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Box art edition

>Previous Thread

>Battlefleet Gothic, Blood Bowl, Epic, Kill Team, Man-o-War, Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game, Mordheim, Necromunda, Shadow War: Armageddon, Titanicus, Underworlds, Warcry, Warhammer Quest, Warmaster, and any other GW system and board game are welcome.

>Helpful resources: (feel free to suggest additions!)

>The previous archive links are all dead and any time someone tries to make a new one it gets taken down. If there is content you're looking for ask in the thread and someone might help you out!

[REMINDER: By new /tg/ rules threads are getting auto-saged after 7 days]

Best specialist game box art?
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I'd much rather play CRP, but my local Blood Bowl league is doing quite well.

How do I, as a thousand-game veteran of the CRP, approach nuBB without turning into a negative grog?

It's just all the daft new positionals and special rules they've added for no real design reason, only a financial one. Looks like I'm going to have to suck it up.

Anyway, used to play Undead, Orcs, Chaos mostly. I've heard Undead are like A+ tier now?
By playing instead of being no gamez internet whiner.
I'm not nogamez though, as I said. Just asking for tips on re-approaching the beast. Things have changed in big and small ways.
I know and once you start to play it you realize it's not that bad and it still plays like blood bowl. Imagine it as secret league teams or something if it'll help you get past your autism.
I'm once again asking if someone already PDF'd the Rise of Angmar book
>Mordheim has WYSIWYG explicitly stated in the rules
Do we consider it SOVL or treat it as an archaism to be ignored?
I wish necromunda would get an faq, venators and some of the older gangs really need an overhaul, at this point id settle for a phoned in apocrypha.

I'd overhaul venators by making them more customisable but expensive, let them buy skills at starting but lock them in stat wise to represent the guys that have gotten as good as theyre going to get, let them buy scum for numbers, better gear access through 'themes'

Id give chaos cults access to some of the shittier illegal stuff, make spawn a brute option, let leaders have psyker for creds.
Why don't you take control of your own destiny for once instead of outsourcing it to parasocial internet entities?
What's stopping you from doing just that in your own games? GW won't blow up your pager for it.
Nogames detected.
gm likes to keep it official and the necromunda team should do it as its their actual job
the rules also explicitly says you are a dumb faggot
Your Arbitrator is a coward
If you don't go full Stillmania ur a feggit
>game about customizing your dudes
>should you really customize your dudes?
Maybe it's not the game for you.
I don't think you understand what WYSIWYG is. You can customize your miniatures with no need to model every piece of gear.
No. Apparently you don't understand what WYSIWYG is.
Back in ye olden days people had to model every grenade on their little spacemans because they were optional wargear, unlike today where it's free shit included in a units basic profile and you only get to buy the big upgrades.
What you are describing only works because the profiles are streamlined like that these days. People know what to expect, because it's decided via the rules now. When you could make every decision like that for yourself you had to put it on the model for your opponent to see. Mordheim is probably older than a good chunk of people playing it these days. People had a different mindset about that stuff.
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Managed to order the Dunlending warriors warband. Next check I'll try for the wild men and if he's available Thrydan.
Got a feeling these are not long for this world.
However I'm not that sad about it, if Dundland does get massively overhauled for big titty Rohan waifu anime I can probably bullshit my way into using Gauls for them.
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>When you could make every decision like that for yourself you had to put it on the model for your opponent to see.
Fake grogs are the worst.
What do you do if you want to purchase a new piece of equipment for your warrior and the miniature is too small for magnetizing? Do you chop his arms of? Assemble and paint a brand new miniature? Adults have no time for this shit, especially since you can simply edit your warrior profile card instead.
Yeah, maybe /v/ is more up to your speed.
I accept your concession.
>Do you chop his arms of?
literally yes. It's what the studio guys did each month in the games featured for WD. You know, the guys playing in Tuomas Pirinens campaign...
>Assemble and paint a brand new miniature?
This is another option, but you'll end up with a lot of similar looking minis.
>Adults have no time for this shit
That is why it's a hobby. I understand what you are getting at, and the guys working for GW are living in a parrallel world where they get paid for playing with toy soldiers. Every adult knows this. Yet that is exactly the spirit of the game you've chosen to play.
Be mad at the game, not me.
>Back in ye olden days people had to model every grenade on their little spacemans because they were optional wargear
Literally nobody ever did this you lying nigger faggot
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>autistically following the rules to the letter like some sort of tournament nigger instead of having your arbitrator throw out rules that are unfeasible or unfun
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But sculpting and painting is fun.

That's the whole point of these games. YOU BUILD YOUR OWN GAME PIECES.
I think the Corsair of Umbar can make great Wild men with a bit of effort, swap the swords for Rohan axes, remove the tiny shields and sculpt some fur bits.

All metal army is paint in asshole.
Hey boys, I’ve been asked if I want to take part in a new necromunda campaign. I’ve only ever played old old old necromunda and shadow war, I was planning on using this list.
Have I made some monumental fuckup by not understanding the system?

Genestealer Cult - Gsc lool - [12Weapon slot, 1000Credits]

# ++ Gang ++ [12Weapon slot, 1000Credits]
## Fighters [12Weapon slot, 1000Credits]
Aberrant [145 Credits, 2 Weapon slot]: Character (Skills, Specialist (Aberrant)), Wargear (Mesh Armour), Weapons (Two-handed Hammer)

Genestealer Cult Alpha [200 Credits, 3 Weapon slot]: Character (Gunfighter), Early Generation Hybrid, Wargear (Hazard Suit, Psychic Familiar), Weapons (), 3x Autopistol

Hybrid Acolyte [135 Credits]: Character (Infiltrate), Wargear (Hazard Suit, Demolition Charge), Weapons

Hybrid Acolyte [260 Credits, 3 Weapon slot]: Character (Overwatch), Early Generation Hybrid, Wargear (Hazard Suit), Weapons , Axe, Mining Laser

Neophyte Hybrid [60 Credits, 1 Weapon slot]: Character, Wargear (Hazard Suit), Weapons (), Autogun

Neophyte Hybrid [60 Credits, 1 Weapon slot]: Character, Wargear (Hazard Suit), Weapons (), Autogun

Neophyte Hybrid [80 Credits, 1 Weapon slot]: Character, Wargear (Hazard Suit), Weapons (), Lasgun (Hotshot Las Pack)

Neophyte Hybrid [60 Credits, 1 Weapon slot]: Character, Wargear (Hazard Suit), Weapons (), Lasgun.
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Two hand hammer is a complete meme unless that's what you're doing or you're just too lazy to convert. If it's the latter it's pretty easy to make a simple aberrant with knife, chainsword or whip, even the default pick or power hammer are better. But generally you want melee fighter to dual wield.

Acolytes are mandatory to take 1 familiar if you was to play in any non-meme manner, but more than 1 is not recommended unless you're really struggling to survive because everyone else is trying too hard.

Pic of my 2 power hammer aberrant.
If you play a campaign it is advisable to have some money left for emergency purchases like going to a doc after a match (even if that is really expensive with genestealer cult) or getting some equip/ganger that is needed. acolites should have a third arm at the start so they can use good weapons later. demo charge way to expensive and ineffektive for the start such a meme comes later (practically suiciding a 13 point model is bonkers but if you want that do it not judging, would definitly be funny. also what the other anon said already.
>Tuomas Pirinen
Ah yes, that doormat.
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It's good

Games like Necromunda, and to a lesser extent, Mordheim, can get snowballing bloated gangs quickly.

So enforcing that you have to have a painted miniature means at least they've got to go to the effort of actually making it, rather than that rare weapon just being pencilled in on their gang roster
I'm making a cult of the possessed warband, I'm just a little stuck on my lore?

the theme is that the cult is a wandering religious congregation of priests, acolytes and "blessed" men, they have been called to mordheim via whispering and humming that they cant quite reach
Would an aberrant work alright with a great sword? Or would it just not worth it against other options.
Getting into Necromunda and looking for a gang, but information is pretty thin

Pros and cons for Goliaths, Orlocks, and Enforcers?
First, "informations is pretty thin" my ass are you to stupid to use google? still:
Pros of enforcer: nice equipment (even for new recruits), boltguns are awsome, concussion weapons okay, good armor. DOGGO!!
Cons of enforcers: somewhat limited in options, campaign rules garbage, max 2 champions.
Pros goliath: house gang, good durable base stats, even better with stims/chems, good melee guys, beginner friendly simple team
Cons goliath: not so good in shooting, people will hate you if yo abuse stims/chems,
pros orlocks: balanced starter guys
cons orlock: balanced starter guys but not good in anything particular
General sentiment is "Stick to a House Gang" to begin with. The other gangs get a bit less focus and have fewer special rules and interaction with the campaign system so end up behind the power curve.

Goliath tend to be a bit more melee skewed, but have a house rule where they can customize their statlines at recruitment for a points cost. They also get discounted brute trainers.

Orlocks are an all rounder gang, but excel at short range shooting. Their gang rule is 'Legendary Names' which let's you add a chosen rule to your hero level characters.
They get discounts on ammo at the market, and kamakazis with jetpacks.
theres lots of information but it all seems to be in the context of already knowing anything about necromunda. I'll be first to admit I know fuck all about the game so someone saying "this gang is good but it relies on the trading post" means basically nothing to me.
Okay that makes a bit more sense then. I do not know how much basic game information beginners guides need to be understood.
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Here's a Mordheim derivative I found while doomscrolling. I find it neat.
i have played this, maybe 30 or so games of.
its Fine. the xp gain system is easy to fail with, initiative is also a bit odd. lack of required mins and maxes on warbands points towards much smaller bands upgrade stacked models.
i had a very tough caster lich, a undead genestealer servant, and a centaur archer. the lich was just a giant threat bubble, the genestealer was very fast and almost impossible to affect in melee and the centaur mostly just picked up warpstone but got into a fist-fight with an animated warehouse building once.

its better off used as a team vs dungeon game than a mordheim offshoot. i also used it to play a few skirmish size battles with vehicles and infantry squads which was fine but needed lots of house rules to balance out.
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Would you consider the current edition of MESBG a complete game? Do you think the game is ready to be preserved in amber to be played by future players unchanged/slightly houseruled if needed?
If you have to ask you shouldn't be playing.
> tournament nigger player who wants to WAACfag it up in Mordheim... accuses someone else of being a tournament nigger
The WAACfag cries as it strikes you
Despite the replies you're getting here the vast majority of people I've played with and spoken to online about it don't adhere to strict WYSIWYG. People typically either do WYSIWYG for starting loadouts or for idealized loadouts they'd like their models to have someday in the campaign. It can definitely be a rewarding hobby project to magnetize your whole team for the true WYSIWYG experience though, if you're so inclined.
Remove the special strikes bloat and cringe modelling for advantage. Rumours is they are removing it for the new edition, praise be Tolkien.
- Goliath : easy arm swap with space marine bits, their kits come packed with several dogshit weapon option, limiting their choice without kitbashing.

-Orlock : they have the best kits out of all gangs, all the guns you need is in upgrade kits. Arm Master and Wrecker are both excellent addition.

-Enforcer :not "Judge Dredd murder hobo" fantasy you thought of, mediocre stat with good equipment. Enforcer role is not extermination nor conquest, they existed to be a nuisance and are great narrative device for campaign. And all of this is intentional to avoid cringe "police vs police" campaign.

Well, the good news is, they actually made a "Deathsquad Judge dredd" gang, they just cleverly hiding it from plain sight, it's the Venators. They used pretty much any models, you can even use the Arbites models, but lorewise they're still just bounty hunter.
"Modelling my miniature? In MY game of miniature models?! Unfeasible!"
As a complete noob (nogames in over a decade) who really likes uruks and swan knights, is there much to be said on army selection? Like the idea of Lurtz/Cirith Ungol/Fiefdoms forces, but idk if they're bad for new players, and idk if it's advisable to go with lots of options for one force, split for multiple forces (one good one evil?) or what. Spoonfeed me pls.
Fiefdoms being mostly metal and resin and parts of the range always being out of production is a bit of a pain in the ass.
I have a perverse liking for old metals, and as a result also ways around the OOP issue. I'm more concerned about how repetitive they are as an army and if they're difficult to play well/interestingly if you're not too experienced. Seems like a limited roster and relatively funny units could result in that.
Post 3 minis representing the progression of a character from your last campaigns
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Space Hulk 3rd/4th Edition
Thanks anons, I'd missed a familiar on my heavy weapons guy. and didn't realise the 2h hammer is -1 to hit.
I'll swap that around and give abberant a knife and power hammer, as well as a familiar with that mining laser guy.

lastly Ill drop the mundane lasgun for another autogun as I don't have a second lasgun gsc dude painted yet.

I'm keeping the martyr since I strongly believe genestealers without kamikaze fighters aren't on theme but I'll downgrade his bombs to a blasting charge instead.
read me like a book, I was gonna paint the enforcers to look like judges.
FYI, the actual judges of 40K are the adeptus arbites, who enforce Imperial law (ie. feds). They toned them down a bit in the latest plastic minis release, but the old metals had all of them in the big eagle crest helms the leader has here and it was all very Dredd. Enforcers are just the local beat cops.
I played Mordheim in summer '06.
Avoid Fiefdoms, minis cost a fortune, are hard to get and might be retired in near future. Also the one unit you like is not that good.

Both scouts and cirith ungol are fine. Fun legions that are parts of major factions (with nice starter sets) so you can use your dudes in other lists in the future.
Aeronautica Imperialis.
As expected, the most noisy 'purists' are no-games and hypocrites.
Why is there an anime girl there? Is she going to suck their semen?
Enforcers is a very generic term tho. They range from military to police to private security, while arbites are always imperial "feds"
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After a few years of keeping these guys shamefully unpainted I finally managed to finish them. Now I have to get myself a King of the Dead & Heralds, 2-3 real Riders of the Dead and wait for a new edition.
What paints did you use? I started painting mine with green contrast but I like yours more.
Whatever white primer, GW's Nihilakh Oxide, AP's Brainmatter Beige drybrush followed by whatever white drybrush.
Hi all, could someone be so kind to post Kill Team Termination? Thank you!
Same as PDF (Planetary Defence Force) and Imperial Guard, they go from total meme like peasants with slingshots to proper armies some even with combined arms approach to warfare
Kind of the beauty of 40k as a setting it is such a giant mess that you can get away with almost anything.
Like I do not know some death cult in bunny suits due to them having incomplete information about Khorne Bezerkers and the body suits imperial assassins have.
Have you tried the KT thread? They run their own dedicated general these days.
hows this for my outcast starting list:

Onmyodo Coven - 300creds

Champ 1 - 130 creds
inferno ammo
stub with DD

Champ 2 - 210
stub pistol
Heavy stubber

Scum 1 - 65creds
axe x2

Scum 2 - 65 creds

Scum 3 - 65
2x stubgun w, DD

Scum 4 - 65

scum 4 and champ 2 do shooting while champ one and leader advance with scum/champ acting as screen/get inot melee, leader uses inspiring presence to keep guys in fight, champ 1 backs up leadership whilst setting fires
>1 W wimp leader.
>Heavy without suspensor

Welp, the idea behind an outcast gang (that isn't mutants) is that you have a really strong leader, but the rest of the gangs is cheap and not very great. When you have a really shit leader in an outcast gang, you forfeited all of the advantage they had.

Mutant outcast make the champs and gangers really strong, so that can offset having a shit leader.
If he takes off the crown, will he die?
Very nice
If you want to play Fiefdoms, seriously consider using 3rd party plastic Perry Miniatures for pikemen to save cost. You can even use their knights for Swan knights, just paint their cloth blue and add some shields. The GW swan knights look a bit goofy imo.
1/3 into a Necromunda campaign and I'm doing so well it's honestly not fun anymore lol. All but one ganger have a weapon that causes insanity and on top of that I have a heretek, warp horror and czarn the cyberoth.
You only have 5 gangers, outcasts need 3 ganger profiles per champion. Drop some of the backup stubs and dumdums and the knige or take the mesh off some of the scum so you get the ~40ish creds to throw in the extra scum.
Spamming a single weapon type is often not very fun, and playing against full-insanity is about as fun as playing against full blaze. But necromunda campaigns can get real out of control quick if players are allowed to do whatever, where's your gang rating at, do you guys use Underdog bonuses, are you playing the worst and least balanced campaign type (i.e. dominion), and how many games are you playing per cycle?
Then stop being a dick and play more funny fluffy lists instead of minmaxing.
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The Reductus from gsc converted into an Outcast/Hired gun
Works quite good, gonne steal that idea for my kill team.
>Mfw we can barely play once a month our Dominion campaign
>Mfw players have jumped in and out of the campaign
>Mfw some gangs have 8 battles while others have 3
>Mfw I can't wait for this to end because I'm the fucking idiot Enforcer player whose arbitrator refuses to compensate the fact I don't get territories
>Mfw I'll make an outcast gang for next campaign because fuck this shit
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What are the most elite Mordheim warbands? I'm looking for one that strongly favours running a handful of well-equipped and developed warriors rather than going wide with chaff. Preferably an official release warband tho.
>no hose
>nose ring

Not. Even. Trying.
I don't think there's any official warband that fits exactly what you're describing - there's no warbands that strongly favour running an elite warband, the best you'll get are perhaps a few that make doing so slightly less punishing.
Off the top of my head Dwarf Treasure Hunters would probably be closest to what you're looking for - with hard to kill and incomparable miners they're less likely to die which is obviously important with so few bodies and incomparable miners will help out your economy.

I'm playing more for fluff, he's an outcast astropath set himself up in the underhive as a prophet (he has after all been in the throneroom) both champs are also unwitting wyrds.

Wyrd 1 is a preacher with pyromancy and the stoke flame power, he thinks the emperor shields him from flame (fire shield special ability) and stokes the wrath of his pyro munitions (stoke flame power)

Wyrd 2 is a technomancer, he lugs around a gun that through the correct prayers seems to jam much less (techno affinity) he bellows forth for the emperors protection and it is granted (hardening) both think the astropath is helping them call down the emperor's power, he's subtly tutoring them to use their wyrd powers.

Also gang at starting can't get suspensors, also thinking another ranged scum with autogun or lasgun.
You already picked the wyrd archetype you can just went with a normal outcast leader profile.

But it does look like you're deliberately trying to avoid the good options you had, so....¯\_(ツ)_/¯ gotta keep the memes alive
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hmmm my recaster has this guy avaliable
good model for a cult of the possessed....possessed?
Strikes me as more of a chaos spawn rather than a possessed, but it's a sick model either way.
As a newbie Mordheim player I find it ridiculous that Chaos Spawn is available only for a single unofficial warband.
Im fully of the opinion that WYSIWYG for starter loadouts or what youre aiming to go for, but considering HOW MUCH your warband will change, EVEN if youre not metagaming, its not THAT feasable to keep strictly to WYSIWYG the whole time. You can also usually tell when people are being lazy and metagaming anyways.
in general theres quite a few things that youd think would be in mordheim in some form but are only in homebrew bands (which is a can of worms since even in high quality homebrew warbands there are some nasty meta game stuff, but theres also the same thing in the base game too)
I admit that I am an outsider to munda but I took a peek around the internet and is we shit like kroot gangs and chaos tau gangs, what the fuck does that have to do with Necromunda? Or is it just kind of Mordheimization of the setting where people add wackier and wackier gangs?
Also unrelated question but can you run purestrain/malstrain genestealers in regular munda or is it a secundus weird sub-game thing?
There're no such things. There's a kroot rifle you can buy off the black market, but that's it.
Malstrains have two versions, full on malstrain which are secundus only, and malstrain infected which are normal gangs corrupted by malstrains which can get limited genestealers.
Can regular gsc take genestealers or did they remove that?
GSC cant really take Genestealer they can ask for one and that guy can randomly fuck mid mission.
he is not a ganger or anything but more lie a random special rule. but they did not remove that at least in this edition they never could take one.

They look great too, those hill folk are perfect as generic barbarian dudes.
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let's see the new Riders of Rohan without brittle ankles
These look pretty good. Happy for the LOTR people.
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Soul vs Soulless
I think the new ones are about as soulful as you could possibly get in this day and age. Nothing wrong with them.
I wonder if this heralds the end of the Battlehosts boxes
nah we will have Khazad Dum battle box %100
This is more about the new heroes but it just seems like everything is made overly complicated with unnessecary details to make this shit harder to paint
Let’s fucking gooooooooo
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I still love the Khazad-dum chads way more than the World of Warcraft ass Iron Hills dwarves.
I want to buy a second blood bowl team so any of my friends visiting could play a quick game with me whenever.
Anyone got any suggestions of a team that would have a fun and relatively balanced matchup with Norse?

Nice, they look great but I'm not touching them until they're a standard 25-28mm though so I'll stick to proxies
Undead are the perfect learning team
Annoying it's only 4 boxes. You'd think there'd have been a Haradrim battleforce or Ranger battleforce.
Undead or chaos chosen. Perhaps orcs.
They do look good. And, amazingly, it looks like they aren't going to fiddly as fuck with a dozen pieces per model. Maybe even push-fit (I don't recall the article mentoning that specifically)?

Can't wait for the box to be $250+.

I love the old Warriors of Rohan, but these new ones just seem like an upgrade. They didn't drastically alter the designs or anything like that.

Or is this just "if these were within 50 miles of a computer using a CAD program they're soulless" type bullshit?

In six to eight years when the new book that features them comes out, maybe.

These are tame by GW standards. Their usual MO is "keep adding bullshit until the model is swimming in greebles and call it detail." Look at how stupidly busy some stuff from 40K and AoS are.

Are they scale creeping MESBG?
>How do I, as a thousand-game veteran of the CRP, approach nuBB without turning into a negative grog?
We don't care for you 'old good new bad' shit. The game is more alive than ever. If your idea of a good time is to split the community, then kill yourself. We are better off without you.
Are MESBGfags really painting shit green, reddish brown and darker brown? This looks dull as fuck. They don't even change up the tones in the cloaks and rags to add some variety.. this is worse than historicals.
Necromunda have a few gangs that don't have any defined aesthetic : Venator, Outcast. Chaos, or even GSC, Allow you to use any models, rule wise the model profile may not fit what you going for, the weapon can have roughly equivalent, but you don't really have any true faction mechanic.
>Wulf and tbe boys spook Edoras starter set comes with a 3x3 battle mat
Are GW shrinking the play area with this next edition? I can't imagine kiting with strength 2 bows that hit on 5s is that big of a deal with only 8 shots or less at times.

Personally, I'll be doing a sort of scabby dark red like picrel as the main cloth color for Dunlendings. As you said, there's always way too much brown on the models(hair, boots/footwraps, wood, furs et al).
starter set mats are usually smaller than standard
Now those looks good, but I wonder how different will they look side by side with the older models especially the scale itself
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Any paint experts in the house? I'd like to know which paints are used for these models

Looking to paint some emperors children with a mirror guard-esque

>Rohan themed FOMO box comes with precisely zero non-hero cav
...OK then. Anyway, is the Mordor starter + some werewolves of Angmar a good start to Middle-Earth?
Check the WIP thread, somewhere there will know.
Well yeah, has Don Brujo himself and all that. You also want a pack of barrow wights, since you can't lead 26 warriors with only your leader.
Looks like silver and gold paint mostly
Do you build all your hangers on?
Do you use official models or kit bash stuff?
low tier bait Contrast slurper
What the fuck? I never in my day would have expected plastic Wild men of Duland, pretty cool!
I would also like a Minas Morgul box with Gothmog, Morannons and a troll.
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I want to start a Possessed warband for Mordheim but I start thinking my project is a severe case of modelling for disadvantage. I wanted to use NuStormcast bodies to convert a Magister, Possessed and Mutants but I'm worried their sheer size will make targeting them easier and 40mm bases may cause some gameplay issues when everyone else is using 20-25mm bases. Even my Darksouls and Brethren will be quite bulky, mounted on 32mm bases.
Does anyone know if next week's preorder malstrain models are supposed to be plastic or resin? Tech priest looks resin, the alpha looks plastic, and the zoanthrope thing looks like it could be either.

That MIGHT be Green Stuff World Chrome which he's applied with an airbrush for an even coating.
They are all resin afaik.
Scale creep was always a problem, just look at a warrior of Minas Tirtih next to a warrior of the Dead.
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What's the problem? Are you insecure about your battle mat size?
Thanks, saved me some money. I found the malstrain genestealer kit at half price and was tempted for Space Hulk but if the rest of the range is gonna be in resin why bother.
buy the newer product, goyim
nta did they add the warband thing in 2018? Swear I don't remember that being there back in the day, was it just to make more money by making you buy more shit or was there a balance issue with no warbands?
There was already a warband limit in the hobbit edition back in 2011, back then it was all heroes lead 12, in 2018 they added the hero tiers so different heroes lead a different number of troops.
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can't sleep and a bit burnt out on a diorama so smashed out a bit of terrain.
When did the current warriors of the dead kit come out? My buddies are swearing its 2018 but im pretty sure they came out before that
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WD 352 april 2009.

Also this did a painting guide in may 2009


They did "release" them (again) in 2018 big box or something.
>telling us the sculptor
They should do that again.
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They can't because we would rightfully bully whoever sculpted these.
How did you make the Gothic arches? All mine look like shit
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7 games into a Mordheim campaign and I rolled double 1s for my leaders injury roll. How do I get over the grief of losing her? I had gotten really attached to her
What the fuck even is this dude, never seen him before. And why is that birb impaling itself?
>Turn this into a miniature

Close enough.

>the plainest power armour imaginable
>plainest weapon imaginable
>”close enough”
why the hell is the hammer painted like it’s made of stone when there are clearly metal plates modeled on it? and dont even get me started on the bird
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I'm just pulling your leg it's actually based on the shitty nu-age art, but they still used the old one for the codex (for obvious reason) and as a sculptor he should know better which reference to pick. But these guys simply didn't give a fuck about their works or warhammer.
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And the stone hammer exist since his previous sculpt, it's not really a big deal, he probably used a different hammer in the old art before switching to the demonhammer.
>based on the shitty nu-age art
there is no way, that piece was quickly drawn after the fact so the model wouldn't be such a massive downgrade from the codex art. There is no other explanation.
model need 2d drawing first as reference, not the other way around. It might not be that picture, but it would be the same concept design.
Those are 3D printed. You can grab them off Thingiverse.
Style over substance baby. Who cares about winning if ya can't look cool doing it?
Cheers bro
Based and correct.
DO NOT look at he price, DO NOT, also add loss or purchasing power to taste...
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Do you guys ever play necromunda or other specialist games on table top sim with each other?

Do you guys ever talk on discord?
I've played a lot of warcry but that's because the table for it is a breeze to set up.
this right here really epitomises the degeneration of GW
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Hardest Blood Bowl dilemma by far: Do I go with regular dark elves, drow dark elves or brown elves when I paint my team?
Show me the teams you painted so far.
Brown or pale. They're not drow
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Ty anon, as other anon says 3d prints designed to fit on canned soda.
Look for machine parts 4 on cults for a real trove from that maker.

Anons I posted last thread asking for advice on my gsc necromunda band. I’d like to read the rulebook though, does anyone have the 2023 core pdf, and whatever one the updates t base gsc gang is in? Tyvm.

In return heres some saint or other im painting tonight.
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Nothing whatsoever, it's my first Blood Bowl team.
>Flat Eldar Ranger
Mio Dio, sto vomitando.
If you paint for the very first time don't go with any unnatural skin tones. They are actually much harder to nail than natural ones.
Oh, I've painted plenty before just nothing for Blood Bowl.
> Blood Bowl has an """Ogre team"""
> It's made up of wannabe-Goblin retards with only 6 actual Ogres

I want to play 11 Ogres dammit.
It's the perfect team for you anon.
Do you think GW gives you all the positionals in a single box?

>Chaos Dwarf Blockers have retained Block but they’ve lost Tackle

>Hobgoblin Linemen, Bull Centaur Blitzers, and Minotaurs are all identical to how they were before.

>The Sneaky Stabber is an assassin-like Hobgoblin with Shadowing and Stab, who follows the more lightly armoured opponents like Catchers and Throwers and attempts to slip them the knife.

>The Chaos Dwarf Flamesmith is a little more aggressive – an offensive positional who’s a little quicker than a Blocker, and who can take people down with the new Breathe Fire trait.

>H’Thark has Str 6, Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut

>Zzharg Madeye, has his blunderbuss and a solid brick of stats, and Hail Mary Pass. His unique special rule even allows him to turn his gun on opponents.

>Rashnak Backstabber relies on a cocktail of poisons to get the job done...
Dare you accept the cursed spaghetti
I did it, but no one replied to me sadly... let's hope someone here can help me out
>1540tv just to field a full roster of rookies
If I had it I would share it
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Hard to beat Battlefleet Gothic's IMO
Cult of the Possessed can build decent elite warbands. You can sink basically as much money as you want into new mutants and possessed with more mutations.
>wild men out of stock already
If I take the Narco Lords Alliance for my Helot Chaos Cult, can I choose named Hive Scum Hired Guns like the Abomination of Badzone 12 as my D3+2 free Hive Scum Hired Guns?
Looking at getting into Battle for Middle Earth. Would the Battle of Ogsiliath be a good starting point? I figure I could paint up both sides so friends could play and potentially get into it.
Yes the Battle of Osgilith box is very good, the evil side is not a legal force as it requires a few more hero's to play in a full game, but that doesn't matter when your first setting out as the box has a booklet of fun scenarios you can play with the models you get in the box.

When you want to expand id recommend getting the commander packs for both sides as they contain generic hero's and a banner (which is a must in this game).

For your Minas Tirith get some knights of Minas Tirith, because that's the armies hitting power.

For Evil id recommend getting a box or two of standard orc warriors, after you have brought the command pack and maybe another hero, as that then sets you up to build the majority of Evil army's just switching out the hero's when you eventually buy them.
Ahahahah. No.
But ask your arbitrator, they might want to give you a free tank to bulldoze others
>id recommend getting the commander packs
Do people actually buy them? Everyone I know converts heroes and special warriors with the basic plastic kits.
yeah they are quite popular every person i know has at least one for each army
I love the design of 40k ships. No interest in the game, but I wish I had bought some since you can use them in Epic.
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>>H’Thark has Str 6, Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut

Hthark seems OP as fuck for 300k. He is practically the same as his 3rd edition self. How the fuck do you stop a Str6 2+Dodging MA9 carrier with Block???
>you can use them in Epic
Different scale buckaroo.
It acts as a marker. A space ship never appears on the battlefield, it just allows drop pods and can bombard.

Why would you need a marker when the ship should span the length of the table? A single ship should be able to drop shit anywhere it likes at this scale.
It is a part of your army that you paid points for and an immediately visual reference for your opponent as well. Why model and paint drop pods?
In addition, the largest ships take time to get into firing position so it acts as a marker there ,if you take a large ship.
>How the fuck do you stop a Str6 2+Dodging MA9 carrier with Block?
You don't, hence the name.
>new MESBG infantry kits

Man they could transfer almost everything to plastic if they released specialist unit boxes for each faction. Say for Gondor, 2 sprues of 12 figures like the standard infantry, broken down into 4 Fountain Guard, 4 Citadel Guard, and 4 Osgiliath Veterans or something on each sprue.

They should hire me.
Make her a little gravestone with her name and details, immortalising her for all time.
Then, after you've played a few campaigns and have a stack of dead guys and gravestones you made for them, you'll have a bunch of sentimental scatter terrain.
Some dude on Reddit was posting models for the Spyre Hunter gang he was making that was a bunch of "Kroot" Predators (as in the Arnie movie)

I think I also saw someone else kitbashing some Chaos Tau on there too.

Xenos don't really fit the spirit of a game about the civilians of the Imperium, IMO, aside from Genestealers and maybe feral Orks.
Stealing that idea for Necromunda
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>pile of Corpse Starch tins with a little sign in front that says "Crud Dudley - beloved bruiser, survived by his brother Stud"
Hey anons, quick question on the gsc in necromunda 2023. Is taking infiltrate on my heavy weapon seismic early gen acolyte with 1x familiar a horrendous idea?
It pinning everyone even pin immune dudes seems very useful, and I could pit him behind a corner somewhere annoying so he can pop out and blast.
Here’s the gang for context. I revised things because it turns out I’m fighting in secundus so everyone gets 1250: and I’m fighting spyrers, scary.

9x dudes tota.
Cult alpha3x autopistols+familiar. Gunfighter

Early acolyte with overwatch,mining laser and familiar

Early acolyte with infiltrate,seismic and familiar.

Aberrant with mesh,power hammer,fighting knife.

Neophyte with hotshot las

4x neophytes with autoguns.

I really did want to take a dude with the 35 point grenade and infiltrate as a martyr, but maybe that’s after a few games or something.
It's alright, infiltrate is a great skill its a gamble.

Also gang list don't have hot shot, if you let people take common item then take smoke grenade.
this is a horrible idea
Thanks anon I didn’t realise that I’d taken hotshot illegally.

On another tangent has anyone ran an adept psyker? I think the 8mind control through walls ability is cool, but what else would you even do with him?
Gang-power should be avoided as much as possible because they don't have special abilities. (unless you're delaque they're faq'ed to take their dogshit power and can never get special ability)

The main draw to take a psyker is that they (most of them) always get 1 wyrd power as the new rule from "book of the outcast". Allow them to spend the free skill at creation to pick something else other than wyrd power.

Also mind control from the book of the outcast require LOS. Or you could argue that it was intentional and totally not a product of half-asleep monkey on paycheck, and the sacrifice of the special ability was worth it.
Now if only chaos had a team that could actually afford these big stars. Chaos fling when?
Huh, just noticed the thread is older than 7 days and isn't auto-saging. Did they finally remove that garbage?
Thanks anon, I would only be taking it due to the lack of line of sight restriction part,
but I’m looking at the others and honestly if I was going to commit the tech psyker forcing ammo checks seems fun.
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some Arnor veterans I did with their banner
nice anon, that's always one thing that I love seeing in mesbg, conversions, I get they are hard to do with the lack of multipose guys tho.
How did you do the banner icon? Was it metal or finecast?
I took a png of the arnor icon from the ruleset and extruded it in blender, then proonted it
What's the biggest thing you can field as a player in Mordheim, limited to official content only?
Probably an ogre, rat ogre, or troll.
Maybe a Chaos Spawn.
I recall reading somewhere that Necromunda had some dealing with Eldar and random kroots as mercenaries.
Couple of models? Sure, Entire gang? Maybe for some scenario.
Even Spyres as their own gang is kind of stretching the setting
Anyone know where to find STL files for MESBG models? I'm in a telegram group but it doesn't have any of the models I want or it's just so dogshit to navigate that it takes ages to find anything
Can Underhive Outcasts Hive Scum in an Outcast gang with an affiliation to a gang house give said hive scum personal equipment from that house list?
For instance a delaque affiliated gang giving it’s hive scum photo goggles.
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Massive Warcry update today! Two new warbands got added, Darkoath and Ruination Chamber. There was also a huge Errata/FAQ change that added pretty much all the new Aos models that were missing from the game, plus a bunch of points updates for the older Bladeborn fighters who were still on the 1st edition points algorithm.
That's some lovely cloth on the sash guy.
First time arbitrator for my group's first Necromunda campaign here. Are there any models I should get to help with arbitrating? Hired guns for underdog stuff? Enforcers, civilians, ambull etc. for fun missions?
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Get some accursed cultists to use them as an arbitrator controlled ‘wandering horrors’ from the new book.
The Munitorum armored container set is peak scatter terrain.
You can never go wrong with some hive scum and ambots and inquisitorial agents can make for good hired guns.
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BFG is so fun. Fuck Tyranids however.


How likely are we to get an early YT preview for the Chorf team stats and costs this weekend? A lot of the new stuffs utility is going to come down to the nitty gritty. Are the Firebreathers just Dwarf Blitzers with a less useful version of Wrestle? Are the Stabbers MA7 and not more than 60k... or are they useless?

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