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Take a breath and watch the balance edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
What are the "special chaos treats" likely to be unveiled this Saturday?
red butchers
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Anybody who is good with Guards want to judge my list and tell me what's good and what I should change?

Regimental Enginseer (45pts): Archeotech Pistol, Enginseer Axe, Servo-arm
Tank Commander (205pts): Armoured Tracks, Demolisher Battle Cannon, Lascannon, Two Multi-meltas, 2x Multi-melta
Lord Solar Leontus (125pts): Conquest, Konstantin's Hooves, Sol's Righteous Gaze, Warlord
Ursula Creed (55pts): Duty and Vengeance, Power Weapon

10x Cadian Shock Troops (60pts)
10x Cadian Shock Troops (60pts)
10x Cadian Shock Troops (60pts)

6x Bullgryn Squad (180pts)
10x Kasrkin (110pts)
Basilisk (140pts): Armoured Tracks, Earthshaker Cannon, Heavy Bolter
Basilisk (140pts): Armoured Tracks, Earthshaker Cannon, Heavy Bolter
Rogal Dorn Battle Tank (240pts): Armoured tracks, Heavy Stubber, 2 Additional Heavy Stubbers, 2x Heavy Stubber, 2 Heavy Bolters, 2x Heavy Bolter, Castigator Gatling Cannon, Oppressor Cannon and Co-axial Autocannon, Co-axial Autocannon, Oppressor Cannon
Rogal Dorn Battle Tank (240pts): Armoured tracks, Heavy Stubber, 2 Additional Heavy Stubbers, 2x Heavy Stubber, 2 Heavy Bolters, 2x Heavy Bolter, Castigator Gatling Cannon, Twin Battle Cannons
Scout Sentinels (60pts)
Scout Sentinels (60pts)
Chimera (70pts): Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lasgun Array, Chimera Multi-laser, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Stubber
Chimera (70pts): Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lasgun Array, Chimera Multi-laser, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Stubber
Chimera (70pts): Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lasgun Array, Chimera Multi-laser, Heavy Bolter

Wargear not optimized
Hopefully news that all 6 Demon Primarchs got a bolt round to the dome and are nonlonger part of the game. Upon hearing this both Guilliman and the Lion fuck off to the EoT/Webway to tell their brothers, get loat and disappear from the game as well.
>>Thread question:What are the "special chaos treats" likely to be unveiled this Saturday?
Abaddon added to fortnite
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Alright posting models, I’m cultist anon and decided on iton warriors, they’re not finished yet but yeah I also fucked up and have 2 extra coats of paint this they’re thick decals to be applied too, post models!
Knights should just be one codex and you can be pro imperium anti imperium or neutral, it makes sense the big robots aren't that different.
Helbrecht and Grimaldus got non resin models?
We have Red Butchers at home.
years ago
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>What are the "special chaos treats" likely to be unveiled this Saturday?
>Thread question:
>What are the "special chaos treats" likely to be unveiled this Saturday?

Thousand sons codex before 2025 with a Christmas box

Either run full infantry or full tank, dont fall for the mixed meme, Guard doesn't work like that
If any 40k dude shows up in fortnite it's gonna be titus
fuck off
You could have typed either of those names into Google and found out for yourself
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Very nice dude, he looks shiny as if he's sweating

Reposting my Snazzwagon
>oiled up cultist
I'd rather be homeless than call HH my home
I haven't painted in many years and only recently came back
That's cool though, think I like his old pose more though, I never wanted to work with resin so I never picked him up
>daemonettes get replaced
>no new chaos daemon codex announced
>no emps kids codex announced
This is my prophecy.
So are the Lamentors supposed to be strong or weak? Because the Minotaurs were called those scary fuckers that easily destroy chapters and they nearly got eradicated in an all in suicidal attack just to force the Lamentors to retreat.
>So are the Lamentors supposed to be strong or weak?
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took this lil picture of the squad while contemplating basing the other day.
Does anybody here even play the game?
They're supposed to suck and feel sad about it.
Varnishing it to prep for oil wash today. Really excited to be finishing it up, it's one of my favorite models and I painted my first one before I knew anywhere near as much as I do now.

I like the look of your dudes so far, but I think they need to be more dirty. But maybe you're just not on that step yet.
Thanks brother

those look orky as hell and in the good way, loving the molotovs and gretchins, those crazy wagonz
Ye, it's pretty fun playing with friends
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How many times does a character say Chaos before it stops sounding like a word?
You always want a Platoon or Cadian Command Squad. You attach it to some Cadians along with Lord Solar and hey presto, 3 orders to anything and 1 to regiment within 24" rather than a worthless little 6" castle.
1 Basilisk is also generally enough, they're already a tech piece.
If you care to, more Bullgryn is better.

It absolutely works as combined arms. Thats what's doing well right now.
I played last week but I prefer building and painting, scheduling games is also a pain in the ass
looks great so far dude, always nice to see some higher standard admech
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Yeah, I play pretty regularly. I've got a game against DG tomorrow which I'll be bringing my new Speed Freeks to.
My favorite part of an Ork model tends to be the grots. I love the grot hanging off the back of the Kustom Boosta Blasta with his ass hanging out of his shorts.
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They should really show more of the civilian side of the Tau
That shit sounds gay though
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>inb4 those lamenters models being posted for the 1000th time
some new deathguard character that no one wants or needs
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Hey wanna see me make the nomodels melty
I've not played since 6th and they've changed the rules a ton. Back when I played, there was an absolute ton of easy to access AoE high Str low AP weapons that would compeltely melt any kind of normal infantry. Fliers were broken, and Monstrous Creatures were all the rage. I remember losing tact squad after tact squad to Eldar buffing a Riptide... 2+ 3++ FNP... The rerolled hit dice, the death, the devestation...

Have the various rule changes made it so that basic infantry is 'good' again? I see Marines no longer have that retarded stipulation of one good weapon per squad forcing you to run Devastators or nothing and you can now just run a 'plasma' squad, a 'melta' squad... ect. I want to know what infantry to get to complement my dreads and tanks.
Would love to see an Ork version of The Contraption
I might end up making one
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why not combine these elements, they look dumb on their own. I suppose most primaris armour looks stupid
nah the thread's turned against the lamentranny his meltdown last night
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>the civilian side of the Tau
No such thing. Killing civilians is wrong. But because there is nothing wrong about killing tau, it goes to reason that no tau is civilian. QED.
nobody cares, rivet counter
good, maybe he'll finally learn that replying to shitposters derails the thread as much as shitposts themselves
Are tau born with a greater good mindset or do they go through a rebellious phase where they highjack battlesuits and shoot up the place?
What are some good options for cloak bits, I wanted to get a bunch for alpha legion
>they've finally run out of chosen of mortarion sprues (actually from dark imperium boxes that have been repacked)
>time to drop a new plaguecaster
rip Blightbringer, I guess?..
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make them with greenstuff, it's insanely easy
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From the Lexicanum:

>Aeldari Corsairs or Anhrathe are bands of piratical Aeldari Outcasts. They are a constant threat to merchant shipping, though very rarely pose a threat to a major Imperial battlefleet.

What exactly are Corsairs preying on? Sure, merchant ships, but what cargo are they after? Even outcasts like Corsairs should be part of a post-scarcity society and not need Imperial cargo, specially considering they probably wouldn't have any use for the tech salvage (unlike Ork Freebootaz) and the market for imperial products that wouldn't try to murder Eldar on principle alone is probably pretty scarce. Only groups that I can see wanting to buy salvaged goodnwould be Orks, Heretics and general Rebels, with the first two being pretty iffy territory for business partners, and way more dangerous than Eldar should need to put up with.

I know asking for their tax policy is a meme and that the main driver is living free of Craftworld rigidity, but do we know the general economics of Eldar Corsair groups? What di rhey raid for and they do with rhat to sustain the damages and losses they'll inevitably suffer from engaging in piracy?
Goes to show that painting skill is not a replacement for assimilation.
Schlop schlop schlop
>still so mindbroken after 6 months that you're insisting he uses contrasts when he doesn't
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>model is moving forward and left
>purity seal flowing opposite to the movement
Maybe it's time I do, I've never worked with greenstuff so that might be fun to learn
Might be cool to do hydra scales on stuff as well
>rebellious phase
>shoot up the place
Are the Tau space americans now?
Yeah I was just surpresed because I thought they were the weakest chapter and the official punchbags, then I saw a story where the Minotaurs actually need to desperately throw everything they have to stop them killing most of their chapter in the process and the emo boys not only survived but were still fighting after that.
I wish Dark Eldar liked more people
Are they even allowed to like people?
Would using contrast even be an issue? What matter is if something looks good, which his deathskulls do, no matter which paints he used.
I think people would hate to even be on the Deldars' minds.
What meltie? There isn't anything in the last few threads
This. Painting skin by slopping on the contrast is heckin' valid and so is making sure to post in every thread
he threw a fit last night when the thread didn't stand up and clap for him for saying nobody cares about /yourdudes/
The Kill Team Nachmund booklet touched on it a bit. Since most of eldar society isn't really wanting for material wealth, corsairs tend to raid in pursuit of exotic prizes (technology, artwork, organisms, or whatever) or just to add to their own fame and tally of accomplishments. Like IIRC Yriel pillaged a giant fortress just because its overseer said it couldn't be done.
The point is that they are evil elves just like Chaos are evil humans, they are not supposed to like anyone.
Like I said, nothing in the thread that I can see
post your models
They're marines, anon. And marines without any glaring gene flaw that can affect them in combat, like the rest of Blood Angel geneseed. They just have god awful luck and get fucked over because of it.
Then liking you is awful, it means you become furniture instead of dead or permanently tortured
Nothing of the sort happened. Stop making up fake scenarios to own your boogeyman up.
>worthless little 6" castle
What do you mean?
Why is more Bullgryn's important? You cannot use them as officer bodyguards and you cannot give orders to them since they are neither regiment nor squadron.
Shouldn't I try to fit a third Rogal Dorn for even more damage?

The biggest issue I see is that there are too many big guns with BLAST, so if one of my units get hit with a charge I cannot shoot it anymore.
Maybe I should drop down to one Rogal Dorn so I can field a Stormlord
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That's a little disingenuous, I said what's the point of /yourdudes/ lore if it changes nothing visually about your models. /yourdudes/ lore is best, but if your guys look the same as everyone else's dudes I don't see the point
>damage controlling this hard
I don't know why you want his rotted axewound so badly but this isn't how you'll get it
So they're playing sandbox while everyone else in the void in on survival. Gotcha.
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I know you do.
i have the lore for my guys but I can't figure out a colour scheme that isn't hell to paint. I'm too much of an artlet for yellow, and I don't want a colour used by the main legions...
Yellow is ez these days. There's tonne of options for super pigment rich yellow glazes out there on the market.
When the juvenile tau shoots up the place they get punished for setting back the greater good, when a juvenile space marine shoots up the place they get reprimanded for their low body count.
>typed by hands that have never touched a paintbrush
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I made some /mydudes/ lore when doing a crusade a while ago, despite my Deffskullz not having anything special about them. I found it pretty fun to write characters and scenes for my own army, but I also like Deffskullz and don't want them to be a Kustom Klan.
Not saying your point is moot, by the way. /Yourdudes/ are best when they have their own paint scheme (take a look at the Thunda Krunchaz anon when he stops by every so often) to support their lore. But I also don't think that should stop someone from writing characters within an established subfaction.
Pretty nice
Order range is 6". If you sit inside that range so your units are actually good, you don't play the game. With a command squad that becomes 24". Being able to Move Move Move or Take Aim a unit across the board from your expensive lynchpin officer is kinda pivotal.

Bullgryn exist to push objectives and resist the lightest of melee skirmishing units that basic infantry squads won't.

You can also still shoot blast, just not into engagement.
When did the Maori thing become part of the Space Sharks heraldry? Was that always a thing and I never noticed?
If it's just damage control, link the meltie
>I don't want a colour used by the main legions...
Like the Imperial Fists' yellow? Every pure basic color is covered bybat leastbone legion, if you want criativity you'll need to explore patterns and color combos.
>don't want a colour used by the main legions
your options then are
right brues
Those are awesome anon love a good death guard paint job, what are you thinking for the bases?
Nta but I'm thinking orange and teal could be a based choice
Okay, cheers. /myguys/ are going to be Iron Warriors offshoots dedicated to hunting down Chaos, so maybe a dark orange-ish, blue or teal highlights/rims, and liberal application of gunmetal?
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I think it first became a thing in Imperial Armour's Badab War duology. So it's been at least more than a decade.
How about this?

5x Cadian Command Squad (75pts)
Regimental Enginseer (45pts): Archeotech Pistol, Enginseer Axe, Servo-arm
Tank Commander (220pts): Armoured Tracks, Grand Strategist, Demolisher Battle Cannon, Lascannon, Two Multi-meltas, 2x Multi-melta
Lord Solar Leontus (125pts): Conquest, Konstantin's Hooves, Sol's Righteous Gaze, Warlord
Ursula Creed (55pts): Duty and Vengeance, Power Weapon

10x Cadian Shock Troops (60pts)
10x Cadian Shock Troops (60pts)
10x Cadian Shock Troops (60pts)
10x Cadian Shock Troops (60pts)

6x Bullgryn Squad (180pts)
10x Kasrkin (110pts)
Basilisk (140pts): Armoured Tracks, Earthshaker Cannon, Heavy Bolter
Rogal Dorn Battle Tank (240pts): Armoured tracks, Heavy Stubber, 2 Additional Heavy Stubbers, 2x Heavy Stubber, 2 Heavy Bolters, 2x Heavy Bolter, Castigator Gatling Cannon, Oppressor Cannon and Co-axial Autocannon, Co-axial Autocannon, Oppressor Cannon
Rogal Dorn Battle Tank (240pts): Armoured tracks, Heavy Stubber, 2 Additional Heavy Stubbers, 2x Heavy Stubber, 2 Heavy Bolters, 2x Heavy Bolter, Castigator Gatling Cannon, Oppressor Cannon and Co-axial Autocannon, Co-axial Autocannon, Oppressor Cannon
Scout Sentinels (60pts)
Scout Sentinels (60pts)
Chimera (70pts): Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lasgun Array, Chimera Multi-laser, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Stubber
Chimera (70pts): Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lasgun Array, Chimera Multi-laser, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Stubber
Chimera (70pts): Armoured Tracks, Hunter-killer Missile, Lasgun Array, Chimera Multi-laser, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Stubber

Or is it better to run the Bullgryn as 3x Squads to have more maneuverability?
You forgot gray, brown, pink
>What's the point of /yourdudes/ lore if it changes nothing visually about your models

Plenty, here's a couple I can think of offhand
- So you can think about it as you paint, and so you can use it as context when making your dudes go pew pew pew at your friend's dudes.
- So you can use it as flavor to write up dispatches and battle reports when playing with a crusade group.
- Simply because you enjoy the named paint scheme and wish to use it, but you want to give your own spin on it
space wolves are grey
pink is covered by magenta/purple
I forgot brown cause it's ugly
>pink is covered by magenta/purple
Magenta and purple have blue elements, pinks are whitened reds.
>6 warbikers cost 20 points less than 4 squighog boyz
Are they really that bad?
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This is the ideal.
Reminder this is basically bestiality for the Deldar and 110% the reason he's even doing it in the first place.
Have the Custodes ever tried making other versions of their spears like melta or plasma versions?
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sounds fun, should mock it up with a template to see how you like color combos
No, they prefer to become women and get speared
The Votann game has some.
Votann game?
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Better Custodes have arrived.
I’m new to the hobby and bought into space marines hard and I’m already regretting it. What do I do?
run in circles and panic
Does anybody have that one face painting guide that's known around here? Wanna try it out
Sell models, reinvest into something you like, did you play some games yet?
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Just google miniature face painting imgur
Can you return them or exchange for something else? Did you throw away the receipt?
Sell your army and become a xenos KING instead.
I am, they were fucking expensive lol

I did play some games, yeah. I didn’t have very much fun with them. The weird part is that I like this setting, and I like the lore (or at least what I’ve read), but I don’t like space marines.

I opened and built them. I also played a couple games.
>Blood Angels end the year
>Ending the year in fucking August
I still can't believe how much of a shitshow this was. Capping off the year four months ahead of time with one of the WORST model range refreshes I've ever seen. Not a single reveal or release for 40k to come after the dogshit that was the
>"new" Death Company that's really just regular models painted black with a couple of upgrade bits thrown on
>Sanguinary Guard that look straight from the FastCast Eternal reject bin
>Dr. Zaius the Sanguinor with cardboard wings and Doc Ock scrolls
>A new upgrade sprue that still isn't as good as the First Born sprue that's now discontinued
>New character models that are arguably worse, at best sidegrades to the previous versions
>A good new generic captain
>A mediocre Sanguinary Priest that isn't even holding his fucking chalice and could pass as a regular Apothecary with minimal filing
I pray for whichever range is coming next (Space Wolves is the rumor IIRC?) that they make it out better off than this, because this is fucking awful. Next year of course because there's nothing for FOUR MONTHS
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Do you like Physical, Solar, Arc, or Stasis?
>>Ending the year in fucking August
You're getting new Blood Angels releases in October.
WAIT, They won't make a Deathwatch codex? They gutted almost 200€ of my armie in the inquisitor book
It always bugged me how close the Eye is to Terra considering the Eye is supposed to be the heart of the Eldar Empire yet the (galactcally) nearby Terra was also the Heart of Golden Age Humanity.
Keep them to give them to your friends, buy a different army.
There's this to help you find an army:


Honestly, I don't enjoy most of the games because I suck at dice rolling but I love my dudes.
>I don't like space marines
>Anyways I bought space marines
>I don't enjoy most of the games because I suck at dice rolling
Thanks, fren. I found a guide for some really cool bases that are meant to look like cracked scabby skin, but it uses agrellan earth. Been researching alternatives, like some different crackle mediums, but they all end up looking more like aged paint than mudcracks. Still not sure if I want to compromise somehow, or just say fuck it and shell out for the GW shit.
I guess my question is: how do you know if you actually like something, or if there’s a novelty to it? Like, I started looking into admech a couple days ago and they seem really cool. I honestly wanted to dive in and pick some up but they’re super fucking expensive and I’m worried that they’ll just end up with me hating them too.
>Not getting round 4 ice staff
Still the same shit they already revealed. Just because it's for sale now doesn't really change anything.
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Talk me out of it
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Orks are cooler
guards cringe.
They have Adrathic weapons, which is basically Volkite on steroids.
>Does this army look cool or do I enjoy their lore
If yes then go for it, if not don't buy
They say “oh if you’re new get space marines” and I got space marines because they did seem kinda cool but now I’m hating them.
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They will go great with my Black Templars
you're a retarded paypig, 40k is made for you
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Anon has made me sad that we will never get a Guardian Spear as an exotic glaive. Nor will we ever get a Calus bot's head as a Trace Rifle.
Okay, fair lol. I just think that like, 6 armies look cool and I don’t really know much about the lore but everyone here says not to trust YouTube or wikis, so…
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Flip it and buy a new one that you think is cool or quit
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I'm coming back to Warhammer for the first time since like Assault on Black Reach when I was a teenager.
I've told a friend that he can expect me to turn up with some kind of starter kit or battle box at some point and give him one of the armies from it.

I'm eyeballing the current-edition starter sets though - he'll probably be down for taking Space Marines, but Tyranids just don't interest me. On the Age of Sigmar side, we're both OG Old World fans and think Sigmarines are tremendously gay.

Are there any options I'm missing to get my foot in the door with a couple of cheap combat patrols/spearheads for us to get started with? I know beggars can't be choosers but I'm open to suggestions.

Pic related sums up my decision-making process here.
Just watch a video about how armies play if you that's important to you, otherwise just buy what looks cool
I think admech are cool and weird so I bought them
I bought grey knights because there cooler space marine paladins
Black templars are cool, just not guard. It is the one army that looks better with exclusively third party shit.
Well, what army DO you want to play?
I honestly should just quit, this shit is so expensive

Yeah, do you know any free resources that are actually good for that stuff?
Combat patrol is a dogshit game mode, can't speak for spearhead though.
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That's rather the appeal though innit
If you don't want both of the factions in the edition starter, its either Combat Patrols or the Christmas boxes that are generally a good deal.
Can't name any specific videos but just search 40k army playstyles, and you should be able to get a basic idea of how they play even if it's not in depth
Otherwise rule of cool
>Yeah, do you know any free resources that are actually good for that stuff?
Also check up on wahapedia for free rules.
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I like it but I feel like it's too Tau-y
I would darken either the orange or the blue to up the contrast between them
How close of an approximation were points between 5th and 7th edition?
My friends and I have moved back to 5th, but lots of stuff came out across those 3 editions and we are wondering how backward compatible stuff is
I think Tau, Orks, Aeldari, and Drukhari are neat. White Scars are cool too. Maybe a more pirate-y flavour of Chaos marines like the Red Corsairs.

For AoS - Orruks, Gravelords, Idoneth and Skaven, mainly.

I haven't grilled my buddy too deeply on what he'd want because it's supposed to be kind of a stress-free surprise for him.
Fliers will have really fucked up costs compared to what they do as skimmers in 5th.
5th and 6th are pretty similar iirc. Fliers are pretty bloated, but they're also completely busted in 6th
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This does make it pop a bit more but I'm worried in execution they might be poopmarines
>Wave Serpents
>Release Knights

Was 6th ed the most fucked up the game has ever been balance wise?
The Drukhari and Tau combat patrols are a great start for an army, I wouldn’t get into aeldari right now since they will probably get a range update.
Basically get one of the combat patrols, an epic hero and a few units like crisis suits to play 1000 points at your LGS
7th was worse
I really miss when Heavy Lokhusts could be taken in the same squad as regular ones
I dont have the tyranid codex handy (wouldn't say no to a scan if someone's got one) since I'm at work

Can multiple tervigons restore termagants in the same turn? Can they they target the dame unit twice in a turn with multiple tervigons?
Weird he pretended the round “less medieval” tilt shield (which looks just as medieval as the regular ones) was planned and not a clever way to cover up an error when removing the shoulder pad trim lmao.

Great video though, loved how the marine turned out. EoB and Cult of Paint are my go-to hobby YouTubers.
Yeah but not the same unit. Just look on waha
That's the one, thanks, anon!
7th was hands down the worst edition next to 10th thus far.
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>game where the Deathwatch are the first mission
>people are enjoying it
>wear the Deathwatch parts more than any other
>Deathwatch is fucking dead in the tabletop
Damn son. GW will always prove to be retarded
If your poop looks like this you should see a doctor
you can still play deathwatch as normal marines like they literally are designed as
10e is nowhere close to as bad as 7e
They could also be used as market manipulators. Eldar, by design considering their relatively small numbers, utilize misdirection to accomplish the broader strokes of their plan. You need to think of them less as pirates and more as think tank terrorists, procuring crucial resources to influences factions at the right moment or cripple supply lines to force some elements hand. Corsair are basically America in the 50s-70s and (lesser) onwards.
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I think I might finally buy a big knight
The shark jaw(?) on the shield looks like a big black lipstick mark.
How are Eldar post-scarcity? do they bonesing food into existence?
Which works completely fine if he's also raising his arm to fire at the same time. Were you just imagining it as a static model sliding across the sky like some sort of PowerPoint transition?
Probably makes it hard to spam unrelated memes if you actual tried to think about it, I guess.
they eat the food that's grown in their craftworlds
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Well, of course.
You're not a clown are you? You can't seriously think that these video games won't bring a player or two.
It has already begun anon.
>he doesn't use hobbying to fix his hobbying mistakes
I’m looking for digital copies of Imperial Armour 9 and 10. The Sharethread doesn’t have them and apparently they’re really obscure now

Does anyone know where I can find them? I’d be more sneaky about this but I doubt GW gives a shit about books that have been OOP for a decade and can’t be used for rules anymore.
>Tfw got messages from multiple people on steam after release asking me about what to pick up to start tabletop
I'm sure it will, but this is a thread about the tabletop game not the video game
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Post the Boarding Actions pdf now.
I will literally destroy your miniatures if you try to pass off any of your adeptus fagtardes as a chapter other than the one you are legally obligated to run rules wise.
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Remember to pay your taxes, anon:
> https://gofile.io/d/ETIFEb
It's kind of about both. It is a 40k GENERAL. General discussion of all things 40k. And while the main property of 40k is a tabletop wargame, it also includes secondary media like black library, video games, rpgs, fan art, fan fiction, the occasional cosplay post, etc.

Video games are no more secondary to the discussion than people talking about the latest book releases or posting meme art
7th can't be that bad, it's what hh is based on, and that's a good game!
NTA but thanks for the super crisp copies
It's not pretty, but it's still better than an alligator whisperer:
> https://gofile.io/d/yQrPI0
do they grow it in wraithbone? do they water it with wraithbone?
or do they have star trek replicators, and if so why do they use wraithbone anyways?
See this is the kind of neat shit you get when the Imperium is framed from the perspective of the regular short-lived dudes who inhabit it and are nowhere near the levers of power, instead of from the perspective of space marines who don't give a shit. The generational turnover and religiosity are important attributes that space marines are largely without.
they grow it
Hebrews it?
it definitely looks better, I think you could even go further towards a red-orange or dark coppery color
7th was fine, nothing special
Formations fucked it up
Eldar tech effectively allows them to cultivate and alter local climates in sections of the Craftworld. To that end they can tailor the wildlife there as well, creating optimal conditions for animal and plant growth. Due to the nature of the Craftworld and Infinity Circuit, they will also have a precise count on every single thing that lives within a specified area, allowing them to gauge population changes, monitor growth, and calculate the required demand and supply of food.
An Eldar farm would be the most immensely optimized method of food production in the galaxy, because they would know every detail as it happens. Maintaining those farms is a matter of tradition and dogma as well, just as Aspect Warriors are meant to fight wars for the Craftworld.
They are post scarcity from the standpoint that they have reached a point of infinite supply cultivation. Everything they consume is carefully calculated and provided for within their own stable ecosystem.
It's part of why Craftworlds are so irreplaceable. They literally psychic paradises drifting through space.
>7th was fine
retard alert
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I was looking at pictures of superheavy tanks the other day and found possibly the most unfortunate deathwatch player I've ever seen. Imagine making this only to see the assassination of Deathwatch
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its very fun to do these ragtag dudes
7th take the cake but 10th is right behind it
why'd you paint your ultramarines yellow and red? I don't really care about your fanfic bro
7e wasnt considered bad when 8th came out
nice try, revisionist
you can still play them as literally any normal marine detachment drama queen
Iron warriors: Fluff friendly list, possessed is a no, right?
Christ, here we go again.
yes, it was, the early state of 8th was traumatic but surprisingly well received as refreshing, that's how bad 7th was.
nope, they use possessed just like everybody else
now fuck off
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How is GW going to fuck up this masterpiece of a box when the time comes?
>primaris cringe
Serves him right.
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>Hey check out this unfortunate situation
>drama queen
Christ man I'm just trying to share something related to the subject that I saw the other day
iron warriors are not anti-chaos, or anti-mutation, or anti-gods, nor do they wear just early marks of armour.
See those vehicles? Imagine if they weren't there.
>Hey everyone, I'm a tourist!
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So Ive got some mandrakes painted up and before jumping into them I decided to try out some black flesh color schemes. Since I havent really done pure black models and such.

>both models have aba black + black templar base
>left has eshin gray and then corax white drybrush
>Right has iron warriors and then stormhost silver drybrush

Which one feels like a better fit for some mandrakes?
>pay your taxes
Why didn't Lufgt think of that?
by "mandrakes painted" i meant to say mandrakes primed. they're not painted yet, hence why im experimenting their color scheme.
>Tfw we will never have a more fun villain then evolt ever again
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How do I do this fashion in 40k?
Where did the Iron warriors hate possessed meme come from?
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>ever again
7th was the worst edition of the game and the people who play Horus Heresy and enjoy it only do so because they have no reference for the more obscenely OP things because HH is balanced purely around marine on marine violence instead of a variety of armies and Eldar having D weapons en masse. Not to mention that 7th’s core rulebook had several rules that literally no unit used or applied to.
>Not to mention that 7th’s core rulebook had several rules that literally no unit used or applied to.
really? like what?
Same exact shit as with Vermintide and Total Warhammer, GW continually misses their own bus.
>how do I do medieval/fantasy fashion in a sci fi setting
switch to a different game
I will now take the Viking Mongolian Space Knights to a different game.
I don’t have my 7th ed crb on me at the moment since I literally haven’t needed it in years but there were about three or four Universal Special Rules that genuinely weren’t used on any unit in the game. I’m genuinely sorry I can’t go into more detail than that since I’m going off memory and have no clue where my 7th ed CRB’s gone but it’s something that stuck out to me back when I was learning 7th and reading all the pirated codexes for fun off of here.
I thought eldar D weapons were called that due to some dice involved
But they're superior to the tabletop game. Especially 8ed.
I've looked at pretty much every current mini for that segmented plated armour and I'm certain no line has it.
the difference is if you ever get normies to play any version of fantasy they are going to poke holes in it, they'll ask wheres all the terrian and why they have to keep their units ranked up.
10 kabalfags + 5 goblins skimmer +5 edgy wingfags + the exact same character.
20% costier.

That has no relevance? The poster I replied to was remarking on how Space Marine 2 is a tie in that promotes the Deathwatch as a unique faction, immediately after GW ironically removed them as a fleshed out faction on the tabletop. I replied by mentioning they did the exact same thing with WHFB and the two most successful tie ins any GW franchise had had at that point, after having already dropped the axe on the setting.
is the primaris geneseed really that much superior and better than the normal astartes geneseed forever, or will it perhaps break down, and then the primaris marines will all die because their innards start dissolving?
Is DARKtide good yet?
Anyone any thoughts or suggestions?
I dunno ask /hhg/
Don't like the metallic one
But the codex says...
They’ve already said that primaris geneseed still has their genesire’s geneflaws as a retcon to them being fixed entirely, it’s only slightly more stable so as to allow the more unstable chapters (Space Wolves/Salamanders) more viable successor chapters.
Primaris is like a step back to the original purity the legions had, from the time of the inductii shit in the heresy to m.41 geneseed had degraded like any long running tabletop game that goes mainstream
drybrush/highlight w/ dark incubi or stegadon or some dark blue before you do your grey.
They look too flat.
There's more nuance to it than that. Those notions aren't fanfiction, after all.
>bigger than a baneblade
This can't be fun to play with
blue then gray feels like a weird choice
They use possessed, and in fact Possessed and Daemon Princes were the only Daemons they were allowed to use in ye olde CSM codexes what had restrictions. For once the IW flanderization isn’t a GW thing but fanon that keeps creeping into memes. Every warband and legion has access to everything you say they have because your warband are your dudes, barring extremely obvious stuff like World Eater psykers.
it's not a model anybody plays with, it's 525 points of mediocre stats in 500 dollars of forgeworld's awful resin
people buy it for painting and displaying
there are blueish greys that work very well with desaturated blues
You have the option of using a tinted grey such as fenrisian grey for blueish tones. or mixing in your preferred tonal colour with the grey final highlight.

Have a look at some of the black recipes here for some ideas.
did gw stop selling the skulls box
I just realized in the post i said eshin gray, but I used fenrisian. I dont have eshin gray.
Why? It doesn't even look cool
It doesn't even look that good, any of those Space Marine not!Baneblades from 30K make a better display piece if that's what you're after, and you cn always fluff it as a chapter relic.
god I know you are right due to the success of spacemarine 2.I just don't want Emperors Children to come out at the end of 10th like the other chaos legions.
so far it's an improvement all around: cawl worked on the geneseed-tech holygrail and blueprints so he's got to reintroduce a surprisingly well preserved and fresh stock, two of the implants he added are mechanical in nature while the actual new biological component was something present in the primarch blueprints but never actually properly introduced into the marines project by the time the great crusade had to roll, so his work in this sense is flawless; maybe the rubicon surgery has unforeseen side effects, but we haven't seen those yet.

the only real problem you could actually underline, as Gabriel Seethe actually did once, is that primaris are either lacking the flaws which, good or bad, make some chapters what they are, or whenever it will turn out they're not actually immune to the flaws of their respective primarch's bloodline, they will fall all the harder to those in even more brutal fashion.

gabriel seth was proven right by the way: primaris blood angels are just ultramarines painted red AND they did fall to the black rage after all, in huge amounts and in an even more extreme way
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Always thought these were rad
Paying taxes is for feminine plebs like you
>he thinks 40k isn't space fantasy
Badab war IA, but it's way more subtle and tasteful than the retarded shit people paint
Good times. Love his Lamenters but it was funny how much of a snob he was whenir came down to it
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This is how I 1Ksons
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I got 6 episodes into build and dropped it.
I have no idea why this character is jerked off so much
t. Im a Gaim fag
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I painted another purple boi

The problem is you expected GW to do something good.

Actually doing something smart or just making something cool in hopes fans will like it too hasn't been their style for a long time. Ironic that the imperium is recursive and dead creatively and so it the company.
Build really takes off at the second arc: the horrors of war. Looking back at the early episodes feels like a feverdream to me now
they do a lot of cool shit, just not for 40k lol
Anon, Krieg is getting a refresh next year, for the love of god don't buy resin
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Old photo, working through some ork infantry. Have finished two more nobs and a bomb squig since this pic, working on the runtherder now.

Nice to see these finished.
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This is how I 1Kiryu-chan.
>found my old Horus Heresy: Collected Visions art book at my parents when visiting
>friend tells me its worth anywhere from 250 to 400 bucks
What the fuck
Not him but the resin kriegers are beautiful compared to the plastic kill team stuff that they're likely gonna follow
They're from FWs golden era
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Hope your backing /ourguy/ James Cleverley MP for Leader of the Conservative Party. He has come out as a 40k fan and his favourite armies are Dark Angels and Orks.
Fag's favorite army is Dark Angels? Pottery
>Conservative Party
>Dark Angels
There are so many jokes to be made about this.
Oh dear, you're having a spastic meltdown
take your meds and take deep breaths, freak
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Because Age of Smegmar is a newish property that needs to build a fan base so they put effort there

40k is profitable and paypigs still buy the crumbs of new product. This is typical for a British company. Ever wonder why the British motor industry is dead? It's because they did the bare minimum and never took risks on the logic that their existing products would sell well forever. They did not.
>unfinished bases
that'll be -10 vp
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Anyone tried it solo? I bought it few years ago and have no one to play with. Decided to paint models and give it a try.
PS. I still didn't open the envelop if you are wondering.
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>nooo don't expose my faggotry I'll call you a spastic to try and save face
Its astounding that they made Darktide instead of just this as a videogame.
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anon do you have other IAs as crisp as these? Specifically Kastoral Novem?
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I’ve been trying to trying to build up a primaris army recently, and about 20 models in I cant take it any more, even posed different they all look the fucking same and have NO SOUL. But I also want to be close to WYSIWYG, what do you guys think about basing firstborns to be the same height and maybe even use primaris weapons
That the resin models produced when FW was producing quality stuff are nicer models than new plastic casts?
I didn't even say the plastics were bad or that I dislike them
Stop exposing your mental illness and total lack of any human social skills, freak
>Hornet squatted less than a week after I finished building it
They're just getting ready for a plastic version, right?
I just base them to be the size of heresy marines so they don't look like they're compensating too much with those rocks
They look really nice, I will give you that.
But the price and quality of fw resin outweigh the aesthetics.
they don't look good, and current year forgeworld purchases are for retards, enjoy your mold slipped crushed detail brittle garbage
Your dudes king. Do what you want and don't play with spergs
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>noo how dare they! now I can't use my toxic chinese recast in my games!!
Maybe, either way legends give you the chance to run your older stuff provided you aren't playing with spergs
Uh oh no models melty
A tip would be to not buy forgeworld resin, though cancerous Chinese shit isn't exactly any more fun to work with anyway
Would still be worth seeing how the new releases pan out though
Uh oh mongoloid melty moment
Your mother wipes away your dribble like she wiped away the best version of you off her thigh right?
I wish, I paid FW prices.
But enough about you.
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Good to know for when I ever get back to it, thanks anon
Your wash be doing wacky things on the tabard anon
you're so mad about people insulting your dogshit forgeworld slop lmao
I'm painting right now chud
I'm sorry
Knights should be part of the Adeptus Mechanicus codex and should be their tanks. Throw out the stupid higgins boat
Throw out all da vinci steampunk
More robots cyborgs and mechs
We don't sign our posts here.
Which Forgeworld models are still left that are definitely getting the axe this edition when their faction codex comes out?
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Come home, Mech man
Remember what they took from you
>Reeee stop liking things from before I was born
Your brain is slop lmao
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This is one of the best models in warhammer
Skaven underworlds team with exploding rat
Thousand sons tzaangor upgrade sprue for kill team
Dark Mechanicus… for Horus Heresy
Thanquol special model for AoS
Tiny little tanks or some such for Imperialis, no one plays it
“And one more thing…” a single noise marine model with a release more than a year out like what happened to World Eaters
>Please clap
you aren't even trying anymore
farewell, mental midget
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>Dark Mechanicus… for Horus Heresy
You're welcome.
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lmao back to the padded cell you go
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Wysiwig is cringe.
Those tanks look so much better and much more 40k than the dumb ass higgins boats
Sallyanon is king
>>Thread question:
>What are the "special chaos treats" likely to be unveiled this Saturday?
skaven warband for underworlds
pity models for the undivided aos tome
ruinstorm demons for legiones imperialis

non-chaos stuff is kriegers and kill team, which has ratlings vs orks
Partially exposed threads trigger my autismo, but theybare nice look, yeah.
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Modern 40k specific Cult Terminators like in 2nd edition
You're cringe but your opinion is based

Or I wish at least:(
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Oh shit that's huge, rad as fuck
Can humans join orcs if they are strong enough. What about a space marine.
Unfortunately it's just volkite.
Picked up my first combat patrol over the weekend :D! Have been meaning to finish my first ever model (pictured my Emperors Champion!) My life has improved for the better over the past year and I'm glad I'm able to have time to paint again. Hope everyone is having a great day!
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Lmao I'm dumb
No, because they are un-orky and orKs kill things that are un-orky.
orks employ ogryns at times and they kinda sympathise with digganobs, so yes, they could, given the proper circumstances

but remember, in the orcish pov, a friend is just an enemy you're not currently fighting
oh boy I like your attitude but I can already picture schizos trying to bring you to the dogshit level of this general

No but in Waaagh The Orcs it mentions Ork bosses having human advisors who command great respect with less orks due to their master
how do they know if they are un-orky if the human is violent enough
in that case they should get space marines to infiltrative ork tribes and ensure they only fight each other.
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Heres the ghouls a bit more finished. I need to finish up the base a bit but texture paint takes forever to dry. I quite like how they turned out, I think I like the metallic skin a bit more than the fenrisian gray skin one.
Orks always believe themselves to be the best, and actually look down on other species. It's the whole point of a WAAAGH! To kick in the teeth of everyone in the galaxy so they know the orks are the best.

The only ones who would take humans as more than slaves would be Blood Axes, because they understand and copy human tactics and idioms.

And some Space Marines do use their scouts to assassinate prominent Warbosses before they can unite the local klans.
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They make one with battle cannons too
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should I do something to add to these asphalt paste bases I'm doing for this killteam
I added divider lines to the oblong base for the long gun dude but it feels silly to put those lines on every base like they're walking single file down the center of a road
I don't really care much about basing but plain asphalt kinda feels like I just left the base bare when you look at it on the table
>and ensure they only fight each other.
pretty sure they already monitor and influence the rise and fall of warlords and how they move against each other without the need of a silly cartoonish plan like that

they just assassinate the right gits at the right time
eldar do it too
Do they have a plasma version? I want to turn a Contemptor into slag
Humans are not green, that's one. Two: orks are kinda psychic species that emits some kind of waaagh energy (this is how weird boyz can cast their "spells"). They just "know" something is un-orky. That's why ork genestealer hybrids are rare sight btw. - because orks sense there's something wrong with them and usually club them to death.
But not one with rad.
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Of course, though only on a casemate.
Iron warriors? More like...iron manlets lmao
>bought 1 havoc model from ebay
>whoever put it together put a missile launcher on the champion body
>took those bits off, now have a champion's body and bits for a missile havoc
Time to get another havoc from ebay I guess.
>Anomalian Beholders
>Seculos Attendous
>Xenos Hybris
These are more or less the whole lot of ideological factions named within the inquisition to date. Having variety in a galaxy-spanning organization is neat (almost like there was supposed to be a roleplaying game based on this stuff), and that makes me think it's actually sort of stupid that I can name more ideologies within the inquisition than I can name sects within the ministorum. Of those I can only think of maybe two or three named ones. After forty years it feels there should be more of them.
fat yellow powerfist sausages typed this post
Formerly slaaneshi.
Deth Guard ain't my favorite chaos army out of the 4 split codexes/indexes but I always loved how detailed they are and how you can put together that sexy ass grimy paint job with them, with lots of detail.
Knights should have bondsmen/serfs as infantry and Admech should be part of the imperial guard.
I can't wait for all of these to be in plastic, I will have them all.
>What are the "special chaos treats" likely to be unveiled this Saturday?
>"the GHR has officially become one of the big 5 chaos gods in age of sigmar this year, wao!"
That is literally their tag line it's going to be a new greater daemon of the horned rat named character or something.
>how do we put skaven in 40k?
It's simple
You put in mutant space marines from the eastern fringe who are ratlike. Imply that they are a lost splinter of the 2nd legion or thunder warriors that survived being killed off by the rangdan and gave themselves over to a dark power, served by mutants and cultists who are more ratlike the more favor they have. They become the mutant-focus army, leading entire legions of mutants to rise up against the imperium in eastern fringe worlds. Answer no specific questions.
I really don't think we're getting a reveal of a giant rat daemon for 40k within the week. I just don't see it happening.
A lot of my upcoming local tournaments are going to wysiwyg, though some are allowing legends
Plastic ratlings when?
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Not 40k, all age of sigmar. 40k gets nothing.
>how do we put skaven in 40k
Imperial Guard are already in 40k
>What are the "special chaos treats" likely to be unveiled this Saturday?
Emperors Children first look
A Chaos Killteam
A new Chaos Knight variant
I could see them getting a Killteam
imperial guard aren't backstabbing technologically proficient caste fighters
Day 20 of exercising Every Day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
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This game is making me want to buy grey knights
I'm talking about AoS nu-skaven who are just daemons of the horned rat, not "infinity rat people".
>A Chaos Killteam
We already got this in april unless GW wants to release Alpha Legion with a sniper guy.
I've been in a state of wanting to buy Grey Knights but "THIS will be the edition they get a refresh" has kept me from them for the past few editions.
If they don't get anything new with their upcoming Codex I am just buying Crowe and painting him and going from there.
If we have two CSM Kill Teams then we might as well have three.
My personal bet would be Word Bearer Warp Talons with more chaos-y bits and such, also fitting the seemingly vertical theme of this edition.
I might just buy a squad of GK termies for my marine army if nothing comes out.
please look forward to the canine khorngor killteam with a singular red butcher leading them
>the knee flanges are a unique color
just paint the knee
>noooo your paintjob has to be codex compliant
It's about not looking like shit. the flange is not trim like the trim on the pauldrons.
Nah, those are Orks
They can be hired or slaves but Orks instinctively can't have actual "friends" with non orks as they are united in some kind of hive kind
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GKs are the shit they have awesome models (minus baby carrier). I used to run them as SM terminators. Does get slightly old just painting mostly silver though
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just upscale them yourself
I don't like how there's zero paint scheme variation in Grey Knights, everybody paints them the same way.
Even with snowflake marine chapters you get different shades or successors, but GK always the same
In the old codex you used to see white or red GKs, but I think like thousand sons the main paint scheme is just so iconic that's what most people want
Because they're 1000 hyper focused autists thst all do the sane thing
If Custodes can have different shield hosts I see no reason Grey Knights couldn't have different color schemes as well.
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GK are a Marine chapter. They rarely deviate from the standard scheme outside of different company colours and markings.
You still have more to work with within that, for example you could go with a tarnished silver for Grey Knights. Maybe the reason their armor is worn down is they were lost in the Warp for centuries or something similar.
Anor Londo Archer Grey Knight.
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Calidus Assassin when she takes her outfit off
The minotaur cm had a custodes spear that had a one shot lascannon on it. Or melta I forgot
Sounds like a cool thing to preorder and then sell each model individually at 2x markup except the Red Butcher will be at 4x markup
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Grey is Grey!
>My personal bet would be Word Bearer Warp Talons with more chaos-y bits and such, also fitting the seemingly vertical theme of this edition.
The Dread Talons box was supposed to synergize with the Night Lords Kill Team so you can put some of those little 'eads on them. WBs? Maybe a rerelease of Furies so they can jerk off to chaos undivided.
Grey Knights don't follow/need to follow the codex asstards because they're a special thing and other asstards aren't even aware they exist (officially).
I have a load of plague marines to build and a handful of plague terminators.

My issue is I havent played 40k in years and have no idea how I want to outfit them. I hate magnetizing.

Any advice?
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Is it okay to use Custodes gear on a Blood Raven army?
Can't, I'm like this anon >>94040642 and have the old metallic models.

When they refresh I will not rebuy. Metal is sexy, plastic primaris (silver, psychic) marines are not.
>gold for some reason
>gray but that weird space wolf gray
>black (greyish)
>black but with metallic flecks
>bright blue because they're infused with psychic power
>red and say they're the special faction that hunts Khorne daemons specifically
>Any advice?
I love magnetizing but I saw some clay at the store today and now slightly regret magnetizing the daemon prince's base.
Give me the name
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If your Killteam game doesn't have brute squads I don't want to play it.
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>Metal is sexy, plastic primaris (silver, psychic) marines are not.
If Crowe is anything to go off of, I have high hopes for Grey Knights refresh.
When you look at Marine refreshes the only true dud has been Sanguinary Guard. Black Templars stuff looked great and Dark Angels stuff looked great.
>no custodes tactical squad
This sucks.
These are the stink
incapable of painting and yet complains about model quality
Does anyone know the results of the LGT?
If I hadn't seen random live streams of individual games, I would swear this even never happened, because no one is talking about it.
I can literally kill you with my metal terminators, you subhuman newfag.
You don't have any metal terminators
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Should I be stacking my eviscerator, plasma pistol, and icon of khorne all on one guy, or should I spread these out? If one model has all the good stuff, then I can "save him for last" when taking damage, right? But if I want to use the overcharge shot, then I risk losing everything. So should I do bolt-eviscerator-Icon on one dude? Thanks
considering how poorly they're painted I doubt you have the hand-eye coordination that would be required to hit me with those ugly shitpiles
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Give electric spear version.
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I did asphalt for my warbikers, there's only three of them so it made the lines easy. You could drybrush more gray or dig out some more potholes or add some scrubby grass
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They're called Sagitarium Custodes
Erm...clowns? In space? *holds up spork* waffle much?
These are not tacticals and you know it.
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This bitch just stepped on someone's head to make that leap
i would like to start imperial knights as my first army but i’m afraid i’ll fuck up painting them
Big things are easier to paint than small things for beginners. Plus knights you can paint the majority of armour panels before you attach them to the model and make it even easier
what would they have to be to qualify as tacticals
Somewhat caca
Not fire support dudes with big combi-weapons.
>Big things are easier to paint than small things for beginners.
Hard disagree.
>take regular mini
>block in colors
>it looks pretty fucking decent, especially for what it is
>do the same to a knight
It's gonna be bad. Larger surfaces need much more work to create well defined volumes.
Cheers, those're good ideas
why are there no techpriests in terminator armor
we have every other specialist HQ for marines in terminator armor
which kit is that second klaw (on his left) from? thought it was the black reach warboss one
anyone got a simple grot skin recipe? was planning on hitting them with plaguebearer flesh followed by a very diluted biel tan wash
One klaw came from the warbikers kit, the other came from my bitz box. It's a mystery.
You can follow the exact same workflow while painting a large model that you'd use for a small one and have it turn out fine. The only real difference is instead of all over shading, you're recess shading, which normally would be a pain but on a larger model everything is more accessible.
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whats your basing recipe, /40kg/?
I personally use either astrogranite or armageddon dust (I think that's what its called)

Then depending if its AG I use a wash of targor rageshade then a drybrush of pallid wych flesh. For armaggeddon I use something red, or maybe green depending what im basing for and then a similar drybrush over it.
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I'm terribly sorry but reddit is over there, faggot. Do you want the Emperor's Mercy or will you turn yourself in to the Commissar?
Base coat Elysian green, shade, then layer/highlight ogryn camo
This is gonna sound weird, but lets see if I can word this properly. For the people that like Chaos, why? This is me having a go at understanding the perspective of someone else. I don't like the mutated, grimy aspect or the "oh boy, I can't wait to go slaughter civilians" thing (not that stuff in the Imperium isn't like that, but I tend to not enjoy those sorts of things even in the Imperium). My favorite Transformer is Optimus Prime and my preferred fantasy class is Paladin; I am NOT the target audience of Chaos, I'm just curious about the perspective of people for whom that is true. And of course this hobby wouldn't really work if people didn't like Chaos, so good on y'all lol.
Eviscerator berserker can't have plasma pistols and vice versa. You should put the icon on the model you'll pull last so probably an eviscerator guy.
Its cool as fuck and diabolists are cool as fuck. That's it.
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>whats your basing recipe, /40kg/?
Astrogranite or AK Lunar Desert.
Pro Acryl black wash.
Heavy drybrush of Fenrisian Grey.
Light drybrush of Tyrant Skull.
Gamers Grass burned tufts.
Black base rim.
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Tomorrow I will quit my job and paint minis for a week
are there any tutorials on this?
This will now be my army's callidus assassin
isn't that just the official one in a different pose tho
The stomach and legs are too muscular, but apart from that it looks pretty good. The official GW probably still looks better, though.
with that dump truck of an ass?
I hope you scale it down, because that mini is probably gigantic.
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that's how I like it
I don't know if there's really a be all end all tutorial out there, but just learning how to thin your paints correctly and properly control a brush will take you quite far. Learn to keep the brush nice and sharp, have the right amount of paint in it, thinned to the correct degree, and then the mechanical skill needed to apply it where you want will follow.
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Shiiiii. You right tho.
I like the mutated, grimy aspect. Nurgle stuff is easy to convert with greenstuff and milliput. The diseased skintones and mutations are fun to paint. There are lots of effects paints you can use for rusted and oxidized metal or chipping paint.

You ever hear about how nearly every make-up artist's dream is to work on a zombie movie? It feels like that. You have a lot of freedom to go wild hobby wise.

Lore wise, I like the fallen knight aspect though most Death Guard weren't given a choice. They remain loyal to their primarch. Some believe that following Nurgle is for the best and that they're in some way liberating humanity. Others don't give much thought to what they're doing or what they've become.
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>Governess Kiara "Commissar, execute this miscreant from this biome".
>Commissar "Right away".
b a s e d
This is very easy and pleasant to build.
how to properly wield and use an exacto knife without cutting myself
>how to properly wield and use an exacto knife without cutting myself
The trick is to always cut towards yourself.

Step 1: develop your frontal lobe
Step 2: Use common sense like you would any other sharp object
Step 2.5: get a trusted adult to cut for you instead
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Are the two thin coats washes any good? I've heard that oblivion black and battle mud are supposed to be similar to agarax and nuln oil pre formula change.
Hag enjoyer I see.
>New thread
Birthday hat edition
Why would you even take Ice
No they didn't, you don't have any models
40k already have feudal guard, just take your favourite historical model and add a lasgun.
What’s the word on Emperor’s Children getting a refresh next year? Crazy that they’re the only god-specific chaos marine faction without a Combat Patrol box

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