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Previous thread: >>93913026

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
Why don't you want to play Titanicus?
Because my interest is in 28mm. No more, no less.
Already hard enough to get people here willing to try 30k.
TQ: don’t want to get a whole other set of terrain and boards for another scale.
I play NetEA when I want to play at that scale.
How does one counter 20 myrmidons with half and half plas/grav? Blind tests?
What do people typically bring in a list for Zone Mortalis? Is it just all terminators?
Vindicators and Typhons.
Pyroclasts and Adherents.
Warhound with 2 Turbo Laser Destroyers
PDF of the new supplement?
My vindicator just gets melted with return fire though. A typhon probably wouldn’t but damn that’s a whole LoW… thanks for the tip anon.
>A typhon probably wouldn’t
What makes you think a typhon is not going to immediately die to grav myrmidons?
>My vindicator just gets melted with return fire though.
Get three, and position your units to receive a cover save from the return fire if you can't bait a reaction out of them on a less important unit. You might still lose a Vindicator even if you do have a cover save, but as long as someone with a Nuncio Vox is standing nearby to help direct wayward scatter results, you're bound to drop a few more of those robo-fuckers than your Vindicator was worth.
Pure prayer.
Aye aye captain, more excuse for me to find 3 classic vindis then.
>My vindicator just gets melted with return fire though
Measure more.
Vindicator is 24" range and their weapons are 18"
If you only shoot at the guy in the front they should even have a hard time shooting back even after moving next turn with their 6" movement.
Plasma can't even hurt you
What's a nice fluffy specialist to use with my ECs? I was thinking about making a dandyish Techmarine.
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You don't.
>Can’t take Adherents because of PiOA. Can’t use Cyber Arcana because he doesn’t have the proper subtype.

They are fucking retarded and don’t even know their own rules. Would you guys be okay if someone house ruled this for what it should be? Thoughts?
Pride is our armour, one of the blackshield gimmicks
Pride is Our Armor, removes Troops UT gives you 6 Elites slots and let's you pay 50 points to turn vets into tacticals (line, Fury, heart)
Been about a year since I’ve head a game, been focusing on Whfb 6th ed. Can I get some feed back on my night lords list.
Terror assault
3 dreadnoughts with melta and fist
10 cat terminators 5 dual lighting claws 5 fists
3 apothecaries artificer armor 1 with jet pack
20 assault marines fist and 4 power axes
20 despoiler 4 chain glaves 1 fist
10 terror squad rotor cannons
10 terror squad volkite charges
2 plasma deredeos
How shit is my list ?
Well, Adherents are troops choices, so I'd say that's working as intended. As for Cassian Dracos, he's clearly supposed to be able to use the power (otherwise there's no point in giving it to him), but isn't the bigger problem getting him into a Blackshields force at all?
>Well, Adherents are troops choices, so I'd say that's working as intended.
Explain. Because that's stupid.
They're troops choices. You don't get troops choices with Pride is Our Armor. What's not to understand?
So you think getting one rule that lets you take a troop option and another rule that prevents you taking troop options on the same unit is intended?
Rules as intended arguments with you must be a real headache
First of all, I'm not seeing anything that would let you take legion specific units in a Blackshields force at all. Secondly, Veterans don't become Tacticals, they just gain the special rules of Tactical Squads (Line, FoTL, HoTL). You're not taking troops at all because you don't have any slots for troops choices, and Adherents are only in the Troops slot.
>First of all, I'm not seeing anything that would let you take legion specific units in a Blackshields force at all.

Cassian Dracos, Legacies of the Age of Darkness: Legiones Astartes v1.3, Page 67, rules section "Avatar of the Sacred Flames":
>In addition, if Cassian Dracos Reborn is selected as the army’s Warlord in a Blackshields Detachment, you can include Salamanders Adherents Squads as part of that Detachment.

This allows you to take Adherents in that detachment. However, same page, the rule "Discipline of the Flame" :
> You can include this model in a Blackshields Detachment. If you do so, that Detachment must use the Pride is Our Armour and Panoply of Old (Salamanders) Oaths.

and finally, Campaigns of the Age of Darkness: The Battle of Beta-Garmon, Page 160 section "Pride is our Armour":
> However, a Detachment withthis Oath may not include any Troops choices, and all Troops slots are removed from the Force organisationchart for this Detachment.

Is this enough, or does it need to be spelled out further?
So you expect me to be intimately familiar with a small update to a PDF that happened two days ago without any announcement? That seems almost as optimistic as expecting such shit rules writing to be functional in the first place, which it clearly isn't. Anyway, it's not up to me if you can convince an opponent to allow you to take them as Elites choices.
Somewhat related….How strict are players when it comes to hard rules and it has to say it on the profile? As opposed to players who see what the spirit of the rules was and are okay with it? What’s the ratio from peoples experience?
The rules text for this specific character was already posted in this thread once before they replied.
NTA but in my group we regularly make houserules or the like to try and make the game most enjoyable for our circle. 2.0 is full of things that could be tweaked to say the least
Yeah, and it didn't say that three days ago before the 1.3 update dropped, and no announcement has been made anywhere to say that it changed. I have Cassian Dracos. I've used him before. I play Salamanders. His profile getting an update is news to me... getting bent out of shape and weirdly antagonistic about it makes me wonder if this dude even has any opponents to play with at all, doubly so if he's asking if 'we' in this thread mind, and not his actual opponents.

Plus if we're being honest, I don't see many reasons to exercise the Blackshields Dracos option. If the desire is to have Veterans with FoTL and HoTL, that doesn't require any permission from an opponent when you play this type of list. If the desire is to have non Support Squad Adherents, just play PoTL Salamanders with Cassian Dracos as your Warlord and ask your opponent if you can count them as your compulsory PoTL troops.
What’s the most vanilla of the Cerastus knights?
Sword n gun guy
I expect if you jump in along a discussion that starts >>93928081 with the rules in question being posted, that you might spare a teeny tiny crumb of your time to actually read what you're weighing in on.
What do you mean by vanilla? The Acheron has the least technically advanced weapons. It just wields a huge double chainsword, a massive flamer, and a twin-linked heavy bolter.
The castigator?
Something like the Paladin. I’m surprised they haven’t made a Cerastus version of the Paladin.
If you want to argue the rules should be something, that's a hard sell. RAW is RAW.
If you want to discuss and implement some houserules amongst a group of players, that's going to depend on the group. I find some houserules are easy to agree, some more contentious. It really depends on the rules, what changes you want, and the group you're talking about.
>The castigator?
It's usually pretty obvious when they fuck something up like this. You don't get to argue RAI over clearly stated rules otherwise
It's a pretty bad plan to try and argue what a rule *should* be mid game. Particularly if what the rule does is clear but just doesn't make much sense. It's also very hard to determine what GW's actual intentions about rules are, because they have a history of FAQ reaponses that make no sense whatsoever, they've put out stuff before that amounted to:
>Q: How does [Rule] work exactly?
>A: It doesn't.
The simplest solution is to play with generic HQs instead of gay special characters like some 40kid
Nta but the problem already had been spelled out even in the last thread, there isn't much to not understand. >>93926955 The rules are contradictory, they specifically force you take the blackshield oath that removes the troop slot if you want to take him as a blackshield and then in the same detachment allow you to fill that detachment's troop slots (which don't exist anymore, why? re-read the previous text) with adherents without support squad. They are now compulsory troops in the specific oath that removes troop slots and by the rules you can't pick another combination of oaths.
special characters have never been allowed in 30k
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Don't listen to this faggot, post special characters.
The special characters and units are literally what define HH as separate from 40k, what the fuck are you on about.
then you haven't played 40k in at least three editions
>Special units
>What do you mean normal marines painted black?
>I assure you these is a special unit designed specifically for BAs and is dripping with the chapters identity
unrelated to what I said
the special units are a bonus (and the special characters are an active detriment), the fundamental rules differences between 30k and 40k are what "defines" it as separate far more than any part of the unit list
But Argel Tal is the only way to make Gal Vorbak work. Having 55 point models that are 3+ with a 5+FnP don't really work without help.
We're getting a box of the remembrancers from the novels in plastic this Thursday to kickoff the plastic characters series
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I couldn't think of anything more lame if I tried. I'd rather get even more IF / SoH characters.
This has got to be bait and lord did I sink my teeth into that hook. Holy shit, wouldn’t that be something. Here’s your (You), you cheeky bastard.
are you for cereal?
>the fundamental rules differences
You do know they used to have the same rules system and were still different games, right?
Hey guys, get this:
>Raven Guard Siege Breakers and Arquitors
>Iron Warriors Recon Marines
>Ultramarines Despoilers
>World Eaters Esoterists
yes, and they don't any more. very few people play pre-8th compared to how many play 10th.
>oldhammer scenes exist
Only fools believe your lies, Satan.
I'd like that. Especially if they were sculpted in the same way of the old hh character series.
>Kaedes Nex features in 2/3 campaign supps released for AoD
And yet not a single EC character between the the three of them. For shame.
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Your post makes me angry. I am going to send my Jetbikes at you (I'm a Death Guard)
>special character fag reveals himself as a waacfag
many such cases
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that makes absolutely no god-damned sense
which is why it might actually happen
>Iron Warriors Recon Marines
Are actually extremely good and an auto-take in any of my IW lists. S6 means they can pen AV14. They're anti-materiel rifles.
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Sorry, he was too expensive/ddin't think in the same way as the consultuants the board hired. The guy who designed this model will be taking over
>Loyalist Word Bearers
honestly this would be kino in resin
will we be getting Karkasy pre or post splatter
Bleh. I just hope it's not whoever did the new marks and the EC sculpts.
>>Ultramarines Despoilers
What's the issue with this one? Would there REALLY be no combat scenario where the toolbox marines would want to engage in CC?
the Cybertheurgy sub-type is clearly intended, it's just an oversight that they've assumed it's carried by possessing a Cybertheurgic Arcana

Pride is Our Armour is a tricky one because it's clearly intended to represent a hard core of veterans as troops, but for an army that can't use Pride of the Legion (which I guess is where the confusion comes in) and using a unit which are Troops and so forbidden by the Oath it's asking for

there's two ways out of this

firstly the pdf downloads are clearly undergoing some spring-cleaning, unannounced - the Legacies pdf has been altered to remove the characters (and their old rules) who were in the Beta-Garmon book, and the Tridecemmia EB has been altered to remove the rules portion, leaving only the mission and background; since we know those rules are in the Martian Civil War, it's a fair bet they're unaltered (notably the other pdfs with MCW rules haven't been altered yet); this implies that simply waiting like a normal human being will see the Adherents entry updated to Elites as well

secondly you just use Adherents as Elites (since they're basically Veterans anyway and this is likely intended) and the Support Squad rule being removed means you can just take a bunch of raging firebugs and their giant dumpster fire of a dad if you want
>World Eaters Esoterists

did I stutter
Ultramarines would have been the Khornate legion if the roles were reversed. The Warborn were psychopaths until Bobby G made them learn some fucking discipline.
Maybe Adherents should be Elites in the first place
the plasma fusils are 24" but as anon said they are S6 so they can't hurt a Vindicator's Front or Side armour at all, meaning Return Fire isn't a problem from those
... I'm planning out the model for a WE esoterist right now...
yeah they've got almost the full Veteran profile and insane shooting vs infantry
I'm only now noticing how small his sword hand is compared to everything else.
I'd like there to be some more reading about the legion's iconoclastic pre-Lorgar days. Militantly radical atheists violently enforcing the word of Richard Dawkins sounds fun.
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I do, but it’s bloody expensive just to get a playable sized army.
I believe you're 3-0 on character models though.
They're keeping Sharrowkyn for the Siege of Terra supplement.
>Mechanicum WAACfaggot blatantly cheating
This should not come as a surprise. Mechfags are even worse than IF wall rats.
Titanicus the game, not titans in heresy
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>Lore for the martian fucking civil war is all space marine povs
>Buttload of new rules make dark mechanicum a proper faction now (not 'mechanicum but black')
>Not a single new character for mechanicum
>New missions and game mode seem extremely interesting and will absolutely freshen up game play
I don't think I've loved and hated a supplement this much at the same time for a minute
>Knights the same livery as a Titan legion
They look great but it triggers my autism
>>Not a single new character for mechanicum

it would just be another one per army dude anyway, they don't share well
Any new stuff for shit that isn't DarkMech?
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Yes, I’d just like to play titanicus at a different scale.
Fucks with mine too. I like to think of them as indentured knights sworn to the titan legion - the initial settling of Zhao-Arkhad was a pretty big fuck up, and in my head I can justify the knight house effectively being absorbed into the command structure of the Legio Xestobiax. That being said, if there becomes a canon knight house associated with pre-burning-of-prospero thousand sons, I’m fully ready to repaint them.

My autism goes pretty hard on the pseudo historical side of things and virtually all of the heresy models I own (~15-20k points of TS, 5k of SW, 2.5k mech, 1.5k transition era Luna Wolves/SoH, knights and titans, probably something else I’m forgetting) are all matched to the burning of prospero, right down to conversions designed to represent the major characters involved.
>Yes, I’d just like to play titanicus at a different scale
Anon, 28mm to 8mm scale would make a 6'x4' board take 21"x14", and a 24" gun would have a range of 7 feet.
The Krios got a new gun that's kind of ass. That's it. No new units, no new characters. Nothing. In the fucking Mechanicum book. Immediately after they start releasing plastic Mechanicum models.
Bold of you to assume the model production team was aware of the HH rules team making a campaign book about Mechanicum.
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Finally got me the Mechanicum starter. Want to paint them up as the Eminarii of Zhou Arkhad, allies of the Thousand Sons. Anyone got any recommendations for paints to buy for them?
the rules are written after the models been made.
God holy fuck who wrote the rules for the Kratos battlecannon man, this thing is just so fucking painfully undergunned. Literally the Predator autocannon is probably better than this crap.everytime I try taking my Kratos I look at the stats and resentfully write in melta blastgun instead.
The melta blast gun is only very marginally better than the predators magna melta cannon. Its silly.

Should have made it also small blast, now that would be a fun gun.
Per shot, the predator cannon is better (due to rending) but only gets one shot to the 5" plate on the kratos. Some breaching on the Kratos might not go amiss?
wait, predator cannon gets 4 shots. Please ignore me, I am retarded.

Breaching on HE shells isn't the worst idea though.
Loyalist WBs can be fluffy for Shattered Legion armies. Small groups separated from the rest of the Imperium decades prior wandering into a mishmash of loyalist massacre survivors is pretty neat.

Got a scan that you’re willing to share with the class?
HE shells kill 1/7 2+ saves and 1/4 3+ saves outright

it's a 5" template

AP2 would be the same as AP shells, killing 2+ armour saves outright, 2/3 of 6++, 5/9 5++ (think of it as 1/2, but it's better than 1/2), and 5/12 of 4++ (like 1/2, but shittier)

at that point you might as well be asking for a template that anything it touches you just toss a coin for, even giving it Breaching 4+ would be basically 1/4 kills on anything infantry at worst

while we are at it how about Moustache (X) where the value of (X) is the width in inches of each player's moustache and the player with the widest moustache wins?
Don't forget about
>IW pathfinders
>DG librarians
>TSons chaplains
>SA moritats
Anon over here in actually plays the game Land a 5' blast hits 4-6 models, max 7, depending on scatter. That's comparable output to the gun on a model 1/3 the cost . Nobody's asking for ap 2, but rending 6+ at least wouldn't be too much to ask.
I've always felt that HH should have an effect like in old WHFB/TOW that the center of the blast should have a higher Strength and/or AP to simulate the dude who actually gets hit by the shell getting deleted and the rest of the blast being much more manageable to the heavily-armoured dudes around the epicenter.
When it first came out I missed the 30k memo and was waiting for the 'inevitable' release of Eldar titans.
Now I don't give a shit.

If they ever remember the Emperor Titan exists and release a kit for it, I'll buy one to paint.
asking for Rending 6+ on anything is asking for AP2 on 1/5 of Wounds, asking for it on S8 at all is asking for twirly-whirlies

I'd swear there was a gun in RT/2E that did exactly that and it was a pain to work with

maybe I'm thinking of Confrontation/Necromunda?
I mean in fantasy the weight of a stone is doing a lot more damage than the dirt it kicks up, but in 30k the damage from the shell itself would be negligible compared to what the payload does.
Y’all do realize you can rent community centre gyms or conference rooms for like 50 bucks a night, right?

The largest game I’ve ever actually played was on a 12x18 board (nine tables pushed together at a local GW - this was years ago when stores had like six to eight staff minimum and they all loved their job). It was 22+6 players at ~2k points each (the +6 were those of us that also brought superheavies or more than 2k points). It was an awesome day that saw four titans fall, and Shas’o R’alai survive a titan reactor going critical, shoot out two land raiders and then win in melee against a squad of termis, only to be cut down in a duel with a war boss who also survived the meltdown.

In a very big fan of giant, absurdly long games.
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>111 replies
>15 images
what a bland and boring thread.
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Let fix that

Currently working on the metal super structure for this Iconoclast, excited to move on to armor panels.

What are you working on Anon? Let’s post models
fashion police chaplain
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Building my Triaros. Now I've heard in previous threads that there's a way you should do it that's not in the manual, so if anyone recalls that, I'd be glad to know before I make a mistake.
how are you gonna base it?
Honestly I don’t know, basing isn’t a skill I’ve worked on, and I know it’s much harder now that he’s on the base. I do regular grit with dry brushing and a wash on my marines. But I’m not sure there’s small enough grit to do the same for something like a Titan. Any advice? I could use some
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Saved, thanks for the Inspo.

…. Is that you Tez?
I'm interested in HH, which is more fun: Night Lords or Mechanicum?
Not you, my bad, beautiful legio defensor
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you could do it like this guy's where tiny bushes offset the texture paint to make it look larger.
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Konrad merely adopted the dark.

Corvus was born into it. Moulded by it.
i think im going to base my spartans for ease of magnetization
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Plastic outriders when?
When are we going to see Guilliman and Fulgrim confront each other again in full scale war?
>>New missions and game mode seem extremely interesting and will absolutely freshen up game play
Such as?
dark mech as in "shove daemons in everything" or the A.I. using, "all tech is back on the menu!" kind?
3" central blast, 5" fragmentation?
Not the shell itself, but rather the inverse square law where the immediacy of the explosion deletes the target, but the periphery of the fireball barely throws Tom Cruise off his feet (he totally doesn't have internal bleeding)
We're talking movie logic, right?
>full scale war
If the traitors had had access to true Emperor's Children rather than Space Junkies, the war would've been over at Istvaan V
GW has tasked you with resurrecting the Imperial Army with a distinct playstyle and aesthetic design. Can you thread the needle between militia dogshit and solar aux special snowflake? The corporate stiffs have only alotted resources for 4 new kits. Good luck
I make no changes and release 2 IF characters and 2 SoH characters instead :^)

I do play Adeptus Titanicus. And Legions Imperialis. Age of Darkness sucks.
How time consuming is painting 1K Sons in the gloss red scheme? Is it better or worse than 40K?
Easy with an airbrush. Painful otherwise.
Depends. Do you have an airbrush?

Unfounately no.
>Age of Darkness sucks.
It's not so bad if you have a flashlight
You better buy Retributor Armour in a rattlecan then. Applying contrast to infantry with a brush is pretty doable in a reasonable time, but you better have a BIG brush for anything bigger.
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I release 0 kits and put that burden on the player, focusing entirely on the rules, having it be basically 7E IG but in 30k.
That means the Platoon system and Orders, but with Provenances, units go up to 20 (Conscript Levy up to 50), plus AoD wargear and units.

You want to bring Victoria Minis Praetorians? It's valid. You want SotDA Late Crusaders with Land Raiders and Speeders? Go for it. Want a Penal Legion Corpsegrinders? Attilan Horde? Oops All Tanks?

Either put your bear hat on or ditch your greatcoat for a tank top, all of it is valid.
You are immediately fired for suggesting that players use third-party miniatures. John French then rapes you in a supply closet. Mission failed
Post what you're working on anons. I've been stalled on my Thallax this week. Not sure whether I should add more colour or whether it would take away from them - any thoughts? Otherwise, varnish, oils and weathering is at least a fun process I'm looking forward to.
>John French then rapes you in a supply closet
Ha dumb moron, i hid a claymore in my prostate
Nah but fr, want distinct playstyle? Orders + Platoons.
Want aesthetics? BEAR HAT + COAT
>But 40k players shouldn't be able to play 30k without buying their army twice! ;__;
I don't care
I didn't suggest going as high as breaching (4+), it could be 4 or 5.
Rending would make HE better against armour, which AP and Flashburn already cover. Breaching gives better anti-infantry without stepping on the other ammo's toes.
I'm about to start assembling some tech thralls, will post once they're put together. Your thallax look nice anon (are those the resin prints I've seen floating around?). Personally I'd add a splash of colour somewhere else on them...Maybe some hazard stripes on their left forearms? Good stuff regardless
Being a 40k Chad is one of the most empowering and exhilarating feelings possible. Merely by existing and having fun playing games I can make entire legions of trannies, basedboys and grognards seethe. It’s absolutely incredible
My guy most of the general already hates 40k and is here because of that, some discord troons would have a minimal impact on ideas and opinions that have been part of here nearly since it's inception. Were is this from anyway because I wouldn't mind fucking with them.
>My guy most of the general already hates 40k and is here because of that

Completely wrong. The several generals dedicated to GW, multiple threads about GW lore a day, and /wip/ general being 90% GW proves that most of the board likes 40k, and it’s just a vocal minority of discord raiders who dislike it
Are you genuinely dumb, or purposefully being an ass?
People like a thing. People like it a lot. Then the thing changes. Nobody hates the change more than the people who liked it, because nobody else cared as much. Hate isn't the death of an IP, apathy is. The people who love 40k - or what it was - are some of the most vocal opponents of changes. If you can't figure that out, your analysis means fuck all.
GW isn't 40k, you could argue that most of them use 40k as a setting but all of the things that that screenshot talk about are about 40k the game not the setting. If you like 40k it's fine, I did for many years but these are the opinions that are held here.
>primaris are boring
>cawl is a detriment to the setting
>the game is a pay to win tourney threadmill
Supposedly all these people hate 40k yet it’s more popular and successful than it’s ever been, including on this board. But no, I should believe the rabble of discord raiders screeching about how GW will totally die in 2 more weeks and how TRVE fans totally hate 40k
Nta but if you were here for more than a day you would have seen how many people jump ship from 40k to here when any new book or wave of models gets released.
Is this some sort of reverse psychology shit?
Still going around with this Sir Yiffy?
Doesn’t mean shit. Just means people are so deeply invest in 40k and GW that they follow tertiary games
No, it’s real. Plenty of us infiltrated that discord to the point where they had to abandon ship but they just went off and formed a second discord. The creator of the discord is confirmed to be the tranny who makes the /awg/ threads
EA stock prices are near their highest ever. And it's widely agreed that they're a bunch of scummy fucks slowly ruining everything they have.
It's almost like those psychological tricks and money-grubbing tactics that make people hate these companies also work. For a time.
Mhm. Yeah. 2 more weeks and GW will totally die and its games will totally stop being the most popular wargames on the planet. Trench Crusade Xisters our time is now !!!
It does, the games don't even share armies and yet plenty of people just sell away their 40k armies just to get off the threadmill of
>buy new op thing and assemble it
>paint it and before you finish it gets nerfed into shitblivion
Again, none of those points are about 40k the setting but 40k the game, this one >>93930566
Woke cultural marxism is shit tho and ruins every franchise it touches.
No he wasn't holy shit batman
So you are the tard shitting up those generals. Goes to show that you can't trust a /v/nigger further than you can throw him, which isn't far considering the hambeasts they are.
So when will it ruin 40k? Because it’s more successful than it’s ever been and that success is objective proof that the vast majority of the fanbase thinks the setting is only getting better and better
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This is all offtopic, go shit up >>>>>>>>>/40kg/
Those generals are already shit tho
>If the company survives the next two weeks it's clearly an angelic host that can do no wrong.
Can you differentiate between good and successful? Do you think Bill Cosby is a morally good person because he got ratings?
Oh it’ll survive and thrive for far longer than the next 2 weeks. And The Cosby Shows success doesn’t say anything about Bill Cosby himself but it says a lot about the quality of the show exactly like how 40ks success is an indicator of the quality of the lore and rules
They not wrong tho, they just remind you what GW has done and shitpost a little, well exept arch he is still a faggot.
It's not discord trannies fault that warhammer is getting worse and worse it's GW's. At this point I wonder when we get our 30k femstodes.
hey so I just finished HH book 1 and Horus seems pretty chill? no spoilers please
He gets hangry later
They're the plastic ones. I want to add more because they are a bit monotone at the moment, just a bit wary of hazards because they can be easy to fuck up. Left forearm is a good shout though, thanks.
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I wish the SoS oath of silence had been explained. I get it: it was very bad that we got to witness an age that was meant to remain shrouded in legend and mystery yadda yadda.
But still, why are SoS basically muzzled? Equally blank Cullexi aren't actually oathed to silence.
Women who can keep quiet is the biggest fantasy in the setting
Headcanon: just like Custodes are His protectors, so are Sisters of Silence the Emperor's keepers of Enuncia; at least the fragments He managed to gather from the Tower of Babel. Each Sister memorizes only one word – only a Blank could survive internalizing even a single Word, and even then, it costs them the rest of their speech
Theirs are The Words That Kill
Didn't John Grammaticus know enuncia without dying?
It was described in black book lol.
SoS have deep knowledge of psychic and warp stuff, knowledge that is only for Emperor's most trusted, this is why they ae to speak to no one, not to mention it strenghten discipline. Also Emperor lived for 40k years at this point so he decided that he don't want o hear woman constantly talking and made them swear oath of silence.
>muh enucia
SoS were created as mutes long before Abnett's mind spawned this abominatin.
The initiates aren't sworn to silence but they don't get to see all the fucked up shit the 30k galaxy has. I presume it's a symbolic thing to show that they won't tell anyone big E's secrets which is why they were the proto-inquisition before malcs got in the picture and made several versions that would all 3(or more) actually become the inquisition (without the oath to silence).
Does anyone else play CSM in 40k and your Horus Heresy army is actually your pre-Heresy version of your 40K army?
>the vast majority of the fanbase thinks the setting is only getting better and better
Doesn't the fact they have sign language kinda kill that idea? unless it's a specific sign langauge only they know and you only learn it once you're initiated.
Not me, but one guy I play against sometimes did this.
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What is the House represented on the Knight kits for HH, with the green and white livery? And seeing that I noticed one place still stocked with pic related, are these kits also any fun?
99,9% of setting don't know their sign language, Only SoS and Custodes are shown to know it, this is why when speaking even to marines SoS need translators, they also know sign battle language for battlefield communication but it kinda sucks for convesations.
It is, they use the recruits that haven't yet taken the oath to communicate with people outside the sisterhood. Also it could be deliberately like double speak meaning it's missing the concepts that big E doesn't want getting out in the first place. This all falls apart when writing gets in the picture, it might not be as fast as other types of communication but it's still an option.
How's the ground harness holding up?
House Vyronii. Their fluff in in HH Book 4.
Not yet, I did have the idea of getting a AL or IW army for 30k first and foremost while possibly proxying them for CSM within 40k, then possibly seeing where the collection ends up going.
Isn’t that how most of the larger blasts work?
Stalled out on my WE for life reasons. Holefully back to them tonight.
So, what are we getting today lads?
A stroke by trying to paint Hazards on 40 models straight.
Have you tried painting hazard stripes on 40 models gay?
I don't think the Iron warrior allow hazards on their taint.
That's exactly where you need them, though.
Ligma if anything
plastic krios or vultarax
Plastic Krios
Camba Diaz
Most, no. Only Apocalyptic Mega-Blast weapons. Of which, there are very few. Like Mori Quake Cannon on a Warlord Titan. But then other weapons like the Belicosa Volcano Cannon are only Apocalyptic Blast (10")
Can a IF or BA land raider exchange the twin linked flamer with twin linked assault cannons?
>Doesn't the fact they have sign language kinda kill that idea?
Yes, it does. But what can you do? Half the warhammer lore is a one-off line someone wrote in a codex 30 years ago because it sounded cool and when you try to make a whole faction or an animated series out of it you realize it makes no fucking sense.
Vows of silence as a religious thing are not something that happens constantly.
It'd make a lot more sense if SoS had a vow of silence when they are not exclusively in the presence of other SoS. Or if they were able to communicate with each other with subtle body movement like what eldar can do. Not fucking sign language that everyone can see. At that point you might as well have a servo skull with a voice modulator speaking for you if you are still going to communicate with randos...
Does the rule mention TL heavy flamers? No? Then it doesn't. Easy-peasy.
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You guys seen these from MCW yet?
No. Lots of asking for the PDF, nothing posted.
That's sad and my day is ruined
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I guess these three are the marine character releases for the foreseeable future.
It's not clear in the rules.
Going by the master-crafted FAQ you'd be able to exchange a twin-linked HF for a single assault cannon that is not TL
The Salamanders armoury lets you specifically exchange a TL heavy bolter but it gives you a TL dragon flamer in return so... It could also be an exception to how the master-crafted rule works...
Talk with your group about it but imo the most you are getting is 1 assault cannon and that doesn't seem worth the 20p. Specially when you can just put it in the pintle mount to begin with
Yes, it's all been posted before. The marine characters are pretty underwhelming desu
At least they showed restraint with the IF one...
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Incidentally, I have no idea what FW's obsession is with characters that are basically just slightly side-graded praetors with bad weapons, Camba Diaz in this case.
Characters sell would be my guess
I wish I could make a proto LR Crusader, or a LR with just assault cannons.
Maybe for no-games model collectors who just post their paintjobs on reddit in between debating BL "lore"
A special character is useful to a small part of the player base, because there's only so many fists players or w/e
A model that can be used by an entire faction like legions, or solar aux or mech would sell much more simply because more people would want it.
>TL weapons are treated as separate weapons from non-TL weapons
>TL weapons do not have their own stats like, say, gravis
So /yourdudes/ can be stronger than them if you want. Also because otherwise you would have waacfags running special characters non-stop, this way they are nudged to take generic ones and make up their own fluff.
Man, Nex got nerfed so hard.
These models are produced in small numbers
Jesus fucking Christ what a nothing character.
>Here's another Fist Character
>Is he interesting or unique?
>No. He's just a Praetor with a 2 handed Power Sword and a Warlord trait that makes him better around objectives.
>Every turn?
>No just for 1 turn.

What is the point in him even existing (apart from giving French another Fist characters to pleasure himself to at night.)
I'd rather have the characters in the story have playable rules that make them just a side grade to normal preators to use in narrative games than have them be an OC donut steel abomination with half a dozen special rules that make them immediately superior to anything else any other legions can take desu
>Go shit in a pile of shit.
He's got one less attack and Ld than a normal praetor, so more of a sidegrade. Pricing supports that idea too.
>book about the mechanicum schism and the martian civil war
>look inside
>space marine characters
You know what, I have to give it to GW. They made their book so mediocre that people don't even bother to pirate it, evidentiated by the fact that we still don't have scans/ a pdf.
Impeccable move, James.

anything cool or interesting about mech? any reason to run shit besides mymrs, thallxii and thanatars?
Same. Named characters should be side-grades to regular characters, otherwise you end up with every battle you see involving Abbadon, Khârn and Sigismund.
It's another part why I hate modern 40k, named characters are so strong they become crucial to the function of an army. Your army basically doesn't work without named characters, it's fucking stupid.
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>Forged by Sabik Wayland
A bit out of left field to bring this guy up but okay
The functional contents were revealed when reviews came out. Look them up.
>>No just for 1 turn.
Look I don't like it either but please learn how to fucking read
RE: Camba Diaz - Isn't it funny that the special character has a two-handed sword ? In the novels he's portayed as fighting with a one-handed blade and a boarding shield.
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While they are the toolboxes, on table they are a shooting army. Where IH and DG can tank and AL can dodge, Ultras can hit accuratly. The first anon was essentially implying taking basic melee is essentially a waste in a UM list due to their ruleset.
>on table they are a shooting army
>Meanwhile Suzerain casually being one of the best melee units in the game
The loyalist favouritism is off the charts this edition.
Yup, my blackshield pirates who fucking hate the warp/daemons due to getting stuck in it for 25 years end up getting sold out to vashtorr by their dark mechanicum buddies during the scouring and they end up tortured in the warp for hundreds of years until they're forced into signing a contract with him. Due to the fucky lucky nature of time in the warp, vashtorr claims the contract is retroactive and tries to claim them before they signed it, hence why they randomly got trapped in the warp 25 years ago until the ruinstorm let them slip from his clutches.
>yes, I'm a newfag that will post offtopic in generals because it nets me (you)s
>I'm aggressively retarded and don't want to learn rules, in my culture we shit everywhere including in the streets
Have a pity (you), I'm sure it sounded smart in your little brain but 30k is for 30k and 40k is for 40k.
Do both, and then you can expand either army latter.
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>Mid to late heresy World Eaters breakaway force going around "liberating" world by uplifting slaves, prisoners and populations under what they see as oppressive or tyrannical rule.
>Do this to try and be what Angron should have made them.
>Really just turn up and tearing down organised government and imposing strength as the only way to gain freedom by throwing knives at prisoners, rebels and slaves and telling them to kill their oppressors or get a bolt in the head.
>Take those freed men and turn them into inductii or just gangs or legions serfs who overwhelm the enemy with spite and numbers
Yeah or nah?
Sure, I can see it working.
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Suzerain are not basic melee. Looking back at the UM rules, they are shooting phase oriented. Their reaction is anti-shooting, and their RoW stops special enter abilities like iniltrate and deep strike. The rest is good melee stuff, like their warlord traits and armory. So fill your troop slots with shooters and take suvzerain.
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Taking a break from vehicles to get more infantry done. I have 5 more Deathsworn plus a Speaker of the Dead to build.
Look, if they couldnt be the best at everything DA, IF, SW and UM players would cry a lot.
There should be a liber goblinicus and all the units are grots (no orks) and it's the only thing xenos ever get for 30k and it should have more units than custodes
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camba diaz is the wall rat on the right btw
I play my Knights as a Household that had to become Freeblades before 40k.
>Looking back at the UM rules, they are shooting phase oriented.
Yeah, and their melee units are strong enough without the extra rules that they don't need them.
>it should have more units than custodes
What, a whole three?
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You're ignoring my entire point and hyperfixating on one elite unit, which I pointed out were what you should take over despoilers for melee. Should I assume at this point that you are so far gone on the autism spectrum that arguing with you is not worth it?
So he sucks right? Like he just gets gunned down by random marines and his pistols arent even that good

I guess he can fuck up xiphons with 12 s6 shots that hit on 2+, probably decent in ZM since he snap fires on 2s
I'm not the original guy you were talking to, and it's not just suzerains. Locutarii are bonkers too.
I dont think you understand what the other anon is saying. He agrees that they are a "shooting army", he is pointing out that because of how powerful suzerain are they also function as a melee army because the unit is overtuned.

The point isnt "UM despoilers are good" its "UM can do melee because they just bring a couple of suzerain units"
>Ultramarines are a shooting army
>Logos lectora is one of the best melee RoWs in the game
>Suzerain and locutarus are some of the best melee units in the game
>3/4 of guilliman's preternatural strategy buffs specifically effect melee
UM disguise themselves as a shooting legion while actually being one of the better melee factions
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work on LRs for my nullificators or actually get off my ass and build the tacticals + their rhinos?
You forgot Girlyboy's pimp slap being up there with the best primarch weapons because of brutal 2.
>Night Lords are historically at least an army that wants to get in close whether to chop shit up or apply Ld debuffs
>night fighting is absolutely brutal when you get to ignore all of it while your opponents do not
>prey sight also has the benefit of ignoring shrouded rolls
>Night Lords actually become one of the best shooting legions despite literally none of their special units being slated towards long-range shooting
make it make sense, anon
If you do all the fun stuff first you'll never find the motivation to get your basic troops done.
Easy because the night lords are cowards that break and run at the sight of any actual elite Melee units.
>IF are always described as THE defensive legion
>Their special reaction allows them to chase down enemies trying to get away by charging in the opponent's movement phase
The sigismund effect
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Finished applying decals everything I have and moved on to oils.
After that it's highlighting.
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Here's one I finished the other night. Hydra Dominus Brother.
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I see you're one of the few players that doesn't use a metallic paint scheme for Alpha Legion.
Fuck that is a sexy blue, I’d put that on a car
>Big Steppy
They're terror specialists and trolls not melee specialists. NL would happily sit back and lob shells rigged to scream extra loud in the middle of the night as they would get close and shank them while wearing flayed babies on their head.
Lookin like no Heresy Thursday boss
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I don't have an airbrush, and my skill with contrast is subpar. I have grown fond of painting them this way, but have used shades to get limited metallic effects on a sergeant. Here's another I did a few months ago
Fair enough, keep up the good work anon!
this does not translate at all into how every one of their special units or rules work in gameplay
obviously this means NLs need a special missile that screams
in exceptional circumstances they prevent manoeuvre in the enemy lines yes

this is basic siegecraft
So I guess Heresy Thursday is dead now. I suppose the failure of AOS to sell out has them scrambling to keep hype up.
Night Lords need to have a rule where if you win the melee, you get to rip your opponent's dead models heads off and half-assedly glue them onto yours.
> plays AT
> plays Ligmadick
> AoD sucks
Terror Squads get rotor cannons. Rotor cannons have Shellshock and Pinning so yes it does.
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how are people STILL going on about there being no heresy thursday when it was announced months ago that the articles would stop, and there having been no definitive official announcement of when it will return
They're really pushing the envelope on all their promises for heresy
> AoS derangement syndrome
Literally why. And more importantly, why here, in this thread.
anon, every legion gets rotor cannons
>and there having been no definitive official announcement of when it will return
- Melee weapons were officially listed on the roadmap as coming in spring
- When heresy thursday stopped, there was a twitter comment from Warcom that even without heresy thursday, stuff could well be revealed.
The 2025 roadmap article stated we would see melee weapons "In the coming weeks" (3 weeks ago)
There were several sources for Heresy Thursday returning "Later this summer" We are past most definitions of summer, and getting very close to the end of the rest.
Just because you didn't pay attention doesn't mean there weren't statements. Which is funny, since you're trashing on people for not paying attention.
watching aos die has been VERY satisfying
>EC want to prolong the agony of their opponents because it pleases their god
>Their legion trait and wargear is focused around killing the enemy incredibly quickly
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That's what I said. Nothing but vague statement and promises like might and could. And that roadmap article has a grand total of zero mentions of melee weapons.
In a way its actually quite an elegant way of conveying their character. Every NL elite unit is a "bully", theyre all fucking dogshit at dealing with enemy elites, and instead are designed to shit on lower armor/quality troops.
This means your only way for dealing with enemy elites is to sit very far away in the dark and shoot them with lascannons, melta cannons, and whatever else you feel like. Its a legion that isnt supposed to (and cant) win honest engagements and therefore has to fight "dirty".

Terror squads could have played into this and worked a bit like mors deythan/headhunters, but instead they just suck massive dick.
Is AoS really dying? Proof?
Anon is wrong. As long as people are talking about a game dying it's still doing alright. When people stop talking about a game at all, then it's actually dying.
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Whoever decided 8 of the tech thralls require you to glue the leg pieces together first and then sit the chest piece on top of the legs with thin connection pieces but still having holes so you can slot the waist and crotch pieces in? Go to hell

Why the fuck are 3pt disposable fodder harder to put together than space marines and solar auxilia? Tech Thrall configuration 1 has a tube that connects from the mouth to the back as it's own piece and it's as big as a crumb for god's sake
Fourth paragraph, Sixth paragraph, learn to read.
How do you actually field a Thunderhawk in a game? Does it need to be on a base/flying stand, or do you just kinda park it on its landing gear?
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Be thankful you don't play Necromunda
Does this game really need more tank kits before having other troop options available? Breachers etc? The only vehicle I want to see is a plastic termite. I want a huge subterranean assault army so bad.
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Where does it say melee weapons. No, not implications that you extrapolate to what you want it to mean. Melee. Weapons.
They basically said they stopped Heresy Thursday to hype up the release of AOS.

For some reason AOS and Kill Team were the only two real Nova announcements. Everyone else got shitty fucking placemats.

Instead of an end of summer HH announcement we woke up to another article about AOS. That is why here.
Anon, just admit you're wrong already. This is actually pathetic.
So you're saying this means non-melee weapons?
Probably not

Its just never going to be 40k and GW keeps pouring resources into it.
From the guy fucking running the Heresy studio.
What more could you possibly want you faggot?
please god give me more Iron warriors for dear uncle to recast.
Here's in the same article about Heresy Thursday coming back
I couldn't imagine being excited for the melee weapon sprue at this point since it's very likely just going to be 10 chainswords, 10 bolt pistols and 1 of each power weapon and pistol type.
John French HATES Iron Warriors
maybe itll have a new hat!
Sounds based. What does he think of Alpha Legion?
What if they make upgrade sets ala support weapons?
And he will continue to be ignored.

Now give our dear uncle new models to recast.
What the fuck is wrong with GW designers?
This turbo autism for a barely visible detail but then they have to merge the front of the torso on a marine with the hips and one thigh just to make sure that customizing them is 10 times more of a pain in the ass than it has to be
Are they retarded?
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The special weapons box was pretty good. I was shocked that they were graceful enough to put 10 of each gun in the box. Not that past successes mean future successes, but hey. It's important to have Hope

GAIT KING. The machine spirit is prophesizing Khan on bike
The biggest issue with them is the left-hand-on-bolter, which melee weapons should be immune to.
You can solve this issue by making it look like it was violently ripped from an enemy, taking the hand with it
If the previous plastic upgrade kits are anything to go by it'll probably be one of the only (somewhat) reasonably priced things we get

Power weapon upgrade kit (1)
>50 burgerbux
>10 power axes/swords/mauls/lances
>10 bolt pistols
Repeat for specialist power weapons and non-power close combat weapons as needed
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I bought a mechanicum boxset last week.
Do you have any advice on how to expand a mechanicum army? I want to use many castellaxs.
mk2 breachers
Well, it's next week or they've lied a half dozen times.
>10 chainswords
>10 power swords
>10 power axes
>10 power mauls
>10 right arms
Then there'll be the pistol box, which comes with:
>10 bolt pistols
>10 plasma pistols
>10 volkite pistols
>10 hand flamers
>10 left arms
I unironically with this happened.
I'll take it.
But not today, apparently.
thinking about combat shields on veterans just for aesthetic
no rules, just think they'd look nice, and I don't use them anywhere else so they shouldn't cause any confusion
Maybe we'll get a second box that comes with 10 pairs of arms that can be used for 10 thunder hammers, 10 power spears, and 10 heavy chainswords (all held with two hands).
Give me those fucking hand flamers. My salamanders drool at the idea.
Just buy 10 boxes of Scimitars
The worst part of this sentence is that I can literally hear the owner of the local GW store near me saying this
WTG has the soh reaver attack squad hand flamer that you can order separately, in their Bits category, if you really want some. Just search for "flamer" and you should easily find it.
Why not use them as a command squad? Do you want to go with the official shields (or similar) or just shields in general? Something like small bucklers on dueling vets might work fine, even if rules don't exist.
Is 2 Thanatar's for a 2000pt list a dickhead move?
cybernetica archmagos on abeyant (casts magic and repairs)
magos dominus (casts magic and repairs)
magos dominus (casts magic and repairs)
2x domitar (the archmagos hugs these guys for protection because cybernetica means they tank all wounds allocated to him)
5x castellax with darkfires (shoot things, take objectives)
5x castellax with darkfires (shoot things, take objectives)
2x castellax with bolters (camp objectives in the back)
2x castellax with bolters (camp objectives in the back)
6x thallax with 2x plasma (fly around shooting marines and taking objectives)
6x thallax with 2x plasma (fly around shooting marines and taking objectives)
>fast attack
>heavy support
1x thanatar calix

that's 2937, giving you room to customize your archmagos
thank you so much, anon
Thanatar-Cavas, no. Thanatar-Calix, yes. The Calix is fucking disgustingly strong and even a single one will dominate a 2k match. Bringing a pair is just not fun.

>48" S10 AP2 Heavy 3 Armourbane (Ranged) Shock Pulse
Congrats, you're destroying a spartan every single turn. And on the off chance you don't manage to make it explode you're forcing it to snap fire thanks to shock pulse.
beep-boop your AV14 is poop
it's an extremely quick back of the napkin scrawl of a list but it should be plenty good enough to win games using mostly stuff people will be flipping on ebay, the only extra stuff is the domitars, the hq models, and the thanatar
ahh yes because vehicles are so prevalent.
A Spartan comes in the starter box for the edition where terminators are almost mandatory, homie. *Everyone* fucking uses them.
this post is just so fucking stupid, a new low for people who pretend they know literally anything about mech
I have leftover shields from the assault kit, so I'd be going with those. I'd rather not put them on a command squad, since a) they actually do have rules there and the rules suck, and b) the uneven points increment for a full squad (it's 18 points, so not divisible by 5 like almost everything else) will bother me endlessly and I don't really have anything else to just spend 2 points on.
nobody takes spartans
Nobody smart takes spartans. Which still means 80% of HH players take a spartan.
What if I like how it looks?
That's very optimistic of you. It's actually gonna be 4 chainswords, 5 power swords, 1 power axe, 2 whole bolt pistols, and 10 combat shields.
and an imperial fist transfer sheet
>muh metagame
Don't suppose anyone has a copy of the 1.2 legacies PDF?
2 Power swords, 1 power axe, and a single lightning claw. None of which will look like any of the ones released previously.
I gotchu bruh.
Speaking of lightning claws, whats a good way to get a bunch of paired ones that dont suck? Just buy a bunch of recast night fury ones?
Scimitars? I’m sorry I’m being retarded. Is that a box set on GW website?
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>20 days since the last Heresy article
Got a recipe for your alphas' paint, anon?
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
No. Unlike dreadnoughts automata have drawbacks and have counterplay.
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I like it, and seeing how the Ashen Claws were saying the Space Sharks were brothers to the World Eaters captives, you could play around with some Raven Guard allied detachments as well if you want.
Nah, I just haven't pulled down 1.3 yet.
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Sweet, I was thinking of grabbing the cavas ones for now since I imagine the calix will be coming in the future in plastic.

Maybe a retarded question but does paragon of metal upgrade basically make the thanatar cavas useless?
>paragon subtype replaces cybernetica subtype
>cybernetica subtype is the only thing making it so the thanatar can move and shoot and assault after firing it's weapons
>can't benefit from precision shots cause blast template (guess the mauler pattern bolters can technically work but still)
>stops it from getting any benefits from cybertheurgic powers (no ranged battlesmith repairs, no wounds prevention or charge bonuses or being able to tell it to react)
...I feel like this upgrade is not meant for this type of model...Is there something I'm missing?
The only automata it makes sense to put paragon of metal on are the thanatar calix or domitar.
Sky-hunter Squadron

Leadbelcher + Runefang Steel zenithal + Akhelian Green(dilluted with contrast medium 1:1 if you want the brigher shade).
I am doing an oil wash on top of that, something similar to Drakenhof Nightshade,
I'll keep that in mind then! Man there is a lot to consider and think about with Mechanicum, building a list around them is very challenging since there seems to be a whole array of rules that have super particular interactions
>Paragon of Metal thing I just asked about
>"Oh Lacyraemarta battlesmith units can make people move around? That seems co- oh it's technically not a battlesmith test so machinator arrays don't help with the roll and you HAVE to be in base contact."
>"Neat, Malagra can take 3 of those Arcuitor Magisterium dudes...And they take up a HQ slot...And also start the game completely alone and not joined to a unit meaning I'd have to cluster any units I want them to join all together...
I can see why everyone seems to run similar lists with the secutors and such
>I can see why everyone seems to run similar lists with the secutors and such
That's not only because it's the most easy to play, but also because myrmidon secutors are probably the most broken OP unit in the game right now.
Planning an army. Is it retarded to Subterranean Assault with 10+ termites gameplay wise?
>This all falls apart when writing gets in the picture
Hence why I mentioned the mystic mumbo jumbo ritual of holding One Word of Enuncia at the cost of not speaking. You'd need to be a Perpetual to survive knowing and speaking it.
So Emps divided the syllabary across His Maidens, rather than create yet another artificial perpetual to hold it.
Even more so, He guarded the knowledge inside blank people, which cannot be mind-read and have no psychic-signature unlike even Perpetuals.
The dangerous words are safe with them
>Shrouded 5+ -> 4+
>Brutal (2) Rending 5+ melee guns
I know he has to go solo, but surely you can hide one model behind LoS?
Objectively speaking, yes
But also consider the following:
It's funny
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>In the novels he's portayed as fighting with a one-handed blade and a boarding shield.
This. But Fafnir already uses a shield, so the shield legion cannot afford yet another shield character. Shield and Axe, Shield and Fist. They've been trying hard to avoid Shield and Hammer, huh?
He lost:
- BS 6
- Meltabombs
- Sudden Strike
- the ability to join seekers/MDs
- Pinpoint strike now has half range, making his max range 12"

He lost far more than he gained.
In fairness, he was very strong. He needed to be cut down, but maybe not as hard as he was. I don't understand why the elite named moritat gunslinger would go down to BS5, but the rest makes sense. Still think he deserves a 2+, though.
He's not that strong. and glassy as all hell - moreso now.
>The rest is good melee stuff
Alright. Can I have good melee stuff of my own, then? No, I MUST steal it. From you, specifically.
Fuck off. If you are a shooty legion and get good melee (IF, UM), then I get to be a shooty legion and get better melee than A FUCKING KNIFE
So what are we expecting for Heresy Thursday?

Hahahaha, we're a joke to GW.
You can have chainglaives and the escaton power claw in exchange for those power daggers if you want.
The biggest nerf is they cut the range of his precision shots in half but really it should have never been 24" in the first place
>cybernetica subtype is the only thing making it so the thanatar can move and shoot and assault after firing it's weapons
Turns out that clause isn't in the Paragon of Metal text, but rather, the Paragon Subtype (granted by Paragon of Metal).
Meaning it won't show up if you look up "Paragon of M" because you want to excude Paragon Blades
>He lost:
>- BS 6
Good. His weapons are already better than Moritats', which are forbidden from re-rolling shots to beign with
>- Meltabombs
Good. He's a killer of people, not machines
>- Sudden Strike
Good. His Brutal 2 Breaching 5 melee weapons aren't enough, no? No, they MUST be initiative 6. Bro come on.
>- the ability to join seekers/MDs
Good, everyone hates him. The Mor'Deythan specifically asked Corax to let him die in prison; it never made sense that he could join them.
He should totally be able to join Destroyers, though. S6 Brutal 2 Breaching 5 plus Rad Grenades oooof
>- Pinpoint strike now has half range, making his max range 12"
It should've never been 24". It's not a bolter.
>Good. His Brutal 2 Breaching 5 melee weapons aren't enough, no? No, they MUST be initiative 6. Bro come on.
He's got Power Armour, a max of 5++, shrouded does fuck all in melee and he can't have ablative wounds like every other character has.
Let's not pretend that Breaching 5+ is even close to either thunder hammers or paragon blades, both of which are far more numerous and better.
>Oi. What do you call a paypig who buys space marines not once, not twice, but three times, Nigel?
>I dunno, Bruce.
>Horus Heresy playere!
Sudden strike gave him the benefit of possibly taking out an enemy first, because if hit back (especially in melee) he's got almost no defences.
>He's got Power Armour
Legally speaking he's wearing a (hidden) Lightened Artificer Armour. It's the equivalent of a mix between Artificer Armour's protection (2+) and Scout Armour's mobility (Light type, Scout + Infiltrate).
Which is EXACTLY the same Exodus has, so there's a precedent.
He is meant to have a 3+ save
If you are complaining that he cannot kill a Praetor, yeah. He's not meant to. Praetors are actual WS6.
Meanwhile, Kaedes has Rampage 3 and Precision strikes. His real problem is a lack of a sergeant to pass Challenges onto, not so much that his pistols aren't Thunder Hammers.
Oh wow, big reveal for Heresy Thursday. Very cool. Can hardly wait to pre-order.
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Rules aren't real. Do not be beholden to them like they are chains.
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>heresy players: "our game is more about narrative than power so we can play what we like and not worry as much about not being super efficient :)"
>Heresy players when their new special character isn't mathematically superior to the most broken units in the game:
Plus the change from bs6 to 5 is so miniscule that it basically doesn't matter
Adherents are moving to Elites then
>two different groups of people cannot exist at the same time
You should ask your opponent's permission to use special characters. Like the good old days.
Isn't that basically how primarchs/first Captain's work anyway? I don't care who you, are dropping a mortarion or typhus on someone without a counterpart to match them is a dick move.
Not at all. And if you do I thank you for it, since I can tie up a huge amount of points for peanuts.
Thank you Anon, I will give this a shot.
May your save rolls always be 6s.
No, but when every tom dick and harry can have much better weapons than he has, I don't see why him having mediocre weapons is a justification for the various massive downsides he gets instead.
If you're talking Nex, he was at best okay before now, I'm complaining that they made him worse and then paywalled him on top of it. All I wanted was nothing and I've been let down.
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Wait, you're telling me that the Legions did everything because they were part of a larger whole and didn't just adhere to memes about how they worked? Next you'll tell me that the Iron Warriors never liked Chaos and didn't just use Mk III armor (after 30k, where they only ever wore Mk III and nothing else)!
I want to blame the rules writing but honestly it DOES state that it gives it the paragon subtype, I should have looked a little better, thanks for the correction anon. Surprised no one immediately corrected me desu.
>A model with the Paragon Unit Sub-type may fire all weapons they are equipped with in each Shooting Attack they make, including as part of a Reaction.
Oh cool, so paragons of metal can react without having to be told to? That definitely might make a thanatar cavas paragon wor-
>>pic related
This is the kind of stupid rules shit I hate. Why write down something so specific if it CAN'T react anyway? It's on so many levels of can't react in the first place that I'd naturally assume it can't so just throwing that in there has to make me jump through page after page wondering why the hell such a thing would be included

Maybe I'm just stupid. Anyway back to list writing again...Knowing that it can at least shoot and move makes me want a paragon thanatar so it means having to rewrite my list real quick.
I'm going to respond to this but not now. Probably in another thread. Look for its coming at first light on the I don't know day. Maybe tonight. Who knows!
>SoS were created as mutes long before Abnett's mind spawned this abominatin.
Enuncia first appeared in Ravenor in 2005. SoS are, at most, two years older.
Which two is a better combination fluff wise? Primary Detachment Solar Auxilia or Militia with the second detachment being Salamanders? Or Salamanders Primary with secondary Auxilia/Militia?
Tbh he should indeed at least have a power sword. Special Moritat characters Aster and Zephon both have two pistols AND a personalized power weapon.
Kaedes Nex could have...idk, some sort of special prison Shiv? He could use that for duels lol
>every tom dick and harry
Lmao imma steal this
>forgets about their appearance in the Horus Heresy card game
Primary Salamanders with Solar Auxilia allied detachment
I wish there was some decent way to deepstrike elite troopers. All you get is the fucking Arvus which doesn’t even have any firepower. Dedicated transports are super limited.
I appreciate the response. Considering the seemingly endless support and plastic kits GW releases for side games (warcry, underworlds, necromunda) I can see someone high up in the company suddenly getting a hard-on for 30k and pouring resources into some previously niche faction
Aye I disagree with that restriction on reactions for automata (and paragon automata). They didn't have that restriction in 1.0 did they? As in, they could Overwatch.
Programmed Behavior might be restriction enough, but you could have them do that they get to react to whatever their Cortex Controller reacts to idk
>Arvus lighter
>No fire
run out of fluid?
I'm not very versed on the Night Lords lore beyond Konrad and Sevatar, but I'm curious: was there any loyalist Night Lords force of note fighting in the heresy or were they all purged ahead of time? I know there was a loyalist guy working with Raven Guards and a librarian that survived, but I mean like at least a few squads to base your army on.
Their former chief librarian, Fel Zharost, became a Knight Errant and subsequently went on to become a founder of the Grey Knights. But other than him there isn't much loyalist VIIIth representation at all.
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To be fair EC are high on drugs and see world in slow motion, what for you is 1 second and instant kill for them is entire week of torture.
It's just matter of perspective.
>was there any loyalist Night Lords force of note fighting in the heresy
No, not really. The night lords were massive dicks long before the heresy, and if anything the heresy got them bailed out of all getting put on trial/executed for being really evil.

They were a legion of wanton monsters finally given the excuse to run wild by the galactic civil war they didnt really care about beyond the excuse to fuck shit up. Probably the most evil out of every traitor legion.
HHCG came out in 2003, anon.
Arguably, that's what his melee profile for the pistols is. I think his offense is fine, it's just that it's not so good as to make up for how much defence and utility he lost in the update.
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I feel like they would be less loyalist so much as renegades hitting the traitors from behind for one reason or another.
>most evil
>not the legion of religious zealots who willingly sold their souls and humanity to malevolent entities that wish nothing more to enslave or destroy the entire galaxy
Correct. Because at least the word bearers genuinely believe that everyone having sex with demons is somehow good for humanity in the grand scheme of things.

The night lords dont have an excuse, they believe nothing and have no ideals except "I like the sound things weaker than me make when I flay them"
stupidity is not an excuse to cavort with demons
The WB believe in Chaos unironically
When they aren't snorting Chaos powder, NL and IW use Chaos and cope about strategically using it and not being like other girls
>enslave or destroy the entire galaxy
The Great Game is vastly more important to the gods than the affairs of humanity and the state of the milky Way
shut up wordaboo
It very much is.
The word bearers think what they are doing is morally good and justified, that they act for the greater good and that this greater good justifies any atrocity or sacrifice (much like most given loyalists).
The Nigh Lords do not think what they are doing is for the greater good, they do not think or care about whether their actions are justified. They are at best driven by a sort of nihilist rage at the universe and more often than not by simple amoral desire to inflict suffering onto others for the sake of personal gratification.

The latter is worse than the former, because the latter knows what it is and does not care.
Why did they remove the weapons from it? Is it because it’s dirt cheap and can deep strike?
WB did nothing wrong.
Because it's not a marine unit so they didn't want to bother balancing them despite those options existing for more than a decade. So instead they get cut.
what even is the "Greater good" the WB are gaming for then if thats apperently what they fight for?
fuck captcha
>what even is the "Greater good" the WB are gaming for then if thats apperently what they fight for?
They think that the victory of chaos will see humanity reach its true potential and rule the galaxy as the favored subjects of the gods, and that this "empire of chaos" will essentially be utopia for humans.

The believe this because theyre religious nutjobs.
I wish he could join a unit bro. Maybe Seekers and someone else. Just not MorDeythan
chaos are the good guys.
Speaking of power armor. Why the fuck is Khiron Opheon wearing power armor when random centurions get artificer?
is anyone gonna bake a new thread?
ima do it otherwise
move, shitass
I do work for GW. As a redshirt. But I do want to move up. Or laterally. Whichever way. And potentially become someone in a position who does give a shit to do more than the bare minimum.

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