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Planet broke before the Guard did Edition

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>Thread Question spooky season edition
What's your main army and your favorite horror movie?
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Hey GW if you're reading this thread then please direct the Black Library to get on this new project.
>new series in scope similar to horus heresy/beast war
>based on the war in heaven
>we get to finally see heavily developed stories about the old ones, necrontyr, c'tan, the biotransference, creation of the eldar and orks, the necron killing and enslaving gods, ending with the initiation of the great sleep
oh hey its the throoder
Day 21 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
Black Library more like Wack Library
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Post games.
Orks and Saw.
I genuinely think the older zerkers were better than the new ones. I do not like the retarded charge motions that zerks have now, I will give them points for showing off some skinship.
howd your kult of speed army go?
Mate, old berzerkers looked they were ice skating.
Why would you have a problem with the guys known for charging into combat having poses like they're charging into combat, are you retarded
It was a lot of fun, but I lost in the end. I put up way more of a fight than I thought I would've.
Here are some posts that go over the game events in a bit more detail.
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Space Marines
It's not that scary really but Virus or The Thing has to be my fave because of the cool effects.
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>Thread Question: What's your main army and your favorite horror movie?
Lamenters and my fave horror movie is Alien
when you get repeats of them it looks retarded. They are better off being in a neutral state.
Based on how the destroyers are described as very angry and obsessed, it sounds like something that can be cured with mental rehabilitation in contrast to the flayer virus.
Blood Angels
Kinda checks out.
Stop trying to fix necrons you massive faggot
What do Cadian women smell like after a full day of fighting?
If the Horus Heresy and War of the Beast were so bad why would you want them to ruin the War in Heaven too? Let backdrop stuff be in the backdrop.
Are tyranids basically an entire species of the alien from Alien?
I would much, much, much rather have a series about the Scouring or Age of Apostasy
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Close loss against grey knights the other day. Played too aggressive, committed too early, exposed my backline. Could have done a few things differently to maybe win, but he was new to grey knights and should have had me dead to rights. Final score 79-80.
However you imagine it is cooler than what they would do.
>Played too aggressive, committed too early, exposed my backline
Did it hurt to sit afterwards?
Inquisition. Hard to say on horror movie.. Event Horizon is the 40k movie obviously, but Killing Room ticks my personal boxes... Silence of the Lambs is one of the best movies but idk if I'd call it horror, more of a thriller.
Would an Inquisitor who deliberately shuns the rest of the organisation to just go and try to solve problems as they pop up be considered an Amalathian?
>Main army
Does it count if they’re gonna get fucking squatted? Quins. If they don’t count, Tau.

>Horror Movie
Ring. I watched that in college with a girl I liked and she lost all interest in me when I kept getting scared. I really liked it, though. I go back to it every so often and rewatch, I like to point at the genesis of tropes and how influential it was.
I dunno ask /hhg/
...what's a Quin?
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Is this combat patrol good for generic space marines if I want to start an army that isn’t Dark Angels?
Not already having Intercessors is the only situation in which it would be good.
I own zero loyalist space marines yeah.
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Harlequins, or I guess Traveling Corsairs since they got rolled into Drukhari. Not like I had many models since I’m a fucking Brokie but still.
Friendship! Friendship!
Let's just say his 3 inch deep strike caused a lot of problems.
Rape in 40k just seems so mundane. Can emperor's children even get boners?
Is Fabius Bile a cool guy?
After not being into the hobby in years, I recently picked DOW back up and started doing TTRPGS with my older coworker and his friends. Turns out they're also really into 40k and wouldn't mind playing 2nd/3rd ed. I might dust off some old minis, or get some stuff from eBay and make my own models. I'm so giddy, this is like a dream come true.
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>cadians still won't shut up about their planet
At least you can have some home with you in your pocket
>put genestealer heads on accursed cultists to make aberrants who have infiltrated chaos cults
>put khorne icons on blood axes
>put eldar weapons on the alpha legion
What color is Tau blood? I think blue or purple would look nice.
>sold his ass to slaanesh despite mouthing off all his life about being an enlightened atheist
Not really, no.
Thanks, I was almost enjoying listening to a woman play videogames but I remembered why I hate women.
Might wanna withhold your thanks, lol since I turned into a woman
>put eldar weapons on the alpha legion
what's that one supposed to represent? Eldar weapons require psychic powers
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Imperial Guard. Scream.
You're still a dude.
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I just miss the T visor helmets.
Are Bladeguard 1st company only or are they part of the other companies too?
Don't worry, we'll treat you just like one of the guys
They're veterans. How have veterans traditionally acted in space marine chapters, Anon?
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Can’t tell if that’s a disguised insult or not
On paper, veterans are 1st company only. However, they don't deploy together as a company and are instead assigned to other companies on a per-campaign basis and wear the heraldry of that company during that period.
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M8 the old zerkers were in charging poses as well, just objectively more retarded looking charging poses
Well there’s 1st company marines who’re all veterans and then there’s company veterans and captain’s honor guards and command squads and stuff I figure.
>wear the heraldry of the attached company
Is that new lore? I don’t have an up to date Space Marine codex and I got gifted a box of Bladeguard and my autism wants to make sure that they’ve got the correct trimmings and heraldry painted on since I’ve got a mix of fourth company guys with a couple seventh company attached to shore them up as an excuse to add an extra dash of purple trim here and there with the green. I was trying to figure out if I should give them the white trimming and helms or purple trim since I made my old Captain the 7th company captain for fun.
it's a good deal yeah, you can sell off the dangel upgrade sprue to recuperate some of the price too
as somebody who built 45 unique nuzerkers with no kitbashing: you have a genuine hobbylet issue
nuzerkers still have them, I wouldn't have bought if they didn't
Oh does it come with an upgrade sprue? Yeah I’d probably get rid of that maybe minus some bits depending what’s on it.
Post them.
why are spaceships considered part of the navy? navy is for military in the water. army is for military on land. why aren't they called spaceplanes? spaceships fly. you fly a plane, and you swim a boat. spaceships do not swim.
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they're precariously crammed in a dust-proof tupperware awaiting painting or I would pull them out and do so
it's not hard to just line up the same poses and make sure you never repeat an arm and head and backpack combo, even if you wanted to field the max 60 of them
space is an ocean trope.
Congratulations for having the shittest hobby opinion I've ever heard
>Series detailing the War in Heaven
How about no. GW already did something of a stealth retcon to the War in Heaven that ruins it and Chaos by making Chaos truly eternal and the Old Ones were already fighting it and trapping daemons in giant artificial planets. All of which is retarded. So I'd rather not see what they do to it.
unadulterated slop.
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Last game was Tyranids vs Custodes
It ended with a lot of dead bugs and not a lot of dead bananas, but the bugs lived long enough to deny scoring to the golden boys and the hive mind eeked out a win
You don't know the meaning of any of those words
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whatever you say little zoomzoom
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>old good new bad
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>You fought for the emperor. I fought with the emperor… We are not the same.
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>200 dollarydoos for a fucking kill rig
don't worry there are worse
like people genuinely pretending the pre-2023 terminators are better
god look at those poor nids they are practically surrounded and stand no chance
That terminator kit is probably the best upgrade I've seen from gw in a long time
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Excuse me, brother captain?
Given that most armies in the 42nd millennium use squishy horde tactics, for what purpose would we deploy 100 soldiers, each armed with a 30-round machine gun whose rounds explode inside the target?

Would it not make more sense for those soldiers to have weapons with larger capacity or with penetrating power? A tyranid horde could more easily be dealt with using a microwave beam meltagun or even penetrating rounds that stay stable through multiple targets.
Because it did exactly what it needed to and nothing more or less. It took the existing Terminator look and just upscaled it and gave them some actually decent poses that don't look goofy. Don't fix what ain't broke. Meanwhile other models
>play orks
>need to buy official kits
Choose one.
I would paint bladeguard strictly in 1st company trimming, and if you have other company trims already painted you can handwave that as well as being due to different companies all acting as part of a task force.

>4th company
Rare, I think it's probably the least popular battle company since green can be hard to pairnwith other colors. Can I see your dudes?
upscaled and removed the hunchback issue and made the helmets substantially less ugly
reminder that gravis flopped so hard that gw just gave up and made upscaled terminators
I don't mind the sang guard outside of the goofy masks,
The old kits were mid in my opinion

But I've always hated bangels
gravis is great as its own intermediary armor rank and not pretending to be a terminator replacement
OK fattie
This is a good thing. Next I hope Tacticus armor in general fails so that they start releasing Primaris scale Mark II-VIII armor.
Kys tourist.
Gravis is fine as a niche armour for infantry, I like the heavy intercessors and eradicators.

But you can tell especially with that Calgar model that it's pretty rough to look at on characters
>but I've always hated bangels
so who gives a fuck about your opinions on their shitty new models?
not happening, keep crying lmao
>that pic
Somebody needs to ask the Shield-captain if there is any missing custodian wargear from the armory..
>seething bangels secondary
Old sang guard weren't good either, but you wouldn't know. Nomodels.
>Would it not make more sense
you're not even trying
I won't be replying again
More like ask Sigmar if he left the cellar filled with his fat first batch open
Stormcast, Custodes... tomayto, tomahto
>those wings
How the actual fuck did this pass QA?
good one
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Every Tyranid in that photo was dead by the end of the round. Trajann sadly would meet his end shortly afterwards when he failed a 4" charge and got anally obliterated by a Tyrannofex
Nomodels moment
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The codex started does not support that.
why do people even like Nids. there's nothing interesting about them. They are just a force of nature killing and eating everything. Orkz have character and personality.
>I won't be replying again
Uh oh, someone's upset
Alright, thank you! I don’t have any pictures available at the moment because I’m in the middle of a move and need to still set everything up but the Bladeguard were a housewarming gift! Uriel Ventris’ novels were an inspiration though, I’m thinking of perhaps starting up a new chapter for my Primaris marines as a new project, maybe.
The fuck you think a chainsword is for
>They are just a force of nature killing and eating everything.
That's cool though
dubs chooses my badab war chapter
We've been over this
It's because they're cute
not really, it's pretty boring
why do you think predators are more popular as a concept over aliens :^)
You can't spell lamenters without lame
Chapters were a mistake. I hate this stupid concept. Space Marines should have stopped at being 20 legions + grey knights.as the 21st.
the lamenters
Fire Hawks because I like fire decals.
who asked?
You tell me
>a meltagun is more damage efficient than a boltgun vs a horde
survey says lamenters
marines errant
He is a tertiary who only played videogames.
Red Scorpions
Astral Claws
Thats makes him a secondary, though. Tertiaries are people who watch gameplays from those games, or listen to loretubers go on about the latest BL slop.
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Would it be bad to run the Captain that has the power fist and chainsword with these guys? I like how they look more than the double power fist guys
Primary: paints models, plays tt
Secondary: only reads novels
Tertiary: only plays videogames or only watches "lore" videos
Tertiary is too kind of a term for the sort of troglodyte who only experiences 40k through the terrible video game adaptations it has had.
Videogames are secondary media, stupid
Dark Eldar
The Thing
Marines errant
video games are such low brow slop that it's below even watching lore videos.
I've probably played more eldar but I own more death guard models
Harlequins see play and the death jester is one of the more competitive models in the range though....?
40k games should give all their weapons infinite weapons and like doom never need to reload thats who you show what 40k weapons are like. Meltas are dogshit when you get swarmed.
What use is a space marine with a gun they can only have 20 shots with like meltas in space marine 2
Star phantoms
video games are higher brow than every BL book lmao
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>Post games.
sadly I havent played in a couple years now but here is an old game
Keep telling yourself that, kid. It's past your bedtime and you should remain on /v/ in the future.
>Thread Question spooky season edition
>What's your main army and your favorite horror movie?
Orks though if you asked me on another day it might be Chaos or Dark Eldar
I'm not super into horror but I liked Evil Dead a lot
Although true I wouldn't even know where to start to build a kill rig from scratch. I don't have a 3d printer either
>this low effort posting style
the video game that made 40k popular is guaranteed to be older than you at this point
>he thinks anything in 40k isn't lowbrow
Salamander successors.
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Damn my sleep deprivation.
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>Indomitus special models are still glued to combat patrol costed boxes
It's been almost 5 years how hard is it to make new sprues that don't have other shit glued to them? Are the Honored/Royal Court bundles even worth it?
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Astra Militarum
The Thing
anyone made a tau commander before and thought trying to get the leg onto this piece of debris was super scuffed?
She looks so sad :(
>main army
Imperial Guard
>favorite horror movie
Event Horizon (mostly because I want to believe there is a director's cut out there but I think that's a false hope)

Also that OP pic got me like pic related.
Is imperial guard the least embarrassing 40k army out of the bunch when it comes to women finding out you're a grown adult that paints little miniature plastic/metal sculptures?
I'm looking for some of the older Space Wolves codices, like 5th-7th, can anyone help a furry out?
Literally none, women only care about how well you can paint. It's about the artistic expression not about the lil dude
No, Orkz are the least embarrassing because women instantly recognize how high your test is when they spot the big green boys.
least embarrassing is space marines unless it's BTs then they think you're a goose stepper.
That’s the question everyone has been asking. GW is infamous for poor quality control, but how the fuck did something that awful make it all the way to production?
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Better question, why are you my senior but I am your captain? Is it because you were disgusted by the thought of requiring the Primaris surgery to achieve captaincy? Or perhaps it's that nobody's taken the time to update that meme with a primaris space marine?
>more popular as a concept over aliens
They aren't tho
DOW is beyond great and a time capsule before all the hideous redesigned models. I would actually buy models if I could buy the ones in the game.
Well yeah, the original DoW1 RTT is the only good wh40k adaptation. That goes without saying.
bangels successors
any low budget troma movie
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I jerked off to that one Troma movie scene where it turns out the girl has a fat cock and the hillbilly dude sucks it and fills a bucket with her jizz.
Fuck just remembering it gave me a stiffy
they are
the movies aren't as popular because they went bad way faster than aliens but predators are much more popular
Why would you be embarrassed about your hobby?
whatever you say little zoomer
Aren't orks the second most played army by women?
Is there anything between primary and secondary? Someone who builds & paints minis but doesn't battle and doesn't really care about the lore, or a mix of only two of these four parts of the hobby?
I mean I jerk off to predators more than to the aliens.
Can you just use old models for marines or does gw get upset about it? Dunno what the rules are in regards to tourneys with old models
White Scars and Forrest Gump
apparently its highly unlikely that the directors cut will ever be found. people that have worked on it said the studio trashed nearly all of the excess film so as not to put extra stuff in storage.
girls that have seen my 40k stuff have always liked the orks most for what its worth
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Marines Malevolent and Kazaam
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I've heard ksons are hard to paint but how HARD is hard? Are we talking infinite greebles and pointy bits hard or just time consuming?
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Collecting Eldar/general Xenos art recently for inspiration, man I wish Exodites were a thing
1. Look up kill rig dimensions
2. Look up what Tamiya WW2 vehicle kits roughly match them
3. Get to work
I'll probably just end up finding a cheap one second hand, I have seen a few people trying to sell them
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And you call yourself an Ork player?
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We're getting there, fellas. Fully assembled and primed, painting starts tomorrow...
Yes I do. I'm a lazy ork player anon
I've bought plenty of official ork kits because they look cool
Finally, a race that has achieved civilization.
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Are manlet marines still usable or is it all primaris now
You can still play tacticals if you prefer worse models
i really like imperial knights but everyone seems to hate them…
i hate them
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>Planet broke before the Guard did xD
nu41k is not WH40k
Night Lords or Iron Warriors?
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Eldar vs Necrons, Necrons vs Orks or Eldar vs Orks is always great, a very awkward high school reunion
Only nogames have an issue with them. Anyone who actually plays has realized you just play the objective and tarpit the knights
I really like the Eldar in concept, but I don't get them as an army, can someone explain them to me? I was expecting them to have few elite warriors with psykers leading them (knights and mages of sorts) since they're supposed to be dying out but each with centuries of experience, but they seem to be more of a horde army with guardians? Also ghost robots?
Infinite greebles + trim + working with yellow on a saturated and coloured basecoat makes them probably the most difficult overall army to paint for, even when you set yourself up for the most efficient workflow
more like smelldar lmao
More like penos lmao
More like exodykes lmao
every game against them feels the same
it's either building to overcome the stat check, or far more likely, playing only objectives and blocking
there's none of the back and forth, I'm having a hard time wording it, sorry
the other thing that confuses the most is why they're two entire factions
even if I don't paint them yellow?
High mobility glass cannons with most things doing a very specific thing very well but are useless when facing something they're not specifically intended to face unless they're fire dragons that kill everything because they have meltas.
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wtf they kill all the poor people and ugly people?
I mean, if you're going to phone it in then you might as well just spray them black, drybrush silver and call them done. But painting tsons implies you are painting the tsons paint scheme, which involves yellow
Why are there so many weird racists on this site?
Not all of them. Just the ugliest and most heretical-looking.
I dunno ask /v/
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>Since they're supposed to be dying out but each with centuries of experience
Honestly just an elf trope inhereted from Tolkien that really doesn't fit in 40k. Craftworlders were some the last survivors from the Fall but number in the billions and outnumber all the other eldar groups, they've survived for 10k years so they're stable populations.
Dark Eldar have their own pocket dimensions and other than the rare daemon invasions are perfectly safe from all threats, growing population. Exodites also seem to be stable populations. The clowns are a warrior cult you opt into and not born into.
Really the Eldars 'decline and fall' is more that they will never get their great and all powerful empire back, just like humans and their all powerful DAoT empire (both existed at the exact same time as well?). And the fact their souls get eaten/tortured by Slaanesh if they die if not saved somehow.
Damn thats a lot of words about shit that noone cares about
there are more deldar than every other boring elf faction combined
commoragh is massive and packed full of them
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Meant to reply to >>94052702
I also forgot Corsairs, another opt in warrior cult of piracy. At first in Rt they were just eldar who were dreaed powerful mercs and then they evolved into all the types of eldar we have today
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This has always been the better interpretation, the "dying" part to me has always been that the Eldar are divided and unable to expand - they've lost more than the Imperium can even. They look upon the Exodites as their last hope for the future because they're the last Bastion of the Eldar that have a growth capacity and seemingly can exist on planets that aren't utopian (unlike normal Eldar, who seemingly despise the idea if base things like "agriculture" or "work")

So there they are - floating through space on planet-sized craftworlds with no clear unified vision for the future beyond survival, a desire for survival which ultimately dooms them. Drive I think is a big thing for the Eldar, the strongest post-fall Eldar have always had a goal beyond immediate survival - Saim-Hann exists in a tribal system like the Exodites and Biel-Tan desires to reconquer their Empire.

Tl;Dr best faction (also Tolkien Elves weren't dying, they were fading, big difference)
Dios mio, mucho smelldar texto autismo
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maybe I want some fucking Spooky Sons or something man idk
The mon-keigh believes himself superior because he doesn't read.
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>Tolkien Elves weren't dying, they were fading, big difference
My understanding of that is they were getting weaker over time/were becoming mortals as magic faded and so fled/migrated to the West which is also like a physcial stadn in for heaven so they were all symbollically sailing from the Grey Havens to their deaths?
How wrong am I?

Also off topic but I think Sauron played a role in modelling the dark eldar. Beyond being evil and spikey Suaron is a fallen Maiar like how the dark eldar are the fallen Eldar empire of old reborn, and like how Sauron was a stain on middle earth and the elves that seeked their destruction so do are the dark eldar a stain on the Aeldari 'racial soul' that seeks their destruction. While also being more powerful than they are, as the incubi are mightier and prey on the craftworld aspect warriors to become an incubi
That's not what you were talking about in your initial post then. Obviously colour choice has an impact on the difficulty of painting a model. But if you're asking about painting tsons then your asking about a scheme with blue and yellow and with gold trim. Noone can read your fucking mind
Damn thats crazy
>calling people monkeigh
hey eldar larper, got banned from another game store already?
I don't understand your reference but those trips are so oppressive I'm forced to concede.
Ork players more like, who simply don't know how to read
Iron Warriors, but both are neat
It's abit esoteric, but basically; they're losing their physical bodies because middle earth is becoming less magical, Elves are tied to the world inherently with Arda being sort of a middle place between heaven and earth; so the Elves can choose to either sail there, which are the changing of the world only they and Maiar can, or fade; losing their physical bodies and becoming spirits. Elves like Gil-Galad have died and returned to Middle Earth, and all Elves that accept the call of the Valar will be reembodied in Valinor to live in paradise until the end of the world

Tolkien Elves don't really follow modern Elf tropes; Tolkien Elves are sorta just better humans, which works in the context of Middle earth but later adaptations of Elves had to weaken them in certain ways, which is where you get non-immortal and permanently dying Elves.

Hopefully this is a good enough explanation because things do need to stay on topic, but Eldar are genuinely one of my favourite adaptions of Elves in fiction, and probably my favourite in Sci-Fi
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my b, I thought the question specifying details and greebling would get the general idea down, but I suppose not. But yeah no I was talking about how hard it is to get all the details because I always end up splotching a bit of paint when getting recessed/popped out details like insignias and decals.
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Is there ever any reason to run more than 20 warriors in a Necrons army? I'm wondering if I should buy a combat patrol to round out my current units, as I have 3 skorpekh destroyers, 3 scarabs, no doomstalker, and no tachyon overlord, but it would give me 30 warriors total.
You conceptually like the idea of the silver tide.
maybe if you run Awakened Dynasty?
makes sense to me thanks anon, I cann see where GW used this to make the Eldar. Instea dof dying and being reborn their souls are sent to hell to be eaten by the Devil/Slaanesh with them having no Valinor to escape to, the closet being Commorragh. Which does allow dead deldar to be reembodied thanks to the Haemonculi
Genestealer Cults and The Mist (2008). I don't watch much horror and generally dislike it, but I did like that one for whatever reason.
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Hey anons, I’ve got an NIB Shadow War: Armageddon box and I’m gonna put it up for sale in a bit but I’m not sure what price I should list it at. Is $200 a good number or should I price it higher?
>cringe spooky dudes vs based industrial chads

Pretty easy choice desu
last month there was some sperg unironically calling people mon'keigh in here and posted bragging about his car
somebody showed up saying they were 90% sure he's a dude from his town because there was an eldar sperg who kept getting temp bans for harassing people in the shops calling them monkeigh unironically and had the same exact car
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Eldar treating their souls as a tangible resource has always been incredibly cool to me, when you think about it, Craftworlders are the most prolific necromancers in the setting and it's very understated. Craftworlders have their wraiths and use souls as an energy source, Exodite planets are living things and Dark Eldar have their resurrection and body manipulation stuff.
>tfw someone is trying to sell the old metal jump pack marines for 125 USD

even the most anti-primaris marine fans wouldn't pay for that, fucking hell
This general would be 10,000 times more tolerable if posters here were less willing to read literal slop
It's a conversation between two people about a faction they like, not a book you need to read for a test, if you dont like the subject don't read it, it's that simple.
>I always end up splotching a bit of paint when getting recessed/popped out details like insignias and decals.
Why would you assume you would have a different experience with the models featuring the most amount of recessed/popped out details
Damn thats crazy
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Is that you, lamenters anon?
Why do you have bases on your vehicles?
No you didn’t
Hide post + replies or ignore the line of conversation that doesn't interest you.
N-no....definitely not haha... you're crazy...
Nta but if the vehicle comes with a base, you need to use it in game
they're both cringe
For real? But like, why? Those bases look comically oversized I had immagined it was just some anons autismo need for gotta have bases to match aaahhhh.
You're cringe
They aren't oversized, the majority of those vehicles have each of their wheels within a half centimeter of the base edge.
Dont listen to the haters, I enjoyed reading all the backstory and your theories are cool.
That's shithouse, although those blue ork bro bases look decent I personally think making people do that is a bit tacky
It's fine, because you're measuring distances to the base, it allows ork players to kitbash as much as they want, as long as it fits on the base. Without the base you'd have people getting autistic about ork vehicle silhouettes and would completely kill the kitbashing aspect of the army
It's fine, you get used to it, anything that isn't marinewank will get people bitching.
What's the deal with the sword wrapped in a ribbon on the shknees of the Templar sword brethren
If I wanted to use some of those models as fancy assault marines and have already removed all the Templar crosses should I shave those off too or is that a chapter agnostic emblem
>even the most anti-primaris marine fans wouldn't pay for that
You underestimate the power that nostalgia has on sad and lonely old men
Gonna cry about the next marine chapter to get models before your faggy dinosaur elves again?
You're crying that people are talking about non-marines
Should I paint my marines as blood ravens
I regret doing so
My boy
Wrong board.
If you want to paint dark red and bone, otherwise I'd pick a scheme you're excited to paint
Cool now don't come back until you have a physical version of them to post here
Nope, but cute try exoditetranny
Guess so, we do have someone in this general that does paint a few real nice looking marines from that era although I have no idea if those are old models from storage or he had to fork out a fortune for those old metal terminators. I've seen a few sellers now, trying to flog those old metal stormboyz for 100+ USD. I've got a squad of them from back then, and to me they are pretty much worthless, the new ones look far superior. But that's all subjective I guess
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One thing I find weird about rules is that these giant robots with huge melee weapons are just about as fragile in melee as a regular Rhino.
That's probably purpleanon. I think he buys a lot of his stuff secondhand if I remember correctly, but I do think he's been playing for quite some time as his army is huge
The more important question is do you want to paint your marines as blood ravens?
Yeah but the robot gets cool tusks and birds on him and is really big
>I'm not mad you're mad
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Canis Rex as an allied unit for the better rules (Free Overwatch) but only one gun (and one melee option) or Knight Paladin for a better shooting platform with shittier rules (but no melee)?
What do you want to paint more
I meant to write Canis vs Crusader
I like the Crusader optics more cause I am a sucker for firepower but the Canis just seems so much better in game because its a big distraction carnifex that can also dish out tons of damage
What's the best chemical for stripping metal models? Is it acetone?
They are too popular, I shouldn't have chosen them. I should have adopted some minor chapter or made my own
McDonalds sweet and sour sauce and a freezer, I saw it done here
Brake cleaner. Unironically use the nastiest solvent you can find
Correct board. Do come back
Can they be used without their tanks at 1000 points? Those things look flimsy and easy to accidentally break.
Thanks but I'm more after how they work as an army on the table.
Goibg to ask a retarded question so forgive me being new to the game: Do all Space Marine chapters have a Librarian? I like the look of pic related and want to buy it and paint it, but I'm not 100% sold on what scheme or chapter I'm going for at the moment.
Black Templar and Marines Malevolent don't
>Can Black Templars, who famously hate all psykers, take a space marine psyker?
It all depends on what codex you're playing tho.
>Do all Space Marine chapters have a Librarian?
the majority do, but a new notable ones dont
the black templars are staunchly anti psyker and so dont have any. The space wolves call theirs rune priests and operate a bit differently too.
you and me both know any detail they tack onto it would be unbelievably cringe
>actually the bodies of the c'tan and the biotransference furnaces were made by a misunderstood and ostracized woman
>actually the necrons knew they would lose their souls, they were just too dumb to realise they wouldn't like that
>actually it was chaos all along doing everything and being the real problem at any time
>here's some time travelling primarchs and marines by the way

the only way to detail the war in heaven is by writing a book about a xenos inquisitor radical archeologist trying to delve into that shit, and every piece of info he finds from clown interrogations, necron artifacts and polite conversations with an ork storyteller with a surprisingly vast genetic memory, must be fragmentary, ambivalent and create more questions than it answers.
How would you beat T'au as Dark Eldar?
Just let it be written by Steve Lyons
Thanks guys I appreciate this. I liked the theme and style of the White Scars, Blood Angels and Space Wolves the most - Salamanders and Imperial Fists were cool too. So I may as well just buy him. Just looked up a Rube Priest and he looks cool as shit too so I'll probably buy one to paint later on for shots and gigs if I don't end up with Space Wolves
What are the chances of Jaghatai returning and the white scars getting a big specific line update for the big launch in China?
I don't think China likes Mongolian shit very much given them building a giant wall to keep them out
I pray that you're right.
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Two Rogal Dorns would fix me.
Why not a third?
And a Lord Solar as a treat?
Guard armies need to have a little Lord Solar as a treat.
Event Horizon

Was a 500pt game.
Had two Novicate squads with autoguns and double flamers, basic Sisters with melta/multimelta, Palantine, Hospitaller and Imagifer.
My opponent was full Terminators.
It went exactly how you would think, I got tabled.
Is that AI or a piece of art with a concidental relation to the War in Heaven? Fingers and toes are all correct no detail becoming a blurred mess, buts its so strange like its ai
I already have a Lord Solar as a treat, it's what bumped me past 1k
Post him
This but two chaos land raiders.
I still have 30 Cadian Shock Troops left to paint but I really want to start building and painting that Canis Rex I got for free, what should I do?
Eldar should have thought about that before I stole their weapons.
Where’s the lore that the MM don’t have librarians?
How many cadians do you have???
I heard they´re removing guard units again. At this point will there be only cadians left?
It's an open insult, having fucked up hormones from jerking off all day and then cutting your dick off doesn't make you a woman it makes you a castrato.

At least Nullos are honest about their mental illness.
What guard units have you heard are being removed?
I have 80 Cadians
I got the free knight from the parents of a deceased guy

They remove the resin Kriegers since Krieg is getting a complete Plastic line up.
Guard will have Plastic Cadians, Plastic Scions and Plastic Krieg as their main dudes
NTA but forgeworld DKoK is kill and so are a few IA tanks like the malcador.
You can only ever field 60 though
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Are we getting anything for orktober, ork bros?
Cartoonist James Woodring
You can tell it's genuine because his initials are clear and legible.
Paint 10 more then do the canis and paint the last 20 a different scheme to signify they're the knight's dudes
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I have 40 oldcadians and 40 nucadians, of which I only finished 10 right now
I am also pretty sure all the boxes I got from the dead guy are cursed
He was some kind of box hoarder, tons of unopened, unassembled Warhammer boxes, some 30 years old, he only had like 1000 points of Necrons fully assembled and painted (badly)
How do you even find and get a dead guy's pile of shame?
Seems Kromlech is the only one who remembers to give orktober stuff.
The orks are Wehrmacht themed.
WAAAUGH-macht if you will.
Because of my profession, I handle dead people and sometimes, stuff just randomly falls in your hands, relatives don’t know how to clear a space and just want shit gone if they have no use for it
*Sad waagh sounds*

>tfw it's up to the 3rd party companies to do something for it
With how orks make shit out of shit I always wondered why nobody's done full on hillbilly orks. Is GW's insistence on everyone being british a detriment?
>>here's some time travelling primarchs and marines by the way
explain the imperial ships on the necrontyr mural
Those aren’t necrontyr walls, those are Age of Strife murals made by Humans worshipping the dark age of technology and the tomb world underneath
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>tertiary attempting to argue despite not even understanding his own evidence
the headgear, staff and script match the necrons'
humans are never aware of a tomb world underneath them until it's too late
Triarch Praetorians have remained awake during the Long Sleep and have spent the last sixty million years seeding primitive cultures around the galaxy with imagery of Necrons as rightful Rulers and/or Gods. The reason they look vaguely Egyptian to us is because Ancient Egypt was influenced by them.
Why have I never heard that bit of lore? Sounds dumb
Your mum sounds dumb.
A very strong word to use when it comes to 40k.
Nah she’s alright. That lore is stupid though. I could have sworn the praetorians were just the overlords bodyguard or retinue, that lore states they specifically aren’t such.
>Craftworlders were some the last survivors from the Fall but number in the billions and outnumber all the other eldar groups
Billions seem like an underestimation given how huge craftworlds are and gow many of them there are around. Also, I'm under the impression Commorragh has the highest amount of Eldar anywhere in the galaxy, though I can't tell you why I think that.
Imagine hillbilly Orks raping people. Like The Hills Have Eyes.
To be fair in Rogue Trader each craftworld only had thousands and tens of thousands of eldar on each. With how bad GW is with numbers, only a thousand chapters of a thousand marines after all, billions per craftworld would be like tens of billion if not more.
> Also, I'm under the impression Commorragh has the highest amount of Eldar anywhere in the galaxy, though I can't tell you why I think that
I vaugely recall an anon many months ago talking about eldar pop and found a source explicity confirming craftworlders are by far the biggest % of all eldar. I cannot remember what that source was though.
Only one of you was trying to get the othwr to stop talking about what they like
That's doesn't make much sense. Commorragh was the largest port city in the webway and is the size of a large planet. Deldar don't have any restrictions on their population and can rapidly produce fully formed adults if necessary, while craftworlders are limited by the number of soulstones they have and their long natural gestation cycle.
Even if cwe outnumbered deldar at the time of the Fall, that has got to have changed by now.
I am new to painting. Is this right?
>Base Coat with thinned acrylic paints
>Let it dry
>Second thinned coat
>Drybrush in a lighter shade around the edges
Usually wash before highlighting
Heavily depends on what kind of miniature you're painting and what result you're trying to achieve.
For the absolute minimum you go primer, basecoat, wash, highlights. Dry brushing works for some surfaces, but not for all.
If you like Librarians but aren't sure on which chapter you're going for just buy the Librarian and go about painting him while you fifure out. They all use daek.blue as a base, anyway.
because it's a joke from Futurama
If you’re a beginner, highlight after washing and don’t fall for the drybrush meme as a beginner
also, water down your shades and restrict pooling, apply another basecolor coat on elevated surfaces after washing to light up your model
You're mistaking triarch praetorians with lychguards
The pretorians are enforcers of interdynastic laws and disputes
>thinned acrylic paints
>second thinned coat
Good job anon, make Duncan proud.
Does the Intercessor sprue come with enough bits to make two sergeants and two guys with grenade launchers or are they better off as a single ten man squad anyways?
Ah, right they come from the same box I think
Is this thread just for the miniature game, or the RPGs too?

Because I've been thinking about how to stat out las-volleys in Imperium Maledictum, and I have a bit of a problem trying to figure out what damage value is fitting.
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Think its because theres just that many craftworlds that Commorragh still hasn't grown to match. Dark Eldar can create vat grown deldar but they're notdoing so at max capacity at all times, only when needed and even then the vatborn do die. Only the ones higher in society have the privilge of being bought back to life/resurrected
I remember dark eldar being the smallest population wise of all playable races but because they're all together in one spot they're bascially undeafetable unlike everyoen else whose spread out. Don't remember why I think that though
there is normally a separate general for the RPG up that can probably help you out more
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The Eldar are a race of sluts and sissies.
Thanks. My first model is a Dread and I just want to get the chapter colours on the armour right before I go through doing gunmetal and Brass on all of the mechanical parts underneath.
After that, the Knights.
/40krpg/ is the thread you’re looking for.
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What do you do for sergeant and veteran helmets for chapters with atypical color schemes like ones where their face plate is a different color to the rest of their helmet? Do they just get a flat red/white helm to mark it anyways or do they have a different color scheme?
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forgot it was Orktober. I coincidentally got a box of boyz a week ago. The old ones.

Are beast snagga boyz multipose at all or is it all monopose? Are the details fun or is it mostly useless clutter that's just error-bait? I want to use my old transfers to make their armor look like it was taken from destroyed cadian, space marine, and admech tanks/armor.

or should I just get the completely monopose new boyz kit? I want to try and make snakebite as weird as their scheme is.
>or should I just get the completely monopose new boyz kit?
absolutely not, cant assemble a full squad of sluggas or shootas and who the fuck is fielding mixed units
utter garbo kit
The 10man box is just two sets of 5man sprues, so yes - you get two sets of sergeant bits and two grenade launchers.
Oh cool, thanks anon. Would it be good to run two 5 man squads or 1 ten man?
>cant assemble a full squad of sluggas or shootas
don't worry, in the next edition there will be no choice given to boys, they will all be armed with "boys weapons"
Suppose the Emperor's children get a codex, what should their colour scheme be?
>The common pink and black scheme they've had since 3.5 ed
>Black with different coloured trim they had before that
>Jet black armour and trim
>full blown retro mini paint scheme with rainbows and animal prints
As I said, they've been depicted in a variety of ways over the years. Even the Thousand Sons have changed from a dark blue to much lighter blue over the years.
Imagine hugging an Eldar.
Outback aussies would be funniest
Probably rainbow colored with a heavy emphasis on pink
The color is named after them afterall.
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I don’t play this shit meme game. I’ve just been hobbling for almost 3 years
>Suppose the Emperor's children get a codex
you mean when, literally every other cult legion has had a codex there is no way they don't give them their own book
in answer to the question I reckon it will be black with pink as they've had forever and then some different warbands will be given the alt schemes with a special mention for brotherhood of the phoenix in pre heresy colours
3 years and your models still look flat
why the fuck you asking then if you like the models buy em nigga
>inb4 Codex: Slaanesh Daemonkin
it's not done yet, sorry

I want to hear other anons' experiences before I spend the money. can't hurt to ask
What paints did you use for your boyz? I do like that axe
Anzac themed blood axes wearing slouch hats would be funny
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Will GW finally fix Codex Space Marines in the next points update?
Honestly the newer kit is probably funner to paint, more muscle detail, slightly bigger, cool looking poses. But it's all push fit bullshit so you get massive gaps in them which suck to deal with. So from a gaming and hobbyist point of view they are a bit of a let down. If you don't mind dealing with those shitty gaps then they aren't bad
Commorragh has grown since the fall because all the portals to other webway cities have been locked open and turned it into one sprawling labyrinth of a megacity. It is now the size of an entire star system, not just a single planet. It has been said to have the population of 10 Hive Worlds.
The population is constantly in flux, however, as though their growth rate is extreme sonis their mortality rate. And the city is populated by countless more slaves and client races than actual Eldar.
What's wrong with the marine codex?
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>*Sad waagh sounds*
wait no, I just remembered, there's tankbustas for kill team this weekend
that counts right?
Too many marines.
Space Marines as a standalone Codex plays second fiddle to their own supplement Codexes because they are all strictly better than running anything from the base marine codex. They all have more unit options and more detachment options and because a lot of their strengths come from base Space Marine units and detachments, Codex SM ends up nerfed to keep those Codexes from being overpowered. So C:SM ends up as one of the weakest armies in the game.
It must be nice to have no idea what's going on in this hobby
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There's a guy tearing up my local with Ultramarines, and both Calgar and Sicarius are important parts of his list. I also had a discussion recently with a BA player who said BA struggled with anti-tank since their codex, and when I suggested using stuff like eradicators and lancers, he said they were better for core sm than they are for BA because of stuff like storm of fire. The guy playing salamanders seems to be having fun.
Are they going to give new units to imperial knights with their new codex?
Friendly reminder when new Tankbustas come out they will intentionally give them new better weapons that look nothing like your old rokkits so you have to buy the new ones
If UM is tearing up your local meta, I just don't know what to tell you...
>implying anyone gives a shit what ork weapons look like
If the ork player tells me their weapon batteries have bubblechuckas and mega zap kannons, I'll take their word for it.
>Are they going to give new units to imperial knights with their new codex?
You'll be lucky if they let you keep the HH Knights.
Ultramarines have the least problems because they have the most chapter-specific units they are kind of a pseudo supplement faction, although they don't get any extra good detachment options.

Blood Angels supplement detachments being worse than codex ones doesn't make the army weaker. It makes the people that choose to play it that way weaker. Blood Angels can run every single unit and detachment that a salamanders player can (besides one HA) and have more options on top.
I'll be completely honest: if they can actually bust tanks I wouldn't mind at all.
There's talks about 2 squats of Feudal infantry battleline to make Knights more versatile and help with objectives.
It's just rumours though, for now.
Calgar is one of the best characters in the game, and Sicarius is wildly underrated. He's awesome for objective play and a right pain in the ass to deal with on pariah nexus terrain.
>Calgar is one of the best characters in the game
Not even close. No game detected
Is the space marine complaining all the one White Scars player here? Because it really just seems like a problem for White Scars.
New Chaos Bikers when?
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What exactly is the situation with buying from Russian recasters with current events? I don't want my paypal banned even for a small test purchase.
>Still building my OC marines
>Apparently they suck
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Does /tg/ ever make some pretty photos of their models? picrel I did this morning messing around. No I will never paint my bheta decima terrain because I still have models and im terrified of the loud noise my air brush makes.

>New Chaos Bikers when?

The monkeys paw curls. You get new chaos bikers but they are hover bikes with spiky upgrade sprue that are really just a new primaris vehicle. Rhinos, Preds, cultists and accursed cultists all go to legends.
Hopefully they will be fixed in the next update. Keep building. You'll be right by the time you're done.
pretty cool anon, good work
>Rhinos, Preds, cultists and accursed cultists all go to legends.
Oh thank fucking God. Finally I can run actual Space Marines in CSM and GE will have to buff them because of the sub-30% win rate without tanks, cultists and rhinos.
>Does /tg/ ever make some pretty photos of their models?
I don't know how to.
Cheers. I'll keep going with my army. It'll take a while anyway
>generates cp
>absurdly tanky
>advance+shoot/charge and fallback+shoot/charge
>much, much harder than most other characters in his points bracket
>very flexible can go with both hardcore melee units, strong shooting units and company heroes
He's cheap for what he provides, eldar pay more for a winged autarch than Calgar would cost without his Victrix, and he's like half the cost of Abaddon.
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All I do for now is using a white background to take pics of models.
>what I originally meant to say is that he's the best character in the worst Codex. I I'll try to be less of a retard next time.
That's okay, anon. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's a big game and people often give new players false information.
>Cheers. I'll keep going with my army. It'll take a while anyway
Make sure you post pics when you're done.
Was never really any good with Photoshop. Not sure what kind of setting would fit my Orks, either.
Plus, all of my terrain I'd take pictures with is being kept at my LGS.
Looks nice though, anon.
Calgar is one of the best marine characters period, across all marine supplements. He's better than anything BA, BT or SW got and it's a toss-up between him and Azrael who has the top spot. Across the game, there are few generics that'll provide more value, and no army in the game would ignore him if they could take him.
are we actually getting new tankbustas? if the loadout is quite different do they ever update it in the dataslate or have to wait until the 11e codex?
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I really fucking love Grey Knight lore but having to field their fucking stupid baby carriers to even be competitive is making me stay the fuck away from them.
Make Kustom Mega-Blastas s12.
I'm shit but I'll post a WIP of my first model when I'm back home.
>Make Kustom Mega-Blastas s12.
After much consideration, I'm afraid it's going to be a hard no. You still haven't paid enough for the tournaments you ruined before GW stepped in.
>>generates cp
Uhhhh... FEDS!?
grab a titanicus warlord psititan and convert it so it looks like an advanced dreadnought at 28mm scale
Just go nerf eldar again or something I think Orks deserve some form of anti-tank shooting
>Uhhhh... FEDS!?
Don't worry. He was already on our radar
>check WarCom to get the news of the day
>front page doesn't exist
Well that's a novel approach to web design
>Units going to legends with codex release
>Militarum - Cyclops, Malcador, Macharius, Marauder, and Vulture
>Eldar - Irillyth, Spectres, and Titans
>Knights - Acastus Knights, Moirax, Magaera, and Styrix
at least give the kustom mega cannon its ap -2 back, its a bigger version of a kmb yet the ap is less? fuckin nonsense i tell ya hwhat
>Just go nerf eldar again or something
Pretty sure it's taufags turn to get a beat down.
Source on the Malcador going to Legends? Considering they just released a plastic version for HH that's usable in 40k (It's Krieg's main tank) that's fucking stupid.
Considering half the articles links led to broken pages, I'm surprised they haven't just rolled back the whole thing.
It's hard to believe in 2011+13 that a major company would roll out a site like that with zero testing.
But then, they rolled out 10th with zero playtesting so I guess that's just par for GW these days.
That'd be nice. It'd also be nice for the gigantic fuck-off version of the KMB, the Kustom Mega-zappa to be more than s10 AP-2.
That didn't stop GW from putting the Kratos, Leviathan and other HH vehicles that just got plastic releases into Legends in 40k.
It's actually very likely since the Malc would compete with their hideous mess, the Dorn, for the "Leman Russ but Better" tank slot.
Sisters too, please.
>Absurdly tanky
>effective T4 6W goober, just has a 2+ 4++
I'm guessing it imploded because they're trying to add a banner with a countdown to the stream. They tend to do that when it's about three days out.
I don't have any cool background/terrain pieces so I just photograph the minis on a black or white background and maybe tune the picture up a bit in a graphics editor
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Tau? The 48%WR faction that isn't over represented in player population or event wins?
They must pay for the sins of 6th.
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>I really fucking love Grey Knight lore
Tau looks fine.
Really only Wolves, Sisters, and TSons need to get the chop.

When the hell did GSC shoot back up to the top of the charts? I thought they were awful just a couple weeks ago?
There's a reason for the other columns babe
How the fuck are space yiffs doing so good?
Cavalry too cheap.
>Regular marine winrates
Gulliman lost...
Leman won...
Thundercav are fucking absurd + Bjorn is one of the best "fuck you +1CP" aura providing units. Buffs to the detachment just getting a saga (Lethal / Sustained / 6+++) armywide at the beginning of the game rather than having to complete it first also really helped
Where can I find the pdf index cards for space marines and dark angels? They aren't in the downloads section...
They've been doing good for a while.
But short answer: Thunder Woof Cavalry.
Longer answer, super cheap TWC with the White Scars detachment was doing really good for a while, then the SW detachment for updated to let them start with a saga completed and super cheap TWC able to start the game with Sustained Hits 1 and for 1 CP advance and charge.
Or take Lethal Hits to start.
Or just start the battle with a 6+++
No one cares about the +1 OC to every model saga.
Oh wait now all the free downloads disappeared. As in the menu links are just gone. Plain vanished.
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just messin around. obviously he isnt posed very well to fit into a 2D scene and look 3D.
Hear me out (read: this will never happen)
There's kind of a theme going on with the primarchs who've come back that they each have a piece of hte emperors equipment (sword and shield so far)
The emperor has a fuckhuge fist with claw as part of his regalia.
One of the missing primarchs who while more on the dead side of it is still technically in the unconfirmed category is Dorn.
A guy who's the primarch of the imperial fists and who, at the very least, is missing a hand.

I'm just saying it'd be sick as hell if we got returned Dorn with the emperors power fist, maybe in (on? instead of?) one hand with his chainsword in the other, because we don't have enough named characters who use chain weapons over power ones.
dorn is fucking gay and the only reason anyone likes him is because of TTS.
And when all the primarchs come back with their respective pieces of the emperor they will come together and unite all the pieces they hold to resurrect Him.
Ah well fuck me is it safe to say that Space Wolves will be getting their points changed? I posted last night about starting off 40k with buying a librarian, but I really like the Rune priests for Space Wolves so I was going to go with them instead of other space marine chapter. Would it be best to just buy models now and not focus on an army build?
Dorn will return at the end of 11th when Perty gets his 40k model.
Russ is coming this edition to as the loyalist to traitor Fulgrim.
Corax and Lorgar in 12th.
Vulkan still missing.
Khan still tearing up drukhari pussy in Commoragh.
Damn the Emperor stole Vulkan's whole deal
Just get it, rules are temporary, models are forever.
But if you want to get the rune priest model, I'd recommend getting the metal one from ebay. There are a few listings for fairly decent pricing.
Now, he is the old scale, so to keep him appropriate with Pr*maris scale, he will need a tactical rock (or at least some tactical cork to raise him off his base)
Any odds of Ferrus or Sanguinius appearing in some form?
The former I could see as a clone since there's apparently a few of those hopping about.
The latter I could pretty much never see except that it would be weird for BAngels to be the only bespoke chapter without a primarch available to them.
>Any odds of Ferrus or Sanguinius appearing in some form?
but vermin like you will buy them so GW will sell them
Oh fuck I completely forgot about the difference in model scale now, that's probably going to trigger my autism, I'll definitely need a rock or something to make the manlets not look too retarded
Sanguinor (Powered Up) and The Leader Of The Legion Of The Damned will be your Sanguinius/Ferrus replacements
Zero and almost zero.
Ferrus is dead dead. So unless they pull some clone shenanigans, he's gone.
The BL books and other lore keeps teasing the spirit of Sanguinius making itself known to the Blangles, their entire shtick is being subject to going crazy due to the psychic death shock of their primarch. So him coming back would make Death Company not a thing anymore.
Are you spamming 12-18 Thundercav? If so fuck you. If not then you don't need to care
>The Leader Of The Legion Of The Damned
anon found the only marine faction more squatted than deathwatch.
Next edition is Sanguinius and Horus being resurrected. Blood Angels are the last of the major supplement Chapters who are missing their Primarch, and now that the Cult Legions will have their Primarchs normal CSM will be getting a Primarch to match Sanguinius.
GW should just name and flesh out the tw redacted primarchs, and why they were censored in the first place.
They'll totally get a kill team! No really!
My dad works at Nintend... GW! He said so!
is 10th ed fun
What is that super titan in the middle?
No I've not looked at all the models yet and I'm not a fan of spam, I do like cavalry, but I like my armies to have a mix of everything. Saying that, I'm not even sure if Marines are a good army if you want lots of model variety and different model types. I should probably look into it more but I'm in the mood to buy and paint something so I probably won't do much due diligence
That would mean squatting Abadabbadingdong.
Which I hope happens because then ADB would probably kill himself and make the world a better place.
No. Some mysteries must stay mysteries.
Any game can be fun when played with the right people.
Any game can be unfun when played with the wrong people.
Choose your playgroup well.
It's decent fun if you're new and learning the game and have a group of friends to play consistently with. It grows pretty stale quickly though, especially if you play an army that only has one index detachment still. There's just not much room for player expression in army building and the mission structure and proscribed terrain layouts heavily incentivize building lists one way. Which doesn't matter when you are new and everyone is still learning and trying things out to see what's cool and fun but the more you know about the game the less of a landscape there is to explore compared to previous editions.
>No. Some mysteries must stay mysteries.
It's a "mystery" that unironically and genuinely doesn't matter at all, and no speez muhrine player is playing a chapter that is descended from the two redacted primarch legions.
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russ makes more sense as wielder of the claw because wolves, even if he would technically have the spear already

dorn can get the emperor's bolter
Abaddon would remain as Guilliman's rival, attempting to create his own Imperium.
Horus would be Sanguinius' rival, a colossal daemon to oppose the literal Angel.
Also they could absolutely just go the 'Horus kneels to Abaddon and declares him the true leader of the Black Legion'
>Horus would be Sanguinius' rival, a colossal daemon to oppose the literal Angel.
You mean Ka'Bandha.
only if they detail two completely different and contradicting stories where neither of them is actually true but still believed by some within the setting.
>Sanguinor (Powered Up)
Kek you guys still at that? He got an upgrade and it's nowhere near primarch size. Just give up.
>'Horus kneels to Abaddon and declares him the true leader of the Black Legion'
If they pulled something like that, all of Nottingham would burn just to make sure GW and all its employees died horribly in a fire.
Nobody remembers Ka'bandha, he's not a Primarch.
Would you still hate Primaris if they didn't have the lore behind them, and were just a model refresh + newsquad organizations over tact squads
I still like the fanon that the Emperor ordered Russ to eliminate the II legion and he killed the XI because he can't read roman numerals.
>Legion Of The Damned
that's not a marine range deserving of a primarch, just like grey knights or deathwatch should never get a primarch-like figure
He has yet to reach his final form.
Right. And he never will.
They get banned from everywhere else
Okay how about this
>Horus returns
>Abaddon declares that only he himself can run the Black Legion even after Horus' return
>Some of the Black Legion leave and join with Horus, reforming the Sons of Horus
>Now the Primarch and the Despoiler lead legions which are at odds, never trusting one another over percieved betrayals.
>grey knights
Actually they are one that makes a tad more sense (redeemed soul shard of magnus). I don't think it would be a tabletop model but it could be a cool story. But generally I agree, yea.
If they had just been "truescale" marines as a refresh?
There still would have been gnashing of the teeth, grognards love to complain whenever anything changes. But overall, there wouldn't have been such a blowback if their lore hadn't been so fucking retarded.
Though a lot of complaints would likely still be valid as GW is intentionally being lazy with most primaris releases, stripping down bespoke units to "generic kit plus upgrade sprue."
>Horus returns
>Gets krump'd by Ghaz
>Gork and Mork beat the hell out of each other
He could returns and DC still a thing. Sanguinius never able to cure his sons of Red Thirst and you think he can miraculously cure them of Black Rage?
Even DA's Fallen still a thing after Lion's returns.
Horus doesn't exist anymore. The Emperor outright deleted his soul.
And one of the worse books had a clone of Horus for Abby to kill.
>Horus doesn't exist anymore. The Emperor outright deleted his soul
Might want to catch up on your HH reading, anon.
empwah will see his son horus again. He said so.
ADB deserves to be hacked to death.
You are quoting black library as canon but somehow ignoring the black library retcon to the Emperor's destruction of Horus? They removed that in the End and the Death Part 3 now featuring Dante's Dad from the Devil May Cry Series.
>>Horus doesn't exist anymore. The Emperor outright deleted his soul.
Oh about that...
>Inb4 BL
Yeah yeah I know but it is what it is.
Yes. I don't like their armor designs and aspect warrior units
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Feels great to have kids with no problems.
What's the dumbest bit of lore that Black Library has ever added to the universe?
is it still Erda?
>Ah yes. Still autistic. Just the way I left them.
>Women ruins everything for everyone
Pretty reasonable if I must say.
GW approved, canon by definition :)
Reall, all the perpetuals.
The ending of the Wraithbone Phoenix.
erda is probably top tier stupidity.
another stupid thing is the empwah literally arguing like a retard against faith and belief and religion to some old man.
although that story at least does show that the empwah genuinely and unironically doesn't understand the common man at all.
Go back to your eldar whore, Bobby.
Send the tax collector to >>94054756.
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Erebus killed her off probably the most based thing he ever done. And I hate that shit.
If a Victrix remains when the bodyguard is gone, he gets a 4+ fnp because you can just put the wounds on calgar then.
I wouldn't even call that the dumbest thing in the Siege of Terra series. Probably not even the dumbest thing specifically written by Abnett in that series. The stupidity of writing the martyrdom of Ollanius Pious *twice* is more irritating. Or the absolute bullshit of his basically hijacking the series at the very end to make it a prequel for his ongoing Bequin trilogy.
I think the avatar of khaine being almost brought down by 3 nobz, a farseer getting headpopped by a weirdboy, and an autarch breaking down and crying at the sight of their ranks being utterly annihilated by waves of Orks are contenders for the most entertaining L ever given to the Eldar.
>killed her
Anon, I...
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>DKoK range arriving soon
>At this point will there be only cadians left?
The Avatar getting literally trampled to death by a dozen Carnifexes after trying to duel the Swarmlord is still pretty funny.
Nope, have to assign to him last. It's model based and only he's a Character.
Only as long as he has a bodyguard unit. The victrix ain't a bodyguard unit. Welcome to one of the many unintuitive and weird things in 10th edition.
Do people play 3,000 point games often? I'm reading through the core rules and I saw that mentioned there, but I've only ever seen people talk about 1,000 and 2,000 point matches and armies.
>3 precision attacks target a unit of boyz
>painboy dies from the first attack
>2 more attacks remain to be saved
Do the Boyz have the painboy's feel no pain ability against these attacks? My understanding is that abilities remain in tact until the unit firing is completed firing (for instance, blast always counting how many models were in the target unit when the shooting unit began firing). Just want to make sure I'm doing this correctly.
Its resolved the same as blast. Until everything is done from the unit.
Looks very cool bro, from the thumbnail I thought it’s the commissar from the tithes, thanks!
Blast rules specifically states that you use the number of models in the unit when you first targeted it. Where in the rules does it state you still get FNP if an attached character with it dies?
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Astral Claws

You know you want to commit tax fraud
Didn't they come back later and find the Avatar had miraculously survived and killed all of the carnifexes? That is from Valedor, right?
>The Tithes animated series could have been a backstory set up to the astral clause
We live in the worst timeline
Isn't that robot a character from Nikke?
In the rules commentary, it states that models in an attached unit have all abilities until they cease to be an attached unit, which only happens after the attacking unit finishes their attacks.
Nah this is a more minor blurb about a Hive Fleet attacking a Craftworld.
Valedor did have an Avatar killing a shitload of Nids though. One of the few times one got to throw their weight around.
People mostly play 1500 points games
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Any good places to get stuff like artillery shell casings, sandbags, and other basing stuff that go well with IG models? I don't have a 3D printer.

they also have barbed wire, etc
Have you tried checking out historical model suppliers? Or learn to sculpt milliput/green stuff into simple shapes.
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>horus returns
I just don’t want primarchshit at all. This is a game of /mydudes versus the universe. We don’t need a wider story
Hell yeah anon, this is exactly the sort of site I was looking for. Thank you.
I figured I'd try "totally not 40k" prints because my autism wants the shell cases to be exactly the same as the ones that come with the field ordnance battery, but I'm sure there's plenty of Bolt Action type stuff that would work well. Sculpting sand bags would probably be easy enough too.
Can I ask if this model is a HQ unit or is it just an alternative sculpt for a intercessor or Infernus marine?
alternate sgt
read your codex
Not a 40k player so I didn't know dude
Sassy Infernus sergeant is sassy
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we won...
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>Not a 40k player
In literally what universe is this useful?
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>another stupid thing is the empwah literally arguing like a retard against faith and belief and religion to some old man.

I actually like that one. I'm just a massive sucker for stories about the unification of Terra and how dim the candle was for humanity before the Emperor raised his banner. Unironically one of my favourite parts of the Emperor is the idea he saw the golden path, the thin thread where humanity would survive free from the whims of thirsting gods and pursued it

I think that was reconned in a recent BL novel but I forget.
it is useful in the warhammer universe
>being proud of playing 10e
roflcopter even
maybe on planet retard
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I'm a bit late for armies on parade, I have a few days left to finish my board
>I'm just a massive sucker for stories about the unification of Terra
Same, I really like how before the Emperor rose to power/was born (hes not some immortal from the dawn of humanity thats just his propoganda) many different Terran warlords were into using genecrafting and using power armour to make their warriors stronger. The Emperor using these things to make astartes/custodians was him being raised in the culture of warfare and stealing the best resources/knowledge from his enemies. Thunder warriors and astartes weren't the first gene enhanced post humans, nor the best, but the most stable and easiest to mass produce.
Same as his title as 'The Emperor' as Terran warlords had a culture of giving themselves powerful all encompassing names like that
No media should ever exist that gives characterization to the Emperor.
He, like the Primarchs and the Horus Heresy, should have remained an unknowable quasi-mythical being/event.
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I agree anon, but its fine if the characterisation is merely one mutually exlcuside version of events amongst others.
>The Emperor was just the Terran warlord to win out
>The Emperor was an escape weapon from the DAoT
>The Emperor was just the easiest to control puppet of Malcador his his mysterious Sigillite order
>The Emperor is a shaman hivemind born from thousands in a blood sacrifice in the pre brozen age
>The Emperor is an outcast chaos god seeking revenge aganist his brothers
>The Emperor never existed and its all fabrication and a culmination of real figures that built the Imperium
So, what about the kill team scions? Can I use them in the regular scion army? Do they replace anything or are they a bunch of extra units?
No media should ever be Word of God canon. Warhammer should be like comic continuity where the same story can be told six different ways with slightly different takes on it each time.
We don't know until they get 40k rules, as most Kill-Teams do. Currently they are just alternative models for the exiting Scions unit.
They have 40k rules now, can download from warhammer community. 3" deep strike, 90 for 10 but nowhere near as killy as regular scions. 10 OC with some mediocre shooting dropping in 3" away for 90 definitely has potential.
New thread:
You're just jealous
They cut most of the "hell" footage because test viewers found it too disturbing. The only known of film of the footage was stored in a salt mine, apparently not uncommon, and that saltmine got flooded and the film was destroyed.
It would have gone down much easier.
The imperium is not allowed to improve or innovate. Its rule 1 of the fucking setting.

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