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Chamonic wunderwaffe edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
How are you liking your dudes' faction pack while waiting for battletomes?
Don't know, i only played Spearhead this summer
Death Stalkers is too good not to pick, Hexwraiths should lose 1 wound. Other than that it seems pretty good.
They finally combined Starborne and Coalesced thank god. The asterism choice makes us very versatile in every game we play. We are a mostly melee army with some spell casting (can get a bunch of bonuses to casting but our spells arent that strong) and our shooting units are fucked beyond recognition.
Half a page for battle traits but whatever, the real problem is high fucking points.


Fun to play, especially sacrosanct heavy.

Amazing, multiple ways to play, all valid, all strong without being too strong. I'd be ok with them getting a late battletome desu.

Trash unless trolls, which sucks

They simply don't work at 1k, which is what I own, so that is annoying.

Look how they massacred my boy! I hate how they play now.
I’m 1-12 in 4e on these guys. Having a real rough go so far
Trolls good, big spiders ok. Is fun
as a khorne player i am sad that basically all flavor was lost because GW cant make a fun khorne ruleset. from worthless to broken to worthless again.
Very tricky, melt in fair combat
Versatile on paper, gimped by battle formations. I'd rather prefer the old clan system with some polish
It took a little while for me to remember the name of the thingy on the left. That's probably a good sign, that it's fading into some murky memoryhole.
Krondyspine. Krondys+Spine. Because it's dragon bones
>khrondspine fading into obscurity
Was it overshadowed by purple sun gang ?
they really fucked up by releasing only one big incarnate instead of making a box of multiple smaller incarnates

that was the key to the endless spells success, that you had something for everyone right from the get go
its just as annoying now as ever.
No way we're getting chorfs before Emberneth right? They'll keep that shit to TOW/Redditbowl hopefully and give us what we really want
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Any warcry leaks? Nothing official on the horizon
Hobgrot looking RE
>Any warcry leaks?
Oh shit, you said Warcy not Warclan
Does gw still sell terrain? I´m in need of the some good old dwarven landmarks
Old school Warhammer player here. Mostly play pre 8th edition 40k and Old World. Is there a tabletop sim discord for AoS? I want to try the game and see how it plays before committing to buying models. Any other way to do it. I am wary because I tried 9th and 10th edition 40k on TTS and that saved me a lot of money realizing I really don’t like new 40k, so I try to play new games a few times now before committing.
The only discord I know for AoS is run by a Twitch streamer and talking about it would basically be an ad. Sorry bro.
Smart policy though. It's much better to try before you buy
It comes and goes. Recently for AoS they spamed shittone of muscls trees and lizardmen ruins.
Maybe there is some other stuff on the webstore
STLs exist that, even if you don't have a printer and had to pay someone to print and ship it to you, are going to be much cheaper and often much better looking than GW's offerings
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the only dwarfen piece of terrain is this forge thing
The Skaven battletome — in particular the revelation that nothing of substance was changed or added — has almost totally obliterated my interest in AoS at the moment. I can now only hope that Chuardin are coming next year.
Anon dwarfs are in old world now…I don’t know how to tell you this, but this all but certainly means a soon to be soft squat into a hard squat a la Beastmen.
He's talkign about Skaven and Chorfs retard
They are absolutely boring and dull and managed to suck away all exitement I had to try 4th with my Soulblight (my tzeentch was a bit better but even then, eeh).
This index is atrocious and feels incomplete. I hate everything about building and playing my main army now.
Surprisingly a lot of fun and I am really enjoying puzzling out how best to play them. Dirty Tricks are an extremely satisfying array of options and I love the risk and reward of the army.
It plays basically the same. My problems with the army are more about the general way the regiment system fucks your ability to fit in any utility pieces rather than any problem with the index itself, because the army has too many damn heroes and not enough units and none of the good ones can be taken as a second hero in a regiment.
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Pestilens are literally headquartered inside a giant mound of poop.
Yeah, no fun stuff in tomes is a massive blow for the edition
TQ: Cities feels okay. Might need a bit more help, but that’s me trying to avoid named characters because I strongly dislike Tahlia’s model
Utterly fucked
Utterly fucked
My particular list, utterly fucked

Roll on the battlescroll
the bitching about the indexes is incredibly overblown.
Othar the Half-King leak
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Nta but some form of resurgent chaos dwarves would be cool to see given how much the age of chaos fucked both dwarf factions over and I kinda hope that hashuts little shits are still there somewhere in one of the realms
GW finally paywalled the app. Fuckers
As I said from the beginning, inevitable. AoS is now just as heavily paywalled as 40K is.

Btw, in the 40K app, they even delete the index rules after the battletome comes out so you app just becomes completely useless for anything if you don't have a battletome/codex unlock code.
>I kinda hope that hashuts little shits are still there somewhere in one of the realms
We know that they're active in Aqshy as of the 4th edition core book
Neat. Need to grab it sometime. I´m the type of guy to buy models first, books later
Based GW creating more paypigs.
Get used to pencil and paper.
Grab all of the clearance GW books you can from the previous/your favorite edition.
Balance the edition with your local group as you see fit.
Type your homebrew balance up and post them online from a computer at the local library/community collage in PDF format.
3D print as many models as you want.
Horde .stl files like it's going out of style.
Send GW a landscape picture of your asshole, taint, dick, and balls, with the return address leading back to an abandoned building and/or chain pizza restaurant two cities over.
Actually enjoy the shit you bought without GWs input.
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Also at the bottom of the page describing the chaos pantheon is this
bless you
Is there a pdf to new skaven tome? Not gonna pay these greedy fuckers a dime for their overpriced books
The book isn't officially out yet. Don't expect scans for at least another couple of weeks.
I will use paper and pencil before paying for Warhammer+.
>even warscrolls aren't free now
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Anon we've bee hearing about them in AoS for years.
Legion of azgorth was a playable faction for half the game's existnace unitl GW decided to purge Forge World garbadge
He looks so tiny, but whos the big guy??
So Sigmar basically cribbed all of Nagash's ideas, why doesnt he pop down an Avatar every noe and again like Nagash does? Is he worried he'll lose him hammer again?
Been following this on and off for years. Never saw or heard them mentioned until now.
After his defeat by Archaon he had a paradigm shift. He figures he can do more good leading the good guys from Azyr than he could as a warrior zipping around the realms to smash evil with a hammer.
But Archaon's a bitch!

If the W+ subscription included all rules as well as convenience things like the listbuilder then I would be happy to pay for it.
There is however no way I'm paying for battletomes for all 15 of my armies on top of W+, may as well spend that money on an entire new army!
Tying rules access to WH+ is such an easy slam dunk for profit, which is why GW won't do it. They've got to have some corporate Japanese level of bureaucracy bullshit going on backstage to so consistently fumble the easy bag and make shit more complicated than it needs to be.
First proper narative mention i recall was 2e Behetam tome talking about the Chorf aircraft carier in Shyish that eats souls of sailors to stay powered.
It was later mentioned, in i think the OBR tome, as something Ossiarchs consider dangerous and plan to attack and destroy
Hashut had a warcry band that had rules until the great purge of warcry bands from AoS in between 3 and 4e.
Interestingly, they were the most recently released warband to get the axe, and I think the only one that was released after the initial "Chaos Vs Chaos" era of warcry.
A good number of people believe this is cause they're going to get a rewrite when chorfs come out and they didn't want them to temporarily be in one army.
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They remain available for purchase and are still legal for play in Warcry. Anyone who wants to get their hands on them has the opportunity to do so.
Hence why I specified that they were purged from AoS and not purged in general.
But yeah, they're still legal in warcry, and there's a good chance they'll be re-introduced to AoS if/when chorfs get their release
AI teaches people dinosaurs were Ossiarch constructs
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Played with a reinforced unit of prosecutors last night, low-key vital to success.

They tied up a warp lightning cannon, killed it, died, then came back and immediately did the same thing to his greyseer.

They took a lot of heat that let everyone else make it up field mostly intact.

Also palladors are no fucking joke. 14" move, good on the charge, shockingly tanky for their price and status as cavalry. Great choice for a turn 1 Finest Hour.
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Plaguepack more like Bestpack
time to migrate back to wahapedia I guess.
I have high hopes for the future Moulder warband (TBA).
The issue is their print department. Whether that includes BL or not.
Someone who has been there forever is basically holding it all hostage. And they can point to the profit their section generates, and they aren't wrong- their shitty print products DO make a profit. It's just it's money that we could be spending on more plastic. However... GW isn't able to meet demand now, so 'more plastic that could be bought' isn't money that they can currently grab.
I predict within 2 years of the next factory going online, they start dialing back the print products and bullshit codes.
>Master Moulder: I'm putting together a team.
Nah underworlds is dead, ripperino in pepperinos. GW realized they can sell all the hero models seperate for 30 dollars each.
IIRC one of the factories they're currently working on is their own print shop. Which means that we'll probably see MORE printed stuff in that timeframe.
Though it'll probably take the form of boxed games
You're an imbecile.
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But the chart says...
From NOVA they're on record saying there's more shit coming for Underworlds, though it's anyone's guess what that shit will be or when that shit will be released.
Dude, that's the Kaczynski manifesto.
Oh I was just shitposting but that's good, they still have yet to release the 2 warbands postWintermaw but I imagime they're justifying that with the rivals box.
I'm sure they've at least run the numbers on the consideration of cutting print materials and I don't disagree with your assessment. I'm just wondering if they've ran the hypothetical between keeping the same system or walling rules behind WH+. Which, I mean, would be less $ per person, but I feel a hell of a lot more people would be willing to fork over money for a rules subscription with access to all rules vs per book. New tomes are $60 USD and a year of WH+ is the same cost, but a lot less people buy each book and they can several sit on shelves across the world collecting dust without being purchased. This isn't even considering manufacturing and shipping costs which would affect the math and close any gap. Not asking you directly, just being rhetorical, but did they really come to the conclusion that the current method is still better than a cheaper, broader, and all-digital approach for rules? Or is it as you say, someone sabotaging progress?
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They'll never take it from me....
You fool anon.
I have top men tracking your location from this post alone.
Know this, you fucked up. You fucked up BAD. And now there is nothing you can do but wait helplessly as the wolves circle, slowly closing in. One way or another, We WILL take that bag from you. And there's nothing you can do to stop Us
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How did 30 year old sculpts sell out but Skaven didn’t? Is the problem the Skaven refresh was done in a more serious sense and lacking any Skaven classic cartoonish villainy/insanity?
Personally I would have preferred Skaven to be more like a lot of their old sculpts, closer to the vibe of Gobapaloozo/Gloomspite than “ we are rat men take up seriously “.
who asked?
Isn't this literally just two of the old StD SCs put together, but with the sorcerer removed?
>ANOTHER foot hero for nighthaunt
>in the anti-foot hero edition
>he's named character slop too
Yup it's over
B-but I like that bag...
Seems more soulblight if anything, which tbf is another faction that doesnt need more foot heroes. But uh, ya know.
It actually has more warriors. The old StE start collecting had
12 Warriors
5 Knights
1 Chariot
1 Sorcerer

This has
32 Warriors
10 Knights
2 Chariots

If you don't mind the older sculpts it's a fantastic deal
Is there a faction that actually needs more foot heroes?
No one does, unless the foot hero was really cool. Like if it's reaaaallllly cool it gets a pass.
So you trade the 2 sorcs for an extra octet of warriors.
But that also answers why it's sold out. You can use all those models in AoS and I think all of them are good.
While I know the incoming squatting will rob me of my scourge and dispossessed, I'm happy to finally be able to have my assassin order my steelhelms(freeguild guard) and dreadspears(eternal guard) around. Who knows maybe if they add in new replacements cones 2025 I might even keep playing.
Well for me it's the fact that the new skaven stuff is too goddamned expensive.
That would hold up but you can’t use the Bretonnians or Tomb Kings in AoS and they sold out. Every box sold out except for the orc one.
Brets and TK had years worth of hype behind them. And I think that the dwarves had a good amount of overlap with CoS, but I'm not sure. I also legit forgot that one came out.

Underestimate WHFB paypigs at your own peril
$73.50CAD/$60USD for THREE(3) metal figures old enough to drink makes me want to vomit.
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Age doesn’t really matter. Some of the old sculpts rival and potentially surpass new sculpts depending on your taste. Also I’ll take metal over resin any day of the week. Plastic is superior, metal is second, garbage is third, then resin.

The King Brodd box that also builds one of 4 Mega Gargants is $25 less than this ugly fucking thing.
5. You forgot to include brodd himself.

Wording fuck up on my part, but yeah.

I don't get why some TOW shit is fucking expensive, then you can buy 20 Ironbreakers at $4 a mini.
>Age doesn’t really matter.
seems like he was complaining about the price retard.
Simple. All the expensive shit wasn't on sale for a bit or is new. Ironbreakers have been sold consecutively since their release, and thus they haven't had a chance to jack the prices.
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erm this is sovl tho
>2 available
whats the problem?
He was but he was implying it was extra bad because of how old the sculpts are. I was saying their age doesn’t matter, only their quality, which is quite high for those
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Tomb King released over 8 months ago anon
How many clanrats is enough and how do I split them up? one 40 unit clanrat block and one 20, or 3 units of 20, or two units of 40 etc
A block of 40 is nice to suicide and then recoup as a full 20, but 300 points is kinda steep
A box that's 80% clanrats isn't particularly enticing, whatever the price. Particularly when they are a sidegrade of the older kit while also being (somehow) even more monopose.
So the average furry convention, got it.
Goddamnit, I just realized I must've missed when they put the Underworlds Slaanesh Daemons up for sale separately
How’s this for a skryre themed list? Hard to fit precisely 2000 pts in 2 drops.

Skryre Test 1950/2000 pts

General’s Regiment
Arch-Warlock (170)
• General
• Foulhide
• Scurry Away
Clanrats (300)
• Reinforced
Ratling Gun (300)
• Reinforced
Ratling Warpblaster (180)
Regiment 1
Warlock Engineer (140)
Clanrats (300)
• Reinforced
Doom-Flayers (260)
• Reinforced
Warplock Jezzails (300)
• Reinforced
its age matters for what they charge for it which you know is how the criticism was being used, you just felt like white knighting your boomer shit's honor.
they look 20x more varied than you could ever hope to make a unit of the old ones, if you were actually a skaven player you'd know that.
Ah yes, Fabrege Eggs should be priced at less than Gucci bags because they are so much older.
Not really, monopose kills the variety big time. Especially considering hordes. Having a lot of shit on each monopose doesn’t mean you have variety. Also the new Skaven sculpts are completely soulless. There’s a reason 30 year old boomer chaos warriors sell out and new Skaven doesn’t. It’s really mediocre at best and disappointing for what AoS can be.
>Also the new Skaven sculpts are completely soulless. There’s a reason 30 year old boomer chaos
fucking yawn.
I wish Warhammer was proper mass battle instead of pseudo rpg. That should just be one division of four minimum.
Are you describing peoples reaction to Skaven? I would agree. They committed the biggest sin in AoS sculpts, they’re boring.
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That already exists and it’s called Warmaster
The dark elves in CoS kind of have to exist because they share a kit with the DoK and all the other microfactions share kits with each other in a daisy chain.

Dispossessed easily could’ve vanished with the last squatting but instead got a bunch of fluff focus (and now are left as the last non-named character priests in the army, so they can’t go without getting replacements there) they’re definitely getting refreshed rather than squatted. CoS is still too built around the idea of Humans+ to lose everything non-human, the ogor warhulk exists to play into that
Not even all 5 of the original models lol
Gw really knows how to troll the paypigs.
They didnt did they...?
I don’t think they did, they haven’t for the last couple starter sets for some reason. I imagine it’s probably something fucking weird like factory capacity making UW kits limited runs, and the amount of them in starter boxes making it not worth printing them again.

You can grab them second hand or from most aos recasters though
They’re very old sculpts that look worse than modern ones and that already had their high up front cost for design and molds paid for by their previous sale. At the best of times Warhammer models are priced for exorbitant profits compared to cost of manufacturing even taking the initial costs into account, these are priced high specifically to rake in even more. It’s why kits that never went out of circulation, like the dwarfs that survived to be disposessed, are insanely cheap even in comparison to kits that were squatted going into 2e or 3e AoS and have only had price hikes in line with the rest of the stock that’s been out during that time.

I'm not saying they need to remove the Rune Priest or anything, but the fact CoS STILL doesn't have a Warrior Priest is fucking insane given how iconic they are to The Empire of Man.

The same could be said about Greatswords - especially with them being on the cover of a CoS Battletome and a fucking CoS omnibus.
dwarfs were never cheap even before old world. Your talking about $50 a box for 100 points.
Still cheaper per model than most equivalent aos kits, especially any in the last half decade
I think both are pretty likely to be part of whatever the wave 2 is, Zenestra clearly heralds some new stuff on the religious side of CoS since they bothered to keep the old ass Flagellants/tie them pretty deeply into her, while the Arch-Knight in the command corps feels weird to exist when there’s no other knights besides the vastly different looking/fluffed cavaliers. They’re also just obvious glaring holes in the army that could easily fit into the current design philosophy for the faction, same with a dispossessed update that pushed them more into being rooted in the Ironweld stuff.

A Warrior priest kit with bits to make them represent shit like Morrda raven priests, alarielle greenseers, wheel/sigmar freaks would be sick. Same with knights that leaned into the totemic thing the arch-knight has going on, give them greatsword/greathammer/sword’n’board options and they’re set.

In practice we might just get the brethren of the bolt as their UW warband that becomes a generic kit, and they call it a day giving a non-hero priest unit that works with flagellants.
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I play Slaves to Darkness, so I'm having a great time.
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So my friend finally popped over, finished my archregent wielding the legendary Ghoul-Maraz.
Here's an idea, get rid of warlocks. Replace them with scathborn.
Boom, done, now you can release dark elves in Fantasy without fear that people will use the wrong figures.
why is the AoS general using a 40k image?
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Manticore is finished, now on to the throne.
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Here's a shot of the tail.
holy shit that chains floating!

Also the paint job is stellar too.
Very nice anon
So, which faction does Malekith belong to? The dark elf half of cities of sigmar?
He's got his own portion of elven souls that he shaped into his personal faction like Tyrion/Teclis and Morathi did with LRL and DoK. There's just no info on them because GW hasn't written much of anything about them. It's my tinfoil hat theory that they haven't committed to anything specific because they've sent his faction back to the drawing board at least three times now.
I just noticed that clanrats dropped from 160 to 150 points per unit, but Im not gonna update the app (don't wanna lose access to adding every other armies)
Does any other unit got a point change?
Warlocks are probably going to get squatted eventually, but you can’t just trash them straight up or the DoK lose the only tabletop representation of the whole male slave thing that’s a part of their lore and they’re left solely with the couple male bodies that’re part of their Warcry warband.
clawlord -20
gnawbeast -10
warbringer -10
rogres -10
bombardier and engineer -10
plagueclaw -10
warpblaster -10
The last DoK tome called his forces the Ulgorthi Legions, but that was about all the normal aelf client states and indebted kingdoms he has under his control, not specifically mentioning his own unique aelves he made with his share of souls.
Do you mean Malerion? Malekith is the warhammer fantasy character.

Also it's spelt "aelf" in this setting.
He’s not even called malekith in WHF anymore, keep up
Thanks kind Anon!
He is in the video game, which is the only relevant warhammer fantasy content left given how hard the old world flopped
Look closer
Looks like lightning cannon went down 20 too. Weird since it was already better than warpblaster.
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Looks amazing mate, I'm just starting cities and I want to get that model but the rules don't look that great to me for the points, am I just an idiot? My only experience with cities is getting regularly railed by my mate's hammerers.

>picrel my test model


Tahlia or Zenestra are basically auto-includes in a 2k list as far as I can tell. Cities is pretty Herohammer since everything else is ass without buffs.
>Also it's spelt "aelf" in this setting.
Imagine unironically using the gw slave names
Good, slaves don't belong in the field of battle.
At most men should take the place of Asdrubael Vect's pets in his skiff. Pieces of decoration chained up.
Imperial Guard is Imperial Guard and Malekith is Malekith. GW's attempts at copyright can go screw themselves
ok, boomer
>Nooo, you have to call them like my DnD generic fantasy names
So I guess we should be calling the Lizardmen 'Dragonborn', the Skaven 'Ratfolk' and the Stormcast Eternals 'Paladins'?
Yeah, sure.
Not the same thing. Lizardmen, Skaven and Stormcast Eternals are the original names of these factions that also had no copyright name change attempts done to them.
And 'Aelves' or 'Duardin' is the original name of those factions in Age of Sigmar.
And that's acceptable since those are literally descendants and freshly crafted races from old elven souls. In contrast Malekith is the same dude as in fantasy, just ascended to godhood
I refuse to call so called "dwarves" their tolkien slave name, they are GNOMES as Paracelsus intended
*dwarfen descendants
>In contrast Malekith is the same dude as in fantasy, just ascended to godhood
His birth name in fantasy was Malerion, he has no need to use Malekith because he was affirmed to be the rightful king before he became a god.

As usual, fantasyfags can't even be bothered to read their own lore. It's that dull.
The fuck is the obsession with the term slave name? And tolkien took Inspiration from nordic mythology where their common appearance comes from and where they are an elven subspecies. In contrast german folklore where Paracelsus got his stuff from has dwarves and gnomes as subspecies-ethnic groups of small earth spirit like creatures
>The fuck is the obsession with the term slave name?
Lurk moar
It's your ancestry.com results, it says your 50% gay and 50%, retarded
i...i wike just plain bases done in one matte colour and thats it...
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would any wise anons here be able to give me a TLDR on the Vyrkos/ulfenkarn lore? want to know whether its cool and worth getting into
God the skaven battletome is such a disappointment, no spells or traits. 4e fucking sucks so bad they sucked the soul out of the game
From my knowledge, that was an end times retcon
this is what happens when you listen to competetive players.
It also only happened because James got scared of being sued by Marvel
no u
>Baladama messes with some kind of Grave Haund deity, who is either a godbeast or some shizo persona of Nagash
>gets cursed with custom wolf theamed vampirism
>infects a guy named Radukar
>Radukar lived in some cold shithole and decided to use his new vampire powers to get a better crib
>"teams up" with ogre pirates
>kills them all and makes them his undead servant
>sails to somewhat normal Shyish city of Ulfenkarn (named different back then)
>conquares it
>most of the former rulers either die or bow down to him and turn into more wolfpires
>city turns into a shithole as townsfolk are now primarly vampire hunting game and other monsters start moving into the ruined parts
>last surviving, not evil, noblemen from the city gets an adventuring party together to defeat Radukar
>they manage to chase him away, but the city is basically unrecoverable and random leser vampires squat on post-Radukar ruins
>Radukar travels the world in search of a new place to rule over
I think you have to have a certain type of brainrot to see someone say something very obviously made up, as well as very easily checkable, and decide it was an evil end times retcon
Why would you want more than we have if you're just going to pick the optimal meta choice every time? I know I would and if you think ownership of heroes and having fun is desirable you should play pretend with yourself and leave the real game to the real players
Every edition we've said "idk why they even print this suboptimal choice" and they finally listened
They'd be room for flavor lists, if the 2k games wouldn't last 3-5 hours on average.
Comp players are a paradox.
They keep the game alive by clearing stocks while making it worse for everyone else
they will clear stock regardless of the state of the game.
That's literally all I know about the issue - that was apparently retconned during the end times. If it wasn't, point me to the sourcebooks, l just got off work and need to reread some stuff anywsy
The anon you’re replying to originally just made it up, the first time he was called Malerion in WHF stuff was in the old world corebook and it’s not presented as an in-universe name change. The end times doesn’t call him by a different name randomly
My habit of models first, books later screwing me over twice in one week. Well, thanks for clearing that up
Amazing, the corporate cocksucker is almost monitoring these threads ready to defend every dogshit decision from GW.
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Points are out

>implying roll a 3+ to breath the edition has anything to do with what comp players want.
Fucking retard. This all the fault of the drooling beer and pretzels mouth breathers like you they exclusively cater to.
Do nighthaunt have more characters / heroes than every other army combined? Cos it sure fucking feels like it
>for nighthaunt
Master Moulder looking affordable.
Not when there's a 120 point grey seer right there. These points are generally terrible overall, 220 for kittok and 300 for brood terror shows me they're hiring indians off the street to write rules.
That’s the only model that sold out in the entire Skaven range. Pretty grim looking sales for a refresh.
this stuff isn't supposed to sell out.
There's a problem in a lot of factions with niche heroes being stupidly overpriced. I think they are also forgetting to factor in the opportunity cost of requiring an additional regiment just to run those heroes too.
Nighthaunt have like 1 named character total
as if heroes haven't been overpriced for 9 years.
Maybe not, but the Skaventide limited run box still being in stock is dire and signals a larger problem with presumably Skaven kits. The interest isn’t there from consumers.
Nagash, Olynder, Kurdoss Valentian, Reikenor, and Awlrach.
>The interest isn’t there from consumers.
no shit, its insanely overpriced. You think I'm in any hurry to go drop $110 on a couple doom flayers.
>AW still can't take lesser warlocks
this sucks
I honestly don't know what the hell they are doing with the regiment system. If you're not going to make heroes have more subhero options or allow for more interesting rules within regiments then what is even the fucking point?
We have more than some thats for sure.
>Skaven can take their own RoRs
Isn't this not how it's supposed to work?
Doesn't change the fact that 4E took the bold direction of making them even shittier and even more overpriced simultaneously.
not anymore.
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Folks what colour should I change the pink to? I'm going for sylvaneth native to Ghur here
the orange needs to be more saturated and the wood needs to be darker/cooler brown. You can have the leaves as cool green/jade and a dark base texture paint like astrogranite tinted cool blue with a wash. That way the model will go from warm orange to cool blue top to bottom.
I've been toying with the idea of an all gunline Skaven army.
I already have a few old minis I picked up some time ago just to paint but outside of their guns and canons, I don't have much interest in the army.
Would it be worth the effort to expand this out or would I just shooting myself the the foot/wallet?
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Fix this shit before painting.
Smooth it down with a sharp knife or soemthing
I don't know if "need" but I'd like a small melee-focused hero for Ossiarch. All of the small heroes are frail wizards
>all flavor was lost
But enough about 4e
>Ossiarch need the most useless unit type in the entire game
All shooting can work, but you need screens. Also since endless spells can lock your ass into combat and are pretty mobile it’s hard to keep your guns from getting bogged down by something.
You will play your card game deck builder and you’ll like it anon. Don’t be a chud, war games are for racists.

All guns skaven is an all or nothing type of army, it'll beat some armies for free, and evaporate against others.

OBR for example are mostly slow and have next to no shooting defenses and will die
Versatile armies like Stormcast and Soulblight will destroy you however.
Add more depth to the leaves, just s drybrush of a lighter color or something, ssme goes for the wood.
I would like a stalker/immortis sized foot hero who gives an ossiarch command style buff in the combat phase to all infantry wholly within 12". Like strike last but +1 Attack, or strike first but minus 1 attack. I don't know. But something besides 'melee profile that does net 3 to 4 damage, no more notes.'
Is the dark skin / orange hair too garish? I'll probably be sticking to it but wouldn't mind getting input or ideas to refine. Also, what color should his clothes be to complement this? Shades of blue I assume?
Elden Ring did it
I think I'll give it a go. I'll probably be able to pick most of it off ebay for peanuts.
Thanks for the advice.
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StD can't take any of the new Skaven Regiments of Renown.

Wtf Gw? I was looking forward to adding some rat mercenaries to my host.
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This is actually realy fucking weird.
Either it's an error or GW wants you to think marked Skaven are a thing
I'm not sure what to make of that. If it's not just a mistake then it's a very weird omission. Maybe they accidentally added the text meant to be used for the StD regiments? Since Skaven are listed as eligible to include them? It sounds like cope, I know, but this is just very confusing.
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>Have fun reading warscrolls and making up fun army ideas in head
>Immediately goes behind a paywall the next day

I hate modern GW.
Just don't update your app bro. It's easy bro!!!!!
mite b kool to ally in enginecoven
>Since Skaven are listed as eligible to include them?
Right. Weren't RoR supposed to not be a thing for a faction they originate from? They totally swaped StD for Skaven in the text box
Let's be honest: they probably just fucked up the typing.
There has never been a point when the "limited box" in the new edition was ever sold out. Yet AoS has consistently been top 5 bestselling wargame in the US. I don't think your logic checks out, anon.
Consider the following: they mad more of one of these things than the other.
Realistically it just shows how little warehouse space is dedicated to TOW. GW are clearly underestimating how popular the game is.
They know exactly what stores are selling from it.
I’m so mad these fucking rat bastards got to colonize aqshy fuck off to Ulgu or something fuck Sigmar for getting owned like Nagash anytime a rat is within 30 meters of him
You guys know wahapedia exists right?
Wtf are you talking about every limited edition 40k box sells out the day of, on slower releases day 2-3
You have no idea, I’ve been waiting for almost 3 months for a Grail Knight restock, checking daily. I’m willing to give GW $120 for 6 models and they refuse to take my money. It’s insane.
Bro my store(s) still have piles of Leviathan. That was 'limited edition' as well.
>Maybe they accidentally added the text meant to be used for the StD regiments?
This makes the most sense.
Pretty sure that anon was referring specifically to AoS in every new edition, but even in 40k you can find a bunch of Leviathan boxes around still.
Too garish, got it.
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I think orange might be a bit overkill but that you could use the existing tones to layer a blonde colour over top
Stop reminding me underworlds exists, GW is too slow on the release schedule.
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There's what 100 warbands now? Surely you haven't cought 'em all
underworlds doesn't exist anymore
They mentioned it durng the most recent event
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so when is the next points update coming
i feel like every faction needs twice as many extra detachment heroes. stormcast has like 2, which is insane to me and so many of their foot heroes are not worth wasting a detachment on

1500 hours on Google. Though, I'm not Even 100% sure this is what you're talking about.
Those are regular Knights of the Realm. They’re two tiers below Grail Knights. It goes Knights Errant (youth trying to earn a name/fame), Knights of the Realm standard Knights), Questing Knights (Knights who have forsaken their normal lives to embark on a quest to earn the favor of the lady through especially heroic/noble deeds) and finally Grail Knights ( living saints who have drank from the Grail handed to them by the Lady of the Lake).
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Forgot pic related. A Questing Knight who has been found worthy to be blessed by the Lady and drink from the Grail.
Fugg I wish Bretonnian’s were still in AoS, Haven should have been expanded on.
It's not the worst problem in 4e but it's definitely the one that annoys me, personally, the most since I own a ton of heroes.
Thanks for the explanation. I understand the appeal. Though, wouldn't it also make a lot of sense to convert them up from lower orders? Conversion bits, especially fancy helmets, are very common. With them being so radically diverse from what I've seen, it seems that having them not look uniform is part of the point, even.
None of the knights look uniform from the lowest teenage Knight Errant because they are all either wearing their own individual heraldry/colors or the heraldry of their family if they are Errant. Grail Knights are mostly standout in terms of the models by having a Grails in their heraldry, which is forbidden religiously for anyone who hasn’t actually drank from the Grail and received the blessing of the Lady. They could still be converted but I also want the old models.
Pretty close, but i've shown that picture enough... I'd just like to see what they pop out next!
For real though, howmany warbands are there?
so ogres, do they need to bring magic to the table?
I think orange would be cool
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It hasn't been updated for 4th edition yet.
There’s 54 UW warbands now I’m counting them, which is insane. It’s 58 if you count those easy-to-build units they repackaged as UW squads, but I don’t count them because they’re not unique sculpts.
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sylvaneth book soon
I don't believe you.
All physical books all Sylvaneth, that's how paper works
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e-short comes out first, means novel soon
Bro it's been over two years and the author has put his name on more short stories and full-length novels since. It's not happening.
It was a boring story anyway.
kek, that's a fun idea
>it's rare a Stormcast remembers anything (Gotrek stories, Soul Wars, etc)
>realms aren't a replication of earth biomes, Ghyran is never cold save the humour of Alariele or a curse of Nurgle

>Stormcasts remember their pasts, those who has lost the most to reforgings in the Ruination Chamber are reminded by the remnants of their families (they remember)
>realms are !earth biomes with one exaggerated element

>Ghyran is never cold
I have no idea what made you think this.
Realmgate Wars? Blood of the old world? Idk man every time it's been brought up
Neither of those characterizations of stormcast or the realms are right, very little about that type of shit has changed since the start of 2e. You’re thinking of one character in a Gotrek book and half remembering some shit you read in another story, then thinking things have fundamentally changed.

Realmgate wars is full of stormcast remembering their lives, modern aos is full of fantastical shit about the realms and their biomes. The new corebook even talks about the Ghyran continent where everything is male, the other where everything is female, and how they migrate between to breed when the continents themselves form a land bridge to fuck each other
>Ghyran is never cold
Ghyran has decentralised seasons where you can walk from summer to winter by crossing a stream, why wouldn't it be cold in the snow parts?
He means since DoK are into femdom, should be male slaves
It's weird that DoK worked all the way around back into becoming Drow again after how distinctive Dark Elves were for decades.
bullshit on all fronts
They're nothing like drow, they're not evil.
Also been playing a bit of Spearhead before getting into the full game, Doomfires have been MVPs in pretty much every game. They kill well and survive for so long
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>they're not evil.
If I remember right, they're nowhere near as good in the full game. Same with my Seraphon spearhead's kroxigors, they kill everything in spearhead but apparently kinda suck in the full game, at least based on opinions in this general. I haven't played it yet so I guess I'll see. I hope they are at least usable because they are my favorite Seraphon unit in terms of looks.
no one thinks krox suck dude.
A lot of people think they suck.
>The new corebook even talks about the Ghyran continent where everything is male, the other where everything is female, and how they migrate between to breed when the continents themselves form a land bridge to fuck each other

I remember that Fairy Godparents episode
People forget that they’re some of the most stalwart allies in all of Order. They’re in every city and rushing out to defend them from threats at their walls, they fought and died to defend the realms during the age of chaos rather than retreating, and outside of some high profile exceptions they’re mostly trustworthy on a coven-to-coven basis, they might abduct someone to sacrifice off the streets as a rare treat but they don’t tend to turn on allies as a collective.
He said DoK not dark elves. DoK only ever gave a shit about defending their own cities in Ulgu from Slaanesh.
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>they’re some of the most stalwart allies in all of Order
If you want your opinion to be taken seriously then don't start your post like that.
Wait a minute, there are mortal children of heroes who thought chaos, centuries before SCE 1st ed? how did they survive that long, kept in stasis by lizardman?
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Memorians are descendants, the Skaventide novel features a Granddaughter who looks just like her Grandmother and wife of the Stormcast she helps
Not necessarily children, but living relatives. Those have always been around in the fluff, all the way back to early Realmgate Wars stories. And there are examples of Stormcast who have close relatives (parents, children, siblings) still alive.
Children of children of children etc.
It also can be an uncle, or an old friend.
Just something closely related to the Stormcast

Its a retarded concept, especially to drag those "civilians" with them into battle (and ofc, almost all of them die in the skaventide novel).
Drow are matriarchal evil elves worshipping a female half-spider goddess of murder.
DoK are matriarchal evil warrior cult elves worshipping a female half-snake goddess of murder.
Finally FINALLY, sold off some of my excess 40k orks to get enough to get Nagash. And found an extra gravetide and weird tornado platform... thingy... that I can use for fun basing bits.
The "Reason" they exist is because it looks cool on the TT. The fluff is just there to justify having cool looking monks following the Reclusions around.
Morathi recalled some to protect her holdings, but most of them just got left to their own devices to defend their temples off in the realms. There’s a reason broken realms has Morathi be the only one who could convince alarielle to open up Ghyran’s gate to the eightpoints, the DoK in Ghyran stood their ground and died for it just like the sylvaneth did rather than abandoning the place like everyone else did, and alarielle genuinely appreciates that.
Is Morathi any less horifically evil in AoS? I feel like all the people from the previous world got toned down a notch and became less awful.
>Is Morathi any less horifically evil in AoS?
how do you pull of "descendants" when all your people got slaughtered.

That is wierd. I thought that stormcast where the cool people, who fought in the prior wars or even in WFB times, not some dude that died in 2ed and got resurected to be stormcast. What is next making undead, orcs or chaos stormcasts? Or better yet lets don't. I am just waiting for my mummy/egypt faction and/or dark elves.
some stormcast are old as fuck, some are new.
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Why does everybody here like FEC so much?
AoS is nonsensical man, Sigmar tickled fate so one could survive
Lore is hilarious, new models are fucking sick. I love the idea of horrendous little trogladytes who see themselves as noble dandys.
there models look like shit tho. Only Ushomar is cool, the rest all look the same.
Creepy troglodyte cannibal dudes circumvent the expectation of a narrative for your dudes while allowing as much as you want with delusions
How could she be less evil? She never did anything wrong in the first place.
New stormcast are created every day, it wasn’t a one and done thing. Stormcast reforged from ex-chaos worshippers have been a thing since 1e, the first one was Tornus the redeemed and he’s finally getting a model with the new stuff. Even stormcast reforged from undead have been a thing since forever, the Anvils of the Heldenhammer are a stormhost who’re all heroes that were already dead when Sigmar started making stormcast and got yanked out of their afterlives for it, and the soul wars shit(?) had a wight king who got taken by the lightning to become a stormcast after he acted heroically and showed his humanity
I guess she is in the sense she’s better written so she has kind of a coherent selfish ideology rather than just doing things arbitrarily. They’ve kind of emphasized some parts of her WHF lore that no one ever did anything with to give some depth too, like how fucked it was that the only person she ever truly loved unconditionally above herself was also an abusive husband because a magic sword hollowed him out into being a conduit for the god of murder and violence.
it's an entertaining gimmick that gives what are otherwise very boring models a lot of character.
And you can approach it in many different ways with arbitrarily different results both aesthetically and narratively.
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New models are great! Most standout that isn't Ush is Goremayne with the big Intestine powdered wig, Morbheg knights are great with the little trumpet and entite skin of a guy banner. The cryptguard and their little drummers and busted ass halberds. They can be a bit samey but I imagine that's just a ghoul thing.

Even if the Lore does more heavy lifting than the rank and file I still think they're neat.
She was pretty good in the sundering books, since she was fucking awful but did seem to care about Malekith and Aenaeion she just didn't give a shit about the rest of the world. For all intents and purposes anyone connected to her deserved the best and everyone else was a stepping stone to get there.
>I thought that stormcast where the cool people, who fought in the prior wars or even in WFB times, not some dude that died in 2ed and got resurected to be stormcast

They were. And some still are.
However, if they die over and over again, they loose more and more of themselves, so of the initial (1st edition) stormcasts, many are lost (and therefore dead for good), so Sigmar raises new heroes to replenish the ranks. And those, obviously, have relatives living somewhere in the AoS worlds.
>The new corebook even talks about the Ghyran continent where everything is male, the other where everything is female, and how they migrate between to breed when the continents themselves form a land bridge to fuck each other
Aos is so good. How can you not love this
when will GW realize that nobody likes order books since they are always boring?
grognards can't get over the death of their game played with 20+yo resin and metal minis and blame aos for it
> Matt 'Rat' Rose takes over AoS
> every content creator (cough cough Warhammer Weeky, Hey Fat) starts to jerk him off constantly
> Matt will save us! He plays! He listens! (Or most pathetically, 'I spoke to him in line for Starbucks!!!!')
> gets control for 4.0
> 4.0 released
> army list building more restrictive, warscrolls dumbed down and flavor is gone, 10 standard artifacts and traits shared among all armies just renamed, Battle Tsctics still in the game and as important as ever, 'fixed' CP but 'CP for Free' abilities already sinking in, Battletomes just warscroll refreshes, basic shit like melee foot heroes still laughably expensive compare ld to wizards, insane Nighthaunt, LRL, Trogg win rates
Ummmm content creator sisters??? I though Rat Rose was the second coming of Christ for AoS?????? Our response?!?!?!?!?
Respond to what, some retarded ass 4chinner doesn't like 4th? I give a flying fuck faggot kys.
my response is that you should kill yourself for using the ummsistersourresponse???? language you underager
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Confirmed to not be a pity hero.
>commemorative series
Fucking ew.
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What are those FECes that AoS players seem to be so excited about?
I hope he's Christmas, not event exclusive. Daddy needs a Knight of Shrouds for Spearhead
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Flesh Eater Courts
commemorative models are usually widely available.
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When is gw going to start selling pre-coloured models? I would literally pay double for models if it meant I never had to fucking paint again.
I thought that was some dumb kind of double scythe for an embarrassing long time.
You can already do that? Commission painting is generally cheaper than the amount you pay GW for the models.
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>soulblight gravelord
What is being commemorated?
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something looks off
like I recognise there's more right behind the corner
Content creators sucking off companies for a crumble of 'influence' isn't new
>competitive centric design will fix the game, this guy likes tournaments so it'll be great
that's the problem. Warhammer has always been a narrative game, the people latching on to that with bad intentions misunderstood their enjoyment of a casual game mistakenly played competitive for an interest in competitive games.
The fact most of the staff just play spearhead says a lot.
GW staff I mean. You don't see Ben Johnson talking of the praises for 4th on social media or attending events for it.
>> every content creator
I don't know who you're talking about but for your own sake you should probably stop watching them, it doesn't seem to be doing you any good.
New thread:
DoK are dommy noble warrior society elves worshipping a female goddess of murder with her half snake buddy

Fixed for you

Bets it costs over $100 anyone

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