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STDs edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What's more important in choosing an army: playstyle or aesthetics?
Aesthetics, obviously. Rules and editions change constantly, but your cool models will look sweet for as long as you take care of them.
>Rules and editions change constantly
that's a dumb thing to say, if I hate the moon in gsg I'm not going to gamble on it changing on some indefinite point in future and then watch it not change for the next decade.
They are both important.
If you don't like the aesthetic you are hardly going to build and paint the entire army.
If you don't like the playstyle you are going to end up with pretty models on your shelf.
Rules are temporary, models are forever
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finishing up my first AOS models
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>What's more important in choosing an army: playstyle or aesthetics?
I think most armies aesthetics do a decent job of determining their playstyle.
The bases look disgusting. Good job
If you play the game fairly regularly then the playstyle is really important. Keep in mind that rules and playstyle is a different thing.

Obviously the aesthetics is also important, but it can't be the only factor. To find a truly 'your' army you need to have both playstyle and aesthetics to fit your taste. And there might be no such army in the whole game. So you need to look for a different game and hope that it has a decent local community and not just 3 dudes that are playing it in a different city.
>if you don't like the aesthetic you'll never do anything with the models
>if you don't like the playstyle the worst thing that happens is your awesome models will spend most of their time doing what they'd do even if you play with them: sitting on your shelf looking cool
>They are both important.
I'm not sure how you can make a reasonable assessment like this and not realize that one of these things is vastly more important than the other.
Most people want to actually use their models. Yes, if you don't really care about playing then of course you are going to care about aesthetic more. Grazie al cazzo.
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God I hope the moon gets changed this edition drastically. Make all the buffs meaningful too. And not some shite like +3 control. Or maybe just revamp the whole thing. Have the shine creep up the board, from your side, until it envelopes the whole board. And the buffs get stronger by appeasing the moon like casting or killing stuff.
No idea for what the buffs would be but I'm spitballing here.
What am I talking about it's james it's probably already in print that we're stuck with the random moon movement for another edition.
Also have my current WIP since it's kinda related.
Aesthetics (why is this word being used like this so often?) is probably the most important. As GW usually has a set time before they update a mini. Originally it was about 10 years before they would update a mini, but that went out the window with AoS (Blacktalon was, what, four or five years?) but in general you're going to wait around 10 years before you got a chance for the model to be updated. By then you've probably had three new editions and rule changes.

Playstyles will by and large stay the same, however, but you're still ultimately using the same models (outside of you buying totally-not-warhammer models and I'm against 3rd parties doing 1:1 models, if you got the skill, make something different but in keeping with GW stuff so I have an alternative, or do stuff GW won't do, like nudity on models that would reasonably have nudity, such as harpies or slaaneshi shit).

So, 'aesthetics'.
the control buff is mechanically strong it just favors weird tech builds like palooza spam and isn't interesting unless you want to play that kind of skew game.
Anyone gotten their new Stormvermin yet that could do a pic of them next to the previous plastic Stormvermin?
The palooza should be unique, change my mind. Or some other mechanic that still allows them to be brought back but only to be taken once.
Its a random argument, one of a hundred things that could improve the game. Unit sizes should be adjusted and reinforce removed, change my mind.
The yellow is very nice, well done
Two more hours trust the plan
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I bought into Seraphon purely because of last year's range refresh, not knowing anything about the game or how the army plays. Didn't do any research. So I guess aesthetics is my answer. After playing a couple spearheads I do like the playstyle as well.
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>Thread question:What's more important in choosing an army: playstyle or aesthetics?
Rules are for fools except rules of cool. If you build something because of rules and aren't excited about their aesthetics, you'll find that when those rules change that you won't enjoy those models anymore. At least if you have an army built of lots of stuff you think is cool then when the rules change there's still something you enjoy about your models
Any models who look like him?
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with some minor kitbashing
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Alternatively, basically any of the darkoath units.
That's just Darkoath
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Dead game
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Are alternate versions of the Skull Box not being made because 40k has no cool familiars to put on models?
Havent seen anyone put this on the table at my LGS yet
Gonna have a RTT tomorrow.
How sweaty is this list? It's from one of the participants.

1980/2000 pts
Grand Alliance Order | Lumineth Realm-lords | Hurakan Temple
Drops: 3
Spell Lore - Lore of Hysh
Manifestation Lore - Morbid Conjuration
General’s Regiment
Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind (350)
• General
Hurakan Windchargers (340)
• Reinforced
Regiment 1
Lyrior Uthralle, Warden of Ymetrica (240)
Vanari Dawnriders (420)
• Reinforced
Regiment 2
Hurakan Windmage (150)
• Masterful Tactician
• Silver Wand
Hurakan Windchargers (340)
• Reinforced
Ydrilan Riverblades (140)
Faction Terrain
Shrine Luminor
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Extra head on him
Incredibly sweaty, confirm that they win the whole event later yeah?
I don't like it
Meh, I wish there were more customization options for the $30+ hero
As a general rule characters don't get many optional bits and never really have. Most character kits maybe get an extra head or if they're very very lucky an optional arm
I'm just there to roll dice anyway
Do you guys think that using evocators as Anihilators and dracolithes as the new cavalery is going to be okey, once the army book drops?
Sure. It's GW plastic, so there's no law that can stop you
yeah, if I was a Tzar or a Tzars son I wouldn't worry, I am more interested in what the consensus is among other people, especialy those not playing stormcast. For example in 3ed I thought people would allow paladins to be played as Anihilators with two handed maces. But they didn't. Same way in 2ed where I had to buy staffs to have full units of long staff evocators and not the short staff+sword.
In 3e palladin and anihilator were separate units. Evocator won't be an unit in 4e
Those were units that exist as parts of the army being used as other units within the same army, I think it was dumb as fuck that whatever losers you were playing with took issue with that but it’s a pretty different story to using squatted models as modern units that have similar vibes
You aren't going to know the consensus of your local community by asking on 4chan. These things are heavily community dependent.
Is that a grot head slapped on a Bonesplitterz?
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Had an Ogors vs Stormies.
Ogors absolutely tear ass but start melting when they get hit back.
My friend asked how can Stormcast exactly deal with Moshpit fights?
Pose looks like a 40k thing, like he's supposed to hold a gun
holy shit he's mikael jacsen returned
>putting anime hair on a fucking skeleton
GW has been realy liking their haired skulls
>anime hair
ghostly wind
Is that what Nurgle told you?
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Is the Krondspine any good
Why do so many Darkoath have the HR skrillex haircut?
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>weeb hair on skellybro
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It's a pop culture viking thing but I think GW are leaning more into the punk influences as a contrasted to ordered society
Does anyone else hate faction terrain pieces? Aside from maybe shit like gnawholes?
I actually hate Gnawholes the most because they're so entwined in the army's rules. You can play, say, Idoneth without their aquarium decoration and not really suffer. If you're playing Skaven and have no Gnawholes, you're suffering a significant handicap and like half of your army rules do nothing.
Isn't this super old?
Could be worse. Could be sylvaneth.
I like faction terrain, but I would greatly prefer if there was a tradeoff when you don't take them, because a number of factions have believable reasons for their faction terrain to be present on the field, but not all of them
I'll argue again that it's worse because (for as long as I've played at least) Wyldwoods have always been an essential part of playing Sylvaneth, whereas Skaven players could easily get away with not using Gnawholes until this edition.
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Scans next weekend?
probably not
Its okay
Surprised no one has done those bundled screencaps of the youtube previews
I also noticed that Skaventide boxes sell worse. Why is that? Is it the economy?
What are Skaven cooking?
Plastic bags to extract the chemicals
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I like Mark Holmes's art.
I don't know because I don't have the battletome.
Would look better if K. and T. were swapped.
I'd say I can't believe GW have the gall for some of these absurd prices on the new rat kits, but at this point I'm more surprised it's not more. We're gunna be at $50 for a basic foot hero by 2026. Sucked the wind right out of my sails. Guess I'll just keep hold of my old shit and see if I can kitbash some things together. The crown jewel though is they want $60 for effectively a copypasta of the index.
Could be. Personally I think it’s because the Skaven range refresh came out to sterile. I hate to use the term but they really are soulless.
My lgs sold out of them in july and only recently got a restock. The other local shop I don't go to only has 3 left in stock. They're selling pretty well at least here in my slice of central florida, but games workshops absurd bullshit prices aren't helping for damn sure.
For a limited edition box this is probably an absolutely terrible situation for GW. When you have the useless 30 year old fantasy sculpt WoC box selling out but not a limited edition new sculpt box it’s dire.
their financials are insanely good retard.
Which doesn’t change what I said about the limited edition box belly flopping
completely baseless assertion, fuck off back to your deadgaem general.
Starter boxes have been flopping since forever. The last good one was Island of Blood and it never went sold out either
You realize 40k limited edition boxes sell out the day of release right? Even the latest blood angels one, which was panned as terrible in terms of the new sculpts being a downgrade sold out. GW operates on selling out of limited editions fast, they are supposed to foster fomo but clearly didn’t.
Also lmao at your asshurt. This is a good thing for age of sigmar you retard. Consumers rejecting the overpriced Skaven means they most likely won’t continue to gouge prices for other factions in new releases. You don’t want the box to sell out unless you’re holding GW shares or are a brainless paypig.
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Ugh don’t get me started on IoB. 150 euro for this, can you imagine that today. What is that in USD, like $100 per faction.
As of today $167.56 burgerbux
Eventually somethings gotta give on the global setting. Every country seems to be folding in on itself.
Yeah holy shit $83 a faction. This would cost twice as much at least today with GW’s pricing. I know it’s a luxury hobby that’s niche and has whales, but what’s the endgame? Doctors and financial analysts will form the customer base of GW and no one else?
>What's more important in choosing an army: playstyle or aesthetics
I can't imagine myself playing with an ugly army, that would be depressing. So aesthetics first.
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I think is part of the reason,AoS isn't the main game for most people so when money is tigth most people will prioritize their main game locally most AoS players are main 40k players who wanted to test something new also unlike marines for 40k where a lot of people have a marine army and can justify buying the box for the marine part and selling the other have, the same isn't true for stormcast.
you know you can check the website for that shop in 2 seconds and see they sold them all despite charging $265 for it, idiot.
the price of it is already starting to rise on ebay dumbshit, it will be gone by the end of the year.
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Still Selling Fast! In Canada
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Oops you also lied about USA. Still Selling Fast! In the USA.
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Still Selling Fast! In Australia.
Most of my local shop still have 5 or 6 boxes and only one shop manage to get enough people to run a tournament.

Also selling fast in Spain
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Still Selling Fast! At Wayland Games.
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Still Selling Fast! In Rest of World.
I rest my case. Skaventide is available absolutely everywhere in massive numbers. Even at retailers that discount 20-25%. Stop the cope, it’s ok that Skaventide didn’t sell out.
what an obsessed faggot, seethe bitch.
>caring about trolls
Said the guy who lied about the sales of a product that has no effect whatsoever on his life.

Not a troll just calling anon out on his pathetic lies with proof
>Skaventide is available absolutely everywhere in massive numbers
And? You used to be able to find Leviathan boxes everywhere too for months afterwards; and you can still find it in Ebay. Idk why people like you obsess over something that every single GW system goes through as if its some kind of "gotcha!" or something.
I literally ended my post with its ok that it didn’t sell out. I’m just calling anon out on pathetically lying to protect the honor of his corporatfu
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Cap. You started this by showing a picture of a bunch of boxes, implying that it didn't sell at all when that website only has 2 boxes remaining. Don't try to backtrack from the retardation by concern trolling now.
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I'm the one who posted the boxes not the other anon
Oh, then good on you for calling that shit out
You know what's the most retarded part about all this? Speculating and caring about sales numbers in the first place. Why is anyone's enjoyment of their miniature wargaming hobby affected by how much did a new edition launch box sell? Why do you care? Why is this a discussion that occupies every thread? You can't know the answer and never will. And what about the implications of that answer? Is the game dying if Skaventide sold poorly? Are the people you play with right now just gonna quit? If so, why are you here ranting about it? What's the point? Move on.
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Some fan(atic)s strongly self-identify with brands and companies.
Some are trolls.
All are retarded.
It did sell out in plenty of places though. Alchemist workshop sold through over 500 copies in a month for example. So he's technically correct.
And the other anon is still a petty little bitch for looking for places where it's in stock to spam the screenshots.
There was no reason to start that selling fast bullshit again.
We all know 40k sells better than AoS which sells better than TOW.
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Wharhammer fantasy was killed by poor sales some of those fantasy players wish the same would happend to AoS also there is a bunch of sencondary chuds who just hate the game becose some youtuber told them to do.
It's all they have.
You could have placed all of these into one image as a collage and not clogged up the thread.
It's just genuine retardation on the part of people. One 40k box sold out so quickly that basically no one managed to get ahold of it and GW had to actually do a second run of it, so now that's the MINIMUM of success for some of these near-human primates to consider "Acceptable"
You know, despite the fact there have openly been changes to how the limited release boxes work since then and the new system is actually far better for a company than the box selling out instantaneously.
Right. I forgot there's the crowd of grognards who can't get over the death of a game 10 years ago that was actually dying for years before that due to poor management and now it's somehow this other game's fault.
>I actually hate Gnawholes the most because they're so entwined in the army's rules
See, that doesn't bother me. It is very lore-appropriate and thematically fitting for Skaven to bring gnawholes to every engagment, as tearing reality new assholes as needed to get up to skullduggery and shenanigans is very much on brand for them. For me, what detracts from immersion is respective factions bringing portals, fountains, giant ass moon rocks and bone tithe nexuses to every battle. Gnawholes and wyldwoods I get, and I believe I read a story where some ghouls slapped together a charnel throne in a hurry, but I'd like to see faction terrain be an option for most factions. Maybe be able to opt out of taking them and get an extra artefact, trait, or command point. Armies of Renown is a good start, but they tend to trade on annoyance for another in the form of obligatory named centerpieces.

This, pretty much. Stormcast getting faction terrain has me convinced everyone is getting one at one point, with KO and SoB (specifically, Gatebreakers) being the most shoehorned.

Wyldwoods and gnawholes don't bother me, what bothers me about wyldwoods is how dogshit the sculpt is.

Nah, Khorne should always be on top because in every Warhammer setting he tends to be the most powerful at any given time due to the nature of how Chaos works.

GW is ridiculous (like they've gotta be high with the prices on these repackaged Kill Teams) but tabletop war gaming is not, has never been, and will never be a hobby for poors, and that's a good thing.

After the Dominion Gutrippaz and the Leviathan Termagaunts, I'm extremely distrusting of GW's FOMO boxes, and while everything in Skaventide looked OK, there was nothing in the box aside from the warpblaster got me particularly excited.

Be that as it may, the winds can change very quickly.

To be fair, marinefags are notorious pay-piggies.

There is also a small part of 40k players(mostly xeno players) who resent sigmar for "taking away resources from 40k" and would like the game to die
I am a 40k xenos player (T'au and LoV) and I like both games/settings. I think with the kind of profit margins GW has with their plastic, it's unreasonable to think that developing one game is taking resources from the other when GW has the money to do both. Retards gonna retard I guess.
I don't like Gnawholes because I sincerely consider myself too dumb to properly utilize movement shenigans
I picked Skaven to play a gunline with Stormfiends and WLCs
That is impressively retarded.
Literally the second most retarded sect of GW fans after those people that unironically thought that all the supply issues with shit over the past few years were caused by GW ramping up to do a colossal release for TOW where they re-released every faction at once, alongside revamps, instead of the supply issues being caused by, you know, sane things like demand outstripping the ability to produce and TOW being announced literally the day after it was greenlit to start work on the project.
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>The only time this general is active is when someone is trolling
This game is dead the moment VC get released in the old world fantasy chads keep winning
Wish they would just release empire already so I can leave this gen and finally get into fantasy. Why the fuck is it launching next year?
Do you lads think we will get a Dark Oath spear head box?
Because they want enough time to pass for you to not realize that they've doubled the prices of basic infantry that's nearing the legal drinking age.
They need space to advertisethe the new AoS edition(flop), hope to see your future army
>Verification not required
??? Going off the warriors of chaos. 32 warriors costs $100 or $80 if you go third party. When I was a teen a box of 16 chaos warriors was $40. Considering inflation of over a decade they are actually cheaper now than they were before. ToW is easily the most consumer friendly priced GW game when looking at points per dollar.
Lol you actually went to 6 different websites without asking yourself whether you were too invested in this shit, you have definitely spent too much time on the internet today.
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They confirmed that in NOVA that Slaves to Darkness for Warhammer day along with a Darkoath theme spearhead box
reminder that the opponent does not know how dumb you are at gnawholes and has to play around it
This. Reserve units are a threat that makes the opponent have to make different decisions even if you never utilize them.
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Id really like some suggestions on what colour to paint the blade of this Chaos Lords weapon. The base below the blade will be gold eventually and im trying to imagine something unique for his blade to match its texture. I dont really want to do the volcanic look you see often on this model because i dont think it will match the Bronze/Gold/Red colour scheme ive done for my spear head box.

Thanks in advance.
Black and red is the easy match, but that’s close to the volcanic look you don’t want. Something with a pale soul-y blue would pop, especially paired with silver or a volcanic black to make it blue fire
>Something with a pale soul-y blue would pop, especially paired with silver or a volcanic black to make it blue fire

Im having trouble visualizing what you mean. Could you maybe show me some close examples if you got time?
molten orange, or icy white are the 2 obvious choices.

after that maybe glossy obsidian black? do black, dark blue-green highlights, then gloss varnish?

just dont do a green spectral blade because you've gone red for the cloak, and red and green look horrid.
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not that anon, but he prob means like this.
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Anybody else kind of hate that they didnt update the foot clawlord? krittok KINDA fits into the "foot clawlord" but is just a named one, but idk the clanrats sculpted into his cloak and the bald head and gutplate arent my favorite for a clawlord, would have liked an updated version of pic rel.
>krittok KINDA fits into the "foot clawlord" but is just a named one
Isn't he one of those fake named characters, who have generic warscrolls?
he literally has special rules?????
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Huh. Thought he's another case of this
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i mean, that guy is the only retail version of the executioner,
Youre more so thinking of the black library characters or the commemorative series stuff that have no special rules but are generally intended to be used as stand ins (pic rel.)
The new Skaven guy is standard retail too, so shit like the Executioner is the comparison, not alt sculpts given out on events
regardless he confirmed has special rules and confirmed (by warcom) to have a regiment of renown where they mention his specific special rules too
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looks fake as shit
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>rat book has step by step kitbash instructions
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Looks like a low level SPORE creature
Or some really shitty magical staff.
Looks like the nippy nippy nip nip sticks from labyrinth
makes me think, why did they go with a non helmeted clawlord if they KNOW that people in general prefer helmeted (either open or fully closed helmets)
Same thing goes for krittok, as easily my least favorite part is his head
>if they KNOW that people in general prefer helmeted
Grog shrieks when first Stormcast released probably convinced them otherwise.
It's a kitbash guide for a path to glory character where they use a spare head from another model in the skaventide box to make it Their Dude, there's not a whole lot more thought to it
Barely anyone shares their models or games here, this general is literally just autism posting 95% of the time. It's worse than 40kg and that's really saying something
Mainly because I don't want to be identified as posting on here. Most people would assume I'm a closet nazi or some shit
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>o-oh no my fellow redittors may find out I post on a mongolian basket weaving forum
>" It's worse than 40kg"
its the start of the edition, right after all the first wave stuff is announced and right before all the new models and battletome stuff drops
>barely anyone posts models or games
bro what there literally often is
I honestly think more people have played Spearhead than actually trying 4E. It seems to be the new hotness at my local.
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Fantasy didn't get a new edition for years and you see people posting models and discusing the lore same with 40kg when a new edition releases accept that 3rd killed the game
tbf it's not a big jump to real games, spearhead is like 1k almost and there are as many enhancements
I know i did that.
God please let the narrative rulebook feature enhancent lists that are more than 3 items. PtG is boring af rn
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He cute
SCE next weekend for sure
it's honestly embarrassing to see AoS shafted in it's edition launch for anything 40k
I thought 40k is done for the year?
I don't think so. There was a long streak of nothing but AoS coverage. It doesn't feel like the game is being given the shaft just because it's been out of focus for a few weeks.
>Skaven warpfire weapons: shoot in combat
>Any dragon breath weapon: shoot in combat
>Steam Tank Steam Gun: can't shoot in combat
That’s what you get for using fantasy units anon.
Fantasy units are garbage on purpose in preparation to their phasing out.
Black Dragon is fantasy
4chan in general is grog central, anon. If anything, its ridiculously impressive that /aosg/ even exists. Or that it has continuously mogged /wfg/ for most of its existence. That shouldn't be possible.
Rat ogres: Can aim their arms downward
Dragons: Can aim their necks downward
Steam gun: Can not be aimed downward
The steam gun shoots steam. It had the equivalent of shoot in combat in WHFB and does again in TOW.
I want about half my chaos warriors to be helmetless, which heads would be best for swapping, stormcast?
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I bought this dude off darkminiatures. I'm thinking the upper armor pieces will be silver while the middle layer between the top pieces and the skin will be black. I like how the trousers' color pairs with the skin so I'm keeping that.

these look like somebody is tried to strip them but didn't leave them in the alcohol long enough. is the base still wet or did you add some kind of product to make it look wet always?
Im pretty sure i've seen more aos models get posted in the 40k general than actual 40k stuff the few times I peaked in there while I was on guard duty.
He just wants the hug he can never give
Aren't warriors already coming with helmetless options?
Never seen a red undercoat for green but I guess brown is common enough

There's 3 helmetless heads in the kit, one of which I simply don't like.

So I need more.
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The ones with flat bases just have a gloss varnish applied to the basing mud. The ones with some height have AK still water used
Stormcast probably have the most comparable heads then
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>Texture paste in be rim
>every greenskin needs to be green
Free yourself anon and enter the rainbow not the gay one
>You should smite yourself. Now.
>they're pushing a new MESBG box
We're probably not seeing stormcast preorders for another week.

Good, means I get another league game in before they potentially nerf my Longstrikes.
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Ganbatte deadbeat

I like the rust but your base looks like literal diarrhea
Sigmarines continue to suck, you can verify this by price checking each half of the box.
Definitely isn't as bad as Dominion though.
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Bunch of side game shit, but at least the Briar & Bone stuff is getting individual releases.

That warband is mostly mid, but i love the whip-hand guy
this warband was so forgettable
like sylvaneth
Because it's mostly just regular guys
This is a super cool idea and very nice paintjob, but I can't help but feel it looks way worse outside of a few specific angles.
I like the swarmlord
I dislike how they are using the Warcry Warbands to give units to armies while at the same time making them so much disjointed that they look out of place in an actual AoS game.
they completely in line with sylvs aesthetics.
Found it. Still doesn't look half bad.
They are a unit of 3 Dryads, 3 Tree Revenants and 2 Spite Revenant. They are incredibly disjointed not in the design of the specific models but in the composition of them as a unit. Most Warcry bands have that problem. The River Temple has half the guys in pajamas and without armour for the same reason.
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Will the demon armies get a refresh? The Tzeentch line looks dog and tired.
They're all spite revenants really
Doubt it
I think it's cool on a technical level. I mean we have revenant models from near a decade ago to compare to. And those models still look good, but with the new unit we get a showcase of how much better fidelity the newer kits are made in.
Nurgle demons for Underworlds is the most you'll get
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Yeah can't even be used in ToW
Maybe if they get move to ToW they would get one eventualy
For obvious reasons my group and I refer to it as age of nigmar
>old shit: the game
>updatig models
You'd sunner get the tiny greater demons back
sooner obviously
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I'm going to work, won't be back until midnight. Post some Lumineths please.
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They will update more models eventually is going to take years tougth
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I don't know what is that bu here is an elf
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Doesn't the warrior releas straigh up not have any model in it that hasn't been already sold? Not even a pitty hero like orcs got
not soon, go grab recasts/scans of the 6th ed models, convert your own from third parties like mantic's devils and nightstalkers, various 3D printed alternatives like one page rules, or get expensive proxies like creature caster's or the various oldhammer recreators
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Tzzentch got blue/brim demons last wave
I keep forgetting demons other than the greater/lesser duo exist
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>local hobby store started stocking GW
>decided to support them instead of ordering from a fast and reliable online store
>it's been a month and my model hasn't shown up, they're not really sure what the status is
>they put it down to being unfamiliar with ordering from their GW wholesaler
>model was supposed to be for my birthday
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The store isn't local if you can't just go there and take stuff off the shelves
supporting your local store is nice and all but that doesnt mean going out of your way to help a poorly run business
Because ultimately EVEN if you put up with whatever bullshit is going on there, if they dont get their act together other people wont since most people dont care and just want their plastic in the cheapest and quickest way
i ran into a similar situation in 3rd during the stocking crisis. ordered a mawkrusha at my flgs and it took nearly 4 months to arrive.

i love my flgs, they put on a great space, they have a ton of tables and im personal friends with the owner, but GW stock distribution and orders are so fucking erratic and they do nothing to give the retailers any kind of timeline on orders other than "we're working on it", that now if they dont have the item on their shelfs, i'll just order it online. i'll still pick up kits off the shelf but im not placing an order at the store anymore unless its a pre-order for something they 100% are getting in that i can guarantee arrival date and stock, like an edition launch box.

so yeah, my sympathies, been there. its not a great place to be. you want to support the local business but the warehouse makes it painful.
>poorly run

that might not be the case. GW distribution is famous for jerking around its retailers. could be a legitimate case of GW just being a pain in the ass
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aw yeah nah yeah nah yeah nah
ei viddu mage :DDDDD onx toi aossi spurdo??? :D vidun lehmä :DD
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Posted them some days ago, but since you asked nicely.
I want to keep working on my army, but I've got some vidya I want to play, too.
Don't feel obligated to support your local store. Because for as much as people put them on a pedestal, they aren't immune from criticism. Just because they're local doesn't make them good. I've got 3 nearby that all at one point stocked GW in some capacity but refused to try and grow a community beyond scribbling in "Warhammer" on one of the days of the week of their calendar. Two of them did barely enough to even have a playspace or terrain and one even cut all GW product after not being given any Leviathan copies. If you don't play MTG it feels like you're a second class customer in terms of service at those 3. Hell, my group donated a table to one of those under the premise of helping start a community and the next time we showed up to play the table was piled high with old accessories and cables from random consoles. One had a discount and slowly chipped away at it, now all 3 are MSRP, and now that I think of it, none within my area have a discount that I know of. It's why I don't use the "F" in "FLGS" because my experience with them has been largely not friendly and they don't get that distinction or preferential treatment to my business just because they're a "mom and pop" store.
NTA but my city has 2 big FLGS that don’t sell magic at all and cater towards table games. One has nights for 40k, AoS and old world. The other has nights for 40k, old world, bolt action and dnd. I pity the people who only have stores which sell magic + other things.
these look really nice anon, very clean and neat
That sounds wonderful. One of those 3 I have is mainly MtG, Pokemon, and fucking Heroclix of all things.
I don’t even know what a heroclix is
it's when a woman finds a spot that feels good when she pegs you
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>I sincerely consider myself too dumb to properly utilize movement shenigans
Well you know how you get to Carnegie Hall, don'tcha? Anyway, as other anons have mentioned your opponents have no way of knowing your mind is stuck on HAHAHA RATS GO BRRRRRR; they're gonna assume you're all about 300 IQ plays and "just according to keikaku" bullshit; they're playing chess while you're playing checkers, use that, let them outsmart themselves.
Assembled the new weapons teams today. Honestly very happy with the kit. Managed to stretch it and make 5 dudes so I got 2 squads out of the box with bits left over.
How'd you stretch it out, just using one rat per base?
My lgs carries age of sigmar products, uses aos promotional material in store and online, has a demo aos army for every edition, but refuses to allow aos games in store whereas 40k gets a whole game night a week, pokemon gets fucking two game nights a week, lorcana gets one game night a week, magic gets 2 nights a week and Bandai tcgs get one night a week as well. Just because your lgs carries product doesn't make it necessarily worth giving them your money
He looks cool but sucks. Same as bow.
Other 3 are all alright. Wish I had read the rules before building mine lol
>still no preorder for SCE
I dont even play them but this slow release schedule makes me worried we only get like 4 battletomes next year
i feel like these could have been 2 different units.
God those mortek look goofy...

I get that the OG Mortek Guard look way too small compared to anything, but if you are going to make them Thunderthighs at least give them sole leg armor so they dont look nude
>dog pack like gryph hounds
>harpies like SBGL bats
>Liege Kavalos from Ghur
>2 random Mortek-likes
I wouldn't worry about the number of tomes per year. GW will shit out 2 books with 1 pity hero each every quarter with like 2 real releases in between
ugliest army in the game
Why do the dogs have horns in some promotional images and don't in others? Do they have head options?
>Do they have head options?
Yes. It's not uncomon for Warcry to have some minor customization, even if the band is your whole army
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They used to have two+ builds each aside from beastly companions but that's rare now.
shows that they clearly do have build options
Yeah they won 3-0
I played Tzeentch and there was literally nothing I could do as the 20 archers just peppered LoC
rn its on the exact same schedule as 40k's launch, frankly i expect aos to have a better schedule than 40k after the launch stuff is out
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Behold, Aelven beauty
Lol yeah couple of my mates play lrl and they're just playing a different game to the rest of us. My sylvaneth are utterly fucked right now, it's like the index writer actively hates them the rules are so bad; let's build an army around standing very close to specific spots but make it near impossible to actually achieve that. Not got any trees down? Well fuck you and yours, you don't have any spells, battle traits or mobility. Managed to get some trees down? Well fuck you the ranges are so tight they can be rendered useless by a single model standing near them.
the trees are a bonus you aren't supposed to have them by every unit 24/7. Why is this so hard for people to understand.
hmmmm....I think I will pick up ogres. I need an excuse to paint those gorgers.
The army is not built with the trees being a bonus anon.
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Spooks (2000 points) - General's Handbook 2024-25

Death Stalkers
Drops: 3

Manifestation Lore - Morbid Conjuration
Spell Lore - Lore of the Underworlds

General's Regiment
Reikenor the Grimhailer (210)
• General
Bladegheist Revenants (300)
• Reinforced
Bladegheist Revenants (300)
• Reinforced
Dreadscythe Harridans (300)
• Reinforced
• 1x Champion

Regiment 1
Lord Executioner (150)
• Lightshard of the Harvest Moon
• Cloaked in Shadow
Chainghasts (100)

Regiment 2
Awlrach the Drowner (160)
Dreadblade Harrows (160)
Dreadblade Harrows (160)
Hexwraiths (160)
• 1x Champion

This is is my supposed list for a small local tournement. Am I being an idiot for not bringing Olynder, spamming Hexwraiths or not even picking Ruler of the Spectral Host as my hero trait?
im almost certain that im just gonna ban terrain and endless spells from my games (im mostly just playing with friends, and im the one doing most of the organizing)
Endless spells would be fine except i dont want to see them in EVERY game and make them mandatory, though ive never HATED the idea of models for spells, just that i dont like them as replacements for having other options for spells (including smaller buffing stuff that doesnt work as a model as itself)
As for faction terrain? never been a fan and ESPECIALLY hated how it was implemented for sylvaneth (them being so built around their terrain) and now EVERYONE gets faction terrain for free it just makes stuff like gnawholes mandatory when they were a thematic neat option before (though way too big and would have still been better as spells)
Putting down random things that give buffs and block LoS and nothing else and generally dont make sense to be appearing game after game after game just kinda sours shit for me
Ive also considered homebrewing alternate activations but thats its own beast
Is 4chan done being dumb
>the trees are a bonus
They're the backbone of the army. They're as much a bonus feature to sylvaneth as wheels are a bonus feature on a bike.
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we got a lizard hero to convert
Looks cool
Wait hold up that dude has to kill a baby dinosaur to get that skull on his head what the fuck.
Surprisingly good, BB lizards tend to look retarded
>using your battle traits is a bonus
>using your spells is a bonus
>using your god unit's key ability is a bonus
Oh silly me, what was I thinking. Imagine wanting to be able to use my army rules, fuck me I guess
Yeh it was down for meintenance for a bit
having to buy 2 boxes of those damn trees is retarded but you cant just remove what makes sylvaneth just like that

you just expect your units to stand around doing nothing?
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fluff about temple guard skull helmets went both ways depending on time
>They're the skulls of revered creatures of the jungle that happen to be conveniently small enough
>They're the actual skulls of a previous generation of temple guards inherited by the new generation
Where are all the retards claiming Underworlds is dead?
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>new logo for Warhammer underworlds
>no warcry

>new skaven confirmed despite the reveal saying this was going to be it for them for the next 12 months
btw, whitefang's "mini doomwheel" must be part of this underworlds warband then, skryre wins again
That's a new logo for Underworlds. Are they launching a new box set already? And with a fourth Skaven warband?
I recall back when that Rumour Engine was first posted that people were mocking and jeering me for thinking that it had to be a Skaven model...
>no skaven don't use bombs like that (wrong)
>looks too shitty to be skaven (wrong)
>other factions have those spheres too (wrong)
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Please sirs, reveal the new underworlds chaos dwarfs too.
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Tzeentch got fucking Mike Wazowski-ed
>people were mocking me
probably for other reasons, or you butted horns with another sperg.
I think it was just extreme pessimism because it was long before the skaven update was confirmed
Wasn't this a Necroblunder model?
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I still cannot accept the horned rat as a proper chaos god until we get lesser demons, human cultists and blessed warriors and chosen.
That's the rumour engine
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not sure about it but I doubt it
Human cultists are kind of a thing in lore. They just get shanked by Skaven whenever they open a way to GHR's realm.
You could argue skaven themsleves are lesser demons, with Verminlords being very obviously greater ones.
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we don't have a proper look at the back but the artwork, which is usually quite accurate for the model, shows a different backspine
NH are so obsenely broken you can basically bring almost anything and roll over the other guy with ease. Harrows make Tactics an autoscore.
Olynder and Hexwraiths just make it even easier.
From what I've seen the only time Blood Bowl gets REs, they're specially marked
>You could argue skaven themsleves are lesser demons
No? Skaven are flesh-and-blood mortal creatures. If anything, the lesser daemons are the things that Pestilens plagues summon, like the rat-faced ticks and fleas.
I understand he’s at the rank he is, and I accept it. But what throws it for me is GHR not having a proper name and the stuff you list. I mean, Verminlords do count as his greater demon, but that’s about it.
LRL and NH are on a totally different level.
The Facets are obscene.
Armywide -1 hit? Make 14" move shooters move again after shooting? No need to roll dice btw. They just get it.

Meanwhile Kruleboyz need to succeed on a diceroll for each unit or they dont get an army trait at all.

Oh yeah and the fox makes the ignore ward shooters advance and shoot, retreat and shoot. Great game design, guys. Their terrain also has a 3+ save and a shitload of health for some reason.
So, are better roadmaps incoming?
Horn rat had human cultist since the 80s but there only ever showed up in RPGs
I suppose we might get a roadmap for Underworlds. Wouldn't bet on it, though. But we might get some idea of the sequence and scope of future releases.
the names of the gods are quite straightforward

just gotta find the dark tongue/old tongue word for desperation or panic and add the -neth suffix
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New UW season likely means a new location.
We had
>spooky space station
>hungry hungry hill
>damp dungeon
>fucked up forest
>chilly cave
What's next /tg/?
gnarlwood again
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Is whoever made this in the bread?
>New UW season likely means a new location.
I'm a little confused. Is the release format now just to drop a big box with two warbands in it twice a year? There have been no mid-season release of dudes or decks for Wintermaw as of yet, which is a first.
Ws the Beauty and the Beast warband not post Wintermaw?
What's stopping a vampire count from working or being enthralled by the flesh eater courts
well, you posted it, so I guess so

but you need to make a variant image showcasing the delusions people are under
what are they even going to show off for AoS? new models for Slaves to Darkness would be my guess since outside of SCE there the only army i think coming this year
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Carion Curse is a mutation of Ushoran's Soulblight Curse, so maybe being infected with Soulblight protects you from Carion, just like cow pox protected from smallpox?
Less vague roadmap. Probably a cover of the StD tome
I know that text you’re referencing, but can’t recall if it has those specific words.
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B...beasts "coughs blood" of...c-chaos....when...?
A little odd. It's in the transcript but isn't spoken. Might be something, might be nothing.
Embergard is that Aqshy ghost town Skaven stole from the lich bitch, right?
I guess we're going there in UW
Those were released for Deathgorge a while before the season turned to Wintermaw.
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I don't think GW will ever publish another Roadmap after the near universal dislike of the Nova reveals
Which one was Nova?
the most recent reveals show which was 10% models and 90% vague roadmaps
The concept of a roadmap.
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>being enthralled by
vampirism works by severing your soul from the immortal realm and encasing it fully within your material body, this has a number of effects:
-since your soul is now very well preserved into a container in the mortal realm that's relatively sterile and isolated from the entropy of the immortal realm, it can stay as it is indefinitely
-your soul does not sustain itself with the background vibrancy of the immaterial realm it's normally immersed into and must instead actively feed on the life force of other beings
-your soul is very much out of the grasp of demons and similar entities which reside in the immortal realm, if they want you they need to get down to your level and convince you
-since, again, your soul is isolated within yourself with little to no outside influence with the warp's vibrancy, which would normally contribute to your character, ideas, spirit, will and drive and emotions, your soul becomes utterly self referential and can easily spiral into a degeneration that exacerbates any flaw previously present, this usually manifest more evidently in those vampires that turn into the inner beast, but pretty much all others have a feature or another that warps them, usually it's a measure of egocentrism which becomes egomaniacal

so the simpler answer is that normal vampires are well isolated from the madness of the flesh eaters and the normal ghoul kings can become subjected to it only because they share a bloodline with their primogenitor, ushoran

we could make a guess that IF someone wanted to have another vampire fall to the madness of ushoran they would need to become related to him, and although there's no precedent for a vampire of a different bloodline to somehow receive "a second blood kiss" I wouldn't completely rule out a ritual of some kind that effectively achieves that one way or another, be it wilful exchange of blood or dirty waterboarding with kingsblood.
They've released several well received roadmaps in the past, those just happened to be the shittiest, vaguest, worst-formatted, most confusing excuse for a roadmap I've ever seen in my entire life.
>This year’s Commemorative Miniature is the Chaos Sorcerer Tzarketh, Bane of Law, and we’ll be revealing their glorious model in the coming days. You’ll be able to pre-order this miniature on the 5th of October, while stocks last – don’t delay, pledge your immortal soul to the pantheon today!
this seems like it slipped past people's attention

but I too thought they were talking about pic related at first glance
would be neat, either for warcry or underworlds
maybe both, it's got a bit of everything
>bane of Law
has GW reference the Gods of Law in AoS before?
I presume it to be a Thousand Sons model
Had the same thought.
No way they'd do Chaos Sorcerer twice in a row for AoS
wouldn't GW say it's a thousand sons sorcerer then?
I love this model. I wonder if it's been scanned well/recasted
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noob here, I want to have a nice waifu centerpiece model plus elite units
what army should I collect?
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The name is somewhat tzeentchian, made me remember about pic related.

Maybe it's a disciple of tzeentch sorcerer.
lady olynder but im biased because I think a corpse gf would be neat.
>Centerpiece + elite
Alarielle and big trees would work
Nagash also wears a really cute crop top
ok thanks, and what about horde army then?
Nighthaunt are busted atm, wouldnt wanna play with you.
Dont play Sylvaneth as a new player, unless you realy love them, 4e terrain hasnt been kind to them and they need you to know exactly what you are doing to have a chance.
Daughters usually hordy, snake heavy lists are possible tho.
Take a look at Gravelords, the big vampire bitch is for monster fuckers, but a vampire cav heavy army with Neferata at the helm works.
you can't spam euphoric and you can't spam trees, simple as.
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>big vampire bitch
this one?
Ye, surprisingly at the upper end of fuckable models, compared to the quota females they sneak in everywhere else.
Daughters are the designated coomer army, sounds like a good pick.
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sounds nice, these look fantastic too
deathrattle skeletons having a base of a 10 men squad is odd.
Nighthaunt’s the only one that has a recent sculpt for its basic infantry.
Anyone have a source for Doom Flayer STLs?
I just had a draw against a NH players as squig heavy GSG. And the only reason for that is Skragrott said no. I pulled off his fangs of bad moon like 6 times, countercasted it too. Everytime shitting out 8 or so mortals.
There was only one bedsheet left.
Mate got kinda mad.
They've been MSU 10 since 2015
> I only won because I rolled hot for the best magic missile spell in the game 8 to 10 times
Oh good. The balanced and rewarding gameplay experience we have come to expect from the greatest fantasy wargame on the market!
>Dice games are subjected to random chance
blud does NOT understand how this game works ong
Can you read, it was a draw, go back to 40k where you cast gun.
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I'm concerned I'm running out of heroes and spells to paint anons, I might have to actually start working on battleline....
what does that matter, zombies used to be msu 10.
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So I've wound up with what equates to like 2 soul wars boxes thanks to a friend dumping them on me. Are any of these fucking units even good? I like ghosts and all but Chainrasps look like they suck, Glaivewraiths look like they suck, I don't think I hace enough dudes for the scythe dudes, what the fuck was GW smoking for this shit? I also think the hero jailer guy is missing 2 dudes.
Played another spearhead today with my friend (skaven v. seraphon) and I ended up winning as the Skaven I think purely because my rat ogors got off 9 shots and landed 7 or 8 in the first battle round against his kroxigors. I also learned how to properly utilize the battle trait. Deploying my clanrats on his empty home objective felt pretty good.
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you could scratchbuild terrain, milord
Tempting but I snagged some cheapo terrain too. I wanna save that for when I can ask my dad for tips since he does a bunch of model railroad stuff.
They keep nerfing chainrasp, they aren't really worth it anymore. Best thing in that box now is the executioner.
>Best thing in that box now is the executioner.
Not the only generic wizard in the army exclusive to that box and an overpriced online only bundle?
Seems a bit scuffed to nerf the battleline
When do they announce the christmas battleforce boxes and what factions are (You) expecting?
SCE, Skaven, Ironjawz, NH.
CoS, FEC, Ironjawz
no he isn't, he used to be before 4th.
Is every unit from this box just crap now?!
All snek
>When do they announce the christmas battleforce boxes

Late October/Start November
The executioner is in every list and the guardian of souls and knight of shrouds see occasional play.
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What about objective markers? as a treat and warmup
Wait, Executioner is good now? But /tg/ told me combat heroes or foot are worthless
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didn't want to spam but I'm having fun on the steps to this gif
Try to think about the reason for why combat heroes on foot are worthless and try to see how many of those apply to the Executioner
It's a ghould bit, got me in stitches.
was hoping it would be for new night runners, but I guess a suicide rat is ok too.
Can't be any worse than the hackjob the tome got where they just copypasta'd the index and expect you to fork over $60 for it.
They already did an eshin team for UW. Nightrunner replacement is more likely to be through Warcry.
I was already thinking that the new UQ focus would be somewhere in Aqshy (mirroring big AoS, since they like to have the same focus realms when they can) but this all but confirms that Embergard is where UW or Warcry will take place (hoping warcry, because i want some more mordheimy AoS terrain)
Also while its not stated as part of the 5 that are listed, Warcry MIGHT have some sort of information there too, but i wouldnt EXPECT it
Though its weird we still havent heard anything new about warcry in forever
But we didn't get the two teams from the last season :(
Free cities shipping docks
"chaos sorcerer" is specifically AoS/ TOW
It would be "chaos space marine sorcerer in terminator armor" or the sort if it was 40k
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After a bit of 4th as stormcast, a few observations:

>Palladors kick a lot of ass now. Genuinely competitive with dracoths if not better for the points.
>Reclusians only make sense in a Ruination list, otherwise Questor Soulsworn do literally everything they do better and cost less $ IRL.
>Reinforced Prosecutors are genuinely useful and a great target for bringing back at half strength for 1 CP.
>Lord Relictor and Knight Arcanum are my two go-to heroes, Bastian is very legit and great for moving vanquishers + reclusians up the field. Funny corner case for putting your prosecutors on the table turn 1 if you know you're going first, because with him they're going 24" and then charging 3d6 which is going to do better than deepstriking 9" away.
It's weird to say but stormcast feel like ironjawz did, they're tough and have some speedy options while hitting hard in a very unsubtle manner.
StD except they have more trickery instead of just depending on statlines.
>Reclusians only make sense in a Ruination list, otherwise Questor Soulsworn do literally everything they do better and cost less $ IRL.
Reclusians turn on the bonus for your other units in Thunderhead Host while Questors don't, no?
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