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Previous Thread: >>93946498

Thread Question: What custom enemies have people made for their games? What makes them different to the normal factions?
First for the Greater Good!
Tech-use is actually the skill used
Common lore is a knowledge skill that you could use to identify technological devices common throughout the imperium
Trade is an alt for tech-use in some situations, but the fluff difference is that it is by rote instead of brain.
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TECH USE: How to Use the Thing
CL TECH: What is the Thing
TRADE TECHNOMAT: How to Build and Fix the Thing
Looking into starting a Dark Heresy campaign. What does 2e do better over 1e?
>playing imperial psyker in dark heresy 1e
>kill a space marine in 2 rounds with blood boil

yeah maybe psyker is a tad bit OP
It's not out of the question, space marines have 2 wounds, so 2 attacks against them with bad luck COULD kill them.
On tabletop, I mean
Nah, lore accurate. There's a reason psykers are so strictly controlled. Plus I bet without a gang of goons keeping him off you he would have ripped out your spine and shit down your neck turn 1
Hey if i use any monsters from Dark Heresy or Deathwatch for a game of Rogue Trader, do you think I should pump their numbers a little bit? I know RT is supposed to be at a higher power level, and i don't want to find out by throwing something that's supposed to be kind of scary at the party, only to have it literally melted in two turns.
>or deathwatch
Do not pump up the numbers on those.
Or do and see what happens
>Hey if i use any monsters from Dark Heresy or Deathwatch for a game of Rogue Trader, do you think I should pump their numbers a little bit?
It depends a lot on the character Ranks and gear acquisitions. RT characters are stronger than DH characters at Rank 1 and weaker than DW characters in face-to-face combat. As they gain ranks, they get pretty strong and have better access to gear than characters in any other system. DW critters are generally better matches for experienced characters. Things like Chaos Space Marines and Ork warbosses may need to be adjusted (and given good equipment) if you want them to represent serious threats, but a lot of monsters from DW are fine. Hordes may be complicated - RT characters can annihilate them if they have suitable weapons and keep distance, but may have trouble surviving close combat with large hordes or hordes of strong creatures.

>i don't want to find out by throwing something that's supposed to be kind of scary at the party, only to have it literally melted in two turns
Most of the FFG games degenerate into rocket tag at high levels. Someone is probably going to get melted in two turns during high level fights, ignoring turns spent getting into position.
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Hey I've got a Faydae strain outbreak on a ship as my acolyte's starting mission. Heavy freighters can have 200-500 thousand passengers and I wanted to focus the plague zombies around the economy/middle class regions of the passenger decks. How do I keep the zombies a persistent threat outside of having my players get bogged down in slaughtering hordes of zombies every hour? Especially since they're still rank one. Currently the patient Zero, who they're tracking, is going to spread it to the higher decks in their escape, and they're about to be locked down in the quarantine deck. What should I do to show that organizing the survivors to slaughter the dead is a feasible thing?
Well, panicky civilians are extremely bad at making rational decisions. Make a point of showing that the civilians are scattered and disunited, locked in different cabins and across the deck in small groups. Lack of trust between them and leads to frequent infighting along class and social lines, maybe people even getting killed or attacked on suspicion of infection (someone with an uninfected open wound?). All the while this is going good on small groups of survivors are getting ambushed by infected moving through ducts and maintenance passages, or by infected passengers hiding in their midst. Make it real clear that the lack of unity and cohesion is leading to avoidable casualties and making the infection spread. It'll be their job to manage the tensions between the passengers and somehow unite them to fight the infected.
i'll describe what happened
>party is aboard a space marine strike cruiser of a chapter that helps out the inquisition a lot (its the chapter the GM plays in 40k)
>the chief techmarine there has invented what is essentially VR missions for training
>techmarine challenges party to fight him within it (basically just so the party gets to fight a space marine without actually encountering one)
>said techmarine has a bolt pistol, power fist, iron halo etc he's tough as nails and hits like a truck
>turn order goes techmarine>techpriest>psyker>SoB>assassin
>techmarine guns down the techpriest instantly with his bolt pistol as the techpriest has a heavy stubber and a servo arm mounted boltgun
>for this, when you hit 0 wounds you're just out rather than crit damage mechanics (its all for fun afterall)
>I cast +30 to next skillcheck power in case he shoots me so I can dodge better
>SoB and assassin try to put shots into the techmarine but it doesnt do anything due to the iron halo blocking it
>techmarine rushes the party to get into melee as he has a powerfist
>he's within 10 meters now, blood boil+corpus conversion+seal wounds (i'm running biomancy+divination)
>deal all 4 levels of fatigue (DM bullshits his way out of it by just saying the techmarine falls to one knee instead of fully collapsing) and deal 10 direct damage
>also cause psychic pheonomena which causes mechanical devices to turn off for a round and for all weapons to jam
>SoB and assassin wail on him in melee but do little
>techmarine breaks out of the combat, punches the SoB with his (now unpowered) powerfist and hits me too for relatively moderate damage due to bad rolls
>blood boil him again and kill him by dealing fuckloads more damage due to him already having 4 levels of fatigue

won a full suit of carapace armour out of it though, gave it to the techpriest so he doesnt get gunned down instantly again
>What should I do to show that organizing the survivors to slaughter the dead is a feasible thing?
DH is an espionage-focused game (at least in theory) where PCs are generally supposed to avoid standing out or being noticed by random people. They're likely to try sneaking around and doing things on their own by default, or write off NPCs as useless baggage who are just going to end up as monster chow anyway. Have some of the survivors ask the PCs directly for advice, and be prepared for PCs ignore this and take a different approach to the adventure. Also show that the NPCs have some utility (armsmen with weapons and keys to sealed areas, for example). Unless someone in the party is geared toward leadership, it's likely that they won't go this route (and even maybe if there is someone like that).
Interesting, I would think Fatigue shouldn't really effect him due to space marine bullshit bonuses and whatever implants he has. Maybe the DM just never anticipated fatigue being a factor, but a SM should be able to easily take four levels of fatigue without really feeling it
yeah i was fine with it inevitably because hes a space marine, so him dropping to one knee for a turn seemed fair
Space marines have an armor system that automatically releases drugs to negate fatigue.
It has been a while since I read the specifics of fatigue, but isn't it up to TB, then they drop? A techmarine would have at least 10 TB
That's not even correct according to the rules though
>but the fluff difference is that it is by rote instead of brain.
> Tech-Use is more an understanding of the Blessings of the Omnissiah and the rites of the Machine Cult than it is an actual knowledge of the science behind technology—in the 41st Millennium, however, this amounts to the same thing.
Tech Use is still pretty much rote of a higher level, but it's filled with Cult Mechanicus mysticism that usually kludges out better results with imperial devices when it's not quite the right thing, rather than what you get following a set of IKEA instructions imprinted into your brain.
Then there's zero difference between the skills and I can use them interchangeably unless the bowel movements of my GM say otherwise.
If you don't want full auto to be flat better than single shot, hate dealing with amounts of currency, and didn't like the 1e psychic power rules ... then 2e is for you.
Yes, if your GM doesn't read shit, hasn't though about shit, and only considers what's on your sheet while doing a shit, maybe differentiating between the three isn't your most productive choice.
>Then there's zero difference between the skills and I can use them interchangeably unless the bowel movements of my GM say otherwise.
That's also incorrect
>Common Lore (Tech) = Putting "Microsoft Office" on your resume
>Trade (Technomat) = Fabricating tech from memory and instructions
>Tech-Use = The closest equivalent to understanding usage and creation of technology for an imperial
So...exactly what >>93994499 and >>93994517 are saying.
NTA, but
CL:Tech should offer better/faster insight into proper ways to coerce a machine or device into working order when you don't know wtf to do.
Tech Use should let you mainly repair/modify technological devices, but also craft when you have appropriate blueprints, and diagnose to a lesser (but not insignificant) degree.
Trade: Technomat has examples in Only War for specific instances of vehicle repair where it's better or worse than Tech Use, Trade: Armourer, etc or supported by / supportive of other skills. It's also in Shield of Humanity for Sappers as the skill to (dis)assemble fortifications, undermine walls, etc.
In my game I have it that technomat is more for consturction and general maintenance. Tech use is for modifying or making use of complex machinery.
They can take fatigue equal to their TB, but TB+1 fatigue drops them for 10-TB minutes
Convince your GM to give you a synergy bonus.
DH1e, how generous should a GM be with fancy toys/gear?
About equally as generous as they are brutal with the opfor.
I'm running the adventure in the Game Master's Kit and just reading it through how the hell is a starting character meant to break Toughness 5 with Unnatural Toughness and then 3 AP? If that's my starting point, then maybe I should be really generous.
Lay it on me, what specifically is it that has that and how many of them are there. If it's just one, give them some form of MANPAD, if it's a shitload they're gonna need the good stuff. Plasma at a bare minimum, possibly even a melta, or even something with felling.
Slaugth Infiltrator, there’s three alongside minor xenos pets.
They can get an Eviscerator at Scarce, that's 1d10+10 pen 5, with tearing, and that's minus their strength bonus, so if anyone's specced into melee that's a possibility, as long as they're a little bit suicidal. A regular chainsword is Rare for some reason, which makes no sense at all, but eh.
Was there any ascension style content or fan works for Only War? Or advanced specialities for commissars (and psykers, I guess).

Failing that, how 'elastic' is guardsman gear once they start to rank up? Can I justify giving my players force fields, totally-not-xenotech weapons, etc? Specialists are one thing since they have their own command structures who probably won't care or let them self certify as one hundred percent not heretical/tech heretical, but I'm dealing with soldiers.
My style is; if they can pass the logistics test, they can have it, with an arbitrary wait time of 2 ingame weeks before they can attempt another logistics test for an item in the same category (weapons, armour, gear, etc.) thanks to departmento munitorum policy. As for xenos weaponry, just find a way to justify it. Maybe the mechanicus sanctioned its usage, or it just looks and shoots like a sanctioned weapon but hits twice as hard, or no one knows they have it.
>Was there any ascension style content or fan works for Only War?
To the best of my knowledge, no but you can still translate stuff to Only War or focus on commanding people and organisations.
Officially, every 2500xp you either get a new specialty or a +5 to a characteristic.
There is homebrew for OW advanced specs somewhere.
Gear is between the GM, the players, the regiment, departmento munitorum, and any other higher ups involved.
Well, I'm the GM and staring down the barrel of a pile of characters who are holding more gear than schwarzenegger before mr olympia. I just suspect that lore wise, the guardsmen probably shouldn't have a different kind of forcefield apiece and it might raise some questions, so I'm looking for a few potential explanations that aren't "We misfiled it, wait, no we didn't, we're never wrong, keep it, lose it and die."
>a pile of characters who are holding more gear than schwarzenegger before mr olympia
Fuckem. Have the Munitorum come and anything they don't hide is taken away, but for standard issue kit. Then anything they do hide that gets noticed is written up. Only War isn't a loot'em up.
>DH1e, how generous should a GM be with fancy toys/gear?
It depends on what they are supposed to do and how they are supposed to do it.
If all they need to do is talk to people without causing a commotion it wouldn't make sense for them to be armed to the teeth. If they're supposed to kill someone important to make an example then just give them everything the Inquisition can justify equipping them with, like showing up to a noble palace and killing their entire bloodline for tax evasion or something.
>Take away players' gear
Losing all players in game, speedrun percent
Where do I find the rules for familiars and animal servants? Do I need to convert stuff from Warhammer Fantasy?
Hey homies, I'm writing fluff for my chaos rogue trader's warband. So far I've got a dark-mech tech priest, rogue psykers, traitor guard and a few others. I have a night lord that I converted and painted out of fun and I want to attach him to the group. I may build a second one at some point but not sure yet. In any case I'm trying to come up with a reason to attach him to this rogue trader and although I can think of a few, I'm not really sure which makes the most sense. Things like he's hunting a legion artifact that the rogue trader might be able to take him to, ancient agreement between his legion and this rogue trader's dynasty, or even that the rogue trader is from a Nostroman dynasty.

But what sounds to you like a good reason for a night lord or 2 to be part of a powerful chaos rogue traders inner circle?
What are some good 40k audio books I can find uploaded to youtube RIGHT NOW??
They get taken down pretty fast but if you search "lan audible" on youtube or 40k audio books and warhammer audio books you will find a couple. I can't say if they are good or not because they are always changing but I've gotten lucky before with good ones.
New maledictum stuff apparently

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>no 40k audiobooks on spotify
time to listen to bukowski i guess
Playing with sulky children does indeed suck.
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I like her bangs.
I really don't like it being split into 2 separate books totally 300 pages. IM itself came off the line like shit, needing months to finally be spell checked and completed. Juggling more books/PDFs and paying for both sounds like an annoying chore. The art on the cover is so-so, it's what you expect every single time the word "Inquisitor" is mentioned since 2017.
It's your mind playing itself. 150 pages in a supplement is what the FFG 40k books were doing, and they didn't have the split between player/gm content.
A token from their benefactor and an eye kept on the rogue trader so the artifact ends up where it's supposed to be. You have to remember that Night Lords are severely autistic when it comes to "normals" so legionnary sent on this duty is an outcast and likely very butthurt. And does a lot of skinning.
(and gribbling about the cover art is the very epitome of 1st world waiting for content problems)
My players will try and save people if I show it as an option generally. Though your examples of showing how the civillians handle things without help is ideal. Maybe if I make it explicit that only the best off civillians will be able to hold them off I can work it out.
My players are generally like working with npcs, and since they're rank 1-2 atm every gun or pair of hands is immensely valuable. I'm going to take your advice and make sure the NPCs try to recommend (in their own ways, not all of them are pleasant or not self-serving even now) courses of action they might be able to take.
You can also just hide the roll when they put the request forms in, have them wait for weeks ic, and then depending on their degrees of success either give them nothing or have them get the wrong thing entirely as a consolation.
>Failing that, how 'elastic' is guardsman gear once they start to rank up?

For my series, I sometimes use a tier system, with different weapons and wargear that the class would normally get access to on tabletop. For example. a character may start out with a Lasgun, but after a few missions or a big milestone, they gain access to a Volkite Charger. So when they deploy, they can take the lasgun or the Charger. Another few missions or milestone, and they may gain access to a Plasma gun. It not only keeps peeps excited for the next milestone, but also allows the GM to tune enemies based on armaments.
I am fine with the PCs having exceptional gear, it just needs to make sense for them to keep it. So they either have to hide it and deal with the problems that involves or negotiate with their Armoury officers. It's not like that type of interaction would be boring.
Where do you guys get your inspiration for creating your own aliens and adversaries?
>I really don't like it being split into 2 separate books
I like it from the sole fact I can assume everything in the Player's Guide the PCs are likely to know so I don't feel like hanging them the full book will lead to them inadvertently flipping to the GM-sided shit.
How early on in the timeline would you need to set a game where introducing an Abhuman wouldn't be weird?
C7's editor drinks more than FFG, and is probably just some intern in the office. It is odd that it took so long to come out since they're very obviously cheerfully ripping off their other stuff and putting on new paint.
They were integrating ogryns and ratlings even in the great crusade, so anytime, really.
I meant it in the sense where they could be integrated into the IoM by M41. Maybe I'm being too anal about it but I don't think the late Imperium wouldn't just genocide a stable population out of paper work induced dread.
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Well, ogryns are childlike retards unless they're bone 'eads, so they're always going to be weird. Ratlings might get weird looks sometimes, but most of the time nobody will assume they're anything but a weird subvariant if they've never heard of ratlings, which is likely.
There's a couple different rules for them, Book of Judgement has rules for cyber mastiffs, grapple hawks and the like, and then Black Crusade has minion rules for any animal you want to make.
Any lists of different psyker temples and their training styles? In the style of things like the Templar Calix or the Haplotica from the Triskedan primer?
Thank you.
So a guy with 4 arms could be part of the Imperium if his kind was introduced around the great crusade?
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Probably not. Integration of abhumans seemed to run down a checklist:
-Do they follow the standard human template (One head, two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two ears, four limbs)?
-Are they a large and genetically stable population?
-Did they immediately welcome us/not realise they were being invaded?
-How many spikes/stars of chaos do they keep on their architecture?
-How gross looking are they?
-Are they somehow inferior to true humans?
-Can I see an immediate use for them?

A single mutie is going to get squashed, and four arms+single eye is perhaps the most mutant-y thing there is, and even a population of them is probably going to be flattened or turned into test subjects. Ogryns and ratlings at least keep to the standard human template. Don't ask me about felinids, I don't fucking know.
Felinids are slaanesh propaganda
This is definitely something that I find a bit odd, but every RPG supplement seems to take years to make after COVID. No doubt, a lot of manpower has been removed to float whichever CEO is in charge this week. Regardless, maybe 300 pages between 2 books will be good stuff for players to use and GMs to build on. Though my initial gut feeling is that each book contains 30-40 pages of actual game pieces and the rest is lore and pictures I probably don't care about and advice on how to GM 40k for very new people.
I've never had this problem before, but I suppose it makes for a good point. I do hope the books make use of being separate entities.
this is a great reaction image
maybe it's better with a smaller crop
we can go further
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I shamelessly steal from other franchises. My Deathwatch party has fought Skaven, Lizardmen, Dinobots, Yautja, Illithids, Sectoids, Mi-Go, Insects from Shaggai, Clan Jade Falcon, the Brotherhood of Nod, Krogan, Sangheili, and a Necron Cube, among other things.
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I have no problem with stealing shit, the problem is using it without making it more distracting than entertaining.
What this game like in comparison to the Fantasy Flight Games?
I do try to alter them somewhat to fit the campaign story and give them their own combat niches. The Brotherhood of Nod, for instance, work fine as a Word Bearers cult that leans hard on mortal troops, stealth, and Destroyer weaponry. They're a nice foil to the more professional agents you see on the Alpha Legion's payroll. Lizardmen served as the campaign's Old Ones and their missions required the party to shift to armor-piercing and precision loadouts to deal with Slann, Saurus, and the occasional Carnosaur. Necron Cube? Local dynasty is abducting humans to turn them into Pariahs while studying the effects of biotransference on other species. Helps keep missions somewhat fresh after exhausting the novelty of Orks/Eldar/Nids/vanilla CSM.
Most of draw anon's stuff can be made to work.
Have you played whfrp 4e? It's that, reskinned. Psykers have a mana bar. The patron system is actually pretty interesting, but it seems a bit unfocused, like they were just trying to fill things in. "Captain of a black ship" or "sister of silence" isn't going to give you a broad spread of missions, for example. It's much less crunchy than ffg.
>fatigue drops them for 10-TB minutes
For Space Marines with TB >= 10, they presumably can't be knocked out at all by Fatigue. This seems like an oversight given how many creatures there are that can meet this condition. It probably ought to be total Fatigue - TB minutes.
One of the weirder things is that in DW core, fatigue is 10-TB minutes (min 1) and drop 1 level of fatigue after waking up. But every other game line is otherwise the same for fatigue with the exception of 2e which does something a bit different.
I don't recall RT specifying the minimum of 1 minute, though that would make sense. I really think they should have gone further with this mechanic and allowed people to get knocked out for longer periods of time, but also with some chance of lethality since it's basically extreme exhaustion or concussion (and some good first aid mechanics for waking them up early as well).
I meant the same as 1e
>paper work induced dread.
The Imperium lives for bureaucracy. It does paperwork for the possibility of more paperwork.
>Have you played whfrp 4e? It's that, reskinned. Psykers have a mana bar.
Sounds weird but fair enough. I hope that psyker rules are less annoying than that game because being stuck for multiple turns trying to concentrate on a spell seems like a good way to get killed.
Yes. It's not exactly the same. It somehow managed to make the cut down powers of only war and 2e feel even more 'lumpy'. Even a little cumbersome. Anyway.

You now only make one test to succeed or fail on the power, no channeling tests. There are explicitly subtle and overt powers, you spend actions to sustain effects (and your warp charge has a minimum of the sum of all sustained power's ratings).

Warp threshold is your control, the amount of warp you can hold before bad stuff happens. Every power has a warp rating, which gives you warp charge. Threshold is equal to WpB+Talents, I believe it's just +1 or 2. If warp charge is higher than threshold at the end of the turn, make a specific test. On a success, you begin to glow and float and all powers become overt. On a failure, you glow harder, roll on the perils table at +10 for every point over the threshold. Notably, instant death rolls now require higher than 100, but all results on perils give autocorruption of 1-3. Corruption works differently now, too. To purge warp charge, you make a different test and roll on the phenomena table if successful. It's a full action.

(and in wfrp, I sort of understand, you only really need to channel for spells at the start of the campaign and it's a good way to pace things, but ymmv)
>you only really need to channel for spells at the start of the campaign and it's a good way to pace things
Maybe I'm missing or misremembering something but expecting 4-6 degrees of success on average seems reserved for characters with 2000 XP+ focused on magic stats.
You can start with a default +1SL in channeling, and keep building - I think it'd be about 600xp for 3SL on all channeling tests. It is irritating for humans who are stuck trying to pass two tests - channeling enough and then passing the cast test, usually with a stat of 30-40. But early on, petty magic all has CN 0, and arcane ranges from 1-7. Colour magic is the insane stuff with SL up to 14.
Deathwatch enemies will completely assrape your explorers if you play them as intended.
Dark Heresy enemies will do fine if you just throw a few more in or give them better equipment
Why are warhammer RPG books built like they were designed to kill my electronic devices
You do not apply the proper rites and neglect to soothe the machine spirits
What happens if someone tries to touch the flat side of an active power sword with their bare hand? It just vaporizes their hand counting as applying the weapon profile damage to that limb? I may have intrusive thoughts on touching the business end of active weaponry.
Energy around the blade burns them, but it's like touching smoothing-iron - you feel the heat and move your hand away.
There would be heavy burn at the very least
So, which 40k ttrpg has the best psychic system?
Power fields disrupt the structural strength of things affected by them, making those things less resistant physical damage like cutting, piercing, or impacts. These fields are probably directional or shaped in some way so as not to affect the emitter device (even articulated power fists). I'm not sure things touching the sides of the blade would be affected, or this might vary by weapon pattern. If they are affected by the field, then damage would be proportional to stength used. A light touch might only feel surprisingly uncomfortable or cause a bruise, but slapping or punching the flat might do real harm as if the person doing it had been struck a glancing blow with the weapon.
>I'm not sure things touching the sides of the blade would be affected
Iirc, there are descriptions of blood evaporating from the sword, after cutting through flesh
Because they were made before them and the conversion hasn't been exactly smooth.
Clearly that is not the case, because those PDF files weight a ton, unlike scanned books
Like I said, I kind of suspect it would be pattern-specific. Something like a Loi Burning Blade would be an extreme case that will definitely burn things near it. Others might only have a field along the cutting edge. It makes sense that plenty would surround the whole blade, but wouldn't necessarily be hot (making blood evaporate or slide off rather than stick could be heat, or just disruption of the substance's physical coherence).
Black Crusade has a power field mod that increases damage/pen, at the risk of it arcing back at the wielder. I don't think power fields are ever merely 'uncomfortable'.
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>trying to create and differentiate three unique forge worlds for a sector-partition based on environment, manufacturing, planetary ruins, and resources available
Even though I have a rough idea for one, this is harder than I expected. It's taking a while for divine inspiration to build up.
There is a relic power weapon in DW for the blood drinkers that has a blood-permiable power field so they can sate their thirst in combat and in secret.
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>so they can sate their thirst in combat
You'd think the Blood Angels descendants would have gotten their techmarines to invent a more practical solution after all these millennia.
>The Scyphus Vitae has a unique power field permeable to the blood of foes, which it channels down a deep fuller in the centre of the blade, and from there, to an injector linked to the med-ports of Astartes Power Armour.
None of them, since they're all a slow creep through the same system except for Maledictum. Though I've had no experience with WaG except for a glance at the book and a brief game where I stole the gilead system as a warp storm isolated imperial system, so I can't speak for that.

It starts in 1 as autistically detailed, with few 'off' moments for difficulties and it feels a little clunky. It moves through several different mechanics, always with elements of previous ones. Rogue trader has new power structures, only war shakes off lots of powers to tighten up mechanics a little bit (but not much). By 2e it has almost no powers, a silly power structure of what's there, a handful of minor powers added later and no 'flavour' stuff like OW's minor manifestations. And it has lost the 'fettered' power ability, probably because of the "+10 to focus power tests for every point casting below your psy rating" and nobody wants a zero-risk psyker spewing meltabeams everywhere or the dominate melee psyker tapdancing on a pile of corpses.

That said, I rather like the fanwork Liber Imperium's one. +5 to your focus test per point of psy rating being used, fettered still exists, so it becomes a tradeoff between safety and power. There's a lot of powers, but nothing as detailed (or quite as incomplete) as 2e's Look Not Upon The Witch, and it's pretty compatible with all the other systems despite trying to be an omnibus system. I've only been lucky enough to play it once, and that was an evening spent rooting around in irc with the person who introduced me to it.
no, never
Is the Calixis Sector any good of a setting? I’m mostly wondering if it’s a good idea to stick with it, or make my own.
Yes. It's literally the best official setting for 40k.
I know this isn't 40k but whatever. I want to start a Warhammer Fantasy RP game, going for a more sandbox "travelling mercenary company" game set in a post storm-of-chaos empire. What would be the better edition, seeing very split opinions on 2e vs 4e
>Is the Calixis Sector any good of a setting?
Yes, it has a good cross-section of 40K factions (unless you want Tyranids and Tau, in which case there's the Jericho Reach) accessible while being out of the way of big events and without all of them being on top of each other for absurd reasons like they are in Dawn of War games. There are also plenty of blank spaces on the map for you to add things.
>I’m mostly wondering if it’s a good idea to stick with it, or make my own.
That depends on what you want to do. Most campaigns can work in Calixis. If your plan requires a highly specialized setting, like a place that's half conquered by an enemy invasion or a region that's totally cut off from the Imperium, then you're better off making up something to suit your needs rather than trying to adapt something that already exists.
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>like the lore and visual style of the Dark Eldear
>one of two factions i played when I was young in 3rd edition
>a fourth complex army to play as I tend to enjoy
>also think world eaters and khorne bezerkers are neat
>they look cool and have a lot fo comedy value
>feel the pull of bonehead army and a small model count

I dunno what to do. Eldar seem fun, but what about the simple charm fo bonking your opponent on the noggin?
Take your pick. Run a oneshot in either or both and see where you stand. They're both good.
What rpg are ya playin?
The one where I post in the wrong thread!
Hi 40krpg, long time 40k player but absolute virgin to RPGs, sorry if I'm shitting up your thread.

Humble bundle have all the deathwatch and rogue trader books for cheap, what would be the easier system for a couple of my friends who want to start playing RPGs to pick up? It would also be my first time DMing
Wrath & Glory, then maybe Dark Heresy 2e or Imperium Maledictum. In that order.
Deathwatch will see you ditching half the rules just to make sense of it as a new group, wasting what it's going for. Then you'll realise space marines without good roleplay are fucking boring.
Rogue Trader is heavily player-led and will see players who don't know 40k or rpgs look at you (the GM who is an absolute virgin to rpgs) to help them figure what the fuck is going on / what they can do. Which you cannot.
You could run the official modules for either, but they don't really capture what the system offers without you being able to improv on the adventure and setting.
Wrath & Glory is an easier system to get into. Dark Heresy 2e is the last version of the same system as Rogue Trader and Deathwatch, but the concept is more focused - you serve an inquisitor and investigate whatever they send you to investigate. Imperium Maledictum is a fork of the same system and has a very similar concept to Dark Heresy 2e, but you might be working for someone other than an inquisitor.
Which shouldn't stop you if you disagree, but it's there to caution you if you don't / aren't sure.
Thanks anon that's much appreciated, is it worth getting just the starter set and core rules for wrath and glory? Or should I look at getting any of the other books too
Tau women have huge tits and I won't be convinced otherwise.
>running dark heresy ascension game
>players are Sororitas with maxed out combat skills and talents
>no investigative ability whatsoever

They just pre-emptively wiped out a civil war caused by the Temple Tendency, stopped a warp incursion and eliminated most of the active agents of a radical inquisitor and the slaugth within a Hive. They still have no idea who they are going up against, who these agents are working for, why things are being undermined.
When they cornered a suspicious agent messing with the Hive's astropath tower using a weird biomechanical disruption device, they just killed the guy with no questions, then called an allied Sororitas order who had bad experiences with the Inquisition in the past (one of their Celestians was killed by an Imperial sniper), asking for reinforcements saying they were going up against a rogue Inquisitor.
They called the sector HQ stating an Inquisitor had gone rogue (there were recovered correspondences between the refinery lord and the inquisitor suggesting cooperation). The one replying was the Lord Inquisitor they were accusing of heresy.

At the same time, they demanded their allied Admiral working for their Inquisitor search the solar system for hidden ships. His current mission was brow-beating the system defence ship captains into submission, and he refused their orders on account of it being a waste of his time.
They managed to persuade him, and his grand cruiser's auspexes revealed a ship using a mimic engine near one of the planet's moons - a dark eldar vessel. Pursuing the dark eldar vessel caused it to flee, unintentionally leaving the planetside raiding party stranded. Within the raiding party is the Archon's daughter, who was celebrating her birthday by raiding the planet on a joy ride. Now stranded, the Ordo Xenos inquisitor hunting them has called in the Deathwatch for assistance.

Now all three major Ordos are sending battlefleets to this backwater planet and no one is really sure why
Hell, I'm just trying to sort out a single hive world and I'm stuck. I feel you.
>the players don't know about the Temple Tendency plot. All they know is the Refinery Lord was planning an attack and had support from someone powerful
>the players don't know about the Refinery Lord's links with Ecclesiarchal officials, one of whom is still "working" with them
>the players don't know about the links between the Temple Tendency plot and the Amaranthine Syndicate
>the players don't know the Amaranthine Syndicate is a front for the xenos race Slaugth
>the players don't know the Lord Inquisitor is in league with a Magos to secure a DAoT AI ship dating back to the United Nations era of Earth
>they don't know why the Dark Eldar are on the planet or who, if anyone, they have made deals with
>they don't know why their Inquisitor has disappeared
>they don't know what the Ordo Xenos or Malleus agents are doing on their planet. They also don't know they have killed most of the agents in the Hive by accident

Despite all of this, they have ruined everyone else's plans and conspiracies by attacking first, allying and promoting the careers of the most zealous officials in the adepta, and making so much violent noise that covert activities become nigh impossible. Real Ordo Hereticus hours
Honestly? Couldn't say, as I never tried it. I know if you're going to play eldar / dark eldar / corsairs / harlequins, Inheritance Of Cinders has most of what you'll need. Vow of Absolution likely does the same for space marines, but I missed the pdf if it ever went through here. When they do an ork book (IF they do an ork book), it'll probably spark a round of ork games.
Thanks again anon, I've just booked in a game night so I'll let you all know how it goes
Try looking at real exoplanets and thinking "what would a tech priest of a particular specialisation do with this"

In my campaigns I've had
>an shallow litoral ocean world full of shallow waters and archipelagos. Mostly just a bunch of primitive peoples with a single Magos Biologis overseeing salvage expeditions, treated with reverence and fear as some kind of evil witch living in an elevated platform above the waves

>a tidally locked forge world, with half the planet raining molten metals and the other half frozen, and all the tech-priests and their workers living in the middle zone, usisng the sub-zero half for cogitator heat sinks and the molten half for energy efficient refining

>a forge world that was a giant creche for raising/growing servitor parts or vat grown children. Married tech-priests who were no longer capable of siring children would go there to acquire offspring made from their own genetic material, particularly suitable specimens would be sent off to forge worlds or the schola for leadership/specialist roles

>a Magos of alchemys building out of reinforced glassteel on a planet that rains volatile organic compounds useful for their industry and experimentation. Lots of big glittering glass domes and towers

>a Magos of the cult of gravity occupying a barren world orbiting a black hole. Lots of observational devices and in the sky... The haloed dead star watching over all

It gets a lot easier when you remember that tech-priests are still humans despite their forge autism and a particular Magos of a particular specialty might be drawn to different kinds of worlds to their peers. And there are canonical worlds that the tech priests DON'T turn into the standard industrial hellscape, but retain as is, for other strategic/scientific purposes
Aren't inquisitors all supposed to be super ninja level warriors? In the short story Kryptman barely survives an attack by lictor by fishing out his bolt pistol out of his desk's top drawer
>In the short story Kryptman barely survives an attack by lictor
Pretty sure that's a genestealer, unless they rewrote whatever couple of pages that was back in 2e ... and no, they aren't.
Genestealers are even less cool than lictors
2e is the darker and grittier version mudcore ruleset, 4e is smoother and it's a bit harder to die stupidly. But nowhere near impossible, it's still a good idea to be really fucking careful. If 2e doesn't float your boat but you still want total mudcore zweihander exists.
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Went and dug around a bit ... there's an Inquisitor Kruger who investigates The Cult of the Emperor's Light, gets surprised by a genestealer, and fumbles his bolt pistol as it leaps at him / the story ends. Pic related.
Then there's Kryptman with the same art.
On the plus side;
Reputed last words of Goge Vandire. Puts him in an entirely different light.
Not all of them. Some Inquisitors are more about investigating, researching or cultivating networks, relying on others to do the killing for them. Lictors & genestealers are also capable of killing terminators, assassinating high value targets is what they're good at
Not at all, an inquisitor can easily be the brains in the outfit with their entourage handling the rough stuff.
Sometimes literally, if you're so weak you can't tank a fighter in the face you can just use your subordinates as meat suits.
Fuck you, Ravenor, and your incessant longing for balls.
If I wanted to make a severian dominate regiment with a different speciality like armored for only war, which aspects should I keep from the spireguard example in enemies of the imperium to still make them feel like the dominate?
I would roll for damage without adding SB. Penetration is debatable but if it's cool and the enemy isn't expecting it I would simply ignore it this time around.
Drawbacks. I don't remember them exactly but low recruits. Poor supplies depends on the warzone, I think the enemy book says the Severan thrives on stealing poor supply lines from the Imperium. Look up Hammer of the emperor and shield of humanity for drawbacks.
I think the hive ones use autoguns instead of lasguns.
Hive world you can probably change to Highborn to represent this being an elite armoured guard regiment of the Severan Dominate. Keep the commanding officer circumspect since the Severan Dominate leadership are very cautious of committing resources to any fight. Regiment changed from line infantry to mechanised or armoured regiment. Everything you can more or less keep the same but as
this anon suggests, pick up some of the drawbacks to even the points cost out. I would consider giving them the DOOMED drawback and then taking an extra training doctrine like skirmisher to represent how the regiment are skilled at reconnaissance, ambush, but have a general culture of pessimism that the war is not developing in their favour and the sneaking suspicion that they're on the wrong side
A Genestealer can carve up a Terminator if it gets lucky enough. Even the toughest Inquisitors are still just regular, fragile human fleshbags.
How would you stat a Bonesword and at what comparative power should it be compared to regular scything talons on a Warrior?

I'm not a Tyranid expert but my assumption is that Boneswords and Lash-whips are meant to be the 'power' variants to the the talons/claws which are the 'chain' variants if we were comparing power levels to the standard Imperium stuff.
Nuh-uh, normal humans can be augmented to the point they are stronger than astartes. Hell, malleus inquisitors wipe their ass with chaos space marines before getting to the demons
>normal humans can be augmented to the point they are stronger than astartes
That's silly. If Inquisitors can juice themselves to be stronger than marines, why aren't those augs part of the marine implantation? And if they're available to Inquisitors, why didn't Kor Phaeron use them to transcend beyond the stat line of a shitty old man back when the Imperium was at the zenith of its power, wealth, and technological advancement?
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Yeah, I still have plenty of stuff from the fermi and jwst guys I flip through on occasion for ideas. Go figure though, as soon as I started complaining I got slapped with visions after I considered Mechanicum factions as well as shit the players did in the game. In addition to Astrion (which already had tons of detail thanks to an entire series about it), you have
>Hepheston (The Ordo Reductor claim a world of badlands and buttes, and blow each other apart for weapons testing)
>Sydraphur Betalis (The Legio Cybernetica set up on a humid jungle world and oops, it's a Slann spawning site. The trees speak bok bok. It's become godzilla vs mechagodzilla.)
>Zorahd-Dec (A crystal desert world at the edge of a magnetar's field, where the Electropriest Cults battle each other endlessly while a few secretly perform research into the unifying Cosmological Constant).

Funnily enough, I had just finished up making a Hive World where, in addition to creating basic components and spare parts, its main purpose is as a manpower farm for the forges, to be trimmed on occasion like grass, and a void station above a black hole made via the colony rules.
>And if they're available to Inquisitors, why didn't Kor Phaeron use them to transcend beyond the stat line of a shitty old man back when the Imperium was at the zenith of its power, wealth, and technological advancement?
Anon...he DID use them to transcend beyond the stat line of a shitty old man. He has better stats than most Praetors.
Obviously, they are far rarer than astartes home-grown geneseed augments and therefore way more expensive to use on every each astartes. And Kor Phaeron did pump his wrinkly old ass full of ubermench juice
Stat it the same as a force sword. 1d10+tyranid SB penetration 2, but the bug wielding it can force an opposed willpower test, dealing an extra 1d10 damage for every degree of success (ignoring armour & toughness)
Could have sworn he had worse WS, BS, S, and T than a generic Legion Praetor in the HH rulebooks. Having FNP and IWND is nice, but I figured those were due to Chaos rather than science.
The Deathwatch errata stats Boneswords as 1d10R Pen 6, with Drain Life. Adding Force Weapon rules like >>94020953 does would make them extra spicy, which is great for making experienced Deathwatch parties shit their power pants.

Warrior scything talons in DW Errata are 1d10+2R Pen 3, no special rules.
Hmmm, this idea IS kinda spicy you guys are right. I might use that in conjunction with the effect healing the Warrior a little too.
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Am I retarded? So I'm a virgin to 40k RPGs and my group decided to pick up Rogue Trader. Why does the Arch-Militant start out with the Basic Weapons Training (Universal) talent, but can also purchase Basic Weapons (Universal) with experience points?
If you look near the beginning you start with like 5000EXP and 4600EXP prespent. This is to help cross-compatibility with Dark Heresy. Basically: they already bought it for you.
So basically some of the skills in rank 1 are already selected? Good to know.
Every career has advances listed in starting skills/talents and the rank 1 advances table. If you want to work with your GM to remove something or trade it for something else, that's the shit that's going to give you an xp value.
It's not made for that, but that's all its good for.
Has anyone ever run a Gue'la campaign? Could be interesting
No, because we're not homosexual.
Lore wise, he was a 'half astartes' and shittier than them. He was too old to risk the usual transformation that the elderly (30+) could at the time, and presumably the emperor wasn't handing out thunder warrior stuff. There was a lot of resentment among the legion for his position, some stirred up by erebus, some genuine.

I think the only people who could be genuinely 'stronger' than a space marine are insane, century plus biomancers.
Lets go to the computer ...
That was determined to be a lie.
How broad is hatred mutants? Does it trigger for abhumans? psykers? or just icky muties?
In my opinion it should cover abhumans and psykers, presuming that they know it's a psyker. Hell it might even trigger on a magus biologicus until they realize that those are augmentations and not mutations.
Then I have no idea what the fuck is up with them.
There are some alt careers that replace things you can get at rank 1
SumatraPDF for PC. readera for android. Use Microsoft edge exclusively for Into the Storm. Yes. You need to deal with data-djinnis to play 40krpgs I don't make the rules.
>So basically some of the skills in rank 1 are already selected?
Yes. All the careers start with skills and talents pre-bought from Rank 1. Your character counts as having spent 4.500xp just by rolling him up. Starting characters have 500xp to spend extra. Keep in mind rank advancement is tracked by spent XP.
Fantasy Flight sacrificed rank 1 option variety for backward compatibility with Dark Heresy 1e acolytes. Nowadays we don't care about that, though.
>Fantasy Flight sacrificed rank 1 option variety for backward compatibility with Dark Heresy 1e acolytes.
That's one way to look at it. They were expecting to do more with subtracting skills and talents during character generation, similar to what they did with DH1. Didn't exactly happen.
In Rites of Battle is it possible to make a Custom Chapter have a non-standard issue weapon become standard issue?
hey I'm playing rogue trader and just lost 1 point of toughness from warp fuckery, and now I'm at 49. does anyone know if there's something that can bump me up by 1 just so I can get back to 5 toughness bonus. Kyle I know you're reading this
Buy the toughness advance or start doing low caliber bullets to build up a resistance to high caliber bullets.
IIRC there are some drugs that permanently boost stats by one or two points but odds are the best thing you can do is buy an advancement and live with the odd number.
Has anyone here played with Rogue Trader boarding actions?
Opposed command test.
If you have more crew, you get +10 for every 10 point difference in crew pop. Fair enough
If you have more hull integrity, you get +10 for every 10 point difference in... crew pop? What the fuck?
So if you have 100 crew pop, your enemy has 50, you have 50 HI, they have 51, you BOTH get +50 to the command test??
The problem is it wrecks the toughness bonus soak.
Yes I am, and no, there isn't. You're fucked.
AFAIK drugs can only permanently reduce your stats as a side effect. There are also bionics that can grant unnatural characteristics, but not give flat bonuses to Toughness.
I can see it working out, it all laregely depends on who found them during the crusade and how loyal they were.

If Beastmen were accepted for 10k+ years until somewhat recently then I do not why a four arm cylops would not work since they would look more human then a fucking beastmen and maybe felinids(please GW just give us a offical artpiece.)
I'd say GM willing there's always a way, but ...
>Forge world with garden district
I still don't know why they were accepted. They're bloody ridiculous mutant bait.
>Hepheston (The Ordo Reductor claim a world of badlands and buttes, and blow each other apart for weapons testing)

>this is Magos Jackass, and this is my plasma cannon
>vaporises billion year old rock formation
It's an experiment. You see, taking young students to the gardens before they get deeper into the mysteries of the machine let's them intake the supposed splendor of nature. In just a few short years and many cybernetics later, returning to the gardens with knowledge of the frailty of all organic life becomes a reality. Those plants seen in the admech's youth have wither and died, their knowledge lost to time. The admech can take pleasure in this lesson about the frailty of all biological processes and, in turn, take pride in their choices of replacing their own weaknesses.
I'm gonna send my party on a two night trek into the depths of a death world jungle, need some ideas for some scenes. What i've currently got

>A dried up river bed, covered in skeletons that have become nests for swarms of bone-eater termites.
>An ancient stone ruin that might make for a good camping spot. Only it's sacred ground for an exodite.
>A giant centipede monster that takes up several tiles with its body, if they destroy a body piece if splits into two centipedes and so on. They have to either keep hacking it apart or burn it all together.
>A dead stormtrooper stuck in a tree with some good loot. The area is littered with booby traps.
>A mangrove swamp, under the trees are pools of black water with corpses stuck in the roots. The trees start moving.
>A big T-rex dinosaur with something stuck in its throat which is making it angry. If they kill it they find a space marine helmet, they can later try hacking into it to get data on a lost space marine squad on the planet.
>A group of tribals shadowing the party, they won't attack directly but will try to swoop in to steal gear if they get distracted, or if someone gets caught out alone.
>A strange vox frequency gets picked up. It leads to a drone which isn't of human make.
Something's following them and is learning to speak. They routinely hear voices of the party members - and themselves - speaking from the trees. When they try to make vox calls, they get asked why they're checking in twice. When they get back to base, they discover it was sneaking into their camp at night and making vox calls. Sometimes reporting better than they were.
A skinwalker would be crazy to pull out on them. I do want to try hinting at some weird stuff going on.
Could just make it the trees. All interconnected. Distributed, temporary consciousness. Sometimes the trees respond to potential danger by forming a cute little mind that enjoys fucking with people, sometimes it just eats them. The minds never last.

That or just don't explain it. Maybe let them catch sight of something that looks like another guard squad - themselves, but just a little bit away than they are, in a route they never chose. You know, alternate universes where different choices have taken place and it's bleeding over.
Yeah I'd rather not explain it (atleast this early on, its the 4th session and they have only been on the planet for a few weeks).

The tree ideas is cool, I don't want to get too Avatar about it though. It'd be cool if the trees were actively hateful towards life, they enjoy fucking with people and torturing them. They might just assume its hallucinogens in the atmosphere.

The more trees they burn (the party is very reliant on the flamethrower), the worse it gets.
Do both. The death of the trees releases stress chemicals that stimulates other trees, causing them to start paying attention. And might have some unusual effects on players.
yeah I really like this idea, I think it'd be cool to do this sorta stuff in the background while they are dealing with immediate threats of wildlife, tribals and traps.

>The trees are fully sapient and worship Chaos. The tribals sacrifice people to them in exchange for being allowed to live in (relative) peace.

The reason they are heading into the jungle is to have a sit-down with a local cartel of rogue Catachans, these fuckers have gone full native, covered in bone armour and borderline psychotic. Could have some of them hint to the players "dont sleep in the same place twice", "never walk back on the path you came in on, you don't want to cross paths with it"
Generally your PCs are Inquisitorial agents. They should have good gear that actually helps their missions but nothing that stands out too much. Bolters might be excessive due to their "this person has money" advertisement but at least IG or Enforser/bounty hunter level weapons/gear.

Then enough coins that they have reserve to buy stuff in case of emergency.
One of the three Forgeworlds is heavily influenced by the "Cult of The Ancient Fruit of Nuton" aka they found one Iphone and some flyers and now religiously attempt to emulate Apple Corporation bullshits and tech-noncomparability. This is not directly techeresy so the two other forgeworlds cannot do shit openly but it is mighty annoying.

The NuFruitists of course get many things wrong due misunderstandings. Apple white is turned to white marble instead of metal/paint and they have already stripmined entire planets out of their marbles. Sometime their tech-corporate cult also heavily forks Aperture Science in tech reliability.

Sector lords like them for they produce stuff as ordered and their marble bionics are currently fashionable.
desu this kind of dumb real-world reference meme stuff sucks. It would be better if you just played it straight and instead had a forge world that was specialised in vox equipment and consumer electronics for middle class hive-worlders.
Id say it heavily depends on how much it is just "directly copying" compared to "influence". I usually try to hide the references quite deep so it is not blantant. They are also good tools for GM mining for ideas phase, they can be refined to something more interesting.

Your the consumer electronics forge world sounds really good refinement of the idea. Few weird magi and it functions wonderfully.

Used it from time to time. For example few Navigator houses are influenced by Dune nobles.
Maybe I'm misremembering but it sounds like something an extended medical skill check should be able to achieve. It's literally physical therapy so the idea of that being out of reach feels retarded.
Even if you want it to require XP at least make it a cheap investment like 5 to 10 points per trait restored.
Yeah, I probably came off a bit immediatly harsh, I just sorta hate it when GM's turn the setting into meme bits. If its done right and VAGUELY referenced it could be nice, but if its outright "yeah we worship the apple logo" that would kinda suck.

The vox forge world is actually an idea one of my players came up with, one of the things i'm working on for is a vox-frequency emitter that can scramble the functions of servitors and causes random effects (sometimes it stuns them, sometimes it makes them go on a psychotic murdering spree, sometimes it causes them to explode etc). Its going to be hinted that its possibly verging on tech heresy/scrapcode, but the techpriest who made it is a very strange fella and just wants it field tested.
What would be some interesting plots involving the plant based abhumans?
I'm wondering how do I make a Troth colony more interesting then just making Green Ad Mech. Yea I'm going to ignore the planet bound bullshit because that's a limitation that adds nothing to the game.
Murdering them all
That's honestly fucking boring. At least when you are cullin the Orgyns or Ratlins you get to make jokes about genociding the British.
I mean a plant based abhuman is so far off the human baseline they would immediatly be treated as xenos. Ogryns and Ratlings are accepted because they are still largely human looking and don't have any weird stuff going on, plus they are useful (Ogryns are basically a model Imperial citizen). I really don't see any Imperial looking at a plant person and not immediately having an urge to destroy it.
Same reason chaos accepts them.
Basically agreeing. Plant based abhumans are really far from the Divine Form of Human. Troth seem to just live in symbiosis, not "plant-based".

That said the whole thing can be basically nailed down to "who gave OK to this shit". Imperium is authoritant state and high ups can do lots that gets lessers killed. If the planthumans really are odd plants that look humanoid like fantasy Dryads then the OK person needs to be really high up like an Inquisitor or lord of a forgeworld. A random RT probably just using these will not save them from a purge - they probably even burn better than mutants!

For regular humans modified/mutated they need some kind of OK from the church as well, and that is easier to get the smaller the difference is.

Afditionally WHY the plant things exist is critical. For example if they are mandatory symbionts because the biosphere eats regular humans they probably get easier pass. Might also be censured and restricted to that planet though.

For plots involving them, all the wood elf plots probably work. But mostly me thinks that you just wanted to post that image.

GW needs to sell models?
I see where you are coming from but I believe that they would be on similar position to the beastmen given their official status.
>For plots involving them, all the wood elf plots probably work. But mostly me thinks that you just wanted to post that image.
The picture was nice and all but I'm actually fishing for weird stuff I could do with them and how they might interact with other aspects of the setting.
If you have a radical Imperial, then plant based abhumans can get a pass through some trickery. There is a canonical example of some abhumans getting mislabeled as xenos on purpose so they could be left alone (as the Imperium won't exterminate benign xenos unless they have resources to spare). Squats also manage to get by despite being human descendents by mislabeling themselves as xenos. So you could just have some explorator/administratum flunkey or rogue trader mislabel plant humans as xenos to have a non exterminatus based plot

I would probably run plant humans with a rogue trader campaign or radical inquisitor campaign since they are the ones most likely to have an open mind to green ayy lmaos
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My players ran a colony by the seat of their pants. They focused on things that would benefit them short term, like growth for logistics, and science for techs to boost their wargear. Building a manufactorum on a Forge World was one of the LAST things they did. When their world got attacked, because they didn't build any garrison units and they were under the assumption their colony wouldn't be attacked, they were utterly unprepared.
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I have to sometimes take a step back and not overthink things. There's plenty of ideas in technical journals and newsletters and vidya, and there's always the "Stuff Players Did" path.
>temple of Nod
Did they make any obelisks of light?
Unfortunately, no. They didn't. But they basically are now in the current series...
Am I reading the RT colony rules wrong, or is it basically impossible not to deplete all your resources after a bit, even the stuff you 'sustainably' harvest?
No, you're reading it right. The official colony rules are awful. You eat up all your resources after a few sessions and you guarantee a tantrum spiral. Use the homebrew.
Liber Imperium or something else?
Colonies Full v4, it should be in the homebrew section.
How is Maledictum? Is it decently approachable? I've wanted to run a 40k game for a while but learning RPG rules have never been fun.
Can't dump it on catbox can you? There's a v3 of a custom colony one up there, but I can't see a v4 of colonies full.
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Oh, I've posted V4 a couple of times. It's still work in progress for stuff but with data from two series, the scaling and numbers are working perfectly. V4 has space colony stuff, techs for mass combat in BFK, and colonies for xenos (this last one is the half-complete one).
Standard world creation through RT, or is there a second homebrew for that?
just sharing the guard unit i plan on introducing into my next game

>the Coalition 1st separate mechanized brigade
>90s desert storm based, with desert tan armor, prominent goggles that they never wear, and with crude humor painted on the sides of their vehicles and individual nicknames for each of them
>infantry all ride in autocannon equipped chimeras, with a battalion of tanks and batteries of artillery permanently attached
>flagrant loophole abuse of "No permanent combined arms units", since they are always marked as in combat and the attached tank and artillery units are still part of a different regiment, even if they have never set foot in the same hangar as the rest
>as an independent unit, they can quickly be deployed into combat, and often are thrown into losing battles or desperate situations
>they have developed a reputation as losers and jinxes, since everywhere they are deployed, the battle is already lost
>their jovial and good humored attitude also does not endear them to other units, since they have the gall to crack jokes and one-liners in combat when they have such a dismal track record
>flagrant loophole abuse of "No permanent combined arms units"
Wait, is this an actual lore thing? I admit I stopped playing 40k the tabletop 15 years ago but I don't remember anything like that. The Navy and the Guard being two separate things due to the old Imperial Army being verboten I do remember, but never something that would ban having, say, tanks and armoured infantry in the same regiment.
>Wait, is this an actual lore thing?
>Except in rare circumstances or within certain isolated sectors, true combined arms regiments are not normally raised within the Imperial Guard. Infantry Regiments are unlikely to contain much or any heavy artillery, while tank regiments contain little to no infantry. This was intentionally designed, as it prevents Traitor Regiments from having full arsenals should they turn against the Emperor

according to the lexicanum
so everyone is grouped as "pure" regiments and only combined for combat
You just know there's probably a combined drop trooper/artillery regiment out there because some idiot clerk looked at the paperwork, figured both do 'rapid support behind enemy lines' and combined the two to make up casualties. Now there's a bunch of bored drop troopers trying to figure out if they can get launched out of a cannon or how to fly an astartes jump pack they 'acquired' since they've got no valkyries.
>Afditionally WHY the plant things exist is critical.
The plant thing is the result of experiments done to them as part of a generation ship project created soon after the Warp became too unstable travel through. The verdant ship would carry a bunch of humans through the starts and drop "seeds of civilization", a primitive self replicating habitat, in each system it passed through.
The idea is that a biological Magus took a look at this thing and decided to follow the ship's trail in hopes of finding useful archeo tech. The Magus decided to preserve these guys because they have an easier time interacting with the Verdant tech.
Does this sound contrived?
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Chaplains, what do we think of them?
Aren't they the ones most likely to represent their chapter when working with humans? And I think they're not much better than common marines, melta or plasma should do the trick.
They are ok.
>Aren't they the ones most likely to represent their chapter when working with humans?
They are one of the few who need high fellowship stats to work so yeah.
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Is there anything any of the other factions in 40k would find genuinely impressive (or frightening) about the Tau? The usual response seems to be some form of smugness.
The only thing impressive about the Tau is that they understand their tech and have the infrastructure to develop it. Almost everyone else is stuck with weaponized farm equipment and what you could sustain in a trailer.
>that they understand their tech and have the infrastructure to develop it.
They don't even have that anymore, they buy it from votann now lmao
Hull integrity represents ship size. Crew population as a stat represents how effective you can man your ship. Bigger ships carry more people. That's what it's trying to represent, I assume.
In your example:
>Ship A: Hull 50. Crew 100.
>Ship B: Hull 51. Crew 50.

Ship A has more crew. It adds +50 to the command roll. Ship B has "more ship" and bigger crew capacity, but it is undermanned so it does not get a bonus.
Don't forget to add turret bonus (+10 per point, usually just one).

>I'm actually fishing for weird stuff I could do with them and how they might interact with other aspects of the setting.
They wouldn't interact with any Imperial Adepta or major xenos. Anything beyond immediate crusade to exterminate them or enslave them would make your players question if you're running 40k at all.
No one will care if you think that's boring. If you want plant waifus you don't go to the Imperium for them. Pleasure worlds or unaligned worlds will take them, sure. They can be trafficked as well. Whatever.
If it isn't warp influenced mutation, then that's even more out of touch with 40k. It's too far from human form. Assuming you're running a game, I suggest you stop or talk to your players before you use this concept.
Can't have shit in 40k.
>that's even more out of touch with 40k
Already exists, dumbass.
How the fuck do you expect to have two ships crash into each other and start a boarding action, such that one is pristine but the crew is half obliterated, while the other is halfway screwed but the entire ship population is perfectly fine? Stop white rooming your bullshit scenarios.
Oh i did this. Wound up being a species of large humanoid bird. Fun thing i threw in there that you could too: they call for help to lure in their prey, but can only mimic sounds they've already heard. Meaning they like to capture and terrorize their prey first in order to learn as many terrified desperate screams as possible.
You should be able to create any sort of world you want, through any method you want. The Colony stuff there is independent of any world-gen system, but you may want to tune the landing zone options if you have a specific planet in mind. For example, on a volcanic planet there probably won't be a seaside landing zone.
>xenos corrupted humans
cocksucker you don't even have a game
Congrats, you have reached peak faggot.
Shame they don't have an official picture.
Is it tho?
What ever happened to the Chaos Eldar? Did Slaanesh just eat them all or is there room for the other Chaos gods to make claims/offer protection to particularly tasty Eldar (i.e. Khorne corrupting Aspect Warriors, Nurgle "protecting" Isha's priests, Tzeentch messing with psykers, etc.)?
They exist, but pretty much outside the coverage of GW.
Chaos Eldar sold their soul to demons in exchange for not letting Slaanesh get them. Presumably there's a steady trickle of very short lived chaos eldar around the galaxy. I think the most recent story was in a white dwarf magazine about, who else, space marines, cleansing a corrupt craftworld.

Only barely related, and it's something I stole from fanfic, but I like the idea they had several curses. Nurgle had Isha, so he used that to rot most children in the womb and make the entire race just a little bit sickly. Slaanesh ate most of the gods, so got the direct line to the Eldar souls - but the wholesale rejection of her by the race means that she can't generally eat them, or at least not as fast as she can, say, the Deldar. And that Tzeentch, through a daemon, laid a really weak curse on them at the fall that fucked with their vision, letting the daemon steal their visions and eventually just begin altering them wholesale or block out certain visions, with Khaine fighting off Khorne long enough that his curse never took root, and the fifth curse that would have been from all of them never managed it without that fourth curse as a foundation.
>What ever happened to the Chaos Eldar?
They got Retconned into the Deal Eldar because of how they are identical in practical terms.
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Tell how they would differ besides the iconography.
How do we stop the Tryanid menace?
Eat them first
Turn the emperor off.
Why? I'm the one that believes it doesn't matter if anything lacks official art.
Pharos Device, not the Astronomican
No no, has to be the emperor. Switch him off.
"Oi E-Money, you mind catching a few Zs while we mop up dis here bug infestashun?"
God I fucking love the level of spreadsheet 'tism you're working into your colonies system.
Is there an ETA on it being finished yet...or did it come out and I missed it?
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Titans and lots of yelling.
I was talking about the chaos space elves.
Naval engagements using lots of vortex virus bombs.
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It's actively being worked on. My team is using it right now to build a Necron Crownworld. Colonies V4 is at a really good state though, it's basically complete but just needs polish and typo fixes. The final version will be in Anarchy in the Galaxy, but V4 will basically be slotted in there just about as-is when the time comes.
I wasn't.
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The McConnell 301st Jaguars are gonna make an appearance in my upcoming Only War game. Just trying to figure out the stats for Felinids.

I've trawled through the archives and this is the only thing i've found. This any good?

Felinid Homeworld
Cost: 3
Characteristic Modifiers: +10 Agility, +10 Perception, -5 willpower, +3 to Weapon Skill, Agility or Perception
Abhuman: No support specialties
Felinid: Gain Dark Sight and Natural Weapon traits, Heightened Senses (Sight + Smell) Talents.
Talents: Catfall or Leap up.
Skills: Stealth or Survival, Dodge, Awareness
>all that
>Dodge AND Awareness for free
>3 points
That is more like 4 or 5 points.
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Seems fair. There's like maybe 3 worlds the can come from. So giving them a high point cost might be warranted.

Could also give em something with tool/weapon ergonomics. like a -10 for anything not made with their fucked up claws in mind.
Despite me wanting to give some negatives, I'm not sure if that would actually be applicable unless if they're particularly paw-like. Maybe willpower tests to resist acting cat-ish like other behavioral modifiers other homeworlds have.

Playing with your Prey: Willpower test to avoid trying to drag out fights. Especially if the Felinid hasn't been wounded in that fight. or something to that effect.
Bestial Nature: Willpower tests to avoid acting beastly in stressful situations. (Like a high class social gathering, or having a drill abbot scream at you.)
Either of those seem appropriate.
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Bestial Nature: Whenever faced with a novel stressful situation, social or physical, the Felinid must pass a Ordinary (+0) Willpower test to not fall back on animal behavior and instinct. This shift to a more primitive state focuses on survival and exiting/ending the stressful situation. For example, fleeing and/or hiding during an artillery bombardment, or clawing a noblewoman's face off when at a high class event (she tried to touch your ears). GM's Discretion can decide if the Felinid has had enough exposure to the Stressful situation to be used to it, making the Willpower Test Routine (+20)
instead of dodge, give them acrobatics and give them a -5 to strength, toughness and willpower.

Changing it to Dodge OR Awareness might be prudent.

It might be the art tossing me, but i would probably sub out -5 strength with -5 fellowship. Felinids don't strike me as being any weaker than regular humans. hell they might even be stronger. They might be visually striking, but people skills might be lacking. -5 toughness tracks... if we wanna keep it cost: 3

if you bump it up to cost 4, i say ignore the -5 strength and toughness. as long as you add this >>94043736
instead of giving them a flat negative to FS, they should have a SEVERE fellowship penalty when interacting with baseline humans. Felinids should be considered beyond abhuman to most people, they are far less common than ratlings, ogryns or squats and they look far less human. I would give them a -20 to any interactions with non felinids, and a -40 if that person is particularly religious. Generally I always give my abhuman players a bonus to their own abhuman species and other mutants in general
>This any good?
Nope. They're Ratlings++ with only minor drawbacks.
Literally anytime someone wants to put felinids in their game its ALWAYS some fetish shit. Just look at the art he posted for them.
Of course, but it's not happening at my table and I don't give a shit how heavily they glaze their keyboard. Only that they're not doing a good job making a set of homeworld modifiers.
That's the entire point of the race in and out of universe.
Is that the lady from beast cries in the wilderness? I've been meaning to read that series
Are there any homebrew versions of the mortifactors chapter for deathwatch? The one in-book sucks, just makes them plain ultramarine successors
What do you think they should be good/bad at?
If I'm playing the minotaurs in Deathwatch, what should I write down for 'chapter demeanor?'
'teamkilling assholes'
'loves the taste of the High Lords' boots'
Oh ok, I thought it was an actual thing to measure. Thanks, guys. :)
it's mostly just 'how should I roleplay this guy' iirc
Triggering a demeanor gets you the effect of spending a fate point. Playing it well gets the effect enhanced.
>Battle-Brothers drawn from the Minotaurs Chapter are created according to the Codex Battle-Brother rules presented on page 99.
Pick one of the codex chapter demeanours.
Also, don't mix personal demeanour and chapter demeanour. Not that you did ...
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its the one with the monkey lady. There's some wipeouts in that manga.
Ooh embarrassing to miss. Speed reading and all.
I did. <:^)
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Felinid Homeworld
Cost: 4
Characteristic Modifiers: +10 Agility, +5 Perception, +5 Weapon Skill, -5 Toughness, -5 Willpower, +3 to Weapons Skill, Agility or Perception
Traits: Dark Sight, Natural Weapon (Retractable Claws)
Talents: Catfall or Leap up, Heightened Senses (Smell + Sight)
Skills: Stealth or Survival, Dodge or Awareness
Barely Abhuman: No support specialties, -20 interaction tests to people not familiar to Felinids.(rare)
Bestial Nature: Whenever faced with a novel stressful situation, social or physical, the Felinid must pass a Ordinary (+0) Willpower test to not fall back on animal behavior and instinct. This shift to a more primitive state focuses on survival and exiting/ending the stressful situation. GM's Discretion can decide if the Felinid has had enough exposure to the Stressful situation to be used to it, making the Willpower Test Routine (+20)
Wounds: Start play with +2 wounds
I'd remove a +5 to a characteristic or increase one of the characteristic penalties. Or replace +5 Perception with Unnatural Perception (1).
>Wary of Outsiders: Death worlders tend to be slow to put their faith in anyone other than themselves and their comrades, and they chafe at the expectations and strictures of more civilised society. They suffer a –10 penalty on all Interaction Skill Tests made in formal surroundings, and similarly impose a –10 penalty on any Interaction Skill Tests made on them by any non-death worlders. These penalties can be waived at the GM’s discretion if the death worlders are dealing with those who have earned their trust.
The interaction test penalties of death world and frontier world go both ways, but aren't as simple as "the other person is familiar with felinids" to remove. Also affects their behaviour without involving extra dice rolls.
>Untimely Inquiries: Whenever this regiment fails in an operation or the Squad fails to complete a mission or achieve a critical objective, the power with a worrisome interest in the regiment rears its ugly head, at the Game Master’s discretion. When such an investigation takes place, even on a regimental level, every member of the regiment suffers a –5 penalty to Willpower Tests until the interference concludes due to the stress that it causes.
Likewise affects behaviour without calling for more dice rolls.
>cost 4
There are no mentions that the felinids are superhumanly agile. They are efficient hunters.
If you furries want to play 40k felinids, you would do better with using the Feral homeworld, giving them the Agility aptitude (maybe through the guerilla regiment training) and starting with extra XP.

If you want to stick with regiment cost 4 then you're unreasonable.
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This is the Askellon sector, default setting of Dark Heresy (second edition). Say something nice about it. But for real, I think people may have been to harsh on it when 2e launched. Obviously it's nowhere near as rich of a sandbox as Calixis, but I appreciate that there was an attempt to do something different.
The oathcog thing is pretty neat
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Unnatural Perception (1) in place of +5 Perception seems weird, what's your reasoning for that?

And i'm picking up what you're putting down for the Interaction tests.

But i think there's something to Bestial Nature that might work with a few tweaks to the wording.

That'd be too easy. but bumping it down to cost 3 to bring it in line with every other abhuman is fine.
>in line with every other abhuman
>ogryn world is 5
>ratling is 3

Then leave it in the middle at 4. how is this a problem
>Unnatural Perception (1) in place of +5 Perception seems weird, what's your reasoning for that?
I think your homeworld balances out in favour of Felinid moreso than Ogryn and Ratling. Unnatural Characteristics are a way of raising characteristic bonus, but also a bonus to degrees of success without actually increasing chance of success.
>And i'm picking up what you're putting down for the Interaction tests.
" -20 interaction tests to people not familiar to Felinids." applies to the people who aren't familiar with Felinids, while the examples of Death World and Frontier World apply to characters from the regiment and people involved in interaction tests with them under the triggering circumstances.
>But i think there's something to Bestial Nature that might work with a few tweaks to the wording.
Bottom line; it's not my thing to be concerned over, but I think the OW mechanics brought up might be further tinkered with and produce something useful/interesting.
Totally new to the game, haven't played ever. Just a quick note:
From a quick glance at the rules, it seems odd that you could theoretically fail at speaking low gothic.
Then again they do love their regional accents at GW.
How often have you guys ever called for a Speak Language (Low Gothic) roll?
It is only ever called upon if there is some really weird dialect or slang. Simply having it means fluecy unless stated otherwise like being from a feral world and being unable to read.
>Under normal circumstances, Tests are unnecessary if all speakers know the language.
>In most situations, Skill Tests are unnecessary so long as those involved all speak a common tongue.
>Any character who has Linguistics as a Skill knows how to read and write in their primary language (which for most Heretics is Low Gothic).
>Any character who has Linguistics as a Skill knows how to read and write in their primary language (which for most Guardsmen is Low Gothic).
>Note that all Acolytes are capable of basic communication in Low Gothic that would not require a skill test, such as normal conversation or reading standard Munitorum manuals.
There is no game where you can fail at Low Gothic, unless you explicitly choose to make it a possibility or the situation is unusual.
I really want to like it, but it just seems like a boring discount version of Calixis.
>Hey i'm making little icons for everyone's characters, what does your psyker look like?
>"Oh i dunno i didn't think about that"
>Okay i'll wing it. Are they male or female
>"I dunno"
>Okay what's your backstory
>"Oh i didn't pick one i just chose a random history"
>...Okay i'll decided all that myself then and send it to you.
>Oh by the way do you have any powers for you can use for this situation
>"Oh that was complicated i didn't pick any"
Hey if you're this kind of player i'm just letting you know you make me want to kill myself
Mate ... You could kill their character and there's nothing to know or differentiate them from the replacement.

Felinid naming conventions would be super weird. Like some unholy mishmash of Scottish and Spanish.

Like you get this tiger lookin motherfucker and he introduces himself as Antonio Ruiz McDunnan.
That's a fucking cool name. Don't mind me if I fucking steal that, anon.
Are sanctioned psykers treated like officers if they're not being kept in cages and beaten? "Welcome to the regiment, here's a bunker, here's an aid/mercy killing enthusiast, here's a blank piece of paper with your duties on it, stay out of the way until I call you"?
I'd say no since they're still unstable living weapons that could doom the regiment to a fate worse than death with the wrong action. They could be friends, trusted in some circumstances, but the underlying fact is that they're ticking time bombs.
I'm just trying to build a default status since literature gives nothing. You get some who are literally beaten and kept in a cage iwth no eyes or tongue like animals and summon their old regiments to kill them, then you get some who are cheerfully wandering around behind lord general militants and don't seem to have a face anyone can actually remember.
motherfucker did they even have a name
In my opinion, they are probably left alone for the same reason people leave the tech priests alone. It is a bad idea to piss them off, you get nothing out of it besides turning the guy in charge of dealing with warp bullshit against you.
If you get a reputation for fucking with them odds are the Telepathica and their allies will just start fucking with you, distorting or deleting your interstellar messages.
The IoM is incredibly inconsistent/diverse so you can mold it into whatever you find most palatable because the setting is big enough to accommodate pretty much anything.
>imperial planetary system takes heavy losses in the 13th black crusade due to sticking with old cadian doctrine
>they decide to create massive reforms patterned along the lines of the space marines and eldar
>they call it the Reorganization Objective Guard Divisions, or GORD
>calls for the retiring of the regiment as the standard building block of their guardsmen, in favor of the guard battalion, directly under the supervision of the division, which will be the primary deployable unit, allowing all arms of the guard to be deployed in any single battle under DIV command
>with the indomnitus crusade and the return of lord guilliman, another round of modernization is approved, with less resistance due to the primarch actively encouraging all ideas to protect the imperium
>the ambitious new plan, titled the guardsmen of excellence, further re-organizes the guard
>squads are broken up into two independent fireteams, capable of independent maneuver
>tanks and mechanized infantry are permanently grouped into the same units, an armored guard unit would contain both leman russ and chimera units
>heavy and superheavy tanks such as the baneblade and rogal dorn are now permanently subordinated to divisions
>artillery regiments permanently dissolved, with each battery
>it is now believed that the guard are undergoing another major revision, headed by their most brilliant and studied professionals who claim to be the heirs of arkhan land, nicknamed heirland battle which seeks to further improve tactical flexibility and individual initiative
Psykana Nauta - change aptitudes to Intelligence, Knowledge, Willpower, Psyker, Perception, Toughness, warp sense talent, give them access to a trio of passives. One for 600xp called ghost in the warp, replicating the eldar ghost helm. It'll still get them killed by anyone who is there to oversee them. Another called calm in the storm, 400xp, once per turn the psyker can ignore any single source that would affect their roll on a phenomena table or make it more likely they'd roll Perils. Third one, 300xp, called a shadow on the warp, that lets them contest psyniscience rolls, willpower-10, that would detect them. Themed after psychic sailors, quiet psyker mystics of great will who basically figured out how to get the warp to slip over them and ignore them. Terribly rare since the personality required needs to be pretty stable and pykers aren't.

Primaris Psyker: Same aptitudes as the last, but swap toughness for weapon skill. Warp lock as a talent, and unnatural willpower (1) as a trait. 500xp for a passive that lets them use a power as a free action once per combat, and another one, same cost, that lets them decrease a power's invocation cost - full actions to half, half to free - once per turn, single power used per turn, but automatically causes psychic phenomena with +20 on the roll.

Basically gives psykers a choice between maybe slipping beneath notice or overcharging their pew pew. I looted most of it from the ascension book anyway.
Players that can't handle losing gear are videogame brained. HOWEVER, they should have an avenue to keep them. The ratling player could have access to a black market to hide and acquire stuff from, they should be given a warning that an inspection is coming and thus a chance to hide stuff. They should need to be creative about it.
Odds are they should know about this to some degree out of game, so they have time to think about how they might hide or bargaining to keep.
yeah, this should all be session zero stuff "you are soldiers not adventurers, don't expect to be able to keep everything you find".

But I think anyone who is a half decent RPer should expect this.
Why all that trouble for some Xenos who'll end up half cooked from lasgun fire?
the felinid tidbit has been used as a gateway for furry fetish players for generations
Because using the magical three words "In My 40k" makes your idea unassailable because of a stretched definition of everything being canon, thus making you never wrong at anything.
if you want to do felinids right, they shouldn't be literal cat-people. They should look largely human with some cat-like characteristics but not actual claw arms or fur or anything. Just make them humans with some natural night vision (not as good as actual NV goggles though) and a little more stealthy and agile, but they should NOT be furry.
As long as it sticks only to their talbe, and doesn't reach the wider, normal 40k, (which is already tainted as it is) I don't care. Even if it's still a waste of time.

Because its entertaining.
less is more, how do you justify that the Imperium would allow such creatures to exist? They only come from one planet and contribute nothing to the economy or stability, Ogryns and Ratlings have a proper human form.

Beastmen are only used as penal troops and are effectively slaves on every world they live on.

Simple, they're loyal. And they kill the enemies of man.
Oldest trick in the book
'Of course 'Im loyal, look at all those Ork skulls!, go Imperium!'
AbHuman rather than Xeno-human.
>how do you justify that the Imperium would allow such creatures to exist?
abhumans are allowed to exist since they have stable, human-derived, genetics
so no third arms randomly growing out of their body

>Ogryns and Ratlings have a proper human form.
at worst, a felinid would just be another abhuman
Yes but literal fur covered cat people are a FAR cry from the human image. It would be more interesting if they were just humans with some animalistic characteristics but not actual cat-human hybrids, it looks silly and doesn't fit at all
In your opinion
the abhuman question is a subject of in-universe debate
so it is a genuine "GM fiat" moment, since you can justify "felinids are sent to the gas chambers" and "felinids have full citizenship like ratlings" and anything in between with little real canon-breaking
the only thing that would be consistent is that they go to auxillia rather than the IG, which is where abhumans go to serve, and that they would never reach the same position a normal human with the same competence would
It would make for a more interesting campaign if they are looked down upon as barely human filth by everyone else. Maybe you could even throw in a particularly puritanical guard regiment on the same campaign, which leads to some friendly fire incidents.

Already included in the rules boyo. -20 interaction tests, Throw in Cloud of Suspicion Drawback to the regiment and bam
>less is more
Not really, this isn't an engineering project this is a story and we want to see cool shit happening. Felinids sound cool and open up some cool possibilities for talents and strategies based on animal traits.
>Ogryns and Ratlings have a proper human form.
Not really, they are very misshapen in mind body and soul. That and I really don't care for stolen Hobbits and Hooligans.
The abhumans were allowed to exist because they were grandfathered in and no sane explanation exists.

So for a fundamentally insane society like the imperium it makes sense then.
Yeah, probably. I guess they're listed in records as Fulgrim's Most Holy Spank Bank material or something and nobody ever questioned it.
How would you stat squats/leagues of votann in Maledictum?
I would start by statting them in FFG instead
And they've already been statted for FFG in manual for manlets
>soldiers require munitorum manuals and uplifting primers to avoid severe punishment
>only get one in standard kit
So. I'm planning out some stuff for Imperium Maledictum, and I've been trying to decide what the proper damage value for a Las-Volley (you know, man portable multilasers) would be.

I was initially thinking that they'd have the same damage as hot-shots, but with a few levels of Rapid Fire... But the problem is that that would be the exact same stats as the heavy stubber, and the las-volley should be above that, shouldn't it?

Has anyone made stats for this, or otherwise have ideas?
I'm sorry is your complaint here that the IG isn't reasonable vis-a-vis procurement and maintenance of the equipment of grunts?
This is barely less reasonable than the current US army.
Actually I just thought it was funny that they gave them a built in reason to flog guardsmen.
Use the modifiers from the fantasy games, if something looks weird compare how they Hobbits and Dark Elves work in the other systems.
>Has anyone made stats for this, or otherwise have ideas?
Take the stats for a full outo attack and give them a large bonus to hit?
I don't see the problem. You get one primer, thats all the rules say you need. What do you want two for? Wanna wipe your ass with the spare??
Yes, of course I'd give it full auto capability if I were to make it myself.
I just wondered if anyone had statted the weapons out already, so I wouldn't have to design them myself
>Wanna wipe your ass with the spare??
>A mandatory item that is required of all Guardsmen to have on them at all times. This item details information about weaponry, supplies, and kits that the Guard and the Imperium utilize. Written by the Departmento Munitorum, it is a key staple in all Guardsmen’s gear. If this item is lost or not on the person, there are severe consequences.
>A staple piece of gear that Guardsmen are required to have on them at all times—this piece of kit is never to fall into the hands of the enemies of the Imperium. It details everything a Guardsman needs to know: principles and regulations of the Imperial Guard, issued arms, attire, apparatus, and equipment, basic battlefield policy and Imperial Guard organisation and structure, elementary battlefield medical instructions, and a detailed guide on the foes of the Imperium. No Guardsman should ever be found without possession of a copy of the Uplifting Primer—the punishment is severe.
Not having both is an excuse to get shat on from a great height. You only get one as part of your standard kit in most regiments.
The uplifting primer is necessary to make sure your players know how your uptight cunt of a butterbar lieutenant is going to "legally" shaft them.
>any soldier who sells, or willfully or through neglect wastes any ammunition will be sent to a penal battalion
And the Munitorum Manual is necessary to deal with the Departmento Munitorum without getting shafted.
It is completely legal to severely shaft guardsmen for very minor things. Part of it is to make the IoM suck to be in and part of it is to get some internal conflict built in.
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Going back through the book I like the stats they get, but I feel they're unique enough of a chapter and divergent from their predecessors that they could do with something more than the +5 to 2 stats and the ultramarine solo/squad abilities. The book also calls them very codex compliant, and given 40k lore that seems to be up to the writer just how compliant they are but most other places seem to say they forge their own path.
And unique trappings would be appreciated but that part's easy, just bones
Sure. What? Not 'write the mechanics yourself', but what do they do differently that actually matters beyond what they already get? What can be used to say "Yes, that's the thing they do differently enough to give them a different set of squad mode abilities!"
Cannibalism ain't it. Fighting in the dark ain't it. Codex compliance ain't it. Pissing off the ultras ain't it. I literally haven't found the thing you'd work off to not make them 'ultras with different colours and more bones'.

>And unique trappings would be appreciated but that part's easy, just bones
That to me would just be Fear(1), with GM fiat on whether you need to defeat an elite/master enemy of that faction and take their bones before it works.
>"Yes, that's the thing they do differently enough to give them a different set of squad mode abilities!"
*for example. could be anything.
Maybe the cannibalism angle could work. I haven't played deathwatch but marines have that organ to gain memories of what they eat. Maybe these guys can get more information or something related to that?
Interested in preparing for a low-power DH1 session, but I'm also interested in the more abstract methods of acquiring gear for the Acolytes without having using the currency system. For those of you who have already done this, how do you guys do it? Use the equivalent of Influence, but have it be a relatively low Inf level to reflect their Acolyte cell status?
>Maybe the cannibalism angle could work.
Really doesn't. You're looking for something that isn't generic as fuck. Every single space marine eats people, xenos, etc to gather information.
Are vitae wombs just the skaven option or is there more to it?
Does it matter? Only Kriegers use clones.
>Only Kriegers use clones.
Weird when someone uses lore as a straightjacket rather than an indicator of what's possible.
>Does it matter?
No, I'm just curious about how people handle that type of stuff given the wider setting. It could be pretty much anything like a servitor pattern and a aging cocktail and it would work just fine.
Not to mention that straight up wrong given the Afraiel Strain and Gland Warriors.

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