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Spooky Space Skeletons Edition

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>Thread Question:
Do you have any hobby plans for October?
Finish my daemon prince, work on my world eaters.
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When's the CSM anthology?
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What would you call them?
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>Do you have any hobby plans for October?
Finish painting my indomitus box Necrons (and canoptek doomstalker a friend gave me) then order, build, and paint three lokhust heavy destroyers, nightbringer, Imotekh, and Orikan.
Orks should fuck
Clean/organize my hobby room.

Then start my next project. Not sure what though.
not exactly plans because there's nothing rushing me but I hope to finally finish a couple kits that I've been jumping between
I want to kitbash more buggies. I'm pretty sure my friends are getting me an airbrush for my birthday too so I'm sure that'll help me basecoat whatever I build.
Some more bikes and koptas would be cool too.
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I love the necron chin thing, honestly.
I'm starting SoB
>Do you have any hobby plans for October?
What I need most is a god damn display cabinet
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I like terminators. I just think they're neat
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finishing the current project for my Inquisition army (pic related) and then building my new kill team board.

yeah I was thinking of picking up Krieg or Kasrkin for him to try.
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What would you tell a player who stacks minis like this?
It's not allowed.
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I just researched the weapons in 40K. Lasguns fire beams of light through crystals. Pulse guns fire balls of plasma at near-light speed.

There is more than one example of Eldar dodging these weapons. Does this confirm that Eldar have higher light-speed reflexes?
No, they dodge them because they see where the dude is aiming, not because they're faster than the laser
Some skeleton miniatures that aren't 40k just for fun.

Literally just basecoating the models and then applying a wash and varnishing the models to call it finished.
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kitbashing is so fucking fun bwos.
built 2 be fuckfodder 4 da boyz
Also Eldar are very psychically sensitive, I imagine some of them have limited precognition
go back to the warcraft general.
Ah yes, the Batman method of dodging bullets.
So I just found out that there is an entire space marine chapter named after an ultramarine guy called Orar.
And somehow that Orar is not an important character in the lore.
Is everyone playing space marine 2
>Pulse guns fire balls of plasma at near-light speed.
No depiction has ever made them look like anything remotely close to light speed. Not even significantly faster than imperial plasma.
The fluff in the picture says so.
It would explain why they hit harder than bolters.
Don't worry he will get a Black Library trilogy where we find out he was actually nonbinary
I was, but then I finished everything there was to do in the first week. Just waiting for a new operation or multiplayer maps/modes
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Paint up the rest of my crusader squad, then start on my tau. I’m busy every weekend so I’ll be taking a break from playing for the first time in like 2 years.
At longer ranges too
It's plasma, of course it hits harder than bolters.
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Finish a few more of my characters maybe. Right now I'm slogging through a phobos captain and a gravis company champion.
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More than happy to bring presents to all the heretics.
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Where is the Heretic Astartes mediocre coffee table book?
>Gravis champion
May I see the WiP?
I would like to remind you that the tau you showed before have an ugly paint scheme.
purple and black is a good combo, you have shit taste
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Not pictured: best girl Argenta. Jae comes second.
Hey /tg/ I'd really appreciate some help here as I am about to buy these models for my October project. I'm 10000% new to 40k and do not know shit about it except for what wahapedia has been teaching me. So, would this list be legal for 1000 point game? Do I have enough HQ leaders for the units I have?

Illuminor Szeras - 175
Overlord - 85
Skorpekh Lord - 80

Necron Warriors x30 - 300
Skorpekh Warriors x6 - 180
Lokhust Destroyers x3 - 90
Heavy Lokhust Destroyer x1 - 50

Comes to 960 and I'm thinking of finding something like scarabs or another destroyer to fit in. Or do i go a 2/2 split of heavy and regular destroyers? I'm not expecting much from this list, just looking to do some fun reanimation and learn the game at my LGS before I start buying better shit
Too late I’m already committed. I look forward to your salty tears when I paint Farsight in those colours.
How's the new girl
This book had good lore on minor chapters piss off
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Sure but there isn't a lot to see right now. Had to take him apart a bit because his shield and loincloth got in the way.
Jae is my best girl because she reaffirmed the virility and power of my dynasty by broadcasting me crushing her delicious caramel pussy to my entire empire and giving me an alien super predator as a pet.
Veteran necronfag here, grab some scarabs. Every list needs at least 1 unit of scarabs, it's just a bonus they're actually useful.
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Nice. I’ll have to post my WiP grav captain with chainsword some time whenever I finally get him more than just primed.
Scarabs amuse me. I once spent an entire game watching them fail to kill a squad of marines in melee while the marines couldn’t manage to kill enough to stop them from regenerating. ‘Twas a funny day.
Predictably a bit funny in the head and also she agrees to consensually drown you in your colossal bathtub. Not bad in all.
Sweet ok I'll try make room in my list for them. They come with my warriors so I definitely have some to use
Emperor’s Children are getting stuff next year, right? I have a mighty need for some new noise marine models
So, a bunch of aeldary clowns came to the emprah to tell him in interpretative weird dances that his Imperium-empire should kill the orks so that they can later kill Chaos, while they slaughtered a bunch of custodes guards?
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I don't think this is okay and neither should you. Frankly it's embarrassing and shameful.
Necronfag can I ask, is it better to build the warriors as a block fo 30 with the same weapon loadout or should I go 20 of 1 and 10 of the close range or long range guns?
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Where is he now?
The clowns killed some attendents ans pilgrims and then got gunned down by the actual Custodez before even getting close to the Throne. Only one clown survived and she fled screaming back into the webway after viewing the Emperor's psychic power within the Warp.
dont read war of the beast
Trying to paint my dudes. I would already be done if that storm hadn't jacked up humidity for the past 2 weeks
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GW will probably fuck it up one way or another but they really just need to give us picrel
>power armorwank nulore
February 2026. The codex will be valid past the start of 11th edition though since it won't be indexes again and it will be a pseudo-new-edition codex since it will be written concurrently with the new rulebook.
Transparent bases Y/N?
Clowns aren't even a real faction, they're a subsection of a tertiary faction.
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Back in 8th my favorite thing to do was to use their self destruct to kill my friend's custodes.
Very good, very good. Running them as multiple groups of 3 is the most fun
Warriors are always best at maximum unit sizes, you only take a 10 man if you put them in a ghost ark. So, take the big squad of warriors with long range guns with a character or two to buff them and hold the backline. The warriors in the ghost ark can run up and use their short range guns to their fullest effect.
It's such a shame that Eldar have had no showings since pre-8th. They have the same tabletop precense as Necrons used to. I suppose that's fitting though, one ancient people on the decline vs another that is continuing to rise
>mention anything
>reee nulore

And we wonder why post numbers are down
Eldar are a faction of unlikeable cunts who do nothing but lose and die. The less they're involved in 40k the better.
And shit like this this general has lost the plot man
you could always stop being a useless lorefag and post some of your models instead
I thought it was the model post spammers and the fact we have nothing to look forward to for like 5 months.
>They have the same tabletop precense as Necrons used to
I told you necrons became the new eldar
This was fine but it reads a lot like Kyme had to get all the series' ducks in a row for Haley's sake and couldn't tell a standalone story of his own.
there's only one fag that spams his models, other than that modelposting is an integral part of this hobby you retard
Too haha funi rok n roll XD
not cenobite enough
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Black Templars famously leave a keep on every world they conquer. By sheer logic, there must be thousands of Imperium worlds with huge astartes fortresses on. And I doubt they are the only chapter to follow this practice. Which raises the question - did these fortresses ever participate in any planet defense?
Eldrad thought the Imperium was getting too complancebt and request the harlequins to delive a message directly to the imperial palace about some brewing threats. They do that through a small Webway Gate, try to sneak outside of the main ways which are crowded, but trigger an alarm. Custodes fall on them in great numbers and they dispatch a few while trying to talk them down and tell them they're messangers. They're eventually overrun and killed or captured.

This was likely Eldrad's intention, sure he had given them a message to deliver, but the real message was that their security was lax, all at the Harlequins' expense.

Sure, buddy.
Eldar vs Necrons used to be one of my favorite matchups because I would have my big phalanxes of warriors and big heavy tanks slowly grinding them down as they danced around the battlefield hitting me with all sorts of spells and glass cannon units. It was a fun dynamic, shame so many factions lost their identity in 10e
"The Adeptus Custodes waited for them, opening fire as they ran down the vast processional way. Hard projectiles of metal whined past them, shot from the tips of long-hafted weapons as heavy as Lhaerial herself. Primitive, as all the technology of the humans was, but deadly. Just one round, were it to hit, would obliterate her slender body.

They did not hit.

Lhaerial wove around the bolts. Bho fired from behind, his screamer cannon punching the genetically enhanced warriors from their feet. They were too mighty to be felled by the shot itself, instead dying painfully as the gene-toxins in the shrieker rounds rewrote their life code explosively.

‘Stop, stop!’ she called out in their ugly language. ‘My name is Lhaerial Rey,’ she continued, ‘Shadowseer of the Ceaseless Song. I come here at command of Eldrad Ulthran to deliver a message of great import to the Emperor of Mankind!’

Only murder dwelled in their hearts. A giant moved to intercept her, his great halberd whirling in buzzing arcs around his head. This one moved with a grace and speed she did not associate with the humans. She fought ferociously with him, trading parries and ripostes like for like, the sheer strength of the human shocking her. She saluted him before she took his head from his shoulders. ‘Friendship! Friendship!’ she cried out, Gothic’s coarseness an affront to her tongue."
They build keeps everywhere but they're not allways manned. Many of those fortresses are empty until they need them again.
I wonder if they leave a space marine on each keep to train the neophytes
>first new Warhammer Horror release in over a year and a half
>it's in the form of a short story in White Dwarf
Just stop pretending. The label died a long time ago and everyone can see it.
I really appreciate the help, I don't have a ghost ark so I'll go to 20 warriors, what would you recommend in their place for the 100 points?
>She saluted him before she took his head from his shoulders
>‘Friendship! Friendship!’
What's your list? As a warriorfag I would recommend still running the extra 10 warriors to hold the back objective while your big brick of 20 goes in with your other heavy hitters.
This is what I was planning on buying as I like the look of them all and they're cheap
Obviously open to changes, nothing set in stone yet but I do want warriors and Szeras and the skorpekhs for sure
By empty I assume manned by serfs
Lmao nerd ! I'll rape some guardswomen while you watch and jerk off, loser. Pain and pleasure and all that, hahahaha
Have some certified midhammer fluff then. This is over twenty years old, it was written for a defunct specialist game and was published on a GW website that has since been shut down. That's some good vintage.
I mean, 9ft worth of auramite x30 trying to teat you in half if bokter, blade and even hands and you do what you gotta do. But them failing to me reads like it was the plan. The real message was Eldrad telling them thwy had bwcome weak, and if a troupe needs to die for that it's not like Eldrad is a follower of Cegorach anyway, so fuck them.
GW made a dead end by making the big eldar plotline one that they logically cannot win
Man the new Primaris dreads are fucking massive compared the the old ones, it's unreal.
Post paintjobs that you're not proud of or would be very different if you painted the model again.
Not my fault new lore has been even worse than average and blatantly playing favorites. Anything even remotely related to Custodes nowadays is Matt Ward writing Grey Knights-tier.
No because I don’t want to be accused of being 4 different people.
It annoys me. It's like they take the "miniature" out of miniature wargame.
I see you're the same guy
If you're looking for a good little list then a brick of 20 warriors is a good core. Strike the 10 man squad and replace it with 2 more heavy destroyers, then put a unit of 3 scarabs into the remaining 40 points. You'll have
>Good core force of 20 Warriors with Szeras and Overlord
>Good flanking force with 6 skorpekhs and lord
>Good mid-line support with destroyers
>Good backline support with heavy destroyers
>Funny little scarab annoyance unit
Which order?
Pretty please?
I do worry that Drukhari have kind of taken over a lot of the Emperor's Children design space and I hope GW does a good job of distinguishing between them in their eventual codex lore and new designs.
They were supposed to win since GW was aiming to squat Slaanesh in 2015 before the new CEO took over and threw all that out. In sigmar they were planning on making Malekith/Malerion the 4th chaos god too. Eldar had one big plot line that was purely there to make warhammer more PG, then it got scrapped and nobody thought of a better idea. I think their only recent lore development is some craftworlds are leaving the galaxy. Riveting stuff
That has to be one of the most laughably fucking stupid things I've ever read. Holy shit.
White on the wings looks at bit weird in this pic and I would've done the guns some other color other than green, but it's not bad overall.
>GW was aiming to squat Slaanesh in 2015
Mind you nobody has ever been able to prove this was ever an idea being floated.
What exactly do you dislike?
>And then the Eldar rushed to attack the Custodes, crying out their intentions of friendship as they killed them.
They should honestly just have some Eldar god punch Slaanesh in the gut and free the Eldar souls
They're still very few and far between, chaos is on their tail, but they can have kids without getting spawncamped.
>We want alt Warhammer stories and xenos!!!! No more marine slop or guard wanks
>They make xeno books
>They make alt imperial books

Don’t say consoom, consoom is cope used by people when stuff they don’t like sells
Not always there was some story about a space marine fortress that only had automatic defenses active
>Necrons get books
>They're widely praised and well received
>Orks get books
>People enjoy them quite a bit
The problem isn't xenos, it's SPECIFIC xenos.
You think the space marine ever abuses his position to have gay sex with the neophytes?
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This would be an okay roster for a new Badab War.
So I played SM2 and I wanna get into the tabletop side. How do you pick an army? I like a bunch of these aesthetics, is there like a recommended reading list for guys new to the lore?
The infinite and divine is reddit garbage that I’m baffled is loved, it’s certified nucron propaganda
oldcrons were dogshit literal NPCs just like tyranids
Honestly overall I think it's one of the better attempts at weathering I've done, but yeah the white was a bad choice and my varnish muted all of the metallics into a blob of grey everywhere.
I always wonder what it would look like if I repainted it (probably very blue), but it'll probably be a very, very long time until I do another plane.
Is this a joke?
Fuck off secondary
Pick whichever one you like the look of most, unless it's Aeldari.
Then look up their article on a wiki and deep dive from there.
Not quite, Custodes opened fire on them and attacked first. Which is understandable, given they ARE intruders and they have no reason to believe the Eldar when they say they're not. But you're a handful of harlequins with a bunch of humongous murderers charging at you fully intending to kill you, what do you do? They had a message to deliver and also no reason to believe the Custodes wouldn't just kill them if they didn't fight back. Eventually the MC is captured and interrogated, where she delivers her message.

The whole thing is Eldrad setting them up for failure.
>Eventually the MC is captured and interrogated
And promptly executed?
post 'em
James can't write Eldar worth shit by and large, which is baffling considering they managed to write good elves back in Fantasy.
Is the wiki real or is it just bullshit that’s unsourced? I don’t wanna look like a dumbass
it's all cited, you can view exact codex/book pages and paragraphs at the bottom of their pages
Thanks again for the help mate, I'll make these changes for sure. Excited to get them ordered and to start painting them
Everything is plausible
>Corrupt noble moves in
>Many generations later
>"We are descendants of chapter master"
because eldar are fundamentally badly designed and impossible to write in a compelling way
It legitimately doesn't matter. Everything you read will be taken from over a dozen sources from several decades of writing and media from over a hundred authors, most of which has probably been retconned but nobody remembers the retcon. Even then a fair portion of lore is presented as faction-based propoganda which may or may not be true even in universe.


Custodes were going to but an Inquisitoor and the Temple Assassins broke her out so she vould be interrogated (i.e. tortured) again. Eventually the Quisy buys her story about what the Orks and Chaos were up to and sends her on an Inquisition vessel leaving Sol.
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I fixed two models I got for free from someone at my LGS, a doomstalker and a royal warden. They were half painted and half stripped by someone who abandoned the process, so I spent a lot of the day soaking them in rubbing alcohol and incrementally scrubbing and scraping more and more off until I got almost all the base coat off. Then, I went through and trimmed the clipping marks and mould lines, since whoever initially built it never did that. Then, I repaired all the broken pieces I could with plastic cement or cut replacement pieces from the sprue scraps I have to fill in. Then I just finally assembled everything fully and did one more scrub over with a firm toothbrush to get the last of the debris off, and they turned out pretty good.

They're about 90% as good as new models now, I'd say. I'll be filling remaining gaps with putty once I get home, in addition to using the back of a sewing needle to clear the last of the paint stuck in crevices I couldn't get otherwise. Any remaining blemishes or marks SHOULD be covered by the fresh coat of primer I'll put on later. The only major thing missing are the neck pistons which connect the breastplate of the Royal Warden to the side of his skull, but nothing I had could really replace something so tiny.

I'm still new to the hobby but I haven't had this much fun with anything since I was a teenager. I can't believe I've slept on something this enjoyable for so long.
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I’ll regret this. This model made me afraid of source lighting effects without an airbrush to the point I refuse to try them ever again. I was also still figuring out just what shade of green I wanted and feel like the tabard being red is kinda boring. I do them in purple or blue now.
>sends her on an Inquisition vessel leaving Sol.
That's an odd way to say 'dissected while still alive and then turned into wargear for the Deathwatch'.
The issue with eldar is
>Ancient and powerful race
>Now dying a slow death
>The only sane plans for Eldar survival are teaming up with the Imperium, accepting second class citizen status, and then launching an insane combined attack on Chaos
>Eldar fans don't want to see their race put in the cuck chair
>In the 42nd Millenium there is only war
>Big alliances like this literally cannot happen without advancing the status quo in a way that pisses off Eldar players
>The best thing to do, therefore, is nothing.
>This means Eldar constantly act against their own interest and self-sabotage for no good reason
>Now dying a slow death
>The only sane plans for Eldar survival are teaming up with the Imperium, accepting second class citizen status, and then launching an insane combined attack on Chaos
Cuck mentality.
Hard disagree, secondary media wrote them well enough while still respecting the cire idiocy GW imposes on them. I'd wager when people hear Farseer they think of Macha and Taldeer more than they do Eldrad; Erandel is a well rounded character and both Eldars are well liked in the RT vidya. You just need to not be a complete hack, which seemingly nobody at BL can do.
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I actually want to make it
Can you even kill chaos? I thought the whole point was that even if you dive into the warp you can’t permanently kill them, because they get power from emotions
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I think the series being in chronological order was a mistake, like sure they do set up a lot of the characters in the earlier books but its all they do. The actual plot like the series is going with only gets going in throne of light and sea of souls

8 shards of the anathame 9 books, you could've just done a shard per book and then resolved it in book 9, which then begs the question how are they going to resolve this, use the sword to abort the star child?
>The only sane plans for Eldar survival are teaming up with the Imperium, accepting second class citizen status
And giving up all their women to big human cocks.
it looks so bad it looks good, don't know how you did it.
You OK there, buddy? It's not normal to feel this much hatred for fictional space elf clowns.
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Other crypteks be like "I'm gonna make time go backwards and sideways" and plasmancers be like "I LOVE PLASMAAAAAAA!!!"
Eldrad will appear out of nowhere, shank the Chaos bitch, steal the anathame, then go "Hm yes just as I predicted" in a vague manner before leaving.
It's not mine, I wish.
They just made the legs closer to the original
Now it's a killer wobble box, fits the weapon arms
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my first 9 marines
did a zenithal but didn't bother darkening highlight colors for the darker areas and batchpainted 8 in one sitting so there were mistakes all over the place
and to top it all off I used a polyurethane varnish before my enamels which reactivated the orange speedpaint and messed up a lot of flat surfaces like their tilting shields
>>The only sane plans for Eldar survival are teaming up with the Imperium, accepting second class citizen status
This is a completely retarded idea.
>At launch Sigmar it was stated that Slaanesh was imprisoned an actively being used as an elven soul bag by the elven gods.
>Early sigmar art shows the 4 chaos gods, slaanesh completely absent and replaced by Malerion
>40k had the Ynnari in parallel planning to kill Slaanesh
>Entire trilogy of books following them, releases and tons of lore insertions to make them relavent such as being the reason Guilliman came back
>New CEO takes over
>Literally all of that just stops or is never mentioned again
It's pretty plainly obvious, if you have evidence that WASNT the case then I'll hear you out.
Even in Damnos the necrons are portrayed as spiteful, fueding cunts. Only difference is they're deathly afraid of their C'tan overlords instead of their fellow necrons overlords.
Propping up the Imperium, Orks and to a lesser extent Necrons as meat (metal?) shields works too, and Eldar are supposed to also deal with a bunch of different, minor xenos. But that's just the craftworlders, there's a whole range of different themes and beats they can explore with the Outcasts like rangers and corsairs without even getting into exodites and the deldar, who outright don't care much about Chaos.

It is possibel to develop them, but it would take
>willingness to put the Imperium on the sideline for a while
And we just can't have any of that at Black Library.
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>GW can retcon in an entire new batch of space marine legions with updated equipment and tactics to completely change the course of the imperium and tone of the setting
>But coming up with a single compelling plot for Eldar is impossible, there are too many lore restrictions!
Have the eldar compete with the necrons to see who can close the rift, the eldar doing it with psychic shenanigans that would fix the problem at its source, the necrons just slapping tech band-aids on the problem.
Counterpoint; Nobody gives a flying fuck about stupid space elves of any flavor.
Evocation Wizards are based

I mistook Voidsinger for Voidstinger, pardon me.
How hard would it be to kitbash a Bladeguard Ancient out of a Bladeguard Veteran? Would slapping a banner holding hand on a Bladeguard be enough?
Because they haven't written a single thing for them to do in 8 years, other than having space marines steal their faction identity (and lose their own in the process)
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I do.
I’m going back to /vg/ and /v/ they were right this general is fucking garbage
Are there any surveys on which SM chapters people collect?
It'd be interesting to know the data
>having space marines steal their faction identity (and lose their own in the process)
The Eldar 'faction identity' is that they're fucking losers who are doomed to go extinct and have no actual hope of preventing that. That's what they've always been. It's pathetic that there are people who think that by being 'Eldar fans' they can try and change that, instead of realizing that GW INTENTIONALLY writes them to be unlikeable.
>The Eldar 'faction identity' is that they're fucking losers who are doomed to go extinct and have no actual hope of preventing that
Cegorach? Ynnead?
What did you want to talk about?
>Have the eldar compete with the necrons to see who can close the rift, the eldar doing it with psychic shenanigans that would fix the problem at its source, the necrons just slapping tech band-aids on the problem.
Shit, have one solution make the other impossible, it's another reason for the two to fight one another since they're no longer mortal enemies and necrons apparently hate Chaos more than anything else.
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finishing a 3d printed immolator and SoB squad to add to my weird GK army mishmashed with deathwatch in it
>Hey, space elf, thanks for fixing the rift, gonna go repopulate all of our planets, Have fun being a dying race, we've got children to make
>gl killing the unkillable god of excess to get your souls back, lmao
>oh but we found a small cache of soulstones for you so it's all good :)
>SoB squad to add to my weird GK army mishmashed with deathwatch in it
So Imperial Agents?
Why does /v/ hate us? I see so much mentions of /40kg/ in those threads
I honestly think that Guilliman being shipped with a potential ally Eldar caused them to nix much further cooperation. GW didn't want the Eldar to get literally cucked.
>Do you have any hobby plans for October?

Moving to a new house with more space, so hopefully by the months end to have everything in a good space and a much improved set up
Tzeentch wearing a mask.
Stillborn. Specifically is meant to exemplify the last potential hope for the Eldar being snuffed out by Slaanesh.
Wrong on both accounts
>I honestly think that Guilliman being shipped
Where did that even come from except "memes" about elves being cocksleeves?
>Eldar start deconstructing Necron Pylons and using them to amplify the calmed presence of the Eldar to steady the warp
>Necron Pylons shut off the warp, letting is grow more and more riled up and spill over
>Both sides are constantly fighting over this
Would be kino, GW blew it's load too early with the Necron Civil War, though it is mostly political maneuvering at this point in time.
>GW didn't want the Eldar to get literally cucked.
More like they didn't want Roboute's imahe being tarnished by association with an Eldar.
>Specifically is meant to exemplify the last potential hope for the Eldar being snuffed out by Slaanesh.
>casually reverses the Rubric
Are necrons fun to play? I want an excuse to pickup trazyn and the void dragon to paint
I don't have a picture but I'd probably have tried to be a little more brave with my harlequins actually tried to do some design rather than just randomly paint different parts blue purple and black. But it's whatever.
It's specifically canon that the Eldar 'Gods' are just minor aspects of the Cjaos Gods, thereby making them part of those Gods. Khaine is the 'son' of Khorne. Isha is the 'life' in Nurgle's cycle of regrowth. Cegorach is Tzeentch acting as a historian for the galaxy. Ynnead is the mirror to Slaanesh, providing an afterlife of paradise compared to Slaanesh's eternal damnation and suffering, which Slaanesh has now denied to the Eldar.
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13 year old me couldn't paint but man, he really really hated Iron Warriors.
Glad I got my old cache back from my parent's place.
everything is fun to play if you're a fun player :)
Because we don’t jerk them off about how the evil wokeists want to destroy all men so that the browns can come and murder us all. And somehow the keystone of their master plan is bolting tits onto a genetic abomination.
It's just memes. There's nothing actually to it.
Yeah, their original tankiness-through-recursion playstyle got totally gutted and they're a meme teleport army. But usually things settle back to having big comfy infantry blocks marching down the board gunning everything down with big super weapons backing them up. Trazyn is a meme pick that kills your own characters for no gain, they really need to rethink what he's supposed to do. Void dragon and all C'tan are really good now. Necrons usually oscilate between two playstyles
Necron heavy <-> C'tan heavy
Necron heavy is the classic necrons I'm talking about, C'tan heavy comes about when necrons aren't good anymore and you have to rely on tricky gods to get anything done. That's at the highest tournament level though, necron heavy is always good in casual play
Oh my god just shut the hell up.
>confidently saying something so blatantly wrong
Never change 40kg
yeah but i use the gk army rules because imperial agents dont feel interesting at all unless you love taking navy breachers and exaction squads as battleline
That is an incomplete understanding of the concept of Chaos Gods and other warp entities under them.
The Chaos Gods exist in all spectrums of emotion and touch anything related to that spectrum, this isn't exclusive to Eldar. Saying Khaine is a son of Khorne is wrong because Khaine is described as being equally Slannesh as Khorne.
The warp is like a game of Agar io except the Chaos Gods are the map itself.
Dark Eldar shouldn't have some galaxy-wide meta plot progression, but they should have an ever growing list of more and more ballsy attempts at fucking with the other factions.
>Kidnapping a high lord of terra
>Trapping a hive fleet in an endless torture pocket dimension
>Leading orks into a planet wide gladiatorial arena, to the amusement and benefit of everyone involved
>More one-sided "trade deals" with the Tau
>Replacing a Votann ancestor core with a fuck-evil AI
>Messing with Imperial tithe reports so an entire guard regiment is sent to a slave pit, without any ammo
Stuff like that, they should be the cheeky fucker faction.
Bought the two combat patrols of the T'au.
time to assemble and paint them.
The newfag asked. Sorry for answering his question.
I accept your apology, don't do it again.
That tank looks familiar...
Continue to work on alpha legion, likely some termies this month
Might also pick up a knight for admech
Things were better in the time before copyright autism.
Is Ynnead supposed to sound like "Ennead"
God I forfot why I stopped liking Chaos, but it's because of midwit takes like that. It just makes the universe smaller and relegates anyone not directly invested into the "main" conflict to be scenery. It's a horrible idea that only makes Warhams boring.

And if you're that confident argue what are
>Anath Raema
>Ereth Khial
Star Wars Legion would be a good ruleset for 40k
>Alternating activations, with semi-blind activation choices
>Platoon scale, as god intended for 28mm
>Multi-faction units and neutrals that can be inserted into anything
>Named characters influence the battle through unique command cards
>Vehicle and unit facings done in a non-autistic way
Would be fun, might look into making a 40k Legion conversion.
Aren't memes supposed to be funny? Haha elf women human cock was already old some 20 years ago.
A new generation of teenagers are born every year
You couldn't have answered in anymore of a pretentious and willfully retarded post.
>>Kidnapping a high lord of terra
They have a Primarch, the cuck lords have nothing on that.
Omg it's a dreadnought tank
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You know 100% it will be a pic related situation when they want to release him. Every since Horus Heresy got popular NOTHING will stand in the way of Primarch wank
Chill out, you're scaring the hoes.
>what are
Inconsequential minor warp entities propped up by the Old Ones and which Slaanesh casually devoured upon waking up.
whats platoon scale?
i think it'll be a breakout during the weird demon shit that goes on there
chaos once tipped fate to separate the primarch children, now to balance the scales their same machinations shall unwittingly gather them back.
But he’s right. Also doesn’t seem particularly pretentious. Nowhere does anon say he knows any better, just that the autists want someone to agree with them and enough of the people here don’t.
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>Waaaah why won’t anyone tell me I’m a smart boy and the trannies are gonna take over a hobby I don’t even actually participate in.
That's not Franz that is Edward Richtofen
I'm just horny for elves desu
30 or so models.
so 30 knights, thats quite a large scale game
Now that you mention it, that DOES sound like what is happening!
Any of you zoomers ever play 4th? I started in 6th and recently started playing 4th ... Holy fuck it's so much better and more fun than nu40k... How did we go backwards?
Seriously I would implore other anons to try 3rd or 4th, you'd be surprised how enjoyable it is. Only thing stopping you would be if you don't have any friends and have to rely on the local LGS randos for pickup games
nice try
back to your containment general with you
someone posts something like this every week, you don't get any cool points on an Indonesian butter-churning forum
>only thing stopping you is not having friends
Well shit
I atleast want a trazyn model to hangout with my Cawl
The void dragon is just one of the coolest models in the game and I want an excuse to paint something big
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My first ever 40K project, trying to get iron warriors to 500 points, really enjoying using weathering and oil techniques
Sadly true. We barely got all the primarchs in 30K and then they already started popping up in 40K. I even fully expect the dead ones to come back through some contrivance or another. I wonder what will.be next on their radar after that though, maybe another run of un-chaosified demon primarchs alongside new models for all of the Imperium ones? No way they're just gonna release all 18 fuckers once (twice if you count 30K).
I want to get pegged by lilith regardless of the consequences
Referencing a historical platoon which is around 30ish infantry with support elements they would normally see like a tank or two, some support weapons. 40k used to be that too until around 6th when they expanded the scale to include super heavies like knights, flyers and bumped the recommended points level to 2000, when most people considered that an overly big game. Also removing force organization made it even less platoon scale as a necron player will send in his triple transcendent C'tan + triple foot C'tan list vs 5 knights in a game of normal 40k
my kneejerk reaction is to be against it since I think historical autism is objectively bad for the hobby.
>Aiiiiiie chuds are going to say they play the game unless I cover for lumpenproles
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I don't get why people hate chaos bikers, they're a really cool model that isn't too overdesigned but doesn't have that goofy feeling old models have.
Btw how old is this unit anyways? is it plastic or resin?
>The void dragon is just one of the coolest models in the game
>looks it up
>it's real
Isn't that dude supposed to be dead on Mars?
First finish the last 2 jump marines and get them all based. Then probably either crack open the Sternguard and kitbash them with some of the nice BA bits I have now or build one of my BA dreadnoughts as a Death Company dread. Need to wait to get some magnets though.
You can find some use for him since he gives sticky objectives to a unit. He's best used smugly observing the battlefield from the rear giving the Awakened Dynasty +1 to hit buff to a squad of immortals holding the back line and moving to a safe mid-field objective. Use his body steal ability to deny secondary points the opponent might get from killing him.

I'm still pissed that they removed Zandrekh and Oberyn, my favorite niggas!
originally yes, but in 5th they made it so the C'tan are all shards so there are multiple shards of the void dragon
will you guys be painting your minis in the middle of world war 3
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Paint more Flesh Tearers, work on Votann
>Isn't that dude supposed to be dead on Mars?
The largest/main shard of the Void Dragon is on Mars. There's still lesser shards in the Necrons' control.
>they're a really cool model
>doesn't have that goofy feeling
Pic unrelated?
post your models, /v/ermin
They seem to release a new chaos + loyalist primarch every two editions, so 11e will be Fulgrim + any of the non-dead loyalists. They will bring back Sanguinius if sales start faltering, probably as a transformation for Dante or some warp shenanigans.
3rd edition, plastic. I don't like how the exhausts kind of just don't end and blob into the back of the bike.
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Kitbash or design/print your own mini?
obviously learning 3d modeling is tough but theres always stuff you can download
additionally has anyone here tried 3d printing 3rd party parts to kitbash?
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Anon, how do I get smooth white?
nta but pro acryl bold titanium white
40k has steadily gotten less fun as it's moved away from historical autism and towards Magic the Gathering tournament autism. But I know it's a subjective experience, some people like "piloting" an army they copied off of their favorite "t-sport" team that has unique "tech" they can use to get a win
Any chance you could share it?
I understand I should know better than expecting GeeDubs to let dead things stay that way when they could be selling plastic instead, my bad.
Light grey undercoat + 2-3 thin layers of white
It's actually "Shard of the Void Dragon" and is just a split-off, lower power version of the full thing. The green chunk in its chest is the actual C'tan shard, and the rest is its Necrodermis.
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How do you preview and pick a color scheme without needing to prime, paint and possibly repaint a model?

I am trying to pick a scheme to paint a Krieg infantry list with a baneblade and a knight as fire platforms, I want my tanks to have a gray base, my Krieg to have blueish gray coats with khaki green pants and dark silver / olive green armor and I want my Knight to fit that scheme.
Is there a preview tool?
It's tough getting it to be smooth. I've tried a grey undercoat before.
I'm inserting my chudness into the hobby and there's nothing you can do about it :^)
>Go to tournament
>Be surprised people are trying to win with the best list
Tournies and local play are very different things
It's a matter of practicing thinning your paints properly, not much trick to it other than practice or just basing them in white to start
under grey then undercoat wraithbone then white
What white are you using?
My Corax White is premixed with Lahmian in a 3-1 and it has a mixing ball, it leaves a silky smooth surface with good covering, only needs to be thinned with very little water on the wet pallet.
>Literally playing the grumpy old men faction.
Checks out, have a good day. Going destroyer cult I assume?
anon they were already selling the nightbringer and deceiver when they made the C'tan shards. following this they wrote rules for each of the C'tan in white dawrf and explicitly said the flayer was dead
Why did you link two posts clearly made by different people?
Local play is entirely playing tournament scenarios wherever I go. It's either games using ITC recommended boards with 3-d printed WTC L-shaped ruins playing only with the current seasonal matched play cards or a half-hearted crusade league which is actually an escalation league with no interest in narrative or custom scenarios.
Anon the game has had tournaments since first edition, what is the point of going to a tournament if you arent trying to win?
>40k has steadily gotten less fun as it's moved away from historical autism
40k was awful when it had those roots.
>nightbringer and deceiver
Those weren't stated to be killed at the time
Tournament autism is at the core of the game now rather than being a side community that you could choose to engage in.
Army Painter Fanatic Matt White. I don't know much about paint but is the Pro Acryl paint smoother?
no in 3rd they were the full thing but in 5th the edition where they didn't even make a new C'tan model they made the C'tan all shards
i tried my colour scheme on the underside of a drop pod today
i like it
It was kino, bring back templates and armor facings
the AP white is decent, but the PA white is the best hobby pure white paint out there, smooth and thin out of the bottle, barely needs any thinning to go on cleanly in a couple of coats
probably for the best, it was getting old back in 5th when people would say "don't run this this or that or I will just table you"
Alright then, I'll look into that paint, thanks anon
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I am literally finishing up assembling the last warriors and scarabs right now lmao

Not necessarily, just building a general army starting with awakened dynasty until I figure out which direction I want to take it.
BRO Fanatic Matt white is SUPER THICK, you have to thin that shit alot, your coat is thick and has textures because you basically spatulate the acrylic paint on it and then scratch it with your brush hairs.
Also, wait for your first layer to dry before you apply a second coat
Still happens, except that behavior doesn't get you ostracized anymore. The WAACfags won
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please advise
It's obvious the guy is pushing his own political view onto what the first anon posted. It would've been more apt to say that the videogames and the tabletop are two totally seperate communities, but no he immediately pulled the political cards out in which doing so means that second anon the issue rather than the poster saying this general is shit.
I have never seen someone actually threaten tableing like it used to happen. Also back then it didn't get you ostracized either, there's plenty of posts where people talk about what they will do if you ask to play with escalation models
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I think the olive green would distract from the blue-grey look you're going for. Other than that it sounds like a good scheme
AK interactive pale grey, smooth as butter.
it's an observable daily phenomenon to go and see /v/ seething that we don't fellate arch and don't shitpost about femstodes 24/7 like they do or that they have no response when asked to post models lmao
I misunderstood your post, I thought you were talking about a tourneyfag refusing to play against a non-tourneyfag. You're just complaining that people didn't want to play Apocalypse-lite with you before it became enforced by the core rulebook.
why the fuck can you share pdfs in /tg/ of all fucking places but not in /lit.
Why is it so hard for people on the left side of the aisle to say anyone that they don't like doesn't play the game? I wonder why it's so popular when they get blown out like this every time. It's not just in 40k or tabletop either.
Because we are based, next question
Trying to coopt gatekeeping practices, but always a step behind. It's like Europeans mimicking American styles years after they become lame and cringe.
Who goes to a tournament and is surprised people are spamming the best units.
This post also implies net decking isn't a thing in MTG or did you think it was a occidental naduu was like 7 of the top 8 for practically every tournament until he was banned?
The fuck is wrong with your brain
Maybe, I don't mind experimenting with the infantry models but I am more concerned about getting a good looking knight that fits the army, since the surfaces are huge you will have bigger color clashes and I never studied anything color theory related
No one cares if people post about fucking vidya shit. Its the political disagreements that create the true vitriol and his explanation captures that.

This guy gets it.
>don't go to tournament
>everyone is just using the same net-lists from reddit
That's the problem, also
>MTG fag
My Marines are friends with Eldar, they fight Chaos together :)
no it was a general practice that if anyone wanted to do anything the threat was being tabled or something to that effect.
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Maybe the new Guard codex will have more color scheme examples with the Krieg range update
And I’m sure they’ve gotten away with it, so far. But sooner or later that inquisitorial task force is gonna show up and ask some pointed questions.
is that net list not the best list at the time? there are only so many options here.
The Inquisition sanctions in because they're in Nihilus and they need all the help they can get.
Start by looking at a color wheel
If so many people are all coming to the same conclusion, there must be something to it
40kg poster having the audacity to call any other general a containment thread... Lmao
doubt it /grog/ is as dead as when I started it
Bring back the alliance matrix, my necrons miss their ork mercenary meat shields
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I heard vidya models and designs must be compliant with tabletop minis. Anybody knows if that includes those nifty modular fortifications from Darktide? I'd like to grab a few of those.

There's an app called impcat that allows you to check out paintjobs on minis. It's pretty in depth from what I saw, but I haven't tried it myself. You can grab a krieger to put into it from here:
You can blame GW for being British on that one then, since that entire country is seemingly content in wallowing in it's own shit.
>mtg fag
Yeah I like to collect salt from the edh players when it isn't 40k open play.
Also maybe your meta just blows? Lots of people here play narrative and just for fun lists between GTs be the change you want to see anon spread your wings baby bird
I'm sure every single person at your locals play the same exact army model for model at your locals
>I never studied anything color theory related
Once again I shill coolors.co. Check it out for assembling color schemes.
Yes give me my taudar I can be trusted with guide on riptides
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Yeah, maybe I will prime and paint one detached armor penal of the knight to see what I want to go for, I think this actually fits better for the infantry and going for a brighter inverse for the Knight would be smort.

Olive green knights do not look good. Dark knights look too much like Chaos.
Taking the gray of the pants for the majority of the panels would be good.

Did they release an iOS version yet?
I played 5th and it was somehow less clunky to play than the new editions.
it'd be cheaper to either print your own and make them out of styrofoam
"Hard"? I just don't do that because it's dishonest and a No True Scotsman fallacy.
I played forth and I prefer 9th
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Where are the Death Cult Assassin squads?
They look like parts of the Aegis Defence Line, the other barriers you encounter in the game are straight up the last edition Killteam barriers.

Yo your tank is like missing half of it
lmao this nigga said phallus
What can be done to make a Plague Marine with a bolter and actual meaningful choice? As it stands, there's no reason to just leave them with a bolter when every other option is an improvement to the unit. More granular points costs would be great, but that's clearly not happening in 10th.
>mtg fag
>pretends to know what narrative and fun are
They all play the exact same style of list since every matched scenario is the exact same
>unit or two to hold back objective
>big brawlers to fight over middle
>big flankers to threaten enemy safe objective
>jack of all trades to hold safe objective
>action monkeys
>symmetrical board of L-shaped ruins
>game over by round 3, one side tabled
It's every single game between every single army, it's all the same
Those sorts of shenanigans wouldn't even be out of place in 10th
Knights should be gaudier than the lowly infantry running around beneath them. A checkerboard pattern of your primary and secondary color would be sweet
Same here, and I sat down and realized it's because most units had like 1-2 special rules to keep track of, now they have half a dozen minimum
Basically this, even if it’s true a disconcerting amount of the time. The overwhelming majority of people I see at LGS’ actually getting games tend to be on the lefty side of things. There are some pseudo chuds but they usually control themselves and we just sperg out about historical stuff. A lot of people probably assume that’s the case online.
Pick a combat patrol, get paint supplies (primer too), get building supplies, paint. If you happen to be friends with a 40k friend, you can think about buying one of the bigger starter boxes and splitting costs and armies. Or splitting a Leviathan box if you can find one.

On the flipside there's little starter boxes that include paints and stuff because newfags get filtered heavily by the painting portion of the hobby. Oh and ignore the Show Models anon.
>A checkerboard pattern of your primary and secondary color would be sweet

Now that's the kinda ideas I am posting in here for
plague bolts with different effects detachment, like deathwatch and its ammo types.
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Personally, and don't take this the wrong way, nerd interests have always been populated by people on the lower end of the social stratum. Before about 10 or 15 years ago, it was largely apolitical or even a little right leaning, but that saying about how HRT hitting the nerd community is like crack to the black community is totally true. The outcome of that has been a lot of queer and trans people, or that group of people that shaves one side of their head and dyes their hair, who are the current low end of the social hierarchy, now populate these unfortunately loser hobbies. That might change again someday but that's the current state of affairs.
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Finishing up the second half of Kommandos and then slapping all of my unpainted Ork infantry since it's Orktober.
That appears to move between realism and tabletop caricature.
Fortifications would deffinitely wary from melanine engineered to factory built.
SM2 had similar standard fortifications but made from different plates
Plague bolts that infect a squad when hit and make the squad take wounds over time.
Plague Marines don't kill with bolters, but slowly poison and outgrind their enemies.
Think maybe 40k isn't for you anon
Especially if you can't even be fucked to start a narrative campaign or Crusade.
Modern man just wanting the world to change for him with no effort on his end.
>you basically spatulate the acrylic paint on it and then scratch it with your brush hairs.
Thank you, this taught me a new term and explained what I'm doing wrong.
Why would I take it the wrong way? I’m practically a star for my game groups because I can hold a normal conversation and don’t scare away the odd nerd chick that comes by and has questions by harassing her like a thirsty desert jackal. As for the purple hairs and weirdos, I just use whatever dumb pronoun they ask after being corrected if I guess wrong. Then I just talk to them like any other adult and hammer our game out.
Boltguns have always been weak, unfortunately.
That was less of a warning for you and just in particular anyone who might be offended by it.
>He dosen't have a space marine hover pickup
Your dudes tailgate parties must suck

the crux of it all is that your average 40k or magic player 10 years ago was an autistic male and 90% of trannies are autistic males which means that the core playerbase has hardly moved.
>the queer and LGBT people are young and new
wrong, it’s the exact same people that were already in the nerd hobbies before, only their loneliness and sexual frustration has lead to them fetishizing a female version of themselves
trooning is sexual
lots of nerds became like that because they never had any chance of holding a womens hand anyways and they still have urges
the local airsoft field is making millions with “strip airsoft” where hookers and escorts give lap dances and strip for the airsoft fatties
warhammer should do something similar
>Aegis Defence Line
This it it. Thanks, anon!

That's the plan, but I didn't really know what to look for.
Wicked thanks, haven't read this one yet
I think I was spoiled by my only eldar player being a huge lore guy that would only run a mixed list of one of each unit as described in the codex
It was for me, and now it isn't, a real shame. I started crusade games and every time we got bored of how lame the whole campaign system was. It was just an escalation league system with lots of pointless book keeping, the actual crusade rules provided nothing that influenced ingame decisions in a meaningful way.
But I moved on and have been playing using modified chain of command rules. We're seeing if they work and are worth implementing further or just going back to an older edition like 5th and putting stuff like alternating activations in it, which shouldn't be too hard.
The division between historical autism and MTG autism is a large one, it's a big shift that happened. Same demographic, just different mindset
You anons think shelling out around 400 CAD for a sealed 3rd Edition of Space Hulk is worth it? Saw that a local shop suddenly has one in stock.
Eldar in 6th were strong, but not the worst. It was just that them buffing Tau units that should never have been buffed resulted in some insanity. 6th edition was wild, man. Taudar running around and fliers being unstoppable killing machines if your codex wasn't refreshed yet
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I play 3rd and I never post in /grog/. But besides, you're a simpleton if you judge a games worth off of the amount of 4chan incels who talk about it. /hwg/ is dead here on 4chan, but I'm willing to bet there are more historical wargaming boomers collectively worldwide than there are 40k players. 40k just seems to attract autists, trannies, terminally online types, and these are coincidentally the same types that flock to 4chan, which is why /40kg/ is such a fast general. /grog/ is mostly well adjusted gen X dudes with wife and kids and full time job who don't spend their days refreshing the /tg/ catalog
I do not miss flyerspam, and then when GW started selling dedicate anti-air units specifically to counter flyerspam so everyone needed some of those. That fucking sucked, now flyers and anti-air units just are sitting around languishing because nobody at GW can think of a good way to make flyers fun for everyone at 40k's scale and style of play (incredibly low amount of randomization, lots of focus on MM precision and bulk averages)
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Allies were a bad time. Tau and Eldar were a common mix. IIRC the Riptide was released in 2013~
Can confirm, started a kill team league in college, 2/3 were trannies. The further you get from nu-40k the more well adjusted
Had a random thought about Tyranids the other day. So, organisms don't "want" to succeed at evolution or anything, it's just that, turns out when things have capacity to copy itself and can do things that make it more able to copy itself, more of it happens (not trying to talk down I'm sure I don't need to lecture y'all on evolutionary biology). Anyway, so cancer cells are kinda sorta a group of your body's cells that trick themselves into behaving like a separate organism, adapting traits that make it better able to replicate more of itself at the cost of its host.
Having said that, would it be feasibly possible that a Tyranid fleet or splinter or whatever, in "pursuit" (again, this kind of thing doesn't happen consciously) of biomass sources turns on the greater hive mind because it itself is "trying" to optimize it's capacity to consume biomass and replicate. It subsequently would evolve specific countermeasures against the greater whole it use to be a part of. I would imagine in such scenarios, stopping cancerous hive splinters would be a sort of "drop everything else and deal with this" kind of crisis for the greater hive mind.
I may have used the wrong word since I am an ESL, the German term would be “spachteln”, filling, smoothing over in a construction term
anyways just thin your paints and trust the process, you need to be more patient, layers look better once the water evaporated.

My parties suck in general

If you want a Chaos version, just add some spikes and skulls

They're just bugs. They swarm. They have a big shared brain.
Taking the path of least resistance and not deliberately going out of one's way to behave in an odious manner appears to be a lost art. Some people ought to learn when to be reticent.
Perhaps bringing back the Sigil of Decay effect from 9th edition could achieve something to that effect.
Your body's cells also have a shared brain, and it goes at great lengths to make sure that all those cells are behaving properly, but failures do happen.
There is a splinter fleet that has went and attacked other fleets, so it's possible that such things could happen. Though it is also theorized that fleet was just borrowing biomass to go do some specialized task.
Rules question;
If I attach an Inquisitor to a Black Templar (Assault) Intercessor Squad, does that Inquisitor then gain the benefits of Templar Vows, as it is now part of an Adeptus Astartes unit?
If you don't have autism you don't belong in this hobby
Makes sense to me.
I think the idea of allies was cool. Running a smaller squad of Astartes in a Drop Pod or Stormraven while the bulk of the force is Imperial Guard? Kino.
But there's not really a way to balance that for the Xenos factions, which kind of sucked.

Honestly I think you could save troop transport fliers by making them hard to hit without AA until they lower themselves down to deliver units, but non-troop transport fliers are very tricky to balance.
Yes and it also works in reverse. The inquisitor, like all leaders, now makes that squad a [CHARACTER] unit and benefit from any buffs to character units
used to be a thing
Saw an idea once for flyers, they come in for strafing runs. So you pick one point on your table edge, and another point on the enemy table edge and set the flyer down. It can spread it's attacking to enemies along/near the line and enemies can try to shoot it down during that run. Planes are implemented in lots of historical company-scale games so you're gonna have to take inspiration from those
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Valkyries are KINO
One day, I will make a Valkyrie based Catachan army with a Vietnam air cavalry aesthetic
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That's rad as fuck, thanks anon.
Isn't it been confirmed that nids can be cut off from hive mind becoming basic fauna?
Causing said nids to separate evolutionary.
>No more big brain
Based and true
three great unclean ones only make up a 1/4 of a list.
Yeah, non-synapse units used to each have "Instinctive Behaviors" they would practice if disconnected from the hive mind. If I remember correctly Gaunts of any type would seek the nearest cover and attack anything non-tyranid that got into shooting/charge range
speculated rather than confirmed, but yeah, unfortunately it's not instances that get brought up in the background at all.

but you can do whatever with nids.
the hivemind is a psychic conciousness equivalent to the Skaven's Horned Rat. Hivefleet Hydra goes after splinter fleets that died, eating their biomass and then resuming consumption of the planet the intial fleet was consuming.
no its more 1:1, the horned rat and any chaos god are out of control even from whatever species was fated to have spawn the,. The hivemind is just the collective mental activity of the nids
How did you guys pick your first army? I’m looking for advice/insipiration.
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Latest nuLore just dropped!!!
You're several years late on that one, anon.
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Wanted to paint yellow, checks looked like fun, simple as
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The joy of dead games is that the latest BFG rules still have an instinctual behaviour flowchart for Tyranid space-bugs.
I'm new here, so is anything after 2017 nulore and everything before 1998 is too old to be taken seriously?
>Picked space marines because they were in the starter box
>Switched to necrons because robots are badass
I liked space marines and saw that grey knights were just space marine paladins so I picked them
I like the “good guys” and mechs are neat.
I dunno ask /hhg/
"Hey I got a ton of spare CSM models if you want them"
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Yes. TRVE Warhammer 40k is middlehammer, when the setting, gameplay, lore, and aesthetic peaked.
Oldhammer is kino in it's own right, but it's not the 40k that the setting is known for.
Nuhammer is pure corporate slop deliberately toned down and sanitized for mass market appeal like Marvel™ or Call of Duty™
This is small peanuts compared to the modifications a lot of Necrons have themselves undergo.
I feel like I enjoy all the planes from every army. All of them are really cool and capture the aesthetic of their respective armies while still being visually distinct. One day I'd like to build an airborne force for every army, even if it would take up an enormous amount of space in storage
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Based, Midhammer supremacy
When you don't treat the setting as a story book and treat it like an actual, point in time SETTING then you get some real kino.
but what happens when people point out stuff in midhammer that we normally associate with nuhammer thus undermining the whole thing?
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I really have no problem with this in a political sense but it always feels so jarring to see obviously phoned in stuff like this in what seems like every game and hobby. I wish more people treated hobbies like the leisure time away from reality that they are. I'm so weary of politics and current events.
admech aesthetic and lore are really appealing to me, don't need more reasons than that
move the goalposts, true warhammer is the idea of warhammer you have in your head and that trumps anything ever written
Autism is based, if you don't have autism you don't belong in 40k
What stuff?
>Both variations of marine are called some flavor of "first"
Real equal attention cake moment
depends how you define the midhammer vibe, some people think chaos being anything beyond a galactic thing is terrible for instance
>he's preoccupied with something other than working for the man and breeding more future workers
>quick, diagnose it as a disorder! that'll fix em!
Is there two different kinds of Grey Seer primer? Some painting guides say Grey Seer Zenithal, yet when I google the latter it just shows the same shit as when I google the former.
I have no interest in ever playing the game but I started reading the novels because I really like the setting and storytelling of warhammer 40,000. I haven't focused on reading any space marine centric novels yet and I'm probably going to only read humie books if it's very character focused because I think the IoM is boring as shit. But I think that once I start reading some space marine books I want to read about space wolves and blood angels and salamanders because they seem like the coolest legions. thank you for reading my blog
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zenithal is a painting technique where you spray a lighter color from above to simulate light and shadow on your model
I dunno ask /hhg/
Read helsreach
Get to see the best chaplain and fight the greentide
I agree with you. Often it feels offputtingly patronizing in a pandering sense. To use a really autistic analogy, it's like seeing fetish porn drawn by someone who you can tell doesn't have the fetish in question.
all three of those chapters have omnibuses just read those
I've been reading that the custodes shield captains ability "strategic mastery" only works on 'battle tactics' and not 'epic deed' strategems.

Can someone point me to why this is? The wording on the ability doesn't seem to imply any restriction.

>Once per battle round, you can select one model from your army with this ability. You can target that models unit with a strategems for 0CP, and can do so even if you have already targeted a different unit with that stratagem this phase.
Ahh okay thank you.
Zenithal just means you are spraying a lighter tone from above, over a darker tone in order to simulate light
I tripped extremely hard on a psychedelics when I was 16 and then read the Grey Knights Omnibus. Worst decision of my life. With that being said I think it was a cool series.
I'm using the lexicanum list of all published novels as my source, and I'm putting together a .txt for all of the books and groupings I want to focus on. Necrons, Grey Knights, and Adeptus Mechanicus are the first ones I want to read about, then I'm going to get into Ork books, specific character series like Cain and Bile, specific historical event series like Horus Heresy and the Fall of Cadia, then more general stuff like the space marine legions I like the most and chaos.
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>you need autism to enjoy 40k
>autism isn't real

Okay but which one is it
Necrons have like 4 books total at the moment,
grey knights have an omnibus
admech have an omnibus, a duology, and a recent novel
>he can't even begin to fathom laboring for any purpose but to service his betters
It’s from the pre pariah nexus faq. Should work fine now. However you can’t double up on strata’s unless the strat is specified in the ability, also don’t get them for free necessarily just -1 cp cost.
I did a bit of digging and it looks like these books have a significant focus on Necrons in them, or even some chapters told from their perspective. I already read the first one.
>The World Engine
And that's in addition to infinite and divine + twice dead king.
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My only hobby plan for the month is attempting to find a good deal for something 40k in Japan.
What am I supposed to notice here?
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My white recipe is nothing special, it's just corax white base coat, apothecary white to shade the recesses, gryphcharger grey in the deepest recesses, clean up mistakes with corax white followed by a pure white edge highlight. Finish it off with some ultra matte varnish.
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So he's supposed to be an analogy for the grim reaper, right?
>Story about how Necrons are suffering from mental degradation and are fucked in the head
>Make a tranny necron
The irony.
In any other era I would have no problem with this.
Oh yeah, they have a 40k café/shop in Tokyo don't they?
There were some great Necrons in those books.
Neth was a based retard.
Denet suffering from necron-dementia
>buy two copies of whatever is japan exclusive
>sell one when you get back
if it's so bad why did they basically copy it for primaris?>>94049322
>My white recipe is nothing special
>All those steps
Homie I just used white... Your recipe is pretty special imo
I'm still waiting for Oltyx to get a model, I love my flayers and I'd love a flayer lord.
Great books, reign had me coping the entire time saying everything would be alright in the end.
It's kinda fucking weird, honestly.
>4 chaos gods
>maybe half of them match revelations
>nurgle and khorne as plague and war respectively
>slaanesh could maybe pass for famine, with the endless desires and all that shit
>tzeench is not really a good stand in for death
>I could say some shit like "muh death is the great change, and most uncertain thing, therefor very tzeenchy" but that feels like a reach
>meanwhile pic related exists for nurgle in AoS
>mf rides a white horse, clearly he's Death
I don't really know what to make of it. If anything, it's probably all a mishmash and nothing is really a direct analogy for a particular story or figure.
Nah it's pretty much the standard white recipe GW uses in tutorials.
Nigga my white is Rust-Oleum white spray paint, followed by a dark wash, followed by a Vallejo white paint dry brush and it looks just as good as yours, for a fraction of the time, cost, effort.
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Just a cheap imitation
yet you didnt post it, curious
I'd love to see a Flayer King model. The total lack of support for FOs outside of Annihilation Legion sucks. I was deeply disappointed that Imotekh didn't get his Bloodswarm Scarabs rule back. I'd like to see an Ophydian Lord too.
It's Conquest.
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I don't understand the warp. When eldar and humans go into the warp to travel across space, do they travel in their space ships through areas in picrel? Or are there other places in the warp besides picrel that warp travel goes through?
opinion discarded
rustoleum is literally the best primer you can use if you're not a hobbylet
The Warp/Realm of Chaos is mercurial and ever-changing. New locations may appear and disappear at any time.
nta but my rustoleum white has left several of my minis very sticky and it never really settles well enough to paint over it
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>Rustoleum? Hmmph... Only Citadel™ brand primer for me
Funny how you didn't post it when it looks so good
>rusoleum and citadel are the only existing rattlecans
post your models
>I don't understand the warp.
That's kinda the point. It's beyond human comprehension. Laws of physics are broken, and warped there.
You're asking for an impossible feat. Can't post models when you don't have them. It's just another painting secondary shitposting about shit he knows nothing about
what does that have to do with primers and rattlecans buddy
wait, so crypteks are not allowed to control canoptek constructs? that makes no sense
of course you own no models yet speak on this like you're a painting expert lmao
I think it's Khorne as War, Nurgle as Death, Slannesh as twist on Famine and Tzeentch as Conquest (by virtue of ambition)
you didn't post your supposedely stellar white either :)
so no models?
khorne is war
nurgle is plague
slaanesh is death
replace famine with conquest
tzeentch is conquest
there is a biblical subplot to 40k lore but I think doing revelations would be kinda lame due to how rooted in history the book is
the warp has layers, anyone whos sailing in the warp is sailing in the very localized surface of the warp
Pretty new to the miniature painting hobby, so I gotta ask, what are your thoughts on brush-on primer? Was considering picking up some Vallejo brand primers, since I doubt I'll be able to get any spraying done outside since it's getting colder.
The Octed isn't the Four Horsemen, nor will it ever be. The Horsemen are conceptual Heralds of the End Times. The Gods Of The Warp are dark hyperbolic reflections of facets of reality.

The Horsemen :: Chaos Gods equation is very misguided.
What army requires the least models to paint? I painted 5 marines and felt so burnt out I didn't touch Warhammer for a year. I started to paint Necrons and Nids for fun but it's daunting to know I'm gonna have to paint dozens more just for a squad. Are Orks fun because they look so random?
It doesn't make any sense to compare the chaos gods to the abrahamic desert trilogy religions. They aren't comparable at all really. There aren't even strictly 4 chaos gods, and they represent completely different things from the desert trilogy.
>What army requires the least models to paint?
I don't wanna say knights, but it's knights.
>I don't understand the warp.
You're not meant to
>When humans go into the warp to travel across space, do they travel in their space ships through areas in picrel?
I like to imagine you can see spaceships crossing the warp currents in the skybox of the realm of chaos, like an ever ending glitchy meteor shower
except if you look in a different direction you see the starships of other realities too
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I'll take your word for it anon.
Then where do you go in the galaxy to enter the warp in the lands of the chaos gods? For example, is the Eye of Terror a portal to The Hunting Fields?
don't care, it's a relatively well known and ominous set of figures
same reason why horus is named horus, does it make sense with egyptian mythology? no, does it matter? no
Now which Chaos God is Asuryan an aspect of, genius?
Or Morai-Heg?
Horus isn't egyptian and the chaos gods aren't stand-ins for your abrahamic desert trilogy's group of 4 bad things either.
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I don't think you understand, it's not meant to be logical, consistent or reliably well understood even by people within the setting

any story you find arbitrarily cool enough about entering the warp and reaching a specific place in it is equally valid
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>Horus isn't egyptian
next you will tell me the name ferrus manus has absolutely nothing to do with his iron hands
In Indomitus when the ultramarines almost got stranded in the warp, it was written as if they were in a giant void of space with no matter around them. That chaos map looks like a place in reality, where there's land beneath your feet and physical places to go to.
Horus and Magnus should have switched names
Anon wouldn't lie to you like that. Not on the internet. It's not allowed.
GW does tutorials?
I'm in favor of more names that aren't related to any real life mythology or inspiration and just sound cool and make their own new feel for the universe, like Roboute or Rogal.
They used to.
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>warp isn't consistent
>yet ships (outside of warp storms and other phenomena) can have average speeds through it
>warp is timeless
>yet events in real space coincide with events in the warp
>warp has no dimentions
>yet navigators can use a fixed point like the astronomican to calculate their position in relation to Terra in real space
The writers are trying to have their cake and eat it too, and it just leaves a huge mess.
Khorne is Man versus Man
Nurgle is Man versus Nature
Tzeench is Man versus Himself
Slaanesh is Man versus Society
I can masturbate myself to death in the name of Slaanesh and I don't need a society to do it.
Everything to do with the warp and chaos only follows whatever rules the current story plot demands. You ever wonder why the fucking Cadian Gate even needs to exist?
Horus is named Horus because of Horus's status as a son of god and his association with the underworld. Magnus is named Magnus because he's big.
>You ever wonder why the fucking Cadian Gate even needs to exist?
What do you mean?
>where there's land beneath your feet and physical places to go to.
there are places
but they also aren't real
the gods' domains are another extension of the gods themselves and the gods themselves are just weird vortexes of warpstuff made of and moved by people's souls and thoughts and emotions and beliefs
it's a surreal hellscape, absolute wishy washy bullshit, every hack writer's perfect scapegoat for his dei ex machina

perhaps you can understand it better by comparing it to entering someone's dream, except that someone is a schizophrenic god-like alien occupied with torturing anthills in every universe it can reach for its sick and seemingly childish amusement
But the chaos gods can plot and acknowledge individual people and give orders to their followers, can't they?
Also, creatures far more terrible than daemons and the chaos gods exist in the warp, like for example the psychneuin warp wasps, or the enslaver jellyfish monsters, and other critters.
A few days ago I asked you guys to help me out by clicking "notify me when available" on the Noise Marine Upgrade pack, on the assumption that the increase in attention would spur GW to make some more before they get replaced by the new plastic kit.

It worked! They're back! I was able to buy some! Thank you guys so much!

When the EC Codex comes out and I put together my Noise Marines, I'm very happy that some of them will be playing that ol time rock and roll
Think about how Chaos and the warp and warp travel works. Why does every Black Crusade from the Eye of Terror have to come through the Cadian Gate?
So are there any cool IG regiments?
Cadians are generic military scifi - boring
Valhallans are space Russians - boring
Mordians are Space British - utterly disgusting
Krieg and Steel Legion are WW1 - klan vibes
Tallarns are kind of cool but only make sense in deserts
Maybe this is our secret cheat code for ensuring we get the older stuff we want before they're replaced or squatted
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I'm happy for you anon
Did it really have to?
I thought the cadia stuff was retconned to Abaddon just wanting to destroy the planet with its pylons in order to create the big rift that has split the Imperium in half.
Back then, it was apparently the only way for Chaos to emerge as a cohesive group, instead of being spread out in the galaxy.
Vostroyans have BIG HATS, mustaches, greatcoats, and muchos augmeticos.
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If someone could weaponize these, would any of those chaos monsters be able to compete?
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>The writers are trying to have their cake and eat it too

you can have fun with it too
is that the infamous catachan barking toad, the most dangerous creature on catachan, miles above the catachan devil and the catachans themselves?
yes and?
It doesn't, it's just the safest route since the pylons stabilize the warp.
Miss me with that gay shit.
distance doesnt exist in the warp
>the gods themselves are just weird vortexes of warpstuff made of and moved by people's souls and thoughts and emotions and beliefs
That contradicts
>the gods themselves are just weird vortexes of warpstuff made of and moved by people's souls and thoughts and emotions and beliefs
Which suggests chaos gods are more forces of nature instead of individuals with their own thoughts and motivations.
Of course!
all the emotions and thoughts and people's beliefs and souls that move and manifest in the warp become the chaos gods, who do have sapience, their own agency, desires, and goals to foster their own nature in real space to make themselves more powerful in the realm of chaos. The warp's a weird place where it's actually all soul and mind energy, as well as "living" native creatures.
You are just a weird blob of chemicals reacting to other chemicals, so how can you have individuals thoughts and motivations?
>That contradicts
no, it doesn't
>Which suggests chaos gods are more forces of nature instead of individuals with their own thoughts and motivations.
not anymore than recognising you're made of atoms and your body follows biological or chemical or physical processes would make it impossible to see yourself as an individual with your own thoughts and agency
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Thise two bikes look almost nothing alike. One is like that batman bike from the nolan films, kinga weird but alright; the other is a space marine harley davidson. It's something I'd forgive an ork for using, not a soace marine I'm supposed to take seriously.
Living organisms expressly designed to emit thought is different from a cloud of eldar masturbator energy manifesting in the concept of slaanesh.
imagine gorrilaman getting his tight chest being molested by vulcan, with the elf girl as their sole audience.
I play my own 4th/5th/6th home brew. I will never play an edition which has no armour facings and firing arcs, or one where people can use movement trays without consequence.
Agitatis Ultramarini!
Dominitis Ultramarini!
Non Praestatis Ultramarini!
Nobilitis Ultramarini!
it is arbitrarily not different.
Gold-obsessed shining giant space man with god-like psychic powers, send me back to my gladiator slave brothers and sisters, so that I may save them!
Do you have an equally good black recipe?
I've concluded that Necrons are very obviously the true masters of the Milky Way galaxy. It's laughable how inferior all of the biological races are.
And yet, more than half of them want to be inferior biological fleshies again, instead of being immortal robot skeletons.
Lexicanum is based on real lore
40k.wikia is head canon written by deranged people who rewrite stuff they don't like. The stuff that's head canon they just don't add a source to so it doesn't look like it's made up.
Okay now what
Necrons are basically skeleton pirates cursed by Aztec gold?
Don't worry, the old king with his outdated beliefs is losing to Imotech.
I don't think there's anything Japan exclusive.
My hope is finding something second hand that has the box somewhat scuffed, thus the autistic Japanese puts it at a steep discount.
Besdies I haven't found any lgs type store that carries GW stuff with discounts like here, so maybe I'll come empty handed.
Hopefully I'll get some of the gacha heroes box
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Just got back from a game of Kult of Speed vs Death Guard. Orks lost 66-73 but put up one hell of a fight. The buggies may die quite easily but man that detachment is fun.
Blitza fire and Dakkastorm are always-use stratagems, you're basically using them every turn you can, especially on koptas or scrapjets (sustained hits 2 on rokkits is bananas).
>set out to know the unknowable
>define every thing with a new word
>and every word defines a new thing
>automatically, forever, retroactively

>study every word and thing
>confine every word and thing
>control every word and thing
>use every word and thing

>decide to study "consciousness"
>consciousnesses get defined in the unknowable
>decide to study "fate"
>fates get defined in the unknowable

>attempt to "carve your own fate for yourself"
>a thing defined by carving its own fate for itself rears its head
>deadalus weeps once again
Lexicanum gives you citations so you can check them yourself, wiki just a list of sources while inserting fanfic into the articles.
Something about the heroes line is japan exclusive I'm sure, I don't know if it was a timed release, or the ability to just buy the whole justian setup or something.
It escalates
It was only because it was the safest and most stable route out of the Eye.
You can enter and exit the Eye wherever, but you are risking getting lost in the warp or torn apart.
Mandarake sometimes has deals but it's never much
Check out the first 5 (first edition) imperial armour books. They all had differing versions of flyer rules, I think one of them kinda worked like that.
Any particularly bad examples of headcanon stuff from the wiki? You got me curious.
>"Objectives" are literally just empty open space on the table with a stupid plastic circle
Nu40k was a mistake
alright guys ive been meaning to get into this shit for a hot minute painted a squad of space marines a couple years ago and lost them. Whats a viable army to play that looks cool. not asking for meta just something I wont get fucked playing everytime
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Your turns also go pretty quickly since you're not moving lots of infantry models. I also used my Wazbom Blastajet which did a big fat nothing as expected, but at least didn't die.
Notable moments in the game:
>My stormboyz Nob surviving 7 plague marines in melee
>My megatrakk scrapjet killing 5 deathshroud terminators in the very first shooting phase of the game after using Dakkastorm, then living with 1 wound after the death guard charged it
It's been Nu40k for 20 years anon...
>Necrons get their bodies back, cured of cancer
>they now live to 50 years instead of 30
>they're literally just grey Tau
I'd laugh
>Whats a viable army to play that looks cool
>not asking for meta
Everything is at least playable and if you aren't meta chasing it just makes more sense to get the stuff you like the aesthetics of.
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Oh and my poor, poor Kustom snazzwagon only killed 1 poxwalker before it was annihilated. New model syndrome is a bitch.
The future is now
Necrons already had a human-like (50/60 years) life expectancy, only that with the chance of croaking at any moment and with debilitating bouts of sickness.
not being an ass but you say this but in my experience with tabletop war games this like cant be true.
>Necrons get their bodies back, cured of cancer
Why would you want this or consider this for even a minute, that would be retarded
>"muh nucrons" complainers get their oldcrons back
>they're literally just metal Tyranids
Off the top of my head, in the Chimera article:
>Chimeras can also be equipped with an Autocannon which allows them to be used as light anti-vehicle tanks. Another variant derived from STC data discovered on the world of Kronus by Imperial Guard forces during the Dark Crusade allows a pattern of Chimera, known as the Kronus Pattern, to be built that replaces the normal Chimera turret with one similar to the Space Marine Predator tank turret, including its autocannon.
This is all based on a DoW: Dark Crusade mod, which included a Chimera with a Predator turret. There is no official source for this.
I'd sooner see Trayzyn become organic again and fucking die then see him put another character GW doesn't want to kill off into a pokeball.
>they're literally just metal Tyranids
I need to hear the mental gymnastics on how you came up with this.
I've gotten a bunch of weeb stuff in the past from mandarake for so cheap that I thought there might be something wrong with it, but it was perfect with only scuff in the boxes corner.
Here's hoping
It's a game based around dice rolls, and if you aren't chasing the meta to maximize the consistency of those rolls then you might as well be playing with stuff you think is neat looking. Meta chasing is an all in kind of deal, and there's no point in building a somewhat meta list
Anon, oldcrons were slaves to the ctan and were hellbent on destroying every life form to feed thir souls to them.
It's not a hard leap in logic to call them metal Tyranids.
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Black is one of the colours I really struggle with and I'm never quite haooy with the results. I'm looking for new recipes but right now I do it like this:
>abbadon black basecoat
>incubi darkness highlight
>thuderhawk blue highlight
>fenrisian grey highlight
>a tiny dot of blue horror at pointiest bits of the edges
>matte varnish
It's tricky to get highlighted black to read as black instead of blue or grey and it's a problem for me.
>This is all based on a DoW: Dark Crusade mod
Oh wow, I didn't think it'd be bad enough that they'd source their info from a mod of all things. That's pretty funny.
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Are tyranids enslaved by gods to harvest people to feed them? Were tyranids trying to turn the galaxy into their personal farm? By this same logic daemons are just warp tyranids. CSM are just space marine tyranids.
>feed thir souls to them.
C'tan didn't eat souls back then.
This looks good even if it start reading like blue here. I'd drop the dot/spot highlight though, it looks pretty awkward
Different take, but Eldar. Every aspect warrior has its own unique paint scheme, if you don’t buy any guardians you won’t have to paint more than a box of the same looking dudes.
Gorgeous looking Chaplain, anon.
Why did you ignore the fact that Imperials travel in on the surface of the Warp and that in the depths navigators are blind and there is utter madness? (Source HH: Path to Heaven).

Why did you ignore that Phil Kelly recently said that Slaanesh was awake during the dawn of the Aeldari Empire (Shadowsun's novel afterword).

Why did you ignore the End and the Death pretty much confirming that all four Chaos Gods were seeded in the Warp by the Siege of Terra?
>all four Chaos Gods were seeded in the Warp by the Siege of Terra?
Stupid writer diarrhea to make their book sound cool.
HH is a drop in the ocean compared to the cluster fuck of the war in heaven. Stupid new lore from Abnett being retarded
>literally has small scatter terrain that works as thematic objective markets on the table
>chooses to use board game tier pie plate objective makers
zoomers are so fucking pathetic, holy shit hahaha
The same reason I'm ignoring (You).
>like high maneuverability armies with high speed
>Also lots of movement shenanigans like fallback/advance + charge/shoot
>Really like to rely on positioning and win the game in the movement phase
Army for this feel? Besides Eldar, if possible
cause you're a terminally online zoomie who can't handle criticism? Checks out
Mass dirtbike gsc
I use AK 3rd Gen Black, Grey Brown, and Silver Grey to avoid blue. But yeah black sucks.
yeah thats what i dislike. Black without going into blue seems so impossible.
post your models/games
Okay. Anything else? How does Dark Eldar play compared to Eldar?
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Same thing but spiky and fighty instead of smooth and shooty
>Why did you ignore the End and the Death pretty much confirming that all four Chaos Gods were seeded in the Warp by the Siege of Terra?

post a quote
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>Source HH
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Hey GW if you're reading this thread then please direct the Black Library to get on this new project.
>new series in scope similar to horus heresy/beast war
>based on the war in heaven
>we get to finally see heavily developed stories about the old ones, necrontyr, c'tan, the biotransference, creation of the eldar and orks, the necron killing and enslaving gods, ending with the initiation of the great sleep
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so, no models?
God I wish we got that
>No models
>That pitiful physique
Kek how embarrassing for you
Why do I prime
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>Nineteen? Practically too old.
what did Haley mean by this?
>all four Chaos Gods were seeded in the Warp by the Siege of Terra
here is a direct quote
So you can't be divided
They replaced "depleted deuterium" with "depleted uranium" in the bolter articles because "THATS NONSENSE IT OBVIOUSLY IS WRONG AND I NEED TO FIX IT" despite multiple codices calling it specifically depleted deuterium.
anon deuterium is not radioactive, "depleted deuterium" is a nonsense term like Dihidrogen oxide.
That’s right, anon. Just like 40k.
There's absolutely no fucking reason for anyone to ever use deuterium for bullets. It's just Hydrogen with a neutron, just about the least dense material you could make a projectile of, even if you ignore it being ridiculous to try making something out of fucking hydrogen in the first place.
I want to undergo biotransference just so I can observe the stories and changes of life in the galaxy over the vast expanses of time and space.
>still nomodels
Lmao even
Hamran is an Arabic name
It wouldn't be you, though. You would die and a machine with your memories and personality would take your place.
Do we really know that for sure? Necrons have memories of their lives before biotransference.
We do. It's an imprint of the dead necron on a necrodermis frame.
>gay lord
Thats rich coming from the man sharing pics of his nude body for other men to look at on a Bangladeshi curling forum
if an "imprint" behaves like the real thing, it is the real thing, we are our behaviours. We instinctually know this, think about what we usually mean when we say "he's become a totally different person"
>bring my blood bowl orks to a 40k tournament
>people are in utter disbelief and refuse to play me
>I'm the defaulto winner
>Egotistical faggot posts his pic for anonymous clout
You might be just a woman with how much of a cock sucking nigger faggot diva you are.
And then everyone clapped
>He's still not done embarrassing himself
Gork and Mork propaganda.
no, your consciousness ends with your body in that instance, it's a perfect copy so it's "you" but it's not *you*
Your necron self would feel as if he was you and remember your life but you yourself would be dead and not be able to experience anything ever again... I don't see what is so hard to understand about this.
How are you to know the forges of biotransference didn't have the technology to capture and translate the consciousness?
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so is Nawra, the girl's name
If dwarves evolved on the middle of the galaxy, lanky giants should be on the outer edges
Anons… what’s the chance harlequins get squatted? I want to get into them because they’re fast and maneuverable, I really like their play style. But I’m worried they’ll never get any more models, or worse, lose all rules support.
Because the forges were built to feed that very thing to the c'tan, that's what's supposed to make the necrons tragic. But if you wanna headcannon your space kangs in a lame noblebright way like that I sadly can't stop you
I'd drain your balls down my throat. What army do you play?
The soul isn't the same thing as the consciousness.
Whatever you say, man. If you're so dead set on making the negrons even more lame I can't stop you.
You die every time you go to sleep. The consciousness that awakes on the other side if that death shares your personality and memories, but they are a new person. You are gone.
>void dragon escapes
>admech destroys itself in a civil war
>to fill the void of a faction getting deleted, the men of iron return
>vehicle heavy faction with synthetic humanoids with a void dragon buff
Would it be well received
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>bought a shitload of orks for close to nothing
>a few snagga related units are in it

have any ork bros here played da big hunt before? was it fun?
ever heard of the ship of theseus?
low chance to get squatted, high chance to be forgotten and remain pseudo agents of the Aeldari
I will never buy a mini now that GW is going woke
I have but it is not the same.
>>to fill the void of a faction getting deleted, the men of iron return
what for, when the admech and the votann league all use robots anyway?
Damn. Is there any way to legally play them other than auxiliaries in a drukhari army? How common is it for people to play 8th edition rulesets?
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would you buy second hand ones though?
>barely anyone wields a warhammer
When Codex drops you'll probably get the inevitable Harlequin detachment, play that plus one of whatever Eldar pass for tanks and you're probably going to have a decent army.
Or do as I do and just play them in kill team.
Tau and Dark Eldar in 4th
Cool idea I agree. Should they be ancient lost abhumans like LoV or xenos
It's a genuine crime that there are no hammas in the pro codex.
The tankhammer doesn't count.
Longshanks are already a thing
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Meant to say Ork codex. My bad.
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Longshanks are just really tall humans. But we have 8foot astartes 9ft custodes etc not exactly tall lanky giants like pic related
Are Orks geniuses or fucking retarded? You can't possibly become a galaxy spanning civilization with 2 digit IQ.
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Tankhammers would totally count if there was any reason at all to run tankbustas.
Wait! There! on top of the Stompa, it's the 40000th grot with a warhammer.
Nobz and above are legitimately smart, but even lower Mekboyz don't need high IQ, everything just comes to them instinctively.
Orks have 3 digit IQs who just really love fighting and geared lifetowards getting in really big cool fights
E gadd! It's real!
I've worked with literal retards that were making firearms using CNC machines. They had no understanding of the process beyond their instructions and were completely unable to handle things going slightly awry. Orks are the same
that's the mechanicus, Orks constantly have everything going awry and that's how they like it.
Think of it as a wild animal that has 0 knowledge for anything other than fighting and their 1 specific purpose. If a cheetah, for whatever reason, had an instinct that told it exactly how to throw together a barely functional car, it wouldn't be smart, it's still just instinct.
Mekboyz don't know how anything works, they just throw shit together on instinct that ends up working.
Painboyz don't actually know medicine, they just slap prices together on instinct.
Well there had to be Orks that created the machines and instructions in the first place. Those Orks must have been smart. Mental retards can't invent space travel.
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how creative have you gotten with your bases?
The Mechanicus are genuinely smart dudes lore wise. Dogmatic, yes, but actual research and science is done by them which is something most people forget.
I like girls with guns
I'm racist
Finish up the squad of Skitarii that I bough 3 months ago and then gather cash for a new mini

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