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The Paizo stare edition


Previous thread: >>93913772

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/s2g/ (starfinder 2e) link repository: https://paizo.com/store/pathfinder/rulebooks/core
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m
/pacgg/ (pathfinder adventure card game) link repository:
The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!): bit<dot>ly/2Y1w4Md

TQ: Tokens, Minis, Standees, or Theatre of the Mind?
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Can't wait to pay five bucks to read rearranged articles
>TQ: Tokens, Minis, Standees, or Theatre of the Mind?
Used to play on printed maps taped on tackboard while using thumbtacks as characters based on color.

Then moved to using Foundry and virtual tokens are the easiest option.
Man it must be brutal bean a 2e Paizotard
atleast Classic Pathfinder wasn't ashamed of it's 3.x DND heritage.
Applied to join a group that’ll be running the new Orc AP next month, here’s hoping I can play the Orc Barbarian I’ve had on my mind for the last while.
My players requested more politics, or more debates/talking moments or encounters.
I have the opportunity to have them, an evil gang leader who took over a town, and the town's mayor stuck in the same room under the threat of a thunderstorm outside (the kind that kills).
What sort of scenarios can i get out of this, or should i rethink it?
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>Tokens, Minis, Standees, or Theatre of the Mind?
If the combat encounters are actually tactical and rely on good use of the games mechanics, then tokens otherwise theatre of the mind. I very much dislike minis as it serves as a barrier for the evolution of the characters looks imo.
Probably either throw more characters in there or at least make the gang leader not cartoonishly evil so the party doesn't seize the opportunity to smite him. That also allows more avenues of discovering little bits of info they can piece together from various NPCs, some of whom may have their own agendas and lie. Or are telling things second-hand and could have been lied to themselves.
Do they know that the evil gang leader is an evil gang leader?
2efags aren't capable of introspection
Is there any metrics to see how well 2e is doing compared to 1e in sales and player count? I know my lgs used to stock 1e books but now they don't stock any pazio stuff but that's not a good picture of the broader audience.
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Still working on my island mining town that's been overrun from the deep as a level 1 to 3 adventure. First adventure is liberating a lighthouse that was captured and extinguished to cause boats to crash.
Current candidates:
>duergar with the help of trox, looking for slaves, possibly morlocks helping too
>skeletons zombies and festrogs, with Urdefhan lieutenants, led by a daemon
>Derro, possibly with goblin minions
>Dark folk, led by an owb, looking for cult sacrifices
Skum are too high level to be the foot soldiers of aboleth invaders, but I considered that as well.
Supposedly it sells more but paizo never shows actually numbers
I'd believe the 5e consumerism mindset has leaked over pretty badly though, so many retards jump to buy hardcover everything while most 1e releases especially later on got ignored because Paizo was being lazy (see Ultimate Wilderness)
In terms of players it's much worse, you can tell because all the pf2e shilling comes from people with just 1 to 2 sessions played and then never again
>see Ultimate Wilderness
that was an unplayable fucking mess. The shifter class might be one of the most retarded broken pieces of shit they've ever churned out and that's including their dogshit space game.
Yeah the last flicker of inspiration was in the occult classes
Which were also bad in a lot of ways (medium lmao) but at least felt like Paizo was trying to be creative
Shifter felt to me like it wad designed as a standalone without any real concept of the rest of the game including basic functions since it needed a fucking erratic
Duergar, they're enslaving foot soldiers and workers for their war against the aboleth and their thralls.
Let the party discover that there's a greater evil afoot.
What >>93969048 said. Make it ambiguous, give them reason to doubt the mayor's intention, or wonder if the evil gang is in the right. I'm not saying change their morality, the guy holding people hostage with lightning bolts is clearly not a good person. But as much as possible, let them sift through misinformation and differing perspectives.
I strongly watching Rashōmon to anyone running a political/suspense dialogue-driven game.
>Duergar, they're enslaving foot soldiers and workers for their war against the aboleth and their thralls.
That's good yeah. I hesitate to have a long term underwater antagonist, especially since we just had a seafaring campaign, but if I really hate it I could swap out the aboleths for daemons and Urdefhan minions.
>Shifter felt to me like it wad designed as a standalone without any real concept of the rest of the game including basic functions since it needed a fucking erratic
Both the shifter and spiritualist suffered from that paizo tried to balance wild shape and eidolons by introducing new classes with shittier versions of them. As standalones they're "okay" but not in the context of existing classes. Which is why the Tiger shifter must wait until lv 15 to get Rake while a druid gets it at lv 6.
Oh, and that means you can use Skum/Urdefan as the basic low-level foot soldiers in the later part of the campaign when the PCs are a few levels higher. Perfect!
pf2e. how crazy would it be to let a "spotter" character take sniping duo, in order to feed their 'sniper' some assistance? i am playing a thaumaturge with a military background and i want to recruit our parties gunslinger.
Most sniping duo feats benefit both characters, so yes. The only caveat is that it assumes you yourself are a ranged character to get anything out of most of the feats.
i think the caveat here would be that i would either be taking ONLY feats that benefit both members of the duo, being the spotter, or i would potentially be asking my GM to let me "feed" some feats to the gunslinger (ie, some of the feats that provide special strike actions). this is the area where it gets a little blurry. the baseline dedication ability is perfect, as is stuff like tag team, but anything else i would be trying to essentially sacrifice a feat of my own to give it to my partner, as i am playing a melee character
Basically what >>93970650 said. If you're melee the dedication still works fine, but then you have to wait until 10th level before feats from it start being usable again.
I'll note that if you're going ranged thaumaturge, you'll probably want a thrown weapon (which locks you out of Cover Fire, Deflecting Shot, and Redirecting Shot). Bows don't interact well with thaumaturge's hand economy; firearms don't interact well with action economy in general (unless you're gunslinger).
You can ask your GM how they want to handle melee thrown weapons and when exactly they count as ranged weapons for the purposes of feats like Assisting Shot and Exploit Opening, or you can avoid those questions by taking a ranged thrown weapon (or by not taking those two specific feats).
yeah like i mention here >>93970834, my idea would generally be sacrificing a feat or two of my own to give my partner the specialized shots, in the case that any of the feats dont benefit both members of the duo.
As a melee spotter, Tag Team is the earliest feat you can take that will benefit both members.
"Feeding" your feats to the gunslinger sounds fine for Sniping Duo, as it's not like you're enabling anything really wacky/optimized, but that's definitely more something to talk to your GM about.
Hold up, my bad, looks like Vantage Shot works too, although it doesn't look that good to me.
the way i see it, me sacrificing a feat of my own mostly ends up coming back around to my own benefit anyways. for example, assisting shot provides circumstance benefits to anyone in the party, cover fire effectively buffs the party, exploit opening could have its wording re-arranged so that i could get a reaction if the sniper crits, etc
I'd absolutely allow it if one of my players asked to do it, yeah, just saying it's ultimately not up to me, a random internet guy.

I want to run the Sky King's Tomb AP as a lover of dwarves, but I'm wondering if there's any way I could make the story/ending...less libtarded.

[Spoiler]I don't really understand why Taargick felt remorse...the majority of the denizens of the Darklands he defeated on the way to fulfill the Quest for the Sky were Evil aligned, and if he hadn't done what he did his people would be extinct...The writers seem insistent on """subverting expectations""" here and I hate it.[/Spoilers]
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Defensive Advance had me switch from Fighter to Justice Champion before a game start, on a whim, and I'm pretty happy with that decision. Getting to slap motherfuckers if they touch my friends is really fun, and even if I can't reach an enemy, reducing damage taken feels good. I kinda wish some of my class feat choices were better, and that I had... Basically any new focus spells worth taking later, but I'm looking forward to playing more. Marshal archetype in my FA will be nice when I finally get my stance, and I dig the ability to combine it with my champ auras to be a big rolling team safety/violence bubble. Pic unrelated, I just don't have a lot of good sword and board guys in my folder actually.

Tell me about stuff you find fun, anons. I wish I got to play more games, but haven't had time in my schedule for many new games.
I'm a sadist so I like to force players to climb and swim.
I had a strange realization last session when some wyverns were swooping at them during a river crossing.
It twigged that if any of the players had breath control or was a lizardfolk they could have grappled the wyverns under the water and just beat them until they ran out of air and drowned.

Its the weird environmental interactions the rules cause that I find the most fun.
making the environment matter isn't sadistic, it's basic good GMing
if your players only want whiteroom featureless flat plane battles they're shitty players and have drank way too much buildfaggot kool-aid
AP design could be so much more creative. It's insane how much of the game is invalidated by map design just being a bunch of small square rooms.
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as someone who cannot stop going "but what if I was strength so I could have jacked up athletics?" every time I build a PC I dunno, rewarding me for that investment sounds kinda sick. While it was a kind of bad experience because of mismanaged expectations, I really miss the more open terrain of an old game's battlemaps, with uneven terrain, trees everywhere, and lakes and shit, because holy shit AP dungeon maps are so goddamn small and boring.

Like, I'll die on the hill "monk is a defender because they can grapple" is fucking stupid, but also I want to play a monk because "chokehold someone underwater and just outlast them" would be a sick as hell table story.
Yeah pretty much. Mobility is basically a non-factor in so many APs, because enemies are stuck in these teeny tiny rooms. There's barely ever interesting terrain beyond "there's a trap in the middle of the room", definitely no terrain the players could use to their advantage. It's so fucking boring. I guess it caters to their playerbase, with the white room block of tofu theory crafting, but boy does it make for monotonous encounters if you're not that brand of autist.
I think these games are most fun when functional teamwork is happening. The Anon a few posts up talking about Sniping Duo happens to be talking about one of my favorite archetypes. The most memorable interactions in my games are always alley-oops, like when one player laid down a Prismatic Wall (seven saves, a couple of which are save-or-dies, if you pass through it) and another player used Whirling Throw, Shove, and Reposition to bully multiple enemies into it. Right now in a game that I'm a PC in, another player is building entirely around Inner Radiance Torrent (damage spell that you can charge for two full rounds before firing it off in a line), and I've been stacking up on items that grant me low-level spell slots so I can constantly use Friendfetch (pull up to two allies towards you as forced movement) to pull him into positions where he can hit the most enemies. He's kind of like a turret that I lug around. Any kind of interaction where players are bouncing their abilities off of each-other or building around each-other is a ton of fun.
I hate swimming, especially as a caster versus a reactive strike user. It's like, if you lose initiative and get swarmed by a bunch of underwater fighterchuds, what can you even do?
>Can't step without triggering
>Can't heal or cast spells without triggering
>Already damaged before you can even move
The best play I can think of is using a polymorph spell on myself because that's the only way I get to play the game for the next few rounds.
>You deserved this for playing a caster
Fuck you, I like spamming Eclipse Burst. Fighter archetyped into a caster only gets one of those and has to spend a ton of money on scrolls and wands. Fighter has to already spend money on the required runes.
Maybe you could include an extremely bloody bout of rebellion-squashing. Some dwarves he had to kill along the way. Or some dwarves that it was more tactically advantageous to abandon.
Make him Bane from Dark Knight Rises. Make him a power to the people faux commie.
Some wizard builds also have to fully invest in a weapon so it's not that different.
>wonder if the evil gang is in the right
Well the gang leader is in one of the players backstories, and the player left the gang as they plotted to kill the king.
The gang now mostly does everything for money, and (the players don't know this) have been instructed to sieze control over the village and feign defence so a bigger badder villain can come in and harvest the villagers when ready. All while the gang gets paid and makes an escape when the monsters show up.
I'm struggling to make this sound morally grey or think of other ideas.
Is a good suggestion but I'm unsure if it's possible with my idea.
Then do the opposite. Make them out to be assholes, but let the party discover the bigger bad has no intention of paying. They're going to slaughter the gang and make themselves look like big damn heroes, so when the harvest happens the sheep refuse to believe it's real.
use a spell like fly or invis to get out/get safer and hope they don't crit
Could also make the gang leader be dominated/enthralled/whatever by big villain and the players might get clued into something being amiss by the more intelligent gang members talking about how the boss hasn't been acting normally lately and taking over a town for what they'd imagine is little payout or likely death.
Why is everything in guns and gears so shitty? What went wrong?
Man, I was looking to run curtain call but book 1 is a little choppy and 3 makes so many horrible decisions.

It just requires that players give a shit about Golarion lore. It's interesting from that perspective but player agency is stripped away when the entire book is the Norgorber show where the victory conditions are how much the players researched Norgorber and then how much Norgorber likes them. Shit, I think if the players do the whole thing the 'ideal' way of getting all the info and impressing him, there are maybe half a dozen combat encounters in the whole level 18-20 book.
>ranged rogue, ranged thaum, blaster sorc, melee summoner
What the fuck can I play to fix this mess of a party? I died last session bc of their stupid strats and now we don't have a healer or a tanky martial (I was playing 2handed champion). We're getting our asses kicked in AV since half the party can't see shit in these hallways
Something ranged and mobile like an air kineticist. Let other people die and reincarnate into being a frontliner, fuck 'em.
Ranged inventor and just be a huge liability
tactically, best option is a dwarf cleric with heavy armour and a shield. You don't need to be a martial to have good AC and passable HP to block doorways so that your allies can shoot over your head.
none of the links in the 2e repository work. what's the up to date link for me to grab the last few books?
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The two troves can be found if you check the pdf share thread and open the OP image
What spells are best for chaff in 2E for a sorcerer? My DM has recently gotten addicted to throwing garbage at my group because our builds started leaning towards beating up one or two tough enemies since he loved throwing those at us and now he's changed it up.
We're hovering around level 9, about to hit 10 btw sorry
Anything that could make up a meaningful amount of enemies would be too low level to do anything to you so there's no point preparing for it.
What's your tradition? I'm guessing you're occult or divine because fireball and chain lightning are autopicks. Calm and Charitable urge are fine but I'm not sure if you want to spend a signature spell on them. Black Tentacles/Slither and Wave of Despair if you want to avoid incap. If you can get them to stay in one place or extend the area, Pernicious Poltergeist can target every save. Divine Wrath is the closest Divine gets to having Fireball on its list.
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How does Furry of Blows and MAP in 2e works?
My MG is telling me that it is like one attack so I use 2 attacks at 0 penalty. Is the next attack that is not in FoB -4 or -8?
Or is it just 2 attacks in one action? So one 0 and one -4?
It's two strikes for one action, treating MAP as if you were just doing strike>strike.

If you want to spend your whole turn just punching something

Flurry (Full bonus for first strike, then -4/-5 depending on agile)
Strike (-8agile/-10)
It's just two attacks in one action - the second attack has the penalty, and if you spend a second action to make a third attack, that attack has a -8/10 penalty.
You only ever avoid the MAP penalty if it says you do, like how double slice specifies it.

The purpose of flurry of blows isn't to make you spend your whole turn doing super amazing punches, it's to let you do a decent number of punches while freeing you up to also be doing sick backflips and wall-runs for the rest of your turn.
>The purpose of flurry of blows isn't to make you spend your whole turn doing super amazing punches, it's to let you do a decent number of punches while freeing you up to also be doing sick backflips and wall-runs for the rest of your turn.
Which is fucking worthless btw.
It requires either
1) You invest in some other stuff that also costs actions, like your other monk feats, your ki spells, battle medicine, using scrolls or multiclass spells, etc
2) It requires the GM to give you some fights in wider open areas with more interesting maps and enemy placements.

If you are a monk and you *only* have flurry of blows and you're fighting a single enemy in a 20x20 foot dungeon room with nothing else going on and nothing else in your build then yeah, you'll be running out of things to spend your other two actions on.
If you're fighting a cool fight against a boss that keeps teleporting around or an orc camp with archers shooting down at you from a watch-tower or across a perilous drop into lava, monks are the best.
Just walk.
Yea, I know that in pf2 you don't spend your whole action to hit anything (well, maybe as fighter or ranger). I wasn't sure about FoB, since GM and Core are telling me two different things.
Funny enough, I swapped classes just because arenas were too big for my heavy armored ass, and now we fight on mostly small ones...
The other day I saw some anon talking about 7 dooms for Sandpoint, so I gave it a read. Are there any other APs with a fleshed out town like Sandpoint that don't focus around a giant dungeon or heavily railroad the players? If there aren't, which do you think would be best for me to homebrew out of? Please don't bring up Alkenstar. It broke my heart.
I think Season of Ghosts is set all around the same sleepy village.
Yeah that sucked. Id LIKE to recommend absaloms lost orgins book here but I feel like paizo went out of control with scale.
Season of Ghosts, plus it’s apparently the new ‘best’ AP.
>went out of control with scale
I dunno, I feel like it was always the point of Absalom that it was the biggest and sprawliest and kitchen-sinkiest city in the whole setting.
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>be the millionth person to think of using the Construct Innovation to play an Inventor in power armor (since the Power Suit stinks)
>realize it's just worse than not riding the companion due to MAP shit
This system really grinds my gears.
>Playing Inventor

I'm sorry Anon
The GM let me rebuild him as a Fighter a while ago, I'm just really annoyed the power armor gimmick I wanted to give him is in the game but actually bad in all incarnations.
I'm still baffled by Inventor. Conceptually, it should be the coolest shit in the world, but even the profoundly terrible mechanics aside, the class is just so fucking bland. You get way too few modifications, and the pool for those is so shallow and boring. Where's all the exciting, experimental mad science shit? It's just very slight number buffs, generic tags, or in case of the construct, just very basic functionality unlocks. They better knock it out of the park with the remaster.
You'll take your Versatile (piercing and slashing) modification and you'll *like it*.
>Fighter just gets extra feats that they can change every day
>Inventor can retrain particular feats more quickly with a crafting check but only those with the Modification trait
>this can fail
>they often don't even share a level bracket with things that aren't Innovation specific
>the trait basically just exists to enable Infinite Invention because of course once you hit level 19 you just want to throw your masterwork away and get a different one in it's place
I genuinely do not get it.
I've been twisting and turning with a homebrew to the class (anon from previous thread) and decided to wait for the GnG reprint to see if Paizo fixes it at all (lmao) before I make moves myself.
The furthest I got without making too much work for myself was changing Overdrive into a condition like cursebound. Has similar passives but the main thing is you could decrease it to increase your Unstable check degree, because Unstable now deals level in damage with a fail and double on crit.
So you now have a choice between getting and keeping full overdrive for passive benefits, spending it for unstable or just throwing caution to the wind and tanking the explosions with full overdrive.
I feel like it's in one of those awkward positions where the fix isn't to the core base mechanic with a small number of rules to effect the whole thing, but rather in all the little individual options being incredibly underwhelming.
Exactly. Inventor is fucked on such a fundamental level that no amount of numbers tweaking can fix it. Just the things it does, and the options it has, are plain awful. Before even failing at competing with the game math, it fails at delivering on its concept.
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Started with 2e and will die with 2e. What level of autism do you need to make everyone in your group do a bunch of extra homework to change systems to end up playing the exact same game? If you learn a new system it's to play a new game not the exact same fucking DnD shit (unless you are playing with a new group I guess)
>If you learn a new system it's to play a new game not the exact same fucking DnD shit
Because ideally different systems play differently, even if they have similar settings or flavor, which is important to the people who also care about the G in RPG.
Pathinder 1,2, DND whatever numbers are all the same. Play a different game if you want a different G to play, you are playing essentially the same game every time sure pick your favourite but adding a few homebrew rules as everyone does will be much more worth your time than learning the same system over and over again
>Pathinder 1,2, DND whatever numbers are all the same
Most these systems are not comparable whatsoever, 3/3.5 and PF 1e exempted for obvious reasons, what the fuck are you smoking, anon?
Overdrive is fundamentally fucked because it's basically a rage but you need to do a skill check for it when a barb can just rage
even swashes now get panache on everything but a crit fail
if you crit fail an overdrive check you also just cant overdrive at all for the encounter.
IMO, they need to baseline make it do around the same damage as rage, have it be automatic (no skill check) HOWEVER you can attempt skill checks to improve it and make it better.
I also firmly believe that armor and weapon inventor should get intelligence to attack, or at least be allowed to take strength or dex as their key attribute. only starting with +3 is kinda bad because you are a worse martial being effectively -1 in comparison to everyone else at almost EVERY stage of the game
I also believe weapon inventor should get fighter proficiency, progression but ONLY with their innovation. Amor inventor should also get champion armor progression but only with their innovation.
My final change would be to change unstable actions to be more like focus points where each unstable action beyond the first gives you another "point" which you can burn to basically not fail the unstable check and potentially use another, up to a max of 3. Will incentivize actually getting more unstable actions. Or hell just turn them completely into focus spells but add flavor like "Although these use focus points, they are nonmagical"
>I also firmly believe that armor and weapon inventor should get intelligence to attack, or at least be allowed to take strength or dex as their key attribute
You could patch it by having overdrive/whatever give a +1 to attack rolls on top of the bonus damage to bridge the gap.
Overdrive being fundamentally a risk/reward mechanic fits the flavor of the class, but in order to be interesting, it needs to do more than disable itself for the rest of the fight in a worst case scenario, or just give generic static bonuses in a best case scenario. Put some spice into it, make its extra damage elemental you can pick on the fly, but on a fail, it deals that same damage to yourself on every swing, or a crit fail makes you explode with a radius of 10 ft., targeting enemies and allies alike, or a crit success supercharges your innovation in some way, giving it new abilities depending on the feats you have. Hell, make all class feats scale with overdrive in some way, both good and bad.
>Crit success - Int to damage + special bonus effect
>Success - Int to damage
>Fail - Half int to damage for the round, gotta try again next round
>Crit fail - Explodes dealing fire damage to you, Need to make another check and an action to fix it.
Just "not doing anything" and, worse, "not being able to do anything for the rest of the encounter" are things to be avoided.
One option I had on my homebrew was that you got half your overdrive condition value to attack and DC (you start with a maximum of 2, 3 at 7 and 4 at 15), ends up the same as normal martial if you pick an INT apex.
The way I had it is
>Crit success: Increase overdrive condition by 2
>Success: As crit, but increase by 1
>Fail: As succeess, but can't raise overdrive for one turn
>Crit fail: As fail, but you also take level/2 damage

Maybe I should just reshare the unfinished hb
The options are underwhelming, the stat requirements are really awkward and inflexible, and the chassis is just not good.
>8 HP on a 'striker' class that hurts itself
>permanently behind in accuracy because of key stat
>action tax you can fail just to use your main gimmick
>no action compression
>worse version of Focus Points (that hurt you sometimes)
>you hit kinda hard once you get Offensive Boost but not as hard as a Barb and still with lower accuracy and less HP
>level 13 class feature is just 'you can retrain easier'
>level 19 class feature is 'you can retrain your innovation'
>also you have the worst Perception in the game and have to jump through hoops to not have a dogshit Intiative mod
It's a mess.
Here's the simplified version. Further ideas would be to tie more stuff to the overdrive condition (armor resistances, athletics/stealth bonuses, weapon damage bonus, something with construct?) so you have to choose between passive bonuses and unstable actions/not killing yourself.
Also thinking of removing the overdrive action and having certain actions with the overdrive trait that let you increase the condition.

Of course, this doesn't fix everything already mentioned but it'd make the class more dynamic to play.
>Also thinking of removing the overdrive action and having certain actions with the overdrive trait that let you increase the condition.
Honestly, that would be a nice fix. Keeping the Overdrive action baseline while offering stuff later for compression/seamless Overdrive amping would actually be huge for the class. You'd have to take away the current crit fail feature of it turning off but that's always been retarded so no loss there.
>I also believe weapon inventor should get fighter proficiency, progression but ONLY with their innovation. Amor inventor should also get champion armor progression but only with their innovation.
Wow, that's a bad idea on so many levels. I don't even know where to begin chopping that one line apart.

>If they get INT-to-Attack AND Fighter progression they become stupidly SAD and the best martial in the game.
>Attack Progression > Armor Progression, killing things faster is better than not being stabbed 10% more.
>Is Construct just chopped liver?
>"ONLY with their innovation" doesn't actually matter when your innovation can be Dual-Mode (even if the feat is shit) or a combination weapon to begin with, negating the need for other weapons. And you only ever need one piece of armor ever.
>What is about being an inventor that gives you the u
>You have a feat that lets you use Crafting-for-AC, meaning Armor is EVEN MORE USELESS COMPARED TO FIGHTER ATTACK PROGRESSION

I understand that it is pipedreaming, no real expectation this would actually be done, but this is so braindead it genuinely makes me worry about the community's collective IQ.

I think the weaker defenses on Inventor is actually kind of neat. If it is the INT-Barbarian, it should be more incentivized to be ranged over melee, given how Barbarian is shit at range. It sort of how the one-handed nature of Thaumaturge hurts their ranged potential, not being allowed to use bows, making them going STR or DEX an equal split.
Still, yeah, the other complaints are entirely valid. Inventor very much needs a do-over. Thaumaturge gets much less flak despite having similar issues thanks to having INTERESTING THINGS TO DO.
>What is about being an inventor that gives you as good proficiencies as Fighter/Champion?
don't know how that got cut off...

As an aside, it's kind of funny there is no Vehicle Innovation, given the big focus on it in G&G, the number of 1-man vehicles, and the Trick Driver archetype. Construct can kind of work but it isn't really the same.
Hell, it would even let you do
>official combat wheelchair class option
for the libtard brownie points!
make more classes like this untill you have a cool game
one where you gotta weigh your options
cause fuck the base classes they all corn and cheese
2nd anon here:
Focusing hard on ranged would leave Armor out to dry. Probably. I wouldn't hate playing a tanky ranged character but I don't trust Paizo to build one.
>crafting to AC
Is a level 16 Feat and a reaction. Who cares? The Armor Inventor's whole point is that they make a bespoke suit of armor that's superior to all others that only they can use. Except they're not very good at wearing it. If you're going full tank Inventor I can't see any real reason their AC should lag behind; if you're committing to maxing out AC you'll want a shield and blocking will almost definitely supersede Crafting to AC in priority.

Weapon Inventor getting Fighter scaling... eh. It seems like a bit much but if you slapped it onto the class as-is I don't think it would be insane. You'd be a brainy switch hitter (if you saddled yourself with bad features) with worse action economy. It feels pretty whatever.
okay maybe not fighter progression, but gunslinger is allowed to have fighter progression with firearms and it's fine
my point is the innovations should be able to all be viable but the point being they should properly be on their ends of specialization. It makes no sense for a weapon innovation to be strictly worse than a regular martial using a normal sword
>but this is so braindead it genuinely makes me worry about the community's collective IQ.
I don't get the subset of the 2e community that constantly jumps to "THE WAY TO FIX IT IS GIVE IT FIGHTER LEGENDARY SCALING", but at the same time I also think it's baffling that stat swaps that are hard locked to specific classes are so rare. I look at something like magus, for example, and just become confused that you could play with 10 int and basically lose nothing, because you'll never have the stats to make its spell DC matter, so why try.
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made a height chart of the monsters (not including the "regular sized humanoid" enemies) my party's fought so far
>Focusing hard on ranged would leave Armor out to dry.
>The Armor Inventor's whole point is that they make a bespoke suit of armor that's superior to all others that only they can use.
Both of these complaints stem from the same issue: bad branding.
Armor Innovation is more Exosuit than Ultimate Shield, it is why so much of its perks are passive damage reduction and stat boosts than nullification. After all, lot of Tony Stark's suits break in the movies, they just last long while doing a bunch of cool shit. Higher AC and higher damage reduction are somewhat against each other in a D&D-based system, you can't really benefit from both sides at once most of the time. So it makes sense they design around the features with more design space than AC-stacking. Given how wide the Inventor already has to be, I don't see why it has to be the best at any core proficiency bar Crafting.

Of course, they went WAY too hard on DR being its only real benefits over giving things to DO with the armor, even in its exclusive feat list. A boring option on top of a boring class, even if the Iron Man idea is pretty limited to begin with. But the core idea of the subclass remains, it is about utility.

>I wouldn't hate playing a tanky ranged character but I don't trust Paizo to build one.
Champion and Warpriest are already do such fine and there's SF2e Soldier in the works. Inventor doesn't really need to be such.

Gunslinger is like that because
>It's already a Fighter-offshoot by design
>Firearms needed some way to be distinguished in a system where they can't be locked off by proficiency and can't just radically boost their innate damage potential
>These lead innately to making it a class dedicated to crit-fishing over consistent damage.

Crit-fishing is such a narrow design space, you can't really let everyone do it, especially when you say it replaces any form of damage boosting.
Also Paizo hates putting proficiency boosts in subclases. See: Cleric Domains.
>I don't get the subset of the 2e community that constantly jumps to "THE WAY TO FIX IT IS GIVE IT FIGHTER LEGENDARY SCALING"
Fighter Brainrot is a disease around here. The only class I ever said that should be like that is Kineticist and that's because it supposed to be pretty damn simple and elemental blasters are still all the rage around here. Otherwise, it just not a solution to every design issue.

>but at the same time I also think it's baffling that stat swaps that are hard locked to specific classes are so rare.
Don't get me wrong, I HATE the Key Ability Score system and find Paizo's decision to balance classes around it infuriating. It should be a suggestion over a mandate, especially if you trivialize it by giving Rogue so many options in how to utilize it.
A +3 over a +4 isn't THAT much of a big deal at the table for martials thanks to how the action economy plays out, but it sort of makes the balancing angle for classes redundant, so I'm just left exhausted by their idiocy...

...On the flipside:
> I look at something like magus, for example, and just become confused that you could play with 10 int and basically lose nothing, because you'll never have the stats to make its spell DC matter, so why try.
That's just the nature of Magus to begin with. I don't think any 1e player like the idea of needing high spellcasting scores to even CAST CERTAIN SPELLS IN THE FIRST PLACE, much less get the bonus spell slots for them. When you streamline a lot of that stuff down, it is fine to make INT a dump stat for the class, especially if you aren't planning to make archetypes like Eldritch Scion any time soon. Expansive Spellstrike probably shouldn't be a feat, but I appreciate how much Magus is about cutting so much chaff and getting to fun elements of the idea.
Of course, I would kill to have 18 INT on them thanks to my love of playing wide-built brainiacs and there are fun save spells for spellswords like Blazing Dive. Again, KAS is shit.
the big problem with the proficiency system is that non-fighters have a significantly harder time actually HITTING things period, let alone critting
you want to keep fighter as the crit machine give them a 2e version of improved critical but imo all martials should get legendary proficiency eventually
But Inventor doesn't soak damage very well either, and it actively competes for AC. At level 1 you pick a pair of energy types (cold and fire, acid and electric, etc.), at level 7 you can pick slashing, piercing, or blunt resistance, or to boost your initial mod to apply your full level, and at 15 you can boost one of the physical resists, expand the previous mod to cover all physical resists, or change the initial mod the cover all energy types (but only up to 2 + half your level).

But this shit is mutually exclusive to Muscular Exoskeleton, Heavy Construction, and Perfect Fortification respectively which is all shit you'd really like if you're going to be getting hit/in melee. It also competes with stuff like the Speed Booster line and Automatic Impediments that would give you avenues to actually be active.

So you can get damage reduction or you can get heavy armor you're only OK with or you can, idk, actually do stuff I guess but good luck not eating shit because you have mediocre AC on a striker class with bad HP scaling and not a lot of room for CON.

If Armor Inventor could get resists and heavy armor at the same time (although maybe not full-level resists in that case) I think it honestly justifies them being 8 HP and MAD. I think you could even go as far as baking the Power and Suberfuge exclusives into their respective progression lines instead of having them slumming it in the Modification pool (Exoskeleton only ever let's you keep up with STR classes anyway). It would even match the gimmick of being a nerd in an exosuit if the suit was doing most of the soaking for you instead of your soft fleshy bits like it is for other frontliners. And Subterfuge would suck way less.
>I appreciate how much Magus is about cutting so much chaff and getting to fun elements of the idea.
I don't really agree with that in the slightest with the way cascade works, but I also find it extremely annoying that Magus in both editions feels like Spellstrike is just a vacuum that sucks away any potentially interesting abilities because giving them a single ounce more of flexibility would overtune them when factoring in how much damage a spellstrike crit does.
>the big problem with the proficiency system is that non-fighters have a significantly harder time actually HITTING things period, let alone critting
You do know it is like that by design? Martials generally stick around the 55-60% accuracy threshold for most of their career because those are the numbers that people find reasonable to create a story around random numbers being your tested skill and its a team game. (You) aren't supposed to be hitting all the time, the longer a fight last the greater the storytelling potential and more people get the chance ot take the spotlight. Most martials hit fine, especially in a system where it's pretty reasonable to land more than one Strike a round. You wanna hit better? Get buffed.

Inventor has standard Armor scaling for martials, they aren't any worse compared to their peers. If most are fine with Sentinel and Champion MC for Heavy Armor training, I don't see Inventor needing to complain specifically. Hell, getting multiple scaling damage reduction on their armor is unique to them before Guardian came into the picture thanks to how only Champion got Armor Specialization innately.
Of course, they should probably just get it INNATELY or as a feat at Level 2, especially now with the amped-up Armor Training feat in the game. I don't know who is it at Paizo that thinks the average player gets Heavy Armor at fucking Level 6-8 and not 2 (1 with a fairly generous GM with the gold) but the fact this repeats is so fucking mind-numbing.

Magus definitely has issues with some bloat and Cascade being so much an issue, I have talked shit about it before for as much as I love the class.
But also Spellstrike is going to have to be like that thanks to the core idea of how much oomph even a normal Spellstrike is. Even without action compression, you are doing a lot, more than other classes. That alone makes it the Main Protagonist Syndrome class, so I don't envy anyone trying to square this circle.
missing a lot isn't fun
missing a lot when there's a fighter in the party who hits all the time isn't fun
>If most are fine with Sentinel and Champion MC for Heavy Armor training, I don't see Inventor needing to complain specifically
Armor Inventor can't band-aid their heavy armor scaling because it's locked behind the modification; the power suit is medium armor by default. Since you can't get a second level 7 modification you have to choose between resists or heavy armor, but the other medium armor martials also get more HP and aren't as MAD so it's not as big an ask for them to pump CON.
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it's mostly just frustrating because the framework of the game could absolutely fit in reasonably balanced solutions for making entering cascade feel good and it just. Doesn't bother? Like, Kineticist understood "stance that turns on your class features" by itself sucked and you needed to have some kind of rider effect. Where's the class-unique 1 action cantrips? Things that don't have radical power jumps, but at least offer some variety and offer a little flex?

Like, damn bro. If you gave me a 1 action ranged strike, 30 ft range 1d4 damage, scaling off handwraps/a held weapon's runes, with damage type based off one of my prepared cantrips, and it could let me activate arcane cascade. It would be kinda lame but I wouldn't be able to complain about not having the option to fling a fire bolt worth a damn because throwing a non-spellstrike cantrip as a magus was pointless.
Again, that pretty much HAS to be knocked down many levels in the G&G Reprint, if not just give Inventor Heavy Armor training. But also it is just +1 more AC and Bulwark, it really isn't that major a complaint past the absurd level hang up. Without it they would be equal to every other martial.
>but the other medium armor martials also get more HP and aren't as MAD so it's not as big an ask for them to pump CON.
The only other Medium Armor martial that get more HP is Barbarian (maybe Exemplar?) and they really are more an outlier. The others either are stuck with Light Armor, does get Heavy Armor, have the same HP, and/or just as MAD.

>Like, Kineticist understood "stance that turns on your class features" by itself sucked and you needed to have some kind of rider effect.
Kinet had the benefit of coming out later and a MUCH LESS headache-inducing playtest. Arcane Cascade didn't even exist back then so there wasn't much we could do on explaining how awkward a design it was and is today moreso.

>Where's the class-unique 1 action cantrips?
That wouldn't be that bad, I always did want it to have more sword beams!
I think the major problem was that there wasn't a lot of precedent for more STR/DEX-to-hit magic spells and Spellstrike's entire point is to do that, so they didn't felt the need to compete against it. The Conflux Spells was something of an in-between, but they did needed to be more potent than just cantrip damage since they are meant to be enticing for the subclass. While this issue could be resolved with more 1-action support spells being in the game like Shield or Guidance, I wouldn't mind more Focus stuff for Magus existing, especially since technically a lot of the class can be poached from the Multiclass.
Then just homebrew your game to have 100% accuracy and you only roll for critical. You clearly can't get the numbers out of your head, so get rid of them. A Fighter shouldn't feel like it's hitting substantially more than you, it's only 10%. Your brain can't get over that 10% though and attributes everything to it, so remove it from the equation and your brain will be happy again.

It's not your fault that your mind is weak, but there is an easy solution that would allow you to stop shitting up a serious forum with your weak-brained takes.
>The only other Medium Armor martial that get more HP is Barbarian
Also Ranger. They have the same armor progression as Inventor at 10 HP and also have flexible Dex/Str key stat. But also they're Ranger so idk.
Percentage =/= percentage points.

If you (the non-fighter) have 50% accuracy with your first strike, and 25% with your second, then what that means is that the fighter with their +10 %-points will be hitting 20% more often with their first strike and 40% more often with their second strike compared to you.

So over 20 rounds, on average you will hit 14 strikes and the fighter 19. Those 10 %-points gives them +35% more hits. Which is very, very noticable.
In 2E, do animal companions/familiars benefit from the Dying rules, or do they just keel over at 0 like everybody else?
Knew I was missing something.
I can't say Inventor getting 10HP over 8HP would be too different or something I would personally complain about. I just don't think they need it.

For whatever reason it is more implied than stated but companions do use the Dying rules. Construct Companion and Undead Companions specifically call out they use the same Dying rules as PCs, it just isn't stated in the Animal Companion section.

Familiars would be worthless if they just exploded on impact (which they can still do, be mindful of Massive Damage!)
>companion stuff

Thanks Anon, I was going crazy trying to find anything that mentioned it one way or the other.
*15 not 14, duh
which changes it from 19/14 to 19/15 (~+25%)
I feel like in general society needs to have better/more well understood language to clarify the difference between absolute and relative percentage.
I guess my gripe is that Inventor just feels like it's always behind somehow.
>lags on HP
>lags on armor
>lags on strike accuracy
>no action compression AND an action tax
I sort of get what you mean by the 2 HP not being a huge deal but I look at the chassis and ask 'why shouldn't it be 10 per level?' and I don't come up with anything. Inventor wants to get stuck in for Explosion but they don't have tools to do that reliably until super late in the game. The only subclass that isn't true for is Construct but they get other quirks like a companion with no support ability (although the Construct using Unstables is neat, admittedly) and the ever present issue of peaking at level 15 like the other companion classes.
Yea Magus exists in my brain in a lot of the same space that shit like monk does, where I look at it and go "why the fuck doesn't it have x, y, and z things? Why does the version it DOES get suck so much?", such as Monk having Whirling Blade Stance. Which is really fucking cool wuxia bullshit, but also LEVEL FUCKING FOURTEEN and really goddamn pathetic for what it actually does? Meanwhile Spirit Warrior archetype is over there dabbing on weapon monk in every way that matters. Oh boy it's so cool that monk sucks fucking ass at mixing weapon and fist but this archetype is all about it, wow, great, amazing.

I pray Exemplar is good, and am equally dreading and excited to see the leaks trickle out for it.

>But also they're Ranger so idk.
I'll laugh at Ranger all day, but their only real crime is just being sort of boring. I'd probably play one, but they're not remotely a first choice.
We (as in I and hopefully at least one other guy) need more Kasatha art okay.
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I did this, uhhh, ~6-7 years ago for a game I ran when starfinder came out.
Rolled 7 + 17 (1d20 + 17)

>the Pheromap lets my Vlaka Operative identify almost everything but the undead and constructs using Perception
I will roll to sniff you at +17 and learn everything about you, anon.
Why the fuck do you have 50% accuracy? What in god's name are you fighting?
A level +2 enemy?
Thoughts on the Dragon's Demand Kickstarter that launched today?
And you aren't flanking him or anything? You're just running up to a level+2 enemy and raw-dog attacking him (twice)?
Look at this nerd trying his nerd shit. Just don't be a lucklet bro
It's standing in a corner :(
Years and years ago, one of the players in my Grup figured out a way to wombo combo trips and repisitions using a wolf companion.
Just now I remembered [i]that[/i] he used to do it and turn a fight into a meme, but he always refused to explain [i]how[/i] he did it.
Was that actually a thing, and if so how did it work?
Oh nice, thanks for not italics, dick.
I'm itching for a pf2e game but the game doesn't look all the great to me
The main that that puts me off is character creation.
There aren't any custom characters to make it feel like your own.
I'd definitely play it in like 5 years when it's on sale for $5

also I hate video games
1e was neat
I remember having a summoner with a summon that could cast Heal so as long as he had summon slots he could burst heal anyone though anything

a lot of broken stuff in that game
what a blast it was
That just sounds like stacking AoO triggers via Greater Reposition and Greater Trip at the core. Wolf makes sense because of the trip rider on its bite. There's probably more feats that feed into it but at the basic it's those two greaters + wolf = the pain chain
Well good luck and have fun when Paizo eventually goes under
But how does reposition get its Opportunity from trip, it's not an attack roll, is it?
Greater Trip and/or Vicious Stomp (with Feral Combat Training I suppose)
I do like the concept of overdrive being a condition that increases like cursebound but instead gives you a passive buff to your innovation. I would have unstable feats actually increase your "overdrive" condition whenever you use them up to your max and then explode and other feats can use it all up. Gives the class a nice combat loop.
How would this be an issue for me? I got the books
How would you rule shooting a flying enemy with a grappling gun, then mortal kombat scorpion style pulling them closer?
I did rule of cool, just an athletics "shove" check at the time (which was very cool), but I don't want my players to abuse this in the future.
Forgot the edition, its 2e.
While I'm amending, what are your favourite monsters?
Well we've got this weapon that does basically that: https://2e.aonprd.com/Equipment.aspx?ID=1069
So could keep it as some kind of Athletics check against their Fort or have the target make a Fort save against their class DC.
Would be cool if a critical in the monster's favor had them break the rope.
Wait, you probably meant how it could make Reposition maneuver as opportunity attack, now that I reread your question?
Dunno about that, Reposition is indeed standard action to make, so you can't normally do it as AoO. I have not really done much with reposition maneuver, so I don't know if there is something to turn it into normal attack.
It is however common enough mistake(or houserule) to think that all maneuvers can be made with attacks, so I would not be surprised if that was a case.
The most straightforward comparison is just a Ranged Trip - it's possible to have Trip on a ranged weapon, and when you Trip a flying creature they fall. There's like a 'bolas' type weapon that dark dwarves or dark gnomes use, I forget which one, which has ranged trip. Your grappling hook would maybe just work as a longer-ranged version that does less damage.
Speaking of ranged trips, how does telekinetic maneuver actually work, is it still beholden to size rules so a halfling can't cast it top trip something large? Does titan wrestler somehow function with it?
My friend likes the thought of a dude whos read about monsters through a very questionable source and likes the thought of rolling a Ranger with Dubious Knowledge as a level 1 feat through being a Human and going for the monster hunter feat line and the hunt prey one that lets him rk when he hunts the prey as well is that a good idea or is there a better way to do it
Thaumaturge is all about knowing things about monsters through dubious sources, though I find a ranger is usually just a more straighforward class to play in its mechanics. The monster hunter feats work fine, and as a human you are particularly suited for it since you also get to use that one human ancestry feat to get an extra level 1 class feat which helps you offensively a lot. Hunted Shot/Twin Takedown for flurry and Warden Initiate->Gravity Weapon or Crossbow Ace for precision.
He was thinking of going for Outwit and ruled out Thaumaturge because he’s very autistic and both didn’t want to have two thaumaturges in the party and also didn’t want the flavor of Thaumaturge for his guy even though I mentioned that was also a good idea.
>Wants a dude who identifies monsters
>Party already has dude who identifies monsters
Bewarned - you will be monster-identification-mogged if there's already a thaumaturge on your team, monster identification is 100% their Thing and they will be much better at it than you.
Yeah, his other idea was a Kobold Magus so I might try to steer him closer to there then. The current party comp is Human Dhampir Thaumaturge, Ratfolk Psychopomp Summoner, Human Ranger/Kobold Magus, and our fourth guy hasn’t made an idea yet. This’ll be for Season of Ghosts, too.
Unfortunately this is Enigma Bard or Thaumaturge depending on whether you'd rather cast spells and Recall or strike and Recall.
Ranger is more about tracking than understanding. Ranger may pay a horrendous action efficiency tax, but they are the "track that guy through a busy city, you can run but you can't hide" operative, they're the "pArD lOoK aT tHiS bOuNtY fOR tHe bRaChYdIoS wItH tHe wEiRd vArIaNt" hunter. You track things, and when you find them you do almost as much damage as a Fighter if you've set up your build correctly, maybe more. But knowing what you're fighting? You get no bonuses to Nature or Society, and you'd be MAD to invest anything beyond Skill Feats and advancement.
Crazy mad or ability MAD?
Ability MAD.
But, if you wanted to play a yandere stalker, Ranger would be a good fit mechanically. Pick up Streetwise, Underground Network, Biographical Eye, Relentless Stalker, Nature Prowler, and Can't You See? Stealth and Society need to be maxed, and you need Occultism at trained even if you never use it. So crazy is definitely possible, and optimizable.
How does one build a mutagenist post-PC2?
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>Guy asks for tips surviving a "rocks fall you die" encounter
>Explain strategy that counters the bullshit part of the encounter
>Immediately dogpiled by would-be GMs that all need me to understand that I'm metagaming by using tactics and not just dying in an encounter stacked against me
Yeah yeah, reddit and all that. But man, their tables must be fucking awful. Isn't the entire point about playing RPGs instead of a computer game that the encounters aren't scripted? The most memorable moments I've ever had in RPGs is when chance and creativity happen to match perfectly, and the encounter flips on its head.
I'm sure their tables are massive hugboxes and they'd never actually pull something like this. But there's sometimes a weird patriarchical / "papa bear" thing going on that I've noticed in those hugboxy spaces, where you're expected to symbolically respect and honor the "daddy" even though daddy's a doormat.

First lets break it down just using the two Greaters to establish a baseline; Player with greater reposition uses his standard to reposition a target, this then provokes an AoO from the wolf with greater trip, wolf lands his bite, then proceeds to get a free trip, trips the target, which then provokes an AoO from the player. With a single action and two AoO's the player has smacked the target twice, moved them slowly to a more advantageous position, and knocked them prone (always a bad place to be in melee) The player still has the rest of their turn and the wolf has yet to actually do anything yet.

To expand upon this further requires more info, for example level and class.

A 5th level Gloomblade Fighter gets a swift action reposition on landing a melee strike (which would provoke an AoO if successful with greater trip).

Having the Crashing Wave Style feat chain lets you make multiple unarmed strikes on someone as you drag them around like a cabbage on a mandolin. Hell, just having the Quick Reposition lets you trade a highest BaB attack for a reposition.

A 13th level investigator can get a free action reposition on a studied target with a specific talent of theirs.

And this is all before dipping toes into 3rd party stuff
it's crazy to me that people think player skill being represented at the table in any way beyond building an absurdly broken character is looked down on in modern-style d20 games
my brain stopped working in the middle of typing this very short post. goodness gracious
it's crazy to me that people think representing player skill at the table in any way beyond building an absurdly broken character is bad form in modern-style d20 games*
Best I can tell, it is not. The reason for that is that the size restriction on athletics maneuvers (as well as the requirement to have a hand free) are parts of the requirements for using the athletic maneuver action. Telekinetic Maneuver skips right over those, and straight-up tells you that you can make a Disarm, Reposition, Shove, or Trip as part of the spell effects, and that you substitute a spell attack roll for the athletics check on top of that. If it didn't bypass the requirements, then you'd have to have a hand free to use Telekinetic Maneuver (since that's part of the requirements for using any of those athletics maneuvers), and I feel like that's the kind of thing they'd specify if that were the case.
Generally speaking a lot of it is going to be reliant on the Collar of the Shifting Spider. It's somewhat more awkward to obtain since you can't make non-Consumables with Advanced Alchemy anymore, but it still the most potent option in being a Mutagenist, for you and all your friends.
The Fury Cocktail is going to be your friend on STR Mutagenists, especially with your VVs letting you ignore the AC penalty. 10 minutes of Rage from Level 4 can do you a lot. Take Combine Elixirs to get Animal and Giant boosts together one you hit 13th Level.
DEX-Muties can takes Far Lobber + Quick Bomber, VVs scaling mean you really don't need to take on a bow or crossbow anymore.
Keep your options open, mutagenist is the most freeform of the Research Fields. Don't put yourself in one spot, Alchemist is still more caster than martial so they don't do too well specializing.
Look at the Bottled Monstrosities. Having a lot of fun with the Ghost Ampoule over here~.
>ask if you can actually make fun builds, or just cookie cutter shit
>get called a powergaming shithead because the game is "about actual strategy"
>try to strategize and come up with a clever solution to a problem with what few tools I'm allowed
>get called a metagaming asshole trying to cheese shit
Some days I start to think the OSR freaks I know aren't so bad compared to these people
Would you specialize in improvised weapons because yanderes use box cutters?
Ok, one quick thing to ask, does Reposition force him back on his feet to provoke another trip?
Second, more importantly, 'third party'.
Do you think he was cheating?
What could he have possibly used to Reposition and Trip like five times?
And all of that is just considering he didn't read the rules wrong from the very beginning.
Wouldn't that just be a knife? An improvised weapon is, like, a broken bottle or something.
is there something I'm missing on taking fury cocktail (animal) over the bestial mutagen for getting your attacks?
1: RAW no you can't reposition someone back up from prone, I could easily see some DM's ruling that you can but that's a case-by-case.

2: there's 3rd party archetypes, feat chains, and even magic items that compound on to the ways that trip and reposition could be chained together. I used it as a catch-all just to avoid compounding the examples even further.

3. I doubt he was actually cheating. there's way worse combos that can be done on a single body. this just sounds like what a lot of players will do at least once; hyper-fixate on something and turn the dial as up and/or silly as possible

4. Probably a table agreement for either the first question to reposition them back on their feet or the table agreed that you can trip prone people (the forums constantly bring this back up over and over, and even James can't decide if it's a yes or no)
An improvised knife, yeah.
Improvised weapons is more then just using random shit, it's also using things not meant for combat. So a box-cutter while edged is not meant nor designed for fighting so it is an improvised knife. another example is the classic using the sword as a hammer by holding the blade (yes this is actual historical combat practice but in the table that's improvised)
So taking into consideration prey for death's concept of everyone being Red Mantis assassins, thematically how many different classes can you make a red mantis assassin to diversify a party?
>double slice fighter (sawtooth sabers)
>flurry ranger (sawtooth sabers)
>war priest cleric of achaekek
>dual wield swashbuckler (braggart maybe for intimidation or possibly fencer since prayer strike is feint now)
>dual wield champion (very weird)
>dual wield rogue, probably thief
>>double slice fighter (sawtooth sabers)
>>flurry ranger (sawtooth sabers)
Good controller and madcatz controller.
Specifically them having to actually use the sawtooth sabers as their main thing?
>Fighter, Flurry Ranger, Swashbuckler, Rogue
Without that restriction, as high level assassins working for the god of murder?
>Alchemist (poison), Ranger (precision), Investigator, Magus, Gunslinger (crossbows), Monk
>Cleric of Akachek, Psychic (Silent Whisper perhaps), Sorcerer (Shadow), Witch (Starless Shadow), Wizard (with lots of illusions)
Harder sells would be Barbarian and bard (for being noisy), champions for being heavy-armour focused, Druids, Inventors (unless maybe they use the infiltrator suit), kineticist (flashy), oracle (eh), summoner (two creatures are less stealthy than one), and, I dunno, Thaumaturge? I feel the typical targets of an assassination would be too boring for their tastes.
it should be noted that Prey for death has expanded the red mantis assassin lore. While the dedication still requires training in sawtooth sabers, note the following:
>Not all members of the Red Mantis are focused solely on killing. Many are also potent diviners, divine spellcasters, or unarmed combat experts. Whatever their specialty, however, all Red Mantis must worship Achaekek.
Historically Red Mantis children are kinda pigeonholed into the sawtooth style but it seems Achaekek welcome all forms of killing as long as it gets the job done
>Wizard (with lots of illusions)
Funny enough, there is a new wizard school for Red Mantis wizards. It has the Mentalist focus spells with reskinned names and only a slightly different spell list than Mentalist though, so I don't know why they even bothered.
This is the anon you replied to, I wouldn't because now I'm actually taking a significant power hit. Like this is more than just "nO fLicKmAcE oPiNiOn DiScArDeD" I feel like I'd be missing a lot of damage as a melee flurry ranger.
Maybe as an off-hand, but main hand is something that does d8.
As a GM I firmly agree that a boxcutter is improvised. It is not a weapon. Scissors have blades, and can kill, but they're the classic improvised weapon.
insane they added this for wizards when they could have given magus a red mantis hybrid study
Magus did just get two hybrid studies in the Tian Xia book, even if they aren't that appealing. I care more about them printing two awful barbarian instincts and then not even giving them feats.
I tried my hardest to give it a chance but after 5 sessions, 2e just isn't for me, bros. I picked up PF originally because I wanted something more like D&D 3.5e after 4e came out, and it being so different from the framework of what came before took away most of the reasons why I played PF. On paper, it may be alright that it trimmed off so much of the old systems and OGL stuff, but I think it took away that essence of what made me like the system in the process. I'm glad if you enjoy PF2e but I don't think it's right for me. Big sad.
Yeah I feel like 2e isn't really designed to appeal to the sort of person that likes 1e.
The people that like 1e like 1e for a reason, and the reasons they liked 1e were largely things that the devs of 2e saw as flaws to fix or remove.

Granted, I agree with them and also saw them as flaws to fix or remove. But, y'know, some people liked that stuff.
As a counterpoint though, 1E is functionally complete, has a massive amount of content out for it, and didn't go away just because 2E exists. Anybody who wants to play it still can.
All my local PF groups are PFS and only play 2E. My old 1E group graduated and moved, ran out of time to play, or lost interest over the years. Makes me sad.
Just going to say I love this portrait so much. Used it in my first run on Kingmaker. Aasimar Cleric of Asmodeus(She had daddy issues)
Mine is the elf. God she's so fucking cool.
those two hybrid studies suck so much ass
You don't like being able to restrain enemies on a successful attack at level 1?
What exactly is the benefit of going Magus when you can just do Sorcerer/Fighter
Spellstrike. Hitting and casting a spell on the same turn/with the same action
...Works a bit different depending on the system

Better question: what is the point of starlit span magus when you can do Eldritch Archer fighter with a mount to move you around
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Forgot to post her.
My beloved...
Higher level spells. Eldritch Archer's version of spellstrike being a 3-action activity
multiclass psychic for imaginary weapon and you don't even need higher level spells for damage

it being a three action activity matters less when they don't have to move (hence the mount)
Are Paizo furries? I just wanna play as not!humans with special powers, but every fucking race is a freak of nature. I wish it was more like 50/50, hell I'd even take 25/75 instead of having like 5 human-ish races. Yes, I'm counting shit like Kasathas and their ugly ass heads, and anything that has extra limbs/eyes as freaks of nature.
>wants to play as far away from human as possible
>except everything that isn't human
the occult stuff was clearly unfinished and a lot of the later material was rushed
I would much rather Paizo have worked on more unchained fixes for older underdeveloped material than make 4e version 2
>Are Paizo furries

Monstergirl enthusiasts. The bestiaries are full of gooner art.
If you're a gm just restrict the races, if not suck it up or find another group. Honestly, the best races feat-wise are the totally not humans, so just play with a bunch of optimizers.
It's actually crazy how much furry stuff is in this game, and I'm not even against it.
If you're not a Monk and you take Two-Weapon Fighting, does your second attack take the offhand damage penalty?
Followup, can taking any unarmed combat style that turns your unarmed strikes into slashing allow you to use slashing grace?
Ditto Snake Style and Snake/Boar Style.
Fencing Grace and Snake/Boar Style, I'm tired.
Just refluff a dagger or something and say it's a specialized boxcutter. The difference is entirely mechanical; it's not like the polytool isn't already statted.
this looks shit tho
Compatibility with Sure Strike (which can be cast in abundance with a Spellstriker Staff shifted into a gauntlet), and it requires fewer feats. The fighter build you're talking about requires 3 archetypes (eldritch archer, cavalier or whatever, psychic) and takes minimum 7 feats + 1 skill feat to get through. That practically requires FA to come online in a timely manner, and even then is expensive as hell.
>because now I'm actually taking a significant power hit
>as a melee flurry ranger
Anon, I...
Now that you mention it, it's insane to me that there is no dual-wield magus hybrid study
I guess since spellstrike is already technically "attacking twice" they don't wanna do anything more
But like it'd be so easy to make a dual wield hybrid study, that gets a double slice spellstrike that is just like three actions instead of two or something. Make it so as long as you hit once the spell effect applies
Honestly though we need that secrets of magic remaster so we can get magus and summoner and shit updated already
starlit span is basically the best magus because it makes the most use out of expansive spellstrike because you can deliver a fireball with an arrow
Does anyone have some actually well designed 2e(or other system that could be used...) battlemaps? Paizo official maps seem to utilize the strengths of the system extremely poorly, so I was wondering if there was some examples of good design that I could study for my own map design?
No. Because Fencing Grace only works with Rapiers.
Higher item bonus to attack rolls, probably.
Were there any announcements for the war of immortals class archetypes besides avenger rogue, bloodrager barbarian, and vindicator ranger?
Yeah, in live streams
Warrior of Legends Fighter
Seneschal Witch
I wish Monk wasn't so fucking SHIT. I just want to play Goku.
You want to be a boring shit character? Great! Ill hand you a wife kids and endless arcs of fighting in a boring room, you're going to love Abomination VaultZ
Scissors are a better choice thematically, you're right.
But I was arguing more for the aesthetic of the yandere; like when was the last time you saw one use a gun?
some gms are autistically nitpicky about shit like this, once i wanted to make a character who fought with a reinforced umbrella (with the stats of a light mace or something similar i don't remember exactly) and he insisted that something like that cannot possibly be that light and must have the stats of a bo staff because it more accurately portrays the weapon umbrellas they use in some anime i never watched
So I'll need Double Slice as well then, alright.
Thanks dude.
but FC lags behind a level in regards to attack rolls
The only advantage I can think of is that it gives its bonus to all melee attacks, not just unarmed, so if you have to hit with an actual weapon it still helps. Other than that though I dont see why Id ever pick it over Bestial.
monk isn't that bad, especially with the remaster
you get fuckloads of movespeed and lots of attacks
He might be referring more to 1e Monk which is pretty scuffed. Not fixing the MAD and alignment problems from 3.X just made it a hard class to pilot.
That or he is just that schizo.
if he is talking about 1e Monk then idk bro 1e monk is fun, especially unchained
I found the main thing with 1e monk was just being a full-attack machine. Your best option is always to stand still and do a billion attack.

Big fan of 2e's flurry going from "Full action to do a Full-er attack" to "Standard action to do a modestly full attack" leaving you room to use the rest of your turn for doing backflips and stuff.
You actually made me stop and think about it. I guess it has been a long time.
There's essentially a super sayian feat, anon
>leaving you room to use the rest of your turn for doing backflips and stuff.
Does remind me a small complaint I have about 2e Monk, it doesn't have a lot of its own ways to use the freedom of actions. You have a Stance you should only need to turn on once, you get multi-action meta-strikes that fight against Flurry, and that is pretty much it. It just an odd bit about Monk's feat design that should have been tackled way sooner and more often, imo.
Guess I gotta see how Battlecry! and Rival Academies deal with it.
You forgot about Raise a Shield
You *are* a tank, after all.
Stuff of its *own*, part of Monk's kit. Not just generic or archetype feats. Of course you have room for that, but why not give us some its own ways of using that action, especially if you don't have to move or skirmish.
Yeah especially when you're fighting a small number of melee enemies - monks shine when you have, for example, an archer in a watch tower raining down arrows on you. But in a white room against a single baddie, it's easy to run out of stuff to do with your 2nd and 3rd actions.

Funnily enough, it makes Monks really apt and using shields.
I feel like they should get access to some feat kinda like Duelling Parry but for monks, if just to reflavour it somewhat.
You're "supposed" to be changing stance every turn, basically. If your rotation is offensive stance -> move -> flurry into move -> flurry -> defensive/utility stance then you get the benefits of your offensive stance for all your attacks and your defensive / utility stance for half the enemy's turns.

Depending on the stance this is stronger than just raising a shield (but probably not a fortress shield), with the added benefit that you can often get additional movement bonuses or special attacks from your defensive stance.

Does this design actually work and make sense? Kind of. Maybe.
Shields being optimal for monks is lame as fuck. They should've given monks something that isn't a stance like Dueling Parry
They're not optimal because shields aren't particularly good to begin with. Monk just happens to be able to use the best shields without much penalty, so it's a natural point of synergy. Scrolls, staves, and wands are actually optimal, though.
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Monk frustrates me, every time I look at it I go "wow this is ALMOST my favorite class", and I know it's decently strong but it has too many things that annoy the piss out of me. Starting at expert unarmored feels like a bandaid, not a feature. Why the fuck did it take until dragonblooded heritage for Strength monks to have an AC option outside mountain stance, and why isn't it a monk feat? Flurry of Blows is alright, but why doesn't it get any bonuses from the chassis itself? Why isn't Flurry of Maneuvers built into monk's chassis? Why do people keep acting like "high AC and the ability to use basic athletics actions" somehow makes it more of a defender than shit like Fighter? Why the FUCK do monks not have a "monk's parry" so I can stop being told to carry a fucking shield on monk? Why does Spirit Warrior get to share handwrap runes with its weapon and not a Monastic Weapon monk? Why is Whirling Blade Stance level 14 yet it's just kind of dogshit?
you don't need a shield on monk just like you don't need a shield on a two-handed weapon user
You don't need one but unless you're going 2h monk for a bo staff or something, they're the class that's the best at using shields without investing class feats into using them like champions and fighters can do.

They already move fast and have action compression on attacking twice so they pretty often have the action free at the end of their turn to just raise the thing. They're usually not cha guys throwing out bon mots or intimidation and +8-10MAP is rarely worth the attempt so at that point you're probably looking to just defend. And sometimes the shield beats stepping away.
yeah but if you use a shield on monk you're gay as fuck ngl
What’s actually wrong with using a D4 weapon like a dagger is it really that bad?
it's not that bad, large die weapons just have more damage earlier but as you get higher in levels and get more riders and flat damage it stops mattering as much
the d4 is an unforgivable piece of shit that isn't fun to roll at all. stupid fucking thing should have never been born
I find with d4 weapons the extra traits aren't really useful enough to justify the drop in damage. A shortsword or rapier does the job well enough, with maybe the exception of the Whip which has a combination of traits you might actually want to use.
>be me
>level 18
>higher level than an ancient dragon
>making a production
>dc40 intimidate check to stop people quarreling about fake tickets
>clumsy for 1 hour due to someone standing on my toe
whip is non-lethal though
Not really an issue in 2e.
Why’s that?
It means you have to take a -2 whenever you try to attack a construct which isn't nothing.
nonlethal just means that you can deal nonlethal damage - normally to deal nonlethal damage you take a -2 to hit, but nonlethal trait ignores this. nonlethal's only effect usually is to knockout rather than kill at 0hp
unless a monster has specific resist/immunity to nonlethal, your nonlethal weapon just means you can freely attack and dm assumes you knock enemy unconcious rather than slay
Nonlethal also means that you can’t deal lethal without penalty and constructs and certain undead range from immune to taking less damage from it, too, iirc.
Shields shouldn't take damage when you block if they aren't going to fully absorb the hit and I'm tired of the morons who pretend it's not a fucking stupid decision for them to work the way they currently do
+1 die size is 10-20% more damage at pretty much every stage of the game.
>hits your shield with a big fucking hammer
I'm sure your arm felt none of that
for classes like rogue and swash the small die size doesnt matter as much when you're dealing lots of extra die worth of damage on top of it
Coincidentally, lower die size weapons tend to be finesse, agile, and/or thrown
How would you make a viable synthesist summoner archetype for 2e
No shit, but this is a fucking game and maybe it should just reduce the fucking damage I take and not break after eating a crit
>certain undead
Which ones?
Bardbros, is it worth carrying around a musical instrument to use during combat? Is it not a hassle to keep swapping it with weapons (assuming bards want to do some attacking)? In practice, how do fights play out for bards?
I’m probably wrong but I swore ghosts had an immunity to nonlethal but this is me going purely off my memory which is flawed.
meld gets a free action use when you roll initiative like the barbarian's quick-tempered, can still cast spells while melded but with restrictions, and get temp hps equal to your level plus your charisma modifier once per hour when you meld
Is there any reason at all if you're going for an unarmed character you shouldn't take at least 1 level in Solarian? You can just take the shield, and then all of your unarmed attacks get a weapon crystal which almost doubles the damage at 20, and gets you the ability to apply fusions to them. Oh, and a free +1 AC is nice too.
Synthesist Summoner really requires something like Shifter to being the game first and foremost. The closest we got so far is Wild Mimic, Clawdancer, and the Grafts introduced with Howl of the Wild, but you still need to have more ways to synergize and utilize unarmed attacks and beast gameplay. Ignoring that, you also have to make up actual focus spells for Synthesist to actually be more than just unarmed attacks. 1e got away with how straightforward the archetype was by the customization of Eidolons and natural attack rules, things that 2e didn't replicate.

There also just need to be more Evolution feats too, since the current ones are too linear to particularly be interesting to build around the archetype. Eidolons can be a little flat prior to Level 7.
Are there any viable Kamen Rider-like classes or abilities in Starfinder 2e, or is it still Armor Inventor, Soulforger and Starlit Sentinel as the only real options?
It still matters quite a lot.
lower die size weapons are almost always agile which means you're gonna be hitting multiple times with them more often, whereas a big die weapon like a greatsword is gonna be hitting once per turn usually
classes that make use of these type of weapons also have shit like sneak attack, precise strike, and finishers to make use of the multiple hits
But finishers directly don't want to use multiple hits. And multiple hits doesn't affect Sneak Attack any more than any other increase to damage - what matters is how much damage you do in one hit.

The standard 1d6 at level 1 and 5d6 at level 20 doesn't really negate the power of a die size. It's not like you want to use a d12 weapon on a rogue, but if you can get +1 die size without making a sacrifice somewhere else, it's still a good 10% more damage. Same with STR, if you can get it. All melee martials tend to do very similar damage per hit, going from about 8 damage at level 1 to about 40 damage at level 20, up to about 55 at max.
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took a pic of the plushies before i mail them to my players
they're havin a nice little campout
In an absolute vacuum yes, since any weapon using larger dice has a higher ceiling and higher average, and first thing you have a two dice weapon instantly it's much better because the minimum has now been raised.

However weapons don't exist in a vacuum, because weapons have multiple ways to be used and abused. The rogue sneak attacking is gonna want to use something they can swing as much and as fast as possible, daggers give that versatility of being throw-able so that may win over someone over a larger die but more restricted weapon. The guy that wants to get crits to deliver riders wants whatever he can use to get as low of a threat threshold as possible, die size becomes an afterthought. It really depends on HOW yer using the weapon vs the weapon itself.
Ignoring the size problem, is this actually any good?
not really in a broad term, tis a half-decent defense against being controlled if you implant yourself. It's really thematic as fuck tho
No, die size is pretty much always the most important thing. The only exceptions are Reach and Finesse, and a few things that interact beneficially with Agile (e.g. double slice). Athletics maneuvers are a consideration but are almost always available at a competitive die size, and you can't ever get both a Reflex and Fortitude maneuver on the same base weapon even by sacrificing some damage.
Okay for possession protection, though obviously you can't use it for basically anything else then.
Against enemies it requires for GM to actively support it.
you are a fucking retarded whiterooming faggot anon
assuming you always hit with your non-agile weapon and high roll all your damage die then of course it's gonna be higher damage
but that's not going to happen
traits are more important than die size and a rule of thumb is more die > bigger die
That being said almost no d4 weapon in 2e is worth using
>thrown build
light hammers are 1d6, tamchal chakram are 1d8
>agile builds
bunch of 1d6 weapon options and several with deadly/fatal
plenty of 1d8s with good traits

The only exception I can think of is fighting fan because of the new fan dancer archetype that is insanely good and any of the good unarmed stances that only have 1d4 (that fire one for starters)
I'm talking about average damage. I'm better at math than you, there's no point accusing me of whiterooming. In the first place, whiterooming really just means "doing bad math". I don't do bad math. I take all the variables into consideration. The most important variable is what you think is cool, so Fangwire is a totally valid weapon choice because who fucking cares about doing 15% more damage in this shitty ass game.

>traits are more important than die size and a rule of thumb is more die > bigger die
You're just saying this with no proof, which is fine, but you need to realize you haven't actually said anything.
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you haven't posted math either dumbfuck
I'm just piping here that the dice maths and "averages" are a bold lie.
I always roll ones for damage, except when the enemy has something like 1 hitpoint remaining, which is when I roll max dices.
that's terrible why would paizo do this??!?
Dunno, but the fucks seem to love replacing flat damage bonuses with dices which I find infuriating
Math vvvvvvv (or at least correct numbers, which is better than what you have)
Math ^^^^^^^^^^
Now shut up and learn some humility. You're not smart and you never will be. None of the ideas you think are clever actually are. Accept what I say without question, because your mediocre mind is an affliction upon a world it tries to interrogate.
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there is no math show your calculations
Nope, what I have is better than what you have. You have to one-up me, not the other way around.
show your calculations or retarded + gay + small penis
What they did to cantrips was dogshit. They actually should have gone in the opposite direction and had Int/Cha casters add their mod to damage. It would make up for their key stats being the two worst, and it would mean there's more differences between a wizard and a fighter casting fireball than like +1 on their dc for most levels.
So they need feats like Rip and Tear, Brutal Crush, and some focus spells that affect their new form? Sounds like a class archetype is the way to go.
Is there any phrase more viscerally irritating than "wand of tailwind"? Whenever I see someone say it I just get a red film over my vision. It's like they want me to rape+kill them.
"I roll diplomacy"
As the first sentence without any hints about what he is rolling for.
Sounds like something from a furry fart fetishist.
>based on a 1e AP that no one remembers
>most generic plot imaginable (saving a village from a dragon in the taldan countryside)
>level cap of 8
>doesn't even have character animation
>expects the fact that the combat grid will be 3D to be a worthy tradeoff for this, when this will only be relevant to the player for like an hour's worth of gameplay because fly is a 4th rank spell and the level cap is 8
>wants $80k extra to add multiclassing

the absolute state of 2efags
The gameplay could be the most perfect version of 2e ever and I still probably wouldn't play it because the whole virtual miniatures thing they're doing is HIDEOUS.

Seriously, it looks like fucking Heroforge and honestly fuck Heroforge, looks like absolute fucking garbage.
If they're doing a videogame and they're doing special poses for special situations then at that point they might as well animate the characters like a real videogame.

the "miniatures style" isn't a selling point, it's a compromise for money.
I grew up reading Animorphs, you can guess why I'm interested in this.
It looks like it would be really fun to try, at the very least.
I was wondering about the possessing enemies thing, like how much you can control them or if the minotaur levels up with you.
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So as the archetype says it functions as Suggestion from lvl 3 to 7 (so you can't make em do anything they wouldn't normally), then from 7-14 it acts as Dominate Person (so you can enslave an extra hand but limited in target choice), then from 15 onward you can go full Yeerk and grab whatever you want as long as it isn't immune to such spell effects.

As for leveling with you it COULD technically do it, but the rest of the party would probably be mad about the extra XP divide, unless you go off on your own and farm yer new found forced friend up.
So the problem it's a late bloomer, hrmm.
On the plus side, my Grup doesn't split xp, so we all level up the same time.
What I'm a little confused about is what> >94008478 said about protecting me from being controlled.
That's from using Suggestion or the later stuff to ReAssume Control to myself, is that he meant?
There are also enemy monsters who have effects and spells within their repertoire that can exert control over you, this will protect you from those effects.
What would happen if the host had Freedom of Movement, would the Yeerk be ejected automatically?
Also worth remembering that it is the Familiar that does the dominate. While usually handwaved, it is technically speaking in the rules that the GM controls the familiar (and animal companions and so on), while just trying its best to fullfull the commands of the player.
Becomes more relevant in the cases where PC can't actually give out direct commands for the familiar.
There's a sub-rule for when a creature receives commands from multiple sources of a mind control effect, the two-or-more commanders need to make opposed CHA rolls to see who's order is obeyed. So having a trusted friend giving you orders just to have an overlap is a decent preventative against similar effects from enemies
what are some cool environmental stuff I can prepare so my players can cleverly defeat an ooze?
They are in a underground, half destroyed temple
The easiest thing would be holes or loose stuff hanging from the ceiling. I think the most important thing would be to communicate that oozes only have motion sense and let them use that information to their advantage. As long as they don't get ambushed, I'd set up something that shows the ooze mindlessly chasing stuff that moves.
They always said it will be a Class Archetype, it is pretty mandatory now that Summoner doesn't have 3/4ths BAB progression and more typical caster attack. You would need to readjust the Summoner and Eidolon attack progression, figure out what to do with Act Together and other Tandem feats, replace Link Spells with different focus spells, there's quite a bit you have to do, and that is even before you run into the competition between Monk, Mutagenist Alchemist, Animal Instinct Barbarian, Untamed Order Druid, etc....

I understand why it would take a while to figure out all the pieces, but probably not this long.
Add to his question, can salt (water?) hurt certain oozes?
Can they even swim?
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What happens if you're riding an eidolon, and you fall and take falling damage?
Same thing that happens any time you take falling damage, you (not your eidolon) end up prone. It's not likely to kill you but mindful of that.
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What happens if I, riding an eidolon, together with the eidolon, fall a sufficient distance as to cause falling damage?

As both the eidolon and the rider fell a certain distance and hit the ground, would they each take falling damage separately, leading to the damage being subtracted twice from the shared HP pool? Or would this fall under the summoner's "subject to the same effect" clause, only taking the greater amount of damage between the two bodies?

Is the summoner rider considered to be "falling on a creature", forcing the eidolon to make a DC 15 Reflex save to determine how much additional damage it takes from the summoner falling on it?
What do you think *should* happen?
So that's more an "Ask Your GM" question thanks to how contextual this all can be, such as the size of the Eidolon, how you were riding them, Gliding, and if one lands before the other (since there is a cap of 500ft per round).
I would say if you fall at the same rate, you only take the worst damage for simplicity sake, but if there would be anything that would cause you to land differently, then you both take damage. If you land on the Eidolon and they can't catch you, you also take that damage for hitting them. If you are riding them, then you fall at the same rate outside of goofy contexts.
as a rule of thumb whenever the eidolon and summoner take damage from the same thing, you only take the damage ONCE
normally, you take the worse of the two but there's a feat to take the lesser
>Machine creates different oozes
>vats of stuff that damage or would heal certain ooze
Scale up or down as wanted, kite oozes over the bad stuff or break the vats etc
Any setting or Religion in PF where I can be a vestal or consecrated virgin for religious reasons?
Zon Kuthon probably has some ritual involving virgins.
This is the first thing that comes to mind for me. She cares more about not having kids than not having sex, but you could stretch it to that pretty easily.
I think a straightforward war-god like Iomedae or Ragathiel, as gods of Crusading, it could make sense to take an oath to not have kids or not fuck as a 'don't let anything distract me from killing demons - settling down is an abandonment of My Duty' type thing.
How do I convince my players to stand down from the amount of downtime math they are going to force me to do for them
Threaten to kill yourself and them.
Just tell them to do it by themselves and just check if anything stands up from end numbers
Get them to do it, and check their math and threaten bad things if the numbers don't add up
Use a handy dandy online tool to calculate for you :)
Plenty of monks have a Vow of Celibacy, so I'm guessing Irori?
Then again, >>94016494 has a point, though I'm not certain you'd want to be the virgin.
What's a good free archetype that isn't Bastion, Sentinel, Blessed One for a Champion Spear and Shield?
Marshal, Mahou Shoujo, Soulforger, Knight Reclaimant/Vigilant
What do you want?
Will Exemplar be any good for archetyping into?
Past level ~5, any given spellcasting archetype - true strike, blur, mirror image, protection, bless, haste, etc
So, what are some good houserules to massage the pain-points of the system and make it more fun to play?
I've accumulated...
>The Grade System for special materials are ignored. You always use the lowest grade available - making a weapon silver always costs +40gp, not 40/800/9000, making a weapon Adamantine always costs 1400gp, not 1400 for +2 and ~14000 for +3. You don't need to double a weapon's price multiple times just to put more runes on it - you don't have to do that with steel or flaming runes. That cost is already part of your potency runes.
>The first action in each turn spent fiddling with items (drawing, stowing, sheathing, regripping, but not using) is a free action. This makes it much easier to use consumables in combat. It is now no longer your whole turn for a barbarian with a great axe to drink a potion.
>The creatures summoned by a summoning spell (not including the low rank spells) are either a level or two higher or gain the Elite template. Maybe summons get to use 1 action per turn without being directed.
>When a creature is totally unaware of any danger, it has a -4 AC penalty from off-guard, rather than -2. Properly getting the drop on someone is better than just flanking them.
Some less necessary tinkering that I'm less settled on...
>Rolling a nat 1 or nat 20 on initiative makes you Quickened or Slowed 1 for the first round of combat. (This one's just for fun)
>Katana (when one-handed) and Scimitar gain the Finesse trait. Scimitar/falchion gains an extra trait to compensate for how overvalued Forceful is, not sure what.
>One-handed non-finesse weapons (Mace, shortspear, battle axe, flail, longsword, pick, trident, warhammer) get the two-hand trait to increase the damage die by one step - Bastard sword gainst Versatile and is moved to advanced.
>The ability to spend 2 actions to make an animal companion do 3 actions is built in to the regular companion chain rather than being a separate class feat.
>Evil, non-undead themed gods like Asmodeus get the heal font too. He wants to keep his minions alive to do his evil bidding.
>The Chilling Darkness spell, rather than only dealing extra damage to Celestials, instead deals its extra damage to Living Non-Fiends. Undead and Fiends make up like half of the average campaign's baddies. Most players have literally never fought a celestial before. The 'evil' APs in 2e have you mostly be fighting fellow undead anyway.
>If you already have everything that a dedication feat would give you (such as a ranger taking the Fighter dedication feat despite already being trained in martial weapons and athletics), you instead gain a 1st-level feat from that class.
Hey anons, relatively new GM here. Have been running Rise of the Runelords for my friends for a while in PF1e, and everyone's having a great time so far. We're getting close to the point where this becomes relevant, so i wanted to ask if i had the haunt mechanics down correctly.

1. players can try to detect the haunt with detect undead or alignment, but at -4 to the perception check
2. if a character triggers the haunt, they get the chance to perceive the haunt, but then the haunt triggers at initiative 10 on a surprise round, so there's actually nothing they can do to stop it before it starts
3. save is rolled, effect happens, like a trap
4. the party can finally begin trying to deal with it by stopping the affected character from jumping off of a cliff, pulling them away from the poltergeisted object, doing positive energy damage to the haunt's source, etc.

Is there anything I'm missing? It struck me as odd that you can't normally perceive it and avoid it like a trap, so I thought I might have something screwed up. Though I guess detect alignment isn't all that expensive to use.
Pretty much. Personally I have never much bothered with the actual rules of the haunts, but basically treated them as puzzles and narrative events instead (and sometimes as basically lair actions for specific monsters).
>Nat 1/20 Slowed/Quickened
This is good, have been playing with this for the past year
>Bastard Sword advanced

Here's mine
>Hero points
Gained when critically failing a save/skill check or when being critically hit instead of the normal once per played hour. If full, give to the player on your left who has the least.
Used for:
Reroll d20 OR add d10 to roll (fortune trait)
Stabilize to CON x level HP
Burn all to not die
Regain 1d4 spell points worth of slots, can spend several hero points at once (1st rank slots are worth 1 spell point, 2nd slot 2 points, etc.) (This one still needs testing, works fine up to 6th rank at least)

Ancestries with two boosts get an additional +free and -free
Ancestries with +3/-1 can treat one non-free flaw or boost as free
Not technically Paizo but has anyone tried the Final Fantasy d20 conversion for 1e? I'm really surprised by how fleshed out it is and the sheer amount of content for a fan project. I'm interested in running it for my group. Anyone ever played it? If so, what did you play?
Okay, thanks a bunch for the reply.
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