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Smaug edition.
>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings,
Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander, Freebooter's Fate, Frostgrave, Gaslands, Judge Dredd, Kings of War,
Maelstrom's Edge, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Masters of the Universe: Battleground, Moonstone,
Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam, Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics...
...and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

>Examples of companies providing rules for alternative wargames.
Atomic Mass Games, Black Site Studios, CMON, Mantic, OnePageRules, Osprey, Para Bellum, TTCombat, Warlord Games...
...and many other publishers.

>Places to get minis; Updates to the minis list are welcome.

>These Novice Troves are meant to serve as a sampler of available systems. Check out the Share Thread for more up-to-date troves.

TQ: What is the largest /awg/ mini you've ever painted?
>hits send
>realizes MESBG belongs in /gwsg/
Sorry everybody, maybe we can have a good thread anyway. I'm not the usual baker, he stepped out for a pack of smokes, he should be back any minute.
>TQ: What is the largest /awg/ mini you've ever painted?
I have yet to paint it, but probably my Abyssal Dwarf Halfbreed for Age of Fantasy/Kings of War. GW-wise I have an unpainted Monolith, Manticore Lord and the big, four armed bull monster I use for Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy.

All good Anon, thanks for baking.
My biggest /awg/ mini is a copper dragon. I have a bigger one in my pile of shame.
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What are some recommendations for good, relatively affordable wargames (no GW) to get into to play with my dad and brother? We have been playing the same games for so long it's time for something new and fresh and I could use a new project.
What do you suggest?
Most /awg/ are cheaper than GW. What kind of game are you thinking?
Probably my Coyote for Heavy Gear. Although it still needs final touches.

I'm sure it's possible I've painted something bigger, but couldn't tell you what.

What sort of games are you guys interested in? Genre? Size? Particular mechanics you like? What are you currently playing?

Don't worry a out Anon, I fucked up the last one with a zero effort question because I was too tired to think of something better.
I'd suggest giving more details on what you actually want and what you've tried.
>with my dad and brother
Three players kind of sucks for symmetrical wargames. The obvious best strategy is almost always going to be ganging up 2-on-1 then fighting over what's left. Objectives help to an extent, but it's still a lot worse than a straight 2 player.
Fallout Wasteland warfare if you guys like the setting..
>TQ: What is the largest /awg/ mini you've ever painted?
A 1:100 MAC-II monster. The model of USS Macon technically doesn't count because it was only being used as a backdrop.

Repoastan this.
>three people
A campaign or league game would let you rotate opponents. In my experience something like This is Not a Test, Reality's Edge, Frostgrave, or a fantasy football game works well. It also helps to throw in the odd cooperative game in a campaign if someone starts getting ahead of the other players. Lets the players who are behind catch up, and the other player gets to mess around with an unusual force. For example, you could have the two warbands that are trailing face off against a barbarian/raider incursion, go fight a Godzilla-style big stompy monster, or play a raid mission with good rewards and lower stakes.
Pulp games are also often very fast, fun, and simple. I would normally suggest checking out 7TV, but they just did a major edition change and I haven't had a chance to go over the rules.
Hell yeah
I'm getting super into it
How strict is Oathmark on the 10 man basing? All my movement trays are either 6 or 12 troops
I'm looking for play-based suggestions for a solo small skirmish asymmetrical game of modern/near-future tacticool operators operating operationally.

Ideally it would have facing and stealth allowing sneaking around while kicking doors/clearing rooms/doing dirty deeds/extracting with civilians where scenario appropriate. I'd like some class-based AI routines better than "ranged goes to cover and shoots at closest or weakest/melee charges closest" or "do the right thing."

There seems to be several WW2-themed games but I'm not sure I'm up to hacking in suppressors/modern gear (such that there is a limited alert/limited alert range for things like suppressors) into them.

I have heard of the following:

- Battlespace: Seems like a reskin of Sellswords and Spellslingers so the event deck and rolling against danger levels is going to drive most of the actual game (seems the RPG-like aspects were streamlined out?).

- Five Parsecs from Home: Calling out as I've played this (3e base only). It's a fine game but doesn't check these boxes.

- Haywire: Tentatively seems to check some/all of the boxes (including stealth and civilians).

- Horizon Wars Zero Dark: I don't know much other than it's card based activation and comes up a lot in scifi solo wargaming.

- Invasion Earth/Exploit Zero: I like the graduated action dice mechanics of the author's books on paper and Invasion Earth iterates in some basic AI and stealth.

- Rogue Warriors + Ungentlemanly Warfare expansion: WW2 themed but has stealth and vision cones, though that all gets thrown out once an alert is raised (also the melee opposed roll looks a bit iffy in the video, unclear if that's altered in the stealth phases).

Thank you for sharing any experience you may have.

Apparently yes Captcha, I am a bot.
If they're on 25x25mm bases you don't need to multibase at all, just keep them in formation.
10 man infantry trays are 125mm x 50mm. I would be surprised if your trays were the same size.
You could make temporary trays out of cardboard and blu tack or something.
Don't really solo but 5core Skirmish Essentials, sort of like the contemporary 5XfromY stuff but a lot better mechanically and seems to be built to play like the old pc game Commandos.
Black Ops by osprey has good asymmetrical war and stealth but I don't think there was a solo engine.
Question about what would be better than
>"ranged goes to cover and shoots at closest or weakest/melee charges closest"
not sure how to make that work better while still covering the ambiguities of tt wargame narrative play. What would better solo flow charts look like?
Necromunda, its GW but £25 buys you a full playable gang, maybe more than a full gang if youre playing a lower model-count gang like Goliath or Van Saar
where the FUCK do you think you are
Takes way too long to movement formations not on trays
>12 man trays
Perfect for Billhooks: Fantasia
Share the rulebook, anon.
Ah yeah you right, this isnt gwsg
Still, if your main objection to GW games is their price then my recommendation is a solid one
idk how
Don't worry about it. I put skirmishers on 20mm so ir gels well with my KOW stuff
He said no GW. First sentence,
My main objection is that the rules just simply aren't as well written or designed as most of games. The core mechanic of most GW games is list building, which simply doesn't appeal to me. List building appeals to WAACfags and autists, not casual fun loving hobbyists. GW games ALL still hang on to antiqued mechanics, the way GW handles stat lines and IGOUGO/phase system is simply boring. I'm not gonna beat a dead horse on IGOuGO, it's discussed enough. (Strict AA is lazy as well)
Even the BEST GW games that are universally lauded by GW fans are simply outdone by other game designers. Battlefleet Gothic is objectively worse than Dropfleet Commander, for example. Don't get me wrong, I have played a lot of GW games for two decades now and I have fun doing so, but if given the choice I'd not choose the GW game over one of the many alternatives. The main draw to GW games is the aesthetic and setting, but even that peaked in middlehammr era and has been eroded and it's no longer what it used to be

The price is just the cherry on top and is just down right offensive to anyone but the most blindly loyal GW consoomers.
>outdone by other game designers
>Battlefleet Gothic is objectively worse than Dropfleet Commander
Funny example given that they were designed by the same guy.
I'm a GW fan but these are unironically good points that I can't argue against
Send them to a cleaner in the share thread. They do it for free.
I submitted them before and never got anything back
Which system did he design first?
Dropfleet improved upon the older BFG, which lends more credibility to anons argument that nonGW alternatives are better written and less antiquated
Weird, a lot of times since I have gone to the share thread but they are generally useful.
Shame the new Dropfleet edition seems to be doing some strange bullshit. I liked the first one.
No thanks, I only play rank and flank.
You fuckers always do this. Always just day something wierd with new edition that you havent played and jdk8iikdk
Such as?
I was seriously considering preordering the new edition. I've never played the first. What are they doing that's weird?
Does a better version of epic armageddon exist out there? There was a rewriting of it with some improvements and extra rules made by some members of the community but it never took off and I'm open to play anything non-gw.

Thank you for the suggestion. Do you have experience with the Sandbox expansion to FiveCore Skirmish or just the base game?

Re AI, I'm mostly looking for varied class- or specific model (in a scenario)-based rules:

- Haywire has simple conditionals based on how many of the 2 action points are left per class (not scenario). A leader will do the move to cover and shoot while a character with a LMG will attempt to distribute fire across many models and a character with a grenade gets more complex. The enemy models are randomly selected when a marker is exposed so it's random or emergent based on your point of view.

- I don't have the rules for Rogue Warriors + Ungentlemanly Warfare but based on the video on Youtube the scenario maps have sentries. Each class (at least five) of sentry has a movement pattern: walk a square, walk back and forth on a line, move randomly, pivot at a fixed position, etc. and once alerted follows either a shooting (fixed) or melee (does have a dice roll incorporated into the flow chart) flow chart. (Re-reviewing the video has answered my question that they don't have to roll for melee if taking a sentry unawares in the stealth phase).

I don't know necessarily this additional layer of AI is necessarily better, but I was thinking as a solo player it might make for some more interesting decisions than a system with either full 360 view and/or enemy awareness of the player characters at all time. I'd welcome input from someone who does have experience with these sorts of systems.
>this dumb bullshit again

What's DBA?
Main thing is removal of the battlegroups with their strategy rating/activation deck mechanic, switching instead to alternating activation of groups. There's multiple other changes, but this is the biggest and seemingly most contentious one. I'm apprehensive about it, but the new version is coming next month so it's not that long to just wait and try it out. Maybe it works fine, and if not I imagine it won't be too difficult to house rule it back in.
he sounds like a brainlet.
Will their be boarding mechanics? That's the one thing that I wish 1st edition had, but again I never played it.
Quar. Or BLKOUT for fast matches so you could all play a couple against each other
Hate the design of Quar models, idk who those are made to appeal to. BLKOUT seems really cool, do you know if the models are true 28mm or some whacky 32-35mm shit?
> idk who those are made to appeal to.
Me. >:(
BLKOUT rulebook says it's 32mm or 1/48th scale models. Infantry are on 25mm or 1 inch base
I only tried it once on TTS
SPECTRE 2.0 was really solid. Unfortunately the company has decided to chase Kill Team/GW mechanics. The old rules guy has made his own cleanup of SPECTRE called "Asymmetric Warfare" because he's too dumb to brand.
>Hypermodern/near future
>dirty deeds
>Civilian interaction mechanics (civvies act as terrain that can react to you or influence mission objectives and stealth, as well as an option for deep-cover glowies to pop out of)
All check.
>solo play
The original AI is fairly weak, but usable. There is, however, a French guy on Youtube who has done an extremely extensive conversion to run solo Tarkov games with the system, and it's still adaptable to either version of Spectre with a little work. https://www.youtube.com/@TheSoloWargamer/search?query=tarkov

There's also a bundle of bonus rules for /awg/ variants on SPECTRE in the main Share thread for zombies, the Predator, John Wick, jungle fighting in general, and dealing with SWAT stuff like favela clearing. The official site unfortunately deleted them all in the new edition overhaul.

Zone Raiders is much smaller-scale and cyberpunk, but has even more interesting civvie mechanics. Including characters like a virtual idol who can summon bystanders as area terrain, and characters who can melt into a crowd. It also overlays a cyberspace battlefield on top of the physical one in an interesting way
It's not especially asymmetric most of the time (although you can get a horde of cheap gangbanger goons as a force), but it also has a kickass co-op mission where you have to deal with a local riot and escalating police response. AI routines are meh.

Brutality Skirmish has excellent AI routines and is worth looking at solely for that.
> preordering the new edition
No. Bad. Stop that. No preorders. Ever.
Like >>93929137 said, the big waving red flag is them dumbing down and slowing down the activation mechanics while in the same breath saying they're speeding the game up and trying not to dumb it down.
But the big reason to deny the hype is that there's been no playtesting of the game. None. The dumb fuckers did it again, the game at launch is going to be a shitty alpha release that might improve sometime in the next couple years to nearly as good as the original. We're a month out and only a handful of people were ever shown the actual game, they're under no-comment permanent NDAs, and they were given the printed book to 'playtest' meaning it had already been sent to the printer. So nothing they point out as broken will be fixed, and TTC is just going to throw a hissy fit that they aren't super psyched about everything and ignore everything they say while crying about haters.
Blackout is 32mm freak shit scale, and worse is it's priced worse than GW, like $7 per mini
My experience is that "AI" flowcharts are either boringly simple or annoyingly elaborate. Instead I draw playing cards for each group and the suit determines their mood:
clubs - attack
diamonds - defend
hearts - coordinate with team
spades - fulfill objective
It still takes interpretation and there's plenty of overlap, but I find it gives me enough uncertainty to make the game engaging.
I give people default behaviour by counting low cards (say below 6) all as their default suit. Sometimes I include jokers as random events.
>Zone Raiders
You're describing Reality's Edge, in case anyone tries looking it up. I think Zone Raiders is the BLAME! knockoff.
Oh goddamnit, you're right
Disregard Zone Raiders, I suck cocks, I meant Reality's Edge. Uses the same general mechanics as This is Not a Test, but it doesn't use fully permanent warbands
Instead, your troops are almost entirely mercenaries. The digital avatar of your shadow backer and your team leader are your only permanent hires at first. You can create new characters freely and rotate people in and out based on mission threat level, and once you get people you like you can keep them on retainer. You still aren't required to take them along, they're just able to gain EXP. Everyone else is disposable.
Each mission has a set points total based on the contract payout and you pull from your roster of background hires, which helps eliminate the usual problem with campaign death-spirals. Leveled-up permanent hires are more expensive but a lot more flexible than jobbers from the street.
It makes for a fun dynamic all told.
>t. setting up to buy more cyberpunk stuff
>Scotia Grendel keeps throwing these things at me

>Card-based AI
It's not the worst idea, honestly.
I don't think you've seen GW prices in a while. Literally charging $40 for a single infantry mini
Fuck the autist from last thread, I want to talk about MK4.

This guy alone makes me want to start a Necrofactorium army.


Thanks for the mention of SPECTRE and Asymmetric Warfare. I'll take a look at some of the videos.

And Brutality for the AI.

>a French guy on Youtube...TheSoloWargamer...

As it turns out that's the author of Haywire. I'll look through his SPECTRE stuff but maybe there's similarities given he hacked SPECTRE then published his own game(s), though at this point I have read the Haywire rules but not the SPECTRE/Asymmetric Warfare rules.


>playing cards...

I was looking through the Horizon Wars Zero Dark Training Run and it looks like that uses playing cards for the AI in a similar way: value is what you're activating (or spawning an event) and suite is the type of action the activated enemy model does.

I think I've looked at Reality's Edge before and it didn't have solo rules by default (just bystanders?). I do think Zone Raiders is billed as solo coop but I'm not 100%.
It's really expensive but the good news is that their rules and army cards are free on their website, so you can play the game with whatever minis you like
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Alright gang, what's your favourite /awg/??

Mine is Mutant Chronicles.
Nevermind the Billhooks
>Mine is Mutant Chronicles.
Mine too, anon. Pic from a game of yours? I'm gonna be playing some warzone this weekend and next Wednesday, looking forward to it again.
Mutant Chronicles seems so cool. I remember reading the old rulebooks and comics, but sadly the minis are expensive now outside of that one site that sells backstock.
There's STLs of the classic model range hanging about on cults and telegram. But it's not a complete range and it's pretty patchy. Once I get my tax return in(any day now...) I'll be making moves to start scanning parts of my collection, both classic metals and the Prodos Resins, to expand that pool. Though the way that's looking this may need to be bumped back into a New Years project.
The Cryx are so based.
I hope the blackfleet still exists and gets models at some point.
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WHAT is the best squad-scale (ie 3-16 minis per player) skirmish game?
Most likely, but it'll be a while, I think the focus might be getting the second armies for each faction out, since Gravediggers are next. But as someone that always preferred the industrial undead side of Cryx over the pirate stuff, I'm happy they are getting some love first.

I'm a bit split, though, because I also really want to go into a Cursebound heavy Orgoth force. I giess that's the benefit of the contained forces idea, its not hard to dip into multiple factions.
If there's one thing I'll agree with the hater anon over is them renaming 'Great Rack'. It was a silly pun about deer horns.
I wouldn't have expected black fleet to be first but unfortunately I want both industrial undead AND pirates so I have to swap between them and southern kriels for now. At least kriels have shadowtongue and like you said its not too crazy to dip into both.
I am interested to see what kind of light jack chassis the Blackfleet will get, since the bone chicken has already been used.
Fuck yeah. I got into miniatures gaming via Warzone just before 2nd edition dropped. I'm excited for Eternal, but dreading the bullshit I'm gonna hear from people while trying to pitch it to the local community.

Bauhaus for life.

I wish I had bought more stuff when I played Res. I keep thinking I maybe could have had a decent force to stat up in Grimdark Future at the very least.
That's a historical game.
It has a fantasy supplement, no?
It does, but that doesn't make Never Mind the Billhooks not a historical games. If you mean Never Mind the Warlocks then say that.
While I was scrounging around in the Scotia Grendel and Seb-Games sites earlier, I noticed a few of their minis are suspiciously close proxies for Warzone stuff.
VASA Marines have the same helmet as the 2e Heavy infantry but superlight armor. There are proxies for both the Capitol jetbikes. "Johnny G" is a claymore and two shoulderpads away from Mitch Hunter. "GB Mora" is an Etoile Mortant Hero. The Strike Commando Sergeant is damned near identical to the Capitol HI lieutenant, down to the helmet on his waist. There are multiple passable Cartel models, plus Syntha Marines as Chasseurs (though the weapons are hard off), and a bunch of Koralon stuff is passable as Symmetry models. And this dude is straight-up a Bauhaus Sergeant/officer. Complete with shoulder pads. All he needs is the revolver.
The new Blackfleet might instead be a cadre, so we might see them sooner. But we have zero news about anything, so it's all up in the air.

The new Cryx stuff is looking really good though. First time we've had a generic Iron Lich and man does the model look great.
>I wish I had bought more stuff when I played Res.
I have A LOT of the WZR range, I went all in on that game. All I'm missing are a few characters from the WZR2e refreshes, and the RPG model packs, which I am still lamenting at not getting. The white star pack especially. The Bone Hussar looked cool.
That's not surprising at all, anon. iKore was reformed out of the staff of Target Games UK division(and Urban Mammoth after that) so the Void/Urban War stuff looking a lot like the Warzone factions is a given, they were probably reworking previous designs for range updates. Viridian marines I would bet good money on being the Capitol Freemarine refresh for 2e among others.
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>order 25x50mm cavalry bases
>they arrive
>they don't have slots
>check order
>store didn't screw up my order
>I did
>MFW have to order 25x50mm cavalry slotted bases and this time do it right

I kind of regret that the bases will be bevelled unlike most of my MDF based miniatures, but the shipping fee from Etsy USA to Canada for some actual MDF slotted cavalry bases is outrageously expensive.
That actually makes a Hell of a lot of sense. I was at sea while Target was imploding so I never really knew how the whole mess shook out or what companies got which bits of Target and Heartbreaker. Just saw everything was clearanced at the LGS , grabbed another bag of plastics and a couple rare minis, couldn't find the damned bridge terrain piece with the Grey Ghost bonus figure.
Its based as fuck but... I wonder how it looks when its not painted with competition level osl.
Also have you noticed how many cryx characters have generic names? Shifting to the your guys approach one step at a time.
Does anyone play the Song of Ice and Fire game?
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>Pic from a game of yours?
Indeed it was, we were up against a Cybertronic force, their Atilla wreaked some real havoc on the table, the thing just wouldn't go down.
I hope you enjoy your games anon!

It is a shame that outside of Prince August things are so expensive, but I was lucky enough to get a LOT of the metals in bulk deals years ago, I still haven't gotten around to my Bauhaus, Dark Legion or Mishima forces yet.

>Fuck yeah. I got into miniatures gaming via Warzone just before 2nd edition dropped
Baller as fuck. I've had some dabbling with Eternal, can't say much so I won't say much, but I personally believe that Warzone 1st Ed (Mutant Chronicles Beasts of War through to Dark Eden) is, as it stands, markedly better. But Eternal only has one wave of releases ready to go right now and we've seen some of te wave 2 and 3 plans, so there's room to go. I didn't dip into the Kickstarter myself, I'm too cautious to spend big bucks on a kickstarted niche wargame, but I remain hopeful that you and yours will get a good game in the end.
Thanks anon, should be a grand old time, doing a bunker assault mission for my open day table, Imperial against Capitol on the McCraig line! and then on Wednesday it'll be my mates Mishima(my models to start, he's got a run of the classic stls set up to print) against Imperial using the Neville Stocken FOW book for wz2e. Feeling pretty excited!
>Do you have experience with the Sandbox expansion
No, haven't tried it sorry.
I think I get what you're going for with AI solo play procedures now, basically a slightly more varied set of routines based on archetype. I think anon who suggested the deck of cards/suit approach is onto something, could probably use the numbers as indications of how strongly that approach is taken until otherwise directed and face cards as more specific action sets depending on suit.
>jack of hearts, move towards nearest squad member, when within X" nearest squad member changes to support jack of hearts
>jack of clubs, position to engage most dangerous opponent in most advantageous terrain
but that might be a bit more interpretive than you're going for.
Love Urban War stuff. Keep hoping I'll find a game I can justify buying a bunch of Viridian dudes for.

I had a small Bauhaus and Brotherhood army. Mostly stuff from the KS. I really wish I had grabbed one of the reaculpted Bauhaus starters, some Blitzers, a Strike Skimmer and maybe a Wolfclaw.

Speaking of Blitzers, when did they become the short range dudes for Bauhaus? In 1e and 2e they still had rifles, but now it seems like they only ever get their SMGs and some manner of special weapon.

I wish I could get people playing 1e Warzone. It's got such a nostalgic charm, while still being an actually good system. I'd love 1e with 2e model selection, but that's just because I want my Jungle Kommandos to get some love.

>I've had some dabbling with Eternal, can't say much so I won't say much, but I personally believe that Warzone 1st Ed (Mutant Chronicles Beasts of War through to Dark Eden) is, as it stands, markedly better.
I've looked at the beta rules they put out and I liked what I saw for the most part. The first draft was ROUGH, but it seems they cleaned some stuff up.

I'm cautiously optimistic, but fully expecting bullshit excuses from people. "I already play a d20 sci-fi skirmish game" will say the people that make twice my income and before they turn around and spend $600 on a new Team Yankee army or handful of 40K characters.

>I didn't dip into the Kickstarter myself, I'm too cautious to spend big bucks on a kickstarted niche wargame
I had to have a real conversation with myself about backing the KS. I wanted to, I want to show my support and all, but part of me also keeps wondering if maybe I need to let the franchise just live as happy memories. Considering how hellbent Cabinet are of buttfucking the Mutant Chronicles franchise into oblivion I worry that Eternal will be a great game I'll fall in love with only to watch Cabinet yank the IP and it'll die a year into it's life and I'll be stuck blue-balled yet again.
And? He asked what's your favorite alternative wargame, he didn't ask what's your favorite fantasy game
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Buy it?
I'm Brexit

$35 for the two kits is good when one is £30 and the other £100 here
>use the numbers as indications of how strongly that approach is taken
I didn't include that because I find it confuses matters unnecessarily. The point is to give a random heuristic for making quick decisions, and an invitation to dither over an aggression of 7 vs 3 works against that.
>face cards as more specific action sets
I haven't found specific actions helpful. A unit generally doesn't have that many sensible options, and I just need a prompt to choose one of them. The fact that "aggressive" needs interpretation based on the unit and game is not an issue - I'm already thinking about those things anyway.
Why not use Aliexpress? Slotted cav bases are pennies a piece on there.
>Shifting to the your guys approach one step at a time.
If generic leaders become a thing I'll start playing Warmachine, provided I can use old minis bought cheaply.
I dont think they will force it too hard. The newest models are basically updates on older ones on the same base size. If someone doesnt let you use the bottom model as the top when they represent identical ideas I dont know. At most Id suggest removing the spear but thats peak wysiwyg tism.
>Also have you noticed how many cryx characters have generic names?
None? Cryx is the most [C]haracter spam faction in the game.
>Shifting to the your guys approach one step at a time.
What? If anything adding this and the jack marshal is anti-yourguys because pAspy was always iron lich, and people had him from the starter pack. People have always said iron lich and eLich without even knowing how to spell his name.
This a solo that is unhelpfully named 'commander' even though that's a unit subtype.
They really overuse the "internal lights" cut outs on the new models. Especially on Cryx. It fucking doesn't work at TT scales. You don't want more than 1-3 focus points. The old designer understood it. New one is going too hard into MMORPG aesthetic. Thankfully greenstuffing them shouldn't be hard. Still retarded.
I dunno, cryx has never managed to look anything but bottom-drawer Moba design to me, wm has never been particularly good at aesthetics imo
Fallout Factions.
Buy the starter box then one of you buy the last gang. Done.
It's almost like... he could... improve... his game... woah...
Based and correct.
I have heard good things about Dropzone. But I honestly really like NetEA I think the community edition is ok. The balkanized EpicUK and EpicFR are shit though
If this is all true....
> don't pre-order
I already did. And.... fuck.
Best is very subjective. Infinity seems to do quite well
Bro can you stop man im sorry but you keep saying mmorpg aeathetic about warmachine all the time as if warmachine hasnt always fucking looked like world of warcraft but with its own unique designs

Guess what. Mmorpg aesthetic means nothing.
World of warcraft looked that way because they were updating models made in warcraft 3 which was low polygon count.

In the exact same way miniatures made heroic scale with bigger heads and hands and weapons, video games like warcraft 3 made the exact same stylistic choice in order to convey the information from a big distance, similar to tabletop scale.
Warmachine simply is cartoony. That doesnt make it mmorpg aesthetic either. Its just cartoony and heroic scale.
I completely disagree on all accounts its just warmachine has a specific look that doesnt appeal to everyone as it's cartoony, covered in rivets, exhaust pipes and belts. Its very early 2000s and I like that myself. Cryx has some sick models
The only good thing about preorders is how easy they are to cancel and refund.
I'm talking about the glowing bits that were previously done mostly on the focus points. But now they are defining the silhouette of the figure like in mmorpgs where it is done for the purposes of visibility. You can easily see the difference between the new and old figure.

It was in some figures in Mk2 too, but now it is way more prevalent. And its dumb since it doesn't serve a purpose like in mmorpgs, unless you are going to play in the dark and pain your miniatures with phosphor paints - which I wouldn't recommend even with varnish on top.
Those are sick.
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>Feeling pretty excited!
I'm glad to hear it anon! A bit of genuine hype goes a long way when it comes to retro gaming.
Be sure to report back when you've played!

>I wish I could get people playing 1e Warzone.
Yeah it's tricky getting new players into an old game, even one that's demonstrably awesome like Mutant Chronicles. But you'll have to forgive me, I'm out of the loop with what Cabinet have been up to, mind filling me in?
>Why not use Aliexpress? Slotted cav bases are pennies a piece on there.
I couldn't find MDF slotted cav bases there.
Anybody here tried litko? Can anyone confirm if they're legit?
Litko is legit. They have a shitload of stuff, they make/made stuff for small games on license or something IIRC
I've only offered little once, but I had no problems.
>Anybody here tried litko? Can anyone confirm if they're legit?
Yeah, I've gotten custom Gaslands and Flightpath templates from them, as well as stencils for making hex-maps. Custom work is usually a week or two, something like a sack of bases is a lot faster.
Too many variables to pick a single game. I'm fond of Relic Blade, Bushido and World of Twilight for fantasy. For sci-fi I quite like MERCS and Star Breach.
>WHAT is the best squad-scale (ie 3-16 minis per player) skirmish game?
Fantasy, or science-fiction?
>I dunn- AAAAIGH
This is Not a Test is extremely good. Mechanically.
The factors surrounding the actual rules - poor organization, the company having off and on issues with supply, the terrible availability of errata and other information on the website, and the huge number of often-conflicting supplements - drag it down a little. He's doing a new omnibus edition, so I'll hold judgement on that until I actually sit down and read it. the game's highly-adaptable to post-apoc and SF gaming, but doesn't accommodate fantasy well.

>7TV 2e
Also good, and highly adaptable. With the caveat that the effect cards make the game very random. I don't normally like games that use card-based randomization much, but 7TV makes it work. I like it specifically because it's low-stakes, a little silly, and the mechanics are easy to teach someone without having to bludgeon, bribe, or blackmail them into multiple games. For some reason the conceit of playing out the on-screen action from a TV show gets people invested in it.
Again, in the middle of an edition change, so who fucking knows if it'll keep being good.

Is very good for teaching RPG people to play a wargame, it's also simple to run a campaign and keep it going. Hate on it all you want. For whatever you want to hate on it for. It's still something that actual people will get off their fucking asses and play, then come back to keep playing.
I don't think they'd make Blackfleet into a cadre, the sub-faction is big enough to be its own army. If anything I feel like the bloated dudes, or ghost pirates, are something that could be a cadre. Maybe non-pirate ghosts even.

Ye, what'cha got in mind anon?
>Yeah it's tricky getting new players into an old game, even one that's demonstrably awesome like Mutant Chronicles.
I need to get my group to play some Siege with me, rope them in before I strike.

>But you'll have to forgive me, I'm out of the loop with what Cabinet have been up to, mind filling me in?
They're just idiots that keep yanking the license. I don't know all the background details, but I was friends with some of the higher ups at Prodis Games and apparently towards the end of Resurrection Cabinet was getting real pissy with them and just decided to deny them a renewal of the license. Then they pulled the license from Modiphius so we never got more stuff from them.

These are the same people that gave the okay to whatever the fuck that movie was.

I just hope they don't dick Res Nova around. If nothing else I'd like to see Eternal get to have stuff for an Apostle other than fucking Algeroth for once.
A Song Of Ice And Fire (Game of thrones) miniature game. Starter box for each faction is about $120 leaf bucks each and they come with a pretty healthy amount of models,unit cards, terrain markers, dice, and rule book. All rules are free online, game is regularly balanced with a new edition coming out soon along with a new faction. Game is very fun and the models although resin, they still look good and are pretty fun to paint. I can’t recommend this game enough
>regularly balanced
this kills it for me
You don’t like games that are balanced?
I think the issue is the rules changing between games because of the balancing.

If everything gets rebalanced every six months, you're basically allowing for GW-style rules churn. Consider, for instance, that the unit cards in those starter boxes are about three or four iterations out of date.
I want to know if it's not too expensive to build up like two factions to play with so I can always have an army for a friend to play along with and which ones are the easiest and trickiest to play plus what they are like in a nutshell. Like that other anon I am a little concerned about having outdated cards constantly to play with but I suppose it's not too bad with the app. My other concern is the longevity of the game since it's licensed works and all but i suppose if it's actively popular then that's not really a big deal until like 5 years later
>I don't think they'd make Blackfleet into a cadre, the sub-faction is big enough to be its own army

That's what people figured about MoWs, and they got the cadre treatment.
Absolutely horrific. I love them.
If you can't decide a difference between how aggressive a 3 or a 7 is out of 10 no amount of 3 dollar words is going to help you out. You want a video game.
That's my biggest beef. I appreciate trying to keep the game balanced, I really do, but Jesus christ. Some shit needed fixing, but it is obnoxious to know that if you jump in now you're likely getting stuff with out of date content for the exact same price.

It is a solid game, though, so it's at least got that going for it. And this coming from someone who read the first book and went "well, I don't need to continue that shit show."
Different anon, but I don't want to be a perpetual beta tester. I like a well balanced game, but if it's getting significant changes every 6 months, that means its constantly out of whack and not a balanced game at all.
A balanced game needs no updates, or very minor points ones. If the abilities and stats are constantly changing, the game is an untested dumpsterfire and should be avoided.
Yes, most games are terrible. But people have trained themselves to love garbage, so it doesn't get better.
Another weapon shown off for Dropfleet 2.
Orcs and Dwarfs for Argatoria being shown off. Those Dwarfs sure are beardy.
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Give Nevermind the Billhooks: Fantasia a go. It's a much more flavorful and fun rank and flank with a unique and exciting approach to monsters magic and heros
You think Fyreslayers wouldn't look as gay if they were mostly covered by beard? No pun intended.
>thinking anyone gives a shit about the stats for a weapon when we don't even know how combat works in the new edition.
Did... did they get their own lore wrong? UCM uses conventional point defense lasers all over their ships. The big 'lasers' are unconventional designs, more like particle weapons, just called lasers colloquially in the UCM.
Did you misread the description or something?
No thanks, I don't like how the rules handle stuff, it's very generic and lacks the scope for a variety of fantasy options imo.
Just checked the UCM tech background, it calls them anti-ship lasers and makes no reference to being something more exotic.
Give me a single example of a rule you don't like how it's handled. I'm not sure you've actually read the rules. Regardless, calling it generic and lacking scope is an ironic thing to say after telling us your favorite game is Oathmark
Same. Nevermind the Billhooks: Fantasia is missing the most essential thing: Fun.
Those look pretty sick. The game looks more attractive all the time.
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>uses lazy strict AA rules
>lazy poorly written pivot/wheel rules
>generic fantasy races with zero flavor, you can mix and match them however you please
Yeh... Billhooks is too generic..
Nta but I don't like rolling buckets of dice or save rolls.
Did.. did you fail to actually understand something before you posted???!?!?
The fluff throws around laser and 'directed energy weapon' across the UCM, PHR, and Scourge, but while the description of the smaller PD lasers and occulus beams is consistent with how lasers actually work, the Burnthrough weapons aren't at all how any kind of laser works. Feels a little mean spirited to trash talk the new stuff when the original was bad-science already.
With warmahordes dead, what other fantasy wargames actually still exist?
bait used to be believable
I'm just checking. Couldnt find anything on warmahordes minis anymore, though I saw some stuff by shieldwolf and mantic
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>Couldnt find anything on warmahordes minis anymore
steamforged games took it on, new models quite often and rules updates monthly!
Steamforged? Never heard of them but they are probably worth a look. Thanks for the tip
They don't do books anymore, there's a shitty unity app you have to download to see the rules.
If you're looking to actually play rather than merely collect warmahordes is 400% dead though
ignore this cunt
do your own look anon, its getting pretty popular for battle reports on youtube and there's good activity on plebbit. Saleswise sfg said they had to slow down releases for the first time due to high sales
No books? Disgusting. Are SFG also pushing new versions of anything old like someone on here reported? Or was that heresay.
Cute oliphant.
Old stuff is 90% tied up in lists/cards that haven't been updated since mk3 that you're not allowed to play
>Are SFG also pushing new versions of anything old like someone on here reported? Or was that heresay.
Pretty sure that was just him misunderstanding unit names and trying to proxyfag old models as the new releases. He was trying to use pAspy as a proxy for a new solo.
I dont know what you mean. I'm gonna interpret this post as meaning are sfg making new models that update old ones?
Yes, most of cryx is updates which makes proxying easy. Some factions have brand new units entirely though.

Not sure how you could not know what sfg is but also see what other anons had reported about sfg
>Old stuff is 90% tied up in lists/cards that haven't been updated since mk3 that you're not allowed to play
>>Are SFG also pushing new versions of anything old like someone on here reported? Or was that heresay.
I don't know if you just troll on purpose or are paid to give warmachine a bad rap because this isn't true
every single unit got updated for mk4, but only about 60% of models are tourney legal and get balance updates a lot.
I mean he can just check the app and see that you're wrong
As a bonus if he hasn't played since mkII his virgin innocent eyes can get raped by how fucking gay and awful the mk2->mk3 changes to unit stats were, before checking the rules book and being assaulted fresh all over again by the mk3->mk4 rules changes
>paid to give warmachine a bad rap
I have some level of respect for your shilling because it sounds like you bought a cryx starterkit and then two gunwraiths and a unit of baneknights i.e. the best way to build your first 25points list (sounds like you forgot to pick up a denny/elich though? Though you did post an e/llich before), which implies that you did and now do want to play. I can respect trying to push the game if you want to get matches. But come on man, anyone can open the app or go to SFGs news pages and see.
All I know is that I heard that the design lines and units were changed either last edition or this one and it effectively squatted a number of units. I do not play, but have always had some interest in the game.
Sorry. A few Anons have mentioned here and telegram that a lot of stuff for SFG Warmachine is new, and that older miniatures from Mk 1 and 2 were no longer legal/given rules. Something along the lines that SFG was remaking units but not using the same names as old models for tourney/purchase reasons? I'm not one hundred percent sure on any of it. I mostly just keep my eyes peeled in hope of generic leaders being a thing.
>All I know is that I heard that the design lines and units were changed either last edition or this one and it effectively squatted a number of units.
As far as I understand they are technically not squatted. But they moved the world timeline and everyone gets new units or updated ones on top of what they had. Eventually. The old units have the rules to play but they won't be getting rule updates in the future. And Steamforged won't be making the miniatures for old units of course.
WGA finally posted another update for their Damned crowdfunder.
Its pic-heavy, so i post the link instead:
Most tournaments are "narrative" which are unlimited (all of Mk3 playable), actually, with only a few select ones being prime.

Generally speaking with song you want a faction starter box+2-3 boxes to build out your armies. If you just want cheap you can still find the OG vs box of Stark vs Lannister at below 100usd and just pick up a hero box (probably heroes 1) and faction unit box for each faction. Also could always play with outdated cards for the vs box, it's not too big a deal since it's between friends.

I mean some of the MoWs are not Cadre, but I get what you mean.
There are two formats; Prime and Unlimited. Prime is supposed to be your competitive format, so the pool of models is limited to the MK4 stuff and a selection of the old stuff. Unlimited is everything. Everything in their back catalog has updated rules for the new edition, it's just anything pre-MK4 is now legacy and isn't a focus since PP lost the ability to produce them. The whole time-skip for MK4 is because there was manufacturing issues and some of the molds for the old line were stolen.

What they referring to as updating old units may be because of the new Cryx, which while not the same, resembles the previous line a lot more than the other armies. The rules are different, but a lot of the Necrofactorium line does feel like just updated Cryx models. Cygnar's Storm Knight army feels the same, but still has quite a bit to make it stick out from the old line.

The thread has an autistic asshole that thinks MK2 was the pinnacle of war gaming and everything that came afterwards is sacrilege, so there's going to be a lot of misinformation floating around here.
Large chunk of models made during Mk3 are not in legacy, especially ones created only few years ago like those in Flames in the Darkness. The stuff that made it over is more specific to theme-listing than what era they were made in.
>Everything in their back catalog has updated rules for the new edition, it's just anything pre-MK4 is now legacy and isn't a focus since PP lost the ability to produce them.
Looking at Russian internet mini-market - seems like some people still can produce them just fine. I'm pretty sure they have the forms for whole range, bar maybe a few exclusives.
Why should or would a company produce 15 year old models that they feel dont hold up to the modern standards and dont actually make them money?
Pp was very transparent about how little older sculpts were making and they sold off basically everything at 60% off about 3 years ago.
They didnt hide it. They made it cheap and easy to actually buy old stuff, and now sfg are continuing with new stuff.

Rules exist for the old stuff. A lot of it is tourney legal and considered strong.

I cannot be fucked with the shitty drama this game causes for no reason. The ip doesn't deserve this shit. If it was anything else itd be praised for coming back from the dead. Anything else, praised for selling off old stock dirt cheap to get it in the hands of players. Praised for supporting rules for old minis. Praised for releasing more models in 3 years than some games do in 10, praised for its lore and specific art styles.

But nah, just vile hate. Get over it you fucking 2d terrain loving bastards. Let it go and stop trying to con newbs out of a fun game with lots of history, models and lore to get into.
I just don't like most of the new models. They may be technically fine but design direction is kinda fucked.
>Most tournaments are "narrative" which are unlimited (all of Mk3 playable), actually, with only a few select ones being prime.
This is such a blatant and malicious lie it's insane.
>Everything in their back catalog has updated rules for the new edition
Legacy models weren't even updated for mk3->mk4 even though half of the basic unit types have different rules, don't be a fag.

>The ip doesn't deserve this shit. If it was anything else itd be praised for coming back from the dead. Anything else, praised for selling off old stock dirt cheap to get it in the hands of players. Praised for supporting rules for old minis.
Ah yeah killing old minis and telling people you can't use them "oh but technically you can use them in these formats you're not allowed to play and where all the units are out of date for the current (fucking awful) rules anyway" so they can still try to scam cash off of people for old models, so honorable. Praise for completely raping every unit in the mk2->mk3 transition and leaving the rotting corpses to bake in the sun of mk4s shit system changes. Praise for wearing the face of a franchise that made it's name off of it's ruleset and gameplay to push GW style cyclic releases.
>stop trying to con newbs out of a fun game with lots of history
The history of a company deciding to literally sell every last scrap of goodwill (and there was a lot!) it had built up to try and force people to collect new factions so they could sell a completely new range to existing players?
I really hope you're getting paid to shill this garbage, and it's kind of sad, because during PPs zenith people shilled the game relentlessly and they didn't get paid, they shilled because they loved the game and wanted to get more matches.
It's not a lie, most tournaments are narrative (unlimited).
Id ban you if I was a mod, such a spreader of lies and hate
Looks sick but I’m still waiting for the skeleton expansions for Sheol-Morg. Not the biggest fan of the warriors or beastmen but fuck I love painting the skeletons.
>Is that scatter terrain with an actual building on it? S-save meee, mousepadforestman, I'm going insane!
Thats fine anon, I feel you. I think some of the new stuff looks sick but a lot doesnt hit. Cryx has hit on most things though and I look forward to menoth eventually.
I wish I could ban your hateful ass man stop lying or at best using 4 year old knowledge like its still true
>menoth eventually.
Is that real? I thought they did get squatted
Well Menoth the nation got razed to the ground, but Tristan Durant made the decision to abandon the fight (that was doomed) and took a few thousand menites on boats to Zu where he presumably set up a new church and began converting the locals which is a very good colonization mirror with Spain spreading through America.
Zu is quite aztecy in some ways. Anyway, Zu has lots of big dinosaur beasties and its where totem hunters are from, we've seen a mk4 totem hunter model.

So its not confirmed persay, but theres no reason to not bring back the popular menoth faction with new units and some convert guys.
There's no announcement, but they keep appearing in the books and exist in a smaller state due to Kreoss holding them barely together while also getting assistance from Menoth missionaries in Zu.
Not much else to speak on them as they are not the main focus, but they were one of the armies pointed out as participating with Cygnar, Dusk, and Khador in fighting over Blighterghast.

As far likehood of release? They are the most asked about army, so higher priority likely given Cryx was jump started ahead of many other factions due to fan demand.
Is any of the fiction in the app worth buying the app for? I like the setting.
>search SR2024
>every tournament is prime
>every second result is someone complaining about an official ruling that the objectives which should be too far apart to score with the same jack can be scored with the same jack even though it by definition isn't possible, literally an official ruling canonizing cheating as valid
lmao I could not have even made up how bad it is
Buy an ad
>Every second result is one super specific thing
Doubt. When I search warmachine tourney a bunch of battle report or live streams show up.
Only if you are really into it. Otherwise all the older books you can expropriate for free have more than enough setting info.
Ah okay, do you have any suggestions anon? I only know lore from wikipedia and rulebooks.
I am a cheap bastard, so no idea. A buddy of mine reads and enjoy them though, and otherwise I just parse what people post from the lore digests of each book or anything he gets excited to screencap from his readings.
There are also old d20 Iron Kingdoms books and the newer ones on their own system. They are RPG games and so have a decent amount of info on the setting.
Not him, but I absolutely love "The Blood of Kings" and "Into the Storm" series.
Oathmark and Billhooks were the two games I wanted to settle on for a generic fantasy rank/flank, after playing severals games of each I decided to go with Billhooks. I love both games but Billhooks was more fun and honestly I think better designed. Joseph McCullough has fun games, I enjoy all of them, but he also makes some questionable design choices in each of his games.

Can't count more than 5 dice?
Does anyone else find the idea of having to rely on a mobile app for your army to be incredibly tasteless and horrible? I use to like Battlescribe and still use OPR Armyforge for some things, but the idea of not having physical books or printouts is just grotesque and depressing to me. What comes next? Digital dice? Everything in a virtual tabletop/foundry?
Most people feel this way: It's a commonly expressed sentiment, most game publishers shrug and move on anyway.
Yep. And you would do it on proprietary hardware that needs a subscription to maintain its OS up to date or it stops working. For the greater good.
I do, but the problem is how often things get updated and balanced now. Paper is a fucking rip off just look at 40k codexes out of date 24 hours after release or dataslate cards out of date the entire edition.

The problem is that printer industry went so shit and has such bad pr we don't all have an a4 printer ready to print pre-made rules and cards on nice thick card.
True, though I still prefer to have outdated cards and rules (like song) with app being there with updated stuff than to have nothing at all in event of the game going down or whatever else. By same decree I know Warmachine is slowly adjusting to printing the rules and cards, something that they only even considered because of how often people request it as their number one priority, but man they are slow with it and the current printing sucks dick.
Having a slightly strong weeb phase here and I'm buying some Bushido, Test of Honour, and also some Warlords of Erehwon models to make dioramas with. How does Test of Honour play if any of you have played it before?
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To counter not your dude-ism all my guys will now have names.
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I am looking for 32mm scale ships. Piratey sort of ships. For heroic fantasy games, so a little cartoony is good. Pic related from tt combat is the best I can find, a big ship for £30 made from mdf.

But do you know any other places to get ships in this size? I want to make a dock board.
>every second result is someone complaining about an official ruling that the objectives which should be too far apart to score with the same jack can be scored with the same jack even though it by definition isn't possible, literally an official ruling canonizing cheating as valid

I want to know what the fuck you're talking about here. The only thing I can think of is the 50s on Two Fronts, but I've never seen anyone argue you can score both with lights or heavies(you can score them with 80s and 120s though). Never mind an official ruling.
For settling lore?

Kings, Nations, and Gods is basically the Iron Kingdoms bible in terms of the Warmachine factions. One of the best lore books I've ever read. Tons and tons of lore in there, especially for Ord and Llael that both kind of got ignored in the actual wargame.

Really though, settling lore is incredibly difficult, because it's spread across 20 years of books.
>The only thing I can think of is the 50s on Two Fronts
That's the one
Apparently it's the only thing people talked about for the first five months of this year and it still peaks SEO results
>I've never seen anyone argue you can score both with lights or heavies
The ruling by an infernal on the PP forums is
>If both objectives are placed and a 50mm cohort model is found to be within scoring distance of eaxh objective then it would score both.
Note that in the context of this question the objectives were known to have drifted from their correct locations, the official ruling is to allow the scoring player to cheat.
Ok, that's a very different fucking context then what you first posted.

The ruling there is that if one or both of the players fucked up in the placement in objectives, then play it as it lays, because moving the objectives would alter the game state far more drastically than otherwise. It also serves to avoid cheating, if you moved the objective, then I could incorrectly place my objective far enough forward that my opponent can appear to score both, then when they place a heavy to score both, have mine moved back in such a way that not only do they not score it, but then I score it, drastically altering the game.

There's no good answer when shit like that is fucked, and the easiest one is just: well, you both have been playing it that way, so the placement stands.

Basically: ensure your objectives are placed correctly at the start of the game.
>32mm scale ships.
Those are very big ships. You can find them, but they're all going to be $100 plus dollars a piece.
I printed my own on cardstock, which can be cheap and actually look pretty good. But it it is very labor intensive..
how dare you, i need to be outraged
It seems the ttcombat ones are the best I will find then as they are only £30!
No, there is a trivial solution; move the objective, because you know where the objective is, which has nothing to do with the marker physically on the table, because it's given by the scenario. You know exactly where it is. This is the most retarded possible ruling ever.
>It also serves to avoid cheating
No, it doesn't, at all. It literally ENFORCES cheating.
>if you moved the objective, then I could incorrectly place my objective far enough forward that my opponent can appear to score both
You could not, because if you played the actual scenario instead of the insanely retarded fucking 2020s PP ruling adhoc cheatedit of it that they force you to play you would know to the micron where the actual objective is and wouldn't need to think about the objective markers at all.
You can't appear to score both if you don't have some retard writing in an official ruling that you can score two things that you cannot physically be in position to score at the same time under any circumstances. You can measure where your model is, you know for a fact where the objectives are.
>There's no good answer when shit like that is fucked
There is, just play the scenario. If you bump a model forward you don't fucking leave it in place, you can measure where it could have been and put it there. This is like having an official ruling saying that if I slide my models 3'' forward in my opponent's turn then I get to activate them from that position and it's all bueno.
>Can't count more than 5 dice?
I can but I don't think more dice makes a game better and I mostly think "buckets of dice" is added for people who like rolling lots of dice.
Technically the TTC ones are boats (big boats), not ships. They might still work for what you want to do, but it's worth knowing. That one in particular is about two feet long.
As far as actual ships go, the only ones I know are very expensive. Reaper has a big proper three foot long ship in "heroic scale" which should be close enough to 32mm. There was also at least one full sized ship from one of the pre-primed D&D lines.
On the table, the marker for the objective is where the objective is. This isn't fucking new, either, this shit happened for pretty much all of the game's history.

Since I'm assuming you're the mk2 retard, the fact that you don't understand how people will abuse the rules to cheat means you absolutely didn't play competitively, because people were abusing rules like this all the fucking time.
I will say as someone who does not like mk2-tist, objective markers should just be check at the start of every turn and put back where they should be
After the Dark Age website went down, I 100% agree on the need for good printing options for rules. I don't blame companies from moving away from doing it themselves, but it's shit when they don't offer a good format. I will criticize WM for that, they need to get that shit together.
Problem is, in four of the mk4 scenarios the objectives are moved around the table, so there's no hard and fast placement once objectives start being scored. Only for Recon MK4 and Two Fronts do objectives stay in one place.

That would also eat a fair bit of time.

Honestly though, I've played roughly 200 games in the last year and this hasn't really come up once. People generally put the objectives down correctly. The major issue in the game is Payload, because it's unbalanced as fuck, and that's why it's basically soft-banned from competitive tourneys.
have you got any pics from your tourney games? battle pics bring me great joy
Na, I’m always too busy. I do have a pic I took at the NOVA narrative campaign though.
speaking of nevermind the billhooks, anybody have any of the pdf's? the deluxe one, any of the expansions, or even the standalone skirmish "Ruckus".
You never really roll more than 12 dice at once. That fits in the palm of your hand, not exactly "buckets" of dice
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I have all those and the fantasy supplement. I'll submit them to the cleaners in the share thread to get scrubbed and then I'll share them. I don't know how long the cleaners take to return them, I've never done it before.

Though, sincerely, it only costs £5 to buy the PDF off wargames illustrated website, please consider purchasing if you like the game or are interested, it helps keep games alive and keeps good news games coming out.
I don't really care about that. It's just these guys are like 70% beard. How do they even fight properly, or not constantly trip?

Hey man, just sharing for those who do care.

Fair enough. If I were to do Sheol-morg I'd probably not use skeletons myself, but that's because I loved Horned Warriors. That Hydra looks pretty sick, though.

I don't mind it for list building and the likes. It's nice to be able to fiddle around with lists, look at stats, re-read rules and the likes on a whim when I'm at work or otherwise away from what physical books I do have.

My issue is when stuff gets updated and the only way to get those new things is via an app.
Fellow Warzone Chad, I have a question for you.

I was taking a gander at the old rulebook for 1e, and I noticed two things that I can't seem to find explanations for. Bauhaus models keep mentoning autoshotguns, but no such weapon seems to exist? Was that just a translation issue, or am I blind? I also can't seem to find stats for Cubertronic's PS1000 sidearm, yet that's what Shock Troopers use. Again, pretty sure I'm just blind and missing it somewhere obvious.
It's simple, don't play games that require extensive list building in the first place, they're ALL shit
I just went off of what the game creator said about his own game. If it's no more then 12 that's not bad but I still stand by the roll to save. I hate that shit.
How are you supposed to play a game without lists?
Extensive listbuilding and having listbuilding are different, like salt in foods - some is fine, but too much is bad.
Might be stuff they forgot to transfer over from the RPG.
Lmao GW brainrot is so pervasive that people simply cannot comprehend playing a game without lists... Wild
what kind of boardgames (a.k.a. grid system) gets the closest to playing like a wargame (a.k.a. gridless system)?
Maybe Kill Team or Warcry
The Portable Wargame is a grid or hex based game that has a bunch of historical and a fantasy mod iirc.
NTA but that sounds like a community problem and doesn't make warmahordes appealing. That 'competitive' tabletop games are nonstop cheating when they can get away with it is a great containment pen for shitters.
>does anyone else
Yes. Fuck apps and associated bloat.
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Matt, your game sucks. Get over it.
>Sold off old stock at 60% off
You act like this was out of goodwill and not a last ditch effort to avoid bankruptcy. You charge the same amount, often more, for 3d printed miniatures as premium casted shit. Fuck off and get over yourself with this crybaby bullshit. Nobody is going to lick your balls for mismanaging your company.
Like I said in a later post, I've got a massive amount of "competitive" games and never had someone do this intentionally. You'll see people who cheat, but that's true of any hobby where you're traveling to compete. If anything, while I don't think Warmachine has fewer cheaters(and indeed, might have more because people who are willing to cheat are drawn to competitive games), the ruleset is tight enough that cheating is often harder to accomplish.
Ainsty castings makes pirate ships. So does firelock games. I think sarissa precision also has some. For a closer to 32mm I'd check out firelock
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>But do you know any other places to get ships in this size? I want to make a dock board.
Reaper has made two in PVC, the old Barge of the Dead (pic related) and a pirate ship, as Kickstarter extras. Allegedly they've considered bringing them to market but they'd be enormously expensive for what you actually get.
The Blood and Plunder guys have a large selection of relatively expensive ships and a very cheap plastic sloop. Like, $40 cheap, and it looks really fucking good. https://www.firelockgames.com/product-category/blood-plunder/ships/
Your other best option is to look for 1:50, 1:60 or 1:72 plastic models and waterline them. Those tend to be relatively cheap, they're just a shitload of work. There's a good-looking cargo fluyt, a couple longboats, and a few generic caravels from Eastern Europe that get on-again, off-again releases.
>Stark vs Lannisters box
That seems to be out of print everywhere in my region. There's a standalone Stark box which I am assuming is the newer updated version and a couple of Bolton boxes and a few other boxes. I'm more eager to start a Targaryen or Martell army but again I really don't know what i'm doing with respects to the armies.
The Kill Team worlds had on camera cheating non stop. MTG is like this as well. It sounds like the russet actually just adds cheating as whoever moves the objective first.
one thing preventing me from getting into wargaming is the whole aspect of measuring distance with rulers and figuring out the range/movement of your units or enemy units.
That just seems like a pain and a huge time waster.

What miniature wargames makes this as painless, easy, and fast as possible?
Deadzone. The playing field is made up of 3" cubes, and all measurements are in the number of spaces. Just make sure that the board is easy to read, and the terrain has noticeable 3" tall segments, like the terrain Mantic makes for it, and you don't have to measure at all during the game.
Battletech and some historicals play on grids, which means there's no measurement involved at all. Just count hexes.
Unless there's another pirate ship, Sophie's Revenge is up on their site for $200.
Battletech plays on grids and you can even play the Alpha Strike ruleset on grids as well despite it being made for "measuring distance/rulers" and so forth.
Don't worry too much about it starting out, like I said just stick with chosen two faction starter box+1-2 unit boxes (pick something not in the box for variety)+hero box (preferable 1). Starters alone let you play a full 30-point game vs each and the whole thing is made a quick plug and play. If you're worried just check it out on Tabletop Simulator.
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Attacktix games.
The clicking noises tells you when to stop when you move them across the board.
I'm curious though. Do people prefer hexes or measurements?
Hexes. I do play a lot of games with measurements, but between me and my friends, we're not that stringent about it so things can get a little slippery to avoid bogging down the game, and whenever I end up across from some autist trying to edge out a 16th of an inch advantage, I find it exceptionally tedious. Hexes don't have either problem.
Both have value, ups and downs. Really, if there were one system that was perfect, we'd all just be using that one.
I hear ya, makes me wonder if people would prefer to play gridless wargames digitally like a videogame like Phantom Brave, Midnight Suns or on a TTS, where you don't need to fiddle around with measuring tapes, since the videogame would automatically tell you how far a unit can move/attack.
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IIRC along with a bunch of new profiles they also reprinted some of the missed/errataed stuff from the WZ1e book in their magazine. Chronicle, I think? I'll check later. We could really use a WZ1e Battle Bible like the 2e 40k guys have

Ah, cool. I lost track of the ship news a while ago, already had the Barge

There are several licensed and a few indie games that use either measuring sticks or templates for movement. Star Wars Armada, Xwing/Flightpath and Gaslands use templates, while the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games use the sticks.

Now if you just want something to speed up the process and make it more intuitive, then you can easily find widgets like this Litko "movement gauge" that have a lot of commonly-used measurements pre-marked.
In this case it's got one, two, three, and six-inch sides that you can just plop down on the table and use to move things quickly or get fast, positive measurements. They're all over etsy too. I use one very similar to pic related

It's also common to get a laser line tool for checking line-of-sight. There are some on Amazon that are made for golfers to practice putting that're ~$8, they have a little detachable laser that's easy to shove in a bag. Or you can pay $15-25 for one from a wargaming company. Standard procedure otherwise is to flip the measuring tape upside-down so you can't see the numbers or use a piece of string

>I'm curious though. Do people prefer hexes or measurements?
Both have their values. Measurements make games less precise but a lot faster to play and more immersive/better-looking, while hexes make games more precise and less prone to fights over line of sight and movement costs. If you're playing with a hypercompetitive asshole, hexes will keep them a little more in check. Rulers will make setting up and modeling a table much more flexible
Any small scale games that do hex/grid maps?
Also, any hex/grid based game with rules for elevated terrain?
Mantics Deadzone or (rip) dust warfare
For playing with friends and having fun with a narrative game, or for a solo game I don't mind measuring, but I would never play a competitive game because it opens the door to cheating wide.
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>dust warfare

aw yea, hot girls piloting mechs. This creator is too horny for his own good.
The pinups are not the reason those games failed tho
Battletech is 6mm, and there are plenty of navals and air combat games. At a certain point hex-and-chit games are just flat-out more efficient.
Most games with hexgrids have rules for elevation, the only ones that don't are navals and arcadey fighter games like Crimson Skies.

Oh, it's not horny that's the problem. If anything that's helped keep him in business. Paolo has always been a high-strung dumbass when it comes to business decisions. He very much has the stereotypical "artistic personality" and he just cannot stop burning bridges. Kind of a shame, he makes good shit.
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look up whatever brand of ships people use for never mind the boathooks and do a general search for 1/48, 1/35 and even 1/72 scale ships to see what's available and affordable
Does anyone play VICTORY AT SEA?
Well I can't actually find my copy of billhooks fantasia, so here is ruckus, they all came free with Wargames Illustrated. The rules are fine if they are what your after but iirc there's no real distinction between different fantasy races. Monsters where also very generic and lacking, I couldn't actually build my Knuckers in it, or my wraiths, or any interesting monsters. If it's what your after, that's great, but I don't like it.

>Yeh... Billhooks is too generic..
If we are going down that route, then Oathmark let's me build my own fantasy kingdom not bound by generic fantasy concepts, with distinct game affecting differences between races, and monsters that are more than just a generic statblock with one or two out of 6 special rules bolted on, actual magical items, and spells that are more than "generic attack #453". And I don't need to assemble an activation deck. And there's more options. So yeah, billhooks is generic.
It's also derived from a WOTR medieval skirmish game and even in that field its merely okay. Lords and Servants does a better job imo.
ruckus isnt even made by the same guy its some other guy that had his work fit into the general ecosystem of billhooks but its an entirely different game
also i can speak on everything youve stated as i dont know enough about billhooks or oathmark to disprove or prove anything of that EXCEPT
the activation deck which youd have to be stupid to say its just "bad" but i do completely agree that its not everyones cup of tea
Is there any alternative skirmish wargame
that sprawled a cult like Mordheim?
>Lords and Servants does a better job imo.


It's more helpful if you explain these things
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Let me guess, you need more?

All jokes aside feeling the pull of 1/72 again
I really dislike the quality of most 1/72 infantry kits. The ones I bought were always using this awful rubbery plastic.
I guess Frostgrave, though that game never got as big as Mordheim and probably never will (market is too saturated nowadays). Honestly can't think of any other contenders.
Alright so upon checking it out it with some battle reports and in TTS it kind of feels like oldschool WHFB somewhat and that's generally good enough for me.
I got so lucky with an ebay listing and went from 25 points to 100 points of cryx in under £30 I feel very grateful and jesus some of these models look so good in person, namely soul hunters look great.
Ruckus is a completely different game with completely different rules, by a completely different person. On the first page he even explains the game has zero similarities to Billhooks except the activation order system.
>assemble an activation deck
You literally just write your commanders names on 2-3 cards or chits. It's not exactly Yu-Gi-Oh deck building lmao

It's not. NMTBH is the best WOTR wargame hands down according to the historical gaming community, and often considered the best late medieval wargame in general. He only mentioned Lord's and Servants to be a contrarian and further justify his preference for Oathmark over Billhooks
>reeee how dare you like this game over my game!
With how civil /awg/ can be I sometimes forget that this is still 4chan.
Anyone know of a good multi part STL kit for pirates?
Who are you even talking to mate
Fair but I just mayte them before painting and use dip.

Any claim that x sucks due to y alternative needs proper explanation or can just be completey dismissed, right?
Where did I say anything sucks? Anon posted his favorite game was Oathmark and politely told him he should give Billhooks Fantasia a try if he liked Oathmark. He them had an autistic meltdown like I attacked him personally and he started berating me and Billhooks despite it being clear he has never played it and probably never even read the rules, idk why.
It comes to a perfect 75 points if I use hte soul hunters as bane riders which is the plan.
Anyhways my painting method for cryx is fast so atleast it wont take forever like my other models to have a full painted force.
As I said. If he claims something is bad, and that there is a better alternative he should explain his point of view. Anything else is grandstanding.

I quite like Oathmark fwiw but it's not the first fantasy game with a campaign shstem, and the way troops swing around their leader or corner model is abstraction in the extreme. A cataphracat/plate option and harquebus/crossbows and deep pike would have been nice options to use in a limited way. Otherwise Oathmark is quite decent
I quite like Oathmark too, but as I said earlier and as you said here, the wheel/pivot mechanic is simply poorly designed from a rank/flank standpoint. Being able to turn 360 in a single move and have zero consequences simply doesn't make sense. As for it's alternating activation, I don't know why Joseph McCullough did a lazy strict alternative activation with zero command from friction whatsoever. His activation system used in games like Frostgrave is much more similar to Billhooks than it is to Oathmark. Strict AA just doesn't make sense in a rank and flank game because it quickly leads to problems of a single unit extending beyond the rest of the battle line and isolating itself, though I suppose it matters less when you can wheel 290 degrees and charge the flank of an enemy formation directly behind you
Hmm, what are the spaceship mini lines that actually look like spaceships and not just geometrical shapes with gribbling? Where you can identify drives, guns and so on properly.

Dropfleet, Star Wars, Jovian Chronicles I know. But most others seem to be just a bunch of shapes slapped together with no rhyme or reason.
Nta but I think your being a wee bit sensitive. The oathmark anon didn't really berate you anymore than you did to him.
How is billhooks activation different from Oathmark?
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Stratos Minis did.
>Billhooks schizo strikes again
Please go back to /hwg/. They need your shitposts there much more than we do.
Oathmark has strict alternating activation, I move one unit, you move one unit, I move one unit, you move one unit... Until everything is done then you do it all over again.
Billhooks has order activation, both armies have 2 or 3 commanders, when the commanders card, token, chit, whatever is drawn then that commander can issue out order to the units under his command. You are able to order around an entire wing of the army (typically left, right, center) at a time instead of just a single unit
Perhaps you should go play Warhammer Fantasy if you want every single unit to have wildly different stat lines and unique abilities and a thousand whacky magic items. A spearman should always have comparable stats, doesn't matter if he's an orc or a human.
Put in your janny application you fucking faggot
Don't tempt fate, the jannies are already on a hair trigger.
Does anyone even play Dirtside II? I can't seem to convince anyone in my social circles to give it a go, all they'll play is battletech or GW bullshit
Neat. Thanks Anon. I will have to check it out and see if it matches the hype .
Here is all the Nevermind the Billhooks files for those of you who were asking me to post them. It's missing Boathooks naval supplement, but I'm still waiting to get it back from the share thread cleaners.
Anon is a scholar and a gentleman, thank you. Will download it an inform if its the usal dolphin porn.
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I regret to inform there isn't Dolphin porn, only wargames...
I see more people download the fantasy supplement than the core rulebook. I should inform you that the Fantasia pdf is simply a supplement adding a few rules for magic, monsters, etc. and you still need the Deluxe rulebook to actually play it
It is kind of annoying That's a fantasies version is not standalone and you need a core rulebook.

On the other hand I'm only a couple pages in and I like some of the design choices already.
>bad guys
>brown skin
>exotically dressed
Okay, I will have to buy this one...
>evil men are swarthy
>doesn't describe the goblins as greedy and manipulative
Amateur hour racism.
Reading through the WGA email. It's nuts how productive they are. Such a cool company. I may have to start voting in the Vox Populi shit. They have so much cool stuff, even though I haven't bought any yet.

You're thinking of "gnomes" who are "good guys".
We need a spruce of war dogs, my conquis can't get be with a measly pair for my horsis.
But oathmark has commanders with command 2 and command 1 which allow you to move 2 or 1 additional units when you successfully activate said commander. It seems like theh are exactly the same sans the cards.
Nice score.
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>I have a question for you.
Hey there homie!! I hope you're doing well, sorry for the slow reply.

To the best of my understanding, the Hagelsturm Shotgun on page 76 of your rulebook is the Bauhaus Sgt's autoshotgun, at least that's how I've always played it, sorry I can't be of more help on this one.

>Cubertronic's PS1000 sidearm
Cybertronic's P1000 Handgun can be found on page 58 of the Dawn of War expansion, it's an extremely good piece of gear for the Shock Troopers.

You can find Dawn of War here > http://www.mutantpedia.com/WARZONE/Mutant%20Chronicles%20Warzone%20-%20Dawn%20Of%20War.pdf

But in case you aren't aware, the rest of the Mutant Chronicles expansions can be found here for your reading and gaming pleasure.

Sorry again that I didn't have an answer to the Autoshotgun!
Each box comes with 8 war dogs right?
Och, I tought it was two, I will have to watch the spruce again.
You are right, I had in my head they were only two for some reason and I wanted more dogs. 8 are suficient.
Are there foot Conquis in the works as well? Would love to run an army of the lads and their dogs in a fantasy game.
Foot ones came out first. Check the site.
My settings might be wrong, but I barely see anything listed on the WGA shop. I'll check again though, thanks.
Here the conquis, here the aztecs.
Much obliged, Anon. I could not see the conquistadors in the categories but your link worked.
Lmao brainlet
Don't bully our intellectually stunted brothers, they do they best.

Nobody respects the old traditions these days...
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No it doesn't. Listen you retarded motherfucker, we've been telling you for multiple threads that Oathmark DOES have a friction mechanic - which specifically fucks with the ability to Maneuver, and is based on troop quality - and lets officers command chained/multiple activations. Alterations to that mechanic to emphasize the role of officers and make your troops less flexible without them is one of the core mechanical distinctions of the entire Undead army
You're fucking wrong.
Your game was written by a neckbeard incel...
You don't have to advertise the game for me, I am already sold.
Few marks of quality better than this.
Btw I love the art.
That is usually a big positive.
It's like complaining that a game's code was written by an austist.
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I know the models are 28mm scale, but how tall are the Oathmark halfling range? I'm really interested in buying some, and I'm also after some cool halflings from alternative-armies, but their halflings come in two different sizes/scales (and prices). Wondering if I can get away with the much cheaper 19-20mm height halflings
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>those proportions
Thumbs up for including a Neimoidian guard though.
That's a pretty sick idea, desu
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>Honestly can't think of any other contenders
It's a shame, really. I'm experiencing a real wargaming fatigue lately. Me and my friends are seriously tired with the modern approach of turning wargames into live service slop à la vidya.
We decided to look for games that are 1) no longer officially supported, 2) developed enough to be played "out of the box" and 3) popular enough to make it reasonably easy to talk other people into playing it. For now only Mordheim seems to check all the boxes.
I would prefer to find a non-GW game but Mordheim was abandoned by them such a long time ago it shouldn't matter anymore.
What systems do out-of-activation/reactions best?
You're all good, Anon! I appreciate the help.
>modern approach of turning wargames into live service slop
What qualifies a game as this? Having an app? Rules churn?
I thought the modern approach was kickstarter skirmish games that are DOA because they're an excuse for display models.
Any games that give the 3rd/4th edition 40k feel?
>Short-lived editions
>Constant FOMO releases
>New rules released in DLC-like books with content not justifying the price
>'No need to think about the balance now, let's simply skip playtesting and errata broken shit later only to follow said errata with a new release that will fuck up the balance again'
It's mostly GW but CMON managed to break the ASOIAF so many times already I stopped counting.
unironically OPR
>This creator is too horny for his own good.
Not even /tg/'s janny thinks women in tank tops is some kind of crossed line. If there was actual pushback on this that's pathological.
Does OPR have the flavorful old-school mechanics like not true light of sight, push back, vehicles having hit charts instead of wounds, etc.?
Should I preorder Dropfleet 2? Never played the first one, but I've been getting really into it recently
Always happy to help out a Mutant Chronicles King.
Unironically, can you sell me on it? I've been interested but unwilling to take the investment step of actually looking into it.
It's literally free just try it
>investment step of looking into it
You can read the rules in 3 minutes, it's a single doubled sided sheet of paper, available for free on their website
Y'all better not be talking nonsense
Most people in the discord for a game I like apparently think I'm an argumentative asshole, and it's very frustrating. I really enjoy discussing the game and its honestly the first wargame I've actually enjoyed and gotten properly into, but I'm apparently just not on the same wavelength as everyone else and trying to just have civil disagreements about stuff just comes across as arguing, I guess. I'm not really sure what to do other than either not posting there again outside of LFG stuff or risking still engaging and simply trying to never disagree about anything.
>Most people think I'm an argumentative asshole, and it's very frustrating.
Yeah, it's about what I'd expect from an average 4channer.
See but that's not true, lots of people get along with me just fine, real people even, not from 4chan
sure, buddy, sure
You poisoned the well, but the real answer is some combination of "hugbox" and "lurk moar".
Yeah I guess. A bunch of the people in question are relatively 4chan-y themselves so I guess I'm kinda surprised, but it's not like anons don't demand hugboxes as well I guess.
I don't see the 3rd/4th edition 40k vibe...
It plays like a heavily pared-down and simplified version of 40k, which is exactly what 3rd edition was designed to be.
It's basically 3rd/4th minus the bad clunky rules.
If you want the bad rules just play 3rd/ 4th.
>want to get friends into wargaming
>Particularly warmachine and kings of war
>But I have a lot of knowledgeable of 40k to the point I dont even need a rulebook to teach it where as id be having a harder time explaining basic concepts with other games
>So I put together a small 500 vs 500 point game of 40k and basically dm it to teach it
>They absolutely love it, even though my models are old as hell
>Tell them I cant wait to play warmachine with them since my 2 small stairs are about ready
>They say no, they want more warhammer
>They are instantly obsessed with the lore and world building, I try to put on some lore videos for other games with great settings and they turn them off
>Show them really cool models from other games "eh its alright"
>They much prefer my assault on black reach and 15 year old eldar models
>Want full warhammer days

I did this to myself. I hate it. Im glad to have people to play Warhammer with who are so enthusiastic but I am actually burned out and really wanted to play other games but I thought warhammer can be so so simple to explain basic contents in and that theyd be excited to see and play other games I say Id want ti play
How does it play if it's IGoYouGo instead of altnerating activations?
Another finger on the monkey's paw curls inwards
False? Old 40k had very thick and fleshed out rules, with very simple and minimal army lists/special abilities. Modern 40k has simple rushed rules, with very fleshed out over bloated army special rules, abilities, army lists, etc.

OPR has simple rushed rules and simple and minimal army lists. The core rules of OPR are a lot like modern 40k, just minis all the army list bloat of stratagem, special abilities, etc. its nothing like 3/4th 40k, as evident by the cheap boring "hull points" for vehicles like modern 40k, having a stupid ass health bar instead of a vehicle damage chart that can disable, glancing blows, explode, etc.
OPR is a set of intensely pared-down versions of the GW core rules, with most stats consolidated and some very basic special rules to differentiate armies. Also has some unit creation rules. It even simpler than Black Book 3e. YMMV on whether that's a good thing. If you're interested in the quirky or interesting stuff in that era of 40k rules almost all of it has been thrown out with the bathwater.
Have you considered just going full /grog/ and playing some mix of 3/4e 40k?

>Is there any alternative skirmish wargame
>that sprawled a cult like Mordheim?
>those other requirements
That's the real trick, ain't it?
The problem is, if something's dead enough to not be getting supplements then nobody stocks it and people drop it after a few years. Every local scene has a few different games that had a very active group at one point or another. But only a tiny handful of tabletop games have gotten any traction outside local areas since 1999. Frostgrave is the big one for fantasy skirmish, and 2e is a marked improvement over 1e. You can also leave out the supplements and still have a decent experience, though the lack of extra scenarios does get stale after a while.
I think your closest bet might be Kings of War: Vanguard. It had a brief surge of popularity and then got dropped like a rock after about 5 years, though Mantic may resurrect it at some point. KoW is reasonably popular. The rules are mostly intelligible to someone who played Mordheim. Campaign system is pretty slapdash. Model selection and factions aren't universal but it'll handle a lot of bodging. All the webpages are gone, basic rules are still in the books.
Otherworld Miniatures Skirmish is a left-field option. It's based off of the first-edition 7TV rules. It's not getting any updates on the horizon, and is intended to mostly model OSR-style monsters and characters, so minis are very available. Mechanics are simple. The game was never popular though.
>Have you considered just going full /grog/
It's definitely been a thought at one time or another.
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I have a hankering to play an anime themed game where you play as cute/hot girls piloting mechs fighting against hordes of monsters or against evil mechs.

A squad sized skirmish of 5-6 hero units and a few generic minor units against an opposing player who controls a monster horde or rival enemy mechs could be interesting.
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If the models are doing it for you, then go with your heart. If you're interested more in the rules, then just wait until later next month when they're out to see how they've panned out.
>vehicle damage chart that can disable, glancing blows, explode
So you want the bad rules
Try having sex
>but what if anime instead
I sleep.
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>girls piloting giant mecha

>guys piloting giant mecha-girls
the same would be said about the guy playing with plastic miniatures

but can on foot units have a chance against your hero robot girls?
Just played a game of Grimdark Future against my best friend via TTS. He killed most of my units by the end of turn 4, but I managed to pull a tie thanks to objective points. We had an absolute riot.
I know nothing about /m/ but I remember seeing that mecha. The giant book is great.
But anon said enjoying OPR isn't allowed!
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I'm really disappointed that Kojima wasn't able to adapt the manga and make it into a videogame.
It would have been glorious and truly disgusting.
>But anon said enjoying OPR isn't allowed!
We had fun and that is what matters most to me. The game was just unbelievably fun, and even the person watching us stream it to him was interested despite being more of a RPG guy.
>saved the thumbnail
OPR is fine, I'm just poking fun at the shill, or is it counter-shill at this point?
>OPR is fine, I'm just poking fun at the shill, or is it counter-shill at this point?
Both. OPR is fun but plenty of people either blindly shill or insult it. Many on both sides have never even played a game.
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whoops, also 2012, man that was quite a while.

Joshi Kouhei as a game? Wow. That would have been some mindbender.
I get what you mean, this place is so much better for discusion because I can call a faggot and agree with the same lad and there is no fuss (unless the ones than do it for free intervene of course), outisde of 4chan I have to toe lots of lines and I feel it restricting.
I dont even need to be that way, I had already tried to tone it down because these people didnt seem to like that kind of thing, but they seem to just view all disagreement as arguing. I was kinda looking forward to being involved with that community and stuff honestly.
Ah, that kind of Discord. Well I only been in a few and had to get out because you literally couldn't say anything slighly critical, and I'm not that kind of guy. Yeah, that's the reddit culture, you only can agree or get harassed out via passive agressivness and downvotes.
One of the reasons this place is great even when its full of shit, one of the few places in the net where you can love and ciritcise stuff like, I don't know, Warmachine and get other people agree, disagree, insult you and be frens at the end of it.
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Fuck PVPVE is a nasty game type
I can't tell if this is an endorsement or not.
The only way you can mitigate this is to preface things with soft padding to asuage their feelings and play into the hippy-bullshit not wrong answers educational style.
>one of the ways you might find helpful when discussing topics with other people is beginning with more friendly discourse encouraging open verbage to blahblahblah
and then they'll basically ignore you anyway.

I will say this, Dave's really done his best with this new faction. I'm not sure they're as good as some of his other stuff, but they definitely aren't bad.
Ships could been a little less flat. While the image is distinctive it's a little too simple.
no retard you shouldn't do that
Why not?

Yeah, I think that's the theme of the race though, utilitarian and simple.

In a word, yes, but it generally at times feels like you're playing competitive Warhammer Quest. Leveling is far more nasty and difficult than say, Blood Bowl. I've played 3 games and my best dude rolled a 2 on his search check, so it's just no-save death. We've also had two games end with both crews having to turn back(retreat) because we get fucked so hard.
Someone make a new thread please....
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It looks way better on the smaller ships where the shape of the weapons and body is large enough to change the silhouette of the whole ship. But on the cruisers and up it's kinda too squished. Should have beefed them up.

I only know of PVPVE in a videogame way like Tarkov, Hunt Showdown, Dark and Darker.
for tabletop I've heard of a group of players against a GM (player or CPU driven) in a PVE way like Descent or Omega 7 Protocol.
but how does PVPVE work in a tabletop game?

Player v player, but also enemies spawn and attack everyone

I only know of PVPVE in a videogame way like Tarkov, Hunt Showdown, Dark and Darker.
for tabletop I've heard of a group of players against a GM (player or CPU driven) in a PVE way like Descent or Omega 7 Protocol.
but how does PVPVE work in a tabletop game?
Can everyone lose? Or is there always a winner?
There's plenty of games like Frostgrave where each player has a squad, but there are also wandering monsters that are sometimes more threatening than the enemy. We shit on turnipalikes for not being original, but there's an entire sea of games like Silver Bayonet with a tech level somewhere between renaissance and napoleonic where each player has a small gang and there's NPC monsters like werewolves getting in the way. OldHammered plays them pretty often.
Wouldn't something like Frostgrave be PVPVE? With wandering NPC monsters and enemies that attack both player?
Sounds rad actually. What kind of enemies spawn?
There's a morale check and the usual modifiers appear, losing leaders, more than half, etc.

Lots. In the base game there's monsters that pull you into the dark (there's checks if you're not near a light source, one of which is "you have been eaten by a grue, basically"), there's swarming enemies, and of course big fuckoff monsters and orks and shit
Awesome, hell looking for a solo game of late and I really I'm digging this kind of stuff.

It comes with a "quest" mode thats just solo/co-op warhammer quest. A bit nastier minded than it, though less cunty than the new Dungeon Saga (the treasure deck which has both items and traps like heroquest is 62% bad things and the loot is extremely chintzy in DSO)
I was essentially raised in that environment and so am very familiar with that technique, and I gotta say its fascinating to me how often you can wrap something in as much padding as possible and some people will still manage to take it badly. Generally a good indication to me that the person isn't actually listening to me at all.
State a reason you should preorder DFC2. We need to know what dumb shit idea you have specifically to mock it accurately.
I never played DFC1 and this i's the only starter set available. Why would I start with an old edition? Also I like the ships

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