and competitors.
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iwm i have two of them since i like it so much
what's the infantry from?
https://khurasanminiatures.tripod.com/6mmscifi.html they are all metal which is nice
Sounds like you should go play 40k.
If the new system does not take into account environmental conditions, weather conditions, and the specific map sheet on which you're fighting, then it will still be garbage. Jump Jets costing the same battle value whether you are playing on a salt flat or on a heavy Forest map is insane. Running movement multiplying the battle value is stupid when you are playing in heavy fog and it costs three MP to enter one hex.
I did. But I am not going to play or support a woke game that retcons the lore to add in minorities and women and DEI shit. Battletech doesn't do that, so all I feel the need to do is to make this game's play experience more like 40K, and I will have what I want. And there are hundreds of other players out there like me. We have the money, so catalyst is going to cater to us.
the barghest?


are my go tos but that's not enough reprints for cgl
>Sounds like you should go play 40k.
You know damn well that nobody should play 40k.
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Showed your hand too early, but nice start.
Suddenly found out I wasn't working this morning so I decided to take my mechs out to the LGS once they opened. I normally only show up on weekends to play with people I know, so I figured it would be an opportunity to meet new people. I brought like 20 mechs and paints, figured I'd post up, and see if anyone interesting showed up. After about an hour and a half of sitting alone in a half empty store where it was me, the employees, and like a dozen college age kids playing magic, some guy in his late 20s finally approached and asked if I was painting mechs for Battletech.

After a short exchange they asked if I wanted to play Alpha Strike, I replied that I didn't, but I would be down for a game of Battletech. I picked the era and he picked the BV. I said pre clan invasion (I only had introtech sheets in my binder, I took out a bunch of Civil war ones last week and I need to switch to a bigger binder). So he says 12k BV, which took me back a bit since I wasn't expecting such a big game, but I didn't have any plans for the rest of the day said ok and asked for 15-20 minutes to cobble together a force. I ended up rolling with two lances (two panthers, a spider, a jenner, grand dragon, catapult, stalker, and a warhammer) that I bumped up to 3/4. So we're setting up the match, and I ask if we want to do any optional rules like floating crits. The dude looks at me and tells me he always plays with a house rule that mechs are moved in order of weight class instead of initiative. All light mechs need to be moved before any medium mechs are moved, all mediums before any heavies, etc. I tell him that would make it almost impossible for lights to ever backstab anything, and he told me this "A light mech shouldn't be able to destroy an assault mech anyways." So I ask what mechs he's bringing, and he pulls out an Awesome, King Crab, Highlander, and Atlas. I told him I'd rather play with normal initiative rules. He went to the bathroom, came out, said he got a text, and left.
>Some mechs are supposed to be bad. Some equipment is supposed to be bad. Not everything is supposed to be viable.
Well it depends on what you want it to do...
Sure an Urbanmech isn't going to make a good offensive trooper, but one will make a Pirate Flea think twice about raiding.

>MLs + SRMs just seems like a deadly combo.
Oh they are, Medium Lasers are one of the best weapons in the game, around which everything else is judged by, and SRMs let you fish for critical hits after sandblasting armor out of the way.

>woke game that retcons the lore to add in minorities and women and DEI shit. Battletech doesn't do that,
BattleTech did that before you were a glint in your father's testicles!
Yeah, I've played with that kind of guy before, all assaults and top end heavies all the time. Not one who tried to spring a houserule after everything's set though.
>kids playing magic
CCG players are always the worst type of people and I'm glad my FLGS purposely doesn't cater to them.
This is why I only ever play with people I personally know. Randoms are worth your time, and always find a way to waste it.
>Bushwacker and Gunslinger are already out
>House Davion Lance Pack 1 (Quarter 4 2024 release)
>House Steiner Pack 2 (Quarter 3 2025 Release)
Fafnir FNR-5
Thunder Fox L8
Zeus-X ZEU-X4
>Premium Blitzkrieg (Quarter 3 2025 release)
Only if you can get into the range
damnit i need this box
Is that a fucking Long Tom?
It was very odd, because after I told him I didn't want to use his house rule, he just said "ok" and proceeded like everything was fine for the next few minutes while we picked out the map sheets and got the movement dice ready, record sheets lined up, sharpies out. We were literally about to start the first turn when he went to the bathroom, came back and started packing up his stuff saying his mom needed his help with something. I'm half inclined to believe him, but I'd have probably tried out his weird rule if he had insisted instead of just immediately acquiescing.

They're usually the biggest revenue stream and the store keeps them segregated in their own area where you only have to see and hear them instead of being able to smell them.
(1) Artillery Mobile Long Tom
(1) Rear Ammo Trailer Mobile Long Tom (Part of Mobile Long Tom Assembly on the table)
(1) Wheeled Mobile HQ
(1) Wheeled MASH Truck
I kinda wish it was a Long Tom and three trailers by itself, with the MASH and HQ going in a box with a coolant truck and ammo hauler.
I know, the Savior, Coolant and the Ammo are the only reason I'm interested in those Star League forcepacks
Very cool. Can't wait
You can't have a system that covers every single possible variable. CV and BV 1 and BV 2 and a hypothetical BV 3 are just tools to try to balance forces but they can't cover ever single possibility from terrain to environmental to objective to whatever else. If you do that you end up with a complicated, unworkable, and unbelievably unwieldy system.

Can you imagine having a stock BV3 number and then having to modify it based on terrain, environment, and then objective? "Oh, the BV3 is 1,442...but the map is full of rough terrain and the mech doesn't have jump jets...and I need to modify it for high winds and .5g gravity...and it's a game of capture the flag and it only has one hand...so my final BV3 is..."
Simply subscribe to Catalyst Direct, enter the Official Battle Map Sheets that you're playing on, along with environmental conditions and other modifiers such as whether it's a CGL, IWM, or Other model, and your BV 3.0 will be calculated for you!
BV2 couldn't even handle a simple "which force has more units" modifier and got rid of it a decade ago, anything outside of listbuilding isn't going to happen. Maybe Wolfnet can increase costs for underpainted units.
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Praise Blake!
It's my understanding BV/PV has never been intended as a strict and accurate point limit and treating it as such is horridly stupid.

By ballparking the capabilities of individual units you can roughly determine the equivalence of mostly equally numbered forces, which then can be further balanced by scenario and map choices; which are either random to not favor either player or organized collaboratively such that each player can promote their own interests in the organization of the game.

The more you know about the game the less you need BV to understand relative strength of units, but it remains a valuable tool to spitball before working your way up.
Boy do I have bad news for you
Introtech heavy~assault mech with a hand on RA and no hand+gun on LA? I can only think of the Charger at the moment
Awesome has a hand on the LA and a gun-arm on RA.
Why do you reply to the same goddamn bait that gets posted every thread.
I just looked at my models, and there's definitely a right arm bias when it comes to big guns. Victor, Dragon, Battlemaster, Centurion, Griffin, Centurion, Cataphract, Vindicator, Thunderbolt, Phawk, Panther,

Banshee 3S
>Mongolian inspired clans turn their nose up at melee because the mongols used horse archers
>European knight inspired Inner Sphere uses melee because medieval knights fought in melee
Makes sense.
It makes some amount of sense, most pilots will be right handed, so the possibility of maybe getting just a smidge more accuracy when waldo-ing your gun arm gives it that little bit of edge over randomly deciding which arm gets the gun.
I have this box, I brought the mobile long tom to Northern Assault on my tournament list.

It didn't pay for itself honestly. Probably a net negative on my force, though the one time it killed a dasher AND the elementals riding on it in one shot was pretty sick.
At least the threat of it coming down on their heads should have kept the enemy running even when they might not have otherwise.
It certainly kept them from bunching up.

Overall though it's the cost of like, a mid-rate assault mech, and I don't think it ever performed as well as a mid-rate assault mech would have.
How common are stars of both omnimechs and battlemechs? Some of my favorite assaults are clan assaults and some of the coolest heavies are clan heavies, but i understand they're kept seperated form each othet
>there's definitely a right arm bias when it comes to big guns
The Star League eliminated left-handedness along with many other genetic diseases during its golden age.
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Tuesday, you flaming homosexual who doesn't even play the game yet insists that "TIS YOU WHO HATH NOT PLAY THE GAME, STALKER CHILD!".

now go on and say the line, say "no minis".
>The Star League eliminated left-handedness along with many other genetic diseases during its golden age.
Such chirality will be their UNDOING!
How did you drive there, may I ask?
you fucking ruined the verfolger
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You sound like an unhinged schizo, lmao. Absolutely nuln tier.
The most prestigious thing is to have your unit be entirely omnimechs, but only the most elite units ever manage that, and only during times they aren't under very much pressure. Very few clanners are so blinkered they would rather go into battle under strength than have non omnis in their star.
responded instantly, you're terminally online and your meme isn't even funny after saying it for a year.
Touch grass, peasant.
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My mom drove me to the lgs and also fuck you and fuck off
I'm not sure I fully understand your question, but the basic answer is "It depends a lot on the era". Undersupplied Clanners during the invasion, especially garrison troops, could commonly take up salvaged battlemechs if Omnis were not available (sometimes retrofitted with Clan tech). When you go later in the timeline, mixed forces become increasingly common among well supplied forces in the IS.

For the short version: It's rare in BT history to have something and say "No, specifically Clanners cannot have that", it's more common to find "No, Clanners wouldn't want that".
Annihilator with 4 LB 20 AC-Xs?
Can you make that fit? It might be more difficult than bussy shoving a printed McKenna somewhere It doesn't belong.
Plus you'll get more mileage out of the quad LBX-10s.
Barely. Only has ammo for all the guns for like 5 rounds. I was able to bump the engine up to 300 and the armor up to 18.5 tons.

That's not the point and you know it.
>Very few clanners are so blinkered they would rather go into battle under strength than have non omnis in their star.

In 3050 they absolutely are.
Why not Gausszilla?

Or 2xGR + 2xLB-10x (or 2xLB-20X I guess)
Once again, not the point. Plus It's already been done.
You run out of crits unless you use clan LBX 20s
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This, the Kerenskys were Mongolian after all.
Wait, so there is no actual MAC regiment with chrome color scheme?

The earliest paint scheme for the MAC had the 1st regiment in chrome.

Then Xin Sheng happened and the paint scheme was described as the current one, grey with silver trim.

It's up to you which you prefer. You can argue the first one was just pre 3060 or so.
I'm pretty sure they are supposed to be using IIC designs and stuff like the goshawk and glass spider by Tukayyid, and we are supposed to ignore the accounts released before TRO: 3055 came out.
Yeah I had to use Clan tech for everything. Even then it has no arm crits left at all.

There's plenty who don't like Kurita rule, the Hogs just had Lyran money and some organization.

Dieron's mentioned to have rumblings of discontent (culturally they seem to be more Hegemonic with a Hispanic touch, probably South American or Mexican). And then there's the Azami who manage to just sort of dodge the issue. The Black Dragons too. lots of folks out on the periphery.
angry bear face on the torso looks retarded
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Here you go, requires a bit of cheese but hey, at least you have an effective 12 hex range death bubble on it.
>the Hogs just had Lyran money and some organization.

Still was ridiculous minority. It was Comstar money, mechs and the authority of the Coordinator that granted them independence. Otherwise, Hogs were basically the Sky/St. Ives of the Dracs.
Remember to fire those right and left torso Ammo-Bombs first.
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Other than yhe Behemoth which was canonically impossible, would the introtech Dragoons-exclusive mechs like the Annihilator, the Imp, the Marauder II and such been salvagable/fixable by the other factions?
IS LB-20X is 11 crit slots. Can't you leave out hand and lower arm actuators and then put one cannon in each torso, and then one cannon with 10 slots in each arm and 1 in the corresponding torso?
During the time it was relevant they probably would have been sent off to be dismantled and reverse engineered rather than welded back together and sent back out to fight. Or intercepted and destroyed by Comstar, one of the two.
Imagine not loving being able to smack your enemies in the face with 20 point hits at 12 hexes using short range modifiers.

C3i is literally perfect for LB-20X mechs. It's why the King Crab 005 is such a monster.
Where's the gyro?
>culturally they seem to be more Hegemonic

The OG Kurita House book explicitly says that they're mostly non-Asian and many feel little affinity from the Combine.
Objectives? Why wouldn't a person want to just make their own?
Another thing that XIN SHENG! ruined.
It's more about outing yourself as a Blakist, but okay
Casuals or new kids who don't know anything about the universe/game
Yeah, should just be support vehicles.
rent free in your head, just admit you want my dick
Yes. Early 31st century mechtechs are used to kludging together mechs from multiple different manufacturers and parts suppliers while working with twi centuries of previous repairs on the machine they're fixing. A new unknown design and manufacturer would be challenging but not insurmountable.
only if you strip EVERYTHING off
That's the second time you've asked me that and the answer is still no.
They ran out of good name for the box I guess
Because a command truck, a mash, and an artillery piece, if they're on the board in a game of Classic BT, are probably the thing the fight is about.
But they're units with BV, "objective" doesn't make sense.
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Does this red honor the Dragon?
Sure it does. "Objective: Capture the artillery" and such.
Looks more Third Reich
Picture this: I am running a campaign. My players are assigned a mission where they are tasked with landing behind enemy lines, destroying a MASH, and then extracting before the enemy can peel units from the main battle and destroying their assumedly light mechs.
Or They must capture a command truck before it moves off the map.
>Objective: eliminate all enemy 'Mechs
Everything is a fucking objective by that "logic"
You have taken a first step into a much wider world.
Interface Cockpits remove the need for a Gyro.
Well obviously.
Dunno why, but I can't help but think of a frog when I see those legs
>taste like chicken!
>"There's game modes other than team deathmatch?"
This red honors the dragon, but requires more details to achieve maximum Bushidautism- the Red will pop more once you put a metallic silver on the actuators.
Obviously they CAN be used as objectives, but they are not inherently or exclusively restricted to such a role, calling the box "objectives" is implied WAACfaggotry, maybe someone wants one of these units as part of a flavourful list because they just want to try a MASH with their infantry, or artillery support for their mechs without the baggage of "objective" status bringing focused attention on that unit.
Is that a PGI Awesome on the left?
I'm pretty sure MASH has zero tactical uses other than firing its machine gun, which it shouldn't be doing if you're flavorful. You're not stitching fallen infantry back together and sending them back out to the front in the two or three minutes of real time an entire game represents.
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Yeah. I like it but the scale feels a little off.
Re: The base building idea from last night.

The idea of a base building campaign thing is decent, but I'm coming up against the issue of how you should pay for buildings. RTSs do this with resources and 4x games do this with production. Neither of which make loads of sense for our purposes. I don't want it to draw from the same Support Points used to maintain your mechs because then you'll be devoting resources from your mechs to buy buildings. So...how do you gain buildings for your base?
>I don't want it to draw from the same Support Points used to maintain your mechs because then you'll be devoting resources from your mechs to buy buildings. So...how do you gain buildings for your base?

Why not have separate "Base points" (abstract them as representing relationships with local construction firms, licensing officials, etc).

They accrue at a standard rate, and also you can have objectives for some scenarios to earn extra ones!
It's an idea, but I'm not a fan of introducing yet another pseudocurrency.

I am considering basing it on the Mercs Campaign system and having it run on Contracts. You fulfill this contract of three scenarios, you get a choice of building determined by how well you did in the contract.
no, it needs to be so red it hurts
See? WAACfaggotry.
Sorry bro, but bringing something just to sink initiative is extreme waacfag behavior. And since it doesn't do anything unless you're way out of fluff, the only thing you can do with it is sink initiative. If you use it as a gun platform, that's even worse due to the gross violation of fluff.
Speaking of MASH, I heard people are not allowed to use the Red Cross symbol to represent health and shits in the vidya and stuffs. Wonder someone will throw my MASH into a fire if I paint the Red Cross on it.
Technically, it's a violation of a lot of different laws, but non-commercial personal use on an appropriate unit isn't going to get any attention. Most of those laws exist to stop people from impersonating the Red Cross organization in real life, but happen to be worded very broadly.
I don't think the Geneva conventions apply to random wargamers.
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I don't think anyone's ever gotten in trouble for it, but technically they're worded apply to literally everyone for any purpose other than the one described by the convention. But since nobody gets in trouble for it, there haven't been many challenges to it.
>one awesome manufactured on tukayyid
>one awesome manufactured on butte hold
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Is it Jaguars or Bears paint scheme?
NTA, but i've been printing all my MWO stl's at 90%
Looks like gray with black highlights, which would correspond to Goliath Scorpions alpha galaxy.
>Goliath Scorpions alpha galaxy.
No yellow accent/hazard stripes
But makes sense
Jags Shroud Keshik
Did Nik die as a Clanner? Or went 'Screw this bullshit I have a wife and a kid now I'm not going back' and gave up being one?
>Did Nik die as a Clanner?
Well he was continuing searching for SLDF storages and died in combat.
Which of the BT vidya merccenaries protags was cooler?
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I mean yes, most of those scary things have been with the setting for a long time already.
Wasn't the very first scenariobook about the strong indepentdent woman who is the best mechwarrior in the entire universe?
Crisp. I likey.
Spectre had the best lines.
Your chin just looked awfully feminine there for a sec.
No bussy, he wants your ass. Totally different thing entirely. Which you'd know if you could read
speaking of thr vidyas, i still don't get why blowing up that dropship in hbstech that 1) ignored our warning and 2) had weapons for the enemy gets treated like "oh no we'll all go to hell" level serious warcrime
As I recall it's sort of a dropped plotline but what happens is you are told it has weapons inside but the actual people in a position to know the contents are more coy and refuse to say, and it's unclear if the vessel is civilian or not.

Then of course they reuse the wayne waco storyline where a lunatic is shocked to find out that people die in warzones.
If they aren't fighting for us, then they're against us, and that makes them enemy combatants. There's no such thing as a """civilian""".
In the early 31st century, Dropships are so scarce it's considered beyond the pale and a Kuritan-tier war crime to destroy one. See the bit in The Price of Glory where everyone is horrified when someone threatens one.
It's not.

The Taurian dude is pursuing you because of a personal vendetta. He lied to his superiors and then disobeyed orders, violently putting down a "mutiny" to keep control of his ship.

As for Directorate propaganda...it's propaganda.
If Taurians were reasonable they would be Davions centuries ago already
But seriously it's just Taurian CO is mad for his son being killed while running some Space CIA-Contras operation
Which would make you think that, due to that lore, the dropship captain would not have refused the surrender order when faced with imminent destruction.
It's 3x the ammo and not 2x? That's actually better than I thought because you can actually burn through ammo bins that way.
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Wait, crap, I meant to do this one.
Do you just have a folder of people calling the Taurians dumb?
No, I can't. Windows has a maximum folder size limit.
Weren't the Ares conventions largely disagreed to or ignored during the Succession Wars, anyway?
Is there any fun lines for other origins?
>Weren't the Ares conventions largely disagreed to or ignored during the Succession Wars, anyway?
Which is more hillarious is that Taurians publically ignored them
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The game is full of constant derpy moments which I blame on the writers thinking about 'Current Year' instead of 'Battletech'. This piece of dialogue came right after killing someone and his friends because they killed some Lyran nobles relative or something. And is -really- fucking stupid because the entire job description is "kill people for money".
Besides, there's nothing wrong with killing women for their political beliefs. If they didn't want it to happen, they'd believe what their husband told them to.
The Ares Conventions were renounced at the start of the Reunification War. Even though some states abstained and/or ignored them even before then. So by the time of the Succession Wars they're guidelines more than anything
Wonder why they didn't put Nicolai and Kristen's pilot cards in the Clans forcepacks. I mean Adam got one in the same kickstarter and got another on this time as well
isnt there a clan game coming out soon?
is there any information on it?
This bitch should've forever be silent after bullshit she pulled on Nautilus
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And now you are bringing Current Year into it too.
It must be bliss to be a simpleton in a politically-complex world, to say such drivel and not feel foolishly naive.
No one asked for that.
A few, but the FedSuns is best because the Taurians are the bad guys.
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>isnt there a clan game coming out soon?
Yep, but it's got delayed from Oct 3 to Oct 17
>is there any information on it?
Storyfocused instead of Sandbox
Remastered interaction with bots (now you can actually click on the map and order to go there)
Protagonist is Smoke Jaguar ristar (I suppose, since he runs TimberWolf on initial Trials)
delayed 2 weeks. 10/17 or 18 now
MW5. It just got pushed back.
Can you pick Deep Periphery origin and issue batchall on Nasty K in DLCs?
Also, why the fuck Black Widow company fights in Lances if they were the very first force which introduced stars and trinaries to IS
Nah, he used the Summoner, killed 2 but got blown up by the Timby thus ended up as a Star Commander not Captain
>rotagonist is Smoke Jaguar ristar (I suppose, since he runs TimberWolf on initial Trials)

Clan Woof puts everyone in a Dire Wolf.

You know, it's kinda weird. If you're on a Dire Wolf and your first foe is a Heavy, you're almost certain to pass as long as it outage a Timber Wolf with a much better pilot.
I don't think the Deep Periphery background removes the Commander using contractions. Which would have been a neat easter egg
>Also, why the fuck Black Widow company fights in Lances if they were the very first force which introduced stars and trinaries to IS
They reverted back to the Clan formations after the reveal, I think. Prior to that they used SLDF formations, which the IS as a whole uses.
>Can you pick Deep Periphery origin and issue batchall on Nasty K in DLCs?

Sadly no, though I like to pretend to be a deep cover Raven, since they're both the sneakiest Clan and the one most able to support operations in literally the other side of the Sphere.
Wonder if this means "All important battles are DLCs"
>Protagonist is Smoke Jaguar
Hard pass
Wasn't there no longer a Black Widow available at that point?
if it helps any, Iron Wind straight-up sells Battlestars.
Easy enough to mod in. Also maybe an option there where you scrap the dezgra Mech in exchange for some Dragoon hardware.
I'm not sure what the timeframe was between Jaime spilling the beans to the Houses and Natasha running back to Clan Wolf.
>Warhawk vs. Ice Ferret is a fair fight I swear
Well she ended up killing the Victor so all good I guess?
>They reverted back to the Clan formations after the reveal,
1) After Revival Dragoons never reassembled Black Widow company (since it was basically become permanently tied to Natasha's name)
2) They used trinaries as new formation DURRING Draggons service to IS before Invasion
>2) They used trinaries as new formation DURRING Draggons service to IS before Invasion
Source? Tales of the Black Widow has them using standard lance/company formations.
Despite the writting issues game have great replayability for it's core gameplay and functionning randomizer of enemy forces (somewhere at early game you can easily run into Marauder or Warhammer because game counts them equal to light lance)
i tried to install the 1st collection from nexus on my cope of MW5 and was utterly confused
first mech construction is kinda nuts, 1 of my starting mechs was in overtonnage and all the missions arounf me had 99 dificulty rating
aaaaand i never opened it since
>and functionning randomizer of enemy forces
"Commander, the suggested lance type for this mission is heavies and mediums"
>Proceed to get styled on by a full company of medium 'mechs raining LRMs at you before you see as much as two of them.
Yeah I mean I can't really agree on that. I'm mostly cheesing the missions with assault 'mechs and abusing the "aimed shot" mechanic to core anything smaller than a Warhammer with one shot per turn, but holy shit is the game obnoxious with it's "HEY ENEMY REINFORCEMENTS JUST DROPPED IN" BS. Still not as bad as MW5 tho'.
There are plenty of mercenaries that will pass up jobs that are too close to murder for hire.
Sadly I don't have it.
But fuck me if I didn't see some pages posted in the previous thread about Black Widow Company using Trinaries
Aw, the Warhawk C, a Mech employed by only the most skilled of pilots.
>>Proceed to get styled on by a full company of medium 'mechs raining LRMs at you before you see as much as two of them.
And this is why Panther is the best scout mech.
ALso, you can still cheese initiative by pilots training and vigiliance
Also2, I think in general level-design was still solid (especially when )
IIRC it's mentioned in Historical: War of 3039 that during one of the battles described in the book the Widows organized their mechs in groups of 5, which later would be recognized as a typical Clan trinary organization.
When they start doing OpFor stuff in 3040 they change to clan structure. 3031 the battalion is still using lances and companies.
Without question you are meant to pump morale and start doing two aimed shots a round. At least one of those shots should be legging a mech to knock it over so the other two pilots can do aimed shots too.
I assume that's the whole idea. Wolves don't want the sibkos they've put a lot of effort in training to drop out because they got unlucky in the combat trial, so they put them in the heavies mech they have and treat the final trial as a rubber stamp you'd have to be a braindead moron not to pass.
Well, fuck me running with a chainsaw, I did not know that.
My guess is Luthien is the finale and we'll get DLCs that take us through to Tukayyid.
Notable: The HBStech game is set in the 3020s, so them using Lances just makes sense.
Beats more Clan Wolf ass licking
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I wish they'd just not done anything with the Big Four. There were other Clans involved in the invasion than just the Sues.

In other news, I didn't get much done tonight. About all I accomplished was primering half a future Company of Pleiades Hussars and singling out the other half for stripping to take the white later.
Anywaym perfect BT game should have 3 origins ComStar agent, Merc and Clanner (Snow Raven or Goliath Scorpion seeker)
>In other news, I didn't get much done tonight. About all I accomplished was primering half a future Company of Pleiades Hussars and singling out the other half for stripping to take the white later.
I wish I wasn't so tired from job to paint.
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I'm only able to paint at my job, all my stuff is set up there, but they had me hopping too much tonight to get anything done. Pic related, the future Simple Green victims.

As for the game, I'd have liked a Nova Cat or Steel Viper focus, if I had to choose, but I guess they're setting it too early for them to have entered the field. Oh well.
Anyone that can orbitally bombard a major population center on an Inner Sphere world and not eat a nuke in return is a fucking Sue.
I hope mw5:clans is better than mw5 mercs. I have never felt less immersed in a BT/MW game
>But seriously it's just Taurian CO is mad for his son being killed while running some Space CIA-Contras operation
Let's be honest.
His motivations are no different from protagonist princess (if her parents actually were killed by Esposito and vastly superior if it's actually was an accident). Fuck, huge chunk of Battletech stories is just different revenge stories. Besides he is voiced by Elias Toufexis
I was keeping more disdain for Modiera and Doctor "Bossman I accidentally released Skynet and Black Marauder, but I am an expert, trust me"
Is Loki Mk2 a good/popular mech?
So are we going to do a new thread? If I do it, it's going to intentionally be a pro-liberal troll OP
Esposito is a usurper and murderous idiot that kills many thousands of people and runs their nation into the ground once he steals power.

Ostergar is life ruiningly mad his son got popped while doing oliver north shit in a place he knew was at war.
They literally got genocided in return. It's even better because it took time to build up anc was the satisfying conclusion to the entire Clan Invasion story
It was, so of course the current writers shat all over that very much open and shut conclusion by reviving the Smoke Jaguars in the ilClan era for reasons.
new thread

The only state that upheld them during the Star League was the Free Worlds League (and they dropped it at the opening of the First Succession War), and the Taurians were famously never a signatory which is why the cappies continued to use WMDs on them after everyone else had chilled. The Ares Conventions were long gone by the 31st century.
>randomizer of enemy forces.
yeah no, just about every contract has you fighting a company+ of majority mechs

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