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"Beetlejuice is getting Standard banned in December" Edition

▶Bans (NOW)

The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


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What exactly was WotC thinking in printing instant speed turn 2 ramp that's also a 9/9 trample creature with pseudoward?
that green sucks and needs stronger stuff
they're right
>Better TQ
When was the last time you played a game of Magic? How was it?
7 mana for a 9/9 isn't good enough in modern magic.
Whatever it was, it was the best thing they've thought of in the past couple years.
>he thinks people will actually hard cast it
>and not use Say Its Name
>and not use Rite of the Moth
>and not use Smuggler's Surprise
>and not use Kona, Rescue Beastie
you only have 16 different ways to cheat it into play....
>What exactly was WotC thinking in printing instant speed turn 2 ramp that's also a 9/9 trample creature with pseudoward?
"This is pretty tame by modern standards"
And frankly where's the lie?

>When was the last time you played a game of Magic? How was it?
Played some EDH months ago, got rolled by the same combo player who always rolls up with a cEDH deck to any table he plays at.
Post an instant speed card that lets you ramp for 2 mana (you cant)
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this isn't even that recent
>When was the last time you played a game of Magic?
>How was it?
Kind of boring? I got the kulrath knight + midnight banshee out and he didn't have haste or burn or removal. The deck was more fun when it was all just deathspells and regenerating 1/1s but this kind of bigdudes stuff is obviously stronger.
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modern didn't fire. standard and pioneer barely fired. i played one game for funs and went home. opponent played an uro pile.
If I'm going through all that trouble, I'll just cheat an Atraxa into play instead
Neither of these cards are guaranteed ramp, you need a land in hand for growth spiral and planar genesis is random. Altanak is 100% guaranteed ramp once you have a sac land in the graveyard AND it doesn't cost you a card because you want him in the graveyard to reanimator him the following turn.
You both failed the assignment.
They were thinking that Yugioh cards are an untapped source of mechanics that Magic can use in upcoming sets, so they designed some in that style as a test.
>March 15, 2020
grim times brother
>Cheating in Atraxa
>Not cheating in Val
lol, lmao, he's retarded
>Altanak is 100% guaranteed ramp once you have a sac land in the graveyard
So not guaranteed, then...
This is a Candyman reference :p
And Altanak is guaranteed ramp in standard on turn 2?
fuck off
I agree with anon.
>And when everyone is a super, nobody is.
It is ok to have full arts from time to time but why would anyone get excited for the 7th fullart land set in a row? If they had done those once a year It would still be something people look after.
T3feri, K4rn, Nars3t, and Ashiok. (the last one was ok)
Standard started to become shit (wildness reclamation and other shit decks, that are all we have today, btw, started to become dominant in the format from now on), nobody gave much shit about how T3feri was raping modern and how K4rn was making splashes in Legacy and Vintage because the story for War of the Spark had Chandra be bi (or normal) and for 2 months all the talk on mtg was "how can they can retcon chandra!" (she was into gideon if you actually read her first book from 2013).
After that was Eldraine and we saw Oko and Once Upon a Time raping Modern (and Oko making a black lotus kill a guy in a vintage tounament), after some bans we had the adventures deck becoming dominant and ban worth for a year before wotc did something.
M21 launches and Golos field of the dead becomes another big cancer in standard (maybe it was released before eldraine, I don't remember, just know that Golos & UG food were the actual top decks of the format). It took sometime until wotc finally banned oko and golos&field of the dead from standard, maybe there was other things worth banning but I don't remember.
Then we go to Theros beyond dead and now Uro...
After that we have Ikoria and companions...

Fire was a mistake.
You asked for "an instant speed card that lets you ramp for 2 mana" and got 2 examples. Maybe you should've specified more, faggot.
Growth spiral is 100% guaranteed ramp once you have a land in hand and planar genesis is 100% guaranteed ramp whenever you have a land in the top four cards of your library.
>he thinks he'll have anything in the yard
lmao, graveyard decks in Standard are getting gutted in a few days from now, and anything outside of Standard will have even more options
a 9/9 that draws you a card isn't going to make the cut
Whatever, point is cheating in something better than a big beater.
Took Ugin and Bolas out of the story before their gay romance was properly expanded upon because WotC was trying to break into the Chinese market.
>want to build a silly little Dimir Rats deck that self mills a bunch for standard
>this is getting reprinted
Oh what fun...
I feel like any time they print Leyline of the Void or Rest in Peace or whatever Tormod's Crypt equivalent they always print into Standard they may as well just print Ragavan into Standard and make graveyard shit non-viable that way rather than just shit on peoples' dreams.
Do people actually care about ban lists? I saw several silver border decks and people bringing prints of unreleased cards and whatnot.
Can't believe they skipped a new black leyline to reprint the most annoying one
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graveyard cheaters get what they deserve
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Why did block constructed die? Or even just regular set constructed? Standard is stupid, too many cards to keep track of. Block constructed is flavorfully consistent, with a small card pool where cards interact as intended.
It's not even about Graveyard Cheating anymore
Threshold, Forage, Descent, Unearth, are all mechanics in Standard that are fun to build decks with and they literally just get turned off by Void. And for what?
Just reprint Void in a commander precon or some shit and leave us normal people alone
>And for what?
Nothing. They don't test anything so they just print all the safety release valves so nobody can actually run rampant with whatever slips through.

We've got to remember that there's no trade on Arena. So every 5 years they can reprint staples and the new players will have to buy them. They don't really need to give a shit reprinting that card, it's the novel staple creatures and Planeswalkers they have to put effort into to sell packs.
I assume you mean in Commander? Generally, no, since it's a casual format where people just want to have fun. In basically any other format, yeah, people take bans seriously. Playing with cards from outside of the format would be a serious issue.
It's kinda fucked up that they're gonna have Leyline AND RiP in the same Standard.
Say it with me
>What exactly was WotC thinking in printing instant speed turn 2 ramp that's also a 9/9 trample creature with pseudoward?

>"We intentionally put this card at uncommon for limited."
>"We did not playtest the final version of altanak."
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I'd bet good money on a Tormod's Crypt reprint in Foundations on top of all this.
That's not very much. I think we need Scrabbling Claws and Unlicensed Hearse back in Standard too.
>Neither of these cards are guaranteed ramp
>Altanak is 100% guaranteed ramp once you...
what you think the word "guaranteed" means?
Last Saturday, I played standard. Went 3-0 with UR artifacts and had a good time.
Idk what everyone is so excited about with DSK. Standard is pure fucking cancer at the moment and I don't see this changing at all with DSK. If anything, it's going to get a way worse. WOTC doesn't give a flying fuck about product quality anymore, and are just going for quantity at this point.
More secret lairs
More sets
More overpriced store bundles
More More More More. Game is actually shit.
Sorry, best I can do is a Relic of Progenitus and Bojuka Bog in Foundations
People are excited for DSK? Most people I've heard seem to dreading it fucking up Standard and Pioneer.
>Bojuka Bog
I'll take it, but only if we also get Grafdigger's Cage and Ground Seal.
>Idk what everyone is so excited about with DSK
I ain't fucking excited. The set total shit. A complete fail from every perspective: Story, art, worldbuilding, the mechanics are just Suspend+, Manifest+ and Constellation+. It's just derivative boring slop.

why the fuck is excited for this utter crap?
Idk, but I cannot stand this fucking company anymore. Every single release they put in just makes me hate them more. Which is a shame, because I genuinally used to love this game. The company is a hollow morally corrupt shell of what it used to be.
People need to actually stop buying this crap, so they lose enough money and playerbase to actually wake the fuck up.
>People need to actually stop buying this crap
Already have. The extend to which I play this game is a cube I haven't updated to in ~5 years, and custom set drafts.
It's a new set, so a new limited environment. Draftchads keep winning.
Okay, but I better get an Extirpate style card. I can even concede the Split Second. For real, I do think it's weird that Pioneer doesn't really have an equivalent card without going full Lobotomy effect, like Stone Brain.
>Draftchads keep winning.
Nobody is drafting Play Boosters the experience is dogshit.
>Kona, Rescue Beastie
>Smuggler's Surprise
Good luck with that leyline plan, lmao
>Okay, but I better get an Extirpate style card.
Deal, we'll add Surgical Extraction to foundations and call it a day.

>For real, I do think it's weird that Pioneer doesn't really have an equivalent card without going full Lobotomy effect, like Stone Brain.
Pioneer would benefit a LOT from Extirpate existing in the format.
I can't wait to lose on turn two to leyline of resonance. Turn 3 wins in standard were too slow.
You last general died in 13 posts. Good luck mt.gag :)
I think imma play BG delirium with a splash of w or BW enchants at draft next week, what do yall think?
>evolving wilds
>terramorphic expanse
>fabled passage
>all in standard
bruh, just stop, take the L
It will break standard in half, you run fling mice, reanimator or a control deck that tries to beat these decks on turn 15
U/w enchants*
for me it's RG delirium
>"Hey bro, want to break the color pie?"
>"Of course!"
- WotC
Reminder: You will auto lose if they mulligan to 5 and keep two leylines. You will also auto lose if they mulligan to 6 and keep one leyline. They will not keep a seven hander without leyline.
Good Luck!
discarding your hand is red
drawing cards is gren
Funny how this is EXACTLY what I needed for a shitbrew in Pioneer, RG Beans Hollow One is the future.
Leylines shouldn't be in the game at all. They're a 0-mana card with flash and split second while in your mulligan, but after that apparently they need to cost 4+ mana? Because apparently the effect is somehow more balanced at the start of the game?
Hmmm maybe rg delirium is the way
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>Pioneer would benefit a LOT from Extirpate existing in the format.

I just don't get how you never print something like this at any point in the past decade.
Played a match of Pauper, Gruul Ramp vs Delver. Stumbled in game 2 when I drew lands 4 turns in a row when I needed threats but took game 1 and 3 pretty handily. Turns out cascade cards are pretty good against counterspell decks. Altisaur into Generous Ent in particular was amazing.
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Never let your memes be dreams.
Wouldn't Cut Down only work if your opponent was retarded and cast all their pump spells at once? Honestly, you're probably better off playing a fucking bounce spell.
If they want the kill, they have to blow their load.
Or they cast one and let it resolve before casting the second one?
>Expecting redfags not to blow their load
>I can win so long as my opponent is more retarded than me
A bold strategy
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Works every time.
As a RDW enjoyer, I always blow my load as quickly as possible.
If you're the better player, your opponent will always overextend into your removal
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> -198
fucking slivers man
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>opp attacks with his infinity/1 pumped little faggot with death triggers
>he extends his hand, seemingly assured that even if I kill his faggot, the death triggers will still kill me
>I cast Elspeth's Smite
I've honestly been eyeing them, it seems actually decent against current day rdw. You don't need to worry about death triggers, they can't fizzle it like cut down, and it'll always be at least a 2 for 1.
>Not Gift a Card
I cry.
It's funny how with "Gift a Fish", the presumably more reasonable and Spike-oriented option, the card just becomes a generic meh bounce spell.

But if it were "Gift a Card" it becomes the single most potent enabler of Owl strategies printed to date.

See, this is imo one of the biggest problems that plagues nuMagic design. Yes, there's power creep. Yes, too many legendary creatures bloat the sets. But for me the real problem is that just nothing interesting gets printed, ever.

It's all just generic value here, optimal money grab chase rare there. You just don't get SPICE anymore. The pursuit of profit has culled all niche and weird design.

If it were "Gift a card" people may have laughed at how bad it was, but boy howdy would the Owl have hooted with glee. It's not just this card, though. Niche and jank strategies just don't ever get support anymore. Worse yet, potential new jank gets strangled in the womb.
this can't be real
this is 3 separate abilities on a fucking uncommon
what the fuck...
The fact of the matter is, when you put so much emphasis on generic value and money-grubbing power creep, you hurt every format.

Formats are at their best when weird, unexpected and explosive retard shitbrews are able to compete with the top decks. Maybe not BE the top decks, but you really want a situation where the top decks aren't simply so overwhelming that they drown out the fringe.

There's a difference between a "Balanced" format where the top ten decks have relatively equal meta share, and a BALANCED format where the bottom 100 decks are all modestly competitive.

nuMagic design fucking sucks ass, is basically what I'm saying. Over-emphasis on statistics for balance, (And blatantly not banning things because money) rather than holistic format health as a guiding principle, has done a lot of damage too imo.
If it was Gift a Card it would literally ONLY be playable in an Owl deck
It'd have to be Gift a Fish OR a Card but Gift is a new mechanic and Wizards probably wouldn't wanna push it
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>If it was Gift a Card it would literally ONLY be playable in an Owl deck
That's my exact point.
Good design doesn't have to be playable in everything. Not every card has to be generically valuable to ever deck. Some cards can just be perfectly, precisely terrible.

One With Nothing remains my favorite example of this. What is lampooned as the worst card ever printed was legitimately a sideboard staple when Mine was becoming a fringe threat. One man's trash, they say.

That's the kind of format you want to cultivate. One where interesting things happen, and you need to expect the unexpected.

Formats where nothing but pure generic value, intentionally designed linear combos and optimal bland aggro pieces thrive are extremely stale and unhealthy formats. You need some retarded garbage in the mix to keep things fresh.
True. We'll have to wait for MH4 to get "Gift 1000 cards, if the gift was promised you lose 1000 life"
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>Formats are at their best when weird, unexpected and explosive retard shitbrews are able to compete with the top decks. Maybe not BE the top decks, but you really want a situation where the top decks aren't simply so overwhelming that they drown out the fringe
this guy gets it
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>One With Nothing remains my favorite example of this. What is lampooned as the worst card ever printed was legitimately a sideboard staple when Mine was becoming a fringe threat

I'm honestly not sure we live in the same reality.
Dead serious, Into the Flood Maw was inches from being THE BEST CARD EVER PRINTED for a specific strategy. But instead, it ended up as just a kind of middling thing that maybe some Standard decks kind of want maybe.

As a designer, you need to have the bravery to just make stupid, awesome shit that has no home, fits nowhere, sucks ass but makes people excited to test.
I unironically lost to One With Nothing many times. My meta had two mine decks and it was a 2-4 of in every black deck's sideboard.
100% this. Weird cards that do unique things are the backbone of new strategies.
They make stupid weird shit all the time, though. There are several niche cards with strange effects in Duskmourn alone.
Mindskinner, Doomsday Excruciator, I'm personally excited to try Norin. Are you sure you aren't just salty they aren't printing cards for your personal fringe strategy?
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There's plenty of stuff that's happy to give the opponent more creatures, just because it wasn't good for your pet deck doesn't mean it won't be good for someone else's pet deck.
>They make stupid weird shit all the time, though. There are several niche cards with strange effects in Duskmourn alone.
Not really.

>Doomsday Excruciator
Those are not very exciting. Mindskinner's just Fling fodder, Excriciator is falls directly into the "Intentional linear combo" slop garbage I mentioned, and Norin really doesn't do much at all.

I'm talking about things like One With Nothing, The Cheese Stands Alone (Near-Death Experience), Martyr of Sands, Force of Savagery, pic related etc.
So you had a super weird local meta. Sovlfvl, surely, but not terribly meaningful to people outside.
Mine was a fairly common deck in its heydey. It was less popular than Glare and Pickles but wasn't weird to see when travelling by any means.
>Norin really doesn't do much at all.
I'm sure people were saying the same about one with nothing when it first got printed, why are you so easily dismissive?
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When would you place its heyday?
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magic the gathering
>I'm sure people were saying the same about one with nothing when it first got printed, why are you so easily dismissive?
Norin treads on the grounds of Brago and Cloudstone Curio, but in a less interesting way.

He's a 1 mana 2/1 that can't block. Everything Norin can do is done better by another recent, generic value slop card, Mistbreath Elder.
>Martyr of Sands
>The Cheese Stands Alone (Barren Glory)
>One With Nothing
Those aren't very exciting. Martyr of Sands is just a boring lifegain card, Barren Glory is a bog-standard "win the game if you do my funny condition" combo card, One With Nothing doesn't really do much at all.
>Gift a Phage the Untouchable
I appreciate the attempt at a turn my phrasing.

The inability to evaluate Martyr of Sand's very unique pressure on deckbuilding, The Cheese Stands Alone's pure brilliant stupidity, or One With Nothing's historic significance to the state of Magic design, indicates a lack of awareness of the game at large.
Phage is another great example of exciting design. Very memorable card.
You know.
Back then.
Mhm. Phage I feel is peak pre-mirrodin design.
Look, I appreciate your general sentiment that Wizards perhaps doesn't print as much super unique jank, but there's still weird jank cards.
The problem is less so the lack of jank but more that the meta is just too fast and suffocating for jank to even begin to grow. Like, I can make my cool Johnny deck with some combo or engine that no one's ever seen before. And then I get my ass slapped on turn 2. That's always been true to some extent, but it's only gotten worse and worse with power creep.
Care to be even a little specific?
>Look, I appreciate your general sentiment that Wizards perhaps doesn't print as much super unique jank, but there's still weird jank cards.
A 3cmc mana rock isn't weird.
It's no more weird than the lands you play before it on turn 1, 2 and 3.

I agree that the state of power creep compounds the problem by disallowing any potential non-meta decks from thriving. But there simply aren't any interesting strategies begin with in most current metas.

Go look at the Standard card pool and find me even a single card that enables a strategy other than aggro, midrange and control/combo.

The entire standard meta right now is
>Aggro, midrange, aggro, midrange, domain (midrange), midrange, aggro, aggro, prowess (aggro), control, control, aggro,

If even a single interesting setup was in the mix, surely it would be somewhere within the top 99% of decks.
There are absolutely cards today that put unique pressure on deckbuilding or are "brilliantly stupid" to someone. Nothing new will ever be up to your standard if your standard is "printed ten years ago".
They were thinking that it would be a fun build around in draft. And it will.
>A 3cmc mana rock isn't weird.

You look at Mirran Safehouse and that's all you see? And you have the gall to insult people who don't see the immense value of One With Nothing as an all-star sideboard piece against one particular deck?
>You look at Mirran Safehouse and that's all you see?
It's just not very exciting to brew for. I already know the top end of its outcomes is going to be text on lands. Maybe there's a good land setup for it, but that'd be easy to find if it did exist, clunky to setup, and vulnerable to 'yard hate.

Worst of all, no setup you can find with it will ever be unexpected. You either find a set of lands with abilities that "combo" together or you don't. It's not a very exciting card.
All decks are aggro, midrange, control, or combo if you boil them down to the bare archetypes.
>All decks are aggro, midrange, control, or combo if you boil them down to the bare archetypes.
STAX and tempo would beg to differ.
>Worst of all, no setup you can find with it will ever be unexpected.

Weren't you speaking positively of Martyr of Sands earlier? Martyr should be very uninteresting by your stated standards, since it's very obvious where and how it should be played. Nothing "exciting" about it, besides the fact that lifegain is traditionally sneered at.
Stax is just a control deck, albiet one that focuses on permanents rather than instants.
Tempo is generally classified as a mix between aggro and control, and can lean one way or another based on construction.
>what is prison
A type of control or combo deck, depending on your point of view.
>Weren't you speaking positively of Martyr of Sands earlier? Martyr should be very uninteresting by your stated standards, since it's very obvious where and how it should be played. Nothing "exciting" about it, besides the fact that lifegain is traditionally sneered at.

>He doesn't know about Martyr Proc
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Rooms look ugly as shit sitting out on the battlefield with how much their colors clash against eachother.
You never really saw it with split/fuse cards because most of them were instant or sorcery speed but rooms look BAD. Especially when you're facing a lot of them
I know about martyr proc, you twit. Do you have an actual argument? Do you simply find the interaction between Martyr and Squadron Hawk so exciting that it short circuits your own reasoning?
>Rooms look ugly as shit sitting out on the battlefield with how much their colors clash against eachother.
>You never really saw it with split/fuse cards because most of them were instant or sorcery speed but rooms look BAD. Especially when you're facing a lot of them
My favorite part is it being not technically legal to have them sideways on the battlefield, since you have to indicate whether a permanent is tapped or untapped.
That was a really nice touch.
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Never because he's making it up. It was a fringe side option in very specific matchups and it was still so bad it was often worse than just taking the overdraw.
>so bad it was often worse than just taking the overdraw.
You literally died if you did that.
>often worse than just taking the overdraw.

>Yeah bro, just keep a grip of seven against 3x Ebony Owl Netsuke and a deck that runs Gaze of Adamaro.
>Uh don't kill it discard your hand instead
Yes, unironically. It was, by far, the best solution.
Me when I side in a -8 because Doom Blade isn't real
...Doom blade...
to answer Gaze of Adamaro...
Oh I'm sorry I thought we were playing in fantasyland where my opponent opened 3x Owl so my hand was all 1-drops and Doom Blade.
>Oh I'm sorry I thought we were playing in fantasyland where my opponent opened 3x Owl so my hand was all 1-drops and Doom Blade.
Aye, many times people had to remove their own creatures just to dump cards from hand to not die.
It was still much less effective an answer than One With Nothing. At least with OWN you get to keep your dudes too, even if they're locked down with GIgadrowse/Exhaustion.
>There are records of 349 decks in 2006 Pro Tour Honolulu, where Owling Mine placed 3rd.
>Only 3 decks running One With Nothing, none of them placed.
>None of the top decks from subsequent tournaments ran One With Nothing, such as Hamamatsu, San Juan, Arlington, San Jose, etc., all of which featured Owling Mine in the top 8.
Again, when was this a staple sideboard card, because the evidence indicates that it was not.
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Holy shit, I just assumed that they'd updated the comprehensive rules to make rooms sideways permanents like battles, but they didn't. They talk all about "Left Locked designation" and "Right Locked designation" but nowhere does it say that a Room card has being horizontal as its untapped orientation. That's beyond retarded. I did a search for every instance of the word "room".

>"The pro tour is every meta ever."
Tens of thousands of people were playing at the time, not all of them were in the pro tour.
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I wasn't around for that time and I have no dog in the fight, but it sure as hell doesn't show up in searches.
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>Only 3 decks running One With Nothing,
>3 decks played OWN in the Pro Tour
>OWN actually saw real competitive play in a real Pro Tour
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Here's owl, btw
My guy is fully fuming.
I listed several other tournaments (regionals in different countries, by the way) where One With Nothing did not show up in sideboards, despite Owling Mine being a competitor. Surely at least one person would bring such a potent sideboard card against a know deck?
>The deck saw fringe play and even had a few respectable placements.

>OWN saw pro tour play to deal with a fringe threat.
Wow look I'm literally 100% perfectly, factually correct in everything I have stated.
I'm not the same guy, I was just curious. Like I said, I don't have the first hand experience, I'm obviously going to google it.
>I'm not the same guy, I was just curious. Like I said, I don't have the first hand experience, I'm obviously going to google it.
The first hand experience is that Owling Mine was a legitimate fringe deck you knew you might run into if you were travelling with a Standard deck at the time.
it was rare, but a few top decks were very vulnerable to it, and if you were one of those decks you had to respect it or you would get an automatic 0-2 stapled to your record if you ever encountered it.

It was fairly middling in high level play, but the combination of it completely troll very common top meta decks, plus being comprised entirely of budget bulk rares and commons, made it common enough to worry about.
My mistake, the claim seemed to be that OWN was actually a good sideboard card, which the evidence suggests otherwise. It is quite amusing that people tried it, though.
>My mistake, the claim seemed to be that OWN was actually a good sideboard card, which the evidence suggests otherwise. It is quite amusing that people tried it, though.
Like I said, OWN was everywhere in my area at the time. Mine was popular there and then, and OWN simply was the best answer to it. It played the role of Counterspell to Sudden Impact/Gaze of Adamaro and almost always saved you from dying to Owl.

I lost to Own With Nothing more times than I care to say.
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We love the Lovecraft expanded universe!!!!!
They made it an uncommon so that the say his name combo could be possible in drafts.
>They made it an uncommon so that the say his name combo could be possible in drafts.
How stupid do you have to be to think this is reasonable?
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You can only activate a single Lifeline ability per game, is that right?
Yes, one per game overall, NOT one of each Lifeline.
I'm just telling that this was their reasoning. Only time will tell if it was a sound one.
Well, the 2nd ability is only active while it's in play and the 3rd ability can only be played while it's in hand.
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The rare Lifelines are very fun to work on.
Sorry that should be rare, no idea how it ended up as a common.
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Behold the latest version of this poor card I've iterated on for years now.
A weird effect but I kind of dig it. Would probably be more relevant if the token had some form of defensive option to punish attempts to sneak through, like Flying to block evasive threats on the extra turn.

High mana cost obviously limits is ability to hose anything though.
Love the idea but way, way too much text.
I think a quick cleanup would be swapping
>"dealt damage by equipped creature this turn"
>"If equipped creature or a blocking or blocked by it this turn..."

And typically you want to avoid looping game states at all costs. 1UU to stick the same token on the board over and over will be loathsome. My suggestion for that would be something like,

>"1UU, Sacrifice ~: Put a creature card exiled by ~ onto the battlefield under your control."
Dodges the potential for a stagnating game state and has much fewer words.

Still, interesting idea. Probably needs white or black somewhere in the cost to justify the exiles, but artifacts can cheat on that stuff.
>or a CREATURE blocking or blocked by it this turn,..."
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Here have some nuclear waste that brings Conjure to paper in all but name.
>High mana cost obviously limits is ability to hose anything though.
Yeah I guess that's true although most permissible extra turn spells are around the 5cmc mark. I don't think the tokens should be able to block incoming damage but maybe they could have lifelink...?

>if equipped creature or a blocking or blocked by it this turn
this sounds like you just don't understand m:tg templating

I do agree that looping the same token over and over again is a weird choice.
My original design for the card was to have a 1U ability that transformed the equipped creature into a copy of an exiled creature card.
>My original design for the card was to have a 1U ability that transformed the equipped creature into a copy of an exiled creature card.
Also fairly sensible but I can see why you'd go for the more value-oriented option.
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A cute combat trick
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One more that mashes together multiple bad ideas. Also forgot to reply when posting:
Any time you have an idea for a named token ala blood, treasure etc.
Discard that idea immediately. It is shit design. Unfathomable garbage.

Also, tokens can't be in zones other than the battlefield. If you want to design for Alchemy, go ahead, but it's a terribly broken and uninteresting design space.
Typically blocking enhancers are handled via "Can block any number of creatures this combat."
I dig Gaze of Granite-esque effects though, they can be very potent.
Sorry sweaty this is real life. The acorn stamp creeps its way into black border.
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We need more generic animal cards now that Food is a significant part of the game
>Creature - Human
>Not also a Blood
WTF Wotc?!
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>Also, tokens can't be in zones other than the battlefield
NItpick: they actually CAN, but they disappear the next time SBAs are checked.
I was agreeing with a lot of the sentiment of the One with Nothing guy until this bit, how can someone be so in love with the smell of their own farts
If a man farts at me, I fart back.
That's just justice.
>what might possibly be literally the worst card in the game
>a linear "do this and you win the game" combo based on YOUR own criteria
>A reward for a very basic deck building combo that only works today thanks to Modern Horizons slop
>Something I use in my Valroz EDH deck and nowhere else
If any of those cards saw play in a popular meta deck today you wouldn't have mentioned them. I think modern Mtg slaps too much upside and generic value on their cards too but don't act like such a hipster that you'd call Mirran Safehouse "a generic mana rock". Posts like this >>93933663
just make you sound like a snobby dipshit
Exciting is not
>"It's obviously designed to be combo bait."
And suggesting it is betrays a lack of vision about game design.
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Where do you get this modern HD template?
>literally right there
Ah shit I'm sorry I'd just committed myself to using the Magic Set Editor executable and didn't even consider using web service equivalents since they were usually trash by comparison.
>Ah shit I'm sorry I'd just committed myself to using the Magic Set Editor executable and didn't even consider using web service equivalents since they were usually trash by comparison.
They are actual trash. MSE is far better than Cardsmith, though 'smith has been improving.
but I remember being able to use hi-res card templates in MSE and I feel like that hasn't really existed since the transition to the new card frames.
>but I remember being able to use hi-res card templates in MSE and I feel like that hasn't really existed since the transition to the new card frames.
They do, but most MSE templates just consolidated into the Mainframe ones.
Should be able to find high res templates if you dig around or ask in the D*scord.
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I just use it because it's easy to do when I'm on my phone
>in response, I snakeskin veil and do even more dmg
>wahhhhh they didn't print cards for my pet deck
>the real problem for jank brews is a lack of cards, not the insane power level of meta decks
I respect your dedication to your deck and your continued tinkering with it, but mama mia stop being a retard
>the real problem for jank brews is a lack of cards, not the insane power level of meta decks
I touch on both these topics.
Would be happy to include in my budget standard control deck circa 2013/10
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Some rejiggering with the Seraph and Sphinx done.
Here's the full cycle.
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Is there a reason Commander is all the rage right now?
I genuinely am put off from it simply because I cant put more than 1 of the same card in my deck barring lands.
Its at the point that I went to my local card shop and they immediately assumed I wanted to build a commander deck then gave me weird looks when I told them no, im only here for standard.....
Magic is not a game anymore, it's an activity.
This doesn't really answer my question other than to say "mtg is shit now" but like.... everything is shit now, so whats the alternative?
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Post artists who were too good for Magic
Kaldra Compleat vs Batterskull for stoneforge decks?
It's the only multiplayer format
I've played multiplayer before without a commander deck
You want Kaldra in the main and Batterskull in the side for matchups when you want Lifelink.
>"mtg is shit now"
No, mtg just adapted to the market. Many people are too soft and too narcissistic to play competitive 1v1 games, it has been happening to boardgames for years. Most of our customers want activities/experiences with minimal conflict with only the hardcore gamers/hobbyists asking for more cutthroat games.
>what's the alternative
There really isn't any. Some indie tcgs are trying to make competitive card games work but the Zeitgeist has clearly moved on.
Me too, but that wasn't an officially sanctioned format with rules and a ban list. Commander has taken over because it's more fun for 4 people to play together than to play two different games, and Commander is the only way to do that without needing to make up your own thing.
I did not played for years but this look mid as fuck?
Stat-wise it's just Colossal Dreadmaw corrected to current powercreep and fact that this is a damn legendary, the "pseudo-ward" sucks and in 90% cases means that you'll be getting +1 from it at best. The shitty conditional turn 2 ramp is cute but you need lands in grave in the first place and will you really gonna pray that on your first 2 turns you'll have this + 3 lands + some discard outlet just for this? And it's not even useful for anything in Commander.
It's chaff, Timmy's first big creature.
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>Is there a reason Commander is all the rage right now?
it was kind of the only way of playing paper magic during covid for a solid 2 years, they were already pushing the format before then but covid pushed it even harder
Nowadays we don't get 2 mana ramp in standard for free.
Sad but true. Gaming in all forms has been trending more towards this level of hand holding coddling for a while but the tabletop spectrum has been hit the hardest. Edh rule 0 is functionally identical to the X card nonsense that invaded D&D. Have a look at the 5e slop heap where the game has been so "balanced" that it's now a blended slurry of homogenized mush because the idea that one player in the group ends up being stronger than another may cause a 30 year old man to cry. If I were one of those dastardly conspiracy theorist noticers I might put together WotC roundcappers being the common denominator but surely that can't be it...

Doesn't help too that commander players are largely s-yboy consumer lifestylists who will mess their diapies if you even mention buying based chang proxies to strike the Hasbro viper.

You WILL respect the timmy and second guess yourself with every card you include in your deck because his feelings might get hurt if you win even though he's capable of putting answers to your cards into his deck. Submit and embrace the timdom you little wimp. Your idea of fun doesn't matter now get busy pleasuring that other man with your suboptimal deck.
Hey I haven't played mtg in a while but I'd like to teach a friend that's only played yugioh how to play magick, he doesn't care much for playing competitively or anything and would be fine if it was just me and him playing games once in a while. Can you suggest any good decks to play against each other? Could be from any era of magic or any format, just something that's fun and can make learning magic fun.
Also, at the moment we'll be using Cockatrice, if you know any better sims please suggest them. I mostly play on MTGO but he'd rather not pay moneys for the game right now.
Don't play MTG the game is flaming fucking shit.
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>(Oxen, Goats, Sheeps, and Birds are farm animals.)
Decent, hello 2 mana emrakul or whatever, mid tier bounce spell, 2 mana meme counter, might draw a couple cards.

Sphinx seems kinda nuts. Blue green can pretty easily ramp into enough mana to cast like half a dozen super high cost spells, and has enough card draw to dig up a bunch. And technically you could cast off color spells with this too, since its a replacement. Slamming atraxa for 2 mana seems pretty decent.
New Black Leyline when? WotC are so creatively bankrupt?
I've generally heard the Duel Decks series are pretty balanced, you could grab the decklists for those.
Void just is always in-demand, I guess.
>everyone's complaining about Duskmourne
>including MTG content creators saying that it's doing terrible numbers online
kek. You think WOTC are going to learn their lesson about pumping out so many sets so close together? Not to mention being so dumb as to put the horror set immediately after the cute set that got all those wives and gfs to try the game.
Yesterday, I swapped decks with my GF and she thrashed me with my own stuff.
If the numbers aren't high enough, they'll just have to make a "secret lair [available pop culture IP]" to fill the bank again
>muh covid regulations prohibits people from meeting
>4 player mode rises
really activates the almond
>Sphinx seems kinda nuts. Blue green can pretty easily ramp into enough mana to cast like half a dozen super high cost spells, and has enough card draw to dig up a bunch. And technically you could cast off color spells with this too, since its a replacement. Slamming atraxa for 2 mana seems pretty decent.

Kinda nuts is usually what I go for with rares. And I think this is a perfect place for Lifeline to be, if you're building around it and you blow your load, and it doesn't work out, you're going to need some other plan. Definitely the design space I am hoping to settle into for Lifeline.
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Pic related is the worst card in MTG history.
Prove me wrong.
One With Nothing was printed at Rare
I have realized that Duskmourn would be a more interesting story if it was set during the time when Vulvagoth was expanding his influence, rather than after it was done.

I fucking HATE stories that only exist to remind you of the interesting story that the writers opted NOT to write about.
I'm talking about overall. Flavor included.
I guess the art isn't terrible so maybe it isn't the worst...
it definitely prohibited random people from meeting at a public event in a LGS to play modern or pioneer
it didn't stop family members and close friends to play casual board games (which is essentially what edh is) to pass the time

webcam edh was also a huge thing that couldn't be emulated by competitive formats since cheating would be so blatantly easy to do
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>right now
>this question AGAIN
Someone asks this every 3rd thread, but EDH has been huge for the last few years because you can actually play it. Multi-player bullshit means you can show up with playing unoptimized funstuff piles and theme decks and not have a terrible time. You won't necessarily win, but I feel like most people forget how brutal constructed magic is to bad decks. You don't just lose, you don't even get to play.

Also precons are $30.
Command tower in standard.
>he thinks people actually stopped hanging out
It stopped strangers, but everyone I knew was still doing shit with friends and family.
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Sorry, sorry, wait.
Since when did Demons in MTG "Feed" on anything?
They're traditional folkloric demons that forge pacts. They're butchers and defilers, immortal and ageless with no need for mortal concerns, not fucking hungry hungry hippos.
Vulvagoth isn't just an inconsistent garbage villain, his nature is completely at odds what demons are in the MTG canon.

God I hate Duskmourn. Everything about it fucking sucks.
man I missed this card during spoiler season, 4 mana draw 4~5 at instant speed outside of blue/black sounds crazy good, will definitely try building a deck around this
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I knew I had seen a card with a similar effect before, it's a buffed version of pic related.
"Monster has to satisfy weird rules to sustain itself and kill you" is what you are complaining about. Are you actually trying to say there are no folklore examples of supernatural beings that act in odd fashion due to their nature? Are you 12?
Different planes have different rules. I don't see you complaining about the 20 different types of vampires we have. Duskmourn demons aren't malevolent butchers, they're simply hungry.
Since Lord of the Pit?
Demons were always powered by death and sacrifice.
There's very few things that are consistent about 'how things work' across different planes. The only real consistent thing is mana and its five colours. Demons are big scary black mana manifestations, but they can be dealbrokers who make dark bargains like Shilgengar and Liliana's demons, they can be cruel genocidal beings like Ob Nixilis (not born a demon, but became one out of malice), they can desire solely to feed like Valgavoth (and Val still DOES make pacts, he made one with Marina and later with Winter).
Legends of Duskmourn article dropped, if anybody cares about lore. There's only 19 in the main set, anyway (and also Kaito gets an entry), so. The alt commanders and Aminatou also get blurbs from the precons.
You've described the flaw in just about every horror situation namely the question "why/how did this happen" is never answered. The assumption or explanation never goes beyond "the devil did this and he's a fucking asshole". Jason, Freddy, zombies, Valvagoth - it's just some supernatural entity who decides that humanity is going to take a L. Even Nicol Bolas fits into this description for the most part.
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>Legends of Duskmourn article dropped, if anybody cares about lore.
Jason isn't supernatural until the 6th film. The first Friday the 13th explicitly describes why Jason does what he does.
I mean, it's actually pretty well-explained how Valgavoth spread out. He was summoned by the previous owners of the House, who freaked out when they realised they summoned something far more powerful than they were expecting, then bound him in the basement and fled. Marina later fed him her bullies in a ritual which gave him enough power to tip things over the breaking point, allowing him to start to expand the House and consume those around it. By the time anybody COULD have done something to stop it spreading, it was too late, so over the next few years the House just inevitably spread until there was nothing left.
>the flaw in just about every horror situation namely the question "why/how did this happen" is never answered
thank god you're not a writer
>You've described the flaw in just about every horror situation namely the question "why/how did this happen" is never answered.
... anon, have you read the Duskmourn lore?
Literally EVERY aspect of the plane is detailed in excruciatingly bland and monotonous detail.
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Nils is still one of my favorite artists. This piece is my phone wallpaper ever since.
Lock screen is also mtg art, ironically.
I'm starting my first standard in my lgs, wish me luck /mtg/, please!
Good luck anon, tell us how it goes
good luck king
Give em hell!
Don't overextend into the boardwipe
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made another custom card tell me what do you guys think of this.
They dropped like 4 of those in the last week alone. And Marvel set upcoming. I wanna kms.
I already lost 2 rounds T______T
you're a fucking disgrace
6cmc dies to removal doing the same as one mode of a 5cmc spree sorcery. I do like the exchanging of control concept though.
With the exchanging of control I would probably make it a 2BR 5/5, right?
Cards should be designed for a non creatures the tappening world desu
It is a 9/9 that puts itself into the graveyard. That alone makes it playable.
custom card fags are quickly wearing out their welcome
what are gonna do about, pal?
One with Nothing saw sideboard play against Owling Mine, and later was a budget option for Dredge before better tools were released in Time Spiral block. (These both being standard formats, so One would have rotated anyway, but the point stands)
I'm not sure I like the slight dissonance of Quietus Spike effect + high power. Typically these effects feel at home with low-power creatures, but it makes sense to threaten blockerrs.
The problem is that at 6 mana, if six power isn't swinging for a kill in BR then something is wrong with your deck. The 2nd ability is almost redundant in that sense. Half of zero is zero.
>and later was a budget option for Dredge before better tools were released in Time Spiral block.
Oh fuck I completely forgot about that. O' Stinky really was a friend to everyone.
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Hmmm, how about this?
Probably in a more comfy place like that.
Honestly? I think this would be better at lower power and with firs t strike. Lets the drain get in first before your other dudes slide in for the kill behind it.
I think a good concept would be a creature that switches control every time it hits a player but also gets like 2 +1/+1 counters every time it switches
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>buy my first volcanic island for $450
>feel empty inside after realizing i just dropped half a grand on a small paper square
>he didn't trade in a bunch of $2-$10 cards that are all going to lose their value once they rotate for his first dual
Just don't fucking buy it then you fat fuck
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>Buy my first Volcanic Island for $0.30
>Feel great looking at the pretty art on my alter proxy
I failed you all.
I will commit sudoku right now.
You got a win, that's good for a first time.
You know what kind of stuff to expect the next time you do one
why would you do that
Then why waste your hard earned money on something even you can tell is useless? Are you a fucking idiot or something?
you can sell it back and get of your money back, then just treat your -$40 as a lesson learned and don't be a fucking idiot again.
You overextended, didn't you...
You must, anon. You are a disgrace.
Standard is a shit format and you failed at it.
Yeah, I am going to play a full set of slow fetchlands just in the opportunity that I ramp in turn 2.

So basically the turn is going to go like this:

Turn 1: Play E.W., crack it
Turn 2: Ramp
Turn 3: Play Sheo or any other 4 mana beater

There is no turn 4, I am dead because didn't keep Cut Down or Show against my Mono Red or Rakdos opponent
I've barely played magic irl should I go to the Sealed Deck event next week? My LGS is small and I live in bumfuck nowhere.
Actually I played budget RDW and died to removal 3 matches even with 6 sources of hexproof in deck.
Domain spends turns ramping all the time. You are either disingenuous or an idiot.
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Alright, Hammer Cats was great fun. Onto the next one.
I'm not sure exactly where I'm taking this one, but in tests a few options scale up Dragonspark Reactor up to 10+ counters in very short order.
Pioneer is... sadly, it seems, lacking in support for this particular deck, but I'm giving it a whirl. Oni-Cult Anvil is obviously good, as is the high end of Dragonspark Reactor, but I also want to try a pure colorless brew too and see what I can come up with.
>Sorry, sorry, wait.
>Since when did Vampires in MTG "Feed" on anything?
>They're traditional folkloric monsters that create vampire spawn. They're butchers and defilers, immortal and ageless with no need for mortal concerns, not fucking hungry hungry hippos.
>Sorin isn't just an inconsistent garbage villain, his nature is completely at odds what vampires are in the MTG canon.

>God I hate Innistrad. Everything about it fucking sucks.
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Bro was not ready for the fifth kitesail larcenist
>oko ringleader
I fucking kneel
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it's for hasty timestream navigator
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This but unironically. Innistrad was the first themepark slop set and remains one of the worst.
>This but unironically. Innistrad was the first themepark slop set and remains one of the worst.

>First theme park set
>Introduced DFCs
>One of the worst limited environments ever (Fight me, Spider Spawning nuked that format)

I know a lot of people do, but I do not look back on Innistrad block fondly.
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Look, I'm not saying this brew is going to be great
But you CAN name Servo with Metallic Mimic.
that was done before
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>the virgin "that was done before"
>the chad "yeah well I'm about to do it even worse"
See the difference between me and other people is that I'm a fucking retard who doesn't care about the failures of the past.
>/tg/ says its the shittiest overlord
>its actually the most expensive one
What happened? Is it some autoinclude in some B/x Standard/pioneer deck?
>What happened? Is it some autoinclude in some B/x Standard/pioneer deck?
Goes great in my [insert random black archetype here] EDH deck.
I still stand by the "shittiest overlord"
Surprisingly i think white is actually the best.
>Surprisingly i think white is actually the best.
I'm leaning into green being the best simply because of how well it works in the decks that want it, but yeah as far as generic power goes white is certainly up there.
great in edh
Shouldn’t lifeline be a keyword and not an ab8lity word? The rules don’t “see” ability words so they don’t know these abilities are lifelines as they are now.
The impending for 2 mana is pretty aight
I always thought the worst one was going to be the Red one, though
>Shouldn’t lifeline be a keyword and not an ab8lity word? The rules don’t “see” ability words so they don’t know these abilities are lifelines as they are now.
Yeah I actually caught that just after that latest batch. I've updated it since, good catch though appreciate it.
>/tg/ says its the shittiest overlord
it's the opposite for me, this is the only overlord I'm looking foward to playing with, impending at 1B feels amazing compared to the others
Sealed is for beginners.
Greasefang is probably going to play 1-2 copies of it
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>jobs to the blue hobo gang
>jobs in mtg too
The vermillion BITCH more like it
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They're all shitty and boring and will be 5 dollars in 6 weeks when the next set releases.
>mill four then return a creature/planeswalker from your graveyard to your hand 1B
what the fuck convinced people that it is bad
don't you just need the 3 first an an artifact to kickstart the cycle? why Metallic Mimic, it just makes it go faster
I would say the art feels like something out of Torment, which automatically one ups all the other Overlords.
>don't you just need the 3 first an an artifact to kickstart the cycle? why Metallic Mimic, it just makes it go faster
Redundancy. Mimic + Module creates X 2/2s. Why not, right?
thunder junction can't have revolvers and oil barons but there's a Chucky secret lair? hasbro needs to go bankrupt
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The brew bubbleth over.

>"it's been done before"
they said
>still no feeder fetish secret lair
Wotc PLEASE I need my legendary amberlynn reid creature for my foodie beauty tribal edh deck
Don't worry the next set is going to be serial killer and true crime themed to capitalize on the casual edh female archetype.
The casual EDH female archetype really wanted a sexy Jason Voorhees type commander from Duskmourn and they didn't give us it. Hasbro definitely isn't brave enough to give us "Deffrey Jahmer, Cannibal Killer" either.
Winter's the closest thing but he only hits a specific niche, not the broader audience that likes murder-y folk.
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And just like that, we have ourselves a new brew.
Just a first draft. Obviously tons of tuning and tests to do before it's a real deck, but still, lots of potential with the go-wide tokens between Anvil and Stockpile, plus explosive combo potential. Covers a lot of bases.
I wish I know how to brew, make a deck all by myself even...
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I used to run a Mardu Stockpile deck in Pioneer a couple of years ago. You might consider this as a beater if you're going wide.
Thank you king, added to considering.
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I'm sure you're trying to avoid just remaking Rakdos Sac, but this deck seems wanting for a Mayhem Devil and Deadly Dispute.
>I'm sure you're trying to avoid just remaking Rakdos Sac, but this deck seems wanting for a Mayhem Devil and Deadly Dispute.
Aye, Devil will probably find a way in over Dragonspark eventually. I just like testing jank first.
>Combo life drain wincon and board wipe.
Meathook Massacre is an INCREDIBLE option for this deck too. Looks like we'll be able to seamlessly mix in a few interaction pieces too, which is nice.
>Mystery Booster Box came in
So fucking hype fellas
Reminder that this Card is getting a shitty sequel
Those are men
I dont even know how to start a commander deck without buying a precon.
You can start by going to the right thread
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Good in delerium decks
Good in general
From a collector's pov, he's fucking cool looking and gets the "pokemon" fracture foil treatment which people shit on but I shamlessly like. didn't ask but Im personally chasing the overlords of the Balemurk and Hauntwoods
>turn one Ligma Elves
>turn two Everywhere
I'm surprised they'd ban this but haven't banned all the broken slop they just printed yet.
I like to think theres a memey 5 color deck you can shove him in
i think even wotc is starting to get embarrassed by all the bans they're doing and are trying to settle on shitty [format] instead of absolute disaster [format]
I predict in the future, WotC will shit out an anime plane full of anime tropes to see how much they can really milk the whales.
>in the future
We already had that
don't need a plane just 2hu UB
kamigawa doesnt count desu
>kamigawa doesn't count
is that a jojo reference
>The shitty conditional turn 2 ramp is cute but you need lands in grave in the first place and will you really gonna pray that on your first 2 turns you'll have this + 3 lands + some discard outlet just for this?

Did you completely forget that fetchlands have existed for 20 years?
>Why did block constructed die?
Many reasons, including the fact that blocks don't exist anymore.

>Or even just regular set constructed?
Playing constructed within a single set is retarded since the meta will be solved in an hour.
What the fuck are you blabbing about? Last thread people were saying the black and green were good and the rest were dogshit.
nononono itsnotrealitsnotreal notlikethisnotlikethis!!
I was off Magic for most of Bloomburrow's lifespan so I've only just taken the time to look at all the cards and Bloomburrows fucking kino I don't care
Best set we've had since MoM by far wish I'd played it sooner
Yeah bloomburrow was the real winner this year.
im sorry for you for missing it, hope you like strangers things and nascar....
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This kills the monstrous rage prowess shitter
play boosters are shit. feels like wotc pulled a fast one on everyone since they charge as much as set boosters for objectively fewer rares than set booster packs.
and no guaranteed art card. So fucking jewish to just not throw that in every pack
>no pistols
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It is, apparently, not actually dead. Still literally no details but I guess Ajani and I think Chandra are involved.
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The fuck is this, then?
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>A public showcase of WotC writing quality
I can't wait for this to spark a wider discussion about their abysmal storytelling talent.
A crossbow. You can see many obvious redraws in OTJ where they converted guns into notguns while leaving the bullet bandoliers intact
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Does anyone know if Sowing Mycospawn fits into modern Eldrazi aggro? I was looking at something like pic related but I don't think I can get away with no removal, and I think it's less effective in this format due to no Wasteland or other utility lands. I'm also unsure about numbers of basics because I don't know how widespread (F/B)lood Moon is.

I also found this which might be a better build of the archetype. Unsure. https://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=59548&d=646363&f=MO
They're not really crossbows, they're just magitech not-guns that shoot lightning I guess. OTJ has a lot of problems but, like, why the fuck is there such a hardline stance against guns when you're making a fucking wild west plane. Just give a guy a revolver, nobody will be upset. Let Kellan have a gun and shoot Oko in the face.
After posting this I realise I forgot Fleshraker from my list, whoops.
White has a bunch of answers to this aggro hell.
>High Noon slows them down immensely
>Elspeth's Smite/Not On My Watch to snipe their threats while dodging death triggers
>Temporary Lockdown to shit all over go-wide decks while also dodging death triggers
>Eerie Interference is practically a 3 mana extra turn spell against aggro
>Beza to play catch up
>Phyrexian Vindicator is just straight up GG against mono-R
Some of them are, but they've done the crossbow thing many times before. Mark Rosewater has feelings about guns, and so his vision of Magic includes literally every invention of modernity except for guns.
They're not adding guns to MTG cause they solve too many problems
>Oh no, Ajani is evil now!
>*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang*
I dunno what's the issue with making their magitech guns just resemble guns but have them fire blasts of magic. They're already halfway there with some art.
>shoot Ajani after he's compleated
>he literally shrugs the bullets off because he's made of fucking metal now
Where do people play legacy these days? Is there like a discord or something?
>Where do people play legacy these days?

They don't
>why the fuck is there such a hardline stance against guns when you're making a fucking wild west plane
They couldn't even make possession a mechanic in horror film plane, this game is cucked beyond saving.
Possession still happens in the plane, they just didn't like the mechanic, shut the fuck up.
>t-they just didn't like the mechanic
Found the JotC shill.
>Where do people play legacy these days?
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Yeah, and there are still """guns""" in OTJ, faggot.
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NTA, but you're being an actual fucking retard right now and I'd prefer you would stop. There's plenty of reason to be annoyed with the hysterically weird content moderation in Magic without making up shit to be mad about.

How about how the prohibition plane had to have lightning guns, but absolutely could not have people implying the fantasy alcohol was alcohol. Not like "oh it can't be intoxicating it has to be something PG" but like, "do not put it in the wrong kind of glass or we'll be upset".

Or like how they completely wrote out a corrupt cop faction because depicting police at all is fucking bad. Apparently bad cops imply the existence of good cops which is a problem.
>NTA, but
>posts card literally doing its best to avoid having the word possession in it
>the one that does is a goat
>they confirmed possess was replaced by the glimmers
Kys, shill.
I'm sorry they didn't print "Brutal Insect Demon Rape From the Inside with X-ray Diagrams", maybe they'll put in a core set if you send them a letter.

Why can't you just be mad about the mediocre art and hit or miss-very-fucking-badly "not-80s" survivor designs or the million other fucking things that they could have done better?
Go to bed, dude
>posts card literally doing its best to avoid having the word possession in it
>possession counter
But I'm also mad about those things, the whole set is toothless.
Literal cope.
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Healling maguc, Regeneration, Hard Skin/Scales, etc.
Sure, the gun would kill the 1/1 or 2/1 human with no problem.

They even have guns for dnd and they arent op.
hate this bitch
Anon we don't use that word in this house
You're behind the times a bit. That's the old version of firearms buried in optional rules in the DMG. Now the new 2024 PHB has firearms right there on the table with everything else.
meanwhile... in 2011...
Can't have possessed little girls anymore, didn't you see how the last Exorcist movie flopped?
i hate every single planeswalker
Even the bad ones?
We are never getting art like that again they are too afraid of triggering people
entire game is a rugpull, they're transferring equity from geniuses and nerds to the government
Planeswalker cards were one of the biggest mistakes ever made. Even the bad ones. The good ones are especially a mistake.
Mirran Safehouse is a less interesting design than every one of the cards he listed other than Martyr of Sands.
One With Nothing isn't even close to being one of the worst cards in the game as there are so many cards that want to find ways to get cards into your graveyard without casting them first. Comparing it to something like Juju Bubble is silly.
new thread
No, this is the old thread
>everyone is bitching about aggro
>meanwhile my local meta appears to be so full of removal that aggro can't do anything and I practically need to build a new deck
After only playing drafts for a whole year and pulling 3 SSS I thought it was fate, but it appears I was mistaken.
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I love the disparity here - you can have art of people getting shot so hard that pieces of their melted corpse are stuck to the fucking ceiling, but OH NO YOU CAN'T SHOW A GUN.
Those days seem quaint compared to MH/LotR meta.

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