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Angry Marine Assault Edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
Have you ever come across homebrew fluff that you actually liked?
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>Have you ever come across homebrew fluff that you actually liked?
I've barely found any official fluff I liked
Only the Angry Marines for me because I liked the humour of those guys and haven't really looked anywhere else for homebrew stuff.
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yeah, my own
Why would I think metallics? They go on way easier and it looks fine.
I'm trying to turn the various vehicles I bought for fun into a proper army. Does something like this work? (All vehicles I've already bought for fun building purposes)
>A Knight Paladin for 405 points

>Astartes as Main Force
>Landraider Redeemer (285), Redemptor Dread x2 (420), Vindicator (175)
>10 Man Incursor Squad (160)
>5 man Hellblaster Squad (115)
>3 Man Eradicator Squad (95)
>10 man Intercessor Squad (160)
>10 man Assault Intercessor Squad (150)
And then spend the last 245 on a kill-y captain and a squad of scouts or infiltrators or something. Slap the Captain with the Assault Intercessors and go nuts.

This alright for a starter army? I've already got the vehicles (I love vehicles)
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>Imperium is supposed to be a culturally diverse place
>Every planet has the same gothic cathedral architecture
>Everyone follows the same baroque + skulls fashion trends
Explain this.
> i love vehicles
shouldve picked guard
A lot of that is from 30k, where they have crazy diversity. In 40k, monoculture has set in, to the point that Ultramar doesn't even have its classical derived architecture anymore.
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Manlet uprising inbound.
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>Warhammer? Isn't that a game for chuds?
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No - and current 40k fluff sounds like a BAD fanfiction too. Whole Cawl and primaris lore is terrible - and returning of Lion el Jonson was totally unnecessary (also forst walk is dumb as fuck). One loyal primarch had some charm, more are just cashgrab.
weird votann kitbashes
Every world will ultimately degenerate into a monarchy with a corresponding aristocracy, as the governor of the planet is expected to be the same person to make dealings with the Administratum easily.
And once those governors and nobles become rich, they will emulate the other rich nobles who live in decadent opulence.
And with wealth comes the Ecclesiarchy, to build the cathedrals and the statues to remind the lower classes that this is the will of the God-Emperor of Mankind.
I can just paint my tau any colors I want and say they are from a small planet, right?
I would just respond with "what's a chud?"
Its a good opening for me to make myself look like I'm not terminally online.
Sure. There's enough planets and unknown amounts of star systems that the T'au annexed or stole from the Imperium that any kind of color combination is fine.
It's too late, fren. GW PMCs have been dispatched to your location. God have mercy on your soul.
Games Workshop Interceptor Spearhead has translated into anon's bedroom and are commencing Eradicatus
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The Taros campaign and other imperial armour books (first ed) are 40k at its best.
I'm doing the same with my Ultramarines (but MK VI instead of III). Fuck primaris clusterfuck. My dudes are from year 40997.
can I cover the spots where I fucked up the glue and paint with a layer of terrain paint to look as if it's just dirty? I feel like that's the easiest way to go
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Played the second iracunda hidro-plant battle today and it was great. Elysians are cool.
too many little guys
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All the time.
Mk3 don't belong there
Why don't you want an established sept??
You can always paint the however you want
So for someone who only interested in buying Warhammer for painting. Is the cost and quality of the minis worth the price if I'm not going to use them for the game itself? I would play the game but I have no one to really play it with and would prefer to just paint whatever I think looks cool.
I am looking at starting a 40k army rejoining after a 15yr hiatus.

Once upon a time I played Orks. This time I am thinking Space Marines or Custodes. Which of these characters and then factions would be more recommended.

1. Captain Lazarus (Dark Angels)
2. Emperors Champion (Black Templars)
3. Karro Khan (White Scars)
4. Brother Captain Stern (Grey Knights)
5. Valerian (Custodes)

I like my commander to be able to run head long at enemy HQ and have a better than even chance at crushing them. Having HQ and elites melt enemy HQs is what I like the most out of the game.
My army list is pretty generic. I just want it to look unique
you really dont have to build heavily into infantry, dude. 40 is plenty and that's only like 250 points. guard's got a great IFV and a huge slew of tanks to choose from, big and small
world eaters have a lame roster. Jahckals are lame. Eightbound are lame. Kharn is still a manlet (lame). Angron is lame. Zerkers dont show enough muscles. The one cool model they have and he doesn't even have a proper unit to lead.
You'd always be unique as long as it's not Vior'la white
eightbound should've been red butchers. no idea why they decided to shy away from the legion that had the most amount of terminators after the dark angels
Yes. GW plastic is leaps and bounds beyond what anyone else offers. Plenty of people will try to tell you that whatever 3rd party startup bullshit they buy can compete, but no matter what they say, we'll never have McDonalds at home.
You sound like a Slannesh worshipping panty waste. Seek repentance erstwhile brother.
I had no idea world eaters were supposed to be a terminator centric faction, has that always been a thing?
What's the best tyranids scheme?
not necessarily terminator centric. they just had a lot of them
What's the best heavy weapons team for guard?
depends on what you're expected to be fighting. generally speaking heavy bolter is the worst option though.
I've been thinking about using lascannons for vehicles and leaving my infantry to be the anti-infantry units.
I've also been thinking about mortars instead of lascannons. Mostly so I can at least get some attacks in on my opponent's units every turn. If I recall that line of sight is not needed for mortars.
Warhammer Adventures actually explains it. It says that Imperial cities are built according to STC
>Emperors Champion (Black Templars)
the only correct option.
>if i recall that mortars are indirect fire
correct. they perform best against geq and meq though. definitely dont expect them to do anything but measly chip damage against t4 or tougher
Alright I'll try to split things between lascannons and mortars.
What homebrew have you came across that you liked?
Doesn't matter if it is from the LGS or here.
sorry, t5 and tougher.
new darktide map is fuckin hard.
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>doctor: you can't listen to a gif.
>the gif:
shit chapter
Name a better choice coward.
Ew nigga das gay
kinda funny how everything here is dead by 11th ed.

lamenters mog them
Success breeds jealousy.
I knew a guy a while ago who had a custom hive fleet that only ever attacked shrine worlds and stuff. He had some fluff written by an inquisitor trying to figure it out only to realize it was because Genestealers had infected a pilgrim fleet and the Nids were just following it from planet to planet and growing fat off the honoured dead of the imperium.
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Good choice of marines superior to the fisted marines.
I like aliens
The Duality of Loyalists
I wish more people liked Dark Eldar
I can't wait for Vect to bend the knee to Yvraine
Dark eldar more like fart smelldar
Is she ever going to escape her fandom typecasting as Guilliman's space elf lover?
No because she's a xenos character which means she only exists to enable Marines to look better
if they ever bother expanding her and Eldar lore. Big if.
Because most of the nerds who write the lore for this shit are mentally stunted manchildren without any actual imagination or creativity, everything they do is derivative. 40k itself barely has more than a handful of original ideas, almost everything in it was ripped off from contemporary pop culture and classic sci-fi/fantasy like Dune and LotR. The lore allows for infinite possibilities of unique cultures and customs. It's said that the church in 40k doesn't give a shit how you worship the Emperor or what you call him as long as the basic tenets are followed. Same with governing the planet, the High Lords don't give a shit if you want to be a genocidal dictator or allow elections and human rights, as long as the tithe is met they couldn't care less. But again the nerds playing this shit are incapable of thinking outside the box so you get the same bland shit everywhere.

Also, it's easier for GW and helps their profit margin to crank out the same goyslop at light speed. Look what they did to the Guard. Designing and maintaining a whole lineup of Guardsmen with unique sculpts and poses, along with rules to go along with them, is hard. Copy+pasting a bunch of new monopose queers in generic WWII uniforms and then slapping a $60 pricetag on it is much easier though
Unironically true
Dios mios mucho texto autismo
>wahhhh why won't GW spend millions on making sculpts and toolings for my obscure guard regiment with 3 lines of lore from white dwarf # 287?????????????
>i bet dei and blackrock are the cause of this >:(
Go ahead and thrill us with your original ideas
I still don't understand why GW didn't just say "hey, we're making the space marine sculpts bigger and also changing the unit loadouts to streamline shit." If they absolutely needed a fluff reason to justify it they could have just said the Mechanicus dusted off some badass armor they'd been saving and Guilliman decided to rewrite the Codex to account for the changed circumstances of the galaxy. At this point the bullshit hierarchy of Space Marine/Primaris/Grey Knight/Custode power creep is getting eye-rolling and nauseating. "Yeah you might have superhuman soldiers but *I* have super-duperhuman soldiers!" 11th edition will end up having super custodes dressed in more gold bullion than Fort Knox
Grey Knights are going to get rolled into the Agents codex when they get Primaris'd, don't worry.
Do you guys think Titus will be added to the Black Library? Are future Ultramarine books going to have him as a side character?
well according to the leaks for the tv show he's going to be reinstated as captain, though this time he's taking over the 1st company
For as much as people talk shit about GW, their miniatures are by leagues the highest quality in the business. The level of detail and quality of the molds and plastic are leaps and bounds beyond anyone else, although desu the autistic attention to detail is starting to get annoying as fuck. I don't mind it on character models but when I have to spend 10 hours painting every tiny little fucking necklace and pouch and whatever bullshit they have clipped to their belt it starts getting tedious.

GW minis are going further and further towards monopose shit now, that can be good or bad depending on your point of view. On the good side it does allow for more interesting poses and makes for less flashing to sand off and shit. On the other hand it can make kitbashing and conversions slightly more difficult, though not by much

I used to collect 40k for years without ever playing the game because I can't stand the smelly fat spergs down at my LGS. Go for it anon, my advice would be to get your minis from 3rd party resellers though (NOT recasters). GW charges insane prices but you can usually get like 10-20% off easily by looking around online
I dunno ask /v/
Cope seethe and dilate troon, I didn't say any of that
>millions to make a sculpt
lmao. Keep defending them though, they're purging entire model lineups because they know what slop sells and what slop doesn't and it makes it easier for them to dumb down the rules for troons like you that can't be bothered to add up points on wargear lists
post your models
>the High Lords don't give a shit if you want to be a genocidal dictator or allow elections and human rights, as long as the tithe is met they couldn't care less.
Actually, they do. The Imperium has burned worlds before for having limited democracies and rights. In the Rogue Trader vidya, they'll invade and slaughter everyone in your sector if your people are too happy and you failed to make a deal with the inquisition or take care of your baby C'tan.
What leaks?
Uh oh nomodels melty
I don't have to prove anything to you tr00n, I've collected 40k and played this shit since before you started wearing thigh-highs and watching sissy hypno goon videos. Probably before you were born even. But yeah go ahead and suck GW cock some more, there is no longer a single actual hobbyist that works there making any kind of business decisions. Purely for profit and shareholder value. Nothing wrong with that, it's a business it's there to make money. Just don't pretend like any of the decisions they make are because they care deeply about the lore or making a good story, it's just to sell you more toys
>I still don't understand why GW didn't just say "hey, we're making the space marine sculpts bigger and also changing the unit loadouts to streamline shit."
probably because rebranding them primaris space marines made them more money
>Titus as the 1 company captain
That sounds way too fun for 40k
Eh, I guess those planets that have limited democracies and rights wanted to break away from the Imperium, because they realized that the tithes/taxes they had to pay were way too high and way too retarded, like having to make a gorillion pelt mantles for the Imperial Guard, despite being a desert planet where the only furry animal are tiny mice or something like that.
In most cases, worlds and space marines like the astral claws want to leave the Imperium for tax reasons.
He'll probably be the face of 40k going forward.
Shockingly he does not have models, who could have seen it coming
GW will do that again in 40 years with even bigger marines that will end up identical to the old ones but we will all be too old and weak to bitch about it
Does anyone else think that 40k shoul
Whatever you say, dox-man.
What happened to the Krieg Killteam box? I can’t find it on GW’s site.
I wonder if that's true since he's biologically 40-50 while Cato Sicarius is young and full of optimism
uh oh secondary melty
For a perfect example of stupid amounts of small details, look no further than the WFB State troops, you are meant to run these in 10-20 size blocks and have more than one and its fucking stupid the amount of detail per model

While I bitch about Fantasy, i've nearly finished my 2nd Termie

Post Models / WIPS
Gone. The Kill Team isn't gonna be supported next edition and the compendium is gone too.
Which I find odd because Kill Team is supposed to be a cheaper entry into the Warhammer side of wargaming.

I read somewhere that the Kriegers allegedly are coming back with the guard codex. Whether they'll be radically redesigned like the Cadians got is unknown.
it has support in KT2024, ignore the retard above me
buy it from an LGS or amazon, much cheaper
Sevastus Acheran is just Groundskeeper Willie
Is there a good chance Krieg is gonna get basic troopers at least with the new wave in the next few months?
"Captain, I need two squads "
"Acheran hears ya, Acheran doesn't care "
Remember, Rogal Dorn is the only loyal primarch who killed a traitor primarch and he is also the only one who can prove it.
GW's financial statements are public anon. What thwy spend on R&D doesn't make a dent on their margins. We're talking about a company with a
>70% gross margin
>40% ebit margin
>30% net margin
Oh yeah? Prove it.
It's almost like a shared religion can unite and homogenise a socitey.
People don't seem to get how much time 10K years actually is.

Overdetailed models that die immediately and are the same size as the rest of the basic fodder?

You mean: the entire AoS Hedonite line

Beautiful but fuck my ass with a rock, these are stupidly detailed to the point that that's their reputation.
I reckon I could kill a primarch
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"He then grabbed the spear and sliced Alpharius's hands from his wrists before slashing him across the chest, stabbing him with his own spear, and finishing by cutting through Alpharius's skull with his mighty chainsword, Storm's Teeth.[10c]

Archamus soon passed away, but a team under his second Kestros found the primarch and the now-deceased Archamus. Dorn then hid from the loyalists Alpharius's appearance within the system and his death, promoting Kestros and others with direct knowledge of the events to Huscarl to replace those who died. Dorn sought to deny Alpharius any acknowledgment or honor. Far away, Omegon sensed the death of his twin and he grew distant."
That wasn't Alpharius
It's crazy that only 3 of the 20 primarchs died in the horus heresy
Retreading the same arguments are why this general lost users so hard
I'm staring at my Lord Vigilant on Chicken right now and trying to muster the courage to finish it.
The Blood Ravens schizobabble was far more interesting than this
I am Alpharius
Almost every primarch should've died or went missing
He was Alpharius, Dorn has the ability to recognize and differentiate between Alpharius and Omegon.

Also, Omegon felt the death of his brother.
That's what they wanted you to think
that's what Alpharius wants them to think
That's what you think.
That's what I think
>get really drunk
>make minis
What am I in for?
That wasn't Omegon
That wasn't Alpharius
That wasn't Dorn
That's what he thinks
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>and he is also the only one who can prove it.
It's not Leman's fault that all evidence was erased from existence.
That's what she thinks
Is that what I think?
That's what the writer thinks.
Now THAT was Alpharius. Who do younthink benefits thw most from people thinking Alpharius is dead?
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A fun time. Provided you don't get destroyed a bit of alcohol can kill the hand shakes a bit. If you talk to old dudes who do hot rod pinstriping most of them take a shot or two before starting an important line
That's not what you think
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>Dorn then hid from the loyalists Alpharius's appearance within the system and his death, promoting Kestros and others with direct knowledge of the events to Huscarl to replace those who died. Dorn sought to deny Alpharius any acknowledgment or honor.
That's a bit psychopathic on Dorn's part.
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Not only psychopatic but suspiciously convenient for the Alpha Legion
can black templars have successors
or do they just shit out new crusade fleets
Thinking of giving warhammer another shot havent played since 10th edition (some demo games) and before that it was like 4th edition I think?

Is 10th fun or worth playing? I have still bought models off and on.

Alternatively anyone have opinions on OPR Grimdark Future? From the one battle report I watched it seemed kinda neat.
>"We don't do that here" - Black Panther
new fleets, they don't abide the codex
/yourdudes/ can be whatever you want. Anyone saying otherwise is autistic and easily ignored much like whatever parts of the lore you don't care for
it wouldnt make sense for them to have sucessors as they are technically eternally busy with the never ending crusade
They usually create a new fleet, but they have a successor chapter that was created when a Black Templar fleet went missing long enough to create its own culture.
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Space Marine 2 is weird.
They still get tithed so a successor could be founded from their stock. It's pretty basic IF tho since the "it rejects psykers" thing got retconned.
Everything went exactly as planned.
Dorn knew the score.
it hurts me so much
it is fun, and playing dress up with space marines is fun
but i play manlets on the tabletop
10k years of gunpoint dogma leads to degenerate and stunted monoculture. Anything that is different from the STC's may as well be considered Architectural Apostasy.
Every planet gets raked over every so often and when the rebuild its all done in the standard monoculture and the population is swiftly replaced by excess from a nearby hive world who are told that this is there new planet where they will (mine, farm, build, be soldiers, etc.) now instead of whatever they were doing on the hive world. Over time the unique cultures just get snuffed out.
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makes it easier to explain away why space marines look exactly the same
>Have you ever actually come across homebrew fluff you liked

Yeah, mine and the rest of my crusade group. It's fun, you should try it. We managed to make up reasons for a guardsman regiment, a splinter hive fleet, deathwatch, a genestealer cult, an ork waagh, a cabal of Thousand Sons sorcerers, a tau expedition, and even necrons sometimes, to all be present on one planet for a while, and even have 2v2s, and even a 4v4 siege that lasted like 7 hours. The best fluff is your own fluff.
Yeah, I remember reading how guard liberations can wipe out up to 90% of a planet's populace and infrastructure, and that's if they surrender immediately. Imperial compliance measures are like the Rape of Nanjing, only a hundred times worse. There was even a short story of a couple of commissars having a 1000 man killing contest where they competed to see who could hunt down and behead the most peasants the quickest.
What does he know? Why won't he reveal it?
A stiff breeze could've killed Alpharius. Guilliman killed Omegon ffs.
Really only counts as half a primarch
where are leman russ, rogal dorn, jaghatai khan, ferrus manus, roboute guilliman, lion'el johnson, corvus corax, and sanguinius right now
warp, warp, webway, a ghost haunting fulgrim, in a ship, walking in the woods, in the warp, bodily death but soul is intact
Warp, dead, webway, dead, leading the imperium, hunting Fallen, killing WB in the warp, dead.
I've finally decided on a 1,000 point list and I will paint it and then I will play the game. None of you can stop me.
What army?
what is Ghouliman gonna do when he gets to the Pariah Nexus? Spreadsheet the Necrons and Vashtorr to death?
Guard players, what heavy weapons teams do you embed in your infantry squads (if any)?
He's gonna fuck Yvraine in front of everybody, asserting his dominance
He can do that while he kicks their living metal asses and dissolving them with his acidic spit and simultaneously leading the entire Imperium all by himself, military and civilian parts of it.
arrive with literally everyone and cawl will carry the secrets of blackstone away before Guilliman gives the order to blow up the planet and causing Sautekh to not be a thing anymore so that they can make SIlent King the front runner without any competition from lorebabies.
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Working on my own tau sept, this is one sept symbol I designed. Their paint scheme is going to be cow print armor, light pink fatigues, and blue sept colors
Why doesn't the high lord regent supreme master Roboute Guilliman not just officially dissolve the Imperium, rename it to Greater Ultramar, and then rebuild all planets to be ultramarian paradise worlds where people actually are happy to live and fight for the greatest of all primarchs, the one and only Roboute Guilliman?
He could do that. He is after all the only competent person on the side of humanity.
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one more design
Why doesn't Roboute just defeat Chaos?
Seems like a pretty obvious solution
I dunno ask /hhg/
There's not enough time to do that, he needs to keep the Imperium from literally imploding first.
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Why doesn't Vulkan, the largest Primarch, not simply eat the other Primarchs?
that loser keeps dying every year.
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Day 17 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
He would meet with an accident
Every time you hit a number of days divisible by 6 start adding something new and more intense to your routine.
Why so specific?
Go to the capital of any country in the world, Saudi Arabia, China, Mexico, USA, Russia, Nigeria and they all look the same with the only difference being cleaner streets and more modern cars in the richer countries
>What's a chud?
It would just be an Imperial Fist successor
I'm adding something every week. Easier to keep track of
Brutalism has been a disaster for the human race.

Six is the sacred number of Slaanesh.
>Konrad was clearly supposed to be a Batman parody
>he didn't fight wacky supervillains before joining the Imperium
>there is no short series about him saving his planet in parodies of Marvel and DC stories
wtf GW
Status check:you are a fucking retard.
Are White Templars Black Templar successors?
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consider suicide
>>Konrad was clearly supposed to be a Batman parody
Eh? He always just felt like an angsty punisher.
>you inhabit this general with mewling mindless drooling trolls
Imagine thinking normies use the word chud.
same thing
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Biggest jobber in 40k?
I don't remember who the Fists' chapter master is, bros...
the batman has at least money and a butler and sidekicks.
the punisher's just a guy with a submachine gun.
ur mum
>EC fan
>doesn't know about the significance of six

Avatar of Khaine or a Swarmlord.
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Minotaurs are top shelf
Magnus the Red, Avatar of Khaine, Swarmlord.
>nuked from orbit in his own book
I think even the Avatar has gotten a pity victory here and there
Konrad got that Batman-like symbol on his chest, is crayzah, turned into an urban legend and having no parents as a kid kinda fucking him up

Also his corruption seems similar to the Joker as is his face.
Did Konrad and Corvus have any notable interactions?
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Yeah dude swarmlord gets wrecked in every story

I know a swarmlord can be respawned, but the latest battle for macragge lore with SL was medicore
Imperial Guard.
>autistic perfectionist faction lumped in with the brainrotted coomers and degens
Sounds rough
I haven't played in over a decade. I picked up the Kroot Hunting Party box on sale and looking through the Codex it's all unrecognizable. What does a "normal" Tau army even look like these days? Are kroot dogshit?
I haven't seen anyone use Kroot and acquaintances say no one wants to play them by themselves and they don't mix well with the rest of the Detatchments, even for just objective work.
Oops looks like you've locked yourself to the kroot hunting pack detachment
It's ok, GW has never cared. At least you have Tor Garadon
>it's out
Afair they were both unconfortable at how similar they were to each other, Corvus was "repulsed" by Konrad because he was afraid he was suffering from the same mental ilness and was doomed to end up like him while Konrad hated that they were similar but he was despised while Corvus wasn't.
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>>94014425 here. Getting into guard.
I made a 2k list.
Rate pls

Char1: 1x Cadian Castellan (45 pts)
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Chainsword, Plasma Pistol

Char2: 5x Platoon Command Squad (70 pts)
• 1x Platoon Commander
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Power Fist
Enhancement: Death Mask of Ollanius (+10 pts)
• 4x Veteran Guardsman
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol, Lasgun
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol, Lasgun
• Master Vox
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol, Lasgun
• Medi-pack
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol, Lasgun
• Regimental Standard

Char3: 1x Regimental Enginseer (45 pts)
1 with Archeotech Pistol, Enginseer Axe, Servo-arm

Char4: 1x Tank Commander (220 pts)
1 with Armoured Tracks, Punisher Gatling Cannon, Lascannon, 2x Militarum Plasma Cannon
• Warlord
Enhancement: Grand Strategist (+15 pts)


10x Infantry Squad (60 pts) 3x
• 9x Guardsman
7 with Close Combat Weapon, Lasgun
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Lasgun
• Vox-caster
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Sniper Rifle
• 1x Sergeant
1 with Plasma Pistol, Chainsword


6x Bullgryn Squad (180 pts)
• 1x Bullgryn Bone 'ead
1 with Bullgryn Maul
• Brute Shield
• 5x Bullgryn
5 with Close Combat Weapon, Bullgryn Maul
• Brute ShieldClose Combat Weapon

3x Heavy Weapons Squad (60 pts) 3x
• 3x Heavy Weapons Team
3 with Close Combat Weapon, Las Small Arms, Lascannon

6x Ogryn Squad (130 pts) 3x
• 5x Ogryn
5 with Ripper Gun
• 1x Ogryn Bone 'ead
1 with Ripper Gun

1x Leman Russ Battle Tank (170 pts) 3x
1 with Leman Russ Battle Cannon, Armoured Tracks, Heavy Bolter, 2x Heavy Bolter

1x Scout Sentinels (60 pts) 3x
• 1x Scout Sentinel
1 with Close Combat Weapon, Sentinel Chainsaw, Militarum Multi-laser

I had to cut out some stuff and just say "3x" which means the selection has two more to make this list fit in 4chins' text limit.
Baxxid are bros who love humanity, they'd make great inquisition minions.
Condense that shit before posting
Sorry. I used new recruit's word export and took its text base format and modified it slightly then pasted it here.
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Is the Iron Warrior/Imperial Fist rivalry just this
Warp, retired with Vulkan, Commorragh, Super Dead, Emperor 2.0, On THE ROCK, In the warp trolling his brother, A bloodstain on Terra
you really don't need to print out default loadouts
list vomit makes it horrible to read

Castellan 45
Platoon Command Squad 70
Regimental Enginseer 45
Tank Commander 220

x3 Infantry Squad 180
x6 Bullgryn 180
x6 Ogryn 130
x6 Ogryn 130
x6 Ogryn 130
x9 Heavy Weapon Squad 390

x1 Russ 170
x3 Scout Sentinels 180

is a much easier to read list

i dunno off the top of my head mass heavy weapon squads kind of suck because they're super squishy
tank commander with a whopping two tanks is kind of an odd choice
Is $30 a fair price for over 1 pound of sprue?
actually i just missed that you have three russes, but then your list points don't add up or i'm retarded or something
As I guessed. No worries, I just bought them to paint and because kroot are cool. I'll stick to Kill Team with them, then. Thanks, lads.
It is actually 3 leman russ tanks and one tank commander.
Thanks for showing me how to properly condense a list and what it should look like here.
>mass heavy weapon squads kind of suck because they're super squishy
Okay I'll switch them from lascannons to mortars and hide them behind cover and just shell the infantry enemies from afar.
>pay me to take my trash
Can someone explain how souls and the warp are connected?

I have been led to believe that he warp and souls are one and the same, that all humans have a bit of the warp inside them and when they die they go back to the immateria=um to get eaten by demons.

But also that the c'tan hated the warp and its energies. So why did they eat all of the necron souls, were they just referring to bio-electricity if so why not get necrons to raise space cows and eat those instead.

It just seems to clash with their whole gods of the physical real vibe
Looks good as long as it's at least 25% random bits or 10% in your preferred faction
Somewhere in the Eye of Terror; unknown (possibly dead, doubt); Webway; headless and dead (possibly part of the Legion of the Damned); Lord Commander of the Imperium; doing shit in Imperium Nihilus after caving Angron's head in; hunting Lorgar in the Warp as a shadow crow daemon (the good kind), his body is entombed on Baal
Depends on what the sprue is.
If it is mostly space marine stuff or guard stuff then it is probably worth about $30 dollars if you aren't going to list specifics.
I think White Templars are officially unknown but presumed Fists
What is the different applications of Terminators vs Aggressors? Why would I use one over the other rulewise? Both seem to by sturdier but slower marine variants when it comes to role in an army.
they eat it because they hate it, eating it turns warp energy into c'tan material plane energy.
Lol so true Dubai is basically tacky NY
>Star Wars fandom finds out about Warhammer40k
I have a NIB Shadow War Armageddon box from when it first came out, how much should I sell it for?
>Star Wars fandom finds out about Warhammer40k
I mean isn't Disney's shenanigans with how Star Wars is handled right now causing an exodus of Star Wars fans moving to 40k for their nerdy sci-fi fix?

I'll buy it for $3.50
terminators are cool
aggressors are gay
Whatever the terrain sells for on ebay. Those ferratonic furnaces are OOP and in demand.
IIRC neither are very good right now but I'm pretty sure termies are slightly worse. Aggressors are just more gunline marines while terminators are more heavy infantry that don't do massive damage but are meant to stay alive.
I think the Avatar is worse than the Swarmlord because the Swarmlord is supposed to be a general that gets murdered so that the Hivemind can learn how he died and bring him back to adapt
Avatar of Khaine is a shard of a literal God (capital G) that gets shat on constantly by a generic space marine.
seems fine. if you magnetize the arms on your knight can run the knight as a canis rex instead which is a lot better. cool things about knights is the arms are removable, really you don't even need to magnetize them. then just swap the arms (and if you are fancy, the face plate) and its any of the knight variants.
Doing a mechanized guard company
Valerian is the one who likely can most consistently across editions do something like that just being Custodes. But The Emperor's Champion is the most fun to do it with and Templars right now can also generally pull up ANYTHING in melee in one round.
In't the Avatar of Khaine more or less powerful in each specific situation?
Can everybody do me a favor and go to the Noise Marines Upgrade Pack and click "notify me when available" to increase the chance GW do one last run of them before they get deleted forever?

I'd really appreciate it.

no, fuck your squatted marines
You're getting new noise marines next year bro
Ew no.
So let's say the Emperor die

What is stopping the quadrillions of imperial cult followers from not simply instantly creating a warp deity identical to the emperor just by thinking he's still alive?
Do you think there will be other upgrades for CSM in the near future? a Red Corsair, or Iron Warrior upgrade kit would sell alright.

there already is a warp deity version of the emperor caused by human worship. Also if the emperor died he'd just peace out the the warp.
Yeah but I want to use some of thos bits on them. The heads and back pack at least, and the arms if they fit. It'll be fun and add some variety.
aw c'mon, please? You just need to click the thing. And they only send you one email if it comes back in stock, it's really a small ask.
So Terminators are akin to Bullgryns?
If they did Night Lords it's hard to imagine they'd be terrible opposed to doing more. And Iron Warriors are super popular so they seem like a likely one
Probably not for a while, maybe an Emperors Children one with their release.
I could however see a Chaos Terminator upgrade or something like that.
The Vanguard detachment seems to benefit heavy elites more than actual scouts

How do you guys build your Vanguard lists? I’m space wolves when it comes to any named characters
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Day 1 of fasting until release of a 10e Harlequins codex
the emperor and what people think of him are different, the emperor is a distinct entity that takes in the prayers of the people of the imperium but has his own beliefs and principles. If he were to die then instead the imperium's belief in the emperor would coalesce into a more indivually benevolent god(to humans) but one that would be uninterested in uplifting the human race to new levels.
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I would if I could figure out how to make it not auto-direct me to the UK site once I sign in. But I stockpiled a bunch of noise marine parts plus a lucius a year ago for this exact reason.

I would have bought more Khorne Beserkers if I knew a bogged and cancerous "improved" kit was on the cards for them too.
Terminators are meant to be disruptive, aggressors are meant to be out in front shooting shit (because let's be honest no one takes the cqc loadout)
If the Emperor died he would just be reborn from his Warp Powers and the fact he was already a perpetual. The reason he doesn't blow himself up or send a dream to the Custodes to kill him is because he is needed to power the Astronomicon and to keep the Warp tear that would cause Daemons to invade Terra closed.
Also the fact that his humanity is what keeps in having perspective for humanity, if he went full Warp God mode then his dream would never come to pass because he would no longer dream.
I signed in and clicked for you bro
They're in stock in Britain? Aw man that's annoying.
Thank you!
man the imperium should just yoink one of the necron's ctan batteries and use that shit to power the throne for a bit so emps can get rezed
Terminators are meant to be disruptive, aggressors are meant to be out in front shooting shit (because let's be honest no one takes the cqc loadout)
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>maulerfiend with WE
End of the 4th Tyrranic War will be the nids reaching Terra and the massive shadow in the warp effect will disrupt the warp rift and allow the Emperor to regenerate just enough to tell Cawl how to keep the Throne running for a couple hundred more years
Maybe that is what is in the wooden box the Grey Knights guard as the "Pull lever if shit is omegafucked", uprooting the shard of the Void Dragon under Mars to power the Astronomicon.
This would cause civil war within the Imperium and the Mechanicum but it might work.
I really hope Grey Knights get a full refresh with their 2025 codex, I don't want the style changed much just truescale them and maybe redo the Dreadknight.
World Eaters can take Maulerfiends and Forgefiends. So can Thousand Sons.
They already confirmed Grey Knights are getting a standalone Codex despite being in Imperial Agents
So a crab walks into a bar...
>>Every planet has the same gothic cathedral architecture
>>Everyone follows the same baroque + skulls fashion trends
Big capital city places compared to an entire planet. They need to show loyalty but even IG regiments are really culturally different.
Rumor is this edition is DA, BA, and SW. GK won't be getting a full refresh until next edition at the earliest.
Just for you my nigger
Those furries should be squatted
Thank you.
They said GK were getting refreshed models, didn't say anything about a Codex
??? theyre not getting refreshes?
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Finished my first model, she is messy but I am happy. Hope I can learn how to be cleaner quickly but I'm sure that just takes practice.
Going to try painting a couple in a batch tomorrow. I love the gold thanks for the recommendations yesterday.
As per the article "Codex: Imperial Agents – Unleash the Might of the Emperor’s Inquisition"
>Finally, don’t worry Grey Knights players – this is only the first chance you’ll have to send your Terminators off on a daemon-hunting crusade. There will be a dedicated Grey Knights Codex on the way next year, but there are still a few factions to get through before the Knights of Titan start to peek their shiny battle plate over the horizon.
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literally the exact opposite of what they said
thin the paints more, I know its a meme but really. especially the white.
I thought I did and then it dried and did not look smooth anymore. Got 9 more models to practice with though so I'll figure it out.

Especially the white.

That shit is agony.
I'd squat on a furry
That texture does not look like it is from your paints, it looks like left over glue or something
>Finished my first model
You like jumping right into the deep end?
Sisters refresh were my crash course in mini-modelling too.
follow this tute for easy, smooth white
yeah thinning just takes practice so you get a good idea of how thin is the right amount of thin.

online tutorials are great and can be very useful but there is a basic level of just understanding how to hand paint and brush that can only be acquired the old fashioned way
You'll get into doing the all motions easier and easier as you keep painting. Sisters are pretty hard (was the 1st army i attempted to build besides Space Marines that came in a starter set) and burned me out a bit, but taught me a ton with tackling projects. I prefer batch painting as well.

I don't know what you plan to do to keep learning, talent level, art level, and all that, but Contrasts are very easy to work with in the beginning,
I want to date and then marry a Tzaangor girl. We'll have lots of kids and read lots of books together
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But they're not in the CP box yet are part of the game mode
Be the change you want to be.
look at the picture again, every Combat Patrol in Combat Patrol magazine gets one bonus model kit
I would eat ALL the eggs
Actually it probably is this was the first model I assembled too and I didnt grab a desk lamp until the second. I am naming her Messy Miriam.
I'm just glad I didn't start with Celestine that's the model that's got me doing all this.
Will follow this tomorrow, thanks.
if a large portion of your model is gonna have white on it just spray white as primer to begin with.

Also make sure you are priming in the right weather conditions, low humidity, not freezing, not boiling outside
>Will follow this tomorrow
Keep in mind that you would want to undercoat the whole model in white, which would require you to first paint the metallic areas black.
Get your hands off my future mutant bird children
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My indomitus Necrons are arriving tomorrow morning, as per the tracking. I picked up the last things I needed to paint them, some tesseract glow and base terrain technical paint. I'm so damn excited, man.
Would this be worth it if I only get the magazines with things I want?
meant for >>94016967
First time playing 'crons?
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If it helps. here's my first dude. I haven't improved drastically, but I DID improve and keep my first dudes to remind me where I started from.

Fuck the Show Models assholes though, doing this for you and not them.
Have you also got a sex doll?
We would need separate shrines, but I wouldn't stop her worshiping tentacle boy if she felt she needed too
But there's an easy trick with that; black contrast. A single coat of black contrast makes painting metallics and dark colors over white primer a breeze
First time playing anything. Finished painting the infernus squad of marines in the starter box then I spent the next month looking into armies, models, and lore and finally decided on the spoopy robits. I hear they're easier to paint to look good, I love metallic looks, my favorite color is green, and I love tanky/spongy playstyles, and I love their lore, so it seems perfect.
Aye. Been to Toronto, been to Beijing, etc. There's differences yes but much more similarities than I expected.
The sister superior has a very large cloak everyone else will have a lot less white I think I still want the gold primer but I get what you mean.
I don't think I'll clean this one up just because it is my first. I might throw the next couple I do in paint remover regardless, just to get more practice.
how to build salamanders
Ok, you do you, but the pro acryl is a very good white. Consider getting a bottle.
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A hobby knife, nippers, glue or plastic cement
build Space Marine. Add scaly cloaks or tabards. paint green
what good resources exist out there for learning how to sculpt greenstuff?
I'll add it to the list I need a couple more colors anyway for the cherubs and simulacrum.
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a whole bunch of Yotube videos.

Make sure to watch multiple videos from different sources, methods will vary and you should try out the ones that make the most sense to you.
>I don't think I'll clean this one up just because it is my first.
Good mindset. Keep your first mini as it was so you can use it to measure your progress.
>Imperium is supposed to be a culturally diverse place
Who the fuck said that. Imperial Terran culture is enforced and only things it doesn't care about are allowed to be different.
Damn, John French can fit Dorn's whole dick like that?
Also that's what you think
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Lol, lmao even.
>Who the fuck said that
Eisenhorn. That book states that the Imperium is broadly OK with any human society that worships something they call the Emperor. And pays their tithes, of course.

The Ecclesiarchy would want strict doctrinal control, but the galaxy is very big and there's only so much they can do.
This would give a the deathwatch a nervous breakdown.
I guess they could reasonably have a new one. I could imagine a crusading fleet got detached from the main body, or thrown through the Warp in some timefuckery, and your successor has some hero they rallied around and started a new chapter to organize forces.

Your guys your lore. It's a galaxy spanning setting which means quite literally anything is possible.
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Rate my troll trader haul
what do orks do against vehicles
I believe the Emperor on the throne and the God Emperor of Mankind in the warp are two separate, distinct entities at the moment.

I believe the man on the chair resents and hates this entity for becoming exactly what he hated.
Use Tank Bustas.
really just four Intercessors, three hellblasters and Reivers and two pyreblasters?

You're gonna have to do some converting to get fieldable unit sizes
While some people will take exception to this with the whole "hurr durr BL," I'll support it that Abnett is basically saying the Imperium is doing basically what the Catholic Church did and allowed various flavors of worship to exist as long as it clicked with its main handful of points.
That's why a Mexican Catholic is going to have different rituals than an Irish Catholic who is going to have different rituals than an Italian despite all showing deference to the Pope as the Holy See.

Also, also, Fenris worshipping the Emperor as the Allfather, a reverence that's carried over even when the Fenrisians are allowed to join the "Sky Warriors"
will i be beaten up violently if i forgot to clear some sprue marks
Only by yourself
i literally dont even get rid of mouldlines ill be honest with you dude. nobody has ever said shit to me other than "you lazy ass"
No but you will get raped
First looks like a face. Second is too close to death guard/nurgle imo. Have you tried the second without the top center circle? Whatever you end up with, I approve
I don't personally care about them unless they get in the way of putting them together. If it's for your standard army flak, no one really cares.
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>he is also the only one who can prove it.
Is there any proof that its Alpharius who died?
>Alpharius was slain by Rogal Dorn on Pluto
>Alpharius was slain by Roboute Gulliman on Eskrador
He can't have been killed twice, so the second Alpharius must have been Omegon in disguise.
However the Ultramarines have no record of the sergeant who gave this testimoney ever existing and the inquistor who scribed this record from Ultramarine records was found to have been apart of an Alpha Legion cell.
So assuming Alpharius is dead, his second death was faked and really Gulliman was the one who died and switched by Omegon.
The 10k years of Gullimans (dead) body in stasis and his neck wound 'healing' is actually some bizzate tech of Gullimans head slowly slowly over 10k years being morphed into Alpharius/Omegons head who get surgery to look like his brother. Alpharius Omegon has no neck wound hence why it looks like its healing.
>Dorn Killed Alpharius with no proof (who then dissappeared with no evidence other than his hand in the first black crusade)
>Omegon killed Gulliman and replaced him, since their legions whole shtick is prenting to be other space marine legions, thus their primarchs power is imitating other primarchs
behold, the most retarded poster in the thread
>he missed a moldline
boys, jump his ass
Anyone know a good vendor for Saturnine Terminators?
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not a thing
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Cain also has different cultures do different rituals and views. One group Cain disparages as "Emperor-botherers", who can hardly go a step before praying if they should take the next step with their left or right foot.
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This would mean the Index astartes was set uo to fail. Hence AOGulliman push for it to be implemented even to the breaking point of a second civil war on the heels of the HH. Astartes divided into roughly 1k strong chapters to be more easily turned without alerting the more vigilaint command structures of the legions. With no titan, navy or guard support wars have a whole layer of new command buecractic tape to go through.
While the traitor legions wre shattered they could still operate as a legion when unitied, seen to great effect during Angrons and the World Eaters Dominion of Fire took 70 sectors in 200 years.
This also means the Primaris marines with Cawl was an Alpha Legion plot the whole time. At best, diverting loads of resources from the Imperium and weakening it and now at the other end of the 'Miracle of the Primarch' hoax AOGulliman had loads of primaris marines to use at his discreetion. Which mostly invovled getting them slaughtered or turned.
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