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Git race edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

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>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
Are you doing your part to further the cause of xenos supremacy?
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>Are you doing your part to further the cause of xenos supremacy?
I'm building Necrons, so I suppose so. Mostly I just wanted more comfortable, casual painting experience after trying (and failing) to start an imperial fists army.
What is this?

Did GW canonize the OCs of dozens of players? What the fuck?
Literally just bought 10 Wraithguard because I'm retarded and they were cheap while I am fully focused on starting a necron army for my first force. Oh well, I guess I'm going with two armies to start with. 10 Wraithguard and a spiritseer for £40
What space marine chapter aside from iron hands (I don't like cybernetics) is less knightly/church/antiquity themed and rather more of the future super soldier in power armor like the starship troopers novel? So no power swords, robes over the armor, those medieval adornments, etc. but instead a bigger focus on guns, explosives, and a more futurist or tactical vibe.
>>Thread question:
>Are you doing your part to further the cause of xenos supremacy?
yes, I've successfully memed space slanni into existence
expect them
I am waiting for an updated Trazyn (Orikan is a dork)
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Fucking Chad
The one you make yourself
>which space monks aren’t space monks
go play infinity
Look up the Raptors. They seem right up your alley.
>wants spess mahreens
>doesn't want gothic space knights
I bed you'd play an all-pr*maris force, wouldn't you, you absolute shitfuck?
Unfortunately I've been on an imperium kick lately, but I think after I get this knight finished I'm gonna try to get my Orks finished up. Gotta build a whole bunch of buggies for a speed freeks list.
>GW actually does something based
I kneel, James-sama
Space Wolves are fun.
My genetically augmented Tau Pathfinders will surely put the Space Marines in their place
They organize narrative events several times a year. This isn't that unusual.
Check out some of the now-canonized OCs. They are retarded. What was GW thinking?
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Oh, that does seem perfect. Their color scheme is a little drab but that kinda fits their practical approach. I also love that jump packs and mobility are a feature of their strategy, it fits the kind of things the starship troopers power armor is capable of, they would just leap and bound everywhere if the gravity wasn't too high.

No this
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>Did GW canonize the OCs of dozens of players?
Deathleaper started as the OC of a canadian GW store
I disagree.
Calamity Engine and Infernal Bombard when
>Their color scheme is a little drab but that kinda fits their practical approach
You're in luck there, too. Raptors are one of the few chapters that repaint their armor depending on where they are deployed for practical purposes. Check their original Badab War color scheme (they had two even then).
How are the overladen buggies keeping up with the rocket-propelled hovercraft?
The hovercraft is shooting every turn and doesn't have advanced and shoot, while the buggies are advancing.
the beakiest beakies
Interesting. I've only played kill team up to this point, in the rules of the main 40k tabletop I can bring an imperial guard unit with my space marines army, right? What are the restrictions on that? Building my first 40k army, if you couldn't tell.
It's also worth pointing out lots of chapters and factions were OC armies of various GW staff and their play groups many, many years ago too. It's a grand tradition at this point.
I hate the way that they handled detachments in these books more and more each passing day. They're so stupidly unit-locked for no reason. It shouldn't be "Vehicle units in your army get X and Y"; it should be "Units in your army get X, and vehicles get Y as well" so that you don't feel like you're doing something wrong for not spamming a single unit type.
>inb4 "don't use the vehicle detachment if you don't want to spam vehicles"
There shouldn't be "the vehicle detachment" in the first place.
Shame nuGW has no one with that kind of sovl left.
>Their color scheme is a little drab but that kinda fits their practical approach.
Then consider the Necropolis Hawks, another chapter of the same family and with the same tacticool disposition. They specialize in urban warfare.
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Gue'vesa sub-faction soon, fellow comrades in the Greater Good?
Dey iz red
If I mess up the wash is there any fixing it?
Tau-ified guard would be a fun Kill Team.
>Another guardsmen Kill Team
please no
depends on the mistake
>a little too dark
just glaze over it with the mid tone
>touched it while it was drying
you’re fucked
Sadly, the rules of the current edition forbid this (though it was common in older editions to have allied forces). It led to too many exploitable combos and GW has been trying to tighten up the game for the competitive scene in the name of balance.
The best you can do is bring one or two units of "Imperial Agents" as allies, but those are specific units you are allowed to bring in another imperial army. The closest thing to a guardsmen would probably be Navy Breachers, Voidsmen, or Arbites.
You could also go the other way and have a guard army with one allied unit of Deathwatch Marines painted as Raptors, but that's probably not the kind of theme you are going for.
Damn, that's a shame.
What sort of "mechanical ingenuity" would piss off the Admech?
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Which of the inquisition's ideological factions does Coteaz belong to?
Note that it only matters if you are playing in tournaments. Causally, people mix armies all the time. Running 1k each of two armies is actually very similar to athe real doubles format anyway.
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Bullying humies
Probably someone that's just gifted with technology. They like to have control over that sort of thing.
Ordo Malleus
Can they make a Heretek kill team or something already so that I can stop needing to run my conversions as unarmored cultists with 3 0 1 weapons
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Just go Imperial Guard at this point
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I'm not sure you understood the question.
most probably, but nothing on the horizon yet.
SW are GAY
I'm pissed that the Negavolt Cultists were the only chaos chumps out of BSF to not get turned into a Kill Team release. I knew it from the moment that board game dropped; I said: "Wow, these are the coolest guys in the box, so I know that they're going to stay exclusive to this box, and languish in Legends rules for all eternity and never get a full kit".
He's obviously a classic Puritan.

The Raptors
if we get a faggy dark mech kill team before we get a dedicated box team for real admech I will personally lynch you in particular
Fuck you, idiot. You at least have your own fucking book. I have to work with the units that you're not even intended to have as the core of your army, so I think I can be thrown a bone or two. I feel like an unwanted guest in my codex and army: "Why are you playing Chaos Space Marines if you don't have any Chaos Space Marines?"
GW owes me a licensed female C'tan mini.
that smile pisses me off. like the model is not even too coomery so I dont hate it as much as the usual coomer slop but the smile looks fucking awful.
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Just starting out with warhammer. First one ive painted from the starter set.

Pretty happy with it but is my wobbly attempt to highlight is just ruining it like the lower chest and the thigh plate thing on the left?

Used the smallest pen I could find for the parchment writing but still seems too thick, how do you do it?

Any other critique/advice?
Thanks, doc.
McNeill did a lengthier writeup for WD.
I can only read it in his voice: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gBoTOddBiVc
pretty clean overall, your highlights will get smoother as you learn more brush control
I don't recommend pens for the scrips, a very fine tip brush and barely any paint loaded on it and a very light touch is your best bet for getting the cleanest smallest lines
not bad at all, congrats
>Used the smallest pen I could find for the parchment writing but still seems too thick, how do you do it?
use the side of your brush
god I love all the old Inquisitor stuff. so much grimdark goodness.

very very good first attempt. the highlights look okay, they'll get better with practice. you didn't ruin anything. as for the text, use a very fine tip brush (the size of the brush matters less than how good the tip is) or a proper Japanese micron pen.
Looks great
Wish I started with marines and not tiny fire warriors
Are you a fuckin bot or something jeez
That's hideous, but I like it.
>he didn't respond to my impotent seething about primaris
>h-he must be a robot!!!
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No, just Italian.
Do NuSquats count?
I have 1000pts worth of assorted stunties in various stages of painted with another 1000 waiting their turn still on their sprues.
I don't think I've seen a single photo posted here of an actually finished titan. Yours is probably the closest to complete that I've seen yet
its hard to justify buying a titan vs buying like, most of an army.
>use the side of your brush
Nta but in what world would that help you paint tiny script on a flat surface. Using the side of your brush for pronounced edge highlights sure, but freehand? I don't think so bud
>Tau induct psykers into their empire, no questions asked
How come their worlds haven't exploded into daemons?
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In lore anon.
In the lore all blood angels practice all kinds of artistry and among those, one of the most common is decorating and customising their armour with all kinds of art, battle honours, sculpted details and the like.
It not translating to minis is understandable but sad, they would look like STL artist over detailed models.
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if this really your first mini it's pretty impressive. Most of the edge highlights are acceptable, it's overally rather clean and you thinned the paints and applied them correctly. Good job, anon.
Looks great for a first dude. Reminder that if you're unsatisfied with the width of your highlight, that you can go back in with your mid tone and trim down the width of your highlight, that said your highlights look pretty nice as a total beginner
I bought the tyranid half from leviathan and a box of warriors 6 months ago, painted them up and never played. Couple of pals are starting grey knights and tau. What would you recommend me getting to get to 750-1000 points without it being a huge investment in time/money?
Sure they are expensive, but then I don't see why you'd spend so much and then not commit to finishing it like so many people seem to with titans
Maybe tau is more your speed
Whatever minis you like the look of and are excited to paint
Can't go wrong with a brood lord and genestealers.
I think I got a patriarch from some random kill team box I got some time ago. Would that count as a brood lord? Also is a hive tyrant a good investment?
>get in the Titan, Shinjius
>no power swords, robes over the armor, those medieval adornments, etc. but instead a bigger focus on guns, explosives, and a more futurist or tactical vibe.
You could pick any chapter and just not buy the stuff you don't like aesthetically and focus on the stuff you do like. Marines are pretty flexible, and the way detachments work these days you can just take whatever colour dudes you own and run them with anyone's rules.
I don't have one but I've been in a similar spot with certain gunpla kits.
>I don't want to commit to this project until I've got more skills
>well even though I'm better I want to try this other thing before maybe using it on X
>well maybe I can get better at scratch building extra parts before I paint it
etcetcetc and it just sits there unfinished.
i bet this faggot likes asuka
You got one already
>not translating to minis
Or artwork, really. Truckloads of official artwork depicting the Blood Angels has been produced over the course of many decades already, and none of it really reflects the description.
Sounds like mental weakness imo
But I'm not trans. I thought you had to show up with proof of your current HRT prescription to buy them over the counter?
nope, the trans faction is eldar
>I think I got a patriarch from some random kill team box I got some time ago. Would that count as a brood lord? Also is a hive tyrant a good investment?
Yep. Use that model and 10 genestealers. If you use leviathan and 3 ranged Tyranid warriors, that's 1k points exactly
No practical difference between the new patriarch and broodlord, same base size and mostly the same model. Hive Tyrants can be useful, but even better if you magnetize so you can switch loadouts and use the Swarmlord as well if you want. I think they shine more in larger games where their buffing abilities can add more to the army, at 1k points they're kind of a big investment. That might be what you're looking for to get a playable army, though.
I'm a tranny and I play sisters.
I am a disorganized depressed schizophrenic so makes sense.
You don't have to like it, but you can't claim there hasn't been an admech killteam box
that also makes some degree of sense since you're pretending to be a woman and all that
Would you guys call this a silver or grey Aquila?

Maybe grey with a light drybrushing of silver?

Thanks you my guys, will get some genestealers tomorrow probably and see how they do
>Yours is probably the closest to complete that I've seen yet
not mine, I'm too poor to justify a warhound
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God damn phoneposting
it's not a bespoke box you fucking mongoloid it's literally just GSC neophytes and skitarii
It's silver, but silver paint isn't gonna look the best. Grey with drybrushing will mesh better with the drab green.
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Updated the head, how does this guy look?
>Thanks you my guys, will get some genestealers tomorrow probably and see how they do
With all of that you've actually got a decent starter army. It should give you a good idea of how Tyranids play in 10th edition.
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>TFW HH has Melee Upgrade sprues
I'm only a little salty
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Cool thanks. I tried it in bone yesterday but didn't like the result, I'll alcohol it off later and try grey with a bit of silver, thanks
Leadbelcher + black wash + a very light drybrush of a medium bright gray base paint
Looking good, boss.
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For edge highlights, use the side of your brush near the tip, and in this case you don't want to thin your paint. The boldness of the line comes from the very edge just touching the brush.

Purity seal text is similar. Unthinned paint on a fine tip just touching the surface without pressure, you don't want it to run off the brush or have to go back over. Try practicing by painting closely packed squiggly lines on paper. You can add more character with little dashes for the tails of bs or ys, or breaking up the lines with your parchment color.
Uh oh admech fag melty
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>no pubes
not my fault you're an illiterate subhuman
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The boys are back in town!
Why is diorama and Duell in the same category this year.

How the fuck will the judges rate it
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Bolter Babes are Banging
You should alcohol the rest of the mini while you're at it. That surface texture is pretty bad, and it'd give you an excuse to tidy up the moldline on his leg
Suddenly, for no reason at all, I feel like an Admech finding a piece of ancient archaeotech looking at this picture.
>no bulge
I mean, a duel is just a specific type of Diorama. I'm just sad that this means we will see less featured entrants. There are probably a ton of gorgeous pieces that will never get featured even with the new honorable mentions articles.
sorry, I'm tired.
I have a kolinsky sable size 0 I basically only use for stuff like that (it holds very little paint), I sometimes even do it with a sharp size 2 when I'm lazy. The sizes differ between manufacturers but you just need to know that a tiny brush kept in good shape should be enough.
Maybe gw will see your posts if you keep throwing tantrums when confronted with evidence against your claims
>against my claims
never posted any retard
putting the killteam logo on a box of normal skitarii doesn't make it a bespoke team
holy shit you're fucking braindead
I don't see why this set couldn't work for even Primaris units.
How will a single Duell compete with a battle between 40 guys?
Don’t get it, why they don’t just delete the Duell part.
Thin your paints, scrape your moldlines. Thanks for drilling the barrel
The bits are slightly too small or have mismatching connection points for primaris.
Most vendors will include an HRT prescription with the TAU starter box, if you ask for it.
They will look disabled with short arms like this
clip the hands off primaris arms and swap them
I love the sisterhood so much, flock.
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cute attempt at deflection, eldartroon
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Is anyone else warming up to the new sanguinary guard sculpts or am I just subconsciously coping?
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Me too anon. I found a friend for them as well. No doubt one of the free Necrons attached to a White Dwarf 217
you're coping
they still look godawful
Realistically the only difference between dio and duel is the latter has at least two dudes fighting each other on a big plinth and dio has dudes doing whatever on a big plinth
Wouldn't you still have the problem of comically short hands compared to the Primaris Marines?
Or did HH go True-scale, too?
nice try james
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Well shucks they aren't wrong in principle are they
It's cope. Don't worry, in 5 years most of the playerbase won't even remember the old sculpts aside from some kind of "oldhammer obsession" and you'll get something else to be mad at instead.
the hands are close enough in size that nobody would notice
I still can't get over how small the wings on their Jetpacks are.
Nice to see Power-lances get more attention though.
Headswap with old guard and get some winged bagpacks (astaroth or 3d print) and they are good
They are absolutely correct in principle.
The problem is the same as the Alpha Legion. They eventually turn from well-intentioned extremists into well-intentioned extremists who become the very thing they hate.
Skill issue
Same question but my girl LADY Inquisitor Katarinya Greyfax!
Cope. They’re just gold jump pack Intercessors.
Gratitude, apothecary
With that outfit?
Ordo Hereticus

What are the exhaust pipes on her back for? Does her armor run on diesel or what?
The chest is cool but I don't really like any other part of them. The giant curved belt pouches are exceptionally retarded
Probably I am just salty because I spent like 50 hours on a dual piece and. I just now saw that it is not its own category anymore.
Ad mech is getting a bespoke team no matter what because the current team is going to be without rules by next season.
wrong, it has support until 2027
I'm detransitioning whatever primaris models I still have into proper marines and found no such issues. And I'm mixing them with 2012 Tactical Squad and not even recent HH models. All arms, weapons, heads, pauldrons and backpacks are very easily interchangeable between marines of pretty much all types.
It's a crime that mtg shrank her tits for her art. The miniature has a pretty big chest, but mtg isn't allowed to have pretty women anymore so it makes sense
Well they're going to have to come up with something by then and I doubt people will settle for the exact same thing.
It's changes literally nothing for you, you can still enter it in diorama, it's not like they've banned having miniatures fighting each other in GD entries
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Sorry anon, sexuality is okay unless it's male (heterosexual).
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But my chances for a pin are smaller, next to shit like this
That's a lot of words to say you're making decent models look worse instead of just buying models you like instead
i finished my first model today
I'm proud of it even though it's ugly
Just waiting for the last parts to dry so I can touch up some of the metals
Look on the bright side. They can sell you that armor in Space Marine 2 for you to buy in another 6 months.
Good job anon.
Then give her fat tits and make her a lesbian, idgaf
Why do people say knights are cheap if it’ll still take 700+ bucks to finish your army?
>instead of just buying
nice try james
me on the left, walking straight pretending I didn't forget my ammo
So try harder and paint something impressive enough that you beat entries like that. Or change nothing, don't get a pin, and blame your loss on the fact that there were too many painters better than you.
Tan lines imply she's in a one-piece a lot
I mean you bought the primaris stuff, but you dont like it. You could have just bought the stuff you liked in the first place instead of trying to Frankenstein some shit
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>Then give her fat tits and make her a lesbian, idgaf
You have no idea how much that mindset pisses me off.
"Oh yeah, you can have beautiful women, but they have to be EXCLUSIVELY for lesbians. Or if they're Bisexual, they have to be dating a woman canonically"
This makes me mad beyond belief. Especially when people behind the character turn out to be big sexists or some dumb shit like that.
Is land raider Helios good in game?
Any way I can improve its ap1?
Because that is cheap for a full 2k army bnib. If you're poor then buy secondhand, or consider a cheaper hobby like collecting rocks or cool sticks you find on the ground outside
>Anon learns what the qualifier "relatively" means
I paint better then these guys. That’s not the problem.

But it’s like open competition, in Germany we say it’s like comparing apples with pears.

I have 2 very good painted minis, but will they judge the paint quality or quantity.

So are 2 very good painted mins more worth than 20 okish
Who cares. Fat tits are fat tits and it's not like the model or artwork is going to fuck you, or stop you from jorking your peanits
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>Who cares
I care, because it's part of a greater trend of "men don't get shit in media" nowadays, which is a rabbit hole I don't want to derail the thread into
And you care, because you are appealing to triviality.
>I paint better then these guys
Go jerk off incel noone cares
>I paint better then these guys
post some minis or I'm calling bullshit
I accept your concession
You're kind of a sperg but I agree with your sentiment. It's so funny that people are doing the "well, achtually..." shit about this while pretending to be a neutral party lmao
>I paint better then these guys
If thats true then you'll get a pin, otherwise your shit isn't good enough, and you're just larping as a better painter than your are
Going to a Warhammer store irl for the first time ever. Is there any kind of etiquette I should know before going in?
Guys, I bought the crysis battlesuits, but I don't have any fucking idea of what differentiates the three types of squad.
Make sure to not shower beforehand and grab everyone's minis to look at them without asking
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>I paint better then these guys
>You're kind of a sperg
I accept that. I am aware that this is something that I should be less mad at but am nonetheless still mad at.
>It's so funny that people are doing the "well, achtually..." shit about this while pretending to be a neutral party lmao
This 100%
It's far more complicated than this
You'll be a standout if you shower, that's for sure,
Look it up on new recruit or waha
I have ~80 points to fill in my Marine army, using the Black Templars detachment.
Ideally, my choices are
>Jump Pack Marines
If I drop enhancements I could got to 95p available, which would allow for
I have no vehicles and am primarily using melee infantry, with Sternguard (+Liutenant) being my sole dedicated Ranged unit.
Tell me, /40kg/, what do I go with?
I kinda like any of the choices except maybe Eradicators.
Be polite, know what you're looking for immediately, and be aware that the guys at the store may be painters but at the end of the day are still trying to sell you something
Jump Pack Marines > Outriders
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>I paint better then these guys. That’s not the problem.
So now that the dust has settled what do we think of Space Marine 2
Cawl should never have been introduced and his Space Marines 2 ruined the setting
I dunno ask /v/
It's a pretty fun game, has a far more extensive customization system than I expected, and the PvP is scuffed but manageable.
Genuinely I think they expected the game to be a flop or barley break even
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>video games
all they seem to care about are trans people
redpill me on the callidus assassin
Not much content but what is there was fun. If there were like 18 operations I'd never stop playing this game.
Very funny to watch the IS/ISN'T WOKE option select as the game came out
Titus hearing the Emperor is odd.
How autistic are you about small color differences in an army? I painted one admech tank in scarlet red from vgc but I'm not too happy with the result. I want to try painting the next one in khorne red but I would either need to repaint the old one or have 2 slightly different looking tanks
>extensive customization
You're kidding right?
These are the shittiest customization options I've seen in a while
They're generic, half of them are the previous unlock with a bit more bling

It's ass, and they have no excuse since there are fucking models to port shit from. It's retarded. I want to talk to the art director and ask him if he's retarded or if GW told him to make it that shitty.
>and make her a lesbian
She is.
Add a few rust spots onto the older tank and fluff it as an older, disused model
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>redpill me on the callidus assassin
uuuuoooohhh latex mommy sexoooo
It proved that 40k eclipsed Star Wars and is now far more popular setting. 7 more years and kids and normalfags will walk around everywhere with T-shirts with Guilliman and Abaddon on them
Any chaos players in? I really don’t like the Helbrute especially since I want to have an iron warriors army, any cool conversion ideas or proxies? Was thinking of getting a Venerable dread but not sure if it’d allowed
Not at all, and anyone who is is best ignored
fanart does not = canon
I don't think anyone would care if you ran a ven dread as a helbrute
anon, please read the statement in its entirety before posting.
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>video games
The Latex Suit was the only good thing to come out of Ian Watson's novel.
But otherwise, it's a fine addition to the army and the lore.
If you want more customization you could always build some actual models, lots of options there
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it's not the greatest and it still needs the final touchup, but building + painting models is suprisingly way more fun than I had assumed it would be.
"It was bigger than I thought... But still ass" is what I should have read?
I wish my space marine could look like the ones I actually own, yes, dipshit
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Newfag here, trying to understand the implications of some rules. With pic related being the case, would this mean that, if I'm playing Necrons and my opponent destroys my whole unit, including the leader and the cryptek, would he get 3 VP? Also, does this mean that running the minimum amount of units you can, opting for the larger squads (let's say, 20 warriors instead of 10) is better because you'll be offering up less possible VP for your opponent to score?
>"It was bigger than I thought... But still ass" is what I should have read?
Sure anon, but at least you read it in its entirety.
mainly just the weapons.
Fireknife: Missiles and/or plasma
Starscythe: Burst cannons and/or flamers
Sunforge: Double fusions and shield gen.
If you have a the ability to i'd recommend magnetizing them, that's what i did with my own and i found it worth while I like to mix up how i play my army so
You don't own any space marines
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I'm not that anon and I'm not the sort to label every character gay, I won't even say Greyfax is gay, but I do think this reads kinda gay.
Listen to Our Martyred Lady
>Anon's first Mini was a dread
>The basing looks good
>The Color scheme is unique

I approve of your bravery, anon. You'll get better in no time.
anyone have a size comparison on the Wolf Guard Terminators compared to the new ones that came out? i figure the new ones are bigger, but by how much? would it be noticeable if i were to run the two different kinds together?
Yes and yes, but you might not always be playing with that mission or that rule in play.
first of all, yes, when the bodyguard dies, the leader and the cryptek become two more units, awarding 3VP total
yes and no, generally bigger units are better because they give less vp and make strats and characters that buff one unit worth more, but they obviously can't move to different places, and two smaller units make it more likely that the opponent will "overkill" and waste shots on killing both.
>I wish my space marine could look like the ones I actually own, yes, dipshit
Post models lmao
Orange is a pain in the ass to get even, pretty brave scheme to try for your first dudes
>the ones I actually own
but you dont have any space marines
And what if I do have space marines, but I don't post them? What then?
Been painting some harlequins for kill team and maybe a ynnari army at some point so no not really
great game also another proof that the IP is now way bigger than the hobby, secondaries FEASTING
Then it's the same as you not having any space marines as far as anyone else is concerned
Lmao faggot
oh shit, i didn't even know that tool existed, thanks anon that's perfect
Anyone else? That includes people like you?
I should care what you think?
So nomodels?
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Got some bargains at the Bring and Buy

Spent £6 total
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NTA but I wish that too. Not being able to colour the under suit seems like an oversight.
It’s pretty good for a first, now time to practice freehand or figure out how to apply transfers on those big open panels. D’var Sanchehs “The Hatebringer” approves.
Shockingly he has no models, who could have seen it coming
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>what if I do have space marines, but I don't post them
>Christmas lights-colored missiles
This is a good Dread, anon, but that little detail made me chuckle
you're even worse
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NTA, but when compared to tabletop, Primaris kits are far blander than this. And customization in game is modular too. Like, "Heavy" guy has more options than "Heavy Intercessor kit"
Now I see why you stopped slapping washes on everything, that DROPLET on the right chest panel makes my anus clench.
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Then I'm afraid I'll have to diagnose you with the gay
Red are anti tank, green are anti infantry lmao.
Watermarks are funni, owning nomodels is not
For some reason the default Heavy's armor is styled more like an Aggressor but doesn't have the weapons loadout of one.
>ask to post models
>doesn't post theirs first
>shitty provocation
The anime pictures really changed my minds, I will definitely show my models now guys, let me grab my camera. It's a film one so it'll take some time to develop, hope you can wait!
I just liked the way it looks. It's tough though, yeah.

Thanks. Dreads are cool.

I'm going to do the Aquilla transfers. Thanks.
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>The video game has more bits for the marines than the actual model kits
Space clowns anon not dark angels
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So nomodels lmao?
Fair enough, SallyAnon.
I'm still going to imagine him singing Christmas Music as he destroys the enemies of humanity.
Wait when and where did Titus hear the emperor?
Thinking that Celestine is beautiful is not gay.
Space Elves are even gayer than Dork Angels.
>primaris kits are far blander
Habe you looked at the actual kits? Look at all gravis kits and come back to me
Yes, characters too, I recignize that iron halo from the gravis captain with heavy bolt rifle.
So what you're saying is no models?
Thank you, I will remember how retarded you are next time I see you post model. Congratulations.
I collect dark angels, yes.
Remember when Titus did the Uno Reverse Card on that Chaos Sorcerer BBEG? Yeah, he heard him there. It also explains why he was able to hold chaos artifacts without being corrupted
No posting.
When Titus is dead at the end, he hears a voice say "RISE, SON OF GUILLIMAN"
It originally said it was Calgar but they went in and patched it to be an uncredited "voice"
>group of men who go on long secretive trips with other men that no one is allowed to talk about
>theater kids who know shitty Kung fu

Checks out
wow your models must be really bad if you're this hesitant to post them
It bothers but I keep them as reminders of choices I've been happy or unhappy with. There have also been plenty of times I was happy I experimented or otherwise I would be left wondering. Latest experiment is testing blues on power weapons
Post the cutscene. The game is on Youtube. I don't remember that happening.
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>I collect dark angels, yes.
No you don't, you don't have any models lmao
>Thank you, I will remember how retarded you are next time I see you post model. Congratulations.
Pic related
It was patched in after release.
Can't post what you dont have there is logic there i suppose
uh oh nomodels melty
doom eternal had a similar issue
So nomodels?
What if we had Sisters of Battle on bikes?
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All classes in game are mixes of several Primaris units, although not 1:1. Ironic since game has a "Tactical" class for a basic Marine, which combines all those bloated specialized Tacticus Primaris into single versatile one. Which is what should happen in 40k proper as well.
I actually started making a chart showcasing all of this and highlighting weapons that should be added to them, but haven't finished it yet.
Yes, I did. I have Gravis Captain from Know No Fear and one Heavy Intercessor kit. They are worse than this. Same with every other class in game. The gap will be even higher once announced cosmetic packs start coming out. I'm looking into extracting those models and printing them. "Bulwark" shields are interesting in particular for this.
What if the sky was green?
its probably what they will get next, I hope they're closer to GSC bikes than space marine bikes
That'd be pretty sick
Knowing GW they'd look as shit as the warsuits so no thanks
gravis looks off in the game though and I don't know why
What if we had barefoot sisters of battle with dirty stinky feet
Haha just kidding
masturbate before posting
Oh no wonder. I played it right on release and thought it was just Calgar as mentioned.
>N-no u
>Which is what should happen in 40k proper as well.
You think, after 8 years of Primaris Marines, they would have realized that splitting up your tactical squad into numerous specialized squads was really annoying for the playerbase, and should have all been upgrade packs to begin with.
In fact, going forward, GeeDubs should look take the L and go back to giving the Tactical Squad weapon upgrade packs again. But I guess that doesn't make them the whalebucks.
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>GW should go back to an approach that made them less money
>Did GW canonize the OCs of dozens of players?
How? I read the article and didn't see anything about canonizing the OCs of dozens of players. Is this narrative event a sort of return to global campaigns like the War for Armageddon?
it was also just worse for players aswell, the weapon packs are always a scam
We just went from "no model" to "shit model", making progress
>oh no anyway
>still make a big post
Love to see it
I notice your lack of model posting, you ask to see you post them first, know the etiquette, I don't make the rules
More overwhelming evidence that xenos are side characters confirmed
Aggressors are gravis too, might want to look at them
>The event will tell an immersive story from the Kessandras System, using a diverse array of newly canonised characters known as the Lords of War and Vox Localum.

>The Vox Localum are the organisers, overseeing activities and questions within the various Conflict Zones. They are more than simple staff, however; they’re fully costumed and with their own stories, backgrounds, and opportunities. Some may find their way through the campaign as little more than attendants to a given warzone, while others may find their own route to glory through the manner in which they engage with the Field Commanders – the attendees.

Are you telling me that these are not OCs?
How would you distribute the weapon upgrades and such, then?
Not trying to meme or dunk, I'm genuinely curious if someone can come up with a better idea. Because the way I see it, we have two shit solutions with one being shittier than the other.
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Of course you don't make the rules, you don't have any models so your opinion is irrelevant
Keep primaris the way they are with one model per unit MAYBE having a different weapon loadout
One of the Lords of War is an Ork. And the battle talks place where the main T'au meta-story is underway.
I'm a chaosfag who finds the Thousand Sons boring as hell, so it has literally nothing to interest me.
Uh oh nomodels melty
I'm not gonna insult your models, but I'd be you I'd stop posting them if you're gonna be a faggot.
I'm not posting them, especially since I'm being asked to by people who are mad I called the SM2 customization garbage.

You posting your models doesn't make your opinion any less retarded, get a grip, I've seen the dumbest fucking cunts think otherwise, don't add yourself to that list.
So uh, I've got my dread, I've got a predator to make.
What does a good set of starter Infantry look like for Marines nowadays?
A squad or two of the boltgun interwhatevers as the main frontline and then pick squads of Plasma/Melta/Flamer/Sniper dudes to taste?
good thing you fight nids a lot of the time
damn that sure is a lot of words to say you have nomodels
Just one? In a squad of 10?
I would think that there should be at least 2 or 3 with some different loadouts to them, the sergeant included.
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We need MOAR gravis HQs
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TQ - Yes
Why not just take the skull off entirely? Always felt Phobos looked better without it.
It's not that it makes his better or worse it makes yours hold no value anon.
>I want to see chaos
>Good thing for most of the game there's no chaos at all
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>don't even have ESL as an excuse for missing this.
Thank you anon. I guess people are seeing this as a chance to be a part of the Warhammer "story" by making their custom creations canon.

I do remember reading no 3D printed bits allowed so obviously GW will be anti-third party too.
>irregularly uniformed due to being under supplied Nihilus guard regiments will never be canon because its all Cadians with a sprinkling of Kriegers now.
I'm in pain.
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>but I'd be you I'd stop posting them if you're gonna be a faggot.
Why would I stop posting my models just because it's making a nomodels upset
OCs generally refer to community created characters. Nothing in that quote makes it sound like the new Lords of War / Vox Localum characters are not creations of GW.
nah just one, so we will have a squad of say 3 guys with volkite and the sergeant might have the option to have a power sword which is included in the box.

No model no rules, not in the box not on the slate.
No value to you and people who think like you? Oh my god I'll never recover
If these threads have taught me one thing is to never care what retards think.
>I do remember reading no 3D printed bits allowed so obviously GW will be anti-third party too.

anon chapterhouse was over a decade ago
nice orange
I think jump pack intercessors are pretty decent these days, but I'd just grab what you think looks cool
I'm really upset to be proven right, I'm livid, frotting.
>What does a good set of starter Infantry look like for Marines nowadays?
Tacticals (intercessors)
Hellblasters (Plasmabois)
Jump-pack Intercessors (Great for covering distances)

Beyond that, it depends on how you want to tweak your army. Do you want more Dakka or more bonking? etc.
Resin printing is gay as fuck
Look at this d00d
Except for the awful heads I actually like them. The old SG were waaay too busy. And the heroic proportions combined with the overdone bits just made them look like a shitty action figure from a 90s quarter machine. The old DC jumps were the same
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Do you like the new or the old repentia more?
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Thanks anon, it's just jokaero orange highlighted with fire dragon and recess washed fuegan orange. Jokaero always behaves pretty nicely for me compared to other oranges
Getting bad vibes from his horse
That horse has seen some shit
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>anon chapterhouse was over a decade ago
I remember hearing about the lawsuit.
The damage that Chapterhouse caused will always rise with time, will it?
>video games
this life is an illusion, nothing but a computer simulation.
Thus all games are "video" games.
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We can tell
Hmm. Okay. I think I'll start with a squad of Intercessors. I want to eventually have an OC captain with some melee equipment, so maybe have him with a Jump Pack as well to go witht he Intercessors inside of the land raider I'm going to build
So nomodels?
I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean, anon?
post models with timestamp
The new ones. Even if only because it has like 20 different poses
"Canonised" is what attracted my attention. If these characters are GW creations they would be canon by default. They wouldn't need to be canonized.
If you didn't care you wouldn't be responding
Whatever helps you seethe and cope nomodels
Obviously I prefer the old ones, but I will throw the new ones a bone and say that I like the inclusion of bionic limbs and some of the heads (like the one with needles through the eyes and the one with her tongue replaced by a purity seal).
No because it ended up being a net benefit. The old model of "make some really cool rules and we'll maybe make a mini eventually" worked in the late 90's and early 00's because GW rightfully assumed that if 100 people played 40k 95 of them were old guard and if an option wasn't in the new kit they had the old one. Even during 5th the ratio started to change, where if 100 people played 40k 40 were new players. The problem gets progressively worse as we get these big influxes of new players who don't just have the limited edition autarch from 2004 or some random chaos warrior sword. It makes 40k the hobby people talk about for being expensive even more expensive.
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He can't post what he doesn't have
if it doesn't have a model it shouldn't get rules, if the kit doesn't have an option in the box it also shouldn't get rules. If we go back on that GW will use that as an opportunity to try to make everyone rebuy their marine army for the second (or third if you fell for deathwatch scale) in ten years
so no models?
>I want to eventually have an OC captain with some melee equipment
Go for a Jump-Pack Captain, give him either a chainsword/pistol combo or Thunder-hammer and relic shield. But that's in the future, work on the infantry boys first.
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Don't mind me, just posting a model
I like things like the hoods over their heads and the chains around their arms, but I would never argue that the newer models aren't just plain better. They have more poses, the poses have the limbs more splayed so they're easier to convert, and the casting quality is worlds apart. I don't like that the new ones have connection ports to interface with power armor, but I know there are fixes for that, so I can overlook it.
It's still happening, even after everything. How is a new Necrons player expected to obtain a Lokhust Destroyer Lord?
Cheers. Looking at the rules, the other armour sets (Gravis and whatnot) seem really expensive for not much gain, which is a bit of a letdown.
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>no basing
>those stripes
So something like a Jump-pack Captain with a Thunder Hammer and Relic Shield would not be legal because technically the model kit doesn't have it as an option when you buy it?
GW can't be fucked to do a lot of those "just spruce up a dude to make him an HQ" Like the custodes HQs.

I do agree the lokhust destroyer lord should go to legends or they should pack in an upgrade sprue with the current heavy destroyer
Basing is pointless
>the other armour sets (Gravis and whatnot) seem really expensive for not much gain
Are you looking at points or price?
Base your model
Battle damage to the stripes Will help hide how uneven they are.
Get yourself some of these it'll help you in the future.
Yes, the policy shouldn't have exceptions.
How do you battle damage them? Slash em with a hobby knife?
A bit of both
You can. Or just sponge weather them
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Le post models retardation always nukes those threads into oblivion
At least they should simply make one datasheet for all those varieties of a basic Tacticus. Just call it "Tactical Intercessor", debloat the unit roster, encourage mixing Primaris units.
I think if they add them, they will be another more melee centric Gravis class, probably combined with HQs for usable Chainswords and Powerswords. They tried to keep "Heavy" ranged only class. Calgar is in game with already created attack animations. Would be relatively easy to make his weapons usable and then reuse Chainsword and Powersword.
Still, I don't see the point in your post. This single "Heavy" class has more bits than single "Heavy Intercessor" kit. "Bulwark" has more shields alone than "Bladeguard Veterans" too. Which was my point.
>Le post models retardation always nukes those threads into oblivion
post models or go back to /v/
uh oh secondary melty
Not really considering it makes your model look finished
I think the next class or classes will be a librarian and chaplain, they have the assets for the tsons sorcerer and leandros already just gotta make the other sides version of each.

They also didn't include any word bearer iconography in the game
That would be extremely stifiling, and would contradict already existing 10e codices.
But I understand the consistency. I think a solution for specific "character" models would be to include more stuff for you to customize them with. Give Librarian's the option to use a staff, etc.
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Secondaries really be like
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braindead retards
good, any codexes that dont comply should be changed.

I think what the techmarine and apothecary do are fine with their alternate pistols. Just package options with the kit
>all that gray
Cadre Fireblade (50pts)
Cadre Fireblade (50pts)
Cadre Fireblade (50pts)

Darkstrider (60pts): Close combat weapon, Shade, Warlord

6 X 10x Breacher Team (100pts)
5x Vespid Stingwings (65pts)
5x Vespid Stingwings (65pts)

3 X 3x Piranha (165pts) 6xSeeker Missiles 3xFusion Blaster

6 X Devilfish (85pts): 2x Seeker missile, 2 Smart missile system
Is there a list you guys really want to try but would never pay for? This is mine. I call it "all in".

30 Seeker Missiles on FLY platforms with 12-14" movement that can dump 60 breachers out after advancing. 6 Devilfish and 9 Piranha hulls.
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Sure am. Picture is old, there's a lot more now.
Healing is already a problem with bulwark in PVP, an apothecary would make it worse, also no pre existing assets. Not saying they couldn't but they have already got assets for a loyalist chaplain and traitor sorcerers
Codex should just be a massive lore book and all unit stats / datasheets should be available online as a pdf
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>grey models poster tacked together
>not a single painted model in sight
>The C'tan gods are actually just cute anime girls
This is canon now
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Just 8 minis more and I'll get to it, it makes me a little anxious of fucking up, can you even get fake mud off from a mini?
Always has been
>grey eldar
lmao even
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ideally yeah, for chaos daemons just keep liber chaotic in print
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Posting models is utterly irrelevant to discussion more often than not. There is no point in sperging out about posting them for numerous posts every fucking time.
Yes, this is how models often look like when they are wip, being assembled, kitbashed and converted, before painting process.
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>more grey models
I’m working on a brutalis dread for a blood angels army, haven’t read the new codex, but I’m wondering which loadout is better? It’s such a pain to get magnets on this kit so I’m hoping there’s a clear answer.
Ye if you have a wet brush on hand while basing you can wipe it off before it dries and it just disappears. Dual leviathan should be a blast to run
If you get it where you dont want it just wipe it off with a damp brush.
Even if you don't where is it gonna get their feet? The same feet they are using to walk through the dirt anyways?
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>Le post models retardation always nukes those threads into oblivion
it's a discord tr*nnie in a crusade to own the chuds here or something, he has been shitposting, samefagging and falseflagging in this general for weeks now.

He doesn't understand that everything he does here makes otherwise indifferent people hate his ilk IRL.
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>more grey models
>video game screenshot
>no is wear I paint my models I just can't post them because.... just because okay!
Lmao even
I do agree with you to certain extent but posting unpainted models is just... lol
>samefagging and falseflagging
schizo terminology
Uh oh nomodels melty
Why do the Marines not switch over to the Corvus Blackstar again?
Were Gravis supposed to be the replacement to Terminators?
>someone asks you to post models
>your first instinct isn’t to post a finished model
You’re just outing yourself as a nogames by posting this homie. You probably were a secondary YT fag for years, played the new SM game, and bought one box you don’t have the energy to finish.
presumably only the inquisition is allowed to make them
Some people say so but I doubt it. Terminators are way too iconic.
>nomodels melty
Because stormtalons are kino
Perhaps conceptually, but ruleswise they've always been statted in such a way as to avoid that.
I always imagined the Gravis armor being the Middle-ground between Tactical and Terminator armor
>We need more heavy armor
>But making Terminator armor to field them to all these new Primaris chapters is too expensive
>Ok fuck it, here's the Gravis armor, then.
I haven't seen any fan art or cosplays of the nu-models.
Just paint a model bro
maybe, I think gravis being heavier armor is a much better use of it. Even in the heresy people head canon marks 2 and 3 to be heavier armors while 6 is light. Giving primaris canonical light and heavy variants was a smart move
>everyone using the same shitpost is the same person bullying me
When someone says post models you aren't actually supposed to oblige them. It's just a way for them to find an angle to attack you personally because they've run out of ways to attack your argument
I can't speak to what the sculptors had in mind with them, but in terms of rules Gravis never substituted very well for Terminators. It's not really like the Tactical/Intercessor situation where they were more clearly stepping on each other's toes.
Sounds like some nomodels cope
To be fair, the guy really posts the same shit in every thread. He has nice models, but it's still annoying.
I remember back when posting games was also a common jab, until TTS took off and it became evident that even with the ease of access people here not only don't play but also suck at playing.

It's the same reason why people here hate black library, the outsiders (reddit, normies, whomever) read more and become experts on stuff no one here has ever even thought of. So instead of accepting inferiority we say it doesn't count. Posting models is the same, its all well and good until they post anything made after 2017 then it magically doesn't count
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>multiple people couldn't possibly say the same thing as one another
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All the mental gymnastics, just post a model okay?
Are all-Gravis armies doable?
Almost like nomodels aren't welcome
In rules, yes. Are they good, no idea
I would never insult any painted models posted here. It's a way to determine if you aren't just a lorefag or /v/ tourist
>Are all-Gravis armies doable?
Hypothetically, yes. Practically speaking, I wouldn't try it.
I'm not taking sides on anybodies argument either way but postmodels responses are just fishing for something to bully them with
excellent models anon, now please post some opinions.
Almost like you're mostly a shitposter, but at least with a few pictures of your models.
I don't care for the opinions of people who don't post models.
The hobby is painting models and playing games. Anything else is secondary shit and doesn't belong on the tabletop games board
I'm very proud to have introduced the retarded uh oh X melty meme from /xivg/ to this general and see if get such widespread usage
They don't even have melee dudes.
melee is cringe
We've had post models posts devolve into full on doxxings before. Never underestimate the autism of 4chan
warhammer 40k is cool
thread could use more lorefags honestly. Warhammer is in the middle of lore, modeling, and table top gaming, remove one part and Warhammer isn't warhammer anymore.
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Nice bangels but what is going on with that sanguinors wings
having your reddit account posted is not a doxx lol
somebody finding your reddit account isn't doxxing, little zoomie
Cope and seethe
the hobby is a small part of Warhammer though, there are loads of objectively better games to be played if we are throwing out everything else
I wouldn't exactly call the aggressors "melee dudes", but they can be used as such.
What happened to Sanguinor?..
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It's got eye position of a predator
Finding someone's reddit account isn't a full on doxxing
>Asking /tg/ not to be elitist neckbeard snobs
cool, so go to another board if you don't care about the traditional gaming aspect of this traditional game
>A bit of both
Price wise, you can solve that by going on e-bay or your LGS
Points-wise, yeah, you'll have to make that call yourself.
Do your Blood Angels (or successors) get facial tattoos in honor of their fallen comrades?
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printed more naturalist wings because I bought the sanguinor's body from someone else who did a body swamp.
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You're right, but the terminally online tr*nny stalking this general since weeks ago and his discord friends hate the lore because it gets in the way of their female marine fantasies, hence the shitposting against it and the retarded autistic spam of posmodels/nomodels/uhohmeltie/etc
this board was made as a containment area for Warhammer in general, not just for minis. /m/ and /toy/ also have threads where you could easily post minis in.
>the hobby is a small part of Warhammer
No it isn't, and this thread is for warhammer hobbyists. It's not for video games, or black library lore discussions, or politics shitflinging. This is a thread for modelers and wargamers to discuss things about modeling and wargaming
This is it. Just ignore it there's plenty of time the thread cruised on lore, Vidya, and table play talk.
I love trannies like you posting about the genesis of this board trying to pretend that has any sort of relevance, but still managing to get the facts wrong lmao
What if I want to talk about fantasy flight games.
theres a 40k rpg thread mainly because this thread cares more about trans people than it does 40k
>everybody saying anything to the detraction of my offtopic shit is all one tranny from heckin discord
this is the most hilarious schizo cope yet
go back to /v/ little /v/ermin
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I don't give a shit about female marines or whatever asspull strawman you come up with. I care about seeing cool models and talking about the tabletop game
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First squad of these guys done. For anons not in the know, they'll be used for counts-as Navy Breachers in my Inquisition army.
/pol/ was a mistake.
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Wrong, tourist.
The lore is a fundamental part of the 40k hobby and one of the main reasons of its success.
Fuck off to /wip/ if you only want to build and paint minis.
They'll also start reposting your models pretending to be you.
I might start namefagging my model posts.
>everybody saying anything to the detraction of my offtopic shit is all one tranny from heckin discord
its true though. t. someone whos in the discord
>this shit again
lmao is this always the same guy derailing the thread?
you can't even post memes properly goddamn
Post some games then. You DO play, right?
it's the same group of people, this thread is notoriously easy to derail
I'm not gonna pretend I like the wings but your gold and red are nice tones
That's nice. Redemptionists are fun.
Finding out that lamenter anon likes NTR isn't doxxing lmao
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I still remember when someone posted my models with the discord link for that one /40kg/ discord someone was trying to get off the ground.
Discord was a mistake
yeah, it just makes communities more insular and safe. When discord eventually shuts down all the information that would've traditionally been on forums will be lost.
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Genuine retardation. How is paint relevant here? What's the point of this goalpost moving? Anons asked for models, so I posted what I had at hand. How is this weird, let alone outrage worthy? Here are some Breachers I painted lately. And older Gravis Captain.
>video game screenshot
And? I was converting my Kroot to pose them like in DoW, eating flesh of their enemies.
There is a filename with date in those, those are older screenshots I posted in /40kg/ previously, long before SM2 was out. And clearly all those models from different factions aren't from a single box.
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I don't have a great attention span and im pretty bad for mixing up rules, so when I'm playing games I'm pretty locked in to making sure I'm getting my rules right and not really worried about taking pictures for anons on an Alaskan barbecue forum
Are there any Redemptionists in the Adepta Sororitas?
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It's kind of funny, but GW 40k department is way more protective of the lore than Fantasy. For WFB vidya and books, you could play a lot looser with lore and race stereotypes. For instance, in SM2, GW vetoed a lot of customization options because they weren't loreful (up to some ankle armor that was 20% too small). For RT, they tried to veto all romance as love is not something that fits with the nitty grimdarkness of 40k. Eventually, they settled on removing the SoB's romance, adding the cold trader nobody liked, and rewriting the Eldar companion to be way more unlikable, idiotic, and speciest (they said she was too reasonable and not Eldar enough in the beta). I think being super protectionist is great (certainly better than letting devs and writers twist your lore into pretzels like Total Warhammer or Tolkein's property), but I'm also afraid it'll scare away devs and creators as many of them report that they hated working with GW (especially when GW would make some last minute changes). GW is still apparently better to work with than WotC, who'll demand a solid third of your game removed/rewritten less than a year from release (as Bioware and Larian both attested to).
And I don't care about your LAMEnter spam and endless shitposting since a couple months ago in your retarded anti-chud crusade, dipshit.

Shut the fuck up. 40k lore and books belong here like Star Wars/Trek lore and books belong in their generals, and always have been. You don't get to dictate the rules here.
Oh, so nogames. Got it.
it's because Total war and vermin tide are the only reason anyone cares about fantasy.
neither do you, tourist
I had someone post some of my eldar in a meme describing the difference between dry brushing and not drybrushing one squad of rangers another some dark reapers, neither were dry brushed. was kinda surreal lol
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>absolute fabrication
lamenter anon is based?
Even back in the 90s with games like Dark Omen, they were giving people a lot more freedom with their fantasy property.
SoB should have more bionic bits in their kits. Bitches don't even have replacement eyes. Shameful display.
Uh oh nomodels melty
>muh nomodels
>muh nopaints
>muh nogames
>muh discordfags
>muh trannies
>muh lorefags
>muh vidyafags
These retards spend so much time discussing other anons instead of 40k
for now
A rank and flank game just isn't interesting to normies, I have tried to show people old school fantasy and their first question is "why do we have to make our models into boxes"
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>Bitches don't even have replacement eyes
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Damn thats crazy how you've got nomodels and think your opinions matter
All this cope and all you had to do was post models to shut them up. Real shame you don't own any, huh
Oh-uh, nogames melty.
Tbf this thread is for discussing models, painting, and games. The other shit is unrelated tho
people like drama, what can you do
is there a scan of the boarding action floating around perchance?
There should be more bionics for everyone.
Continue seething nomodels lmaoo
There's nothign to discuss about the game because 10e is of utter trash
Okay, fair enough. But now I want robot legs and mechanical hands. And the Dialogus should have a big vox grille buried in her trachea.
I really want to buy SMs just to paint more Lamenters beyond what came in the starter set, but I should really clear my pile first since I haven't bought anything other than art supplies since the price hikes.
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Here's a few, where are your games?
So just ignore the unrelated conversation if it doesn't interest you instead of seething 24/7 that someone mentioned a black library book
The standard battle sister squad also comes with at least one bionic arm
What would they even have in terms of weaponry that's not covered by assault marines, vanguard vets and bladeguards?
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At my friend's house, usually more concerned with enjoying my friends company and focusing on the game than taking pictures for people on a Bosnian noodle pulling forum
Since 40K is done with codexes for the year, do you think they’ll extend the length of this edition? Maybe out to 5 years?
Bots are running rampant on this site too. I once had my post reposted years later in some other thread. At first I thought that maybe some other anon arrived to this same conclusion as I did. But then I realized that those were my words 1:1 I wrote all this time ago and found my post in archive. Bots must be scrubbing archive for images and posts to repost to inflate activity on this site in addition to normal generating of posts.
Use your drive to paint more lamenters as a treat for when you crush your backlog
Jesus just ignore the fag, you're both outrageous retards. Stop trying to prove yourself to a schizo.
Damn that's crazy, but sounds like nogames to me.
I don't get it how it's so difficult to understand that replying to shitposters derails the thread as much as shitposters themselves
Nah, he's doing it every thread, why not try it on him for once. At least I'm not gonna samefag.
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Don't care, you're just as bad faggot, kys you fucking autist.
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yeah, ignore or report the lamenters spammer and move on, he's an attention whore. Shame on the jannies for not banning him as soon as he appears in every thread
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I don't think GW about redundancy with Primaris. Primaris are designed to have unlimited amount of possible units. Just extend this chart to core units as well and you can make "Assault Heavy Intercessors" and whatever other combination you want.
Sure, but I'll stop in a few posts instead of shitting up every single thread.
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Bit of a rules question
If a unit with heavy wepon advances and then embarks into a transport, if the transport has firing deck, could the heavy weapon still shoot?
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>Thursday, over the hump and the weekend approacheth
What are we working on lately, frens? I painted this bad boy last night, and I've got a plague marine on deck for the weekend.
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S9 Melta feels so fuckin' stupid man
>okay time to draw a darkmech priest
>uhhhh uhhh uhh just trace a defiler claw for some fucking reason
>enjoying my friends company
>sitting on your phone lurking 4chan for any mentions of your online pseudonym
You're probably a bad friend, at least a boring one.
Heavy only gives +1 to hit if remained stationary
Non existent psychic phase is stupid.
Line of sight measured from antennas, banners n shit is stupid.

This game sucks
Okay then forget the heavy part, if i advanced and them embark into a transport, can i shoot my non-assault guns from firing deck, since the transport hasent advanced?
I think you can, since firing deck is considered a weapon on the vehicle instead of the infantry unit.
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shut up poopdickschizo
Yeah, as weird as it is. Firing Deck just pretty much equips the transport with the gun, it doesn't care what the unit inside did prior to that
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>leaked Horus Heresy summit audio transcripts
What about leaked Forge World PowerPoint slides detailing broken promises?
He looks cool, I like the cool grey skintone a lot
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Neat, im gonna abuse this when i play next
tier above the leaked transcripts
Yeah but ‘member, 9th was bad because dog aircraft. No redeeming qualities in it, nope.
What exactly is the difference between Guard and Admech in terms of tabletop? They're both ranged infantry hordes with vehicle support, so what do they do differently?
One is gay and the other is based
every edition is bad when its out, then its suddenly good for the first bits of the next edition, and as we end the next edition its suddenly revisionist history to day people prefer the last edition.
9th had the same LOS issue, utterly retarded mission packs and armies that could play any of 60 strats a turn. Every edition has pain points
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>specialist games books
On that note GW should publish a WH+ edition of Inquisitor like it did with Imperial Armour and the black books.
Instead of 4 stupid enhancements we had both warlord traits, relics and prototype systems..
Admech has better infantry, guard has better vehicles, ironically
they should do more with the vault but allegedly the vault was one now-former staff member's personal collection
How do you renew enthusiasm in building your dudes?
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Does anyone have that photo of three guys at a tourney, where one of them is smiling at the camera while the other two, which are his opponent and the referee, are conferring in the rulebook. The context is that the opponent put his entire army in reserve, so the smiling guy set up his entire army spaced out across the battlefield so there was no valid space for his opponent to reinforce. He ended up winning by default and then GW changed the rules to where you couldn't put your entire army in reserve if I remember correctly.
Seems really ass backwards when you think about it yeah
>WH+ edition of Inquisitor
they did: https://gofile.io/d/mecNFk
I known what picture you mean
I remember that, dude knew that his opponent always placed 0 models during the first round of deployment (so he would always get to respond to his opponent) so the dude brought an army entirely of scouts so he left his opponent with no legal place to deploy
Kino, thank you so much. Makes me smile every time.
Build and paint something for another army or game then by the time you're finished you'll be excited to paint your main force again
WAACfags annihilated
They were kreot, not scouts but you right on everything else
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>I paint better then these guys
This is the objectively correct take. Every edition has good and bad points, it’s just that GW is incompetent and managed to roll the worst parts of each edition over into the next one and throw out the good stuff.

Wish we had psychic phase back, though. Feels bad to have psykers just be another gun profile with maybe a good ability or two.
Makes perfect sense from a lore standpoint too. Dude chose not to deploy any troops or contest, the opponent took advantage of superior speed and scouting to secure the area and claim all the objectives before his army had bothered to get off their ass.
I don't think the world has another year left, kiddo
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Is he the biggest Giga Chad Space Marine currently living?
I'd pay a sizeable chunk of money for a transcript of what the players were saying for this game, this shit is so funny
I dunno ask /vg/
I dunno ask /v/
>fight off a timestop spell through sheer force of will
>Merc a unit of Tzaangors on the way to chase a sorcerer into a warp portal
>simultaneously fend off a sorcerer and a lord of change single-handedly
>give all large credit to your subordinate
I'm thinking based.
I dunno ask Titus.
All bases covered
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Why? Cause of War? Climate change? Political Turnmoil? Nothingburger. We’ll be fine
>verification not required.
Hell yeah
>fight off a timestop spell through sheer force of will
and an iron halo
and the fact luring him in was part of the plan all along
Bricky, get off the internet and go to rehab for your porn addiction
>purposely run into an enemies trap and fight them in their own domain
>Still defeat them
Ah, fuck, that’s what I get for being smug. I was trying to reply to >>94066769
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Glad we've come around on best boy
>Going outside instead of sulking in his tower
>19 pages
I'm not much of a calculator but on a quick cross reference against my shitty old analogue scan I do reckon that James may have omitted a few pages.
Does your favorite primarch have flaming kneepads? Didn't think so, I accept your concession
he would be a smear in the dirt of a shithole ultrasmurf planet if not for angron
My favorite primarch has a flaming sword instead, but I see how the pads must be useful with how much time he spends on his knees
But but angron was there and now lorgar gets to mob around being the coolest mf with flaming knees
Im glad so far I've managed to slip under the shitposting target radar. Ill take being boring any day.
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Based, am worried though about the codex after what they did to the Blood Angels
All the primarchs wear kneepads, lorgar is just the only one with cool ones
Anon what the fuck.
U R A peter puffer. There now you can feel included
Fulgrim doesn't even have knees retard
Lorgar is a fucking loser. Yeah, corax was a bitch for going for him during HH when he was the weakest primarch. But now that he has all of his psychic powers and lives in the warp where those powers are enhanced, why doesn’t he step outside and solo Corax just to shut him up? Because he’s a fucking loser and a bad Primarch. He let his backseat driver Erebus ruin his legion and the galaxy.
>gets rid of legs because he can't cope with having kneepads less perfect than lorgars
Damn shame
>Chaos primarch
>Absolute fucking loser
Every time.
Lorgar knows he's already won by merit of having the coolest kneepads
I actually think a couple chaos primarchs are sympathetic (Angron, Mortarion) but even then, they’re losers. I think it’s cool that guilliman called out Angron for being a child. Yeah, what happened to him was fucked up, but he can control how he reacts to it. I think it’s funny how at the end of the the heresy, last time we see Angron is he’s crying like a child
Angron is a loser because, even though he was horrifically abused, he then made a choice to take it out on everyone around him and make them feel the same pain he feels. He's a highschool bully beating people up because his dad abused him. He lives in misery and he's made it his purpose to inflict that same misery on everyone else
This is why I like playing loyalist marines, my enemies are ontologically evil and wrong so I can feel justified no matter what I do to them.
Believe me when I tell you, those twin linked fists are amazing in blood angels
>but he can control how he reacts to it
no he really can't, he was lobotomized and actively dying from it but still physically unable to kill himself
he literally tried to go off to some undiscovered world and die alone without his legion but kharn dragged him back and caused all the bad shit to happen that the world eaters had happen
>he can control how he reacts to it.
The point of giving him the nails in the first place was to take away his self-control. He's not in full control of his thoughts and the actions that follow.
Yeah, exactly. Guillan touches on that a little bit when he calls Angron a child. I also like how demon Angron is just cowering in his chair at the end lol
He tried to find a monster that could kill him but failed to realize he was a monster already

I liked how fucked up Angron was, Kharn did everything wrong for noble reasons
guilliman took 10k years to recover from angron verbally killing him after throttling him while literally in the death throes of a fatal aneurism
Well, if the writers were trying to convey that then they shouldn’t have made him lucid enough to launch into a fucking soliloquy when guilliman confronts him on ultramar. God I hate Horus heresy. There’s like 5 good books, max, in that entire series
>waaah I got lobotomized
>waaah hey won't let me kill myself
>I must now murder billions of people
>I must now lobotomize my son's in the exact same way I was
>I must now rip apart the galaxy and try to kill my father for the grave sin of making me (a slave) one of the most powerful, respected, and wealthy people in the universe
you sound like a woman
There's nothing less womanly than holding people accountable for their own actions.
you aren't doing that though, larper
What the fuck are you talking about? Guilliman was back up and running like a week later. Ascended Fulgrim is the one who put him in the stasis pod for 10 millenia.
>smurf fellator too autistic to identify a joke
Moral of the story for HH is there can only be one primarch with good taste in kneepads
You okay?
You painted that? Looks great. One day I'll get my own Johnny.
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I’m afraid my phallic fixation lies elsewhere. I’m just extremely autistic and hadn’t read the full reply chain yet after tabbing to the bottom.
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no its just off google images
I do recommend starting with orange/brown if you're painting yellow
Damn why he pushin it out like that. Got me feeling some type of way
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Since a few developments happened only in the past seven years or so, there's a lot of added context to this. Namely that Promeus, one of the originators of the Thorian ideology, which espouses that the Emperor could be reborn in a suitably prepared physical vessel, is actually Lemuel Gaumon, a scholar formerly attached to the Thousand Sons legion during the Great Crusade.

Moriana may either be Moriana Morhausen, one of Malcador the Sigillite's Chosen, or she may be Katerina Moriana, host body and alias for the spirit of Cyrene Valantion, immortal seeress and last survivor of the Word Bearer legion's city of Monarchia. Said to be an original Horusian, a proponent of the idea that the Emperor might be reborn through the power of Chaos. Presently affiliated with Abaddon as an important ally in his prosecution of the Long War.
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Bricky is singlehandedly responsible for like 80% of the new secondaries and vtuber whores coming into the hobby. We should have gatekept harder.
he's still not as bad as arch
He’s also reponsible for a bunch of porn addicts vacuuming up all the sororitas on eBay so they can can convert it into catgirl coiner shit

Genuinely worse for the community member than major kill
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Greeniggers got me feeling some type of way WHEW
He's a fag but since he's right wing he has brought far fewer new "people" into the hobby. Bricky is worse.
>We need mo' money from dem diversity programs
Why is everyone white and overweight and have no muscle mass
They're nerds, duh. Also post your physique.
>breast cancer isn't as bad as bowel cancer
You wasted the precious last image on this shit.
I'm a complete secondary who's only recently actually got into the physical hobby, and that was due to auspex tactics and majorkill, but I've never heard of bricky or
>>94067197 despite seeing people complain about them here all the time. Are they based (chuds) or cringe (libtards)?
>No negroes
The purple klansman is indeed powerful.
Bricky is a porn addict who can’t stop calling women “mommy”. Arch is a insane right wing loser who couldn’t stop yelling about black people and got his channel deleted. Real good company to be around.
don't forget arch cries about 4chan bullying him because he's a nomodels secondary who thinks the actual tabletop is a waste of time
Arch is a huge chud which is based and Bricky is a coomer and a simp which is cringe. Stay away from both. And majorkill
you claim to hate him yet you bring his bullshit here, curious
>Secondary pretends to care about the hobby
>Actually spends all of his time grifting 40K fans with culture war shit
>Doesn’t own a single model
Who could have seen this coming?
I have no idea who this is. Some streamer? What did he do that drew in so many new Warhammer fans?
hello arch
Iron warriors were abused and taken for granted by the emperor. No way should they have been relegated to shit hole back water planets
Speaking of drama, what's your favorite unresolved plotline in 40k?
And would you prefer it be resolved one day or forever remain open ended?
Literally who
the golden throne failing. maybe they could do like, a deathwatch raid on the Drukhari to steal technology needed to repair it but idk.
Need new bread, this one is gay
Reached image limit; new:
Clonegrim. We'll see him soon enough though.
I like when your guys lost that one time and think they should expand upon how lame your guys were during the process
>fanbase looks like this
Ah, I see putting all those black women on the cover of BL novels really paid off

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