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Bad romance edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93922481

▶ Thread Task: prompt a couple

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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cute, prompt?
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I only have good romances.
Met this lady in a city full of vile serpentmen. She seems nice, hopefully nothing bad will happen...
Kobby & Gobby are one of my favorite prompts to kill time with.
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I lost the prompt a while ago, but it was something like
>storybook-style illustration, a centaur girl child wearing an armored dress, triumphantly holding up a sword
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Couple posting!
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How about Cowboy-Samurai-Pirate trios?
Were NOT a couple! He's just a... a friend!
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Fluff and Cindy are a couple.
A couple of BEST FRIENDS!
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I can't remember the names I gave these two
Just a good ol' boy shooting aliens & saving his best gal
A couple of rebels
...And now I'm going to go get something to eat. Catch y'all later.
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The Empire may be in peril, but two Collegiate Wizards can still find time to fall in love
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How did you make the heart speech bubble thing?
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Literally just "speech bubble with heart" worked for me.
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Yeah, just prompting it usually works. DESU though, that time Bing just randomly added it in by itself.
*DESU though
Okay then.
*To be honest though.
>newfag pwned by the filter
Desu desu senpai lol
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Aurè wearing her prosthetic elf ears to seduce the chicks again, I see.

It it works, it works.
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I've never actually had to deal with it before lol
Huh, that's pretty cute. I wonder what was in your prompt that implied it
If I had to guess, maybe it was "obvious romantic tension".
No underwear?!?
Centaurs don't need pants!
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I want that phrase on a bumper sticker now.
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Might also make for a book title too
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Y'know, you're totally right about that.
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I'll have to give that one a try
What was your style for this cause it looks great
How'd you get the heterochromia to work?
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Stay away from me and my gelatinous wife.
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That's a kid!
you gotta drop the style prompt
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Ancestry/Heritage: Paddler Shoony.
Class: Spirit Instinct Barbarian
Background: Tinker
Home Country: Shokuro
Level: 7
>You want to speak to di ancestors? Row out into di depths, where di spirits are thick. And so are di flies!
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>post a couple
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Like someone capturing Dream instead of Death?
>When I said I wanted more head, this wasn't what I meant.
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You know this is a blue board, right?
...Yeah. Really, uh, cold, that water. Can see just how "cold" it is.
...Geeze. Poor guy's gonna get both eyes poked out if he ain't careful.
Easy task
>How to tell that you're a lonely elementalist, without telling that you're a lonely elementalist
Lemme guess, the cat is the wife and the woman is merely a housekeeper?
>prompt a couple
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Nice Gargoyles
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A dream cannot be captured, it will only evaporate the harder you grasp it, but perhaps it will be an enjoyable dream & it will leave you will a smile upon the lips
It's been done. In /co/ Sandman, but still. Also, got a surprise visit from a certain someone when I was prompting for snakemen
evil atmosphere, gold bracelet around thigh, evil atmosphere, sadistic smile, close to a humanoid snakeman with snakehead, nightmarish background
Wait, are you saying that Bing added him without you prompting? If so that's crazy
So you've led me to a pit of vipers have you?
You tell me. Ka nama kaa lajerama
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>No! What foul sorcery is this, she-viper!?

Ah to catch a dream in a bottle... clever
Your bottle is missing a side.
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>prompt a couple
Had this done a dog's age ago.
This one was pretty good but the dress wasn't right
Ka nama etc is the phrase used to dispel any glamour spell a snakeman might have cast on himself, completely useless on anything else though. It's from Conan.
Nice gens, I like the dress, but she is supposed to have parted long hair, bing just want to give bangs to everyone
I think there's a quality in one of my prompts which makes it favor bangs too

Here's a not so great gen of them fighting snake men, I like the pose, ut the art is rough
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Z is for Ziggurat
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Turns out it was an evil ploy by the snakemen, who would have thought that you couldn't trust them

I like it. I tried recreating that, but all those snakes and blades made it a nightmare to get somewhat passing
https://files.catbox.moe/suh5sm.jpg some more
>The black lotus illusions are potent indeed.

Sorry I didn't recognize the choice for you spell btw. I'm a big Conan fan IRL. The Dreaming King is even originally a character for 2d20 Conan
Forgot the pic. Probably my last one. I don't want to spam the board
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Yeah, I had the same thought. But it was fun. And it was a very obscure reference, I just remembered it because a friend kept talking about it ages ago.
I've been re-reading Conan: The Savage Coast, it's still great
I like your art in general, but why does your kobold have hair? Looks retarded and uncanny on a reptile.
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The Wizard And His Orb
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>Orange: Should we? Humies are looking.
>Green: Let 'em look.
Of course posts like 93937710 are never deleted, even when reported
It's a sign. You should fuck off.
>grainy minimalistic painting, muted colors
It's not anymore off topic than the rest of theis thread
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hello again /slop/
how everyone's doing?
At least other pics aren't vomit-inducing like this one. Also, it's hard to believe that tripfag has now two people backing him up.
Trying to gen as muscular guy as possible and I think I'm getting somewhere...
>I think I'm getting somewhere...
you are getting on someone's nerves
good ol' lowercase sage
Found a group with a whole charter including threats of vague consequences for anyone using AI art. They also rolled stats straight down the line, rerolling low and high results.
No idea how many people had quit on them total, but I read back through three. They called one guy Hitler when he tried to explain why he was quitting.
If this board had normal jannies, tripfag would be permabanned before getting his trip, when he was still posting his disgusting filthy orcs and dwarfs in the mines, showing their filth covered feet.
But well, apparently janny has a reason to keep him around, while banning and deleting posts of others for even less.
Can anyone suggest an artstyle for this setting and this character?
illustration in the style of a character from darkest dungeon, heavy shadows. Screenshot of darkest dungeon on PC, stylized gothic small version of character,
One of the results
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Nice. How did you get that 'skinned alive' effect?
Skipped a leg day?
only dead lifts, bruh
my current pc and his plans for the secret elven forest
>How did you get that 'skinned alive' effect?
I didn't even try; I just kept blasting it with descriptions of muscles. Thick, swollen, etc. Also threw in muscular hypertrophy.
Other details happened.
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Secured a date in time for the harvest festival!
Very, very nice. I think I know where do they run
>Thread Task
>"The world may end but our love is eternal"
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Looks like I'm on deck.
Noice. New thread when?
make it about muscular characters and name it "The strongest Edition" and the TT "Who's the strongest character in your setting"
I hope you like comically muscular orcs
As soon as the timer is up.
Bake it up,fagget
I'm unironically fine with them
Slop away!

*Shrug* Just the way I designed him.

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