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If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What are your thoughts on the 40k fandom outside of /40kg/?
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Post models!

Also, best places to learn the basics of miniature painting? I don’t mind a bit of theory
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I don't think about them at all
Posted some dudes.
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I don't know if anybody hates 40k fans more than other 40k fans. Not in a self loathing way, but in a "this fandom is FULL of wokies/chuds/tryhards/people I don't like" way.
Models posted.
Off the top of my head, I'd say the best place to start is with Duncan Rhodes on youtube. My intro to mini painting was watching his tutorials from the warhammer channel, but he also has his own channel as well.
saint duncan is the best place to start
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death to hereteks
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My Marines Malevolent chapter Master.
Still got some touch ups to do but still pretty happy with him.

To answer your question I think Duncan Rhodes YouTube channel does a good job of being approachable and teaching the basics.
Femstodes aren't the problem. The willingness for GW to lie to you, the people who keep their lights on, is the problem.
Holy fuck, that converted immortal on the right is sweet.
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Model I need to keep working on. Still debating pauldron colors. Orange had seemed good but I'm also wondering if green would work.
that's the thing anon, people like us are no longer the ones keeping GWs lights on
you never were, you owned no models
you don't even buy their shitty books
you just watch youtube videos and shitpost on 4chan
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Have they ever gone into any real detail about necron dynasty lore? I know that Novohk is one but in the necron codex(at least the last one I got), it was like a small little blurb about them. Are there any other sources for differences amongst dynasties? Would we ever see anything in the future of xenos getting more specific codex books similar to space marines?
What if they were real but they were all tomboys who were crossdressing/pretending to be boys so they can fit in with the brotherhood and only now have they been discovered because of some beach episode or something?
Custodes don't have genitals. So not even sure why there are even distinctions between male and female custode.
I love the old hooded cultist model so much. I'm cleaning up one right now to use as a test model for my planned DarkMech scheme.
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Models posted
Don't be afraid to ask /wip/ for advise but they have a tendency to overcomplicate things. As a new painter you should focus on the basics. Flat even basecoats with recess shading and a few layered highlights go a long way.
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Why are projecting, anon? I rarely watch anything 40k/hobby related on youtube, I rarely shitpost and here are some of my models. I do not buy the books though, you got that part right
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There is a bit of fluff about some dynasties in The Twice Dead King books i think.
Not much beyond codex blurbs and the occasional short story.
>Would we ever see anything in the future of xenos getting more specific codex books similar to space marines?
Not a chance.
Thinking of getting Gork and Mork tattooed on my knuckles lads
Do it on your toes instead, knuckle tattos are gay
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Flayer King when
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>tfw no Vraksian tomboy rebel gf (She has no idea what she's really fighting for, to her the gods are distant and whitewashed myths, all she knows is that she despises tyranny of the Imperium. She's not evil).
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Models posted
I think youtube is a good resource if used right. Vince venturella makes some questionable choices with his kitbashes, but has a targeted video dedicated to just about anything you need to know.
Such a pussy statement would warrant a swift right hook from Gork
It's interesting listening to 40k content creators talk about what does and does and does not garner lots of attention from people when it comes to 40k stuff. Like anything with rules discussion is way, waaay less popular than hobby stuff and high level lore discussion is the most consumed content of all by general audiences. There's also an interesting divide that rules and hobby stuff is significantly more popular when it is about space marines, but the same isn't really true when it comes to lore discussion and Xenos factions get a lot more engagement there from general audiences.
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>40k content creators
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40k youtubers(Vtuber whores especially) are cringe politics brained cucks, chuds, whores or gays. Anyone who watches them deserve nothing but scorn, spilled washes and dried up paints.
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I think there's a lot of good folk involved with the hobby, since it has aspects that appeal to everyone. For a lot of folk it's a great way to decompress from the struggles of the real world and to find social connections when they would otherwise be isolated.
However, I distrust the part of the fanbase that wants to inject modern social dynamics into the game so they can feel represented. Especially the ones obsessed with sexuality and injecting it into the hobby through gay or trans representation as they seem more interested in being applauded as moral paragons than actually engaging in the hobby. And I don't mean the gay and trans people who play the game and are reveling in it with everyone else, I mean those who believe the game needs those pointless aspects injected into it as some sorted of deluded improvement.
>i.e. CerebusXT

Here's one of my desk models to shoot down the "le post models" detractors too.
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Dreadanon, majorkill and pancreasnowork are the only bases ones, besides them. Absolutely
All of these people are unbearable faggots
The worst part is that expressing any interest in 40k via clicking on shit like painting tutorials or rules leaks makes youtube think that you really wanna click on dogshit political bait videos and clogs your sidebar with them.
TQ: people who actually play the wargame are cool 90% of the time

It's always people who only engage with the setting through video games, books, or YouTube videos who are the most unbearable
How so?
Skill issue
Straight up dogshit
Try again, phoneposter
This. I started watching painting tutorials then all of a sudden YouTube thinks I want to watch fucking Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh
If you're in this thread you should know that you're cringe and gay. Still, since you're from here I can't hate you.
Huge fag. Being australian is not a personality, it's a birth defect. Only loretuber thats worse is weshammer
Also a huge fag but completely irrelevant, unworthy of notice.
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Making a chainglaive for a chosen. I kinda enjoy the 10th edition shrimplifications that you can just equip your guys with whatever is cool since the weapon profiles are all the same. This is my first time working with brass rods, is there anything I should know? Adhesion wise? Priming wise?
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It takes standard primer just fine so painting it has never been an issue for me, but it is prone to scratching easily unless you properly varnish. One of the only elements on a model I'd do a proper gloss undercoat then matte coat to keep it durable.

Other than that not tricky
Looking for a piece of Iron Warriors fan art where the artist gave them yellow eyes. Similar in style to Eddy Gonz but not his. Any help is appreciated.
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Models posted.

People already mentioned Duncan Rhodes and Vince V so I don't have much to add.
G'day cunt
How's the ground harness holding up?
NTA but can I get a rundown of how you do this gritty white? It looks great
Yellow power armor with silver greaves, or yellow power armor with silver arms? I have my reservations about doing both at once.
Again asking. Anyone has Aria Arcana short story pdf (or something similar)? I want to get all Fehervari stories.
I dunno really, Duncan helped a lot starting out. Dusk til Dawn, Tar Man, and miniWargaming were all good for learning some stuff as well. Not that I’ve been able to replicate most of their stuff.
depends on how dark the silver is
lighter color should go on arms
darker colors look better lower on a body
Both sound unappealing. Try it on a model and post it then ask for input again.
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Post models.
First an australian and now a guy with models glued to the wall. Crop your photos.
Everyone always says -10VP..

But have you ever thought where the VP goes? What are they building? What dark machinations could they have for it all..
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these aren't your models
you first, culture war subhuman
I was thinking of a dirty gunmetal, maybe something a little darker than leadbelcher + agrax earthshade.
I'd like to but I have no yellow paint. I was planning to buy it alongside the terminators tomorrow.
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Dog I am struggling.

The short answer is oil or enamel used as washes and filters. It's piss easy and very forgiving.
Friend of mine printed this for me. Going to add it to my ork kult of speed army
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Working on my first right now.
I keep fucking up the cement is there some trick to fitting arms the right direction? They keep slipping around when I try to hold them together for the bond.
did he leave it out in the sun?
Why in the world do some of you paint them before building them??
Vashtorr steals your lost VP to make more Soul Grinders
>you first, culture war subhuman
You're the one calling other secondaries. Put your money where your mouth is, faggot. Prove your 4chan veteran status.
Which kind of cement are you using? If it's the extra thin stuff that you brush on then it works best when you hold the two parts together then brush the glue on so it can flow into the joint. That can definitely be a three-handed task sometimes. You can get thicker plastic cements that do better at holding parts together unsupported but you need to be more careful when applying them.
I don't do it (yet) but I'd say it's a matter of preference and weighing which benefits matter most.
Why? UV? He's got a curing station
It's just called "plastic model cement" was the only thing I could find at the store. It's in a tube, definitely not thin. I'll order thinner stuff with a brush and try this on the next box, I think I understand what you mean.
damn thing looks like its melted lol
Have you ever seen what a resin printer model looks like?
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Were those guys always a thing or it's recent addition to Horus Heresy range? If it's the former - why there were no models before phobos armor heresy? What was their place in codex astartes based company?
Is it shiny in person? Looks like it might be slightly undercured
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>crop my photos
Sorry, not a farmer, just a wallgluer
I have no idea if it was cured or not on the picture. He's definately giving it to me fully cured when I see him tomorrow
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Mechanithralls infected with scrapcode infesting the industrial sector of the hive.
Are the minotaurs iron warriors actually or is that a fan theory? Its said that no one knows where the minotaurs really came from.
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They're objective markers, I'll drill barrels on actual models but I don't bother with fun game tokens or terrain
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as a newfag this video helped me out
>that thumbnail and video title
I feel sick
Original Minotaurs were. They got wiped out and replaced with who knows what which is why they’re HLoT bagmen now.
Understanding the difference between these two cubes would massively improve 90% of the beginner paintjobs I see
What does the codex astartes even say in it? Can I read it?
Explain please.
Different color gradients give the illusion of depth and shadow.
The left is showcasing what a cube would look like with a single base color and edge highlighting. The right, despite not having edge highlighting, creates the illusion of a top-down light source because it has at least three different gradients of the same color.
this kills the Eavy Metal painter
Other way around. OG Minotaurs were not IW successors, new Minotaurs are.
I think I follow
Are you for fucking real anon?

Those marines 3D printed? Because they look pretty chunky.
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1= model painted with house paint
5= the average model
10=golden daemon winner
looks sticky and bland. Some matte varnish and higher contrast would do a lot for these.
not bad. A bit too drab, some more colour and maybe another brighter highlight could push these to new heights. Nice terrain too.
this guy looks a sticky and the basecoat uneven. Could really benefit from better shading and a highlight or two. Cool pose though. -1 point for ugly cork base
Can't tell if you're going for a red necron or a beat-up rusty one. Putting some more effort into the green would make it pop better, the eyes especially look sloppy.
Hard to see for sure but looks pretty basic with basecoat + wash and edge highlight. I get that you're going for a retro look but another brighter orange edge highlight would improve them. The edge highlights could also be cleaner. Neat terrain.
Very nice from what I can see. A bit boring to have the bases be red but I get that its fluff with mars and all. Still would look better with a complienting, contrasting base.
Nice grime and weathering but underneath that your guys look kinda flat. Very clean red bolter in the bottom left. Nice bases.
Looks a bit chalky and the highlights are messy. Looks like you skipped a highlight. Sloppy but it looks like you have the skill to make this guy really pop if you work on him more.
Looks flat and messy. Use transfers on the markings instead of freehand, I'm sorry to say you can't pull it off and ot brings the model down. The basecoat on the armor looks splotchy and uneven in some places. A cleaner work and more highlights and some panel lining would improve these a lot. The bases look like old frozen pasta sauce that has sorta started to crackle from being dry and also thawed too many times.
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>nobody plays them at my club
>a limited range that's not small enough to be boring but small enough not to overwhelm me and be easy to start collecting
>I like dwarves
I'm considering starting a Votann army, but the question is are they fun to play or are they a boring waste of cash? Do we actually have any Votann players here?
didn't that guy just start a pyramid scheme or something like that?
nice mix of cadians. been thinking of buying some of the new ones to use alongside my old 2nd edition ones
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Reposting this, I want your smug opinion
Most beginners follow this process to establish 3 tones and accentuate the 3D details of their model
1) Basecoat
2) Wash
3) Edge Highlight

This introduces a lot of mistakes, partly due to difficulty of the techniques and partly as a bi-product of not really grasping their purpose.
- Washes applied uniformly over the basecoat and not just the recesses, dragging the midtone and shade together so the end result is drab and flat (the base color can be reapplied, can also be avoided by establishing several distinct shades then using a wash to unify them together)
- Coffee staining and torn layers from manipulating the wash when it has partly dried
- Washes just obey gravity/capillary action, they don't necessarily simulate shadow especially if the painter doesn't understand where or what their light source is
- Edge Highlights applied to edges in uniform strength across the whole model, even edges that would never receive light unless the figure is suspended in an evenly lit box from all angles (again, the painter doesn't understand where or what their light source is)

Both cubes are visually 3D, however one has achieved the result with 4 shades instead of 2, considering light and shadow.
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So I've been wracking my head for awhile now for something to use for counts-as Navy Breachers for my Inquisition force. What I've come up with:
>fluffing /myguys/ as a redaction force used to clean up after daemonic incidents
>the 'breachers' are fanatics and flagellants gathered up from the civilians that witnessed the chaotic warp bullshit
>basically we're purging them last
>going to use a combination of old fantasy flagellants and cawdor gang bits to make it happen

Don't really have new stuff to show, I'm still just working on more Grey Knight Terminators for my Ordo Malleus force. Maybe I'll take new pictures once all three squads are finished.
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Reposting my last model for review
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What system?
6 or 7/10 some highlights too stark some not enough bad base also looks like he needs varnish.
>15 models primed and ready
>Still so fucking sick I coudln't paint a single one if I dont want to get my snot all over them

Damn it I wanna paint already. Shame the models arent death guard.

Here's an olderish model, how's this one looking?
A child could understand the difference. Beginners are just trying to spend as little as possible and do not want to buy 3 different paints for every color they want to use.
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There's a couple of us here and there I've noticed. I'm not the most experienced since I've only got 1000pts at the moment (waiting on the codex/more stuff before I get any more) but I've enjoyed playing them. They require you to make the most of your movement and positioning since they're so slow and have short range, but what you do get in range of will get hammered.
Oh yeah i guess I should mention I tried 4 different ways to do lightning (this was an experimental model) thats why there's no consistency there.
I think the lowest hanging fruit for you to improve this model would be to add texture to the leather parts and the pants. Increase separation of parts with darker shading where things meet, like the bottom of his stomach into pants etc... And then give the gun and chainaxe casing the same kind of attention you gave the left shoulder. That should all be easy enough for you since you obviously have good brush control. Picking out his fingernails would also be a good step.
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posting the same old models to try and shame myself into painting more
Which faction will get women to approach me to ask about them
>want to submit a model for review but afraid of getting doxxed
I have a friend that started with LoV, got to 1250 pts painted and then shelved them and moved onto Space Marines, so I assume they can't be that fun.
Playing against them fairly often I get the average amount of satisfaction, they're still a lot more fun to fight than Knights or Stodes.
Literally any other hobby.
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Don't worry anon we already know where you live. I'm inside your walls you see.
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Shower immediately and go back you absolute troglodyte.
Taking my orks against Death Guard this weekend. Anything I should know about or focus on for them? I know they're very tough but that's about it.
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Reposting my warbikes from last night.
Working on some Stormboyz that I never finished now
That's the youtube deradicalization pipeline. It's deliberate
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Give it to me straight doc.
Should I make my thundershark cavalry's power lance tips simple steel, power weapon glowing blue, or macuahuitl obsidian? I could also do a radioactive green.
Nigga is that your magnum opus or something? It’s just a space marine. Chill out.
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Still working on a very crude converted trukk
I just really fuckin like him is all.
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Finally someone gets it.
Nice tips ty. Also yeah I forgot about the fingernails
Arbitor Ian is best even if I don't always agree with his inserting some politics into a few of his videos.
Nice. I plan to paint my warbikes on real motorcycle paint schemes like the Africa Twin or the GSX R
Yeah but the highlights and shadows on my model are created by the real life light in the game store and the real life geometry of the model, not some imaginary "where the light should be." It's stupid if you painted him with a light coming from his left shoulder, and the actual fluorescent light above the table is over his right shoulder. Base/wash/highlight is a perfectly neutral way to paint a model that's going to be under any angle of real light.
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That impulser was a massive pain in the ass to get done.
Why is the cloth blue do you not understand color theory on even a basic level
Don't listen to him, redcrons are cool. Better than uninspired silvertide
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Love the lil guy with the megaphone
>Them GAPS
Bro…. Use a hobby knife to saw down the nubbins where panels meet. It’s hardly ruined but it’ll make things easier in the future.
Thanks. I generally think rater anons are fags but this is fair given that it was my first and second attempt with a new style and being drab was part of my goal. I'll try to keep the matte varnish in mind when I've finished painting the other two (this will take at least one year).
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Cus it’s denim… and I was tired of purple. And no I have 0 artistic training of any sor, just sketching practice as a kid.
Probably should have expected that.
Don't worry anon I've only recognized one person from my LGS on /40kg/, which means he's probably also recognized me. So far neither of us has mentioned anything
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My exacto broke a while ago and I haven't gotten a replacement blade yet. Really I'm just happy to be done. I think the glue is getting to me
Likely for the best.
Cool bases
Ramp spikes are pointing the wrong way orkbro
Thanks, I love making them
Don't need to be evil to be a heretic. Face the wall, please.
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Not strictly 40k but whatever.
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Also tiny imperial fists
most of these parts are second hand and whoever i got it off had glued the brackets on either side of the ramp. i could still fix it but it will be a fuck around
Looking for paint recommendations for the red used on the gaunts in this pic. It's definitely darker, more saturated, and slick than mephiston red
You're in luck fella
i saw that video, but thats a much brighter, flatter red than whats in the art
Then idk mate gonna have to figure out on your own think that video is the best you're gonna get
You're not gonna get close to that red on a mini,
Day 8 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
Anything is better than another boring ass marine player anon
go my child, zap the imperium to the extreme
Fleshtearer red contrast
well that was easier than i thought, already fixed
they're okay. MUCH less interesting than they were in 9th, they lost all of their cool rules like BEAM and the exploding railgun shots, personal forcefields, etc. but the army range still has lots of personality, the basic warriors kit comes with like 20 heads, every kits heads are interchangable.

they have a couple upsides and a couple downsides

+cheap, you can fit a lot of units in a list and you get basically budget versions of marine units

+very easy to play, hard to fuck up

+easy to paint, moderately high level of customization on troops, and excellent transfers

+absolutely eat infantry for breakfast. this army has a shitload of anti infantry firepower (their little terminators all have blast grenade launchers, can easy get like 100 shots), and they have a pretty good selection of anti-MEQ firepower too

+can divide troops into very small efficient micro units, making them great at objectives without sacrificing too much to any one task.

-overall bad at melee. low # of attacks, low AP and S, no big melee bruiser yet like a dreadnought, and no fast melee units like jump packs (though there was one in the kill team so they're coming), what melee they do have tends to be suicidal counter trading pieces or scouts that die instantly. no assault ramp style vehicles so hard to speed the melee units up too

-mediocre armor and defensive tools. dedicated fire will lift everything but the land fortress with ease

-without grudge bonuses units are fairly incompetent

-characters arent really great. cheap and efficient but their buffs are forgettable and they can barely fight or shoot

-not a lot of tricky combos or tactics for strategems. a kind of straightforward and predictable army

-hearthkyn warriors are a kind of bad unit you dont usually want more than 10-20 of max, but come in every starter box so you'll probably end up wasting money on more of them than you ideally need, and you need at least 1 $80 buggy for each squad in most lists to split.
it's just combat doctrine and chapter organisation there are exerpts of it.
If you like dwarves, go for it.
They're fun models to paint and they're pretty easy to understand playwise.
Here's my latest Kâhl for inspiration
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>She's not evil
This is what the Mechanicus are supposed to look like. Sick models breh
Getting rid of the beam rule was honestly a fucking crime on GW's part.
>>I like dwarves
There's nothing dwarflike about votrannies aside from the short height.
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thanks, anon. I haven't touched them in weeks now, really need to resume this project
That what being a dwarf means.
Not in a fantasy sense, no.
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I'm done with the tanks. Not sure about the cat glyph yet, so I'm going to sleep on it before I apply it to other vehicles
Posting the only trustworthy Dark Eldar
>avaricious resource hoarders, with a bent for mining and crooked trading (just business, nothing personal, kid)
wtf else do you want? that's as dwarf as it gets
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I definitely need to find the right red for it. Anyways here's my other WIP.
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He voiced a Simpsons meme for me once on here and I forgot to fucking save it kek. He's alright. Wish he made more Fantasy stuff though, his Skaven and TK bits were good.
It's good to have a chad representative of the hobby in the normiesphere, but he's obnoxious as fuck and had to remove all humor from his videos to appease his fag sponsors.
Reddit neckbeard faggot who unironically prefers Ass of Sigmar to WFB. Smug faggot voice too, despite looking like a heroin addict troll.

>baldermort not mentioned
>luetin not mentioned
>alfabusa not mentioned
Give it a black diagonal "eye patch".
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Painted up a marine for a friend. Tried to go for a stark contrast on the black. Not a fan but at least I tried it
I was thinking a red star behind the cat head. Maybe the other one gets an eyepatch. I have a third tank printing too and have a leman russ alternative that needs assembly, so it could be fun playing around with the symbol
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>no alcoholism
>no honor
>no holds
>no songs
>no families, vat grown
>half of their fighters are dyke women
>relies on gay robots to do everything for them
Genuinely fucking revolting to me as a dorf enjoyer
I think the Votann are fine because they look cool.
Wrong on most accounts, and the last two are cringe.
They don't though. They look like bulky Starcraft Roblox manlets. They should've stuck with the grungy space pioneer biker gang aesthetic instead of whatever the fuck they are now.
I just realized I lied to anon earlier. I do have a sort of yellow, but they're really ochre paints.
>Would we ever see anything in the future of xenos getting more specific codex books similar to space marines?
I wish.
As long as they're not Eldar.
Their killteam looked better than the majority of Imperial ones so they're fine by me.
no, I want the Votann to have a theme that screams CAPITALISM.
Please God no, I don't need a Land Marine-style black tranny sidecut farseer model. Keep that shit in the marinepig trough
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I disagree. Their designs are derivative and the parts that are original are hideous. The backpack dildos are the worst offender. The overt decorative nature of them clashes with the clean scifi aesthetic of the armor suits.
Horrifying demonic abomination
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If Votann looked like this I'd start an army the same day. Dwarves in space are cool, whatever the fuck Votann are is not.
>They should've stuck with the grungy space pioneer biker gang aesthetic
they didnt stick with that because it didnt fit the setting AND sold like shit you fucking retard
I hate bikers and I love Roblox.
>gauging success off of sales from 40 years ago
If they looked good people would buy them.
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>>no honor
what is warrior pride? (The Ancestors are always watching)
>>no holds
Do you think they just fucking leave their Ancestor Cores laying around on the ground, or something? of course they have strongholds ffs.
>>no songs
true as far as I know. needs work.
>>no families, vat grown
>genome is constructed on a basis of the experience of all those who came before them
again, wtf else do you want?
>>half of their fighters are dyke women
yes, dwarven women are ugly. What else is new?
>>relies on gay robots to do everything for them
>dwarves have constructs
imagine my shock!! the fantasy jews make golems?!!
>>no alcoholism
you're lesser than for wanting to maintain this trope
The Votann have cool robots and vehicles and the Einhyr is cool. Case dismissed.
and space biker midgets don't look good
>Einhyr is cool
oops, are*
Necromunda squats look cool and fit the 40k aesthetic perfectly, imo.
I've just finished the first Horus Heresy book and gotta say that Horus seems like a pretty chill brah. don't know what all the fuss is about
This doesn't fit the aesthetic? Looks cool as shit to me
What about the Hernkyn?
>cool robots and vehicles
Lol. Lmao
>counter /v/otannfags trying to hide their game of origin
your infiltration will never work
>>no alcoholism
>“The Kin simply call it Brü. Yet there appear to be dozens of varieties of this liquid sustenance, ranging from mainstay nutri-rations for soldiers and miners, through to devastatingly alcoholic recreational beverages. Safe to say I do not recommend any of them to those without a Kin constitution…”
They're discount IG. Of course they do.
I love when people talk about the 40k """"style""""" like it's any one thing. You have Egyptian stargate terminator ripoffs in one corner, Australian mad max squig ate my baby fantasy orks in another, you've got space elfs that look like power rangers, space elfs that look like power ranger bad guys, Geiger alien ripoffs, literal world War 1 and 2 tanks and infantry, great value off brand gundams, Baskin Robbins 21 flavors of space marines, Leonardo DaVinci ornothopers and mechanical horses.

Even the Imperium has many different aesthetics and far from all of them are completely decked out in gold.
They mog most of the other factions. Only a few are better.
>They should've stuck with the failed aesthetic that GW themselves admitted was a problem
I would take their current Destiny selves over automatic failure. Even if those seem very alike.
Eldar MOG
Necrons MOG
major kill and bricky both shill porn which is cringe.
I refuse to acknowledge any army that doesn't have the proper 40k aesthetic.of Imperial with gothic skulls and cathedrals
>muh chaos
Not 40k
>muh Tau
Not 40k
>muh eldar
Not 40k
>muh guard
>muh marines who don't have skulls
Not 40k
>They're discount IG
So exactly what Squats should've been? They're literally just abhumans with their own little subfaction
the mechanicus already got the dieselpunk/atompunk look.
clearly the Votann need to have a 80's cassettepunk look with giant CRT screens and cassette tech.
They look dumb as fuck.
At least you got Tau right. CSM mog too.
>robots and vehicles
>alcoholic recreational beverages
>want to play imperial knights because I'm a mechafag
>look up unit prices
>600 dollarydoos
it's literally a plastic toy how can this be justified in any way
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DAoT stuff like Van Saar.
which faction has the least punk/fantasy look?
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>b-but muh nasa and muh working class
Still cooler that Gayce Marines.
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How does this make you feel?
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Silence, short one.
but they do though? just ran through a dorf filter.
Bro you're fucking obsessed with forcing this destiny meme shit. Stop.
Their heads are so stupid though...
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For me, it makes me kneel and play Gambit cards.
Good point anon. It's not less Destiny we need, it's more Destiny. It's going to be extremely hard adding even more to an army of vat grown clones who ride in a planet eating ship but I'm sure we can find a way.
How big is that mini that you can actually see the pupil colors?
Make a new Votann faction and give em revolvers and cowboy hats.
The consumers pay that price, thus James charges it.
fuck off destinyfag
>revolvers and cowboy hats
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>>revolvers and cowboy hats
Great idea. They already have revolver bolters but we can add Hunters to them.
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Did someone say Saladin Forge your Destiny?
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But they already have hunters.
Anons have now made me sad there's no Custodes Guardian Spear as an Exotic Glaive. Almost as sad as the lack of Origins Staves as Exotic Glaives.
We can make the miners naked newborn clones that dual wield axes.
I'm trying to get inspired for a custom SM chapter with yellow in their scheme, and I'm surprised by how few there are to my knowledge. And it feels like half of them are "make almost the entire marine yellow."
Almost based. Torpedo’d it near the end.
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I can't think of ways to make the Votanns more like Rasputin. You can already port him across settings and he fits like a glove as a Votann.
>tithes ep3
I'm sorry, but is that the first time the word "fuck" was used in any official 40k material? they said 'fuck' at least 4/5 times
I don't know, I ignore all material and lore unless it's something I vaguely remember reading about on a thread or wiki article 2-4 years ago.
I genuinely believe space skaven may become a thing in the future
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>mfw I'm not talented enough to do Ornstein Custodes
It's usually
She's on a 32mm base and probably as tall as a primaris marine. But she's also sculpted to have big doe eyes
I'm pretty sure you can get the model from the Dark Souls board game
Add other colors
Dude, why are you letting the Votann ruin your experience? Any time they pop up in a thread you lose your shit.
Is there a Votann player in your local meta who's regularly beating you?
It's pathetic how rent free they live in your head.
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>Add other colors
Yes, anon. That's the plan.
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How does this make you feel? It's the Votann's future.
There's some yellow + other colour schemes in pic.
>making exceptions for the unacceptable
The internet is dead, and you reveal yourself as a necrophile.
Yes and it's terrible and out of place just like the entire episode.
Have you tried white and yellow/gold?
I'd rather avoid white (veteran helmets notwithstanding) and am instead considering a grungy color like gunmetal.
As a bonus I'd like it to work on the chest as well so that I don't have to paint yellow into the pain-in-the-dick crevice that happens every time a space marine holds a bolter in two hands.
wow anon that looks grim as fuck, what did you use for the weathering effects?
Darker colors or greys?
>fantasy secondary unironically watches influencers and hates AoS

It's probably gonna end up being a grey, although I did consider a teal or burgundy for a couple moments.
How bout a hazard stripe yellow and bronze/brass? Bit Iron Warriors-y but it could be nice.
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Is it worth taking Corsairs in a DE army? I know they don't get power from pain, but /myguys/ work with corsairs alot due to mainly being involved in space battles and ship boarding so I was thinking about getting a squad or two. Worst case scenario I can use them as kitbashing and make them my Archons and Succubus personal Kabalite and Wych squads
It would be radical and you should do it.
They cant go in transports since they dont have the drukhari keyword, just be aware
what colour would you boys paint tires, matt or glossy black? also how do you achieve that slightly dirty look on them, where it looks like theres a little bit a dirt on the tire?
I was leaning towards the hazard-stripe yellow, but I didn't think about bronze. My very first thought was yellow with dark silver shins/greaves.
Is keeping the main scheme limited to only two colors a good idea, by the way? I figure things will get too noisy with a third color once I add in colors to denote company, rank, and veteran status.
Squats shouldn't be a faction, they should be a few units that guard can take. Leader, bikers, troops. Just enough that you could run a small sub-faction, like kroot.
You right, I will
The perfect unit to protect my home objective?
I feel two colors is ideal, but you could make a test one and if you like how it looks you could do three.
>Giving Imperials MORE stuff
Protagonist faction.
They're all of them together.
Doesn't make them any less shit
More like profagonist.
i really dont understand this meme, these guys look nothing like votann
Nah they're Man of Stone.
Cuz they're dwarves, duh.
you're cringe as fuck.
>use an AK clear paint
>quite translucent, looks nice on the model
>thinking its taking forever to dry
>mfw its so glossy that i actually thought it was still wet for 2-3 hours after painting it
I understand this meme. They are Votann in every way.
Post cool 40k art
They're fancy Kabalites that can scout move, with some interesting but mostly sidegrade wargear options. If you use their scout move to deploy them on or near the objectives in no-mans-land you could effectively use them to start your turn with some more board control, by having them outside your deployment zone on objectives or behind ruins ready to overwatch.
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Very WIP. Still working on the wings then need to lighten up the skin, finish the armor, and start on his weapon that I'm kitbashing.
I feel envious of the space marine fans, life must be pretty good when you've got the only faction in the setting that doesn't exist to job to the Imperium.
Even IG and Custodes jobs to Imperium?
The IG jobs FOR the Imperium, so that the Space Marines can come in and save the day. The Custodes...are just bigger shinier space marines lets be honest.
Alright, something to keep in mind, I know I wanted to get the box of models one way or another so aything that gives me a halfway decent to actually use them is good enough for me.
I'm writing a shitty prequel to my setting. What horrors would an invading force see when they teleport onto a dark eldar ship? Their teleporter is going to fuck up at first and people will be teleported half into walls and floors and shit. What would the survivors see when they start exterminating xenos?
Those are just Space Marines Sidekicks and Space Marines Deluxe.
Honestly, nothing special. Airbrushed on inconsistent patches of white. White washed on top. Stippled on white with foam. Black and Brown stippled on where it would be most worn out particularly edges and places where people are likely to walk over. Cork Brown watered down and applied to rusty spots. Applied these things back and forth until I was happy. Val Blizzard applied without even cleaning the brush. 1 tank (the closest one) was originally painted in green armor. The other was just primered black. Although it was out of pure laziness that I didn't paint the other tank green first, I like and want the inconsistent tones because I want my army to look like a worn out patchwork
couldnt they have actually made the dreadnought customizable instead of making two separate molds for it
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I use some harlequin units as allies in my DE list and they fit in well. So i cant imagine corsairs would be bad
John deere looking motherfuckers
Human Skins hung on walls to dry, most having been skinned so well that its all mostly still in one peice
Further in they should find a chamber with moaning behind it, with all the skinned victems inside, still alive but chained to the walls with hooks in their muscles rather than shackles.
Some would be screaming constantly and would be wearing a torture amplifier on their heads
>Implying the Deldar would manage to take humans alive
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11 out of 5. Unfathomably based and kino
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>implying the civilians of hive citys know what dark eldar are
>implying the drukhari cant capture a human slave
>implying millions of people arent taken to the dark city every Terran day
They're certainly welcome to try, but your typical hive city would make a Drukhari piss their pants in fear.
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Really? You just really said that the DEldar don't regularly take human slaves?
lmfao what kinda imperium wank is this
Hive cites are litterally like a grocery store to a dark eldar
Hive cities have some of the toughest and most numerous PDF regiments around.
Deldar don't care.
They do if they care about getting slaves easily
Those ARE the groceries
I don't think you realize the part where they still get them easily despite a Hive World being "well" defended.
Me, in the distance on a pleasure barge, getting my dick sucked while firing indiscriminately with the port-side mounted dark lance.
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when i was 12 i thought this was the coolest thing i'd ever seen
i still do
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Holy based
It always bothered me that horus appears larger than the emperor
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Same. Adrian Smith is peerless.
the only thing thats cool here are the custodians (rare thing to say, I know), I dont care for horus or that gay twink with the falming sowrd.
Shouldn't he? I thought Big E was a secret dweeb.
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I always felt like the emperor would be the tallest if he stood amoungst his sons, only Vulkan would maybe be to his chin height
>Adrian Smith is peerless
Adrien Brody is better
There are accounts of various people "being able to percieve through his psychic glamours" and see that he's a normal olive-skinned man who appears to be extremely tired. However, considering he was able to use his psychic abilities without issue while surrounded by SoS, I'd assume that form was a deliberately shown illusion as well.
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if only i could be so grossly incandescent
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I probably wouldn't be thousands of dollars poorer collection British plastic cancer dolls if the banter between the faction leaders in Dark Crusade wasn't so excellent. Fun call back they recycled Sindri's VA for the chaos sorcerer in Retribution.
what’s a nice painting scheme for orks for a newfag? also, what primer do you recommend?
Bad moons or goffs
I used to like army painters primer but they've changed it and it's disappointing me.

Citadel surprisingly makes great primer

Just don't prime in black line a dumb ass
>Anon never reviewed the second batch
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>what primer do you recommend?
I use Rustoleum flat black primer. Not the paint+primer version.
Just works.
Old Tau art was kino what the fuck happened
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Moar kopinskimaxxing
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Kopinskimaxxing extended edition
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Kopinskimaxxing directors cut
there are two pieces of 40k art I'd own as a print and this is one of them
too lazy to find a good print seller though
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They got tired of paying kopinski
goffs are probably the easiest, followed by deathskulls

any primer is fine really, but id recommend using a grey or white primer for orks. even if you go goffs priming them all black (imo) makes them look way too dark, and trying to get a decent skin tone from a black primer base is painful
>burnished silver armor plates
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Man, Iron Warriors look so much cooler with yellow eyes. Why does no one do this?
went to sleep before you posted that but
oh mama. Fair point about the basing but yeah it's because of fluff and at this point I've done too many to consider rebasing
When will they make stompas viable
a few months ago, when the ork codex dropped
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Just gotta prime 4 more and I'll be ready to fuck up the paint job on my heavy hitting models.
What is the least detailed army that is easy to paint?
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Between the old rhino and the 30k Deimos rhino which one is better as a model (assembly, painting, details, customisation)?
ok, when will they make Orks viable (again)
Chaos Daemons. They can manifest in any form, so just messily dip them in one color of paint.
regular rhino
You should have sub-assembled desu ne
>mould lines
>those sprue nub marks
Did you even clean this shit?
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The canon strongest Ork.
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>i get a boomdakka snazzwagon months into the wh40k magazine
>i want one now, gonna give an ork on it the ol' WITNESS ME chrome mouth spray
>really should just finish my over 100 boys (theres new boyz, the usual boyz with all the gubbinz, and the really old gitz with the choppa, shoota, and pointy horn helmetz)+ the odd vehicles i have
>think i should just do some trukks to start, also some gobbos with their herder and a squig (i fucking love squiggz)
>might just continue some stuff on my warboss's/painboys
how do i get nice fleshy pinky parts on my orks lips/ears/noses? what colour(s) do (You) gitz use?
>the few times i've tried it they looked very bad
also pink inside the mouth, or
>>93933379 gudd orky pik for (Yaz)
theres nothing worse than priming a model and then seeing that shit, makes me wanna kms every time i accidently do it
apart from the snazzwagon you sound like you're in the same situation as me. so many fucking boyz to paint my god. im really not a fan of painting those old metal models now, it isnt a fun experience imo. im painting my first ork vehicle ever right now

is it possible JUST to get the magazines with the snazzwagon parts in them?
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Because I'm sick of painting yellow after doing the striped parts and red is nice and easy.
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>is it possible JUST to get the magazines with the snazzwagon parts in them?
probably later down the line, if it doesnt get insta-sclaped by a bot
but you could get it from ebay for cheaper than it usually is from store sellers
>thats what i did with most of my sisters
ok i might try that later on, ive only got transports in my ork army so far (2 trukks and a battlewagon) so it would be nice to have something speed freeks related, although i probably wont use it much
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I'm updating /mydudes/, they're meant to be Lamenters successors and wear their heraldry, I haven't tried painting it until now.
This is my first attempt at checks, I tried following GW's Lamenter's turorial
But I got the lines wrong and had to make a bunch of corrections.
I have 19 more of these guys so here's hoping it gets better with practice.
Chapters outside of the First Founding ones don't have successors normally. Especially when they're on thin ice with the High Lords of Terra like the Lamenters.
The problem with images is, you see an HD closeup of a mini but IRL you only see them at tabletop distances, so I can assure you it'll look good as fuck on the field
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Arbitor Ian and only when he invites that chubby hag Mira
Tits not big enough.
Like, build & paint a leg before moving on?
Don't care enough to bother. Takes long enough to build these little guys already.
I'm a clumsy fuck, and damaged one of my models trying to denub it once. So if it doesn't come off with an extra close clip and gentle scrapes, it gets to stay. Maybe I can cover them with extra parts or something going forward.
>Like, build & paint a leg before moving on?
e.g. assembling the guns and body but painting them separately before doing a final assembly.
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>Don't care enough to bother
>if it doesn't come off with an extra close clip and gentle scrapes, it gets to stay
you disgust me
That's all I need.
But what if I send several minutes painting something and it gets hidden by assembly?
Chaos daemons for sure you can get away with a lot if you come up with a solid and consistent speedpaint scheme for them
>hidden by assembly?
It's so you can paint hard to reach, but visible areas, but you clearly don't give a shit about mould lines so carry on I guess.
Blow it out your ass.
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Would Skaven work in 40k?
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I like doing all my greenskin first and then basecoat my noses in rakarth flesh and then do a cadian fleshtone glaze towards the tip of the nose followed by a quick highlight of 50:50 cadian fleshtone and kislev flesh. Not 40k but it's the closest thing I've got that shows it
Yeah but GSC already fill their niche.
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I got some Infernus Marines from a trade with a dude at my LGS and my autism dictates that I paint the body before I attach the arms & gun because the arms cover up the chest.
For further purchases, should I simply use some weaker glue to attach the arms & heads to models when priming and kinda... pop em off when I go to paint them?
No, drill holes in the arms and prime them separately if you're going to paint behind where the gun lays anyway.
no there dont
I think this looks great blubangels anon. I personally find I have to draw my checks on with pencil over a white basecoat and then sketch them out in black paint. You can lightly erase the pencil once your first coat of black has cured for a few hours. You can also use chipping/scratches in white after you've got your checks down and can help make them look tidier than they are by breaking up the lines a bit
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this is a far worse retcon than femstodes
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Orks player that bought a small Space Marine army and has been running SM for a couple months and holy shit this is borderline unplayable. How tf do you losers do it? The codex sucks ass. There is only one good Detachment. Nothing is fun or flavourful. Units have no good abilities or keywords. Strategems are trash. Bolters are weak as fuck. Why would anyone buy this shit faction? I love Terminators and Dreadnoughts but all of the other models are a dumpster fire.
100 plus models in the range and everything is liquid shit. How do you have fun? It's so boring. Embarrassing.
This message brought to by Ork Gang
>I love Terminators and Dreadnoughts
This is the obvious choice then. Build a dreadnought list. Big stompy robots are cool
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Gameplay wise >>93934263 is right as GSC does the sneaky pop up thing skaven do. Flavor wise, it could use some tweaking but it can work in theory. My personal idea of Space Skaven is they'd be an ironic mirror to the Imperium. Lowly vermin who have followed the Emperor's ideals far better than mankind, piggybacking off of and improving lost tech in their own little makeshift way. Like imagine how fucking pissed the primarchs would be seeing rats acting more civilized than humans
only death guard and dark angels can really lean into terminator play
the final stage of adulthood is realizing that everything you thought was cool when you were 12 is actually still cool.
>How do you have fun?
I don't.
>It's so boring.
It's why I don't play.
>mfw Brawl on the Vanishing Island will be amazing
Every SM player with a working frontal lobe just runs their army as Dark Angels now from what I've seen since it's literally all the same units you run already just with detachment rules and stratagems that don't suck.
>the three-way fight
>the minus world
ugh... so fuarking kino...
James Workshop WISHES he could tap into even a FRACTION of the kino of Alvin Earthworm.
I remember when my older brother showed me the vanishing island fight when I was like 10 or 12.
>this faction sucks balls, man
>agreed, it's why I have no fun playing it or the game in general
>passive aggressive replies
I smell a redshirts or discord raiders.
Whatever happened to Oscar Johannsson and Deletion Quality? Castle IV's never coming out.
Wrong thread, friend.
>Whatever happened to Oscar Johannsson
Kiddie stuff
guys im about to paint my first minis, black legion legionnaries, any tips?
also where can i find 10th edition chaos spmarine codex?

god bless the emperor of warhammer and the omnisire
Check wahapedia for rules. For armies with trim it's easier to paint all your trim first and then basecoat all the inner panels after you shade your trim
>Check wahapedia for rules
Honestly, I think they could. Give them special rules for killing their own infantry and Tech-wise make them to the Tau or Necrons what the Orks are to the Imperium; kinda ripping them off and shitty but they do some things better and they have no idea why. And give them rules for other gods and including Chaos units. That should be enough.
I was not ready for nostalgic feelings. What thread did you intend to post this on?
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>Castle IV's never coming out.
Anon has made me sad. We will never get stick animations this good ever again.
could you please explain what you mean by shading the trim?

this NIGGER >>93934442
is not me
Why would he do that when he could play the infinitely cooler Dread Mob
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Can't help you then
So you'd basecoat your gold trim, then you'd shade it with wash or contrast paint something. After you shade it you can do the inner panels with your black
Holy shit gw can't write rules.
I'm just going to keep the models I like and sell the rest.
I'm sticking to Orks. No matter how many times james fucks over my gits at least they can be fun to play and have some flavour in every edition. SM in 10e are fucking embarrassing. I feel bad for you if you bought the rulebook or codex.
Why even play SM at all when the divergent chapters get everything plus?
Wow. Yes I'm mad.
Green is best.
No not DA
Dread mob is cool too. Any big robots are cool its just a matter of what kind of big robots you prefer
Trying to convince norman friend to play 40k with me. He sees this on reddit. asks me "Anon, is this that freak game you play?".

Feels bad man.
>Holy shit gw can't write rules.
Because they know that brand loyalty from fans will ensure that they will never have to write proper rules for their games.
GW can afford good rules writers but they choose not to. I genuinely love the 40k universe, I just don't like GW, but I can't name a company that can respect/handle the Warhammer IPs better than GW.
Way ahead of you anon.
Super fun Detachment even when the dice fight you.
No wonder 60-70% of SM players have at least another faction.
Space Marines deserve better
Of all the things that didnt happen, this didn't happen the most
Not really, the Imperium already fulfills their niche.
I came here for Warhammer 40k.
I didn't come here for heavy nostalgic feelings, anons. This hurts and sucks.
And what hurts the most is that I will never have the creative energy or time to make animations that will give people nostalgia 10 years later.
That I need to moisturize
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alright i see thank you

i've seen people adding another lighter shade around the trim like in pic related, is it worth it? i'm shared when it comes to it, i also like a deep simple black
>Space Marines deserve better
they deserve nothing other than to be milked and raped by GW for being boring cunts playing a boring army
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If you gave the IP to me I bet my company (I would name it Warhammerland) would handle it pretty well.
Someone help me out since I'm a fucking idiot and I have not played in like 4 years and I'm getting back into the hobby.

I was thinking about buying SoB as my returning army. Now going through the other models and going over some of the rules I see Imperium Armies can take an Imperial Knight detachment, now that being said I don't WANT an actual Imperial knight, I am far more interested in the Knight Armigers with the melta's and autocannons. But I'm also seeing if you have a full army you get special rules unique to that faction. Do I lose those if I take the knight armigers and if so how badly am I hurting my own army by doing so?

Also I did see the Paragon warsuits, but I was thinking of the armigers before the warsuits were announced and figured the armigers would make for a good unit to push into enemy lines or objectives with sisters following behind just for context. Do the paragon warsuits pretty much do that without breaking army rules?
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Postan the great black legionanons guide for his BL. I don't think you need to do inside the panels, I think just doing the sharp edges works better imo
Remember in 9th edition when Blood Axes got a Ork Sniper for 2 months?
I member.
Still better than any rule james could give space marines this edition.
show him the gatecrushers next : )
cringe rainbow bullshit aside I actually quite like the pinkish metal desu
>I see Imperium Armies can take an Imperial Knight detachment
Can't take a detachment, but you can ally them in.
> Do I lose those if I take the knight armigers and if so how badly am I hurting my own army by doing so?
You no longer lose anything, but those allies don't get anything either. Which is pretty important when SoB's whole deal is going whoops 8 damage on Melta. You're not hurting or wanting for that exact weapon
Taking ally Knights just means the knights don't get army or detachment rules.
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militariumbros...? our response...?
Weak tourist bait.
thanks anon
I can't wait to see how you fuck them up
Boy, I sure wouldn't wanna be THOSE guys!
the powers of the chaotic foursome flow within me, it will be glorious FOR THE SKULL GOD SKULLS FOR THE GOD OF SKULLS
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>chaotic foursome
Slannesh is taking a turn as their strongest I see.
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New bread when
Frig off Randy
fuck off bobandy
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I finally started collecting miniatures in January 24, never having painted and build them before, I started with the Imperial Guard combat patrol and except for the sentinel, it wasn't a pleasant experience painting them.

I am right now doing my first space marine, as a display gift for my father and I am really enjoying the process, the model has bigger surfaces that are easier to reach, the Ultamarine blue flows and covers nicely, doing the trims and edge highlights is easy, space marine enjoyers do not appreciate how good they eat.
The sillohuettes are more like Ogryn and terminators desu
Space Marines are good for displaying on the shelf.
Their rules are not for playing on the table.
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Been meaning to try this, I keep forgetting to pick up that stegadon paint. Just been using thunderhawk blue and fenrisian grey atm
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The classic
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The best necron art prove me wrong
Although it is cooler this detachment is very unpredictable. The most FUN detachment
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Fuck off randy
how to run dread mob bros
I guess you just need 3 Deff Dreads and 9 Killa Kans with a mek?
a wiki reader who got assmad that another wiki reader was reading the wiki and then backed down like a massive coward

very unbased of him. total grifter.
Image limit is reached, we need a new thread

I have a question about my first power sword I ever painted
oh and remember he got his audience to badger a cosplayer to set up a date with him and it worked only for her to find him uninteresting and not go on a second date. loser.
how much time do you fucking faggots spend on youtube to know about all this shitty eceleb drama
Need new bread. This one is gay
Didn't majorkill take donations for medical bills then spend it all on renovating his patio?
You pick this shit up via osmosis on her 4chan. You'll find that out eventually, newfag.
>human using a bolt rifle
lore rape
Pretty good bait.
Are you retarded, or just shitbaiting?
I've been here on and off for over 15 years you dumb fucking nigger. Try painting some miniatures instead of paying attention to eceleb garbage
If you've been here for so long, surely you can be the OP for a new thread?
The nice thing with ork randomness is that you never really feel bad about the result
sure my hazardous weapons roll a 1 every now and then but I usually kill something in spectacular fashion so I dont even mind
>The nice thing with ork randomness is that you never really feel bad about the result
When your entirely army whiffs because thats a distinct possibility I certainly wouldn't say it feels good.
Snagga poster here. I use a skin tone like cadian or kislev fleshtone mixed with the base green color. Do some thin glazes so it has a nice gradient with the green
Orks never whiff
>Snagga poster here.
Imagine publicly admitting such a thing.
Ork randomness isn't really a thing in 10th. Their melee is extremely consistent and their shooting is just pathetically bad so it doing something is actually the weird thing.
>their shooting is pathetically bad
not really
cheers matey
>my boyz will have lots of pinky ears, lips, and noses just like dah biggest wokest tumblarinaz
>might try and give my gretchins purple fat black eyes with that proppa orky TEKKNEEQ too (the little shits)
Post 3 forms of Photo ID.
Can /myorkz/ not be green? Is there lore precedent?
Only good loretubers are baldemort and luetin.
what was the last mini you painted, anon?

can be whatever colour you want them to be
you're right, i'll also add occulus impera
had a dream where they did a votann v orks moria style battle box where the orks were pale white from being underground for ages
Well, they are green, they are all green, nevermind where the fungi grow, the orcs and the greenskin are green.
You can, however, larp that they use camouflage or rub their bodies with a special oilment because your tribe decided that its bullet proof or something.
Red orcs are pretty cool.
Orks are always green, maybe different shades of green but green none the less.
But you could fluff it up as the orks using warpaint and painting themselves whatever color you like.
Imagine being this faggot incel who is afraid of post his own minis cause they all suck
Vychellan was my boy!
Thanks anon. I appreciate it
I wish Arch didn't sound so insufferable
My nigga! Dhar'leth is my favourite Daemon Prince.
Flesh tearers red over a thin offwhite stippled onto black primer.

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