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Oh no! Anyway... Edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
Where do you buy your minis? From GW, LGS, online, 3d printed? Also post pictures of your minis, I don't care if they are WIP.
online LGS, it's cheaper comparing prices from a dozen different stores with different shipping fees that are usually lower than GW
it costs money going into the city to the stores themselves so for me ordering online is the cheaper option and i don't mind the wait
Every few years I buy a mech and build it. During Covid I got an Imperial Knight half-built, and now I want to both finish it and get to building new mechs.
Which of the new Dreds are the best?
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I get my minis from an esoteric mixture of recasters, international stores with discounts and kickstarters.
It doesn't matter because any lone tyranid caught outside of it can be corrupted.
I'm just objective.
>Tzaangors got released for aos and 40k practically at the same time, hell, the kit was released for thousand sons a few months before the proper release for the disciples of tzeentch.
Doesn't matter. Tzaangors sell like shit it's why GW tries to constantly shove them into TSons boxes. (No one wants to buy them because they look like shit)
>Yes, it was, the point of the enslaver as a unit was to sell that model in 40k
It wasn't. it was a just beholder, even you yourself admit it.
I get the vast majority of my armies from Facebook/eBay rescue lots and then pick up individual kits from my FLGS even though they don't give a discount just because I like the place and want to support it.
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fuck off carnac.
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Basically I have a flow chart.
>ebay to check a few specific merchants I like
>look at trolltrader, condition varies wildly here
>if its harder to find or out of print for awhile I might go to my friend in the east
>finally after all other options are used, from GW directly with a sour taste in my mouth
primed these minis last night, should be good to start painting this evening.
Wait a second. You guys are arguing about Chaos Tyranids? Devastation of Baal confirms they exist. When the Hivemind died for a while, it's said that some of the synapse-less Tyranid creatures fell under the corruption of Khorne.
if they could be corrupted then there wouldn't be any GSC because they're separate from the hivemind and by your logic their hallucinated religious extremism would feed the chaos gods and in turn let themselves be consumed by the gods instead of the hive
What the fuck is Belakor doing there anyway?
If he's chosen by all the Gods does that mean he was chosen by the Great Rat and the Dark King as well since their existence is inevitable and atemporal?
they don't exist in the 40k universe
There's also the Nurgle corrupted ones more recently from attacking the Deathguard, although nothing ever came of that.
yeah they do
end and death confirms great horned rat is in 40k (thanks Abnett)
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Avoiding falling rocks.
Neither should Belakor, to be honest. But he's from a universe where they do exist.
they never got corrupted
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Is it true that the raptor marines became tacticool only as a response to getting btfo by kais in fire warrior?
>any lone tyranid caught outside of it can be corrupted
No one said you can't turn a lone termagant into a poxwalker or chaos spawn. But it
1) won't have any perks of tyranid biology because those require the fine management of the groupthink
2) will be as useful as a chaos-corrupted dog
And yet still it wouldn't be wilfull corruption like it has happened with CSM legions. Nids have nothing to other for Chaos and Chaos has nothing to give in return. See >>94011147
>chaos humans are a thing because your lone clipped fingernale can be turned into spawn
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OP pic gives me thinking, what's the most british space marine chapter?
are those chains the equivalent of getting a piercing in your dick
no, fire warrior isn't canon
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>What the fuck is Belakor doing there anyway?
Getting mocked

Be'lakor's WHFB origins as a caveman who traveled to the polar rift makes zero sense in 40k but he's still one of the most important chaos characters in the game. Syll'esske are literally from an Age of Sigmar world.
which braindead youtuber have you been listening to? they were never even so much as hinted at being corrupted by khorne
What did he actually do in 40k
Plague Hulk has them eating DG just fine
Doom of Hesp is a draw with both sides losing and melting into goo
Guys I did a dumb. I think.
I just bought the Dark Imperium box for £170.
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the writer got lazy and said "nobody knows and belakor actively misdirects any attempt to parse his past by painting himself in ancient cave paintings of alien civilisations"
For me, it's the enemy within.
think he's talking about that time nurgle tried and failed to infect a hive with one of his gifts
it was just a nurgle corrupted population of a planet laying down not resisting the hive fleet then the hive getting infected with a virus it quickly defeated with virus sized tyranids
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>Where do you buy your minis?
Outright from a GW store. It's less than 10 minutes from my house and the owner's a pretty swell dude.
Guard players, what heavy weapons teams do you embed in your infantry squads (if any)?
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I usually buy from my LGS or third party recasters (god bless wartable)
>end and death confirms
He stole a planet.
what’s Raum up to these days?
should i sub assembly for orks with two handed weapons?
Are you sure
Here is the text....
>. The screams and shrieks of monsters rent the air. The tyranids were acting erratically; divorced from their controlling intelligence, they reverted to instinctive behaviour patterns, and these were open to the corruption of the Blood God. They were easy prey, many of them having lost whatever passed for a mind. They acted without thought. Many writhed upon the ground.
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I buy most of my models secondhand. Only time I buy from the LGS is when I need a squad of primaris for my character sets.
>No one said you can't turn a lone termagant into a poxwalker or chaos spawn.
And that's not what I'm talking about.
You can corrupt a gant and the like, if you can corrupt a soulless robot or a soulless rock you can corrupt tyranids.
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>virus sized tyranids
one of the best parts about octarius is the mention that the war between orks and nids happened at the microscopic level too

the boring extent is to imagine tyranid spores and greenskin spores competing on any piece of land

the fun extent is having a magic skull trukk of boys miniaturised by a mek shrink ray and sent through a tyrant's rectum to shoot its hydra-like brain to bits with flashy guns
>not wrothe
baka, GW has been taken over by ESLs.
Daemon Hunters 3rd ed codex.
A Tyranid swarm gets infected by Nurgle's Rot and they become vectors for its spread.
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I'm getting everything from my "local" game store (30 miles away). Going to try to paint one of these today, once it stops raining. Still need a few more paints for the cherub and simulacrum but I ran out of money.
Blessed Sisters player.
Are you gonna paint them gold?
wrothe is not the past tense of writhe, it's an archaic adjective for very angry
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>becoming a chaosfag means losing whatever passes for a mind, acting without thought and writhing on the ground like a retard
it checks out.

but you missed the part where the mindbroken tyranids started reading and liking horus heresy slop as a result.
>tyranigger mad his mary sue bugs aren't as mary sue as they seemed to be
you seem to flip flop between being angry at tyranids for being mary sues and wanting tyranids to be mary sues so you can be angry at them, carnac.

maybe try painting a model, instead.
how easy is it to run mixed detachments of the imperium
If I wanted, say, a few squads of sisters, a few squads of marines, and a knight, would that work?
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Yes order of the golden light but I think I'm going to keep the cloaks all grey I'm not sure I like the two tone. I was asking about gold armor yesterday. Apparently it's pretty easy it's my first time painting on plastic models instead of canvas so I'll see how it goes.
Uh oh schizo meltie
Since we got a lot of lore experts here...
Are half-Eldar still canon?
Technically, yes.
Malcador created hybrid clones created from human and Aeldari genes in order to access the Webway.
no, the mating process of an eldar is too complex and too demanding for it to allow crossbreeding
Speaking of hybrids, can Tau theoretically be hybridized with regular humans?
Are the Eldar so afraid of Slaanesh that they don't produce babies anymore?
Yes but no.
the t'au probably have the technology to do it already
it’s a possibility but it hasn’t happened yet
eldar are long lived but most of them were born long after the birth of slaanesh
It's only dumb if you don't have a good reason
Is there a scan of the genestealer cults codex? The links in the OP only have pdf compilations of photos of varying quality, and only of the rules.
The can says not to do it in the rain but will general humidity fuck up primer? I live in Seattle and it's not going to be anywhere near dry again till next summer.
Just for clarity's sake, that's not anon's model but warhipster's. He does his stuff in contrast paints most of the time. I doubt he posts here.
Wait, the webway is fucking gene-locked? How the hell do Orks and Salamanders and Khans and such keep getting in there?
Technically yes but not the way they used to be, there's a hybrid created by malcador like >>94011352 said and I'm sure the dark eldar have some experiments lying around but interbreeding wise it's impossible, although Illiyan still exists but is now just an Ulthwe ambassador psyker to guilliman rather than the UM chief librarian and obvious Spock ripoff
>turning custodes into a chaos spawn means chaos custodes are a thing
Bravo u/Shaskais, have you considered for a moment that these are
1) mutating useless piles of flesh that can't do shit
2) are unviable and incapable of organized action like, say, Blood Pact
3) Tyranids are aetheric-based creatures and your entire clause about "synapse-less" renders your posts mootmoot
GW is a British business, lad. They know rain. As long as liquid isn't landing on them it's fine.
According to Gladius, before being devoured by Slaanesh, Asuryan blessed the Aeldari with enhanced psychic powers but at the cost of their fertility.
as long as it's below 70% it should be fine
Unsurprising because daemons hunters codex was full of far fetched retardation like that which exclusively existed as a rationale to explain why would they fight X or Y faction, including sororitas
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Got myself the Ikea MITTPLAN for my painting purposes
slaneesh is a lot weaker now than it was during its birth
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That just means a Human male/Eldar female coupling won't produce offspring.
How about an Eldar male/Human female one?
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I wouldn't mind more Harrison Ford Marines.
Please stop letting elf twunks torture you half to death, it's bad for your health.
Chaos Custodes do exist. Custodes got insta-corrupted the moment they stepped inside the VS with the Emperor.

Anyway, it doesn't render my point moot. Animals corrupted by Chaos turn into raging bloodthirsty monsters that attack with no rhyme or reason. We have seen this in Gallowfall and its sequel releases.
>Are the Eldar so afraid of Slaanesh that they don't produce babies anymore
The limiting factor for Eldar reproduction is soul stones. CWE will not have kids unless they can ensure the baby is bonded to a soulstone at birth, DE don't have this issue which is why they can mass produce vatborn clones in Commorragh and not give a shit since it's every man for himself.

Craftworlds are post-scarcity societies for everything EXCEPT soul stones, which are the literal tears of Isha and need to be harvested in extraordinarily dangerous expeditions to crone-worlds bordering the eye of terror itself, the entire reason Wraithknights exist is to survive these suicide missions and bring them back
Through usually means I doubt since they're technically highly evolved bovines, which makes them being bad in melee kind of odd since bovines in our universe are crazy strong, not sure what the greater good/ethereal's policy on gene editing is but if possible it's weird to think they haven't created some sort of shock troop caste
That makes no fucking sense because Eldar are less psychic now than they were during the war in heaven. They can only cast through runes as a warp buffer.
Gladius seems full of dumb lore.
Can red and orange work together? I'm thinking about doing eldar inspired by Eva 02 from NGE. Primary color would be a bright red, secondary an orange and tertiaty as green for gems and lenses. Initially something like Saim-Hann, but swapping the white for a bright orange.
the colors would bleed into each others making it a mess
they weren't corrupted, they were forcefully puppeted against their will to turn and fight Big E (while crying tears of blood and begging to be killed rather than made to harm their liege)
Custards aren't blanks, you can affect them offensively with psychic powers, that's not the same as being corrupted. They can fail their will save to Hold Person
>they weren't corrupted, they were forcefully puppeted against their will
So corrupted.
King in Yellow is also Valdor and he is already corrupted too since he wants to kill the Emperor.
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If I can help it, Ebay or my local games store.
GW Direct is a bad idea financially, imo.
that's like saying blowing a custard up with a fireball or force lightning is """"corrupting""""" them, stop being retarded
I bought it for OPR solo play.
>that's like saying blowing a custard up with a fireball or force lightning
That's different.
Tyranidfags are retarded.
I say they are

but extremely rare because you need an extraordinarily genetically compatible couple, who needs to remain together for a long enough period of time and the result is either barely distinguishable from a human or barely distinguishable from an eldar, and in either case suffering from potentially severe and unforeseen problems, never the best of both worlds
Anyone have ides for cavalry Dark Eldar?
by accident or brute force
by vect's design
by need of an excuse to remain irrelevant
help me pick first 40k army.
post deff dreads
i need inspiration
no, it's not, it's literally the custards failing a will save to the 40k equivalent of Dominate Person/Hold Monster, except it didn't even control their thoughts and purely puppeted their bodies against their will. If you tie marionette strings to somebody's arms and make them punch themselves in the face you haven't """"corrupted """"" them.

Nobody has ever seriously argued custards are immune to psychic powers. You can hit them with crowd-control psychic abilities, that's not the same as spiritual corruption and falling to chaos, stop being stupid. They can also be infected by nurgle's plagues or have their brains explode from noise marine music. They're not Blanks.
That's an odd reason tbqh but you do you I guess

Don't they have bikers?
>Anyway, it doesn't render my point moot. Animals corrupted by Chaos turn into raging bloodthirsty monsters that attack with no rhyme or reason
It precisely does, because Tyranids aren't animals and devolving them into ones gets rid of any point they have. A rogue chaos spawn'd termagant means exactly nothing for Tyranids as a whole.
Which is fine! But you seem to misunderstand
1) Hivemind is inseparable from Tyranids, they're nothing without it
2) Synapse creatures are incorruptible
3) (feral) Tyranids have nothing to offer to Chaos, unlike Eldar, Humans and even Orks with Tau. Yes they can be taken over by overwhelming Warp energies & possession, but that doesn't even come close to the hybridizing and infective nature of slow chaos corruption that has resulted in Horus Heresy. It's just hijacking a rogue animal to make it serve your minutae means
4) even if it is a possessed feral/synapseless tyranid, they have an extremely low life expectancy that makes their instinctual behavior even less viable as a vector. Also their symbiotes need actual micromanagement
All of the above statements are true. I have no issues with the bit you cited from DoB, but it would never result in actual stable force of chaos tyranids, it's just a bunch of epileptic animals having a seizure and killing each other
Lame. Is the orange was more yellowie could that work?
Depends, do you want slow moving terminators with advanced weaponry, zeal or whatever the SoB's playstyle is or magic
Dubious. If one exists it's due to Corsairs.
Is there a problem with jetbikes?
You could go a couple directions though like Wyches on big insectoid hunting Xenos led by a Beastmaster or a Coven experiment with multiple men crafted together into a centaur like thing of too many hands and legs.
They do, but riding critters sounds cool
>no, it's not
>bro fireballs and lightning is no different from mentally puppeteering a dude
only if you go all in on the yellow
>2) Synapse creatures are incorruptible
They aren't.
All tyranids can be corrupted.
Just drag that fucker in front of Khorne and we'll see "incorruptable"
>1) Hivemind is inseparable from Tyranids, they're nothing without it
Yes you can. DoB is far from the only example.

Storm of Iron has the Iron Warriors infected a Hive ship with the Obliterator Virus and then dragging it to the Eye of Terror where cabals of sorcerers spent an unknown amount of time breaking its resistance. When they were done they turned it into a tita lander.
they don't have any emotions to corrupt, at best you could have some nids be swayed to do a thing but they could never corrupted
Fair enough
Genestealer Patriarchs clearly have emotions and can be quite sadistic.
obliterator virus isn't chaos corruption though
>haemunculi creation of manflesh turned to steed
grab either the admech horses or the exalted steeds of slaanesh and replace the heads and add talos pain engine bits
>gladiatorial tradition of riding a wild alien creature
pick whatever reptilian monster you find such as aggradons and that kroot salamander and replace the head with an insect's (note, not a tyranid's)
>trueborn status symbol of a shadesteed tamed from the warp or aelindrach
take inspiration from chimerae and convert some flesh hounds in a similar way or get the nighthaunt horses and replace the head with something less horse-like
The codexes call the term virus a misnomer since it's just Chaos corruption at work, my guy.
>All tyranids can be corrupted
initial post has stated "non-synapse creatures", please at least adhere to what you've said yourself anon. You won't have any examples of synapse creatures getting corrupted, because there aren't any
>Just drag that fucker in front of Khorne and we'll see "incorruptable"
Even if I were to entertaitthat idea, it would simply stop being a synapse creature due to disfigurement. The Hivemind itself can't be corrupted at worst damaged locally
Also your scenario is woefully unrealistic
Also you haven't even addressed any of the other points I've made
patriarchs are made to be independent from the swarm and are the center of a broodmind, once the hive fleet arrives they're genetically coded to submit and have their genes be absorbed into the hive (unless they've gone malstrain)
NTA, but if Nids are predisposed to being controlled by a higher will through the Warp why couldn't the Gods take over of that will isn't present anymore? We do know the Hivemind has a Warp element through the Shadow, and that Nids are easily conrrollable. Unless there's something indicating they are compatible with the Hivemind alone I think Chaos Nid has merit as a niche thing.
Cold one knights
Extradited Exodites
just stop feeding the goddamn retard, it's carnac, he's got nothing else going on in his life, he'll keep arguing in circles until he becomes aware he can't get it up anymore.
You missed the entire point of the post. Tyranids who are severed from the Hivemind are severed from 90% of their capabilities and what makes them tyranids
Emotions don't matter, as long as there is a mind of sort, it is all that is needed.
>initial post has stated "non-synapse creatures"
It doesn't matter.
All tyranids are corruptible. If you can corrupt a rock or a robot you can corrupt tyranids as well.
Chaos is unrelenting and pervasive and has no equal.
I think it's hard to justify those goung as fast as bikes do, though.
That's like your opinion.

>The Hivemind itself can't be corrupted at worst damaged locally
Depends if you want to take Gladius as canon or not because in the CSM campaign, Nurgle corrupts a part of the Hivemind and I think absorbs it.
Alright, honestly you convinced me anon, good point
I wonder why he hasn't sperged out about necrons yet
Minds don't matter, neither do emotions, it's the soul that does. If it has a soul it can be corrupted, unless some great warp force is already occupying said soul.
what if they're outfitted with small personal short-distance teleporters?
There is only one solution for Chaos.
>Depends if you want to take Gladius as canon
Ah yes the last resort of argumentation
Wanna cite how Hivemind feels a feminine kinship with SoB as well?
Have some shame
because he's a necron fanboy too, why do you think he got the name carnac in the first place? it's from the time he shitposted to no end about the carnac campaign.
Vashtorr corrupted Ironkin, Necrons, and everything machine.

Before that, Lucious possessed a Necron being he felt pride at his slaying.
>Unless there's something indicating they are compatible with the Hivemind alone
There isn't.
The tyranid hivemind that doesn't even really "exist". Like it does, but the Hivemind is not some special entity inside the Warp, it's just all of the tyranid bioforms, from the lowly gant, to a hive tyrant to a spore mine, constantly communicating with each other psychically through the Warp, that's what the "Hivemind" is.
Shadow in the Warp is just the presence of the Hivemind, but it only starts to appear once there is enough nids around, the "Shadow" is just white static white noise generated by all of the tyranids bioforms communicating with another.

Basically imagine being a person and you get shoved into a room that has 200 radios all of the blasting at max volume all playing different songs.
That's what the "Hivemind"/"Shadow in the Warp" is.
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I think GW is trying to close their stores down to go online only

you dont really hear about new stores opening anymore, and activities in store is limited to being just for beginners/rare event like armies on parade
the store only exists to advertise the brand

getting rid of stores will save millions in employee wages and rent
Clearly these things all have souls despite their internal propaganda.
>Minds don't matter, neither do emotions, it's the soul that does.
Souls don't matter. Vashtorr corrupts all technology, which is all soulless, and even mindless to a large degree.
Tyranids can be corrupted.
>because he's a necron fanboy too, why do you think he got the name carnac in the first place?
Nah, he often pulls stuff against them from what I noticed, namely Vashtorr fluff and arks of omen stuff
>the store only exists to advertise the brand
welcome to nearly 20 years ago, I guess?
>but the Hivemind is not some special entity inside the Warp
It literally is. Psykers and daemons can see the Hivemind in Warp and they can interact with it.

The Golden Light of Terra smashed into the Hivemind one time. Slaanesh brushed against it. Necron Pylons switch it off.
lol, Dark Eldar with the Warp Spider jump packs would be so ridiculously reckless with them.
>Wanna cite how Hivemind feels a feminine kinship with SoB as well?
Machine spirit has always been a thing, machines have souls in Warhammer.
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the gods gain powers through the emotions of living beings so them not having emotions matter a lot, and the nids have no individual mind it's only the hive
because chaos takes precedence, but he's a necron fanboy too.
he'll never take the side of eldar, imperials, nids or orks, unless it's to shitpost against one of them.
Necrons don't.
>why couldn't the Gods take over of that will isn't present anymore?
Because they're incredibly ordained beings that require clockwork tier micromanagement
>Like it does, but the Hivemind is not some special entity inside the Warp
That is erroneus, it is very much a separate entity and even the very definition of "gestalt" denotes that.
Can Vashtorr corrupt Wraithlords and Wraithknights? They've always been immune to chaos before.
>It literally is.
It isn't.
>Psykers and daemons can see the Hivemind in Warp
Yeah, they are only seeing and interacting with the said white noise, it's also the reason why they turn insane 90% of the time because the white noise fries their brains.
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I was thinking about a much smaller and less powerful warp jump device
but yes, they would be reckless enough to use the B mode instead of the A mode
>Yeah, they are only seeing and interacting with the said white noise
Iyanna begs to differ
Vashtorr is said to have gained power from Necrons using their technology.
The daemon codexes say that Khorne gains power from Tyranids doing their bloody work. Arks of Omen displays images of the murders that empower Khorne across the galaxy. One of them is a Necron noble killing a Space Marine
If that were true then they couldn't be corrupted. Checkmate.
>the gods gain powers through the emotions of living beings so them not having emotions matter a lot
Yes, emotions matter. But it doesn't matter in the long run.
Tyranids being corrupted doesn't rule out humanity being corrupted.
Chaos doesn't care what or who follows it or what the gods go around puppeteering and controlling.
They only want to corrupt and destroy.
you could still play games and paint in there

now you cant
Iyanna is retarded mortal.
Not really. Tigers of the Ultramarime established contact with the Hivemind and was able to predict its moves. He was targeted for assassination for it.

(Shadow of Leviathan)
what they're perceiving is the shadow in the warp which is different from a warp entity
it's like saying blackstone is a warp entity because it stabilizes the immaterium around them
If they got rid of it's stores they would stop inflating kits
Emotions don't matter, the will of the soul does. Emotions inform the soul, but it is the soul gathering, molding, and releasing energy into the warp that has an effect.
>The daemon codexes say that Khorne gains power from Tyranids doing their bloody work
Not the shadowbrink wars ;)
Your next line: "actually it's older fluff it don't matter" to which I reply that Tyranids travelling through the warp storms just fine in 10th edition codex supercedes everything/most of what you said so far

The Blood Angels psykers discussed the Hivemind in DoB. They theorized that the Hivemind is a half-ascended Warp God or something like that.
this conversation has nothing to do with chaos corruption of humans it's purely about tyranids and they can't be corrupted by chaos because there's nothing inside their mind to corrupt
when they're connected to the hivemind they act in unison performing complex formations and tactics
when they're disconnected from it they're acting on genetic coding which just tells them to kill whatever life form isn't tyranid, the more complex the tyranid the better they are when disconnected
>Tigers of the Ultramarime
>to which I reply that Tyranids travelling through the warp storms just fine in 10th edition codex supercedes everything/most of what you said so far
Not always. There is one mention of a Tyranid fleet emerging from the Warp covered in fungus.
nothing burger
>There is one mention of a Tyranid fleet emerging from the Warp covered in fungus
Good one but fungal growths are normal for nids already and also it's superceded by the aforementioned 10th edition fluff, so youre fresh outta water
There doesn't need to be anything in there, just the space for warp stuff to get flooded in. How do you think corruption works? You're seduced into it? No, your soul just gets filled by Chaos colored warp material.
you're just going to ignore every instance of chaos having to seduce the people they corrupt? ok
It's kind of sad how difficult it is to get casual games now. Warhammer stores don't do it and most FLGS are just commander-bait right now.
AoS Slaanesh was stronger than the others when he got BTFO
After a long-ass time of just seeing my friends build their own stuff and finally seeing my younger brother get into it, I am deciding to finally go pop my cherry and actually get a set proper. Planning to go for Dark Angels solely because I think armors+robes are cool. Still waffling over Tyranids or Necron later down the line.
>the will of the soul does.
That doesn't matter either. Tyranids can be corrupted, Khorne did it and they became even more animalistic savages than before.
Don't be a smoothbrain. The WD Crusade rules for turning Imperial armies to Chaos have fluff text describing how falling to Chaos is not consensual. Some who fall to Chaos are unaware that they are now serving Chaos.
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Sounds just like bodily corruption then. Being exposed to the immaterium is like being exposed to radiation. Doesn't make you fallen to chaos however.
not canon
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If you could be any character in the setting from any faction that isn't a named character what would you be? For me it'd be pic related

Hard mode: No spess muhreens or custards
>Sounds just like bodily corruption then.
It wasn't, it was just khorne influencing and taking over their minds turning them into more violent monsters than before.
Tyranids can be corrupted.

Only thing in the universe that can't be corrupted are Nulls, the Emperor and Grey Knights.
That is it.
The novel "Daemon World" featured Tyranid slaves and beasts of burden working in a daemonic mine, FYI.
Nidsisters?... Our response?
outdated fluff
The missing Primarch
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I'd just want to be a carriage driver or gardener on a garden world. Seems comfy.
Some Deldar of enough renown I can efford enough clones to be functionally immortal in real space.
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>looks at your biomass being all submissive and devourable
Is the Ordo Xenos battleforce really the only way to get Elucidian Starstriders now?
For 40k, I'd say probably the Brutalis, because melee dreads are cool, but they're basically all the same (minis the monopose Ballistus, same chassis but no customization options at all). In general, though, I'm partial to the HH Deredeo and Leviathan, both of which are in plastic now.
khorne was only able to influence them not fully corrupt them
This guy was so stupid that it's based. Not a bad book to show how fucking dumb the EC are
Garden worlds are actually pretty sparsely populated IIRC. Not much there, really.
Grey Knights are corruptible, that's why they have to paint their armor with the blood of Sisters of Battle to resist chaos.
Redacted notcanon lore, apply yourself.
wrong, the gray knights are immune to chaos corrupted
they're even given names that hurt chaos entities
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>Surrounded by cute sisters bullying you through Schola Progenium
>die holding cool ass shield protecting some useless Inquisitor or something
This or space cop.
>lorelet faggot
yes. they won't be repackaged for Kill Team for some reason, but they MIGHT be repackaged for 40k
Then who was the silvered knight with a rune sword?
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Luv me orks
never mentions him being a gray knight
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I'd wanna be one of the Lucifer Blacks, they seem cool as shit. I hope they get a kill team at some point, but idk if they're even popular enough for that.
Die mad about it, Zoomer tertiary. 5th edition lore isn't invalidated because you want to turn the setting into Spiky Marines vs Marines and Bigger Marines.
Some dude in silver armor.
Could literally have been a fucking generic Grail Knight from WHF for all we know.
you're right, it's invalidated because GW specifically retconned that sister blood ritual to prevent corruption because everybody hated it so much :)
>lorelet faggot
>die mad
Reddit spotted
The codex mentions that he is a space marine.
A space marine.
With silvered armor and wielding a rune sword.
That's quite the narrow down, no?
>A space marine.
>With silvered armor and wielding a rune sword.
>That's quite the narrow down, no?
Well it disqualifies Grey Knights since they don't wield rune weapons.
A guardsman from my IG regiment
Nemesis Sword description:
>The blade is tempered iron, flecked with shards of silver and inset with ancient runes of daemon slaying. Advanced power field generators are also contained within.
Runes are just the "I aint gay" tactical diaper bag of magic sigils.
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WGA showed off their artillery sprue for their traitor guard crowdfunding project.
Grey Knights are not immune to Chaos corruption because nothing is. None of them have ever fallen to Chaos because they diligently prepare to face it.
A guy who works in the imperial palace at some mundane job that has been completely forgotten about over the millenia but because I have some kinda ancestral symbol of office that looks important everyone leaves me alone and assumes I know what I'm doing.
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LGS affiliated to my gaming club, they give me 25% off on gw stuff (only 15 for FW or online only stuff)
And then some Etsy for bits or proxies.
Luv' me coomer assassins, what should I do to paint the synthskin? Black with blueish highlights or grey highlights?
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Orks is great
I STILL need to get this guy. Is he still decent in battle after the nerfs?
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And the preview for their traitor ogryn
Tyranids are also kidnapped by deldar for fighting pits.
Tyranid bioforms are still animals even when disconnected from the Hive
Does anyone here have experience with enamel washes? Are they better / worse than the standard acrylic ones?
really? i thought it was just a pile of shit
i dont think ive ever read a black library book that involved gsc that wasnt unfocused crap, even their dedicated title
Wayland games, my LGS is shit and never carries things anyone actually wants, they'll buy like one box on release and after that sells they never restock on anything other than combat patrols, they also only give you a discount at £100+, so even if I would pick up something on a whim it costs the same as the local GW anyway, and at least they bother to keep shit in stock.
>the Emperor
Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it can't. Emperor just has an outsized soul that's constantly being fed. Cut it off from the stream of sacrificed souls and it will lose its defenses.
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Generic squigboss is way more reliable. +1 to charge, free heroic intervention, and enhancements are better than +1 damage (gutrippa is still only ap1) and 4+ fight on death (they have enough mobility to where if you play them right you shouldn't be getting charged). Very killy with headwhoppas in war horde, and very tough with surly as a squiggoth in big hunt
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Han and Leia had a weird honeymoon
Newfag here, why haven't GW made an official miniature for the emperor yet? Or have they already and my cursory google search just didn't avail anything?
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Ka'is' appearance in this book says otherwise
Do the necrons still use their old physics-defying method of traveling faster than light in space as implied in old battlefleet gothic stuff, or do they now also use the webway?
Meant for
is it the even the same kais?
and in what way does it say otherwise?
Fantastic, I have one (or maybe two) second hand of those on the way. Interested to see how he fares with a squad of squighog boyz
Yes, it was retconned back in in 9th ED but they added the detail that it's slightly slower than Warp Travel.
Probably some highborn noble on a Garden World.
Literally living in heaven.

If it had to be a model-line faction, probably a highborn officer in the Guard on garrison duty on some far flung Garden World :)
La'Kais was born 200 years after the Damocles Crusade as per the Fire Warrior novel.
O'Kais was a commander during the Damocles Crusade and was frozen afterward alongside Shadowsun.

Different persons. Kais is a really common name in the T'au Empire.
They've always used their own type of FTL, they also use the webway for long haul.
>That one scene in the infinite and the divine where orikan and trazyn decelerate their ships by orbiting around serenade's moon while braking
I just read that book and nothing was mentioned about Tyranids falling to Khorne. They became mindless and attacked everything because they lost connection to the hive mind, not because Khorne influenced them.
Farsight is also a Kais. It's John T'au.
Aren't necron portals just more physics defying quantum entanglement bullshit?
Or dolmen gates are actually webway powered?
as far as I'm concerned, anyone who says they don't use all sort of things in different situations is noone I want to have a conversation with
not the same kais
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Hit or miss. Huge footprint means it's easy to shoot them, and mounted means they can't navigate terrain easily. But they mulch through elite infantry like it's nothing
Did you even read correctly?
They got mindfucked and became savage due to the hive being stunned by the opening of the rift. Khorne did nothing there.
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In my experience, squighogs are extremely overpriced. Ap-1 just doesn't do nearly anything to most vehicles and they end up noodling before getting wiped out.
I still love to run them but I really want them to drop a bit
dolmen gates specifically are what they use to hijack the webway

they also have other kinds of portals, their flyer, monolith, scenery and deathmarks use other things to open portals or teleport around
Dolmen gates connect to the webway.
I like the angry-style helmet of the space marines more than their new primaris knight helmet.
Never had a point to, but they may do that for HH now. The Primarchs were the focus for that game and only now as the books are taking on the siege of terra did they release a new corrupted horus model. Emps is likely next in line sonce the two of them fight and all the other relevant characters have models already. Probably 2025 or 26.
the text outright says that they became vulnerable to the corruption of the Khorne.
That Ka'is is the one from Dark Crusade, not Fire Warrior. I get where you get them confused, they're both combat-scarred psychos by the end of their respective games. DC Ka'is is the tau equivalent of an eversor by the time he shows up in the book
star wars is waiting for you
See >>94011259
Mark IV helmets were cool when they were one of the options to break up the monotony of Aquilas and the occasional beaky. On their own I think they make the minis lose an important aspect of their identity.
The portals on flyers are like miniature dimensions used for transport, monoliths may be connected to a bigger complex or system and move around stuff, deathmarks open their own sub dimension to move around.

Ok, got it. I often get confused as sometimes they called them warpgates and such. But it makes sense it's webway based stuff. My understanding is they just brute force into the shit made by the old ones?
A wrack.
I think it was more like a chaos man-in-the-middle attack where the nids stopped receiving orders from the hive mind and started receiving orders from khorne
Will we start getting more sanctioned imperial xeno/abhuman units now?
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I dont need more cooperation in the galaxy, I need less
>they just brute force into the shit made by the old ones?
a surprising amount of necron stuff is stolen from the old ones
Based, fuck the selfish frogs
I get mine from a bookstore that sells GW products, it's hidden on the third floor in its own little room that's packed with stuff. It's great, might take a picture next time I'm there.
Damn ork bros our anti vehicle options are quite limited aren't they
Nobody said a race that spent their time waiting to die was gonna be creative
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There is a big drama going on over the Woke/DEI detect Steam group calling out Space Marines 2 as woke.
This is from their page and is causing the most butthurt online.
Was the Emperor white and does geneseed make space marines like their Primarchs? What's teegee opinion?
Necrontyr were very industrious.
They had short lifespans, sure (30-60 I think) but they were good at their shit and moved fast, if you are going to die soon you need to do shit for people to venerate you like you venerate the other ancestors
There are black and asian BAs, What do you think?
Trazyn and Orikan discussed the lifespan of Necrontyr. They said that it was slightly shorter than human lifespans.
You know what that means? Short lived my ass. Necrontyr were frauds
Depends on how aggressive the Geneseed is and the origin of aspirants.
And the emperor is described as being kinda middle eastern, tanned with black hair more like a nod to Mesopotamia and the first city
I damn well hope not.
>Was the Emperor white
he's an ancestral anatolian, he's probably a med but there's no way to know.
>does geneseed make space marines like their Primarchs
Only some, but it doesn't override the aspirants race to any significant degree, with some extraordinary exceptions, like the Alpha Legion.
Weren't all the necrontyr however all suffering from cancer because their sun which was being eaten by one of the c'tan space-vampires gave them non-stop cancer?
It was less the length and more the way it ended. They were all dying of turbo cancer at 50 while the old ones and their pet elves got to live basically forever while doing nothing to help them.
the emperor is anatolian
there have been black ultramarines since the 90s
there have been black and asian blood angels since then too
salamanders aren't african black, they're literally mutated
(you) need to go back to /v/
I think fighting a lost battle is cringe, gatekeepers are a bit too late even boomer marketers are starting to see this as Star Wars 2. Female space marines with diversity rates matching modern London are coming and these people will just cry and bitch and do nothing else.
Maybe, but that's for nobles and sages with good care, and still the had random cancers to worry about and anyone lower or not in good graces with the court could randomly die of mega cancer.
I think in twice dead king they reference Oltyx getting floored by a bout of cancer for a long while even when he was barely an adult.
Yes. The Suncurse they called it. They get tumors that get progressively worse as they age.
But if they lived to an age equivalent to humans why would it matter? Why are they called short-lived?
Deff dreads, meganobz with kill saws, beastbosses, squigbosses, ghaz, stompa. All very situational and some duds
see >>94012604
Every alien race and upstart imperial having their own weird sub dimensions of space that isn't part of the warp and that chaos has no effect inside really detracts from the setting and makes the Emperor look like a fucking idiot for trying to hijack the webway when it was ancient and crumbling and super unstable for psykers to be in there and heavily occupied by hostile forces. Because apparently fucking anyone can make their own parallel dimensions.
>Just give up and let us in
No nigger, gtfo
>posting this shit when the guy himself literally posted a correction admitting he was wrong
They saw the SBI detection group and want to do similar things. Problem is the guy running the woke detection group is moronic
>he's an ancestral anatolian, he's probably a med but there's no way to know.

He was born before there were any turks or even greeks in anatolia tho. He could be anything. (ofc he is white)
post your models
>big drama
lol, lmao
nobody gives a fuck about this forced literal non-problem except you neets who have no idea what real life is like and need to make up boogeymen to be mad at online.
>Most of the shit in the warp and how fucked modern day 40k is stems from the frogs denying the necrons a cure to turbo cancer
I hate the frogs
>He could be anything. (ofc he is white)
>saying this when every canon depiction of him pre-throne since the game's inception shows him with bronze skin
>Was the Emperor white
No, he was born in the fertile crescent area like around 8000 bc.
At best he'd maybe be persian or one of the groups that founded the first civilizations like ancient Mesopotamia.
>does geneseed make space marines like their Primarchs?
Notably legions this happened to was Sons of Horus and Emperor's Children and Alpha Legion.
Rest are a mixed bag and might look more like their primarchs or not.
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That’s not true at all for me, pickup games are a bit tougher but I’m on store discords for like 4 stores. If I want a game I can get it pretty much any day and time I want. Just message asking and set it up ahead of time. I’ve literally played 4 games in a week before. And at least one store still has the “ come in on x night and be randomly assigned an opponent”
Eh, considering that he prefers walking/projecting around like a giant gold-obsessed med or turk, instead of a blonde aryan ubermensch like his most perfect son Roboute Guilliman or the blond beautiful angel-man Sanguinius, he probably doesn't consider himself to be a whitey by angloid definition.
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And yours are where exactly?
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the necrontyr were space-faring niggers who knew how to make invisible space vampires into their own metallic pokémon.
really, curing cancer ought to be really simple for them.
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Will superglue fill creases on parts being glued together? This is for a resin model gluing pieces of the cloak together.
Also is it true you shouldn't use metallic paint in your good brushes? Should I just use cheap Synthetics instead of my Da Vinci Maestro brush?
>Deff dreads
Need to drop by 30 points for how easily they die
>meganobz with kill saws
Need to drop by 10ppm or keep them as is with a 4+++
No experience with this one in 10th
Really only decent in war horde with headwhoppas
I don't like named characters and his cost with meganobz is way too much to just be a vehicle killer

As far as ork anti-tank capabilities, you're kinda fucked.
No, seriously, why didn't the necrontyr cure cancer?
>Will superglue fill creases on parts being glued together? This is for a resin model gluing pieces of the cloak together.
gel superglue can, but you're better off using some plastic putty or sprue goo even on resin models
>Also is it true you shouldn't use metallic paint in your good brushes? Should I just use cheap Synthetics instead of my Da Vinci Maestro brush?
yes, metallic flakes will degrade your brush tips over time, use bulk cheap synthetics as your workhorses especially for metallics and save your fancy brushes for fine details
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Of course it's Tau.
They just couldn't.
it will leave a crevice as it dries
metallic paint is abrasive since it contains tiny specs of metal and will destroy any brush you use to paint it with so only use the brushes you're the least attached to
you don't belong and your NPC faction is painted like shit
Degenerates DNA exposure to the ctan fucked sun.
Not even getting away from it fixed it, so I guess very very degenerated DNA.
Necrontyr are not shown to be great flesh smiths, so it's possible they couldn't get the knowhow on their own, so that's why they wanted the old ones to help out
cool, how much did the commission cost?
>I have no models so clearly nobody else can own them or paint them themselves either
I dare you to do a closeup you double nigger.
cope and seethe
still waiting on your models btw ;)
already posted mine :^)
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>Female space marines are coming
I will only accept them if they look like pic related.
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I ended up trading my imperial fists army away years ago, but one of my friends told me that there's rumors of Dorn coming back and it's made me want to start again. Is that true or just BS?
BS, he's one of the hard-dead primarchs
And 5 minutes I wont be mad and you will still be retarded.
no such thing
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>He admits it got under his skin
what's the point of wanting inferior femmestartes, when superior femmestodes who tower over space marines already exist, accoding to that Warhammer+ CGI-movie Harvest?
You can live without a hand, bro.
Don't disagree at all. Beastboss+beastboyz is the most cost-effective. Unbridled fury, reroll and fish for sustained, hope you hit your 4+ rolls
Wasn't it retconned that instead of his entire skeleton like back then, they now only found one of his hands instead?
Anyone have a 5th edition Dark Eldar codex as a searchable pdf?
It's got an index, anon. What more do you need?
I've heard so many complete faggots given their retarded feels based opinion to the point I know they're trolling but not sure who they're trying to fool.

Shit like "The Primarchs ethnically cleansed their homeworlds" or "Titus's squad mates would have tried to execute him when he looked at the classified AdMech files".
I legitimately have no clue what you meant by that.
Their sun was basically magical, it was so deadly it ruined their genetics to the point where even after they got away from it they were still dropping dead covered in super tumors
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Looking for paint recommendations for this freebooters scheme from DoW2, looks like most of it is a deep blue and blood red sorta colour
definitely wanna do the stripy pantaloons, they look neat
again a lorelet has been filtered by the geneseed
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Tell me about IG and especially Catachan booby traps.
well red and blue are the primary ork colors
what if the old slann-frogs just couldn't heal the super tumors of the necrontyr, even with their reality-bending superpowers?
making a parallel dimension is nothing

making a galaxy spanning parallel dimension is another
yeah I just wanted recommendations on what specific paints to go for, which range that sorta thing
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Thanks anon for showing me the The Damned. I might make a pledge.

Not sure if this is a loophole but I'm thinking of getting two five box pledges of Damned boxes for hopefully more extra sprues.
I'll probably have to pay slightly more but I am feeling devilish just thinking about it.
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Dorn will return as the first primarch dreadnought.
I'm now reminded of those times I read some shit about
>No those historic Africans who did that weren't black, they're just black-skinned white people
This argument is just gonna go round in circles, have we got a timestamp for these bad boys?
thought they turned that jobber into a shitty tank for the guard
Only harddead loyalist primarchs are Ferrus Manus and Sanguinius (if you don't count clones)
A human lifespan IS short-lived anon, compared to the sshit theybwere interacting with. Consider that both Eldrad and Vect were alive during the Great Crusade and that some of the Haemonculli were already ancient when the Eldar Empire fell and are still kicking.
Or they saw C'tan as more important than the Necrontyr, as C'tan are kinda like space jannies
Are the video games canon? Did the Grey Knights really go into Nurgle's garden to bully Mortarion and kill half his honour guard?
Is Caedo real?
>Are the video games canon?
Heavily depends on how successful they are money wise
>>Female space marines are coming
And so am I
Mine is time stamped by the photo name, but I can put a retarded piece of paper there
So the Space Marines, Fire Warrior, Boltgun, Dawn of War?
Unironically hot. Women like this will either give you gigachad sons or daughters that will create gigachad grandsons, and so on.
Oh I don't really care anon I was just trying to stir the pot
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I hope canonically an Ork that can't count to 4 1vs1ed an Imperial Knight and a Stompa.
having cancer because of invisible clouds in space eating your suns is simply part of cosmic nature, necrontyr. accept your lot, ribbit.
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Only the good ones, and by that I mean the ones (you) like.
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Dude, I'm the guy who always gets called gay for liking muscle women but even I think you're truly gay. It's literally a man with a ponytail.
Blood Ravens certainly are
I'd guess a warhammer 40k game becomes definitive canon if it gets referrenced in a codex or other lore tidbit.
You do you man, I'm uplifting my lineage.
>only lost his hand
>rest of the body was never located
>hard dead
Yeah, nah.
Therefor their thieving bastardry is.
Is chaos gate worth getting?
No, you're watching a movie with a character in it you've fixated on.
So Blood Ravens are canon, Space Marine 1 is canon (Titus has a model), and that means SM2 and Boltgun MIGHT be canon
SM2 is cannon because Titus' model is Primaris.
Post the Mike Marines
If you played the Mechanicus game, it's that but with Grey Knights.
The story isn't the greatest (Draigowank) but the lore it introduces is very funny since a squad of Grey Knights on a rundown ship mug Mortarion, kill half his legion, and steal back Draigo
Okay, but are the TTRPG books canon? People talk about stuff from them here like they are all the time.
blue stripes:
macragge for base, altdorf for layering, calgar for highlights, and drakenhof for shade
white stripes:
corax white base, soulblight for shade, rageshade for deeper shade, and white scar highlights
red stripes:
screamer pink base, thinned sigvald burgundy for shade, thinned black templar for deeper shade, and pink horror highlights
Do not do this. It will make mustard gas.
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The TTRPG books and the majority of stuff pre-Fall of Cadia has been soft squatted and most of stuff has been retconned back into canon, depending on how profitable it is.
An example of something pre-Great Rift/Fall of Cadia is the Siege of Vraks stuff that is coming from a novel.

As for the TTRPG books, I have a feeling that even if they were canon it would not matter as the areas are destroyed by the Great Rift. Or maybe the Indomitus Crusade will make it to the Calixis Sector that most of the TTRPG books are set in.
Is the Indomitus Crusade still going or did it end at some point?
Off to LGT tomorrow lads, wish me luck or there will be severe consequences
>People talk about stuff from them here like they are all the time.
You've probably been seeing posts by our Severan Dominate anon. He's slow, to post work, but he's got some minis and painted up one he said for a Kill Team. The guy wants the Dominate to swell to the size of Ultramar and personally I want it to just to piss off Imperium fanboys.

Anyways there is nothing that has made the TTRPG stuff non-canon, but I feel that GW is keeping its hands off the TTRPG stuff because it was made by Fantasy Flight Games and so making a sequel to the stuff or even re-releasing the stuff might get GW into legal trouble or not. I'm not sure.

Nothing has said that the TTRPG stuff is not canon anymore. There is no big list of canon stuff and GW hasn't done a Star Wars Canon and Legends separation of lore anyways.
Actually years ago when FFG was still licensed ADB asked GW if FFG is canon. He was told that only GW studio, BL, and FW are empowered to create IP for the Warhammer universes.

Laurie Goulding made a list of canonical and not canonical sources. In them he listed third party materials as not considered canon by GW.
Off to get my cock sucked tomorrow, wish me LGBT
Man mike brooks is a good author, are there any other BL authors I should take note of who are this good?
I didn't know this.
>Laurie Goulding made a list of canonical and not canonical sources
Can you post the list and how up to date is it?
>Go to look up some cool successor chapters
>Find one that looks neat
>Click on wiki page to read about them
>Something feels off about this
>Check site
>Warhammer 40k Fandom wiki
God damnit, ever cool successor color scheme for the raven guard or iron hands I can find are fucking fan content.
What are you running? This will determine our well wishes
Then make /yourdudes/
He's definitely better than the average, even if he triggers the fuck out of people here. I can't really endorse any author wholeheartedly though because all of them have some bad books so it's more on a case by case basis of whether or not I would recommend an individual book.
What are you looking to read more about? I take it you are an Ork fan?
He wrote this on his personal forum when he worked in GW.

>As it is, now, the “canon” can be seen informally in this rough hierarchy (with some reasonable wiggle-room, and common sense...)

>A-canon: The HH novels (story) The FW HH books (military, technical, organisation, battle-specific) Visions of Heresy (from a future perspective, looking back)

>B-canon: Anything written in a current Codex or supplement for Warhammer 40,000

>C-canon: Anything written in a previous edition of any GW product

>Not canon: White Dwarf Battle reports Gaming campaigns/events, even those run at/by GW
why not just do iron hands
Why he job so, eldarbros?
Thanks anon!
so make your own custom successor
CSM, but you know full well any answer is going to get someone with a hateboner
Why do you need GW's stamp on a marine chapter? All the canon sucessors are only tyere as example aof how you can fluff up your own, anyway.

Note: An even more recent addition is Fantasy Flight Games, who produce the 40K roleplaying game, but even now, I’m not sure just where they stand. Like I said, this is a complicated hellhole of treachery, madness and deceit. As it stands, the official line is that there are three factions empowered to “create IP” (an exact quote), and that’s GW, BL and FW. Given that the 40K RPG is mostly made by folks working in or around the main three companies, I think it’s fair to say that its lore counts as canon, too.

My canonicity tier list is exactly like this, but the complete other way around.
>Erda is more 4x more canon than Belacuck being BTFO by some gecko with rocks
Fuck no
I want to make an Iron Warrior's successor chapter. Any tips on painting Emperor's Children? I want to have a few corpses on the bases of my vehicles.
Unironically ask /hhg/, they're much better at this type of stuff than this general.

I don’t like modern GW minis. TOW was the first time I bought from GW since…shit like 2018/19ish? Old pewter Daemon recasts along with the old Deldar abd BFG models are my favorite. Hoping to see some more of the former here soon.
Do Iron Fists they're kino
are there any good stories or books about iron priests or that feature one
Their color scheme is kind of dull, even if I do like their gimmick a lot.
>Humies, but wiv spikes
Could be worse
So, where is Erda, the mother of all primarchs now?
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How the FUCK am I supposed to paint these tiny details mostly obscured by other parts of the model?
I should have just painted in sub assembly.
killed by erebus
Dead*, killed by Erebus.
*Allegedly since the death happened off-screen.
Where can I stream some of that Warhammer TV jank without buying GWs shitty sub
I would have liked to see the angels of death again... One last time...
Anons, by any chance is there an episode out there that is based on rams and uses psychic powers?
Isn't she a perpetual?
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Is it better than Daemonhunters? Not sure if I want to buy.
ìs daemonhunters getting a sequel?
should tell you everything you need to know
>>Not canon: White Dwarf Battle reports Gaming campaigns/events
Well thankfully WDs have just generic lore for stuff in them too.
And none of those are battle reports or gaming campaigns.
It's a solid game, but a bit pricy. Worth buying on a good sale, DLC included.
Yes, but Erebus stabbed her with a special knife that can kill perpetuals.
Still, like I said, it's hard to pin Erda 100% dead when the supposed killing happened off-screen.
And anyone with modecom of understanding when it comes to fiction, understands that if something happens off-screen, it might as well not have happened.
And there is no guarantees that whatever happened off-screen sticks and stays as is.
After years, Be'lakor beat the allegations!
>I should have just painted in sub assembly
Subassemblies are for cowards.
Heck, even if she was stabbed on-screen with a weapon that can totally destroy perpetuals forever, they could still just bring her back if they wanted to. Same goes for any other kind of perpetual character.
I have it and I like it.
It's really fun, I really like the environments in it. My favorite are the flayed one regions because they have all sorts of weird organic stuff going on them too, which looks really neat in a morbid way.
If you aren't 100% sure buy it on sale. The steam halloween sale is coming soon.

There is also Mechanicus 2 happening as well, but we don't know the release date for it yet.
It becomes a bit of a cakewalk as the game progresses, but on the whole well worth it.
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New art for Creed's daughter. Do you like her now?
Thanks for the replies all

Thanks, I think some NoS marines is what I'll get first, especially for learning to paint since that seems the most cost efficient.

And yeah this list is great, love the Necrons look and lore so will probably get a kill team for both them and space marines.
Just curious though, do Necrons have the same issues as Admech and Dark Eldar (money to points)?

And are 3D printed models for proxies frowned upon/depends on your store/group? Played MtG a lot with friends and obviously no one cared. Assuming it's the same, not allowed for tournament play but otherwise no one cares

Also, how gay is Tau? Is that just a meme?
tau are millennials with gundams, uber gay
Necrons had a recent starter box and are very popular and much more elite so they are still very cheap.
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Looks better imo.
I still don't really like the 2 pistols in front of her hips, it'd be better if they were on the sides instead.
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>Be'lakor beat the allegations!
I don't believe that for a second

Online, LGS, a handful of recasts but most of mine have been second hand. Stripping stuff is a pain but some of the deals I've managed to get have been worth it
Looks like a propah bri'ish lass
shes fine
trying to keep cadians as a cohesive entity in the setting post fall is less so
Just wiping the weird smirk off her face does wonders.
What an absolute unit

This kills the coomers
ah, so the emprah neoth was going to become a fifth chaos god named the dark king?
now that's a silly piece of fluff.
Didn't some other writer say that Codexes are at the top of canonicity ladder?
what is the current state of 40k? I played one test game of 10th and stopped paying attention for a while. do bad moonz still have no detachment to represent them? did retaliation cadre end up meta or meme?
Bad Moonz are still kill (Orks are bad in general right now) and I don't play Tau.
There's a shooty ork detachment, and every tau codex other than kroot sees competitive play
very good
Did you guys find the secret boss?
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That faggot is wrong, this is the only true chart.
The closest you have to a bad moons detachment is probably dread mob
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does anyone know creed is still alive yet?
I know of it, haven't fought it myself.
Looked really difficult.
In the Imperium?
Probably not, barring some inquisitors.
he got trazyn'd
yeah I know
>Anything made by GW or in a title approved by GW: Canon
>Anything else: not Canon

It wasn't too bad from what I remember, you fight it end game no matter what so my dudes were pretty strong.
he's in a pokeball
Warhammer 30k stories are superbad.
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No. Bring back cuteguards
Any pretty guardswoman is just an Alpha Legion infiltrator-traitor who secretly handed out uncharged las-packs to other guardsmen.
The uglier she is, the purer and blessed the Emperor's mercy upon her.
more like infiltraitor
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Who was in the wrong here?
You for posting this, faggot!
you don't have to paint what you can't see, knucklehead
There's plenty of details on models that you'd be able to see but not reach with a brush when fully assembled
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What's your favorite codex art and why?

I like the eldar one because the Autarch looks absolutely fabulous
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My turret arrived a day early!
My bad, I meant to say chapter.
Don't forget Kurze. He's dead-dead, and there's really no reason to bring him back (he's an asshole, and nobody likes him, not even the gods). One of the twins, too, not that it really matters which is which for now.
Ignore my casual illiteracy, missed the "loyalist" bit
Is it a retarded idea to highligh a black base coat with some dark silver and then light silver drybrushes?

Im painting mandrake skin for the record.
He is dead, but it is implied that Kurze's soul might be inside the Corona Nox, it's a crown he owned and it is pointed out to have a large diamond embedded in it.
And suspiciously for whatever reason the CWE fought against the Night Lords to get it.
I really, really like the admech one from 9th edition
Also Eldar
turn that dark silver into a fine glaze and paint over the black
Fujos really like the Kink Eldar, huh?
Still cant believe that Techmarines have combat wheel chairs.
Didn't the second twin get killed by G-man?
how did retaliation cadre end up? are you still forced to bring breachers to have a chance at scoring points? I'm kind of butthurt because it's basically the detachment theme I always wanted, but the changes that came with it like non-customizable crisis suits ruin what made me want it in the first place.
I mean.. it runs lots of suits. No breachers needed.
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3rd edition was a high watermark for codex cover illustrations.
what about riptides? I forgot that I hate them too. what do you use to fight on top of points?
If you hate both Breachers and Riptides then don't bother
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Why did Vior'la's white and red become the showcase paint scheme for Tau?
not even the good Eldar one
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It's great, the tech marine was one of the main reasons I got it
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I thought his "death" was implied to be fake?
Creed had a daughter?
>Subassemblies are for cowards.
But it satisfies my autism
He needs to be less of a jobber.
Someone needs to write a story where the Avatar of Khaine gets on the field and the defending force has to pull back to figure out how the fuck to defeat it instead of it being Rep-Fodder for the Humans.
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CSM 6ed
It speaks for itself
Why is his body spherical?
Game Sphere
whats the difference between a drybrush and glaze in terms of overall effect?
more like gaysphere
Why is Sanguinius so special again? Guilliman, Lionel Johnson, Horus and Khorne all thought he was supposed to rule the Galaxy without the Emperor around, but I still don't know why everybody treated him as the obvious choice to be the New Emperor
Ah, blood gorgons.
I do wish GW would do more with the cursed founding. Like occasionally have them show up more in some warzones.
Also a codex suppelement would be nice, like include all of the cursed founding chapters in that one book and it'd be fine.
T'au Ochre is a "more difficult" color to work with, fitting for gundam nerds/weeaboos they wanted to pull around launch. Making a Sept that can be pained with rattlecan primer and red is welcoming to newer players. The Vior'la "hothead" Sept is the sacrificial mass for being generally "abrasive" to T'au societal standards while being well suited to high casualty theaters. There's also the whole tongue in cheek "contractor/stormtrooper white" "Why paint it when it's just going to get messed up" kind of logic behind it.

If you really want to stretch you can also say that Vior'la white is a ready inverse of the T'au Sept white sept marking meaning you could theoretically convert the Vior'la color scheme to T'au by simply changing the red to ochre.

It's a very versatile decision for a well documented pragmatic faction.
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3rd eldar
for obvious reasons
>T'au Ochre is a "more difficult" color
Drybrush highlights the most raised parts on the model and leaves the lower crevices, etc. darker/the original color.
Glazing is more about making thinned paint and then layer by layer putting that on to get a smooth transition between 2 colors.
Autism is for cowards.
glaze is an even coat
drybrush generally sticks near or on edges
with metal i like doing glazes because it does what drybrush does but faster, so long as the surface is smooth
>Why is Sanguinius so special again?
Because Sang was one of the more self-aware primarchs and also more humane and good. Basically all around everyone agreed he was the truly the Golden Son. Aka he was the best dude among them.

Even Horus, after he got the title, thought that Sanguinius would've been more suited to be the Warmaster not him.
Why can't witch hunters in Imperial Agents access Sisters of Silence units even though the latter are always accompanied by witch hunters?
>humane and good
He was always evil, actually.
I wish Defiler would be more popular
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close tie between this one and
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This one
damn well maybe 12th will fix it. can't stand those fat fucking shits.

but most gundams are mainly white
He was inclined towards evil, but the fact that he could overcome the temptation for wrath showed how good he truly was.
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The Adeptus Mechanicus, ally to the Imperium Of Man.
All the Primarchs are derived from the Emperor, to the point they are almost like caricature aspects of him, rigid and inflexible in their mood and behavior.

Out of all of them Sang feels the most likely to evolve beyond his origin and nature, surpassing the Emperor as shepherd of mankind.
I always wondered if Sanguinius was going to be ok in the long run if he survived the heresy or if his mind was slowly deteriorating by the Red Thirst and he was doomed to be either euthanized or put on a cage at some point
Competent and easy to get along with. Still a bit of a cunt, but very low on the asshole scale, Primarch-wise.
Flat + primer or paint +priner
dont ever get paint and primer mixes
The fact that his condition for becoming an Imperial warlord was that the people of Baal should be spared from the purview of Imperial law means he recognized that he was a massive hypocrite. He recognized that the Imperium was unjust and brutal, and he agreed to personally spread that to hundreds of other worlds. He was a dickhead.
He had the tightest asshole and even gave fulgrim a run for his money when it came to enduring vulcan
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I just made a Damned pledge. 308 Canadian Dollars for two five box deals and 40 free sprues to boot.
2x infantry, 1x female infantry, 3x command squads, 3x heavy weapons, and 1x ogryns that are called brutes.
I'm not even gonna try remembering my what the sprue choices are.
Now to get some bases from aliexpress, and find a 3D printing service for the leman russ and chimera tank STLs I found.
And some paints.

I checked the amount of money to amount of miniatures to be spent on this army and can confirm that it is cheaper than what I would have spent and gotten from getting minis from GW.

Are you anons proud of me?

I'm here from Space Marine 2
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>The Adeptus Mechanicus, ally to the Imperium Of Man.
I want to see you paint them
Enjoy anon but don't overbuy and overpaint unless you actually enjoy it.
why is there a servo skull in mechanicus called Redditius
Because gw is retarded.
Inquisitor codex should have allowed you to soup pretty much everything (although I know it's not practical) but holy shit the gaps in the roster are criminal.
You'll have to wait a while because the models are said to arrive "before Christmas" so I'm guessing some time in December.

I enjoyed playing with Legos as a kid so I felt assured that I will enjoy this activity.
I think you just blew a whole lot of money
can marines dark souls doge in gravis?
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I actually wonder why GW decided to make the Combat Patrols for factions like Genestealers so much worse. Them being so good for building an army was definitely a boost in sales the faction will never get now. No matter how much you increase the margins, unless its increasing everything 5fold you are unironically losing money from lost sales. Do they expect to recieve any DA sales if their combat patrol is gimped too?
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No I didn't. I bought the infantry side of a Warhammer 40k guard army for pennies compared to a real proper currency.
Shouldn't TS hellbrutes be like their rubricae brethren? Not flesh but sealed drednought husk?
They make changes, people still buy. Simple as.
Did you check if your LGS even allows you to use them? Obviously events are all no-go
No, but they can breakdance.
Simple, for 40k they always sell all the stock
Whether people "want it more" doesn't matter when even the least liked boxes totally sell out instantly. And no, it's not because 40k fans are tasteless consoomers, it's because the community grew too fast after primaris and the pandemic.
They can teleport and stuff in game, so presumably these are what became of their psychic dreadnoughts and aren't random marines sealed into one. Only the weak psykers got dusted, the rest got a power boost.
The Master Of Mankind.
He Sits On The Golden Throne.
The LGS has a Discord where people organize games. It will minimize the chances of me showing up with nobody to play 40k. So I should be fine.
>Obviously events are all no-go.
I understand. I lurked there and saw the acronym "WYSIWYG" and that's how tournaments are run.
After going through the Warhammer community rules download page, I plan to take pictures of my finished guys, edit them into a PDF with text showing what units/weapons they represent and print out the PDF for myself and whoever I play games with.
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Where THE FUCK have any of you ever seen GSC sell out? I can buy the kill team box with the Broodbrothers for nearly half its original cost right now brand new let alone ever seen anything GSC be sold out except for the old combat patrol. My LGS only buys new boxes after they sold out so this isnt just them for some reason deciding to only keep GSC eternally stocked.
They're a no go because almost all of them don't let you run 100% third party.

And I wasn't talking about arranging games - I was talking about you walking into the store with bundles of minis that the store doesn't sell. A lot of them are understandably not cool with you doing that
me on the left
I'm not playing at an official Games Workshop store.
>I was talking about you walking into the store with bundles of minis that the store doesn't sell. A lot of them are understandably not cool with you doing that
Should I abandon my plans of printed tanks and instead buy IG vehicles from the store then to build up rapport? I already plan to buy paints from the LGS.
I really wish they didn't tell new players to pick space marines. I'm like, 400 dollars in and I fucking hate these assholes.
New players should pick custodes :)
you don't see it but those GSC boxes sell out so fast when you're not there.
Your LGS just restocks them instantly
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>novels get a hard on for big weaponry, like super heavies, titans and warships
>go on about how they atomize the land this, sunder reality that
>Eldar of all flavors have weapons that outgun pretty much any of their Human counterparts
>Orks hit like a train of they can shoot straight for a second
>Tau don't need any comments on how strong they shoot
>described vaguely as just doing stuff before inevitably jobbing

I get Eldar losing, humans are the self insert and all that, but it seems like most writers dont even try to make non-human shit seem remotely powerful. Even Ork, who are much more in James' good graces than fucking Eldar, almost never are shown to have anything really cool or powerful, it's always presented as the green retards piloting thatbshit that are the problem, but their tech itself is rarely acknowledged for how powerful it is.

Only Necrons seem to ever actually get the respect in fluff their crunch demands.
custodes are way too hard to play for new players imo. marines are the best starting faction because they're cheap and because they dont have any particularly glaring weaknesses. they're just all-around decent
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>Start highlighting
>Ruin hours of work

How do I git gud? I feel like if the brushes were firm, it would be easier - they just bend and then get everywhere (I'm using artius opus, so it's not a shit brush).
Unironically, yeah. I read up a little lore primer on the codex chapters so I picked white scars because the Khan is cool. Turns out I'm a dumbass because Khan's model is for 30k. So now I have a bunch of heavy intercessors, eradicators, and a redemption dreeadnaught, none of which seem to go well with a white scars theme anyways. Also a guy at my lgs told me that the bikes are shit and that they'll probably get sent to legends soon. I fucking hate this shit, is every faction getting a primaris? How the fuck am I supposed to build up a collection if they get entirely refreshed every three years.
Give up and dry brush instead. Less work and better results.
>knight on dreadnought violence
You LOVE to see it.
>woe is me, marines get so many models so often
>life is pain
Should have bought old marines

What's your chapter?
>m not playing at an official Games Workshop store.
Yeah didn't say you were. You're essentially walking into a space that exists because it sells minis with a product that undercuts them. You are a walking advert for them going out of business, using their playspace.

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