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Skub edition

>Balance Dataslate:

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Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
Are you pro or anti skub?
This thread is dildos
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>tfw went to a warhammer store today and forgot to ask for the mini of the month
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to change it up from the last thread, what are the worst paints you've had to deal with, /40kg/? what paints would you recommend that everyone avoids?
new fan animation
it's alright, very soul, very jank, very marinewank
Buy an ad
why the fuck do niggas make 40k their entire personality
Give me your bits. All of your bits.
Fucking wraithbone and grey seer.
I've shaken the pot up for ten minutes straight and used one of those lab liquid vibrators. Still fucking runny as shit.
I don’t know what it is about Zandri Dust and Rakarth flesh but I have never had a good pot of them
You couldn't afford my bits.

It's a lot of bits.
Pallid wych flesh is hell to work with. Shit turns to gravel the second you start messing with it. Runelord brass is equally frustrating as it separates worse and faster than any other paint I've used and quickly becomes grey juice floating on a puck of rubbery pigment weirdness
Bits seller, you don't understand. I am going to a tournament. I need your flashiest bits.
any gw white/off-whte, yellow or orange and most of their metallics
I don't think I've ever had issues with wraithbone or grey seer. Maybe they got exposed to overly hot or cold weather
am i just retarded or are gw metallics painful to deal with? even after shaking them mine seem to be full of these little clumps that arent noticeable until i start painting any surface. is a vortex mixer supposed to fix this? fuckin sick of it i tell ya hwhat
Skub defenders exclusively play lame factione, skub haters exclusively play based factions. Simple as.
I find a lot of their bright golds and brasses do some funny stuff, but the darker the metallic I find the better they are. You also need to be careful about leaving your pots open while you paint with gw pots and also keep the inner rim of the lid clean or they start going weird pretty quick. If I get any paint in the lid I usually pop the whole lid off and swish it in my water cup to clean it off before popping it back on
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My catgirls have their very own painted shilka now.

I don't use metallics often, but I would recommend switching to Vallejo Game Color metallics. I've been recommended Game Air because it's pre-thinned for airbrushing, which means you dont have to fucking around with thinning it down with water for brush-on application. But the new Game Color version have worked perfectly everytime without even without needing to be thinned down further.
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3 tonk painted so far
Qt tonk anon
are these historical tanks or something
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And I have 3 more vehicles in the works. The 3 IFV, is an updated model of the previous ones, so it has far more options like open tracks, and multiple turret styles. But I'm just exited with added a dozer blade. I dont play guard, so I dont know what to use the big KV2-looking fucker for yet
ill have to keep that in mind, i was putting it on a wet palette but was told it can destroy the palette, and metallics arent someting that can be thinned easily

ive been using some of their metal colour range which is great but holy shit they are SO runny, ill reiterate that im a fairly shit painter but i find them almost impossible to control at times, it just runs through all the recesses and everything around it

ive tried a few vgc metallics and found them to be very hit and miss. actually come to think of it i found the game air ones to be great, they werent anywhere near as runny as the metal colour series but when applied to a surface they were quite smooth. if i can find a replacement for metal colour burnt iron ill probably try that
Just watched it. It does a good job of showing the space marines as pinnacle warriors instead of just being so STRONG AND MIGHTY then smash through everything. I thought it did a lot with a little, and the team should be proud of their work. Looks better than some of the GW stuff.
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Third vehicle. I guess it's be a taurox?

Not historical kits, but the sculptor, natefyema, is definitely inspired by it. But they all have the scifi gothic style. I have his tankettes as well.

Metal Color was designed for airbrushing, so that's probably why they're runny. But I'm surprised by the hit or miss for the Game Color paints. But honestly I only have 2 metallic paints from that line, so I dont have a wide experience.
Damn, these armored vehicles look sweet. Why can't GW give us anything like this?
Because GW insists on the same shitty british designs that have always looked ugly irl and somehow amplify that ugliness to a fucking ten.
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While assembling and painting miniatures I generally watch anime.
What should I watch while working on 20 hormagaunts?
Queens Blade is always good for a rewatch
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Why are Imperium players so rabidly against /yourdudes/, while everyone else seems to be in favor of them?
thunderbolt fantasy
Imperium players are the most /your dudes/ you can get
They should look ugly. Cry about it
>building GSC army
>cheap fuck, so try to explore 3rd party models and kitbash fodder
>some guy on a forum says this 3rd party board game has good stuff to hack into GSC.
>$20 on Amazon, fuck it
>tfw the scale is too small and I couldn't quite envision any use for the alien bits once I saw them IRL
Why did GW do this to me?
Advice on making mad max style vehicles for my genestealer cult?
i think theres only one ork bro in this thread who has his own dudes, the blue and yellow anon
Stick poles to ridgerunners

It's not that they look ugly, but that most of the (imperial guard) stuff looks like toys and completely impractical. Forge World could create cool looking IG tanks but GW insists on fucking their plastic ones up.
make a speaker stack out of plasticard, sprue bits (to hold it together) and mozzie / fly screen where the woofers are supposed to be
Gross, no they're scum
But what about Goliaths and shit?
That's a pretty neat idea, I might have to do this for a clamavus too
>completely impractical.
Like what? Other than the deathstrike missile meme of course.
Honestly, you should probably look for converted ork vehicles for inspiration. Whatever they've got going on minus all the ork shit.
The Rogal Dorn looks fucking stupid with the extra two guns on the front. The tank's proportions are also fucking dumb. The other IG tanks have no suspension to speak of,but they look at least a little bit believable, but their turrets still look wholly incapable of servicing the kinds of guns they're saddled with.
It's designed by brits, and not just any brit. It all from the GW studio. They can't design a scifi gun to save their lives let alone a believable tank that doesn't also look like shit
>extra two guns on the front
is this more or less dumb then sponsons on every other imperium tank
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>he doesn't know Mr Potato Head fights for Orks in 40k
Rich and Reliable.
>But what about Goliaths and shit?
stick poles to Goliaths

It's a very good yellow paint.
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Even in death, I still serve (kebab)
Decided to get into Dark Angels since I don’t have a space marine army. How hard is it to magnetize the Lion’s head options? Has anyone used the upgrade box with them? What models are good choices for the hooded heads it comes with?
One day you are an angel of death and the next you have to dance to pay imperial taxes.
I don't see how dancing will get you more geneseed
I want a Space Sharks one that says "Go, collect taxes."
>A Neapolitan fought fourteen duels to prove that 40K was a greater game than Killteam. At his death-bed, his confessor desired him, by way of penance, to acknowledge the superiority of Killteam. “Father,” answered the dying man, “ to tell the truth, I never played either 40K or Killteam.”
People cling more strongly to existing factions and their paint schemes when they have a lot of lore about them already.
Every Imperial faction has five times the lore of any Xenos faction.
I can't find the sculptor, are you sure you spelled the name right?
Is the Sisters Army of Faith box worth buying?
How much do you like Seraphim/Zephyrim?
it's all fun and games until they come knocking on your door for the due cum tax
He didn't, its nfeyma
In about 12 days the SoB codex is going to get clobbered so who knows

For now though Seraphim and the JPC are meta, Zephyrim are dogwater and the Exorcist is alright. Sees play but not as much as other vehicles
Ah sorry it's feyma. natefeyma or nfeyma.
Now that they mention it, how big is the gene-seed tax and how often do they have to pay it?
I mean, space marine has two globules of gene-seed, but the second one is only removed when the marine dies, unless the entire chapter dies I doubt they can pay the tax more than once a century.
Can someone pls post BA codex points costs?
best white primer?
Corax is fine if you add some lahmian and a ball

Their gold and brass metallics are the best on the market desu, their metallics are okayish but their silver is crap compared to Vallejo

as a guard player. FUCK ZANDRI DUST
all my friends hate zandri dust
400000 layers and still not a good finish
It only takes a few years for the implanted progenoid to grow and mature or something. Most likely they remove the first matured one early in a marine's career with the expectation of only retrieving the second one on their death. So the chapter supply essentially stays constant even as their numbers grow and replenish since you get a one-in-one-out from every marine and supply growth only comes from apothecaries retrieving the second progenoid on the battlefield, which is what makes them so crucial.
People seem to always expect gold to look good right out of the pot and not just be a base to then make warm or cool with a shader and then highlight like any other paint.
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fellow tank enthusiast
I am currently working on 1 3
God damn it, why is the Imperial Agents battle force filled with those Adeptus Arbites guys? My local shop has a great deal on the battle force but I don't need those guys to fill my SoB army.
I've either got a few dud pots or I'm just retarded, it's so thick and painful to deal with. Fucking dries in seconds so I don't even get a chance to fix up the coat, if I go over it it completely fucks it. The paint on my wet palette seems to dry real quick too even after thinning it
if I paint something gold, I usually give it a coat of yellow first, then a nice coat of retributor armor, a coat of nuln oil and high lights with liberator gold, turns out solid enough
Should try buying SoB models instead
Did you try adding some lahmian and a mixing ball?
After using Vallejo's Metal Color series (airbrush) and S75's stuff like Decayed Metal / Necro Gold I wouldn't touch GWs product line with a barge pole
buy the box and sell off the arbites, cretin? do you need someone to help you wipe your ass too?
Yes and no, I'll see if I have any mixing balls when I get home
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I've got a few S 75 paints, the colour seems nice but that gel medium shit is weird
That sounds great, what sort of yellow do you normally use for the base coat?
I hate the rest of their line, I don't know what's wrong with it but the metals for some reason are different. Really nice.
Just a trivial complaint but that annoying seal they put on their dropper bottles sucks, I always seem to forget about it until I get a new paint if theirs
Averland Sunset (also with some lahmian and a mixing ball)
all hard to use paints I have are thinned with some lahmian and a mixing ball

I fucking hate that most references use the citadel name for the paint and its hard as fuck to find an exact tone match with third party paint producers
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How would you feel if GW tried to release a second Ork army in 40k that is aesthetically and mechanically different from the current one?
>Beast Snaggas
>Snaggas of the Beast
>american accents
>low-class manner and speech
It's a no after 3 seconds for me
Do Snaggas have enough units now to be their own army?
>he doesn't know
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>15 days until season 4
They've got like 9 Datasheets that cover everything you'd expect from an army so yeah
The rivets are too biiiigggg
I'd be fine with Oops! All Gretchin
why do the two look like you painted them in your bathroom after a hotshower?
Because I used too much agrax and the agrax left a glossy finish for whatever reason
orcs are just the retarded comic relief and less threatening version of nids aren't they, even though they're also super OP they can't seem to pull anything off, actually the least threatening race
>actually the least threatening race
thats DE, numbnuts
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Do you think GW just forgot that Votann and World Eaters aren't finished armies yet and that's why they haven't gotten Codexes yet?
>unless the entire chapter dies I doubt they can pay the tax more than once a century.
Blood angels
what brushes do you guys use
Orks are even more resourceful and hard to get rid of than nids, falling for the "omg they're dumb haha" trick is how they get you, and next thing you know that enemy you under estimated is now on your planet for the foreseeable future and you can't get rid of them.
You can burn every surface to a crisp, if you miss one spore you can count on having ork problems forever.
the kind with wooden handles and hairy ends
being put in the torture and gay orgy pit for your whole life is way more threatening than an orc shooting you
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Eh, Dark Eldar have the threat of showing up anywhere at any time on a whim at least. Similar to Orks by their sheer numbers and how broadly distributed they are. Tau or Craftworlds are probably slightly less threatening than them just from not having the numbers or presence to threaten much.
I got a set of Kolinsky brushes for really fine work and then whatever cheap synthetic brushes I can find. Italeri brushes are cheap and fine enough. Got some Springer-Pinsel synthetics and they seem good too. Never would splurge on "wargayming" specific brushes.
It is a little exhausting that every single Ork book boils down to "Oops, we underestimated the Orks again".
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Its actually Nids.

Same a single time a Tyranid has made a threat.
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How many times does a model poster have to post the same thing before you get annoyed?
Also is there any anon you wish would post less or more?
I mean yes orcs fungus powers are extremely OP (same as any race in 40k but maybe even more since they're the most spread out enemy xenos rn right), but they're just angry green brits that shoot you, compare to the possibly endless nids that can swallow the galaxy and on a more individual level dark eldar and chaos that torture and taint you for life, orcs just seem goofy
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>74 burger bucks for a WN brush
Auschads where do you get nice sable brushes from?
Lore question: Would the deathwatch take in members of renegade, not outright declared traitor, chapters?
look all I care about is if I can justify my kitbashes.
I've used just about everything to cheap $5 bulk packs of 30 brushes to citadel and/or army painter, to super expensive kolinsky sable hair brushes. Every sable hair or wargaming or whatever specialized brush I've ever owned, no matter how much I baby and take care of the brush, has thinned out its bristles to the point where it doesn't hold its shape or much paint.
I would recommend to anybody that they buy a nice sable hair brush for detail work and highlights, and then for anything else (specifically basecoating) get yourself a 60 pack of the same medium sized synthetic brush. Get larger synthetic brushes for larger models. Saves yourself a lot of effort.
It's the paradox of writing for an IP
If you're a good writer, you can write what you want, you don't have to stick with an IP, nor do you want to be limited to what the IP holder wants, so you either get books from the rare guy who can do what he wants, or from mediocre writers.

40k, like any big IP, has gone from experimenting to consolidating, that's also what "flanderization" is.

Could write a million different stories about the orks, but we'll get instead the same handful of plots and characterization, because we're selling books about orks(tm), not writing stories about orks
Where can I get 3d printed terrain that doesn't have horrible layer lines?
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People have no imagination is all.

Unlikely but possible. If the marine is a black shield or was already in the deathwatch they might get a pass.

how about you craft terrain you talentless fuck
>orcs are just the retarded comic relief
Do they need to be anything else? There's enough "hopeless grimdark blah blah blah we're all dying or sad or meaningless" dribble in 40k that it's a breath of fresh air to see someone having a good time.
yeah im not sayin i dont like em desu, just if I was gonna pick a spooky enemy it wouldn't be orcs
even in space marine 2 they talk about fighting orcs as if its kiddie shit vs facing nids
Least threatening are very obviously CWE, anons.
Yes, but as blackshields with no way back.
>Every Imperial faction has five times the lore of any Xenos faction.
As it should be.
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>writing stories about orks
Hard pass. It inevitable leads to trash like this.
Very slim chance. Most likely they'd just get killed for the chance of them being corrupted.
There are already several novels about orks and they're not like that.
People only did that because GW couldn't bother balancing wargear. In previous editions it was worth running basic chainsword+bolt pistol guys to keep the squad cheap and to soak up wounds for the actually import dudes in the squad you bought power fists and thunder hamners for. It gave you a hard hutying unit that could still lose more than half its models without expensive dudes dying - a very important trait since they often weren't making combat before the ebemy could shoot them. Running multiple of the same wargear also lets you roll attacks fast since you only have to care about 1-2 weapon stats for the whole squad and only the number of attacks for each changes as you take casualties.
The new kits wargear is terrible since its basically Raphaen's Death Company 2.0 wherein, if you run it optimally, each model has its own unique loadout which makes it a headache to actually attack with due to the increased number of different statlines you need to roll. There's also going to be the issue of wound allocation order - you basically have no chaff to soak wounds so any casualties will start hurting more sooner.
>Could write a million different stories about the orks
Anyone who unironically says this regarding any writing is a glue huffing retard that doesn't understand writing.
They are on again, off again allies of the Imperium though.
Yeah, if you're wanting something threatening nids win sheerly because they're hard to understand. Fear of the unknown and all.
As for SM2, I've got to say I miss the Orks sheerly because nids have no banter to give the marines. I like villains that have some character to them and the hive mind just can't have that.
Ork lads will always be mean and green
Meanwhile marines are getting wogs and women on top of being financially raped by GW year after year
Ork "stories" should just be about orks fighting, killing, going fast, speaking funny and having a good time. They don't need deep stories and that makes sure they wont go the modern lotr ork path... unless we get female ork that is...
Oi ya git, you posted Orcs, not Orks.
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I like the Mood Lord.
>People only did that because GW couldn't bother balancing wargear.
They did.
If you want to see what actual not giving shit about warhear balance looks like, look at 10th edition.
Not every option needs or should be equal with the others, you leaf munching eukaryote
Should've been the Breed Lord
No shit? Did you read the post I responded to? The guy is talking about how ork stories are all the same because they stick to the script and aren't allowing writers to explore. But I'm saying that you don't want writers to explore because it will lead to this lotr crap. Imagine if we found out ghazghkull invaded Armaggeddon because the orks in his horde had families to feed and their planets could not sustain them (because of Imperial polution of course!)
>allies of the Imperium
*cocksleeves of the Imperium.
Their help is never actually needed.
>Make a game with Orks
>Their banter is hilarious and charming
>Make sequel with Tyranids, Rubrics, and (eventually) Necrons who are all complete empty shells
What were they even thinking?
>In previous editions it was worth running basic chainsword+bolt pistol guys
This is the same as the image, but you just changed the powerfists and inferno pistols for chainswords and bolt pistols.
Tzaangors carry the 1k Sons invasion hard.
>They did balance them
>That balance just meant there is always a correct choice you 100% take every time
I'm trying to figure out if I could have a Knights of Blood character that was assigned to the deathwatch during the devastation of baal, so he would have survived his chapter getting wiped.
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I see a lot of responses regarding flesh tones. Is there a good, non-Citadel alternative to Rakarth Flesh?
Are deathwatch squads worth adding to an imperial army? Should they be in squads of 5 or 10? Do they need a sauce to be flavorful or is salt and pepper enough?
imperial armies covers a half dozen different factions, playstyles and needs. You might as well ask "Is Xenos shooting good?"
Heavy Warm Grey from the Vallejo Game range
Orks are sexless fungi. Female orks makes no sense
I just wanted to know if Deathwatch veterans are any good in the current game and how to properly use them.
And maybe to find out if they are worthwhile for a Sisters of Battle army.
Do we have deathwatch Primaris yet or are they still manlets in terms of models and rules?
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I'd feel utterly offended by them wasting the occasion for a goblin army
Realistically, thousand sons must have a hard time doing anything considering they only have a thousand automata.
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What kind of base coats should you use for metallics? I wanted to paint my first models and army around celestine and I guess there is an order for that, should I just use gold in a rattlecan? Or black or something.
what even are tzaangors, and beastmen in 40k in general
were they born like that or mutated by blue boy
>imperial guard: wait a minute... that's not a SWORD!!!
The most I’ve ever spent on a pack of brushes is £20 and they’re never steered me wrong. It’s a brush as long as it maintains it’s point
They have rituals for reassembling the damaged ones. They also can create new rubric marines by performing a modified version of the Rubric of Ahriman on chaos marines fooled by promises of power.
Tzaangor legion, chudster
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Tzaangors are just mutants who are born in areas corrupted by Tzeentch.

They have tens of millions of mortal followers, Tzaangor and human. Iirc they lost like 20 million men during the invasion of Fenris. Once they had enough psychic energy to bring sorta rips into reality they left their servants to die and fucked off.
space marine 2 reinvigorated my desire to get into the minis again [i just want to paint cool models but i dont know how to paint] but it has been a maddening descent into "oh my only option is just to play space marines huh"

what a bummer
In ya dreams marinefag
femstodes already, nigmarines already, have fun with whatevers next
Beastmen are abhumans - genetically stable subspecies of human, descendants of colonists who modified themselves to better survive in various environments.
As for tzaangors - just read lexicanum.
Why can though play anything else? I can get a 2k point used tau army for like 600$
Why would your only option be space marines?
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Since SoB hospitallers have the license to conduct biomedical research, including research into xenobiology, and because I personally think it would be cool, GW should give the army access to Escher critters and combat drugs.
Space Marines are the worst army in the game, they're only the fourth cheapest army, and they're only the third easiest army to paint.
What is your hold-up?
There's 26 fucking factions and only half of them are a flavor of Space Marines.
Making a 1000p SM list. Have 105-80p left. Do I go for
>Impulsor + Enhancement
>Jump Pack Intercessors + Enhancement
>Vanguard Vets
I'm running 1st Company Task Force and have no other vehicles.
>mindless monsters
>targets worlds rich in resources
>eats everything
>use said resources to create disgusting spawn
>when resources are exhausted they move on
>leaves worlds as dried up dead husks
You know, this sounds a lot like my ex

everytime I look into armies or check stuff like Poorhammer I'm just repeatedly told "dont get into this, they have no lore, their miniatures are from 20 years ago, they don't get updates, they have no support, they don't have a functioning codex, they only have 20 models, etc."

feels like I'm a fool if I try to get into anything I think is kind of interesting [Orks, Necrons, Tau]
Orks continue to get new kits, Necrons got a huge update in 9th and Tau are all plastic. Just choose a faction you think is cool.
That's why girls like nids. It's female representation.
Sounds like some utterly retarded advice to me
Just pick what you want you’ll end up playing bigger games anyway
For a whole army I'd just start with gold, and then just shade and highlight the armor. Black or brown can look better but it needs more work.
All of those armies have complete ranges.
Why would anyone spend a lot of time and money to put together nice looking terrain only to ruin any immersion by having ugly branded pink objective markers?
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Poorhammer is ran by a couple of guys who think anything that wasn't made in the last 10 years is unusable garbage. That notion is utterly retarded and should be tossed out the window. Buy what you think looks cool.
Take Orks. The old Boyz kit, which if I remember correctly they stated in their "oldest models" episode came out in 1999 (again this is just off the top of my head but it's OLD), is an amazing kit with wonderful models that hold up all the way to today. Old doesn't = good, but it most certainly doesn't = bad either like they'd have you believe.
They also have a huge range of models with very new kits that include the snaggas wave and the speed freeks wave. Same with Necrons, and same with Tau. Every army has its few units or kits that are old or expensive or better to recast, etc, but there is 0 reason not to get into those armies.
>I respect your duty as an Astartes, but I reaffirm my authority as a SoB hospitaller by giving you a medical check-up, now take off your armor.
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wouldn't have approached the theme of chaos nids in the same way at all, but I'm digging the tzoanthrope
>Poorhammer is ran by a couple of guys who think anything that wasn't made in the last 10 years is unusable garbage.
unfortunately the actual model doesn't look at all like that kool kitten
They look different but they're recognizable as different iterations on the same concept. I still think it's cute either way.
Cus those markers were cheaper than the other ones I saw and still do he job. Normally I flip them upside down but my opponent set them face up.
Based in retardation
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Where do you guys source terrain and objective markers?
The official GW stuff?
The only armies no one should start with are AdMech, GSC, DE, and Deathwatch/Agents because they are all expensive as fuck trash.
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GW has some good terrain but I wouldn't recommend buying it at base price. Get it from a 2nd party or find someone with an FDM printer to make some.
Also, make your own whenever possible. Cutting up foam boards still produces great results.

Thanks for this. Ultimately my concern is buying up stuff and then just having my hobby end there because the company behind it will neglect the line for decades. Recently got into Poorhammer and they seemed really knowledgeable, but im not sure who the best resources about getting into the hobby from a beginner POV might be.
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Working on some hair
Imperial Guard is also very frustrating to start with, either fuckhuge vehicles or difficult to paint decently troops.
Space Marines, Necrons, Custards and Tau are unironically the greatest starter armies.
>need small unit sizes
>very easy to assemble and paint
>actually have Codices
Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.
Admech is my first 40k army and I don't regret it one bit because the aesthetic is fantastic yes, even the cowboy and davinci bullshit
Some of GW's cardboard mats are cool and relatively cheap to gather online
Otherwise no, I don't get GW scenery, I'd rather get 3d printed stuff, third party stuff or scratchbuild

if I weren't so utterly autistic about buying exclusively stuff for my faction then I'd have probably made 3 small 2'x2' boards full of kromlech's eldar, necron and ork lasercut terrain
Since we're talking about factions and getting into them, I'm curious.

>A faction you own
>Why or why not someone should get into it as their first army
It's only a slightly better asthetic than whatever the fuck guard has
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>World eaters

Literally just get into a csm, it's more fun and you aren't so fucking limited. Even before csm had a codex it wasn't as fucking one note as world eaters are, also pure melee is a really shitty thing to specialize in.
How do you get a sororitas gf?
>Imperial Guard
>Expensive, tons of list variety (ard for newbies), difficult to paint (not admech or harlequin levels though), no codex
But if you love artillery and tanks, you need to join the Guard, son
Should: Cus they’re cheap and always have support
Shouldnt: if you aren’t running theee of whatever the latest broken unit is you will get utterly demolished by your opponents.
Should: robots and least bad guys
Shouldnt: everyone will hate you and it takes a while to play them well.
The paypigs ITT are wild. I get the $3 pack of brushes from Walmart, and have done so for years. Maybe if you're painting Golden Daemon scenes, sure. But some guy airbrushing his 30 identical Ultrafags doesn't need to spend $500 on brushes lmao
>religious technocratic cyborgs
>only slightly better than present day military in space
I don't know what to tell you man
Have a little faith
Even if GW were to not release new models for your faction for 10 years that doesn't stop you playing with them? Would you prefer you buy your models then they release new versions every 3-4 years for you to rebuy?
Would most definitely recommend. Genuinely one of the biggest secondhand markets available, meaning you can get some really good bulk orders for cheap. Kitbashing potential is also a huge selling point for those who enjoy making their own thing, as Orks can justify just about anything on the table.
They're fairly simple to play in the actual game consistently through the editions and generally everyone loves Orks, so unless you're a turbofaggot people will enjoy playing against you.
Wouldn't recommend atm. Very expensive and an incredibly small range.
Wouldn't recommend due to the sheer price of the army.
In-universe it's possible but I think the watch master (if they guy will.even vouch for him) would just redact mentions of that guy being from the KoB and just have him fight as a black shield from that point on.

BUT, you can always just flavor your army as fighting before the DoB or warp shenanigans fucking with the timeline. I think even Guillermo decreed something about the Imperium's time keeping being all kinds of fucked up and a lot of important things slipping through the Administratum's radar as a result of that.
Gretchin Revolutionary Committee army needs to happen NOW
You kill like half of them in the space marine 2 campaign
There’s an achievement for killing 1000 of them.
ok piggie
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>4 parts necessary to flesh them out:
>part one - start from the grot revolutionary kommittee, build upwards from normal grots, through grot workers(sappers) into uprisers(cool gits in red coats)
>part two - now you reach the allies, digganobs and grey ogryns (a wandering subculture of barbaric half giants, a far cry from the dumb imperial ogryns despite the common ancestry) join the little guys
>part three - you reach the actual equipped grotviet soldiers, and you reach the tiny tanks and tiny robots (also inglobate killa kans of course) and the mad scientist niche of the end of the last century, start stealing from metal slug for designs of tanks and robots by the way
>part 4 - brainiacks, goblins that have taken back the secret of the brain shrooms and their brains are now huge, they get mars-attack inspired "raypunk" equipment and flying saucers and allied spindly fungal creatures, again like metal slug's jellyfish aliens, but they're fungi made by the grots
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>chaos marines fooled by promises of power.
There should be a limit on how fucking stupid ssomeone is allowed to be
>Obligatory you just know reply
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replace the horse with a bike
Anon they’re already selling their souls to chaos. Idiocy abounds in the fore wa of the traitors. The only thing keeping them going is the literal gods supplying them with the power to destroy battleships with their brain or lmao respawn shit. If they were even vaguely competent the long war would have ended in their favour around M34
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No, with dogs.
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Ttcombat, cheap and cheerful even if it does take a while to put it together
>every 1kSons that still has a mind is a Sorcerer and even those dudes often leave their legion for other warbands
>these non-Sorcerers consider for even 1 second that anything good would come out of dealing with them.
Genuinely surprised the dudes that would do.this didn't just trip on themselves and fell mouth first into the bolters eating a round to the dome before getting the chance to be rubricfiied.
Iron warios
Would love to see it so I can steal their models for Admech kitbashes
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no, and replace the dogs with monowheels since we're at it

I can spare ONE cowboy special character for admech
While in isolation that sounds cool, I don't think it fits the spirit of 40k. Or rather the Part 4 doesn't.
It also sounds too much like just GSG in Space and 40k factions predominantly aren't just fantasy factions in space contrary to popular belief.
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>tfw you are a newfag to warhammer and didnt know about the mini of the month
Needs more purple
These guys are small as hell
>tfw no warhammer store in my country or neighboring ones
>regularly go to the Warhammer store to get the free tenth paint and the coin
>never ask for the free mini
>missed the Cadian Gate Coin
Glad to see someone with taste. even the Skatros is cool, the only flaw is the boring pose
>in a thread about the most expensive plastic on the planet
>complains people buy quality brushes
post the models you painted with those chinesium brushes, I'm curious of your level
im undecided if i want to actually go to a LGS and roll dice, the whole 40k tabletop seems incredibly complicated. For now I just want to buy models for a faction and paint them. Maybe once I have enough points to actually play it might be different, but I want to get good enough at painting to work my way up to larger models. Whether that's Killa Kans, Warbosses, or in AoS, the MawKrushas. Or like a daemon primarch. It'd be nice to have a new character come out every few years that might be fun to paint.
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>tfw when you asked for the mini of the month and they tell you its out of stock
God I can’t get over how painful the average admech model looks to paint even as a toy
Officeworks has good cheap synthetics (4-5 AUD)
Look for Mont Marte brand in art supply stores for cheap sable
(5-10 from memory)
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Ok well there isn't a single faction in 40k without that. Literally none. Every faction gets new models every edition
I’m genuinely curious what difference you think the brush has if it’s not frayed and holds a point
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it's really not that bad once you get into the rhythm. I think people get intimated simply because it's not mostly flat panels like a space marine or something
Nta btw but I paint with fake sable brushes off Amazon
>if you run it optimally, each model has its own unique loadout which makes it a headache to actually attack with due to the increased number of different statlines you need to roll
This shit needs to go away. Make wargear cost points or make every unit have one profile. The game already takes too long
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Putting glue and sand on 50+ bases.
This is mind numbing.
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aw cmon, would they really be that close just because I mentioned shrooms?
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Sprayed my guy a little too hard with the citadel spray can, should I buy paint stripper to fix it or can I just strip it with alcohol?
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Looking good anon, my issue is usually the number of textures and detail on what is now a horde army. It’s the same issue with my agents but I have small squads so I get to swap a lot
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I feel your pain, especially when shipping paint pots is a coinflip if they explode during third world country shipping. Also daily 90% humidity.

Source: Virgin Islands nigga
>not just using texture paint
You realize the sand on your bases always looks like shit because its scaled one to a billion?
It's also because they'd be quite comedic (even more so than GSG I'd argue) and 40k is an inherently more grimdork setting than FB/AoS for example.
I can see it being cool as a one-off model maybe but an entire faction of that sounds kind of too quirky for 40k.
God damn those are some big bases, did tow update them or something?
Mix polyfiller and sand it’s self adhesive
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I used to buy some TTCombat stuff but now I either make terrain myself or buy prints of etsy
Brother I literally live in Europe, I'm in the EU and still I'd have to travel like 6 hours to the nearest GW.
And I don't feel your pain because I don't buy GW paints like a noob, none of my shit "explodes" in transport.
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Drunk on cider and doing haos trikm :)
I was surprised but I guess it makes sense they're between a terminator and a helbrute in size, only that a venomcrawler instead of a third obliterator feels like a mistake on gw's part.
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>haha Geiger counter go BRRRRRRR
I don't know the context but the idea of the fleet going rogue because they want to see the radiation levels go up is hilarious
If traitors were competent Horus would have defeated the emperor, or the emperor would have become the 5th chaos god and eaten the other chaos gods before chaosing the galaxy.
I bought a few from an art shop in my city, they weren't cheap but have held up ok so far
I wish salamanders anon would thin his paints
But other than that I like seeing everyone's models. I have a soft spot for purple and white Oldhammer anon
Painted a captain, 5 primaris and a piece of a dreadnaught for scenery as imperial fists using Yriel Yellow as a layer on top of averland sunset before I realized there's a reason why most people just use yellow Imperial Fists contrast paint. Yriel Yellow is.... le bad.
Sorry anon, thats rough :') Hopefully shipping to you is less than the air freight rates for new kits, brushes, and paints that I pay. But I am a noob and haven't been able to try out any other paints aside from Tamiya (dogshit).
I'm still fucking mad they did absolutely nothing with rad-skitarii-jesus
he should be a special character model
>tfw I still have the minis from the old orks box that I got in 2002

Back then you got 16 orks in a box, and it was cheaper than the current one. Didn't get a nob and no heavy weapons sprues though
The only person ITT that posted too much of the same shit is lamenters anon but it feels like he toned it down a bit
Why does it feel like the writers pour their asian hate when describing the Tau? Like the unarmed tau female talking gothic naturally and being a fan, this is how whites feel when they hear an asian speak with no accent and being a westaboo so naturally the writer had to put that in there.
REEEEEEE don't tell him our orks secrets, it's getting harder and harder every day to find a good deal on second hand models. In saying that I think it's hilarious how so many of us ork players still use models from the black reach boxset
Black paint scheme bros, what paints do you use to edge highlight everything? Just the thought of having to highlight every edge on a vehicle makes me wanna kms but I'm hoping it's therapeutic as opposed to torture
do I eat a mango or do I paint my world eaters....hmmmm
Incubus darkness, thunderhawk blue fenrisian grey and blue horror
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edge highlighting every surface is a shitting looking meme. Having a silver or light grey and tippy-tap chipping upper-facing edges is all you need.
I mean you can do both, how fuckin long does it take you to eat a mango?
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Alpha lejun ambushed by raven guys
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Drink mango juice and paint instead
>4 colours for highlights

Feck me lads

I was just going to edge highlight the edges facing up, not gonna bother with all of them fuck that
just use a small drybrush for vehicle edges with very little paint and multiple passes and be precise.
I use nocturne green, mechanicus standard grey, grey seer and russ grey
different shades and intensities depending on where I want to focus the light
i get pretty sloppy with it.
>4 colours
Its actually more than that. You gotta do a 50/50 mix in between each pure colour highlight to get a nice gradient.
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What box comes with a Jokaero?
You should never edge highlight every thing. Just highlight the edges facing up or facing the lightsource, or edges you want to visually separate (for example overlapping armor).
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Chaos cultist anon here

I’ve finished him! What do you think please give me some tips, I think I need to learn how to layer and add shadows better etc


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>it's too tongue in cheek for 40K
NTA,but people taking this shot way too seriously is part of the reason it's been going south over these last few years. Greenskins are the last bastion of pure silliness in 40K and I love them for it.
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You should do some touch ups on the cloth, you spilled over some silver, also I recommend doing some edge highlights on the head and the gun, use some brighter colors.
Also, you can put some silver on the staples and the handgrenade pin, just an almost dry small brush and gently touch it to give it some contrasts.
Good job on the skin, it's looking great for a basic spammed unit
you've got to take a recast or third party model
He looks fine for the tabletop. Try being a little bit neater with where you apply the colors. Getting rid of the stray hairs would also help.
I'm interested to see an example of it, surely that's a pretty big edge
Why are you so aggressive? Did your Army Painter paints explode in transit or something?
There's a special place in the landfill hell just for gold paints.
Is that your first model? Looks fuckin great anon
'eavy metal goes bonkers with edge highlighting because they need to showcase all of the models' fine details in a small and fairly low res picture with limited lighting, and that's why GW hires them. I legitimately don't think they're meant to look great on their own.
There was a pretty good guide a few threads ago where a person used three colors to paint black legion armor and they used the inbetween colors to get a really nice transition. Don't think all that effort would be viable for trash mobs though.
Do you paint less and less of the edge with each colour with one of those drybrushes with fairly rigid hairs? I don't know the name of it but I'm guessing that's the sort of brush you are talking about, I've got one from citadel that I never use
He looks good.
You probably don't wanna over invest in a unit that is just gonna get plonked off the board so easily.
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These are kind of old, and I am not a great painter; but I was pretty satisfied with how this portion of my kill team turned out
That might be the guide that black legion land raider anon uses, was fenrisian grey fat highlight, a heavily thinned stegadon green and something else
>Anon lives in straya
It depends on the model, I never use more than two colors for one edge tho, I usually just take the darker colors for the edges towards the bottom and the lighter from where the light would come.
But yeah, I use a goat hair drybrush for drybrushing and a make up brush for overbrushing
Careful with them Huntsmans, cunt
>kind of old
>kill team
Bruh, not only are you australian, but you are lacking thinned paint
>inb4 it's the australian who harshly critiqued everyone the other day
90%+ IPA will strip this no problem, you can get it for peanuts at a hardware store
Will do thank you, I seem to struggle with my brushes losing their tips omega easily but I’ll finish the unit and go over them to tidy them up!

Thanks anon I’ll tidy him up about, thoughts on varnishing to protec?

First model indeed thank you anon I’m just a hack who copies tutorials

Very true it took me a fair while so might be worth not worrying too much
Yeah I don't disagree. No different than every mini having a "clean" paintjob when DG look better rusted up.
>my brushes losing their tips omega easily
How do you clean them? How do you roll them?
Sounds like you have particles in the ferrule or dried paint in the belly
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If my brush loses it's point, I either load more paint on it and twirl it to get back to a point, or wash the current paint off, form the tip on a tissue and take on some more paint. Some brushes just won't hold a point though.
I've been varnishing my models with a spray can of Vallejo Gloss and then a top coat of VMS "Varnish HD top coats Satin" through an airbrush because I think it looks better than dead flat.
Yes that's the main reason but because of defining every single detail the minis have a very clean look. I can see the appeal on certain minis but painting vehicles that way for example just looks cartoony and really fake
you can bet your ass this got a lot of updoots
>thoughts on varnishing to protec?
One very smalls pray of Vallejo Gloss
One small spray of AK Matt
will make every miniature look great, just do it one day after painting because the Varnish can activate paint and wait 1-2 hours between both coats of varnish too, or they will mix and look weird.
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Far better than my first model, fuckin thing took me way too long
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I don't think there has been any real silliness as early as 3rd edition, aside from maybe some goofy sculpts. Only 2E had the veneer of silly still. So I don't think your argument holds up particularly well, unless you're a gigagrog.
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reposting from yesterday, my first vs my most recent
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Some folks just love their edge highlights.
I'm not Australian; iPhones are just cunts that can't be bother to not suck dick. I'm aware they're not perfect. Some of those are made a decade before the others. Like I said, if you're not doing Golden Daemon models, you're probably fine. Like the one fellow said, what difference does it make provided that it holds a point?
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Radiant Wrath getting a special model wouldn't make any sense, though. The whole point is, they're visually just a regular Skitarii vanguard, but they're somehow so irradiated they can essentially make a world uninhabitable for centuries. I don't even know what effect one would give them on the tabletop, they're a superweapon whose effects reach far beyond the table. It's like saying that the concept of exterminatus needs a model.

If you want to run a list themed after them, paint up one Vanguard real grimy, use the Rad Zone detachment, and be sure to have plenty of priests in your list to use the strat that lets you bombard an objective.

I'm not going to pretend it's easy, but it really isn't that bad. You can choose for yourself how hard you want to go on the little details, and the sculpts are very conducive to it. The cog trim is totally optional, and I don't mess with it at all. Similarly, there's no obligation to paint the caution stripes if they're too hard for you, you can just make the tubes whatever color you want.
Troops get Basecoat+wash
Elites and Sergeants get Base+wash+ highlights
Characters get actual blending on power weapons and flat surfaces and the occasional NMM or OSL work
Monsters and Vehicles get airbrushed and dry brushed
I swirl in a paint pot of water and then wipe with a tissue, how should I be drying? Jesus there’s tons of stuff to remember and keep track of, are GW brushes actually any good?

I’ll bare that in mind and pick up Matt and gloss
I find it weird that, despite being an army with a million character models, a decent number of vehicle units, and a major subfaction derived from the Adeptus Mechanicus, Genestealer Cults still don't have an engineer unit.
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Could you be more specific?
No better feeling in the world than painting your first model and it not look like a blind retard painting it, not perfect but good enough. Nice job though anon : )
The tips on synthetic brushes will do that over time regardless of how well you care for them, I mean they will last way longer with proper care but the tip does that over time anyway
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This guy gets it.
Jokes on me I am the blind retard. I meant to say that my first mini wasnt perfect but good enough. Trim was a lil sloppy and used too much earthshade.
>a major subfaction derived from the Adeptus Mechanicus
>are GW brushes actually any good?
No, stay the fuck away from them, overpriced and terrible quality. Since they are varnished, they will melt in a concentrated brush cleaner solution too.
The only arguably okay ones are the drybrushes.
If you're in Europe, I recommend Da Vinci brushes, they have sable and synthetics for good prices. (7€ for a Kolinsky)

Get brush soap, only use the tip of your brush to get paint on, wash them in water regularly while painting and before every painting break wash them in the sink under running water with brush soap. Use your (clean) skin and nails to gently run towards the tip of your brush under the running water to get particles out.
You will not protect synthetic brushes from hooking, they just do that after some time because of the physical manipulation and the nature of their hair, but a good natural hair brush can last you forever with proper care.

There's more than holding a point to a brush but you do you.
The Cult of the Bladed Cog are subverted admech workers
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>tfw I put full effort into every single mini no matter how insignificant it is
Each and everyone of those is a piece of art. I absolutely adore them, from the bases, to the paint application, to the details, to the kitbashin and the highlights.
Great fucking work anon.
I hope the antenna on the far left never breaks.
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Admire my editing skills.
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>tfw every mini is an 8 hour ordeal
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I have done nothing but greenstuff a single 80pts character.
Then I shall do the same with a blob of 20 troops.
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>tfw Guard player with this fixation
>8 hours
rookie numbers, I'll put like 10-15 into a basic troop
No, because unlike AoS and fantasy/old world, 40k armies can actually have a variety of playstyles within the same faction, so we don't need loads of different armies. People always think 40k needs more factions until they're actually added and no one plays the new ones because of how unnecessary they feel. GSC released nearly a decade ago and they still have a very niche following, votrannies are basically unheard of in local groups. People like the idea of new factions, but 40k more or less has all its bases covered without going into extreme niches, so there's very little appeal once the initial hype dies down. Worst case, people get extreme rules envy and actively discourage people from getting into the new faction, as ultimately people would always rather get new stuff for their own factions rather than a whole new faction.
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Really good for a first model. One thing that would improve the paint job is cleaning up where you went outside the lines. You got some metal on your cloth and some skin or your metal.
>because unlike AoS and fantasy/old world, 40k armies can actually have a variety of playstyles within the same faction

most AoS armies have at least 2 or 3 different playstyles within their army. they're not always all top table competitive with each style, but thats not the case for 40k either.

even kruleboyz, a limited range missing a lot of central pieces, can still run 3 or 4 distinct playstyles from their army list
Not when you reinforce it with PVA water slurry. It homogenises the texture.
Plus I hate texture paints.
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>tfw golden angle is the back of the mini
well at least I'll enjoy looking at him
Are you going for super high quality? You can easily paint a big army in a day or two if you settle on tabletop quality. If a retard like me can do it anyone can.
Can you actually do meme shit with the setup of an Alpha Legion army because of the fluff, or am I going to just make myself out to be a complete retard
> tfw do the same and they still come out looking like shit
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>tfw you come up with complex paint schemes for a guard CP and are stuck painting the rest of them the exact same way. (I've finshed 4)
No I just paint really slowly and only work on one mini at a time. I also get caught up painting retarded color schemes see --> >>93945427
AK interactive paints have all been pretty awful in my experience
the worst is still every white paint other than PA bold titanium white
in my experience this isn't really the case, I've played several factions and outside the issue of every army having one good subfaction (also exists in most 40k armies tbf), the playstyle is much more dictated by the units than the subfactions, with the subfactions feeling more like small buffs which don't take you in as big a direction compared to detachments, even more so now in 4th edition. The only cases where it does feel distinctly different is where they've just smashed together what should be two separate ranges, like ogors.
you fucking wot nigga, their 3rd gen is the best range on the market right now
new vallejo model colour range, nearly exploded a bottle yesterday trying to get the cunt open. Ever since they got bought out the quality has been down across the board, and they fucked with a lot of the recipes, presumably to make them cheaper to produce.
It's looking fucking amazing, I am loving it, how do the vehicles look?
not at all
even AP fanatics are better than them
Is magnetizing worth it? It seems like a net positive but I'm afraid of fucking up the models trying to get to grips with it
FX Fluo red from Scale 75 exploded onto my wet palette once, I had to throw the sponge.
They use a completely different medium right now, it's polyurethane or someshit. The paints have a different consistency than other acrylics and come with a couple issues that make them objectively worse than other ranges. We really lived to a time when army painter has better paints than vallejo, lol
How many of us ausfags inhabit these generals? Gotta be a few at least, and yeah vallejo have been inconsistent for me too. I haven't had a bad xpress paint yet though
pro acryl mogs the shit out of AKI
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That guardsman is yours? Post a finished one.
spent about 2 days on pic rel
I've used that paint once and fucking hated it, I'm yet to find a decent fluoro red
As a fellow newbie, I magnetized a Deathstrike for fun to take off the rocket to show that it was fired and it looks fucking horrible.
I wouldn't do it without proper guides anymore.
Also, it took me ages to actually glue and settle the magnet in a way where the magnet wouldn't leave its socket. Those magnets are fucking strong.
yes but it has a lot less colors so as a whole range ak is a better pick
>4chan filename

Are you trying to demoralise painters ITT or something
because pro acryl is largely mono pigment paints made for mixing your own colors
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Pic related, first time magnetizing something and doing it without a guide.
Looks like shit.
Why would anyone be demoralized?
well then you may just be a metaslave. i own 6 different aos armies, including several small range armies like kruleboyz and kharadron, and i can think of at least 3 distinct playstyles for each one.

stop letting honestwargamer and the stats center tell you what to play.
Unfortunately so, you should see how bad goblins look on them
You know what you are doing, I don't need to spell it out for you
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>I'm not Australian
I use Tesseract from citadel for green and Vallejo Game Color for blue and both are great desu
I can't imagine wasting so much money on an army just to paint it badly for "muh quickness"
I'm not that anon, do you think posting painted armies somehow discourages others? Why?
Nah I just got a pic of them from the archive since I got a new phone a while back. These dudes are long gone but I still have the table if you want new pic of that
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>Ork player, specifically green tide player with this feel
I may batch paint boyz but that doesn't mean I skip steps. All my guys will have the same amount of effort so help me God or my Waaagh! isn't stompy.
Did you expect much from eldarfags?
Every single model gets full love and ssome details tgat make them unique.

>but that doesn't matter for games
It doesn't. But it matters to me, painting is its own reward.
>pic rel
Post a close up of totally your 2 days painted army then.
You couldn't have spend 2 days on that pic because the drying pause between layers would take too much alone.
It's almost like he's laughing at that guy for taking a while to paint one dude while posting an army he painted in 2 days. It's not hard anon fuck sake
All the colors contrast nicely but still look good together. Good job.
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>>93945427 >>93945465
I have the vehicles built and primed. Dreading starting on them bc painting camo makes me want to rip my eyes out and I want to paint like a warship dazzle pattern on the walker and gun batteries. Started the kit over a month ago and I only have these 5 done as of yesterday. Taking a break from guard and relaxing with chaos trim for a bit before i go back to finish the kit.

I also dont play (no playerbase on an island) and just paint (airbrushlet) so I'm in no rush to churn out tabletop ready models.
I don't even play AoS competitively or even close to that retard
>i own 6 different aos armies, including several small range armies like kruleboyz and kharadron, and i can think of at least 3 distinct playstyles for each one
do it then faggot, but I'll save you the effort in guessing it's just going to be very slight variations that all more or less do the same thing, AoS is just too rigid a game for proper variety like 40k has.
Oh, you're just a sensitive flower. Got it
Thanks anon, new to the hobby so it means alot : )
Nta but what, lol? Why would some anon posting an army speedpainted to a shit standard demoralize anyone
I can't really see the quality as I'm phoneposting atm but that's the hint I got from that
don't want to repost a picture again but I have this attitude with admech and boy does it take a while. I unironically spent over 2 weeks on the meme chicken plane
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Well i got it for cheap online, all of it about 80 bucks. I gave them all to my friend as a christmas gift. He doesn't like painting so I gave them a tabletop quality job.
Don't have many good pics of them left since this was a few years ago. It's nothing special, just drybrushing and contrast. I wanted them to match my friends dudes and thats how he does it.
Not laughing, just wanna show that you can get through a lot of troops if you go tabletop standard. Was not my intention to offend anyone.
Thanks, man, I'm really proud of them. Wish they were better as far as rules this edition, but I'll keep running them anyway
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you really need some thicker skin, anon
No offence taken anon, I think they look good. Probably better than some of my 8hr models.
>no paper flags on the jetbikes
-10vp for shame
100% of 4chan posts that include any variation on the word "demoralize" are schizoposts
did humans have ftl travel wo warp bullshit in the golden age?
Why does it look like that scorpion is about to make out with that gaunt?
Yeah, that’s when the abhumans nowadays known as Navigators were established.
Daily reminder that the Leagues of Votann kin are just splinter humans from the golden age too, so they should be susceptible to Chaos.
Actually I'm gonna swing by the friend I gave those to later today. I'l snap a few pics if I remember and i'm sober enough work a camera.
Go on then eldarman, it's about time I pulled the "post x" since everyone seems to do it to me when I have an opinion on primaris or some shit
Based brush only chad
Not everyone is capable of painting that quick, or have the time. Hell I work 6 days a week on average and barely have time to do anything
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>they're visually just a regular Skitarii vanguard
you can give him an ominously large diorama base with casualties with their skin sloughing off, a somewhat 'softer' semi-divine poise, and rules about how the thing has very strong aura around it and can do impressive area denials.
also wait so the traitor space marines have no chapters, they're all known still by the original huge legion names they had? While the normal space marines now are all into chapters?
just reading a bit bout the lore since space marine 2
>went to a warhammer store a while ago for a bunch of paints I couldn't find anywhere else
>tfw store manager was a dick not just to me, but to everyone that either walked through the door or called up the store
>go in today, same dude, was really nice

Guess he was just having a bad day
When interacting with people, you have to remember you never know what happened before you interacted with them.
Could’ve been he was handling some screechers and a Karen just before and was just out of patience.

Well kinda, they had their own foundings but they do not follow the Codex Astartes.
What is the current year in the 40k universe?
Are those the new "primaris" ultramarines people are so mad about? They do look a little funny desu
Even the people in 40K don’t know. Less than 100 years into M42 is the best guess but no one is sure.
Traitors exist in either the origonal legions (ex: Death Guard), warbands that split off from said legions (ex: The Sanctified, genetically Word Bearers) or chapters that turned over to chaos over the years (ex: Red Corsairs, formely the Astral Claws space marine chapter).
>the drunk is also a compulsive liar
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reminder that pic related are some of the best things for kitbashing and will likely be removed from production soon. get them while you can.
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Alright here it is. Its in storage among a bunch of other shit but it'll have to do. I'll try to come back with models later tonight once I see my friend.
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>40k armies can actually have a variety of playstyles within the same faction
I mean it was completely unprovoked, and shouldn't be tolerated in the retail sector. Probably a good thing that it's a very low traffic shop
Well its friday. I drink with my friends on fridays. Ill come back with closer pics or ill try anyway.
a whole chapter turned to chaos after the heresy? damn, so the chapter master corrupted his own guys and just killed the ones that stayed loyalists?

also do the space marine chapter guys today feel more kinship to the other chapters that used to be part of the same legion or do they not gaf about that anymore?
>and shouldn't be tolerated in the retail sector
You're still dealing with humans lmao, people should stop expecting automatons everywhere they go.
>I drink with my friends
Quit for a month and see if they still want to hang out. I dare you.
A lot of traitor marine chapters went renegade first for political reasons and turned to chaos thanks to the imperium being ducks.
Guilliman had every sub-sector start calendars again using the Rift as T=0 because timekeeping had gone to shit and nobody could coordinate anything because of it. Probably a century or so has passed since then, but with such a huge part of the Warp bleeding into real space even time probably doesn't all flow the same near the Rift.
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Explain this.
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right before the eve of the 42nd millennium
any indication that we might be past that is a calendar error
the game is called 40k and is set in 41st millennium
progressing past that means reaching the last tolls for the setting
the apocalypse
the ragnarok
the wolf time
the rhana dandra
the waaagh! to end all waaagh!s
the war in hell
the last supper
the time of endings
the age of omegon
Use anything but GW, the packaging is so fucking awful I don't understand how anyone sane could cook up such a anti consumer container.
I'm mad I cannot get my free miniature of the month or my god damn coin.
They gave out a fucking TERMINATOR and I've missed it.
>grot tanks gone
>grot mega tank gone
>kill bursta gone
>supa kannon gone
>mega dread gone
>big trakk gone
>kill krusha gone
>squiggoth gone
But the unreasonably expensive, annoyingly large model stays around
My man try working retail or food service sometime. You can be the best person on the fucking planet but sooner or later someone will drive you off your game and it will impact your behavior for a while. Some people are just such fucking incredible cunts it's unreal
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you've got a combined arms generalist list, a wizard spellspam list, a melee bait strikes last dual sludgeraker list, and a kragnos run and charge trolls list.

you have no imagination, and you are a slave to whatever the talking head youtube orbiters tell you to play
Nah, gotta have some vices. I dont do any drugs or smoke so I think I can have a few drinks with the boys on the weekend
Not the same anon and totally unrelated but a shot or a few beers keep my hands from shaking when I'm painting fine details
Or they could not be fuckwits. I'm fine with people that show little enthusiasm or whatever but if you are actively going to be an asshole, find another job that doesn't involve the public
looks like an anime inspired eldar fanart from someone who can't draw hands and feet or work with proportions and perspective
most probably traced over some bot generated shit
loli eldar art
skaven guard units when?
I did both when I was young and tolerated it. If working at a shop that's lucky to get more than 10 customers a day is too much, find another fucking job.
>also do the space marine chapter guys today feel more kinship to the other chapters that used to be part of the same legion or do they not gaf about that anymore?
I assume they do since same primachs
genestealer cults.
Worst case scenario it get reboxed into a 20 man box for old world
>how anyone sane could cook up such a anti consumer container
brand recognition
designed to waste your paint so you buy more faster
hides the fact that its less volume than competitors
this is what comes to mind
Oh it's the same autistic poster throughout this thread, are you mad you don't have any friends or something?
not at all similar
The pig's gotta eat too
never of course lol
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Deldar are the scourge of the actually kinda peaceful places in 40k, the raid the farsight enclaves and even feudal worlds all the time
kill yourself, /v/ermintranny.
This space skaven shit is getting outta hand
post your models
>I dont do any drugs
>I can have a few drinks
The sheer cognitive dissonance is staggering. Depressants are depressants, no matter how you slice it. There is no difference between you and a dopefiend laying in the gutter.
You have two different games you can play skaven in that they already belong in furfag
I ordered some "good" paints I was recommended off of goymazon 2 months ago and they still haven't been delivered, happens with every other time i order shit. pic related.
lol, take your meds buddy
Grim. I hope things get better.
>3 slight variations and the equivalent of bringing an imperial knight
>muh variety
You're also still beating the "muh youtubers" drum despite nothing I've said even remotely indicating I watch any or are repeating talking points from someone else, schizofag.
Let him have a beer you fuck
I have friends. You have drinking buddies. We are not the same.
dont buy paints on amazon they mark everything up sometimes 100%
Prove it
They would be fun
What advice would you give to someone building their first army
It's the same poster that goes into an autistic rage every time someone mentions alcohol or drugs. I said something about coming home after work, having 2 beers while I painted and the poor dude couldn't handle it. Got called a degenerate a few times too, anon is a lost cause
You can easily kitbash the clanrat heads onto cadian bodies, the sizes fit, just need some greenstuff for the necks
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Whatever you say, buddy.
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>3h just to build a model
>5h to paint it
>20 termagants
>20 hormagants
>20 genestealers
>20 neuragants
>10 barbgants
>9 spore mines
>8 assripper swarms
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>my friend after drinking a beer (he's now a drinking buddy)
I somehow managed to get a small speedpaint set off amazon and was the cheapest vendor by far. The snaggas combat patrol was the same bit I didn't need it
Get something you actually enjoy painting.
in what world does a model take three hours to build
I've decided I'm gonna paint my coomer T'au army with cow print armor. Should I give some of the models bikini tanlines?
I use Stegadon Scale Green mixed with AK silver grey to brighten it up.
>3h to build a model
Are you fucking retarded?
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Just try your best. Try remove mould lines and take your time, and if it comes out no so great try not to get discouraged by it
>3 hours
>to build
Unfortunately, amazon is the only place that stocks paints and will actually deliver here without talking with the seller and having them custom ship using DHL air freight with is a pain in the ass and wallet.
Oh interesting, thought it was a metallic just from the name alone
Funny how the supposed skaven enjoyers always seem to have an excuse to not buy them
>oh I love skaven, b-but their fantasy models are so old! I need an update before I'll start an army!
>AoS updated skaven? Well uh, I don't like AoS lore so I don't want those. Use them in fantasy? No, the bases are wrong
>I would need them to be in 40k, THEN I'll totally buy some
nobody said this
How do I add mold lines back
Furry brains just short circuit all the time, nothing they do makes sense
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A few decades ago
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Why, with the proprietary GW mold line applicator, of course.
Every piece of shitty fanart of 40k skaven is literally just skaven units with 40k weapon equivalents, all of which are kitbashable. There's zero excuse for these faggots to not just do it
GSC already exist.
We don't need skaven shit in 40k.
Just apply sprue goo across a flat surface
You can't expect tourist secondaries to build anything not approved by Games Workshop®
....what? You're completely unhinged
But they are secondaries anon, they have nothing to build in the first place
What would an eldar brap smell like? I'm building an army around this btw
nobody said what you're saying and there's a dude here who made a fully converted CSM army out of skaven
(you) have no argument, nomodels tranny
Jeez the marine enthusiasts were right about you lot
I heard it smells like rancid olives
Nothing. Eldar shit odorless and colorless diamonds.
>post cooldowns
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so the 1000 sons dont acc lose any space marines with this pixie dust filled armor shit?
no, those are their marines
all the ones who weren't psykers got turned into dust
eldar schizo cope
>(you) have no argument, nomodels tranny
Says the skaven furfag tourist.
post models
It's true of only some of the armies with a larger range. Space Marines, Orks, Eldar, Tyranids, Chaos Space Marines, maybe Necrons
If you're a newer army or have less than 50 data sheets good fucking luck finding any kind of gimmick outside your main one.
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>tfw 3 hours to build a spore mine
Does anyone have an image of black legion anons land raider?
damn rough
Genestealers are gay though
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>Skavenfag callung anyone else gay
so no models?
>Genestealers are gay though
Unneeded Skaven faggotry even more so.
That's a neat idea. Radiation is hard to represent on a model, since a lot of the terror of radiation is that it's invisible, yet deadly.

I'm generally against named characters, so the idea of getting a model for him doesn't do much for me. Could make an awesome kitbash project though, run it as a Dunecrawler or Knight and let the damage output represent the effects. Wouldn't be a perfect fit but would be cool.
God, it would be AWFUL and NIGHTMARERISH if she had the hhaemonculli turn into a sentient dildo for personal use, wouldn't it?
GSC and skaven are nothing alike
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nigga using greenstuff to sculpt his sporemines
>tfw thinking about getting that 3rd party female nob to lead my unit of nobz

Would the average opponent look at me in disgust if I did that?
You know the rules, post yours with your request.
trips of truth
Jain Zar is dust within a suit of armor. You might as well put two balloons on your face.
They are the same.
>but GSC aren't gay ratmen in space
And they don't need to be.
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this needs to be an actual rule, any "post models" shit without own models posted should be instantly disregarded
go back to /hhg/
more angles please, this looks promising
Whats wrong with the Deathstrike? Seems like a normal SRBM or whatever
Who cares what they think?
sorry trips confirmed you're wrong faggot
GSC aren't constantly backstabbing each other for personal gain, they have none of the same flavor and don't even portray the same tabletop roles
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He's my Sorceror in Terminator Armor. Only HH model I own.
Why do it in the first place?
the gyatt that brought down a galaxy..
>strategically deploy my dice onto the battlefield
>have a few in reserves
>roll a handful of orks onto the field
>by the time my opponent realizes what happened I've already declared a waaagh
kill yourself
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Yeah that would be fun. I hope it happens
Are there any anti-heroes left among the chaos space marines or are they all irredeemable assholes?
Also what's Abaddon's end goal? Is he gonna have a bunch of chaos scribes and chaos accountants set up a chaos economy with chaos laws or is it going to be pure anarchy and it's only gonna be his "better Imperium of Man" because he can theoretically turn up anywhere and kill anyone who would subvert his will!
mortian cyberrarts range + gsc rules

but you'll not get them because you're just a furfaggot
Y'know, this all could have been avoided if the old ones didn't make the eldar sexy.
Wait if I was a furfag wouldn't I want to spend inordinate amounts of money on my fetish?
Anon, next time you do chaos trim you should try painting the trim first then the armor panels. It's feels weird but I get better results having cleaner trim/panel borders. Good work : )
just being deadass
They have nubs and mould lines everywhere, thank god there is no gaps to fill.
They're more like an hour.
Most of the decent CSMs usually end up heroically sacrificing themselves for stuff or getting betrayed
The Bel'akor I ordered after that anon commanded me to do so should arrive tomorrow.
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The Hospitaller model is very nice but I feel like it's a bit much to get a whole diorama for a single sub-100 point model.
bought some just now
yes, you would, if they were porn commissions or some kind instead of wargame miniatures that actually fit the fluff and theme of skaven rather than the furry-imperial fetish you're after
fr fr
To be fair, the space frogs couldn't have predicted that their repurposed elf sex-bots and mushroom men combat drones would somehow out live them and go on to attempt making their own civilizations. Would actually be funny if an old one somehow managed to appear in the current time period and just gave the Eldar the biggest ego death in history by pointing out they were just bio-droids and nothing special beyond that.
Are the old ones just Slaan?
This is a problem with a lot of non-elite armies. The price per point ratio ends up insane on some models.
How...how is skaven in guard gear a fetish?
in fantasy they had a moonstone that predicted every possible outcome, the 40k space frogs were just speds
I just suck at painting, that's all.

Because I like the look of the model
Ahriman cast this thing called the Rubric of Ahriman, which turned the entire surviving legion who wasn't of a certain power level in the mystic and psychic arts into dust that swirls around in their armor. He's spent 10,000 years unsuccessfully trying to undo this, but to his credit it was in an attempt to keep his people from turning into chaos spawn every 5 minutes.
plague marine looking like
>yaknow, my dick fell off a couple millennia ago, but that ass juice fr
Kinda, but that changed throughout time. Currently I do not think it would apply.
I didn't think space marines had a penis. Primarchs have a penis surely
If she's dust call me a vacuum cleaner
Wolves and Salamanders keep families, no?
No idea I'm a xenosfag
>Because I like the look of the model
Female nob model? Which one is that?
No. Space Wolves can encounter their families during the annual recruitment drives on Fenris but don't really interact with them. The Salamanders do actually live with their families, but really just their parents and siblings. No Space Marine has ever had children, no space marine has ever had romance. They are asexual eunechs. While GW has not explicitly stated whether or not they have penises it's irrelevant as their nature is explicit.
>no space marine has ever had romance. They are asexual eunechs.
imagine being a secondary and still managing to be a flufflet
They are at least castrated as their hormonal system is rebuilt from scratch with new super hormones that support their posthuman bodies.
Do enlighten us anon. You aren't just going to be a faggot right?
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Ariman on suicide watch fr. pic related
Thoee are not mutually exclusive
>literal reddit meme
go back
which necron dynasty is the old classic box art dark steel and bright green scheme from?
Anon I'm pretty sure a vacuum would kill her.
Or at the very least she'd possess the vacuum and get really angry.
Half this guys drawings are super faggoty reddit shit but there are a few good ones
I'll snort it out of her, ass first. She can possess me later.
Post em? Also based salad v poster
How do you "heal" dust
Bad writing.
A few rolls of greenstuff probably
Reatomize what was atomized by the Rubric.
lay off the warp stone anon
Think it was an artel w one, I don't have the image saved on my phone anon, sorry
Why do people say missile launchers on CSM squads are a bad choice? They seem perfect on paper since you’ve got an anti armor option and a horde option.
A lascannon is meaningful anti-tank, a krak missile is not, and you don't need anti-horde.
no worries, I'll check it out myself if it's from artel
Missile launchers can’t scratch anything bigger than a rhino. And since it’s all fucking free anyway just bring lascannons.
Any good place to torrent the Warhams animations? I got Iron Within back on the day somewhere I don't remember anymore. Where do you doods get that?

>inb4 Fed
Sadly Games Workshop™ does not provide a torrent option. Maybe in the future!
I think I'll get a Gladiator Lancer
What do you guys think of the pivoting rules now that they've been in place for a few weeks?
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>a few weeks
I accidentally used a contrast paint instead of my normal paint to do a second layer after washing.
When the contrast paint was halfway through drying, I touched it with my brush, thinking it was normal paint, this left a "crater" on my mini, looking like a sundried water drop.
Is there any way how I can fix that crater? Alcohol soaked qtip and start anew?
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I paid for a single month and watched them all at once. It was wrong their player is dog shit just torrent them.
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Time is a scary thing
>3 months until 2025
I've spend 2 months painting my new list, the point changes mean my list no longer works.
Atleast the War Gear doesn't matter
It's fucked. Might as well strip the mini.
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Alright, here is a pic of a few of the models, straight from my friends fridge
This has been the quickest year by far, and I've still painted fuckall
>4 months until another Codex releases
>22 months until 11th edition releases
Yeah okay, this looks like it was done in 2 days.
I will call you based for delivering.
yeah these look speed painted all right but you're a pretty damn cool dude for actually delivering
Anyone else a retard like me who refuses to get an airbrush even though they can afford one
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You should treat yourself. NOW.
>Secretly wanted an airbrush for the past few years
>Bought one last month
>as a gift for a friend
I bought one and am too afraid to use it again after I got sputtering the first time.
Yeah, but mostly because I am selling my apartment and moving into a house in the next months and I am waiting for that.
Don't have the space or want the risks from using an air brush in my living room.
>have hobby that enriches your life
>have enough money to buy something to improve that hobby experience even further
>been thinking about it for a while (it's not a passing whim or anything like that)
What's stopping you? No one is gonna tell you "we've got drybrushing at home, why do you need an airbrush?" Treat yourselves.
My aging parents still insist on buying me gifts. I have no idea what else to ask for that isn't useless garbage like a mug or shirt, so I am purposefully not buying one so that they can.
Before it was almost my birthday? I didn't care to spend the effort setting up an airbrushing station in my basement.
They're supposed to look chunky.
>I turned on my car and it made this horrible noise like an engine starting up!
Anon, I don't drive either.
Paint as you go. Never have a backlog of more than like, 2 kits max. I'd say never have a backlog, but sometimes you have to follow inspiration as it strikes, so putting off a unit while you do one you're more excited about is reasonable.

Depending on the models, consider if you should paint in sub-assemblies. It'll make your life easier in the long run.

People will tell you you should consider an airbrush. They're right. It isn't necessary to get started, but if you grind through half an army without trying one, you're going regret spending a lot of time doing tedious basecoating that you could have avoided. A cheap airbrush kit costs less than 2 infantry boxes, and will pay for itself on money saved on primer cans alone.

Most importantly, no matter what, hang on to that first model you painted. Some day you'll look back and see how far you've come.
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Any black colors that do not make me feel like quitting the hobby?
>dries too fast
>covers like shit
>way too thick
>ruins brushes
>shitty finish
Corvus black
I bought ttc black and offblack and they're both great, MILES ahead of citadel garbage
try coat d'arms, they were specifically made to dry slower than regular paints
a pattern is starting to form
I like'em big
I like'em CHUNKY

I like'em big
I like'em PLUMPY
Is it better than Abaddon Black?
The Chaos Black primer is fucking great, Abaddon Black is just fucking horrible to use, also constant chipping.

I also have AK and Vallejo blacks, they are also kinda stale, tent to go grayish.

Never saw them or heard of them, I was thinking of getting AP Fanatics black or a different citadel black.
Like, black templar looks easy to use and like it covers really nicely and leaves a great black finish.
stop drinking it idiot

also I'd sooner say you're doing something wrong than GW, AK and Vallejo blacks being off, they're all good
>Never have a backlog of more than like, 2 kits max
I honestly kinda disagree with this. Hoarding more plastic than you can reasonably paint is obviously bad, but having a variety of models on hand to chose from at any time can be very comfy.
>having a variety of models on hand to chose from at any time can be very comfy
this anon knows what's up. I'm shuffling between painting minis from different armies and have never once ran into hobby fatigue since I got back into warhammer 2 years ago
>Never have a backlog of more than like, 2 kits max.
I stopped agreeing with this sentiment after witnessing two price jacking-ups from GW. Hoard as much shit as you can before it gets pumped up another 15%.
coat d'arms was one of 4 hobby paint lines made by hmg paints (they did foundry, p3, and the old citadel paints)
The AK black is probably my favourite, but it's matte whereas that one you've got is glossy. I did get the two thin coats equivalent and haven't tried it yet l. The vallejo black isn't too bad but it's matte too. The army painter one wasn't great from memory but that was pre fanatic range
>tfw current backlog consists of at least 10 kits + all of the shit I've bought off ebay

Orktober is just around the corner so that should empower me to paint a shitload
Got any airbrush recommendations? I'm getting poor results from spray can priming, I seriously need to move on
Corvus black is an off black, slightly grey
Can't wait for the 2024 orktober meme to be spammed here multiple times.
you mean three, they just did a stealth price increase with kill team lmao.

honestly I don't have much in terms of a backlog.. just a lot of parts of kits I hoard for future kitbash projects.

technically I have an unfinished 1300ish points of Eldar but I really dislike the army and don't enjoy painting the models. I'd sell them if they weren't kitbashed a bunch and kinda only fit my preferences.
The thread is going to be full of blue orks (more than usual) and a few black and red ones from me. It should piss everyone off by hitting the image limit real quick
so much contrast sloppa..
You act like I'm not going to be here anyway.
Well yes that's definitely me, like fuck I'm painting 100+ boyz with layers and highlights. I don't think the blue ork boys use contrast paints though
I know you will be, it's not like you can leave this place
even if you do use contrasts, there is nothing stopping you from going back on each model later and improving them if you feel like it. my pile of 60 cultists started with contrasts and I added layers over time.
No kidding.
>stop drinking it
How else can you tell if the paint isn't expired yet?
I just added more lahmian and a second mixing ball to the abaddon and it is behaving better now.
Vallejo and AK are apparently more matte and grayish.
Probably more this tone.

My stores don't have it, think I will try the warpaint fanatics
That's true, I mean I doubt I'll get around to that for boyz but everything else I'm using way less contrast.
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I like having different models to work on simultaneously so I can switch things up and not get burned out, right now I am getting burned out because my paints are frustrating.

What did you get done today, /40kg/?
Just remember anon the army painter black is still a matte black, I'm not even sure if they do a gloss one
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I'm finishing my two new squads of Grey Knights. Just the bases to go and they'll be done I think.
Sorry anon, I just finished night shift and I'm in bed about to go to sleep
Alright nighty night don't let the bed nids bite
From this angle you can see that the Cadian Command squad flag carrier was clearly supposed to be painted with African skin, look at that lip
Have to clean my house instead of painting today. My stormboyz remain unfinished.
I like her energy.
when you prime do you do a full coat or just the dusty looking light coat? i did a full coat of leadbelcher prime and it might be kinda thicc
You go for a thin full coat, watchout with the leadbelcher primer, especially when priming walkers you might overdo it because it has the same shade as the plastic
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Finished this artillery piece meaning my whole catgirl combat patrol is done now (except the little lenses I forgot about those)
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>Grab Imperial Guard box
>Paint a few guard and get mad at them being small
>Grab Cities of Sigmar box
>Paint a knight for ~10 hours and get bored of shading metal and horse legs
>Grab CSM box
>Paint two chaos marines. Trim.
>Grab Tyranid box
>Paint four Termagants using wraithbone without killing yourself.
>Grab guard box

The ADHD painter experience
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Wrong picture, here is the artillery piece
Did you fix the tail on the Lujan catgirl?
also, that pug is fucking cute, did you print it?
Great job on the freehand on the flag
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I'm not sure how I feel about this.
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Does this count as getting BLACKED?
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I'm not gay but this Marine looks quite... I don't know...
While I like the Salamanders, I do think it is strange how insanely more popular they have become in the last six years or so. Like, I know it's largely because they're the "good guy" Marines but I do feel that is kind of missing the point a bit.
I think I've realized I'm just jealous of the way fans portray the Imperium. Now I feel tired and I don't know why.
Yeah pug was printed as well, icelord 399 on cults has it up for free. I did mess with the tail a bit but couldn't quite get the strokes right for a fur texture so it kind of currently just looks messy.
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The word you're looking for is "zesty"
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>Are you pro or anti skub?
I have a third, more disgusting, and more detestable opinion on skub.
Also, Goff Rockers should be a permanent mainstay in some way.
Just found out about the reintroduction of the Squats. Understandable why the Imperium doesn't assimilate them now but was there any explanation given as to why they didn't do this during the great crusade? Allowing a massive human polity with very useful technology to remain outside of Terra's dominion doesn't seem like the Emperor's style. And pre-horus heresy they had far more firepower and no existential threats. If they extended their dominion all the way to the other side of the galaxy you'd think the core would be fought over at some point.
Yvraine is the emissary/prophet of Ynnead, the Eldar god of Death. Which has the perks of having some of Ynneads power.

It's not really suprising she can pull off shit like that.
that's a cool sentinel
>Just found out about the reintroduction of the Squats.
You didn't.
That's stupid.
>chaos primemyass
keep spamming it, I'm sure a single other person will start posting your dead meme soon
If gw weren't such cowards we could've gotten madmax instrument playing flash gitz
Because CONSOOMING grimdark for 20 years straight gets legitimately exhausting. Sometimes you just want to be the good guys, or have a human element.
what are those wonky ass proportions on the reddit primanig?
Rampage over here

Metallics I tend to want a solid coat. Anything else I'm usually zenithal spraying or painting a solid colour over top and having a dead smooth prime isn't helping me accomplish anything
what dead meme? pak? coneboy? seething about exodites?
>seething about exodites?
nobody does this, but cute deflection
>3 hours to build one of any of those models
I can't even begin to figure out what you're spending all that time doing
if you say so, mr. nobody
gonna cry about blood angels getting models before your boring faction does again?
What da hell is a coneboy
and what models!

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